it THE OMAHA DAILY BEEgLSATUBDAY , JUNE 22 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIjTBLUFFS. OFPlCK. NO 12 PEAIUj STKEET. itlrmcd by carrier In Any Part of ha City a rJtnty Cents Per Week. . . . _ , . . . II. W. TIL10N MANAOint. TELKl'lIONESl JltrptNEfR OrncB No. 43. NIGHT Kmtou , No.-t. MINOR MICNT1ON. N. Y.PlumuInt ? Co. 0. U. Music Ck ) . , 533 U'wny. Hcltcr , tnllor , 310 Broartwny. KvmiB' laundry , 724 IJroiulway. D. W. Ottls , city and farm loans. S. P. CrUman nnd M. L. . Goswoll , lioth of Omnlm , were united In murriaRO , yesterday afternoon , nt tlm offlco of Squire Schurz. The At > ollo club concert , which was to Imvo boon given lit the Chuutnuqua grounds tUli evening , 1ms been postponed until next Thursday evening. James Stnloy , the young man who was ar rested n few days njro for the larceny of ! 3 from the Homo restaurant on Broadway , was ycsterdnv bound over to the pranil Jury In the sum of WOO. by Squlro Ilondrlcks. In default of ball ho was sent to the county jail. jail.A A colored bnso ball tournament will beheld held In thin city on July 3 and -I , under the auspices of the Uoston store nine , of this city , nnd the Western Stars , of Onmtm. Clubs will bo in attendance from Kansas Citv , Lcavunwortli , Lincoln , St. Joseph , Ucs Molncs , Atchlson and Omaha. T. J. ISv.ins has jfTored to donate three lots In HridRO addition to the Independent school district of Council Bluffs , if the board of education will lou.ito thereon ttio now school building voted for that locality last spring. As the building Is anything but. un assured fact , the offer will doubtless KO beffclnp , for a while ut least. The need of an exit gate uttho Chautauqua grounds Is apparent. Tickets have to bo punched both la and out. and a blockade has all-duty resulted. If this Is the result so early in the cession , and with an ordinary attendance , the result may bo Imagined as to Sundays and the great days of the session. This mutter should bo attended to at once , for the convenience of all concerned. , W. 11. Leonard , alias II. K. Day , was yes terday bound over to the grand Jury for for gery by Justice Scliurz , and held In the sum of l,0 < ! 0. Leonard is the smooth traveling man who presented a forged chock on Air. Dewey , the Omaha proccr. at the Bcclitelu hotel , a few days ago. Ho was unable to Bccuro bonds , and is In Jail nwaltliir | the action of the grand Jury , which met , yester day , at the court house. The school board meets next Thursday evening to elect teachers for the city schools for thp canning year. There uro several changes to bo made , owing to the uncertain and unexpected breaks of that odd individual known us Cupid. There are over throe hundred applications for positions , and as thcro are but about seventy places to 1111 , there will bo about two hundred and thirty disappointed onus looking for consolation nnd other positions next Wednesday morn- Ing.An An enterprising morning contemporary de voted considerable space to the hltrh school commencement exercises. Unfortunately sicltness prevented ottuof the graduates from appearing anil tiiking p.irt , us expected. The nbio senbo would not stop for .1 little thing llko that , and commented very favorably on the essay nnd the manner In which it was rend. Tlie account read very well to these who wcro not there , hut these who were present must have wondered how it was that they missed a part of the programme ; . Notes nnd mortgages bought anil sold , money loaned ; tire insurance. Itobcrt V. In nus , 30 Pcurl st. Heislcr's Oyster Buy chop house and restaurant day mid night , 5U3 Broad way. Ciinutauuu | Ticket * . Adiiilssion tickets for the Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs Chuutauqim can bn obtained at Chase & Eddy's , In Omaha , and nt the up town offices of the Koolc Island nnd Mil waukee roads , in Council muffs. Buy your tickets to-day for the assembly to-morrow. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value ut low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway nnd Main , over American express. ( Call on the Birkinbino Engineering and Supply company , 115 Peiirl street , Council Bluffs , la. , and examine the Bodino roofing. It will pay you ; sam ples sent , on application. Porsonill Sheriff Garrison , of Logan , was in the city yesterday. Hcv. U. P. McMcnoiny leaves to-day for Creston for a short visit. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. Antl-.SliavlHr. It is reported la certain of the city papers that a half dozen of the anti-Sunday shavers bavo Rene over to the opposition , but this statement Is unsupported by the facts. It Booms that of the thrco who stand together to llghtSuuduy closing , only two are actually opposed The third Is ready to close If ttio otlicVH will only accede to it. As it Is now arranged , one of these shops , which usually J-uns four chairs , will open to-morrow morn ing with but two , in order to inaka the fines lighter. These barbers will plead guilty , nnd the fines , which will bo paid by the pro prietors , will bo only half at > much as If the regular force was working. The other two swear that they will run the usual number of chairs , and light the case without any half way work. Tiiero will undoubtedly - doubtedly bo a big rush of work to-morrow & morning nt the thrco shops which run , and on the following morning , an increase of business will likewise ) bo noticeable in some of the jur.tlco courts. County Attorney Organ Is to conduct the prosecution. Having an overstock of spring and Buinmor pant goods , I will sell them at 50 cents on the dollar spot cash only. Roller , the tailor , 310 Broad way. Bodino roofing will last longer nnd give better satisfaction than any roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , nnd miiKcs a perfectly solid joint on the cm- tire roof. Birklnbino Engineering nnd Supply company , 11C Pearl street , Coun cil BlulTn , In. BeehU > lohotoicontral locutionflrstoluss A Crook in ( lie TollH. A follow giving the name of A. Oagno is In custody , charged with bulne a suspicious character. lie carried n grip containing sev eral articles bearing the names of different parties. Ithas boon ascertained that ho is wanted at Atlantic for the theft of n pair of boots. Ho had In his possession a now hat stamped "J. W. Calhoun , Ottuuiwa , la. " Ho also had a case of medicines , bearing the uamo of "Dr. Kenyou. " It is thought these were stolen from Atlantic. Qagno claims to bo a wall paper cleaner , but the police are of tbo belief thai ho Is an all round crook , and especially u sneak thief , and pretends to bo a iiuper cleaner , in order to gal an opportunity to study locations and effect entrances to private residences and ofilccs. Dangler vnpor stoves at cost change- locution , tihugart fc ( Jo.11 Broadway. Finest Ice Cream in city , Drlcsbaoh's double purlorb , 35 Muln st. Notice the beautiful linish given col lars , cuflu und shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. No lxplonloii ; "Whon port-oils keep cool nnd use our "Sun Dial" gns sloyou , Four holes , realtor nnd bnkco'vo'n. Costa 7 cents pCr hour whan running full blast , Now Vork Plumblng'Co. Try now Metropolitan rooms ami table . . , * Utw * . , - t' " - MOKE TRACKS FOR TRAVEL , Several Extonslonn and a Now Line to Omaha Proposed. AT THE OHAUTAUQUA GROUNDS. The Attendance IncrcnsiiiR Dolly , Ycstorilny's Kincrlnlnin lit Trouble Over n Lunch Stnnd Personals. Struck On tlio Trnck. The work of laying the extension of the electric motor trade up South Madison street and Graham avonun to Fnlrmount parlr , which was commenced Wednesday morning , was Interrupted yesterday attcrnoon by a strllco among the workmen employed. The causa of the walkout , as otatod by Bomo of the strikers. Is as follows : Tlio men have been working for $1.33 a day , and expressed no dissatisfaction until tlio section ganp , rce- ularly employed by the company to take care of the tr.inlc between this city nnd Omaha , was put to work on the now lluo Thursday mornlmr. These men received tnelr rcculai1 pay , $1.40 a day , and the now men began to growl us soon as they found It out. At 1 o'clock yesterday they tnado a demand on Foreman Herman for the same pay as the regular section men were getting. Ills reply was that they could work for what they were getting or quit and inulto room for others , who would. For a while thcro was consider able excitement around that part of tlio city , and two or thrco lights were reported , but an Investigation failed to corroborate tlioso stories of open outbreak. The foreman llnally told the men thut they could network anvway , and Unit If it was found necessary to pa.v the additional prlcotlio strikers would not bo the men who would receive It. Hoadmanter Hrltitoii declined to take any part in the dlfllculty , referring the matter to the nuporlntcndent. About 4 o'clock the strikers loft , ovidnntly despairing of secur ing the desired concession. In the mean time the section men had continued tholr work andllnlshcd track-laylngup to the point where the Htrlkcrs had stopped tearing up the pavement. Tha ntrlko will not delay the work very materially , us the company can secure all men necessary to continue it. The work is not being the switches and curves , which were ordered nt Johnstown bcforo the disaster , havu not yet arrived and it is understood that they arc not made. The rails are hero and It was deemed advisable to lay as much of the track as possible at once , so that there would bo nothing to prevent putting down the curves as soon as they ur- rive , and getting the line In active operation as BOOH us possible. With the exception of two small breaks the line Is now completed to the junction of Madison street and Graham nvenuo. The poles are sot as far us the cut at the entrance to the park and the cross-wires will bo in position to-night. The other extension oC the motor line to the upper end of liroadwny Is also to bo com pleted at once. The poles have been erected along that line to the end of the Broadway paving. It Is stated that tlio company pro poses to run each alternate tram to Fair- mount park , and the others to Upper Broad way. This will give the saiucscrvico through the central portion of the city , as at present , and the eastern terminal points a very con venient service af well. It Is hinted that the park line will bocontlnued through the lower end of Main street , returning up South Main and Pearl to the present line ut Broadway and Pearl. This story is not authoritative , so far as the present building of the line N concerned , but the linu is already projected , und it will bo built as soon as the company can get to it. It has Den the Intention of the company to change the Main street line to un electric road , over slnco the first line was equipped- year ago. It is stated that It will DO but a short time until tbe UpperBroadway and F.ilrmount ex tensions are completed , nnd horse cars on Broadway will then become a thing of the past. With the continual branching of the electric motor lines , all parts of the city will soon have a Ural-class service. M. VVollinmi , jowolcr , moved to 53S B'y. . . Woolsoy & Lonjj paper rooms neat , quick , cheii ) ) . 81 Alain , tel 203. Another Ijitio to Omnhn. "What about this now electric motor com pany that is soon to bo imilt over the Union Puciilo brldgoJ" inquired TIIC BBC yester day , of a Union Pacific ofllcial , who happened to be in the Bluffs. ' 'I haven't heard anything new about It , " was the response. ' ! am inclined to bo a little skeptical oa that subject , and I will toll you why. You see , Mr. Amei und several otticrs arc quite extensively interested la the electric motor line now In operation , nnd they practically control the Union Pactllc. This bolng the case , I hardly think they would throw the way open for a rival line. There is not the slightest doubt but that an other line would pay very well indeed' , and the route proposed would bo a splendid ono. Of course , the present line will always huvo the greater part of the passenger trullle , on account nf its location. It Is the most direct line that can be built from the center of Omaha to the center of Council Bluffs , and it i& bouud to got the cream of the business. The proposed line would get a very larjro patronage fiotn the residents of the southern port , of the city , us well as nearly all that of South Omaha. Itvpuld pay beyond any doubt , but the right of way ever the urldgo Is by no moans as sure. " The very sumo argument is advanced by the pushers of the new line project to show that the right of way will bo secured. They state that the now road would traverse n wholly different territory , nnd would leave tbo present line its natural patronage. They urge that the Union Pacltlo directors will bo Hilling to lease the present wngnn road of th'o bridge to the motor company in order to dorlvo ttomo revenue from it , and that this income would more than balunco the loss In putronago. There uro u few parties , who ought to know , who claim that nuno of thcso thenrlcs.or arguments touch the actual fuets in the caso. If tharo Is any hitch In thocaso , it la doubt less the 0110 resulting from the chnngo In fures that would result. The now company would cut the rate to a 5 cent basis for a single trip , and BO compel , the present com pany to do the same , thus making u very de ckled reduction In the lattor's receipts. This U undoubtedly wlicro the trouble Is , If the question of receipts Is what Is to decide the matter. Ono thing that seems to Indicate that the now line folks have little hope of getting over iho Union Puclllo uridgo Is tlio fact thut they uro now talking loudly in favor of a free bridge between the twin olttoe. "A free bridge and no fence , " U now their cry , and the indications ara that such will indeed bo the case before the proposed now line and a fi-ccnt faro becomes un established fact be tween Council Blulld and Omaha. Hnvo youi" ohl furniture upholstered' good us now. R. Morgan , 702Broadway. i City steam laundry , 84 Main , tol. li Dr. O. O. Ruzon , dentist , Opera house bloolc. The Touted College. i The attendance at the Clmutuuqua yester day was larger than on preceding days. Each day sees an Increase. These who attend ono session got enthusiastic , and Immediately DO- cln expressing themselves In such a manner ab to Induce othorii to attend. Thosn who go out merely to attend ono or two entertain- menu uro eager for more. Yesterday morning prayers wore offered at 0:80 : u. m. At 8 Uev. J. T. Docking ton. ducted the exorcises In the boys' uud girls' class , and made It evident thut the uiauago- incut has in view the good of all ages hero present. Ur. J , O. W , Coxo directed the work of tliti 11 rat year's normal at the taber- uuclu. Mr. Tranter bud the intermediate class at tent No. 'J. The report that a number of tents were blown down is entirely orronaous. None but tents erected In' private parties were bloivn down , and of thcso only ono entirely , the Cyclorauia. Tlio rain has been a great bcnellt ; the now ground will bo more com pact , the dust is settled and the grounds all lu order for ny number of ycoylo to go com fortably through tlio purk. The workers are it their posts promptly nnd nil goes well. AtlBO ) : Dean Wright conducted the assem bly bible study before the largest class of any In the assembly. Ills magnetic and point cd style , his nblo scholarship , mingled with hicjh-tnnod art , makes him n most successful Rogers' ' Katlonnl Assembly bund , noW playing nt the Chnutaunua , will give a con cert nt Bayllss' park Monday afternoon , be tween 3 mid 8 o'clock , also In Omaha on the same afternoon. Persons coming to the grounds Sunday should secure their tickets cither at the rail way depots ; lu OmiUm at Max Meyer's nnd Joulln Bros' , , 80S North Sixteenth street ; or at Bushnoll's , Gavin & , Urackott's ( corner store ) and Ur. Housloton's drne store , At 10:80 : Dean Wright led the first reading In Greek , of Romans , Twenty persons were present to Join In this first Greek reading. At It Leon H. Vincent delivered his lec ture on "Charles Dickens. " At 1:30 : Dean Wright mot the beginners in Now Testament Greek using the Lord's pravcr. At 3 p. m. the band gave a concert. At 2:30 : the largest number of people yet scon In the amphitheatre assembled , nearly ono third filling the scats , to hear Dr. Hen- son's lecture on "Backbone. " As was plainly shown In yesterday's lecture , the doctor tukcs hold at flrst and never lets go till he Is done. Ho paid n line trio * ute to the auspicious beginning of the Western Chautautiua. Ho said , for slzj uud arrangement nothing on the continent com- p.ircs with the outlook of this future univer sity of the twin cities. A blessing to which the people iibnut will awake later on. Kov. J. W. llnrshn , of Omaha , delivered a sermon before the ministers' Institute on "Foolish Preaching vs the Foolishness of Preaching. " There was much disappointment at Miss Ncally Stevens , the pianist , not appearing , as announced In yestcrduv's pnpers. The fault was an error of the types , rather than failure on Miss Stevens' part. The arrange ments were for nor to appear to-day , and she will certainly do so this afternoon. At n o'clock Dr. Glllott mot the (3. L. S. C's on the platform of the amphitheatre. Ho arranged for the future round tables und the services of "Recognition day. " to take place to-day. A largo number of persona ore en gaged In the duties of the O. L. S. C. , as was evinced by the largo gathering on the plat form. The decoration of the tabernacle will toke fplace this morning. Bishop Vincent will give nil the time ho can spare to cnrourago the circle renders und present the diplomas to the graduates. "C's" of former years are invited to Join in the procession. Mr. James A. Green gave the third of his illustrated lectures on the subject of the "Homo of Longfellow. " Buy your Chautuuqua tickets to-day for to-morrow's session. Tickets at Rock Island nud Milwaukee railway olllces in Council Uluffb , and ut Chase & Eddy's , In Oniutia. A Valuable Hystom. Mr. O. R. Allen , the well-known map maker of Council Blurts , has Just completed a set of road plans for Harrison county of the same kind as those made for Po tin w at ta in Ic county several years ago , nnd which have proved so valuable. The system upon which Mr. Allen works is entirely original , and his road plans ore copyrighted. It is a most valuable ono , ns the county ofllccrs where It has been used can amply testify. Pottawattamie county , for instance , is the largest iu the state , and bus a very extensive aud intricate road system , but by the aid of Mr. Allen's ' charts , the location of every road lu the county can bo seen at a glance , where by any other system hours of time would bo required to find oven n prominent road on the records. By Ills plans a complete record of the county roads is spread out Before the eye , and every point whore a road has over been located is shown. The trial that 1ms been given the system In this county aud the splendid satisfaction it gave , was the means of inducing the Harrison county supervisors to order the system , und when the Import ance of the plans Is brought to the atten tion of other county boards , and the im munity from expensive nnd vexatious road cases is guaranteedit will bo generally used. Mr. Allen has made maps or surveys of nearly nil the counties In western Iowa , und ho can get up u set of these new uud valu able plans very quickly. For the conveni ence end use of supervisors alone , their cost would bo saved in a few years. Held the l'rncclo. Harry A. McAllister is the cognomen of a rather rapid young mau who mixed circus lemonade and dispensed the same , together with dyspeptic-looking sandwiches , to the gallant fire lighters of Iowa who assembled in this city during the tournament. Ho was not the proprietor of the little booth which bo occupied , but was working on con mis sion. At the close of the week ho was the possessor of nearly $100 in good , hard cash , the total receipts of his sales. Instead of making duo returns thereof , ho proceeded on a slirht-scoing trip , and had great pleas ure in again distributing the cash Into the channels of trade. When ho llnally showed up in his accustomed haunts , un ofllcor ap peared and took him into custody. After n short experience in the city sweat-box , ho announced his willingness to make good the amount claimed , and after paying Si.UO costs , assessed by Judge Aylcsworth , ho was released to round-up another butch of experience at reduced rates. J. G. Tipton , real cstuto , 527 B'dway. S. B. Wadsworth & ; Co. loan money. . The Now Ogden is catching' traveling men at $2 per day. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , und all other articles of value , without removal. All buslncs-3 strictly confi dential. Council Bluffs Furniture company for good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway. Xtie OKI .Soldlcrfl. A meeting of old soldiers was hold last evening at Comrade Reed's oflico , to make arrangements for the proper recaption of Comrade Corporal Tanner. Comrade Reed was elected chairman. Comrade Campbell moved that armory hull bo secured for the occasion. Comrade McFadden reported that comrades would bo present fromu number of neighboring towns. After the appointment of several committees the meeting adjourned. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby was eli , we gave her Castoria. Wlicn aba traa a Clilld , she cried for Cutoria , Whoa she became Uiu , * he dune to Castoris , W ! > ? niiUoImT. Children , nhocavutb em Csloria Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted , C. It. JUI D , MANAWA STABLES. OVmtLnNDUIl & CltKHAN Are thoroughly prepared to take card of horte * ami currluKus of all vUltorj to the lake. I'lcnty of alicdbaiiil btalU. anil iinlmaU und carrluxad will bo safely carocl for , CUarKes ruason&me. AccommodutluR hostlers ou hand nlubt and day. When you drive to the Luke , don't forjot J3PECIA y ; > I Cm C Eg restaurant , 3J7 WANTKn-AflMtfcttMroolcut the Iowa In stitution for the education of the deal and dumb Aiu | y m j > jftrjft. $ r by lottsr to Henry w , iiothMH , ijuperlaftndeiit. _ WA tfrfif ) 5iXiloccio' ) & soJoniMiaml ctrpet. nlio all good nftioml-lifuut furniture : A. 3. Uniulol. Nog. 333 ana itM llroadwny. _ THOU F.XCH ANnnwMrcrnl peed farms to ex JL1 chauKoforOount-lMllmrs lots. Johnston & Van 1'atttn , livuretc block. _ AltAKIi clmnco fond splendid Investment , requiring onercy rattier tlmn larRo capital. A fortune for the rlint man. Halt interest in the flnoit practical patent cvdr Issued. Ad dress Swan A Walfcor , 1'carl street , Council imiffg. _ _ T710U HHNT-Storo ronm. No. 18 Mam at. JJ ofter July I. N. q James , 10 1'eatl st. RISATj R8TATR Nought ncl sold and or- chanced , Bporlnl Attention Riven to exam- Inntlon of titles. W. 0. James , No. 10 Penrl St. . Council UlulTa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BALK 7 room cottage , corner Tnlnl FOR nnd nth st. Knsy terms. W. 0. James , IQI'enrlst. _ T71OU KENT Kasy terms two new live-room Jl houses , 10th avo. between HlRh nnd Thlrrt eta. Bollchenp If tnkon this neok. Inquire owner. J. Dicker , 743 U. Vfa.y. _ " | 7UH SAM' Old established Konoral mor- JL' chnndtio ImiltiosH , stocK , tlxturos , waiont , etc. Oood room and low rent , Address , J. Dickey , 7 10 II. Way FOIl KENT Furnish runfiirnlshodlarco ten-room house , bath room , Kas furnace , etc. . at 015 Wiiloxr BVO. Knqulra nt premlsos.or 0. 11. Btlllman. llrowu block. _ milk cows for sale or trade for fat FUKSII Swan's stock yards , Unpor llroad- way. Frank swan. T71OH HUNT I.arRO double olllro over Frank JIo ? vlu's score , UJ llro adwuy. Inqulru of Frank Lovlu A BIG LOT OF YELLOW JERSEY and Nansamond Call > ! ifc and Other Vegetabis Plants. FOIl SALE By J , R , McPHERSON , GROWER , Vegetables , Vegetable Plants , Fruits Etc , East I'lcrce St. Council KlnRs 558 ? } . s > sL be. " A oo " ' zC. " 'ir ? , < z SI .s SP , ; e , : c'i c. b P , n c ] i " w - o " 2' ' g -if ? TS > | c. 15 c.ri UJ I i a I a a ol . o . .6 ' s" ! j , < 'S sPs a , s a C&PT. HAYS' LIVERY. 2110 BKO.IUWAV. Centrally located livery and boardlntt stable Itobt accommodations in the city. Special at tention to transient cuRtom. W. A. HA * 8 , Prop. Telephone Stable , 77. llns. 82O. THE QllAKEB JEWELfil STORE , A. A. ItJW'r , Prop. Honest Watches , Oloolcn , Jewelry nnd Sllvo r waio. All cleunliii' mid rupali'luii undar pa r soiiul Biipurvlslon of tlio proprietor. Hlntloiiury Toilet articles ami 1'crfumery. rlno Wntchos Time Locks aud Clironditiuters a specluHy. 110MAINS'i . /'ouiicll lllulld. PAPER HANGINGS. AND Artistic Depurations ! AT PETES q Nos , 11 and 13 Pearl St. A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. DOM , DOWN , DOWN THEY GO ! It is the firm resolution at Eiseman's Peoples Store. To clear out the stock while this great Koraoval Sale ia in pro roas. during the proa- eut and next two months. SPECIAL SALE FOR THIS WEEK IN OUR CLOAK DEPT Calico , Batiste , Sateen , Lawn and White Embroidered Wrappaw , from 75 cents each upwards. This is less than the coat of making. loaded Wraps at one-half price. Ladies' , Misso's and Children's Jerseys must bD sold regardless of cost. We are determined to sell out our entire stock in the above lino. In Laces , Embroideries , White Goods , Linens , Muslin and knit Underwear. In fact , without going into details or enumerating prices , we are safe in making the asser tion that we will save you from 25 to 50 per cent on everything you may buy during this GREAT REMOVAL SALE. I 9 1 1 OOTJ2STOIL MAIL ORDERS receive careful and prompt attention. Below wo give imnics of n fewer the innny Patrons of the i Insurance Co. In Council Hluirs and vicinity. The character of tlio patrous named , and ttio amount entrusted - trusted by ouch to the protection of the com pany , indicates the conlldenco enjoyed by It at homo \\hcro Us mauuur ol doing uimlncs. ) is best known. C.I > . Dllltn $ 10,000 J < uney Bros. & Co 37.UJO Charles llaughn r > cKXJ ( It. I' . .Morrow H'.UM John Bennett ti.tro William O'lUlleran WOJ Charles ShluUls T,7 ( l N. W. Nash 7o.TU I. A. Miller O.WW OeorgoA , Fry K. < M Henry Klsemun * 0o C > ,00) ) SlmgartWalt& Wlea U.WX ) V. . 1 , . tttiugnri 4btw itoman Catliolic Church 4io.n ( Itonmn l.'utliollc Church , Westphalia. . . . 40.'jiV ) Cnrrull County Couit House 2.I.IOJ Abbott A ; Cooper yi.OUO St. Francis Academy J-UtM ) Cr.ivcr. Steele A ; Austin S.1I.UKJ T.M.C.Logan ll.wn Deere , Wells & Co 1US J ( leorgo M. Williams IMOJ S. I ) . iCohlc.s ) O. It. Ciirpontcr n,70J Masonic Temple fl.'iuo Mctculf Ilros n.fiuu C. A. llcubo & Co fi.flOO S.H. Keller 3.GIW NOTICE When our policy exceeds W. " > ,000.K ( ) on property subject to destruction by a Blnsla lire , the excess is re-Insured in other companies. J. M. PAI.MSI& HAS TUB CHOICEST IOT OF SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edged opportunities to Imme diate investors nnd homo .secscra. ao I'earl St. . Council lllnirs. CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. W. I * PATT4MI , Prop. Elegant Rigs at Reasonable Rates. Nos. 19 und 21 , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. D.H.MGOANELQ & CD , , Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool Furs. . ct prices. Prompt retains. KiJ Main St. , Council IllulTfl. Iowa No. 27' Main Street , Ovur JuequemtiiN .VotvclryStoro The Most Modern Novolitls in Insure In the U. S. Masonic Benevolent Association of Council 1lulls ! , In. , tlio youngest , largest , cheapest ami best plan of Masonic Insurance In the world , that tontines its membership to its fraternity. J. D. UmtUNUSOS' . K. L. SlIUOAUT. I'res. Vice > 'ro CHAR. K. HANNON. Cashier. CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or COUNCIL I'ald Up Capital . * 1.10.000. < n. Surplus . 2.VWU.03. Liabilities to Depositors. . raj.CWO.OO. DIIIBCTOHK I. A. Miller. ! ' . O. ( Jluason. K. L. BliiiGtut , i.K. : Hurt , J. 1) . Kdmumlson , Cluis. K , JInnnon. Transact cunurnl banking' bualnefls. capital and sm-pliu of any bunk In couthweHtern lowu. Inturoiit on time deposits. Tlios. OKi-iCKlu Vf. H. M. 1'usc OFFICER & PliSEV. BANKERS. Corner Main nnd nroadway , COUNCIb HIjUFI-'S , IOWA. Dealers in foreign c.nd domostlo excliancre. Colluctlons made uud interest paid on time uu- posits. RowLoolout Moths ADemetes $ $ CKYST A MI A. It consists of MIIOW wliltu Hakes. A produc tion from Coal Tar. IMiUPUOrLV 1IAUM- LKS8. Free from oil , acid or any substance thut would harm the most dullcato fabric or feather. It evaporates without leaving any residue. It kill * moths whllo camphor merely driven them uuuy. * V BE IP fJfVW ? . t 15 fel4K m. KA < > t Bolo Agent , Council Illutla. 'TWIT ' THE EAuTH ! OH , NOI But wo do want the people of Western Iowa to know thut the GREAT BARGAIN SHOE STORE NO. 100 MAIN fa'J' . , Cor. Firflt Avenue , carr.v the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES in this city. That wo always load in popular prices. That persons 'wanting reliable goods can iavo money by trading with us. 3. A. PIERCE. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BO OKS YOU OUGHT TO CONSULT cfrfcorw * i f > > - - - _ /v-r-T'is" P ? Ss _ SfefteTO coV T8 Pearl St. TO cWrSToSa = No c WHtt Aaiiv i&3Hason Irsea ; E T .k 3cs , SPOONI & ' " PAiFrnfi& * m2' rt-tfAlI' 5i BeTAlbs SIGN IX fN -Ai * i 15 * HOUS u 3l < * S 'g Q ; .WS P otralR rs 111 iVf ? m iS'f , i d S - iy&tti JVtffX"1 * - 3 > J ! r. ssSs P J. MONTGOMERY-b \ | mtll-Ro-om 0'-Brmvn , . nLm\r St. Olllce hours , 9 to 12. . m. , 2 to 0 nnd 7 to 8 , p. in. ' and Throat Surgeon , W'H. CHAMBERLAIN , M. accurately prescribed. Ollico corner Main St. , and Broadway. IT I wish to inform the Indies of Omaha und Council 13lulls that I have determined upon closing out my entire stock of poods at my HAIR EMPORIUM , No. 20 , Main street , Council Binds , within the next 80 days , , nnd i for this purpose I will sell my ( roods PAR BELOW COST. The stock , consists of the finest line of hiiir goods aud ornaments west of Chiwitfo. MBS. C. In. GlIrltETT , Oj dors by mall Iteculvd Prompt Attention. No , 29 Main St , , Council Bluffs , JBTJSSEiLI. SIZES FROM Especially Adapttd for 25 TO 300 riNt , DORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE tincclllciitloiignml "itlmntos fiinilshca for eonilnto : | ctcnm plitnt . lloziilatlon , Diirntjlllty gunrnntcoJ. Can sliow letters from users wlicru fuel economy Is cqunl with CorlliB Ndii-coiidviitliiK. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Bond for ctitnlo uo. No. 510 Poiirl Street , Council Blull'd. A.D.1IIUIBMAK. li. 8TJSVJ5N.8 HERSMAN & STEVENS , L * ( Successors to Morgan , Kollcr & Co , ) SI'JLHJIAL , ATTU.VTIOX GIVUN TO 1\VK OAHUY A 1'ULh MNR OK ( WOOD : CLOTH : AND : METALIC : CASES. JOI'BN AT AW , HOUHB OI' DAY AND WGMT. ( MO UJIU. H 1JUOAU\V/\V , OOUNC1L IJKUKFfi. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. T HydrauHo nnd Sanitary hiifjinoor. Plans , Estlmutos H . SpoclllcntloiiB. SimorviBlon of Building , Council IJUilTB , Iowa. M I I D7 Justice of the Peiico. Ollico ever American Exmous.Fl jl Nop tl UL. \ . Brtmdwtiy , Council niulTH , Iowa. | 9 , " l" ° Stnto und I-'ott- Ot oral Courts. Hooms 7 and 8 Shupurt-Bono Block. Council UlulTd , Iowa. -Law. P.oom 10 , Shugart JJIooH : BURKE & TINLEYLaw. ll U CTII I IW ! AM AUcil' ° y'llt'Law' Ko < " 4 , Second l-'loor , JSKMfil i Mi O I ILLIVIAIN Hloolc , 116 Pcurl St. , . Umnail Bluffs , la.Ylli priwtico in State and l-'cdornl Courta. i _ DR3 , BEL