Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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.7. 0. Scpslon Iflxs boon Bworn In us a
special policeman by Judge Borlm.
The ItnlintiB of the city Imvo rrdsod n
purse of S33.60 and sent It to the Johns
town sufferers. *
It Is stated that the newly appointed
collootor of internal revenue , Mr" .
Peters , will nsaumo charge of the ofllco
next wouk.
P. E. Looiso has charge of all the
newspapers on the trains of the South
Platte division of the Fremont , Klkhorn
& Missouri Valley railroad.
A man named llassolt was fined 810
nnd costs by .Tudjro Uorkn , yostordny ,
for carrying iv daiiRorous looking pistol
nnd a peculiarly ctfhBtructod slingshot.
Bert Snyder , cornet player , in the
Boycl opera house orchestra , has gene
cas't nnd will have n summer engage
ment with it Philadelphia band at As-
bury Park.
A mooting of the directors of "Mer
chants' week , " will bo hold next Mon
day ovonlng at the chamber of com
merce , for the purpose of electing olll-
ccrs nnd appointing committees.
The board of pubho works granted
permission , Thursday , to the Omaha
Motor railway company to lay double
track on Sixteenth street , commencing
at a point GOO feet south of Sixteenth
street viaduct , to the south line of
Hickory street , and yesterday the
nmount required to pay for the paving
destroyed , 82iJO.55 : ! , was paid in to the
city comptroller by the motor company.
I'ersonnl 1'nrncrnptis.
J. W. Holmes , of Kearney , is at the Mil
J. E. Wildes , of NcllRti , Is nt the Ar-
S. M. DuttOD , of Fremont , is nt the Ar-
\V. P. McCrary , of Hastings , ia at the
S. Smith , of Curtis , Is stopping at the
Henry C. Smith , of Falls City , is at the
Leroy Hull , of Crawford , Is a guest at the
John R. Clarke , of Lincoln , is a eucst at
the Pnxton.
E. S. MeCaudlo and wife arc registered at
the Murray.
Frank Sharpe , of Atkinson , la stopping nt
tboMUlurd. .
E. TJ. Heed , of Weeping Water , Is stopping
nt the Pjxton.
G. A. Vun Inwcfjan , of Clmdron , s regis
torua ut the MillnrJ.
n. F. Klolto and wife , of West Point , nro
guests at the Mlllnrd.
MUs Emily T. Van Ettcn , of Vlncenncs ,
I ml. , is n guest at the Murray.
Joseph A. Knup , of West Point , Is nmont ?
tbo Into arrivals nt the Arcade.
A. O. Spau , A. T. Soovor and P. A. Brun-
dago , of Tccuuisch , are at the Paxton.
Mr. F. E. Matson. editor of the Davenport
Lancet , gave 'J'ni : BKB a pleasant call.
Colonul J. 1C. Miznor , U. S. A. , accompa
nied by his wife , Is stopping at the Puxton.
C. C. Camion , of Sclmyler , nnd Chariot J
Douglas , of Fremont , are guests at the Mil-
W. H. Ashley , of Beatrice , owner of the
celebrated nice horse Chllwood , is at the
W. B. Humphioys , Tom M. Cooke nnd
6. Norwood , of Lincoln , are stopping at the
James W. Illdgeway , of Curtis , nnd M. W
Walsh , of Aurora , are registered at the
A read o.
Chnuncey Ahhott , of Schuylor , nnd Frank
McMilHn , of Nebraska City , are guests at
the Puxton.
Captain W. F. Tibbltts , the oldest travel
ing passenger agent in tbo country , Is stop
plntf at tbo Paxton.
i C. L. Snldor , of Osceoln ; P. S. Hlscock
Ot Falls City , nnd H. M. Hoffman , ol
' Grand Inland , are stopping at the Arc.ulo.
Mrs. I. S. Ilascall started Wednesday for
the seashore , where she will spend the sum
mer. She goes by way of Buffalo , N. Y.
vrhcra she will bo joined by her sister , Mrs
Mr. Green , of the Cincinnati Times-Star ,
and Mr. Beard , who mudo the Judge ( Now
York ) famous by his nrt as a picture maker
called at this ofllco yesterday. They nro
attending the Council Bluffs Chautauqua
Bo tli ffontlcnipu oxnrcssod themselves us
surprised and delighted to llnd such a magnificent
nificentnowspnuar building in Omaha.
Mr. A. Frank Hlohardson , manager of the
Now York branch of THE BBC , arrived hero
Thursday ovonlng. Ho came all the way from
Now York to take part In the celebration of
the opening of the now BUB building , hut by
inlsconnection of railway trains ho roauhcc
licro 0110 day too late. In rofcronco to tin
building Mr. Ulchardson says , takimg all It
nil , there Is nothing in nil Now York tha
equals TUB BEI : building.
nisliko the .
At Kaspar's hall , this evening1 , the Second
ward taxpayers will hold a mooting for the
purpose of drawing up a protest against th
valuation put on their property by the at
Motor Machinery.
Additional machinery for the motor power
house was received Thursday and officers o
the company now deolaro that the Shonuun
avenue and Walnut Hill Hues will bo in oper
ation by July 1. _
Tlio Masons.
Tbo Grand Lodge of Masons adjourned
sine dto about midnight Thursday night ,
after transacting sorao business of minor
importance. Yesterday morning a drive
was taken about the city , and many of the
delegates loft for their homes.
Ono Hundred Dollar Coal Ijlornso.
The case of P. Milestone , charged with
soiling coal without having paid the $100
license , required by the city ordinance , was
iicurd before Judge B erica. Mr. Milestone
will test the validity of the ordinance In the
arguments of the uuso which will bo hoarc
on Wednesday next.
Haste to tint Treasurer.
The people are paying their city taxes at n
great rito. Treasurer Hush's ofllco is
thronged every day from morning unti
night. Ho says the average is a little bettor
than last year. Delinquencies go into effect
July 1 , consequently the rush from now
until then will bo crcat.
An Eloquent Jesuit.
Rov. U. J. Meyer , S. J. , ox-provincial of
the Jesuits of the province of Missouri ,
which Includes thU state and section ol
country , arrived last night from Calif ornla.
Jio Is stopping at Crelghton college. To
inorrow , at 10 o'clock mass , ho will deliver
the sermon la the collegiate church nf St.
John , California nnd Twenty-fifth street
Father Meyer is ono of the most scholarly
nd entertaining speakers In his order.
Omnlm Medical Collugo OfHoeiM ,
At the annual meeting of tbo trustees o
the Omaha Medical college , Dr , D. McCruo
of Council Ulna's was elected doan of the
faculty to succeed Lr , Dcnlso. Dr. Lolscn
ring was chosen president of the board , Dr
Mllroy secretary , and Dr. Moore ro-olectod
tieasuior. Dr. Carter was elected treasurer
of the faculty ,
NolrO'Dnino Sttiilenta.
Father Zaun , in charge of sixty students
of the Notre-Damo university , arrived li
Omaha Thursday , The tourists sojoui ned a
short time , and then departed to points west
311 the Union 1'ndllo. The trip Is ono of boll
pleasure and sclcutUlo investigation. Zuhu
is the principal of the faculty of tula well
known university ,
Crazy In Old AKC.
Sheriff Coburn received notice Thursday
% 'cuing that George Qautz , a farmer living
pcnr Mlllard , had go no crazy , nnd had taken
rofuuo In the Holds with a loaded shotgun.
The sheriff was About to start a deputy out
with InstrupU'/ns to capture Uantz and bring
him into to i , when word came that the un-
fortuiiuto t vn's BOH , with the assistance of u
neighbor , nero preparing to bring him.
GOOD BY TO ln\llK.
The KlRhtli Grade Plnntn Its Iroo
nnd Knees tlio high School.
The clnis-day exorcises nt the Lnko street
chool took plnco yesterday afternoon , The
pupils of the Eighth grade Imvo now severed
heir connection with this school and are
> reparcd to enter upon the high school
: ourso. The exorcises were conducted by
illss Whltmoro , the 'principal , ably assisted
> y Miss Valentino , the tonchcr of the Eighth
; rado.
The programmo opened with n song by the
Eighth grmlo pupils , which was followed by
a brief history of the school by Clarissa
Wilholcmy. Then came the reading of the
Lake Courier , n Journal edited by Jerome
Mlllor nnd Blanche Bay.
The recitation , "Mona's Wntors , " 'by
Blnncho Hoblnson , was well rondorcd.
The "Clais History , " by Myrtle Hughes ,
was a witty take otl of the peculiarities and
foibles of the various members.
This was followed by n violin trio by Bert
Butler , Charles Wilier and Frank Poljlaso ( ,
which was very well executed.
The class poem , by Jonnlo Dodson , gave
evidence of considerable pootlo ability.
"A Peep Into the Future , " by Molllo Cnr-
naby , a bright little ladv , was next on the
programme , and revealed tha destiny of her
schoolmates In a manner that was plowing
to nil concerned.
Superintendent James than presented the
class , in a few well chosen words , to the
delegates from the high school , who wcro
thcro to rccclvo them.
Ucsponso was maclo by Fred .Navo. of the
high school , who welcomed the class to their
ranks and gave them an idea of what they
might expect In the way of studios , oto.
Arcllio Nauglc , n bright little fellow , then
turned over the Courier to the coming
Eighth grndo , which was received by Bert
Butler , an a representative of the class , with
a few impromptu remarks. >
All the pupils in the building then formed
in line and , preceded by the drum corps ,
marched to the cast front of the building
where a tree was planted. The tree was
placed in the hole prepared for It , and n tin
box , containing the nnmui of the graduating
class and a history of the school , was placed
In the excavation , after which the pupils
throw the dirt on the roots , each ono quoting
some appropriate sentiment ns ho shoveled
the dirt In.
The exercise1 } closed by singing "Auld
Lang Synn" nnd "America" by the school.
Following Is the list of the graduntlng
class :
Molllo Carnaby , Blanche Van Court , Mabel
Mason , Blanche Hoblnson , Jcnnlo Dodson ,
Irene MncICenrle , Blanche Bay , Myrtle
Hughes , Mary Wllliami. Clarissa Wllholmv ,
Ada Gllmoio , Mublo Colby. Lizzio Wills ,
JosephineZabodick , Earnest Frlod , Frank
Hnskcll , Arcllio Nauglo , Harrv Kane , Leo
Hauillu , Jerome Miller , GotlobSollncr. .
fully up to the mark in every way. Wo
do not know whicu to admire most , its
literary and artistic excellence , or the
perfection of its fubhion and , household
'How the Coinin'lssioticrH Explain tUe
Present DlRcropancy.
The board of county commissioners Is
considerable exercised over this year's as
sessment of property. Chairman Mount
said that the books show a worse- state of
affairs than ever bofotc. While the total
levy exceeds last year by nloro than § 130,000 ,
the dcuieoso in certain wards and precinct :
is startling , and cannot easily bo accounted
"Thoro is no reason why it should bo so ,
that I can give , " continued the chairman ,
unless political influence cuts some flguie.
Take , for Instance , the Third ward , which
soomi to have decreased $183,3.23 in value.
There Is no cxcuso for that , but the property
values are simply lowered , and what aio you
Roipjr to do about Iti For instance , the
Union Pncillo headquarters is 28,000 , and
block63owncd by that corporation , which \vas
put In last year ut gj.GOO is assessed this
year nt $ JCOO. The li. & M. headquarters is
icduc-ed from S07.UOO to 25kj ( > . ' 1 he vacant
lot , Immediately west of the B. & M. ofllco ,
owned by Georpo W. Smith , was assessed
last year at ? 3K)0 , ( ) , comes in now at ? 2,850.
don't know why it should bo reduced.
The First ward decrease amounts to SU9-
712 , and the Sixth to $202 , $ ! > . I can under
stand why there should ho some decrease in
the Sixth ward , because , lust year It was
assessed outrageously high. Still , the num
ber of now buildings which have gone up out
there ought , I should think , have kc-pt the
average up to nearly what it was before.
Out of nine wards In the city four the
Second , Seventh , Elgtitn and Ninth , show a
total increase of $3al,517 , while the other
five , In which most of the big property is lo
cated , show a decrease of $303,031.
South Omaha cotncs to the front with n
gam of $370,418 , which brings the total In
crease tor the entire county , over last year
up to about 8100,000.
The board has not commenced to equalize
as yet. They continue to receive complaints
which are numerous. Tlio check put upon
Individual reductions , is causing much dis
tress of mind ami thcro nro good prospects
ahead for several lively lawsuits.
Mr. Thos Lee , proprietor of the Leo Hotel
Arkadclphln , Ark. , says that Swift's Spe
cific has so strengthened his wife for her
labors us hostess that ho can recommend ant
emphasize the assertion that us a tonic for
ladies and children S. S. S. has no equal.
Musicntllniiscom. .
The third sacred concert , by the Omaha
Guards band , will take place next Sunday at
3 p. m , , at Hanscom park. The following is
the programmo :
1 Marcho Oriental Mozart
2 Overture Pechl Mlguon Langoy
8 Andante Heligloso Wagner
4 Scene and Ario , "Bellsar" Donulzettl
Buritono Solo.
TAUT 11.
5 Overture , "Poet and Peasant" Suppi
n ( a. Evening Bells Abt
1 b. Moment Musical Schubert
7 Innlg Vorbunden. . . , Pranko
8 Esmcraldo , G rootho
0 Stabat Mater Rossin
10 Echoes In the Forest Michaolis
n I a. Bundcsllcd Mozart
" 1 b. Hjma to th'o Night Bcothovon
13 Air Mllltalro Clurons
Sunday Kxourslon ,
Regular excursion train will lo.ivo the
depot , at Fifteenth and Webster streets , ut
12:1)0 : ) p.m. ; returning , leave liuscr's park
( lawn ) at 7:15 : p. m. Go out nnd spend Sun
day afternoon. Hound trip only 25 cunts.
Ijonal Wont her Predictions.
The chief signal oQlcor , recognizing the
fact that the obsorvois 'stationed at various
points have facilities for making local pre
dictions which are not ut the command of
the Washington ofllce , and also knowing
that It is not within the scopa of the bnof
predictions which are telegraphed broadcast
over the codntry every twelve hours , has
authorized the observer at Omaha , as well
as ut other points , to make predictions for
the iinmodluto vicinity of their stations.
The predictions , until further orders , will
refer only to precipitation and the condition
of tlio weather , us clear , fair or cloudy for
the ensuing twenty-four hours. This order
will go Into effect July 1. Under the admin
istration of General Hazon observers were
not allowed to inako any predictions , and
were greatly hindered in the proper per
formance of their plain duty in giving all
the Information at their command ,
Taxldormlst.cutnl'g'o.SlS ' N IGlh.Omahu ,
Died In a Chair Car.
A child , two yearn of ago , en route east
with its parents , dlod In the chair oar on the
Union Pacific tram Thursday evening. The
iniuio of the parents could not bo ascertained.
The remains were taken cast for interment.
r.lks 111 DCS MoluOJ.
District Deputy Exalted Grand Ruler , W.
H , Hyde , nnd twelve member * of Omaha
ledge of Elk.9 , left for DC * Molncs , where ,
to day , they will Institute 11 now ledge of
Elks. About lifty of the loading profes
sional and business men in lowu's capital
city have signed a request and expect to become -
como charter members pf the now organiza
The popular blood purifier , Hood's
Stvrsnparllln , IB having n tremendous
sale this season. Nct.rly ovtrybody
takes It. Try It yourself ,
Ho Is Tendered n Dinner by the U. S.
District Juriitc.
As n trlbuto to the records which Ellis
Dlerbowor has made as United States mar
shal of this district for about seventeen
years , Judge Dundy tendered him n recaption
nnd dlnno nt bis oloennt homo on Loavon-
worth street , Thursday ovonlng. The guests
comprised the now incumbent , all the ox-
mnrshnls of the district now living , the
douutlcs , the district and ox-dlstrlct attor
neys , besides representatives of the press ,
so that the gathering was , In many respects ,
a remarkably Interesting ono.
William Dally , the man whom BIcrbowor
succeeded , also Brnd D , Slaughter , tlio now
marshal ; George H. Prltchett , the district
attorney , uiut his assistant , Robert W. Pat
rick ; G. M , Lambcrtson , of Lincoln , ex-
district attorney ; John L. Webster , master
m chancery ; Dr. Tlldon , jury commlssionnr
and court physician ; E. S. Dundy Jr. , clerk ;
T. 1C. 1C. Sutton , master in chancery , nnd
Deputy Marshals It. E. Alton , U. J. Stewart ,
J. H. She waiter , Fremont ; A. J. Wright ,
Lincoln , and Chnrloy W. Lyon.
About 0 o'clock Judgu Dundy Invited the
party Into hU spacious dining room , where ,
said ho , "You will ilnd the first
fruit dinner over given -by mo
in this house. " The sitting continued until
after midnight and was thoroughly enjoyed.
Speeches wore miulo by neatly every ono
present , all commendatory of the retiring
marshal's splond'd career as well ns ex-
expressive of the thanks foil for the many
kindnesses that have shown In all his deal
ings with associates.
As the talking representative of the court
nt all times , Mr. Pritchctt oponcd the speech
making with a very neat ttttlo talk , in which
ho reviewed the cares , responsibilities ana
annoyances , ns well as the pleasures and
honor of an ottlco holder.
Mr. Lambortsou , who claims to have
made Bierbowor by stalling him rlcht , fol
lowed , and gave briefly un intcrestiug
history of his experiences.
the judge was dually prevailed on to talk ,
and , among other things iu his short talk ,
said that eight years more \\ouid ilnd him nt
the ago when ho could retire from ofiloo ,
"and if I live to that time. " suld ho , "you
can dopcnd on it that 1 will got out the next
day. "
Have You Cntnrrh ? There is ono
remedy you can try without danger of hum'
bug. Send to A. U. Coleman , chemist , Kaln-
maroo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh
euro. His only modoof advertising is by-giv
ing it away. Postage 2c. Judge for your
self. Mention this paper.
Brands Prom thn liumlng nnd IMck-
111111 From thn Hluiu = .
' I pounded the face all off of ono of mv
neighbors nnd I , want to i-ivo myself up , "
said Mrs. Turpln , a pleasant-faced woman , to
Sergeant Haze at the oponlngof police court.
"Sho called mo n vile name , and I lost my
temper and swore like a trooper. "
"Did I strike her I" repeating the ser
geant's Inquiry , " .lust wait till you sso hor. "
The woman , who lives at 231(5 ( Hickory
str cct. explained that she expected to bo ar
rested nnd so surrendered herself to save n
ride In the patrol wagon. Her honesty os
Impressed the ofllcer that ho sent her homo ,
promising to summon her , wit.out ) the use of
the patrol wagon , when the expected complaint -
plaint is Hied against her.
The usuil number of vugs and drunks
faced Judge Boika. Charles Smvtho was
fined S3 and costs for carrying a nun , and
Dan Thompson a like amount for being
drunk. A half-dozon vagrants were dis
Peter Van Scoy was charged with having
been drunk arid exposing his person.John
Martin , the complaining witness , brought
his wife and little
ten-year-old daughter
into court to give evidence against the an-
cuscu , but judge Berka refused to call upon
them to give testimony in such a case , and
fined Van Scoy $10 and cost. A number of
Van ricov's neighbors appealed from thu dc-
cisiou , alleging that his arrest was duo to
malice on the part of Martin.
Eillo Smith , Emma Hartley , Lida Dean ,
Jennie Hopper and Ida Brown , colored
courtesans , were accused of disorderly CJH-
duct on their way homo from a dance at CutOff -
Off lake last night. The first two plead
guilty , and the cases against the others were
Mr. B. F. Whatloy is a prominent mer
chant of Huston , La. Ho Hays that ho has
sold Swift's Specifics to many persons , nnd
knows of some wonderful cases of blood
diseases , and has never heard-of a failure to
cure. Several cases of contagious blood
poison weio cured after all the doctors and
all other remedies had failed.
Frncrniit Flowers.
The editor of Tnc BEE acknowledges a
beautiful boquct of pinks nnd roses from
Miss Hortcnso Cremer. The delightful
fragrance of these oxquIsitbAflowcrs fills the
aitorlul sanctum.
OWIIB a Vicious Doff.
Miss Kato Coffey secured a warrant In pollco
court for the arrest of John Coon , residing at
10th and Jackson , on the chnrgo of keeping
a vicious dog. Miss Coffey was bitten by the
dog Thursday and plucklly took the prosecu
tion of the case on her own hands.
It Was the Husband.
On the 10th Inst. nn Item appeared in TUB
BEE , stating that "Airs. Adolburg , who lives
nt 2.104 Patrick nvonuo , had dlsappored. " It
Blioulu have load "Mr. Adelburg. "
This no wd er never varies. A marvel of purl ty
strength anil w holosomenoss. Jloro economical
than the ordinary Kinds , anil cannot be gold In
competition with the multitude * of low cost ,
suortvreleuUlumor phospnate povrderi. Bold
Lver 10 j > oftnoncinl COO idois ( la it ytar ,
1. Adulbert Collctfo. Claulci. IJtoruturo , bcluiico.
Well utiulppcd. Untily locatu-1 , vrudo of Now EUKlaud
( XIlcie ut Uulf thu i oil.
i. liepariuioituf lloillclno , three jrenri course.
3. ( x.u.urvHloiy ot Jlutlc. None boiler uiiywlierc.
< . Helioul or Art. Kleu iitarj ami udvmicej.
8. i'ollaeo for Women , folleno Home. Urado au4
edit nf AifcllKirt. Komi fur ftituIOKUUK
HIUAM O. IIAVDN , Dl ) . , l.P , PllES'T.
J- > \vnll on-HuvSkon. Cou C. J , WIIIUIIT. II. B.
A. M. , bupi. ; 11. ! ' . UVAIT , Coiud'tol Cadets ,
Invoitlgntlann of our Corroipond.
ontutton thniLfttast BnlUoot or General
oral Intercnltn the Blctrcp.illn.
IKew TviTc Corresponltnct. ' ]
"New fork Cltr hscen more orcltcd during the
past month over tb tclntlons which tome of tlio
best known KclcnlUrM Imro made , limn nbout any.
thing tbnt tins occ M before in jenr . Among tlio
eluln , whcroTor m imiB < l women cotmrcgoto forsoclfl |
oiclmnga nfthoushUn inulnenscircle ! nna Inprofc
tonal Ufa I have tormf ono lending topic of conTcrin-
tlnn , namely : tlio muni Ing Increase of tlio great na
tional < ll cnRO-l'in l . A foir yo nRO till !
modern maladT WBTnlmo t unknown ! now U OOMH
to b J Hie mo < l droadiul ol nil UlscnuoJ. The boit ( loc-
tursn-oclljciisilnclt. Tlio Hoards ot IIfilth are In-
M'UllRnUnn Hnn-1 pclCntl'ts ucncrnlljr nro nrduiod.
Incanltriniro utiKlmiilo. nn < bad onuuzli , but I DO *
IIOTO rnroiM ( Inllnltely worse , both In Its tub-
tlctr and far roaehlnir rcimlM.
"Or. Allen Mcl.nno Hamilton the lilslicst autliorltr
In Amerton on menial nnd ncrrnna dlacnie * njt' "It
la n rtltoaso Incldrnlto thn rapid llfo of Urn country.
In mnny raBi Hlsilcpondtntiipon vlcoaudnotuimn
nclunl overwork nlono. Alrolioll m nnd ri > lillltlo
dlica ! o nro froqnontly lniliiclngca'i ' e . " 1'n r o s I s
KhnivAltHclf in ninny dltvrcnt Uirm . Innlillitjr to rp-
member nml plnco iomo fnmlllnr fnooi n mln or tlRlit-
HUM In llio lie ml , L' | icrlnllr ncro the oyoi or 1'H'u of
tlio lirnln ) frequent vnttirlnu of the i'j-c i al cnt.
mlnloliipfa ! ilc lrato leeit | > utlmpo 5tl > UIIT to do KOI
n iltKheil face ono dny nnd n p.ilo ono the neil !
f peclal rcilne of tlio r.ico nnd cycsi llicso nro n lower
or the ninny warning * of tlio nppronch of this dread
ed cU&cnso.
" ! . < kn most now ntfllctlnns phyelclans hnro found
dlfllciilty In nroluclnit euro l.Uo mo < t iircnl dlv
coverlcs.hownvor , oiioinnnfore nw the evil nnd pro.
Tided for It 'I hat man nat the late I'rof. l'hclp of
Dirtmoiith rolloKu. Mo knew men required i-omo-
thlnBheretororoitnUin n In IMo world , nnd till In-
Tostlsailom rr ultril In tlioilUcovorr of l'nlno. % ( til
ery compound. It 1 ndiiilttul b ) the brnt niculciit
taicntin thH city that thin fompcuiiidls the only din-
rovory rnpablo of chicklim lHroi > l , or re torlnrt
the brain , nnd It pnpulailty In ! phnnoni.
ennl. 1 Imvo been urprl ol to learn low noncr.Uly
It liilioln/nscil ninl I IIIIMI been [ | u lly unriirliied to
licnrur Itaromlts. bonntor KT.irtt. whoso ntimmrr
refllencolinoir that of the lain Ivor. I'holp * and
who Im * known of thl * Coiliiiound lnco lt < discovery ,
Ims ii'cd It with frwit Mic-c" . Dr. tlio N. \ .
County Moitlcal A coilntlon , f\y > Hint In ni'rviun
proMrntlnu , lnnmnlii , nnd even chronic ntcohol ! m
lollonlnKilollrluni trenii-n" . It liu'boon perfect In Iti
power. On every hand I hcroKOolurnl' for It mid
tlio sentiment or Now iork City li ( .ntlroly In Ita fn-
ESTABLISHED 136 ! ( 186 So.
Chicago , Ills , i ClnrkOt.
llio Regular Old-Established
In iti'l ' Trcallrgwllb the Greatest
_ lL
fflironic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
/S-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood ,
Pclllne Memory , Exhauslinp Drains , Tcrriblo
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the cflecu
leading tu early decuy And perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scionllkkally ly new methods with
never-fatling success.
SYPHILIS icd rll bad Blood and Skin Dis
cuses permanently cured.
; ra-KIDNEYsmd URINARYcjmplalnU.Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcccele and all ukeasei
of the Genlto-Urtnary Orgars cuien prcn-plly wlhoul
Injuty to Stomach , KWrej f or o'Jicr Organs.
O3T No expert menta. Age and experience im *
portar.t. Conaultatlon free and sacred.
S3Send 4 cents postarjc for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous snd Delicate Diseases.
9Thos > contemplating Matrnge send ( or Dr.
Clarke's celebrated suMc Mole and Female , each
IS cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter c.rc-xllmay favoCuturesuffer-
Ing and shame , and add golden ) ears to life. 3 * ook
"Life'sSecret ( ) Errors"socentsstamos ( ) . MeihciM
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure *
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 13 Address
F. D. CLARKE. ( VI. D.f
(80 So. Glartt U OHICAQO. *
iMAiL. is g
ani receive a _
.n pHo
12 GI ! > r
( OppotlM Paztoa HoUU
OBM hourt , . M. to Bp. M.
Jpeciiillats In Chronic , Kerrons , BUa and
Blood Diseases.
CWConsultatlon at office or by mall fret.
Medicines ent by tuall or express , cecurely
packed , frco from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly , safely nnd permanently.
UDDuniTQ TIDDTTTI'VBpernintorrhnsii ' , ieml-
NbtiVlJUb UbDlLiil nall.osses.NlKhtKmls.
tlou.i. 1'hyslcal liecay , urltUuK from indiscre
tion , Kxcess or Inilulueuce , hroduclng Sleep-
lessuess , Ueftpondeucy , I'lmplos on the face ,
av eralon to cocloty. easily dlHCournsed. lack of
contldeuce , dull , unlit for ntudy or buslnesa.and
Qnds llfo aburden. . saMy , permauontly and
pHvntoly cured. Conault lr . Uetts & BetU ,
4Ut ) Faruam ht. , Onii\lia , Xeo.
resulta , complote'lr eradicated without the aid
of Mnrcurr. Scrsfalo. Krjslpelaa. Foyer Sores ,
Illotche1) , ulcen.'I'alns In tlio Head and Ilonei ,
Byphilltlo SoreTtrroat , Mouth and Tonyue. ca
tarrh. Ac , pcrmnaently cured irhere otuers
I7ir1nau lfninwff-t-ftni1 Bladder Complaints ,
l\lin6V ( , UriUHT ? 'Pftlptul , Dlfflcult , joe tr *
quent HiirnliiK orTBIoody Urine. Urine hlgn col
oreU orr1th joflky Bodlment on standing ,
\Veak Hack , Onnn rria a , Gleet , Cystitis. Ac. ,
I'romptly andSafery Cured , Charges Heasona-
moral complete/ without cutting , caueijo or
dilatation. Cures effucted at home br patient
without a momentitialnor annoyance.
To Yonnz Menrand Mjilille-Apil Men ,
A QIIDDTFTDDiTllB awful effocU of early
A uUtlD uUjlD'A'l'.c. which orluRS organic
weaViR'na , dcntmrJaabotli mind and body , with
all its dreaded Illijx-rmanently cured.
HDQ nriPTO Aenrosa tuouo \ \ no iinjra impaired
llIlIJi DIlllu th-mnsclvt * by Improper Indul-
peaces and solitary habltn , which ruin both
body and mind , unQttlng them for business ,
study or man-lage. . . , . . . . . .
MAIUUKD MKN. or thoie entering on thathap-
Py life , aware of physical debility , aulckly M
iUUa' )
U based upon facts. First 1'ractlcal Ixp-
rleuce. Second Kvery cage la especially studied ,
thus starting aright Third Medicines are pre
pared In our laboratoiy exactly to suit each
cane , tluifl allectliifcurcs without injury.
pergend 0 centB postage for celebrated work !
on Chronic , Nfrvoui and Delicate Ulseases.
Thouianda cured. fVTA friendly letter or call
mny save jou future sutrorlnu and shame , and
add Koldeu > ear to life. fSftio letters an-
iwered unlesu accompanied by 4 cents In stamps.
U03 Varuam HrUot , OmaUa. N si.
ANTKO t weekly repreEentathe. mulu
or female. In every community. ( Sood-f
staple ; liouheliold necessity ; > > ell at night ; no
peddling ; Hillary paid promptly , and expuii us
advanced. Hill particular und valuabletainpla
cusotiiKK. Womenn jiibt whatno nay : addnfls
tttoiice , BTANUAUU blLVUU WAltU CO. , Uos-
ton , ilisa.
A visit to our second floort where vro keep our Summer Goods -will convince every
body that \vo are selling more light Coats and Vests , than all the clothiers in town to'
gother. The large volume of business transacted in this department the past week ia
proof positive of the remarkable values ottered. This week wo shall present even stiljl
greater bargains. "Wo have just opened a delayed shipment of several hundred Mon'd
Mohair Coats and Vests in two handsome shades which wo offer at $1.50 for the Coat and
Vest. Think of it ! Only § 1.60 fora Mohair Coat and Vest which would bo reasonable
at $3.00.
Boys' Manuel Coats and Vests , in handsome patterns and well made , sixes from 12 to
18 at GOc.
800 pair Men's fine All Wool Pants in elegant stripes at $1,75 , POSITIVELY
200 pairs Boys' All Wool Pants , excellent quality , at $1.25.
150 pair Boys' All Wool Pants at $1.60.
The above Pants are the best values we have ever offered.
50 doxen very fine Silk Striped Flannel Shirts in choice patterns , elegantly made , at
$2.Y5 , worth $4.00.
85 dozen fine Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , silk trimmed , pearl buttons , ia
two beautiful shade i , fast colors , at tfoc , worth fully GOc.
We open today 10 cases of fine Pique Scarfs , handsome and large shapes , in splendid
patterns , which we offer at 25o per dozen. These are goods which other houses usually
sell at 10c a piece.
100 dozen fine Windsor Scarfs , this season's importation , at 15c ; regular price for
these goods is 35c.
In'our Shoe Iepartnieiit ? wo offer this week an extraordinary bargain.
200 pair llusset Low Shoes , excellent stock and solid throughout , at $1.90. The
identical goods are sold in all shoe stores at $8.00.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Who deslro to bo well ixml comfortably
dressed , should not fall to look through
our complete stock ot clothing and fur-
nlshlngs for ournmer near.
Paris Dniversal Exposition
Is noir open. Parties dcslrlne Rood accommoJatlons
on tlio new largo cxurets Btoituiers of the t'umous
Which nro noted for their rcciilurlty , equal to rnlN
rou'l trulna. In iiniklni ; the trip to Iluvrc-l'arls la ono
week , mo uilvlo.l to
Make Early Application for Berths.
Tills li nlfo neccwtry on aTOtint of the Uenvy
( ravel durlnir the | > ilni ; and nuiumer months.
McCAGUE BROS. . 105 South 16th St. ,
HARRY E. MOORES , 1C02 Fnrnura St. ,
H. 1 . HALL , 1223 Fai-num St. ,
J. n. GREEN , 1601 Fai'iium St. ,
Aeoiits , Oniahu , Nob.
Over 14 Millions Sold In this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
ents wanted. New Utensil. Bells sight
xclUHho territory. HlB proUts. Salary
L'iutn , llo o CU , 4J Hauovev St. , Uoston ,
Nicoll's have these goods
in 8 colors and several
weights ' *
They're imported serges 9
the best sort and have no T
equal for summer wear I
Nicoll imports thesej
serges , cases full at a time
and their price
.a suit make them popular
| with dressy men * ?
1409 Dott Street , Onialia
| flunJ rjOnM
od with wineimJ thacMui an on
Orcntly lmnro
Bld.En l05trldlnK | r i.T .flieeprln1rs.nirtli. ]
en anil tliuiton acconllcg to tbo wclxbl put on tlicrn.
Ad pt il qoallr well to roueh country or fine
* St * driven Will Irojow tiaat nntlafnctlnn.
European Department lecoiveBand
forwnrcls ulTclas ui fl binliiti' ( if uucli llallfatcamer
arrlvlnu at or Jeimrllnn fruia New Vort.
Elilpmenti from Kurnpecnn bo marie illroct br tlili
Comiianx tuulllnluiKl 1 Urn ot Knlry In the UiiltoJ
Hlntes , itlio to Cunnilfi ami Mailed , irltli or wltliout
axmeutof dutlosulKuw York.
Hates a * loir as those of any rcipon lblocorapnnr.
NOCIIAIUIU.MADI : roitcuBi'Oii HOUSK iiuuic-
Jlonor Orders Uiuod narablo at 15.0CO places la
UnltuJ ttnU'1 , Canada unJ Kurope.
At-enclos In Kuropj lowborn ihlpmonls for UnltBd
tiiini can bo delivered , or If from Interior points
tboulil to contljneil , ucroiupunleil by Hill of Jj
end Iiivolta cerllncd before Amoilcau Coniul ;
T1I03. MUAI > OWS & CO , ilS Milk Street , Clirnnil le
londim , U. O.i 2S Water Htrnot. I.iveitt-uul.t HI I'Uo n
illllyMA.stlli.srui IU llHnuvcr hlruot , ( il.A3io\v0 ( J
Ituu Scribe. lUiua. K. 1III31IA1II > , 1 lluu Clill.u
MAUVE. K. J.lUCH'lINd 4.CO , 117 f-aniteiutru'to ,
IIIHUUNI .Ml DuvvnUcetU , llAtiuuiiU , auil 111 Am
lUlcu ,
Eact Facilities , AppamtusondRcmcdlcnforBucccufal
Treatment of every form of D'tonsn ' requiring
Boardfi : Attendance , Best Accommodations in Weit'
CO-WRITE TOE CinOULAKB on DcformlUdi and
Braces , Trustea.Olulireft.CurrotureiofeFlne.Pllet ,
Tumors. Cancer , CaUrrh , Broncljitit , InhoiatleB ;
i i i m
Only H Medical Institute naklns ; a gctcialtyof
All IHM41)Ii iCi Buettufully trritcft. S/rbllldoTolio *
reraoTfu rroiatho ijitcrn * UUut mercnrr. htw llrilonlli.
Tr.tlnKiiit tor Lo of VITAL I Oil Kit. Ptrtlci u niLle to ilili
, , " " ' coDimuL < .
! '
UoaitonOlentUI. , U {
( llclneiorli.irni tat..ntljmillorfi.
rre j > eeurelr | > ckeclnoiii rkiolii4lt ! tec < inunuori iiiltr.
Onep r.oB rinl ril pr rerrei. C.ll.nJ eomull niontiia
' J. J Kir , * " anl wl " 4 " Pl'ln r , c.r
Rflfltf Tfl D CM FREE ! Upon rtlr.te , e\\elil \ o >
mr.Mf Scrrofi Dlinm .InipoHnir.Sjjk.
HI. ; Ul ( and V.rlc.e.1. , wlm qtiolloD ll.U Aitttii"
13th and Dodjo BtreeU , OMJUtA , KEB.
HK.NT , n guaranteed gnecldo for Hysteria , Dlzzt <
lea * . Convulsion * , fits , Nervou * Keuralxta ,
Headache , Nerrnus I'roitratlon cauaod by the
aio of alcohol or tobacco.Vakefulneso , Mental
Depression , Bof tenlni ; of tlie Jiraln , rejultlneia
Inianlty and IradliiKto misery , decay und deatb
I'lomaturoOld Ago , Jlarrenntna , Loss of 1'ower
[ n either soi , Involuntary J/'Ji s and Hpermat.
orluca caused by or r-exertlnn of tlie brain , anlf.
Abuse or overlndalcence. Uach box contolnj
cna month's treatment. 11.00 a box , or six boxen
for JS.OJ.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlc ,
To euro any cane. With each order lecolvod by
na for six boxes , accompanied with fc'i.tM. we vril )
load tlie purcbasor our ivrltt jn guarantee to 16 *
fund tlio money If tUo treatment does not effect
cure. Ouaranteea Usuod nnlr by Ooodtji&B
Drue Co , . UrugpU ts , Dole Aaenti , lUO Furnaci
treeUOmau * Heb. _ _ _
D VHIIslt4 llr/
U4ti r tloM it
oii'Sty.KK" " * * " * *
" -
Ilil. ip clB < turioir. CL'IIB o *
t ll n M ll.rrr.ll .
S" ' , , ) " " itrntUll wt.k | .ru. rtil r
" U llctltt u4 . ein.jilb klettrU
f d lu Ur tnoDtbl Ktaltd | ttof LUt 4e.ittiaA.
hu i'n.r Chulrr , Uuit . Kurilun Hants ] . U tt r of Cfit
l' t | iorU > , uulup lluukf , > l j i , CtUtf ( xxltf , Uottl C
pom , Lie. buuH/vrviroulart , . .i
G n'l VTttVa Auiucy , ItUV Bu. t'mik H | . , OIJIUAGO.
_ i < DUlllMlilllMO '
* cnllr lr BVtruta. Lr
r l'.r.l. lm , rt TUIUIAR ( AR CUSHION ) !
U kill lit , C r > r tl > nd Uuiltbtird. COM
. .
wbcr.kll oibiir t.iu < al i ,4ju Hem cmv si