Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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Dad Thompson Loab All Ho Had at
ft. Brute Won Her , But She JSa-
onpcd to Mnrry and lloform
the Wild Hunter of
Ilio Dine.
He's ft I/CRlnlntor Now.
TOUT ROIUNBON , Noh. , Juno 10.
[ Special to THE BEI : . ] In these days
Nebraska was not so well sottloil as now.
Indeed , few people lived far hack from
the Missouri river and the Big Blue
was wholly unknown. In the spring , a
low spirits b&ldor than the rest , pushed
flown to the Blue , and sent back glow-
InR accounts of the richness and beauty
of the country. It was not , how
ever , until n year or two later
lhat the Biff Blue country
becnino generally known and the
people rushed In from Illinois , loa.w
Pennsylvania and Indiana to find homos
lor tholr families. There was a big
Uampodo all along the border , and fear
ing for the safety of the settlements
Captains Spauldlng and Mix , of my old
roglmdnt , the Second United States
cavalry , were sent down with their
zompanlcB to guard the country. Bo-
itrico was a paper town and nobody believed -
liovod it would over amount to much ,
rhoro were no settlers on the Blue
ibovo Beatrice. There was good hunt
ing then , on the Bluo. nud Uoar , door ,
ind many fur-bearing animals were
abundant. The Sioux and Pawnees
matte night hideous with their whoops ,
and had the upper Blue for their regu
lar hunting and camping ground. Ono
white man , a young follow , had pushed
up the Blue and built tils cabin
near the head of the stream ,
whore ho had laid out a farm ,
lie did not farm much , and except a
small garden patch beside the cabin ,
Boomed cdntont to lot the la id lie idle
and hold the claim down. II I trapped ,
llsbcd , and sang all day long , and seem
ingly was very happy to bo loft. His
furs ho took once a year over to the
Platte and exchanged for Hour , sugar ,
tobacco , coffee , matches , nnd whatever
ho needed. After Belling1 his furs ho
would always , as ho said , "take a little
needed recreation in drinking , lighting
and horso-raqing. " lie would stay as
long as his means lasted , and then ,
packing up his purchases , ho vould setout
out for his ranch and lonely life on the
Bluo. Ho scorned hardly nineteen , but
was really much elder than ho looked.
How so young a man had ac
quired such vicious habits was
n mystery , for ho kept his
own counsel und would not toll any
body who ho was or whore ho came from.
Ho was a fearless rider , a bruvo hunter
and an export with the rifle. Some said
ho had boon with frontiersmen over
since ho was a mere lad , ana that ho
could , if ho chose , toll where many of
the ponies and horses were that had
been stolen from the Overland Stage
company during the past few years.
Nearly every time ahorse was stolen his
iiamo'wns mentioned , but ns often as the
* -cabln was visited ho was found at homo
quietly attending to his own affairs. Ho
know ho wan suspected and it worried
him. Ono day ho said the next party
that came looking for him would get a
fight , and then they loft him alone. Ho
never visited the settlement
and sometimes when in liquor , was very
troublesome. Ho would mount his
horse , draw his pistols and ride through
the streets of the little towns , whooping
and llrlng in every direction. When
pressed ho would take to the hills and
go back to his ranch. When not on a
spree ho was quiet , well behaved and a
most intelligent and agreeable compan
ion. Ho was called n desperado und
everyone came in time to shun him.
One day ho wont down the river to
look up some now hunting place and
trapping grounds , and when about thir
teen miles from his cabin was surprised
to como upon a good-sized house , burn ,
wagons and all the appointments of a
Ho hitched his horse to a tree by the
door , and was surprised to see a man
untying the horse and loading him
away almost before ho had entered the
"Hold on there , " he cried , "what do
you want with that horse ? "
"Bo you the chap that lives up the
crook'ho was asked.
"Yes ; what do you want to know for ,
and what business is it of yours whore 1
"Yor nro wanted over to the Platte ,
and I'm ' goln' to take yor over thar , "
said the farmer coolly. Had 'n bomb
shell fallen at his foot und exploded ,
lie could not have boon more astounded
than by the words of the farmer.
Was It possible ho had struck a man
tougher than himselfi1 It looked that t
way. IIo rubbed his head and pulled
his oars to see if ho was alive or awake
nnd hud hoard correctly.
> "Yes , " continued the farmer , coolly
' eyeing him , "I don't care to have yor in
this neighborhood while I live liyar ,
and I'm just going to take yor over to
the Plutto and put yor in jail u bit. "
The young man started , and instinct
ively his hand sought the handle of his
"Nono o' thot , my fine buck , " said the
farmer , smiling ; "Put down yor hand
or Jake , who's just behind thot door
with a double barrelled shotgun , will
scatter yor tarnul remains all over the
The young man turned quickly nnd saw
the double barrel of u gun leveled at
him from the door ot the house.
i. "Keep him there , Jake , " said the fur-
r mor , "till I put up the boast , und then
fcI'll take his crackers away from him. "
K The young man stood like ono riveted
E to tlio spot. Ho knew if lie moved one
fi inch ho would bo filled with buckshot ,
( I It sooinod to him an ago until the
I and walking quickly up to him , tool )
I both his revolvers uway from him.
t * kNow , young follor , como in , and tec
[ ' yor don't try none oyor * monkey shine *
I ! with us , or we'll have to till yer uj
| i plump full o' lend. "
I The family consisted of the old man ,
| l his wlfo , daughter , a little son , nnothot
r old man und the hired man , Juke , who
H ho had seen manipulating the shot gun
i on him. The old man had little to say
( i and scorned sulky nnd ugly. Ho told
| | his wlfo to hurry up the supper und
I then drawing out his jnok-unlfo eat
I down to whittle u stick nnd chow
It tobacco. After awhile he expectorated
{ about u pint of saliva on the stove
j | hearth and looking un ut the youny
I man chuckled ns ho said ;
I "Thot yor was chief round these pnrtE
didn't yor ? I've honrn toll of yor capon
' over thar ( pointing with his knife to
S ward the Platte ) and they tola me yet
would make trouble for mo , but Lord
i they didn't know ole Thompson. No
li body on ycurth Is chlof when ole
' -'roun. "
( "I was chief till you cumo , " stild the
young man. "bul I glvo In. There's no
body chief in these parts now hut ole
man Thompson. "
"Is that on the square , younpc follor ? "
Bald Thompson rlslncr. ' 'Look out what
yor about. I cut yor woazon ns BOOH as
I would a rats , " and ho walked toward
the young uiau with the kulfo open in
his hand.
"Don't , pa. " Bald his daughter , nnd
Mrs. T. , joining in. said : "Just sit
down , pa ; yor supper U ready. "
"Woll , como up , young follor , nnd
git some supper , nnd of yor honest In
what yor said about ole Thompson boln'
chief 'roun' here , shake. " They shook
hands cordially , and this strangely ns-
sorted pair sat down at the table to cat.
Mrs. T. und her daughter wcro very
pleasant and agreeable , but the old
man said nothing. After supper ho
wont out in the yard and sat on a log
for a long time , whittling and chownig
tobacco. Ac last ho came In and said ,
abruptly :
' "Young follor , I've been a-thinkin' ,
and of yor dead in earnest about what
yor said , thot there's to bo no one chief
in these parts but ole Thompson , I won't
take yor to jail , and ycr kin go home. "
The young man's heart leaped into
his throat as ha grasped the old chap's
hand und shook it warmly. Ho hud
concolvcd a great admiration for the
old man , and expressed it. Hero was a
man so much worse than himself ho
was proud to call him chief and acknowledge
knowledge- authority over him.
' Ycr bet , dud , it's all right , nnd yor
chief every time ! " cried the young des
perado , wringing the old man's hand
"Well , then , none o ! yor monkey
shines when I'm ' 'roun' , raid BOO yor
don't fergit it' Jake , bring him his
horse and hero's yor guns , young
feller. "
and when the old man passed him over
his pistols , the young dcsporudo
made a deep bow to the two women
which they returned with polite cour
Bidding this strange family good bye
the young man sprang upon his horse
and rode swiftly away. Ilehai ] strange
thoughts us ho wont back to his ranch.
Tn all his lifo ho had never soon a fam
ily like this ono and naturally his rough
mi Uiro was charmed with thorn.
I subsequently leiirnd the history of
this strange family and may as well re
late it here in my story as nnvwhoro.
Thompson had formerly lived in Iowa
about six miles from Sioux City , in the
valley of the Big Sioux rivor. Mutters
did not turn out well with nitn nnd ho
moved to Nebraska anil settled on tlio
Big Blue rivor. Thompson wns a good
naturccl farmer and loved his family.
For many years ho hud been an cxom-
plnry husband nnd futhor. IIo seemed ,
however , to bo unfortunate in all his
efforts to got on in the world nnd this
soured him aud uiado him ill-natured.
IIo was a man of Herco and forbidding
aspect but not half us savage as ho
looked. At last ho took to drink and
became a despcrato character. Ho
made frequent trips from his farm on
the Blue to Hook's ranch , or "Dog
Town" as it was then called. Hero ho
would become drunk and associate with
all the rough characters that/frequented
the place. .Ho had prodigious strength
nnd was a quick and dead shot. Ho
soon came to be a leader among the
men ho associated with , and nearly everyone -
oryono was ufruid of him. The moro
sight of old "Dud Thompson "as they
called him would quiet the
most reckless desperado. It was
not long until ho took to card playing ,
a thing ho hud never done before , and
soon became a persistent gambler. At
lirst ho would play only for the drinks ,
but before long ho bet anything ho had
with him. Being a man of intelligence
ho brooded over his sorrow in his cups
and at the gambling tablo. When very
drunk ho would cut-so himself and speak
of his neglected wife and daughter who
ho know were looking anxiously for his
return home. Ho praised his daughter
constantly and declared always she was
the handsomest nnd best girl in the
Among tno old man's boon compan
ions nnd always a patient listener to his
praise of his daughter was Long Nosed
Ned , the stngo driver. He would sit
for hours and hear the old farmer praise
"his Mary" as ho called hor. Ned was
a man devoid of honor or soul and a
conHrmod gambler. Ho was ulways
flashily dressed , always playing aiid
constantly , when ho could got there , in
the society of old mat : Thompson. Ho
encouraged Thompson to drink and
play and seemed anxious the old man
should sink lower and lower in the scale
of degradation.
Ono evening when they had boon
playing and drinking all day , for
Thompson was now nearly always at
Hook's Ranch , Nod bantered Thompson
to put his horses and wagon uo against
a hundred dollars which ho produced.
The old man thinking ho could win did
so and soon lost his team. Thou Nod
bantered him to play for his farm und
put up iho team aud two hundred dollars
against the claim. Thinking ho could
win his team back as well as the two
hundred dollars. The furmea staked
his claim nnd lost. Rising from the
tublo ho realized what ho had done
and said ho was ruined. Ho said ho
would go homo , but reflected , ho had
no team now to go homo with. The
moro ho reflected ho moro desperate
seamed his situation. Nod plied him
with liquor , and when ho had Him
properly drunk ho said , jokingly , ho
would put up the farm team and $ oO in
money against
Not knowing what ho did nnd crazed
with liquor the iurmor satdown to play.
The rough characters gathered about
the table to see the play. Of course ,
the advantage was with Ned from the
first aud tlio farmer soon lost , hi ?
daughter going with hla team and farm
to Nod. Slowly rising from the table
Ned wont out , hitched up the team ,
then calling for a quart bottle of
whisky invited the farmer to got into
the wugon and said they would go homo.
Perhaps It was the whisky that induced
him , but tlio farmer made no objection
nnd climbing into the wagon took a
seat by the side of Nod. They drank
heavily , Nod frequently passing the
bottle saying it was a chilly evening
and they needed to warm up a bit. It
wns a long ride over the snndy roads
nnd they did not roach Thompson's
( now Ned's ) ranch until after 10 o'clock.
They found Mrs. Thoinoson and hoi1
daughter sitting up , patiently uwaitli
the return of the husband and father.
QThoy wore a good deal surprised to
see the old man bring homo with him a
drunKun companion , for ho had never
done so before. Still they thought ho
hud drum ; moro than ubual and could
not , perhaps , manaao the team and
that Nod hud como along to drive him
homo. So they received the stranger
kindly , and Into as it was sot about preparing -
paring supper for them , for the long
ride had made them hungry.
Willie the supper was Loing cooked ,
Mary could not but woudor at the
drunken stage driver's conduct. Ho
stared at her , winknd and leered in tlio
most outrageous manner. The old man
continued to drhik from Ned's bottlu
quite frequently and ns soon as ho had
his supper staggered oil to hod and in n
few moments was deep in a drunken
ulumbor. Nad now torn Mary and her
mother all that had happened and
wound up his disgusting recital with :
"So now yon nro my own HttJo woman
Mary , and como hero and give mo a
hug and a kiss. "
At the same time ho caught hold ot
hoi' , but she tore loose from him and
ran into the other old man's room , mon-
tlonod In the first part of this story.
IIo was her uncle and an elder brother
other father. She waked him up and
told him what had happened , but ho
scorned to euro very Httlo about It. Ho
told her to go to bed and In the morn
ing when her father was sober ,
ho would fix it all up. As
Mary came from the room ,
she found Long Nosed Nod watching for
her , and ho caught hold of her again.
With a dcsporato effort she throw off
his grasp , and springing from the door
fled down the nath to the barn. Hero
she hid herself in vacant stall. It was
not long until she heard Nod and her
father coming down the path , and to
save herself from being found she
climbed out through a snimro hole at
the back of the stable anil
behind the barn. Hero she lay qulot
until the barn had boon searched , and
then she heard her father say they
would go back to the house and got a
Scarcely knowing what she did or
where she was going , ns soon as they
disappeared from the barn Mary sprang
up and ran to the river. Her lirst impulse -
pulse was to cast herself In and end all
her troubles. While she was debating
in her mind what she should do she
heard the din of a paddlelor the stream
was quite high , and looking up saw
three Indians crossing in a canoe noa
hor. They wore Pawnees , and could
not help seeing her. They aid BOO her ,
and taking her white figure for a spirit
uttered unearthly cries and lied back
across the stream and over the pralrlo
whence thay had come. Their cry
startled Mary , and knowing the men
would soon bo down to see what it meant
she ran swiftly up the rivor. On and
on she went through the damp
night , her hair streaming out
on the wind behind her. Once
a grey wolf crossed her path and
growled at her , but she ran toward him
and the frightened boiiht lied into thu
undergrowth. For hours and hours she
traveled onward not knowing whither
she was going. The daylight was
breaking in the cast when HIO saw a
rude cabin just boforc her , and drag
ging her tire.- limbs to the door had
just strength to rap on it when she sank
down completely ovhaustodand faintsii.
"Who is theroV" cnmo from within ,
but there was no answer.
"If you don't tell mo who you arc I
shall tire through the door , " said the
voico. Still there was no reply. After
a long delay the door was partially
opened and a young man peered cau
tiously out. When he saw in the now
risen light of the morning a woman
lying on the doorstop ho could scarcely
believe his own oyos. Tenderly ho
raised her up and bore her into his
cabin. Then when ho saw it was Mary ,
his neighbor's daughter , of whom ho
had thought constantly ot late , u great
joy welled up in his heart und ho was
as gentle and tender as any woman
could have been with hcrr She oponoJ
her eves and asked piteonsly.
"Whore tun I , what has happened:1' : '
Then , as if rcmomborincr seine terri
ble peril , she cried out , "Oh don't let
him hurt mo ! Save mol Save mo ! "
"You ; ire safe and I won't let anybody
hurt you. Don't you know mcV lam
the Hunter of the Blue and you are
Mary Thompson. There now , you
are very tired and you
must sloop while I get
you something to cat. Go to bleep like
a , good girl , for you are safe hero. "
With a smile the tired girl closed hoi-
eyes , and gently spreading his coatovcr
her , for it was a cold morning , the
young man turned away and wont out of
the door , gently closing it behind him.
Ho sat down to think , but could make
nothing out of so strange an occurrence.
What had happened to bring Mary to
his lonely cabin and cause her to seek
shelter and protection of him. Ho could
not tell , but ono thing was certain ,
there she was , and
with the last drop ot his heart's blood.
When ho stole into the cabin later ,
Mary was sleeping deeply. Now and
then a sob would heave her breast , but
she dijl not wake. Ho ( ja/.ed at her u
long time , and thouglft ho had never
seen so beautiful a woman in his life bo-
fore. With such a girl ho might bo a
man , and his heart ru o in prideand ho
vowed ho would try for her sake oven if
ho could not win hor.
He cooked some fresh fish , fried some
autelopoj made coffee , and did the best
ho coulu to get up some thing for his
guest to cat when she awakened. Still
she slept on. and on , until ut last , whan
the sun was far up in the sky , ho gently
shook her and she opened her eyes.
With a s'tart she sut up in the bed and
stared wildly about hor. Then elio re
membered all , and as if to help her the
hunter said :
"Don't worry. Sco , I have got you , ' '
and laying her hand gnntly on his arm ,
wild , simply , "I believe you , "
"But you inubt no ; remain hero , " ho
said , "that would never do. "
"What shall I do. " she inquired.
"Go to Kearney , " ho said. " 1 have a
lady friend there who will take euro of
you , and ttio commanding ofllcor will
boo that no harm comes to you. "
How easy it seemed to Mary to obey
this man. She mid not a word in reply ,
and ho understood her.
"I am sorry 1 have no horse for you
to ride , " ho bald , "mino is doafl , but
wo must go oven if wo have to walk , "
Then he packed up some provisions
for the journey und locking up his his
cabin they sot out together on foot for
Kearney. The journey was not a long
ono , and
it seemed to como to an end for both of
thorn. The hunter found the lady ho
know , and on hearing her story she at
once took Mary into the liouso. Than
the hunter returned to his cabin , and
to the Biirpriso of every ono while at
Kearney ho drank not n drop of liquor.
OA his return to the Blue ho Bought
out Long Nod and gave him three days
to leave the county , and it was enough ,
lie wont. Nod was soon afterwards
killed in a druken row at Julcsburg.
Thompson wont back to Iowa and died
there. The young Hunter of tlio Blue
continued to live in his cabin , but made
frequent journeys to Kearney , and
always to BOO Mary. Once when ho re
turned Mary came back with him ,
and she was his wife. Ho had
something to oat for you must bo very
hungry us well as tired , after your long
walk. I am the young hunter of the
Blue and I swear I will die if necessary
to protect you from all harm , Do you
not know moV ho asked again , as she
had not saia she know him.
"Oh yes , " said Mary , "I remember
when you wore down the river at my
fathers place and I have often thought
of you since. " Than she blushed and
thu delighted hunter cried out.
"Thought of ino , have you ? I guess
you'ro the only girl then that over
thought of me , " and he added , "and
haven't I thought of vou , oh every day ,
and moro than u hundred times u day ,
too. "
Soolng Mary blush deeper than over ,
ho checked himself and said : "But
ooiao , you roubt cat aud then after that
wo can talk , nml you must toll mo nil
thnt has happened since lAOisdown tlio
rivor. " Mnry < U < 1 out nnd < she did toll
the young hunter nil that had hap
pened , for somehow Bho felt strangely
imppy and perfectly sufoin ) his pros-
on co. . , o
Ho listened pnUonily to nor story and
his brow grow dark find hla eyes nnshoil
ns she told about the btinio Nod and
her father.
"So that is it , pirlV Sold to Long
Nod to pay a gambling tfo'bt'nnd ho was
brute enough to claim you against your
will. Not while I live , Mtxry , not while
the Wild Iluntor of the IJlup lives , gal.
I reckon , " ho said , droj > plHg suddenly
into his mountain vernacular. Mary
looked at him ivlUi , , , n woman's
faith in her prown eyes ,
and the result can bo imagined.
After marriage Ned stopped drink
ing entirely and was a steady
and industrious man , respected by
every ono who know him. After the
death ot old man Thompson , Mary's
mother and her younger brother caino
to Hvo with thorn , and to those B'JO ' add
ed a little brood of her own , two boys
and two-iMrls. The Wild Hunter of the
Blue soon removed to another part of
the state and became a prominent man.
I would netlike to tell you his real name
for ho might not like it , and norlmps
you know him though not his history.
Sullluo it to say that ho writes honor
able boforc his name and is a credit to
his state , a sulf-cducnted and self-made
man. As for Mary , if you want to sco
her , you can probably do so by going to
Lincoln at the next meeting of the Ne
braska legislature. where dhc always ac
companies her husband , and two more
intelligent and refined people i-annot
bo found in the state of Nebraska to
day than Marv and her husband , the
former "Wild Iluntor of the Dig Blue. "
S. Buisr.ix.
Pour olopmentR In onu wcolt ore chronicled
in si town of four thousand Inhabitants in
Tlio knot was tied in two tiiul ono-VmU
minutes bv tlio watch at a recent weddlnc itt
Olonns. N. Y.
Claude Mclnotte , a Minneapolis banker ,
1ms just marrioil u million dollur iiejrro heir
ess from Louisiana.
A groom ot seventy uml Vindo of seven
teen was ono of the strnnpu sights to bo
aeon at a recent wedding ut Olilliuothc ,
His said that on the inside of u rinc owned
in AtchisonICun , , is engraved the following :
"l\ and II. , betrothed April. IbS ! : divorced
May , IS.11
Now th'it Mr. Loxvcll bus been deflnttely
settled ia Ins old housu in London , the story
lias been revived that ha is uuout to tnurr.y a
well-known lady of that city.
The lonc-mootud problem , "Is Murnago a
Failure ! " bus nt l.isi been ilcIiltciy ! : settled
by the Hon. Ghnuncay M. Dcpow. Ills con
gratulatory dispatch to Mr. Glllam at his
wedding , ran : "i'o bo unpaged to the pirl
you love is hnppincsa ; but to marry her is
heaven. "
A mini in Detroit is silhiK for n ilivorco
from his wife bocaii33sho is buldhcadcd. She
kept tlio face from him for seine months , and
ho was liiilipv. finally ho discovered the
fatal truth by pooping 9vor the tnuisoin ,
aim Eccinir her without her beautiful blundo
wig. '
Columbia college con fora degrees upon
two young women this year. .
Coriwll university students nnd professors
contributed over sjl.UOU us a jrollof fund for
the sufferers from thu rsccnt IlondH.
Edward J. Paoluj , < & -nl\ilstcr \ to Great
Britain , lias written to ihp faculty of the
Yale law bchool tbnl ho will ho fa hand ut
tha opening nf the collogjyear to instruct
the olusses in equity and evidence.
Cornell university is to bevo a lirst class
athletic Held W. II. , yiKO ; ; has presented
the land , tiad a frionj of tao students , whoso U withhold at , has lvoi : SJ.OJO
for Hum ; , ' luU tiata with t'nie ! : , buildings ,
etc. It is expeatoJ to ba cjinp'.o ' t-J by next
i lie faculty of A'nhorJt ujl'.iw has uo ua
to rccogniza that , spi'tru' studu-Us do not
tur.U to raHo tie standard of tlu coltoxo , at
they do nut little work and "out" recitations
very friinuontly. To correct. Una , the fsiculty
has apiuinleJ 30:112 : ot its members us
' guardians , " to udviso and overlook the
Vnssar commencement exercises tcolc
[ uco n few nays : ijo. Tnero wore forty-nino
candidates for the baccalaureate decree , t\vo
for the diploma of the iic'aool of painting ,
and live for the diploma of the ectiool of
music. President Taylor announced that
the endowment fund of .f ICO.dOJ , tor which
111 , ) college had been striving , hud been com
Mrs. Henry 13. Flonnor of Cleveland lias
given to Mimolt-.i uoliogu of Ohio n line
herbarium of 15,030 sojcnnous , j.itiqrotl ! und
arranged by liei'ialf and her luU : husband.
The collectioa was chlyily uiudo in the Ohio
valley. Missouri , tigorgin , Micaigun uad the
upper Mississippi rcxloji , and was enlarged
by cxdi ingea with botanists in all parts of
the world.
It is suggested to the theologians who are
disputing as tx > whether hull ia a. necessity
that it is certainly nota luxury.
St. Peter When ) do you cotuo fromi New
arrival Chicago. St. rotor Then you'd
bettor ijo below. This would prove too quiet
for you.
"Your lifol" "Would
money or your you
rob u professional brother ) " ' 'Are you in
the profession ! " "I am managing the church
fair. " "Puss on , friend. "
A inlnUtcr once excused himself from fill
ing ono of his regular appointments on the
ground Unit ho hud recently returned Irom
his vacation und felt weary.
The weather has novcr boon biought fully
under the saving influence 01 religion , IP
frowns darkly on many a church picnic Satur
day , und smiles graciously on many a secular
picnic Sunday.
The ofilco of postmaster ut Pa'iidiso , 111.
has been given to a woman. Too appoint
ment lias no politlco-thcolngicnl Hignlllcancc ,
however , la us much as the posiotllco at
Eden , 111. , still remains in masculine hands.
Deacon Podsnap Well , I throw Hooligan
out of my building to-day. Tlio Hev. Wilgus
I am glad to hour it , brother. I cannot
think that the rent for such a disreputable
divu If I may use the expression could bo
received conscientiously by a Christian.
Deucon Podsnap I wasn't receiving any
rent. Ho owes mo for three months.
Foreign advices inform us that Buffalo BUI ,
on a recent Sunday , turned away 8,000 people
from MR show. It is not stated whether lie
turned tticm away because ho thought It was
wicked to attend shows I on i Sunday , or just
bccuuso there was not room enough in the
tent. Unless Buffalo Bill has lately and ma
terially changed , the the most rea
sonable suggestion. ;
Goronlmo , tbo Apache ch'lof who a few
years uiro was murdering white men BO mo-
what indiscriminately 'in Now , Mexico , is
now the leader of an Indian Sunday school
in Florida. Ho raises bis voice in song with
us much success as he formerly raised scalps.
In fact , it is understood. tliat > his bloodthirsty
nature only asserts itsejf novv in his fond
ness in murdering tribqs.
ril r W Bal I
Ice Cream Freezers.
Tlio most complete line in the city.
1 H Douglan Btreet.
at 11.60 per box , all druggists , or by mall from
Doctma 11 TU 00. il Whlto * t H. V. 1'ulldlroo
, < utfdrfi f * * & & , > AU. K1 , * * „
< ESTAOLiSHEO 1861 ( I8O So.
Rilrnr nmTl .
DUfO\Mm\ \ \ Chicago , Ills , 1 ClarkQt.
The Regular Old-Estaillslied
It itP.I Treating with the Greatest
L . !
Chronic , teens and Private Diseases ,
19-HEIWOU3 DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Falllne Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlklo
Drrime , Hend and Dack Ache and all ( he cflfccti
leading to early dccuy nd ptihaps Connutnptlon 01
iamty , treated tcicnllfically by new method ! with
Ter-faiiine mtcnss.
JKT OYPH1L1S ami r.llbad Dlood and Okln Dlj-
caae * permanently cured.
* 9-KlDNEVand URINARY complaints , Qleet ,
Qonorrhoen , Strlctu re , Vartcocele and all dlsttsei
of the QenltO'Urlnary Urgani cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kldneyi or o-her Organi.
07 * No experiments. Age and experience lm
portnnt. Consultation free and sacred.
as-Stml 4 cents rx tie , for Celebrated Worki on
Chronic , Nervcuo pnd Delicate Diteaiei.
C3-Those coilemplutlng Mairlace > end for Dr.
Ctarke'o celebrated Rtildc Mnlo and Female , each
15 cents , both cenU ( iUmm ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or enllinayiavc future wfler.
Ina and shame , and add golden year * to life. ej-Iloole
"Life'B ( Secret ) Erroro"so nu { tampa ) . Meillclna
nnd writings ter-t evcrywhrre , ecute from expotuie.
Hours , 8 lo 8. Sut.dayl 9 In u Addrest
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. (
180 So. Claris Gt CHICAGO ,
oem -10 Barker Block , cor. loth nnd
Karn am Streets.
21 lots have -been sold during
the pnstS.O days , on lOth and llth
streets , near Nicholas street , by
us. This property is especially
dtipted for warenouses coal-
yards , factories , etc. It is easy o
access , three quarters or a mile
from the postofficc ; is reached
from 16th street , by going east on
Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific ,
Fremont. Elkhorn. & Missouri
Valley , Belt Line , Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha Chicago -
cage & Nortwcstorn , Burlington
& Missouri River , Kansus City ,
St. Joe & Council Dlutis , Chicago
Burlington & Qumcy Trackage
The Illinois Central and Winona
& Southwestern contemplate
trackage in the immediate vicin
ity very shortly. Nicholas is now
paved to lOth Gtraet , which gives
a continuous line of level pave
ment to any part of the city.Many
warehouses are now in course
of erection in this locality.
pDOSlto Ptxtca IlctoU
OEM Hours , D & . n. to 8 p. za. Coa aVt 10 &
in Chronic , Nervous , Blln and
"Consua at oineo op by mall fre .
Medicines sent by mall or express , nocuroly
oncKetl. free from observation. Uuarantnos to
cure nulclcly. Bufely anil permanently. .
UPmmilO TIUUH TI'V Bpormatorrhica , semi.
HhRYUUS llriDlLlil nM l.oj8es.NlB"tEmla.
lions 1'hysicftl Deciiy. Hrlslue from Indiscre
tion , 'Kzcesi or Indulgence , producing Sleeplessness -
lessness , UtFpondeucy. Pimples on tap face.
aversion to boclety. easily dlhcournged , lock ot
confidence , dull , unlit for study or buslnes'i.and
Uncla lira a burden , safely , permanently and
privately cured. Consult IKs. Uotta if Uetts ,
< ua J'arnam St. , Omaha , No > > . ,
Blood aMSKin Dbeaieii &Uirffi
results , compldtelv eradicated without the aid
of Mrrcurr. scrofula. Kryslpela * , Kuver Bores ,
lllotchen. Ulcers. I'alns in the Head and lionea ,
ByphlllttoSoroTlirof.t. Mouth and Tongus , Co-
turrh. Ac. , permanently cured where otners
irfrliintr "ifninoiw nnd Dlailder Complaints ,
IvlllllfiY , Urinary I-alutul uimruit. too fro.
uucnt llurnlnsor Dloody tlrlno. Orlno hlsn col
ored or with milky sediment on standing ,
Weak Hack , aounorrhcoa , Oleet , Cystitis. &c. ,
I'romptly andSafely Cured , Charpcs Ueasona-
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dilatation. Cures effected at home bv patient
without a moments pain or annovnnce.
To YOIM Men and Miflule-Aged Hen ,
A QIIDDTinnr ThB awful eirects. of early
A uUllD uUllb Vice , which organic
weakness , destroying both mind anil bodv , wltu
nil its dreaded ills , permanently cured.
flDO DDTT Adrebs tnooo wno uajro Impaired
LlltUi DuilU themselves by Improper Indul
gences and solitary hnblt. % which ruln'botn
bod/ and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or marriage. , _ . . ,
MAKKIBD HEN. or those entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly ai
U based upon facts. First Practical Expe
rience. Second Kvery case is especially studied ,
thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre
pared In our laboiatory exactly to suit each
case , thus affecting cures without Injury.
Pf ? Send 0 cents postage for celebrated works
on Chronic. Nervous und Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. fiTA. friendly letter or call
may save you futuie BiUterlntr and shame , and
add golden years to life. t& No lettera an-
iwered unlcsu accompanied by 1 cents in stampa ,
1103 1'arnam Srioat. Omaha. Hifc.
$5 A FULL SET of TEETH for $5
Paxtou Block , IGtli aud Farnani Streets.
Wo wish to announce to the people of Omaha and vicinity that from this date
on wo propose to make n , FULL SET OP TEETH on rubber for W , guaranteed to
bo as well made as plates sent out from any don'lal ofllco in this city , and for
which you would have to pay TIIUE12 TIMES AS MUCH.
This offer is not made by us simply to got . oa.iuto our ofllco and ohargo you
moro for n sot of teeth than wo advortlsol
Do not allow others to prejudice you before making us a call and examining
specimens of our skill.
Besides rubber teeth wo mnko tooth on the following bases : GOLD , ALUM
Tooth without plates , Bridge-work , Gold and Porcelain faced crowns , etc.
The best mothoa in the city for extracting tooth without tmln and without
ho use of Chloroform , Ether , Gas or Electricity , the patient rnmnlng perfectly
conscious , but fooling no pain.
GOLD , ALLOY , CEMENT and AMALGAM FILLINGS , ouo-half rates.
Cut this out. Mention this paper.
The ONLY Lawn or Gtmleu IIoso MADE which will stand
IV tb URT Itwi
11 HID UlLU I q lu l
Aho owlilch'\\lU do peed work In most cltlas , will not nlvo satisfaction In
Omalii , oiirxcounto the extreme high prossilro. While dealers oauiplaln ot
other hose lialucreturnt'd tul'U'BunuaTitltfosljejniisolm not stroll ? enoimlx to
Rtiindtlioin-essuvo. A'at , One Ifoot of the "KISH BRAND" has over f.vlljd.
For .sale liy all dealers , or
1008 Farnam-st. , Omaha , Neb.
"Wholesale or Retail.
A. .T. t'OI'l'LETON , 1'rosldent. II. W. YATE3. Treasurer.
J. J. UltUWN , Vice-1'resldcnt. S. T. JOSSKLVN , Secretary
Paid Up Capital , 31OO.OOO
Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance ,
Oflicos , S. 10. Corner Douglas and Sixteenth Sts. Telephone Idt3.
Directors : A. J. Poppletnn , J. II. Mlllard. Win. Wallace. J. W. Oannott. II. W. Yates , N. A.
JCnhu , 13. I < . Stone , C. D. Wootlworth , J. S. Collins-J. J. Drown , B. T. Jossolyn.
Home Office. Xos. HOO. ilOl. 802 , ! 10 ! ) Hnmn'rf IJlock , Onmlm , Neb.
1513 DflUjHH 81 , Omalia , Nebraska ,
A mooniflccnt tltupltiijofevei'titltlnff useful nr.d ornamental In tha furnl-
_ turo intiker's art at reasonable prices. _
Ft ave .exceeded their expectations. Tlio low prices , toj-otlier with line work ami poi feet fit , nave
mlted their cnstomem Hint It is tlio cheapest place to uuy tholr garinonta. They urn con *
untly tclvini ; new KOOUS for the summer tnvdo.
fi'fi'S FKO3B 928 UfiMVAIlMS. PANTS I'JtOM 97
tcraaniBsa U
Vv , J
311 South ICth St Omuliu , Neb.
Terra Gotta work nnd Fire Proollnir , I'ocora Mortor colors , ( all shailos ) , Bwoony'u Dumb Walter ,
Hard Wood I'loors , Vont-tlnn and Sliding ( Insidoi llllnds. Oontniotors uud UuildWu "upnlloa
Call and sea xumplus , and nut | iricoa. Conojpondunca Holldtvd.
Omalia Stove Repair Works
IEO5ST. UJZL.JG . , Prop. C. HI. RATON , Manager. ' { Telephone OOO
Itvpulrs for nil Stoves and jtaiiftos made. Ilrllllant ( Jasollno Stoves. Stoves taken In exchange a
ment. Gasoline lltirnora made to order and thoroughly repaired ,
to us'or send card uud wo will call and estimate work of any kind.
tOMItllt ll ! ! lt EiniiSllLllTWI ,
'Paris Universal Exposition
U now open. Pnrtlut ileslrlnir Rood ncromniodullans
on tbo new larxo vxpreia niumuon of tlio I'umuui
Which nrn noted for Iliolr rouiilurltjr. equal to mil *
ron'l ' trains. In mnklntf tlio trip to Jluvro-l'urU In ono
week , lira advised to
Make Uiirly Application for ISciihs.
Till" I * nlio nccessHrr on account of the boavy
trawl tlurlne tbo iprlng and tuuiuiur rauutlm.
McCAGUE BROS. , 105 South 15th St. ,
IIARHY E. MOORES , 1602 Farntun St. ,
H. L. HALL , 1 3 Fimmm St. ,
J. II. GREEN , 1601 Fnrnum St. ,
Auoiits , Oinulia , Nub.
A full tot of teeth for tl 1'iilulm extraction of
teeth witliout cblorcforia , sm or etlmr , Millm ; ut
DR ? BAILEY , Dentist ,
c.lCtUuua Hit. Oytm evening
' 'Atew-i&jf
1511 Dodge Street.