Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? fflUESPAY , JUNE 25 , 1889.
'Advertisements under this hood 10 cents per
line ( or the llrst insertion , cents for each sub-
tcquent Insertion , nnil fl.W per line per month.
No advertisement taken Tor loss than 2.1 cents
for tlrst insertion. 8ovrn words will 60 counted
to the llnoj thejr must nin consecutively and
tntut 1)0 paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must lie handed In before 13:30 : o'clocr p.
in , , and under no clrcnmntancoi will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In them columns nnil hav-
inn their answers addressed In euro of TIIK HUH
will please nek for a check to enable them to got
their letters , an none will bo dollrcrcd except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements nlioulil be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns are pnl > -
llshcd In both morning and evening editions o
ITiiB Drr , the circulation of which aggregates
Jnore than IB.COO papers dally , and gives the nd-
YcrtlceM the benefit , not only of the city elren-
lutlonof Tiir. DEI : , but also of Counrll Illufts ,
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for these colnmni vlllljo taken
on the above conditions , at tliu following busl
ness hoiiPeiL Mho arc authorized nRcnts-forTnu
llKK Rccclnl nollcra , nnd will quota the tmmo
talcs nB can bo had otthpinnln olllco.
OHASB&KOnY. Btatloucrs and Printers , 113
South ICt hBtretft.
II. FAHNflWOllTH , Pharmacist , 3115 Cum-
i IngPtrtet.
J. HUnilES , Pharmacist , C24 North IGth
. Street.
/ 1 EO. W. PAIUl Pharmacist. 180U St Mary's
WANTKD A Rltuntlon by an experienced
dry goods and clotnlntimnn : smuH town
Tirnferrod. Address 11 , K. , Iloo olllro , Llnnolu
Neb. l , J su
" \\7 ANTr.D Hy a youiiR Indy ot rollnoniont
nnd education , a piiRltion ns Koverpcs1 ! , or
work to Oo In olllco ns copyist ; reference1 ! ttood.
AddrepaC07. Ilee. ca Kt
AN oxpnrlonccd urocory clcrk(23) ( ) from llroofc
lyil wishes employment : speaks Orrmtm
and EnRllali. Addres 0 tti , lleo. Oil S'i
TpXl'MtT accountant wants complicated
JLi- books nnd partnership matters to njust.
AdUrcES 0 tn , Hoe. COjylW
V\7"ANTKD Jlen to sell Shetland-Mountain
T > potilcH ; little bonmlni , ] > otteil and fancy
colors , lariscst herd of thoklndlnAinrricft ; sam
ple pair tree on buMnpxa-Uke cundltlons ; letters
nnswerod If n self-nddrossod 8tainjed envelope
Is unclosed. Proprietor "Shetland Pony Ilanch , "
Tan Huub , llexar Co. , Texas , TW "OS
\VANTKD-Ten bright , Routed young men
for an easy Job and clean work ; peed sal.
ttry guarnntoed. Call on J. J. Hover , 1.112 DodRo.
. TUT-'Jo"
D Knorgctlc teach ors and students
TI to procure members for the National Lib
rary a ( iclatlon. The busluess Is pleasant and
prolltablo : aRonts make from t > to $ .50 per
week. Addiess with references , National Lib
rary Association , 103 State st , , Chicago , 111 ,
071) ) si
good corn ! -e men. Western
ornice Wonts , llth between Jackson and
Jones. n3 27
T/ITANTIJD / A thoiough , competent oil sales-
TI mini ( for the state ot NebrasKa ) one wlio
lins an t'Htal'lhliud trrtdo preferred. A perma
nent situation , good salary and expenses will
1)0 given to the right party. Address for 6
daya 0 K8 lice. C41SW
WANTKD Good , reliable men for detect
ives In every community ; paying posi
tions. Address Kansas Detective Bureau. Lock
llox . Wichita. Kan. UO It
WANTKI ) A man to take charge ot a retail
Inmborvard as manager. In a town on tlio
F. . C. & 31. V. It It. Need a man who 1 ? Indus' '
trlous nnd reliable , and Is thoroughly ac
qualntd with the retail trade. Will pay good
salary to the rlgnt man. Address , O ) , care
Omaha lleo. COn 21
ANTED Drug clerk with references. In
quire at 13th and Center. i i > T3t
ANT Ell A marble cutter. Inquire at room
t T 14. Chamber of Commerce , r > 85
W ANTKD A younp : man or boy to cirry
horse route on Dally livening llee , Apply -
ply at Uee olhce.
BOYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , , 1304 Douglas.
MKN to Travel for the Fonthlll Nurseries of
Canada. Wo pay H > Q to 8HH ) a month and
expenses to ogouts to soil our Canadian grown
Block. Ad. Stone Ac Wolllugton. Madisoa , Wis.
, .03
t-LA ? * ' * i .ituii .iuu u.a , roc' m3n and
TT track-layers for Washington Territory
good wages _ and stpaay _ work. an Albrlght'i
Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st.
ANTED Olrl for l-.oujework. 1423 N. 19th
W ANTED Qlrl for general housework , 40 !
S. iMtnnve. 745 25t
W ANTKD Good girl for general housework
lu small family , ( > I2 B. 28th Ht. 741 25 ?
WANTED Pastry cook. f25 ; 2 for boarding
houses. f20 ; 2 girls for olllcers' famlllox , 8
In family , S2l ; pantry girl out of city , S-W
dishwashers. laundresses , to for general luniso
Work , Mrs. Brogn , 8IIJJ S. 15th , 741 25t
GIItL for goncrul house work , small family ,
no children , lodgers or boarders. 20011 Call
fornlft st. C'J2 21 ;
'W/'ANTED A good girl for general
T work. Inquire 21 16 Jone * st. 713-2J
WANTED Waist and skirt finishers atoncc ,
M. A. Wallace. IBID Howard St. MW-25
" \ATANTED A good cook. * 5 per week. V.
V > K. Moorls. 1117 gouth 18th. C l-2i-
WANTED Oood girl to COOK , wash and
Iron. Mra. W. M. Bushman , 014 S. 17tliW
WANTED l irst class exporlonced servant
Rirl , good wtigos jiaid. Mrs. it , 0. Patter'
foil , 23)3 ) Furnaui. C78
" \\TANTKD-Two girls , hcnsokoeper art
Ti chambermaid , Broadway and 35th st.
Conhclal Illnlls , Cential house. 270 ait
WANTED-A girl In family of three , 2111
California street. 031-21 :
WANTEI > Some one to care lor A baby ai
their own bomo ; also a goon , healthy we
nurse , one pastry cook , or some fair cook win
is willing to bo taught ; good wages ; lots o
good places In private families , Mrs. llrogu
31 Hi 8. loth. GS3 tt
TAT'ANT.ED Competent nurse girl , one tlm
Tis klndaud willing. 1&2J Kurnam. 114
BNOAaiUIENTS to do dressmaking In faml
iMaollcltocl. Jliss Sturdy. 103 B2.Hh are ,
MlbSM m IN NICK him removed her drcBsinakiif
pnilom fromini&IIowurd to 17-llcavoinvth
Blie will bo pleased to have customers call ,
TpllHST-class day board. Inquire 1009 Doughi !
A I'AMIIA' of two havniRHomo furniture
Jtxwould Hkotopurtlyfurnlsu house and board
Mllli some ono. or would ttiko two unturnlshdd
roonm wltli board , location north of Clraco erin
I in l ouutzu PlBco ; refcreuccs oxchangod. Ad-
druaaD lieu olllco. C < U 24 ?
WANTKD-A few good 2d mortKacos. 1) . 11
Johnson. C35 l-axlou block. 703 25
TTMJllNIBHED house to rent till Oct. 1 ; 7 rooms
I ? bath and laundry , U blocks from court
touae ; will rent to family without ctilldreii ;
references lomilred. DuMd Jamleton , 314 B.
15th at. 74H
" " "
YrOH"HENT-Cottnso"of Brooms , in rear of
JL ! 1815 CUlcngo , uuar 13th , city venter ana
tovrsr. ftlK.4
FOB ItENT l logaut now brlct residence ,
coruur il.'nd aud Puppluton n > onue , all moil-
tiru conveniences. Inquire Goo , N , Hicks ,
room 40 , Barker block , 700 x&
HOUSE , lor rent A modem nine-room Hat ,
AH conveniences. No , KKI Pnrk avenue ,
between Half Howard and Jarksou st . Apply
to Ueo. J. Btemsilurtr , rooms 31T uud 918 First
National hank-building. Telephone 181. 7h'-2 }
1J1OH HUNT A cottngo of 7 rooms nearSti
JL1 Mnry'sHVonuo , with or without furniture.
Apply ti4J 8. ih avenue. 714
TTOH KENT 11-room house , modern conven-
JL ? lenri * B. ait California st. 711-U ) *
TpOll HENTN-Newfi-room houboS3 ChtcaKo.
ITIOH UENT 3-room cottage , newly papered ,
JU Davrnitort t , , fJ per month. Inquire Netn-
ertou Hall , room isi , Fint National Jiunk.
'll HENT Nlco 8-room flat , now Ir r psMd ,
WI"8 * no > Tara tt. , in tnaat market , C5 >
- 7-room conur Kn.Kth am
? Jo mis. _ ji _ aiu
ItKNT-vVroom houao , Cvi Fjlrce at.
C ) NICK 7-room cottnRcn : good collars. clsUir4 .
well. cooil bum ; convenient to chool and
church ; 820 pet month for the summer. Apply
at once , 0. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l Uank.
"inoit UENT 14-room brick dwolllnff. all con
JJ vonlcnco.s , G blocks from > ' . O.f : iu N. 10th st.
T71OK Itr.NT Dwolllup. 0 rooms. Rood stable
J. ' and all modern conveniences , Cnpltol nvo. ,
Sblockftfrom High school. D. J. O'Donahoo ,
icol l-ttrimm i U 6K
ITIOU UENT A detacliad l rooirf Douse , all
JU modern conveniences. I'.nq. _ ' 5'.P3 Cnpltoiave *
T71OU KENT Desirable 10-room briok house
J3 N. litn st. It toRon by July 1 will make
vrry low rent , Innulro Nolhorton Hall , room
4n First National bank.
WKlmvo ft flno 7-room Hat facing Hoagland
property which can rent Ito a family with
good references cheap. No furnished room
subletting allowed. L. .t 8. Loan and Rental
Agency , over 1001 Howard street. _ 750
HOUSE for runt , Inquire 2U23 Dodge st.
, 7'
TilOH KENT A nlcoft-room cottage with many
JP comrulnnces , B27 8. 17th ave ; rent moderate.
Adply 021 8. Kth st. _ . _ 071
I7IOH UENT 7-room house with .gas and bath ,
JU furnlturo for sale choaj ) . 8013 Lsavonworth
U2U27 *
TJIOU KENT 8-room house , bath room , Bower.
J city water , gas etc. . 830 per month. 2110
Sownrd t. Innuirn nt 2103. _ 75 25t
KESIDENCKS lit the Wm.J.PalilblocK.cor.HUh
nnd Chicago Moil modern and attractive.
Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , PnullGU9
Farnam. 44a
FOH HUNT I'lirnlsliod C-room nouso. 1815
Corby st. , nt $ : Ji per month. OSJ Tit
TTlOlt KENT-Nowbrlckhousos. H rooms , with
J every modern convenience ; on cable line ;
only 810 per month , C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglas : . U25
i Oll KENT Furnished room. 2J15 Dodge st. .
1 7J'J JyS3
, UENT 1'urnlsh oil rooms , 1S09 Dodgo.
740 3ot
AN10ULV lurnUhod front room with llrst-
class board for two. In prlvat family. All
modern conxanlcnccR , rt blocka from P. O. on
cablollno. Addrcsi X. I. , lleo. 72fi
OIIKRUVUL , cool room , with or without
board , In nrlvuto family , nlcclv situated In
modern residence , llcfoccncos. X'ISO Harnoy.
"C1OU HKNT A largo and small well furnished
JH front rooms , nil modern convenience * , and
board. 2X > Fnrnnm. OU4-3W
Itooms Itandsomo suit of
FUHN18HBD all conveniences , 1A19 Howard.
AltOB furnlsned room and hoard , 108 So.
b th avo. 090-2 it
FOll HUNT Furnished room with or wiUi-
out board. 1011 Douglas st. 05 J 27 *
flOIl KENT Thioo rooms , inquire jxt .B278.
TTltniNISHKD room with first-class board.
13 2013 Douglas. 07J 28 *
TJ10II HUNT Two pailors front and on llrst
i1 lloor. AH modern covenlencos. 10011
Douglus. GXJ
N ion front room nlth board , only Jl per
week ; homo comforts ; 1.225 N. 20th st.
(5J121 ( *
JiQU ItKNT nlcoly furnished , cool suite of
rooms for family or 4 gentlemen , one room
with alcove , or will rent separately. 22J N. 1'Jth.
C40 27 *
P 1011 KKNT Furnished rooms. 1110 Dodge st.
KH-25 *
> OOM mid board cheap for two In private
V family. SS18 Hurt street. 650-24 *
SlNOLUroumand double room , every con
venience. 1UOS Capitol avo. 778
TpOR HKNT Furnished roomwith board 1722
J- ' Dodge 4M
17OOMS nnd board , 100 ana 103 So. 2 > th st.
J.V 270 July 8t
NICKLY furnished rooms , board Ifdoslrod ;
gas , bath .olectrlc bells , etc. 1009 Douglas.
EDHN1SHED room for rent after Juno 25.
2024 Hurt St. 153
FOll KENT Furnished rooms , tlrst-class ac
commodation : . MM. Tivlugler , 07a 13th
street. TO
TTIlJllNlhillKD rooms by day , weeK or month ,
JD St. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodgo. 775
AHOE front room with bed-room adjolnlnc.
JLJhandsomely furnished , gas and heated by
steam , with use of bath room. In one of the
handsomest residences In the city , without
board , liitiulio n , w. cor. 10th and Loavenwor'.h
IIHJKNIBHKU rooms , single or an unite , bath
Ju and steam ; for goats only. 151U Howard.
T ? OOM with or wltnout board. 1812 Dodge.
It 780
B10U KENT Room. 1G21 Howard.
unfurnished nouso Torrent
-C In 1'ark Terrace , opposltn Hanscom-park ;
all modurn conveniences.- Inquire Le Je
NIchol. 28th and Lenvenworth. 782
FOK ItKNT 2 front looms , en suite , modern
conveniences , tor gentlemen only.315 N.17tb ,
ICE rooms , fmulshed , $5 to $12 per month ,
or by week. Peaboily house , 14th and Jones.
. _ 1 705 J 2K
T AllOK furnlshotl room for rent , suitable for
JLJj gentlemen. It231'ariiam. C0.t
T7i5ll UENT A pleasant room , only 0 minutoi
J > walk from bualno i center , all modern con
veniences , cor St. Jlai-y'a avn. and 2uth or CiJ S.
0th , brick residence. GOl
L ) VELY south front room , every convon-
lenco , y block from street car. 2304 Douglas.
9 ItOOUS-Llgut housekeeping , $14 , iai'JN. _ 18.
ll J
niWO second-story front rooms , unfurnished :
JL would not object to light housekeeping ; 2009
Cuss st. U2il 23f
KENT Over steve store , 1021 Howard
. Inquire at store 505
lull HUNT-Until October 1 , largo furnished
house , cull )4 ) B. Sith. 30
ITlOK UENT Unfurnished rooms suitable tor
JO housekeeping In suits of 2 to 4 ; convenient
location. Butts Keutlng Agency , lr.01 Farnam.
683 J23t
.TflOIt UENT-Hear part of 1308 and 1310 1'ar-
-t1 num st. , entrnnco from alley and through
clgnr store. Also second lloor or part thereof
of uume building with sej > arato outranco. Ap
ply u cigar store , 130S Pariium st. 7JH-25
Ol'I'ICE To rout. Furnished elegantly or
imfurinslicd , Bushman block , N. B. Cor.
10 and Douglas. 04 !
" 17(111 ( KENT Comfortable store rooms in the
JL ! Her building , 6iix ! ; good locution for har
ness shop. Also , two basements , light and airy ,
44x30 , under hardware store ; good location for
tin nliop. Apply to A. 0. Itaymer , hardware
Btoro , ller building , corner Jackson and Iflth st
505 JylS
T7IOH UENT Front olllco , ground floor , 310
JL ? s ttth. 207
'fjlOH UENT Stores niid living rooms on Cum
JL1 ing st. Alee bousa on Cass st. Harris , room
411 , 1st Nat. Bane. 2-0
rne 4 story brlokjuUdiuir will
nr without power , now occupied by The Boa
Publishing Co. . U1C Farnam st. The bulldlm.
has a lire proof cemented Uajomeut , complete
fitvam heating llxturos , water on all the lloors ,
EO , etc. Apply at the olllce of Tno lloo. V15
flOH HENT-Store KxtOj 1118 Jackson st.
1 EarmlrollU Jackson. 7b3
TTIOH KENT 2 Boors nont half Bemls build
JL1 ing , power , heat , electric light. Innulre of.
nee ot IkmlB Omaha Bag Co. Bin J 2i )
IF you want your noimei rented list with Par-
roiw'n ruutal agouoy , 16th and Dodge.
. 070-J2S
y\7 ; ABHIfiO donecollected and delivered by
i > Mrs. Andiow Soreuseu , Soltl Paikerst.
bn Jy 18 *
UMI1JIELLAS and pnasols corernd and re.
paired , 217 S Uth Boyd's opera homo block ,
In riibbur atom. _ II. llalor. 7 l
milHbnnJo taught as an art by Geo. i' . Gel-
j-lcubt'ck. Apjily lit lltfeolUi ! . UJO
' '
'iTlo'lF LUABU-U hiKlde building lots. 00th and
JL ? Dudao , for ID , iM. U ) of 60 years , to parties
who will build good brink hoilkes. Uugys Si
lllll,140i > rarimmiit. eoagj
JdjrN r. DA LEV , ew r builder and drain
layer , house drainage aud sanitary work a
jpeclahy , Olllce 1407 Douflaj ft. , Omaha. Neb.
GEO. H. JONE3.p1umbln/ gas Utting
ili ln Inyint : , sousr anil vntsr i.onnectlou
tpeclattj , 1414 DW > brauir.uut. Omn'ja
POST About three weeks nco. a small cold
Usigournoan pin , with Ida.M. Henderson ,
to. , engraved on back. Very liberal reward
will be paid for Its return to room 400 , Faxton
ilock. 7U
f" OST.sloIcn or strayed from 2flth nnd Jackson ,
Ua brown mare , weight about MO , scare on
back. Finder rewarded. 7o'-34j
r.OST On Park street car IILO about two'
JU WCORS ngo. n. bound volume of Sunday
ilagnzme. Finder will please return or notify
iy postal card , f 34 8. iBth st. C88-25T
f , OST lloau coloro/l Ilolstcln cow ! any infor-
LJmntlon will bo thankfully received at J , L.
Irandles ! t Sons. BCfl
" "
MnS , Perceval of California , 1COO Douirlas t. ,
fortolls the future. Ladles nnd gentlemen ,
TpKUSONAL Photos of Omaha base ball club
JL , 89 on sale nt lloyn , the photographer. ( Iran-
Ito block. 124
CJTO11AOK at low rates at 1121 I'arnam St. !
OOrualm Auction and Storage. 703
rp HACKAaKTItorngo'lowest rates. wT"
JL Bushman , 1311 Lcavonworth. 7K1
BifANClf * CO. . storage , 1211 Howai-d ,
STOUAUEnnd forwarding. We collect nnd
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furnlturo and batig.\gc , at cheapest rates
for storage for any length of tlmo. yans nnd
vngdns to bo ha-1 ut shortest notice , with earn-
ill men for moving. Packing and shipping
roni our own warehouse done on tnridorato
: hargo. Merchandise loaded niifl uuloadod ,
Varchouso on our own track ? . Ofllco 217 S.Hth
it. ; telopnono 114. Howell&Co , III !
l. NANNIE V. Warren , clnlrvoyant. mod-
lcal nnd business medium. Female disease's
a specialty. 110 N 10th st , rooms 3 and 3.
_ school , Paxton .
to Valentino's shorthand Instl-
, ute > , the largest , best equipped shorthand
school in the \\oit : la under the personal minor-
vlslonof Joseph P. Megenth , an ox-olllclal ro-
lorter and stnto agent of the Ilomlngton Htnnd-
ird typewriter , nsslsted by experienced vcr-
jatlm reporters. JlechanlcRl construction of
machine taught by factory expert. Particular
nttontlon paid to typowrltlnir , Stenographers *
supplies lor Bale. Circular free. TO
QHOItTH AND ana typewriting. Omnnn bus1"
. . 'ness colloiro , cor Capitol ave und IGth.
Standard methods tnuirht by O. C. Ewlng , ot
Snn iTanoIsco , the best teacher on the Paclllc
coast , Munson'a revised of ' 8) ) u specialty ; now
ilan ; blackboard Illustration ; day and evening
; lasses ; call or write for terms. 797
STATIONERY Wunted to purchase In a good
town in Kansas or NebrasKa , a medium
stock of books anil stationery. Address , stat
ing full particulars , E. 11. Holmes , AUvooil ,
Kan. fl. 25
WANTED Furnlturo , carpets , stoves and
household goods of nil kinds , Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. , .1181 Fnrnam. _ _ _ 800
PONY for Sale Handsome boy mare , ride or
drive , 7 years old. Address O 70. lluo oltlce.
73 ! ) 2W
TT10H SALE Whlto English bull terriers , from
JL ? prize stock ; also some very line short head
Imll nnd terriers : full pedigree. W. U. llook , 5'J
Washington St. , Boston. Mass. 701-30 ;
" 171011 SALE A full sot of ten , coffee ana solco
JL ; cans ; also two good second hand delivery
wagons. C. B. Moore & Co. , 1513 Dodge st.
TTUMl SALE Cheap , N'.2callfrraph , llrst-clnss
JL ? ronningorder. Addreas D C. Bee. 727-21 *
TT1OH SALE Cheap , furnlturo single room ;
JL ? complete houseKcoplug ; central location ;
address D S , llee. 723-24
" 171011 SALE 1'umlturo of a 0-room Hat , ) .
JU A. F.Mayno &Co. , C17 N. ICtn. 720-24'
TDAHTor allot furniture for sale nnd cottage
J for rent. 414 N. llth street. 04D27J
SALE Small herd of standard-bred Jersey
sey co s I'or paitlculars. address H.I' .
Coltbttumwa , la. UiO 21t
THOU SALE Furniture of 7-room house for
JL ! rent , gas oiid bath. 3013 Leayemvortli.
"I710II SALE 20 head of young horses , stilt-
JO able for driving purposesat Military Bridge
barn , 25th and Cumlng st , ' ( U4 20T
'C10H SALE Cheap. One bicycle , ono Tnn-
JD den tricycle and on single tricycle , good
as new Apply John & Prince , Coliseum. 123
MIDLAND Guarantee Ic Trust Co. , 1505 Far-
narn.Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Itobblns , 1411H Farnum street , Puxton hotel.
GE. & C. M. Anthony , 312 First National
bank bulldlm ; malio loaus upon tnrms in
Nebraska and IOHU and Improved Omaha city
propelty ; money ready ; title and security
pnssed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates :
call or write. 6J3 Jyl7
MONEY loaned for 30,00 or DO dayi on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; conlldeiitlal. J. J. Wilkinson. 1417 Fainam.
MONEV to loan on furniture , chattels or real
estate. LowO3t rates on good loans. .1.11.
Kmlcger , 1117Farnani. room.'I. 197 jyO
MONEY to loan on horses , waous , mules ,
household goods , planos.orgaus. uUmonda ,
lowest rules , The ilrst organlzad loan otllcoin
the city. MaKe loans for tnlrty to throe hun
dred and Bixty-ilvj day t. which can be paid In
part or whold. at any tlmo , thus ion ermg the
principal und Interest , tail and see us when
yon want money. Wo can assist you promptly
und to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. , 310
S , Kith st , , over Hlngham & Sons. 332
"RESIDENCE LOANS Wt to 7 per cent , no nd-
JLVdltional charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees , W. U. Melklo , First Nat bank bldg.
"PEOPLE'S Financial Excnnngo The fairest.
JL quietest and most liberal money exchange
in the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In any amount , largo or small , nt the
lowest rates of Interest ? , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid nt any time or re
newed nt original rates O , Douscaren , Mgr.
room C7 , Barker block , 15th and Farnnm. 81J
MONEY to loan at low rates by Kxcclslor
Laud Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha.
M1 IONEY to loan on real estate at low rate.
J. D..Htlo. . 430 Paxton bloak.
SMALL loans , short time , good security ,
reasonable Interest , P , O. box 69) , city.
tUILDINQ loans. D. V. Shales , 210 First No-
> tloual bunk. 810
CV. IIAHHISON loans money , lowest rates ,
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
outdelay. and juirchaso goods , commsrclat
paper nnd mortgage notos. B. A. Bioumn , cor.
13th and Farnam , 820
T OANS on improved nnd unimproved prop-
JUerty at low latcs. Odoll Bros.&Co..312S.lGta.
M ONEY to loan. Harris H. E. Sc Loan Co. ,
room 411 KIrat National bank. 831
TTNIMPHOVED aim lmprov d property :
U loans made promptly ; money on hand. r.
N , lllchardson , uw cor 15th and Douglas.
T CAN make a few loans on tlrst-class chattel
J-securities at reasonable rates. W , 1C Potter ,
room 10 , Barker blk. t-22
, ) to loan at Hper cent. Llnnhan A- Mahoney -
$ honey , room C01 Paxtoc block. 8Jo
MONEV loaned on furniture , horses and
wugonsj rates reasouablu. City Louu Co. ,
118 U. Mill st. , opposite Mlllard hotel. 430 u
MONEY to loan on nny security
lor short time , ut low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
Tlio IlenderJon Mortgage Investment Corn-
puny , room 400 , Paxton block. Cop
IlKOPLIi'S Financial Exchange Largo and
small loans for Ion ? and snort time , ut low-
cut rates of Interest , on real estate mortsaga
noUs , chattels of ullklndt , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't fall to , call u you wnnt fair
and cheap accommodations. U. Ilouscaron ,
Mgr. , room 67 , Barker blk , IHu and I'arnam ,
M ON El" to loan ; cash on haml : no Jelav. J.
W. hcmtre , 121U Farn&m St. , First National
S MALL short time loans on cuattel security ,
. ' 111 Ohio at. i call Rftei 8 p. m , bio ii |
DON'T borrow money /in furnlturo. Horses ,
wagons , etc. . or qpllaiilfixls until you 6o a
B. Jacobs , 410 First ISRtloMl bank bulldlnir.
. Blfl
ONGYtoloanatlowcsrrntesbT M.A. Up-
ton company , 10th aujy ; iniam. 6S023
LOANS made on real otato and mortRacoi
bougnt , Lewis S. Weed A'Co. , 1113 , Board of
Trade , - 813
TDUILDINO and other rW Wstato loans. W.M.
JLJllnrrls , room20 , Fronzer llloek , opp. P.O.
T71IUST mortgage loans Allow rates nnd nodo-
JLJ lay. D. V. Bholcs , 2lfttjrst National bank.
ANTED-Klrst-classariSlde ! loans. Lo vest
rates. Call and seoixj. Mutual Investment
Co. , H. 1 Barker blk. , 15th aild rarnam. 817
IDU1LDINQ loans. LlnMmn & Mahonoy.
MONEY to loan. O. R Davis Co. . real estate
nnd loan agents , 1515 Famatn Bt , 809
EY8TONB Mortgage Co. ; loans of SIO to
11,000 ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ! notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old nnd low
est rates.calllti.'OS.Shcoloy blk,15th& Howard st
S RE Shales , room 210 ICirst Nat'l bank , before
'making ' your loans , " 810
MONEY to Loan Wo ore ready for applica
tions for lonns in nmonnts from $ WO to lid-
000 onimprovod Omaha or Douglas county real
cstnto. Full information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Uood notes will bo purchased
> yus. Call upon us or write. ThoMcCaguo
Investment Co. 814
VTEBIIASICA Mortg. LoftnCo. will make you a
JL > loan on household goods ,
horses , wngous ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities ot nny kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
lloom 7 , Kowlev block. South Omaha.
Hooms 513-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
MONEY to loan on good first mortgages , im
proved or unimproved property. Mort
gages bought and sold. Wallace , room 010
Drown building , 10th nnd Douiilan. BU
DO YOU want money-It so. don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low *
cstommy sum fromiioupto 110.000.
1 muKo loans on household goods , pianos , or-
gims , horses , muloj , wngom , waronouso re-
; elpts , houses , leases , etc. , in any amount nttlio
lowest possible rates , without publicity or re
moval ot property.
Loans can bo made for ono to nix mouths and
you canpuy a part ntnny time , reducing ooth
principal nnd Interest. It you owe a balance
on your furniture or horsea , orhuve a loan on
them , I will take it up and carry It for you as
long ns you desire ,
lfyou need money you will nnd It to your advantage -
vantage to see me before borrowing.
B. FVMasters , room 4 , Wlthnell building. 15th
nnd Harney. 821
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage 4 Trust Co. fur-
JL. nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western olllco. UoorgoV , P. Coates ,
room 7 , Board ot Trade. 827
MONEY to loan on real estate security , 'at
lowest rates. Before negotiating loans see
Wallace , U. 310 Bro.un bids 10th Douglas. 8'iO '
rpo LEASE Wo have 100 lots In Omaha nnd
J. South Omaha wn Mill lease for ono to ton
years nt $1 to &J per mouth. Lmahon
lionoy , room COB , Pnxton blk. 73S 80
ITiOlt SALE A ding store doing u good busl-
L' ness , m a growing towjj in Western Nebras
ka ; sales 811 per day ; proprietor not a druggist ;
only store ; a physician c3n ! get nil established
practice. Address Postflifl-ster , Puxton..Neb.
'U 784 25
SMALL grocery for sain , gpod location , cheap
rent. Inquire 271 Bu ltu. 74920 ;
BAllBEIlshop on cor.'itli and Lenvenworth
for sale ; any reasonable offer accepted ;
party lca ing town. Co-oporntlvo Land tc Lot
Co. . 205 N. 1'Jth St. fii 742 2i (
T71OU SALE Cheup. Ah 'Ostnblished prollta-
JL ? ble business. Excell nt'oppoitunlty for en
ergetic man. Address D. ' . ' ; lleo. 735-25
1J1OK SALE A good paying business of
JL ! voolenknit and gems' furnishing goods ,
with llxtuies. In a good location , for casn only ,
will glvo good reason.ft > r < belling on applica
tion. Addiess Jus. K. Bile.proprietor Omaha
National Knitting Fuctoryj dlOi South 13th St. ,
Omaha , Neb. A 11. At " 511 23 *
JON'T miss this one of Wo best paying and
/most popularrestallrallW 'In the city , now
full of customers , everytUlug-lcnehr must bo
fold on account ofdeath. . J. H. Parrotte ,
Iteutnl Agency. 10th and Dodge , C37 28
LIVERY stable , stocfc and fixtures , situated
at cor , 10th nnd Cass sts. city , JC.8JO for all
to exchange for lauds or city _ prot > erty and
cash. Co-operative Lund & Lot Co. 205 N.lGth ,
SPLENDID Chance Scale or weighing book
business tor sale or trude for city property
Address Box GSi. city. ftW 27t
FOH SALE i'rult , confectionery and cigar
store In tlrst-class location ; will sell cheap.
COD N. Kith , city. C01-2iB
/10OD dividend paying stocks for sale by SI.
VJ A. Upton company , luth < iud Kurnam.fiKO
fiKO 23
FOIl SALE Or trado. New , clean stock of
hardware , oleguut location. Boat of rea
sons for selling. J. A. Campbell , Seward. Neb ,
TTIOIl SALE Grain nnd lumber business.
Address C 50. Boo. 6301
"IXrATEU bonds of $3,500 for sale on the vil-
V > Ingeof Oordon. Sheridan county. Neb. W.
L. 31I1L3. villase clerk. D3124 *
THE Hawley House , North Platto. Nob. , for
lent , party renting to buv furniture on very
easy terms ; this Is n chnnco loru good hotel
man to make money. Address proprietor ,
John Hawley. North Platte. M2 29 ;
WEnavofor sale or exchange one of the
llnest hotel properties in an Iowa city of
0,000 Inhabitants , the loading house In the
plare. W. It. B. s M. E room 14 Chamber of
Commerce 768
0 > 3,000 to VOCCJ wanted to put into a good Dnsi-
P ness ; flrst class security and good rate ot
Interest paid for short or louj ; time. Or wilt
take partner. For particulars address U4J ,
Beeolflco. 142
TTIOn SALE Jleat market complete ; can be
JL ? handled for little CAUU. Call at room 4 ,
Wlthnell blk. 800
FOR SALE A well-established book-binding
business in Snlc Lake City. Shlley. Oro-
Bholl tt Co. , real estate , bait Lake City , Utah.
B71 i 30
" 1ST"ANTKD To trnde a line upright piano for
Y T a horse and buggy. Inquire at Uli ) Dodge
st , 720 25
EOll KXCHANOE $35,000 actual voluo equity
In first-class Omnha Inside unimproved real
o.scute for clear city or farm lauds or good pay
ing stocks. Address D 3 , Boo. ttU 27t o
mo EXCHANQB for Omaha property , ono of
-L the best improved farms In Iowa , only one
mlle trom town of U.OJO Inhabitants. W. 1U E.
& M , E. , room 14 , Chamber or Commerce. m
T710U SALE or will trade for good dwelling
JL' $1,000 real ostata second mortgages. ,1. J ,
Wilkinsons , 1117Farnam. * ' 489
POUKxcnanKO Aline farm of 2JO acres in
Polk county. Nob. , il'mlles ' from Clarks ,
Neb. , to exchange for cut tie ; BO acres under
cultivation , house , barn > wagon scales and
good food lot. Address U , jOskainr ) , 2215 Wob-
btor st. Omaha , Neb , ' * 010
WHAT have you to trade for young brood
mares nnd normjs , ' p art Norman/ . E ,
llruner , Itoom 'A Hellmaji ocic. 019 2T *
I WOULD llKo to trade A konJ two-storv house
and lot 60x150 fcev , wltina'dna block of Park
avo. and Park school for yfirnut east front lot
in Hanbcom pluco. Will anijmo ) some incum-
brnnco. Adurebs. 0 45 Ilffiolllce. 3U7
" l I It"
FOR EXCHANIlK-An elegant tract of land
containing l o acres. L'l ' Antelope county ,
Neb. , with oidmary luiproieinentu.
A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Eighty acres near CouncinTlulfs , la.
House and lot onSoutli lull Ht ,
Lai-tfo amount of Oil Moiuanln and Pctrnllum
company oil utooc. Win exchange for gooil
property or tlie election of some housei , ueo ,
J. Stornsdorir , 1st National bank building.
AN Improved form to trade for indue. , gro
cerles preferred. J. Jl , Mason , Central City ,
Nob. 8J3-21J
TJIOIt EXCHANOE-110,000 stock of boots and
Juhoes for improved city property. 714,00
stoci geueral merchandise In a good town am
good trails will taka good city property 1m-
iiri\e < l. Clear lots inildo 2-mllu line on West
I'uruam and novthwtat part of city for Im
proved city property , IH.OIIO worth of second
mortgngeson inslda Omaha property I or an i
or ID-room modern uouno In good location.
tiomo splendid South Omana lots on .fill t. for
lowu or uttslorn NobrusKu land. Lot adjoining
Dundee Place , or one in Omnha Viaw for horse
uud hupey. 2XX ) acrei of line laud ad joining tha
new location for the fort at Bcllqvue for pity
properly. Lot OlxKCi and U-room h ouse , Capito
ave. , eat of 2Jth , for vacant property , and cash.
Propert of all kinds fortraue , UroverSUvens
Mb and 017 Puxton block. _ 717-27.
rjpO"Excbango Caiii und claar proparty for
X merchandine , or meralianfllse tor ca h and
cluar property. AUdrajs Look Bos K. Ootlien
'b ,
FOR KXCllANOE For doslrablo residence
property la Omaha , any or nil or following !
40 choice m lda resldonco lots In Hastinss.
100 lots In Lincoln.
040 acres flno farming land , Lancaster county
Fine rcBtdr.nco property , Lincoln.
Hood rental proptrty , Lincoln.
Choice family nsldonca corner , Los Anpoles ,
A neat resldenct property In Hnnscom places
Also nome good mortfrago notes.
Addrtss civlng location nnd pried ot prop
erty , J. E. B. , care llaum Iron Co. , 1-17 Leaven-
worth. 33
WKSTEItN lands , farms ami city property
for stocks of goods , Itoom 8 , 1502 Farnam
TflOlt EXCHANGE Iot and small houso. 30th
JL1 and Hamilton , and lot 83 , Nolsou.s add , , for
: rado for outside lots clear or aero property. A.
L' . Tnkcy , Uth and Douglas. > a
) To tfado for house and lot In
good loratlon ; will asstimo light ticum-
branco. Address A 3 HOB olllco. 623
HEAP I Cheap ) cheapIot facing on
motor line In North Omnha , only taw. worth , i. i.'uil lot on Snundors st. In Plainvlew.
U,1X ( ) . slots near corner of Lowe ave. and
Howard st.s , MWO each. These nro nleirant lota.
totton Kith Bt. nrar Cutulna. en.Wi ) . Latin
Myers , Illchnrds AtTIIdon's add. , C550 , Houses
nnd lota In all parts of the city at reduced
prices. Orovor Stevens , 510 anil 517 Paxton
block. Telephone 118J. 718-27
FOH SALE Tlis two best corners in South
Omaha , rented to good tenants at JVM a
month in advaiico. Box ,54 , City. TJl-25t
ONE of the two house and lot bargains I
have been oirerlngon Georgia two. north of
Leaven wortb , Is now s"o Id and occupied , because -
cause of my very low jirlco. Thb south honso
of the two still remains a bargain open to
sombody. 1'list comes , llrst served. To bo np-
predated It needs to bo examined internnllv. I
[ ) osltlvoly will not rent It , though several times
offered J50 per month , Pnto only J5.COO. on
veryeasy terms. Prlcoaftor July 1 , M,0 ) . W. T ,
Seaman , east side luth St. , north of Nicholas
Bt , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and
carriages , fl3
FOH SALE At a baiiKrupt prlco , a house and
lot In Omaha Viow. Itoom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce. U33
/"lOMEnndsco.usand investigate some of the
Wbargalns wo have to oiler. We are continually
listing now propertloj and "If you don't BOO
what yon want ask for It. "
Wo have merchandise to trade for land , > \ o
liavo horses , cuttle and mules to tr.ido for
laud. Wo Imvo a brick and tile factory doing
n thriving business to oxchaugo for western
Thrco new , Crooin cottages at Albright ,
within 10 minute's walk ot terminus of hourly
ilmmnj- line , for sale on terms that will only be
fair rent.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at a bargain. Elevator complete , with
horso-jioNVor , scale ; , olllco furnished , etc. A
line opening for n practical grain dealer.
One of the best Improved larms lu the state
will bo exchanged for Insldo Omaha property.
Two line residence ] In Popplotou park , on
motor line ; will bo sold on easy terms.
Houses and lots in all parts ot Omuha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha proporty.l.OJ ) acres
ot BChool hind lease , in ono of the best counties
In tno state ,
A line resldonco property in Omaha Vlow for
sale at n bargain.
From 875.IKW to $10).OM worth of first-class
notes to exchange for Omaha property ,
Merchandise to exchange for H cash nnd bal
ance western lands. 'I his Is ono ot the tlnost
opportunities ever offered to convert land Into
cush. Investigate this.
For sale , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn ,
in a good Nebraska town. This is a lluo open
ing for a practical hotel man.
For exchange for Omaha property , one of the
best farms In Hock county , Nebraska , togcthijr
with stock and rnnchlnury necessary to carry on
the place. Old ago and falling health of the
owner Is reason for solllne.
Tor sale , cheap , u loitaurant in ouo ot the
best locations In Om.iha ,
2W acres of tlue land In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some f > OJ agents scattered
over four or llvu states. Lint your property
with us If you wish a quick turn. \ \ . It. E. A :
Jl. E. , room 11 , chamber of Commerce , tole-
phonolHO. M8
_ _ _
rpHE factories within easy reach of jollier
JL place will employ a largo force of men. Be-
ciuo a hume and enjoy life. Price of lo.s 8500
to $ l,2ii , ono-tenth cash. Send fur pint , Mo-
Cagiie. oup. P. O. 07j
motor Una Is built to Collier place. The
- licit line runs no if Collier pUco. The F. U.
& M. V. U. U. stop all passenger trains at Col-
lierptace. The hor. car Hue will soon roach
Collier placa. Best addition In the city. Prlco
$300 to J1.2JJ per lot. one-tanth casn , balance
ono to dvo years. McCague , opp. P. O. 07J ;
rplIE finest drlvo In tne city la to Collier
JL'Placg. Md.'agur. PTJ
_ _
FOH SALE At a bargain. Ono twelve and
one nine room house lu Kountze place , on
21th street , opposite the line residences of Hod-
Ick and McCreary , with 78 and 00 feet of ground
with each house to alley. Each house has fur
nace , gas , gas llxtuies , Hhades , all
plumbing , hot and cold water , elegant
largo n.oms , all papered handsomely through
out , good barn with each houso. and an elegant
lawn all soilded. I am prepared to oiler splen
did Inducements as to price and terms. Call
and let mo drive you out. You can move into
these houses without n dollar of expense for
anything. U hose must bo sold soon. Bee mo at
once. D. V.Snoles , 210 Vlrst/Nat'l bank. 177
rpHE best money's worth of house and lot now
J- for sale In Omaha Is that which I am now
completing near 24tn st. on paved Wlrt st. In
KounUo pluco. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms. 3 water closets ,
larse laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
and coal room und collar , electric bells and
speaking tube , 12 closets. Prlco only 97,000 on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at same prlca. W , T. Seaman , east sldo Ibth st.
north of Nicholas at. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. Ml
FOIt SALE Now is the time to bay a lot in
Hillside Ilcservo or Hillside addition No. 1
for a home. Tills proport } Is only about one
mlle from the poatolllce , is all high and buautl ]
ful giound , the streets are all put to ah estab
lished grade. It is only a few blocks from cable
line and has the advantages of gas , city Water ,
sewerage and continuous pavement from the
center of the city. Wo can oiler special Induce
ments to parties wishing to build In this parti
of the city nnd ask that an investigation of the
property be made. Prices range from $50 to
J"0 per trout foot , according to location.
Lots 7 and H. blocks , Isaac tt Sclden's addi
tion. price f,000. )
Lot o , Dloclc 8 , Isaac & Eoldcn's addition , price
Lot 4 , Burr Oak , COxlBO foot , east front , on
Georgia avenue. Price , If l.OUO.
fiOfeet , south front , on Hamilton street. In
block 1. Oichurd Hill. Price , J1.25U.
Nfuo-ncro tract mutable for dairy purposes.
Ten-aci e tract suitable for dairy purposes.
Eleven-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes !
On each of the ubovo tracts there is a lluo
grove und u stream of running water furnished
from liirgo spilng * .
Thopioppitylsliuiidy to both Omaha and
South Omaha , and dairymen contemplating
change of location should Investigate this.
Some of the property could bo exchanged for
other good Insldo property.
Lot 14 , block 1. Potter's addition , price 11,450.
Lot 0. block D2 , city of Omnha with two story
and bisoment bouse , with all modern conven
iences. Price 14.000.
80x122 foot , southwest corner 20th and Spruce
streets , with tmiall cottage. Price J8.2M.
This has 122 feet frontage on S th st , und can
bo sold In 25 foot lots.
NoWBlx room cottngo with city water in
house , in west part of city. Prlco J3,2jO. Uorras
to suit purchaser ,
100x127 ft , S. W. cor. 23tu and Casa ati. Price
to.ow. Will take lot and good llrst mortgage in
c.6Sxl i ft. 8. K. cor. 25th nnd California ets. ,
with small cottage , at a bargain if taken soon.
Potter &Cobb ,
C03 1 1001 Farnam ST.
FOU SALE-Ono of the most desirable feeding
farms in Nebraska , eltnuted4 mile from
depot , also the shipping yards of the Converse
Cuttle on Hlkhorn Valley 11. It. : it contains 2SO
ucres. wlthueoof UCO acres additional ; every
thing now and necessary ; barnfiUxlOU ft. ; water
In iibuudaucc. H. S , Manvlllo , 'Illdon , Neb.
"OAIIE Clinnro I will sell a now house , nil
JLimodern conveniences , largo lot , elegant loca
tion , IMOO cash , byears tlmo on bol. ; for further
particulars cull on E. Hannan.ll O.Coutlnentul bk
751 2 ?
TATE have a few cliolco farms 'free from In
cumbiancesthntwooirerto soil cheapen
good terma , or wo will do bettor , wo will nude
it oil' for good Omaha property such as we want
und pay you H cash tor your property or as-
Hume mortgage at equal amount und give you
our property for the balauco. Wo have excel
lent bargain * we can olfer you. Wx 110 f tret on
30th st. and Jackson with fi U-btory brick dwell-
Ings.moUein Improvements , and 4 U-story frame
aucllliiKS for Sl',000 : vacant jots on California
and Lowe avenue , 1 block from motor line 100K
221 ft , tl4 , ( > 0 ; U line now dwellings on California
St. , near cable and inowr.Cixl'Ht ground , with all
Impiovemenu , JflU CM.500 and | AWUeacli ; 2lnt
htreet and CJrncs , 70x150 ; l.Vroom houiD for ? ! iV
( mo ; terms to suit and will sell you farms or
land almost wherever you want It. Kxcclulor
Land Co. , 310 South Mil street , Ouiulm. 010
TJIOIt BALK Kasy terras , Kountzo place.
JL ? TwohoineB , each tf-rooms , xach il.OOD.
Two homes , each It-rooms , each I5.0JU.
Two homes , each 15-rooms , uacli $7,000.
All with modern convenience.
All large value at tlm price , .
Ail within a square ot the motor line.
Don't lose thojo opportunities.
For iale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East side Iflt'iist. ' , north ot Nluholas nt. ,
Omaha' * largest variety of wagons tmd car *
rlages. IT.
f pWO barga Ins , one "IS ftcro piece near motor
JL lineundone two acre piece near South
Omaha , Will sfll. S > mrtlei buying can plat
nnd realize a hand * > u protlt. Cooperative
Land ana Lot compsn05 N , Kith street. 052-30
/ O'NTiTri/OUdiUTewalStolJjl
V uricM au4 tariat UcCtuu * .
1507 Farnam
Now is the tlmo to got yourself n lot on
payments nnd in n location just Adapted for
Delightful Homes.
No such lots as those hurt ) over lioon offered
on our prices and terms and no prettier ground
Is to bo found in this city.
Is a price much lower than surrounding tots sell
for and it t no wonder people buy when a pay
ment ot onir
Fifteen Dollars
down nnd ? 10 n month is all required , Hundreds
of new houses surround thin ground nnd It 1ms
all the requisites mating It a desirable Invest *
went , Iicmembor in R city ot
160,000 Poop In
inch lota as ou . at prices and terras wo Rive
you , are A 1 bargains ,
$ . Kl I for a Lot
that will sell for twice this in a year is somo-
tnlng worth considering.
Yon can See
this ground for yourself , It don't suit
you , aou't buy ,
Wo Know
tno lots are a bargain , and wo know they suit
the people.
Yon Know
You can come and soothe lota and judge for
yourself Whetucr what wo say is correct or not.
These are plain statements Which -
You can provo
for yourself , it yon want to try nnd got some
thing that Is sure to make you money ,
Fifteen Dollars
down Is an easy way to rnnko your payments
hnd to save your money.
Come nnd ace
what is olTerod you. and you will admit no
handsomer laud can bo found ,
You will see
Improvements on every hand , and the chances
uro you will buy a lot , because , unless wo
knew that all wo claim for our lots Is a fact , wo
could not nllord to advertise them or ask yon
to investigate them. Como and Mud out \uiat
you can ilo. Conveyances always ready ,
Ames , licnl Estate. 1507 Farnam. 74J27
moil SALE 5M.7U ncras , see. 5. tp. 13 , r. 0 w _
JL1 Hamilton countv , Nob. House , stable , IBM
acres fenced , living watar. Price f > , oix ) . V. K.
Atkins , owner , bide. Denver , Col.
FOll SALE-10 room house , lot tO .W , easy
terms , 8J.850. W. M. Bushman , 1311 Leav-
cuworth. 018
TjlOH SALE ! < < > ts In Rte wart Place on Lowe
JL : avo. ; Metropolitan Cable p-issos property.
0-room house and turn , Ilnnscom Plnco. 2
houses and lots on ( Uis at. , on easy tor ma.
Harris , room ill , 1st Nat. Bank. 201
TJIOll BALE-100 hlcch nnd desirable lots in
JL ; Omaha View ; want to close them out , and
will glvo bl bargains. Look nt them before
buyiiiff elsewhere. Hoggs & Hill , 1108 Fnvnnm.
"nioil BALE Flno Improved farms Inth
JL ! best counties In the state. J. A.Campbul
real estate agent. Soward. Neb. _ & ! ' ) -2.5J
S HOLES Spoolil List We push apeolal bar
gulns and advertise tnem. List with mo.
Kino east front lot In llanscom place at 81.003
KU ) cash. Decided bargain.
Fine lot on I'arnam nnd IKJWO avnnuo. $2,750.
{ 2.WW buys a house and lot In Hanscoin
Place , north of Poppleton avenue.
The old John morns Manufactory plant on
Missouri Pacillc railway , 4 miles south west of
city , with 2 acres of ground and 3 largo 2story
buildings , for 8J.OOJ. A line opportunity for
sotim ono.
I have special Inducements Inhouscs and lots
In all parts of the city either for rule or trade.
Call In anil l > > shown them. 1 do not try to got
you In to show you tr.ish , but Imndlo only good
property and deal squ.trely. D , Y , Sholn * . 21
1'lrst National bank. OJJ
BAltUAIN-Part of the Dick Kuuliall estate.
50 feet on Ibth stroat running through to Kth
uve. Ono IJ-room house , all modern conven
iences nnd two 0 room houses. Total rental
81,580 per year ; prlco Jl IOW. M. A. Upton
Coinp xny , luth ami F.irnam. _ 842
T71OH SAI.H The tlnoUroslrtenco slto In West
JL ? Omaha ; Just south of Fnrnam on 30th st. ;
a corner 1115x157 with 187 f ut frontage on
paved street nnd joining the handsome rosl-
( lonuoot Kirkondull on tha east , and Brady ,
Easjon nnd Mai tin on the south ; n perfect gem
and garden spot for an olosant homo ,
Harnoy and 21st streets , Illxl07.ou pavement ,
within throe blocks of the court house ; room
for seven flno houses that would rent us rapid-
Iv ns completed. A splendid permanent Invest
Farnam and 23d streets. 50x112 , with new
tbroo-story brick store building , rented to good
Pfrmnnent tenants. Kontal receipts JI,2Ji per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01
feet to alloy ; good business property.
Farnam street. b3two3ti3ith nnd3Jtb. front
age or 0 j'clJJ to alloy , south front , 1 block
fiom pavement and atroit cars.
P.irfc avenue , opposite Ilanscom parK , 50x150
I > rlco$2W ) ; easy terma.
Paddock place , trackage. 08x112 , $2,0)0 ; easy
ICih street south of Vintonat. . lot for sale or
trnda foe mdso , or good farm land.
S. A. Sloman. 1JJ1 Farnam at. _ 833
FOH SALE Corner lot fiiixIK , with trackage
nil imvod , In the honit of business , suitable
fornholfsnle house , $55.000. C. F. Hiirrlsun ,
Merchants National bank. ObO
Oil SALE Beautiful 8-room house , all
modern Improvements , Including splendid
furnace , near Hansrom park , bast location In
the city for school , church and street car priv
ileges ; price U.OJ9. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
iialonal bank , . 753
TJ10II SALE At a le.isonable price , full lot
-U with neat nnd convenient cottngo. Mil N.
10th st. 051 28 *
TT1OU SALE Several pxtrouioly cheap farms
J ; best property wo Unpw of lor the money.
Iloggs & Hill , 1408 F.irnam Btroot. C03-25
'END for plat ot collier pi ice , and when
driving for recreation follow the motor line
poles on loth st. , and Amos' ave. , and see the
wonderful Improvement ) that hav * taken
place Just around tno barracks , ami remember
that Colllur place Is the key TO the situation.
Duy a lot now for the low price and at tno easy
terms tney am bolng olfarad , and we are satis-
fled. One-tenth cxsli , balauco one to five yeard.
McCague. ODD. P. O. 673
( nr Saurli Oinnlia Uonds.
Sealed proposals will bo rocolvod up to 1 p. m.
July 10 , lf8i ) , for70.0JO funding bonds ; 35 bonds
of JI.OUO each , 0 per cent Interest , payable an
nually ; bonds payable tea yoarji after date ; in
terest cupons attached. Above Issue of bonds
nro made payable nt the IHcal agency of the
btato of Nebraska , In the city of New York , both
Interest nnd i > rlnclpii. : All pioposali to bo
sealed , directed to thouudcnilKiiodaiid endorsed
"Bids for Bonds. "
The committee on finance retains the right to
reject any or all offers. Bonds cannot be sold
loss than par.
Juud 16. ED. JOHNSTON , Chairman.
Notion to rontrnctniH.
SOUTH OMAHA. Juno 15 , iBTO. Scaled propo-
Fftls will bo received at the city engineer's
olllco by tlio corn rait too on vlnduua. a trout * and
nlloyB , until noon Wodnosdoy , july.'l , Ib8i , for
fumlfihlng all the material and performing nil
the work tor curbing and paving N street from
Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-seventh street
with cypress clocks , approximate estimate
2,270 lineal feet of curbing , and 0.540 square
yarrts of paving. Work to bo completed u ithln
forty days after a contract Iheroror binds ami
takes elfect. All bids must bo accompanied by
a cortlllra chock for $500 , said chocks to bo re
turned on nil bids not accepted. Estimated cost
of such work Is 418,231. The light toiejoctnny
and all bids is rosorvod. Plans nnd spoclllca
tlons can bo soon at tno euiclnoer's olllco.
E. U. Towi.K.
Chra. Com. on Viaducts , Sts. and Ajloys.
Notion ,
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo
received by the clerk ot Adams County , Nebraska -
raska , at his olHco Hastings. NebrasKa , on or
before twelve o'clock noon of July Dth , IHS'J , for
tbo purchase of seventy llvo bonds of the de
nomination of ono thousand dollars each to bu
Isiuod by tdo County of Adams In the .State of
Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , 1830. uiul to bo
payublo at the I'lscnl Agency of the State of
Nebraska , City of Now York , State of Now
Vorktnenty years after the date thereof re
deemable at any time on or after ton years from
the date thereof at the option of said county of
Adami and to bear Intercut M the rate of llvo
per cunt per uniium payable annually on the
llrst day of July In each year , for which Interest
coupons Bhall bo attached payable lit the fiscal
agency aforosald.
Rights reserved torelect any nnd all bids ,
lly order of the Board of Supervisors , May Oth
t EAt.l County Clerk.
JOHN A. OASTO , County Attorney , ii21dtojyQ
$225 to $325.
These lots ure only 4 Mocics from Omaha
Heights , terms 150 cush , mid Ki each U months ,
Lots are 25x125 , face south on Burdqtto strcoti
4 blocks to car line ; 970U e.vch ,
Van Benren Heights
Harlem Lane ,
Lots MxlJO , JI75 eacii ; 110 cash nnd U per
month ; oalyfi blocks to motor railway.
stmunn < vN TRAINS.
Itnnnlng between Council IJluITs and Al-
) rlRht. In addition to the stitlons mentioned ,
rains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
uticcts , and nttlio Summit In Omatm.
I Eastward.
Al South Slieo- Omaha Trans nroad-
bright. Omaha ley. Depot. fer. wuy.
A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
0:4 : > D:57 0:00 :
CV. 0:10 0:1.1 0:27 : 0ari
7OJ 7:05 : 7:15 7:2g 7:32 : 7:45 :
7f.O 7.V : ) 8:07 : 8:27 : 8:33 :
8:05 : 8:10 : 8:22 8 : JO
8:50 8 : ! > r > 0:07 0:15 : 0:27 : 0:35 :
0:1)3 : ) 0:10 : 0.22 U:30 : ' '
HBO : : ltt 10IH : 1U:15 : 16:27 : 10:35 :
10:05 : 10:10 : 10:22 10:30
10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : 11:15 11S7 : 11:35 :
11:00 : 11:55 : P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
P. M. . M. 12:07 : 12:15 : 12:27 : U:25 :
] s:5 12:55 1:07 1:15n 1:27 : 1:33
lf.O : 1:55 2:07 : : n 2:27 : 2:35 :
2rjO : 2:5.5 : 3:07 : 3:15 : 3:27 : 3:33 :
3:10 3:15 : 3:27 : 3:31 :
3f0 : 3.V. 4:07 4:15 4:27 4:33 :
4:2,5 : 4:37 : 4:15 ' "
4:55 : 6:07 (1:15 ( V:27 : 6":35
r.:2.5 : D:37 :
GG5 : 0:07 : li:15 fl27 0:35
0.r : < 0 fl:55 : 7:07 : 7:15 7:27 : 7:35
70 : 8:07 : H:15 : 8:27 : 8:35 :
8:50 : :07 : ni5 : 0:2 : ; 0:35 :
v-.m 0:05 : 10:07 10:15 : 10:27 10:15 :
10.m 10:65 : , 11:07 ar. 11 : JO 11:42 11:50
12:10 : 12:14 : 12:24 : am IV. M
Leave. Arrlvo.
II No. 2 CiOJpm D No. 1 UI5am :
0 No. 0 0CO : am 0 No. n ri6pm :
A No. 4 10:00 : am No. 3. . . . 0:30pm :
A No , 14 0:45 : nm No. 13 7:10 urn
No. 0 9:10 : am No. 7 11:27 : am
No.8 3:15 : pin No. 3 7:15 : am
No.4 0:25 pm No. 5 015 pin
All Tialns Dally.
A No. a OslOamlA No , 1 7:0am : ( )
A No , 4 0:10 : pm A No. 3 BsI5pin
A No. S ; I A No. 3 n:30am :
A No. 4 UilDpm I A No. 1 OiJOpin
No. 10 7:05 amlA No. U 8:55 am
No.12. , 7OJpmA : | No.ll U00pm
A No , B 4s11piuA | No. 7 13:00 : m
AdallB ; dally except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday ; i ) except Monday ; fust mall.
The tlmo given ubovols tor Transfer , thera
being from llvo to ton minutes between Trans
fer uud local dupots. .
i A/I'