Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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We liaye thousands of net damaged soils { eft froiii UlllJ
: i
SYou will never have a better chance to get it for almost nothing. We are selling this clothing
and if you want it you must come early , or you wont get it. We quote no prices here. You
can do that when you come to the
JB la
1816 Farnaih ; Street , Oxaaha.
Terrible Fate of Two Nebraska
'Flonoor Females.
Bummnry Vengeance Meted Out to
the Perpetrators Perilous Jour
ney Across tbo Flood Murder *
ercd by tlio Indians.
An .Early Tragedy.
"I'll cross the stream to yonder cabin
though It costs my hfo. "
The llrmly compressed lips of the
speaker indicated that ho meant just
what he said. Imagine for a moment a
Bheot of water covering a valley rnoro
than two miles in width , from two to
thirty feet in depth , rushing , surging
and roaring as though the imps of hades
wore battling for their kingdom , the
rain falling In torrents , and nothing at
hand hut a "dug out" skiff and an ordi
nary hand paddle to hattlo with the
current that curried trees and logs and
dohris on to the great gulf of the south ,
any of which would have borne a doion
men without sinking them out of sight ,
and ono gathers the hazard attaching
to the venture as wall ns the idea that a
motive stronger than life impelled it.
During the full of 1802 a half dozen
families sought homes in southern Otoo ,
in the country skirting the Little
Nomaha river , a mile or so to iho west
of what is now the thriving httlo city
of Talmngo. Robert Cost , the head of
ono of the families , selected the site for
his Homo upon the river banks , in ono
of the beautiful native groves for which
the Ho in uh u is famous. The knoll
upon which ho built his IIOUHO was
nbovo high water mark. Indeed , at the
time my story opens the logs
of the cabin were untouched by the tur
bulent waters. But they could not re
main BO long and the river rising every
moment. The situation was truly
appalling. Something must bo done era
a trust reposed would bo betrayed. So
reasoned Joe Downos as ho' and a
brother of Kobort Goat's looked upon
the Bcono , and discerned the faintly
curling smoke rising from the chimney
of the houBOgiving evidence that there
were loved ones within , possibly fright
ened out of tholr wits by the terrible
fate that sooinod to bo instoro for them.
By accident Joe and his comrade tum
bled upon the skin" referred
to before , a milo or so down
the river. It had evidently
become loosened from its moorings from
Borne point above and washed ashore.
As though prompted by intuition they
towed the bark along until they reached
a point opposite and the little cabin
they EO much desired to reach. Hero
they hold a brief consultation. It was
decided that Joe should make the ven
ture nlono , and in the event of dlsubtor ,
which mount certain death , the oilier
wquM bo able to return to Browiivillo ,
from whence they ciuno , and bear the
Bad news to his brother ana
other friends. Now , with the obser
vation that the cabin was on the north
bank of the river , and Downer and hla
comnulo on the table-land skirting the
valley to the south and west , a clear
conception can bo had of the peril in
jhe undertaking the bravo men con-
But a word ( in explanation of why
thcso men were there under suuh dis-
tnmlngolrcuraatauces. . Like all curly
sottiors in Nebraska , they were poor ,
and occasionally fortunb compelled
them to seek the river towns for work ,
that they might bo able to provide
broad and butter for themselves and
families. Downer and Cost wore insep
arable friends. A week or so prior to
the breaking up of winter and the
freshet that made the Nomaha a great
lake of water , accompanied by a neigh
bor and a brother of the latter , they
wont to Brownvillo to got out "cord
wood" and work in a saw mill. The
rain fall had boon such as to alarm Gcst ,
who had loft his wife and daughter , a
young girl approaching womanhood'to
look after the homo property ho had
gathered together. They were bravo
little souls , know no fear and did the
work loft thorn to do faithfully and well.
Owing to the location of his house ,
however , and the madly overflowing
streams , ho stated his fears and
persuaded Downer and his brother
to return homo , knowing that they
cared nothing for a walk of thirty miles
across the prairie ; so , just us the sun
was disappearing behind the western
hills , in the early spring time , they
started on the homeward journey , ar
riving at the place described at an
early hour the following morning. The
scone was enough to strike terror to the
hearts of the bravest. A sheet of water
nearly or quite a milo in width , hissing
and surging , separated him from his
friend's loved ones. Ho had given his
word that ho would care for them if
ho found them in need or danger , and
the sequel will show that ho kept it to
the letter.
Seizing the paddle the skiff was
pushed from the shore , and Downes
commenced the most perilous venture
of his life. It is useless to attempt to
describe his battle with the driving
current and surging waves. At times
it seemed that mortal could not control
the frail bark , but for all that ho did ,
and in duo time landed at the door of
the cabin. In .loo's language , as ho
told the story in after years , lie was
moro scared as lie kuockpd at the door
than whtn in the boat , battling with
the terrible current , but on * reaching
the cabin , "I felt , " ho said , "as
though I was to eco something
awful. It was a presentment , and
it came upon mo all at
onco. I called to Lizzie , Bob's
wife , but got no answer , and I didn't
wait longer on coromonoy. I surged on
the door and it went in 'with a bang.
Talk about horrors , boys , there lay LU-
210 and Rutli in the middle of the iloor ,
as cold as marble , and I thought i'd
faint , It was an awful sight. It didn't
taka mo long to see that they had been
murdered by Indians. Yes , they had
boon scalped , and I swore to hunt tholr
murderers down if it took mo a Hfo time.
Fortunately they had overlooked Bob's
rifle , and I collected together what Ht
tlo ammunition I could find , fixed up a
bite to oat and prepared to rot urn to
whore I had loft Hob's brother.
There was nn old-fashioned lire
place in the House , and the
"groat log" still furnished a little
flro. J knocked it to pieces and soon
had a refreshing blare. But I didn't
tarry long to enjoy its comforts. I was
hoart-siou and wanted to got away. I
laid Libia's and Ruth's bodies in a cor
ner of the room and covered them up us
snugly as though I was putting children
to bod. I think they must have been
dead fully a day. I have wondered a
thousand times since why thoxuil devils
did not burn the house. I had
no trouble in reaching the
shore on ray return trip , for
I simply helped the current after clear
ing the channel of the river , and landed
nearly throe miles below the house.
Charley mot mo as 1 btopped upon the
shore. Ho intuitively divined that
something was wrong , and his fnco In
death can never to whiter than it was
"For heaven's onko , Joe , what's the
matter , " ho exclaimed.
"Matter enough , " ! replied ; "Lizzio
and Ruth are dead ! "
"Dead1" *
'Yes , dead ! murdered ! and by In
dians. "
"Good God , you can't mean It. "
"Too true , my boy , too true. Go to
Brownvillo and toll Bob as. quickly as
you can. I shall take the trail and
never leave it until t have avenged
their terrible death. I did not oven
particularize to Charlie , but took him
hurridly by the hand , pressed ft good
bye and bent my stops toward the Big
"Blue to the south and west. By this
iimo the sun was high in the heavons.
The rain had ceased to fall ,
and the chirping robin and sprouting
grass would have lightened my heart
under ordinary circumstances. As it
was , I was bitter and longed for ro-
vongo. My time came much moro
quickly than I oxpectod. I had walked
rapidly , and ns the sun was disappear
ing for the day , my eye caught unmis
takable evidences of a trail , and before
darkness mantled the earth I spied a
party of live Indians in bivouac , on the
Big Nonrnlm , not far from the present
site of Tecumsoh. I dropped to the
ground undiscovered and hud there un
til long into the night , but I never lost
sight of a movement. I was so sure
that I had struck the right party that
I did not consider uncertainty a single
moment. Well , I did the work , no
matter how , and before the dawn of day
I had scalped my llrst Indian , not only
ono , but five of them , and was ready
to moot Bob ut his desolate homo.
No doubt at all boys , but what I had
struck the right party , and I tore their
reeking sculps from their heads because
Hound Lizzie's and Ruth's , and 1 did
not think of barbarism even onco. Oh ,
well , if you must Know , I did the work
with my hunting knife , and did not
have to call my trusty rlllo iuto play.
The "rod dovils" did not sleep very
close together , and I found speedy re
venge easy work. Long in the after
noon , the following day , I sighted
Bob's cabin , now known as the old Mc-
Cann place , but he was there before mo.
Our mooting was touchlngly sad. The
overflow of the river had greatly sub
sided , and the south bank of the river
could bo reached by wading hero and
thoro. Together wo performed the last
Bad rites for the dead , but wo separated
within a month and I have never mot
him since. "
This , in a word , is the story of tlio
most memorable event of a romark-
nblo man's life , Soon after , Downos
answered his country's call , and enlisted
in the First Nebraska for three years ,
or during the war. At the close of his
service , distinguished for its valor , ho
returned to Nebraska City , and often
made "tho of the "
trip plains" as guide
or scout for some freighters. His bouts
with border rufllunu and Indians , of
whom ho was an implacable enemy ,
would 1VH a volume na wiordly interest
ing us the life of Boone and Carson. Ho
know no fear and considered no com-
promibo with what ho bollovod to bo
wrong. In ' 73 or ' 74 ho returned to
friends who still live in the vicinity of
Talraago , and continued with
them uutil his death , which oc
curred about three months ago.
Ho lived to bo over sixty years
of ago. During the winter months he
would trap along the "Littlo Nomaha , "
and would occasionally taito a trip into
the mountains , where ho would remain
for several months ut a timo. Ho found
a congenial spirit hi Uuolo Fred
Deutboh , who also died within the past
year , and they often joined in hunting
and trapping expeditious. Uncle
Doutsch passed' ' away a fuw months before - '
fore Joe was called , and his friends ex
press the opinion that the death of his
comrade hastened his end. Bo that as
it may , Joe Downer found watchful
friends in Luno Osboru and John
Walker , -who never lost uiropwortunity
to do him a kindness , and they saw
that his remains were tonderlv laid to
A mnn In a peck of trouble is in a wcasreu
to bo uitiod.
Well , I'm chairman , but whore's t'noimityt
[ Gal Urioo.
Kvory man is sometimes a bait on sorno
otlicr man's hook.
The parcel clerk gives tlio business
wrapped attention.
Tlio man who resistors at n hotel at night
cau bo said to bo on the "retired list. "
It Is getting so now that a weather prophet
can't even predict a storm of indignation.
A spirit medium's business is naturally
dull In summer , there is so little demand for
Grit makes the man and want of It the
chump ; tlio men who win lay hold , hang on ,
and hump
Massachusetts comes noblv to the front
with a law to dock every ono who docks a
horse's tail.
Now that u castor goil trust has boon
formed , the wheels of commoiiccan bouald to
bo well greased.
The oldest twins wo know of are Wicked
ness and Want , and they will probably sur
vive till doomsday.
The white horse is about the only thing
connected with the Cronln business which
displays oquino-imlty.
The wife who can retain a sure hold upon
her husband's heart will never have occasion
to take u grip on his hair.
There Is ono thing tnaftho Invincible
western cyclone has never succeeded In lift
ing , and that Is a mortgage.
It is easier for Now York people to select
the site for a monument ttmii to secure a
eight of a monument itself.
Almost everybody will atrroo that the
American flag is n daisy. If so , then wo al
ready have u national llower.
"How long do mosquitoes livo" ? asics a
correspondent. That depends a good deal
on the kind of n follow thuy light on ,
The ottiics ol forgery are hard to recon
cile. When n imm forges a hand it Is a
critno , but when ho forges ahead it is a
The Inconsistency of our war department
is soon In allowing a Colonel Walker to bo In
the cavalry audrCaptain Ulder la the In
fantry. *
The widow Is IcWselfish than the maiden ,
for while the latter is always looking out for
No. 1 the former is satisfied in watching for
No. a.
By the way , PqrepaAigh , I wish you would
take oil my hand a few of thnso invitations
to multo Fourth of July speeches this year.
Uopow. ,
William Dorm Howells is writing some dia
lect in Harper'sMagazine. . It is a kind of
succotash of Bostyneso patois and Louisuna
rim Hold lingo. , i j
Monopoly , having shied its castor oil
trust into the ring , will now have to take a
a few lcaook-do\\'os from tbo infant Indus
tries of tkis ouutry.i i
They have an .American . elevator in the
Eiffel Tower , butuit is not really American
unless it Is run by a small boy -whistles una
smokes cigarettes.
Paradoxical as It may scorn a Kentucky
man last Thursday dlod of writer on the
brain. Wo implore Colonel Wattorson to
never lot it occur again.
"Wives should never conceal anything
from their hueUauds , " Bays a writer. If
tills advice was carried out It would create a
revolution In fomlnino pockets.
Sitting Bull , who has boon seriously ill of
pneumonia , is reported "much improved. "
Ho can now bo regarded as a member of the
Improved Order of Ked Men but at the
same tliuo bo IB not.
"Judge a wan by his eves , but a woman
always by her lips , " said lioujamln Frank
lin , Now wo understand how Benjamin
happened to got so deeply interested iu the
study of electrical phenomena.
It Oaco Moro Becomes the WbAto
House of Mexico.
The Wonderful JJoublo Staircase
i'npncntniiotl and Iztncollmutl
and the Curious Legend Con-
ncctrd With Them.
"Wlicro MnximiUlan
MEXICO CITY , Juno 10. [ Special to
Tin : BEE. ] President Diaz has moved
his ollicial residence out to the Castle
of Chapultopec , which becomes once
more for the first time since the un
lucky Maximillian and his charminc
wife lived there the "white house" of
Mexico. Chapultopeo is ono of the
loveliest spots imaginable. It is unique
in itself as well as in its name , which
signifies ' 'The Hill of the Grasshop
per ! "
Montezuma made his summer house
hero , and an underground passage , still
in existence , was made by his direction ,
to a point in the valley below , so that
the Aztoo chieftain could go and como
as ho pleased. Under the old cypress
trees in the park , thoConquororCorto/
pitched his tent , after the celebrated
"Nocho Tristo , " or night of sorrow ,
when the Aztecs fell upon the Span
iards and mnbsucreod them. Hero Max
imillian and the unfortunate Curlotta
made love as they promenaded
which were built by order of the "Aus
trian Grand Duke. " Hero the Ameri
can army fought a bloody but decisive
battle ono which has made ' the
queer word Chupultopoo familiar , to
American oars. Ono might narrate
numberless historical incidents con
nected with the spot , which abounds in
memories , if space permitted , but the
place itself demands some description.
Imagine a park ol 1,000 acres , covered
with a dense growth of cypress , maiiy&f
the trooa 600 or COO years old. The grey
Spanish moss festooned from limb to
limb adds to the picturosqenoss of the
scone. In the center of this park
which is surrounded by massive walls
on thrco sides , the old aqueduct form
ing the barrier on the fourth , rises a pre
cipitous mound , if such a term will ex
press the idea. This mound is com
posed principally of rock and is prob
ably 200 foot in height. There is but
one load to the top , the summit being
inaccessible except by this single route ,
Upon the very apex
completely covering the space , so that
no matter from which direction you
look there is a sheer descent of nearly
ono hundred foot , Tlio castle was built
in sections and presents no alnglar feature -
turo of architecture except a
peculiar double staircase that
seems to have no supports.
When Maximillian first saw this utalr-
wwo he remarked to the architect that
ho would not trust his own weight upon
it , whereupon the designer , with his
majesty's permission , brought a regi
ment of soldiers and marched them up
and down the stairway ten abreast , thus
demonstrating its strength. This stair
case is the only ono of its kind in exist
ence , and is built of white marble and
The terraces at Chajiultopoo are ono
of the sights of Mexico. They
are floored with white marble ,
with brass balustrades , aud lighted
by electricity. Tlio upper terrace
extends the entire distance around the
castle and is twontv-four foot broad.
Lovely little flower gardens are located
at frequent intervals and hero ao
blooming geraniums , fuohias , helio
trope aud mignonette , making the air
rich with perfume and adding to the
brightness and
The great observatory of the National
Astronomical society , -which rises from
the center of the building , always casts
upon some part of the terrace a grate
ful shade , while adjustiblo awnings
can bo brought into use when neces
The view from Ohapultopecl Who
can describe it ? What the Yosomlto
is to California ; what Niagara is to
Now York ; what the Yellowstone is to
Wyoming this is what Chamiltoooc is
to Mexico. To the extreme right , as wo
look down the Paso do la Rcforma , rises
Popocatupctl , grand beyond description ,
his snowy summit dotted with soft ,
white clouds. To the west of Popo-
catapotl is Iztaccihuatl , called "La
Mujcr Blanca" the white woman by
ho natives. This peculiarly shaped
mountain is really wonderfully suggest
ive , by its shape , of a woman in a white
shroud prepared for burial. The dead
face , as seen from Chapultopoo , is sim
ply perfect in outline , and her hair
seems to stream in silvery locks from
the tnarblo-llko forehead down over the
bier. Of course there is a legend con
nected with the White Woman. Ac
cording to the Indians , the two volca
noes were once human beings , a giant
and a crlantcss. Ono day they offended
their Creator , who struck the giantess
dead , turned them both into mountains
and chained Popocatapotl , where he
into the face of his dead wifo.
lie occasionally expressed his grief
by floods of fiery lava tears ,
and in nis agony would
cause thb very earth to tremble
bo Month his wrlthings. So runs this
very interesting tradition.
Beyond Iztaccihuatl , extending ns
fur us the eye can see , the beautiful valley -
loy , with Lake Toxcocco called Testi-
co-co nestling in its bosom like a great
silvery pearl imbedded in emerald sot
ting. Lake Chalco , a turquoise among
the saphiro hills , next comes into view ,
with a long , long stretch of the lovo-
liostmoadow lying between , in which
the cattle are-very contentedly brows
ing. Then comes the great city , with
its cathedral spires , the dome of St.
Brigita ( Mexican for Bridget , and the
"swell" church of Mexico ) and its hun
dreds of smaller towers shining clear
against the blue sky. The great Span
ish bull ring is in the foreground ; to
ono's left the tree of Nocho Tnsto ,
under which Cortez shed tears over the
massacre of his soldiers. Beyond , the
old Aztec causeway stretched away to
Guadaloupo , the "holiest shrinn in all
Mexico. " The Paseo , or principal
boulevard of the city , runs straight as
an arrow from our very feet to the foot
of the celebrated statue of Charles IV.
in the world. Over all this lovely
scone is the most perfect atmosphere in
the woild ; clear as the air of Denver ,
but not HO cold ; balmy as the breezes of
Thomusville , but not BO heavy in qual
ity ; light and ozouio as the Now Mexico -
ice plateaux , without their discomforts ;
a paradise of ilowors and perfume and
ozone and health-giving air-Cbapul-
tepee stands nlono , unrivalled ,
.Tho furnishing of the castle for the
reception of President Diaz has been
very elaborate , The private apartments -
monts arc iu the northwest wing ; the
public rooms face the court j'ard , and
the entire remainder of the building is
filled with the soldiers and military
cadets , among whom is general Diaz's
only son. Tlio chapultopec cadets are
and of a Sunday on thoPasoo they smite
the heart of many a dark-oyed young
senorita who , like her sex the world
over , will always talco to brass buttons
in preference to the civilian garb.
Each room in the president's private
apartments is frescoed appropriately.
The chess room has .a chess board in
the center of the coiling , with the bish
ops , kings aud queens in a merry
dance about it , the pawns furnish
ing appropriate music from the four
corners of the room. The private re
ception parlor of the president's wife is
"dono up" in pink silk with plush and
brocade hanging to match. Every wall
in the on tire suit of rooms is coynrou
with silk brocade instead of paper. The
bed room occupied by the president and
his wife was decorated and furnished
at an expense ot $30,000. The dining
room has a seating capacity that is lim
ited to thirty persons. The magnificent
solid silver that once belonged to the
Emperor Maximillian is to bo used , but
the china and glassware arc not in keep
ing with the royal magnificence of the
silver ; ono of the soup tureens requires
four men to carry it , when filled.
President Diaz is greatly loved by his
followers , and ho will doubtless make
the castle of Chapultopec quite as bril
liant as it was in the days when tlio
Austrian and Empress Carlotta drove
their eight grey horaosand golden state
chariot up the hill , and made the castle
ring , from alcove and gallery , from garrison
risen to the entrance grates , with gay
oty. Mine. Diaz is
and can entertain , royally , should she
take the notion. All Mexico lias its
ayes upon her , and it remains with her
to add immeasurably to the social gaie
ties of the capital.CJIAKLES
AScnsonalilo i'ropoRal.
AuitlneAmleison in Jiulgc.
She was enthusiastic about the National
panic ,
And I to put it mildly wat somewhat of
the same , .
So as wo watched the homo club , ono sultry
summer day ,
My love grow oVer wanner till it Uad to "nay
its say. "
Hut Uwixt my heart's two tbrobbings ( fo
her and for tlio game )
My words got sort of twisted , though they
veto scarcely tamo.
'Now , darling , if you'll listen" "You're
s aky-sorapor , Stove"
"l'l tolll you how I lovoyou" "That score
I'd scarce bollovo. "
I've never loved another so well as"
"Hats I Struck out I"
"Say .yes , nnd I'm as happy as you are"-
"Uasol" a pout.
"I'll own I'vo uiado uouio errors.nnd pitched
a little wild ,
But this same ball I'm playing I love you. "
Then shu smiled ,
"You'll not bo loft on bases , your double
plays count moro.
I , umpire , call the game , dear , and wo will
tlotho euoro. "
Dlrcl at 1'rayor.
Mrs. Andrew Uarty , wife of a well
known citizen of St. Louis , died sud
denly the other night while kneeling
at her bedside in prayer. She had been
in perfect health and in good spirits
half an hour before her death. The de
ceased was a devout Catholic , and ono
of her eons is Father Harty , rector of
St. Loo's church. Heart difeoaso is sup
posed to bo the cause of her do.ith.