Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    w > p < ipip T ' ' Twr ! f'f < " * rr
THE OMA&A iAiL\r ) teJgK ! WEDNESDAY , JUNE 20 , 5
They Are tNow Complete and on
Oinnlin I'roniiaCtl One of the Most
llonutirul and Imposing Sfrtic-
turcH of the Kind In
tlio Country.
To Cost n Million nnd n Ilnlf.
Messrs. Vnn Hrunt ft Howe , of
City , the arcliltccts thnt were engaged to
draft plans for a union depot for Onmtm , ar
rived yesterday with complete plans of the
building. Yesterday nflernoon tliu ground
plans , Including n cut of ttio building proper ,
wore put on exhibition in the show windows
of Dewey & Stone , on Fornam street , nnd
thousands of pedestrians paused nnd carefully -
fully surveyed the outlines of a structure
which , when completed , will. surpass any
thing of the kind west of and including Chi
The ortlclnls of the Hurllnfiton nnd
Union Pacific met yesterday afternoon
nnd modified the plnlismaking slight
changes In the Interior compartments.
The plans are drafted , In which n pro
vision for a viaduct spanning Tenth
street Is incorporated , on an entirely Inde
pendent basis from that of uny other build
ing of lllto character. The viaduct , is that
portion of the project which the railroad
companies will call upon tlm city to look
nftor. As was exclusively stated In Tun
BBK , the company will n k the city to build
ttio viaduct nnd nupnmchcs. Tlio following
details in connection with the depot were
submitted by Chief Engineer Liougc , of tlio
Union Pacific :
"Tho complication of tracks , grades and
nppronchcs at the railroad center of Omulm
Is so great that the problem of locating auU
erecting there a union passenger station , In
the best position nnd most convenient form ,
Is besot with serious illfllctiltlns. In the en
deavor to solve- these in the hostniunnor the
engineers nni i.rcliltectsof the Union Pacific
nave spent several years in making n scries
of experimental studies , drnwlntrs and esti
mates , resulting Dually in th < jproject now
submitted , .is most nearly reconciling the
interests of the city and of tlio roads and as
presenting the most convenient niul most
effective buildlug practicable , under the cir
"Tlio schoino thus developed Involves ,
first , the retention of the present train house ,
I2xUO ( : ! , which structure is In good.condition ;
second , the extension of it eastward
by the addition of six bays , this
making the total length -HIS foot ; third ,
the closing in of tlio openings of the train
house at tno ends by an architectural scrcnn
of glass nnd Iron ; fourth , the building of n
lean-tp along the whole north side opening
into it by a ncrics of nrchcs , thus increasing
the total width of the train house by forty
feet , accommodating two or more trucks nnd
masking the present unpresentable north
front with now construction ; and , llnallv.
the construction of a new main building
along the south side of the extended , train
house , fifty-four feet witlo and 403 feet long ,
and three stories high.
"In this main building the express ofllcos ,
the baggage department und the emigrant
waiting rooms nro amply accommodated in
the basement on the track level , where ,
also , are placed the depot muster , the
postofllco department , the Pullman
and train supply rooms , and other
ofllccs immediately connected with tlio
handling of the trains and management of
the station ; in the first or principal story are
assembled the grcut central waiting hall , 40
xlOO , with the ticket , Pullman and telegraph
onices , news and chock stands , and other
conveniences of travel , the separate waiting
rooms for men nnd women , willi toilet rooms
connected , the barber shop , tlio dining room
and restaurants , with their dependencies ,
and borne of tlio railroad ofllccs which re
quire to bo'near the public ; und in the second
end storynro groups.of oflieos for the sov-
eral'compnr.ies ' using the station , all abun
dantly supplied with light , air and sanitary
accommodations , nnd of size and number
suWeloiuly ample to meet the present and
prosuectivo requirements of railroad ser
vice."Tho most Important point of convenience
to bo provided for in such a building as this ,
thronged as it will bo with arriving and departing -
parting crowds , is such an arrangement of
plan that tbo human tides in both directions
shall not conllict , and that the means of en
trance and exit to and from the building for
incoming and outgoing passengers bhull'be
made so evident that the possibility of Tins-
toke or misdirection shall bo reduced to n
minimum. To this end , from tno Tenth
street viaduct , which should bo 100 feet wide
nnd Is 2"i feet high over the whole system of
tracks , a foot bridge , 72 feet long and 31 feet
wide , is thrown across to an archway en-
tranc.o in a clock tower , which forms the
leading feature at the west end of the build
ing. From this archway a broad Might o (
etops leads downward under the tower to the
first or main story , connecting there , through
a voHtlbulu nnd longitudinal corridor , with
tbo system of public waiting hulls and afllccs ,
and from this landing still further down
ward to the platform of the train house , on a
level with the basement , for the uccommodtv
tlon ot passcnuors leaving the station uftoi
arrival by train.
"Tho sumo bridge communicates with n
round barbican tower containing a subor
dinate stair case for the use of the business
ofllces on the thrco floors. Direct outside
approach for foot passengers und carriages
to the contra ! hall is also obtained by another -
. , other and much raoro Important bridge or inK -
K clinea way , forty-live feet wide , leading bj
f\ \ easy slope to n platform opposite the middle
of the south facade ; a bridge is thrown ovoi
the Intervening tralUo way to the great cen
tral southern entrance on tlio lint story ,
From this platform this inclined viaduct do
Bceuds farther to the track level to acconi
inodato the baggage , express nnd hucK ser
vice in this tralllo way or street , whicti IE
forty feet wldo , extends the whole length ol
the south fucndo and connects with the bag-
gaga and express , delivery nnd reception
doors in ttio basement.
"From tbo control hull Interior communi
cation with the track platform is obtained bj
n grand , double , btono staircase , lighted frorr
above und descending behind an arcade in
the center of the south wall of the train
bouso to a vestibule which opens througt
archways to the trains on ono side , nnd oc
the other to the checking counter of the bag
gaga department.
' Five trucks arc carried through the malt
train house- and twn through the northcrt
annex. The platform of the main trait
houSe is Si foot wide. From its west em
rises the beforo-mcntioncd stone stairs t <
the tower entrance nnd bridge. From tin
tnlddlo ascend the broad stops to the contra
ball , and near the cast end convenient stair :
* invite to the lunch counter und dining roou
in the Hrst story. In this way whatever In
convcnionclcH may bo attributed to hnvini
tbo principal passenger accommodation on :
etory above the track platform arc , it I
hoped , in a great measure obviated , If nol
entirely removed.
"It will bo perceived that as an architcc
tural composition the present train house I
entirely onvcloi > od in now constructions , am
and that the uuvv main building , with It
great lateral extent , Its towers at the wea
end , its bridges and bays , all constructed o
a large and permanent scale , giveopportun
itv for effect rnroly equalled In rullroai
work , It is proposud to construct thos
buildings In face brick , with red sandstou
dressings , the basement being entirely o
. . BtODO.
1 "Tim Inclined viaduct will enable the cabl
V system of street cars to connect with all th
mam entrances of ttio station. The platforms
. v vrbi'ro they extend east and west outsida o
* the train house , will bo covered byahcds.
i "The main architectural difficulty occur
in pluclnu n building so largo and Importan
on n level i5 I'eot below the nearest stroe
viaducts. This bus necessitated omphusiz
ing the west fucado toward Tenth street b
grouping fvo towers at this point , ono o
which la of such considerable height (20 (
fact ) as to bo conspicuous from all parts o
the city. A further attempt bus also bee ;
made to render that part of the arcliltcctur
vrhich Is seen from the highest nolgbborin
lords of street approach as complete as pos
iblo In Itself , In order to avoid the sunkc
effect in the building. It is to bo observe
that tlio perspective presentation assume
tbo position of the spectator at an impossldl
liciirht , so as to include as much as posslbl
of the neighboring track-yards and viaduct :
und to explain the unusual and aomowha
complicated topographical conditions , Froc
fcnlluury uiid accosiiblo point * of obscrvalloi
the roof * will bo very Inconspicuous , nnd
the masses of the building will assume much
more ngrcoablo mutual relations than could
bo Indicated In nblrd's-cyo view.
"Tho vnluo of the completed work , not In
cluding the viaducts , will exceed § 1.500,000.
The total length of the building Is 403 feet !
its total width , including train house , is 223
foot. "
Chief Kncmeor Uoguo is of the opinion
that the building will not , only bo the ( lower
of the Missouri vnllpy , but that It will bo
equal to any structure of its kind in the
United States. When the building is com-
hinted Uonoral Manager Klmbnll , of the
Union Pncllic , slates Unit It Trill bs thrown
open to all the lown lines , nnd that the rental
will DO made sufllclontly low to brine In all
roads , a his will make Omaha n terminal
point for all the Iowa lines nnd also n port of
outry and delivery. The building will occupy
the nrcsont silo of the Union Pncltlo nnd
Burlington depots on South Tenth street , the
west cud bordering on the east curb line of
the street nnd running from thence eastward.
ALT.COCK'S nro thq only gonulno Pouous
PLASTitns. They act quickly nnd with cer
tainty , und can bo worn for wookn without
causing pain or inconvenience. They are invaluable -
valuable in cases of Spinal Weakness , Kid
ney and Pulmonary tilnioultics.Mnlarlu , Ague
Cake , Liver Complaint , Dyspepsia , Strains ,
Hhcumutlsm , Lumbago , Sciatica , Heart ,
Spleen and Stomach Troubles , and all local
Uowaro of Imitations , nnd do not bo de
ceived bymisrcprosontntton. Ask for AM/
COCK'S , and let no oxulanation or solicitation
mduco you to accept n substitute.
O. n. ntistlu Takes tlm Neutral Sent
Aniniitr tlio Arbiter- * .
Captain C. U..Uu9tin , n well Know onpltal-
1st of this city , was selected as tlio third man
on the board of arbitration before which the
controversy over the scnlo of engineers'
wages on the Kausas Central will bo laid for
His name was submitted by Chairman
Vromnn and it was accepted by Manager
Baldwin. As a consequence the engineers
have succeeded in selecting a man for the
third place who they think will consider their
case fairly.
The board of arbiters mot yesterday after
noon at Union Pacitlo headquarter * aim the
controversy Involving the Kansas Central
was taken up.
The company will also submit the question
of the reduction of tlio wages of tlio engi
neers In the transfer yards from § 3.8j to S3.50
per day.
A meeting of the engineers nnd oDlclals
was held yesterday forenoon at headquarters ,
at which minor grievances wore disposed of.
The indications are that the trouble will
blow * over without any serious result.
1 tic Northwest oru Consolidation.
Latest advicea concerning the rumored
consolidation of the Northwestern and 101k-
horn ofUccsara to the effect that tno freight
department of the Northwestern will bo ab
sorbed by tin ) Elkhorn , nnd that the p.issen
gcr nnd ticket department will bo maintained
with D. E. Kttnball In charge. Air. Kimbull
is the present incumbent.
liailroiul Notes.
Bngpngeuiastor B. W. Brigs , at ttio Web
ster street doDot , will leave on July 1 for a
months' vacation , which ho will spend at
Lake Superior points.
Division Superintendent Ralfbuu , of the
Missouri Pucillc , arrived in the city in his
special car yesterday morning.
General Superintendent llnlsoy , of the
Elkhorn , Is in the city.
The Oakland accommodation will bo run
as a sp'eclal train to Ponder oa July 4 , leav
ing Omaha at 8:30 : a. m.
Mr. Potcra Takes Clinrjjo of the Oltico
This Morning.
The internal rovcnuo ofttco of this city
will bo turned over this morning to Col
lector Peters , whom President Harrison re
cently appointed to Succeed Jt S , iCalhoun.
Special Inspector D. D. Spauldlng , of tlio
revenue department , Js here from Washing
ton for the purpose of transferring the onice
from the old to the new collector. Ho was
engaged yesterday evening In verifying the
accounts of Collector Calhouu , und found
the affairs of the oflico in good condition ,
cash all right and the stamps properly ac
counted for. Colonel Peters takes charge of
the ofice ! at 0 o'clock this morning , with
John B. Dennis as chief deputy.
Ladies are groutly bonofittod by the
use ot Angostura , Bitters , the south
American tonic of Dr. J. O. B. Siogort
& Sons. Ask your druggist.
New Incorporations
Articles of incorporation wcro filed yester
day with the county clerk as follows :
By Bernard , Charles H. , and Ida E. Fowler -
lor , incorporating the Fowler Elevator and
Mill Feed company ; capital slock , $5,000.
By W. W. Lowe , W. At Flanagan , C. A.
Potter and Frank Crawford , incorporating
the Omaha Motor and Manufacturing com
pany ; capital stock , $300,000. This company
is organized for the purpose of manufacturing
motor cars , street cars , machinery for oper
ating said cars , pressure brakesself couplers
and similar apparatus.
Tbo Sacred Heart Aoadomy'fl bates
Contribution to Society.
Tbo Park Place pupils gave nn interesting
entertainment yesterday at the Academy of
the Sacred Heart to their guests nnd toach-
ors. Cholcu musical selections nnd rocitn-
tlons wore ably rendered by the pupils ; sev
eral essays of a very high order were road ,
and nn interesting drama was played. The
entertainment was given in honor of the four
graduates of tlio year , Miss Guthmun. of
Plattsmouth ; Miss Hulloy.of Niobraru ; Miss
Charity Babcock and Miss McHugh , of
Omaha. Each of thcso young ladies was
awarded a gold modal as a testimonial of tbo
highest honors of the institute.
Other prizes were awarded , and , judging
from the meritorious work and high order of
intelligence displayed , they were well de
IF not remedied in season , is liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dras
tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels ,
conlirm , rather than cure , the ovil.
Ayor's Pills , being mild , effective , and
strengthening In their action , are gener
ally recommended by the faculty 0.1 the
best of aperient * .
"Having been subject , for years , to
constipation , without being able to liud
much relief , I at last tried Ayor's PJlls.
I doom it both n duty und u plonsuro
to testify that I huvo derived great bcu-
olit from tholr uso. For over two years
past I huvo takim ono of tlieso tillls
o very night before retiring. I would not
willingly bo without thorn. " G , "W.
Bowman , "G Host Jluln St. , Carlisle , 1'a.
"I linvo boon taking Ayor's Tills and
using them In my family since 1657 , and
cheerfully recommend them to all in
need of a safe but olluctiml cathartic. "
Johu 1 , Uojjgs , Louisville , Ky ,
" For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation , which at last became so
bad that the doctors could do no moro
for 1110. Then I began to take Aycr'a
Pills , and soon the bowel a recovered
tholr natural and regular action , so that
now I am in excellent health. " S. L.
Iioughluldgo , Uryan , Tcxiu.
" Having used Ayer's Pills , with good
results , I fully indorse them for thu pur
poses for which they are recommended. "
T , Connors , M. D. , Centre Dridgo , 1'u.
Ayer's Pills ,
rair-intD or _ >
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co , , Lowell , Mail.
Bold by * 11 PruggUU ud Dulm la
In Spring & Summer eason
Our entire wholesale and retail stocks combined , on "both the first and second floors of our establish
ment , are now offered to close , at prices never before approximated in the west.
Until July 1st wo will offer the most
ex'.rnorillimry ntmictlons in ovorv do-
IKirtmont of our establishment It'i'uJy-
: nude Glolhlrg Department , Custom Do-
ptirtmont , Furnishing Goods Depart
ment , Hat und Cap Department over
shown in America.
lo not invest one dollar in nny mer
chandise in our line until you have at
tended our Great Closlng-'out Sale for
the month of Juno.
'llio limp has como for closing out all
lots o' springnnd summer clothincr.
The opportunity is yours ! The lo-w Is
ours I
In our Men's Hondy-inado Depart
ment we olTor 160 suits of Men's Fine
Whipcord Suits in 3-buttou cutaways at
815.00 per suit. These are goods which
have sold in our stock all season at S--
pursuit. Made from an imported wors
ted , elegantly triinn ol and of asuituh o
roght to wear at any season.Vo
claim that this'lino cannot ho bought out
slue of the Continental for less than $22.
Our price at th's salq will ho $15. All
sizes from . ' ! ! to 44.
If you mirchaso a suit of this lot and
It is not to he found as rcprcbcntutod ,
the purchase money will be refunded.
We c mnot scud samples of the cloth ,
but will send a sa'iiplo bti't to any ad
dress , and if it is not satisfactory , inny
bo returned at our expense. . Send to us
for self measurement blanks. Remem
ber the price , $15.00 , in flock suits.
\Vo have reduced prices on our line
Businos-j Sack Suits to a lower average
Omaha , Boston , New .York , Des Homes.Freeland , koomis & Ca
; t , Proprietors.-
Corner Do us ; las and 15th Streets , Omaha.
Louisiana State LolhrCompan / ; .
In'orpcrnted y lha LosUlatnre , tor IWuca-
tlonnl anil Cliavltublo purposes , ami Its fran
chise made a part of tno vnwtU Stutn Caiutl-
tut on , lu 18io , by an overv.'lialinlng popular
Minil-nniin illy I.Iuno niul December ) , anil
INGS tak place In each of. the other ten mouths
of the year , uuil ura nil drawn In public , at
the Academy at Music , Now Orleans la.
For Integrity of its Drawings , and
Prompt Payment of Prizes ,
Attested as follows :
"We do hecpby certify that wo supervise the
arrangements for all the Monthly ana Seml-An-
nual tirawing * of the Louisiana atatu Liottory
Company , and lu person manaun and control
tno UiawliiRs tlioinaelvea. and that the tmmd
are conducted with honesty , fairness , and In
good faith toward all parties , and wo authorlzo
the company to use this certificate , with fnc-
( ilmlles of our signature * attached. In its adver
tisements "
We , the untlerslenocl Hanks and llankora will
payalll'rlzes drawn In the Louisiana State
Lotteries which may ba presented at our coun
ters :
II. M. VTAIiMSr.EV. Pros. Louisiana Nat.Hank
I'IKKUK Ii.VNAUX. 1'ras. State Nat. Hank.
A. 1IALDW1N , 1'res New Orleans Nat , Hank
CAUL KOHN. 1'res Union National Hank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Or-
Jeans , Tuesday , July 16,1889.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
100,000 TicUots at $20 ; 'Halves $10 ; Quar
ters 85 ; Tenths 2J ; Twontloths $1.
LIST OF iiims :
i rnixn OP SIQIX < KO ) is KIOO.OOO
1 I'HIZK OK 1WU ( 1S 100000
i vurtn or nooaiH ) tooiio
1 I'lllXU OK 2.1,0001s 2 000
600 ! > Uli5E3 OF WOaro
1001'rlzesor jjOOaro JoO.OW
1001'rlzoDof ItoOare. . , : 0i ) }
1001'rizuaoC 2t)0aro ) aOOOJ
TK.UM1NAI. 1-ltlZKS.
oonrrlzosof looaro ra.ono
W'JI'rlzosof lOOaro w.uoo
3,131 Prizes , amounting to $ J,054FOO
NOTE Tickets drawing Cunltall'rlzesare no
entitled to Terminal 1'rizcn.
. t37 I'"on CLUH lUTBS.or any further Informa-
Ion desired , write leulbly to the . undersigned
clearly Ntatlnuynur residence , with mateConn
ty , HI rout and Numuor. Moro rupli ) return mall
delivery will bo assured by your onclosluc an
envelope bearing your full auuresx.
Address. M. A. DAUI'HIN. Now Oileans , La.
llyordlnarylettercontalnlUB Nlonoy Order
Issued by all Uxpress Couipanioj , Now Yorlc
ixcbango ; , Draft or Postal Noto.
Address Registered Letters Containing Cur
rency to
New Orleans aud the tickets are signed by the
1'resldont of an lustltntlon whose chartered
rights arc recognized In hlshest courta ; there
fore , bowarq of all Imitations or anonymous
ONK DOLLAR Is the prlre ot the smallest part
or fraction of a ticket IStiUUL ) ill' USlnauy
ilruwJnn , Anything In our uameoUered for loss
than a dollar li a swindle.
LAW , 121 Dearborn St. , Chicago ; udvlco free ;
21 yours' axperlunco ; bualuu a uulotly aad lo
cally transacted.
wall-on-lludson. . Coi. O. J. WiuaiiT. 1 . h , .
AM.Bupl.U F.UVAiT , Cotud'totCadeU.
over tlmn wo have shown slnco wo hnvo
teen in biisit'oss. Wo can nfiord to do
it ns wo inanufiioturo our own tfooils nnd
in largo quantities. Wo huvo hnd a
succoBSiul season and nro dotorniinud
not to carry over a light weight suit.
July 1st is the ( Into of our Bomi-iinnim !
fltooU Inking nnd wo will rcduco stock
before that date if priros will do it.
The most attrautivo purl of this salois
our largo line of aults inarkod down to
810. Wo will not attempt a description
of thcso goods ; they musjt bo soon to
bo appreciated. There IB nothing in
this line bill pure , all wool suitings and
rcmcinbor , a $10 suit at the Continental
is just an closely inspected in regard to
making nnd trimming as tlio higher
grade of goods. There are goods in this
line that cannot be bought outside of the
Continental for less than 815. Our nrico
is only 310.
A special bargain line of Mon's all
wool Cheviot Pants In n neat dnrk
striped cheviot , in all about " 00 pairs ,
will bo offered at this Ralo at the un
heard of price of $2.115 per pair. Send
us your measure and P. O. order for
SM2.25 for a pair of this lot nnd they can
not fail to bo satisfactory. AVe know
what thefo goods arc worth. They were
never bought for less than 83.CO.
PRICE S5.60.
Wo oiler the greatest bargain line of
Boys' Long Pant Suits , ages 10 to 14 ,
Notlcoto Contractors.
The boird of public woiksaud liuildlnps will
roreive bids an utatod below :
For \\ork and material necessary tocllnlsh
new building for lustltutu for the IHIiiil. Ne
braska City , and for iiuiklnjiHintod repair * ou
the old building at any ilmo beforu June Si ,
US ) , at 2 p.m.
For work aiyl io complete south
wing for Industrial Homo at Mllford , nt nny
tiuio before juue SI , 1W , nt , ' p. m ,
I'or Inbcir mil material to lay iibant 1,003 foot
of 12 Inch sewer pipe for the penltontlary. Also
for comnlet ug a smoke Htaek and for furnish
ing ana puttliu on about 1,0JO nquaros ot corru
gated Iron rooting for .same , at uny time before
5t e \ \ * - > J. , at I ) u m
I'or electric liuhl plant nnd for barn for Incurable -
curable Insane Hospital at Hastings , Nebraska
atnny time boforo.luno''il. 11-Hl. iit p. in.
rormatunnl and labor to cnnpleto H cotta
ges , hospital , boiler and online and laundry
Iiouie-i null for hoipltal. for Soldlors' Homu ,
Or.ind Island , at any tlmo tiofoio Juno XT. IStU ,
at S p. m.
Forbjiler House aud suioko stack for ln tl-
tuto for I'Vubla ' JIlnde.l Vouth , at 'Ueatrlci' , at
nnytlmo boforo.luuo--i , 18P. nt p- " >
Kor ono building for Iwller house , engine
room , uloitrlc ll ht plant uud workshop , and
lor wco.1 bulldl m for gyuicaslam and Howry ,
for Bt'ito Normal Schoul at Peru , at anjtlmo
before June S * . Iti U , at S p. m.
Tor one. tJirt-o story brick workshop with
stone buao'iient nnd one bolerlioii ! ! > e nnd Hinoku
stack , for Induttrl il School , at Kcurney. at any
time before .July 1" , IbS' , at 2 p. m.
All abnvo woric to be tioni ti cordln ? to written -
ton statement , Plaiu. gprolllcrftions , and
detailed clruxrln' . noiv on I'lJi'Ith the Con-
intsslonerof Public liulldtngs , who
will furnish all needed Information rulatlvo
Homls will he required of succptsfu. bidders
for completion of tlio work uud foi the pay-
mmu of oilbllls for labor and nutorl I.
IJy order of Hoard ot Public Lands und Uulld-
O. I. IiAWS ,
June 13 d IDt Secretary.
Notice to Contractors nnd
Sealed bids will bo received by A. II. Pamsan.
Bncretnry Custur Healtv Comiwiiy , at tie ! ollico
of llcilgoi ic .Samson , lirok' > n How , IS'nbraik.i ,
until is o'clock noon of the Jst day ot juiy , I3b > ,
for tlio cnnitructiou of a ton-room , tfxtorv brick
bii lDosblocK In Ilrokou lluw , > ku , onthe
property of the Custer Itealty Company. DIds
will bo icoelved as follo n :
1st. For inriililitUK all material nnd nil labor
for the construction , und to construct stsno
"ud. Tor furnishing nil labor and construct
ing foundation. Cumpdoy to fnrnUh material.
ijrd. For furnii > hlug all uiwtcrlnl and all labor
for the couatruclloii , and to construct ho ( brick )
4th. For furnishing nil labor and .0113(1 ( no-
Ing said walls. Company to furnish mtitorlul.
oth. Tor furnishing alt material and all lauor
for tuo rough carpunti > r uorK. und to perlorm
thoHumo. .
Hth : For furnishing all labor nnd performing
rouKh rnrpentor work. Company to furuuh
7th. I'or furnishing all material nnd all labor
for the llnum ( carpentur work ) and to perform
the name.
bill. For furnishing all labor for , nnd per
forming llnlxhlnK ( carpenter norkj Couiruny
to furnish material.
Uth. I'or fiirtilshtlng all labor nnd all material
tor plasturjnpgvw toulastcrsnld bulldlnC.
lUtli. 1 ho furnishing allmatorlal.und all labor
for the construction , und to loustriiLt said
building , according to certain plans aua spoclli-
cations at the olllco of llmUji'S & Samson , at
Ilrokou How , Nobrasun.
'J'ho party or parties .with whom tlio said "Ous
ter Hoalty Company" may.contract for any ma
terial or labor In the construe tlou of Huld build
ing are to enter into n goad and aulllclent bondto
be approved by tlio biilldlnu committee of said
company. Kacli bid mus ( ) > e nccoucnnloil by
acertltlod chuck , lu HluHUinof tVJO , payabltt to
the order of the "Custiir Utalty Uompuny , " us a
guar ntee tliHt the bldjlur will , if ln.iblil tie no
copted enter Into u uansntutory contract within
tlvo days for the oreitloii'aiid compJetlon of
paid building , and that lie , will within mild 11 vu
days cyecuto to said company a gold and sulll-
cleut bond for the faUhtQl'pcrformanoe ' of said
contract. , ci
The "Ctnter llealty Company" reserves the
rluht to reject any or dllbhfc.
Ity order of the board ot directors of Custor
llenlly Company. . , K QAjiBiiN , Secretary.
Notion to rontriiotoiH.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jtino 11. 13'3-Sealod propo-
Mila will be racelvetl-ut' thn city engineer's
olllco by the committee on yluduuts , utroeti and
alleys , until noon Wodnosday.julyi ; , 1M ) , for
furnishing nil the material uud performing all
the work tor curbing and paving H direct from
Twenty-fourth Htroet to Twenty-seventh street
with cypress blocks , approximate estiuiuto
V-'iU Imcal foot ot curbing , and 0.5IU simare
yurds of paving. Work to bo completed within
fortydaya after a contract therefor binds and
takes effect. All bids must be accompanied by
n certlden check for J.W , said rhocks to be re
turned ou all bids not accepted. Kstlmatad ro-it
of nuchvork Is JI8/.2II. The right toiejectany
and all bids Is reserved , 1'laus and spjcltlca
tlous can bo seeuat ttie onelnu r'g ofllce.
Chin , Com. on Viaducts , Bts. and Alloys.
If lDNCYftn(1 ( nil urinary troublci easily , quick-
MUH LI ly ami safely cured byOOOTUllA Cup-
Bulos. Bevcral cam * * cured in nuven duys. Sold
nt 11.60 per box , all druggists , or by mall from
IJoctoia ii'J'B to. : 11J Whits bt N , V. i'ull Uirec-
which wo have never sold nt S5.r > 0 per
suit. Nothing larger than llyonrn , In
nuro nil-wool Ciuaituoro nnd Ohoviots ,
goods which wo litwo sold all season for
i" nnd $8 , at the unheard of prieo of 5x5.50
to clour up this entire lino.Vo cannot
solid sainj)1oHof this cloth , hut always
hoar in mind that you need not hesitate
to send us a postal-note for lha union nt
and if the goods are not perfectly satis
factory , wo will pay all express charges
and refund your inonoy.
l.'f > 0 Boys' Knee Pun I Suits , in a neat
gray and black check anil brown and
gray striped cheviot , nro inarkod at this
sulo' for $12.00 per suit. This is the prieo
puid for a cheap grade of satlnot , hut in
this line wo olTor tv good honest weariti"
material , in colors suitable for bchool
wear in all. one of the best values
for vacation wear wo have over olforod. '
Complimentary romnrks nro made by
our customers when they examine our
line of line Uassimoro anil Cheviot Suits
at1.00. . During this snlo the variety
will bo larger than ever , and wo nro
sure of one fact , that every garment
told out of this department will crivo
perfect satisfaction , and a customer over
sold will always bring tholr children to
the Continental to bo titled. Our var
iety is larger , the quality is just as re
presented , and our prices nro lower
limn are paid for inferior goods at other
DRINK with ! '
It it-Ill correct thciltu'.uujliir ; fit.
' flitrnccoflcj on ( lie btointicti.
Tor Mi-n Health tisicivlag , for
ChlHroa ln\loratns. and Ro-
" " -Mas for All. 7ho Beit BBS-
rintKl StricUr Pure ind U&fer-
msbted. Au Cfilcle&t ncudr
for DUrrhoa , Cbol rMorbnj ,
Dyiontci-y. and all IJlioidgri of
ti3 Bov/cls.
DonrRIrs- Imve trlort the
HmiRarlun Illuckbcrry Julen
von BU Iclmlly Bi'nt me. 11U
thu no nlu ultin ot snniinor
drlliki. It IH frco train nlco-
hol , allays tlilrit , tones the
ill ecu tlvo nrpnns , bits a linn
aromatic llnvor. nnd is Juit
tliothlnir for illnrrliu'iil Ironb-
Ici In tno lu > nti < < l term. A
Rpsncctfiilly ,
F rl08Tor7AllIHO BTAHnOOD ;
General and HERVOU3 DEBILITY !
' sf B ! ytud BrmdtEffeetj
nakiil , .TcW. MlSH ( ) < ) n full ; Kxtlnrrd. licit In r.iil > r > r J4
8lrn | [ < litn ViY I k , t'll ! > IiT KLIll'FU DUI11NS It I'illlS of IIOIJT.
itmolulrl ; cB.-.llloc IIOHK TnEiT&X.tT-n iicaii In t d > y.
neu l llrFr tn ti gKt i , ttrrilarln , Kni ) Forritu Cnaitrlon.
Voucky nrlUUii-w , IWk. . futlviplaBfttloa , Kn4 proof * nailed
U * JtJi free. lJ < rMj tPi S1B ! < ! fll CO..CUIFAtO.N.V.
Notini > .
Notice Is la-roby glvon that Healed lWs will bo
recurved by the cleric of Adatni County , Neb-
rusta , ivt his olllco Hnsiin ; ! * . Nobrnsica , ou or
lieforutwnlvoo'clojknooiiof.liilyiltli , 18SJ , for
thq iimclmso of sivoncy llvu boiuU of tlio do-
uomhmtloii of imo tliotumul dollarcueli to bo
lasuoilby Wo County of Ailaiuu 1:1 : tlio Mtnto ot
Mfbr.-iMltatoboituteilJnly lit. Wit ) , nnd to bu
payable ut the Flicul A oncy of tlio State ot
Nebrivukn , City of New VorK , St.ito of Now
V'oik twenty year nttor the date tlioniof vo-
dcomubleiit nny time on or attar ten yeiirs from
thn date thereof at the ojnliw of Hsild Bounty of
Adanu niul to bea.r ixt thdruteof llvo
] ii'r couliuH' iiiiuuin payuble niiuiially on the
llrat ilny of July In each year , for wlilcii Inturost
cnupoiii shall bu attached imyubo ! ut the fiscal
agency afoivs.ild.
HlKhts reserved torojoct any nnd all bliU.
lly order of tlio lloard ot SupsrviloM , May Oth
IRIJAL.I County Clork.
JOHN A. OASTO , County Attorney. in''ldtoJjO
TII Drld o OuidnrJ.
PHOPOSIT1ON8 for the comtnictlou of two
brlduen iicrost HOiithnrn iilmuiiuU of the
1'latto ilvor In .Moxia Tounjlitp. in Ilutlur
County. Nob. . 111 bo received by the Hoard of
Kuporvihora of llutler County. Neb. , fcald
brl'luos to bo of tllmuiisloiia aa follov/s : Uno
1U4 feel louir. with I'l-foot ' approach tit ono end.
Ono brMKO-74 feet loiu , with lli-font npproach
atone find itml 10 font approach at thu othor.
Said bridges to bo built of li.ird pine , set on oak
All bids must bo accompanied with plum and
npnclllcatjonH of the work to be done , lllildum
must submit their blcl.i on tlio two bildKen sup.
urately , so that the proposition of uny blililcr
may bo "i'pteil ( Ri to one bildKO and rejected
OH to the other If the board 4himfil so determine.
M'lMi boaid re orvcs the right to reject any and
nil blJ.-t. All propositions mint be In on or
bofoiotho Uth diivotJuly , 1S-CJ.
Dated UiluSJth diy of ilny , 1881.
lly order of the lloard of B'lpervUorsof Dutlor
County , Nob.
jS-lL'-ifcu I > . C. Ider.vnc.uH , County Clerk.
WANTKD-IS5 weekly lopresonlatlve , mnl
or female , in every cuuimuulty. ( lands
tttaple ; houHehold ni'coaiity ; sail at sight : nn
pi-udltng ; enlnry pnld iiromptly , and oxponnes
advanced. Full pnrtlciuarit andvaluablo.-tamplo
case vw.v.V mean just whatwo Hay : additxis
utouce. BTANUAUl ) 8II.VKU WAilK CO. . lios-
ton. Mass.
A HUNTS \VANTRD-Hoth nurt can
vusaliu ? , on the now , ravU d anil Imperial
ndltlonot iCell'H Kucyclopodla in live volumes ,
juat Issued. Bold for cash , or on easy nntal-
nicntH. I'or liberal terms nnd territory atldrosi
T. l.'i.LWOdii XKLI , , 1'ub. 1'hlladelphia.
_ .
* vj i > roH uax.usun * itunmmir
Acc nt nuntitd , Kovr Utounll. Relh
Kxclunlvu territory. Illg pronta. Sahirjr
peed men , Howe Co. , 1) Hanover at. , Itoiton ,
CANCER book ( tee. UD.
1M Wabubav , .
/v tj * *
2Oto6O DAYS.
This is u disanso whicti has heretofore
Dnfflod all Medical Science.
Vfhou Mercury , Iodide of. Fotuuslum , Sarcnpa
rllU or Hot SprliiKi fall , we gunninteou cure.
Wo have a Hemerty , Unknown to nnyone In tbo
World outslJe of ourConiDiiuy , and one that haste
to curs the moit obstlnata casoi. Ten days In
recent cases doex the work. U 14 tha old chronla
deep beaten caaea that we solicit. We hnvo
cured hundreds who have bean abandoned by
I'liyalcluns. and pronounced Incurable , and w
challenge the world to Urliip us u case that wo
will not euro In lest than sixty dayx.
Hlnce the history or raoalclne n true specific
for Syphilis has bean sought for but norer
fouua until our
was dticoverctl , and we are jnstlflo.l la uaylng
U Is lha only llomouy mtlio World tnat will pos
itively euro , bncause tha lato&i Medical Works.
publlsQud by the bent Known authorities , say
tliuro wns never n true specltlc before. Our rom-
cdy will euro whiia"o7 rythlug else hits fnlled.
Why wnsta you time and money with patent
muillclnua tunt uover tmd virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot cure you , you that hara
tried everything also should como to us now and
K t ponunuent lollef. you never c.ui get it else
where. Marie what wo say , lu the eud you
must take our remedy or NEVKH recover and
you that have been ullltcted but a Bhort time
should by all meaus come to us now , not ona la
ten of now cnsos ever pot poriimnently curod.
Many ictbelp and think they am froa from tha
dleeasn , but In one , two or throa year ? attar It
appears ugaln In a more horrible form.
This IB a blood Purliler nnd will Cure
any Skin or Blood Diuouso when
Everything Else Kails.
NOTICI : Wo doilra to caution patlonU In r -
irtint to parties claiming to use the Cook Horn-
cdy. Our formula U not and CANNOT bu
Known to anyone but oui solves.
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxtoii BlocK ,
! @ ! ti ) is
Dll.R. 0. WUST'a Nr.HVK AND ItltAIH TltEAT-
IIU.NT , a uaranteed apoclno for Hyaierla ,
neuj. Cuuvublons , { 'Its , Norvoiia .Nuii
lleadacUe , Uorvoua l'roitraUii : cAUsud uyh
use of alcohol or tobacno. Wnkofuliiegfl , Mental
Klon , Cofianlugof the Hraln , rcoiiltlngln
ty atulluadlnnto minor/ , decay and iloath.
1'ienmtiiro Old Azn , llarrenuesi , 1.04 * cf i'ower
In elth r ex , Involuntary Jos ai and Cpormnt-
orhuu < n ed by orer-axurtion of the bralu.sMf.
or nvcrmdulfonco. Kiich box contolai
cue month' ) ) treatment. J 1.03 a bor , or alx box 34
for U.0)uont ) by mall pr p ld nn r . 'elpt of pi l- .
To cure auy case. With u&ch order received bi
ua < or 3U UOXM , accompanied with K.W , wo wlfl
Beud the purohaner our vrrltun Kuaruntee to r *
Juud the monvy U ttio treitmunt doe * not eireot
cure. Guarantor l uuel only by Uoodoifta
HntgCa. , DrugffliU , Sole AjjenU , IU9 Falntm
tltittt. O aU ftiU. . . _ .
Wo nro showing the Inrgost line of
Flnnnol , Killc nnd Silk-striped Shirts for
vncutlon wour thnt cnn bo found in the
city. Exclusive styles nnd popular
jiricos S'.lk Snshoa nnd Bolts.
A larpo Block is nlwnvs dcslrnblo in
undcrwonr. Wo curry n full
line of domestic nnd foreign makes and
claim to hnvo the Invest vnrttity wosfc
of New York. Speoiul bargain lines nro
shown on our counters to-day thnt can
not ho cqunlod.
The season is so far advanced , thnt it
is desirable to c.oso out our light
weights. Special discount prit 01 will bo
nnulo during the anlo in the Custom De
partment , and the same superior work
manship guarnnlood which has always
charnetori/ed garments made at th
In this Department wo are buir mw
on straw goods. In Men'd , Hoys nnd
Children s Straw HnlH wo are ofToring
qiuitititios and prices Unit sur.iriso
every ono. Why pay fnnry prices when
you can got the same graunat Continental -
tal Jor 60 pjr cent loss than at your luit-
} aris Universal Exposition
" .mVh.1.,0.1 ' ' "rllc'1 iloalrlntrcoo 1 ncconinioJatlont
. . . , . ,
on tbo nuw laivo
flijiru-n stu uuon of llio Fumoin
Which arp noted for tliclr ri'eularltr. raiial to. rail-
wA..k ! ra I'd"lio'l'Vo ' thU trlp ' ° " > vri 'arls " ' " °
Make Early Application for Berths.
.This | i nlso nucc-wirr on account of tlio tioarr
travel during the wring iinJ summer months"
McCAGUE BROS. , 105 South 15th St. ,
HARRY E. MOORES , 1502 Fa main St. ,
H. L. HALL , 1223 Farnam St. ,
J. H. GREEN , 1501 Fartmm St. ,
AtroKti. Omaha , Neb.
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing- Corset Ever Made.
The best nrr.ilpol plujiure retort In tlm west.
'I ho utttiMtlon of the peonlo of .Nuliraikn la called
to thlinuar liunouj reiort lor excuralunSK. iilcolo
partlunetc. The best or rnloaglron on all iallroad .
'Hid park Is oituiUiul ,1 uiUcK from l.liiuoin , nncl
contains W acroa of tliulion thii tar-yon and ln > t
uimmuud ciifu , umlcrthu imntrol of Iliown the fit.
luuiu Lincoln tatoiur r.illus of boatlni : ) ' . ( I pl ai <
lira boats ; 2 imulo and daiiclu ? liulli : huso ball
lirounUii. uioit complete In tlio wet ; TU picnic lablas
with ne t ; upoakorii staniis. The imnJorlul
Cuiluwimbprlnu'.Ulnitllj bxthlnu hcutos : MAvrlniisj
tight ropo.fcJJIuotloni : , 42 ruutaUutro it.1 lor. It , li
Andrus uoJ Hon. Maiiauurs. Uuciiln , Nub.
"no In HID uurll Kti
' * * CUIT/II | . Hclentlli" . I'owtiuil. fur ) > M ,
lYmfnrtnlila niul I'd'cUrr. Avi'lu ' trundi.
llxrfl neil riirni. B i utMn | > lpriorphl ! l.
i ni.r.irrinu it > : vuit DIIII'.AH.H.
lucccufully u \l luontliluy oiror : * , ooo
, .
( 'ui.biau , Co , XJAOJT , Uiotr.
For sitlu anil by mail by GuoJtniio Drug
Couipuuy , Omahu.