Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ftf * *
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , JTJNE 20 , 188 ? .
No ndvrrtlHoinctttfl will IIP tnkoti Tor
tliosc oolutuiiH niter 120 : ! i > . in.
Terms Cnsli In tulviince.
, Advort'scmonts ' nnilor Hits head 10 wnts per
line for tlin flrnt Insert Inn , 7 ccnti for each Mib-
poquent Insertion , nnd * l.Mp ) r lluo per month.
No advertisement tnkcii for less tlmn la cents
for llrbl Insertion. Sot en woidslllliocountcil
to tlio line ; they mum run consecutively nntl
must b paid In ADVANCE. All advertise-
jncnts must bo handed In before 12:10 o'clock p.
in. , nnd under no circumstances they bo
tnkon ordlKcontlmii'd by telephone.
I'artlcR nd vertlslnu In these columns mid htiv-
Jhirtheirnnswernaadrcgsedtncnroof Tin : Hrr.
tvlll plcaxo nsk fora check to enable them to got
tholr letters , ns none Will iHidellvcred except on
presentation of check AH nntvvcrs to ndvor-
tlscmon'H should uoonclo edln envelopes.
All ndrrrilscmentM In these column * nro pub
lished u botn mctuttik'mid evening editions of
( Tun IIFK , tbo rlrrulnllon of which nggregatos
hioro thnn IH.tro papers dolly , nnd gives thu ml-
vei Users tlio bnncllt. unt only of thu city clicu-
Intlon of 'iiir. llii : , but nlso of Council Illuffs.
Lincoln nrd oilier i Idea nnd towns thtouijhout
thlstottlonof tlio country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
On the above condition" , nt the following busi
ness house * , vhomonuthorlrcd ngontsforTiiK
VKK npcclnl notices , and will quote thu snmo
rates us cun Lo hnd at the mii.n olllco.
OIIN W. HELL , l'hiirninclstrKo South Telith
C HAHE t EDtiY , Stntloncr.s nnd punters , 113
Kouth Kth Street.
II. FAItNSWOHTH , Phaimaclst , 2115 Cum-
> Ills Btreot ,
J. HUmiES. Fhnimaclit , Gil North 10th
i Struct.
| TJKO. W. PAHIt , Piinrmncist. 1803 St. Mary's
\J Avenue.
AN experienced grocery clerkOIl ) from Ilrook-
lyn wlMhcs rmplojment : speaks ( Jcrman
Address CCil. lleo. Oil Kit
TiXl'I.llT nccountnut wants complicated
J books und partnership mnttcis to njust.
.AO , clrccs C 05 , lleo. C08JJ ll-J
" \A7ANlED-1tatlroadlaborcrs for newworK
T \\yomltig. . Tcamstors , whcoler holdoM ,
pick and shovel tnttn , nnd rock and tunnel into ,
btcady w ore and good job. Tor tr.mspoi tailoa
npplv nt Altrlght 8 labor agency , 1120 Kurnftm
Bt , Omaha. 7U2
WANTED At once , two young men for light
pleasant work allmunmcr , S15 weekly. It ,
tr.Wlcra _ , Iloom 17 , 220 N llith at. 770 2dt
"TArANTED " Agents overywhcre to Befl the
TT "Hlstt ryot the Johnstown Tlood , " nbout
tRO pngt.s , well illustrated , retail prlco only
El.M ; most liberal discounts to agents ; send 'M
cents for outllt nt once , and you will mnko
tooncy i.ipldly llvory inomont you delay is
ifionoy lost. J. M. Trench & Co. , omatia , Neb.
7fcfl 1
I7ANTEO A first class painter , Cnll nt
T Omnha National bank. 78t 25t
2wldo awnko mon to .soil goods on luutal
menta ; will pnv part snliry aud i > art coui'
nilsslon. Metropolitan Mfij Co. , 171b St. Mary's
pve. 700-25"
WANTED-dcod milker , near city ; 4 good
farm hands. Mrs. Bingn , ! U4i ! S. 15th.
to sell Shetland-Mountain
ponies ; little bcautle , hpotted nnd fancy
Colors , Impost herd of theklndluAincrlcn ; Font
plo pair tree ou buslness-liko conditions ; letter5
ntibweied if a sell-iiddre'.sed stamped envelope
IB enclosed. Proprietor "Shetland Pony llanch , "
Van llnub. Hiar Co . Texas. 7f > n 2Ci
V\7 ANTED Ten bright , geuteol young mon
T lor an easy job nud clean work ; Kood sal-
Rry guaranteed. Call onJ. J. Hover , 1JU Dodge.
_ 737-2J-
\\7ANTED-Tou goodcornl-o men , Western
i Cornice Works , 14th between Jackson nnd
Jones. IIB 27
TX7ANTED A thorough , competent oil sales-
? T in nil ( 'or th Bt at o ot Nebraska ) one who
lias nil established trade preferred. A pormn-
. good salary and expenses v111
ven to the right party. Address for 6
fHituatlon. C4tiat
AHTJID Good , reliable men for detect
ives lu every community ; paying post-
' flons. Address Kansas Detective Bureau , Lock
pox 2jE ) . Wichita. Kan. 11.10 It
_ i Amarblo cutter. Inquire at room
14. Chamber of Commerce. Ii05
\7t7"ANTED A young man or boy to carry
jl T route ou Dally Evening lleo. Ap-
jlly nt lleo onice. SC8
toOYS-Aiu. Dlst. TeL Co , , 1301 Douglas. '
\fJ \ 709
'A/TEN / to Travel for the FonthlH Nurseries of
| UJ. Canada. Wo pay 850 to $100 a month nnd
expenses to agents to HOI ! our Canadian grown
Stock. Ad. Stone & Wellington. Madison , VTis.
/ _ 703
"OTANTED llallroad laborers , roekmon and
/.f / r tiack-lajers for Washington Territory ;
good wages and steaay work , at Albright's
X < abor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. llJl
ANTED A girl for houfovvook. No wash-
Ing. Ajply 1513 Howard Btreot. 77S-25 *
ANTED 7\ girl for genorariiousowork ;
4KB SO. 17th St. 7C3-25T
ANTED Competent girl ; apply nt once ,
ggl | Dodge St. 7C5
ANTKD-Oood girl , $13ino , Ut N SJth st.
783 27t
" 1ST ANTKD Nurse girl ; nlso cook nnd laun-
JYT dress ; small family : good wages ; iiono
put experienced need npply ; ref reuco re-
nulrcd. Mnt.S. A. McvVhoitor , 40th and Dodge.
771 27 *
ANTED Olrl for general house work ;
must bo good cook , at Iflll Locum. 770-2d *
AMED-Oirl for housework. 1423 N. luth ,
WANTED-QIrlfor goucrnl liouscw01 k , 403
B. 2UH ave. 74125t
WANTED Oooil girl for general housework
In Binnll family , fiUB.g tti st. 7U25t
TrS7ANTr.D-Va.itry cook , fcH : S for boarding
JT hoiiHOS , SM ; 2 girls for olllcera' fonUlloH , 3
In family , JJJ ; pautry girl out ot city , li ) ;
dishwashers , laundresses , CO for general house
work. Mrt ) . llrogq. UI4H S. Ifitli.
A coed clrl for general houso-
work. lnniiiro2H5 Jones st. 71M5
7 ANTED WnUt and skirt llnlsliors ntoncc.
T M. A. Wallace. 1519 Howard Bt.
WANTED A good cook. $1 per week. F.
E. Moorls. U17 Soutii 18th. COl-SJt
' *
{ V7ANTED-Oood girl to cook , wash and
T iron. Mrs. W. JI. llushman , OH 8. 17th.
WANTED 1'lrst class exporlenccil bervunt
nlrl , good wuges paid , Mrs. K. 0. Fatter-
gon. SSIJ 1 urnain. ina
WANTED Competent curse girl , one that
is klndand wtlllug. 1K23 Fniuam. 114
ENQAF.ilENTS ! to do drcgsmaklng in fnml-
UCH solicited. Miss Sturdy , 103 a .ilth nvo.
* ] \118S M IN NICK ban removed her dreismaknl
JLVLpntlom fromloi5Hovvard to KJILoavenwth'
ho will ba pleased to have customers call.
' -class dsjTboard. InqulrTiooa Douglas
TANTED A few good 2dmoitgagos. D.
Johnson , 5-Jj pnxton block. 70324
J7VOH KENT Ulucnnt now brick residence ,
Jj corner J-'nd ana 1'opplelou avenue , all mod-
tin convonlojKtis. Inq.utro Oeo , N. Hicks ,
li ' i-ooiii 40. llarkar block. 700 25
FV troLSE lor rout A modern nine-loom "fiau
I , JLt All conveniences. No. MJ Park.avenue ,
I11 jH'twoen Half Howard and JarkHon bt. . Apply
I , ' .to ( lee , J. Btcnist'orn , roonm : I7 | and318 First
* ( ntlonal Imuk building. Telephone 401. 71J-U
T71OH 11KNT A cottage ot 7 iooms ueaTst !
4- ' Mary's aveimo , wltn or without furniture ,
Appiy Mil S. 2tth avenue. 714
HENT It-room house , modern convon-
eiicx s. 2215 California < K. 711-SQ'
It KENT Newsroom house2521 Chicago ,
CW-26 *
ll ItENT Nlco 8-room Hat , newly papered ,
' > n > e > t nmricet. t5 ! >
Itl.'NT 7-r'oou comer llat , lutu and
' Jones. sou
NICE7-room cottages ; good cellnru. cisterns.
MJt , good Ikiin : convenient to a cliool and
hurch ; ( JO iier mouth for the summer. Apply
i cuce , c. I. llarneou , Jlorchants' Nut'l Dank.
, 773
Oi , Uh.Vl1ri > om brick dwelling. ll con-
vcuii'iicc.- blocks from P. O fJlif N. luth nt. .
/IOlt ltKNT \-tlllpf. . 9 rooms , good sUhlt
- pml nil luortern conrenleucas , Capitol ave. ,
blocfctfrom High school , D. J , O'Donahof ,
'ru jy > tt , 6Ki
RENT-A liiltchod 0-rooiu home , nl
taodcra c ar Uncca. JCnij. zaj Capitol r
TTlon IlKNT Ueslrublo 10 room urlck house
JJ N. nth st. irtnKen by July l will mnke
vrylow rent. Irionlro Nelherton Hall , room
433. First National bank. 'cVrCOj
771011 ItENT-in-roora houso. 312 N. 10th Bt.
i ? Inqulro within. 785 87
T710II11ENT j ly 1st. new T-roo.-n house w Ith
JLA city vtntcr nnd bath. Apply -CT ( Franklin
st. . or room 609 Mcrchnun NationalJlinnk.
W IImvo ) n nno 7-rooni lint facing Honglahd
property which cnnrcnt tto ix fflmlly with
good ri-lorrucci cheap. No furnl'hcd room
nubtottliiR allowed. L. .V 8. I/oan nnd Dental
Agencyover IfiOl Hownrdstrcel. 760
OUSE for rent , Inquire OB3 Dodge st.
7'7. t
TTlOll HENT A nlceS-rooni cottngo with many
J2 conveniences , K.7 S. 17th nvo ; rent moderate.
AdplyRitB lUlmt. , 071
I7WK KENT 7-room liouso with cas nndbnth ,
JJ furnlturo for snlo cheap. 30H Lcavonv\orth
OJil 27 *
TJVm KENT 8 room house , bath room , FOM or.
J city vvater. gfts , ctc ? JO per month. 'JHO
Sow nrd St. , Inquire nt-lOH. U71it
17i:31DENCK8 : In the Wni.J.Panl block.cor.l'Jth
JLV and Chicago Jlost mddern and attiactlvc.
Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , Panl.lOO'J
Farnam. 4H
FOH KENT Furnished 0-room liouso. 1815
Corby nt. , at * J > p or month , tw.i 27t
TOlt UENT Ncivv brick houses. 11 roomswith
JU every modern convenience ; on cable line ;
only Jio per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. Ilth nnd
Douglai. ra
TTUJUNISIIED room nud bonrd in prlvnto fnm-
J } iiy ; terms $1 a week. Auply 18H Bt. Mary's
nve , flrd lloor , to the right. 7m-S7 *
FOll HENT Fui-ulshod room , 2J11 Dodge st.
75a JySJ
KENT I'urnlshed rooms , 120U Dodgo.
N1CULY turnlshed front room with
A clnss board for two , In prlvat family. All
modern conveniences , u blocks from P. O. on
cable lino. Address X. L , lleo. 725
, cool room , with or without
OHEEIlPUIj . family , nlcelv bituated in
modern residence. Itofercnces. 2130Ilamoy.
7-i-2f > t
filOU 11ENT A laigo nnd small well furnished
Jj front rooms , nit modern conveniences , nnd
board , ! IM3 rnrnain. , CUI 'JOt
Itooms Hniidsomo suit of
FUHNISHKD all conveniences , IMS Howard.
03 KM
Allan furnished room aud board. 108 Bo.
HENT Furnished room with or with
out board. 1011 05.127 *
TnUHNISHP.D room with llrst-class board.
JP 2013 Douglas. 67U 23 ?
OU KENT Two parlors front and on llrst
covunloiicos. 1003
Thblt HUNT nicely furnished , cool suite of
JD rooms for family or 4 gentlemen , ono room
with alco\ , or will rout separately. 220 N. VJth
pOll 11ENT Furnished rooms. 1410 Dodge st.
S INGLE room nhd double room , every con
I venience. 11XW Capitol avo. 778
I OH KENT Furnished room , with board 1722
Dodge O <
T > OOMS and board , 100 nnd 108 So. 2.1th st.
JLV 27 July 8t
furnished rooms , board If desired ;
gas , bath .electric belto , etc , 1003 Douglas.
tJUNlSHEl ) room.for rent after Juno25.
2024 Hint bt. l')3
ItENT Furuishcd rooms , llrst-class ac
commodations. Mrs. Twluglor , CiS s 13th
stieet. Wj
jl ) rooms by day , weeK or mbntii , '
frt Clalr hotel , cor 1,1th and Dodge. 77.1
EAltUK front room with bod-room iidjolulut : .
handsomely fuinlshod , gas aud boated by
steam , with use of bath loom , iu ono of the
handsomest residences In tno rlty. without
board , luqulio u. vv. cor. 19th andLeavonwor h
dUllN 1SHED rooms , single or on suite , bath
JD nnd steam ; tor gents only. 1513 Howard.
TD OOM vrlth or wltnout board. 1812 Dodgo.
JLX 780
THOU WENT Iloom. 1C31 Howard.
r * 781
TJlUllNIBHEOor unfurnlshod house for rent
JL ? In Park Terrace , opposltn Hanscom park ;
all modern conveniences. Inquire Leo ic
Nlchol. 28th and Leavouworth. 7dJ
" OH KENT 2 front rooms , en suite , modern
F" convenlences.tor gentlemen only. U15N. 17th.
ICE rooms , furnished. $5 to 812 per mouth.
or by week. Peabody house , 14th and Jones.
705 j SO ?
AHOE furnished room forrout , sultablo for
1gentlemen. 1323 Faruam. flU
17IJK HENT A pleasant loom , only u minutes
JD walk from business conier , all modern con
veniences , cor St. Mary's avn. and Suth or OJJ 8.
SOth , brick residence. BO I
JOVELY south front room , every couven-
leuco , W block from street car. 2i'0i Douglas.
2HOOMS Light housekeeping , J14,131 N. 18.
HENT 4 unfurnished rooms , sultablo
for liousokeentng.all modern Improvements ,
bath , hot and cold water , gns , water closet , etc.
1704 Webster st. bo-l
TTIOK HENT Over steve store , 1031 Howard
Ju st. lntilro at store 60.1
IJ1OH HBNT Until October 1 , laige furnished
JL ? call 204 B. 25th. aOil
KENT Hear part of 1108 nnd 1110 Fnr-
FOH . , eiitrnuce from alley and through
clgnr store. Also second lloor. or part thereof
of sumo building with separate entrance. Ap- cigar store. IJOrt Pariiam st. 7J i ' . ' 1
To rent. 1'urnlshed elegiintly or
unfurnished , llushmuublock , N. II. Cor.
10 and Douglas. U4S
HENT ComfortableBtoro rooms in the
FOK bulldlug , 00x22 ; good location for Imr-
nesn shop. Also , two basement * , light und ally ,
44x30. under hardware store : good location for
tin shop. Apply to A. C. Haymer , tmidwnre
store , llor building , corner Jacksou aud 10th bt
5(13 ( Jy 18
F I OH HENT Vront ofllco , cround Uoor , 310
815th. ! 2I7 !
TJIOll KENT Stores nnd living rooms ouCum-
JL ) ing st. Also house ou Casa st. Harris , room
411.1st Nat. Hane. 205
"TnUinTENT 1 he 4 story brick building with"
JD or without power , now occupied by The lies
Publishing Co. , Oil. F rnam at. The building
has a Hie proof cemented basement , complete
etoam heating tlxtui os , water on all the lloorj ,
gas , otc. Apply at the ofllc ot Tne Hop. 1)15 )
TTIOH HENT-Store 22x0 ( ! ; 1118 Jackson st.
JD Emiiilre 1114 Jackson. 783
1J10JI HUNT 2 tlooM front half IlomU build-
J3 Insr , pow or. heat , electric light. Innutro or-
flee of iltmls Onmha Hag Co. Pill jg >
IF you want your nouses rcutod list with Par-
rouo'fl rental agency , ICth and
AOENTSI Wo make nrttcles that BOH ntBlght ;
large profits ; particulars nnd xumples
mailed 13 cents. "Quick" 3a Dey et. . N. Y.
DIVOHOES-Speodlly. quietly , desertion , nil
causes. Parties In any itato , blank ap
plication free. Hobort Whleo , attorney , 115
Drpa.dvi ny. Now York. 7dl 1 *
UPHOISTEHINO , draping nnd rep'alrlnp.
MattrvitKes made over. First class work ,
Itensoimblo prices , It. Lehmunn , " 10 N. 14th.
7(17 ( Jy2t'
done , collected and delivered by
Mrs. Andrew Sorouseu , 8510 Parker st.
TTMIIItnLLAS and patasols covered and re-
U paired , 17 H 15th Hoyd'a opera house block ,
lunibbaratore. 11. llator. 71)1 )
mil E banjo taught ns an art by Oeo. F. Gel-
JL It-nbcck. Apply at Hoe olllre. 050
ITtOH LEABE-4) iiiblde building lots. SOth and
JL ; Dodco , for 10 , SO. W or DO years , to parties
who will build good brick houses. Doges &
Hill. UOd Fnrnam st. C03a >
JON | | F. DALEY , tewer buildir ana drain
layer , liouae draluago andsanltaiy work a
epocliilty , Olllce 140J'loit las et. , Omiha. Neb.
118 Jy 3
OBT On I'ATk ( street cur hue about two
- vreetcs ago , A bound voiumo of Sunday
Magazine , i'lnder will iiloase leturn or notlfr
by 1 Kintal card. 6.34 S. UOlll ( it. tU-Mt
LOST About thrcovretk * nro , nnmall gold
algonrncan plu , with ld M , Hor.ilerson.
envngrued on back. Yei ) libural IB ward
will bo jmld for Its return to room va , Pitoj
block. 7il
LOST AcloakSunfl y on 8. 21th street , be
tween Vtnton nnd south Omaha , lleturn
S303 Cummlng and get reward. 777-27
LOST lloixn colored HolMeln cow ; nnr Infor-
inntlon vtlll bo thankfully received nt JiL.
llrnndlcs , V Sons , sea
M1IS. Perceval ot California , 10il Douglas St. ,
fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
PRf.SONAIPhotos of Omaha base ball club
f'.ion sold at Ilcyn , the photographer. ( Iran-
Ite block. Ci
QTOItAOE nt low rates nt 112IFarnam St. ;
VJOmalm Auction and Storage , TU3
r p 11AC k Atl BTs tofRKe7"l wo t rates , wr
-Ljlushmau I1tlj.cavenwortli. 7iO
BHANCH ACO. . storage , LMlllownrd.
70 !
TOHAOE and forwardlntt.Ve collect and
deliver goods ot all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture nnd ImiWAi.1. at cheapest rates
for storage for nny len tn of tituo. Vans and
wagons toloaal ntstiortest notice , with careful -
ful men for moving. Packing nnd fitilpplnij
from our o\vn warehouse done oa moderato
charge Merchandise loaded mid unloaded. .
Wau house ou our own track ; . OlHcdSl ? S.Uth
st. ; telephone 114 , HowelKVCo , 314
H. NANNIE V. Wnrren. clairvoyant , mod-
leal and business me Hum. Pomala diseases
a Bpeclalty. Ill ) N IGth stooma S and 3.
t < . 701
CfTANDAHD shorthand school. Pnxton block , '
Olsuccossor to Valentino's shorthand Insti
tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand
school In the-west : Is under the personal super-
vlslonof Joseph P. Megttith , an ox-olllclal re
porter nud state agent of the Kemlngton Stand
ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. Mechanical construction of
machine taught by factory export. Paltlcular
attention paid to typewriting. Stenogr.iplwrs'
suppllna tor sale. Circular troo. VJJ
ana typewriting. Omaha busi
ness colleco , cor Capitol ave aud ICtli.
Standard methods taught by C. C. Ewlng. ot
San Ironclsco , the best teacher on the Pacillc
coast , Munson'a revised of ' 8) a specialty ; now
plan ; blackboard Illustration : day nnd evening
classes ; cnll or wilto for terms. 7l > 7
STATIONERY Wanted to purchase In n good
town In Kansas or NebrnsKn , n medium
lock or books and stntloniTV. Addiuss , stnt-
, UK full particular * . E. H. Holmes , Atvvood ,
! { nn. O.i-1 2.1
_ _ _
\\TANTED Furniture , impets.Ttoves aud
V t household goods of all Kinds. Omnha
rVuctloiiiVStoiago Co. , 11-1 raniam. SOJ
lOIl SALE or Trade Flno young saddle
pony. D. It. llall. 2U1 Hnrnoy Ht. 737 4t
P Oil SALE Hoisor.nd harness , J.X ) , nt 11U )
S. 22nd street or Paclll ; . 78J-2t
I > ONY for Sale Hnudsomo bay mare , rldo or
drive , 7 years old , Address C 70. lluo olllco.
730 Sit
TTUMISALEWhite English bull terriers , from
J. pilzo stock ; also some veiy linn short head
"mil und terriers : full pedigree. W. C. Hook.u'J
tVuHhlngtou St. , Ilostou. Mass. 701-.U *
FOH SALE A full set of ten , cell HO aim solco
cans ; idso two good second hand delivery
iMigons. C. it. Moore i. Co. , 15U Dodge st.
iJJ 2U
) AltTor allot furniture for sale and cottage
for rout. 414 N. Hth htreut. 04J-27 ?
FOH SALE Kurnlturo o'7-ioom house for
rout , gas end bath. J3IJ unwortb.
27 ?
rOH SALE 20 headof > ouUL' hoises , suit-
nbln for Military Uridgo
barn. 2Hh and Cuimag st. if.'l 'Mt
[ 71011 SALE Cheap Oua bicycle , ona Tan-
-L deii tilcjclo and on ; lti.lo trlT-iIo. good
as now Apply John S Pi luce , Coliseum. Ill
MIDLAND GliarAit-e & Trim Co. . IWi Far-
nam.Completoab-.tracts furnlshod and titles
to i eal estate examined , perfected guaranteed.
MONEY to loan ou furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. J. W.
llobblus , 1411VJ Farnoni BtreotPuxtou hotel.
\ E. & C. M. Anthony. 3U First National
Jf bank bulldlnt ; m.iko loaus upon larms lu
Nebraska and low a aud impiov d Omaha city
propeity ; money touuy ; title and security
passed upon hero ; uo delay ; lavorable rates :
call or write. * 5.HJyl7
MONEY loaned for m , tiS or ( > ) day * on any
kind of chattel security ; roiiotiaolo Inter
est ; coulldeutlal. J. J. Wilkinson. 1117 1'ainnui.
M ONEY to loanonfurnituio , chattels or ical
eslato. Lowest rates on good loans. J. II.
1117 Faruam. room I _ lUf J > ii
MONEY to loan ou horsji , wazma. mules ,
huusetiold goods , plaubs.organt ) . diamonds ,
lowest rates. Mho llr.t organized loan olllcoiu
thoctty , MnSoloani fof tnlrty to three hun
dred aiidslxty-fivjdny-i. which can bo patd in
part or whole , at any time , tliuj lowering the
principal nud Call aud sen us wliou
you VMiut money. Wo can ins st you promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
Rroperty or publicity. Money alwavs on hand.
o dolir lu making loans C. P. Head & Co , 319
B. I3h at. , over Ulugbnin & Sons. ,132
EES1DENCE LOANS-C'/s to 7 par cent , no ad
ditional cUaigos for commissions or attor
neys' foea. W. It. Melklo. First Xat bank bldg.
PEOPLE'S Financial Etcnango The fairest ,
nuletest aud most IHjer.U money exchange
In the city : money loamvl delay or
publicity. In any amount , Ur'o or H in all , at the
lowcHt rates uf Interest , ii'nuy avallublo HO-
rurlty ; loans may ba paid at any time or re
newed at original rates O. Houscariin , Mgr. ,
loom57 , llaiker block , Hth and r.irnam. 81J
M ONEY to loan at low i.ivej by Excelsior
Laud Co. , 310 Soutii 15th street , Omaha.
M ONEY to loan ou lent estatu at low rate.
J. D. X.lttlo , 1JO 1'ai.ton bio k.
SMALL loans , short time. go31 nncurlty ,
reasonable interest. P. O. box OiJJ , cltv
> U1LDINO loans. D. A' , Sholos , 210 First Na-
hloualbank. tlJ
F. IIAUIIISON loam innnoy. losvest r.itos.
"iYfONEV Louus ne otlate.l at low ratoj with-
-LV1 outdelay. and purchase goods , comniorclnl
paper and mortgage notes. B , A. bloman , cor.
5,1th and Faruam ' a.'O
T OANS on unproved and unimproved prop-
J-jerty at lowiatos. OdJll ltro3.XCo.,31JS.10tu.
M ONEY to loan. Harris H. E. & Loan Co. .
room 411 First National bank. 8JI
TTNIMPHOYED aim Improved property :
U loans made promptly : money oiinuud. V.
M. lllchardbou , aw cor 15th and Duuglas.B23
I CAN make a few loans on llrst-class chattel
uecuiitlosat reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , Darker blk. b22
, ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llimhau & Mahoney -
honey , rooni CtH Pnxtoc block. 8.J5
MONEY loaned on furnltnro , horses nnd
wiigous ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. IJth st. , opposite Mlllard hotel , 42U u
T\f ONEY to loan on any security
JJJ. tor short time , at low
latrs. Lowest rattM
on personal
property ,
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , room 40) , Paxtou block. CU3
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchanijfl Large and
X small loans for long and Hhort time , at low
est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't fall to call if you want fair
and cheap accommodations. O. IloiiBcaron ,
Mgr. , room 67 , Darker blk , Uth and Farnam.81J
MONEY to loan ; cash on band ; no delay , J.
W. Squire. 1219 F rnain at , Firat National
bank building. 811
MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for appllca
tlons for loans in amounts from 41X ) to 110 ,
000 on Improved Omaha-or Douglai county roi
estate. Full information as to rated. Loam
promptly closed. Good notes will ba purchased
by us. Call upon u& or write. The McCagu
Investment Co. 811
\TEIH1ASICA Mortu , Loan Co. will make you
i- > loan on Household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flee jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rate * .
Itoom 7 , How lev block , Bouth Omaha.
Hoowi 518-519 , Paxtou block , Omaha , Nab.
SMALL short time loans ou chattel security
Jill Ohio t , ; call after p p. in.
r\ON'T borrow moncjfi < ro < furniture , horses ,
L/wnpons , etc , or eolwwols until you see 0.
U. Jacobs , 410 First NatlwnUt bank building.
U' 15
LOANSranrto on reaV esUto nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis S. ItpM , * Co. , H 13 , llourd of
Trade. ; JV' , 8U
B UILDIM1 nndt > thor''rtal ' estnto loans. vV. M.
Harris , room SO , Freusfcr mock , opp , P. 0 ,
1 lltT. M9
I7UHST mortgage lontiSVi'low rates nnd no tie-
J-1 lay. 1) . v7 Bholos , CIOTlrst National bant.
l .lit 810
_ _ _
WANTED-Flrst-clnss Insldo IOMH. Lowest
rates. Call nnd BO u rsMuttinl Investment
Co. , It. r llnrker blk. , l..ti ! , < md Fnrunm , 817
UILDING loan * . Llnrtinu ; & Mnhoney.
. _ - _ 82
ONKV to loan. O. H-iiPavIs Co , real estate.
J nnd loan nfients , 1313,1 Arnnm St. BW
KnvsTONi : Mortfmso r < > - : Ii"ns or m to
tl.otxi ; Ketourrntea baforo borrow luff nnd
ave money ; loan on horses , furniture or nny
approved security , without publicity ! notoj
bought ; for new loan , renewaiof old and low
est rates , cnllHiXiS.Sheolcy bllc,15th& Hounrdjit
QI'H Bholfls , room 210 First Nat'l uanlc , Doforo
loam. 810
MONKV to loan on Rood first mortgage * . Im
proved or unimproved property. Jloit-
nwi boiiKlit und old.Vnllacc. . room 3IO
Irown building , loth and DoimlitH. Ml
r\O YOU want money ? If FO. don't borrow
\J\Mtore \ \ Kettlng my nttn.vlitch nro the low-
stonanysiim fromvloupto 8lOWi. :
I niiiKo loans on household goods , pianos , or-
ns , horses , mules , \\agons , wnrohouso re
ceipts , honsoi. leases , ote , , In any amount at the
owest possible r.Ues , ultnout publicity or ro-
novnl of property.
Loans can bo made for one to six months nnd
you can pay apart ntany time , roauclnit noth
irlnctpal and Interest. Ifyouotra a bivlauce
in your furniture or horses , or hnvu a loan on
Jiem. 1 will take it up nnd carry It for you as
OIIK nsyoudoslro.
If you need money you wilt nnd It to your ad-
nntnge to see tun before boi rowing.
II. K. Masters , room 4 , WltuneU bulldlnj. 15th
md Harnoy. 821
PHILADELPHIA Mortsnza ft Trust Co. fur
nish chnup oastarn moaay to borrowers ,
lurcliasosectirltloi , perfect.titles , accept loan *
ntthelr'vestoru otllco OUOVRU w. P. Coatcs ,
oem 7 , Hoard ot Trade. R.7
MONI5Y to loan on roil esUts security. * at
lowest ratss. lluforo iio otlattns loins o4
Wnll.tco , U. 310 Ilro n bid ? IrttHIni hu. 8il
171011 SALK A Rood paylnc business ; a nice
J ? cigar and fruit store , Innulre 84 J Soutii lutli.
* -,7J 8W
'O LKASn-Wu have 1X ( ) lots In Omaha and
-South Omaha u n will lease for one to teu
ars af 81 to $ J per'iionth. Liuahuu iVJln-
louoy , loom 501) ) , Pa\tonblk , ' 33W :
FOIl SALK A ilruc store doing n Rood busi
ness , in a growing town In Western Isebras-
ja ; sales SI1 per dnv : propiiotor not n drucplst ;
onlystoro ; anhynlelan cun gi'S on estnbllnlied
mictlce. Addrees Postmnstcr , Paxtou , Ni'b.
" '
731 <
'JIALri Grocery forsalo , good location , cheap
rent. Iuqlilie2i0 Iltmlettc. 71'J-'if
TJAHIinU shop on cor. 1th and Leuvcnworth
JLJfor Bale ; any reasonable oirer accepted ;
i.-vrty Iea\lnc town. Co-operative Laud fc Lot
'o. . ft N. Hth at. 742 2(1 (
TTIOIt SALU theup. All established piollta-
JL bio business , i\collcnt : opportunity for on-
er ! ctlciiinn. Address D. V , Hoe. VJo-W
I71OH BAJ.U A good paying business of
JU uooltn 1mt nud gents' lurulshliig goods ,
v Ith llxturrs , in a peed location , for casn only ,
wlllgUegcod loasoiHfor gelling on appllca-
lou Address Jas IIHJz. . propiiotor Oimlia
National Knitting Factory , 11J1 South llthst. ,
Omaha' , eb. . ' BVi 2 > ) *
P\ON"T mi's this Jhe be paying ami
J-'most popular lestjur nts In the city , now
full of customers , everything new , must bo
sold on account of ( death. .1. H. Pairotte ,
Ituntnl Agency. IClh aurt Dodge , 157 'S
CJPLKNDIDChanco-Scaio or weighing book
I-Jhuslness tor balooB trade for city propcity
Address llos ri . ulty. CJJ 27t
Oil BALK iTtiit , 'roafoctlontry nnd cigar
store In liratclns.location ; will sell cheap.
: ou N. luth. city. ' JD , un-uttt
FOU SALK Or trado. New , clean stock of
hurduaro , location , llest of ren-
bens for selllug. J. A , Campbell , Suward. Nub ,
FOR BALIlfSratn K'nnd lumoor buslnes3.
Address 15,10i ! loi3.n * 0301
THi : Ila\vli-y House. North Platte. Neb. , for
rent , party renting to buv furniture on very
easy terms ; this is a chance Torn good hotel
man to make monoy. Address proprietor ,
John Ha ley , North Platte. 612 TC
siie or exchange one ot tne
finest hotel propei tlos in an Iowa city of
U.OOO luliubltants , tlio leading homo in the
plao.V. . it. E. i JI. U room li Chamber of
Commeico 7W
< | 3,0'0 to j.GOi wauled to put into a good Dusi-
P ness ; fintcUss security ami good r its ot
interest pil I for short or IOT.J timo. Or will
take partner. For p-irticui.iri nddros * IT 13 ,
Ueeolflse. 14J
TjlOll SALK Jloat market complete : can ba
J hinUleil for little cash. Call at room 4 ,
Wlthnel ! blk. 833
FOIl SALK A wi'll-cstablMie I book-binding
business in Sale Lake City. Khlley. Uro-
shell & . Co , real estate , bait Lake City , Utah.
TfOKTHADB l speed dilving horsa or fa-t i
J- driving b.iy team for ouo ullltard and two
pool tables in good condition. Addtcss C 7-
Hoc. 7bO 21t
WANTKD To tnulea lluo upright piano for
u horse iinJ baggy. Inquire at 1'tlO Dodge
st , 7 0 " ' >
I7IOK CXCIf VNGE WV 0 actual value equity
-L ill llrst-clasi Omaha lu ldc unlmrioved real
oscut for deal tlty or tarm lauds or goort pay
ing stocKs. Addroad D.I , Hoe. Mltt ,
rpo UXCHANGB for Omaha property , one of
JL thu best Improtuil fni ms in Iowa , only ouo
mile from town ot iiOUO inhauu.intj. W. U. I' .
U M. li. , room II , Chamber or Commerro. 1U1
TJ1OH SALE or will trade for goo I clw oiling
J- * ! , ( ) > ) re il ostite second niougagin , J. J ,
\ \ llklusons , 11)7 ) Tarnum. ! ' ) ! )
TfOH Lxcnin-8 A fine farm of L-)0 ) , iero3 in
JL1 Polk cojuty. Neb. , 4 miles from Clarks ,
Neb. , to exchauiw for cattla ; ft ! acres under
cultivation , house , barn , wii on scales and
good feed lot. Addroaa C. Osktimp , Sin Wub-
btoi st. Omaha. Nub. 01) )
WHAT have you totra-lofor young brood
nmros and horses , part Noimau/ . K ,
llruuer , ItoomliH , llellmau block. lilll Tt
I WOULD IIEO to trade a good two-storv house
and lot rox5) ! foctltnln one block of Parka
aa. . and Park .school for vacant east front lot
lu Hansom plaru. Will assume Homo Incnm-
brauco. AdJiess. C4i lluoolllce. 3U7
17KJII KXCHANCK AH elegant tract ot Innd
J-1 containing 1JO aeroj. Jn 'Antolopa county ,
Neb. , w ith ordinary improt emeuts.
A quuner-ACctlbii in Hand county , Dakota ,
p.irtly Impioted.
KIt'hty acres nunr Council Illuirs , la.
House aud lot on South li.thnt. .
Largo amount of OH Jlouiitaln nnd Pctrollum
company oil stock , Will exchange for good
propel ty or the erection of some houses , Oeo.
.1. bterusdorir , 1st NatlouaTbauk building.
nXCHANCJH-i'or. dwsliitbli ronldeuue
property In Oiimhi , any or all ot following :
40 uholcu inalde rojldouco lota i
100 lots In Lincoln.
040 acran tine farming land , Lancaster county
Mno rcsldcuco propertv , Llncolu.
( lood rental property. Lincoln.
C'holuj family r bt Junto [ corner. Loa Angeles.
A neat residence propsiiylu Ihuiacom place.
Also some good mortaiwi not es.
Address irivlng location and prlco ot prop-
city. J. U. 11. , care Haura Iron Co. , 1217 Loavoii-
worth. " b'a
Wr.BTUIiN lauds , tarm and city property
for utocka of ( ; > ods. 1(6om ( " , IMG 1'urnum
. _ _ _ " JJTJi. _ WJyU _
T7IOU r.XCirA"NOE13Uiirdsmairhousor3nh
-L1 andllnmlltaa , auiLLo ' , .Nelson , a add. , for
trade foroutHlde lots cVar or acre property. A ,
1' . Tukey , lAtb aud DougMs' 3J8
FOH BXCIIANaE- stock of boots and
shoes for improved city property. Jll.oai
Btocu general merchandise in a good town and
good trada will take good city property Im
proved. Clear Iota lusldo 2-mllo line on West
I'arnam nnd northwest part of city for im
proved city property , td.OOO worth of second
mortgages ou inside Omaha property lor an A
or 10-room modern house in good location ,
homo splendid Bouth Omnnu lots on 21th nt. for
Iowa or eastern NebrasKu land. Lot adjoining
Dundev Place , nt one In Omaha View for horse
and bugey. 200 acres of Hue land" adjoining the
new location for the fort at Ilellevuo for city
property. Lot MXUi und 12-room house , Capitol
ave. . east of 20th , far vacant property , and cash.
Property of all kinds for trade. UrovcrStevous ,
Gill and 617 Paxton blocs. 717-37
rpo Exchange Cash and clear property for
JLmurwiiKuduo. or merchandlie for ca < h and
clear property. Address Lock lloxll , Oothuu-
burg. Neb , UU jy
qiOEXCHANOE-For cattls or horses , 40
-L Rcrrs of land near Ilig Bprlngs , Duel Co ,
Nub. D. II. llall.'Ill lluriiuy at. 76S 4t
W ANTKD-To trade for house and lot In
good Ippatlou ; will usumt light ncum-
TpOIl "sTviTn i'hTlinost rnsld'onro la"o"rcTinrd
-L Hill can bo bo unlit lit actual cost : ov > ner
caving town : house has 10 rooms Ith bath
room nnd orory modern convenience , lot Mxl.lO
nil nodded ; Urce barn nnd nice shade trees ; In
fact n perfect homo ; call nnd let us show you
this. Arnold A Co. , ilooui 5-7 P xton block.
77" .
FOll CASH-Tho best l > nrgalu In business
property lu the city , ! HxUW. Al , A. I'ptoti
Company , 16th nnd Fnrnaui.
OftliAPI Cheap I Cheap l it faring on
motor line in North Omaha , only ? t > 5iorth
ISR > . nill lot on Saiimlars t. in Plnlnvlow.
3,100. "lota corner or Lowe AVO. AIHI
loward MH. , JlJiUO rneh. Tlioso Are olai/ant lots.
80 ft on 16th st. near Cumlng. ndiw. Lot In
Myers , Hlehnrdfl & Tlldon'i ndd. , J.VV ) . Ilounei
and lots la nil parts ot the city nt reduced
irlces. Orovcr Stevens , 510 and A17 Partoti
ilocV.Toleplienojiaj. _ 71 ( W7
FOR SAL12 Tl'O two best corners In South
Omaha , ' leu ted to good tenants at juio a
uonthlnndvniicc. llox 714. City.
1LLSIDK No. 1-npeclnl bnrgoln for 10 days
on south front lot , Cass and 31st streets.
1. A. I'ptou Company , uth v 1 nrnnm. 7f.M
OUCHAriiiHLl IT , block I. anoteKant
south front on Hamilton street , tan bo
) oucht for $1,5 1) ) . Arnold & Co. , Itootn far. Pax-
on block. 74 27
ON'i ; of the tno house and lot baigntus I
have been offering on ( loorgla nvo. north of
I.eavonwortn , Is now sold and occupied , be
cause of my very low price. Thb south hoii'o
of the t\\o still romtlus n bargain open to
sombody. First comes , first som-d. To bn an-
irecintcd Itnetds to bo examined intornallv , I
)0sltl\ely will not rent it , though several times
offered gW per month. Price only J.1COO. on
vcryetsy terms. Prii-onftor July I , j > floM. > v. T.
Suniiinn , east sldo Kith St. . north of Nicholas
st , Onmhn'8 largest variety of wagons nnd
carriages. ois
FOH SALK At n baiiKrupt prlco , a house and
lot lu Ouinha View. Itoom 14 , Chamber ot
Commeico. _ _ iua
flO.MK nnd SPO us nnd mvestlgatt ) KOmoof the
v-/largalns ) wo have to olfcr. Wo are continually
Istlng nmv proportion and "If you don't see
what yon. want nsk for It. "
We have merchandlso to trada. for laud. Wo
mvo hordes , cnttlo and mules to trade foe
and. Wo have n brlcK and tlio fat tory doing
ntlulvlug business to excluuga for uostern
Tliroo n w , fi-room eottagos nt Albright ,
within 10 minute's walk ot termtnu-i of hourly
lummy line , for Rale on terms that will only bo
fair rent.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
louse , at n bargain. Hiov.uor uomplcti * . with
: iorse-power , Hctlm , o'lloo furnished , etc. A
line opening for n practical grain dealer.
One ot thu best improved larins in the stata
w 111 be exchanged for iusldo Omahn property.
Two flno residences lu Puppletou paik , ou
motor line ; will bo sold ou O'xsy ' terms.
Houses nnd lots in nil parts ot Omaha for
bale and oxchaugo.
Korcxcl'ange , lor Omaha proporty.l.OJO acres
of school laud lenso , In. ouo of the bast counties
in the state.
A nno icsldencp propoity lu Omaha View for
snlo at a bargain.
From $ " > , na to llnj.OOO worth of nrst-class
notes to excluugo for Omah-i property.
Merclmndlsrt too' < chaiKu for ' { cash and Dal-
nmo wostein lauds. 'Ibis U ouo ot the lluost
opportuultlos everollerud to convert land into
cash , liiveatigato this.
Tor tnlo , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn ,
In a good Nebraska tow n. This is a line open-
lug for a hotel man.
I or oxcium o for Om.ihn properly , ouo of the
best farms in Hock county , Nebraska , together
with sto-k .mil machinery necessary to carry on
the place. Old ago mm fulling health ot the
owner Is reason for selling.
For sale , cheap , u restaurant in ono ot the
best locations lu Omnha.
yiBcro of Una land in northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha propaity.
Wo have uusmrpasiud fixnlities for ctlspoalug
of propnity. having some oO ) agents sc.ittert-d
over four or llv e states. 1,1st jour tiroparty
with us If yon wish n quick turn. W. It. K. \
M. K , room 14. Chamber of Commerce , tele
phone 1410. _ 103
lll factories within easy roach of Collier
J. place vv ill employ a largu forca of mon. Se
cure a homo r.ud enjoy life. Prlco of lots SsOJ
to * la ) > , one tenth casli. Bond for plat. Mc-
Caftue. oup. P. O. 0 J
IIK motor Una is bjlltto Collier place. I'lio
. lUlt Hue rum i\a\f Collier pHco. Tne V. K.
& M. V. It. It. stop all pastooger trains at Col-
llBriiloce. Tiia horjo car HUD will soon ro.ich
Collier placo. llest addition In the city. Prlco
S00to JI.J per lot , ouo-t3uth casn , balance
one to Mvo VeirMcClsue. . opp. P. O. OTJ ,
THi : Ilucst drive in tne city U to Collier
Pln-e. ilci.'ague. W7J
POH SALK At a bargain. One twelve aud
one nmo room house la fvountzo place , on
21th Ftrent , opposite the Hue residences of Hod-
lei and VKCre iry , with 73 and OJ feet ot cround
with each house to alloy , llach house has furnace -
naco gas , gns llxtuies , shades. all
plumbing , hot and cold water , olegaut
lirgo thorns , all papered handsomely through
out , good bam with each liotise , aud an elegant
1mu all sodded. I nm prepared to otTer aplon-
did inducements as to prfto and terms. Call
nnd let me drive yon out. You can move into
these houses without a dollar ot expense for
anjthing. Those mustl i sold soin. See me at
once. D. V. Sliolos , 210 Hist Nat'l bank. 177
jTH n best money's worth of house aud lot now
JLforsile iuomaliais that wiiieh Inmnow
complollnt ! near -itn t. on paved Wlrt st. lu
iCount/io Place. B bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining-
room. Ki'chen , luth rooms , 3water clo Huts ,
larne laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
aud coal room > iud cellar , oloctrlo bells nnd
speaklnr ruho , li cliuots , Prlco only S'.ono on
terms to suit. Likewise a dupllcatn adjoining
at same prlo * . \V , T. Soauinii , east sldn 11th st
north of Nicholas st. Omalia's lurgjst variety
of wagons and carriages. B'Jl
FOIt SALE At a bargain. Broom house ,
finished in first class style , E. G Merrill ,
44th and Hamilton sts. 7t 1 *
FOU SALE Now Is the time to buy n lot in
HlliHlde Ileservo or IIHUide adjltlon No. 1
for a homo. 'Ihls properj ! Is only about ono
mile fiom th poatofllce , is all high and beuutlj
ful gi ouiiJ , the street ! ! m-o all put to au estal-
llfclud pi nde. It Is only n few- blocks from cable
lluo and hat > the advantages of gas , t ity water ,
Howerago and continuous pavement from the
contei of the city. We can olfor sneclf.l induce
ments to pai ties wishing to build In this part
of ins city and ask Unit an Investigation of the
propeity be made. Prices ranee from 850 to
; o per front foot , according to locution.
Lots 7 nndf. block" , Isaac & Sclden's addi
tion , price $ ilOiJ. )
Lot u. tilotk 8 , Isaac & folclcn'a addition , pilco
' '
i'ot'4n. llurr Oak , Mxl.W feet , cnst front , on
Georgian\euuu. Price , $1,1)0' ) ) .
fOfi'et.houth fiont , ou IIuintHoa street , in
block 1. Ore-haul Hill. Prlre , Sl/i'iO.
Nine ueie tract suitable for dairy purposes ,
Ttu-.icio Unit suitable for daily ] ) Uipo es.
l.lovuu ucro trnct huitnblo fnr daily purposes
Ou each of the above tracts theie is : i line
giovoaud n stream of i mining water furnished
flora lnss < > nprlng .
Tlio prop31 tj Is handy to both Omaha nnd
South Omaha , and dairymen contemplating
Uiau'go ot location Hlionlu Investigate this.
gomu of the propoity could bo exchanged for
other good liisldo uroi.orty.
Lot 14 , block ] . Potter's addition , price J1.4V ) .
Lott ) . bio k&i , eltyot Onmha with t\\o story
nudbasemuuthoiidu , with all modern conven
iences. Price * I4.HXJ. !
BOX 12 ? feet , southwest conier 20th nnd Spruce
stieets. with small cottage. I "rice Siii ( ) .
ThlH has IX iuet frontage on 20th at , nnd can
bo sold in - ) foot lots.
Now lx room cottngo with oltv water In
houso. In west part of city. Prlco $ , i'M. Uerms
to suit put chaser.
Mxl-7 ) ! it. S W. cor. 2Hh and Cass Ht . Prlco
? ' . ,0)i. ) Wllltuko lot mid good Iliat moitgage In
6-'xl'olff. S. P. cor. 2th nnd California sts. ,
with fciuall cottage , ut u buigaln it taken noon.
Potter A : Cobb ,
crll 1U.)1 I'nrnuin at.
"T71OH SALE One of the most doilrablo feeding
.1 ? f.irms in Nobraika , situated 15 mile from
depot , also thu yards of the Coin crso
Cattle ou Ivlkhorn valley It. It.1 ; it umtalux 2 0
litres , with UPOof 3 0 acres additional ; every
thing new nnd nocessaiy ; barn ouxtuo ft.atur
in abundance. II , S. .Mnnvlllu , Tlldoti , Neb.
T > AHK Chance I will sell a now houso. all
-limoderu conveniences , mrgolut , elugnnt loca
tion , ? ll)0 ) cash , Hyoarstlineon bal. ; for further
particularscnll OK K. IlanmuiUe.Coutlnentalbk
731 2 ;
" \\/i ; have n few cholca farms free from In
l > cuiubrnnccs that wo olfer to sell cheap ou
good terms , or wo will do better , we will undo
it elf for good Oninha property Mich ns we wont
nud pny jou M cash for your property or as-
Mima mortgage at equal amount nnd t'h o you
our propeity for the balance. We have excel
lent bargain * wo can oiler you. UOxliOfiot on
IWtli 8t. und Jacksou with fi 11 fitory Lirlclc dwol ) .
ingg.modern improvements , nnd 43-story framu
dwellings torl.lXX ) ; vacant lots oil California
and Lowe avenue , 1 block from motor linn l&ux
22I ft , $11,000 ; , l tine new dwellings ou California
Bt. , near cable and motor , UlxlW ground , with all
Improvements. eoouiwo nnd WUOO each : 21st
Ktreetuud Grace. 70x150 ; 11 room house rortl/- ;
OOJtoiniH ; to suit and will sell jou farms or
land almost wherever you want it. Excelsior
Laud Co. . ! > 10 South luth iti-et , Omaha. 610
POIt SALE EASY terms , Koumze placo.
Two homes , each 8-rooms. nach 14,000.
Two homes , ouch B-roomi. each * 5l > w.
Two homos , each li-roama , each J 7,0 JO.
All with modern convenience.
Alt larj.-e vuluo at the prlco.
All " tthln u square of the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities ,
1'or sale by the owner. W , T. Seaman ,
Kast side 18th St. , north of Nicholas St. ,
Omnha'd largest variety of wagons and car
riages. Oil.
rpwo bargains , one 6 Acre piece near motor
-L line , and one two acre piece near South
Omaha. Will sell , so partial buying can pint
nnd realize a hundsomo urollt. Co-operatlv
Laud and Lot company , 205 N. 10th street. bU40
ONTINUHJ3aldowalc ! to Collier place. Get
0 prices and' termi ilcCasu * . 973
-A. ite * | ,
IR07 V
Now Is the time to get yourself n lot on cnst
payments nnd In A location Just Adapted for
Delightful Homes. .
No such lots as these hnvo over bcon otTored
on our prices and terms and no prettier ground
Is to be found tu this city. _
Is A prlco much loworthansurnmndinfflots sell
for and It li no wonder people buy when a pay
ment of only
Fifteen Dollnrs
down nnd $10 a month Is all required. Hundreds
ot new houses surround this ground and It hus
all the lormlsltes making lta desirable Invest
ment. Itemembcr in n city ot
such lots AS onrs , nt prices And terms vro glva
you. Ate A 1 bargains.H .
$ H ) for n Lot
that will soil for twice this In n year is some-
tnlng worth considering.
You tnu See
thlKRrounll for yourself , ana If It don't suit
you , aon't buy ,
Wo Know
the lots are n bargain , nnd wo know they suit
the people.
Yon Know
You can come nnd MCO the lots nnd jud go for
vourself hot uorwhtvvoHav is correct or not.
These ara plain nUtmnonts which
Vou i-an prove
foryoursolf , it you want to try and got some
thing that Is suit ) to nlake you money.
Fllteon Mol'nrti
down Is nn easy way to make your pnjmonts
nnd to SAVO your monny.
Come and sen
whnt li oITored > ou , and you will admit no
handsomer land can bo found.
You will sea
Improvements on every hand , alid the ehnnces
nto you will buy a lot , boeause , nnlusa wo
knew that all wo claim for our lots is u fact , vo
could not ullonl to ndvortlso them or ask you
to investigate thorn. Corny and nud out , what
you can do. Conveyances ulwnys ready.
a. Heal Kstnte. 1W7 gnrnniu. 74'J ' 27
- ll7il acres , son , 5 , tp. 1'i , ' r. fl w _
. Hamilton cottutv , Nob. House , stable , mx )
acres fenced , llvinir water. Price $3m ) . V. K.
AtKlns , owner , Kalldrond bldg. Denver , Col.
_ | _ _ _ Hff
T710H 8ALE-IO room houso. lot MKM > , easy
J-1 terms , $2.830. W. M. Itushmnn , 1311 Loav-
onworth. CIS
"TjlOlt SALK Lots In Stewart Placa on Lovvo
-L1 nvo. ; Metropolitan Cable pnssos property.
n-room house and barn , lianscoui Placo. 2
houses aud lot * on Cuss St. , ou easy terms.
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hunk. 201
T7UMI SAI.r. 100 With nud dosliablo lots In
JL' Omaha View ; want to close them out , and
will five bl bargains. Look nt them before
buying elsouhero. Hoggs A ; Hill , UOS Tamam.
OCH 21
filSri SALK-nno improved farms in th
J-1 best counties lu the stntu. J. A.Campbal
real estatu agent. Buuard , Noh. _ tjUl. j ]
SHOLKS Speelil Lut Wo push spodal bar
L'rtlns nnd advortlsa tnom. List with ma.
Hue east front lot in Hanscom place at $1.000
S5IH ) canh. Deeldod bargain.
I'lue lot ou rarnaiu nnd I JWQ avnnuo. 6J.753.
J-.l-OO buys a nouso and lot lu Hanscom
Place , north of Poppleton avenue.
The old John DlcrKs Manufactory plant on
Missouri Pacillc rail way. 4 miles louthweat of
rlty , with 2 acres of ground and 3 largo "Htory
buildings , for 5J.UOJ. A tins opportunity for
somn ouo.
1 have special Inducements Inhousos and lots
In All parts ot the city olthor for calo or trado.
Call In und bn shown thorn. I do not try to got
you In to show you tro-sh , but handle ouly good
property and deal squarely. 1) . V. Sholnj. 31
i irst National bank. _ 039
T > AltilAIN Part of the Dick ICimlmll estate.
JOjOfeoton IBthutroat running through to 17th
avc. Ono l > room house , all modern conven
iences nud two 0 room houses , Total rental
? lww nnr voar : price 31 1.OJO. M. A. Upton
Company. Hi'.h ami I'arnam. _ S42
T71O11 SALU The llnsst rosldeuco situ ill West
JL1 Omahn : Just south of Parnam on Mth st. ;
a coiner IdltHV with 1S7 feet frontage on
paved .street aud joining the handsome resi
dence of ICirkondall on the cist , and llrady ,
Eusson and .Mat tin on the south ; n perfect gem
and garden spot for an olegnut homo
IlaiUByamlSUt streets. 14Uloonpavomont.
within thieo blocks ot the court house ; loom
for soveu ! lne houses that would rout as rapid-
Iv as completod. A splon lid permanent Invost-
I'arnam and 22d streets. 51xlTJ , with now
thrco-atory brick stord bulldlu ? , rented to good
permanent tenants. Rental receipts $ I,20J per
blxtoenth street noir Nicholas , frontage 81
feet to alloy ; good business proportr.
I'.unn'ii street. bJtweon3 < th andliJth. front-
ag 48or ' ) ixTJ to alloy , soithfiont , 1 block
ficim luveiuQutnnd bttout earn.
Park avenue , opposite Hauscom pars , & 0xl50
price 'Ji.OO ) ; easy terras.
Paddock place , trackage , 68x113 , 3,0)0 : easy
10th street south of Vlnton st. . lot for sale or
trade for indse , or good farm laud.
8. A. Slomaii. UJ1 Farmtin Ht _ 833
FOllSALK-CornorlotBtol.'li. with trackage
all pavod. In the heart of business , suitable
for wholesale house , J.ViOUO. C. F. Harrison ,
Merchants Nntloualbank. ( W'J
FOIl SALE Or Trade 26-room cottages , 28)
room -story houses , luthu location on
Walnut Hill. Inquire of li Q. MerillU 44th
mid Hamilton sts. 7G'J 1'
"t7\6ll \ SALE Ilaautlfitl 8-room houso. nil
JJ modern improvements , including oplondld
furnace , near Hauscom park , bast location lu
the city for school , church and strooc car priv
ileges ; pi ice Ji.UJ3. C. P. Harrison , Merchants'
natonal bauk. 7f > s
TTlOn SALE At a leasonable pilce , full lot
-I. w 1th neat nnd convenient cottage. Itlll N.
lOlh st. OJ1) ) 23 *
TT1OII SALE Several extremely cheap farms
J best property wo know ot tor the monoy.
Hoggs & Hill , 1403 Paruain .stroot. 003 3
S END for plat of uollior place , and when
driving for recreation follow the motor Hue
polo. * on 10th st. , aud Ames' avo. , und see the
wonderful liuprovomuuts that hav taken
place just around tne barracks , and remember
that Collier place is the key 10 the situation.
ituy a lot now for the low price nnd at tne easy
terms they am belnu ollored , ana wo ara satis-
lied. Ono-teuth cash , balance one to nvo years.
McCague , opp , P. O. TO
i Tnkeii Up.
At Tex fc Hensman's dairy , J4-mlle south of
Eckerinnu Place , rod cow with white face.
placed on roaord during
0 W llaldwln mid wife to J E Ensign , lot
7 , blk 3. Mnyno's add , w d. . . . I 1,800
James A'ore ami vifo to W H Voru , niul'/
lols I , 2 , 0 uud 7 , blk 21. lli > } d'ri nud. w d 4,000
James Yore aud wlfo toY U Yoie , lots S
and 0 , blk 1 ; lots 4. 5 nud l > , blk f ) , aud s
! 41 lot&t , bik 2 , Hammond Place , w d . . 300
wit I Voroto James Voro , und < / > lots 3,4 ,
tinnd 10 , lillcSI. lioyd'Hudd. wd 4,000
J Htley and wife to J 1 Whlttinghum , lots
E 1 to 20 , blk 7 , and lots 1 to W , blk 0 ,
Mayuo I : Hlley'a ub toYulley , q oil . . i
Soutii Omalia Lund Co to J P Iund , lots
Hand 12blkUO , South Omaha wd 1,100
N Shelton and wife totioorge itoss , lot 12.
U1K3J , WindsorToitui.0 , w d COO
0 W McYlckernud wife to L II Ilarnes ,
lot V , blc J , Junction View Terrace , w d 300
L hchrooder , trustee , to A Stophanlch ,
lot 18 , blk8llrownPark , w d 600
Union Ktock Yards Co to John Doheity ,
lottl , blk 7 , let add to South Omaha ,
wd 300
Mary Altschuler nud husband to W F
and J Gannon , lot 41 , Nelson's add , vv d 2,5UO
G L llradley aud wlto to W H Luu-y , o 155
It lot20 , blk II , Improvement associa
tion add , i ) cd l
J U Prlchniil to Samuel Comer , lot 4 , Ulk
7 , Huiiscom Place , w d . . . . . . 3,600
William Cobum , sheriff , to Howlaud &
llraurord , lols n und 7 , blk 1 , bouth
Omnha Vloiv. bherltl's deed 270
P Ford and wifa to Mrs It A O'Jlrien , lot
12 , 1-otd'Hr'aiatoi.Mindd , vv d 1
D L ' 1 homtis and w fro to l : P Thompson ,
lot 10. blkli , Lincoln Place , wd 876
1 Van Camp and wlfo to M Jnnson , lot 12 ,
blk 4 , Van Camp's add , vv d 400
Onto City LnudCoto II J Taylor , loti ) ,
bli 4 , llnulhornu. wd . . . . . l.fcUO
U M Hitchcock and wlfo to KM MordiuHti ,
lotl , blc 110 , Omnha. wd. . . 35,000
Windsor Pluco Itulldlng association teA
A Calm , lot- ) , Windsor I'laco e\t , w d. , t > tt )
li bchrofder , trustee , to E A Thomas , lot
7 , Din 9 , Urow n ParK , vv d Ji23
Twenty-one tranafeis , (50,173
The fjlb.vmj pjr.nlti vvaro U U3j by
Building Inspector U'lutloo'.c yostarday ;
C. B. T eo , one-story frame dwellluij ,
Twenty-gHVenth nna Ames atonuo , . . , .l 1,100
F , A. Mc > era , ono and ; i.h U-ntojy frame
dwelllnv.'Jhlrty-lltlhand I uko stroeta. 1,009
Thonmi Jlremian , two-stury frnipe resl-
deuce. 'Ihlrty-llrHt and Cuss atieets. . . . 3,001
Daniel juniors , one-etoiy fiamo dwel
ling , 'llilrty-clghth and Davenport
streets . . . . , 1,000
JoLn O'Neill , two-story frame dwelling ,
I02J Boulh ElghtoDiith street 1,400
Thomas Moran. oue-Htory frnmo dwel
ling , Spring and Chicago streets C09
Blx permits , ocreRatlng , . . . ,
fWAlHwTcAN ES , | .ilci. Ooodi for
Auption.tri 400 AgfiU. I
amK"l' ! Bt < Ji < Bpucli
lunTBtno tuTJtLoui
71B WMHIMCTOM AVI. Sr. Uuis , Ma.
Hunnlug botwceii Couucll Illnirs and Al-
irlRht. In addition to the stutons menttoKud ,
rams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
btieets , and at the biimuilt In Omah.i.
* '
I'riiH | ( ls fur Soiitti ( Jinnli t I
Sealed pi oposals will bo rocelvod up to 1 p. m.
July 10. irtiJ. for * 70.ttW funding I'ouds ; ; u bondj
or < Itwo each , 0 per cent Interest , p.iyablo uu.
nually ; bombt payable touyoarn after date ; In-
terostcupoiid attached. Above isaua of bond )
ma mudo payable nt the fiscal agency of tha
Htatii of Nulnvukv lu tilt ; city of Now York , both
inti'iust and principal All propoitils to ba
Hbiilod , dlroctvd to thoumlciijIgnudaiiduiidorHQd
"llldiiforltonds. "
Tlio commit t 'H on Iliinueo retains the right to
reject any or all Oder * . Honda cannot bo Hold
loss than par ,
Juud 13. ED , JoiiNbTU.v , Chairman.
$225 to $325.
Thexo lota are only 4 blocks from Omaha
Heights , terms $50 cash , cud 3 i" each J month * .
Ixjts are 25x1 JS. faro Houth oa lluidotta atresti
4 blutlu to car lluo ; H CAdi.
Van Beureii Heights
' Harlein Lane.
Lots 23xloO. ? : TJ cacii ; 110 cash and ( J per
month ; only & blocks to i.i/tor railway ,
I All DCUriLll , Mlh
\\t\\ \ \ \ ti < tow i | . wrll U'jul ' riJ < lop rliu .nl of Mi.
rliaulctlnnJClrll KnxInierlnK , Uuclrlclir.Clituli ,
Irr * " ll'rfln . rn nilr ; Anil l.tbarilorei ) ,
i li Latalo ue , kdJteuT. 0 , ilE.NDK.SIULL , I'M * .