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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1889)
' ' VffW i i > M 'BB UJEtflJWlliiPPflgPiffipq ! - - " " * * ; * mft "w T < ? t' " 11'w ir- * ' .t < t 'i' ' * ' ' 'i"g ' * . , , ' . " * * * * f * " " "I . * * T n- lT --H-V r' _ , Tf T f1 r ' 1,7 ' ? ' T " I Y.IT. " Tr r * "j tyXf ' ' , 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE 26 , 1889. THB CITY. A. L. Ward , Mo dotcctlvo of the Jvlctropolltun police , will open a doloc- tivo n/oncy. / The case apaliiBt liana Petersen , charged with Itooplnfj hla saloon at Fifteenth and Webster , open on Sunday will bo heard by JudgoBorkaon Thurs day. While Miss Grace Porino , the daugh ter of P. L. Porino , wns drlvlnjr out Farnam Btreot yesterday afternoon , she was blltfhtly Injured by a kick from a tractlous horso. DTho Second United States Infantry band and the Musical union will glvoan excursion to Waterloo , July 7. Sov- onty-flvo musicians will furnish music for the occasion , and a most excellent programme has neon prepared. J , U. McCoy , of the revenue depart ment. has boon assigned to duty in charge of the division of which Omaha is headquarters , and has control of the revenue agents of the division. Mr. McCoy loft last evening for Helena , Mont. , to tnuisfur the revenue olllco tlioro from tlio old collector to tha now ono. ono.Tho cost of swooping the streets of Omaha for the month ending Juno 212 , amounted to $2,401.81 , which is about 8800 more than wns over previously paid for street sweeping in ono month. Charlofl K. Fanning & Co. have the contract for swooping the BtroDts , and during the month they swept 8,012-156 square yards of paving. The Omaha Motor company and the Omaha Struct Rulhvay company have paid into the city treasury up to date for paving destroyed the sum of 822,577.83 , The companies have to pay the city the original cost of the paving for all destroyed in construction of tholr tracks , and In addition to that are re quired to put down now truck at their own expense. ' City Physician Ralph began yester day to put the members of tlio llro de partment through u rigid physical ex amination. Ho examined some of them yesterday and will continue the exam ination to-day and to-morrow until the work is finished. This is the llrst time the llromcn of Omaha have boon re quired to undergo this kind of an exam ination. While the three small children be longing to the Rinchart family , now playing an engagement at the Eden Musoo , worn going from tholr boarding place to the theater , they were stopped by a young woman who induced thorn to go' with her to the Union Pacilic depot. The absence of the children was discovered when the time came for them to go upon the stage. The thea ter was closed and everyone turned out to hunt for them. They wore finally found at the depot , -but the young woman had disappeared. Personal P. J. Elllclf , of Fremont , is at the Arcatlo. John S. Stnll , of Auburn , Is ot the Arctulo. Frunk Webb , of Lincoln , is at the Mur ray. ray.I. I. F. Cassldy , of O'Neill , Is at the Pax- ton. ton.T. T. U. Socloy , of Fremont , Is at the Mll- lartl. Eugene Moore , of West Point , is at the Millnru. C O. L. Lucas , of Lincoln , Is a guest nt the Murray. A. W. ICInzol , of Wlsner , is stopping at the Murray. J. A. Siurhs , of Valentino , is a guest nt the Millanl. T. H. Droolto , of Tccumsoh , is registered at the Arcado. Job Hathaway , of Homingford , is stopping at the Puxton. F. O. Lock\vood , ot Grand Island , Is a guest nt ttio Arcado. * T. F. Ceclc and John Harrington , of Tclca- ! * , mah , arc nt the paxton. John H. Mays nnd son , of Norfolk , nro stopping at the Arcado. It. Hooker , of Lincoln , nnd J. L. Farthing , of PhUtsmouth , uro nt tlio Mlllard. W. P. Saundcrs und J. C. Kwitif , of Bea trice , nro registered nt the Murray. T. J. O'Day , of Ncbrdsita City , and James S. Higton , of Crete , nro ut the Arcado. S. it Cottrell , of Seward , nnd C. S. Clnrlc , of Fremont , are stoupliiK at tliu Millanl. Colonel W. D. Hnrncs , editor of the Daily Hotel Ucglstor , Jacksonville , Fin. , Is in tlio city.Miss Miss Helen M. Pratt and Miss Susie li. Cole , of Drokoti Dow , uro guests at the Pax. ton. ton.S. S. J. Whltten nnd C. K. Green , of Edgar , nro in the city to attcno tUo board of trade meeting. Mrs. T. at. Marnuetto and Miss Gcrtrudo Mnrquettc , of Lincoln , are guests at the Millard. M. B. KeuRan. and C. W MoNnmar , of Loxliiptou , and A. K. Wells , of OaUl.tud , nro stopping nt the Millard. E. 13. Dickinson , of St. Paul , C. S. Dodge , of Oak Dale , and W. F. Huyncs , of Sidney , nro stopping at the Arcade. A Die Gradhi ) ; Contract , The Patrick Land company yesterday let a contract for doing extensive grading in Dundee Place. Seventy-llvo thousand yards of earth nro to bo removed , and the work is to bo prosecuted immediately. Dniniutod tliu Hack. Frank Elmoro , n hack driver , was tried ho- fore u jury in tno police court yesterday morn- ingon tlio complaint of having overcharged a passe nucr. In defense ho showed that the complaining nnsscngcr had damnucd the back. A verdict of nottjuilty was returned. Now AVntor 1'iimps. The new pumps of the waterworks com pany at Florence were placed In ouaratlon yesterday morning nnd u clearer quality of the water is promised as boon ns the machinery is In fair working order. Work will also ho commenced in n few duys upon the com pany's additional 15,000,080-gullon reservoir nt Walnut Hill. _ _ _ Florcnco Items. , But llttlo intoiost was manifested In the election of school moderator. Mho day \vus dlsngrccnbla and but few people manifested Buniciont interest to vote. A very small vote wns polled. V. W. Smith was elected by a small majority of ono veto. Mr. Smith is an old resident nnd has hold K position on the school board for years. Two persons were ntiarged with drunken ness , fined , and in default of payment wore sent to jail. _ Myors in Kccrnt , The county commissioners hold a meeting yesterday afternoon with Architect Myers , nnd considered matters on wlilcu ho watt called hero from Detroit to glvo hie opinion on. Mr. Myers , Superintendent Coots nnd the contracts spent the forenoon out ut the hos pital making inspections and do- elding disputed points. The commissioners expected to go to the building also , but neither Moycr.t nor tha sunorintontiont In vited them , consequently ttiey remained at their room In the court liouso examining complaints from the taxpayers. Kun on .July 4. Superintendent Adams , of the motor com pany , said yesterday that ho hoped to have the Sherman avenue Hue in operation by thq 4th of July. Some of tha now cars era now on the road. The company was grr.ntcd n permit to ex tend i's lines from Dorcns stieot lo Custollnr The Omaha Street Uatlwuv company has n laruo forv : ; of men at work laying trucks for their oloctriu motor line on South Twentieth ktrcnt. The feed wires of the consolidated lines on Pork uvonuo arc btrunu on thirty-clght foot pole * . _ I'lutt'H OlilorlUoi Ilcly UI > DII for nil hou&ohold disinfecting purpoios JIM CHEIGIITON IN WI3NVKK , What In the Apostle of Itolton Cnvlng DohiR In ttio Itocklita ? In the Denver Kopubhcin of a recent date appears nn article , published below , which would scorn to Indicate that the exponent of rotten wooden pavement was endeavoring to got n'sllco of the tnibllo Improvements which ire contemplated by the people of the sani tarium of the Rockies I lion. Jumns Crolghton , ox-chnlrman of the jotml of public works of Omaha , U in the city , n guest of the St. James hotel. Mr. Jrclghton is n nromlnont character In Dmnlm. Ho Is n leading democrat , and has been Identified with that party in Nebraska politics for many yours. During the past Lhrco years Mr. Crclghton tins had on hand a bitter fight with Tnr OMAHA. UKK" , relative to tlio location of the Omahn city hull , In which controversy Mr. Crelghton mine out second best by a lurgo majority , nnd the city hall Is to to bo erected bcsldo the Hoe build ing. Tin : 13iiK Is crowing yet. Last evening n reporter for the Republican found Mr. Crclghton In the rotunda of the St. Jutncs , Hirioklng a cigar and Intently studying some papers which ho had In his hands. Hosp.ld : "You have n city hero that Omaha may well bo jealous of. It Is a beautiful place , anil I wish I could nrtord lo live hero. This afternoon I had the picauro of meeting Colonel Dodge und Mr. Crocker of your board of public works , nnd most of the members of the board of aldermen. For the short time Mr. Crocker has been engaged In this business , he has become wonderfully well rend on nil that pertains to nubile Im provements. " ALb WIU. WANT IMPHOVCMfiNTS , "What do you thlnicol the contemolatod improvements for Denver ! " "I think it U n step In the right direction , but you will llnd that the $750.UJO voteu for the work won't bo a fair beginning. It will advance property so much that people livlnir outsldo of the sewer and paved districts will want their properties improved , and so it will go. It will keep branching out all the tirno as long as the city grows. AN ADVAXTAOh OVT.U OTIlKlt CITIllS. "But you have the advantage over Omaha nnd , m fact , over most cities in ono respect. Every kind of material necessary for paving you have within your borders. Dig two foot in unv of your streets nnd you have any quantity of the finest siintl. Omaha had to have sand shipped forty miles nnd some fuithor. The only thing you will have to ship in is asphalt , and for irood asphalt pavo- munt only from 12 to 15 per cent of pure asphalt is used. The balance Is sund , Inno , etc. " "You nro going to bid on some of this woilt , are you not , Mr. CrolghtonJ" "There are many things tn bo taken into consideration In answering that qcstlon. You have not yet got the money ; then bids must be advertised for , and by the time the city gets ready to lot the contract it will bo fall. In all probability your board of public works will glvo their first attention to the sewer system und corner catch basins , to tuko care of the surface drain ago and water for heavy rains. " Mr. Crolghton evaded answering the ques tion In a direct manner , but his actions indi cated that he did not come to Denver for his health. Ho had In bis lianas a roll of blank contracts for paving , issued by the Omaha board of works. "Mr. Croiphton , from your experience In street paving , what do you consider the most desirable I" sxxnsTONn ion nruvv TitArric. "I will answer that question bv telling you what I have done in Omaha. Around my residence I have asphaltum anrt in front of business property that I nm interested in I subscribe for Colorado sandstone. Sand stone is preferable where there is heavy tratllc , but in tl.o residence portion I am in favor of asphalt. It is pleasant for a man to sit in front of his home in the evening and see people drive by , und the public will al ways go out of their way to drive over as phalt pavement. It is so smooth und almost noiseless that It is a pleasure to drive on It. " A MiiHItiKlo or Ailmcnta The ailments which afflict the kidneys und bladder nro so numerous , that merely to name them would fill a space fur outrun ning the limits of this article. to say , that they nro both obstinate and dun- perdus. To their prevention Hosteller's Slomoch Bitters is well adapted. The stimulus which it lends to thn 'action of the hhlnc.VH when they are lethargic , servo to counteract a tendency in them to lapse , first into a state of pernicious inactivity , nnd afterwards Into ono of positive organic dis ease , which soon destroys their delicate in teguments , poisons the blood and causes death. A double purpose is served by this dcpuront. It promotes activity of the kid neys , und o\pcls impurities from the blood which have no natural channel of outlet , ex cept these organs. Constipation , bilious ness , fever und nguo , rheumatism and dys pepsia , are also remedied by this inediclno of thorough action und wide scope. PrnotSclnjj Without License. F. B. Taylor , a traveling dentist , who makes his headquarters in Omaha , was ar- resled.m Uunlau , la. , for practicing bis pro fession without llcenso. When arraigned Taylor pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $25 nnd co ts , the total amount being & 10.15. Taylor appealed the case to the dis trict court and gave bonds for bis appear ance. For a disordered I'.ver try Bcecham's Pills. Soiling tin : Count ) ' Hospital. It was rumored on the street yesterday morning that n move was being mrke to soil the county hospital , now in course of erection , to the sisters of St. Francis , who have charge of St. Joseph's hospital , ana then Imvo the county pay them for caring for the sick whom it mny do- sure to Imvo tended. Commissioners Mount and Anderson , when spoken to on the subject , saldthnt they had not considered such such a proposition nnd did not think such nn ono would be made either by the county or sisters , MOUNT ON'MAHONKY. The Commissioner Now Himpeota the County Attorney. Chairman Mount has turno.l his attention finally to County Attorney Mahoney , nnd glvo expression to the suspicion that that ofilclnl Is In collusion with County Clcrli Kocho. Mr , Mount's susi > lclonslt scornshave been nrottscd by the fact that Mnhonoy addressed n loiter to Hochc , asking him to prepare nnd submit to him a statement of expenditures last year for stationery used by the various county officers. This transaction wns not made known to the board until Mahoney laid Hocho's reply nnd report before that body last Saturday , Since then Mr. Mount seems to have conceived the Idcathnt'Mahono.v's letter of request should have been shown to the commissioners. When nsked whv ho suppressed the letter , Mr , Hocho said : "Jt was a private com munication asking mo to mnko mv report to Mr. Mahonoy. consequently was not a mat ter with which the boitrdhud anything to do , I hear Mount has boon Intimating that Mahrmcy Is In my employ , but my opinion Is that Mr. Mahoney knows his own business , and the commissioners had batter not got him started after them. " STATE D13VBLOWIKNT. The Boar.'l of Ttvulo Convention to Accomplish It. To-day delegates from forty counties In this state nro oxpcclcd to nttsud the meot- Intf of roprcsontulivoi of the board of trade of Nebraska In this city. Tlioro will bo nt least seventy delegates prcst'tit , nnd ROIIIO of thcso will bo among the best known men m the stutu. The object of the irathoring Is to bring representative men together nnd deliberate as to what is the best means of settling up the state and attracting us not- tlors the best people to bo had. "There Is plenty of room yet , " says Secretary Nason , 'for people in this st.ile , and if wo could double our production of corn , which last year amounted to over ono hundred million bushels , you can readily sen what nn m- crouso of wealth that would afford us. What Is to the state's advantage is to Omaha's advantage. " The delegates will arrive during the day and nt S o'clock in the evening the first ses sion will bo held In the board of trade hall. It will bo called to order by Euclid Martin , the chalrnfan of the local board of trade. Peculiar in medical merit and wonder ful cuios Ilood's Sarsapurilla. Now is the time to take itfor now it will do the mostgood. Attention. An elegant line of ladies' costumes in the latest EJarismn styles now at parlor 1 , Paxton hotel. Ladies interested are cordially invited. Two Hosca Fnlr. Ella Garrison , a bright lussio , was ar- rnigneu before Judge Berku charged with the larceny of two rases from a bush in the yard of N. N. Edwards , ntTwelith and Vin- on. "Yes , I took them , " said the llttlo mias. "My llttlo slstor stud It was too bad that Mr. Edwaids had w many roses nnd we had none , so I took two of theai and IMVO them to her. I didn't huft the bushr and there were , oh , over so in Iny more loir , . I don't BOO how he could miss just two of them , tlo you judge. " Edwards was not present to pioscouto the case , tlio lltthj eirl's mother having paid for the two roses. "This caao is dismissed , " said General Smith the city attorney , "and I would dis miss if it Edwards was hurc. Who don't love roses ? Wtiv , I appropriate a couple from a bush in my neighbor's ynrd every moining on my way down town. " The circulation of the blood quick ened and enriched bears life and energy to every portion of the body ; appetite returns ; the hour of ivst brings with it sound repose. Tliis can bo se cured by talcing Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsapai'illul _ Hoard of 1'iilniu Works. Permits were granted by the board of public works yesterday to the Omaha Street Hr.ilwtsy company to lay double tracks on Vlnton street from Sixteenth west to Twentieth street , and to the Omaha Motor Railway company on Sixteenth from Hickory street south to Vmton. 'J ho motor company 1ms made application nlso for permit to build fiom the intersection of Twelfth and Howard strents cast to Eleventh street , und thence south on that street to the Eleventh stiect viaduct , which the motor intends to cross and run south on Eleventh street. d to Wed Marriage licenses were issued by Judge Shiflda to the following patties to-day : Numo and Residence. Age. ( Edward Hoffman , South Omaha 27 ( Theresa Schiudler , South Omaha 2.'i i.lucol ) C. .Tacobson , Omaha 80 1 Annm Danie'son ' , Omaha 20 I Mathaiis L. Mathlson , Irvington , 25 ( Helo M. Hanson , Irvlnrton ill National Board of Health , Washington , D. C. Bulletin Supplement No. C , page 33 : "I have tested several kinds of baking powders which I have bought in the open market. The following table gives the commercial name of the baking powder and the number of cubic centimeters of gas given off : " "Dr. Price's ( the only Baking Powder that docs not contain Lime , Ammonia or Alum ) 380" "Royal 348" "R. C. KEUZIE , " ( Public Analyst. ) "To the Commissioner of Inland Revenue Department , Ottawa ( seal of government ) , Canada : Eight samples of baking powder have been analyzed. As the efficiency of these powders depends almost entirely upon the amount of carbonic acid gas given off during their use , the following comparative statement has been prepared , showing in each instance the quantity of carbonic acid gas eliminated from five grammes ( equal to 77 grains ) of the powder. " "Dr. Price's ( Result of Analyses ) 3Gj cubic inches. " ( Does not contain Ammonia , Lime or Alum. Pure. ) "Royal , ( Result of Analyses ) 33 4 cubic inches. " ( Contains matter insoluble in water 24-80 per cent , consisting of Starch , Ammonia t and Tartrate of Lime. Adulterated. ) < , Wj SAUNDEKS , " Ottawa , ccntda , Ai > rii 3 , IBS. "Public Analyst , Inland Revenue Dept. " These investigations were not made for a money consideration , but in the interests of the governments of the United States and Canada , We know that it will delight the millions of housekeepers who use DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER to see it endorsed as the strong est , purest and most healthful , by these highest authorities. DR. TRICK'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the only baking powder upon which the UNITED STATUS and CANADIAN GOVERN- 'MKNTS ever made a favorable rcporju Tli Is powtl or never \-arlc3. A marvel of purity xtruiiKlh nuti wholasomcneas. Jloro economic * ! than the ordinary Kin is , mul cmmot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low cost , luorlwolghtalumor.phnspnato powder * . Sold only In onus. Hoynl lUklns 1'owdor CoIZO Wallstroat Now Vort JL. HSU * . . RiirnfnmH ! ) ESTABLISHED Chtcago > | | | 8 , ciairkat , The Regular Old-Established PHY&ICIAI1 AND SliRCEOH Is stlil Trcalkg with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Mons aM Private Diseases , / ? NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lett Manhood , raillnn MemoryftCxhnustlng Urnlns , Terribla Drentna , Head and Boclc Ache and all the elTciti leading lo e rly dccuy and peitups Consumption ot Itvjr.nlty , treated fcicniitcally Ly new methods with aever-hilmz ; ucec . 3y SYPHILIS ami ell bid Blood and Skin Dls- ca > eu permanently cured. * VJ-KJONEYnrid URINARY mmphlnts.Glest , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocela and aU disc.-n of the Gcrlto-Urmary Organs cured nromj > tly vithoul injury tn Stomach , KUncys oro'JirrOryat.s. ITS * No experiments. Age and experience lm portar.t. CcnruUation Tree end sncred. MS * Send 4 c'nlb pos ie for Celebrated Works on Jhrcnlc , Nervous pnd Delicate Diseases. co nempliting Mnn ! gt : send for Dr. Cljrke'3 celebrated guide Male nnd Fetiale , each 13 cents , both srs ccntn ( tan'ps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter rrca'Imay save futurt suffer. and shtrae , and add golden ) ears to life. "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " so cents ( stamps ) . Medicina nntl writings sent e ery hrrc , secure from exposure. Hours , B to 8. Sur.da ) < g to 12 Address F. D. CLARKE , W. D 133 So , Clark 3fc CHICAGO. N.W.CDB , ! 3rH& DODOESm , OMAHA , HEB. J-OnTHE TBBATUEX7 OH-ALL APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Best Facilities , ApparatuiicdRcmeaicsforSuccenfu' Treatment of every form of Dise ? > g requrins UEUICALorEUKOICAlTRtATHENT. WIWETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Bora d & Attendance. Bf : t AccoEimodaiiona in Wett. 03"WRITE TOR CmCTJUUlSonODerormltlcj and T. races , Trusses , Olub 1'cct , Cvrvihirea of Btinc. l'ilc , Tumor > . Clnccr , Catarrh , Bror.cliltii , Inhalation. Electricity , Paralyili , .Epilepsy. Kidney , Bladder , Eye , 1 ar , Skin and Blood and all Surgical Operations. DISEASES 6F WOMEN h im F.rirei.Ymira A I.TIKMN HEIMHTJIFMMIB XTOHIM IJI'IUM ) CONHM'.JIFMJTRICTIY PRIVATE , ) Only llcliaHo Medical Institute matins a Brecialty ot PRIVATE DISEASES AH Ulaod niicaiti tue'eiifalljr treated. SvpMIHIc folioa rcuoi l from tlio ijul < n without ncrcury. Sr Hrilor.ll , . Ireilmrnt Lo.s cf 1 ITAI. mil I II. 1'irtlM unitlrto vlilt tunnj-letrcitciUt boin l > jforrcti' < ! Dilfnr . All . llonicoaHileutlal. McdlclneiorlnitruuciitiK-jittrffiallorfr. ircictceurclriinckcil.tiomiirktlolndlciitcconleDlioritnilt . One pcrcouallBtcn lew preferred. CIL ! ! and conul tutor feed limcry cryour cue. and VQ vlll tend in rUIn wroprer.our RRftcfTfl MN EREE : Ur n rltaie , Hitel.l or UyUiV IU tllf.ili ( . Kcrtout Illiiiiti , mrolfnty , Hrrh. Illi ; Olect nt > > rleucel . with ancitlcm hit.Jilroi O1LAHA. LICUICAIi he. BUnof OAX. JNbTITUTE , 13th and Bodge Streets , OlIAHA , HED. C ' tlio Ijlnnnr Habit , I'nnlllrolr Cared by Administering Dr. Hninca1 Uolilcn Specific. It inn lie plvun In a cup of cnnco or ten without tlio knon lulled of tliu person Uilnn It ; UllDsnlutclyliurm- | PH9. iiml will ollVct n uptcily nml permanent euro , whether tliu patlpnt is n mcilcrntu Urlnkor or tin ulcoliol wreck Tlioununda ut drunkards liuvo IJOCM miidu tompornta men wholiimitiU'iiiJoliletibiH'c flo In ilH'tr cotfc n without their and to-tiny be- MUVH tlit-y quit ilrlnklni : of tlinlr own frvonlll , 11' NIWKIIKAII/4 , VhoeyMumonco wuli Ilio biH'dllc. It bDfonien nn utter Impossibility for Ilio Minor aiiprllta to oxlit. For oulo tiy Kutm .V Oo. , DrueulMH , l.ltli and Iinuplug att.i > ml IStli nnil Cum- ln hUOimilm. A. II. roster A. llro. . Council Illufh. NUUVOUS. CI1HO.NJO nnil VUIVATi : DISHASKS or HHNimd WOMICNiucceasfnllytrealoJ. YOUNG MEN FunVrltiBfroni tlinrlfnM * of ) omliful follies ( ir Indis cretion * , l > r lini t I II I li IVltn Wl'.lkmSi.'l.TVOUS lK.b llty , I.OM nf f u rv , Uo > poiiclo ley , Aversion to Hocluty. Kldiin , ! - -or tiny nlsonius ot tliu Qjnl- to Urlnnry Or i ! % t ) n llnd n t > ufo and spajdy cine. Cluirtcn rp i > ' , etpeciiilly to ttio poor MIDDLE-AGED MEN The run HI ninny Irouliitut with too frequent ovaeu- nationB of ttio lilu Idor.oiton iiccompiinlHil by i llKht tinartltii ! or bnrnlni : ncntntlnn , anil ueukt-nmu of t'io M'trre In n iii.iniirr the potltnt cHiinot lucoiint for. ( In I'lnnilnliii thu urinary itopmltu u rony to.llmunt will oflfii to lounil , nitd tomutlniea partlctca of ullm * ) non will upiieitr or tbu color bo of a thin , mlulill liuoojaln cliaiiKlnu toivtlurk or lorjiM appuarance. ' 1 Itoruiiru many men who tllo of thin dlUlculty , litnor nnt of the liiUMi la Ilio Mtiond lma at enml- nnlwonkncn. 'Jha doctor tflll uuiirHiiteu u perfect i uro I n all BUII | taro , and a liea fir rtitorallon of tlio Kenltourlnnry orKiniConsnltat'o.1 ftos. c'lld 2-cent itanip for "Voung lUn'a trlenil or Uulde to Woulock , " free to all. AJUrr ion. SPINNEY & co. Jlixln and 1Hli St. , ICnuias City , Mo. tlf"ilt'iitlontlils paper. State Line. To QIusKoiV ) liclfiist , Dublin nnil Llvcrjiool From New York Every Tuesday. Cabin paMBgo flSto f.'O , nccorJltitf to location of ilato room. I zurilon 1(3 to ft ) . btccrnKOtornl from Kuropo at Ixmcitllatci. ArsTi.N IIAI.UWIN & Co. , Ucn'l Aconti , U UronUwar. New York. JOHN ULEOCK , Uen'l Weitern Agent. 1W ItaololpU bt. , ClilCDBO , lUniir K , MuilEg , A'k-ent. Oiualia. Iloilucjd CiblnrAl 5 to Qlasgoir KzUl bt tlon. ANOTHER BARCAIN WEEK A visit to our sooond floor , where wo keep our Summer Goods will convince every body that wo are selling more light Coats and Vests than all the clothiers in town to gether , The largo v61ume of business transacted in this department the past week is proof positive of the remarkable -values offered. This weak we shall present oven still greater bargains. "Wo have just opened a delayed shipment of several hundred Men's Mohair Coats and Vests in two handsome shades which wo offer at l.50 for the Coat and Vest. Think of itl Only $1.50 fora Mohair Coat and Vest which would bo reasonable at $3.00. .Boys' Flannel Coats and Vests , in handsome patterns and well made , sizes from 12 to 18 at GOc. * ' . 800 pair Men's fine All Wool Panta in elegant sfcrtpos at $1,75 , POSITIVELY WORTH DOUBLE. 200 pairs JBoys' All Wool Pants , excellent quality , at $1.25. 150 pair Boys' All Wool Pants at $ LGO. The above Pants are the best values we have over offered. SPECIAL IN THE FURNISHING 50 do/en very fine Silk Striped Flannel Shirts in choice patterns , elegantly made , at $2,75 , worth $4.00. 85 dozen fine Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , silk trimmed , paarl buttons , ia two beautiful shades , fast colors , at 35o , worth fully GOc. We open to-day 10 cases of fine Pique Scarfs , handsome and largo shapes , in splendid patterns , which we offer at 25c per dozen. These are goods which other houses usually sell at 10o a piece. 100 dozen fine Windsor Scarfs , this season's importation , at 15c ; regular price for these goods is 35c. 35c.SPECIAL SPECIAL IN SHOE DEPARTMENT. In our Shoe Department we offer this week an extraordinary bargain. 200 pair Russet Low Shoes , excellent stock and solid throughout , at § 1.90. The identical goods are sold in all shoe stores at $3.00. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha , Who rteslro to IJB well nnil comfortably dressed , should not full to , lee ! : through our complete stock ot clothini ; nnd fur nlshlnus for summer \veur. MAX ADOM'Jl MEYEIt. r & Bro. KHtnbllsliod 18(10. GREAT BARGAIN SALE IN PHAROS. 1'rlce. Cash. Monthly. Stelnuay Square JlviO ) el'iUO } 10U ) KnuboSiiimru l > r > UO li. ! < )0 ) 10.00 Unities llro ! . Bnuaro , . 17500 1.1.00 lUiJO Iluilet , UavlsiCo.eq , lltt.OO 16.03 100) Hmeraon Smiaro 100.00 10.09 7. < H MarshulVendoll sij. U > .0a 1000 8. ( W. W. Klmbnll Bnuaro 1000J 10.00 7.0 , ) Chlckerlng Upright , usedSyeuis 3.T50J 25.0J 15.00 OIEG.WS. Prko. Cash. Monthly , 1 Mason Hninlln , nnod 1 your { 75.00 J10.0J 13.00 1 'lujlor iV I'urley , used 1 yi'itr . . . 70.00 10.00 B.OO 1 fcbtey. used 8 mos , cost new fliiUJ 0003 10.00 8.1X1 1 Uurtlctto 3I.OJ 7.03 fiUO 1 Taylor A : Knrloy : n 00 8 00 D.H ( 1 Mnbon llnmltn 250J 6.00 IJ.IH lllcatty7stupd ( ) 40.00 8.00 7.00 Kvery Instinment gnurauteed to bo In cnod order , llrlng thl.s uU. with you , nnil avoid mis takes. Any of thcso Instruments taken In ox- cliange for now at mime price un > ' time In ono yenr , Call cnrly and cot a bargain. MAX MEYER & BRO. 1622 and 1521 FARNAM STREET. Roninrkablo for powerful sympathetic tone , plinblu action and absolute dura bility ; HO yours' record the host puuran- tco of the excellence of thcso instru ments. WOODBKBROS , MM RIH WIPnD Imt I1iii > c > i orc/ri o ; 1 M Kl i W V UUl , Ul frttl.iri . in.j t. Illl H I r IM 1 . Iflrllli I peslpn-Dupre.R madl IIIBIVki. I KnJ Kt 01 r ni llumuttil TI SHHfHSHIftfU ll . Atiolutt ucircVarlco - illioutp.lnorcpcr tlon. Bslecurct Cllnlaue , iM Made to Measure , LOW PRICES. " At Home Seersucker Coats and Vesls ( genuine India-goods ) $15 on the Fancy Flannels ( stripes ) Coat and Pants ( for Lakeside and Mountains. Seashore $ , $15 Ser e Coats ( no lin'ngs ) , for or by office and street , $12 Rough and Ready Tweeds , Sounding Suits ( for trowsers and mountain climbing , $20 and $25 Shores. Blue Serge and White Duck Suits ( for yachting ) $20 and $25 Nicoll can Several Hundred Pant lengths , made to order , $5 , $6 and $7 outfit you Worth double. for Each , 1409 Douglas Street. A. J. POPPLF/TON , President. II. W. YATB3 , Tro-Hmer. J. J. HHOWN , Vlco-1'rcsldont. S. T , JOidErA'N , a.-srotiry A SOLID NEBRASKA COMPANY. Ifl OF OIUAIIA , NOD. Paid Up Ctipllul , 81 OOoao Fire and Tornado Insurance ' , - Lightning - - , Oftlccs , S. 12. Corner Douglas and Sixteenth Sin. Tclopliono l-liit. : Directors : A. J. I'opploton , J. H. Millard , Win Wnllucn. J. W Oaimctt. II. W. Yatos. N , A , Kulm , U , J * fatone , O. 1) . Wooclworth , J. B , Collins , J. J , llrown , B. T. Joisulyji. Homo ( Hike , Nos. 800. ! (01 ( , ! ! 02 , iiOU Itrowu's Illodi , - Oiniilm , Neb , STRANG Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Boilers Steam Etc. Engines , , Pumps , . IMPORTERS JOBBERS TIN PLATE METAL8. HAILS , HOUSE Q10QC , rURHISHIHQ LAMPS , GOODS , QLAS&WARE II , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 20' , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREEf , CHICAGO , ILL. ETCHINGS , E1TO11A.VINGS. IIALLDT < te DAVI3 , ARTIST SUPPLIES , MOULD IN OS , PIAWO3 AND ORQA.N3 BII13BT MUSIO. 1013 Douglas St.