Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1889, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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. ! $2 $
In roar room , cocoucl floor , for
Tomorrow morning we begin the greatest clearing sale ever held in the west. In all departments
where we are overstocked , we will insert the kniite and slash prices right and left. In our Millinery
department we will make reductions from 50 to .5 per cent.
( lals v/ortli / up to $10 , Gome early ,
China and Surah A Wonderful Offer ,
Uubleached For 44-inch
Iu oil chados , at
Child's Pronoh Blbbod HOBO , Muslin , Swiss Skirting.
Sate , Worth up to $1.OO a yard.
fide Mlsaos' Blbbod HOBO ,
Wnrrnnted fast colors
44 inches deep * Yard ; 6 yards tlie limit ,
40 Gent
For $5 OO
Oo Child's and Mlssos' Fast Black
HOBO , Imported , its Goc Black Lace
To oloar , , wortii 3Qc.
44 inohos doop.
GOo Ohlla's Regular Made Fast 25 CE3STT For IS worth 75c ,
Black Frouoh Blbbod Hose ,
SATINES fill Willy Lace , FOB LONG
NOW Boduood from $7 & 88. llC worth up to $2
WONDERFUL ! iSaTDou't Miss It.
For $1.OO
50 Gent
juadioB' Fast Black HOBO ,
. .
In pure Silk ; worth $3.5O.
Imported Salines
To close , 44 Inohos wide.
Worth 2Oo.
* ' Por$2.5O
Ladles' , ! '
Bnlbriggan Hose FOB LADIES'
swiss Silk Lisle
GINGHAMS U Skirting Embroidery- El
Worth 36o ; full regular mado. *
riiii ii i rawmtfgefiasg Hats in this lot worth $5. Just think of jj . . United
to 8LOO Fast Black Hose reduced toM For Worth up to & 1.5O. These , are a lot Ever held in the
' of extra flno samples bought of 8 .
M z it ; any * straw hat in the store $1.98 : Wood , Brown & Co. , and are worthg States begins tO-lTlOr-
i ! four to six tlnios what \ve ask fort '
. them row at Stonehill's.
Boducod from 04. EEST33SSS
sstssfsns :
Our $10 , $15 to $25 nats sent O. O. D. , subject to examination , to be returned at our i * expense if not satisfactory. Remember the r > rice will be only $4.95 , No hats
sent out for $4.95 will be worth under $10 and up to $25. Describe whattkmd of a hat you want. Mail orders filled of $1 or over , none under.
Attract the Loaders of the Beau
fflio Usual Quota of "Weddings Iiawn
\ Fetes mill Other Outdoor 11-
vcralons Hnlp Ilecullo tlio :
' Juuo Evenings.
Blcrbnwcr Banqueted.
Mr. Ellis Blorbowor , who has been United
States marshal of this district for seventeen
years ami who has now vacated that posi
tion , was tendered an elegant reception by
kludge Diiiuly at the palatial homo of the lat
ter on Friday evening. The gathering was ,
In many respects , a remarkable ono , com
prising all the ox-marshals of the district
now living , the deputies , the district and ox-
district attorneys , besides representatives of
the press.
' At 0 p. in. the guests were Invited Into the
pmplo aining room , where the tlmo was
casped until after midnight in discussing the
viands and exchange of repartee reminis
Speeches were rondo by Mr. Pritchott , Mr.
fjarnbortson nnd Judge Iuudy , The guests
Were : William Daily , whom Bloriiowor suc
ceeded , ulso 15rail D. Slaughter , the new
jnnrslml ; George II. Pritchott , the district
/attorney / , and his assistant , Robert W. Pnt-
jrjck ; G. M. Lambertson , of Lincoln , ex-dis
trict attorney ; John L. Webster , master in
fchaneery ; Dr. Tllden , . jury commissioner and
court physician ; K. S. Dundy , jr. , cleric ; T.
1C. K. Button , master in chancery , and Depu
ty Marshals U. 12. Allen , H. J. Stewart , J.
Jl. Shownltor , Fremont ; A. J. Wright , Lin-
oln , nnd Charley W. Lyon.
Pattcrson-Illolumlsoii Nuptials.
Handsome Unity church , at Sioux City ,
was beautifully decorated with flowers and
ferns on Thursday last , to receive the many
irlouds and guests of Mr. John Oaks Patter-
} bn nnd Miss Gertrude Richardson , to wit
ness their marriage. A moro lovely wed-
fling is seldom seen by any one than this ono
jwos. The ollto of Sioux City illlud the
phurch. Kov , Mary SatTord performed the
linplo ceremony which joined these two
' young persons for life. John Oalccs Patter-
Boa was formerly a resident of Omaha and
1 U a brother of It. C. , D. O. and J , H. Pater-
i' ton still , of this city. Ho is now
the Junior member of the 11 rm
of Jackson & Patterson , real estate
dealers of Sioux City. The bride is the daugh
ter of Hon. Krl lilchardson , president of the
Jtowa Savlngtt bank , and of Sioux City's most
substantial uud ucalttiy citizens. The bride
groom's brother , K , M. Patterson , of Omaha ,
Was the best man , and Miss Hello Ulchardson
was first bridesmaid , whllo Messrs. Clement ,
Slubbard , Hutchlns and Sherman acted as
ushers , After the ceremony the friends re
paired to the residence of the bridn's father ,
where elegant refreshments were served and
the newly married couple iccolved many
nearly congratulations nnd a room full of
pubstiiritlnl toUons of friendship and cstcoai.
Among these noticed from abroad were
Judge Larimer , Mr , and Mrs. James A ,
Jackson , A. M. Jaclison , of Couucil lilunV
Mr. nnd Mrs L. A. Klngsbury , of Washing
ton ; Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Patterson , Mr. aud
Mrs. D. 0. Patterson , Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Patterson and K. M. Patterson , of Omaha ;
all of whbm rania from Omaha on a special
car. The gioom and bride loft on the after
noon train for a montli's trip in the cast. A
tiost of friends wish them joy through all
tula We.
Swcut Sixteen Surprised.
Lost Tuesday evening was the sixteenth
birthday of Miss Etta Kallsb , and it will
\paf \ be remembered by tbo young lady as
Well as by about thlrty-flvo of her young
friends. At U o'clock a ring of tbo boll at
ber elegant homo on Hamilton street was
Lhiwercd by the young miss herself , and
u gooa ns she appeared § ho was surrounded
by tuo crowd aud Informed by ono of the
p urty , in few well choaoii words , that the
gathering was intended as a surprise In her
honor. > The young folks Drought music with
them , and together with dancing , games on
the lawn , etc. , a thoroughly enjoyable evening -
ing was passed. At about 13 o'clock the
party dispersed , wishing Miss Kallsh many
happy returns of her Dirthday.
The liawn Pete.
Monday evening proved most auspicious
for the lawn fete given at the T. L. Kimball -
ball residence on South Seventh avenue , for
the benefit of the Creche , and a largo num
ber of pcoplo was in attendance. Long rows
of Chinese lanterns and a number of loco
motive headlights illuminated the grounds
and the tennis court was reserved for tables ,
where cooling dainties were served by fair
waiters. At the foot of the garden a orettily
decorated arbor served as n candy booth.
Before 0 o'clock thnro was'a largo number of
guests present and the crowd stcadilv In
creased until late in the evening. Upon
the front porch was a flower
booth well stocked with roses and pansics ,
which was presided over by Miss Nellie
GroITand Miss Eunice Stobblns.
The booth in the drawing-room attracted
many visitors. This was an artistic collec
tion of Chinese and Japanese curiosities
bought by Mrs. KImball whllo on her recent
trip to the Paclnc slope , where she learned
of the arrival of a ship from Japan , and had
the first choice of a largo quantity of curios.
A very pleasant feature of the occasion was
the music discoursed by the Union Paciilc
Mr * . Thomas Kllpatrlck , treasurer of the
Creche , and Mrs. W. S. Curtis , the secre
tary , munagoa the ilnancial part of the fete
and report that about $150 was cleared. The
Cnecho Is still about $1,100 In debt.
The fete was well attended by representa
tives of the bjst society of Omaha , among
whom were seen the following : Mrs. Her
man Kountzo , Mr. and Mrs. Alkon , Mrs. J.
W. Savage , Mr. nnd MM. Daniels , Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis , Judge and Mrs. UrofT , Mrs.
Forroy , Mr. and Mrs. Edholui , Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Kllpatrlck , Mr. and Mrs. Anderson ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miilard , Mrs. Sunder-
Innd , Mr. and Mrs. Stobbins , Mrs. Allen.
Mrs. Wallace , Mrs. Augustus Pratt , Mrs ,
Emerson , Mrs. Clark , Mrs. Swobo , Miss
KImball , the Misses Leonborgor. Miss Graft ,
Miss Chase , Mlts'Mlllard , Miss Grant , Miss
Edson , Miss Walker , Miss Webster , Miss
Milllo Graft , Miss Eunice Stobbins , Uov
Mr. Mann , Mr. Lewis and Mr. Uabcock.
Promenade Concert.
The formal opening of the Y. M. C. A.
athletic park at Twenty-third and Harnoy
streets occurred on Tuesday evening with
the rst of a series of promenade concerts.
A largo number of pcoplo was present and
the evening was thoroughly enjoyed , The
exorcises consisted of racing , tumbling ,
horizontal bar performances and other dis
plays of athletic skill and strength. Thcso
were Interspersed with the following musi
cal numbers :
Overture , "Vale of Lovo" Callia
Selection , "Gasperono" Mlllocker
Cornet solo , "Kcsit'imtlon" . , . . . . , . , . Koppotz
Concert polka. "Espirlt Fran-
caslbo" Waldteufel
Walt"Pearl of Pokin" Korkor
Overture , "Sylvester" Schlcpegrell
After the Hall Houstet
Selection. "lolnnlho" Sullivan
The Passing Ucgiment Coverloy
March , "Solid Comfort" Uonnoll
At 5 p , m. , Thursday , Mr. Norman A.
Kulin , the well known druggist , was mar
ried to Miss Helen U. Preston , The happy
affair occurred at the rcsldcnco of the bride's
father , Hon. William Preston , at South
Twenty-first avenue , and the parlors wore
prettily decorated In honor of the auspicious
evouU The ceremony was performed by
liov. W. J. Hartha in tbo prcsonco o ( a few
relative * and Intimate tnends. After the
bridal reception aud supper the huupy cou
ple loft for a tour through California and
other wcstcra states ,
A Pailor Untcrtnlnniont.
A plcasaut parlor entertainment will bo
given at J. It Getty's residence , on Friday
evening next , under the supervision of Miss
Anderson , The parlors , which will seat 160
people comfortably , have been placed at Miss
Auacrson' disposal. No pains will bo spared
to make this an occasion of much pleasure.
There will bo several entertaining little pan-
tomlmes ; also a dumb bell drill. Thcso , with
choice music and recitations , make up u tine
Southern hocinl Club.
The "Southern Social club" is a now or
ganization now in course of formation Iu tins
city. All persons native > of that country
south of Mason and Dixon's line are eligible
to membership. The club will moot tomorrow
row evening at the Y. M. C. A. hall and all
southern men. in the city are invited to bo
present. The following nro the otlifors of the
organization : John Ileth , president ; George
A. Joplm , vice-president ; D. H. Brock , sec
retary ; Charles K. Cralle , secretary.
At Ogdenburp , N" Y. , on June 18 , occurred
a most brilliant wedding , in which Mr.
Charles Barton , of this city , and Miss
Bridges , of Ogdenburg , were the contractIng -
Ing parties. The wedding occurred in the
spacious mansion of the bride's family , in
the presence of a largo number of friends
and relatives. Among the guests from
Omaha were Hon. Guy C. Barton and wife ,
parents of the groom , Miss Belle Dewey and
Miss Emma Hoagland.
An Online In Alaska.
Hon. John M. Thurstou and wife loft Now
York on the 10th lust , for a trip to Alaska.
Among the other persons In the partv are
Mr. nnd Mrs. Platt , General and lurs. Alger
and their two daughters and son , General
Poo. and Colonel George H. Hopkins , of De
Soolnl Gossip.
Thomas Boyd is In Now York.
Mr. W. Megeath has returned from his
trlu cost.
Mrs. Thomas Orr will pass the summer
among the mountains.
Dr. Mercer is enjoying a trip to St. Louis ,
Dututh and other cities.
Miss Rustlu has returned from her ex
tensive trip through Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K , Coutaut loft Thursday
for a trip through Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wmcote have re
turned from their western trip.
Mrs. Clomunt Chuso will pass the summer
with her parents ut Santa Ana , Cal ,
A. H. Keyser is enjoying n week's rest
and recuperation ut the Minnesota lakes.
Miss Alice Androcson will give a coaching
party to Fort Omaha , Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Thomas A. Orolgb , Miss Laura Scott
and Miss Lida Wilson are visiting in Michi
gan ,
Dr. W. G. Wlllard will return to Chicago
and make his permanent residence at that
Mrs. O. M. Carter , Miss L'oofu M. Carter
nnd Carroll M. Carter will pass the summer
at Munltou.
The Misses Emily W nlroloy , Daisy Doane
and Norton have returned from their studies
at Davenport.
Mrs. Croa , Miss Laura Scott and Miss
Lida Wilson have gone to that delightful
summer resort , SVcijuotouso , Mich. , to re
main until full ,
The commencement exorcises of the Sacred
Heart occur on the 25th. At present the
drawings by the young ladles and children
are on exhibition at the studio.
Miss Dewey ami Miss Hoagland are enJoying -
Joying a yachting trip among tuo "Thousand
Isles" of the St. Lawrence river.
Mrs. J. W. Stiles and Mrs. W. M. Stiles ,
of Omaha , spent Friday in Council Bluffs ,
the guests of Mrs. C. S. Taylor.
The engagement of Miss Allda McParlln
to Lieutenant Alvm II. Sydonham , n recent
graduate at West Point , 1s announced.
Kov. John Williams , of St. Barnabas , was
treated to a pleasant surprise party , Thurs
day evening , that being his birthday.
A muslcalo will ba given at the residence
of Dr. S , D , Me'tar ' , Tuesday evening , for
the benefit of the Burt street homo lor des
titute women.
Mrs. I. S. Hascall started Wednesday for
the seaside where she will pass the summer.
At Buffalo , N. Y. , sue will bo joined by her
sister , Mrs. Sopor ,
Louise M. Simpson , daughter of Captain
Simpson , gave a garden party at the govern
ment depot. Thursday afternoon , m honor of
her eleventh birthday.
Mrs , E , U. Cola gave a C o'clock dinner at
her residence on Monday evening Iu honor
of her cousin and aunt. Mrs P. W. Welch
aud Mrs. L. Pcndoraast , of Kockford , 111.
Mr. U. M. Patterson loft Wednesday for a
ten days' pleasure trip among the Minnesota
lakes. On Thursday ho attended the wed-
dine of his brother , John O. Patterson , at
Sioux City.
The opening of the annex of the Frontier
steam laundry was the occasion ol a pleasant
dance civeu bv trio attaches of the establish
ment. with Miss Thorcs.1 ICuhl as loader. A
pleasant evening was passed.
Nrbr-Hkn City Soclftv.
' Prof. Parmaleo aud wife are visiting in
Miss Dora Harris is visiting with friends
in Omahu.
Mrs. O. C. Thompson , of Blair , is visiting
Miss Kato Taylor.
Mrs. W. T. Canada Is in Denver , visiting
her sister , Mrs. Hurry Frail.
Miss Fannie and Miss Stella Morton have
pone to Fulls City to reside.
Juluis Furth and wife , of Omaha , were
visitors in town the past weolr ,
Mrs. U. E. Hawloyhas boon In the city
the lust week visiting her parents.
Mrs. Jay Martin and children , of Chicago ,
are in the city , guests at Arbor Lodge.
Elder Newman , nf Lincoln , was In the city
the past week visiting Elder Williamson.
Miss Manila Smith , daughter of Elder
Smith , is visiting friends in Colorado ,
Uov. J. D. Kerr , of Kcarnoy , is In the city
visiting the family of Mr. W. A. Catton.
Mr. Adam Burgert , of Toledo , is in the city
visiting hJ3 sister , Mrs. J. J. Hochstottler.
Mr. nnS Mrs. Charles Schneider , of Syra
cuse , were visitors In town the past week.
Mr. J , V. Morgan h homo on n vacation
from Ann Arbor , where ho Is studying law ,
Hon , F. T. Ilansom and wife have boon
visiting friends In St. Joseph the past week.
Mrs. Virginia Hor.dorson and daughter
havo'gono ' to Now York on a protracted vinit
with friends.
Dr , II. C. Bishop was called to Long
Island , Kansas , Monday to uttend the bed
side of u friend ,
Mrs. S. II. FulfiSrton , of Atchlson. Kan. ,
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.
McCualg the past week ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Tipton , of Lexington ,
Ivy. , have been the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Frazlcr the past week.
Mrs. E. D. Marnoll , Misses Eda and Lulu
Blshou and Miss Minnie Anderson , wnro
visitors in Omaha the fore part ot last week.
Mrs. J. D. Moore , who has been in the city
for a week or moro , the guest of Mrs. H. M.
Taggart , bus returned to her homo nt Lin
coln.Mrs. . Jerry Drlscolllnnd daughter , Miss
Mary , are vlsltine ! fiends in St. Louis.
From there they will'a ako nn extended visit
to their old homo In Nev York. '
Miss Mary , daughter of. Rev. Duke Slavon ,
who has been uttondluiWumslo academy at
Chicago , Is at homo t/h.-u / , visit. Miss Luura ,
who has been muUlnp tier homo in Toxus , is
also m the city. i ' , % i
Miss Uachael Bronkv'of Lincoln , has been
visiting friends in trailcjty the past week.
On Tuesday evening unvenjoyublo party was
given In her honor aUtifihomo ( ) of Miss Gertrude
trudo Sousloy , on S
Ijlncolft ) -palcty. {
Mrs. Frank Burr HlllWspond the summer
at Madison , Wis. ' " *
Mrs , I. C. Wlso has. jfono to Atcluson to
spend the bummer. | f
Mrs. J. p. Culhoun nnA children ore visit
ing In Nomaha county.
Samuel Low , of the governor's ofllce , lias
returned frnin Arkansas.
Mrs. M. M. White and children have gone
to Michigan for tbo summer.
The Twlco-a-Montli club plcnlcod at Cush-
man park Monday evening.
Miss Grace Grlfllth is home from her
school at Allughcnoy City , Pa.
Miss A. E. Van Brunt , of Now York , is
visiting her brother , It. T. Van Brunt.
Miss Joslo Kedway entertained u small
company ot girl friends Friday evening- .
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Burllngrln. of Omaha ,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W , Q.
Miss Magpie English , , , of Auditor Bon-
ton's ofllco , visited in PlattsmoutU during the
Max Westormaa has returned from Deoa-
tur , 111 , accompanied by his younger brother ,
Mrs. Harry Wcrtz has been entertaining
MIH. C. H. Clapp and Miss Efilo Hunt , ot
Mrs. Adolpn Weber expects to start for
Europe next week to resume her musical
Lieutenant Gnfllth is stopping nt Hot
Springs , Ark. , on his way to Pittsburg for
the summer.
Elmer Ilonkle , ono of the society boys ,
lias goto on the roaa for the Omaha hard
ware co inpany.
Mr. J. L. Pope and daughter , the guests of
Hon. and Mrs. H. C. Babcock , have returned
to New York.
Mrs. Hascn , ot the conservatory of music
of Mt. Carrel , 111. , has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Sawyer.
Miss Outcalt , of the stuto library , Is ex
hibiting n line pony nnd phaHon , her own so-
lectnn and purchase
Uev. and Mrs. Uairdnor are visiting the
Intter's parents at Detroit. They will visit
in Canada also before reluming.
Miss Holmes , who , as the guest of Lieu
tenant and Mrs. Townley has made inauy
friends , has returned to Kansas City.
Frank A. Manlv , one of the recent grad
uates of the State university , wont ut once
to Culbortson to Join a 13. & M. surveying
Mrs. M. D. Welch had her trunk packed
nnd n ticket bought for a trip to Hot Springs ,
Dak. , but the burglary of her husband's safe
has caused a postponement.
For u birthday present Mr. A. C. Zicmer
received fioin her husband a new five-dollar
bill for each year of her ago. The bills came
in sheets , as tno government sent them to a
local bank.
Mrs. Cal Thompson nas gene to the moun
tains for a summer trip. The party also in
cludes C. E. Yules and family , two children
of J. O. Phllllpi. of Omaha , and Mrs. Yates'
sister from Burlington , la.
The presents at the Fleok-Mooro wedding
were not exhibited. The bride were n flno
diamond necklace , the wedding gift of the
groom , and her wedding present to him was
a diamond ring. They were engaged before
the bride removed to Lincoln.
Mrs. Samuel Hcrshler gave a party Tues
day evening for Her sister , Miss ElAllold , of
Burlington , Ia. Ono of the features of the
evening was a soap-bubblo contest. Miss
Mayer , of Now York , won the loyal prize ,
and Henry Mayer the booby.
Miss Grace Snolllng opened her homo
Wednesday evening for a reunion of the
high school graduates of ' 87. The evening's
entertainment included dancing , muslu , a
class history by Uay Edmlnstou and a reci
tation by .Miss Jennie Bunchor.
Miss Cora Kelly , whoso family has re
moved to Omaha , was tendered u farewell
party Tuesday evening by Master Charles
and Miss Stella Elliot at their Fourteenth
street homo. The lawn was Illuminated with
Chinese lanterns nnd decorated with flags
und bunting. A feuturo of the evening was
u musical programme by the Elcho family.
A Monday picnio party at Cushman park
was composed of Mr. and Mrs. U , H , Oukloy ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baldwin , Mr , and Mrs.
A. W , Jnnsen , Mrs , John Kchrung , Mr. O , R.
Oakley and family , Mr. W. S. Huffman and
family , Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Wiloy. Mr. E. K.
Crlloy and family , Mr. and Mrs. E , E ,
Brown , Mrs. George Cook aud son , Mrs. O.
M. Thompson , Mrs , Thomas Sowoll and
daughter , Mrs , J. A. Marshall , Mrs. Fore
man , Misses Hattlo Hooper , Alteon Oakley ,
Belle Oakley , Maud Burr and May Moore ,
nnd Messrs. Will Maxwell , Lieutenant Grif
fith Dr. Uooves. Dr , Kerman , Frank Zch-
rung , Matt Baldwin , Clint Andrus.
Miss Fanny Moore , of this city , and Mr.
Henry S. Fleck , of Newark" , O. , were mar
ried Tuesday evening at the homo of Air.
and Mrs. Win. B. Ogden , the ladles being
sisters. The ceremony was performed by
Kov. Lewis Gregory , In the presence of a
few relatives and intlinato friends. Among
the latter were Mrs. Grace and Miss Alice
Flcek , mother and sister of the groom ; Ed
ward Wright of Newark , Mr. and Mrs.
Lolgh Wallace of Washington , Ia. , Mr. and
Mrs. E. Dundy , Jr. , and Mr. and Mrs. T. 1C.
Sutton. Tbo wedding was followed by a
reception , which was largely attended by
the society people of the city , Mr , and Mrs ,
Flock left tuo next morning for a wedding
trip through the north , and will not be at
homo in Newark until after July ID , Tbo
groom is a wholesale merchant in tuat city
aud a gentleman of wealth.
Lightning Talk.
Arrangements have at last boon completed
for the building of a telephone line to Lake
Munawa. ana this much needed convenience
will bo supplied within the next ton days.
The various parties interested at the lake
realize tuo need of telephone connection
with the citizens of Omaha and Council
Bluffy and have clubbed together to furnish
it. The line will bo built by them , and a
small fee for connections will bo charged. It
is expected that the line will bo used enough
to assist very materially in paying for Itself ,
whllo the convenience afforded guests as well
as property owners at the lake will bo of far
greater value than the actual cost of the lino.
The next move should bo to extend the same
service to the Chautauqun grounds.
Communication with the latter resort Is
lamentably InsulUciont and unsatisfactory.
It is true that the grounds are connected
with the city by telegraph , but owing to the
fact that there is no operator there , this ser
vice amounts to very little. Prof. D. W.
McDonald has charge of the matter , and
being a very line operator , although slightly
out of practice , ho is well able to attend to it
wore it not for the fact that his duties as
superintendent of the grounds are constantly
culling him In other directions. The present
wire to the grounds was put in just before
the session opened , and is simply a loop run
ning up to the grounds from ono of the
through wires on the Hock Island. Several
telegraph messages have been recnivcd
at the city ofllco lor parties at the
Ctmutnuqua grounds , but as it was Impossi
ble to raise the operator there , it was neces
sary to delay their delivery several hours.
Telephonic connection Is greatly needed , but
the telegraph could bo made to supply the
deficiency if an operator could bo stationed
at the ofilce on the grounds during the day
to attend to all messages. Thus far , the
management has Leon so busy getting thorough
rough ends smoothed up , and everything in
flno running order , that no ttmo has boon devoted -
voted to these smaller , yet by no means un
important , details. They will doubtless all
be attended to as soon as possible.
A. Flut Settlement.
A lively fracas occurred on Graham ave
nue yost erday afternoon , among some work
men employed in excavating for a couple of
now dwellings to bo erected by Horace
Everett. The difficulty arose from tha fact
that Mr. Everett allows parties who owe him
to work out the amount of their indebted
ness. On Friday night , Theodore Hatch ol
der , who had been working on a contract to
cancel a certain Indebtedness , finished the
same , and was discharged to limit6 room for
others who wished to work out a debt ,
diaries Itoborts was the only man whoso
services were retained , and ho was directed
to superintend the work of the now men.
Yesterday afternoon Batchcldor and hovoial
of his men appeared and endeavored to pro
voke a quarrel with Uoborts. Falling In
this they attacked him and beat him se
verely , both with their fists nnd a club ,
Roberts was badly bruised and cut , Qua secured -
cured the services of a policeman , who ar
rested the sluggers. Dutcholdcr states that
Kobom had misrepresented matters to Mr ,
Hoberts. and had secured his discharge.
This is denied by Roberts , who claims that
ho did not Interfere at ail. The case will
conio up for a heu ring to-morrow morning.
Ioolcs OrookuU.
Considerable surprise was occasioned on
the street yesterday by tbo annonncomout
that J , ii , Hume , bookkeeper and account
ant for Duquette & Co. , wholesale confec
tioners , was a defaulter to the extent of
several thousand dollars. A suspicion that
something was wrong has been entertained
for some tlrno by Mr , Duquette , but Hume ,
when questioned , had given vury satisfac
tory explanations. Money did not come In
as fast as It should have douo ,
and. Hurao'g employers finally decided
to have an expert go over tha books ,
Hume was accordingly sent to Silver City on
a business trip and during his nbsonco the
Investigation was commenced. Ho returned
before the InvcitiflaUon was completed aud
was sent to Defiance. When ho returned
from that place ho was confronted with the
fact that ho was a defaulter to the extent of
about $ J,000. Ho confessed everything dud'
promised to make full restitution.
His method of proccoilure was to raise an
expense bill from $2 to S1U , and afterward
orasn the added figure , putting the uxtra $10
in his pocket. The peculations covoiod a
period of nearly two'years and in that , tlinu
ho had made mtinv false entries.
Attention was first called to Hume's man
ner of living by n neighbor. A now bouso
on Madison street , horao and buggy , stylish
clothes and numerous other things seemed a
little too stoop for rt salary nf $ JO u mouth.
No arrests have been made and it is re
ported that the matter will bo settled quietly.
Huino has given up all his property , but
there Htill remains quito a little balance
ugalnst him.
The defaulting book-koopor and cashier
was formerly In the omuloy of J. H. Snyder ,
commission merchant , and report has it that
a similar dlfilculty occurred thoro.
It will bo remembered that a few weeks
ago , Hume was knocked down and robbed of
nearly 100 just after getting In from a col
lecting trip on the road. The pollco refused
to touch th < vciio at the tlmo , alleging that
Hume had undoubtedly converted the money
to his own use , and Inflicted a few slight
wounds on hlmsolf to give color to his story.
Hcccnt developments indicate that the
theory was vury pluusiblo.
The CallH to 1'raynr.
Bethany Baptist churcn , co'rnor of Bluft
aid Story stroats. Services as usual at II ) : ! IO
a. in. and 3 p. in. Sunday-school at ! ) p. in.
Young people's mooting at 7:15 : p. in. Uov.
E. N. Harris , pastor ,
Second PresbytoiIan church Services at
3 o'clock. Sermon by Uev. J. C. Gilkuson ,
of CiillioDO , In. Subject , "What is Your
Life , " Jos. 4:11. : Sabbath-school at 1 p. m.
At the Uroadway M. 13. church General
Secretary Uonnett , of the Y. M. C. A. will
conduct the morning se.rvico.
Congregational Services this morning a *
usual. Preaching by tbo pastor. Subject ,
"A Soul Full of Music. " A cordial Invita
tion is extended.
Thcro will bo no services In any of the
Episcopal churches of the city this evening ,
on account of the Chautuuquu services. Sun
day-school at Unity Guild at 0 o'clock.
Morning services at St. Paul's at 11 o'clock.
Sunday-HChool 12:15. : Sunday-school at All
Saint's ( it ! ) o'clock.
Berean Haptlst Church There will ba
pioaching by the pastor ut 10iO ; ! a. m. aud 8
o'clock p. m , , to-day. Sunday school at 11:45 :
n. in. Prayer mooting Wednesday evening.
Place of meeting , Third avenue and Seven
teenth street. All will bo very wolcomn.
Presbyterian Preaching at lOilIOn. m , by
the pasior. Sabbath-school ut 12. Stronger *
and others cordially invited. The oilier
appoints for the day mo given up , that the
coiicrcgallon may attend the Chautauqua
First Uapllst Preaching by the pastor at
10:110 a. m. Suuday-school ut noon. No
evening service.
I'R-Feuding | Ilxornicnt8. |
Prof. Sholton's pig-fooding experi
ments go to show that farmers in the
west , whore pork making is the inulii
business , should us u measure of econo
my , continue to ube corn us their staple
fattening fqod , says the Rural Now
Yorker. Doubtless this conclusion is in
full accord with local conditions. In
Kansas , na Prof , Sholtoii Buys , milk ,
nous nnd other supplies o ( nitrogenous
food are not to bo thought of they cost
too muuh to i > rociuco. Prof. Shelton
docs not ( five un opinion as to what
would follow in a socllon whore thcso
foods can be secured. As a matter of
fact , such un opinion has littla to do
with the business of the Kansas farmer ,
whoso object it is to produce all the port :
ho can at the cheapest possible codt. It
ia the R , N. Y.'s opinion that the farmer
wiio can establish a reputation for pro
ducing "loan" norU will bo able to worlc
up a profitable business for that product.
Wo mean pork with a greater proportion
tion of lean than is found in that sold
in the general market. 'The demand it
for lean pork , there can bo no use in de
ny ing the fuel , and it seems evident
that this loan product la to bo produced
outaidu of whut is known as "tho corp
bolt. "