THE DAILY BEE. I'UUIjISIlHD 13VI3UY MOllNlNU. THUMB OK StJllSOKIPTION. D ftlly ( Morning Hdltion ) Inclndlns Snndar npoOno Yonr . . . . .110 00 rorSDc Montlm . f ; j TorThroo. Months . . . SB ) The Omaha snmlny tleo , malloil to any ndrtresa. Ono Vosr . . . Oj > Weekly HBO. Ono Year . 200 Omana Oillco , lloo Jiulltllns , N. W. Corner Bevontcenth and I'nrnnm Stroots. < : nlcaio onico. M7 ItooKory lliilldltiK. NfcwVork Offlco , lloonu 11 and IS Trilmnn JlulUlmp. Washington Ofllco , No. 613 lour- to en tn Street. _ COnRKSPONDKNCi : . AH communications rotating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed to the I.dttor or the lice. lice.11D8Nrgg jjjrrnilS. All business letters and romlttuncos should 1)0 addressed to Thollco I'nullslilnt ? Company. Omntia Draft * . checks and poitolllco orders to bo inado payable to thoonftrof the company. The Bco PnlsMnffiiipy , Proprietors 13. lUDSKW/VTEIt. / Kdltor. THE DAILY BEL3. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Ctatoof Nebraaka , I , . County of Donijlai , f flcorcelLTzsphuck , secretary of The nee I'nb- lInlilimConiDiiny. does Rolomnly swear that tlio ctusfclrcnlntlon of TIIR JJAIHT lip : for the wecJcendlnu JunoiKd. Ib8 . was as follows : tunrtar. Juno IB ; | tlondnv. June 17 W' ' ; > Tucdav..lunB IS . . . . .is.fioo Wrdnccdny.Junoia. . . "t.T.i'J ThuMilav. Juno H ) l'J.i i J-rldav..lunB 21 1"J Baturdny. June K2 18.53J Avcrmjo l ,4aa 01.01101 : n. TZSCHUOK. Ewom to bpforo mo and subicrltuul to In my presence thla'd clay of Juno , A. D. 188'L Seal. . 1 * . FK1L , Notary 1'ubllo. State of Nebraska , I County of DotiKlas.B3 | - Qoorpo II. TEScliucK , being duly sworn , de poses nnd anys that hols sncroturyof Thollco j'ubllhhlng company , that the actual nvcraco rtally circulation of Tlio Daily lloo for the month nt .lime , lt 8 , 1U.U42 copies ; for July. 1H > ? , IH.OKUopk'B ; for August , ISM , 18.1K1 copies ; for fc'i'pteinber. ItS1 * , 18.151 copies ; for October , IBPHjlf.lRI copies ; for November , KfS , lS.O-il ( roplcs ; lor leceml/er , IKVi , lH.2il copies ; for January. IHffl , 18.f.74 copies ; for rolirunry , 18W , 3P.1OT copies ; for Marcn. 18JW , IC AI copius ; for April , nfcp , li' coploa ; for May , IMI. m.oja conies. OEO. U. HSCIIUClC. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my LEcnl. ] jiresonco this ad day of Juno , A. 1) , 1SSH. N. r. FEIU Notary rnbllc. AMKUICAX Iloitsi : 1ms impressed the Sioux commissioners at Pine nidge with the fuel that ho has good horso- eonso. nA successfully weathered a poacorul revolution , and a Capo May belle eloped with her father's French cook. Llfo is worth living. Titnitu is cause for much rejoicing in the announcement that Senator Black burn did not pull Senator Chandler's oars. Peace again perches on the granite hills , and Kentucky is spared the expenses of a funeral. THE wheat harvest , this year , prom ises to equal , if not exceed , the creat record of 1884 , when flvo hundred and thirteen million bushels wore harvested. The aggregate acreage is the greatest since 1884 , and the condition of the growing crop is all that could bo de sired. AN ox-assemblyman of New York city is at urosont confined in the Queen's county jail on the charge of stealing lunches from a hotel. The un fortunate man is to bo pitied , rather i * than condemned. Thathsltis a clear example of how strong the ruling pas sion is after once the legislative habit has boon acquired. i. THE farmers of the state do not appro- elate bho full value of the flax crop. In addition to realizing a snug sum from the seed , the liber , properly \vovon and greased , -possesses all the persuasive power of hemp as a specific for crime. The number of foul murders recently committed in the state opens up a rich field for the llax industry. THIS money has boon raised for lay ing a telegraphic cable from Snn Fran cisco to the Sandwich islands. From that point it is merely a question of a short time when telegraphic communi cation will bo established with Japan , China and Australia. Wo shall have nn electric gtrdlo around the world within the next three years. ARIZONA propobes to hold a constitu tional convention next winter for the purpose of giving expression to the movement for statehood. The people of that territory possess the rare fac ulty of getting what they go after. If they cannot got statehood pcacably , they nro fully competent to "hold up" the union and walk in without an invi tation. THE fame of the American engineer Is evidently not circumscribed by the Atlantic seaboard or Pacific slope. The recent completion of a great railroad prldgo across the Uawkesbury river , In Australia , is a tribute to his genius. While the contract secured for building c. now artificial harbor at Yokahoma , in competition with the engineers of Eng land and Franco , speaks well for his en terprise and ability. THE graduates of the Omaha high school will listen , to-day , to what cor responds In colleges to the baccalau reate sermon. Within iv few days they will colobrnto their commencement , and the ceremonies peculiarly nppropriato to close their school days. The occasion is ono ot hopefulness where tlio future looks radiant and the world as inviting as a garden of roses. This should there fore bo a red-letter wool : for those young people , and they will look back upon it in years to come aa a pleasant laud mark in their lives , THF.UE is a striking contrast between the assessment of railroad property in Douglas county , Nebraska , and PotUi- wattninio county , Iowa. The returns of the Iowa board show that there are ono hundred and twenty-five miles ot rail road in the latter county , with an as sessed valuation ot ono million seven hundred thirty-four thouBand ono hun dred and sixty-four dollars , or a fraction Joss than fourteen thousand dollars per tnllo. In Douglas county the state board reports ono hundred and six miles ol roa"d , valued at seven hundred and soy only-six toousand and eighty-throe dollars lars , or an average of seven thousand three hundred aud twenty-one dollars per mile , nearly halt the assessed valua tion in Iowa. This is a remarkable con trast to say the least. It shows that the railroads hava few profitable friend : in oftlco In Nebraska. FOR CHILDREN. Boston hns recently opened a great playground for her school children in ono of the largo parka ot the city. It consists of thirty acres , arranged for all kinds of slinplo , healthful , children's panics , nnd on the occasion of its dedi cation tiino thousand school children participated in the exorcises. Tnls txdmtrablo oxnmplo is to bo fol lowed in Brooklyn , whore n society has boon organized for the pur- uoso of securing action by the city authorities for the establish ment of playgrounds for tno children. Referring to the Boston playgrounds , the Advertiser of that oily Bays : "Why should not every city provide some simple , wholesome and inexpensive amusement for its llttlo folks ? Play Is no less necessary to a boy or girl than pure air or nutritious food. It Is an in dispensable condition of health. No ono doubts , or Iho number who doubt is small , that a municipality does no moro than its duty in main taining a board of health whoso functions include the oversight of drainage , attention to the sanitary state of dwellings , and efforts to pre vent contagion. Kvon putting aside all considerations of youthful pleasure , and regarding the subject in its bearings upon public health , thoroare , strong reasons for claiming that aueh , an in stitution as the playstoad la required in order to promote the public health. The wise physician will not hesitate to predict that the death rate among chil dren might bo noticeably diminished if every boy and girl in the crowded cen ters of population "could have a spacious playground. " The reasons for such an Institution in Boston or Brooklyn are doubtless much moro urgent than in smaller cities like Omaha , particularly in the matter of the health of the children , but from the standpoint of pleasure and morals a children's playground would bo found a good thing in every considerable city. It would attract to the enjoyments of its privileges hundreds of children who must otherwise find their plonsuro in the streets and among associations moro or less corrupting and demoraliz ing. There is a suggestion for our park commissioners in the action of Boston in providing a place specially dedicated to tlio play and pleasures ot its children. While they are considering plans for a system of parks they may wisely and properly give borne thought to particu lar provision for the enjoyment and welfare of the children of Omaha , the number of whom not a great many years t > cnca will bo as largo as the juveniln population ot Boston is at this time. Undoubtedly piny-grounds for children will in a few years bo an institution of most of the large cities of the country. The plan has everything to commend it. Omaha is about to take its first s op in establishing "breathing places" for its population , and among the valuable suggestions il will receive , that which Boston has just furnished should receive the careful consideration it obviously merits. . /I STUDY OF SUICIDE. Statistics show that suicide is in creasing in nearly all countries with terrible rapidity. In the July number of Tiie Popular Science Jfonthly , Dr. Charles W. Pilgrim presents a study of the subject of voluntary death , pro ducing the statistics of two French in vestigators which show that in most European countries the number of suicides to each million inhabitants has within various periods of from twenty to sixty years generally doubled , and in some cases troblod. Austria , Prussia , the smaller Gorman states and Franco show the larg est increase , while Italy , Spain and Ireland show the lowest number. England docs not show the alarming increase of the leading continental countries , on account , it is supposed , of her moro settled social condition. The French statisticians express a doubt as to the reliability of tlioir statistics showing an increase of suicides in the Uuftcd States , on account of its rapidly increasing population , but Dr. Pilgrim thinks that any ono who will pay atten tion to the subject will bo convinced that a marked increase is annually tak ing place in this country. Besides dissipation , reverses of for tune and overwork , love , jealousy and remorse play an important part in the etiology of self-destruction. The statistics presented show that mules oxcocd females in the proportion of four to ono. Other interesting facts are that when .marriage is childless the number of suicfdes is doubled in men and trebled in women , and that mater nal love diminishes the number of sui cides among widows with children by ono-third over those of childless unions. While the excess of male over female suicides is true in general , Dr. Pilgrim says it certainly is not the case in those who are insane. His own experience has led him to believe that suicidal tendencies in the insane nro quite as frequent among women ns among men , and the former frequently show the moro determination and persis tence. In the outside world men load more exciting lives and are subject to greater mental strain than women , nnd it la therefore natural that they should moro frequently resort to suicido. Another probable reason for the com parative infrequency of suicide among women is that they are hotter endowed with religious fervor and possess n larger share of hope. Only in India and Japan does this rule fail to hold good , the number of suicldos among women in those countries being twice as great as among men , a fuel which boars striking witness to the hard ships of woman's lot in countries re moved from the inlluencea of civiliza tion. tion.Tho months in which the fewest sui cides occur , as shown by tlio statistics are October nnd November , while the greatest number occur in April , May and 'Juno , July and September alsc have a goodly share , the latter possess ing a peculiar fascination for women. . This refutes Die old idea that suicides occur most frequently in damp ant gloomy weather. Another remarkable factls that the progressive increase and decrease in the number of suicldoi coincide with the lengthening am the shortening of the days. It is alsu on established fact that the mort rugged natures ot men impel them to seek coarser means of solf-dostruotlon. such ns the revolver , the razor and the rope , while women , on the contrary , seldom resort to measures which they Ihink will disfigure them , and there fore most frequently nook death by poisoning , asphyxia , or drowning. Con sidering the question , Is suicide an evidence of insanity ? Dr. Pilgrim says cases innumerable might bo eltod where persons of undoubted sanity have com mitted suicide for tlio purpose of escap ing punishment , fluttering or disgrace. In fact , a great many of the suicides of which wo daily road , probably the ma jority can not bo considered duo to cerebral diseases , but must bo looked upon rather as the result of social hnvs , combined with false training nnd edu cation. The recently published report of the board of health of Now York city sup plies statistics showing that during the past eight years there has boon no- crease in the average number of sui cides in that city , although Iho popula tion has boon steadily increasing , and the fact Is attributed to the moral effect of the law enacted in 1831 making ah nttompt tit suicide a crime. The majority of suicides in Now York tire persons of foreign birth , the proportion being two-thirds foreign and ono-third native. The Germans , and more es pecially those from the northern part of the Gorman empire , head the list , and about two-flflhs of the number of suicides are Germans. Italy nnd Ire land show u falling olT. while Bohemia and Belgium show nn increase. The list of suicides for Ihe past three months shows no ono of English birth , nor was there a suicide among the enormous Hebrew population , drawn chiolly from Russia , Hungary and Poland. The number of suicides in Now York among thoao born in the United States is relatively lower than it used to bo , nnd there are feW cases of self-destruction among colored men or colored women. The fact that the advance of popular enlightenment and the increase in all the advantages of a higher civiliv/vtion do not diminish the number of parsons who sock relief from the "slingd and arrows of outrageous fortune" in self- destruction , but , on the contrary , the lists of such annually grow larger , may well challenge the earnest attention of moralists and .siHologlsts. AMIMiCAX' STYLE I If ENQLAXD. American methods and manners ara taking .strong root in England. There is a harmony of design tmd detail in the oiHciul acts of both countries which evi dences a common parentage. T.vo re cent events illustrate this striking sim ilarity. The Duke of ISdiiiburg , while playing the role of admiral othis mother's navy , sent ono of his majesty's high-priced ironclads to the bottom , oil the coast of Malta. The wreck was tlio result of in- competency and royal imbecility , and popular sentiment demanded that the duke should bo tried and punished like the commonest mortal. This cry did not meet with royal favor. The iluko wits ordered home to receive his reward , was greeted with honors duo a hero instoal of a wrecker , and instead of being court- martialed , was decorated by ins mamma with the Order of the Biith. A year ago a prominent public oltichil disappeared from Chicago. Ho had robbed the public treasury , rioted on the wealth of the community , and lied to Canada when exposure came. In dictment , trial and conviction had no terrors for him. Ho bided his time , knowing that its mellowing effect would sooner or later work out his salvation. And ho was not mistaken. Tlio success of his rascally methods and his remark able csciipo made him friends among that largo and growing class which looks upon money , however obtained , as the Omega of human endeavor. Disreputa ble deeds wore forgotten , witnesses dis appeared and the sharp tooth of justice was plucked out by purse'vorlng friends. Returning to his native shoroa , a few weeks ago , his former prosecutor greeted him cheerfully , and escorted him into court like a returned con queror. Even the judge could scarcely restrain his enthusiasm until n trilling fine was imposed. Ho further honored his guest by adjourning oouit and join ing with the crowd in congratulating the victorious crook. These instances servo to show that American progress finds worthy imitat ors in the old world. America has her McGuriglo , England her Duke of Edin- burg. What moro is needed to cement the friendship of the English speaking nations ? THREE NEW UNIVERSITIES , The educational facilities of America will boon bo materially augmented by the addition of throe great universities which create an epoch in the educa tional world. They are the Stanford university at Palo Alto , California , the Clark university , at Worcester , Massa chusetts , and the Rockefeller university , soon to bo erected in Chicago. All those institutions have boon richly endowed by the gift of millions , and will embrace in their purpose the higher education of our people along the lines of intellec tual progress. Great expectations are built on the Buccossof the Stanford uni versity , which is to carry out the prob lem of industrial education on u grand scale. It will bo the first university to cast of ! traditional exclusive literary training and give pro-eminence to in dustrial art. The Clark university , ol Worcester , which opens its doors this fall , is planned much after the Johns Hopkins university , of Balti more. Its purpose will bo to maintain the highest possible academic standards and give the best inducements for research into the sci. enccs and arts. It will freely utilize the experiences both of Europe und America , and will adopt now measures and innovations helpful to the highest needs ot modern culturo. For that reason Clarlc university will supplement rather than duplicate the work of the best colleges of the east , and thus se cure their good will and support. Of the aim of the Rockefeller university of Chicago no definite scheme has boon as yet devised. Nevertheless , it is likely to become ouo of the loadinc colleges of the west , nnd to follow out to a great oxtonLtuD evolution in edu cation now in P80 < h"0s3 , nol nlono in America , but In Europe. Certainly no moro signiflcmit.'proof can bo given of the progress ol tljbl American people than in the fouiftlliig of universities of this character 41 Tins growth of loan nnd building as sociations in tl > F United States during the past few years nas boon phonomo- * nnl. It is estimated , in the absence of reliable olllchtl datnnlito to the fact that many of the states dfnotoxorclso super vision ever building associations , that their number is not loss than three thousand , with a capital of at least two hitndiod millions. Tno opportunities afforded to men of limited moans to acquire a , comfortable home through these associations have made them deservedly - sorvodly ropular. They have consequently quently boon of great bonellt , and apart from exceptional cases have been man aged with rare skill and judgment. That they will continue to multiply and increase tholr usefulness there etui bo litllo doubt. What is pDCullnr nnd re- marknblo moreover about those build ing associations is that they are con fined to no particular sacllon of the country. They are found in tlio thickly settled cities of the east as well as in the rapidly growing towns of the west , and thnir inlluunco Is moro potent in Now York , Philadelphia and Boston than in Chicago , Minneapolis or Omaha. Jn view ot the grout sums of money entrusted to building associa tions , the various states nro propsrly taking cognizance of Ihoir o.vidtonco. Laws have been mused bringing their operations under the supervision of state ollicors and in other ways making thism as much amenable to the hw s as savings banks and other fiduciary trusts. The extension of state control ever building associations , while it may hamper their freedom of action , is ncvertholosj a protection to the .share holders and for that reason is regarded with favor. Till ! controvorsv between the Union Pacific and the locomotive ongineeers and liremcn has undergone a change for the better , and there is reason to believe Unit a peaceful settlement will bo had. Wo congratulate the brother hoods on this favorable turn of affairs. A. settlement of thu arbitra tion will materially ntrengUion the orders in the estimation of the public , and remove the danger of a strike , which would have been costly if not ( liustrous to the company and the men , and to the entice1 s\vest. The action will exert a far-teaching influence in favor of arbitration ns a just and hon- or.iblo means of settling controversies between labor aijd capita ! . THK death of Johtt'oubert ' , the noted Boston actor , rouioVoa from the stage ono of its brightest ornaments ana ono of its truest gentlemen. For the nast quarter of a conUiry Hhis gifted man delighted - lighted the audionccs of New York and Bo-.ton ospeoiailyjjwj h his line dolini- ation of the characters ) found only in the classic old faahoyl. comedies. Hia " Sir Peter Tea7.le. in "The School for Scandal , " and his * Sir Anthony Abso lute in "Tho Rivals" were unsurpassed and hs ! name will bo associated with his creations as closely as that of Booth with Hamlet , or Salvini with Lear. Tin : wearisome struggle between the syndicate and the Bottlers on the Dos Monies river hinds is no nearer settle ment than during Cleveland's adminis tration. The hopss of the settlers are now centered on congress , and it is con fidently expected that a bill will bo p.isseJ to compensate them. There is reason to' believe that President Harri son agrees with Cleveland on the legal aspect of the caso. and relief can only como through an appropriation to pay for improvements on the land. Hiv "tJoi . " \v n > Tocctlior. St. LoHlt'dlulic-Dsmnrrat. "Get together" is the present rallying cry of tlio democrats. I et somebody call out "What'll you tnkoi' and ace how rapidly they will concentrate. l null Successful. Hnlttmme Ameitean , High licunso it strong because it is practi cal. It is .supported because its effective- lies'- bus been proved. It gains headway because it is an acknowledged success. \Vouniloil by I'l-ctoirlcd Friomls. Kama * Mtii Jirtniil. Ireland has many times in tlio past suffered deeply Irom these whom she had a ricrbt to expect wore her friends , and thn Cronln case is another example of it. She may well say , "Save mo from my friends. " OlijcolR to Holnc Swallowed. I'lithulclplita Heconl. The eeneral verdict of the democracy ap pears to bo Unit there is room enough in the party for Mr. Samuel Jacltson Handall , but not enough room In Mr. S.unucl Jack&ou for the party. 6 ProlUlu JUr. WooJriiff. intf/ilii'j.'im / 1'iut. From the multiplicity of Ills confessions as to who Itlllea Dr. Cronln , the haunting suspicion burrows in , the public br.iln that the Hon. Horsethiefj YVpodruff is working on space rates. _ i _ _ i it 1 1 An KxpciLSlvti Ijiixury. According to a' ' Atntcinent by Governor Beaver , it costs VL < iQartor of n million of dollars to call tlio , Poniiylvunla | legislature together in extra' ' jiessjon. If it costs so much to harness < up a tram of this kind , what must it cost to Vldolln it ? Education is Uu.iiop ulur In Georgia. Atlanta , ( , Vn tiiloii. ( ( ( Wo are not ready for-compulsory educa tion , and the masses of our people never will bo reaiiy for a Byston Which comjxjls them to board and clotlia iojijhHdrcn of the poor and thriftless durin a spliool year of thirty- flvo weeks , < ' Truth liiMwocn the Lines. Ctitcaqo Trtljune. Christopher Columbus is about to bo hon ored by * u now and elegant { monument in Now York city. * A proposition for. ( Design for a. AVlint AVe llnvo Gained at Berlin. San Franctoco CUronMe. Whether Mallctoa is reinstated or whether Germany receives a money Indemnity IB ttornothlufc which really concerns the United States but llttlo , except Insomuch as those things form part and parcel of the country's Jiit&a proposed programme of status nnd arrange ment. The great point Is that this country has shown n settled foreign policy , nnd that It Is m such n position thnt when It makes any decided demands nnd backs up those de mands by an unswerving exposition of tholr Just'co they m-G bound W bo respected , tflicro Is no buncombe In all this , It Is the proof of the country's ' self-respect ; It Is the preserva tion of our dignity ns n nation. A Kortuimto nilstmrt. SI. l.nuli lltiwlMe. "Tho Lord mndo mo nnd then lost the pattern , " says the Hov. Sam Small. Thanks bo to the Lordl The Ilnvtirn Halr-1'tilllr.E. CJitcaao 'Hmut. Although Mr. Hlpnolyto 1ms taken to Iho hllU of Hnytl ho Is null very much In the ring , nnd Mr. Lcgltlmo doesn't mnko very much progress in crushing out his following. In tlu ) Interest of humanity Undo Sam should step in nnd put nn end to the bnrbnrous affair by knocking Hlppol.vto's mid LcRltlmo's heads together till they couldn't think. But Undo Sam Is selfish old chap who doesn't tnko very much interest in outside humanity even in his kindliest moods. Not n \ilr l Shnlcp. That Missouri ilostor who has challoncrod hU neighbor , n lawyer , to a duel with boxvio knives to settle n dispute concerning n recent game cf biso : ball , is clearly seeking a menu ndvantngo. It is much ns if the lawyer were to challenge the doctor to u lawsuit In n branch of leal prastico wherein the lawyer was nn oiurt. | A Morn Appropriate Term. Cftinta * TribHHt. Tno chnngo of the word "Indications" to "forecast" in the dully oftlci.U bulletin of the signal .Horvico department has not boon fol lowed by any soothing influence on the wojithcr. hi point of fact the weather up- poara to grow inora hardened , reckless , nnd wiswblo every day. Lot General Grooly try the word "gucsaua" nwhllo. The tlitnnlcr Simility. Cfncfnn-itf UiiminmtiWattttc. The Indiana supreme court decided thnt Sundry shaving and hair cutting are networks works of necMsily. LJoot blacking nnd bath ing will prob.ibly como next under the list of luxuries thnt van bo dispensed with. How , then , about smokiiu ; ami reading newspapers , nnd eating restaurant meals nnd riding on the cms to church ! It is possible the reform will advunco so far ns to strike n btono wall und rebound. Growl ni : Uncle.vnrd. . lfanvi ( " ( ( [ / Timti. A Kansas prohibition nowspuporsecsmuch comlort in the Pcnnsylvntiin election , nnd declares that "n vitnl solemnly ( living princi ple can not bo lightly sot nsldo , nnd it will bo successful in n few years. It has taken root , it is bolng watered by the precious en deavors of good men nnd women everywhere , .who wori : without money nnd without price. " Thirty years iiio ( Pennsylvania dofsutcd pro hibition by 30.0JJ majority. Lost Tuesday the majority ngtiinst prohibition was nearly two hundred thousand. At this rule , how soon will this vital principle show re sults of rooting und watering ) HERE ANDJ-HERE. It is quite evident thnt the Nebraska bank ing law is sure death to wildcats. Four casks of imported wino hnvo escaped through the Oiiiuhn custom house. The quantity is tint sufilcient , however , to ma terially diminish the printing of foreign la bels at home. With Khodo Island piled on Pennsylvania nnd both piled on prohibitionists , it is nbout time for these misguided agitators to pause and inquire ' 'Water wo here for ? " That nncient and thrilling conundrum , "Weather nro we drifting , " has lost its po tent charm in Omaha. Tncro has not been an open ruction in the county bonrd for nearly two weeks , nnd the English language is gradually convales cing. cing.After After n brief but interesting experience , Alderman Ford proposes to retire from the banking business nnd devote his entire time to thu interests of the city. The dully literary efforts of the slsn service bureau nro to bo rcchristcned "fore casts. " The new title will not change the quality nor increase the quantity of truth which occasionally percolates through the bulletins. With the public they will remain "improbabilities. " One hundred nnd tlfty thousand dollars of hard government dollars nro nbout to bo blown Into the Missouri at this point. There is no moro effective way of disposing of the surplus. It will prevent an overflow of the treasury nnd nn overflow of the Missouri , nnd produce n few delightful golden eddies in locnl pockets. It Is now in order for the Sioux to christen ' 'Muii-Afraid-of-His-IInir. " Crook . General - - - - Thu fact that there is not enough hair on las pate to whet n sculp knife gives him peculiar influence ever the redskins , who look upon u bald bend ns , the essence of "bad medi cine. " The average Indian Is level-headed. Unterpriso nnd generosity nro cbnractcr- istics of the street sweeping contractors. They don't care n continental for expense , if they can sncurn the approbation of the pub- lie. l ow nnd novel improvements nro nbout to bo introduced. Plush nnd velvet night caps nro to bo placed on the brushes , so as to turn the soul-harrowing whirr of the machine into n soft , seductive lutlnby for the solo benefit of the slumbering _ nris- tocracy of St. Mary's avenue. Hereafter street sweeping will bo n serenading party a Houlnngcr march in mellow tones. The report thnt Icnuorgs have made tholr appearance on the Atlantic is premature , At last accounts Charles Francis Adams was In Hoston. The Volupuk club , of Boston , is about to .disband , being un.iblo to find n president possessing the necessary versatility to ehapo its destinies. It is unfortunnto that Sulll- vnn is temporarily engaged in an effort to Kllrnln. An eastern weather prophet predicted a vvoolc of severe storms , culminating in a lifo-sizo cyclone. The storms failed to con nect , but a spirited runaway team collided with the prophet and smashed him as effect ually ns n rotating ruin. Providence moves in mysterious ways His mercies to perform. The fata of rod-handed Nick Foley , who broke ills nock by plunging oft a bridge In Antelope county , is n crude but effective mode of dispensing justice. Drldgo jumping can not bo commended as a legal ceremony , but it Is swift , cheap nnd wholesome. As long as the courts shelters murderers , as long ns money can purchase freedom for the foulest of assassins , the people must culti vate bridges as n moans .of self-protection , AS OTHERS SEE US. But Ono I2yo is Open. H'dUiie Oazelte. TUB OMAHA UBB still frantically clamors for an Omaha & Vankton railroad , but with very llttlo prospects of ever securing ono before the archangel toots his horn. Gabriel Is the only porsonngo who could woUo up tbo sleepy Oinnhogs. Anything For uu Advnrtlsoiuunt. Kearney Hub , Omaha la jealous because Dr. Spur peon inado a favorable comparison ot Chicago to London. If the English prelate would only say thnt Omnhn U some better than Babylon thnt city would smllo. Tlio 1'roscnt Korco Good Ltnfnln Jo mild t , If some ono of the Omnlm papers could scctiro the rclonso of Woodruff nnd then on- Knjco his services as circulation swearer , It would distance nil Us vile contemporaries In a month's ' time. All depends on the agility and capacity of tlio Itiir employed. Anile Will Hnvo 'Km. Chtcmo Tribune , A slto lins nt last bcon selected for Omaha's now custom house , nnd nothing is now lackIng - Ing to complete the happiness of that city except n million dollar hotel andChicago's UOR trndo. _ , . COUNTRY BREEZES. or Hon. \\ilparattoTi \ tonne. 11. W. Kiddle , of Cresco , is n man thnt has plnycd the Rllnkor with the Tribune nnd loft us In the hole for several years' subscription by removing his residence. Never mind , Bon , wo'll catch you yet. Ilnlp thu Killtor. Gretiui Dctnocntt. Do not bo afraid to toll the editor of nny news you might pot on to ; because ho cannot bo nroiiml nil the time nnd neglect , his onico duties. Besides , do not expect too much from him when you do not care to do much yourself. The nbove Is inennt for the other fellow , bocaiHo wo know you do all you can to help your uaper along ; wo know you do not hunt for mistake * nnd Inugh over them , because wo know you could do better. A ' .Treacherous Memory. H'JI/HT / 7emi/ifenii. / ! Last week some ovll genius worked sad hnvou with the intentions of yo Republican local scribo. To huvo the privilege of record ing the matrimonial alliance of two of our most highly respected young people , nnd to have thnt privilege frustrnted by memory that treacherously informed him that every thing had boon treated' , caused him to deslro to shoulder the responsibility onto fnte , uud put in consiclorablo time earnestly regretting the omission. TRIBUTES TO ENTERPRISE. It Is n nCrete Crete Tine 13ni : Is n newspaper and deserves success. Most Mucked SHOCOIS. . VaiiUim J'/c-is ( Did Dj/f / linn. Tin : OMAHA HUB celebrated its eighteenth anniversary by .occupying its largo and handsome - some now building , n monument to ono of the most marked newspaper successes in the west. _ An Oucnsion to bo Proud Of. Stmtrutlutfa.i Journal. . Kihvnrd Kosowator the proudest man In Omnhn on Wednesday evening ns ho sat at thu head of the table tn the now building of Tun BIK. : And well ho might bo. The new bui'ding ' is a splendid monument to his wonderful industry and notable success. Deserved Prosperity. Kansas Cttu Journal. THE OMAHA Hin celebrated its eighteenth anniversary by .moving Into its elegant now building. THE BIE is to bo congratulated upon this deserved evidence of Its prosper ity. It is u live , wide awake paper in every sense of the word , nnd is a great credit to the city it so ably represents. Untiring Industry Did It. Washington IK ( . The history of THE HISE is a history of untiling Industry , of far-sighted enterprise , and of uploudid management on tnu part of its proprietor , Mr. KosewnteiY to whom the Post extends its special congratulations uuon the extraordinary success which has crowned his nowspaocr career , ana of which the Bee building is u noble monument. nouljly Ucwnrdoil. Davtnpoi tla. ) ncnncrat-OaiMc. Tun OMAHV UIH celebrated its eighteenth anniversary by occupying its now seven- story building nnd entertaining its friends. The editor and proprietor , 13. Rosewntor , has succeeded in making u fortune and n most excellent newspaper nt the same time , and now , in the prime of life , ho can enjoy the ono and direct the affairs of the other. Tun 13nu is the most prosperous newspaper property m Nebraska. Heaping Its Kcxv.ird. Kansas C/lj / ; Star. Tnn linn richly deserves its splendid suc cess. Its helpful influence in building up the city of Omaha and in the advancement of every enterprise which has promoted the welfare ot Nobrnskn has been recogtuzod by a liberal support which has placed the paner upon n thoroughly substantial footing. Its independent tone nnd fearless policy has in creased Its power nnd enlarged its capabili ties for good. Its friends , and they nro many , sincerely congratulate TUB BKB upon the celebration of its eighteenth birthday under such happy auspices. An Idyl of the Uorkslilra Hills. AViett II. Ilaidu. in Jlaiton Glolie , A country boy by the old stone wall , That keeps the meadow and road apart , Stnnds handsome and manly and strong and tall ; And sturdy is ho as the maple tree That's by hli side. For Sam Is young Anil his honest heart Is as light nnd tree As the bird that sings in the summer skies. Ho looks far off o'er the distant hills , While a soft light shines in his hazel eyes ; And loaning there by the meadow wall , Ho gives this sweat , familiar call : "Ho boss ! ho boss ! ho boss I" Now to manhood grown , and the bells sound Hxvcet As the cows como slowly from out the wood ; And ho leaves the wall nnd hurics to moot The mlld-oyod creatures , for they nil know The timid that strikes them as they pass Along the road where the daisies grow. And each ono stands by the cow-vurd barn Seeming well content with the stroni ; brown hand That milks them there 'ncath the summer stars ; And Sam's eyes look love as ho sings ngaln The wcU-romoinbored , sweet refrain , "Ho boss ! ho boss ! ho boss ! " 'Twas n day in June , such as poets love , There by his side a fair girl stands , And the Hying clouds In tlio sky above Boom to play at forfeits with the sun. How well Sam knows that n lover's heart Throbs 'noath hla coat , nnd that every one Of the clover blossoms in the fleld Is breathing to him nn old love-song , And that every bud n Joy can yield. So the muldon there by the broken wall Takes up and sings the old-tlmo call , "Ho boss I ho boss I ho boss ! " Once moro Sam stands by the meadow bars With his wlfo besldo him , nnd her arms Enfold n dear form , whoso baby pruto Is sweeter to them than the brook's gay song As it Hews nwny at the foot of the hill. Happy they wait , for they know ere long The cows will como from the meadow nlde So Bam caresses his little son , While the young wlfo looks with Jo.r and prldo ; And a piping voice o'er the old stouo wall Ju t breathes in baby notes the call , "Ho boss ! bo bout ho bog . ° NKA * " * * - * ' ECONOMIC QUESTIONS. 1. The Use orCnpltnl. In economic discussions the attention of the public has , of late , been directed principally to the controversies be tween capital nnd labor ; to the claims that the produce is unjustly distri buted. And slnco the laborers are con tinually demanding Increased wages , it is generally implied that the share of the capitalist has boon growing rela tively as well as absolutely. It this deduction bo true , it is only so because the incessant augmentation of capital has progressed moro rapidly than the numbers in the ranks of the wago- workors. Whether the laborer has obtained moro or toss , it is evident that the interest of capital is steadily decreasing. In the west the rate has dropped from 12 and 10 per cent to 0 per cent upon good se curity , The city of Now York has recently - contly borrowed money at loss than 21 per cent , and there Is no doubt that the imtional government could h : o ob tained all it desired at equally good terms. About 2J per cent then , may bo termed the current rate of interest ; for what , in any case , is paid above that amount , must bo looked upon as insur ance for the risk attendant upoa loss solid security Tins is a clear illustra tion of the tendency of interest to fall with every advance in material pro gress. Capital that was in vested youra ago , may still receive its largo rotuniH , but the favorable openings have all boon occupied , and now in vestments must bo satisfied with small profits. Wo may oven now begin to in quire to what goal this fall in the rate of interest is tending. It has boon shown by the statistician of the Inter-state Commerce commission , that taking into consideration all the railroad stock of this country , the avor- .ngo dividend is nothing. How then are the investors remunerated ? By various schemes , other than dividends. The manipulation and watering of stock , on the ono hand ; construction companies , soft contracts with last freight lines , on the other. But the most prevalent method is the solf-om- ployment of the stockholder at a fat salary. Not only this , but the same person oftun draws salaries for filling at the same time offices of the main com pany and nlso of the dependent lines. Thin may probably show the advantage of the possession of capital. This may atTord remuneration when the rate of Interest has fallen to- almost nothing. While capital is indispcnsiblo to pro duction , its abundance may bring it about that the chief advantage to bo reaped from its possession will bo the self-employment of the possessor. VlCTOll ROSttWATKIU FOR PEOPLE WHO THINK. The Interior oT Africa is gradually coining within the domain of civilization. The latest cvidonco of this fact is offered by u proposition which 1ms gained strong head way among foreign financiers , n proposition to build a railway between Matadi and Stanley pool. The routn suggested is entirely - tiroly in the Congo free state , and the esti mated cost is 25,000,003 franus , wo-ilftha of the stock is to bo taken by tlio Belgian government , but the control of the road will bo international. The projectors are con vinced of the feasibility of the scheme , and they sot forth an array of figures to prova that it can not fail to yield peed returns ujxm the investment. All. these govern ments nro , of course , solicitous for the wcl- faro of the dear natives whoso lands and goods they are anxious to take euro of in the tlio unmo of civilization and progress , saya the Chicago Times. It is probable , however , that the opening up of the country will bo uroiluciivo of benefit to the blacks in certain directions. The infamous shwo tradc.agamst whoso illegal and barbarous existence Pope Leo recently felt called upon to protest to the .European powers , will no longer cncluro when tlio country is honoycombea with rail roads and commerce bears the light of civlll- Eation into a district which has boon Infested by traders in human flesh and which has thus far known nothing of civilization except Its elements of craft , vileneas nnd violence , The revolution us to matters of faith , which was foreshadowed in the recent deliberations of the Prcsbyterinn general assembly in New York , does not appear to bo confined to this country. The Scottish Free Church nssom- lily shows all tlrt ) signs of the samu revolu tionary tendency. Last month it elected Or. Mnrcus Dods , professor of new testament exegesis In its Edinburg college , by n vote of BS3 to 103. The significance of this notion np- pears in the record of the same assembly in 1878 , which at that time condemned Dr. Dods nnd his views "us limiting the sphere nnd lowering the idea of inspiration. " The doc tor was publicly censured and ordered to withdraw his objectionable statements , which ho did , though ho never rocantnd , and now , only eleven years later , ho Is triumph antly olcctod ever his orthodox competitors to n position where his doctrines must carry special authority and exert widespread In ' fluence. Thus nil the world over , snys the Chicago cage Tribune , there is manifest n disposi tion to question the inheritances of faith nnd to bring the olcMInu doctrines forward where they can bo examined in the light of progress nnd roulothod in tlio garb of modern thought and diction. Probably there will bo timid souls who will regard this harmonizing of ro- llglous and scientific thought as tending to weaken the position of tlio church , and who can not see that It will como out of the revo lution stronger than ovor. The forward movement has begun , however. Modification of dogmas Is the order of the day In the re ligious world. It is as useless to contend agalnat it as it would have been to resist the rush of the Conemaugh torrent through the broken dam , Our colleges have become the gateways to the Inheritance of honorable muuhood. It mattered not a great dual whether a man was college educated two or three generations ago. It Is beginning to niattor a great deal now. Stricter lines nro being drawn every where , says thu Chicago Intor-Ocoan. So much Is this the case that many men who "quit school" for business now ilnd it neces sary to take special Instruction in various lines in order to nohlovo the ambition now conditions have inspired. Men who cared nothing for college themselves ara eager to snnd tholr sons and daughtcmto Institutions that will amply qualify them for the lifo struggle that advancing civilization le mak ing more dlnluult and oracling. AH a result , our collcffos are graduating moro students than over before , and woman is taking Lor proper place among tno number , Wo no longer smile patronizingly upon "awcot girl graduates. " Young women now are driving the young men u close race , and so mo of them are graduating ; at tuo hctd of rlavies in which the long tlino Imperial sex hava crammed in vain for preferment. There wlU bo wore in proportion onu * .