Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1889, Part II, Image 9

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    Mil THE OMAHA SUNDAY X 9-16 ,
In biddin g this stock 'The By getting the stock at the
made very low offers , price we did ,
Knowing that all other houses were loaded We have the advantage over competition. The
and could not bid ; and Fair is always awake to
The Davis & Morse Co.'are well known to be one of the
handle. Intense excitemen has been caused by our
entire purchase to be here in time
CMnch Pnclflo Filntetl llolgcs. best niinllty.
peed patterns , plain ana fancy D. & M.'s. price
JOe a yard ,
C-4 Cable Twills and C-4 Cashmof e , all wool fill-
ins and food colors. I ) . & M. a nrlcc. inc.
Flno Wool Drews Sultlncs , D. & M.'s price , 20c ,
( UTS ! rf
04-Inch Pine Dody Cashmere , all wool filling , I
& M.'s price , IKc ,
SO and 40 Inch English lleurlottn , all wool till
ing , smooth 11 nlsh , good colors , D. &M.'s price
Double Told Mired Tricots , gie-y ana brown
mixtures , 1) . 4 M.'s price , ! Kc ,
40-Inch All Wool Cashmere , Henrietta llnlih ,
- & M.'s price , 05c ,
Bupcrfinc Imported All Wool French Henrietta
J ) . &M.-B price $1.00 ,
< n
C0-lnh AH Wool Suitings , In plain colors am
mixtures , 1) . & M.'s price , 81.15 ,
45-Inch All Wool French Suitings , smiciflno qua
Ity , plain colors and mixtures , L > . & M.'s pilce
White Check Nainsook , 1) . & M.'s price , lOc.
THE FAIR'S PRICE , * & ' ; !
White Satin Chocks , D. & M.'s prlco 12 c yd.
Lace Lcno Strlpos , D. & M.'s prlco 18c ,
32-Inch Whlto Checks and Plains , handsome
patterns , J ) . & M.'s prlco Sue ,
Satin Striped Nainsook , D. & M.'s price 2.V.
Imported Pure Linen Lawns , w kite , I ) . & M.'s
price uCc and COc.
Pink , llplit hluo and cream Persian Mull , D. ft :
M.'s price JMo ,
02-Inch Tine Figured Marseilles D. & M.'s price ,
Kc ,
10 Inch Imported India I.lncn , good quality , D.
ft M.'s pi ice 200 ,
40-Inch Imported Paris Mulls , superfine quality ,
D. A : M.'s prlco 2oc.
SOinch superior quality Imported India Linen ,
lilte , 1) & M.'s prlco 3c ,
Allocr Tucking , flno tucks , sheer quality Nain
sook. D. & M. 's price We ,
Lace Striped Tucking , D. & M.'s prlco 8
i ( J. L. BRA.NDEIS & South
Comments Upon the Greatest Fight
of All Fights.
Tbo Polo League The Angling Season
The Chicken Benson Our
Knowledge Box IMlsccl-
laiieous Sports.
Who Will Win.
It now looks very much as if the great bat-
J tlo between John L. Sullivan and Jake KI1-
raln , fixed for July 8 , near Mississippi City ,
La. , would surely eomo off. The late stories
of John L.'s drunkenness and refusal to train
have been thoroughly Investigated and pro
nounced false. Unless his trainers , William
MulOoon , MIke Clenry and Jack Barrett , are
deluding themselves , John Is doing the hard
est and most vigorous training of his Ufa. Ills
training grounds tire at picturesque Belfast ,
Allcgtiany county , right In the hcurl of the
Blue mountains. Sullivan Is in his thirty-
first year , and a few months ICilraln's senior.
Ho Is 5 feet 10 inches tall , and fights at VJ5
pounds. Ills measurements , when ho was
considered the luvlnclblo pugilist , were :
Chest , 44 inches ; biceps , 1U > / ; calf , 15) :
thigh , 27.
Kllruin is also training hard and fast get
ting into formidable fighting trim , but it h
highly improbable that ho can ever re-ich
Sullivan's standard. Ills training ground Is
Hnrrlng Hun , five miles outsldo of Balti
more , where ho had the fight with Frank
Herald , that the police put a stop to. 1CI1-
rain stands Jive feet , ten and n half Inches
high and is heavier than Sullivan. When
last In fighting trim his measurements were :
Chest , 41 Inches ; upon and around the bl
eeps , 10 Inches ; forearm , 14 Inches ; waist , ! 11
inches ; thigh , S3 Inches ; calf of leg , 10X
inches. Ho wears u No. 0 shoo nnd n No. U
glove , and tt takes a soventoon-inch collar to
cnclrolo his neck. Ho trains under the
oupot vision of Johnny Murphy , of Boston ,
and Charley Mitchell , and is expected to
gain very considerable- benefit from tlio ad-
vlco of the latter , who has tackled the big
follow himself and ought to know all about
Sullivan's relative strength and weak points.
However , this question cuts no ligucs with
parties at n distance. The ono question Is ,
Yvho will win ? The following of tbo two
gladiators in Omaha is pretty evenly di
vided , with Sullivan n slight favorite.
Jimmy Lindsay , Patsy Gallon , Ed Hothory ,
Arthur Uothcry , Ed Miller , Uillv Hawley ,
Homer Kirk , Jack McLurnod , Billy Mel-
druin.Jack Nuccut , Colonel W. H , Bock.uiid
the majority of the men who have seen many
fights and lighting men , are all staunch bo-
Hovers In Sullivan's prowess. Still , this sip-
nitlcs nothing , and uffords no tip as to the
outoomo of the fight.Thu fact Is set forth
by the ICilraln men that the battle Is to bo
under London prlzo ring rules , which gives
JCilrala a big advnntau'o to start with , big
John's hold being always marquis of Queens-
berry style of fighting , ICilraln Is thoroughly
up on the London ring style , and , moreover ,
is as uyilo us n boy in his btdo-way tlodgo of
blows. Ho Iscry , very quick with his
hands , too. But Sullivan's backers ubbort
that John , under Muliloon's training , Is fast
mastering the tilrks and mysteries of wrest
ling , nnd will meet Kilram on practically an
oven footing. They assort , too , that John
was never In better health , and never was
nblo to deal such awful pile driver blows as
ho delivers In his practice. It goes without ,
saying that if the Boston Boy gets la ono
good , fair , square smash with his aw I'll
lioncy-montgomory , it will bo all day
with English Jako. His friends , however ,
think ho is clever enough to get out of the
way cf ull these nllo-urivor blows until Sul
livan tires , then ha can sail in nnd gradually
do him up. Kllrutn in credited with being
iho finest specimen of physical man that
ever got ready to enter the arena against blir
Jobn , atd : he undpubtodly woulO UHO to sail
In and do up the big follow. But can ho do
111 Sullivan's friends in Now York and
other eastern cities are betting $1UO to $ SO
that ho cannot.
From the palmiest days of the old English
prize ring , thirty-five or forty years ago ,
there have been countless champions , but
the king of them all is John Lawrence Sul
livan. Hcoinn | , Saycrs , Morrissey , Yankee
Sullivan , Tom Hyor , Joe Coburn and Jem
Mace were all great fighters , but not ono of
thorn ever exhibited the scicnco of pugilism
as John L. has portrayed it in his b.ittles.
Notwithstanding all thoio facts , there uro
plenty of so-called Hporw right hoio In
Omaha , who In their fancied preference for
ICilraln , ask what has John L. over done to
merit this praiso. Lot them glance fern
n minute over his record :
Defeated Joe Goss at Music Hall , Boston ,
March 4 , IfcSO , ono round. f
Defeated Gcorgo Ilooko , of'Manchester , N.
II. , September , l&SO.
Defeated John Donaldson at Cincinnati ,
December ' 34 , 18SO , ten rounds.
Defeated Slevo Taylor at Harry Hill's , in
Now York city , March 81 , 1881 , two rounds.
Defeated John Flood on n barge on the
Hudson river May 10,1831 , eight rounds , six
teen minutes.
Defeated Paddy Ryan at Mississippi City ,
February 7 , 18Si ! , for the championship of
America and $ wiOO , ! u side , ulna rounds ,
in eleven minutes.
Defeated James Elliott , Now York city ,
July 4,1833 , txvo rounds.
Defeated Herbert Shtde , the Maori , at
Madison Square Garden , August 7 , 1SS3 ,
three rounds.
Defeated Fred Robinson at Butte City , M.
T , , January 14 , 18S4 , two rounds.
Defeated Gcorgo Robinson at San Fran
cisco , Cal. . March 0 , 1SS4 , four rounds.
Defeated Al Marx at Galvcston , Tex- , ,
April 10,18S4 , four rounds.
Defeated Dnn Henry at Hot Springs , Ark. ,
April 29 , 1SS4 , one round.
Defeated William Flomming In two seconds
ends at Memphis , Tcnn. , May 1 , 1884.
Dofoatcd Prof. J. Lafiln at Madison square
Garden , Now York City , November 10 , 18S4.
tliroo rounds.
Defeated Alf Greenfield at Madlfon Squnro
Gordon , Now York City , November 18 , 1884 ,
two rounds ,
Defeated Alf Greenfield again at Boston ,
January 12,183-1 , four rounds.
Whllo speaking of the great John L. , Kil-
rain ruu'it not bo ignored. Ha is entitled ,
also , to the fullest meed of rralso , as a study
of his record attests. His first light of any
note wtis late in tlio fall of IST'J , when hemet
met Jaoic Daly. Jack hailed from Lawrence ,
Mass. , and had considerable local reputation.
Ho was put to sleep In two rounds. Juke
was now a tall , luindsoir.o follow , of magnifi
cent physique and ongoing innuncnt. Jem
Drlscoli thought ho couiil best Jake , but his
dourest friend would never have recognized
him alter Ms coming to after tlio final round.
Dan Dwyer , nn iron inolder , who worked in
the mill with Jake , bccamo Jealous of the
Uuter'i ' : reputation , and u uieotlng was ar
ranged between them. It was a brutal affair ,
but Jake came out wilt Hying colors.
Shortly afterward Dennis Hunch , of flavor-
hill , Mass. , bccamo an employe of the roll
ing mill. Dennis was u rapid two-handed
fighter , strong as an ox and very courageous.
IIu challenged Jake , and through Jlui
Kccnan , who keeps tlio far famed rnsort in
Portland street , Boston , the fight was
brought about. It was a long and despomto
battle , und It VMS by good generalship on
ICilrain's pait that ho pulled through. Ho
next knocked out Harry Alton , old Joe Goss'
protege , and Guorga has shortly thereafter
added to his string of victims. Ho fonucht
n draw with Jim GooJe this same year nnd
U < < m was mulched against Charlie- Mitchell
with whom ho also" made a draw. After this
bo pat Jerry Murphy to'sleep In four min-
utni ; SlicrlfT , the Prussian , In two rounds ,
Jim McGlyun in throe , und a draw with
( jojrgo Fryer , the Englishman. His follow
ing import , mi Qghl was with Trank Herald ,
who ho stopped in a single round , and then
Joe Launon received a like fata in forty-
thrco minutes. After the Lauuon fignt Jim
Keenan , Boston's great sporting man , who
died tiuadny night last , at his home in Som-
mervUlo , Mass. , proposed that Jnko should
cliallenso Sullivan , and the following Juno
ho did throw down the gaunlot to tbo chara-
plc > u , and $1,003 was posted with Charles
Colvln , oao of the editors of the New York
figured Turkey llett Calicos , D. & M's prlco to
Itemnantsof best Standard Calicos. D. & M's
prlcu ojc. ;
Indigo Blue Prints , I ) . & M'sprico8Jc.
Morrlmac Shirting Prints , D. & M's price 7
Good quality staple check Ginghams , O. k M's
l > rlco Tiic ,
llest niiahty Amoskcag stnplu client Qlngliums.
all colors , i ) . A : M's price IDc.
Best quality Manchester Clmm Drays , in solid
pinks , blue : , steels , grouns etc. , 1) . & M's
price JWe ,
Plain and striped Seersucker , D , k M's price
Imported Satin finish Zephyrs D. & M's prlco
l-/lC ,
8-4 wide , flne quality hcetlh , D. & M's price
25c yard ,
10-4 wide , Lockwood Sheeting , D. & M's urico
85c yiird.
5-4 wide , Pillow Cotton lilcacned , D. is M's prlco
Heavy Unbleached Sheeting , D. A ; M's prlco Go ,
BLEACHED Muslin , lie , D. MM urlje 13e :
Clipper , to back the challenge. Sullivan was
forced to relinquish his axulted title. But
lot the truth bo known as to the reason. Sul-
hvnn had broken ono of the boxes of his
right arm between the wrist and the elbow
in a light with Patsy Cardiff at Minneapolis
on the Ibth of the preceding January. The
injured member had been set and healed , 'tis
rue , but owing to malformation had to bo
robroken and reset. So when ICilraln issued
this challenge Sullivan was carrying his for
midable right incased in plaster of pads.
Jake's last light was with the British
champion Jem Smith , which took place on
the Isle of St. Pierre , Prance , December 19 ,
18TO. Ono hundred and six rounds were
fought without cither runn gaining an ad
vantage , and darkness setting in hostilities
ceased. Next day the men were to resume
lighting , but through the intercession of
mutual friends , thu fight was declared a
draw. The actual lighting time was two
hours and thirty-ono minutes.
Kllraln has not fought since then , and It is
a question with many pugilistic connoisseurs
whether ho will ever bo as good a man as he
was that day. However , this will bo settled
for once and all two weeks from to-morrow ,
when ho meets in the squared circle , the
greatest of all champions , John L , Sullivan.
A delegation of ten or a dozen Omaha
sporting men , accompanied by a correspon
dent of Tun BEE , will leave this city for the
seeno of the. fight next Friday evening a
week ,
Chicago Makes Application For
The prospects of a Polo league , Including
Kansas City , St. Joe , Lincoln , DOS Moines ,
Sioux City and Omaha , as mentioned la last
Sunday's BEB , has sot the lovers of athletic
sports all agog , and the universal desire Is
to sco the scheme consumma
ted. Polo would bo grand sport
for thu Colisutn building during
the long winter ovor.lngs , and no mistake. It
is a lively , rattling , invigorating game at all
stages , and never fails to work an audience
up to the fovcr heat of excitement. In this
respect it is oven moro exhilarating than
buKcball , and Is extremely popular wherever
played. Manager Prlnco Informs Tin : BUB
that ho bus opened up a correspondence
with parties In Kansas City and the other
cities named , and that a lively interest is
already manifested there. Ho thinks that ,
after the baseball season begins to wane , no
difliculty will bo experienced in organizing
the proposed lenguo and getting It on a per
manent footing for the autumn and winter
months. The sujrting editor ot Tun BEB
has received a letter from Chicago on the
subject , stating , la case the loairua material
izes , that the Windy City would like to become -
come n member. Chicago , however , Is a
trlllo out of the circuit , but Manager Prince
will confer with interested parties there.
From HID Diamond.
Minneapolis lias released Jantzon.
Young Froomun , the pitcher , is la tlio
Joe Quian Is doing some great stick work
for Boston ,
Naglo and Clarice will bo Omaha's battery
this afternoon ,
Tom Pooruian , of the Milwaukees , Is laid
up with qulucy.
Crossloy , of the Milwaukees , lias joined
the Mlanoatlolis forces.
livery one of the Omahas has made ono or
moro homo runs this season ,
Will White , late of the St. Louis Browns ,
has signed with Denver ,
The Odoll Brothers' team , of Council
Bluffs , Is playing tip-top ball.
With fair weather there will bo an im
mense throng at the ball park to-day.
Proesser won his flrsv game for Qalvcs-
ton , allowing his opponents but turoa hits ,
DCS Molnes has picked up wonderfully m
playing and Is rapidly forging to third placo.
Roddy Haurahan , of the Minnies , Is play
ing uotulag like his regular game this .sea
son ,
President McCormlek will leave for the
north woods for the su minor BOUIO time next
Sam Morton says Davoy Force hasn't as
.roOyurdn Cambric Edgings , inch , D. &M's
prlcoUJica yard ,
The Fair's Price ,
S.OCO yards Cambric KdKlugs , S inches \\lde. D.
iV M's prlco tiiie n yard ,
The Fair's Price ,
l,2COj-ards Oanibrlc Kdgings , a inches wide , D.
& M's prlco luc a yard ,
The Fair's Price , OQ
1,080 pieces line Cambric KdRlng'1 , Irish Point
patterns , D incho-i wide. D. A ; M's prlco 1255c ,
7 I2C
380 pieces flno Cambric Embroideries. 9 Inches
wide , 1) . i : M's pilco fflc ,
The Fair's Pricie ,
45 Inch Embroidered Skirtings , very line quality
material , nen est designs' , D. & Ms prlco up to
The Fair' Price , 7
45 Inch Cmbro'dered Skirtings , for dresses and
aprons , I ) . & M's price up to $2 ,
The Fair's Price ,
45 inch Nainsook iind India Linen. Tea Conn
and Skirting , D. & M's prlco up
to tt ,
% '
The Fair's'Priee. ,
Corner HowardaiirJ 13th Sts ,
much brain as a jay bird , and Sam is about
It mny not bo generally known , but It is a
fact nevertheless , that Al Spaldlng owns the
Minneapolis team.
St. Joe gets both McGarr and Porter of
the Cowboys. "Chippey" has been made
captain of the team.
ftiilwaukco next Tuesclav , Wednesday and
Thursday. As yet the Boor Jcrkcrs haven't
taken a game from Omaha.
Walter Goldsby , a well-known western
ball player , was stricken with paralysis at
Evansville , Ind. , ono day last week.
The sporting editor acknowledges the ro-
celpt of Fred Proffer's book. "Scientiilo
Ball. " It is an entertaining aad Instructive
littio volume.
Sawders , recently sold to Kansas City ,
pitched thirteen games for St. Paul this sea
son , eleven of which were victories. The
two he lost wont to Minneapolis.
Crooks has made ton homo runs this sea
son. Strauss live , Cleveland five , Canavan
and Naglo four , Mossatt and Conney tbrco ,
Walsh and Andrews two and Willis ono.
Kid Nichols is ono of the coming pitchers
of the day. Ho has n splendid head on his
shoulders , never gets rattled , and pitches atone
ono stage of thofjamo just as effectively as at
The Milwaukee club has signed a now
catcher named Murphy. Ho comes from the
Franklins , of Chicago { also a southern
pitcher named Nelson , ana Pitcher Doyle , of
Few of the players when working regu
larly fatten up ; the continual going on the
road , and the two hours work each day , with
the brain exorcise , is about enough to keep a
player , in condition when ho once gets thoro.
Columbus , Ohio , Is still after Jack Crooks.
It Omaha lots him go they'll also part with
the bulk of their attcndancoat the ball park.
Crooks is the life and salvation of the local
team , and Columbus can no inoro afford to
keep him than can Omaha.
There will bo a game of ball pluvcd this
afternoon at Hascall's grounds , corner Fif
teenth and Yinton streets , between tlio West
Omaha base ball club and Hascall's He-
serves. This game will bo for blood , as both
clubs as anxious to meet and dccido which
Is the superior.
The Western association is afflicted with
the dumbest staff of umblres of any base ball
association In the country. Sandy McDor-
inott is the only competent man of the entli-o
outfit , and ho Is the equal of the best in the
business. Cuslcic , Hurley , ICelloy and old
Davoy Force , are simply vllo.
Young Sawders Id un ambidextrous
plttcbcr , ho is a south-haw , but throws to
tlrst base to catch runners napping with his
right hand. Several weeks pgo ho pitched
four Inninu's with his right hand when his
club way ahead and ho hold his opponents
down well. Sawders practices pitching
right-handed almost daily ,
The Milwaukee club wants a meeting of
the western association called for the pur
pose of deposing Secretary Sain Morton.
Denver and Sioux City will back Milwaukee ,
and the inovo tn'ay amount to a good deal.
Morton surely has never been a benefit , to
this association , and It was an Ill-advised
plecoof work that made h rn secretary.
Secretary Qulnn , of thq Milwaukee club ,
has begun a crusade against Secretary Sam
Morton , whom he charges with being cither
Incompetent or grossly.ncgllgont. Mr. Qulnn
has asked President McCormiok to call a
special meeting of the Western association to
elect a now secretary. Denver and St. Jos
eph liavo joined In the request.
Long , tbo Kansas Citya' shortstop , Is about
as brilliant , if not moro so , than Sinitn , of
tbo Urnoklyns , but just as erratic as the lat
ter. Ho is a young player and will no doubt
gradually steady down. If ho does , ho will
bo hard to beat in his position , as ho plays n
very deep Hold and covers a largo amount of
With ttio hope of obviating a flood of ques
tions that are constantly pouring in
on the base ball editor with ref
erence to the present systoni of scoring , the
following information is proffered : Don't
give a pitcher a fielding assist for striking
out a man. Ho Is entitled to that credit In
the summary only , Don't score a man "at
bat" if ho Rota his base on bulls or Is hit by
Child's and Mlnsos Jersey Knit Under wc-ar , long
and short sleeves , i ) . & M's prlco Sic.
Ladles' Swiss Illbbcd Underwear , very good , D.
it M's prlco 85c ,
Ladles rinoJoMcy IMblod Vests , cream , pink
nnd blue , D , It .M's prlco COc.
Ladles' Extra Kinu Imported Swiss Itlbbcd , low
nock and sleeveless. Silk trimmed around
neck and sleoAos , I ) . & M's prlco 75c
Misses Cotton Hose , plain solid colors , and
fancy strluos , 1) . &M's prlco l c.
Children's Cotton Hoio , solid colors and fancy
btrlpes , D. i ; M's prku Ific ,
Children's French Itlbbcd Cotton Hose , fancy
grey and black , sizt- 0 to 8 , D. tt M's pi ice -JOc ,
Children's Hrllllant LKlo Thread , blacks and
solid colors , all sizes 054 to 8J4 , D. iV M's price
lUctoiiUc ,
Ladles' Cotton Hose , assorted styles , solid col
ors , clucks and fancy Btrlnes , 1) . 4 ; M'H prlco
Ladles' Imported Halbrlggan Hose , Kronen Feet
D. & M's price Due ,
Ladles' Imported Cotton Hose , solid colors and
boot htj-leh , full regular double heels and toes ,
J > . &M's prlco Sic ,
LarMcs * Imported Cotton Hose.'tentlOrtlircrent
styles. lull regular made , double heels und
toes 1) ) . & M's prlco 4Uc.
a pitched ball. Don't ' count bases on balls
as factors m scorlntr earned runs. Don't
mix b.ittery with lidding errors. Keep
passed ball und wild pitches In the summary ,
uon't give a fielder an error for a muffed
iloul fly unless the batsman reaches llrst
base after such mlsplay has been made.
Under the strict interpretations of the rules
an on or "is a misplay which allows the
striker ono base-runner to make ono or
moro bases when perfect play would have
insured his being put out. "
Atnona the Amateur Bykoru.
The Wheel club has two runs to-day , to
start at 9 a. m. and 3 p. m.
Cramer Bros. ' tcndam safety has arrived ,
and all who have seen It pronounce it a
dandy. This makes two of this typo of this
muchino in the club.
The run to Springfield was again aban
doned on account of bad roads , the usual
tnako-shlft from Omaha to Bluffs was taken
by qulto a number of the members.
The elements this month so far have
played sad havoc with the club mileage , but
we hope yet to make 200 moro this , than last
month ; the 1,009of Juno 2 wasqulto a starter
in this direction.
Run to Florence Tuesday , Juno 25 , to start
at 7 p. in. sharp. All members are requested
to bo present at this run , as a littio business
pertaining to the 4th of July outing will bo
Very little evening riding has been done
the lust ten days , roads and weather being
against us during this time , the dry season
will soon Do upon us and will betaken advan
tage of.
A quadrant safety is scon on our streets ;
and Is a very pretty and light looking ma
chine. Omaha will soon have all makes
roprcsonted , und then bo prepared to talk
different , styles of wheels with any fanatic.
The moonlight run to Manawa on the 15th
lust. , was ono of the most enjoyable evening
runs of the season , fifteen men turning out ,
no fulls were taken , not oven by our mem
ber , 'who-rldes-a-too-blg machine , and the
American Humbler right In the crowd , thus
It was again demonstrated that riding rutty
roads is an easy matter , if ono only has the
nerve to attempt it.
Mr. Roberts , of Colllcsvlllo , who was to
ride from here to Denver , left last Wednes
day on the train , on account of wet roads ,
and said ho would probably train it through ,
being somewhat discouraged at the reports
of wet roads as far out as North Plattcs.
W. C. Urlan made us a ( lying visit from
the Black Hills , where ho is in the Interest of
Z. T. Lindsoy. "Tillio" is the sumo jolly fol
low , and this time appeared in the role of
Bnnko charmer , having brought with him a
Uockv mountain garter snake , four feet in
length , which ho takes great prldo m exhibit
ing to his numerous friends.
M. 6. Wheeler , ono of the O. W. O. non
resident members , has been elected president
of the Lincoln Wheel club , nnd If ho pushes
the pace as ho docs when riding with the
Omuha boys , will como out way head in cycle
clubs of Nebraska.
Joe Josephs has been appointed local consul
to tiio L. A. W. What Joe docs not know
about making a visiting wheelman's stay
pleasant isn't worth knowing , and therefore ,
is a good choice for the olllco.
The MIIHCO'H Triumph.
The Eden Euseo team played a prarao of
ball with Elliotts Jolly Voyagers yesterday
for $10 a side. The score :
Eden Musco10000300 0 10
Jolly Voyagers 000004003 0
Churchill , twlrlor for the Muacos' struck
out olovcn men.
MIscellnnonitH Sports.
\Vcsloy Arnold , Charles Dwinell and
Preston Edwards arrived in this city
Wodnosdav with live horses belonging to
N. J. Houln , A. M , Spoonor , Hal Brown and
Fred Do La Matyr of Fremont , to be tracked
at tbo fair grounds course.
Jlamui and. Burdock , the well-known
Canadian oarsmen , tiavo been in the city for
the past week endeavoring to got up a three-
days' regatta at Laxo Manawa. They had
made arrangements for quita an Important
affair , In which Tcomor , Uaudaur and other
celebrities were to take part , but , it scorns ,
2. and 21 Inch heavy Silk 1'arasoK UU stylish
oxidized silver handles , D. .V M's prlco 11.60 ,
20 inch Lieo trimmed fllack Satin Parasols ,
lined under ribs. I ) . & M's prlco J1/T5 ,
ZS inch black heavy Silk STRO Parasols , with
modlum long now style Oliver nook handles ,
D. & M's priced , .
Stylish La Tosca 1'nrasols , with largo sold head
ana fancy carved btlcks , D. & M'a prlco $ J.W ,
THE PAIR'S PRICE , j > 1.4 = 5
Fine fancy largo plaid nnd striped Satin Para
sols , with handsome carved heads , a great va-
rletsotcolors , D. & M's price dl , ,
Cream Silk K curlal Lace covered Parasols.
with cham-rablo silk llnlnj-'S , also n lot pt
Cream Satin , Lace trimmed , 1) ) . A , M's ptico $1 ,
Fine Plaid Bordered Sltlc Parasols , with fancy
long horn tops and detachable handlen , O. x
M's prlco ft.dO ,
A lot of Novelties ( wo can't describe then ; . )
they are all silk , holul colors , with small silk
buttons to match sowed in beaded designs on
top , 1) ) . M M's prlco ! S , .
Q > Q " /
' . * J
Falllo t'rancalso Silk Parasols , with \\ltlo and
narrow \\hito eyes , cixnodhandles. D. &M's
prlco SI ,
A lot of the finest fancy nil pure Silk Pftnisols ,
in ssrlpts and plntus , with most , exnensn e
can od Imported wood handles. D. iV M's prlco
Lotblae--and wnlte pure Sll\t3ros \ Grain Para-
soli , ( black and white Is all the rage too ) D. Ic
M'sprko$3.50tots ,
An i i -
have been unable to make connections here ,
and tho'schcmo has , in all likelihood , been
Frank Parmaleo In attendance at the
Hastings shooting tournament during the
past week , and , as usual , carried oft a good
share of thn money.
Jimmy Lindsay has returned from Kansas
City and says his match is off with Danny
Needhnra. There was a wrangle and a
quarrel over the question of dividing the
gate rccalpts , and the event fell through.
Stillman G. WhlttuUor writes TUB BEE ,
that after he Is tlirough with his engage
ments in the east , ho will bo only too happy
to tnako arrangements for n race or scries of
races with WHbor F. Kunpp.
Senator Morgan and John J. Hard In , to
gether with Beauty Baldwin , Jcssio Oakes
and Kittio Brown , will sail from 'Frisco for
Melbourne , Australia , July 10. The com
bination will bo enlarged in California by
the accession of SInblo Worthlngton , a
Stockton bicycle rider , nnd W. F. Knnpp
and one or two other well known profes
sional wheelmen.
C. C. Clnrko , Billy Sporty Mngnor , Billy
Tompson , the hero of Caster's massacro.and
Henr1 Sharpe spout a couple of days last
week at the mouth of the Elkhorn. They
captured ever lour hundred pounds of cat
and buffalo fish , ono of the former weighing
eighty-eight pounds. Magner aho saw u
Tom Eok has organized n bicycle combina
tion of his own , with Jcssio Woods , Hattia
Lewis , Lottlo Stanley , Lily Williams and
Armaindo as the stars. They will tour the
eastern states.
The last bicycle race of the season will
begin at the Coliseum to-morrow evening ,
in the crand match chase between Beauty
Baldwin , Jessie Woods , Lottie- Stanley nnd
Lily Williams. It Is for three-hours a night ,
n Rwccpstako of $400 and CO por.cent of the
gate receipts.
QiicHtioiiB nnd Answers.
Will you plnaso answer the following ques
tion and obligoJ It Is to dccUlo n wager. In
a game of chess , A Is playing white , B black.
A has two pawns , ono on rook i.'d , and ono on
Knight 2d. B king on knight -Illi , and pawn
en knight 5th. Can A pass B's ' pawn and
put Bin check with his rook's pawn ? B
claims that A cannot pass his pawn and check
him. T. H. II. , D. T.
Ans. A can pass , but B can take the pawn
off en passant , leaving his pawn at rook Oth.
This Is an oft disputed problem.
Was the pralrlo chicken open season cur
tailed by an act of the legislature , if so ,
when does Icbugln this year < If not changed
what do you think of the present law ! On-
tho-Wing , Beatrice.
Ans , It was not.althouKh the Omaha Qun
club had nn amendment to the law drawn up
by Judge Kennedy covering this very point
nnd Introduced by Christian Spccht , but for
some Inexplicable reason it was laid on the
shelf. The present law Is wholly inade
quate , nnd should bo improved upon at the
earliest possible moment. 1'ralrlo chicken
shooting bsglns a month too early in this
state , und a vast portion of the slaughter Is
oven dona before the open season arrives , The
market hunters go at it as early as the second
end week in August , and It is almost In
variably the uasti at this time that you sco
the old birds scurrying bolero the dog , or
limping and trailing with drooping wing , a
sure Indication that the littio chicks are hid
ing somewhere In the swale or brush. Just
now , as is generally the case at this time of
the year , a big crop of birds Is predicted ,
But In September on the first day of
which month the open season
begins you will ilnd that the con
scienceless market hunter has been out before
fore you , and that the bulk of the birds are
non cst. The game and fish laws of No-
'iraslca need patching up most wofully.
Mckon shooting ought not to bo allowed u
day before the 25th of September , and If
some such change lu not soon brought about ,
good-bya to this noble bird , for a low moro
years will accomplish ita extinction.
Bklrt Uraids , U. .V M's price to ,
Host quality Spool Bilk , 1) . & M.'s prlco lOc.
Silk Twist , D. & M.'s prlco , 2 for Be ,
THE PAIR'S PRICE , 4 for 5 C
Hooks and Kycs , D , Se M.'s prlco , 10o per box ,
English Plus , D. & M.'s lOo paper.
THE FAIR'S PRICE , < - - ' paper.
llest quality Ameiican Pins , D. & M.'s price , 6oy
Diess Shields , 1) . As M.'s prlco 12 > { c ,
Summer Dress Shields , D. fc M.'s prlco 20cn pale
Elastic Garter Web , 1) . &M.'s price , fie a yard.
THE PAIR'S PRICE , & /3\ > yard
Flno Garter Web , D. & M.'s prlco lOc and 12 a
Pine Silk Web , I ) . & M.'s price 39c a yard.
THE PAIR'S PRICE , 15 C yard.
Safety Pins , full size , I ) . & M.'s prlco Cc a dozen
THE FAIR'S PRICE , & / 3dozen. .
Hair Pins , asserted , in box , D. i : M.'s plco Co ,
Corner I3tli and Howard Sts ,
Is n muffed fly-ball by the catcher an orrorl
Charles L. , 1'axton Building.
Ans. If the batter subsequently reaches
llrst , yes ; if ho is put out , no.
Did Sam Morton over play ball ? Base Hit ,
Ans. Yes , and when he gazes on his men
lu the field , to-day , ho often wishes ho was
back in the ranks.
Can you toll mo whether Powell , formerly
first baseman for Detroit , is thn Sioux City
Powell 1 Was the light between Jake Kil-
rain and Jem Smith a drawl George D ,
Me. , Nebraska City.
Ans. No. The Detroit Powell has joined
the pale caravan. Yes , and a fake , to boot.
Please state in Sunday's ' "Questions and ,
answers" whether any of the professional
base ball team of Omaha receives us low as
$50 per month , Vail , Missouri Valley , la.
Ans. No.
In a game of cards has an opponent the
right to go through the cards on your pile
that you took in tricks to ascertain what
cards have been played ? P. D. Q. , Omaha.
Ans , No. It Is his business to take notice
and remember what cards have been played.
Ho may look thro ugh his own tricks , but
not through his opponent's pilo.
Tlio Cry of the Dreamer.
Jiimrs lioulc O'ltetUy.
I am tired of planniiiR and tolling
In the ciowded hives of men ;
Heart weary of building and spoiling
And spoiling and building again.
And I long for the ilcui old river
Where I dreamed my youth awoyj
For n dreamer lives forever ,
And a toiler die.s In a day.
1 am sick of the showy seeming
Of a Ufa that is half a Ho ;
Of the faces lined with scheming ,
In the throng that hurries by.
From thu sleepless thought's endeavor
I would go wticrc the children play ;
For a dreamer HVOH forever ,
And a toiler dies in a day.
I fool no prldo , but pity
For the burdens the rich endure ;
Tlioro is nothing sweet In the city
But the patient lives of tlio poor.
O , the little hands so skillful ,
And thu child mind choked with weeds ,
The daughter's heart grows willful ,
And thu father's heart that bleeds , *
No , no 1 from the street's rnilo bustle ,
From trophies of mart and Htugo ,
I would Jly to the wood's low rustle ,
And tlio meadows kindly.nago.
Let mo dream as of old by thn river ,
And bo loved lor the dream alway ;
For a drcutnur lives on forever ,
And a toiler dies in a day.
Miss Carrlo J. Bartlett , the first woman
preacher in Dakota , has accented a call from
All-Souls church at Sioux Falls. South Da
kota , to the Unitarian church at Kalutnazoo ,
Michigan. She was educated In thn west ,
taught school for several years , and did ac
ceptable newspaper work before she entered
the ministry.
Ira D. Sankoy , the revival singer , has do *
cldcd to settle clown after his travels. Ho lias
bought fiomo thirty acres of uoautlfully situ
ated land at a point between Scntuck river
and Llttlu Scatuck creek , Longlttlandwhero
ho will build a handsome residence , ,
Sam Jones lias Just completed a ton days'
revival meeting at Jackson , Mississippi , Tlio
reported harvest Is 700 alleged ' 'conversions1'
and u purse of Sl.COO for Sam Jones.
The income of the Frco church of Scotland
this year is fSy39 : ! , an IncreabO of 40,000
as compared with last year.
The Hov. Dr. Temple , bishop of London ,
has Injured Ills health by the oxcoualvo drink
ing of strong tea.
A spirited revival Is promised for Scotland ,
this year.
The encouragement which missionary work
has received In India has Induced the English
foreign missions to rndoublo their efforts.
' 'You must find Ufa m such a place g
Chicago diversified,11 , said an eaf.tern wjraau
to ono living in the western city , "Katbet
say Ulvorco-llied , " reloaded the Cbtcugouu ,