Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1889, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , JTOTB 20 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNaiL BLUFFS. OFF1CK. NO 12 STIIIUJT. Delivered by carrier In Any rnrt of he City a TW only Cents Per Wcot. . . . , II. W. T1LTON. . . MANAOK1L THLUPIIONESl JlrMNEfR OrricK No. 43. NIOHT KtilToit , No.SU. N. y.Plumblnu Co. C. U. Muslo Co. , 63S B'wny. ' Keller , tailor , 810 Broadway. Evans' laundry , T24 Broadway. D.V , Otis , city and form loan * . Children's day at Chautntiqun. An unusu ally rich programme Is to bo given , Temporary Injunctions have boon granted against J. D. mid W. U. Johuson , restraining inotn from selling liquor. Building permits have boon Issued to J. U , Armstrong for "a Sl.'OO residence , and , II. I1. Nilcs , for nl,000dwelling. The old portion of Noumayer's hotel Is to bo torn down and replaced with a handsome brick structure , similar to the now portion. The Fisk Jubllco Singers will not arrive In tlmo to appear this morning nt the Chautau- nun assembly. They will , however , give ono of tholr grand concerts there this evening. A farewell tea was given Mr. nnd Mrs. William Woolworth , Monday evening , nt the residence of Wallace MoFaddon , before they left for homo , after a visit with relatives In this city. L. Wataon was brought In from Avoca Monday night by Deputy Unltod States Marshal Wyland , charged with violating the Internal revenue law. Ho Is hold to the federal - oral grand Jury. Calanlho Assembly No. 1 , Pythian Sister hood , will glvo a potiablo this evening nt the residence of Mrs. C. A. Tlbbetts , on North Seventh Blrccot. All knlghta nnd their friends , also Woodmen nnd their wives nro inritcd lo attend. Special communication of Blurt City lodge , No. 71 , A. F. & A. M. . this evening , for work in the first dcgrco. All Masons in good standing are cordially Invited to bo present. By order of the W. M. Pythlnn day nt the Chautnuquii assembly has been declared oft on account of the re fusal of General Bccson to permit the uni form rank to participate. Knights of Pythias will plcnao tiilto note of this. The trial of the harbors who violated the Sundn. law was again continued yesterday , on nccount of the attorneys being engaged in the higher courts. It Is the Intention of the defendants' attorney to stave oil tbo hearing lor some timo. In Squlro Scluirz' court yesterday after noon , "Buck" Hoberts was lined $5 nnd costs for assault nnd battery. Koberts Is ono of the fellows who , In company with a drunken prostitute , created such a disturb ance near the deaf nnd dumb Institute. Callahan , the last of the trio , Is still at largo , though the woman is sorvmg out u sentence at the city Jail. The funeral of Charles H. Ward took place yesterday afternoon from the residence , No. IO Scott street. Uov. D. U. Franklin ofllei- nled. Fidelity Council , Hoyul Arcanum , of which the deceased was a member , nttonded in n largo body , nnd accompanied the re mains to their last resting place in Falrvlow cemetery. Rogers' band gave a very enjoyable con cert in Baylias' park yesterday afternoon , which was listened to by several 'hundred people. The band then crossed thu river to Omaha , whcio they also gnva u concert , after which they returned to the Chautauqua grounds , where they will bo ono of the at tractions during the remainder of the season. Amelia , wife of William Duel ! , died nt 4 o'clock yesterday morning , nt her homo , No. 110 Vine street , ngcd sixtv-ono years. The deceased had bcuii a resident of this city for over twenty years , and was highly respected by a largo circle of friends. She had been ill for u number of years with n complication of ilisc.ucs. The funeral will tnlto place nt 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon , from the Saints' church on Pierce street. The remains will bo interred m Fuirviow cemetery , Notes and mortgages bought iindsold , money loaned ; flro iusurunco. Robert V. luncs , 80 Pearl st. The Now Ogden is catching traveling men at$2 pur day. Council Bluffs Furniture company for good goods nt low prices. 407 Broadway. S. B. Wads worth & Co. loan monoy. J. G. Tipton , roil"cstntoj 5U7 B'dway. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of All kinds , nnd all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. A Wayward Miss. Lane White , of Sioux City , returned to his homo yesterday morning from n sad mission to this city. Ills daughter , n bright young girl of sixteen years , loft her father's house u few days ngo in company with a railroader named George Winu , to whoso attentions her father objected. She went with him to Des Moincs , thence coming to this city , where they stopped at a disreputable house on Pierce street. Winu left the girl and went to Omahu , promising to return Monday evening - ing and marry her. Ho failed to come , but her father arrived on the evening train , and after a long search found her. She ngrocij to return homo if her conduct was forgiven. The desired forgivncss was extended , and the father uud daughter departed yesterday morning. Winn has not showed up yet , and It is bc- lloved that ho willfully deserted the girl after accomplishing her ruin. Steam und hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work in both cities. JOHN GIL- SJKHT , Cm Pearl street , Council Bluffs. IJavo our wagon call for your celled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Sulcndld bargains at Marcus' clothing utoro before removal to now building. C. B. Trunk Factory moved to Chapman's old stand , Largest trunk factory m west. Personal J. P. Filbert and family Imvo gene to I.c- Mars on a vacation trip. II. II. Pollock nnd wife have returned from n week's trip eastward. Mr. Polio oil has applied himself BO closely to his desk as to need u little rest , und it Is gratifying to know that it has given him renewed vUur. Miss Junot Stevenson , who has been at tending the Uhautuuiiua , leaves to-day foi her homo In Ansley , Nob. Bodino roofing will last longer and plya bettor Biitisfnctlon than any roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , and nmuos a perfectly solid joint on the oiii tir9 roof. Uirklnbino Engineering nnd Cupply company , 115 Pearl street , Coun cil DlulTs , la. Bochtclo hotoi , central location , flrstchiss The 1'iilluo Grist , Judge Aylcsworth's gi 1st was lighter than usual yesterday morning. J. A. Montgom ery , a fugitive from Justice in Moironc county , being chnijjoi with assault , was ur < rested and orduicd held to await the arrival of oflicers from there. John Mcnghcr hud his case for assault and battery continued until this morning. Charles Gorman , n loafer around the Union Pnciflo freight yards , was nm in , clmnjethvlth stealing lunch fioin the Jlnnui palls of the night crowa. Vlo SiulowsUI't dinner pall had been stolen by snmu unfeeling ing thief , and complaint wan lodged ug.ilnbl Gorman , who hud been ucen hanging mount the yards for several nights. It developed was not the culprit , and ho was ac cordingly discharged. A dcscrlpton of the real thief was furnished thu police , ami h ( will bo towed In If ho shows hluibclf In the city.A . A vng and three drunks wcro numbcrcc Huong the culprit * , uud contributed to tut city's ' exchequer. IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Ohautauqua Continues to Fur- uleh Rich Treats to Tontora. MOTLEY CASES IN THE COURTS. The Olailwlns Still Mlsslnc Another liulldlne For the Mutes A Ilminwny Alnld I'c- llco 1'olnts. At the Clmutniiaun around ) ) . Yesterday was another enjoyable nnd highly auccoEstul day ut the Cliautauqun grounds. The nrogrammo of the day was most interesting , and the nttcndnnco was much larger than the weather warranted , plainly demonstrating the Interest felt In the movement by these who attend. It Is now apparent that a largo amount of money must bo raised for n larger and more Inter esting programme for next year , to keep public interest growing. It will also bo nec essary to expend n largo sum in beautifying the giounds , nnd all citizens will at once sco the need of promptly responding when called upon to contribute. AtfliiiO assembly morning prayers , led by Hev. E. L. Elton. At 8 n. m. liov. J. T. Docking conducted the boys nnd girls class ut tent No. JJ. Uov. J. C.V. . Coxo mot < ho llrst year's normal class nt tent No. 2. At t ) Uov. W. E. Tranter , with the inter mediate boys and girls class , and Dean Wright , with imsembly.blble study , made the following hour most interesting. Then , nt ID , the chorus class and tbo advanced class In elocution , led by Prof , Cumnock , at tent No , " , crowded that hour. All of the above features will continue at the same hours through the week. Prof , Cumnock Is nn nblo elocutionist , in that he teaches by the natural method. At U n. m. Mr. Peter von Flnklestoln , of Jerusalem , Palestine , gave the lirst of n series of illustrated lectures on his native land , subject , "Tho Bedouins of Palestine. " He has n huge supply of wood ornaments on sale at the C. L. S. C. headquarters. At 1:80 : Dean Wright's Greek class met m the Greek room. Dr. Montgomery lectured on "Tho Best of Life. " Al 2:80 : the inimitable and only Frank Board gave his llrst chalk talk. In the pres ence of an * enthusiastic audience. Dean Wright lectured at the "round tent" nt 4 p. in. before the ministers' Institute. Atr > Prof. Cooper delivered his second lee- tuio on ' 'Samuel jiVdams. " The chorus class rehearsal was given at 7. At8'OProf. : J. B. Do Mott lectured on "Fiom the Ox Cart to the Vestibule Train. " A goodly number of people carne in yester day. Others , who expected to bo only tran sient visitors , nro sending homo for their baggage , finding the assembly too rich to lose. The following Is the programme for to-day : 8:00 : n. m. .Junior boys' und drift'normal , Congregational tent , Uov. James T. Dock ing ; llrst year's normal , tent No. 1 , Dr. J. C. W. Coxe. 0:00 : n. m. Assembly Blblo study , taber nacle , Dean Wright ; intermediate boys' and girls' class , Congregational tsnt. " 10.00 a. m. Chorus class" tabernacle , Prof. C. C. Case ; ministers' class in elocution , tent No. 2 , Prof. Cumnock. 11:00 : a. m. Lecture. Mr. Peter M. Von Finkicstoln , "City Ltfo In Jerusalem , " with illustrations of manners and customs by impersonations in elegant costumes. 1:80 p. m. Volco culture , tabernacle , Prof. C. C. Case ; New Testament. Greek , Dean Wright. 2:03 : p. m. Lecture , Mr. Frank Beard , a chalk talk with crayon sketches drawn in the presence of the audience. 3:80 : p. m. Contort , the assembly chorus end Uogers'band , under the direction of Prof. C. C. Case. 1:00 : p. in Ministers' institute ; lecture , Uov. James T. Docking , DCS Moincs , la. , "How to reach and hold our young people. " 5:00 : p. m. C. L. S. C. lecture , Prof. C. H. Cooper , "Andrew Jackson and his reign. " 7:00 : p. m. Concert , the famous Fisk Jubilee singers , Nashville , Tenn. ' 8:80. : p. m. Lecture , Prof. John DoMotto , "Tho witchery of a glance , or how n beam of light tolls its story. " Notice the loautiful linish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ollleo cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Call on the Birkiuhino Engineering and Supply compan'y , 115 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , la. , and examine the Bodino roofing. It will pay you ; sam ples sent on application. In Court. Several raoro of the criminal cases that wcro to have been ti led at this term of court have been continued until next terra , which convenes August 27. New cases , which will have to bo tried this term , ara constantly coming in , and for this reason cases where the defendant is out on ball are continued , in order that the term may not bo stretched out too long and run Into the summer vacation. The cases against Charles Sayles for sell ing mortgaged property ; Hans Peters , George Fiorhauken ; Andrew | Loreuson , charged with receiving stolen property ; W. II. Leonard , forgery , and Thomas Broolcs. murder , nro among these already continued until the next tcim. The cases against Shields and Casey , for assaulting James Connors , was still on trial yesterday. The next case to bo called Is that of State vs Shannon , who was also one of the gang which assaulted Connors. J. J. Shoa , csij. , has been prosecuting the case for the past low days. County Attorney Organ being occupied with the grand Jury. A Mussy Houqcliold. The notorious Gladwlns continue to bob up serenely In court nt regular Intervals of from twenty-lour to forty-eight hours , Tholr lust appearance was yesterday , when n warrant was tiled In 'Squire ' llendricks' court by Bertie Wilson , chaighig Mrs. Amelia Gladwln with larceny. The defend ant is ttio sister of the plaintiff , and is al leged to have HtolCn thu property of the lat ter that was loft in the house on Fourth nvcnuo at the tlmo of the lattci's flight from the wrath of the other woman. It will he icmeiubcred that Mrs. Gladwiu charged her husband with adultery and the sister with lowdncss , but neither of the cases was pros ecuted. The sister alleges that Mrs. Glaawin re fused to allow her to have possession of her clothcv , but appropriated thorn to her own use. The value of the pioporty alleged to have been stolen Is placed ut $1050. The case was called before 'Squire llendricks about 2 o'clock. G. A. Holmes appeared for thu ifiulntlff and Emniott Finloy fur the de fense. The trial of the cuso attracted sev eral spectators , who reveled In the disgust ing testimony introduced. Glad win wut in uUemlunco to looic after the Interests of hiu Blbter-lii'luw and light the case against his wife. No "When persons keep cool and use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , ronslor und bakcovon. Costs 7 conta nor hour when running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. \Volhnun , jo wolor , moved toC38B'y , D. ' . C. C. Hnzon , dentist , Opera house block. 9 'In Tonoli tlio Infant Men , Tim school hoard hold a special meeting last evening , for tlio puiposn of circling teachers for the ensuing year. Contrary to general expectation , there was no wrangling whatever. Tlio mutter of making out u list I mil been loft to the touchers' committee1 , Messrs. Hunter nnd Schocnticn ; , und this list was promptly afllnneil In n very few minutes after it wus. road. No charges wcro made , and the whole nuiLbcr declared elected. The following 1& the list for the next next ; Missus Barbara Aadorsou , Ada Ames- worth , Carrlo Alexander , Klttlo nuscholl , Eftlo Bolatl , Janle Baldwin , Stella Baldwin , Ellfi Boyer , Ena Barstow , Maggie Brilton , Mnrla Boll , Sue Bndollot , Myrtle Bonrdmnn , Kato Blaxslm , L.l7zto CronUor , Annlo Chamberlain , Myrllo Cnrrothcr * , Joslo Clnuson , Mnlo Chapman , Sadlo Canal , Hcttlo Davis , Mamio Dale. Mary Davenport , Mary Duncan , Cnrrlo GofT , Dora Grass , IwOii Graves , Iva Ilnttonhnusor , llouorta Hnttcnlmuscr , Jcnnlo Howe , Nnnniollnrdln , Mlnnlo Hansun , Kato Holder , Efllo Moon , Cccolln Mulquoon , Mary Mlthon.Mnntn Man- gum , Mary McMtltnn , Ktta McMahon , Clara Meyers , Ella Mclntosh , Anna Mlko- sell. Jenlo Pile , Kato Payne , Vernlo Uoy- nolds , Ernstmo Stcphan , Joslo Shea , Clara Southwell , Qraco Swearlngen , May Sims , Sarah Shields , Bcsslo Snyder , Mary Finloy , Virginia White , Willie White. Kate Wlckhnm , Willie Wlckhnm. Llcla Young , Carrlo.urmuehlcn , Ida Xlpf , Mrs. I. F. Ware , Mrs. fizzle Gioason , Mr. ti. B. Armstrong. Writing tcachor , Mrs. E. A. Hlssor ; musio teacher , Mrs. M. J. O'Neill. Substitutes Misses Katlo Morris , iluldn Luchow , Carrlo Hcun. The high school corps was not elected last ovcnlnir. The list above given has simply been elected , nnd their positions have not yet been assigned. A Now Slut0 The contracts for furnishing the malarial for the now Industrial hall at the Deaf and Dumb Institute were lot yesterday after noon. The now building will bo Mx-10 feet , nnd will eventually form the center of tlio Industrial hall. The south wing , USxOO feet , Is already occupied , and a similar wing will bo erected on the north of the now part some lime In the future. The work this year will bo done by the day. It is estimated that the now nddlllnu will cost about $0OiX ) , and the Increased facilities will bo suftlclcnt for Bonn ) tlmo to come. City steam laundry , 81 Main , tol. 14 Dnkntrx Militiamen In Cnnip. YANinoK , Dak. , Juno -Special [ Tolo- grain to Tin : Bcr. . ] Company D , Second regiment Dakota National Guards from Elk Point , arrived hern ut 0:80 : last night , and tno members were the guests of company E for the night. At 0:30 : this mornl.ig both companies took the Northwestern for Water- town whore they will go into camp. Both companies are composed of good material and made nn excellent appearance as they marched to the depot. Company E has been working bard and will make a desper ate effort to return from Wntcrtown with some of the trophies of war. A Fatal Saloon Itnw. LEAH CITY , Dak. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKE.I Dennis McCarthy , n carpenter of this place , now lies at the point of death from the effects of two dangerous wounds inflicted upon his person last even ing by James Long , n hotel man of this city. The two men became engaged in nn oncoun- tor'whilo In a saloon , and the stabbing was the result. The xvounds wore Inflicted by a largo Jack-knife , Long being perfectly sober ntthotimo ho committed the deed. Long ban lied the country nnd oflicers are in pur suit. Homeopaths in Session. UTILIS , Juno 25. At the opening session of the American Institute nf Homeo pathy at Luke Minnctouka this forenoon , about ono hundred and fifty delegates worn present. The meeting was called to order by President Talcott , of Middlrtown , N. Y. Dr. J. E. Sawyer , of St. Paul , extended the Institute welcome on behalf of the Minnesota State Institute of Homeopathy. VnnUton'H Seworniro System. YANKTOX , Dale. , June 25. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bee. ] The bonu of Mr. Sykes , conti actor for the Yankton sewerage system , has been llxcd at 8-30,000 , nnd ho will com mence work nt once , some of the matciiial having already arrived. Sioux Commission nt Niobrnrn. NioiiitAiu , Neb. , 25. [ Special Tele gram to TiiixBr.n. ] The Sioux commission ers stopped hero last night on their way to the Santee agency. There they will moot with little opposition. Prevention nnil Cure. The Greek professor Pares ! hns found in the militant ! pulp of the cocanut a specific for tapeworm. Treat tired or inflamed eyes with a bath of warm water live parts and witch ha/ol ono part three times a day. Olive oil saturated with camphor makes an excellent application for in- llanmtion swellings , also for rubbing rheumatic joints. A strip of flannel or a napkin wrung out of Hot water and applied around the neck of a child that has croup will usual ly bring relief in ton minutes. For excc'-sivo perspiration of the feet ono part of alum with two parts of alyc- orino should bo rubbed on the foot at night nnd a light , opan sosk worn. In the morning the feet should bo washed with tepid water. A simple remedy for foot sprains is to slide the fingers under the foot , and having previously greased both thumbs press them successively with increasing force over the painful parts for about a quarter of an hoi'r.This process should bo repeated several times udtil the pa tient is able to walk. Nervousness from exhaustion is often treated successfully by a diet consisting largely of milk and oggs. Two quarts of milk and several fresh raw eggs daily have boon consumed. There is to bo no cooking either. Plenty of driving in the open air , if warm , walks in the woods ai.d gentle exorcises are to bo employed. Ales , beers , wines , iron and phosphorous are not needed. The amount of protoplasm or living matter in afrcbh uncooked egg is great cooking kills it , and it bus to bo made alive again by the processes of diges tion. tion.Wherever Wherever gas from Bowers or the emanations from a leaking drain , a cesspool or a fouled well , make their way into a houfaothe inmutcs are in imminent danger of an outbreak of typhoid fever , diphtheria , or other fob- r'ilo ailment classed together under the term of.ymotlc , " not to speak of minor illness and depressed vitality , the connection of which with sewer gas is now fully established. Sewer gas enters a house most rapidly at night , when outer doors and windows are shut , and is then more potent in contamiat- ing meal , tno milk , and the drinking water , and in poisoning the inmates. A well-known dentist once baid : "If the lirst teeth are taken care of they will last usually until the child has gained stronjrth and material fora well- developed second sot with the enamel perfect. Then wo would hear less about bad teeth and toothache. If the enamel of tooth is imporfost the bono is exposed - posed , and very soon decays. A childs ! tooth should bo brushed regularly from the time he is twenty months old. . This is none too young , and the second sot will bo all the stronger. Even a very small child will enjoy brushing his own tenth 'f ghon a brush , and If the habit is enjoined on him daily ho will clean his tiny teeth as regularly us you do your own. No houbo should bo without its bottle of nrnica. It in indispensable in cubes of cuts , burns and bniiboss and in car- ache it is apoverign cure. As soon us any soreness is felt in the ear which feeling almost always precedes the rog- ultir "aoho" lot four or IIvo drops of tincture of arnica bo poured in , and then the orilluo filled with a Utlo cotton to exclude the air. In u short time the uncasincbs is forgotten. If the arnica is not resorted to until there isachml pain tlio cure iniiv not bo go speedy , but it la jubt as certain. If one application does not ollcct a cure It will bo necosbary to repeat It , it may bo several times. It is a biiro priivenllvo for gathering in the en i1 , which iu the usual cause of eur- uche , Clubbed His Swpctlirnrt to Death. RocncsTRR , N. Y. , Juno 25. A Union" special gives an account of n murder which took place near Oak Orchard , a small village seven miles north ot Medina , last evening , Eugene Emery , n farm hand aged about lorty , Had boon paying considerable attention tb Corn , the thirteen' year-old daughter of John Grimes , a farmer of that place. Tticv giH's parents forbade Emery going with her , ana last evening , when her father and mother wore away , Emory entered the house and clubbed Cerate to death , The murderer , escaped nnd was not arrested until this rooming. Great ex citement prevails. SlARTLiNTEVIDENCE Of the Cure of Skttt Disease vltcn nl other Methods Fall , 5 yenro. covcrlnc face , liontl mill entire body with \vhtto Hcnbs. Skin retl , ( toy mill bleeding , llnlr nil cone. Hpcnt liumlrmls nf Unl- Ini-s. 1'ronouncoit Inournlilc. Cured by Outloiirn Homed ten. My dlsonBO ( psoriasis ) first broke out on my loft chuck , spreading across my nose , anil nlmopt covuriuff my f co. It run Into my eyes , anil the physician wns afraid I would loose my oyoMght nltogcthor. It spread all over my hcnit , nnd my hnlr all fell out. until 1 was en tirely battMicndod ; It then liroko out on my arms unil shoulders , until my arms \\oro juit onoHoie. It covered my ontlro body , my face , head anil shoulders being the worst. 'J ho wlilto BciiOs fell constantly from my head , shoulders niul arms : tlio skin vrould thicken and bo red nnd very Itchy , and would crack and bleed If scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars , I was pronounced Incurable. 1 heard of thuCUTicuitA UKMII : > IIH , anil after using two bottles CirrtcmtA Ithsoi.vRNT , I could sco n change ; anil after I had taken four bottlcn , I was almost cured ; and when Iliad used HX bottles tles or CimemiA IU-HOI.VIINT nnd ono box ol CUTICUKA , and ono ciiku of CUTICUIIA. SOAP , f \\as cured of the dreadful disease from which I hail BiHTiroil for Hvo years , i thought tbo Uls- CHSO would leave a very deep scar , but the CUTI- cuut ItiiMKDiKs cured It without any scnra. 1 rnnuot express with a pen wnat I suffered bo- foio Using the CtlTlcmiA UKMKUIK" . They waved my llfo , ntut I foul It my duty tolrcccom- mnnd thorn. My hair Is restored ns good us over , and sols my eyesight. 1 know of a num ber nfdlllorcnt persons \\lio have used the Cu TCUHA UKMM > IE , and all liavo received great boncllt from their usu. usu.MUS. . HOSA KULIA' . Kockwell City , Cnlhoun Co. , Iowa. CtniCUHA HEMICDIEB Ouro every species of agonizing , humourous itching , bleeding , burning , scaly , blotchy nnd pimply diseases of tlio Hkln. scnlu and blood- \\lth loss of linir , from plmplos to scrofula , ex cept possibly Ichthyosls. Sold everywhere. 1'rlcc. CUTICUIIA , 60c ; SOAV , 25c. ; KSKOI.VKNT. tl. Prepared by tlio I'OTTEllDaUfl iVCllKMICAUCOUI'OItAMIO.N , llOS- ton. ton.tgSouil for "How to Cnro Skin llsn.isns , " 60 , 5U Illustrations , nnd 10J testimonials. MI'LES , black-heads , chapped and oily skin prevented by CUTICUIIA MEIHOATKII 8 ( > Ai > . NO RHEUMATIZ ABOUT ME , JN ONKMiNUTnTiu : CtiTiruiiA AN TI-PAIN I'nASTiut relieves Klionma tlz. Sciatic , hip , khliiey , muscular . and chest p ilus. The llrst and only am-ltlllln ? , Strengthening l' l&stcr. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED A Rood dining room girl at Homo restaurant. iU7 Uromlwny. _ FOR HUNT A second story front room , wit nlcovo : well furnished ; bath. Heforonces exchanged. lUl'JOd ' nvo. . Council lllults. WANTED Flvo men to solicit for tlio So- curHr lUilhlln , ' Mill Lonn assojlatlon of Minneapolis. Liberal compensation. Cull on or nridres.t IM K. Wnrll. mnuuger , Ugdon lloubc. Council lllttirs. i i ANTED A llrst class cook at the Iowa In- stltutloa for the education of the ilout unil dumb. Apply In parsia or by letter to llonry W. Hothert. Sujierintondent. WANTED 500 nieces OK second-hanil carpet. ale all good aoconil-nanil furniture. A. J. Mundel. tioa. iUlnntl TO llroqilwuy. _ imOR KXCIIANan-BavoVal good farms to ox Jj change for Council Illuirs lots. Johnston & Van I'atteu , Everett block. AHAItn obanca -asplonillil Investmunt , renulrlnp ; onewy rather than larso capital. A fortune for the rlidit num. Half Interest In the llnmt practical pitent ever Issued. Address - dross tin tin & Walker , 4 1'ourl street , Council llluira. _ TjToil KENT Store room. No. 18 Main St. -U alter July 1. N. C. James , 10 Peirl st. "OUAIj ESTATE Nought nnd sola and ex- JLli change. ! . Spoclal attention Klrun to exam ination ot titles. W. C. James , No. II ) Pearl st. . Council UluffB. SAM ! 7 room cottage , corner Tnlrd avenue and 9th at. Easy terms. W. C. James , 10 Penrist. T710U HUNT Hasy terms two now five-room -t ? houses , Kith avo. between Hlgn and Third sts. Sell cheap if taken this rrcok. Inquire owner. J. Plcltpy. 740 II. Way. _ "IT10H 8 VtiE Old establlsBcd Ronoral mer- JL : chaudlso business. stocK , nxturos. wagons , etc. Qood room nnd low rent. Address , J. Ulckey. 710 II. Way _ OH KENT Furnlsn r unf urnlshod large ten-room house , bath room , gas , furnace. etc. . at fil3 Willow ave. Enquire at premlsos.or Q. II. Stlllmnn. llrown block. _ ITUtESH nillkcows for site or traita for fat JJ cowa. Span's stock yards , Uupor IJroad- way. Frank Swan , Eon KENT Largo double ollico over Frank Levin's cigar store , OJIJro ail way. Inqulra of Frank Luvm WANTED Everybody In the city to remem ber Mandol's bargain furniture store la the place to buy your goods. 3 and Ifllroad - way. THOU HUNT Three uufurnlsliod rooms bult JL } able for light housekeeping. Ml 3rd avenue Below wo ghc mimes of n few of the many 1'alrons of the Insurance Co. In Council ( Huffs aud vicinity. The character of the luuous named , und the amount on- trustBd bv each to thu protection of the com pany. Indicates the contldenco enjoyed by It at homo uhero Us numiior of doing business Is be t known. CU. Ulllln J 40,000 I.unoy Bros. & Co 37,000 Clmrfes llauflm Tfl.000 H.I'.Morrow 10.0W John llennett t',750 William O'llulleran V.70J Charles Hhlolds 7,700 N. W.Nusn 7 , : 0 I. A. Miller o.OX ( ) ( JeorgoA. Fry ,000 Henry Illaeman AcCo r.,0 ) hmiBiirt.Walt&Wles i-.too 15.1 . bhugart 4r.,000 ItnniAu Cuthollo Church 40 , X HmnnnCathollo Churcli. Westphalia. . . . 40,0110 Carroll County Court House , . , 83,103 Abtntt & Coojier KI.OOO Ht. TrancU Academy XO.OJO Cr.iver. Stoelu is AiiBtln yo.OTU T. M , O. Logan / ll.'lOO ' Deere , Wolfs & Co , 10'JUO Oeorgo M. Williams ; * U.COO 8.1) . K'ohles ' . . . , H.OO ) O. U. Carpenter t. . . . 8,700 .MiXbonlu Temple i O.tUO Motculf Ilros i t 0 , C. A. HooueA Co r.,000 8.K Keller . . . a.600 W nicK When our policy exceeds on property subject to destruction by a single lire , the excess la re-luuurea in other companies. J. M. PALMSB IIABTIU : cupiqifsr LOT of SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city , nilt edged opportnultlfs to imme diate Investors undliomo Bcoitem , liO Pearl St. . Coiincll Illnirs. OVKULnNniill & CIllJII N Are thoroughly prepared to take earn of horses and currKWH ot nil visitors to thu lake. Plenty of siiodBuwlHtalls. and anlmulH and rarrlageo wlllboiiafely cured for. Cnnrces roaaoaablo. AcrommoduttiiK hostlurd un hand night anil duv. When you drive to the Luke , don't forgot "OLD 1 > AO. " AO.ASONIC. . Insure In tlio U. S. Musonlo Ueiiovolent Associntloii of Counell IlIuirK , In. , the , largest , clieaiii'st niul lit-st plan of Miisonln Iiihiir.inco In the \\orld. that coullues its laemberbLli ) to ltd fruk'niltjr. a PAPER HANGINGS. AND Artistic Decorations ! AT PETER G. MILLER'S. ' Nos. II and 13 Pearl St. A BIG LOT OF YELLOW JERSEY and Nansamond SWEET POTATOES Cnblxi o niul Other Vegetable Plants. FOH SAI.C By J , R , McPHERSON , GROWER , Vegetables , Vegetable Plants , Fruits Etc , Tierce St. Council Itluirs. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. I ! . .BU ! > D , No. 27 Main Street , Over JTuequciuiiiN Jotvclry8toro The Most Modern Novolitla In 1 DON'T ' MT THE EARTH ! OH , NO ! But wo do want the people of Western Iowa to know that the GREAT BARGAIN SHOE STORE NO. 100 AIA.1N ST. , Cor. First Avenue , earn the Itirpest stock of BOOTS and SHOES in this city. Tint wo always load in popular prices. That persons wanting1 reliable goods can save money by tradintr with us. S. A. PI BUCK. DH , McOANELQ & CD , , Hides , Tata , Pelts , Woolfi Furs , Highest m arket prices. Prompt returns. Nos 0 aud8v > 2 Main St. , Council llluns. Iowa 2 TUOS. OFFICCIt. W. n. M. Pass OFFICER & PUSEr , BANKERS. Corner Main nnd Broadway , COUNCUj FFB , IOWA. Dealers in foreign and domestic exchange. Collections made uud Interest paid on tlmo da- posits. _ _ _ _ _ _ HowLookoui Moths ADesmestes CKYST A It consists of MIOW white Hakes. A produc tion from Coal Tar. pnHFUCn.V I1AIIM- LK5S. 1'reo from oil , acid or any substance that would harm the most dollcata fabric or feather. It uvitpoiotos without luuvlnit any lehlUno. HVclllH moths while camphor merely drhcs them away. K. J. KKt\fil'jt'it Solo Agent , Council llluirs , THE QUAKER A. A. fllAKT. Prop. Honest Watches , Clocks , Jowalry and 81 Ivor wuiu. All cleaning and repairing under pur Boiml supervision ot the proprietor , btatloner y Toilet articles and 1'orfumory. I'lno Watcha a Time Locks and Chronometers a Hpsclalty , 110 MAIN' ST. , Council lllitirs. CENTRAL' LIVERY STABLE. W. ti I ATT < KV , Elegnnt Rifs nt Itoiibonublo Rates , Noa. 19 mid 21 , North Muiu Street. Council Dluffs , Iowa. GAPT. HAYS' LIVERY. 12:10 : imovmvAV. Centrally locatml livery and boarding fctablo Heat accommodations In thu city. Special at- tcntlon to tiuusleiit cuntom. AV. A. IIA.XS , I'rop. Tolppliono Suiblp , 77. lies. 8UO. J. D , UOUUNUDOV. 15. L. SlIUOAIIT. Pius. Vice Pro ti CIMH. K. lUNKAN , C slijer. CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or COUNCIL ui.urra. Paid Up Capital . 1 1W - ; Burpliis . ai , W.UJ. Liabilities to Depositors. KJ mW.OO. niHECTOUH-1. A. Miller. I' . O. ( llcuson , H. L. Bhut'ort , H. H. Hart , J. 1) . IMmuniUon. Chan. It. llanuau. 'IVausact ceanrJl bankliiK mislneM , LarKett capital and mirpliu of uny bank in . western Iowa. litt r it on time deju.ulu , BURKE'S ADDITION 66 tt . * a , 10 IS. 0 "o ' * * ' - A'-- - A'venue tr"o ! tr 10 , It. 13 , 6. 7. 6. 5. 3. W THE CHOICEST GROUND FOR RESIDENCE IN TIIK WUSTllItX I > AKT OT Till : CI'B'V. About fifteen minutes ride on the motor to Douglas Si. , Onmlm. They lie on a level but elevated sirip of ground , about 300 yards from the now motor line to Omaha. They are less than ono and one-half miles from the Council Bluffs postoflicc. Nearly twice as large aa most of the newly platted lots. Good uublio schools near by. The proposed Boulevard bounds it on the north. TITLES Perfect. ABSTRACT Printed abstract and Warranty Deed with each lot. GRADE Examine these lots with reference to the grade before buying a lot. The ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade iil-Mio , if you buy ono of these lots. TERMS To a good class of purchasers a limited number of lots will bo sold for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly payments without interest. Apply to J. J. Brown Building , 1110 Pearl St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : IOWA. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. . BO OKS YOU OUGHT TO CONSULT THIEJ SIZES FROM Especially Adapted ftr ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT- Bpecincjitlotunml ontlmntcs furnHhcil for rompleto nlctm pliint . Ilojnlntloii , Diimlilllty KUunintooJ. . Ciin show Ic-Uors from usorn wlioro f not economy Is wjnii wllli Corll Non.iiiiileiiilnjr. . E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Bond for catalogue. No. 510 Pourl Rtrcot , Council Bluffs. You Are invited and While In the city do not fail'to call on tlio store and see the finest nnd best Music Hnll oi ) the Mo. slope. Come and tnke a loolc nt our Inrge stock of Pianos and Organs and nil kinds of musical instru ments up stairs and down stairs. 103 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic mid Sanitary Kiitfinoor. Plans , Estimates H SpoalflcntloiiB. SupcrviBion of TublioVorlf. . lirown iJuildiiife' , Council UlulTs , Iowa. _ M l I p 7 Justice of the Peace. OIHco over American Express , NoTTT Norv . Ilroadwity , Council HlulTtf , Iowa. _ CTHMLT P. QIR/IQ / AttornoyB-ut-Uiw. Practice in the State and Fed O I UlNL Ot OIIVIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 und 8 SUuttart-Doiio 131ook , Council I3lulTs , Iowa. U CTII I M A IVI Attornoy-iU-Lnw. Room I , Hocond Floor , Hrowu , Mi O I ILLIYIAIl niook , llol'ourlSt. , Council HlulTH , la. Will nrmitlcu in Ktato iiud Federal Gourts. _ RS , BELLI NGER" & BELLI N6ER--ffi ± ISvna Sua'oou9 <