Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1889, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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    V J,1
. .
Eight years ago I started in the stove business in Omaha. Having been connected with the stove business and the largest dealers in the country all my life , my experience put me in a position to know what manufac
turers made the stoves that the public would choose , if they knew anything about them , The branch that I sell were not sold in Omaha when I started , because most dealers d'd not know the superiority of these goods , ana
then I had no prestige , but every stove that I sold made nie a solid customer and was a standing advertisement ? , fpr me. I prove this assertion by proving that I retail more stoves and ranges than any other firm in the city
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ' < .1 i 11 ; *
- -
andfotirteen | stove dealers failed in Omaha , including some of the largest. I often have whole families call at my
i. ! i.-.t a stove are not as gOoci as enc tiat ] does , and if they knew that a blacksmith might as well go in a drug1
ould go to the first first-class dealer and buy their stoves and be done , as the } ' will surely come out ahead in
the end. I eople that have tried my stoves know that I protect their interests at'alliiazards/and this is the cause-of my having the enormous stove trade that I have. Below I publish the names of people that have bought the'
this spring , which is simply a marvel of perfection this spring with its numerous improvements , and is so far ahead of any olhej ; gasoline stove that many manufacturers have dropped out of
the race altogether. The Quick Meal is the only gasoline stove made ( hat has never caused an accident. Many people say that carelessness is the cause of accidents , but they don't stop to think that just as careless people user"
the Quick Meal as any other and lon't have accidents , Inferior and defective stoves are the cause of nine out of ton accidents.
A I. SlmfTor , 1047 S 20th II J Staltlor , MMSSSthl .1 I ) Cornell , City Mrs Jcsup. 1035 St Mary's ave fl J Taidcc , 4th rnd Crntro I'rcd Nyc , Kdltor Itonulillcnn
MrsCholl. mnSOth OW JiiRrom , 2423 Hurt Jncoh Davloil. Rt ! South Kd Aarndlp.kllSlCth 1 LDnMP. lUUPouth UlEt MrsStntsimlt , 11218 ! 4th
IIJHnclictt , UPS811th ICocnoiniin , : wtli And Le Mrs K M ynnEom. Sttli and I'lcrco 0 co Ii llcnn , . ' 15 Capitol nvo Oli/l'llMou. ' 1KM N 11th Mr Webber , S'th and Cninei-on
J ( V llonimvlch. 47th and I'nciUo ( Jeofj I.fau/ut restaurant , lith and \V It CcoOcll , lO'.S&Ilth Mr Miller , ( KIJS Inth
.1 W ( Jlsli , with Lombard In Co OS Situ J B Vrnnwell , 4'W 8 15th Gco U King , Ufil lotifilns cor Dodgj
It McCoy , 821 8 ICth . 0 11 Tailor , Rl ) 817th C i : Attorbnry , 11W Jones K JoiH' . " , I'th ni.d Lcavowiorth S .7 > f iriicn. phnntrr. ll'th lend Nlcholns y.w nrlgijs , 840 S th
Mrs Cowncl , 8 K Cor 19th mul Mnlml \V SJardlne. Wtnnnd Podga Ir 1'nul Grossman , lith nnd Douglas OH lurnas , lilts lith AtCroWll.Lnilvrg , litli end Jt.cnveuwortn J ( liri.sttnnson.C-ith mul Plerio
Mr 8lmw , Mn'gr itnrrs DryQooodiCoSOlS Lor A Is CVtlllns. lllth nnd Centre J.I Hall , 717S ICth MissGnUcc , ems ttd W A Malta. l l SlUt A lenrd , IIX'.M null
Mrs W Camay. IWll Spcncor Mrs I , , 8 1UU . .
Alvln Ooodrlch , HiHh nnd Hurt V Lake. A N llnrrott,411 W Corinth aud lllokorr Mrs W Seller , H N Sftlt K J Aiibtln , tlSI l'nclt.o r A 11 ov. n , B W ( or Cd cud Pacific r. 1. Arntstronp , 7U N C5tU
JPTHniltU. 1KLS81MU K A Aj-orst. son Wlrt Mr W K Dlkemnt ) . IMC Corltf 'J 11 till , IKSSUth "m y < ntif,3'.ti : lltuu .1 MUcr.-i'M I'lerce
UM Mnloncy , J40 > Jncicson Mm A Anderson , ' 'in S Situ Nulls Winter , 103 ! S 84th 1 rnnk Wcouiutr. W83 rnrlfic I irltiib. mi ft Virj < i < n\o ll rd\\nrdfon.wri Pa-Ho
II 3 Chnpman , 4412 Hamilton O Krlcsel. Intb nnd Howard Mr UldiUon , iKSiOhlo Jllsi JInry Cox. Thu Kr rbarh MM 1 o'li'Kw.'il S.Mir I t'llllul" . ) .TU rnlOMo
3 K Krnnkltn. JWSf.tU John M ( Jould , Snyinour Park ' v 1 .1 r'.cArllc. 1Mb i nd Miaon Jim. Sundull. . tn mid 1 i < : tvci\\orili .1 8 ( Jii-'Etuhucn. l : i ; oraco
A O Kv.ins , tad nuil Lothrop Chns Hoii. WtlHlMh AVH Armsl 'JNl'.th W8 fciiAcr , tldii crj-cllio , i'd ! nmlGraco T'j iuii.ii < r , oUli i Hcunid A K ll .otii. 14Mri 1.1th
J A I'nuley , ISIS Cuss > t A Haulct. 401 N 111th Oi oV llnnkon , t.'O S tTd N 1' aitpc , U1U1N until * ra , 'oliniu n , , olu > on 11 * , f ! ; atH Win l'omiiiii"- . iuria lain
Andrew KInulh , seth nndPlorco .7 w Honder , 1N17 Corliy ( Jus Kucjmo. baker. II th nnd BtMnry's nvo 0 1C ITOV. ii. Wth Win I'lcmttig II t < I im.rt ; J'lt ! > i th A Smith , i siskin
Win UladlMi , 12tn and Dodge lUruga ] It W , : r > 3t I'opplcton nvo Miss Helen U llson , ! ! A1i ? turunin Attorniy Ar.ibro" , Sill ) . a * II I ots i : < tif iUh f A Ilurklol , (1SN ( 17th
Louis U rioirer , 813 3 ICth \Vm linlm.-4th mid Howard Mrs O K Strong , I'M S 17th U , nil SUM 1 W U IHhuk , Walnut Hill
p p'tiwrv" * , . fcyvc"fwi 'jQv. '
thl. u < V / K > wumMW
The Annual Mooting of tbo Masonic
Grand Lodgo.
Review of tlio Worlc Accomplished at
tlio Supreme Council of the
Ancient Order of United
ninsonlo Grant !
The grand ledge of Nebraska , which was
In session m this city from Wednesday until
Friday nlcht , was mainly orcuplcd in con-
sldcriugroutinomattors of minor Importance ,
i this grand Jurisdiction being In such ex
cellent shape that very little important legis-
* J latlon was required , thanks to the efficiency
of the grand ledge officers. A most creditable -
' < able showing was made a * to the Increase In
'c membership and the state of the treasury.
r The secretary's affairs were also In excellent
i' shape.
[ } Perhaps ono of the most important things
{ which came up for consideration was the re-
i ' port of the committee on the Masonic homo.
\ ! This , It is held , Is undoubtedly the proper
, f 7)1000 for It , ns in the very nature of things
( f 'there will bo tenfold the demand for It hero
! compared with the necessity for such an in-
r | atitution at any other point in the state.
, * The number of delegates was large , and
r fell were faithful In attendance at the meet-
K Ings. Altogether they were a fine nppear-
[ i Ing body of men , and ably represented their
irt * various lodges. The very best of feeling
\ pervaded the assembly at all times , and a
great many questions were disposed of In
! the short1 time the ledge was in session ,
The drive about the city was highly on-
i > Joyed , and as nearly all of the delegates
V wrero'wcll acquainted In the city , the ride
II seemed to renew old nssociotions and fa
rt mllar scones.
1.1 Too greater part of the delegates departed
' for their homes Friday , although some re-
I malued longer to transact private business.
I , Not a dissenting voice was heard on the
n proposition to bold the next session of the
K : grand lodge in this city.
| i { Wymoro lodge. No. 10-1 , presented Past
I Master E. C. WIlcox with a past master's
K gold badge in token of the esteem in which
tt , lie was hold by the lodco over which ho had
' presided since its formation to the present
K time. Tlio presentation took place in the
K' Touzalln hotel on the evening of Juno 17 ,
fc the speech being made by Dr. S. H. Craig.
| r Mr. Wilcox was n delegate to tbo grand
f' lodge meeting in this city.
k A CnthodrulJcdIcatcd. *
R j Last Monday evening the beautiful now
I' , cathedral of the Scottish rite bodies in Coun-
I -.ell Bluffs wns duly dedicated. The Scottish
I' , ) Rlto Mnsons belonging to this consistory
I , Vnumber about seventy , and they nro. among
I jjtho best citizens and most neilvo Mnsnns.
I1' VThey recently procured the old Bloom &
I'-f . ( Nixon's hull , which extends from Pearl
| > etroot to Main street. This has been wholly
| ? changed and newly fitted throughout. Tho.
I. entrance Is on Pearl street. This nnd
1 the stairwny has bcon painted , papered
By and carpeted. Before reaching the cathedral
U proper ono passes through numerous
onto-rooms , hallways and a largo banquet
mL" ball. Keception rooms , paraphernalia rooms ,
K mysteriously locked apartments are duly pro-
f Vided , thus furnishino all the needed con-
Hi Tcnloncos for the proper working of tlio so-
I crot rites. The cathedral proper Is one of
the most attractive ledge rooms in the west.
K Its hlch colling nnd walls are pleasingly
, Hecoratod , the draperies nro very rich , and ,
KV when brilliantly lighted , the hall presents a
mfi beautiful appearance indeea. The furniture
K Is all ot antique oak. The central altar
Is of red crushed velvet , with bronze col-
I umns nnd mountings. There arc various other
' pleasing adornment in the room , smaller
n \ altars of uuro white nnd gold , varied candle
sticks and suggestive emblems , The opening
of this now cathedral reflects credit upon the
Corncau bodies , as they nro familiarly called.
There was a largo attendance , many from
put of the city , nnd a number from Omaha
Being present. A portion of the evening was
spent In working degrees in the ledge of
perfection , there being several candidates.
At the close of the work a banquet was
orvod In the room provided for the purpose.
Toasts were Joyously given and responded to
nnd a merry season of soclauility followed.
Uniform Ilank K. of P.
The fourth edition ot the tactics of the
uniform rank has nppcnrcd. They have
been revised by Major-Gcncral Cnrcnban
oud made to conform more nearly to Upton's
tactics for the army. The book is smaller
and handier than the old onn , but contains
about a hundred more pages. General Car-
unban obtained permission from the heirs of
General Emory Upton to use such portions
ot Upton's tactics as might bo necessary ,
and gives notice in the preface that the booit
is copyrighted.
Snlrot Knights of America.
Considerable interest 1ms boon awakened
Jn Select Knight circles since the supreme
cglon held a special session in St. Louis and
eliminated from the nuino of the order the
letters "A. O , U. W. , " at the same time so
amending Us constitution ns to make any
white male over eighteen years of ago , of
good moral character , eligible to member
ship. There soonis to bo u diversity of
opinion as to the wUdotn ot this notion , and
juuch speculation as to tbo future of the
My tlo Hlirlnc.
The Imperial Council of Nobles oi the
Mystic Shrine has been holding its tin mm I
communication nt Chicago the past week ,
KlKht hundred delegates were In attendance
nnd were entertained by the noblas of Modi-
nah temple. The meeting Monday was hold
In Battery I ) , where the brethren discussed
&n elaborate menu. A royal wolcoino wus
bxtuudcd to the visitors by Illustrious Poten
tate John A. May. of Mcdlnah temple , who
paid it was with feelings of prldo that ho
ppcucd the gates oi Mcdlnah aud Chicago to
tbo imperial council.
'From this on every speech wns enthusiast'
ically cheered , nlthmigh not ono in fifty heard
MOro than tm wo < U of it. Tha Jolly shrii en
thought it more amusing to * by champagne
corks nnd biscuits nt the orators than to
listen sedately to their remarks.
The next day a number of clmngos in the
by-laws nnd ritual were made , nnd now offi
cers wcro elected. Tlio following officers
were elected : Imperial potentate , Samuel
Briggs , Cleveland : imperial chief rabblun ,
William B. Molish , Cincinnati ; imperial high
priest , John T. Brush , Indiaunpolis ; imperial
marshal , Siras W. Eaton , Cedar Uuplds , la. ;
Imperial oijtcr guard , Charles L. Field , Son
Frau clsco.
A. O ? U. W.
The supreme lodge , A. O. U. W. , which
ended Its seventeenth annual session in this
city yesterday , has had n most successful
session in many respects. With the excep
tion of the first day the attendance was full
nt every session. The manner in which nil
business wns transacted showed long famili
arity and usage. This body is practically n
permanent enc , the'samo dologatcs beingsro-
turned year after year. They are nil promi
nent men in their state , a majority being
lawyers nnd Judges or representative busi
ness men. Moro business was transacted in
n shorter time than nt any session for sev
eral years. Several very Important matters
were acted on , the most important being the
the division or the Ohio Jurisdiction. This
will establish a precedent which Kentucky
will probably take advantage of ut the next
A number ot ladles , wives or daughters of
delegates ; have boon in the city all week , at
the Millard , und a most entertaining and
agreeable party they have mado. The wives
of the local members have exerted them
selves to make the time of the visiting ladies
pass pleasantly. The following is a list of
the visiting Indies : Mrs. George W. Hill , of
Murpheesboro , 111. ; Mrs. W. H. Baxter nnd
Miss Ida Baxter , Detroit , Mich. ; Mrs. W. E.
Gilbert and little Miss Frankie Gilbert ,
Atchison , Kan. ; Mrs. J. H. Thompson , Memphis -
phis , Toon.Mrs. ; H. Loomls , Buffalo , N. Y. ;
Mrs. W. R. Grnhnm , Dos Molues , In. ; Mrs.
P. S. Towlo , of Clinton. In. ; Mrs. J. E.
Riggs , of Lawrence , Kan. ; Mrs. George F.
Milbourn. of Minden , Nob. ; Miss Blanche
Lewis , of Knoxville , Tcnn. : Miss Fanny
Dauforth , of San Francisco , Cal. ; and Miss
Shoroy , of Nollgh , Nob.
Yesterday morning , an nmondment to the
constitution was passed , making any one
who had lost the use of botli arms or hands
ineligible to membership in the order.
Following this , the following resolution
was introduced and adopted :
Whereas , This supreme ledge has re
ceived , through the kind efforts of the local
committee of Nebraska brethren , many
courtesies , unbounded hospitality , and much
cnjoynblo entertainment : therefore , bo It
Hcsolvcd , That our sincere thanks and
acknowledgments bo and nro hereby ten
dered to the brethren of Nebraska for the
cntcrtninmcnt furnished ; to the mnyor of
the city of Omaha for his kind and fraternal
welcome ; to the board of trade of the city of
Omaha for the reception and carriage ride
which wo enjoyed nt the Invitation of the
board ; to the Union Pacifid'rallway for their
courtesy in providing an excursion to South
Omaha , where was scon the mammoth Indus
tries of this wonderfully rich and
prosperous state and city ; to the citizens of
Omaha ; to Mr. G , W. Liningor for his kind
invitation to visit his magnificent art gallery ;
to the daily papers of the city for the favora
ble editorial comments and the publication
of the dally proceedings of our sessions ;
and that owing to tlio press of business , we
regret that wo were unable to accept the
many other kind invitations extended to this
Bupromo body to visit places of uoto and in
terest in and about the city.
In the afternoon the supreme ledge officers
for the ensuing year wore Installed , after
which the ledge adjourned to meet next year
in Boston.
The ledge was photographed in a group on
the stops of the Kountze Memorial church.
* *
A Pleasant Event.
AuAfiilOE , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] A very pleasant social gather
ing was called out last evening by tbo public
installation of officers of Arapahoe ledge ,
No. 100 , A. T. nnd A. M. Tlio following
named officers were duly Installed : Frank
O. Coudan , W. M. ; T. B. Bloodworth , S. W. ;
Alex. Hnpburgh , J. W. Mr. Coudan , the
genial cashier of tbo hank of Arapahoc. Js
entering on his fourth term as W. M. This
Is a well earned compliment , as few lodges
can boast of a better posted and wiser W.
M. than Arapahoo. After the installation
ceremonies , of which A. M. , A. Y. Wright
hud charge , speech making and singing
wcro declared in order nnd freely indulged
In. Addresses were made by the W. M. ,
Brothers Myers and Marsh. The muslo was
good , nnd was highly appreciated. Ice
cream and strawberries were served. About
ono hundred persons were present to enjoy
tbo evening's entertainment , and all ex
pressed themselves well pleased.
The Vedanta Thcosophical society moots
m room 03 , Shcoly block , at 4 p. m.
TJio Ores 1mm Tragedy.
GncsiUM , Neb. , Juno 33. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] The theater where was enacted last
week's great tragcday , has to-day a general
deserted appearance consequent upon the re
moval from the stage of the principal actos :
in this horrible life drama. But though the
excited crowds which have thronged tlio
scone for the past four days have returned
to their homes and things are fast resuming
their normal condition , the scene still has n
horrible fascination to the morbid curiosity *
Booker , who mav bo soon at any time wan
dering dreamily abont the Loavltt furm-
housu. The blood on the floor where lay the
the form of the unfortunate Bessie has bcon
washed nway , but out In the yard where little
tlo Carolina mot the hand of the foul
assassin the horrible traces still re
main untouched and uuoblltcratcd
by Wednesday night's storm. While Mr ,
nnd Mrs. Loavltt are In Jail nt Seward , the
farm remains In charge of three married
daughters with their husbands , ono of whom
may be seen patrolling the grounds and
ready nt nil times to act as guldo to the
stranger nnd point out to him the position
of the two victims when first discovered , the
condition of surrounding objects , nnd to vol
unteer his theory of the affair. The whole
case Is still shrouded in impenetrable mys
tery , nnd unless the assassin chooses to make
a confession will probably remain so until
the gre < it day of account * , so successfully
hts ho coyoredjila tracks.
Mary Anderson may nut piny net In Amor-
lea next season , und ft is common talk that
omo of the time which was hold for her by
managers has bcon offered to attractions
about whose appearance them ia u sutisfio-
too certainty.
The Proflont Status ot the TJ. P.-
Engineers' Controversy.
Ilia ZMiimbfrd * Strike Still On
Knclnocrs anil Firemen May
Unite 'Ilie CljjarmaUcrs'
Ptonii ? .
An Important movement.
A movement is on foot among the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers to effect n
federation of their order with the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen , and if different
arrangements from those now cxbting uro
not made , a meeting of representatives of the
two orders will bo held either in Omaha or
Denver in about five weeks to discuss the
matter , and in case that it is decided to con
federate , to fix the basis-upon which this
shall bo dona. >
The fireman is the successor of tha en
gineer , and anything that affects the former ,
indirectly has an influence upon the latter ,
and then , too , in the event of a strike of the
engineers there nro n number of firemen
upon the various roads who are perfectly
competent to take charge of engines , but in
the event of a federation of course they
would not do so.
A leading member of the engineers'
brotherhood , in conversation with a BEG re
porter upon this subject a few uays ago ,
said :
"Yes , wo have done considerable towards
federating the firemen and engineers within
the past two weeks. The Burlington strike
nnd several other matters plainly domou-
stratca to our satisfaction that the order of
engineers aud firemen should bo closer
to each other. The reasons nro plain-
mutual protection. The successor to the en
gineer is the llroninn. So cioacly.aro the two
orders Ider.tilled that to set them npAr' , or
maintain two indcpondcnt orders necoss-
sarily weakens both factions. By combin
ing wo add to our strength correspondingly. "
'Wo will maintain two branches , ono of
firemen nnu one of engineers , who will
net jointly cm all matters affecting both
classes. This will bo formulated so as to
consolidate both orders throughout the Union
Pscillc sytom. "
There are hundreds of firemen on the
Uulun Pacific at the present time that uro
capable to take charge * of nn engine. Wo
must have their good will. On the other
hand , the firemen may-have a grievance , and
without our support the redress would un
doubtedly bo slow in coming. Au engineer
can get along with n 'green1 fireman , but
two experienced men can perform the labor
more perfectly.
The iMuniucrs Strike.
That the Journeymen plumbers nro strong
ly backed financially In their fight with the
bosses is manifest from the fact that they
have been out of employment for six weeks
and still are showing no signs of distress
It is true that there are comparatively a
small number of men engaged in the strike ,
but still it is sufficiently largo to cause a se
rious drainage upon individual pockotboolts.
There is practically no change from last
week in the situation. A few men have
come in from the cast. Some have been per
suaded to return in view of the struggle be
ing made by then- follow workmen and a few
have gone to work. _
Botti sides now consider the ending
of the strike a matter of freeze-out ,
and that the side which can stand it the long
est will win.
Officers Installed.
At a meeting hold last Monday , Carpen
ters' Union No. 71 installed its newly-
elected officers , who are : T. A. Giles , pres
ident ; H. W. Mortland , vice-president ; J.
W. Hedges , recording secretary ; M. F6r-
dice , financial secretory ; E. P. Dillcnbcok.
treasurer ; J. O. Taft , preceptor ; E. Harman -
man , conductor ; F. P. Davis , warden.
The following trustees were also installed :
James Tenlko , T. Heomlng aud W. H.
The officers , outside of the trustees , nro
elected to hold office until the 1st
of July , 1600 , while the trustees
are elected ono for six months ,
ono for n year and ono for n year and a half.
The same night the union installed six new
members , making about twenty new mem
bers who have Joined the union during the
past month.
Union 71 , which is the youngest carpen
ters' union In the city , points with prldo to
the fact thnt its membership has increased
so rapidly that there Is now uut u very little
difference numerically between them imd the
old union , No. 53.
To Aid Fellow Workmen.
All union men have boon called upon to
aid the Duquosno strikers , who have been
out during the past eight weeKs in defense
of a recognized standard of wages. They
need the assistance , as many of them had
passed through the long strike at BraddocJc ,
lost spring , and others wont through labor
troubles elsewhere. If every union will con
tribute a little financial aid , it Is said , those
men can undoubtedly win. They have lost
but live men Iu seven weeks out of SCO who
loft the works , nnd those five men were not
out In the beginning. The company , It is
claimed , cannot obtain sufficient skilled
workmen , as the example of the Solar iron
mill proves. All unions or Individuals de
sirous of contributing should address Mr.
Tobias McUouough , Duquesno , Pa. , who
will receipt for the money , Ho U the treas
urer of the finance committee.
ClgnrmnkiTs' 1'lcnlc.
Clgarmnucrs' union No. 03 has completed
preparations for a picnic , to bo given by its
members next Sunday. These picnics are
given by the union annually , and , while they
are primarily for the benefit of the clear-
makers and their wives , they are not exclu
sive , and everyone may go who pays his way ,
The picnic this year is to bo upon tbo fa
mous grounds at Waterloo , wliloh is but a
short ride from Omaha. The members of
the union aud their friends will leave the
Union Pacific by special train ut 8 a. m. , and
will return at u suitable hour in the evening.
The round trip faro will bo | 1 , children half
price. At Waterloo all kiuds of amusement
will be furnished , including bathing , boating ,
fUhing nnd dancing. There1 will also bo a
giimp of huso ball in the afternoon. The
iU8ii ! for the occasion will bo furnishfd by
the Musical Union band. Hofrc.ihmcnla will
bo served during the day.
IhnU. I' . Knsinocrs.
The contiovcrsy uatwoaa the brotherhood
of locomotive engineers and the officials of
the IT. P. has been continued during the
The responsibility of deciding the matter
has been placed flrst upon the shoulders of
ono ofllclal of the company , and then upon
another. For a time the situation wns crit
ical , und it looked very much as though the
men would strike.
On Thursday General Manager Kimball
submitted n proposition to the meii to arbi-
traU ) the differences. This wns not received
with favor by the engineers nt first , they
claiming that they had nothing to ar
bitrate. Yesterday , however , they
seemingly had arrived at another
conclusion , as they had practically
concluded that they can 111-atTord to discoun
tenance the proposition to arbitrate , and have
decided to take immediate stops In that *
Chairman Vroman nnd Chairman Hover ,
of the onginonrs and firemen respectively ,
called upon General Manager Kimball und
discussed the question. This move xvill
bo further considered , and a Joint meeting
of the oQlclals end the grievance
committee will-bo hold Monday when it is
thought the arbitrators will bo selected.
, 'Chis will do mfrrijjjwith the proposed trip
of the olllccrs of the grievance committees to
Boston as was rumorQit last nlslit.
It was learned tlmt't'hc officials of the com
pany made the move in the direction of
wage-reduction with n great deal of reluc
tance , nna were driven to it only to lessen
the heavy loss which"yP49 hoing sustained by
the company in operating itu load. Accord
ing to the report of its earnings and expendi
tures ot the Kausas _ Central , the
road is anything but u paying insti
tution. That' report shows that , dur
ing the year 13b > S , the Kansas Central
fell short $70,000 of paying its operating
expenses , irrespective of the interest on the
bonds , taxes , and fixed charges which would
place the loss up in .tho hundreds of thou
sands. Jlj
In 183" , the deficit , not interest on bonds ,
taxes , etc. , was $3,100. The ofllcials sav that
the report for the first live months of the
present year show oven a heavier loss than
thnt of 18SS.
For this reason , they claim that they wcro
actually compelled to m > iko a reduction in
the wages of the employes.
On the other hand , the engineers complain
of being losers also. The traffic being so
light , the train service was reduccj , afford-
ihg thorn but unsteady employment. But
the matter bids Inir to be ended amicably.
While the engineers feel that they ,
were warranted in taking their stand that
they had no question to arbitrate they have
also reviewed tto matter conservatively , and
realizing.that the willingness of the company
to compromise merited consideration , they
have accordingly agreed to a reconsideration
as above referred to.
l.alior Notes.
Soml-monthly meeting of Cigarmakors'
union No. 93 , at Kaulfmun's hall next
Wednesday evening.
General Master Workman Poivdorly has
issued an appeal to the assemblies of the
Knights of L'ibor to contriouto to the relief
of the Johnstown sufferers.
The local delegates to the meeting of the
International Typographical union returned
from Denver Monday.
The local printers , or umnny of them at
least , express themselves as balng well
satisfied with the work done at Denver und
more particularly the location of the homo at
Colorado Springs.
The contemplated picnic of the plasterers ,
plumbers and bricklayers has been post
poned until srmo time naxt month , to avoid
clashing with the picnlo to be given by the
cigarrnnkers next Sunday.
The county treasurer to-day forwarded to
Now York $10,000 to pay interest on Douglas
county bonds.
A motion wns filed in the district court
yesterday for a now trial in the euso of John
T. Croft vs Charles C. Littlolleld.
Articles of incorporation wore filed yester
day by the Qucaly Soup company ; capital
stock , $23,000. The Incorporates are : P. J.
Quenloy , w. F. Raskin und J. B. Huso , all
of Omaha.
Stnto Development Committee.
The state development committee ap
pointed by the Omaha board of trade have
received the names of about sixty delegates
who have been already appointed to repre
sent various counties iu the convention
called for the 2flth inst3 In counties whore
the committee is without information of the
existence of trade'organizations , thuy have
requested the county clerks to arrange for
the selection of dccation } by the county
oftlcinls , in conformity.1 with the provisions
of the circular. ' The following counties
have reported and will send the number of
dologatcs indicated : Buffalo 5 , Perkins 2 ,
Otoo i ) , Stantou 5 , Chase 3 , Dixon 2 , Kearney
3 , Lancaster 5 , Dimes'5 ' , Nichols S , Frontier
2 , HoltS , Sallno2. Nance 5 ,
A Ploq.nnt European .Trip.
Mr. Uooao , head of 'tho ' lace department of
H aydcn Bros. , loft in high spirits yesterday
for Europe , whore ho will visit all the leadIng -
Ing lace manufactories. He will visit Havre ,
Calais , Paris , Dover'London , . Nottingham ,
St. Gnul in Switzerland , Carlsbad , Hamburg
and other Gormanx-i'.lts , making an examin
ation of the lace producing regions of Eu
rope. While his friends envy him the pleas
ant trlu they still wish .him the moat pleasant
of trips.
The Bone of tlio Soytlie.
Andrew Luna
Mowers , weary and brown and blithe ,
What is the word tucthlnks ye icaow ,
Endless ovcrwonl that tbo scythe
Sings to the blades of the grass bolowl
Scythes that swing In tbo grass and clover ,
Something still tboy say as they pass ;
What is the word that , over aud over ,
Sings the scythe to the ( lowers and grass !
"Hushl ah hushl" the scythes are raying ;
"Hush , and heed not , and fall asleep ; "
"Hush ; " they say to the grasses swaying ,
"Hush' 1' they ing to the clover deep.
"Hushl" 'tis tbo lullaby Time 1s singing ,
"Hush , and hood not , for all things puss , "
"Hush , ah , hushl" and the scythes are
Over the clover , over the grass.
Nebraska City's Entovprioiucr Pioneer -
noor In Rascality.
t'uttloonts Covered His I'lliht and
Augmented His Fortune to the Ex
tent of 900OOU A Close
CJall , but lie Made It.
A Thlfviiifj 1'nlofttcc.
NJUHASKA CITY. Nob. , Juno 22.
[ Special to TUB BEE. ] The rn'oneor
history of Nebraska , with the data clus
tering about the old river town of Ne
braska City omitted , would loavii the
recital short and unintorostinfr , and yet
the ono hundredth part of this wealth
of historical information has never
found its way into print. There nro
subjects for volumes of interesting his
tory : facts for columns of thrilling ro
mances , and data for a thousand
sketches of exciting adventures , iucl-
dent to the life of the early settler in
Nebraska. Of these pioneers there are
still many remaining , and an hour in
conversation with any of them will
furnish the outlines of a volume. Ono
of the best sources for information and
data pertaining to the oarlv history of
Nebraska City or the state is William
P. Burchlield , who was shcrill of Otoo
county for a number of years , dating
from 1855. At that time the duties of
the sheriff were directed mostly to
horse thieves and depredating Indians.
Fortunately the latter cases , while fre
quent , never resulted very seriously , al
though on several occasions matters as
sumed such nn aspect as to threaten dire
results for the little settlement of pie
During 185S-0 Major Dunnison was
Indian agent at Nebraska City and
donlt out Uncle Sam's 'allow
ance to the Otoes. The major
was an enterprising agent and wns
becoming wealthy through questiona
ble means. Ho was accused of paying
the Indians in blankets and whetstones
and pocketing the government's cash
allowance. Several local shopkeepers
had been furnishing the Indians with
provisions and supplies on the strength
of their futuroi government pay , and
when the merchants found that the only
things turned ovov to the Indians were
an assorted lot of cheap blankets and
whetstones , trouble began to brood
around the agoncy. S. P. Nicholls and
Bob Hawkc , two of the most prominent
merchants of that time , were accused
of inciting the Indians to attack the
agency , by tolling thorn of Donnison's
thieving tricks and hisombozzlomont of
the Indian funds. It did not require
much talk and very little "flro wutor"
to create in the Otoes a thirst for blood.
During a night the entire tribe of Otoo
warriors marched or crept stealthily to
town , and the dawn of morning found
them thick as Hies surrounding the resi
dence of Major Donnison. The news
spread over the settlement rapidly , and
everyone expected serious trouble.
Every firearm and possible implement
of warfare was brought out , and every
man , and even some women , were armed
and ready to protect themselves , their
homes , and even the treacherous Don
nison. A parley wns secured with the
Indians and an ofTort made to dissuade
them from their intentions , but they
were determined on having Major Don-
nison'a scalp or all the money duo thoin ,
amounting to something like $70,000.
The house was broken open and the
agent secured by the Indians , who
bound his hands behind him nnd put a
rope around his neck. Ho was then
marched down town to the bank and or
dered to got the money , but ho refused ,
or , rather , explained that ho could not
as it was not yet banking hours. Here
the whites interfered nnd persuaded the
Indians to give the man ahoar'.ng and a
fair trial before hanging him. They
finally agreed to it , and n council was
formed , and ended by Dennifaon prom
ising to pay every cent before the
next morning , the citizens standing good
for his promise. The Indians , however ,
would not Inavo the city , and kept up
their guard arounnd the agonoy. The
next morning came , nnd Dennison
again put oil the payment , nnd upon
ono pretext or anothorit was continued
from day to day for nearly two weeks ,
the agent all this time being kept a
close prisoner in his own nouso , although
his family wu ? allowed to go and conio
as they pleased. The agent kept al
most a continuous position at the win
dow , whore hn could bo soon by the In
dians , who Boomed to bo satisfied as
long as he remained in sight.
Dennison had adopted a half-breed
nnmed Dusshuu , or Indian Moso , and
ho was used us a messenger between the
agent and the redskins , and delayed the
attack by smooth promises. During the
night during 'the latter part of the
second week of the trouble a carriage
drove up to the agenoy nnd u. woman
got out and wont into the house after
being closely watohod by the Indians ,
She wns evidently ono of the house
hold , and had been in the house but a
moment when Dennison disappeared
from hla post at the window , but returned
turned again in a few minutes , ns could
bo BOOH by the light in his room.aTho
woman again loft the house , nnd pass
ing a number of Indians , entered the
carriage and was driven rapidly away.
AU was then nulot until morning , when
the Indians discovered that the man nt
the window was not Dennison but the
ImU-broc'l , Moso. The house win ! ro1on
into tinu oatuvhod from bottom t. top.
but the a cul. lisiil inmlu uood
hirtoswipo , by the sxid of the wotnstu and
hur dro ? and Indittu Moso , tukiiifj witli
him , it i-i stvid , tibout SliO.UUl ) of Indian
monoy. Tie novot- returned nnd wns
never prnyucutod for bis stealings , his
family joining him Bomo time tutor at
anntlier point.
The Indiana were fut-ioua , mul for n
time iv bloody war was throtitonud , but
the trouble 'died out when Sheriff
Birchllold uocurod from the bun -58,01)0 ) ,
which had beBii dopojitod thuro by
Dounison , and distributed it among the
Indians. The chief of the that
time was Artokntaw , and some of the
prominent warriors , many of whom
afterwards made a territorial reputation
for deviltry , were ling Mouth , Biff
Soldier , IJutolier Knife , Running
Water , Tuponovlmw , Antelope , "Wila
Fire and White Cloud. The latter ,
some years later , was sent to the peni
tentiary for killing two men with a
sythc on HOBO eroelc. Hog1 Mouth was
also a bad Indian , but escaped punish
ment. Ho was in the city about ton
years aj o , nnd then claimed to be over
one hundred years old. and I think ho
is still living. Indian Moso , the half-
breed , remained behind when Dennison
absconded , and afterwards figured in n
romance of his own and diedUm ignoble
death , which will furnish a subject for
a future article. -
Rosa Cogtilan and her husband have sep
Georgia Drew Uarryraoro xvill support
William H. Cruna next season.
It Is reported that J. M. Hill has a now
Juliet iu training for next season.
M. Henri Moiluiio is writing a play for the
Theater Francais , which will bo entitled
"Marmot. "
Helen Bertram made her first nppoaranco
as the prima donna of the AluCaull opera
Sarah Bernhardt is now n grandmother ,
nnd the fact furnished Paris with a topic for
an evening.
It is gratifying to learn that M. Coquelin
andMmo. _ Hading are plnyingtoRothcr peace
fully in rondon.
Mr. Robert Buchanan has boon f.-ommis
slowed to write now plays for Boorbohm Trco
and Richard Mansfield.
Eighty thousand marks is to bo spout in
the construction of the Oberaramcrgau thea
ter for the next summer.
Last Monday was the thirty-fifth anniver
sary of the opening of the Crystal Palace at
Sydonham by Queen Victory.
The municipality of Genoa 'has decided
that the name of Verdi shall ho given to the
institute of musio in that city.
Dr. Hans von Bulow ! suffering from an
affection of the muscles of the right arm ,
probably brought about by overwork.
The score of Harold's flrst oppra , "La
Giovontu di .Enrico Quinto , " composed at
Rome in 1815 , has just been published.
A grand special concert in honor of the
shall , with military bands , etc. , will ho given
nt the Albert hall , London , early in July.
Emma Abbott promises to bring with her
the scores of throe operas not yet hoard
hero when she comes back from her European
trip next mouth.
Victoria Vokes will begin her sonaon in
this couutry next autumn at the Ach Street
theater , Philadelphia. She and her sister
Rosina ought to play together , as of yore.
Carrie Turner says that she will not play
Dinuo or any other character in "Paul Kau-
var" next season , because she is fitted for
hotter work all of which moans that she
will go a starring if she can.
This has been a remarkable season for the
sale of actors' and actresses' effects. The
latest member of the profession to put her
goods under the hammer was Miss Rose
Coghlan , whoso snlo occurred recently , nnd
included the furnishing of her very pretty
house on West Fifty-ninth street , New York
city. Miss Coghlan hai a throe years' en
gagement iu California , which accounts for
the auction.
Ellen Terry's sou Edward , who Is now
seventeen years old , will ho seen upon the
London stage for the ilrst time when "Tho
Dead Heart" Is played at the Lyceum in the
autumn. ThT mother nnd son of real life
will bo the mother and son of tno plav. The
lad appeared in the Ilrst act of "Eugene
Aram , " when that piece was played iu Now
Madame Sara Bornhardt Intends , after all
to appear In the drnmatiratlon of Zola's
' rtiurc.-io RaiUin | , " after which it is not impossible -
possible Unit ' 'PlioUro" may bo put cm nt the
Varieties till the end of the season. When
this theater reopens in the full Mudunioiscllo
UiMiiIor and M. 13iron will appear In Au *
( Iran's now oponi bouffo , "Mile , fricoouo. "
During the yoiiN lsS7 nnd 18S8 Germany
produced thirty-six editions of separate
Sh.ikspcarian pl.iys , as compared witU
twenty-nine for England and America , thir
teen for Franco , and eleven for Russia.
There wore ulso translations Into Danish ,
Finnish , modern Greek , Creation. Polish ,
Portuguese , Roumanian , Swedish , Spanish
and Hungarian. >
It is said that when Henry Irving nnd
Kllon Terry were playlug before the queen
at Sandrlugiium. a little while ago , In "Tho
Merchant of Venice , " Miss Terry , before
beginning the lamous "Mercy" speech ,
m.ido , us Is her wont , a decided pausewhero-
upon the queen , who wns apparently ab
sorbed in the performance , prompted her
loudly twice , very nearly succeeding In
"breaking up" the whole company.
In the death of John Gilbert , which oc
curred in Boston u few days ago , the Ameri
can staco loses enc of Its old disciples and
brightest ornaments. For over sixty years
he has been amusing and Instructing the
public , and lie leaves behind him a record us
an artist and u gentleman which the rising
KOiior.Uiou of actors can follow with benefit
to themselves nnd thuir profession. It Is to
such men as John GilQcrt that the stage is
indebted for the esteem in which it is held
to-day , nnd the memory of ills life nnd the
characters ho loved to play so well , will loug
keep Ins memory green.
A Bit of Komlnlsnoncc.
GIUND ISLAND , Nob. , Juno 20 To thtf
Editor of Tin : Bun Friend Uosowntor : Yes-
tcrday afternoon , while engaged In conver . 'II
sation with the president of the Bank of
Commerce , of our city , mention was made
of my early association with Tim BIJB , nnd I
proccdcd to recount Us history from its in
ception up to thoUino I severed my connec
tion with it in 18rj. Imagine my surprise ,
upon going homo to tea , to have iny frau
call my attention to the fact that it was the
eighteenth anniversary of the "Llttlo
Buzzer , " at the same time handing mo a
copy of the paper containing a description In
detail of Its present condition , and the ele
gant structure that is nowits , permanent
homo magnificent monume'nts , speaking
volumes in praise of your genius. Indomita
ble pluck , indefatigable energy , nnd re mar li
able tenacity of purpose. This might bo
terinca a curious comciaonco , ana certainly
was , for I hud no idea that it was THE BUB'S
natal day.
I believe that I am the oldest BRE employe
in the stute. When Sorensen eauio to Omaha
I was holding "cases and sticking typo" on
It , with Dick Pupil us foreman. When Pugh
loft and went to the Herald , Ttook the forms
and held them until July , 1873 , going through
the fire with you and witnessing the many
adversities and exceedingly unpleasant
things that , you were subjected to. You are
there now , however , nnd for "koopa , " and I
am heartily glad of it.
It tickled mo all over to read about your
wonderful accomplishments , and to feel that
I had rendered some little servlco away buck
in the past to aid you in bringing it all about.
I actually felt like going down town mid
"shaking" somebody for the bear.
I have ulwa.vs felt that I was , in n manner ,
responsible for Anderson's debut as nn in
cendiary. It was myself who first called
your attention to the Jact that ho was filling
his "skin" with "budge , " diiy by dayand pay
ing the saloons for the same with local puffs ,
the pay for which failed to materialize when
the collector made his rounds. Upon au
thority from yourself , I "fired" all such copy
into tha waste b.ishet , which aroused the In
dignation of the old bloat. Ho came into the
newsroom one day after I hud "killed" some
of ills snloou ats , la n terrible rage , threat
ened to pulverize mo , and all that , uia I was
upon the point of "caressing" him with oua
of our "side-sticks" when ho rotraatod In
Coed order. A night or two after this wo
vent up the Hume , nt nn expanse to myself
of a now S3 sill : hat , a niclclo plated "stick
nnd rule. " and several artlclea of clothing.
The inkstnnd episode that Slmcral speaks of
I remember well. Indignant as ho was , An
derson became ( ns I suspicionod ) the willing
tool of designing man to whom the "business
end of the Little Stinger" was u mortal ter
ror. They little realized the nature of your
composition , and that you would rise up ,
phcunix-liko , undaunted , and equal to the
emergency of overcoming any obstacles that
might bo thrown in your way. You have
conquered them nil , wrought success out of
what seemed almost nn absolute Impossibil
ity , and have just cause to bo more than a
thousand time proud of your achievement ,
Very Respectfully , C. P. XI. WII.UAMS.