Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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YAdm-fRoTrieritB under thTa hcad I5 conM per
line for the Ilrst insertion , 7 cents for each nub *
etquont Insertion , and Itno per lln per month.
Nonavcrtlaeniont taken for less thnn 85 cents
lor first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
to the Una ; they must nm consecutively nnd
fevust bo pnld in ADVANCE. All advertise
ment * munt 1m hnnded In boforn 13:30 : o'clock p ,
pi , , nnd under no circumstances will they bo
Inkon or discontinued bytolephone.
, Pnrtifs ndvortlKlntf In thcso columni nnd Imv-
Inn tholr answers addressed in cnro of TUB llr.K
will plonao nsk for a chock to ontiblo them to got
their lctt ( rs , nB none will bo delivered except on
Jircscntatlon of check. All unsworn to adver
tisements nhould be enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvottlicmcnts In these columns nro pub-
JIMicd In both morning and evening editions ot
Tin : Hsr. , the circulation of which aggregates
tnorn than 1P.OOO paporN dally , and Rives the nd-
vcrtlBerRthoboncflt , not only ot the city clrcil-
intlonof THE BKK. but also of Council IHuifs ,
nnd other cilles nnd towns throughout
section of the country ,
Advertising for those columns will bo tnkon
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness bonces , who nre nuthorlzcd agents for Tut :
IlER special notice * , nd will quote the same
rotes ns cnn be had nt the main olllco.
U BtreojU
H AS f5& EDDY. Stationers and Printer * , 113
South ICth Street.
li. FARN8WORTH , Pharmacist , 2116 Cum-
, nig Street.
W. . 11UOHK3PhnrmAclflt , Kii North 16th
. Street.
GHO. W. PARR Phnrmnclst , 1803 St Mary's
"lAJANTBD A altltntton by an experienced
TT ciry goods nnd doming man ; Hiuull town
proferrod. Address B , K , , Iloo olllco , Lincoln
Nob. ( ES sit
WANTED-Sltuntlon by n first-class lady
stenographer and typewriter ; hat had ex
perience In Inw ofllco nnd court reporting , nnd
unexceptionable references ; cnn nlso
iilBh Cnllgrnph. Address O 1. lice. 070 83
/ " ANTED By a young Indy of rollnomont
niul education , position ns governess , tar
ivork to do In olllco ns copyist ; reforcncci trood.
Address O 07. Bee. OS ) Sit
AN experienced grocery clerk ( SB ) from Brook
lyn wishes employment : speaks German
find English. Address ( J 00 , Boo. BH 8M
XPEIIT accountant wants complicated
books and partnership matters to njust ,
ddress 005 , Bee. C03jylM
TX7ANTKD Ten bright , Rrfnteel young men
T f for an easy lob and clean work ; good sal-
ftry guarnntood. Call on J. J. Hover , 1312 Dodgo.
_ 7H7-25'
\\TANTKD Knorgetlc tosoh ers nnd students
v to procure mombcra for the National Mb-
fary association. The business is pleasant nnd
profitable : agents make from * i > to $5U per
tveok. Address with references. Nntlonal Lib
rary Association , 103 State St. , Chicago. 111.
WANTRD Ton good cornice men , Western
Cornice Works , 14th between Jackson mid
Ojjges. _ 0:12 : 27
WANTJ5D A thorough , competent oil sales-
man ( for the state of Nebraska ) one who
Mas an established trndo proferrod. A perma
nent situation , good salary and expenses will
bo given to the right party. Address for C
gays O 08 Bee. _ 04125 $
ANTED Good , reliable men for detect-
T ivcs In every community ; paying posi
tions. Adarcss Kansas Detective Bureau , Lock
JJox 231) ) , Wichita , Kan. (1301 ( *
> .Moirwli fni eIucatlon 'and
TT pleasing appearance to solicit ; deposit oi
J25 required : salary * ! " > and 875 per month.
Call on or address O. L. Boylen , 511 15t Nntlonal
_ U5B 22 *
\\'ANTED Agent'.doalers and others to use ,
' Bolt our fresh herbs , roots nnd barks ; nny
Standard recipes free with every order ; sam
ple Ibs. . 30 cents ; ozs. , 5 cents , prepaid. Ad-
ilros.s "Botanical Supply Depot , Georgetown ,
i lliin. CC7 22 ?
" \7f7ANTED Good barber at once , S403 Cum"-
Y > Inp. 015 & . *
3 A first-class baker immediately.
Address B. Wrlton , O'Neill , Nob.nnd state
\vnntwnK03 nro oxpoctcd nnd commence work
Us a op 11113 Juno " 5. en jgt
1J7 ANTED An notlve J-OUOB mnn ns clerK in
T drugstore ; must bo rocistorod and well
Jecommondod. Apply or write Immediately to
.D. R. Leard Rising City , Butler Co. , NoVK
WANTED Exporlencod cnuvnsscrs ; somo.
tiling now ; callnftornoou. 1515 Davenporl
BUsldodoor. a ' B08 . ' *
ATT ANTED A man to tnko charge of n retail
vj T lumbervard ns manacor , In n town on the
P. , E. & JI. V. R. 11. Need n man who Is Indus
Irlous nnd reliable , nnd is thoroughly ac
nnalntid with the retail trade , Will pay goot
balary to the rlgnt mnn. Address , O 01 , can
Dmaha Boo. CPU 24
W'ANTED Drug cleric with references. In
qulra at 13th and Center. 603-jt
TySTANTKO A marble cutter. Inquire at roon
, TT H , Chamber of Commerce , BCG
WANTED A yount ? man or boy to earn
horue route on IJnlly Evening Bee. Ap
ply at Iloo oflice. fiC8
10 flrst-clnss wlro wortorn anc
nwnlr.gmnkers. none other need apply
Inquire Acme Iron & Wlro works , 512 S. 10th st
; j'jo
Rn'S-Ain. Jilst. Tet Co , , 1304 Douglas.
' 7oa
rKN'toTrirel for tno FunthlU Nurseries o
U Canada.'o pay & " > 0 to $100 a mouih am
Expenses to agents to Boll our Canadian growi
stock. Ad. Btono & Wellington , Madison , wis.
. r.Q3
WANTED Railroad laborers , rockmen anil
trnuK-lnyers for Washington Territory
good wage * and stonay work , at Albright' :
juabor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. Qj4
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Inquire 2415 Jones st. 71U-2J
'I. ' . . I _ _ H.V. . . M _ _ _
WANTED Waist and skirt finishers atonce
f , JI. A.J\Vnlluce , 1511) Howard st. cw a
GIRIj for goncriil houao work , small family
no children , lodgers or boarders , 'M Call
tornln st. 69 ' K
ANTED-Agood cook. > per week. V
H. Jloorls. 1117 goiltli 18th. G81-3S _
WANTED Good girl to cooK , wash am
Iron. Mrs. W. JI. Bushman , 014 8. l"tl :
. . 04
V " " \X7ANTED First class experlonced sorvan
, f' ' . T r girl , good wtiges paid. Jlrs. It. 0. 1'attei
1,1 BOH , Sola l''arnam. 078
' ' - ' pirls. ixiii
tXT'ANTRD Two . housekeeper
TT chambermaid , Broadway nud : iJth si
Couhclnl Blnirs. Central house. a7624t
W ANTED-A girl In family of three. 211
California street. 081-L'l
WANTED Some ono to care lor & bnby u
their own homo ; ulso n gooa , healthy we
I fanr ! > o , one pastry cook , or some fair cook wh
n > s willing to be taught : good wages ; lots c
> , peed places In private families. Jlrs , Bregt
I ii HH B. ifith. csaa ;
il > "lATANTBU A good first girl ; must bo a goo
I TT COOK and laundrosa ; wngasllBper monlh
' references required. Cull HI Room 10 , Conl
cental building , or at Sgyt Paul st. a'JJ '
WANTED Conipatcut nurse irl , one ttip
' is kind and willing , liga Karnam. lit
TmNOAaEMKNTB to do Orfssinaking in fain !
lien solicited. Miss Sturdy , 103 s25th. uvi
W Jy.lOJ
\ > M ISSMINNlOIChnnremoved herdressmukni
.parloit. fromlfllSIloward to i21Leavenwth
tjhe will be pleased to hnvo customers call.
jpfURST-clttss Jay board. Inquire 1609 Dougiu
4- 108
* g& ' " "
A FAMILY ot two having some furnltui
. Xl-M-ould lllcotopnrtlyfunilsniioubeniulbo.ii
{ f yvlth some onu , or would take two unfurnluhi'
rooms with board , location north of ( Jracu c
it in KonntzH Place ; refuroucea exchanged. At
* dres D g. llea ptllco. CB4 24t
i \\rANTKD-A few good 2d mortgages. D. i
Jo"Ulou' ! KttPaxton block. 70S 25
WANTKD-Horses to postuTo inside ell
limits. , Moman & Terry , 41S B. 13th Bt ,
t.11 Kit
T/OR HliN I1 Coltagy of a rooms , In raar i
JL' . isift Chlcaco. uear 13th , city water nc
W Be > ver. wi-H'
OR RUNT Elecant new brick ruslnenci
corner X'ud unuPoppluton avenue , all 11161
gru oourunlem-os. Inimlra UBO. N. Hlclc
room 10 , Barker block , TCO 25
! ! ' TTOU8K lorrent-Amodern nlne-rooinTliv
' _ _ All conveniences. No , KS3 Pnrk nvo mi
Hitwoea Half Howard and Jarkuou il . Awe
o ( Joo. J. Bternedorir. rooms U17 anclUlS fin
Rational bank bulldlus. Telephone 4fll , 7I--2J
17IOH RUNT A cottnao of 7 room" near 8
p-1 Mary'8 uveuuu. with or without furnltur
Apply 6lS & Ctli aytnuo. 711
T710R RUNT 11-room Iionse , modern convnn-
JL1 lence , ! 3I5 Cttlltornln at. 711-50 *
TjXMl RKNT-NowOroom houso2531
T710H KRNT-3-room cottage , newly papered ,
J Davenport 8t. , tfl par month , Inquire Nota *
erton Hall , room VU , First National Hank.
T710R RENT NIce 8-roomflat. no ly papered ,
JU SB. 1033 Howard st , jn meat marfcet. Ofit _
rOirilENT 7-roonr corhoT ilat , 16tu and
Jones. _ goo
"f Olf Rl'.NT-6-room house. OK Pierce st ,
irnVKLVE-room nouso C23 N. I3th Bt. CCOStt
2N1CK 7-room cottairo * : Rood collars , cisterns ,
well , good bain : convunlont to school nnd
church : KM per month tor the summer. Apply
ftt once , O. if HnrrlBoii. Jtorchnnts' Nat'l bank.
T71OH HUNT 14-room brick dwolllnfr. all conJ -
J : vonlcncM , G blocks from 1' . O.ris N. l th st.
TT1011 RENT Dwelling 0 rooms , need stabla
J- ' and all modern conveniences , Capitol nvo. ,
2 blocks from High school. D. J. O'Uonnhoe ,
1001 1'anmm st. 682
FOK UKNT A detached D-room houss , all
modern conveniences. Untj , S523 Capitol avo'
17VK RENT--A nice 8-room cottnge with many
J-1 conveniences , C27 8. 17th ave ; rent moderate ,
AitplyOil 8. nth St. (171 (
IjlOIt HENT 7-room houio with < rns and bath ,
-C furniture for sale cheap. U913 I.eavomvortu
02U S7
J7IOR HUNT 8-room hoii o , bath room , sewer ,
- * city water , gas , etc. . 830 per niontu. 2110
Bownrdst. liKjulro ntlllOS. 675 2jt
TD isriBNCl3 In \Vm..l.Pnulbloclt.cor.Mh
J t nnd Chlcntjo Most modern and attractive.
Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , Pnul.1003
Fnrnnni. 44S
FOH RENT Vurnlshoil 0-room house. 1815
Corby st. , at 82 > p or month. 000 87t
TJ1OR RENT New brick houses. U rooms.with
J- every modern convenience ; on cable line ;
only ? IO par month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglas. 925
furnished front room with tirst-
class board for two , in prlvat fumllv. All
modern com .itoucos , U blocks from P. O. on
cablollno. Address X. I. , Beo. 7 5 _
llT10inrnNTr Chcxp7S7prlvate ! family , newly
JJ furnished double parlors , ulso slnijle rooms ,
wlthnll modern conveniences , ono block east of
court house , 1012 lluruoy sr. Hoard If desired.
0-17 2t
r1HEEUFUL , cool room , with or without
V-'bonrd. in nrlvate family , nicely situated In
modern residence. Heferencos. 2130 Harnoy.
TT10U KENT Alnrgo nnd small well funUshed
JU front rooms , all modern oonvouiencos. nnd
board , SJ03 Fnrnam. CT4-30 *
Itooms Handsome suit of
FUHNISHED all conveniences , 1519 Howard.
OS9-w :
r AltGE furnlsned room and board , 108 So.
JU ith avo. OW-27 *
TTKW RENT Furnished room with or without -
out board. 1011 Douglas st. CM 27 *
TT10H HENT Three rooms , inquire at 827 S.
UKMbt. 77224 *
room with first-class board.
2013 Douglas. 073 281
FOR RENT Two parlors front and on first
floor. All modem covonloncos. IGUU
Douglas. C83
flCE front room with board , only $1 per
i week ; homo comforls ; 1223 N. 20th st.
031 21 *
TfOIt RENT nicely furnished , cool sulto of
JP rooms for family or 4 gentlemen , ono room
with alcove , or will rent separately. 220 N. 19th.
04027 *
FOU HENT Furnished rooms. 1410 Dodge st.
TJOOM nnd board cheap for two In private
JLV family. S218 Burt street. OSfl-244.
TpllONT.Parlor nnd bed room on second floor
JL' with all conveniences for man nnd wife or
two gentlemen.'U F 2ft
8 INGLE room nnd double room , every con
venience. 1903 Capitol live. 778
FOH HENT Furnished room , with board 1723
Dodge 438
ROOMS and board , 100 aim 103 So. 2Mb st.
NICELY furnlsned rooms , board if desired ;
gas , bath .electric bells , etc. 100U Douglas.
T71UUN1SHKD room for rent after June 23 ,
JL2024 Burt st 15S
RENT Furnished rooms , flrst-class ac
commodations. Mra. Twlnglor , 012 s 13th
street. 1)95 )
i1UHN191I131 > rooms by day. wees or month.7
! St. Cinir hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. 775
AUO U front room with bed-room adjoining ,
3 - handsomely furnished , gas and heated by
steam , with use ot bath room. In ono of the
Imuusomebt residences In the city , without
board. Inqulio n. w. cor. 19th and Loavenworth
IjlURNISIinD rooms , single or on suite , bath
-I ? and steam ; tor gents only. 1519 Howard.
"T > OOM with or wltnout board. 1812 Dodgo.
Fou HUNT Room. 1021 Howard.
| j1URNiaiIElor unfurnished house for rent
-I ? In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire Lea &
Nlchol. gSth and l.eavomvorth. 7IC
iuiv RENT 2 front rooms , en suite , modern
conveniences , tor gentlemen only.111.1 N.nth.
"VTICE rooms , furnished , S3 to 818 per month ,
J > > or by week. Puabody house , Hth and Jones.
705 J 26 *
LARGE furnished room torrent , suitable for
. . - ' Eentlemen. 162J Farnam. 5B3 -
TGlSll RENT A pleasant room , only 6 minutes
JL1 walk from business center , all modern con
veniences , cor St.Mary's avo. and 2uth or CM B.
0th. brick residence. CQl
LOVELY south front room , every conven
ience , y block from street car. 2J01 Douglas.
ROOMS Light housekeeping , $14 , 131U N , la
RENT 4 unfurnLsnod rooms , suitable
JU for houBOknoplng.all modern Improvements ,
bath , hot and cold wntor , gas , water clotot. etc.
1704Vebntor st. (105
n WO second-story front rooms , unfurnished !
JL would not object to light housekeeping ; 00
Cass Hi. ( < j 23 *
TilOR RENT-Over steve store , 1621 Howard
X' st. Inquire at store 003
JFS ItKNT Until October 1 , largo furnished
1 house , call SJ1 S. SJtli. soil
I7IOR RENT UufuruialiBd rooms suitable toi
JL1 housekeeping In Hulls ot 2 to 4 : convenient
location. Butts Renting Agency , VQl Farnam
1/IOR RENT-Itear part of 1303 and 1110 Far-
JL1 mini st , , ontrnuco from alloy and through
cigar store. Also second floor or part thoreol
of UMIIO building with separate entrance. Ap
ply nt cigar store , 1308 Pnriium st. 73(1-25 (
OFFICE To rent Furnished elegantly 01
unfurnished. Bushman block , N. E. Cor
10 and Douglas. 041
FOR RUNT Comfortable store rooms In thi
HIT building , 6(1x23 ( ; good location for liar
ness shop. Also , two basements , light and airy
44x31' , under hardware store : good location foi
tin Hhop , Apply to A. O. lluymer , Hardware
store , Her building , comer Jackson and lUtlist
0(15 ( Jyl8
TJIOH RENT Front office , ground Boor , all
JJ a isth. an
17UH RENT Stores nnd living rooms on Cum
Jing st. Also house ou Cass st. Harris , roan
411 , lit Nat. Bane.
lfblt inNT-Tlie
JJ or without power , now ocsupled by The Bet
Publishing Co. . U10 Farnam si. The bulldlm
has a lire proof camentod basement , complete
btoam heating fixtures , water on all the lloors
ga . etc. Apply at ths oflloe of Too Doe. 015
THOU RENT-Storo SSxBOj 1113 Jackson st
JO IJnqulrellHJackson. 7tU
T7TOR HUNT 2lloora tiout halt Bemla build
JJ IDL' , power , hunt , eleotrtc light , Inoulre of
tlce of Bemlc Oiualiu Bug , 128
TV you want your nouses rented list with Par
JL roita's rental agency , ICUi and Dodge.70
( -70 28
_ _ _
W ANTED llooni and board for man aui
\\-ite. In private family , insldo ot 1U-2
Address D 5 , Bee.
0'J3-2u ' *
WASHING done , collected and delivered tr
Wr . Andrew Borenseu. llild Parker St. . '
TTMnilKLLAS and patasols coyernil nnd 'r .
U paired , 217 8 15th Boyd's opera house block ,
n rubbur store. 1L Bator. _ 791
TU1R banjo tatiahtixs an nrt by Geo. F.Gel-
JLlcnbeck. Apply atfleo ofllfe. _ 050 _
1 T\0tt \ 1 J5ABE-e Insldo building lots. 80th nnd
JU Dodge , for 10 , R ) , 00 or 00 years , to p&rtlcs
who will build good brtck houses. Doges *
Hill. 1 tea Farnam sU 003 2o _
TOiiNr. DALUr. aower bulld r and drain
t ) Invor , house drainage and sanitary work a
specialty. Ofllco 1407 Douglas St. , Omaha. Nob.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1) ) KVJyl
GEO. II. JONKS , plumilnand pas lUtiiiK
drain laying , sewer nnd water connections
A specialty , 1414 Dodge st. , In basement. Omaha ,
118 jy 3
T.OST On Park street cnr liuo alx > ut two
JLJ weeks ngo , A buund volume of Sunday
Magazine. Finder will please return or notify
jy postal card , 534 3. 30th st. _ 088-25 *
TIIAYED Small , black heavy set miiro
pony , reached malne and nmrxll white
spot In forehead. Liberal reward will bo paid
for her return to A. 11. Smith , 3120 Chicago
street. _ --'ja
T.OST Roan colored Ilolsteln cowj any Infor-
JL/matlon will uo thankfully recclvoJ at J. L.
llrnndles & Sons. BOO
Photos of Omaha base ball club
Mi on sale nt lloyn , the photographer. ( Iran-
Ho block. 124
QTORAOE at low rates nt 1I21 Farnam st. ;
Oonnilm Auction nnd Storago. 703
rPRAClCAOErstoragcTlowcst rates. W7"
JL Hiishman , 1311 Ix-avenworth. _ 7iH
O RANCH iVCO. . storage , 1211 Howard.
* TOIlAUBand forwarding. We coiloct nnd
S deliver goods of nil descriptions , merchnu-
disc , furniture and baggage , at cheapest rates
Tor storage for any length of tlmo. Vans and
wagons to bo lia-1 ut shortest notice , with euro-
fill men for moving. Packing and snipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded ,
Warehouse on our own track ? . OlQco 217 S.I4th
St. : tolopnono 111. HoxvclKV Co. 314
T\RNANNIH V. Wnrren , clairvoyant , mod-
JL/lcal nnd business mo.llum , Female diseases
a specialty. 11B N 10th st , rooms 2 and 3 ,
STANDARb shorthand school. Paxton bloc
( successor to Valontluo's shorthand Insti-
tnto\ the largest , best equipped shorthand
school In the west : Is under the personal super-
vlslonof Joseph P. Megeath , an ox-ofllctal re
porter and state agent of the Remington Stand
ard typewriter , assisted by expsrloncod ver
batim reporters. Mechanical construction of
machine taught by factory expert. Particular
attention paid to typewrltlni ? . StonograpliDrs"
supplies tor salo. Circular free. _ TO3
iOKTHAND ana typewriting. Omaha bust-
ness colleco , cor Capitol nvo nnd 10th.
Standard methods taupht by 0. . C. Kwlng. of
San Francisco , the best teacher on the Pacific
coast , Munson's revised of ' 81 n specialty ; new
plan ; blackboard Illustration ; day and evening
classes ; call or wrlto for terms. 797
Wanted to purchase In a good
STATIONERY or Nebr.iska , a medium
stock of books and stationery. Address , stat
ing full particulars , E. R. Holmes. Atwood ,
Kan. 631125
_ _ _
Furniture , carpets , stoves and
WANTED goods of nil kinds. Omaha
Aucjjon& torage _ Civ. 1121 Faniain. 800
OH SALE White English bull terriers , from
prize stock ; also some very line short head
bull and terriers : full pedigree. W. C. llookOU
Washington St. , Boston. Mass. _ SO 1-30 *
FTR ) SALE A full sot of ton , colleo nnd solce
cans ; also two good second hand delivery
wagons. C. H. Moore i ; Co. , 1515 Dodge st.
" 1T10R SALE Cheap , N'.Scallgrnph , llr-st-class
J ronnlng order. Address 1) 8 , Bee. 737-24 *
OirSALlT-Blrd Dog , Gordon Better. Black
nnd Tan. Imported stock , 1 months old ,
cheap , if sold nt onco. Address See W. Mack ,
Box 3 , Ashland , Neb. 600 22t
T/IORSALE At auction cor. 12th nnd Doug-
-U las , Saturday 3 p. m , a number of norses ,
04322 *
"OONY for sale Handsome bay marc , ride or
JL drive , 7 years old. Address 0 70 Bee. 042 22 *
F 'OU ' BALK Two parrots , talk some ; price
810 and $13. 800 South 10th st. , room 8.
T7IOR SALE Cheap , furniture single room ;
-L.1 complete housekeeping ; central location :
address D S , Bee. 728-2 !
FOB SALE Furniture of a ( l-room flat , cheao.
A. F. Maynn & Co. . 517 N. Ifltn. 7JJ-24 *
TDAHT or all of furniture for sale and cottage
JL for rent. 414 N. 14th street. 040-27 *
TpOU SALE Small herd of standard-bred Jer-
JU soy cows For particulars , address. M. P.
Colt , Ottumwa , la. 030 24t
TilOK SALE Furniture ot 7-room house for
Jt ? rent , gas end bath , 8013 Loavenworth.
G2i ; 37 *
FOR SALE 20 head of younc horses , suit
able for driving purposcs.nt Military Bridge
barn , 25th and Cumlng st , 024 20 *
T7 < OB SALE Cheap. One bicycle , one Tan-
J2 don tricycle mid on slngla tricycle , good
ns now Apply Jolin S. Prince , Coliseum. 123
TlyIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1505 Far-
J.'JLnam.Complete abstracts ) furnished and titles
to real estate examined , perfected < Sc guaranteed.
A nSTKACTS Linahau & ilahonoy , room 60d ,
JOLPaxtou block. 803
MONBY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
etc. , or on any approved socurity. J. W.
Ilobblns , llliy Farnam street , Puxtou hotel.
GE. & C. SI. Anthoy. 812 First National
bnnk building make loans upon larms in
Nebraska and Iowa uud improved Omaha city
property ; money ready ; title and security
pnssi'd upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates :
call or write. KWJyl ?
MONEY loaned for SO. 00 or 99 days on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fuinam ,
MONEV to loan on furniture , chattels or real
estate. Lowest rules on good loans. J , B.
Kinurlng , 1417 Farnam , roomil. IU7 JyU
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planos.orgnus , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The first organized loan ofllco In
theclty , MaKoloausfor tnirty to three hun
dred and sixty-live days , which can bo paid In
part or whole , at any time , thug lowering the
principal and Interest. Call and ueo us when
you wnnt money. We can assist you promptly
mid to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand ,
No delay In making loans. C. F. Beed& Co. , 311) )
B. 13h st. , over Blnghai & Sons. 332
f > KsfDENCE LOANS-fi'/j to 7 per cent , no ad-
JAuitional charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. B. Melkle , First Nat bank bldg.
PEOPLE'S Financial Kxonnngo The fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money exchange
In too city : money loaned without delay or
publicity , In any amount , largo or small , at the
lowobt rate's of interest , on any available ao-
curlty ; loans may bo paid at any time or re
newed at original rates O. lloiisrur n , Mgr. ,
room 57 , Barker block , 15th and Farnam , 813
MONKYtoloau at low rates by Excelsior
Laud Co. , 1310 South 15th street , Omaha.
1)71 )
TTNIMPHOVED ana improved property :
Uloimsmade promptly : money on liand. F ,
M. Klclmrrtson , bw cor 16th and Douglas.bgj
T CAN maka few loans on first-class chattel
JLsecurltlosnt reasouablo rates. W. 1C. Pottur ,
room 1U , Barker blk. tig
, ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 601 Paxtoi : block. 833
MONF.Y loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons : rates reasonable ! . City Loan Co. ,
118 ti. 13th St. , oppostto Mlllard hotel. 130 u
MONKY to loan on any.socurlty
tor uhort time , at low
rules. Lowert ratua
on personal
The Henderson Jfortgago Investment Com.
puny , room 40u , I'axton mock. GOO
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange IMVUO and
J- small loans for Ions ; and BUori time , at low
est rates of Interest , ou real estnto mortguga
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't full to call If you want fair
and cheap accommodations. O. Bouticareu.
Mgr. , room 67 , Barker blk , 15th and Farnam.81J
TV fONKYtoloani raiUonhuud : no delay , J.
1U.W. Squire , 1S1 F rnata St. , First National
bank building. ail
SMALL short time lonns on cuajwl Eecurlty.
2111 Ohio at. ; call alter 0 p , m.
DON'T borrow money onnfurnltura , horses ,
wngons. etc. , or coliat riils until you see 0.
B. Jacobs , 410 First NaUonM.bnnk building.
_ II' ' " _
M ONRVtoloanntlo\v6 < aIrato9br M.A. Up
ton company , 10th andxtfarnam. G8023
LOANS made on real c tnto nnd mortgnces
bought Lewis 8. Heed * Co. , H 13 , Board of
Trade , ; 818
OtllLDINQ and other r nlbstato loans. W. JI.
JL > H arris , room 20 , FrenMfcr Block , opp. P. O ,
- 88U
HIST morrgngo lonns i\A\t rates and no do-
lay. D. V. Sholos , 810 Wrst National bant.
- . 810
ANTED-Flrst-class 'ijslds loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd seemnr'Mutual ' Investment
Co. , B. 1 Barker blk. , Uth and Farnam. 817
BDILD1NQ loans , Llnnhan & JIahoncy.
_ _ _ 82
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real ostnto
nndjoan ngonts , 1515 1'nniam st. tWJ
fT'EYBTONH Mortgage Co. ) loans ot J10 to ; got our rates before borrowing and
nave money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
npprovod security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewnfof old nnd low
est rates , call 11 SOSShoeloy blk,15th& Howard st
_ _ _ _
SEE Sholos , room 210 First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. _ 810
MONEY to Loan We are ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from $ ,1W to $10-
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. 1'Ull Information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The SIcCaguo
Investment Co. 814
NEBRASKA MortR. Loan Co. will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasouablo ratos.
Itoom 7 , Rowlov block , South Omaha.
Rooms 518-51B , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
_ _ _ 81'J '
M ONKY to loan. Harris U. E. & Loan Co , ,
room 411 First National bank. Ml
F. HARRISON loans money , lowest ratos.
Ml ONKY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
outdolay , nnd purchase goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. B , A. Slomau , cor.
13tH nnd Fnrnnm. BJO
T OAN8 on improved nnd unimproved prop-
JUorty at low rates. Odoll Bros.&Co.,3l2S.Iitn. (
OMALL lonns , short time , good security ,
treasonable Interest. P. O , box 00(1 ( , city.
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 First Nn
tlonal bank. H10
MONEY to loan on real estate at low rate.
J. D. Zlttlo. 430 Paxton block.
MONEY to loan on good Ilrst mortgages , im
proved or unimproved property. Jlort-
gnges bought and sold. Wallace , room ! HO
Brown building , loth nnd Douglas. KQ
T\O YOU want money ? If BO , don't borrow
\J before getting my rates , which are Uio low-
cstonanysitm from JlOupto $10,003.
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , lease * , etc. . In nny amount ut the
lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal - '
moval of property.
Loans can bo inado for ono to six months and
you can pay n part utany time , reducing both
principal nnd Interest. Ifypu ewe a balanca
on your furniture or horsa , , Or have a loan ou
them , Iwlll take it up nnd carry It for you as
lotig ns you desire.
If you need money you win find It to your nd-
vantage to see me before borrowing.
II. FT Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building , Ifith
nnd Harnoy. ( f 821
PHILADELPHIA Jlortsago * Trust Co. fur-
JL nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , porfect'tltlon , accept loans
nt th lr western office. Ueorgo W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Board oJ Trade. " 1 827
MONEY to loan on real -estate sociirlty , ! at
lowest rates. Before negotiating loans see
Wallace. R. 310 BroAvn bldg 10th &Dougla3. 8iiQ
"DIOR SALE Cheap. Ai established protlta"-
JL1 ble business , tecelionvbiiportunlty for on-
ergoiicmnn. Address D. tr. Bee , 735-25
IT1OR SALE A good paying business of
JL' woolen knit , and Beiits' nirulshlng goods ,
with fixtures. In a good Iodatl6n. for casu only ,
will give good reasons for selling on applica
tion. Address Jas. F. Bltz , proprietor Omaha
Nntional Knlttlng.Factory , 1101 South 13th St. ,
Omaha , Neb. 053 88'
DON'T miss this ono of the best paying nnd
most popular restaurants in the city , now
full of customers , everything now , must be
sold on account of death. J. H. Pnrrotte ,
Rental Agency. 10th nnd Dodge , 057 28
LIVERY stable , stock nnd fixtures , situated
at cor. 10th nnd Cnss sts. city , 38.8.10 for all
to exchange for lands or city Jprooerty nnd
cash. Co-oporatlvo Land & Lot Co. 205 N. 10th ,
PLENDID Chance Scale or weighing book
business tor sale or trade for city property
Address Box 58. . . city. 020 27t
EOR BAliE iTtiit , confectionery and cigar
store in first-Class location ; will sell cheap.
GOT N. lOih , city. ( Wl-20 ?
/ " " OOI ) dividend paying stocks for sale by M.
VJ A. Upton company , 10th and Farnam.
T71OR SALK Or trado. Now , clean stock of
J- hardware , elegant location. Best of rea
sons for selling. J. A. Campbell , Sewarcl. Neb ,
FOR SALTI Grain and lumber business.
Address C 69. Boo. 51101 *
\\7ATER bonds of 83,500 for sale on the vll-
T T Inge ot Gordon. Sheridan county. Nob. W.
L. Mills , village dork. Ml SI *
T HE Hawley House , North Platte. Neb. , for
rout , party renting to buy furniture on very
easy terms ; this is a chance fora good hotel
man to make money. Address proprietor ,
John Hawley , North 1'latte. 612 & ;
WE nave for sale or exchange one of the
finest hotel properties in an Iowa city of
6,000 Inhabitants , the loading house In the
placo.V. . it. E. & M. E room 14 Cnamber of
Cummerco 703
( B3,000 to ffi.OOj wanted to put Into n good Dusi-
v ness ; firs * class security and good rate of
Interest paid for sliort or Ionic time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U ,
Bee olllee. 142
FOR SALE Jleat market complete ; can bo
handled for little casu. Call at room i.
Wlthnell blk. 85U
OR SALE A WPll-establiPhea book-binding
business In Salt Lake City. Shlley. Gro-
Ehell & Co. , real estate , Bait Lake City , Utah ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ANTED To trade a fine upright piano for
a horao nnd buggy. Inquire at 1610 Dodge
T710II EXCHANGE J35.POOactual vuluo equity
JL' In first-class Omaha Inside unimproved ronl
obcato for clear city or form lauds or good payIng -
Ing stocks. Address D 8 , Boo. CC3 27t.3
rpo EXCHANGE for Omaha , property , one of
JL the best Improved farnto ln Iowa , only one
mlle from tonu of 0,000 Inhabitants. W. It. E.
& Jl. E. , room 14 , Chamber'jOf'CQmmcrco. '
"i " / K " "
WHAT have you to traffpifor young brood
mares and horses , rate Norman ? C. H.
Bruner. Room 2.S. Hellmantt > l.tfck. U19 37 *
rpo EXCHANOE-A beanVtul farm.south cenl
4tral Nebraska , for a butnit&s. Prefer hole-
or restaurant. Win. KogorejfiOd N , 17th st.
I WOULD HKO to trade a flfoiM two-storv house
nnd lot 00x150 feet , wlthlu yfe block ot Park
ave. and Park school for vitfvut east front lot
in Haiibconi placo. Will asiuLie some Incuin-
urnnce. Address , 0 45 Hue pfflce. 867
FOR E\OHANlK-An ( elegant tract of land
containing 120 acres. lu-Antelopo county ,
Ueb. , with ordinary Improvements ,
A quarter-section In liana /county , Dakota ,
partly Improved. Vf// /
Elgnty acres nenr Council JJjullB , la.
House and lot on South liRJflt.
Largo amount of Oil MonMain nnd Petrolium
company oil stock. WiU'exchango for good
property or tlio erection ot Some houses. Goo.
J. btornsilorlT , 1st National bank building.
_ _
AN Improved farm to trade for nidso. , gro
ceries preferred. J. R , Huson , Central City ,
"I710R UXCHANaB-J10 , X ) stock ot boots ami
JL1 shoes for improved city property. Jll.oou
Block general merclmmllse in a good town and
good trade will toke good city property Im
proved. Clear lots Ihsldo 2-mile line on Went
Furnum and northwest part of city for im
proved city property , worth of second
mortgages on uinlde Omaha property lor an U
or lu-runm modern house in good location.
Some splendid South Omauu lota on 21th Ht. for
lown or eastern Nebraska land. Lot udjolulng
Dundee Place , tr one In Omaha View for horse
and bugey. 200 acres of fine laud adjoining the
new location for the fort at Bellevue tor city
property. Lot 60x13uud 12-room house , Capitol
avtt. , cast of 2 > th , for vacant property , and cash ,
Property of uli kind * for trade , drover Slovens ,
616 and 617 , Paxton block. _ 717-27
fpO Exchange Cash and' clear property for
merchandise , or iitercbandlsa for nash and
clear property , Addros * Lock Box II , ( JotUon.
burt , Net ) . wv jy i
TJIOH RXCHANOR-ror dolrablo rosldonco
JJ proportr in Omaha , nny or all of following !
40 choice insldo residence lota lu Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
CIO ncros flno fnrmlng land , Lancaster county
Fine rcsldnnco property. Lincoln.
Hood rental property. Lincoln.
Choice family residence corner , Los Angeles.
A neat resldonco property In linnscom place.
Also some good mortgage not cs.
Address Riving location and price of prop
erty , J. K. B. , care Bauui Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
worth. 833
WESTERN lands , farms and city property
for stocks ot goods. Room S , 1502 Fnrnam
T710R SALK or will trade for good dwelling
JJ $ l , < xio real estate second mortgages. .1. J.
Wilkinsons. 1U7 Fnrnam. 469
* | jUlThxchniiKo : A fliio farm of WiXcres ) in
JU Polk county. Nob. , 4 miles from Clarks ,
Neb. , to exchange for cnttlo ; 80 ncres under
cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales and
good feed lot. Address C. Oskamp , 2213 Web-
Hter st. Omaha , Neb. 910
TJXJR KXCHANQK-Lotnndlmairhonso , 30tH
JJ andHnmlltou. and lot 82 , Nelson.s iidd. , for
trndo for outside lota clear or acre property. A.
P. Tukcy , 1Mb nnd Douglas , 3J3
WANTlTD-To trade for housa and lot In
good location ; will assume light
branco. Address A 3 Boo olllco. KS
HE API Chonpt ciionp Lot Facing on
motor line In North Omaha , only M.VI. worth
JI.2WJ. Full lot on Saundora st. in Plainviow.
$2,100 , 2 lots hoar corner of Lowe nvo. and
Honard sts. , Jl.OOO enoh. These are elegant lots.
BO ft on loth st. near Cuuilng , $ iiUOO. : Lot In
Slyerfl , Richards A Ttldon'B add. . 6550. Houses
nnil lots In all parts of the city nt reduced
prices. Orover Stevens , 510 ntul 017 Paxton
block. Telephone 1121. 71(1-27 (
TJ10R SALE The two best comers in South
JL ? Omaha , rented to good tenants nt Hioo a
month In ndvauco. Box 754 , City. 7il-25t
T710R SALE At a reasonable prlco , full lot
JJ with iicnt and convonlont cottugo. 1011 N.
19th st. C53 2S *
ONE of the two house and lot bargains I
have been offering on UoorgU avo. tiorth of
Lcavonwortli , Is now sold iid occupied , bo-
causa of my very low price. The ooutli house
of the two still remains n bargain open to
sombody. First comes , first nerved. To bo ap
preciated It needs to be examined Intcnuvllv. I
positively will not rent It , though several times
offered | W ) per month. Price only f5 , 00. on
voryeasy terms. Prlcoafter July 1 , WWO. W. T.
Seaman , east sldo 10th St. . north of Nicholas
st , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and
carriages. 013
FOR SALE At n bannrtipt prlco , n house and
lot in Omaha View. Boom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce. 033
/1OMK nnd seoius and investigate some of the
V/bnrgalns wo huvo to offer. Wo are continually
listing now properties and "If you don't see
what yon wnnt nsk for it. "
We have merchandise to trndo for land. Wo
liavo horses , cuttle nnd mules to trade for
Innd. Wo hnvo a brlcic nnd tlio fnctory doing
n thriving business to exchange for western
Three new , 0-room cottages nt Albright ,
within 10 minute's walk of terminus of hourly
dummy line , for sale on terms that will only bo
fair rent.
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , at n bargain. Elevator complete , with
horse-powor , scnlos , olllco furnished , oto. A
flno opening for u practical grain denier.
Ono of the best improved rarms in the state
will bo exchanged for Inside Omaha property.
Two tlno residences in Poppletou park , on
motor Hue ; u ill be sold on easy terms.
Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha for
sale and oxcluingo.
For exchange , for Omaha proporty,1OUO ncrbs
of school land lease , In ouo of the best counties
In tne state.
A line residence property in Omaha View for
sale at a bargain.
From $75X)0 ( ) to 8103,000 worth of flrst-class
notes to exchange for Omaha property ,
Merchandise to exchange Xor M cash and bal
ance western lands. This Is ono of the llncst
opportunities over oltored to convert land into
cash. Investigate this.
For sale , at a bargain , hotel nnd livery biirn.
In a good Nebraska town. This 13 a line open
ing for a practical hotel man.
lor exclmngo for Omaha property , one of the
best farms In ROCK county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry on
the placo. Old ngo ana failing hoaltli of the
owner is reason for selling.
For sale , cheap , a restaurant In ono ot the
best locations in Omaha ,
280 acres of Jlno land In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some 00) agents scattered
over four or llvo states. List your property
with us If you wish a quick turn. w. R. 13. &
M. B. , room H , Chamber of Commerce , telephone -
phone 1440. 5UO
rpHE factories within easy reach of Collier
JL place will employ n largo force of men. So-
euro n homo and enjoy Ufo , Prlco ot lots 8SOO
to $1,200. one-tenth cash. Send for plat. Mc-
Cague. opp. P. .
! motor Hue Is built to Collier place. The
JL Belt line runs near Collier placo. Tno P. E.
* M. V. K. R. stop all pasiongor trains at Col
lier place. The horse car line will soon reach
Collier placo. Best addition in the city. Price
$ suoto 1,2JO per lot , one-tenth casn , balance
one to live Years , McCague. opp. P. O. 073 ;
THE finest drlvo In the city Is to Collier
Place. McCague. U7J
FOR SALK At a bargain. Ouo twelve and
ouo nine room lu Kountze place , on.
24th street , opposite the line residences of Red-
ick and McCroary. with 78 and 01) foot of ground
with each house to alley. Each house has furnace -
nace , gas , gas fixtures , shades , nil
plumbing , hot nnd cold water , elegant
largo rooms , nllpapored handsomely through
out , good barn with each bouse , and an elegant
lawn all sodded , t nm prepared to offer splen
did Inducements as to price nnd torms. Call
and lot me drive you out. You can move Into
these houses wltnout a dollar of expense for
anything. Thoie mustbn sold soon. Bee me at
once. D. V. Snoles , 210 First Nat'l bank. 177
rplIE best money's worth of house and lot now
JL for sale In Umaha Is that which 1 am now
completing ncnr 24tn st. on paved Wlrt st. in
Kouutzo Placo. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , t bath rooms , 3 water clo sets ,
larce laundry , stationary wash tuba , furnace
aud coal room und collar , electric bells nud
speaking tube , 12 closets. Prlco only 87,000 on
terms to suit Likewise a dupllcato adjoining
ntsame price. W. T. Seaman , cast side liith nt.
north of Nicholas st. Omana's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 881
FOR SALE Now Is tlie time to buy n lot In
Hillside Reserve or Hillside addition No. 1
for a homo. This property Is only about one
mile from the postolHcc , Is nil high nnd bcautlj
fill ground , the streets are nil put to nn estab
lished grade , U is only a few blocks from cable
line nud has the advantages of gas , city"water ,
soworugo nnd continuous pavement from the
center of the city. Wo can offer special induce
ments to parties wishing to build in this part
of tlio city nnd ask that nu Investigation of the
property bo made. Pricei rnngu from S60 to
870 per front foot , according to location.
Lots 7 nnd K. block 2 , Ibiuxo & Kolden's addi
tion , price $0,000.
Lot 0 , block 8 , Isaac & Eoldoii's addition , prlco
Lot 4fi , Burr Oak , 50x150 foot , east front , on
Georgia nvi'nue. Price , $1,000.
M ) feet , south front , on Hamilton street , In
block 1 , Orchard Hill. Price , 1.2- .
Nine-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes.
Ton-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes.
Eloveu-acro tract suitable for dairy purpose
On each of the ubovo tracts theru is a line
grove and n stream of running water furnished
from large springs.
The property Is handy to both Omaha nnd
South Omaha , and dairymen contemplating
change of location shoulu investigate this.
Some of the propoi ty could bo exchanged for
other good Insldo uroperty.
Lotfl , block 1 , Potter's addition , prlco $1,450.
Lot 0. blork 62 , city of Omaha with two story
and basement house , with all modern conven
iences. Price JI 4.000.
80x123 feet , southwest corner 20th and Spruce
streets , with small collage. Price W.2JO.
This hns 122 font frontage on 20th st , nnd can
bo sold in 25 foot lots.
Now six room cottage with cltv water In
houso. In west part of city. Prlco H-W. Terms
to suit purchaser. *
100x127 ft. 8. W. cor. 38th nnd Cnss 8t , Prlco
$ , "p,000 , Will take lot and oed first morlgago In
r 2xlOO ft. 8. E. cor. Sitli and California sts. ,
With small cottage , at a bargain If taken soon ,
Potter Co lib ,
0(131 ( ItiOl Farnam at.
E have n few choice farms fros from In
cumbrances that wo olfor to sell cheap on
peed terms , or we will do better , we will trade
It elf for good Omnha property such as we want
nnd pay you M cash tor your propurty or ai-
fiumo mortgage nt equal amount and give you
our property for the balance. We have excel
lent bargains wo can olTer you. IKlxHO fcot on
IWth st , und Jivcksou wltn 6 3-ntory brick dwell-
ings.moaern Improvements , and 13-story frame
dwellings for l2.0f > 0 : vacant lots on California
and Lott-o avenue , 1 block from motor line IMx
221 ft , $14,000 ; 3 Uno n w dwellings on California
st. , near cable and motor,45x150 ground , with nil
Improvements , JO.OUti , $5,500 and * r > ,000each ; 21st
street and Grace , 70x150 ; Ifi-room IIOUSB for J12-
OUO ; terms to suit and will sell you farms or
land almost wherever you want it. Excnlslor
Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha. 010
TT10R SALE Easy terms , Kountze place.
4Two homes , each tt-rooms. ach 44,000.
Two homos , each O-rooms , each * \0xj. ;
Two homes , cacti 16-rooms , each itOX ) .
All with modern convenience.
Alllargo value at tno price.
All within n square of the motor lino.
Don't losa these opportunities.
Tor lo by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East Bide 18th st. , north of Nicholas St. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car-
rlage * . 617.
TI\VO bargains , one A acre piece iiour motor
line , aud cue two acre piece naar Bouth
Omaha , Williull , BO partial buying can plat
nud realize a handsome profit. Co-operative
Land &ud Lot company. 'JOu N. lUtU Direct. 062-30
"lON'/lN UOUlTsrd"eValktp(5ollUf"ilace.maet ( )
fnOH SAt.K RW.T8 acres , soo.6 , tp. 13 , r. 8 v. ,
JL' Hamilton county , Neb. House , sublq , ikxj
ncroi fenced , nrtntf water. Trlco f8au t * . K.
Atitlns , owner , Ilntldroad bide. I ) nv r , Col ,
a < _ 8H7 _ _ _ _
T710H 8AIjR-10 room house , lot MxW ) , cn y
JJ tonns , $4850. W. M. HushmRU , 1311 Unv-
cnwortlu 0-13
TT101I BAMJ Tts In Stewart 1'lnco on IK ) wo
JL' avo. ? Metropolitan Cable pusses property.
0-room house nnd barn , lUnicom Place. 3
houses and lota on Oass ( it. , on easy terms ,
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nftt. Hunk. 0i
1IWH SAMJ 100 hiBh anil doslrablo lots In
JU Omaha View ; want to clo'jo thorn out , and
will give btij bargains. IxoR at them before
buylngelsowhero. Hoggs & Hilt , 1403 r'Arnam.
| 7101l SAtiR I'lno Improved farrni In th
JL1 best counties In tue state. J. A. Cannibal
real cstata agent , Seward Nob. _ ftii-5J ) !
SHOIiKS SpecUl I.lit Wo push spoclal bar
ftitlm and advertise rnom. 1,1st with mo.
I'lno east front lot In llansoom place at f 1.000
1500 cash. Decided bargain.
l-'luo lot on 1'nrnam and Lowe nvanuo , fc,75J. !
Si'.lKW buys a house and lot in llanscom
1'lace. norih ot ropploton avenue.
The old John DfvrKS JIanufactory plant on
, 4 miles noutliwoit oC
city , with S acres of Rrouud and 3 lanto Z story
InilldlnRa , for f3,00i ) . A Hna opportunity for
801110 O110.
1 hayo special Inducements Inhousos and lots
In nil parts ot the city olthor for tale or trado.
Call in nnd be nliowu thorn. 1 do not try to cot
you In to show you trash , but handle onlr coed
property nnd deal ttmaroly. 1) . V. Sholus , SI
First National bank. _ & " , < }
- ' the nick Kimhall estate.
60 feet on ISthstroot running through to 17th
nvc. One 13-room house , all modern convou-
lonces nnd two 0 room liousai. Total rental
f 1,600 cor year : prloo JM.OJO. al. A. Upton
Company , liith and Karnnm. _ P42
TnOirSAl.l : The llncst rcslrtenco situ In West
JU Umaha ; JustRotitti of Karnam onUGthst. ;
a corner 1(15x137 ( with 187 fout frontage on
paved street tinn Jolnlnit the handsome rest *
( loncoof Kirkondall on the east , mid llr.tdy ,
Vasson and M.utln on the south ; a perfect jom
nnd gnrdon spot tor nn olopant homo.
Hamoy nnd 21st straotB , UlxlOT.ou p.ivemont.
within thrco blocks of the court house ; room
for aevon line houses that would rent as rapid
ly as completed. A splendid pornmuaiit Invest
FJimam and 22d streets. 50x132 , with now
thr&e-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants. Itontnl receipts J,20J ( per
year. v
Slxtoonth treat near Nicholas , frontage 01
feottoulley ; good busmossproDcrtv.
Farnam street , between I ) Hh and ; nth , frontage -
ago 48 or ltXlt ; ! to alloy , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Park avenue , oppo-jlto Itanscom parlc , 50x150
price R3.000 ; easy terras ,
Paddock place , trackage. 00x112. $ ,033 : easy
10th street south of Vinton st. , lot for sale or
trade tot mdse , or good farm land.
a. A. Sloman , 1301 1'aruam st. _ 838
TpOKSALR Corner lot o xlSi , with truck-ago
JL1 all paved , In the heart ot business , aultabla
for wholesale house , Jo\000. O. K. Harrison ,
Merchants National bant. ( WO
TmOU SALK Ilenutltul B-room house , nil
X' modern Improvements , Including splendid
furnace , near Hausoom park , bast location In
the city for school , church and street car prlv-
UOROS ; pncoS5Oj'J. ' C. F. Harrison , Herenanto'
uatounl bonk. 758
TTIOlt SA I.K Several extremely cheap farms
J.1 best property w know oC for the money.
lloggs Ac Hill. 140S rarnam stroot. _ fOJ.25
S END for plat or collier place , nnd when i
driving for recreation follow the motor Una
poles on 10th st. , and Amos' avo. , nnd siio rho
wonderful Improvements that have taken
placa just around tno barracks , nnd remombur
thnlColllur place Is the key 10 the situation.
liny n lot now for the low prlco and nt tno easy
terms they are being offered , ana wo are satis
fied. Onu-tenth c'jsh , balauco ono to flvo years.
, OPD. P. O. U73
Notlcoto Contractors.
The board of public works and buildings will
receive bids ns stated below :
For work nnd material necessary totflulsh
now building for Institute for the lllliul. Nebraska -
braska City , and for muklmiHtatod repairs ou
the old bulldluB at any tlmo before Juno 24 ,
183'J , nt2p. in.
For worl : nnd material to complete south
wing for Industrial Homo at Jlllford , nt any
time before June 20 , ISHi , at 2 p. in.
For labo rjnd materJnl to Iny about 4,000 foot
of 12 Inch sewer pipe for the penitentiary. Also
for completing a smoke stack nnd for lurnlh-
Ing ana putting on about 1,0 X ) squares of corru
gated Iron rooting for &ame. nt any time before
Juno 2. ) , 18SUato a.m.
For electric llcht plant nnd for barn for In
curable Insane Hospital nt Hastings , Nebraska
atnuytlmebcforoJunoSO , 183 . at S p.m.
Formntorial and labor to complete 15 cotta-
RCE , hospital , boiler and onglno nnd laundry
houses and for hospital , for Soldiers' Homo" ,
Urand Island , nt any tijno before Juno 27. 1BS9 ,
at 2 p. m.
For boiler house and smoke stack for Insti
tute for Feeble Minded Youth , at Beatrice , at
any tlmo before Juno 28 , IB } ' . ' , ntsp. in.
For ono building for boiler house , engine
room , electric light plant uud workshop , and
for wood hnlltlinii for gymunslaui and library ,
for State Normal School , at Peru , nt any tlmo
before Juno SS. 18tO , at 2 p. in.
For one three story brick workshop with
stone bnsoment and ono bollerhouso nnd smoke
stack , for Industrial School , at Kearney , at nny
tlmo before July 15 , 188 ! > . at 2 p. m.
AH nbovo worn to bo done according to writ
ten statement. Plans , specillcntiuns , and
detailed aruwlnir. now on We with the Com
missioner of Public Lairds nnd IlulIdliiKs , who
will furnish all needed Information relative
Honds will bo required of successful bidders
for completion of the work nnd for the pay
ment of nil bills for labor nnd material.
Dy order of Board of Public Lauds nnd Build
a.1. . nws ,
Juno 13 d lot Secretary.
CourtUOUHC to Iiot Noiluo to Build
inn Cotraiitors.
Notice If lieroby filven that tuo Board of Su
pervisors of llutlor County. Nobiai > ka , will ro-
celve bids until ( i p. m. , of tlio Oth day of July.
A. 1) . IBW.fortho tarnishing of nil materials and
labor and the building and completion of a
Court House in the city of David City , In said
County nnd State , according to plans and spoclll-
catlons. therefor furnished by Win. Gray , Archi
tect , Lincoln , Nebraska , to DO on file in thootlico
of the County Clerk of wild county , on and after
June ID , 1-SU. ( Kuch old must b accompanied
by acertlliod check in the sum of $1,000 payable
to the order of the County Clerk ot saldcounty ,
as n guarantee that the bidder will , Jf his hid bo
accepted , nnd within llvo days thereafter enter
Into a satisfactory contract for tlio erection and
completion of mild bnlldlug , and that ho will
within said live days oxcuto to said county a
bond In the sum of KQ.UJO , with sureties to bo
approved by snld Board , conditioned for the
faithful performance of said contract on Ills
part , nnd that ho wilt pay nil labor , nnd for nil
material employed and used upon said building.
Said cliockajiall bo forfeited to , nnd bo retained
by the county. If the builder fall to miter into
contract nnd give bonds af < ibovo contemplated ,
Each bidder uuiht submit \\lth Ills bid n sample
of clone for foundation footings , and cut atone
worir , and also of pressed brick , proposed to bo
The board will nho receive bids nt same tlmo
to furnlsh nil Olllce , Vault and Court Uooju fur-
nlturo and fixtures , alno touting for Court
Tlio Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
Byordcrof Board of Supervisor * of llutloj
County , Nubiaska.
D. G , ItnVNOT.DR.
County Clerk.
Dated at David City Nob. , Juno 5th Ib69. j
Jnne-13-d-2t-avMo-July a
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be
received by the clerk ot Adams County , Neb
raska , at his otllco Hastings. Nebraska , on or
before twelve o'clock noon of July Jitli , ISB'.i. ' for
th'i purchase of sovtmty live bonds of the de
nomination of one thousand dollars each to bo
issued by tdeCounty of Adnmaln the State of
Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , IHSii. and to bo
pnyabloattho Fiscal Agency of the Btnto of
Nebraska , . City of Now York , Btato of Now
Vork twenty yearn nftor the uato thereof ro-
deomablont any time on or after ton yearn from
thodnto thereof nt the option of said county ot
Adams and to bear interest nt tlio rate of Uvu
per cent per unnuin payable annually on the
ilrst day ot July in each year , for which lutorcst
coupons Hliull be attached payable ut the ttscal
agonpy aforosuld.
Itlglit.s reserved to reject any and all bids ,
By order of the Boaruof Supervisors , JlnylHh
188'J. \4. U. PAimimuK ,
[ SK\r..l County Clerk.
JOHN A. CABTO , County Attomoy , mi'JdtoJyO
Tlio i'urcHt and Host Drink In tlio
"Worlil. AppatlzlnKi Dollolcjiia ,
A PocUaKO Oliu'd ' ) 2io. mukos nvo gallonf.
No boiling or ttruinlnK , Dlrectlont Bluiplo , nnd If
m Uu aceordlnvlr tlieru ran bo uo mistake ,
.Aik ) our DruKft't nt ( Jrocor for ll . and take uo other ,
oo that you tel IIIHKS1.
Try it and you Will Nut be Without it
Till : ONLY C
fc.cctufal whin U luatiUw lllc > lr > u > d t c * * jreof
Hunnlns between Council niiilTs and Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at tlio Summit In Umalin.
No. fl 9:10 : amlNo. 7 0:27 am
No. 8 3:1" : pm No. 3 7:15 am
No. 4 0:2" : pin No. 5 8-15 pm.
All Trains Dally.
A No. 2 o:10umA | No. 1 7:00 : am
A No. 4 0:10 : pmA | No. 3 0:15 : pm
A No. 2 9finm ; ! | A No. . . . . ' . . . . : am
A No. 4 0:30 : p ml A No. 1 0:23 : pm
A No.10 7:05umA | No. 0. , f:5'am ) :
A No.12 7WpmA | No.ll. OjOOpm
A No. B 4:35 pmA | No. 7 123 m
A dally ; 11 dally except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday ; D except Monday ; fast mail.
Tlio time given nbovo is for Transfer , them
being from five to ten minutes between Transfer -
fer mid local dupota.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
Tbo Rest Route from Omaha und Couucll
Illufh to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St , Paul ) Minneapolis , Cedar Itapldg ;
Jtock Inland , Frecport , llockford ,
Clinton , I ubuquoi Darcnport ,
Jnncsilllo ,
liclolt , Wliiono , La Grouse ,
And all other Imporliint pclnt * Hait , NortUettt and
For tbrounh ticket ) , call on the ticket agent at 1601
Kiirnnmatruul , ta Darker lllock , or M Unloa 1'aclda
Pullman Hlcepori * n J tbe flnoit Dlnlnp Can la tbt
rurunon tlie main line of tuo ClilcitKO , Mil-
wuukuu & Ht. I'aul KullWHT , unit orcrr atloolliiu II
paia to imtuunijerii by oourtvuun cnjulorei of Iti
H. Mll.l.lllt. Uoncrnl Mannk-cr.
J.R TlUKKIlAMl ) I nlU nunillfnn c < ir.
A. V , U , OAlU'KNXKlt , Ucuural I'mioutor * d
Ttckat Ai < ent.
UBO. H. JlIIAKKOnD , AllllUnt QmatM'UltUttt
aad Ticket Agent.
T , J. CLAUK. Oonnrat Sopcrlntonileat.