Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA 1 > AII/X / BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE 26 , 1889.
Following the Doctors and Drug-
glate , iho Undertakers Hoot.
Xho First Cheerful Topic Taken Up
Tlio Traveling Mon Preparing
For iJio Morrow's Pns-
times Notes.
LINCOLN liuniun opTnitOMxtu Uas , 1
1020 I STIIIJET , >
LINCOLN , Juno 25. 1
The fourth nnnufil convention of the Ne
braska State Federal Directors' nisoolntlon
mot nt Odd Fojlows1 hull , at 10 o'clock this
morning , with nn attendance of nbout
seventy-five. The convention was called to
order by President Uced , of Nebraska City ,
nnd opened by prayer by the Kev. II. T.
Davis , pastor of the Trinity M. B. church.
The following committees wore appointed :
Credentials 1' . P. Douuna , Quldo Hock ; C.
A. Tracy. Wood Hlvor ; J. S. ShacUolton ,
Wllbor , General committee George Drown ,
Superior ; F. V.'laylor , Uod Cloud ; W. P.
Uarkur , Beatrice.
President Heed Uion delivered the annual
ailurcss , In which ho congratulated the asso
ciation on the progress niado in the past
year. Ho noted one death , that of 13. P.
Jones , of Tobias , who died October 1 , 1833 ,
nnd congratulated the state that this con
vention at no soon after thut , of the drug
gists and the doctors , that they would bo
able to cover up all the mistakes mndo by
these bodies.
James Heaton , of Lincoln , secretary and
treasurer , made a report of the work of his
ofllco for the past year.
The financial part Is summarized as follows :
Receipts . f2 : > O.GO
Disbursements . 223.05
"r ' J - T
Ualuncoon hand . $ 27.55
After the reading of the report the conven
tion adjourned until 2 p.m.
Promptly at Up. m. the convention was
called to order , and on motion all traveling
men connected with the business , and the
rtporters , were admitted to the privileges of
the floor.
The president then Introduced the Hon.
R. U. Graham , mayor of the clt.v , who de
livered the address of welcome.
George Drown , of Superior , made a happy
response to this uddrcbs , to which Mayor
aaaham replied , tendering the undertakers
the freedom of the city.
Prof. Shrove delivered a lecture on em
balming , which wan followed by a general
If a body c-ui be obtained there will bo a
practical demonstration of the embalming
process'to-day. _
UI-A volt nn Men's Outlntr.
The day was an Informal one at the park.
Dut little was doliiR aside from fixing the
homes and preparing for the tournament ,
which commences to-moriow. Owing to a
heavy rain at , Plattsmouth this morning the
excursion from that place was postponed
untiUFnday , when the delegation will surely
boon hand. The govcrnoi.s , Tlmyor nnd
Miekcljohn , W. J. Bryan and Fred A. Wil
son , will address the ooys , and in this way
contribute to the 'enjoyment of the day.
There will also ho voral and instrumental
music , as well as leadings by some of Lin
coln's ' best elocutionists. The Gorman Mili
tary band and lull oichostr.i lias been en
gaged for the entire week and Sunday , the
closing dav.
Tnitaraxnml Ccironnds.
It seems that the contemplated Fourth of
July celebration in Lincoln is attracting wide
attention. It Is reliably learned tnat the
publishers o Frank Leslie's illustrated
papers will send sketch artists to do the
scenic carailo and such ether doings ns may
' } como under Ills notice. TUB 13 HE representa
tive had the pleasure of reading a letter from
the Leslie publishers written to Hobert Mc-
Hoynolds , and cuii vouch for the truthfulness
of this statement. Verily , the Fourth will
bo a great day in Lincoln's historyaud these
who miss the celebration will miss the op-
poitunity of a lifetime.
The 1'ciiHo DriiK Company.
The Pease Drug company , of Fulrbury ,
Jefferson county , filed articles of incorpora
tion In the oftlco of the secretary of slate to
day. This company contemplates dealing In
drugs , medicines , nnd druggists sundries ,
and has authori/cd u capital stock of 510,000 ,
GO par cent of which has been paid in hand.
Incorporators : G. A. Pcaso , Gilbert L.
Pntehctt , Warthy A. Pease , Ida M. Pritch-
ctt and Aultman Pcaso.
Tlio Klootrlo Street Hallway.
It is reported that Hon. John Fitzgerald Is
negotiating with eastern electricians with a
view to putting electricity on his Twelfth
street cur line and extending it to the peni
tentiary , asylum and ether suburban points.
Mr. Fitzgerald , bolng a public spirited citi-
zeu of ample means , will undoubtedly cany
out tnls idea. Electric lines are rapidly ab
sorbing horse lines of street railway , mid It
BCOIIIS probable that it will be a
race between Fitzgerald's line and the
Lincoln Street Hallway company as to which
will adopt the olcctrio motor first.
Spoahing of Fiti-goralu's enterprise re
minds Tun Hiii : man of another sclmino by a
wealthy Irish citizen. Mr. Shccdy's ' friends
are urging him to build a theater on his lots
on the corner of Twelfth nud P streets , not
a grand slx-etory building but onu with the
modern Idea of having iho audicnco on the
ground Jloor , where climbing and descending
are not necessary.
H ICcuommundntions.
Secretary Gnrbor's report in the case of
J. H. Manning and J , It. Sutherland vs The
Chicago , * St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
Hallway company was flled to-day. The
complaint in this proceeding Is against the
reasonableness und Justness of the llvo stock
nnd coal rates of this company between
Wayne , in Wayne county , and Omaha , and
between Tokanmh , In Uutt county , and
'i ho subject Is treated upon very exhaust
ively , und the Hccrotary'a conclusion is ns
anticipated by THU Ur.u in Tuesday morn
ing's Issue that a radical reduction of the
rates on these commodities , now in effect on
the vnrioub roada In Nebraska , is necessary
nnd reasonable.
It Is roeommi'iidcd that anthracite nnd bi
tuminous coal bo pluccd In the commodity
list and that there bo established a uniform
maximum rate for all loads.
City NUWH null Notos.
Governor Tlmyor to-duy uppolutod Dr. T.
G , Test , of St. Paul , assistant phynlcian at
the hospital for the inouriiblo Insane ,
Hastings , to toke placa nt onco.
Hon. William Trenton , rcnrcsontativo from
lUchnrdson county , nnd U. L. Norval , sena
tor from Seward county , were In the city to
day , but both took occasion to say that poli
tics had nothing to do with thnir visit.
Secretary Laws went to Omnhu this after
noon to loolc after aomo business matters.
Ho returns home to-morrow morning.
Warden HonltliiH1 lumlly Iu growing at the
rnto of t vo a day. There nro now USD con-
viols in the statu pen , and moro "u coinlu. "
When tauon for n few days , potash mixtures
turos Impair the digestion , take nwny thu up ;
petite , and dry up the gastric juice.s whlcli
should unulbi in diKuiillug and ussiuillatiug
the iocd , Swift's Bi > ncli3 ! has Jtlat the oppo
site elTeot ; it Improves digestion , brings up-
pollio , und builds up the general health ,
YOIIK , Juno 25. Speculation in 13 r aril -
ril coffco on the J ew York cxclmngo this
mornlnir was of n soml-panlcky cliaractur.
The decline during ilia first call wus from
eighty to ninety points.
The ravages of five opldomlcs of how
ol complaint huvo boon stttyod by Cliiun-
borluin'8 Colio Cliolonv ami Diarrlicun
roinpdy , adding now luurals to thai
Iubtly ronowiicu romody. It luia boon
hoinoantTof Buvinj , ' moro llvea than
auy ether known inodicino. All of the
leading drusrglbts iu Omuliu soil it ,
Tlio JudKCB Find Mnny Ossc-s to En-
Knco T ! : ) ir Attciitlon.
Tlie nttotr.oyd In the ctxso of Qcorgo II.
ilonglnnd ngnlnst the Omnhn nnd Council
Bluffs Undffo company , mndo their nrgtt-
tnentR , Judge Doano charged the Jury , and
; hnt body retired to dellhornto. This cnso
fias dovelopea Into ono of the most Important
damage suits over tried In a Douglas county
J. P. Flnloy , the well-known real cs-
Into agent nnd money loancr , Is before Judge
WaUcloy an defendant In n unso Instituted by
N. G. Hultln , of Webster county , la.
The matter Involved Is n contract
entered Into between these tnon , whereby
Hultln ngrcod to cxchnngo his farm of 100
ncrci for a house nnd lot owned by Flnloy In
Omaha. Hultln became dissatisfied with the
deal nnd seeks to abrogate the contract.
Deputy County Attorney Siicu arraigned
Mike Kcnrns and Thomas I. Laoy 1or high
way robbery. On the night of June 13 , it Is
alleged , they waylaid nnd robbed John Duffy.
Uoth pleaded not guilty and were sent bock
to Jail. They will bo tried this afternoon.
.lennlo H. Kyle , who sucit her husband ,
2harloi W. Kyle , for divorce , last full , ro-
colvcd tlw decrco Monday. ICylo figured
n Omaha nt nn attorney , nnd displnvod n
: rnnlnal attachment for nls wife's sister.
Mrs. Kvlo wns given the custody of bar
child , J.M ) for attorney's foes , and $50 a month
Ono year ago the city poundmastcr. J.
llonncssy , Impounded twenty-four head of
cattle belonging to Vincent Hnrbnck , nnd the
atter brought suit for $500. Yesterday morn
ing the latter , through default , scoured Judg
ment for S03.CU from Judge Hopowcll. This
amount Is claimed for the loss of ono cow.
the vnluo of two days' milk , and the cost of
getting his ctUtlo out of ttio pound.
Lewis D. Harris ot nl. , Lowls A. Harris
and Lewis U. Harris and Henry Moodv hnvo
commenced three suits in this court , the first
igainst Jerome U. PurrottandChas. E. Wil-
lams , the second against John Hudd , nnd
thu thlrd'ngainst John Flnnnagan. All of
them nro brought to compel the fulfillment
of agreements on contracts for the purchase
of real estate.
The Mercer Avenue Building association
has petitioned the court for the appointment
of n receiver to take charge of certain prop
erty in Walnut Hill addition , against which
tliero nro several mechanics' liens nnd other
A case la which James Falconer asks to
mvo Edward Lcedcr removed from the pos
session of certain property has boon tiled on
nn appeal from Justicn Ko.ul's court.
The Jury In the case of Sarah Woodnrd re
turned a verdict of guilty , and she was ro-
mundcd to Jail to await sentence ) .
The cnso of Ed Walburn , on the charge of
adultery , was then brought up and Introduc
tory arguments heard.
United States Court.
The Jury In the case of John Flt7gerald
against the Pltzgerald-Mallory construction
company , of Creston , Iowa , returned n ver
dict In favor > f the plaintiff for $ ol,474.M. (
with 7 per cent Interest from this date on
until tlio Judgment shall bo salisitod.
Fit/gorald is ix member or the Fit7freraltl-
Mallory construction company. Mallory
recently sold out his interest in tlio concern ,
leaving its affair * In an unsettled and highly
uns.itisfactsry condition. Fitzgerald sued
the company for $32,1)00 ) advanced to the
firm. The verdict provides for a judgment
of $17,037.07 debt nnd $3,47U53 interest thereon -
on , malting the total of Fitzgerald's re
covery 51,413.02. A still larger suit Is yet
to bo tried. _
In Bcrkn'H Presence.
Edward Stuart , who Is on a vacation from
the soldieri' homo at Lcavenwortti , headed
the procession in the police court. Ho is
badly crippled by rheumatism , and explained
to Judge liorko that his only method of es
caping from the horro wing pains of his com
plaint is to dull his sensibilities with drink.
Ho was allowed to go.
Four vagrants of the box-car species were
discharged , and were followrd out of court
by three plum drunks.
John O'Brien was aroused of being drunk
nnd disorderly. Ho refuted both charges ,
asserting that ho was a total abstainer and
invariably gentlemanly in his demeanor.
Sergeant Johnson'testified , however , that
O'Urion when arrested was very drunk and.
fearfully abusive , upon which showing ho
was fined flUaud costs.
E. L. Steen , a demented visitor fromlown.
climbed to the top of thu shot tower and tried
to suicide by Jumping off. Ho wns hold to
appear before the commissioners of insanity.
John Egan and Ed McNamara were each
fined $5 and costs for fighting. Ejjiui entered
n protest so emphatic that Judge Berhii
threatened to commit him forcontcmpt unless
ho subsided , which ho did with very bad
That hacking coug hcanbo so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee
it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co.
Tlio Gentleman Who Created Him in
in ti City.
Mr. Al. Cunther , author of "Two Nights
in Homo , " "Mr. Harnus , of Now York , "
"Tho Frenchman" and other late novels , is
at the Millurd , en route to visit nls mother
who lives in San Francisco. Ho is accom
panied by his wife. In a. short talk with the
gentleman , ho said : "This town surprises
mo moro than I can tell you. Since I was
hero first , ten years no , the change has
been something wonderful. "
"Aro you nt work on any now booksi"
"Yes , I hnvo the material collected for
two , but don't know which I shall urito
first. The scones of what I expect will bo
my next and best btory , uro
laid In America. The opening Is to bo In
Arizona , und ono of the most Important
scones is laid on the Union Pacific roud. "
Mr. Guntuor says that "Mr. Liarnes , of
Now York , " brought him in fortune enough
to enable him to establish for himself n good
business , and all his boolcs have been profita
He expects to spend about two months in
N Street to boOloscil ro the Exchange.
"Do you understand tlio conspiracy to rob
N Btreot property holders und roiulor the
property practically worthless ? " nsked a
prominent business man ta the representa
tive of Tins Bii : ns ho pulled the elegant ro-
portorlal listener to the curbstone , and con
tinulng , bo saldi "It is Just this : The S.vndl
calo Land company Is about to close the Ex
chuiiL'o crossing , and the N street business
men are greatly excited over the matter.
The scheme in full is Just this : The Syndi
cate company baa largo blocks of land in
the Fourth ward , west of the tracks , nnd
north of the Exchange and has really little
or no lands loft , on the cast side. The L
street viaduct is being pushed to completion
with all haste , wlnlo thu Q street viaduct is
progressing along us slow as Its enemies
could deslro. In u short time , about the
timetno L street viaduct will bo completed ,
the crossing over the Union Pacific right of
way and tracks going to the Exchange from
Itullroad uvonuo , will bo closed to travel ,
thus requiring all trafllo with the stock yards
to go round by the L street viaduct. To
uppoaso the east sldo people n sop In the na
ture of a death-trap elevated walk will bo
built at the foot of N street across the tracks
to the yardsmnstor's ofllcc , and then will
descend by stop ? to Exchange avenue.
It is the duty of the mavor
nnd city council nt its first
meeting to take stops to condemn the land in
Lake Plvonka mid extend Nut root west from
Twenty-seventh street to the boulevard ,
west to Exchange building. If this bo not
done N btreut will bo practically ruined for
br.slnesH purpoiits within ninety day * . "
Notot Almitt the City.
Mlas Anulo Hlanctmrd left Tuesday for a
visit with frlonds in Stuttrt and Creston. Iu.
S. J. Jumeft will have u sowing machlno
ofllco in Iho Hamilton building , and not C
J , Collins' . Mr. Collins rented the entire
building , and bus lot Dr. Gee and Mr. James
parts of the building , simply retaining at
ofllco room.
Tlio Wright & Haldwln Glebe Dnso bnl
club has been organized by the painters , am
they throw down the guuga to nny painters
club In the country , or to the barbersclgar |
makers or stockyard bill clubs.
A Glorloua Victory For the Bulls
In the Wheat Pit
Corn llnlcs Quiet in the AVny of
Speculation Onto Fairly Active
Moro SroiiRtli In Provls-
Ions Cftttlp Slow.
cnicAQo rnonucE MAKRBTS.Q
CHICAGO , Juno 35 , [ Special Telegram to
TDK BKB.J Not for a long Unto have the
bulls had such a glorious victory , glorious la
the sense of the tutor route of their compet
itors. Hut the glory Is probably less appar
ent to the maimed and disabled bears , who
nro left licking deep wounds , wounds repre
sented by a loss since yesterday of 2Vj In
July wheat. The market opened with n rush
to buy at Jfc over the closing figure of the
day before , and it did not rest until ) < jO more
had been added to the initial price. Juno
having then reached TSJfc and December
78.c , the advance was tom | > orarily stopped ,
but though the offerings were very heavy ,
the reaction produced was only about * jfo ,
nnd after playing around " 8 0 In an uncer
tain way , another deluge of buying orders
gave the price a fresh start , and this second
upturn wns not stopped until July reached
TOj c. The atmosphere was thick with news
of u character to make the boldest bear
shako in his shoes and quickly turn him
from his allegiance to that sldo of the
market. There were many additions to
yesterday's news of crop damage In
the northwest. Reports wcro In circu
lation that representatives of harvester and
reaper manufacturing companies * vcro
having many of the orders previously given
them In Dakota cancelled. The most influ
ential piece of "news , " however , was that
disseminated by loading commission houses ,
giving reports of their correspondents In
Kan&as , which showed n most unexpected
state of affairs to bo existing there. The
niagtiillrcnt promise of that " wheat-growing
state , according to tueso "reports , lias given
> lace to n dismal failure. Hust mid blight in
lie bottom lands of many Important sections
lave cut down the previous ; promise of 80
jushcls per aero to a beggarly Id or 15 , nnd a
similar lugubrious tale was told of the
wheat Holds of Maryland. Black rust and
iillght had there been busy also , nnd the
iresent promise is reported to bo no better
for Maryland than Kansas. As if this would
not suffice , the leading article from the Neuo
Freio Prcsso , of Vienna , was cabled , which
confirmed the worst which had previously
jccn told of the damage to the Husslan and
Hungarian crops. Tlio rozular cables to the
board were of the same firm tone
as the dispatches , nud was added cause
to the disquietude of the bears. Clearances
from the 'Atlantic seaboard , however , wcro
dlsuupointingly small , and the enthusiasm
over the apparent bull situation did not up-
l > ear , from what reports came to hand from
New York , to have Imparted mueh energy
to exporters nt the seaboard. Part of tbo
apathy of buyers foi- foreign shipment was
ascribed to the scarcity of freight room nnd
partly to the buying limits having been ex
ceeded by the sudden here. He this
us it may , there Is evidently less alarm over
the situation in Europe than hero to-day.
After the price for Julyhad reached 70c
there was n pressure to soil winch reacted to
79J c , hut the buyers appeared to bo laying
in wait for just such a chance , and the dials
recorded advancing liiiures until the price
reached 60e , which , after a few minor
fluctuations , wcro finally established as the
closing figure. December , moving up moro
slowly , closed nt 7' XC' These prices show
gains since yesterday of 2c iu July nnd U c
in December.
The corn market was quiet in the way of
speculation , but the feeling was firm ow'ng '
to the continued moderate receipts , back
ward condition of the crop nnd .to sympathy
with the sharp upturn In wheat. July sold
at 85J @ 35b'c , and closed at 35e. The ship
ping demand was about as usual and cn-
pagements wcro reported for201,000 bushels.
The receipts to-day were 503 cars , of which
215 graded No. 2. At the close seller July
was } u higher than at the close last night.
Oats were fairly active and firm , iu sym
pathy with others. Any special tendency to
advance wns checked , however , by free
selling on the part of a prominent operator ,
particularly long futures. There was a fair
trade in Julv at 23e , with September a ? % c
discount and May offered at 20 'c. The re
ceipts were largo , with 49 out of 27(5 ( cars
passing into contract grades. The posted
withdrawals were much smaller than re
cently and a mild inquiry existed for No. 2
to no to store at22i ( < ; 2.yitC.
The provision trade showed moro strength
und activity. Cash buyers were uuiiin
favored with largo domestic and foreign or-
dero , und in n speculative way there was
also more doing. The future trading , however -
over , was too local and professional to give
entire satisfaction. Tlio receipts of hogs
scarcely reached expectations , und , cncour
ugcd y the stronger feeling in thoirruin pits ,
more eonlhienua was displayed all u round.
Higher prices was the rule , ' and as the close
of the session approached something of a
boom was witnessed. For the day the ad
vance actually established amounted to
17j c in pork , 5@7 c in lard , and 7 @ 12Xe
in .short ribs.
CHICAGO. June 25. [ special Telegram to
Tin : UEC. | CATTI.I : . Included in the re
ceipts wcro 1,000 natives , 700 distillerv-fed
cattle and 3,200 Toxans. The native cattle
market ruled very slow , and sellers found
considerable difllculty in working up an
outlet. Hut when they did make a trade ,
they managed to squeeze strong prices ,
though under protest from the buyers. The
"stiller" market dragged badly all day , and
holders complained that the prices realized
wcro unsatisfactory and lost them money on
their Investment. Tlio Texas branch of tlio
market , while not notably active or strong ,
developed sufficient strength to enable sales
men to obtain fully yesterday's figures , or
10u13o ( ! nbovo Saturday's prices. Native
cows , bulls and calves underwent but little
If any change , and steady prices generally
prevailed. The stoclter and feeder trade
ruled firm in price but limited In movement.
Choice to heavy beeves , § 4.05@4.40 ; medium
to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , f..75@ ) 1.10 :
1201) to 1850 lbs.0l4.00:1)50 ! ) ) to 12001bs.J3.80
( aU.85 ; stockera and feeders , wcro dull nud
lower ut2.00 ( < t 11.30i cows , bulls und mixed
were weak at * 1.25@3.)0j ( ) bulk , * 2.00(23.40 ( ;
slop-fed steers , $3U5@j.95. ; Texas cattle
closed weaker ; steers sold at $2.UOg3.50 ( :
cows , ? 1.75@3.25.
HOGS. 'Iho market opened with an un
settled tone , sellers meetintr with cotisldora-
able trouble in obtaining yesterday's closing
prices. As the any passed , however , trade
developed strength und thu finish wns a
Bhado better than the wlndup of yesterday.
Sales at the start to-day wore largely at
H 30 for packing grades und heavy mixed.
$ I.S2K@4.35 for shipping , heavy and selected
medium weights. Later W.5bus ! marked
far all good heavy grades. The proportion
of light weights proved small , and as TUCB-
dny is an off day for shipping demand , there
was enough to go around. Sales of light
mixed were largely at M.JJTX ® 1.40 , uud as
sorted light principally at fU5@4.45.
NEW YOIIK , June 25. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HEE.I STOCKS. The stock market
opened with dullness in railroad stocks and a
continuation of yesterday's unusual transac
tions in trusts. The talk of trade would in
dicate that this is likely to continue. Enthu
siastic ones say that when the sugar trusts
reach 150 , Chicago Gas 75 and the load trusts
50 there will bo moro general trading iu them
than now. In the early trading to-day Chicago
cage uenl a multitude of orders iu trusts ,
mostly on the selling side. London came
lower , It wai rumored that tbo banks this
morning discriminated In loans of trusts
etocks , and the prediction followed that this
will check the boom , First ilgurra were %
© % per cent under tbo close lost nifhtwhile
the Crusts opened wild ami. Irregular. The
lend trust opened 1 per _ cent higher , nnd
after a further advance 16 p { ( It reacted to
U3 and later moved upjvnrd a fraction. As
on yesterday , sugar wnslmost romarknblo
for Us wldo fluctuations : mid opening at 1S3 ,
last night's price , It rapmly receded to 117J { ,
anil then , like lead , again 'moved up. Chicago
cage Gas was weak anil dropped fro.n 01 to
59f and failed to recover td any extent. In
the regular list there was considerable Irreg
ularity , but the tone wps generally linn nnd
Now England , Lacknwnnna , and Heading
displayed some strength , Paclflo Mall was
specially weak , however , fiitd after opening
nt83Jf , against 84 * lt 3JcV ; nliig , It declined
to yij on comparatively largo business.
There wns n slight upturn In railroad stocks
nt 11 a. m. , when the mnVkot was nctivo nnd
firm. During the hour tB 13 o'clock there
was very light business In regular stocks
with a falling off In dealings in trusts. In
the regular list Now England was exception
ally active and strong nnd wont to 53) .
There was a silent improvement In grangers
and coal stocks also. Later In the day there
was so tno strength In Burlington and Hock
Island , prices going to 102 anil 07 respect
ively. At the close Now England was but
per cent up at 62 % , Atchlson % per cent
lower for the day , Hurllngton and St. Paul
} ( per cent higher und Hoclt Island Jf ( per
cent higher. The greatest weakness was In
trusts. Sugar trusts was very changeable
nnd went off to 110 . 0)f per cent below the
top price of yestcrpay , nnd closud at 117V ,
or over 5 points lower for tno day. Load
trusts closed steady after a very nctivo day.
The hardening of the money market bad a
bearish effect.
The following were the cloilni ? quotations :
U. S. 4s resular. 12S'/ Northern I'Rclflc. . S .
U. 8.4s coupons . . . doprefotred Gfljt
IT. 8.4MsreBiilnr..lOrt > o. &N.v ire !
U. 8.4KB coupons..ixi' ilnprarorrcil 101V
I'aclnctisot 'U3 118 N.Y.rcntrnl lOHi
Central 1'aclllo Ill' ' I'.O.Klt W't
CllfcnBOAAlton..iaJ Itocklslaml 10'f
Chicago , Ilurllngtou 0. , M. &St.l' 71i !
& { ) ulncv 103 _ do preferred llli !
St.Pnul&Omnlm. . W
' ' ' ' ' '
Illinois Cent rat' . . . . 111' doprorerred U7
i. , H.JB W r. Union IMclllc (11 (
KntisnsArToxns. . . . 11 W..St. L. As I' . . . .
l.tiko Slioro 10'i'i dfipraforrttd. .
Central. . OJ Western Union
MltBourll'aclllc. . . . 7J34'
Mosni Eajat 2 > @ 0 per cent.
cent ,
STUHUMO Excnvxan Dall but steady ;
sixty-day bills , $4.87 ; demand , $4.SSj !
CHICAGO , June i5. ! 1 : lb p. m. close Wheat
Strong , nctivo and hlghercnsh ; , 82c ; July ,
80Kc ; September , } io.
Corn Steady ; cash , 35 0 ; July , 35 c ;
September , 80c.
Oats Steady ; cash , 22Ko ; July , 22 13-10 ;
September , 22 13 ICc.
Hyo Cash 40 } c.
Barlev Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.40.
Flax No. 1 , $1.50.
Whisky ? 1.02.
Pork Stronger ; cash , 11.85 ; July ,
Lard Firmer : cash , $0.5. > ; July , $0.60.
Flour Firm , dealers cenerally asking 5@
lOc advance on standard prailes ; winter
wheat , SJ.O ! ) < il4.50 : spring wheat , S1.30&5.50 ;
rve , sa. 15fJ2 00.
Dry Suit Meats Shoulders , $ "U2 } < f < 7,2.V
short clear , S0.12X@0.25 ; short ribs , $3.00 ®
Uuttor Irregular ; creamery , 13@lGc ;
lalry. 10@14c. ,
Cheese Weak ; full ijrcnii ( chcddars nnd
Young Americas , "i Qic ; flats , 7J @ 7c.
EURS Firm ; fresh , 12)16r'J ) c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and lig'i
salted , 5J o ; salteJdulltVfo ; green saltoJ
calf , Oc ; dry ( lint , 7q ; iry ) saltoJ , 7c ;
dry calf , 7i5ic ( ; deacons , Ujo.oach.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid paekoJ ,
4c ; No. 2 , 3 > c ; cake , 4i'Cc.
KecL-ipts. Shipments.
Flour . 14.100 5,000
Wheat . 20.000 33,000
Corn . 21,000 5'J.OOO
Oats . IVS-OOp oli.UJO
City. Juau 25. .iVhuit
Receipts , none ; shipments , none ; stronger ;
No. 2 cash , ? 2'4c ; July , GI o ; No. 2 soft ,
cash , 79c ; July , Oi e.
Corn -Steady ; No. 2 , cash. 20tfc bid ,
XcnsKed ; Julv , 2C' c bid ; No. S white ,
casn , 29.fc bid , 30o asked.
Oats No. 2 cash , ISc bid ; July , 19c asked.
Aiitmciipolm , Juno 25. Wheat Sample
wheat dull but firm ; ; receipts , 87 cars ; ship
ments , 71 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
June and July , 97 0 ; on track , 99c ; No. 1
northern , Juno and July , 92c ; on track ,
93@94c ; No. 2 northern , June and July ,
S3c ; on track , 8J@Oc.
Milwaukee , Juno 23. Wheat Strong ;
cash and July , 785 e.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 3. > } c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 , wtnto , 28c.
Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 43) < fe.
Barley Firmer ; No. 3 , SOSMo.
Provisions Finn ; pork , 511.75. „
Cincinnati , Juuo 25. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red. 85K@i"- ' .
Cora Dull ; Xo. 2 mixed , 37c.
Oats Harely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 25 ®
Whisky 51.02.
St. Louis , Juno 25. Wheat Higher ;
cash , S3J4o ; July , 743 c.
Corn Higher ; cish. UlJ c ; July , 31u.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2Jc ; July , 2 c.
Pork Firm at $12.00.
Lard Nominally $0.23.
Whisky 51.02.
nutter Unchanged ; creamery , 13@15c ;
dairy , ll@12c.
Now Vork , June 25. Wheat Receipts ,
0,700 ; exports , none ; spot higher ; No. 2 ,
red , ST @ 85Jlo in store ; 60 } < f@3'c nfloat ;
85K@8X < 3 r- ° - b. : wo. 1 rod , U8 } < fa9'Jc ( ' :
options closed firm ; No. 8 red , July , closing
at 85 c.
Corn Receipts , 109,000 ; exports , 131,230 ;
spot firm ; No. 2.120 In elevator ; 42 < @ 4.1o
ufloat ; options stronger , July closing at
42 | c.
Oats Receipt" ) , 100,000 r exports , 70 ; spot
firmer ; options dull ; July closing nt 23 > c ;
spot No. 2 white , ay @ 3Jc ; mixed west
ern , 27iOc. ;
ColTco Options opened Irregular nnd 80@
SO points down , and closed barely steady and
KitUM points down ; sales , 2-0,000 bags ; July ,
$ ia.0d@l3.45 ; AugUst.lU.3313.05j ( spot Rio
dull ; fair cargoes , S10.50.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 90c.
Eggs Steady ; western , U d U c.
Pork Mess , $1U.OO@I3.25.
Lard Stronger ; bales , western , C0.85 ;
closing at $0.87K'
Butter Western dairy , 10@Mo ; western
creamery , l ! < @ 17 c.
Cheese Stronger ; western , 7i @ 3J c.
Llvorpoi'l , Juno 25. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Cali
fornia , No. 1 , Os 10d@0s Id per cental ;
rod western , spring , 7s IdQ's 2d ; red west
ern , winter , Oi Od@0s 0 < d.
Corn Steady and dcuiand'falr.
LilViO STOOf . *
Glilcnuo , Juno 25. Tlio Drovora' Journal
reports as follows : I ' ' L
Cattle Receipts , 7,030 ; market steady ;
beeves , * 4.05@4.40 : stccra. * 3.UO@J.10 ; stock-
crs und feeders , $2.00@3.iO ! ; cows , bulls and
mixed , $1.25@3.00 ; Texas cattle , rJ.30 !
a.60. '
Hogs Receipts , 21,500 ; market active and
a shade higher ; mixed , $4.20@4.45 ; heavy ,
$ .20@4.37X' , light , W.25St65 ; skips , 2.50 ®
4.00. i
Sheep RccelptH , 5 503 ; market active
and strong ; natives , t > 3.25 ( < H90 ; wcbtorns ,
t3.UO4.15 : Texans , $3.00 ( 4.25 ; lambs , fJ.OO
C < ? 4.00 per bead.
KHHHUH Olty , Juno ' 25. Cattle Re
cclpts , 0,000 ; shlpmcntB , 1,500 ; market
higher ; corn fed steera , $3.00@4.00 : stockers
and feeders , 2OOQ3.10'cow ; . $1.0033.00.
Hogs Receipts , 1,200 ; shipments , COO ;
market slow and weak ; good to choice light ,
* U5@J.20 ; heavy and mixed , $4.05@4.10.
National Stock Vnrd-i , Hint St.
Lonla , Juno 25. Cattle Receipts , 4.403 ;
shipments , 20 J ; market steady : fair to
cholcohoav.V uatlvo Btctn , , ? 3.10t.aO ; stock-
crs and feeders , fJ.10Uy,25 ( : rangers , corn-
fed , rJ.60@3.70.
Hogg Receipts , 8,700 ; shipments , COO
market steady ; choice heavy and butchers
selections , f4.25@t.U ! ; packing , fl.l5@l.30 :
light grades , l.80@4.4o.
8lonic City , Juno 25. Cattle Receipts ,
150 ; market steady and unchanged ; fat
Btecra , &J.OO@3.80 ; etoukora and feeders
e2.15a2.90. (
Hogs Receipts. 2.900 ; market lower
light and mixed , $3.92 > @ 4.02 > i j heavy , f 3.1)5 )
OMAHA invn & TOO ic.
Tuesday , Juno 25.
Contrary to expectations the demand to
day did not dovolopo much activity , but on
the contrary the trade was slow , nt prices
that could hardly bo nuotod higher than yes
terday. Good corn fed native stcors of heavy
weights were plentiful , but tidy little cattle ,
Which wcro the most nought after , were
scarce , and tlin holders of such were enabled
to obtain a little stronger prices. As usual
of Into , good stockers alul feeders were scarce
nnd the few in received little attention.
IJutchers' stock was not plenty and sold at
steady prices. The sales wcro mostly of odds
and ends , a few head picked up In u place.
Cattle . 1,300
Hoga . 8,000
Prevailing I'rlcoi.
The following li ati'jlo of prlosi paid In
this market for tha gMdus of stoolc men
tioned :
Prime stcors , 1300 to 1000 lbs.3.75 ! .09
Good stoars , 1233 to HV ) lb . . . il.05
Good steers. 1030 to 1'J'JO ' Ibs. . . 3.5J @ 3.SO
Common canners . @ 2.00
Onllnury to fair cows . 2.0J ( Vd2.l0
Fair to good cows . 2.4' ) Gp2.HO
CJoodto choice cows . 2i'J ( W2.1K )
Cholcoto fimcv cows , heifers. . 2.00 f7o.t.2J
fair to Rood bulli . 2.00 fJ)2.50 )
flood to clioleo liulH . Bf'J ( > 2.1K )
Light stockcrs and fosdnrs. , . . 2.70
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 8.03
fair to choice light boss . 4.0J ® 4.03
Pair to choice heavy hug * . 4.00 df 4 05
fair to choice mixed hogs . 3.95 1.05
Shorn sheep . aou OC1.UO
Itoprcsuniailvo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr.
17. . . , 1015 S3 40 20 1331 $373
1. . . , 1020 3 40 19 iau 3 75
2t. . . h97 3 40 09 1093 3 75
17. . . . . . . 1017 3 ( W 20 1151
23 049 3 00 20 13SI 3 80
! M ! )70 ) 00 30 ? 1214 3 SO
17 1338 3 05 19 1320 3 80
23 1010 3 ( 33 1305 3 8U
1223 370 17 1403 3 87
1071 375
2 1030 1 75 10. 1121 245
2 740 1 75 1. 7bO 2 0
2 1035 1 75 1. 010 2 05
5 853 1 75 8. 1201 3 75
2 M5 2 15 1. ll'OO 2 90
7 1007 2 15 C. ioor 3 15
1 1170 235
840 1 00 3 1010 1 50
b70 1 60 1 1030 1 05
1810 300 1 1140 3 CO
3. 433 2 10 34 153 3 00
8. 703 325
550 280
Ti : 1 rSTlSllll.VY.
1093 870 10 . 1520 3 S71/ <
1200 380 30 . 1459 3 b7 }
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Standard Cattle Co.
59 corn fed steers . 1235 ? 3 85
No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Shit. I'r.
1. . .2-11 80 fj 05 68. . , .1)11 ) S-l OJJ
oo' .211 3 95 79. . , .21 ! ) so
o' ! , .231 8 93 00. . . .202 103
03. . , .211 120 4 00 74. . . .248 ito ;
00. . , .2.l ) 60 -1 00 02 , . , , 3'JO 120
' 2 , .229 bO 4 00 CO , . , .203 80 4 02V5'
i7. . . .253 10) 4 00 Oil. , .231 80 4 02
51. . .200 so 4 00 CO. . .272 80 4 02H
ol. . . .310 40 4 00 05. . .233 bO 4 02K
51. . . .233 120 4 00 ns. . , .280 80 4 02 ! $
" > 2. . . .812 123 4 00 53. . 201 100 4 02 } , '
W. . . .251 200 00 . ' . ' 8'J 40 4 ( H
n. . . .240 100 CO .243 bO 4 02)i )
' 0. . . 230 100 00 EC. . . 123 4 02M
01. . . . : B 00 70. . . . 457 40 4 03M
W. . . .2S3 100 C ? . . . .231 100
13. . . .215 20. ) 07. . . ,2-,3 210
70. . . .253 40 00 52. . . .207
30 . . .237 40 on 01. . . .237 SO
51. . . . ' V > 9 ICO CO 0) . . . .250 10 I 04 ?
53. . . .2.YJ 200 00 70. . . 200 JOJitf
72 . . .219 120 4 00 01. . . ! 253 100 402K
44. . . .340 80 4 00 01. . .245 80 4 OJ'i
CO. . . .23.1 100 4 OJ 01. . . ' 1 0.- )
U. . . .272 bO 4 00 71. . . 221 40 4 05
40. . . .329 60 4 00 09. . . .2.H 40 i 05
13. . . . .2.0 2 > 4 CO 73 . . .215 4 03
l9. ! . . .284 10 4 00 05 . . .2(50 ( 80 1 0.-
f > 7. . . .101 120 4 00 r.s. , . 80 4 03
4 . . . .800 4 00 CO. . . last 4 05
50. . . .32. ) 4 00 oo. . . O JO 4 05
80. . . .203 120 4 ( > ( i 75 , . . ! il T 40 1 03
05. . , .25t : 120 4 00 79. . . 40 4 05
09. . . .203 120 4 00 53. . . ! 2JO bO I 05
51. , SO 4 00 CO. . . ,2ciS bO 4 1)5 )
74. , 80 4 W t t * , .212 120 4 05
57. , .29(1 ( 12J 4 00 07. . . .25J 4 05
74. , .2-12 ioa 4 CO 03. . . . ' . ' 03 4 05
00. , .2n 8C 4 00 70. . . .2.U 120 4 0)
00. , .2S2 bO 4 00 01. . . .273 bO 4 15
03. , .2IW 4 00 115 . .243 210 4 05
( iO , SO 4 00 01. . . .2J- 80 4 05
02. , too 4 03 72 " .217 80 4 05
( U , .279 SM. 4 00 70" ; ; .361 80H 1 U5
48. , .239 4 00 (10. ( . . H > 05
03. , 290 240 4 02K 5S. . . .277 120 05
04. , Hi ! ) 4 03 .253 210 05
CO. , 120 4 02K .2.V 200 05
0. , .245 yoo 4 02K 07. . . .229 120 05
09. , .2'9 80 4 02 OS. . , .252 2SO 4 05
St. , .212 SCO 4 OJJ * (12. ( . , bO 4 05
05. .205 120 03. . , IL'9 100 4 05
03. .233 40 4 ! ? tf. 01. . . .288 4 05
7. , .310 21. . , .2511 10 4 05
00. , 277 40 4 02j $ 59. . . .2.-.9 05
09. , .244 70. . . .237 120 C'5
01. , .277 120 4 .250 to 05
5i. , .253 80 4 .2113 bO 05
50. , .20J 120 t.)0 ) 10 05
00. , .253 120 4 02 01..Sill bO 4 05
57. , 297 .201 I
02. , .270 100
03. , 120 4 02J
Ijlvo Stock .Notes.
L. A. Combs , of Ewing ; came In with
stock , >
H. P. Slndor came In with boss Irom St.
J. M. Emcrino was hero with hogs from
western Iowa. .
Joe Dlxnn , Memphis , had hogs and c.ittlo
on the market.
Halo ft Uerryman , of. Cordon , inarlteted a
car of hogs.
U. J. Hey , of Fullerton , came In with cattle
tlo ana hogs.
M. T. Nichols , of Uradyvillc , la. , had hogs
on thu market.
M. II. Jeffrey , of Silver Creek was u visi
tor at the yards.
William Hosa , Little Sioux , In. , was a. visitor -
itor at the yards.
M , F. Stcllcy , Swanton , had two cars of
hogs on the market.
II. C. and J. W. Ueasoner were hero from
Greenwood with hogs and cattlo.
Llnd Nelson came In from Odell with a
string of sixteen cars of line cattlo.
William Hays , Valparaiso , was .on the
marltot with a car of hogs.
II. F. Downer , a regular Arapalios shipper -
per , brought In three cars of hogs.
William Stewart , Uonodlct , had three
cars of hogs and two of cuttlo hero from
J , A. Swlshor , formerly nf the yards lioro ,
now of the Sioux City yards , mot with n
great loss in the death of his wlfo last
EiiKllfiii Metal Market.
Tno American Mntnl Market prints the
following cablegram , dated London , Friday ,
Juno 21 !
Market remains dull , and prices either
barely steady or easier.
TIN Operations luivo been small , and
again at lower values ; although the opening
on Monday was at an advance of 5s , from
which prices grow yet llrmer In the after
noon to 90 10s cash , and 91 7s Gd forward.
From this point , quotations again relapsed ,
losing 10s nt each 'change on Tuesday , ana 2s
Cdc ( < } 5s at each one the next nay. There was ,
however , but little further actual decline
yesterdaythoueh values were a tntlla softer ,
and to-day were lowered 2s Go moro at each
'change , cash leaving oft at b'J and three
months' prompts nt 89 10s.
Coi'i'BU IB still dealt In to a moderate ex
tent , nno > prices Uuutuato but little ; itnprov-
proving Ga on Monday to 41 Cs and 41 for
cash und forward prompts respectively , und
Btandlnc thereat unaltered until Wednesday
forenoon , when mi udvanco of 5s was again
established , No further change was noted
yoaturduy , but another slight gain to-day
broueht the cash price up to XM1 ISs Oil , with
forward prompts Boiling at 41 tK
ANTIMONY Having now reached the ex
ceptionally high llRiiro of 0010s for HiU-
lott'fl , lim m nil o no further ndvnnca tlllt
week , but on the other hand maintains this
value nsMt \ quoted ,
Sriii.TKit ItolniislnR ngnln slightly durlne
the week , to 1S for ordinary brands of SI-
leslan , with tha usual preference of 2sCd ( < 3
7s Od Riven to specials.
Lr.An Kxlilolts no little Ufa thnt no altera
tion conld bo noted from the ilxcd price of
12 10s for Soft Kpanlih or 13 ICs English
] ) Igs until to-day , when quotations cased oft
2s ( is@5s.
KNOI.ISII Pin liiox As during Init wcok ,
hat been quirt and stcadv ut HSs for No. 'I.
llBBSEMKiil'io Is still rather heavy out
quoted the same ns lait week at f.0 < .
STitcii UAII.S Steady and fairly nctlvo at
1 12s Oil f. o. t > . for lieavy sections.
Oi.n lUli.s Brisk uml llrm nt ( > 5s(07EOJ (
for T'f , 70s@75i for 1) . II. c. 1. f. , N. V.
SoiiAf Inox Meets wllu n good demand
nud brings from 45 * 503 f. o. b.
Or.ASOow , Friday , Juno 21 , 1SS9.
SCOTCH W\HHANTS Hnvo not recovered
from thu decline mndo cnrllor In tlio inontli ,
but ns yet show no signs of going
much lower. The market was steady and
unchanged at 42) M on Monday morning , but
advanced two pence by the eloso of the day ;
and on Tuesday opened even n penny or two
higher , relapsing ngaln to 4'Js 7d at the end.
Early lluctuntlons on Wednesday were in n
downward iiirccllon but the tmmo closing
price of 42s 7d was repeated ; n penny less
than whli'h was accepted yesterday. The
nmrkot to-dny was llrmer tinonghoutnnO nl
the closing had ndvimced to 42s Od.
Makers' quotations are for
Coltncso , alongside , Glasgow fill Od
Gnrtshcrrio , " " 51s Od
Summcrlcc , " " Tilts Od
Lanpioan , " " r > ; ) sm :
Curnbroo , " " 45s ltd
Itlcnir.irnock , " Ardrossan Olsild
Kglluton , " * " 4II3 3d
D.ilmollington , " 45s Od
Lighterage , Ardrossan to Liverpool , Is
Livnnrooi , , Friday , Juno 21 , 1SS9.
TIN PJ.ATT.S Dull nnd qulut.
Charcoal tin plates , Molyn
grade 10s 10KdCS178 0 d
( Jhnrconl tin plates , Alia-
way grade 14s 0 d@14s " ! { ( [
Cliaicoal 1'orno plates ,
Dean grade , 14.23 13s 0 d@
Charcoal Torno plitos ,
Dean grado. 20.23 25j 9 d@20j 0 d
Coke tin plates , 13. V.
grade 12s 9 dfi ( > l3sO d
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 goulliHIElli Slruut , Onuiliu
fell u fv- | !
Wo < lo.ll 111 I. ml Wnrrnnlii-imi1-Nc ,
lit Uouriiim-iit r.ainl. ami Troiuuct a
Hanking Itiiclnciw.
unco Solicited.
S. A. Md CO. , BAMS.
K" BJ' iswcdbjr
Cities , Counties , School District , Vi'ntcr Companies -
panies , f c. \V < ? are iu the market for the
purchase of round muomtts of bitch bonds.
Correspondence solicited.
N. W , HARRIS & GO&3PA5-1Y , Bankers.
115-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO.
CO DovoiiQliirn Jitrcnt , BOSTON.
Boots and Shoca.
fES'ACO. . ,
Buttussors to Iteo I , Jones A Co.
Wholesale Hannfacti-rers - of Bsois& Siites
Agents for IJoston liubbtr fchoe Co , llir. , HOInudllK
Uamey btieut , Onialn , l
. Brovvors. - - . . . .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1B1 Korlh Kliihlcealli btreot. Onuhn , Vtt.
Haiiiifactiirer.50i'GalTa'.iiz3d Iron Cornice
Window-caps nnd mctallc t.xjKit \ ! * . .lo'.in Kpcnctcr ,
uroprltitor. lUi urid llut-oiitu lOtn streau
Offloo Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
1M , Office and Saloon Fixlnros ,
Unnlk'3 , SUIcbonnlj. Itonk Cn cs , Ilmr KlxluroJ , VTftll
Caio , I'llttllltins , K.illliiKSUi. iuturillei'raiid Win *
Coolers , illrrorn. Ills' tnctory mid orfcc , r "
Boulti l.ltb Ht. . Uoik'iH. Tulcplioun 1131.
Paper Boxoo.
Proprietor Omaha Facer Box Factory ,
NOB. 1317 add 1311) ) Douglas ( tract , Omaaj , Nob.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
31 , A. DlbHUOW A CO. ,
UDiiurncturoM of
Sasn , Doors , Blinds anil Mouldings ,
Urunrb 'yClco , 12th sud Iinr.l MrceL Omitliu , Neb.
MannfaCtnrers of Sasli , floors , Blinds ,
lncf , Blulr-worh nnil Interior him I wood finish.
N. U. comer it li unii Ix'iivi uurrilj urculn ,
Omaha , fob.
Pine ; ! and Engines ,
fllcun , water , rnllwr.r nnd inlnlntt > upplle > , OVX
WO , 1C.'ninl 'Jin tnrui'.in tucct , OinnUo.
Steam and fate , ' Singles ,
! I&ililr nlud mills. 013 nnd 12J Jonea tit. , Omaha ,
U. F. Hots , ttillllK rauiMiygr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BuocMron trork , Dtcam piirupi , civr inllli. 121J-121J
l.cuf cuworlli itruut , Umaha.
Carter A Son , l'ai' | . Munu/acCii rcr ot nllUnln
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WL
Works Niufi JtU HHI | II..VM.cfoi < liijj.Tul. HI5 _
Wrought and Cast Iron Bni fling forfc
Snginct , brut > work , general founilrtnncldno and
i nork. Uflico nnd iruiki , U. 1 * . Ill ,
nnd IHlittieot , Omaliu.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron-Railings
Deik rail * , window guards. flower itHndi , wire ilxai.
oto. 121 Nortli 1C.IU ureot , Omali .
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults. Jail work. Iron > huttrr &nd lira eitapet.
O. Andreen , piop'r. Cor , 1UU and Jacknon til * .
Of Omaha Limited ,
" TC J ui
I u nil n
tcr * nt r
c , iioiu
pom , Ite.
0'1 Vut'B li-cucjr , gait Ho. CiUlk bl. , UUJCAUO.
Anrlculturnl Implomonta.
Bealer In Agilcultnial Iniplemcnls , Wagons
CjrrUgei and r > ncnlo . Jnac < ilrocl , between 9th and
_ IVth , OrnnUa. NtbrajkR. _
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
_ Iluirglcs.ctfl , Wholesales Omaha , Nebraska.
alg Doalon In
Agrienllnral Imnlements , WagonsS Bnggies
.MMai amtlOTJonci troel , Oninhn.
Maniifacturon nnd jobbori In
Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Flows Etc ,
Cor. WU and 1'sclllo utroots , Omaha.
Artists' Mntorlalo.
A. UOSPti , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13DouRlaitlr el Omnha , Aobrnika.
Doots nnd Shoos.
IP. V. MORSE it CO. ,
JoMicrs of Boots cind Stioes ,
1101,1101,11US DoiiRlim Mroi't , Om.-\hi\ . MHnuf ctorr.
Bummer mroct , lloilon ,
Con 11 C o k o o n d Llmo.
Jofes of Hard and Sofl Coal ,
OT South ISthelrcot , Omnlm , Nebrntkk.
SliipFC s of Coal al CoXe ,
? Soutli tsth St. . Omaha , Nob.
JO/JiV A.'A \ \ KKFIEI.D ,
\Vliolcsalo \ Liiiiilisr Etc ,
Iniportoil mill AIIIITICIIII I'nniand cittnoit. Stix
nsciit for .Mllwaukru lijilrnullo cvinunt nn 1
( Bulimy whun limn.
Dealer in Harflwooil Lumber ,
W 04 C&rpoti nnct pnrquotllnnrlnit. Dth and IXim 1M
_ _ trecU. unman. Ket
OMirHA LUMltEll CO. ,
AllKiiiuSofBaildiiisMaterialatWliolcsalB ,
16th Street imJ Union I'nclllcTruck.Omnht ,
Dealer in Luinlicr , Lalli , Liinc , Sasli ,
Doom , Bto , Yards-Comer 7tli anil Uougliu. Corner
ICtli ntid DoUKlr.n ;
FUEL ) ir. OK/11' .
Lunlier , LiniB Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Corner ClU nd DouBln SH , Omnhiu
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumiicr.
13lU oJ California Streets , Omilm , Nobrnika.
jyjniir oryorul _ NotjotiB.
Inprters yolibersin Millinery & Notion !
SUS , 21U and 2 fcoatli Hill itroat
Bolesale Notions anil FiirnisliiiiK GooSs ,
i i-th an i Ilon.ivil < J > .1 i.
Co n m I s s I gnjari cl ii to rage.
Storage and CoiiiDiiJSioii
Specialties lliittur. Ofrc' , cliroso , rimi'try ' ,
ItPllownnl rtioct Dinnhn. Null
Dry Goods and .Motions.
. E. SMt'ljf& CO. ,
Dry Goods , Foriiisning Goa s anH Notions
1102 and 1101 Douslna , cor. llth itrcct , Omalin , Nob.
Importers PiidJoMers in Dry GcodsNotions ,
Dents' furnishing troniln. Corner llth nnd liarnor
etrcets , Oinnlin , Nuhriskii.
luiporlQrn nnU jobbcra of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
217 Boulii IMh itrcot.
Wholesale Dealer , ? in Furniture
fcr.rnnm slrcul , Ouialm , Nobratka.
I Furniture ,
Cmnha Nobrnik * .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,7UT , 703 nnd 711 South 10th et. , Onmtm , Nob.
HcCORD , DttADY & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nnd iicurcnworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
w. J.
Hcayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , ttoclc , imrdvrnro , lurnbor , etc. 1203
l 1211 llnrnoy Mruot , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
llutnls , shoot Iron , etc. Afcul- for llowo scales ,
Slliirnl [ powder nnd I.yiumi birbod wire ,
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop.
Uccurnlci' tools nrd HiitTnlo nrilus. Itli Douglal
strojt , Oniulm. Nub.
, lollicr of
Toys. Dolls Alfliinis , Fancy Gooils ,
[ lousu luinlt.hln ? rrt in It. ( Illlflt'tM'fl tlitt ln
120U I'aiiinm Btreot , Omahu Nub.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A luurea ott5.OMiiilni. A. II , II8hOi ! | ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nlco ttock of lulnllnir , wruppln wrlllni
Iiiipcr , r-puclul ntluutloii Klton tocitr Hers.
- TJU -
Chicago , Milwauke & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The IJcst Ilouto from Omnlia nud Council
IHllfTH to
= THE EAST = =
Chlcngo , AND Mlhraiikoo ,
Hi. i'nul , Minneapolis , Ccdur Jfaplds ,
Itock Isliind. 1'recporl , Itochford ,
Clinton , Uubiiquo , Dincnport ,
Klgln , Hudlson , JnncsUllo ,
liulolt , Wlnonii , Ln CroHsc ,
And all albor Important polnti Kait , Nortlmait oa
Uuutliuait ,
ror through tlckoti , call on ( lie ticket naent at 1601
Karnsinilrtol , In Uurkur Jlloc' < , or at Uiiloii I'aciao
Depot ,
J'ullmon Slcepcri nnd tlia ttno > t Dlnlna Cnri In th
worMarurnn on the ra'ilii line of the ChluiKO , Mil.
wnukoo & HI. 1'aul Itullwajr. mid uvury ultuiitliin u
l > ala to imiai.Dier by tuiuUoui uuployt * of tbt
U. MIU.KIl.Utjmnl Manauer.
J. t' . TlIiMCKIt. Aulilant Uoaurnl Munncnr.
A. V. 11. OAlll'KHTIilt , liuutitdl fttituiiior na
Ticket Auenl.
liKO. K HKA.HK011D , AllliUut
ami Ticket AKOut.
T. 1 , CtiAltK. U D r i SuperloUnJeat ,