THE OMAHA DAILY : MONDAY , JUNE 24 , 1889. THE ME OF SELF-DENIAL , Dr. Dotwllor'a Addroaa to the School Graduates. THE ESSENTIALS TO SUCCESS. Bunnil Ailvloo to Those About to Enter Upon tlio Moro Prae- tlcnl UullcH of Every- dny Ijlfo. Dr. Dotwltor'fl Discourse. Ilcv. D. S. Uotwllcr delivered tlio bncca laurcnto sermon nt Kountzo Memorial churcb , yesterday morning , before the mem bers of the Jhib'u school clnss of 1889 , and a JorRO congregation composed for the greater ) iuri of the parents uud friends of the stu.lcnts. * The church clmncol und the pulpit were beautifully itnO Invlslily dccorutcil with How- era of mntiy varieties. Uolow the choir pnl- lory wns the nntloiml shield , bearing the word "Welcome , " und across thocallory Wns BUsncmlcu the class motto : "Vlticlt Qul ; So VJnolt. " After the To Doum Dr. Dctwllor oftcrcd prayer , In which ho especially Implored the Dlvlno blessing for thoinembora of the class , thnlr parents and icachcrH , tlio school super intendent nml the hoard of cducatlou , nnd returned thanks to God that Ho had seen fit lo spare the lives of the members of this class. lu beginning hs ! address Dr. Dotwllcrbndo the class and thctr assembled friends lleitrt.v welcome , and said ho hoped that they would assemble tlicru m worship often. For his text ho took the twenty-seventh verso of the third chapter of Lamentations : "It Is coed for man to four the yolto in his youth.1 The word man , ho said , was used hero In Its generic sense , nnd applied with thosamo force to the young ladies of the clnss ns It did to the young men. The words were spoken by Jeremiah , who wns culled tothx prophetic nOlco while a jouui ? man. He was perseoutcd In tils native vil lage , and , forsaking It , journeyed to Jerusalem , but there the persecution did not cease. Ho finally wont into cxllo in Egypt , where ho remained steadfast in tin1 faith until stoned to death by unbelievers. When an old man no compared the trials of his youth with those of his latter days , and found that the earlier persecutions had prepared - pared him for these latter , greater trials , and then ho cried aloud , "It is good for man tc bear the yoke in his youth. " The yoke is a mark of servitude , a sign ol bondage , and this Jeremiah'knew. It h easier to break the egg than crush the ser pent , and ho thought the class of ' 69 appre ciates this fact , for in its motto it say a : "First conquer ourselves , that wo may con quer others. " Continuing tlio preacher said "When you first entered school you learned submission. The restraint was gall HIR at first , but upon this hapoy day you art glad you bore the yolto , otherwise you would nave turned aside for every faney , every ca price. To become a master workman yoi must flrat put on the yoke of apprenticeship , nnd let mo say here that the necessity of becoming - coming an apprentice bcforo becoming r master Is not appreciated ; If It wcro we would have fewer blunderers in trade , fowei quacks In medicine , fewer shysters in the land nnd fewer novices in the ministry. . "How many of the men of our nation Whom wo delight to honor bore theit yoke bravely ? The fairest pages of out country's History were written by men who nad first made a history for themselves. Even Jesus was subjected to his parents. D"You have finished the first stage of youi training and and have trained yourselves tc self denial. John Wesley and a young man were once walking through a room togethei In which wcro tables lavishly strewn will : moat tempting luxuries. 'There is not mueli self-denial here , " said the young man. 'No , ; returned Wesley , 'but there is every oppor tunlty to practice it. ' Young ladies am young gentlemen , you will bo going through such a rpom some day. The tempter will lead you into temptation , nnd then you wil find a Held for self-denial. However raucl your mouth waters for unhallowed fruit you must taste not , but put upon yourselves the yoke of self-denial. "There is greater work for you to nccom pllsh than you have yet attempted , am though your back aches you will make men backbone by climbing than by bolng carriei up the steep upon another's back. " By bearing their yokes now , the proache Bald , they would bo better fitted for th creator dlflleultlqs of the future , and then hi told them how necessary humility was t success. The wide-spreading branches o the'elm were only possible by the growth o tbo humble roots in the earth. The iudul goncca of younger days wore the roots of sour old ago , aud the llowfcr of their yout they should forget not the latter days. In conclusion hos.ild : "I congratulate you upon the excellent oj portunitles you have enjoyed. You have ha advantage of the best , much bettor tha 8omo ot us older ones had twenty-llvo year ago. I alec congratulate you that you ar now prepared for something better than yo have yet attained. Whatever course yo may pursue , you will find no lack of oppoi tunlty to bo useful. I would remind yo that "the fear of the Lord Is the beginning o wisdom. ' Your friends nil wish you wel and long for your success , and while ' yo may attain success in some earthly' calling remember this , that ttio Master alone ca help you to the mastery. Ho says to you 'Take my yoke upon you. ' Do not say tht two burden is too grievous unto you. To pv on the yoke of Christ is to oboyhiscon mauds ; to turn from the wrong and turn t tbo right. Follow his steps with luimllit.i trusting yourselves to ills guidance and the tlmo in winch t begin is in the days of you youtli. Kesolvo now that when the en comes it will find you yoked to all that I good , nnd then will the wishes of you friends not have been made in vain ; the will you hear the Master say , "Well dom good ana faithful servant. " Tlio Cliilclruii'H Festival. The children's festival at the South WOE Lutheran church yesterday afternoon wean an entertaining occasion for the larjjo crow assembled , and especially so for the chlldrc m whoso behalf it was given. The exercise were entertaining as well as instructive nnd the singing of the children wns nppreol mod by all present. In the Sunday solicit classes nro twenty-eight boys and fortv-llv Kirls , who have been gathered in by the li lluenco of the teachers and sotno of th scholars. Gusslo Carter and Edward Di bald were credited with having-been instn mental in bringing the largest number c children Into the Sunday school ellipses , ante to each was awarded a hundsomo blblo fc the good work performed. Little Leaven Lcjivciuh ttio Wliol Lump. A disease In ono part of the body wi eventually 1111 the whole body with disoasi Every year or two some part of the systei grows weak and begins to decay. Sue part should bo removed nt once and no' matter bo allowed to Ulto Its placo. Thorc1 no need of cutting It out with the surgeon scalpel. Purge the old diseased and worn-ot parts with UUANDUETII'B PILLS. Then th now body will take euro of itself. The Guards' Concert. Tbo usual largo crowd was ut Ilanscoi park yesterday to listen to the cxccllcn inusloof the Omuha Guards' band's sucrc concert. Men , woman nnd ( ( children nssim bled nt the mine to enjoy an afternoon's rci rcatlon ou the croon sward and the charm of sweet muslu , and the park scorns to b growing uioro popular as u summer reiot with each succeeding concert. Mortuary , TUo funeral of tun Infant child of Mr. an Mrs. Charles Cobb , of UiiSO Davenport strec will tiiko place this afternoon , ut 9 o'clocl from St. liurnubas church. They Doth Skipped. II. R. Crosby , u clerk In the onico of th II , k M. railway company , has beau bean Ing at the Canflold house , corner ot Nint and Furimtn , for about a year. Ho bocair enamored of the charms of Miss Luura Join ton , ono of the dining room girls. The a ! Jocbmcirt hslut ; mutual , they uj < d w y i Council Uluffs Inst Friday Afternoon nn * wcro made one. The blushing bride returned nlono to the hotel nnd reported that her Hose lord had gene to Portland , Ore. As "his sumo llcgo lord was Indebted to the ho- l In the sum of $01.05 , the proprietors wcto ntercslcd In his movements. They called qn ho U. ft M. officials , bet Icnrnod thpt Cros- > y had n'B'gncd ' his pay accounts to another _ f his numerous creditors , so they deter mined to Induce the bnklo to liquidate , but the had also flown when they returned. It is believed that Crosby wns lu town In lilti ng , " and that ho and his bride loft together. Douglas County Agricultural Hoolcty. The board of managers of the Douglas County Agricultural society mot , pursuant .o adjournment. Present , Messrs Wheeler , Mien , Elcko , Avery , Emerson , nnd Unumer. It was decided to appoint ono or more por- ona from each precinct to solicit samples of grain In shcnf , nnj agricultural products In 'oncrnl for exhibition nt tbo county fair. It was decided that the secretary should nt ouco notify the persons selected nnd request .hem to proceed ntonco to solicit samples of ; raln In sheaf. Mr. F. T. Emerson was appointed for Val- ioy and Waterloo , and the county In general ; Messrs. Omer Whitney , O. A. Wolcott and ,1ohn , Lutz for Elk City ; Messrs. Elijah Al len and Patrick MaArtllo for McArdlo , Chicago cage and Mlllard ; H. E. Hungnto for Union and Jefferson ; Allan Hoot for Douglas ; J. E. Vnndercook for Florence nnd Dan Heed for West Omuhn. It was resolved that the secretary furnish the Waterloo News and the Valley Enter prise , ns well us the Omaha city papers with h copy of the proceedings. A Multitude oT Allmcnta. Tlio ailments which afflict the kidneys and bladder nro RO numerous , that merely to name them would 1111 a space far outrun ning the limits of this article. Sufllco It to say , that they arc both obstinate and dan gerous. To their prevention Hosteller's Stomach Ullters Is well adapted. The stimulus which it lends to the action of the kidneys when they nro lethargic , servo to counternpt a tendency In them tolnpso , first Into n state of pernicious inactivity , nnd nftorwnrda Into ono of positive organic dis ease , which soon destroys their dollcato In teguments , poisons the blood and causes death. A double purpose Is served by this dcpuront. It promotes nctlvity of the kid neys , nnd expels impurities from the blood which have no natural channel of outlet , ex cept these organs. Constitution , bilious ness , fever and ague , rheumatism nnd dys pepsia , nro also remedied by this medicine of thorough action and wide scopo. BUUVITIES. Examinations for admission to Luke Forest college nnd Ferry college for young Indies will bo hold Juno Uo and 20 , in several cities. There will bo two sessions each dny , commencing at 9 n. m. and 2 p. m. In Omaha the examination - ation will bo in the study of the First Presbyterian church , and will bo con- djuctcd by Rev. "W. J. Hnrslm. The May report of donations to the Bishop Clarkson Memorial hospital for children is as follows : Mrs. Caldwell , $10 : Mrs. Price , Fort Sherman , SIS ; Mrs , Clnrkson , $5 ; Mrs. F. Davis 88 ; city walor works , full supply of water ; Arctic ice company , full supply of ico. The next sludonta' recital of Mr. Charles Baotons' students will take place at Max Mayer's hall , Juno 20 , at S p. m. The ravages of live epidemics of bow el complaint have boon staycd'by Cham berlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy , adding new laurels to that justly renowned remedy. It has been the means of saving more lives than any other known medicine. All of the leading druegists in Omaha sell it. For the Benefit of tlio Home. A musicale is to bo given at the residence of Dr. S. D. Mercer , ou the evening of July 2 , for the Benefit of the Hurt Street Home for Destitute Women An Interesting pro gramme will bo arranged for the occasion , and some of Omaha's most talented artists will participate in the entertainment. Among others will bo Miss Moriam Chase , Miss Koedur , Miss W. Lowe , Mine. M. Young and Mr. B. B. Young. Advice to Mother * . Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always bo used for children teeth ing. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pains , cures wind colic , and is the best r einedy Jor diarrhoea. 2oc u bottle. Personal I'arnKrnphs. D. D. Soltz , of Norfolk , is at the Arcade. V. Franklin , of McCook , is nt the Paxton. II. J. Chambers , of Bealrico , is at the Murray. F. G. Hanoi1 , of the Kearney , is nt the Millurd. M. H. Bardwcilof Madison , is a guest nt tha Paxton , D. D. Mulr and wife , of Lincoln , are guests at the Millurd. E. C. Palmer and E. C. Selden , of Blair , are at the Mlllard. W. AV. Birgo , of North Platte , is regis tered at the Paxton. E. S. Stringer , of Grand. Island , is regis tered at the Millurd. John S. Nollgli , of West Point , and W. W. White , of Lincoln , are nt Iho Arcade. B. F. Morohann and C. J. McCarly , ol Fremont , are stopping at the Millard. Euntt Oppenuan and Gcorgo Sliuman , of Plattsmoutu , nro slopping at the Millard. n. G. Fleming , of Norfolk , nnd N. A. Hagensticn , of Stantou , uro guests at the Millard. C. P. Edwards , J. K. Contzan and Milt Older nro among the late arrivals at the Millard. Henry Sauor and William II. Ulmor and H. W. Clnrko , of St. Paul , are stopping ut the Paxton. John F. Sherman , Albert Killlan , Charles Cook , A. C. Hutehlnson and H. K. Christy , of Wahoo , are slopping at the Arcade. Mr. Perry S. Heath returned from Ft , Robinson yesterday uud loft Into in the evening - ing for Wntortown , Dak. Ho will attend the Sioux Falls convention , July 4 , and re turn to this city on the Ikh prox. Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Gushing and family loft yesterday for Now York to attend the commencement , exercises of Ford hum collage where they will bo joined by their son Tom und two of hln schoolmates , and togethei spend a mouth visiting in the east. Tbli powder never varUi. Amarrelof ptirlty jtrcuutli undwholosoinonesi. Mora economical tb n tils ordinary Klmls. und cannot be tola In competition with the multitudes ot low coit. BotlntlgaUluinor ohoipaate powderf. Bold son * * Our entire wholesale and retail stocks combined , on botli the first and second floors of our establish ment , are now offered to close , at prices never before approximated in the west. Until July 1st wo will offer the most oxU-aordluary attractions in every de partment of our establishment Roa-ly- nmdo Clothing Department , Custom De partment , Furnishing Goods Depart ment , Hat nnd Cap Department ever shown in America. bo not invest ono dollar in any mer chandise in our line until you have at tended our Great Closing-out Sale for the month of June. The limo has come for closing out nil lots of spring nnd summer clothinir. The opportunity is yours ! The loss Is ours I Jn our Mon'a Ready-made Depart ment wo olTor 160 suits of Men's Fine Whipcord Suits in J butlou cutaways at 816.00 per suit. Those are goods which have sold in our ntock nil season at $22 per suit. Made from nn imported wors ted , elegantly trimiv.o.l and of asuitt.h'e weight to wonr at any Reason.Vo claim that this line can not bo bought out side of the Continental for less than $22. Our price at this sale will bo $15. All sizes from 31 to 44. If you purchase a suit of this lot and it is not to bo found as reprcsenlated , the purchase money will bo refunded. Wccuinot send samples of the cloth , but will send a { ample suit to any ad dress , and if it is not satisfactory , may bo returned at our expense. Send to us for self measurement blanks. Remem ber the price , $16.00 , in frock suits. REDUCED PRICES ON MEN'S SACK SUITS. Wo have reduced prices on our line Business Sack Suits lo a lower average Omalia5 Boston , New York , Des Moines. Proprietors -V Va . THEBtSTWHIlEECAPMHlEinAMERiar MAIL s JAS-S- ! I A'RAPPERS UAKGESIZC ) & nni receive a ' § flJANDSOHE ! AcioRS-and-AciRESSES ' EE11ABKADLS BACi ! . For two years I hail rliciimntlsmtio bad that It disabled mo for work nnd cor.flncd mo to my bed for a whole year , during \\hlcli tlmo I could not cen ralto my haiula to my head , and for3 jnontliHcoukl not move myfi'K In bcd.uas ruduccil In ilceh from nil2to601bs. Wnstrcat- 'cdby beet phyelclanc , - - only to grow worse. Finally I took Sniffs Specific , nnd FOOD began to Improve. After awhllo wns nt my work , nnd for tlio past fl\o months Imu been as well aa I c\cr\\as all from , iho effects of Swift's SpcclQc. .7. , JOHN HAT , Jan. B , 1BS9. ' > Ft. Wayne , InA Hooks on lllood nnd Shin Diseases mailed free. , SWIKT Si-Ecino Co. . Atlxn ,1' Romarlctiblo for powerful sympathetic tone , pliublu action and absolute dura bility ; 80 years' record the best guaran tee of the excellence of these instru ments. Dr. J. E , McGREW OVK or THE MOST SPECIALISTS III the Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous ami 1'rlvato JJIncuses. BpermatorrhiLU , Impotenoy and t'ulllnir Manhood nbtolulehr cured. A euro uuarunteuil In all formn of 1'ilTnte llliousoi , Mrlcturet. uloet. Ao. Ciiturrli , Throat , l.unm , nud Heart UlBcnsoi. itlioumatlim , Hplnal and tvuialo Dlneaies , Ulood and bkln Dlsctios tru&tuil nucceisluilr. Ijidloi' anil uentlcaien's. waiting roomi eoimroto nnd entirely privnto. ( iniulmilon frea. Bund for booki. Secret nnd 1'rlTiitu liseaic ' ' , orMnn.'al o'\VciinanMler Dlseusas , lue each ( itauipi ) . Treatment by correipoadeace ; end 'tump far ruuly , OFI'-ICE ! MTU AND DOtlQlaB 8TUBRT3 , OMAHA , NEU. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE , IND.-A CHBBl Of IKCINHRIHQ. Vrll fndaKcd. w ll eijuipftj dcpartminU of Mt. cLanlcalandClrll Kujlu erlnn , tlsctrliAtr , Cttuili- try and lira wins. KxtvuilTuBnoriiand I.aCnrutorlci , for C t lrgu , ( ddiui ft. 0. MEKutNUAtt , I'm , over than wo hnvo shown since wo htivo loon in bush'oss. Wo ciui ixft'ord to do it ns wo miiiiiifucturo our own ( roods and in Ittrgo qutintilios. Wo have hnd n successful season nid ; nro determined not to carry over a light weight suit. July 1st is the ditto of our sotni-auiiiml otoolc taking and wo will reduce stock before that date if prices will do it. MEN'S S10 SUIT SALE. The most attractive part of this sale is our largo line of suits marked down to 810. Wo will not attempt a description of thcfro goods ; they must bo seen to bo appreciated. There is nothing in this line but pure , all wool suitings and remember , a 810 suit at the Continental is just as closely inspected in rocrnrd to making and trimming as the higher grade of goods. There are goods in this , line that cannot be bought outside of the Continental for less than $15. Our price is only $10. PANTALOON DEPARTMENT. A special bargain line of Men's all wool Cheviot Pants in a neat dtirk striped cheviot , in all about 1200 pairs , will bo off o rod at this sale at the un heard of price of $2.25 per pair. Send us your measure and P. O. ordcl- for SH-Mio for a pair of this lot and they can not fail to bo satisfactory. Wo know what thcFo goods are worth. They wcro never bought for less than S3.50. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPART MENT BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , AGES 10 TO 14 YEARS , PRICE 55.50. "Wo offer the crrcatcst bargain line of Boys' Long Pant Suits , nges 10 to 14 , Who deslro to uo well -comfortably 'dressed ' , should not fall to look through our complete stock ot clothing and fur nlshlngs lor summer wear. JIAX MEYEH. AUUM'II JIEYEH. Maxllcyer&Bro , liatnDllsIidll 1800. GREAT BARGAIN SALE IN PIANOS. I'rlco. Cnsli. Monthly , 1 Btelnwny Square . tino.OJ fin.ou tlU.U ) 1 KnabeSiiunro . ITS.OO ifi.oo lo.uo 1 1 1 nines llroj. Square , . 175.00 1B.OO 1U.1W 1 Hnllet , Davls&Co.tifi. 10VOO 1B.OJ M.OJ 1 Hmerson Sfinaro . 100.00 10.00 7.00 1 MaralmlVendoll sq. ir > .00 10.00 WW 1 \\r. W. Klmball Bquaro 1UO.U3 10.00 7,00 1 Chlckerlng Uprleht , usod-yeura 25.00 16.00 I'rlco. Cash. Monthly , 1. Mason Itamlln , used 1 year $75.00 810.03 13.00 1 lay lor Ac Farley , year 70.03 10.00 8.00 1 Kstoy , used 8 mos. , cost now $133.00 W.OO 10.00 8.00 1 llurdotto „ 3J.OU 7.03 fi.tW 1 Taylor iV Farley aWW 8.00 C.(0 ( IMoBoa Hamlln. 2/i.OJ 6.00 C.W ( llleattyt-Tstoiw ) , 4U.OO 8.03 7.00 Kvery Inetrumunt guaranteed to bo In good order , llrlug thLsad. with you , and avoid mis. takes. Any oC tlieso luntruments taken la ox- cliange for new ut sumo price any tlmo lu one year. Call early und get a bargain , MAX MEYER & BRO. 1522 and 1G31 FARNAM STREET. VTeok ol'Moiulny Juno 17lli. State Line. To Glasgow , Hclfiifet , Dubllu and Liverpool * From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin pusiiiuo tU to KU , nccordliiK to location of itato room , Kxcurilon IU ( to CM. BtcerHgetonn'J ' from Kuropo ut Lowest Itatos. AUSTIN UALUWIN A Co.Cen'l Atonts , , to llroadwujr. New York. JOHN IILIME.V , Uen'l Wettein Atont , 1CI llandolpU St. , Clilctio. IIAUIIV K , Moiti.8 , Agent , Omaha. Ka-Jucsd Cablnratoi to alusgo * Uxhlbltlon , WANTEIBotl RoneroJ and can AGENTS . on the now , revised aud Imperial hdltlonut.ell's Kncyclopedlam lire volumes , just issued , Hold for cash , or on cosy instal ments. For liberal terms and territory address X. Cu/WOOU ZCLUl'ub. Philadelphia. which wo htivo novcr sold nt $ o.60 per suH. Nothing Inreor Ihttn M years , hi pure all-wool Cn siinoro anil Cheviots , goods whlolt wo liuvo sold nil tendon for fc" nnd $8 , nt the unheard of nrico ot $5.60 to clear up this entire lino. Wo cannot send sample's of this cloth , but always bear In mind that you need not lie&lUUo to send us n postnl-iioto for the amount and if the Roods are not perfectly satis factory , wo will pay all express charges and rotund your money. BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS , PRICE $2.50. 250 Boys' Knco Pant Suits , in a neat pray anil blaclc ohcclc and brown nnd gray striped Cheviot , are marked at this ' balo' for $2.60 per suit. This is the price paid for a cheap grade of satinet , but in this Hno wo olTor a good honest wearing- material , in colors suitable for school wear in all , ono of the best values for vacation wear wo have over offered. OUR LINE OP FINE SUITS AT $5. Complimentary remarks are made by our customers when they examine our line of line Cassimoro and Cheviot Suits at $ o.OO. During this sale the variety will bo larger than over , and wo nro sure of ono fact , that every garment Fold out of this department will trivo perfect satisfaction , and a customer over Bold will always bring their children to the Continental to bo fitted. Our var iety is larger , the quality is just as re presented , and our prices are lower than are paid for inferior goods at other places. Dn.K.C. Wnar's NEIIVE AMD BRAIN TIIKIT- HI.NT , u guaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dizzi ness , Convulilnns , Pits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Norvoua I'rostratlqn caused by the use of ulcohol or tobacco , Wuketuluos1" , Mental Depression , Softening of the llr.vlu , resulting In Insanity and laadln to misery , decay aud death. I'temnturoOld Agtf , Uarrcuni'ss. Loss of 1'ower In either ROX. Imoluutary Lossa * and Spermnt- orhcca caused by over-exertion of the bialnself- abuse or ovoiludulpence. Knch box contain ? cne month's treatment. $1.01 a box , or six boxei for$5. ( iEent , by mall prepaid on recolptof price. W.H GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case. With each ordar received by as for six boxes , accompanied with W.OJ , we will Bend the purchaser onr written guarantee to re fund the money if tno tro itmeut does not eifect a cure. Guarantees issuul only by Goodman Drug Co. , Druggists , Sola Aijents , 1110 tfaraarn street. Omaha Neb. C. ' tbo Liquor Habit , I'oiitlTfly Cared b ; AdmlnUtcrluc Dr. llaiuea1 Golden Spcclflc. Itcnn bo clvcn In a cup of codec or tea wltliout tbo knowIeilRoof tliopurnonlnklnfflt ; IsnDsnlutoly luirin- lens , uml will cirect a fpeoilr nnd permanent cure , wbotlior tlio puilcnt Is a moJeralu drinker or nn nlcoliolvrcclc. . Thousand i of ( lrunk rd Imvo liPcn made tompurntu men wliulitre t.tbc < nioldon Slice tlo In tlielrcolTcowltlioiil IliolrknovvlciUoiuul to-iliy : 1)0- llovo they quit Urlnklnu of inalr onn free will. 11' NICVKIl FAILS. Tliu hystem unco Imnroifnuti'd with the hpuclllc. It ticcomott nn inter linposslhlllty far tlio liquor nppctlto to exist. Tor enlu lijr Kulin > V Co. , DruKKlBtx. U > th nnd Uoueliin Bis.uml 18th and Cum- Inc at. , Oiuuhu. A. l > . Fuster & lro. ! , Counc NUltVOUB , OIIHONIC nnd 1'IHVATK IIS15Abl5S ) of MUN'imd WOMK.Nsuccessfully tru.ilo.1 , YOUNG MEN f-"uTorlnit from tlioullocla of youthful follies or hulls- crvtl n , or urn trciublid with Wonkni'iia , .Nervcius Debility , UJIH of Memory , Ueiponileuoy , Avernlmi In Hoclety , Kldnuy Troubles or liny iltHOKKes of llui Q'nl- to Urliiiir-Or ui . can lioru Hurt n mifn unit i > uoiljr cnra. Ctnirjci reasonable , eipoclnlly to tlio pour MIDDLE-AGED MEN Them are ninny troubled with too frequent oracn- uiitlonn ( if HID blnJiler , oitonacoonipunluil by a ullulil biiiarthiK or burnlnu sutiimtlmi. nnd \ \ eakcnini : of fie jrati'it In n manner tlm patient cannot nccount lor. On exuinlnlnir the urinary ilepuilli it rony > edlmont will oftvn be lound.und rometlniun purtlclo or albu men lll appear nr tliu color lie of a thin , nillkliti hue , nmiln clmnidnK to u dark or iur | > M apiieuraixu , 'JUereure many men who die of till * illillcully. Iviior nut of tbo ( HU80 much Is Hie nocoml itaitu of nciiil- mil weaknc . Tno doctor will iiuuriuitcn a parfuct cure In nil mini cutea. mid n lieu thy n-Btoriul < m of the ociilto-urlnnry ort < un . C'ontultutloi Iroo. hcnJ Zcent stunip for "VdiuiB Mun' < trlend or ( iulJo to Wedloik , " free to all. Aildn-mi SPINNEY CO. DR. & . Jlnlu and l-'tli St. , Kansas City , Jlo. (2 * Mentlontbl > paper. paper.BITFTtfKE BITFTtfKE 1'osltUclycureJ InOOdayil'iKr. ' llorini' Klcfro.5lBiiiirtlo Hilt Tru.combined. Uuarunleiuthu unljr uuuIn tb * oiId KtiiFinllnK conllnunu > Klntrlait Maantlfa "current , hclmiilllo , ruwtrMI , iJurabla , . orlnblo and rtttrttie. Avoid fruuai. Orrr II OUO curt it. Herd liiinn ( ui punptilet. AI.NO HI.KOTIIIO HKLTH roil IIIHKAhKH. DR. HORIIE. REMOVED TO ISO V/ADASH AYE. , CHICAGO. lonttliroui trroripr MEN t.d pr.cncci.niiybo perfuctlr jpralncd ly llic new pESLON-DUPnn Method. 'Guiueta Pciuri r ournewillmtitted llcillh. " Abiolulc ttctirr. Varied- Reid currd without p ln oroperiil n. Aimi < , , . beslon-Dupre Ol'nlque ' , iw Trenwut tt.Uoiton. VOUK MIUTAllY AOAOKMY COJIN- NRVf wall-on-lludson. CoiO. . J. Wnmur. 0. B. , A. M. , bupt. ; U * ' . IlrATT , Comd'tot Caiista. : ) - weekly representative , mala WANTii-tSS or female , In every community. OoodD Btaple ; household nucosstty ; cell at sight ; uo peddling ; aolury puld promptly , and expenses advanced. Full par.ttcufum und valuableBample cute ritKK. Wo mean ju&t what we nay : uddreiiK at once. BTANUAHU SILYUU WAItB CO. , llos- ton. MCUM , DRS. BEITS & BETTS BTBEBT , OMAHA. Naa ( OppotlM Porton HctoLf Odea noun. Do. M. to 09. a. SaniSHTi 10 a. m. to 1 p. to. dpeclalista In Chronic , Merroua , UMfl and Blood Olsoasen. tavconsultatlon at ofllco or by mall fro * . Medicines Bent by raall or express , uocurely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , unfely find uormanontly. UDDVIHTQ TltOTTl'I ! ' > VsJ > ormntorr'laa' "eml < KhKYUub UhDlLllI nair.osses.Nlgntnmla. ilona , I'liyslcju Decay , arlsluu from Indlscro- tlon. Excess or Indulgence , producing tilaep- lessnoaa , UeRpondoncy. I'Jmploi on the face. aversion to F.oclety , easily dlxcouriiged , lack ot conlldeuce , dull , until for study or buslnesi.and finds Ufa a burden , safely , permanently aud privately cured. Consult lira , ru Us tt llotu , iOS Farnain St. , Omaha , Not ) . Blood andSKin Diseases results , completely eradicated without of Mflrcurv. Scrofula. Kryslpelns. Fever Sores , lilotches. Ulcers , 1'alns In the Hfad and Hones , ByplilllUcSoro Throat , Mouth and Tonsue , Ca- tarrli. Ac. , pprmanently cured where others have fallurt. , , _ . „ . . . 7iihmtr ITninann and nladdor Complaints , rvlttllCV ! Ulinary ramtni. waicim .too rre. uuont ( lurnliiK or rtloody Urlno. Urine hlKn col ored or with milky aedlmont on btandlng , Weak Hack , Oonnnrrhnm , Oleet , Cystitis. &o. , I'romptly andSafely Cured , Cliar e lleasomv bo ! boernR TrnriTTP > 'F ! ! aimrftntcol > Pr' S3 JL JSM3.\s A U .CiuJLJ > niunent Cure , re moval complete , without cutting , cuustjo or dilatation. Cures olTocted at homo bv patient without a inuinantB pain or mmovance. To YOUM Men anil Miuillc-Apl Men , A QIIDDTII1DD The awful effects ot nrJr fl uUltfJ uUltli Vice , which urines organic , destroying both mind and bodr , with all Its rtreadud Ills , permanently cured. DD < 5 DDTTU Am ess tnono wnonoro Impaired Lmu , DullU themselves by Improper Indul gences und solitary habit ; ) , which ruin both body and mini ! , unfitting them for business , study or marriage. . . . . . . MAIIUIBD MK.V. or thono enter ng on that hapPy - Py life , aware of physical debility , quickly a * < utu(1 > ouu success Is based upon facts. First 1'raetlcal Bxp - rleucu. Hecond livery case Is especially studied , thus stai ting urlght. Third Medicine * ftro pre pared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus altectlng cures without Injury. taytiond fl cents postage for colelirotod works on Chronic , Nervoui and Delloate Diseases. Thousands cured. V4TA friendly letter or call may nave you futuio Hiiirerim ; and nhaiiie , nnd da golden years to life. t "No letters an- iwercd unlt-sn accompanied by 4 cents In stamp * . , UU3 Varuftm artoot. Omaha , M b. A DflCITIWP For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD : H fUal IlIC OonertUnd WKRVOUB DEBILITY ) fYTTJT1 VeUncoof Bodytnd Wind ! Efftcti \ JJ JLitJU ofErroricrExctntilnOldorYoun ; . Kobuil , Ko > .l J\M(1IMI ( lull. lit.Icp J. Smuiibiu n Kin , UMJM vian u DKUIKS * I-IBTS or vuur. iiantlloir IIOBli TdtiTIIIIIIT-lltKllli la < l > r. Urn Utllrfrftia 11 BU1 | * Ttrrltorlt * , And fortlfaCoaBlrlrt. YVBC&H wrU tkt . llMik , r IUi l aatl n , nd prkf ntlte4 ( xtMl h. . . Addm. flE ( | MtfilCAl CO , , BUtfAlO. H. , . VEtiHVHO-J&l , XVAPKHS are \micceiiafully used monthly by over 10,000 K vLadlos. Are 8 < tfe , EJfectualantl I'leaiant ' \J 81 prrbox by mull.or at druggists. Sealed " J'artlctttart S poAtago stamps. Addresa Tint Ecnuffi CUBMICAI. Co. , Vuiuoir , Uicu. For Bale und by mall by Goodman Company , Omaha. gules. Buveral CUBUS currd in miveu duyv. Bold at 11.60 per box , nil ilruu'tUt , or by mull from JoctuJ il'f' Col'i While ut W. Y.i'ulldlw lunn. FURNISHING GOODS DEPART MENT FLANNEL SILK TENNIS C AND VACATION SHIRTS. Wo arc showing tlio largest line of Flannel , Silk and Silk-striped Shirts for vacation wear that can bo found in the city. Exclusive styles and popular prices Silk Sashes and Bolts. SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR. A largo stock is alwavs desirable in , selecting underwear. Wo curry a full line of domestic and foreign makes and claim to have the largest" variety \vosf. \ of New York. Special bargain lines are shown on our counters to-day that can not bo equaled. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPART MENT. A The Reason is so far advanced that it V is desirable to c'.oso out our light weights. Special discount pruoj will bo made during the sale in the Custom De partment , and the same superior work- inunship guaranteed which has always characterized garments made at tlio Continental. HAT DEPARTMENT. In this Department wo are lm = y now on straw goods. In Men's , Boys and Children's Straw Hats wo are offering quantities and prices that surprise every ono. Why pay fancy prices \\licn you can get the same cradoat Continen tal for 60 pjr cent loss than at your Uat " tcrr" OR "NT 20to60 DAYS. This is u disease which has heretofore Bafilod all Medical Science. When Mercury. Todldo of. Potassium , Snrsapa rtllu or Hot Pprlnga fall , wo guarantee a curej Wo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone In tljs World outside of oar Company , and ouu thathoa to cure the most obstinate cases. Ten day * in recent cases doe the work. It U the oldchrontv deep pyatmi cases that wa solicit. We haVa cured hundreds who have been abandoned by Physicians , and pronounced incurable , and cnallcut ; the world to bring us a case that v will not euro in less than sixty duyH. Hlnco the history of mealclne a true peclQ < j for Byplillls has beou sought for but never found until our was discovered , aud wo are Justified In saying it is tha only Remedy in the World tnat will poil Itlvely cure , bocausu th latest Medical Work * . published by the bent known authorities , say there wni never a true spsclHo before. Outrerd- edy will cure when everything else has failed. Why waste you tlm and money with patent medicines that never Imd virtue , or doctor with pliyitlclaiis that cannot euro you , you that hava tried everything ls < j should corns to us now nnd B t permanent relief , you never can set It elm- where. Murk what we sny. In the end yoU muft take our remedy or NKVEIl recover and you that have been aintcted but a short time should by all means come to us now , not one la ten of nnw cases ever feet permanently curod. . H Many itethelp and think they are free from tug A. disease , but m one , two or three years after li appears igaln In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purifier and will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease when Everything Else Fails. NOTICB Wo desire to caution patients In re- ( 'ard to parties claiming to use the Cook Horn * edy. Our formula Is not aud CANNOT b Known to anyone but oiiioulvcs. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Rooms 418 aniUlo , Pnxlon Block , ua. Mho pur IB titunui . muji mni .ncon , nnd coiitMru 'M ncrus of timber : tliu litrveit nnd belt niiiniivuil ciife , uinler llm control of Drown tlio ! luimn Lincoln emeriT 'i iiillun of btuttlnvf 2U P'fJ ' : uiu Louts ; 'i miialo mid Uaiuluir linllfj busu bnll xroumls , uioitcomplutalii lliu e t ! 70 plcnlo tttbloij nltli ccnt i Hpoihcn ulninlJ. Ttiu wonderful Uutliinan f iirlni { . "tn alls l tlilim liciuem M iwluKiJ tlKlitroiii'.bifuul I" ' " . ' . ' led uliovo wutvr. IS. It Aiiilrim uu I bvii. ilanutors. Lincoln , Nub. CE WATER LEMONADES , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Itn'lll rurrert tlitiliiiiKti/liiylii' flurnceofJce nit ( lie hluiniicli , Tor Mm Health Prtitrvlci , ( or - ntritv < r tii > Cilit < net.\7 > r > rinted Etrlctljr t ur < mil U fir ciattil , Aa Edcliat r.tacdjr lor PUrrhua , Cholera Morbm. Oyitnttry , anil all Dlierdiricf thi Dowtlt , .NAsiivii.LETrNX.JunoO , ' 67. JlUSillS. iJJVENTIUr. HltOS. ] iporBlrI ; havcvtrlfij thd Ituncurlai ) Illuckbrrry Julco you lu kltully tent me. It I * Ibn no plus ullr * ot niiiiniicr drinks. 11 1 ( rtc from ul/o- liul , ullays tttlrtt , lonci ( tiu illecitlvo urgani , IIRI a line uniiiiktla flavor , and Is Juit lliutlilnK forilUrrba'al truub * lei In Inn linlril term , A. iu.Km-oo Nl'UI. JN A CIK IUK WATUIl Id NIXTAU. liti , I.I < | uVf ents wtmtud. New Utensil. Bella nigh. ! ) xduslvo Uiirltory. HlK proms. Salary men. How * Co U Hnuoyti' Bt , , Uojto , UUJU