Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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D ftlly ( Mornlnir Kditlon ) Inelutttng Sunday
. Ueo.Ono tear . tlO tn
ForSlx Months . r > 00
1'orThreo Months . W
TIio Oninlm Suml y Ilcc , Jiiallcd to nny
tUtilrtM , Ono rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Weekly lleo. One Year. . , . . , . SOU
Omixnii Oillcp , llco Iitillillnc , N. W. Corner
Seventeenth and Fnrnnin Streets.
Cnlcntro omen , n-rr lioonory Uniltllng.
New York onic * . Hoonu 14 ami n Tilbnno
TUtllrtinif. WMlimgton Onice. No. 6)3 ) tour-
tccutii Btroct. _ _ _ _ _
AH communications relating to news nnd Ml.
torlnl matter should bo mlclresscil to tlio J.tlitor .
All InifOnoKS letters anil remittances should
1)0 addressed to 'I ho Dee I'nbllshlnB Company.
Omaha firixfts , checks and postotllco orilora to
be made payable to the order of the company.
The EEC PnWIsMiiECiiiany , Proprietors ,
13. UOSBWATKH. Ktlltor.
Kworn fttnttyiicnt of Circulation.
Elate of NcbriviVn , l
County of DouglM , f3 *
OeornoILTzprhuclt , secretary of Thojlpo r\i\f \
lltliltinrointmuy , ilot-s nolainnly swear that iho
nctimfclrculiitlOh ot THE lJ.utv HKK rortho
vecK MullmtJunoKd. ItfJ. wusns follows :
b'undnv. Juno 10. . . . . . > .
llondav. Juno 17 . . ' 1S < 2' ' ; !
Ivt Ftlnv. Juno 18 . iS'K , ,
Wtcliutflay.JunolD . 33.7SO
Tlmmlav. Junoaj . lp. ' < l >
Jrldav.Juno SI
Saturday , juua
Avcrnco . 1O , I2 !
auoiton n. TZSCHUUK.
Fflern to before me nnd subscribed to In uiy
tlfHtcc thliSM day of June. A. I ) . 1888.
Eenl. H. 1' . KKIU Notary I'ubllc.
Etntoof Nebraska , I
County of lloURlas.BS [ >
Ocorpo II. TzsclniPK , bolus < luly sworn , de-
nnd says that he Is s cretnryof Tlio lleo
'ubllhhliiK ' company , that the actual nveroco
dnlly limitation ot Tlio Daily Hoc for the
month of June , JtCR , 19.843 copies : for July ,
JtfW , IH.CSIcoplis ; forAugtut , IN * . 1S,1M copies ;
for t'cpt ember. lt ? ( < , 1M5I copies ; for October ,
WP , ItMHl copies ; for November , Ht8 , liMiM
ropies ; lor December , IbW , 1K.22I coptus ; for
January , itw , lH.r.74 copies ; for 1'obruary. 1SSP ,
IP.Uilioplcs ; for JIarcn , 1880 , IP.rei copies : for
April , lt * ! > , IP.OM ) copies ! for May , lt9. 18.0JJ
copies. OKO. 11. TZSCHUOlt.
Pnorn to before tno and subscribed lu my
IFcnl.l pretence this 3d day of June , A. ! > . .
N. 1' . FKIU Notary rubllc.
AITOINTMKNTS and disappointments
give viirloty and vim to a con-
gressmnn's life.
ECONOMY Is the public wuttli-word of
the board of education. Jin private all
plans nro gauged by the balance in
the treasury.
CHICAGO is determined to cut n largo
figure in the COIIBUS. She is diligently
gathering every suspect in the country
to swell her population.
ANNEXATION and consolidation
should nolbo overlooked in the tumult
of progress. South Omahn needs the
sheltering care of the parent tree.
Tim election in a lump of over two
hundred school teachers , good , bad and
indifferent , by the board of education
was altogether too much of a job lot
n flair.
IOWA shows a cotnmomlablo approcl-
atiou of home talent , and it is gratifying -
ing to note Unit it ia deserved. The
commission appointed to secure designs
for a soldiers' monument awarded the
first prize to Mra. Harriet Kotchum , of
Mount Pleasant. Her design ia for n
bronze equestrian statue of heroic size.
THE City Reform club of Now York
has just sent District Attorney Fellows
a caustic letter calling his attention to
his neglect and indilToronco in pushing
ljj.o prosecution against certain assem
blymen in the notorious bribery cabcs.
Colonel Follows is , however , too old a
bird to bo frightened into doing some
thing to redeem hia bad record oven by
the throat that the club intends to keep
its eye on on him in the future.
Tun Bellevue rille range for the de
partment of the Platte has impercepti
bly grown into national prominence.
Although but throe years established
the range has become a post for the
competition of the department , the di
vision , and for distinguished marksmen.
It is possible that Bcllovuo rillo range
may become ns famous as Wiinblotou or
Crecdmoro , and attract annually EO-
diors and visitors from all parts of the
A niSTHKSHiNG state of alTairs exists
lu the coal mining regions of northern
Illinois , brought about by the pro
tracted strike ol the miners. Having
made but little preparations for u pro
longed lock-out , tlio minors and their
dependents are on the verge of starva
tion. Unfortunately both sides to the
strike are determined not to yield ,
which makes an early settlement of the
difficulties somewhat dubious. The
case is deplorable and demands imme
diate attention in order to relieve the
destitution of the minors.
UNDKH some circumstances the steady
shipments o gold from this country to
Europe might excite uneasiness , but
the present movement is simply n llttlo
surprising in view of the fact that our
exports have not fallen short of the im
ports to the amount of the gold for-
vfurdod. The explanation of the excep
tional condition is that Europe needs
gold and this country 1ms an abundant
supply with which to moot the demand ,
BO that it ia going abroad just ns nny
other commodity might which Europe
wanted of us and could spnro. There is
nothing in the movement significant of
financial trouble , present or pros
pective. _ _
Tint merchants of Omaha have at last
rolled up their sleeves nnd show ti dis
position to make the merchants' cele
bration this full iin unqualified success.
There la certainly a promising outlook.
The oftlccrs of tha poriimnont organiza
tion just perfected are one nnd all men
who stand at the top of the buslnofw
community and have never been known
to undertake a project without making
it n go , The directory contains moreover
over one hundred of tlio mo&t onorgetio
and'onthuslastio young buMncss men
representing almost every branci ) o
trade to bo found in this city.Vltl \
this combination of brains ni'd pluck
great things tire to bo expected in the
way of arranging n suitable programme
A week's carnival must of necessity
have a number of striking and drawing
attractions. Now that the business
moi : of Omaha hnvo "got together , " lot
there bo no delay in getting down to
work for the celebration.
The question of irrigating the arid
ogions of the west will vary likely have
> romlnonco in the attention of the next
congress. The tonnto appointed a
special committee to investigate the
subject of irrigation in the regions
vhero it is believed to bo feasible nnd
desirable , nnd it will soon enter upon
ts work in connection with a party of
engineers and surveyors sent out to
.nko the preliminary stops for the con
struction of a national system of reser
voirs. A great deal of interest
was manifested in this matter
) .y the last congress , and the
appropriation made for the invos-
.Igntlon and experiments will onnblo a
good start to bo made toward demon
strating what ought to bo nnd can bo
done. The future of this great project
will depend very largely upon the con
clusions of the sonata committee , which
is empowered to pass upon the whole
mattor. Wo do not know that the com
mittee has determined upon the extent
of its investigation , but it Is presumed
that it will confine its inquiry to ascer
taining the most feasible and economi
cal plan of establishing reservoirs at
certain convenient points. In the opin
ion of engineers and surveyor.- ) who
liavo made a careful study of the sub
ject , the easiest way to accomplish the
object is to build dams at the mouths of
certain largo gulches in the Rocl'y
mountains and thus store up the water
which comes from the molting snows
above , to bo distributed over the arid
lands below by menus of canals and
The very great importance of this
question ot irrigation for the vast re
gion in the west that can be reclaimed
only in this way was strongly sot forth
in a recent magazine article by Son-
ntor Stewart , of Nevada , the principal
facts and arguments of which wo
have heretofore presented. The arid
territory is of immense proportions , and
in the opinion of Senator Stewart much
the greater part of it can bo made
profitably cultivable by irrigation , be
coming in time the homo of prosperous
millions of people and adding enor
mously to the wealth and resources of
the nation. Even making a largo al
lowance for an ovcr-cstinwto of the
possibilities of this region under a sys
tem of irrigation and there will still re
main sufficient probable results to war
rant an effort to reclaim it. If
but one-half of it can bo made
available for successful agri
culture the ga'in will far overbalance
the expenditure necessary to reclaim it.
Vast as the proposed undertaking is in
the probable outlay it would involve ,
this is insignificant in comparison with
the value of the results believed to bo
assured by those who have given the
subject careful and intelligent investi
Just now the question cf the safety of
such a system of reservoirs ns would bo
required naturally suggests itsnlf , and
it is possible the undertaking may en
counter some opposition on this score ,
but this can hardly bo serious. Modern
engineering skill is competent to
construct dams nnd reservoirs that
will bo safe , and which with adequate
supervision can bo kept t > o. A matter
of such vital importance and vast possi
bilities will not bo defeated by a fear of
sbmething which skill and care can
render well nigh impossible.
The outcry that is being made in cer
tain quarters against Commissioner
Tanner , who is charged with being re
sponsible for the deficit in the -pension
fund , can not bo justified by the facts.
Those show that the responsibility for
the inadequacy of the funds is upon the
predocobsorof the presontcommissioner
of pensions. When General Black took
charge of the pension olllco his disposi
tion was to ask an ample appropriation
for meeting the growing pen
sion demands , and his first es
timate to congress was for sovonty-
llvo million dollars , which amount
was appropriated and expended during
the fiscal year ending Juno ltd , 1887.
But meantime General Black appar
ently conceived the idea that the gen
erosity of the nation toward the old
soldiers had boon extended as fur ns it
should bo , and although there was ri
steady increase in the pension list ho did
not ask congress for any increase of the
fund. Ho could not call for a less ap
propriation than sovonty-livo million
dollars , but ho would not increase it.
The consequence was that the appro
priation fell short of the de
mands for the fiscal year ending
Juno 30 , 1BSS , and the amount
of the shortage wont into the
deficiency bill pns&ed nt the first session
of the Fiftieth congress. But even
with this experience , General Black
would not advance th.o figures ho had
fix'ci ] upon ns the maximum amount
which ho thought the government
ought to pay out for pensions , and ho
asked for only sovonty-fivo million
dollars for the current fiscal year , al
though figures prepared In the pension
office showed that at least ninety
million would bo needed. Congress ,
however , showed n moro liberal bplrit
than the commissioner , nnd voted a
fraction over nighty million dollars for
the current fiscal year , which was still
nearly ton millions below the estimate
of the pension olllco.
Tlio motive of General Black is suffi
ciently obvious. Ho was anxious for
political reasons to miiko a record for
economy in pensions , and it is not
doubted that in this ho had the full ap
proval of the administration of which
ho was u part. Had his party been suc
cessful in retaining control of the
executive branch of the government for
another four yearn it might have suc
ceeded in limiting the disbursements
for pensions to the amount last appro
priated by congress , but it could
have do no so only by gross injustice -
justice to thousands of solders hav
ing a just claim to the bounty of the
government , some ot whom have been
properly provided for under the present
administration. The exhaustion of the
fund will cause bomo embarrassment to
n considerable number of pensioners
who are largely or wholly dependent
upon this resource , but It will bo but
temporary. The appropriation for the
next fiscal year will become available
July 1 , when the unpaid vouchcra will
bo taken up. It Is estimated thut the
amount which will have to bo mndo
good In a deficiency bill will bo ton or
twelve million dollars.
Architect ftfyors is now in the city to
confer with the commissioners regard
ing the county hospital. It has boon
manifest for some tlmo past that there
Is only one course open for the commis
sioners If they Intend to complete the
building nnd make it safe for patients
and their attendants.
It is notorious that the contractors
have from the outset sought to evade
their obligations to carry out the plans
and specifications with good materials
and in first-class workmanship. Every
body who has scon the building knows
what the commissioners have vainly
tried to conceal , namely , that the ma-
tarials used are below standard nnd the
masonry outrageously out of joint in
every particular. It is by all odds the
worst botch of n building that has over
boon constructed in this city.
Now it does not matter who Is re
sponsible for permitting this Inferior
work. The primary cause of the whole
job is with the contractors. They have
deliberately put up a tumble-down con
cern when the contract calls for the
very best workmanship.
It is all nonsense to debate with these
contractors what part of the reconstruc
tion they ought to do , aud what part the
county must do to Insure the safety of
the county honpltal. The only way out
of the muddle anditho uny which would
suggest itself to any business man , Is
for the commissioners to take charge
of the building , and finish it for the du-
Hngucnt contractors as it should have
upon finished under the Myers' plans
nnd specifications.
The superintendent ot the building is
thoroughly competent to do this work
if furnished the proper materials and
allowed to biro the best mechanics.
To quibble over this hospital nnd
make charges and counter charges only
convinces the tax-payers that the com
missioners are unfit to manage tho'
county's affairs.
DEATH or tins. n. n. HAYES.
Ex-President Hayes and family will
have universal sympathy in the death of
Mrs.Hayesand her demise will bo most
sincerely mourned by a very wide circle
of personal friends. ' To very many
persons , also , who have boon the recip
ients of her kindly consideration aud
generous bounty , her death will bring
n keen sense of bereavement.
Mrs. Hayes was a woman of superior
qualities of head and heart. In her
relations of wife and mother she was
most devoted to .the duties which those
demanded of her , and in the homo cir
cle she strongly impressed nor own in
dividuality upon husband and children ,
who cherished fo "her thclondost affec
tion and profoundjcst respect. Her life
was thoroughly practical and abounded
in good works. While meeting every
social requirement of her station ,
she found time to concern her
self in behalf of "those whoso
condition in life called for philanthro
pic assistance. Without ostentation
she did much and generously in the
caueo of charity. She was also identified
with the temperance cause , giving it ,
however , little moro than the aid of her
support , never having'taken nny espe
cially prominent part in promoting the
causo. except , perhaps , in tlio mutter of
excluding wine from the white house.
Mrs. Hayes was for n number of years
conspicuous in the public trnzo , having
been twice mistress of the governor's
residence at Columbus , Ohio , and for
four years the "first lady of the hind" at
Washington. During this period her
course was marked by a quiet dignity , a
retiring modesty , and a gentle and con
siderate manner in all circumstances ,
which commended her to universal
favor and praise. The exacting and
many-sided society of the national capi
tal learned to appreciate her superior
womanly qualities and to honor her
personal worth , while in her native
state of Ohio she was beloved by thou
sands and hold in the highest respect by
all. She will bo remembered nmong.thoso
who have made American womanhood
honored in all onlightoncd lands.
Tin : dressed moat bill of .Minnesota ,
which was passed in order to ' 'protect"
the homo industry , is now being openly
violated by the importation of dressed
beef direct from Illinois. The measure
has consequently failed accomplish
the object which its promoters had in
view , and it is but a question of a short
time .when it will fall wholly into in
nocuous desuetude. Sharp lawyers
have discovered that the law as drafted
and passed by the legislature ap
plies exclusively to the sale of dressed
beef In the state , and can not interfere
with its importation for consumption
so long as it is not offered for sulo. In
consequence largo consumers , such ns
hotels , boarding houses and the like ,
have made contracts with Chicago hoof
packers to bo supplied with fresh beef
daily. Tlio consequence is that those
largo concornsbavo middlemen's profits ,
getting their beef cheaper than for
merly , and Chicago for the time being
has become the retail market instead of
the wholesale depot for Minnesota.
The small consumer not bonoflttod by
this arrangement is likely to vigorously
protest when ho Is obliged to pay from
twelve to fifteen cents per pound for
moat which is being bought by the
largo consumer at Chicago for seven.
That will give the death blow to the
embargo against the importation of
drobsod beef and Minnesota will repent
of her folly.
Till ! interior department is finding
considerable trouble In filling the Cher
okee commission which Is to treat with
the Indians for the opening of the Cher
okee strip. Of the commission as orig
inally appointed , composed of J. Otis
Humphrey of Illinois , ox-Governor
Robinson of Massachusetts , and Judge
Wilson of Arkansas , only the latter re
mains. Governor Itublnaon first de
clined and the olllco in turn was offered
to three men in succession , all of whom
refused the post when they learned the
duties of the commlhsion. The accept
ance of this vacancy by General Lucius
Falrchild was no sooner announced
than Mr. Humphrey informed Secre
tnry Noble that lie could not servo.
It is quite evident that the work before
the commission Is no easy ono nnd ex
plains the roVdV&iico of those named to
Borvo < The 'fomimissloncrs will b6
obliged to nopfllkto for tlio cession of
about ninotodi likiUjon gores nnd wjll
imvo to go nrnoi'iir the Ohorokoos , the
Ohoyonnoa and several other tribes
whoso reservations nro on the coveted
land. There aro"troatlos to bo exam
ined , tribal relations nnd dlllloultlos to
settle and council's to bo hold. A great
deal of tlmo wIll c consumed and con
siderable liardstrijis Will have to bo en
dured before Uitrlask can boootnplot'od ,
if it can bo done nt all. It ia not to bo
wondered ut , therefore * that public men
nro fighting shy ot an appointment
which will bring them n , great deal of
hard work with very llttlo glory.
Tun legislature of Connecticut passed
the second ballot rotor in bill last week.
It is a measure intundoil to moot the ob
jections raised by the governor to the
first bill , which was n mollification of
the Australian syslom. The ahiof
point in the soudnd bill Is a provision
insuring socYo'oy of tlio ballot. The
state Is to furfilsh ofllclal papjr and en
velopes of uniform size and color.
Rooms screened from observation are to
bo provided for voters at Iho polls.
The selectmen of towns must provide
envelope booths , which are to bo in
charge of two parsons of different polit
ical parties , to deliver envelopes to the
electors. If an otivolopo con tain's a mark
by which it can bo identified , it
must bo thrown out. Polling places are
provided for every ono hundred and
fifty inhabitants , and violations of the
law are punishable by a flno ot ono
thousand dollars or imprisonment not
exceeding five years , or both. It Is dif
ficult to discover just how this system
will ollect an improvement on the old
method. It legalizes party polling
booths and party workers , imposes n
needless cost on tlio state for paper and
printing , and surrounds the ballot box
with a system of rod tape that is ns con
fusing as it Is nxpcnsiro. As long as
party workers arc permitted to annoy
and bulldoze the voters , no pormuncnt
reform can bo hoped for.
CHICAGO will bo all ready to receive
the census man next year with u popu
lation not far short of a round million.
Within a few days the leading suburbs
of that city will vote on the question of
annexationand their incorporation into
Chicago will add something like tw o hun
dred thousand bouls to her population.
In the race for supremacy ns the second
city of the country Chicago is giving
Philadelphia if'claso brush. The very
fact that sho.has doubled her popula
tion in the last ten years is wholly un
precedented in the history of largo cit
ies , and has .qucusionod considerable
alarm in the broast-of Philadelphia lest
she bo distanced Within the'next twelve
month. . . , .
Mit. HINUY W. GUADY , editor of the
Atlanta Constitution , yesterday deliv
ered the alumni address at the Univer
sity of Virginia , the moro eloquent portions
tions of which wo reproduce. Mr.
Grady has becomtrknown ris'ono 'of iho
foremost praters of the country , and the
passages from his address to which wo
would direct attention are not inferior
in eloquence to any previous utterances
of his upon which his oratorical fame
rests. Both in sentiment nnd spirit
Mr. ' address of
Grady's yesterday in
vites the heartiest commendation.
With such eloquence and earnest coun
sellers the patriotism of the now south
ought to make vigorous progress.
THK loss of seven lives by an explo
sion of fireworks in'Boston isnstartling
reminder of the dangers which sur
round our pyrotechnic holiday. Fourth
of July lire works are an annual menace to
life and property. With every year the
sizes of the explosives increase. Can
non crackers as largo a.s ball clubs
decorate the windows of stores , luring
the young and old todungqrous pastime.
Stops should bo taken to restrict the
.sale and use of these explosives.
WOUK has been resumed on the extension -
tension of the Burlington road from
Alliance to the Black Hills. This is
gratifying news to the people of that
section. The construction of the rend
will greatly expedite the settlement of
northwest Nebraska , and give an Im
petus to the development of the mineral
resources of the western hills. Tlio
line will penetrate a section rich in coal
and the precious metals , and open up a
country now practically closed to enter
prise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ANOTHIHI Colorado bank has boon
hold up for all the funds in sight. The
highwaymen wore not to the manor
born. They used tho. revolver instead
of castor oil.
A Doinonratlo Ktimni.o ol' Clcvuland.
A'fio York Hun.
The Now York democrats have tried
Cleveland ami do not want to have any more
of him. They did not want him la 1831 , but
ttio masterly gcnoralship of Daniel Manning ,
with Mr. Tildon1 * 'mast ' reluctant nnd Html
consent tlmt.hls ( jrcat prestige might bo used
availed ni last to niakb Cleveland the candi
date of hia party ; nud , terribly was Daniel
Manning punished tot his act. Slnco than
Cleveland may lmyo ; gained la the estimation
of political crankt , aristocrats , uddlopatos ,
and udvonturersj'ubut for the democratic
cause his administration did llttlo but mis
chief , nnd the 'detiio'craoy ' would now bo
stronger , more utltc4 | nnd moro aggressive if
that administration had never been , Ills
empty pretension ' ' ( ' * superficial and nar
row abilities , his vast ilgnoranco , his perpet
ual cant , his almost ! irfuoticelvaulo Bolt-con
ceit and selfishness , ami his utter laelc of any
political principle iaii , never recommend him
to the democrats of Now York. Evan Intel
ligent frea traders " \vlll \ nqt have him for
they know that immediately after his notorious
rious free trade- message bo was ready aud
anxious to talco It back , and was only pre
vented from doing this by the active Interpo
sition of men more lu earnest than ho.
New York's Immodest Iloocllcrs.
Kcw York U'orW.
The Detroit aldermoa nro la trouble , but
they will bo heartily laughed at by pur owa
New York city fathers. They demanded of
a contractor 10 par cent on the amount of
his contract as the consideration of voting
him the work. The contractor , who hap
pened to bo an honest man , laid an informa
tion against them. The Now York aldermen
will laugh nt tlicai for demanding 10 per
cent. Iloro the prtca would hnyo bocn , nQnrcr
CO pof conk , '
Ono of Our Noble Women.
ToMe lilaile.
The people of this country will hour of the
lllc of Mrs. Kuthford 13. Hayes with pro
found regret , Called upon to fill a proml
ncnt plnt'o In tlio soclnl ntfalrs of tlio repub
lic , BMO performed her duties so tnnt the
country wa * the bettor for her existence ,
nnd the natuo ot Lucy Hayes ha * become In
this country a synonym for Unit ot n loving
wife , n faithful mother , nnd n noble women ,
Tlio flrenoli Mill Widens.
Kuinan Ct\i ( \ Jminml.
The , New York Sun'a effort to got tlio
democracy of the county together nccros to
have developed a strong spirit In tlio imrty to
got apail moru widely than over. It , would
pcom ns though l > dtor ! Dana would , after
nwhllo , grow weary of making these philan
thropic political efforts ,
Tha Men Won't Flflit.
Hmton Otnhc ,
If wo do Iiavo to go to wiir with England
about the fur seals , Amorlcan wives nnd
bachelors will have to do all the fighting.
> 'ou can't ' enthuse American married men
on the subject of sealskins.
Thr > . hast VcNtlKn ( Joint ; .
"Tho manner In which the Knghsh are
buying up nur breweries Is getting to bo n
serious mutter , " ' 'That's so. AVIth the
Injror beer schooner dcptutstho last vestige
of our American shipping. "
A Hoiififinablo Hliyme.
1'litlailelirtita Inqutrtr.
Apropos of the victory of the ' 'wots" ' ' In
Pennsylvania wo would suggest us n good
short poem the following :
. Yet ,
Why High IjIcntiHo Won.
nuUtnutiv Atneriean ,
High HcmiHO : s strong ticcnuso It Is prac
tical. It is supported because its effective
ness has been proved. It gtilns headway
bccauso it Is an acknowledged success.
Dnniot at All.
Chtcaao lima.
Western towns should bo warned by tuo
experiences of eastern communities and not
dam their rivers. Indeed , they should not
dam at all.
111T8 AND MISI33.
"I notjco.with regret , " said United States
District Attorney Pritcuott ; confidentially ,
"that the South Australian ministry has re
signed. They nro u paok of Idiots. They
might huvo consulted mo and saved thorn *
selves considerable money and mental
worry. "
No wonder the heavens wept copiously on
the Couuull Bluffs Chautaurjua. The Omaha
Kcpublican slipped In under the fence and
squatted on Paradise avenue.
The doctors anil druggists should unllo to
rclmbuiso the cedar block men who paved
the way for Nauglo's rotiromont. As a
business Investment the extension of wooden
pavement appeals directly to their till.
Congressman Connell is beginning to realize -
alizo the glory nnd greatness of his position.
Four hundred applicants for four Jobs gives
him an opportunity to display his discrimi
nating taste.
Perhaps the county commissioners could
bo induced to add the hospital elephant to
Omaha's fall exhibits. It is a hole-y show In
For beauty of sentiment , soulful patriotism
nnd hearty enthusiasm , Mr. Hitchcock's
"Hurrah for , , JJjiclo Sam , " last evening was
never equalled in these parts. Its dollarous
tones could not bo mistaken.
The dark uloud which threatened to dis
rupt the bo.iru of education did not appear at
the last mooting nnd white winged harmony
roluned. There are symptoms that the ad
journed mooting will bo a black Friday.
If Omaha teachers value their situations
they must keep their hearts fancy frco. To
fall in lovo-with a pupil Is equivalent to in
voluntary rcslgnati < 3rt.
Up In Sioux City they have an original way
of accounting for missing men. Half the
natives daily plod the pontoon way to Cov-
InKtou , and if one 'alls by thu wayside , over
loaded with Influences , his bereaved
friends are assured that ho fell Into the Mis
souri and drifted with the current. It takes
about three days to escape from Covingtoa's
embrace and swim to the eastern shoro.
. k party of rambunctious Huytlens recently
fired on nn American vessel and frightened
the crow. If those insults are repeated , wo
will DO compelled to send a few scow loads
of slippers down there and spamc the natives
real hord. Wo Hayti to do it , but the stars
and stripes must 1)3 protected.
A Momoralilo Monument.
Vairficltl Satin-tiny ( Jail.
By perseverance and energy Mr. Rosewater -
water has built up n newspaper that Knows
no equal between the Mississippi river and
the Pacific ocean , and tbo grand building
Just dedicated will bo a monument to his
memory long' after he is gathered to Ills
fathers. THE 13KI : deserves all its pros
perity , nnd this humble little paper sends
congratulations to the newspaper that for
years has been the prldo of Nebraska.
Best In the West.
Ntoliram Ptnncer.
The Pioneer very distinctly remembers
Tun BEK'S early struggle nnd Mr. Iloso-
wator's untlriiiK efforts ( and seemingly un5
limited capacity for hard work ) to keep Tun
HKK above water. His success Is now proven
by the fact thut Tins Hni : Is the best news
paper west of Chicago , south of St. Paul
and north of Kansas City , whllo the monument
ment to Mr. HosQwatcr ts found In the Ueo
structure , which Is complete In every detail
and cost nearly half a million dollars.
Indomitable Will and Kncrgy.
The wonderful growth and success of TUB
HRH 1ms all been achieved by the Indomita
ble will and energy of Mr. Hosowator.
ItN Mnrvolous Growth.
South Stour Cltu Sun and tfeui.
Tits Bui : Is the loading newspaper between
Chicago and San Francisco , and to this It
has grown from nothing In a quarter of the
ordinary Ufa time. May the paper and its
onorgotfo and able builder , Mr , Edward
Rosewater , live many coming years.
Success Follows Usufuliicss.
Oarjlthl Count u Qiuwer ,
The career of TUB BEE has been ono of
usefulness aud success since its Inception to
the present time , and ft now takes posses
sion of ono of tbo finest newspaper buildings
In America.
Nn Coin moil Kntorpriso.
Dattnport ( la. ) Tribune.
Eighteen years BRO Tun BKB first began to
buzz , and now It has Just completed what is
tbo largest flro-proof newspaper onlco In
America. It has been no common energy
and enterprise , united with editorial ability ,
which has resulted in this costly cdlrico , and
the principal credit belongs to Mr. Rose-
water. Wo can only congratulate hlui and
Ills co-workers , and Omnlm Itself , on tuo
completion of so magnificent a building ,
which should bo a pride to the city and people
ple , as Is TUB UUB Itself.
After a grocer has introduced
To his trade , it is needless to offer him dny other ,
and the Drummer who tries to swindle him with
humbug soaps must stand the consequences.
ff. K. FAIRBMMK & CO. ,
1NFLAMATION OF THE BOWELS , PILKS , and all derangement of the Inter
nal Viscera. .
RADWAY'S PILLS arc a euro for this complaint. They tone up the internal
secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions. Price Uoe per box. Sold by all ilrunists. (
RADWAY & CO. , Now York ,
For SalobyM.n. BLISS , Onialw ,
Nebraska Jottings.
The corner stone of the now Catholic
church at Hustings has Dccn laid.
Mrs. Susan Lanham , wife of a well known
> eto contractor , died on Monday aged lifty-
AVO years.
The Logan Valley Star is a nowspipor
Avlnklcr which has just made its aurcaranco
at Gaudy.
The total assessed valuation of York
county is ilSS,741 , uu increase of S2JUiM (
over last year.
Dlo i Flachman , for Illegally selling intox-
cants at Fairmont , is boarding out u * 2o line
In the city jail.
Steps are bolng taken by the ivcarnov
chamber of commerce to provide a public li
brary for that city.
The Nebraska City Canning company has
commenced operations for the so.ison nnd
expects a larger 'pack than ever before.
Miss Oll'o ' Cnss , a blashlng maiden of
fourteen Hummers living on a farm near
Loup City , balances the scales at an even -U
The Kearney 3'rosbytoriatis are talking of
calling Rov. lr. Htuglaud , president of Hast
ings college , to tuc pustoiato of their
An oxtonslvo programme has boon pre
pared for the summer mooting of the No-
araslca Horticultural society at 'Fremont
July 17 and IS. Many prominent horticultur
ists will bo nrosont from ofhor states , nnd
Lho meeting promises to bo the most success
ful ono In the history of the society.
The programme prepared for the Long
Pine Chautuunua Is varied and Interesting ,
The meeting opens July 18 and holds through
to the 20th. Prominent lecturers huvo boon
sccurod In addition to the largo corps of nblo
iustructors who will have charge of the
routine work. Nature has done moro to lit
the grounds for a pleasant summer resort
than thousands of dollars would huvo done
without her aid , ami a moro delightful
spot it would bo hard to find. Great Im-
iirovomonts have been made this year , and
the prospects for a successful assembly nro
highly Hatter Ing.
Iowa items.
Davenport Is to have a pollco matron.
Sioux Rapids Is to have waterworks cost
IJonlson will vote on the court IIOUHO ques
tion Auuust 27.
'I hero are 2,134 dogs In Tracr , according to
the assessor's books.
Davenport proposes to level her streets
with a fr > ,000 steam roller.
Four young men belonging to Poatvlllo'a
best families have been arrested for burglar-
king a hardwaio store. '
The farmers of Mill Crook nro seriously
discussing the advisability of erecting both n
canning' factory and creamery at Jmilnp.
A Battle Crce.k calf Jumped through u
barbed v ; Ire f once the other dny nnd came
out minus two-thirds of its tongue but with
no other Injuries.
Prof. M. A. Heed , of Dunlau , Is a candi
date for county superintendent of public
Instruction subject to the decision of the ro-
publlcan county convention.
The attendance during the past year In all
departments of the State university has been
0 1 as against 552 last year. There was n
gain in receipts on account of tuition and fuea
of e3 , ' . > 75.
The Des Molnca Leador.'says that It Is ru
mored that the bl distillery lu DCS Molncs
will bo again lilted up and started. Not to
make spirits , but simply to make math ,
which is to bo shipped and the distillation to
go on outbldo iho utute.
The ucna'xjrUl contest In tbo Thirty-fourth
dUtrict remains unchanged , with thu excep
tion that Hon. H. F. Roberts has published
a letter in the Dunlap Uc | > orter declining to
bo u candidate. Tbls practically leaven tbo
Held open for Crawford or Monona county ,
the former county having two candidates.
Mr , Roberts will bo a candidate for repre
sentative from Harrison county this year , on
the republican ticket.
Dcyoiul tno ilno'clos.
Sr.cnim nto , Cnl. his prohibited wooden
Last week Butt ? , Mont. , shipped forty-flvo
bar.s of bullion , valued ut $31,4124.
A silver nnd crold IcaU has been struck
forty miles from Portland , Oro. , which as
says ? 3i0 ! per ton. .
To bo clear "of debt , Los Anglos county
will require a tax of 510 for each person
within its bordors.
A young lady of Sacramento Is Buffering
from leprosy contracted from Chinese ser
vants employed by her father.
In a "light for tha drink ? , " at Uouluor.
Mont. , n lulf-brceJ named Constantine
chewed of Peter Brown's oar.
A co-operatlvo brandy compauy has boon
organized at St. Helena , Gal. , to convert
poor wine and grapes into hard liquor.
Private Fitzslmmons , Htutioncd at Miles
City.-Mont. , lore out.Ins eyes and throw ono
of them away while insane , The other was
removed from his chco'c , whore It was haug-
Daniel Lewis , an Insane man , whoso hal
lucination was that ho was about to lo
hanged for murder of which ho was Inno
cent , suicided In Spolcuiio FalU jail by cut
ting a deep gash on tno niswo of his loft
Governor Shoup , of 'idnln , has offered
81,000 rewind for the apprehension , trial and
conviction of thu person or parsbcB who
murdered Mra. Leo and her daughter ( Ii-
dlan women ) on Lost river , In tui monti of
July , 1838. Meojsg ,
Grant Copeland , azcd twonty-flvo years ,
son of an old pioneer of Walla Walla , was
kilted by the bursting of a Haw attached to a
horsu-powor wood-Rawing nmchlna Thu
met il uul him ncross the forehead , nearly
severing the top of his head ,
A. F. Sluroly claims to have discovered
what are known as lho Novadit "lost mines , "
located southeast of Toano. Ono oftho ,
loilgCH U thirty foot In width , bold and
prominent with cropping ? trending north
and Boutli. 'llicro are also other
valuable ledges , nainplcs of ore from which
carry eulonn heavily charged with sliver.
There Is mi abundance of wood and water In
the Immediate vicinity for working pur
Louis Roth , of Los Angeles , Is suing for a
divorce Irom his wlfo. They were married
a few months nto with great eclat , nnd ie-
colved many costly presents. The festivities
hold late , nnd when the newly wed uouplu
went to their homo. Loul& wont to his rorra
nlono and loft his brldo to her own devices.
She got mad about It , and In the early hours
of tlio morning aklppoa for her father's
homo , and over elnco persists in saying shu
has no use for such n husband and refuses
also to give him any of the wedding presents ,
Hence the divorce suit ,
No Pontoon for Vnnlcton ,
YAXKTOX , Dak. , Juno 25 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HKK. ] On ucount of the dlsau-
tor to the pontoon bridge ut Sioux City last
wcclc , George Mcud and his associates ap
peared hoforu lho city council last night nnd
withdrew their proposition to put In a pontoon
teen bridge at Yankton , and this probably
ends the enterprise. It fa now understood
thut the Manitoba directors have passed a
resolution to extern ! the Sioux Falls line to
YanlEton , and it lit positively assorted that
work will commence In July , and that thu
whole distance between Sioux Falls and Nor
folk will be railed and earn ruunlng this
vcar. Tlila will give a railroad bridge ut
YanUton ,
Ollln Kopubllonu Convnnllon ,
Coi.tiMutis , O , , Juno 25. The republican
state convention for tha nomination of stuto
oHlclnls mot at 4 o'clock this niternoon ,
when the preliminary organization was
effected , Nominations will be uiado to