.FOUL MURDER OF A FARMER , Joseph Plummor. the Victim of a Midnight Assassin. THE DEED DONE NEAR HENDLEY. A Crasjr Man Attempts to Tnko Charge of a Bllssourl Pacific Freight Train Jail Uroalc at Falls City. A Mltlrilcht Murder. GAMnmnon , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Ond of the foulest mur ders that has ever disgraced southwestern Nebraska occurred last night , between 13 nnd 1 o'clock. Joseph H. Plummor , the vic tim , a highly respected farmer and stock raiser , who lives with his widoxvcd mother tbout eight miles southeast of this place , ivhllo returning from an alliance meeting m Iho neighborhood , was waylaid while going through n canyon by some person who was iccrolcd by the wayside , nnd shot with a ) hotpxm at short range , the full charge tak ing effect hi his head aud body. I. N. Hewitt incl Herman Albrleht , who came with him part of the way , heard the shot , but thought It rvns Plummor shooting at coyotes. Nothing n-as known of the murder until thin morning , rvhcn his mother saw his horse , and , think ing It strange at not seeing her son around , rave the alarm , when a search was Institu ted nnd his body found by the roadside. The coroner hold an inquest this afternoon , but no clue to the murderer was found. It has oroatcd great excitement , nnd hundreds 5f pe'oplo have visited the place to-day. The murdered man has a sister In Nomaha connty , who is the \Vifo of the county treasurer. LATiiit A man named Jones aud the vic tim's brother have buo'n arrested. Crete's Coming Chaiitanqiia. CIICTE , Nob. , Juno 2 ! . [ Special lo THE BEE. " ! Only n few days remain until the opening of our summer school the Crete Chnutauqua nsscmbly. Never was n purer air or a fairer summer sky than have cheered tbo assembly workers this week' . The work Is going forward with dispatch. Tents are being put up by scores and tlio atmosphere Is becoming imbued with assem bly enthusiasm. Orders for tents are com ing by every mall. Besides the 300 tents in possession of the assembly , 150 more have been ordered from Chicago , and fifty irom the B. & M. railroad company , and provision has been mndo for more if needed. No department Is attracting moro attention this year than that of music. Dr. Palmer will be exceedingly gratified by tha proportions of this rfsscm- my's chorus. Mr. Foss received n letter the Other day from nn old soldier , inquiring if it was an nctunl fact that Hon. James Tanner , commissioner of pensions , Is to bo hero on the Fourth. Your correspondent saw n letter from Mr. Tanner , In which he states that ho positively will bo hero tbo 3d of July , to re main until the 5th. The afternoon of the Fourth the address will bo given by ex- Governor Cumback , of Indiana. i Koya Pnliii Rustlers. , KEY A PAUA , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to w THE BKE.J Babcock , the "rustler of ICoya L * Palm , " after his escape the second tlmo from [ I the vigilantes , wont to Bassott and ran a In hotel. The vigilantes warned the pcoplo of Bassott not to harbor him , or the town would suffer. Ho was ordered to leave , and did so , but returned Juno 10. Two sheriffs , with warrants for his arrest on charge of ' stealing , were after him on the llth , but ho 41 got wind of it nnd lied to the sand hills and has uot been captured. Maupin , the man who was connected with the cattle trans actions , is at Bassett also. Gannon , another of iho men held up by the vigilantes , came to Bassett on the train from the west on Juno 12. Several others who have ( led from Koya Puna are there. . . , The people of Bassott are worked up over their presence , ns they fear n raid ot the vig- * ilnntcs , and tcol Unit it would injure their t town. It is probable that the whole lot will bo invited to seek another stopping placo. The actions of the vigilantes hero has not v , chocked the stealing business , and the rc- . lease of so many of the rustlers after their ' capture has not inspired fear in them nor tij confidence In the people at largo as to the ' efficacy of such moans. The Carson flltirder Trial. BEATIIICE , Nob. , Juno 23.- [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.I Testimony m the Car- son-Wost murder case closed last evening. Carson testified in his own behalf and oc cupied the greater portion * of tbo day. He admits that ho fired two shots , neither with ntont to hit West. Ho assorts that ho was the manager of the ball , and determined to maintain order. West seemed determined to raise a disturbance. The defendant asked him repeatonly to keep quiet. West called him vile names and began pulling off his f coat. Ho had n knife In his hand. The defendant - fondant drew a gun and fired into the floor " the first tlrao. and the second time fired out i over the transom to scare West , who was , ' then running. Defendant did not go out f dofirs , but came back , counted the money l | proceeds of tbo ball , wont homo , und was X petting ready to go to bed when arrested. v 1'ho court adjourned at 5 until U on Monday , when arguments will bo made to the jury. ' . _ _ _ _ _ \l \ Wanted to linn the Train. ' 'i ' SnuNOFiEf.n.Neb. , Juno23.-rSpecIal [ Telo- 'i gram to THE BKB. ] A Missouri Paclllo * freight train , north-bound , was flagged aud ' stopped on the PlaUo river bridge this morn- , jng by nn Insnno mou , who climbed into Iho ) ! , cab , und , taking the engineer by the throat , ordered him to run his train back to Louis ville. Seeing the man was Insane , the engi neer knocked him down , where the fireman and brakcmuu held him until the train ur- rivcd here , when ho was turned over to the marshal und locked up. Ho Is a Gorman , forty years old , and gave , the numo of John Imhoff. Ho , has boon working In Itolnud's 1'J stone quarries at Louisville , Nob. , where ho hi was taken this evening by Cass county offl- | { cluls. . | > Excitement Over a Lion. I ] CHAY Bnnsqs , Neb , , Juno 23. [ Spoolni to It TUB Bir..J : Quito an exoltotnont was cro- II ntod hero , last nfght just about dark , when It jt was discovered that the largo mountain ft lion that has been kept In n cagoln the roar I- of Mlko Haley's saloon had escaped from II his" cage. The bravo men of that place soon It corralled the lion in a stable , near by. After I Considerable tlmo they succeeded in' throw- h Ing two ropes with slipnoosos thereon ever I bis hood. These ropes were pulled In differ- I wit directions , requiring the united strength [ * of some half dozen man to hold the Infim- if , ated boast , and ho would not give up ( ho { ' struggle until ha wns strangled to death. J' ' Many persons thcro will breath eusicr now , I as they have always'predicted the lion's I escape , with dread of the result. I Jnil Delivery at Fall * City. t FALLS CITV , Neb. , Juno 23 , [ Special Telegram - [ gram to TUB BEE. ] The prisoners in the county jail escaped this afternoon about 4:30 : o'clock. They succeeded iu breaking the lock , and all four got free. Only two , bow- ever , took advantage of their liberty to cs- cnpo. They were George Stewart , in for forgery , convicted at this term of court , nnd Boll McGllvare , infrom Humboldt county , for n crlmo uguiust nature. The sheriff Is hot after them. This makes the third do * livery from tills Jail la tha lust year , The horlft comes In for n liberal share of censure n the mutter , whether Justly bestowed or not. An Emhnzzlor UrniiRht Buck. Cr.xinAi. CITY , Nob. , Juno 23. ( Special to TnnBuE. | Thii week Otto Foster , deputy county treasurer under Colonel Websterwas brought back from California on a charge of cmbozzlamont while acting In the above ca pacity. Ho had been In Jail flvo days up to rcstenlay , when ho plead not gulltv and hla Mini was fixed at $4,000. It is doubtful if 10 can secure sureties , The criminal case ngatnst Colonel W. II. Webster for ombozzloincmont while county treasurer from 1SSI to 1888 , was continued , as was the cases against his bondsman. The colonel's ' bond was raised from $2,5CO to y,000 ) , and ho hud no dlfllculty in secur ing it. Found Dead Ho.sldo the Trnck. CoLUMiiua , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnc.l The body of a dead man was found near the Union Paclllo rail- waV track , two miles west , this afternoon , n a terribly mangled condition. Everything ndlcatcs that ho was struck by a passing train. The bodv is now nt the undertaker's awaiting Identification. Ho appears to bo of middle ngo.Tioavy built , and of Polish de scent. Twenty dollars was found on his pur- son. Snloon Men Get n Sot-li.ick. CnNTiui , CiTr , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Judge Marshall has given the saloon business its second black oyo. The city council recently voted to grant P. B. Murphy & Son , of Omaha , a license. An appeal to the district court was sustained on the ground that the "Son , " John A.Murphy , was not a resident of Central City. Another year of dryneas bids fair to bo added to the eight Just piist. Uoup City Will Celebrate. Loup CITY , Neb , , Juno 23. jSpecinl to Tun Bnn. ] Loup City will celebrate - brato the Fourth in a manner creditable to the enterprising county seat. Over $600 has already been raised for the occasion. Among the many prizes offered is an elegant red plush sofa for the coupln who will bo mar ried in the grand stand at 5 p. m. , and two contestants are already In the field. Grpeloy County Grain Aorcnjjc * . SCOTIA , Nob. , June 22. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Some of the assessors failed to re port the acreage of wheat , corn and oats sold. The nggreento amount for 18S9 , as 01- timatcd , is as follows : Wheat , 4,530 ; corn , 19'JCS ; oats , 4.070 ; barley , 100. In 18SS"it was as follows : Wheat , 3,800 ; corn , 12,000 ; oats , 3.300 ; barley , 40'being ; a gain of about 30 to 35 per cent. Morrick Comity's Crops GooJ. CRNTRU , Crrr , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tim Bnn. ] Only three of the eleven asses sors of Morrick county returned any figures on crops. These indicate a falling off in the wheat acreage and an increase in corn. The weather in this vicinity has been favorable. Mrs. Hayes Still Sinking. FUEMONT , O. , Juno 23. Ex-President Hayes and family are still anxiously and prayerfully watching for a ray of hope for the recovery of Mrs. Hayes. It is now over forty hours since the attack aud there is no manifest change for the better in her condi tion. At noon Burchard Hayes went to the depot to meet some friends , and ho ex pressed himself as not hopeful. At 2 o'clock the doctors said there was DO appreciable change , and yet , if there was , her condition was not regarded as favorable as it was twelve hours ago. Dr. Richards said ho had known cases where they remained in the same condition for ten days and then grow worse and remained jo for a period of ten days moio and then recovered. Telegrams of sympathy still continue to pour In Irom all parts of the United States. At 8 o'clock to night u member of the family announced that Mrs. Hayes was u little worse. CLEVELAND , O. , Juno 23. A special from Frcmon. , timed 11:30 : p. m. , says the physi cians hnvojust left the Hayes resilience and report that Mrs. Hayes seems In a greater stupor. Her condition Is Regarded as loss favorable. She has taken no nour ishmcnt slnco Friday and is gradually growing weaker. Bait Lake Items. SALT LUCE CITY , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.J The supreme court has ordered Marshal Dyer to bring in a report by Saturday next of the various moneys re ceived oy him as receiver of the Mormon church , and to state under oath the exact condition of affairs as roguida these various sums. This order has created some com ment , as on Juno 1 Marshal Dyer , asked the advice of the court In regard to what disposi tion should bo made of the funds in his pos session as receiver. The street railway sale is going through , and the preliminaries having been settled , a prominent banking man in this city is closing up the nogot'ntions so that tliu trans fer will bo made In a short time. The suc cessful purchasers are the Jarvis-Conkllng Trust company , of Kansas City , a concern rated up in the millions. Miss Saaio Miller , K. II. Rose , Id. L. Mur ray , N. Martin , C. Uurbier , and Charles Jansecr , of Omaha ; Mrs. C. E. Gates , Hal- soy Gates and Mrs. C. Thompson , of Lin coln , and Thomas Jones , of Beatrice , nro in the city. AIT lira nt Johnstown. JOHNSTOWN , Juno 23. Colonel Spanglor , in charge of the commissary department , to day presented his weekly report to Adjutant General Hastings. The reports show 25,000 pcoplo still bolni ; dally fed here by the state , a reduc.iou of 8,500 during the week , Sp.mgler recommends that the relief money bo turned ever to the citizens and that the necessary supplies bo purchased from the sixteen general stores and three bakeries now running hero. The report suggests that ono-thlrd of the present commissaries bo abolished Wednesday next. The town clerk of Cambria borough , has Just completed a list showing that in that place alone 1)25 ) houses hove been entirely swept away. Not oven a truce of them can bo found. Two women , a child and a Chinaman were found to-day. A Fonrteeii-Uoiuul SIIH. HUIII.BY , Wls. , Juno 23. [ Special Teto gram to Tun BBK.J Over one thousand pcoplo saw a fourtcon-round fight hero nt midnight , between Joe Sheeloy , champion heavyweight of Michigan , and Frank Ivellar , of Uhmclandor , Wls. The mill was very oven up to the fifth round , when Sheeloy lunged forward with his right hand , hitting Kulliir In the neck and knocking him down . In the seventh round Slu-eley fouled his op ponent , but the referee refused to notice It. Kellur was again knocked down in the eighth , and In the fourteenth a heavy right i'andor in the Jaw sent the Khlnelandor man to grass for good. The mill was for 1400 a a lido and the gate receipts , which amounted to 1110. Unfriendly to tlio Clnii-im-GaoI. LONDON , Juno 83. A dispatch from Homo to the Standard saysi "Archbishop Fcohan , of Chicago , having made a long report to the Vatican , through Cardinal Slmeonl , on the criminal acts of the Clan-na-Gael , the pope has given instructions that facilities bo granted the archbishop to take whatever stops ho may deem opportune to declare the Clan-nu-Gael ( n opposition to the church , " i The 1'rcHlilotulnl Tarty , ; OAPK MAY , Juno 23. The presidential party , consisting of President and Mrs , Harrison , Mr. Wanamnkor and Mrs. Har rison's father , Dr , Koott , attended services at Beadle Memorial Presbyterian church this morning. A PRETTY STATE OF AFFAIRS , The Land Offlco Fnlrly Groaning With Unfinished Work. ENTRIES THREE YEARS BEHIND. How Sparks' " Hoard of Ilovloxv" Do- Inycti Matters Census Super intendent Porter Answers a Critic. Uuniuu , TUB OMAIIX Bun , ) D13 FOUKTBKNTII STIIUDT , \ WABHINCITOX , D. C. , Juno , T23. General W. Stone , the now assistant , laud commissioner , who Is now the acting chief ot the bureau , finds himself confronted with a pretty state of things. The oftlco Is fairly groaning from a super-imposed mass of thousands of entries which should have re ceived final disposition thrco years ago. This condition of affairs , na is known , was brought about by the "fraud" cry policy of "General" William A. Sparks. Ho organized n now division , known as the board of ro- viowwhoso duty It was to ro-oxumino entries passed upon b ytho several divisions of the oQlco , before allowing patents to issue for the same. 4s a conso.iuouco extreme delays resulted and thousands of poor honest settlers who have submitted their final proofs have vainly pleaded for their land "titles , now three or four years overdue. General Stone has already directed that uo further cases bo referred to the board of review and that Institution will , nflor the disposal nf its pending cases , die from suspended animation. Other gon- ulno reforms will bo Instituted with a view to the proper dispatch of the immense ar rearages of entry matter accumulate 1 under the Into inal-adininlstrntton. Tbpn will como the application ot the ofllcial boot-loo to "Judge" William Walker's jhoau John methods as late chief clerk , and an Investi gation will bo instituted to find whether William B. Matthews , while receiving the salary of chief of the pre-emption division , was at the same tlmo secretly practicing as an attorney in behalf of certain land claim ants and devoting ofllcial time in conjunc tion with William U. Conwny , a domocralic clerk in the ofllcc , to compiling a digest of departmental decisions which they after ward sola to the general land ortlco ns pri vate property. Ho will cast an investigative eye toward the special service division of his office , where Chief Young Is in charge. Hav ing focused that quarter , it will in nil proba bility bo interesting to investigate Young's relation to "General" Sparks nt the outset of the Cleveland administration , when , as al leged , ho "loaded" the "general" with cer tain libellous Information as to several re publican officials of the interior department and caused the publication of the same in aNew Now York journal , receiving as a reward the position ot assistant chief of said division and confidential adviser to "General" Sparks. A CENSUS CnillO ANSWERED. Superintendent Porter , of tbo census bureau , has sent the folloxving letter to .Tntncs H. Manning , the editor of the Albany Argus , in reply to certain criticisms in that journal in relation to the census office , and an accu sation that Mr. Porter was designating rep resentatives of protected interests as chiefs of divisions in the census bureau , and. declaring that in conscqucuco of such appointments the census would not command the confi dence of the people : "My Dear Mr. Manning : The Inclosoa clipping , from tha Argus , does mo a great in justice , and I feel your own sense of fairness to u brother journal's ' ! will permit a correc tion. In consequence of that erroneous statement that I was a 'free trade English man' and abandoned my belief and became a protectionist , many friendly republican news papers throughout the country are putting mo in the same category with Bismarck , Henry C. Curoy , Will iam D. Kollv , and other fatuous protectionists , who in the immature part of their career were free traders. I most posi tively deelino this distinction , for the reason that since I have had any opinion whatever on the subject of the tariff T have been an earnest believer and advocate of protection. I was educated in tlio institutions of this country , not in these of England , beginning iny Journalistic career on a western protec tion newspaper before I was twonty-ono years of ago , aud I never was nn ndvocato of free trade in mv life. The Argus has also been misled in relation to the appointment of experts and chiefs for the Eleventh census. Out of the twenty experts thus fur decided upon to aid in the census work , fifteen were employed on the Tenth census in the same capacity by General Walker. The collection of the statistics of the silk industry , which General Walker committed to the secretary of the American Silk association , has been given this year to an eminent statistician outside of the association. Of the live now appointments made by the present superin tendent of tlio census , not ono , as the Argus has been made to bo- licvo , represents a manufacturing as sociation , nor has politics figured conspicuously in these appointments. C am obliged to confess that I do not know the politics of seven out of the twenty chiefs of this office thus far decided on , although I am informed that some of them are good demo crats and two or thrco are mugwumps. The fact is , and 1 have no doubt that you have found it out long ago , that men who nro masters of any special subject are so scarce * that a man with an undertaking of the mag nitude of the Eleventh census on hand , is not liltoly to trouble himself much about a man's politics or religion when ho knows ho has the right man for the place , " HOUNUINO TANNKK. The moro the nbuso dully heaped upon Commissioner of Pensions James Tanner , by the democratic and mugwump press , the more convinced are many politicians hero that a conspiracy has been hatched by the followers of General Black , bis predecessor , to smirch his character. Criticisms are iilono made on endeavors to correct the glar ing errors of which Black was guilty. Tan ner has been charged with re-rating pension- em regardless of law without filing addit ional testimony , None is required In the many o.isps of gross Injustice perpetrated under Black's regime. During the last ad ministration a democratic- board of medical examiners at Boston , examined an applicant fern pension , who was wounded in the knee. Tlio rate of pension in the case was $4 per month. The democratic members of the pension board cut the allowance down to $2 per month. The case was reopened under Commissioner Tanner , and the amount of the pension was .increased to fl , dating back to the allowance of the claim. Under General Black the custom was to cut down tlio recommenda tions of all examining physicians at least half. The surplus could bo kept intact iu that way. It can bo stated positively and with authority that no reratlngs have been mndo except In cases of specific disability or permanent disability. In such instances no additional evidence is required by law. Sen. ator Maudorson's case has boon cited as a case of the commissioner's flagrant misuse of his power. The senator was a brevet ma jor general and was shot through and through. Since that time ho has never been able to do any manual labor and is a physi cal wreck. Ho was entitled to the pension ho now receives when ho was first placed on the rolls. The medical testimony was suffi cient to. show this. General Black was al ways seeking opportunities to , throw tech nicalities in the way. An attache of the staff of Pltz John Porter ter was cnptuied by confederate cavalry mou. Ho tried to cscapo nnd was beaten over the head till ho was senseless , Ho was placed in Hello Isle and slnco then ho can't road at night , suffers severe pams , has to wear blue goggles aud the sun prostrates him. General Black refused him a pension because he couldn't prove the injuries by two comrades who were eye witnesses. An Iowa man applied to Black for u pension. Ho was sent to carry orders to an important post. . Ho was fired on by tbo confederates and was' thrown from his mule. His knee was so badly injured tbut ho was discharged , The testimony oMwo comrades -was not given. Commissioner Tanner ha * frmntod tno poni slon and says In such cases the tcJUmdny of ono man -sufficient. . Thdra nro hundreds of cases like those and It'll ' for suoh that Commlssisslonor Tanner is being so severely critlcisod nnd that suoh a combination has been forinpd 'to hound him from office. General Blnclr , no matter how meritorious the case , ran the office in the Interests of red tape technicalities , reform nnd frco trade. Corporal Tanner , If the case Is meritorious , cuts through the red tauo and technicalities , nnd orders the man paid. WILU KF.MMI.Kn HAND. The general Impression among Now York men Who Imvo been In Washington within the last week Is that Kommlor , the Buffalo murderer , will escape death by electricity. It Is the general belief that the agitation of the subject of electrical executions , which has occupied the attention of electricians to such an extent lately , will result In convinc ing the courts that the Now York state ex ecution law is unconstitutional , nnd that under the present stuto of electrical scicnco It Is more than probable that tbo punishment can bo considered cruel and unuaunl. This case , which oxvcs Its celourlty to the fact that It is unique , has succeeded in bring ing to the front n young Buffalo lawyer nnd In placing his uamo iu almost every newspaper in the United States. Charles Hatch , the attorney for the condemned man. was n few yearn ago nn unlvursallst minister. Ho abandoned the cloth for tlio study of law during the term of his brother as district attorney for the county of Eric. His connection with the courts In his ho. tno city noon brought him Into a very good practice , and when ho was assigned to defend IComnilor his opportunity was comploto. The connection of the Hon. \V. Bourke Cochran , the eloquent ox-member of congress from Now York city , with the case , promises to to make it ono of the most interesting in the annals of cruuo in New York stuto when the argument shall bo made before the court of appeals. Kommlor , the murderer , will undoubtedly sutler for his crlmo , but ho will probably eventually die by strangulation Instead of electricity. At least that seems to bo tbo opinion of lawyers and laymen in Washington from Now York stole. TO IlEODLATE EXPllESS COMPANIES. A very decided effort la to bo made In con gress the coming session to extend the Interstalo commerce law so that it will tuko In the express companies , While that law lias compelled railroads to carry freight for it short distance for as low a rate as it carries it for a longer ono ever the same route , the express companies are still exempt , nud their extortions are still car ried on. A case In point , which will bo used as a strong argument why these powerful corpor ations should bo brought within the pur view of the interstate commerce law was brought to light recently. Two shipments of goods were made on the sarao day , each shipment weighing seventy-five pounds. Both packages went ever the same route , but ono came to Its destination sixteen miles nearer Washington than the other , It happened that tlio package going to the nearer place was destined for a small town iu which there was no competing express company. The rate charged for the package going the longer distance was $1.50 ; that go ing ever the shorter distance was $2.40. There is noourthly reason , except the greed of the express company , 'why ' u person who happens to live In n town which has only ono railroad passing through' it should bo com pelled to pay 00 cents moro than bis neighbor living in a more populous .placo for exactly the same character of service. Thousands of instances of this character could bo cited to show that the express com panies are fit subjects for national legislation , and If the interstate commerce law is consti tutional so far ns it applies to the regulation of railroad freight and passenger traffic , it is certainly npplicable.to these other common carriers who do their business over these same railroads. HALF-CENT COINAOE TALK. The movement in behalf of the rccoluago of the half-cent piece , which seems to have started up iu Now England , does not appear to meet with very prompt support in Wash ington. Among the few members of con gress who are now In the cily the idea has not been seized upon with much eagerness , and tno treasury officials have not demon strated any desire to recommend to concrcss tbo legislation necessary to bring tbo coin into use. While the ono cent coin of the United States as the minimum token of value has a greater face value than many of the coins of European powers , there has never been any demand for dividing into halves by life people ple generally , In fact it was only within u very few years that tlio' one cent coin itself has como into general circulation throughout the entire area embraced within the limits of the republic. While the movement in behalf - half of the reissue of fractional paper cur rency may bo successful before long , it is not at all probable that the half cent schema will attract enough attention to put it on n successful footing iu congress for many years yet , if it over does. rOUTKIl ON UUTIjEIl. When Admiral Porter was asked to-night If ho Intended to reply to General Butler's last attack , ho replied : "No. I have nothing to sny. The way to hurt Bon most is not to notice him , " A UNIQUU ALTAH. Lincoln post No , 8 , G. A. K. of. this city , has perhaps the most unique altar of any G. A. H. post in the country. This altar , which Is both novel in construction and beautiful in design , is a number of cannon balls , upon which is placed a thin platform. Upon this has been placed two largo ( hums , parchment up , flanked on the ends by Knapsacks , blankets up , with knapsacks filling the Interstices made by the curving faces of the drums. The commander's desk is similarly constructed. Lincoln post is the largest In this dcuartmont , having 025 members. MI3CEI.LAN.EOUS. Colonel Frank Wbcaton , Second Infantry , commanding the army post at Fort Omaha , Nob. , is spending n short leave in this city. Mr. P. W. Treat was appointed a composi tor in Uauisoy's division. n. Ijaruo Deficiency. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. As Is well known , a largo deficiency exists in the pension ap propriation for the present year und n num ber of agencies have been compelled to sus pend payment owing to lack of funds. Commissioner Tanner stated to-night that the deficiency was caused entirely by his predecessor , General Black , who sub mitted to congress , nn estimate that was 815,000,000 lower than Iilsclnof of accounts naked for. After July h the commissioner says ho will draw on the , uow appropriation to supply tlio deficiency nd then ask conDo gress to make it up , Do nd 1'nrphnnes. WASIIINQTON , Juno M.Undor circular of April 17,18S3 , the treasury1 department pur chased bonds amounting to $147,723,700 at n total cost of l71to,010.83. ! From August fl , 1887 , when the pur chase of bonds by the department began , to and Including to-day , the amount purchased was $17aOI7,100. The cost , Including premiumifwnsSllM.OW W.Sl. Hud they bnon allowed to run until maturity the cost would have been 234,802,022.7-1. Thus the government has saved ever 935 , ' 600,000 by purchaslnL' now. Two Boys Killed. PmLAPEU'iiu , Juno 23. Two boys , Harry and William Josser , aged fifteen and seven teen respectively , of a mechanical turn of mind , constantly employed their spare tlmo In running a email steam engine. Harry bad stated his Intention to attach the engine to the family ice cream freezer , and to do away with hand turning. With that end in view , the lads were conducting their experiments yesterday , whoa a terrlfllo explosion oc curred , killing both boys Instantly. Mrs , Kniss and her little son , who happened to bo near , were severely Injured. Btcamsliin Arrlvulu. At Now York The Assyria , irotn Medi terranean ports ; the Bourgoyne , from Havre ; thoLydlan Monarch , from London , ' A CESSATION OF COUNCILS , No Moro Pow-WowB to Bo Hold at Pluo RUIgo. OFF FOR THE SANTEE AGENCY. V , i Governor Fogtor to Start Immedi ately For That Place , to Bo Followed By n Trip to tliu Upper Auonclcs , A Sensible rinn. PiNn Kinon AORNGV , Dak. , ( vlnUunhvIllo , Nob. ) Juno 23. [ Special Tolognxra to TUB BEE. ! No council has boon hold between the commission and the Indiana slnco the biff council on Friday , which Uod Cloud failed to attend , and no mnro will bo hold without the Indians particularly dcstro It. The Indians continue to hold email councils with thomsolvcs and have tallts with mem bers of the commission. The wisdom of the commission In discontinuing the council whcro the Indians could dally hnrranguo each other to light the bill and repeat their Imaginary grievances of former treaties not fulnilod , and declaring the government must wait till their children are educated to jnnko this treaty , Is already having Its effect and bearing fruit. A number of chiefs who wcro opposed and always spoke In council against It are now inclined to favor the bill. Among these nro Young-Man- Afraid , Llltlo Wound and High Wolf , Their , nctlon will bring n largo following. The Choyennes are acting Independently and will sign al most to a man. The commission concluded to divldo yes terday. Governor Poster and a portion of tUo clerical furco will leave for Sautco agency to-day , where It Is understood the Santces are willing and waiting to sign the bill. The governor will tuko the commis sioners' private car at Uushvlllo , which will toke him to the nearest point to his destina tion , and then bo returned for the other members of the commission , who will have the governor join thorn on their wuy to the upper Missouri agencies. General Crook and Major Warner , with the Indefatigable Captain Roberts , of General Crook * ' staft , ana others with the commission will remain hero to complete the work , which will pos sibly take them n week , aa the commission fully realizes that It Is useless to try and hurry the Indians hero. The moro this IB done tlio moro unsatisfactory the result , as they bccomo only the moro suspicious and obstinate. While the influence of Hed Cloud may bo scoffed at and denied , them Is no doubt ho still has great in- fiuonco over a largo following , and it will take tlmo , patiuuco and work to un dermine this influence and convince the av erage Indian that the day of chicftanshlo is passed and ho has a right to think and act for himself. Tins Is being daily done here , and many converts nro being made to the now order of things , so the best results maybe bo hoped from the work of the com mission. There Is now uo doubt that this agency and'Standirig Kock will bo the battle ground for the opponents of the bill , and there is a perfect understanding between the two agencies. If the commission is suc cessful here , then there will not bo a big light made at Standing nook , but if not suc cessful lioro , the same tactics will bo pur sued there and every effort made to defeat the bill. The commission gave the Indians another feast to-day , with which they are uow gorging themselves , ' 'as it seems to bean an established fact that to reach an Indian's brain and good nature , you must do it through his stomach. ItiMl Cloud's Knscnllty. PINE Ilinac AGKNOV , Dak. , Juno 23. It is now definitely known that prior to the ar rival of the commissioners a combination was formed at this agency , with lied Clouil at the head , pledged to oppose the bill and not oven to consider it. Tills explains the reluctance on the part of many of the Indi ans to talk about the bill. The object of the disintegration of this combination has been quietly carried on by the commissioners for several days , and it now seems as If some progress was being made. The Indians are signing slowly and the prospects are moro favorable. THE BUNDES TUUNFEST. The Onmlin Vcroln Makes a Good Showing. CINCINNATI , June 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BUB. ] The twenty-llfth Bundes Turnfest was formally inaugurated to-any with one of the grandest competitive Turn- vcroin drills over witnessed. From 0 o'clock this morning till G this evening , iho voroms hero , to tno number of over one hundred , took part in contests of agility and skill for the prizes , which consist of laurel wreaths and diplomas , to bo awarded Wednesday afternoon. The exercises com prised the typical German staff drill and feats on the parallel bars , each society being permitted to choose its own performance for the third class. The Omaha Verom selected the horizontal bar , and gave a very creditable exhibition. The feel sure of one of the llrst prizes. The day's performance concluded with a splen did exhibition of the staff drill , 1,400 Tumors participating , and going through all the movements to the music of a band 'and a chorus of 500 voices. To-morrow the Indi vidual contests take place and Omaha has several of its good inon entered. All the Omaha Turners nro comfortably quartered In the tents , ! 100 of which are pitched on the campus , where the exhibition is hold. The dining hut alone seats 800. Mayor Mosby , of this city , visited your boys in camp to day and was pleased with their flue appear- mico. The mayor having ruled that boor could bo sold to-day , although Sunday and against the law , became very popular for his consideration of the Germans. There are at least 15,000 strangers iu the city attracted by the fcst. * Arrmifilnn For a Regatta , SAI/T LAKE , Juno 23 Correspondence is being hold with Editor Lyman 13. Glover , of the Chicago Herald and a member of the Farragut Boat club , of Chicago , with refer ence to bringing out several crack crows and and holding a grand regatta at Lake park and Garflold. as was done last year. The railroads will give- half rates from Chicago and endeavor to bring out about flvo hundred pcoplo. The visiting crows will very likely come from the Farragut and Delaware clubs , They will And foes worthy of their steel hero , particularly in the Salt Lulto Howlng club , which Is to Salt Lake what the Farragut club is to Chicago. Among the oarsmen of that club are Gun- stcr , Williams college' 74 ; Ballon , Brown university ' 77 ; Bacon , Harvard TOj Wado- inan , ex-stroke of the Nutkogus Four ( N Y. ) and other powerful men. While at sea level the muscular Delaware crow might pot away with the Salt Lake four , yet at this elevation the chances greatly favor the homo crow as the Illmolsans , when pushed , would bo likely to lose their wind. The University clue will have a crew on the lake next year. Is It Coonoy ? CHICAGO , Juno 23. Ihocapturo of Coonoy , the Cronln inspect , Is reported tonlght at Frankfort , Ind. Chief of Police Hubbard received telegrams saying that the prisoner at Frankfort , arrested for burglary , tallies with Coonoy's description. Lieutenant Schiottlor made preparations at a Into hour to-night to taKe the llrst train to Frankfort. A special from Frankfort says , however , that n correspondent has seen the man ar rested and that the oQIcora are mistaken , and that the follow is uot Cooney at all , Til EA.UANCI3 HUOOHD. The 1.01nl Transactions of the Past Weoli. BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 23. [ Special Tolo- qrntn to Tun. BBB.J The following tnblo , compiled from dlsn.Uclics to the Post from the managers of the loidlng clo.irlns-housoi of the United States , shows the gross ex changes for the week oaitod Juno 23 , 1SS9 , with rates por'cont of Inoroiso or dooroaso ns compared with thonmotinU for the cor responding week In 18S3 : tMot included In totals ; no clearing house at tula time lafet yqar. * OON13V1TI1 AGA.Y YOUTH. A Buffalo , \Vyo. , "Woman Runs Away With a Hired Rtau. BUITALO , Wyo. , Juno 23. ( .Special to TUB Br.c.l A social sensation has been sprung on this town whclh has startled it from cen- torte circumference. B. G. Barrett , n den tist by profession and by occupation a car penter , came to Buffalo with his family about a year ago , and erected a residence near the fair ground. Recently ho had oc casion to employ help about the place , and hired a young man of rather plcnsingaddicss. The cmployo proved to bo Indolent and worthless In the capacity which ho endeav ored to fill , nnd Mr. Barrett finally discharged - , charged him. The latter act brought forth n storm of in dignant words from the mistress of the house , who upbraided nor husband in strong terms for turning Iho gay young fellow off. Barrett passed the matter over lightly , and thought no more of It until the day oeforo yesterday , when bis wife saddled her horse and went nut for nn afternoon ride. As she did not return by sunset the anxious husband went in search of her , fearing that she had met with a mishap. The quest was fruit less , but yestorcay morning Bar- rclt found a letter in * their sleep ing apartment , writlen In his wife's hand , and was amazed to learn by its contents that she had deserted him , nnd was on her way to Sundance , Wyo. In the epistle , the woman stated that she had loft him for good , and would cheerfully assist in any di vorce proceedings which ho might sco lit to institule ; that she would live with him no more , and warned him that if ho followed her there would bo serious troublo. It is learned to-day that the young laborer , who had been summarily dismissed from service in the Barrett family , and whoso name Is Me- Cord , has alt > o disappeared , and the inference is that tlio two have gone logolher. Mrs. Barrett loft two bright children , a boy nnd a girl. The family came hero from a farm in Nebraska , where the husband was quite well fixed , bill lost everything in n fire. Barrett is much grieved over the conduct of his wife , nnd to-day told of the circumstances , ns above related. The social standing of the woman had boon above question up to the time of her flight. Two tilttlo l'rodi < rnlM Return Dcs MOINES , la. , Juno 23. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The sequel to the disappearance of the two boys , Epoy Buto and Ed Jackson , from the little village of Stanhopo , has now appeared. The bovs were only about four teen years old , but they had an idea that they could go to Arizona nnd got big wagos. Each took a horse , the Buto boy his own nnd the Jackson boy his father's. They took two revolvers and ever WO in money , saddles and otner necessary ni tides. But they soon grew weary of their ndventures. nud after getting as far as Madrid , Boone county , they determined like prodigals to go homo. At Boone they stopped to get something to cat. and while the Buto boy went alter food he was arrested by the sheriff , The officers started after the Jackson boy , but ho saw them coming nnd raced his horse for seven miles and escaped , reaching his homo safely. The justice before whom the other prodigal was taken , saw the boy's ' sincere rcpcntenco and desire to go home , und so scut him on his way with some good advice. Sounds the mysterious disappearance that had excited so much comment in the little village of Stanhopo. An Attack of lOooiioiny. DEB MOINES , la. , Juno 2) . [ Special loTiis BEE. 1 The regents of the state university ore receiving n good deal of criticism for re fusing to furnish the programmes for the public exercises at the late commencement. They had an attack of economy , and departed - parted from the custom in this respect , so that when the young men and maidens came out to speak they had to toll the waiting au dience what they wcro going to speak about. Some of the regents rather wish now that they had dropped u few nickels In the slot , just to sea the students smile , instead of looking grim and dtagustod as tnoy do now. The O. n. & Q. llooovcrliiir , Dr.3 Moi.s'F.3 , la. , Juno 23. [ Special to TUB BKB. ] Tlio Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road has given evidence of enjoying better times by restoring to full tlmn and pay nil the section men , bridge gangs and extra men in the employ of that road in Iowa. This will affect the wages of ever two thousand men und give tlio most of them an Increase of ever 10 per cent. The com pany seems to bo recovering In some uogrco from the heavy , blow it received during the strike. A Horsotlilof'H Soliouio. CiiAiu.r.3 Cirr , la , , Juno 2.J. [ Special to 'THE BEE. ] Last Tuesday a stranger applied at Homlgrl's livery barn in this city for n buggy. Ho used the rig , and returned nt night nnd paid his bill. Early In the evening ho appeared acraln and wanted the same horso. It was hitched up und ho drove away. Ho has not been cccn slnco. He has been heard from at Kockford and Mnrblo Hock , The horse was found In n fanner's pa turo near tlio latter place , the thief having loft it to bo pastured durlnc the summer , promising to pav for its keeping later. No clue is newfound found for tlio horsuthlof , who is much want ed in this vicinity , < A Newspaper .MIUI'H Dnnth. ST. JobEi'ti , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKB.I Howard U. Hetrlck , a news paper man , died In the city hospital here at 11 o'clock to-day. The body has been em balmed and is being bold to await the arrival of his family from Euston , Pa. Hetrlck was forty-eight years old , and attempted suicide yesterday in the city pi-lion. AN ADDRESS TO ELECTORS The Union Righto Party of Frnuo Isaacs a Manifesto. CONSERVATIVE POLICY OUTLINED Kmporor Pranoln Joseph Dollvora n Speech Declaring Aitatrla'u t'ollcy Unchanged Ilor lloliuloiia With A Union lights Manifesto. PAUIB , Juno 2J. [ Now York Herald Cftbla Special to Tim BiSK.l The manifesto which has been drawn up by the union rights party is addressed directly to the electors and clearly marks out the lines within which the whole conservative party takes its stand in view of the general elec tion. The llrst part of this document is purely critical , specifying the grievances which the conservatives think they have against the policy followed by the republic of late years. The indictment is formal , and the foundation for the accusation it contains may bo contested , but the fact remains that n scries of terrible charges have boon formu lated against the republic. Member. ) of the riuht endeavor to suggest n remedy for the evils they point out In the second half of the manifesto , but their moaning Is not so plain as when they are formulating grievances. This is not so surprising considering that the document Is signed by M. do Cassngnao , as well as by Duo do la Koucho- foucauld , and that the Com to do Mun's ' nnmo Is appended with these of Mm. Jolibols and Plou. It ls n case of po litical physicians of entirely different schools treating the same patient , and , consequently , It Is not astonishing that no definite agree ment Is arrived at , and that no positive ex planation is given on the subject of tlio treat ment to bo followed In the caso. It Is moro than probable , however , that on ono subject all the signatories of tlio manifesto uro agreed , Vz | : That Immediate operation or am putation is essential and that the first and foremost thing to bo clone vls to cut away the diseased republic , there being ample time and opportunity discuss later the treat ment. This point Is dwelt upon dully by the newspapers that represent the opinion or opinions of the union rights. But uo hint of this is given in the maulfcsto. Thcro is uot a passage , not n phrase which can bo construed to moan that the authorlzers of the document have any Inclination to overthrow the republic. They even appeal to sincere republicans to Join their banner , and content thomsolvcs with the statement that the constitution shall bo revised. There are , however , many ways of revising the constitution. Do la Roche foucauld , Do Cassagnac , Jollbois and Gen eral Boulangor have each their own plan. Floquot and Clemoncoau also ndvocato a re vision of the constitution , their standpoint being likewise different from cither the conservatives * servatives or Boulangists . The electors have accordingly a wide Held to choose from , but uo definite choice. The revisionists would bo well inspired if they lay down with some amount of precision on what line they pro pose to make the changes they deem necessary. This the members of tha right do not do in their manifesto. But probably the reasons for the omission are both good and sufficient. If they at tempted to explain their views upon revision they would run the risk of coming to logger heads. If , on the other hand , they openly declared an Intention of overthrowing the icpubllo without having any very clear ulen , with what they would replace it. A largo pioportlonof the moro timid of their sup porters would possibly look with dread hpoa the idea of a sudden and radical change of government , and would hesitate to take so blind a leap in the dark. Then again , the right believe it Incumbent upon them not to cast off from the Boulangists , particularly at a moment when Boulangor has declared his intention of refusing his patronage to any candidate who has not declared his adhesion to the national republic. Under these conditions it IB easy to under stand that numbers of the union rights found it rather an embarrassing task to draw up the manifesto , and that the pro gramme they have submitted to the electors is In part ambiguous. Only the future will show whether the electors of the country will bo satisfied with a programme so vague , or whether , on the other hand , It will re quire the candidates of the union rights to explain themselves morn completely , moro categorically than they have done in their recent manifesto. Francis Joseph's Position. [ CripyrloMS89 tin James OorJoii KeuiicM.1 VIENNAJuno23. , ( New York Herald Cable Special to Tun line , I Emperor Francis Joseph , in receiving delegations yesterday , said that Austria's foreign relations and gen eral policy wcro unchanged , and that ho was in full agreement with her allies. The gov ernment , hp said , was doing its utmost to In- sura a peaceful development of the European situation , which was still unsafe. Ho hoped the blessings of peace would bo maintained , notwithstanding the fact ilmt armaments wcro everywhere being increased. It was this Increase of armaments that compelled Austria not to halt iu the work of completing her means of defense. Hoarding Scrvla , the emperor nald Milan's rcgrotablo action had given power during the minority of his son tea a regency , The government had received from the regents actual assurance that the relations with Austria would bo maintained. Ho continued : "I wish the same and liopo that the wisdom and patriotism of the Ser vians will protect Sorvla from serious danger. , I rejoice that order and peace reign In Bulgaria and urn pleased at her continual progress in spile of dilllculty. " The emperor closed by saying that the special credits asked would bo dovoled to strength cuing the defenses. Ttio Weather Indications For Nebraska and Iowa ; Light rain , with severe local storms Monday afternoon , fol lowed In tlio western portions by slightly cooler , winds becoming northwesterly. For Dakota : Showers , cooler , winds to- coming northwesterly. General Cameron Htlll Allvo. LANCASTER Juno 23. General Cameron Is still ulluo and his condition is unchanged from yesterday. The doctors now say ho may survive for several days yet , although his condition Is very weak , consequent upon the luck of nourishment. A I'nriy of Knur Drnwnot } . iLAPUi.i'jiu. Juno 23. This afternoon two young gentlemen , accompanied by two young aeo. we rowng n urmoun park ventured too close to Falruiount dam , und their boat was drawn ever aud ull four occupants drowned. X5OO ) Flro. LONDON , June S'J , A portion of the Man * niiigha mill , at Bradford , burned ; lost , 5.000 , Two llrcmcn wcro killed and sovcraj firemen and workmen injured , '