Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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.Delivered l > y currier In Any I'nrt o bo City a
Twenty Cents Per Week.
JlumsrRS OFFICH No. 43.
NIGHT KniTon , No.St.
N. y.PlumblnR Co.
C. 11. Music Co. , C33 M'wny.
Keller , tailor , 010 Hroadwny.
Evnns1 Inundry , 721 Hroadwny.
D. W. Ottls , city nnd farm loans.
Additional local news on seventh page.
Lula V. Hhonilcs has secured a conn It to
erect n 11.000 residence on North Seventh
The p.irJt commissioners have Just settled
with the contractors tor the now cut into
Falrmountpnrlc , for 2,100.
A party of California excursionists passed
through the city yesterday morning over the
Northwestern , en route cast.
The A. A. S. It. will meet nt their now ca
thedral nt G o'clock p. in. Monday , Juno 24.
Every member should bo present.
Four drunks , two vngs and n disturber of
the noaco paid the penalty In police court
ycstciday morning for evil done in the city.
Manager Lane received instructions last
ovcnltiR to run a telephone line out to the
Chnutauqua grounds as speedily as possible.
The contract for the steam heating In the
Elscman block liai been awarded to Mr. J.
C. Uixby , find the plant Is now being put in ,
M , C. Scarlcs , charged with soiling mort
gaged property , was yesterday granted a
continuance until the 27th instant , by Jus
tlco Hcmlrlcks.
A change In tlmo on the Kansas City road
will tnko effect to-morrow. No. 4 will leave
at 0-20 instead of 0:15 : as at present , and No.
3 will arrive at 0:10 : Instead of U:50 : o'clock.
The postponed ling presentation to the
Council UluITi Rowing association will take
place at the Masonic temple to-morrow oven-
ing. The Guards will have their regular
drill , which will bo an additional attraction
to visitors.
The lire alarm wires on South Madison
street have been raised on account of the
electric motor company. The tire alarm
wires have been placed at the top of the elec
tric motor poles , and the old poles , owned by
the city , will be removed.
The Gladmun adultery case , which was sot
for a hearing In Squire Sehurz' court yester
day afternoon , came to n very peaceful torml-
nation. Mrs. Gladman fulled to aupear to
prosecute , ana the defendants , Mr. Gladman
and Miss Wilson , wore discharged.
The Pythian day idea has been abandoned
on account of the refusal of one of thohighup
Pythians to allow the uniform rank to war-
tlcipatc in the proposed exorcises or assemble
In uniform. It is Quito a disappointment to
the local knights , as it would have brought
in several hundred visiting members of the
"X cstcrday was motion day In the district
court , and ns such the attention of Judge
Dcemcr was occupied during the forenoon In
hearing motions and demurrers. In the
afternoon tbo contempt case against Honrv
Holsh was tnoa. The defendant is charged
with violating an Injunction of the court in
regard to selling liquor. The case is not yet
disposed of.
AH tbo season advances Lake Manawa
continues to grow in popularity us a pleasant
summer resort. The number of visitors yes
terday , although the dnv cool and pleas
ant , was very largo , nnd among them were a
largo number of cluutauquuns. Some
marked and important improvements have
been made in the hotel within the last few
days that will increase the comfort of its
guests nnd ndd to ttwj popularity of the ro-
An excellent racing programme will be
given nt Mannwa to-day. Senator Morgan
and Ned Heading will ride n ten mile race
for n purse , with n gold medal in ndition , if
the record's broken. Miss Armaiudo and
Miss Urown will ride a race of the same
length on similar terms. At 0 o'clock a line
concert will bo given by the California
minstrels , lead by Ncul Matthews. Thoraces
races will bo very fast , as the track is eight
laps to the mile nnd In fine condition.
The electric motor company have Just com
pleted the plans for an enlargement of their
plant at the power house. Contractors nro
figuring on an addition to the boiler room.
21x40Jcot in size , in which are to bo placed
six new boilers , as soon as it can bo com
pleted. Now engines and dynamos nro also
to bo added , so that the motive power will bo
more than doubled. This increase In power
will bo necessary in order to operate the
branches and extensions now being added to
the present main lino. It will require some
httlo time to get the entire plant In working
Notes find mortgages bought and sold ,
money loaned ; fire iusurauco. Robert
V. Innes , 80 Pearl st.
Hoislor's Oyster Bay chop house and
restaurant day nnd night,603 Broadway.
Steam and hot water heating , first clasa
plumbing. Work in both cities. John Gil
bert , 518 Pearl St. , Council Uluffs.
C. B. Trunk Factory moved to Chapman's
old stand. Largest trunk factory In the
18 pictures for 2oo. Now photo gallery ,
118 Main st.
Clilcaco Papers in Council Bluffa.
The Chicago Dally Tunes , Tribune. Herald -
ald or Intor-Oecati delivered on the day of
publication at 'JO cents per week. Sunday
issui * ulono 5 cents. The Daily News , with
weekly Story Uudcot 10 cents. Orders by
postal card or otherwise receive prompt and
careful attention. P. U. NUGENT ,
Attent and City Circulator.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of vuluo nt low rutos of Interest. No
publicity ; fuirund honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
aud Main , over American express.
Cull on the Birkinbino Engineering
and Supply company , 116 Pourl street ,
Council Bluila , In. , nnd examine the
Boihne roofing. It will pay jou ; sam
ples facnt on application.
Big bargains at Marcus' clothing store
before removal to now pressed brick build-
Georpo Motcalf returned , yesterday , from
ashoit business trip through western Ne
Mrs C. M. Hunt loft for her homo In
Hebron , Nob. , yosterduv niornlnp , after a
short visit with relatives in this city.
B. A. Wickhnm , of the flrm of E. A. Wick-
ham it Co , , paving contractors , loft yester
day morning for u short trip to Lincoln and
Ucatrlcc * , to look alter business Interests.
DaiMclor vapor stoves at cost change
location. Shugart &Co.,211Broadwuy.
Finest Ice Cream in city. Drlosbaeh's
double parlors , 35 Main Bt.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry ,
company _ _
No Rxploalons
When persons keep cool and use our
"Run Dial" gas stoves. Four holes ,
roaster and bakeoven. Costs 7 cents
per hour when running full blast. Now
York Plumbing Co.
The Now Ogden is catching traveling
men nt $12 per day.
. >
HU.VO your old furniture upholstered'
good as new. 11. Morgan , 702 Broadway.
WooUoy < Sc Long paper rooms neat ,
quick , ohoap. 81 Main , tel 203.
Bodino rooting will last longer and
five bettor mitlsfaotion than any roofing
made ; will not crack , curl or split , and
amices a perfectly solid joint on the entire -
tire roof. Birkinbino Engineering and
Supply company , 116 Pearl street , Coun
cil Bluffa , In.
The Ghautauqua Interest and At-
tondauoo Stoadlly Growing1.
A. Bookkoopcr'n Account ?
Mixed HlRli fc'cliool Alumni
Bt , Francis Academy A ,
DOR'S Fasting.
The Pcoplo'H University.
No great enterprise can bo successfully
started without dlfllcuHlos arising. The
Chnutauqua bus opened grandly , but the
launch has not been perfectly serene. The
chief dinicultv has been arranging Jor cosy ,
convenient transit to and from the grounds.
It is bollovcd that this has been now secured.
From Omaha there are through connections
both by electric motor trains and by the rail-
ways. From Council Bluffs there are two
routes. One is by carriage or carryall.
These carryalls leave Broadway , from the
Masonic temple , on the oven hour , stoppin e
nt the Ogden house nnd other places for pas
sengers to the grounds. The charge is B5
cents each way , or 60 cents for the round
Those who prefer to go by rail can take ft
Main street car to the depots of the Chicago
& Hock Island nnd Milwaukee & St. Paul.
The following is the revised and latest cor
rected time-table. Eleven trains run each
wny dally as follows :
Leave Council Bluffs 0:52 : n , m , , 7:05 : a.
m. , 0:0(5 : ( a. m. , 0:50 : a. m. , 0:55 : n. m. , 10:07 : a.
m. , 1:60 : p. m.,3:50p. : in. , 5:07 : p.m. , 7UO : p.
m. . 7:50 : p. m.
Leave Chautauqua 0:10 : a. m. , 8:40 : a.m. ,
10:20 : a. m. , 12:15 : p. m. , 2:20p. : in. , 5:20 : p. in. ,
5:2J : p. m. , 5:23 : p. m. , 0:00 : p. m. , 0:15 : p. in , ,
10:15 : p. m.
"I feel like going out in the highways and
hedges nnd compelling them to como in. "
It was n lady who spoke thus enthusiastic
ally after enjoying yesterday's entertain
ment. She was evidently disappointed that
there were not 10,000 people there. "If folks
know what they wore missing you couldn't
keep them away. "
Strange as it may seem , there are many ,
even in Council Bluffs , with this rich
literary and musical festival right nt their
very doors , who turn away Indifferently ,
thinking it Is only a , sort of Sunday school
convention orchurchpicnic. They donottaico
the trouble to even go to the grounds to sco
for themselves. By their Ignorance and in
difference they nro themselves the losers.
Those who have tasted and seen that the
Chautauqun is good , stay by the feast with
keen appetites. To hear ona lecture by Dr.
Hcnson is well worth the price of several ad
missions. Each day presents new attrac
tions and many of them.
The amphitheatre , or tabernacle , is groat.
Prof. Case -and others are enthusiastic over
its acoustic ! properties. The architects , Bell
& Bcrllughof , Imvo made a happy hit In this
respect. One can speak in almost a whisper
and bo hoard in every part of the great build
ing. The ncoustlo properties are almost too
good , in fact. Persons standing outside the
building chatting , nro apt to disturb any who
are holding a meeting on the platform.
To any will bo one of special interest , al
though the programme is not one of enter
tainment , as on weekdays , but one of relig
ious services. Besides the Sabbath school
nnd other services , there will bo a sermon
this afternoon by Bishop Vincent , whoso
name and fame are so closely connected with
the Chautauqua movement.
It was the intention to have Bishop Vin
cent preach this morning , but the pastors of
the city churches and others had urged a
change of hour , so ho will preach this after
noon ut 2 o'clock. This will bettor accom
modate many who doslro to attend services
in the city churches this forenoon. Nearly
all the churches have arranged not to have
services to-night.
The most perfect order prevails on the
grounds. The crowds nro made up of intel
ligent , rollnod and religious classes to such
an eytciit that there is httlo or no occasion
for stars and clubs.
No more beautiful day dawned on the
camp than the Jirst "Recognition day" of the
great Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautau
qua. Everything was astir , everyone
seemed intent on getting the most of all
going forward. No rest for the weary any
more than for the wicked. All day long
wont on the programme without fall. Dr.
Gillot was invinciulc. All night long was
heard the cackle of a crowd of giddy youngs
ters who have neither toiled or spun any
thing but yarns during the day , but oven
that stopped when the bell rang for the order
of exercises.
First came morning prayers always help
ful to begin the day conducted by Hov. Mr.
Eaton , the pleasant telescope man. Then
the chorus class , the band nnd the Normal
classes in their order. Dr. Coxo traveled
over mountains , along rivers and through
seas , describing nations and continents as
ho tiavelcd with the llrst year's class. Hcv.
Mr. Frantor conducted the intermediate
class and Hov. J. T. Docking , the boya and
girls. The classes are filling up finely , ana
since the close of the city schools will bo
crowded. The Ingathering of now persons
began with coining of the day , the number is
growing fast ; the thousands will bo hero.
At 0:30 : Dean Wright met the company for
the assembly bible study , and at 10 Dr. M.
H. Chamberlain gave practical thoughts on
the cyo and car.
The decoration of the tabernacle goes on
C. L. S. C.'s Joining enthusiastically in the
work , accompanied by the chorus class
At 11 a. in. Leon Vincent gave another of
his interesting and instructive lectures
this time on "Thaekory. "
At 2 p. in. came the first "groat day" of
this feast "Recognition. " Nearly sixty
Chautauquans marched in procession to the
tubornaclo from tent No. 1 , where Bishop
John IT. Vincent , of Buffalo. N. Y. , the
chancellor , formally recognized those who
had finished the four years course of read
ing. The regular Recognition day service
used at the old Chautauqua. was used horo.
The address of Chancellor Vincent will Do
remembered us the event of the first session
horo. Such instructions will grow u constl-
tuanoy that must glvo this cause permancy
in this progressive , far-seeing west.
His main points wcro :
1. By o solemn net of surrender and cove
nant wo glvo our gifts for culture for the
good of others.
8. Wo give to God bettor than by covenant
nnd confession when wo cultivate the gifts
entrusted to us. It is our duty to develop
physical , n strong body , as well ns mind.
JJ When wo cultivate nil the powers God
gives to maximum that's religion.
4. When the whole I glvo back In covenant
to God for my brother's sake , for my notch *
bar thnt is true Christianity. Chautauqua
Is culture sanctified ,
At 4 p. m. Miss Ncally Stevens gave
another delightful and entertaining piano
recital with accompaniment.
Dean Wright conducted the assembly
Blblo study at tent No. 1 , nnd notwithstand
ing the grant attraction nnd frequent up-
plauso heard during the progress of the re
cital , the sturdy students stuck to their task
to the end.
At 5 , Chancellor Vincent mot the Ch S.
C's in the amphitheater , and it was another
sccno to bo remembered long. Such advlco ,
nnd from this great man , the father of the
The band orchestra nnd chorus clnss sot
about tuning up for their evening combina
tion concert. The people of the twin cities
wcro coming in for the Saobath , and things
looked generally lively.
The evening exercises consisted of a con
cert by the chorus and assembly band , under
the direction of Prof. C. C. Case. Soloists ,
Miss Julia Gazlay , Miss Annlo E. UrlllitUs
nnd Mrs. S. E. Clappc , and , though no campfire -
fire took place , there was n pleasant nicotine ?
of thoC. ti. S. C. about the grounds , and the
arrangement to meet nijnin another year on
this , our gri-nt day.
Most of those who will attend the services
nt the Chnutauqua grounds have already
pioourcd their tickets. Tlibso who have not
can secure them at the railway stations nnd
thus bo accommodated.
Dr. C. C. Hnzon , don list , Opera houses
JJnvo our wngon call for your Boiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
J. G. Tipton , real cstnto , C27 B'dwny.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
llio Now happ llloclc.
The contracts have boon lot for the build
ing of an ofllco block byV. . F. Sapp jr. , on
the corner of Broadway and Scott street.
The mason block Is lot to Martin Hughes , the
carpenter work to Peter Wind , and the iron
work to the Ogdou Iron works. The building
Is 5x110 feet , four stories nnd basement , and
will cost about $30,000. The architects , Bell
& BcrllnghofT , have prepared plans for a
beautiful building. It is of the Romanesque
style , of pressed brick , nnd terra totta trim-
mines. The corner will bo n copper bay ,
the only ono of its kind In the city. The ele
vator entrance will bo on Scott street , and
lever elevators will bo put in. Oaken stair
ways will also bo provided. The olllccs are
large , none less than 1C\20. There are toilet
rooms on each floor , and nil other needed
equipments. At the rear , on each story , are
provided wide doors , nnd the needed appara
tus for hoisting safes , furniture , etc. , no that
these can bo taken in nnd out of each floor
without trouble. The boiler room , etc. , are
to ho under the sidewalk. "Tho folks here
don't begin to rcallzo what a line building it
Will bo , " remarks Architect Boll. "You'll
hear plenty of prniso for it when thov see
the walls going up. It will bo a beauty. "
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan office on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Having an overstock of spring nnd
summer pant goods , I will sell them at
60 cents on the dollar spot cash only.
Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broad way.
A Tanner Doij.
A freight car loaded with household goods
arrived nt the Rock Island yards Friday
morning for tbo cast. It had been on the
road for ton days. The door was opened
yesterday morning by some of the freight
hands , who were about to unload the car.
Great was their surprise to see a largo
Newfoundland dog sta gor to the door and
precipitate himself to the ground. The poor
nnlmal had been locked in the car for ten
days without foot or water , ana was reduced
almost to almost a skeleton. The hind part
of his body was seemingly paralyzed , and ho
was compelled to draw himself around on
his fore legs.
The half starved brute was kindly cared
for by the tender hearted railroad men , and
supplied with Doth food and water. The
demonstrations of Joy on the part of the In
telligent though crippled nnd suffering nni-
mal wore most touching. It is thought that
with kind and careful treatment the doer ,
which was undoubtedly a very handsome
ono before his Tanner experience , will re
cover the use of his whole body.
City steam laundry , 34 Main , tel. 14
Try now Metropolitan rooms and table
Bechtelo hotelcon trallocationfirstclass
M. Wollman , jeweler , moved to638 B'y.
ISnso Ball.
The Y. M. C. A. Planets met and van
quished the Groondalos on tha Y. M. C. A.
grounds yesterday , by a score of 17 to 13.
Batteries Bono and Shugart , Merriam and
Electric Trusses , Belts , Cliest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C. B.
W. li PATTOiV , Prop :
Elegant Rigs at Reasonable Rates.
Nos. 19 aud 21 , North Main Street.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
I ob S.Mai" .
< H < fgt
A/I / A MTV " " " " * ' 'MTTtL tcg mtl
. . \un. .
S .j t. . . \ 1"S\\v 1
WANTBD-A flr Hu3 cook fit the Iowa In-
stttutloa for thq&lucfttlon of the deaf nn < l
aurnb. Apply In porpin < fr by letter to Henry
W , itothurt , o
WA NTlp WOnloc80 = onil-Imnlc < i
also all gooit sfconf ! mnc\ furniture
J. M miaul. NOB. na nfrl ! & } llroadwixy. _
T710U EXCltANaU-Sorcnl good farms to ex
-L' ohango for Council Illnrrs lots. Johnuton
& Von rnttan. HvoretXblt ) > k. _
A It A Hi : chiuico for n ( plondld Investment ,
requiring enorgvirntlior than largo capital.
A fortune for the rfijlit man. Halt Interest > n
the llnost practical tiatent over Issued. Address -
dross Hnnn&Wnlkorf 4 1'oarl street , Council
"filOH'ItRNT Storo'-toom. No. 18 Minn st.
X' nftcr July 1. N. 0. James , 10 Pearl st. KSTATn-ltouzht and sold and ox-
changed. Special attention given to exam
ination of titles. W. 0. Jixmos , No. 10 Peart St. .
Council lllulTa.
IfOR SAMJ 7 room cottatjo , corner Tnlrd
nvenuo nnd Oth at. Kaay terms. W. C.
James , 10 1'onrl st.
TTUJH IlKNT Haiy terms two new live-room
JL' houses , 18th two. batwaon High and Third
stft. Hollchcnp If tnlcon this week. Inquire
owner. J. Dickey. 710 11. Wny. _
" 17011 * SALli Old ostablls&od general mor-
Jchnndlso business , stocK , fixtures , wagons ,
etc. Qon.l roam aud low rent , Address , J ,
Dickey , 7 10 II. Way
P OU HUNT Fnrnlsn r unfurnished laruo
ten-room house , bath room , gas. furnace ,
etc. , nt 015 Willow IIVP. Knqnlre at premlses.or
0. 11. Stlllniau. llrown block. _
F HUSH milk cows for sale or trade for fat
CO\\M. Sunn's stock yards , Upper llroacl-
Yny. Frank Sunn. _
TTIOH HUNT Largo double olllco over Franfe
JL ! I < evln'8 cigar store , UUro adwny. Inquire
of Frank l.ovln
LOST Tn csrtay evening , nenr tno corner of
Main mid Itroathvay. n largo camon sot tea
a gent's ring. I'lmlor will DO suitably rewarded
hv returning the same to lite ufllcu , Council
" \XTANTIH ) Everybody In the city to roinom-
i T l > or Miuulol's bargain furniture store Is
the place to buy your goods. y nndlUS Itioad-
w ay.
FOR HUNT Thrco unfurnished rooms suit
nblo for light lioiiiekooplng. tiOl 'Jrd nrcnuo
Continues to go on with a determination on our t > art to sell as much
as possible of our immense stock before moving into our new building.
Everybody should come to our house to-morrow , and if not able to
come to-morrow , come the next day , or some day during this week.
We want to sell these goods , and we are going to do it
What is our loss is your gain.
We do not deem it necessary to mention any particular line ot bar
gains. Eyervthing in the house will be sold-at reduced prices. Call
and convince yourselves.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
Henry Eiseman & Co.'s
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Special Sale of Embroideries ;
Special Sale of Embroi deretl Floimcings.
The finest line of Flouncings in the city. The prices g ua anteed
the lowest. Examine bargains marked BOc , 68c. 89c , $1.OO , $1.2B
nd $1.BO. " :
Special Sale of White Goods.
Exzi mine bargainsmarkel-4c , 83 , 1J ; i2 L-J3j , 10 d 'Bo B i
22c and 23c.
Special Sale of
Examine bargains marked Be , lOc , 12 l-2c , 2Oc and 2Be a y ard.
Also bargains in Tourist Ruching , 12 l-2c , 16e and 2Oc a box.
Special Sale of Children's Lace Caps.
Examine lots marked 12 I-2c , 28e , 33c , 37 l-2c , BOc and 78c.
Special Sale of I adies' Collars.
Examine lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 28c.
Another case of the Celebrated Fast Back. Hose , IQC a pair ; ever
pair warranted or money refunded.
One case of the finest White Bed Spreads this city ever saw for
the money. Full size and extra weight. The price is onlyl.OO
worth $1.37.
Strive to come early and receive a portion of the bargains.
Leaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
N. B. Mail orders promptly atttended to.
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
CORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
Bpcclllcatlonsnml CBtlmnti'.i furnlilioil for complete pliinti. Uoznlatlon , Durability guamntcoJ.
Cun show loticra from users vtlacro fuel economy Is equal with Corliss Non-condenslnu.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Bend for catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
and Newly
Furnished ,
Special Rates to Parties and Families. Correspondence -
pondence Solicited.
U PU AM DTP I AIIVI M h Ky ° i Ear and Throat Surgeon.
, H , LnAIVlDLliLAIIN , IV ) . U Glasses accurately proscrbed.
Olllco corner Main St. , and
Surgeon and Homeopath. Room 0 , Brown
PI , building 115 Pearl St. OIllco hours , 0 to 12.
a. m , , 2 to U and 7 to B , p , m.
About fifteen minutes ride on the motor to Douglas St. , Omaha.
They lie on a level but elevated sirip of ground , about 300 yards i'rom
the new motor line to Omaha.
They are less than one and one-half miles from the Council Bluffs
Nearly twice as largo as most of the newly platted lots. Good public
schools near by.
The proposed Boulevard bounds it on the north.
TITLES Perfect.
ABSTRACT Printed abstract and Warranty Deed with each lot.
GRADE Examine these lots with reference to the grade before buying
a lot. The ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade alone , if you buy ono
of these lots.
TERMS To a good class o purchasers a limited number of lots will bo
sold for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly payments without interest *
Apply to
J. J. Brown Building , 111O Pearl St. ,
HospitalforLa/he / SitiK
'elerinananfortouncilBluffff '
rogPflllco Department *
fwhh to inform the ladies of Omaha and Council BlulTn that I
have determined upon closing out my entire Block
of goods at my
No. 20 , Main street , Council Bluffs , within the next JiO days , and
for this purpose I will soil my goods FAK B1JLOW CO&T.
The stock consists of the finest line of hair goodu and urnainunta
west of Chicago.
MHS. C. L.
, > romttAtuntlou | | 0 | 2g Main St , , Council Bluffs ,