THE QMAgA DAILY 3ffE : SATUEDAY , JUNE 22 , 1889. RAGING FOR THE PENNANT , A Splendid Game Between the Two Loading Oluba. OMAHA WON IN THE SEVENTH. Mnlim Hit Freely by the Ijoonl Tonm Cleveland and Andrews JMnUo Homo Uuns The Bpecd ItltiK. Standing or the CltilH. Following will bo found the standing of tlio teams In the pennant chase in the West ern association up" to and Including yea tor- day's : games Played. \von Lost. Per Ct. t. Paul. 41 31 10 .750 Omntin 41 27 14 .050 Sioux City 41 , -8 10 .010 t Minneapolis. . . 4L 23 .403 DCS Monies..S3 17 21 .447 Denver . .41 18 33 .430 St. Joseph.i..83 12 20 .81(1 ( Milwaukee..07 10 27 .205 1 Oinnlm 12 , 8t. Paul O. That's nice , ain't it * And oh , my , how the Wlilto Sox did play yesterday. You should hnvo been there nnd soon It , along with the other 3,000 people who sat and split their throats. Dad Clarke was In the box for the Omahas , nnd is there yet , while Willie Mains , of St. Paul , " doesn't know whether ho Is still on earth or not. Why , the locals hammered him nil over the Hold. Hut you want to Know how it was done. Omaha , as usual , came to the bat first , and went out in ono , two , three ordor. Then St. Paul had an inning nnd made a run. This is how it was done : Two men were , out when Cackling Carroll walked up to the plato and smashed out a single. < Then ho stole second the thiof. On Hoilley's hit ho went to third , and , horror on horrors , ho actually stole homo. But that settled It , for Rclllcy was run out between bases. And then Omaha made another vain effort to get a run. But they didn't. It was in their half of the second that St. Paul added another score to their side of the sheet. Worrlck made a hit , and on Daly's out wont to second. Then ho stole third and scored on Broughton's welt to left Hold , and everybody in the grand stand took a long breath and held it while Omaha and St. Pau 1 both blanked in the third. 1 ? They were gottlnc ready for the fourth , I when Crooks made the first run. This is how ha did it. Willlo Mains pitched four wldo balls nnd Jack went to llrst. Ho stole second and third and came homo on a sacrifice by Walsh. Andrews and Nagle wont out. No more runs were made until the sixth , when old Maria Hnlpcn opened the ball with n homo run. How the crowd did shout and Ji.owl and cochinato. But that was not all. Oh. no. Crooks got another base on balls , and on a sacnileu by Andrews went to second , scor ing on u two-bag smash by Joe Walsh. Talk about shouting ; the crowd fairly howled. Because , you see , that put Omaha ono ahead. But the visitors made one In their half , nnd the silence was so thick that it had to bo out in order to see tlio game. But the seventh , the lucky seven till How the White Sox did piny 1 Willis got n base on bills and stele second and third. Then old Dad Clark chopped a hole in the air , but Cooncy made a thrro-bnso hit nnd Willis went to second. Cleveland got llrst on an effort to keep Cooncy from scoring and Walsh went out. Then Jack Crooks hit te left lor a single nnd everybody on bases stored. Then Andrews hit the ball for a homo run. Who cares if St. Paul did make ono in the seventh nnd four in the ninth ! Didn't Omaha make three in the eighth and ono in the ninth ? Gaze on the score : OMAHA. - / Totals 33 12 11 3 27 18 2 & , ST. I'AUL. Li f i Totals 37 0 10 0 27 14 ny INNINGS. Omaha 0 001025 ! l 1 12 St. Paul 1 10001114 9 BUMilAllV. Huns earned Omaha 0 , St. Paul 4. Two-base hits Walsh 1 , Koilloy 1. Throo-baso hits Cooney 1 , Carroll 1 , Daly 1. I Homo runs Cleveland 1 , Andrews 1. Bases stolen Cleveland 2 , Crooks 2 , Wil lis 2. Coonoy 8 , Walsh 1 , Carroll 2 , Worrick 1 , Wngonhurst 1. Double plays Worrlok , Hawes. Bases ou balls By Mains 0 , Clarke 3. Struck out By Mains 7 , Clarke 4. Passed balls Broughton 1. \ \ lid pitches Mains 1. Time 2 hours , 15 minutes. UmpU-o Clarke. OT11E GAMES. . . The National CLBVEIA'NI > , .JUIIO 31. Result of to-day's game : Cleveland . 0 00210003 fl NowYonc . 0 5170004 * 17 Base hito flovoland 11 , Now York 14. Er- 'foVsCleveland 7 , Now York 5. Pitchers Spraguu and Kcofo. Umpire McQuatd. s , June 21 , Hosult of to-day's gumo ; * Indianapolis . 2 2210100 0 8 Washington . . . .0 0000003 0 3 Base hits Indianapolis 9 , Washington 11. fcrrorB Indianapolis 1 , Washington 13. Pitchers Boyle aud Haddock. Umpire Lynch. _ CHICAGO , Juno 21. Itosult of to-day's Rama : Uhlcago . . . . .0 20000001 3 Philadelphia. . . . ! 00100000 3 Base hits Chicago ! , Philadelphia 0. Eriors Chicago 3 , Philadelphia 5. Pitchers - ors Krock mid Uloason. UmplroCurry. . Pirrsnuiio , June 21. The Pittsburg-Bos. ton KUIIIO was postponed ou account of rain. American Association. PnjLAUKU'iiu , Juno 21. Hosult of to-day's ( ramo : Athletics 0 02000100 3 Columbus C 00000000 0 , Juno 21. Result of to-day's game : Cincinnati , 3 1210020 * 9 Kansas City 1 00100000 2 LOUISVIU.I : , Juno 21. Result of to-day's game : St. Louis 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 7 L.ouUvlllo.,0 U 3 Amateur Games. BI.AIII , Nob. , Juno 21. | Special Telegram to THE BKE.1 A most laughabld game of base ball was played hero to-uay , ttio fat * vs the leans. It took thrco hours to play three Innings. The score stood 00 to 21 in favor of the fats , the players ranging In weight fiotn 100 to 3(10 pounds , and from 5 fret to 0 feet 0 inches In height. About ono thousand poo- pie turned out to witnogs the gumo. Ifwa bo comical that there was a continual uproar from beginning to end , BUTTON , Neb..Juno 21. ( Special Telegram to TUB Hue. ] The most oxeUing ball guuin of the season occurred , to-day , at Clay Con * tro between the Clay Centre and Sutton clubs. The store stood 27 to 10 In favor Of Sutton , Seven hundred dollars was won by the Sutton boys. Ct.AtiKS , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bin.l : The Fullerton bnso ball club played the homo team , here to-day. The score was 23 to fl In favor of Clarks. WAnAStr , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bi'.B.J The Wabash boys de feated the Weeping Water club In n hotly contested game of ball , the score standing 7 10 14- Kxhihltlon GAIUO ? . McCooK , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tun BIR. I The Milwaukee league team played an exhibition game to-day , Mo- Cook was unable to hit Davies making but two runs. SUtton nnd Morrlsoy for Mil- waultoo did the hard hitting. YANKTOS , Dak. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram gram to Tun Br.n ; ] Tlio Minneapolis nnd Sioux City teams arrived At 10:30. : The game commenced nt lliUO aud closed at 12:45. Score : Sioux City. , n 00000 0 13 Minneapolis 7 00204 0 13 Seven innings. Pitchers Sioux City , Web ber ; Minneapolis , Morrison , Tumor nnd Jontzcn. . i 10 U'lllH. New LONDON , Conn. , Juno 21. The olgh.t- oared , four-mile , stralght-nway * race bo- twcon Yale and the University of Pennsyl vania crows was rowed this evening over the Thames rlvor and was won by Yale by ono nnd one-half lengths. Ofllclal time , Yale , 2.1:50 : ; Pcniibylvanla , 23:50. : The interest in the race centered almost wholly in the exhibition given by Yale as a means of Judging her chances in the big race next Friday against llnivurd. The Spptcmher Imposition. A mooting was hold at. Exposition hall last evening for the purpose of arranging for a grand exposition nt the Coliseum to bo hold during the first two weeks In September. Only preliminary arrangements' were made last evening , but committees will bo ap pointed and all preparations made nt n nicot ine to * bo held nl General W. W. Lowis' otllco on Monday for the September exposi tion. Some of the loading business men of Omaha are Interested in the enterprise , which promised to bo n success. TUB SPEED IUNG. Rnccs nt JUIiiuoln. LINCOLN , Neb. , 'Juno 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKB. ] The Tune races of the Lincol n Gentlemen's Trotting club closed to-day , and the attendance was largo and enthusiastic. To-day's ' racns were adjourned fiom yesterday on account of the heavy track. The entries for the froo-for-all $300 purse wore Ellwood , Captain nnd Ben D'Orr. ' Captain won in thrco straight heats , Ellwood second ) nnd Bon D'Orr third ; best time , The entries In the colt race , $100 purse , were Queen Anne , Uoxio and Etta B. The latter won in two straight heats , Uoxio second in the second heat and Queen Anne in the third ; best time , S:4b : % . In the novelty running race the entries were Tanglefoot , Jell Harrington , Julia , Hello Kednioro , Dick Marlon and Blanche Princess. Tanglefoot won the quarter in 21 , Dick Marion the half in 52 , Jeff Har rington the three-quarters in 1 :23 : , also the milo in 1 :52 : > . Kansas City Knees. KANSAS CITV , Juuo 21. The track was heavy. Summary : Mile and seventy yardn The Elk won , Entry second , Loman third. Time 1:57 : . Three -fouiths of a milo Jess Armstrong won , Irene second , Shanendalo third. Time 1:21. : Milo and a sixteenth Bonnie King won , Albert Stull second , Entry , third. Titno . Mile and an eighth Madohn won , Stony Montgomery second , J. T. third. Time 2IC : > % . Seven furlongs Yolci won , Lulu Foster second , Himan thira. Time 1 lltuich Knees. BIUOUTON BBACU , Juno 21. The track was in fine condition. Summary : ' Five-eighths of a mile John. Atwood won in 1:04X , Centura second , May Queen third. Three-fourths of a milo Long Jack won In 1:10 , Pericles second , Grccio third. Throe-fourths of a milo Souvenir won in lilliHt Vandorgrift second , Ocean third. Sovon-cighths of o milo Tlpstalt won in 1:20 , Revollor second , Longitude third. Milo and an eighth Dead heat between Tattler aud Bonnie S. for llrst in 1:5G3/ . J. O. B. next. Ono mile Ballston twon in 1:41 , Carnegie second , Polhani third. AGrcnt Turf Event , CIIIOAOO , Juno 21. The Sixth American Derby will bo run to-morrow , at Washing ton park. Never in tlio history of the race have so many good ones faced the starter as will bo found there Spokane , Pro- > tor Knott , Once Again , Don Jose and Sorrents , any ono of which by winning would create no great surprise In the turf world. Of the ether six starters , Retrieve may bo said to have the j > oorest chanco. Sportsman is a good enough horse , but his quality Is not high. Lo Premier is a fast but uncortaia porfornxcr , and It is thought that the distance is too much for him. Como to Taw is not regarded very fa vorably. Long Dance is the best outsider. - . WHAT PKOI'liK TAtilC ABOUT. Views mill Interviews OniiRht In Hotel OorrUInri nml Klsewhore. Colonel J , Wood Smith , the jollv founder of Callaway , Is la the city , and has tnoro wonderful stories than over to toll about the future prospects of his town. A reporter for Tun Bus mot Mr. Smith in the Paxton lobby last eveningnnd hoard him declare that Callaway is the only town In Nebraska blessed with a genuine boom. Said lie : "Recent and substantial assurances that two big railroads will make a crossing at that point within tlio next twelve months has roused up the ueoplo , and they nro fool ing good. Last Monday night the Sioux City & . Pacific surveyors reached Callaway , nnd have gone on in the direction of North Plutto. Lot mo inform you , also , thut It is a splendid outllt eighteen men and six tents , a regular Illinois Central outllt. That is the rend backing the enterprise , uut it is called the Sioux City & Pacitlc. It will be a great road for Nebraska and u great road for Omaha , because she can easily tap it. The line run from Ord to Cal- loway Is a splendid one much better than was survovcd once boforo. Then , too , wo have positive evidence that the Kearney & Blaok Hills road , a Ualon Pucillo enterprise , will bo built. The general manager of it Is at Callaway now , securing depot grounds , yard facilities , and getting control of the town. By the way , there Is liable to bo a llttlo stnfo between the two corporations to see which will got the ad- vantage. Wo have the best natural water IKMVCI' facilities there in the state , and with very llttlo improvement they can easily bo used. Bv throwing u sixty-fout dam across the Wood rlvor wo can have a reservoir , fed by 500 live spring * , that will furnish water supply for 20,000 inhabitants. This feature 1 what will make Callaway a much better and Mfgar town than Kearney. The Union Pacific has secured the old Wood Rlvor road bed , and in order to Becuro the franchise that goes with It. which expires before long , proposes to lay 100 miles of track at once. " Dr. Tilden vigorously denies the claim setup up by G. M. Lambortson , that Ellis Bior- bower owes his llnanclal and social position In llfu to him.It's the court physician , " BIIVS Dr. Tlldon. "I want it distinctly under stood that my medicine made Blurbowor whut ho Is. I saved his life. " G. A. Van Inwegan , of Chadron , returned from Washington yesterday and is nt the Mlllard. Mr. Van Inwo ; an has n burning dcsiro to represent this country , as consul , in some foreign port , nnd has been to the seat of government trying to flnd out what his chances were Siaeo returning ho has re frained from imparting to any onolho result * of his visit. Ttiti Weather Indication * . For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota ! Fair , wwmer , variable wind * , Becoming southerly. . . „ is , The Indian Orator Spoaka Before the Council at Pine Bldgo. BOUNDARY LINES INSISTED ON. Ho MnUos n Generous Offer' With Itcuaril tn the Fnlr Hex of the Trlbo Great ObtUlnnoy Still Shown Still ImborliiR With tjo. PiNn Rtnon , Dak. , ( via Rushvlllo , Nob. , ) Juno 21 [ Special Telegram to Tun Dm : . | General Crook hold n conference with his old-time scouts to talk over old times nnd in- cldcntalty to glvo them a llttlo advice concerning - corning tholr present and future actions. Most of these present agreed to sign the bill. While General Crook was mooting the scouts Governor Foster nnd Major Warren hold a council with the other Indians , headed by American Horse , who was tholr spokesman. The mooting was opened by him desiring that the several tracts of land nlotted to each ono by the severally clause , should bo meas ured and staked so that nil could co how much hind it contained. This request being granted , American Horse continued : "I nui going to food you on tlio minds of my pcoplo every day , but I will try to not overfeed you nnd make -you sick. I do not say this for your displeasure , but for the sake of your reputations. Wo do not wish to tire you , but wo nro a slow people and want time to thoroughly understand this matter before wo decide. Then , if they decide to sign it is well , if not to sign , well and good ; it will bo our fault , not yours. The lines of the reservation , as bo understood It at the time of the 1808 treaty , were then given nnd the truth of this assertion loft to any ot the Indians nt any agency to bo v ( sited. The line of the reservation in the 1870 treaty was also traced and described. These things wo supposed were done , nnd never would bo changed , .for wo thought that when tbo Indian put down his nnmo it would bo forever. If there is a whltoman now living who saw this line , wo would llko him brought horo. You are high people at homo. " alluding to the former of fices hold by them , "and I want this matter to bo well Known , so that when wo decide It will not hurt your reputations at home , Let us accept this or notnln forty years from now wo will remember you , and if wo maho a mistake wo will not blame you at all. Wo must have plenty of time , so that there will bo no tioublo hereafter. If you got homesick for your children , wo will loan you our children. If you got lonesome for your wives , wo will loan you our wives to run about with you nnd entertain you. " Major Warner then addressed them briefly lu his own inimitable style , expressing gratitude - tudo for the friendship displayed nnd told them they would not promise anything which they had no power to perform. The recent admission of the Dakotas as states and their representa tion in conirress was explained. "The north ern hue of Nebraska is your south line , ns Jlxod by the treaty of 1SU8 , and wo cannot change it. If a mistake has been made in the survey It shall bo rectiUcd. " American Horse kept constantly alluding to the Nebraska line ns wrongly surveyed and wanted to have someone hero who knew where it ought to bo. Time to thoroughly understand the bill was the burden of his talic , saying : "If at uny agency the names are signed at once it maybe bo right or wiong by chance. Wo do not want to go this way , for when wo thoroughly understand whichever way wo go , wo alone will bo responsible for any trouble coming hereafter. If I can take the bill apart and put it together I can understand it then. " Ho was also afraid that if the land was taken in severally , taxes would have to be paid. This they wuuld not have , as their ti tles are not of record , nnd was so slated by Major Warner and Governor Foster. Com plaint was made that the Indian had no means to earn money , even where competent to act as a herdsman or ether employe. A former agent hero was scored for his nepo tism In employing his wife as teacher , his brother in the commissary department , aud hU ether relatives in other places. The right of the squaw-men , bait-broods and In dians to hnvo stores was also mentioned , after which Major Warner gave them a little lesson in patriotism and love of the Ameri can flag , xvhich caused Governor Foster to inquire if ho was rehearsing-for August. Governor Foster also addressed them , ro- forrlng to tlioformonopinion of what uiado a good Indian , and expressing himself greatly pleased at the change. Red Cloud handed in a paper containing the names of squaw men xvho were incor porated in the tribe in 18C3. This straw shows that ho is weakening in the force of his opposition to the bill , though it is highly improbable that ho will ever bo a signer of the tro.ity. At a two-hour conference hold , -with him by Major Warner and Governor Foster ho used much the same arguments , and objec tion as did American Horse at tbo council. American Horse , in his talk about the poor quality of goods furnished them , asked Major Warner to ask the Great Father not to pick out a blind man to buy their goods for them , nnd suggested a .better inspection by honest incu. , It is thought here that American Horse will sign to-morrow with part of his band , nnd the others soon. There are 370 names on the roll. STJUCKEN WITH APPOPIjEXY. MM. IlnyCH Unconscious Her flight Side Paralyzed. , CLUVKLAND , Juno 21. Mrs. Ha.ves ( wife of ex-Prosldeut Hayes , was stricken 'with appo- ploxy this afternoon at her homo in Fre mont , nad at 0 o'clock this evening she , was unconscious. The attack came about 4 o'clock , while Mrs. Hayes was sitting in her room sowing. Paralysis of the right side re sulted , rendering her speechless. Medical help was immediately summoned , but all efforts to restore the lady to consciousness have thus fur failed. General Hayes was on his way homo from Columbus at the time , and it was 5 o'clock when lie arrived in Fre mont. A MIfcHOiirl Cyclone. AI.BINT , Mo. , Juno 21. A eyclono passed over northwestern Missouri , yesterday afternoon , demolishing a number of dwell ings , school houses and ether property. The house of H. P. Williams , thrco miles east , was destroyed. Williams' nine-year-old son nnd his mothor-in-law , Mis. Christian , were instantly killed , Mrs. Williams was fatally injured , and her tbrco chlldien were badly hurt. The village of Lone Star was nearly destroyed and two or three persons were fatally in * jurod. Many ether farm houses and build ings wcro destroyed in the vicinity. i * Killed by Ills Fourth Wife. WATEIILOO , Ia. , Juno 21. | Special Tele gram to TUB BKB. ] Francis Rosier , u farinor In Fay otto county , was shot and killed on Wednesday by his wife , Barbara Rosier. She denied the killing at llrst , but finally ad mitted It and said that Roster had thrown her on the lloor nnd bent her , and when she succeeded in breaking away she shot him , She was Hosier's fourth wife and was married last November. Ho had been di vorced from the other wives and had ar ranged for separation from her u few days before. Consular Appointments. WASHINGTON , Juno 21 , The president made tbo following appointments to-day : Frank Mason , of Ohio , consul-general at Frankfort ; Charles H. Trail , consul at Mar- Boilles , and H. 0. Knowloi , of Delaware , consul at Bordeaux. Deadly Work. CKUNA , O. , Juno 21. Robert Howiek and Benjamin Kllngcr , two wealthy and promi nent farmers In Mercer county , were In stantly killed by Ihjhtuin&last evening whllo standing nt the .barn door. Within two feet of them wastfl H3V mllftlnn n cow. Tlio ani mal was klllofl Wit the boy was only stunned. * -1 ' - * Tl Arlznnn ftrnyj Itobborn Snnttnood. * PnnsooTTj risi Juno 21. Chief Justice Wright yesterday sentenced Dnn Hnrwlck , William Stoln 3ftnd James Hnlford , who robbed the express train on the Atlantic & Pacific In Apt Jl I last , to twenty-five years each In the pCfiituntlary. ATprrlblo nose. Dua MoiNifs , To. , Juno 21. [ Special Telo- pram to Tun BEB.J The Infant son of C. E. SliiRorland pot < hpd ) of a mess ot Roughen Rats , this aftoriwpn , and took some and died soon after. General Cameron Dying. LANCASTER Pa. , Juno 21. A message from General Cameron's bedside this afternoon says there Is no change in his condition nnd no hope of his recovery. Gonornl Tixft Dead. CitAntKSTON , S. CM Juno 21. General William Nathaniel Taft died in Mayesvlllo this morning. 80UXU'bniAIlA , NEWa Snfb Craokor Captured. Whllo 7 , P. Hedges was out of his office , Friday afternoon , a man who gave his name us John Clancy opened nnd rilled his safe. Returning , Mr. Hedges caught the man nnd had him run In. Ho will have n hearing Saturday morning , before Judge King. y. jr. o. A. About a Bcord ot gentlemen mot in the Presbyterian church Friday evening to or ganize a Young Men's Christian Association' Prof. A. A. Munroo was elected chairman , and A. G. Xorbo secretary. A resolution was passed to hold a young men's mass mooting in Hunt's opera house Sunday afternoon , July 7 , at 3 o'clock , and to hold n general public mass mooting In the samohall on the ovanlng of the same day. Messrs. William U. Dunroy , Dr. W. H. Slobough , M. G. Eorbo , W. It. Sago nnd E. C. Lane wore appointed a committee to solicit members. Notes About the Olty. Charles Sterns , who has been attending the Iowa Agricultural college at Amos , has returned homo. N. C. Gibbs and family have gone to Bos ton to live. Treasurer Thomas Geary on Friday received - coivod the 972,000 funding bonds , und the bonds nro now for sale. Elder M. C. Hancock will hold services In the Albright school house on Sunday evening nt 8 o'clock. A red-hot Bohemian row , in which for eign profanity aud native brickbats played a prominent part , enlivened Twonty-flfth nnd M streets Friday afternoon. Kobert W. Shropshire has been added to the night force at the Union Pacific depot. Car Repairer Patrick Carey , of the Union Stock Yards railroad force , was accidentally hit with the coupling head of tup air brake hose Friday evening , receiving such n cut ou top of the head that ho soon afterwards fainted. The wound was dressed by a phy sician. n < The county board of tbo Ancient Order of Hibernians will moot in A. O. H. hall , Row ley's block , South Omaha , June 20 , at S o'clock. By order , of C. D. Mrs. Sauudcrs , wife of Baggagfiiian F. M. Saundcrs , of the dummy train , who has been spending eight months in Toledo , O. , has re turned to her honie in Council Bluffs. The man who fell off the Q street viaduct , Friday morning,1 is' slightly better , nnd the attending surgeon thinks ho has a chance to live. Ho gave Ins name ns Nod Entight , of Omaha. Dr. D. W. Ott. of Riverside , Ia. , is the guest of Dr. J. Glasgow. The infant son ol Silas W. McCov died at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon , nnd will bo in terred in the comoVirv , live miles southwest of the city , on Sunday. Mr. McCoy will return from Missouri on Saturday. Messrs. Frank , N. Cautile , Charles Web ster and Frank Burness "have arranged lor the Caledonian picnic at LaPlatto , on July i. Mr. and Mrs. N , B. Mead have gone to Cleveland , Ohio , on a visit. Ex-City Encinecr R. H. Lawrence has re turned from Columbus. The Gormania gardens will be opened Sun day , Juno 30. Mrs. EH H. Doud nnd child will leave , Saturday , for a visit with relatives in Chicago cage and Ithica , N. Y. , to bo gene all sum mer. mer.Matthew Matthew Miller , ono of the export butchers nt Swift & Co.'s packing houses , hus gene to Lake county , Indiana , for a two weeks' visit. The funeral services of the late John Toner will bo hold in St. Bridget's Catholic church Saturday mornincr nt U o'clock , The body will bo removed from the homo nt 8 o'clock , nnd the interment will bo in St. Mary's cemetery. Jesse Mack , severely afflicted with colic , is out of his mind and in a critical condition. Court Mugio City , No. 103 , Independent Order of Forestdirs , will hold a picnic ! August 3. A strange Bohemian employed m the killIng - Ing gang at the Armour-Cudahy packing houses Thursday had a truck hook fall on him , knocking him down and cutting a gush in the side of his head nbovo the right ear , Thursday a nail toro a bad hole in the ball of the right thumb nnd palm of the hand of Mr. Linden , a carpenter working on the high school building. Whllo hoisting cement on the Q street via duct yestoraay , A. F. Mooney , an employe , had his loft hand drawn in a pulley , mush ing the two middle lingers so bad that surgi cal attendance was necessary. South Omaha ledge , No. 52 , U. O. T. B. , has postponed its picnic to bo given to the Omaha , Council Bluffs and Plattsmouth lodges , until Sunday , Juno 30. Nearly two score of members of South Omaha lodge , No. CO , A. O , ( J. W. , wont to Omaha Thursday evening to Join in the p.irado. and all were well pleased. Patrick Shea , employed In thokilllng gang at the Armour-Cudahy packing house. Wednesday badly cut the middle finger or his light , hand. So that all raav attend the Council Bluffs Chautauiiua , Sunday afternoon next , there will bo no services m the evening at the Presbyterian church. Samuel Kontoun , who was accused of hav ing stolen articles to the value of $20 from E. T. Sanders , was discharged by Judge King for want of prosecution. Frank Ebo , a lost bny , was found by the police and returned to his parents. Harrison Talks. Ruseell B. Harrison of Montana , son of President Harrlpqn , passed through Omaha Thursday evening on route to Washington. To a friend who iiietdim at the Union Pnciilo depot , ho stated that ho intended to spend the greater portioli of the summer at Wash ington. Ho BaiU'thht ' the president' health was good , although the continual strain on him which hud been kept up for a tluiu utter ho assumed the olllcb'of ' the presidency , had had Its clTcct upon Him. Ho scouted the idea that ho Intondcdimiaklng his present homo in Washington , suiting that ha preferred tha refreshing atmosphere of the west to that of any climate In ttiO ciist. How 'Jlipy Kqunlizo. City Clerk Southunl was ordered to re ceive complaints' from taxpayers until 0 o'clock Saturday qvpHlng aud then make his report to the cunejl sitting ns a board of equalization. AivyiA.fhcrc has been no com plaint tiled , 'lli'ii board sat Wednesday and Thursday , then took a recess until Saturday night. Htcnmshii > Arrivals , At Now York Tbo Travo , from Bremen , and tbo Augusta Victoria , from Hamburg. At London The Roman , from Boston , At Queonstown The Nevada , from New York. llnrrlton Goon tn Capo Bluy , WASHINGTON , June 31. The president will leave here this afternoon for Capo May , ac companied by ox-Senator Sownll , of Now Jersey. Ho will return to Washington Mon day evening. * ' Gold Hlilpinaiit to Europi * . . NEW YOIIK , Juno 2lv-One million , ono hundred aud fifty thousand dollars lu gold bars were eugaifod this morning fur ship , ment. Tno u > Ul gold engaged to go by to morrow's steamers Is $5,400,000. PICKEDIIIMFROMTIIE CROWD , Eurico Pooltlvoly Idoutlflod by Ex pressman Martinson. ONE OF THE WILLIAMS BROTHERS " f Ilols Iniincdlntoly HooojjnlKOd Amotif Fifty-two Other Prisoners Xlio Suspect's Aunt on the Stand , , Another Cluo. CIIIOAOO , Juno 21. Martin tJurko has boot positively Identified as ono of the "William ! brothers , " who are credited with being Dr Cronm's ' slayers. The person who thui Idontliloa Ilurko Is Expressman Hnkan Mar tlnson , who was employed by ono of the Williams' to convoy furniture to the fata cottage , The news of Martinson's ' Idontlfl cation of Burkonnd the circumstances undo : which Burke was soon by the expressman a' ' Winnipeg , was received to-night In a ines sago to Chief of Pollco Hubbard from i Chicago ofllcor , as follows ; WINXIIT.O , Juno 21. Martinson Instantli nnd fully identified Burke , picking him ou of flfty-tWo men drawn up In n line In tin Jail yard In the presence of the Cronln attorney noy asa Burko's lawyer. Chief Ilubbard replied that oxtradltloi papers for Uurko were now en routu am would bo pushed forward with all speed DOB otblo. Burko's An nt Testlllci. CHICAGO , Juno 21. The Cronln grand jurj this morning hoard the testimony of Mrs Phllbiii , an aunt of Martin Uurko , the Win nlpog suspect. She scouted the idea thai her nephew was a murderer , and dcscrlbci him as n weak and rattlu-brainod young man who lacked the courage to engage In n plotoi such n character. She was unable to enlighten lighten the Jury as to Burko's movement ! about the time previous to the murder , as he had ccasod to live at her house. Frank Scanlan , Or. Cronin's friend , gav < the names of several Clan-na-Gaol men , who ho thought might know something of th ( conspiracy or of the movements of the par tlos connected with it , and several now sub poenas were issued upon his suggestion. Luke Dillon was once more called to the stand and questioned minutely regarding the Inner workings of thoClau-ua-Gael and those of _ its Chicago members whom ho had found to bo hostile to Cronln. Edward Spollman , of Peoria , a promlnenl distiller and a district ofllcor of the Clan na-Gael for the territory of Illinois and Wis consin , testified in regard to the extent ol the organization and the power of the local camps to nunish offending members. He stated the greatest penalty that could be inflicted upon any member under the rules of the organization was expulsion from the ranks , and insisted that if Cronin had been condemned to death it was contrary to tlio fundamental principles ana practices ol the society. Spollmnn professed n high regard for Cronln , and assured the jury that his ( Spellman's ) dcsiro to ferret out the instiga tors of the tragedy , was shared by all the Clau-na-Gaol the United lending - - men in States. The proceedings to-daycloso ; the in vestigation in the Cronin matter for the time being , but the case will bo kept open to give the police opportunity to pursue their inves tigations , mm as witnesses are produced from time to time their testimony will bo re ceived by the jury nnd filed. Extradition Proceeding. MINNEAPOLIS , June21 A Winnipegspecial says Martin Burke , the Cronln suspect , was , this morning , nrricncd before Judge Pain in extradition proceedings. After some legal squabbling the case was adjourned until Wednesday next. Si'iiiNarir.T.u , Juno 21. A representative of the states attorney's oflice from Cook county obtained from Governor Fifer the papers necessary to lay before the state de partment at Washington to procure the ex tradition of Martin Burke , now under arrest at Winnipeg. A HAYT1EN OUTUAOE. The American Schooner Baltic Fired On in Snmnnn Bay. N-sw BEnroun , Mass. , Juno 21. Captain Fisher , of the schooner Baltic , which has arrived from an Atlantic whaling voyage , reports a thrilling experience in the port of Samann bay , Haytl , on May 13. Several Ilaytlen soldiers , without warning or any known reason , opened fire with rilles on his vessel from the shore. Ho and the crow were compelled to soon safety in the bold , and the firing continued until after dark. Captain Fisher had permission from a gen eral ofllecr of the Haytien troops to take wood and water in Samaua bav , and the next day ho demanded an explanation of the out rage. Ho received no satisfaction , nnd will appeal to Secretary Blnino. Ho attributes the attack to the drunken condition of the tro'ops. Trunk Iliio Presidents to Meet. Pnii.ADRLrniA , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram gram to TUB BEIS. ] President Roberts , of the Pennsylvania railroad , Issued a call to-day for a mooting of the board of trunk line presidents , of which ho is president , to bo held next Thursday. The mooting will consider immigrant business , dressed beef rates and the course to bo pursued with re gard to mileage on refrigerator and tank cars nnd the use of private stock cars. Western railway managers , President Roberts said , are very anxious to moot the presidents' committee , with n vlow of set tling the increasing differences amongst the northwestern lines. In order that an oppor tunity may bo given , the joint committee of the trunk line association will convene Wednesday , and tno result of the conference will bo laid before tlio presidents on the day following. The resignation of ITimc wdl also bo discussed. As to the western situation , it is said the presidents have tacitly agreed that under no circumstances shall their lines enter the present fight , and that all companies having tralllc agreements or running arrangements with western corporations shall pav tholr full rales on rail business , no matter what charges they make or how extensive a re duction they care to Indulge in. As to the recent radical cut , good judge ? think it will bring about a speedy reconciliation. AVork Uosumod nt Johnatown. JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Juno 21. The weather Is pleasant to day nnd work on the wreckage has boon generally resumed. About two thousand men are at work. The authorities have refused to furnish transportation to the strikers who deslro leaving here nnd consequently quently but few will leave. Of tbo 5,100 em ployes of the Cambria Iron company , but 3,500 are now at work , nnd of 1,850 men for merly employed at the Gautior works but050 are reported living. The Cambria company has shipped two consignments of rails manu factured slnco the disaster. A species of hives has broken out among the pcoplo hero , which seems to bo contagi ous. On account of the hot weather to-day the suffcrim : is mtenso. Five bodies were picked up near the stor.'o bridge this morning - ing , and up to noon thirteen bodlos were found. John Kernof Bcllcfontalno , was picked up ia Cambria City this morning , dangerously hurt , and was sent to the hospital. Ha stated ho was assaulted and robbed during tha night. There was no trouble among the workmen hero ; n any wav , to-day , and it neouw to be the general belief of the authorities that they , have won the contest and are masters of the situation , All the saloons in 'tho pluco are closed by order of General Hastings. Thirty- two bodies wcro taken from tha wreckage , the largest number found for several days. There nro few travel ! ngtnon who rop- roaont housed in this city or inako Omaha , their houdquartora who uro not ac quainted with Mr. J. W. Judclkins , pro prietor of tlio Judkins hoiiBO , FuUarton , IJobriiaku. Mr. Judkins s.iys : "J Imvo used Chamberlain's cholio , cholera and ( liurrhcca. remedy for several years in Bovoro cnsoa of dysentery and cliurrhaw and nlways Keep n bottle in the house for puosts. It never fails to offuut u prompt mid cor turn cure. " CONCnUMNG StimVAVS. The Onmlia Company Pays Its Ho- npootB to Oounolttnnti Dnvls. To the Editor of Tun Hun : In Tin BBB of several days ago , there was an Interview with Councilman Davis regard ing the Omaha subway company. In an , swcr to the question , "Who compose the Omaha Subway company } " Mr. Davis says ! "Tho old Dorsott party with Uorsott's name loft out. " This answer contains In n nutshell the whole animus of the opposition of Mr , Davis and those who , with him , are opposing the Omaha Subway company. And so it is the Mr. Dorsott and not the in terest oi the city that Mr. Dnvls is consldor- Insr. The names of thoao composing tha Omaha Subway company are on the county records , whore Mr. Davis or any other per son may ascertain who they nro. Mr. Dor- sett's name does not appear there , as ho has never been any part of the Omaha Sflbwoy company. Mr. Davis' nnawor shows his ut ter ignorance or carelessness regarding" n matter upon which ho pretends to pass judgment. Mr. Dorsott'a nnmo was only Incidentally associated with the company in the discuss ion of the various systems , or rather mater ial used in subways. The company docs not nsk , nor has It over asked a franchise ! to put down the Doraottor any other special system of subways. It has asked a franchise to put down subways , and has always proposed to lot those who put their money Into It decide what system shall bo used. Docs Mr. Davis suppose , does any sane man suppose , that a mnn or men who would put n hundred thous and dollars In a structure would use an in ferior system when ho could Just as well use the bostl Is ho going to set himself up as the guardian of capitalists who are Booking to put a great and doslrablo improvement In our city I And what docs the gentleman want ? Docs ho want the company to permit him to dictate what material shall bo usodt Ho , a sworn representative of the interests of the city , Instead of con sidering a question from the standpoint of the city's Interest , sots up an imaginary question to oppose , In which it is difficult for any ono to discover anything but a false pretense. The Omaha Subway company is composed of citizens of Omaha , all as much Interested in the welfare of the city ns Is any member of the council. They have como before the council asking a franchise to put down sub ways , on an ordinance drawn up by the city attorney , which is , at the satno time , the most liberal to the interests which it affects , and most thoroughly protects the Interests of the city of any ordinance that has over boon placed before the council. It is only necessary to read the ordinance for any fair-minded man to at once see the entlro good faith in which this franchise is asked. The company does now ask an exclusive privilege. There is nothing in the ordinance to prevent any electrical company from put ting down their own or any ether company pi eventing a franchise for subways. 'Iho company is required to comtnenco the work within six months , nnd complete thrco miles of subway within ono year , or tbo franchise becomes invalid. Can any coupany , which is not acting in good faith aiTord , to spend time to get such n franchise ns this ! What good would such u franchise do anybody , except to put a sub way in with the best material , and as rapidly as possible ? It is apparent to the most casual observer that it would bo utterly worthless. As it effects the electrical companies , a section of the ordinance shows how far It ia inimical to their interests. Sec. 4 is as follows : The grantee heroin , its successors and assigns , shall rent or per mit to any person or corporation to use said system of underground conduits or subways , upon such tonns as may bo airrccd upon by the respective parties , nnd , in case they can not agree , such terms shall bo fixed by arbitration of three persons , ono person to bo chosen by the grantee herein , its suc cessors or assigns ; ono person to bo chosen by the person or corporation seelting to use or occupy such conduits or subways , and the third arbitrator to bo chairman of the board of public works ; and the rates and conditions so agreed upon sold arbitrators , or a major ity of the same , shall bind and govern the use of said subways or conduits , by such person of corporation ; provided , however , that the city of Omaha may Hx a maxi mum , which the rates charged by said sub way company to other companies shall not exceed. What Is there In this that is not per fectly fair. to the electrical compa nies * There ia not even a hint at compulsion , or any arbitrary or excessive charges. On the ether hand , it practically puts it In the power of the city council to fix the rates of charges as if the subways belonged to the city. HOW much better would tlio interests of these compan ies bo subserved if the city owned the bub- ways ! Besides , the city has an option on the pur chase of the subways when built. As it affects the interests ot the city , tlio ordinance says : "Section 0. In consideration of the privil ege heroin granted , the grantee , Us succes sors and assigns , shall , without cost to the city of Omaha , provide space , draw in aud maintain conductors , conduits and cables used in saia system by the city of Omaha for telegraph , telephone , or Ore alarm pur poses. " Mr. Davis says : "Tho city has given away all the franchises it ought to , " Yet , this id the only company that has over offered to pay the olty for a franchiso. It proposes to furnish wires and maintain , i. o. , keep in repair all the city electrical wires free of cost to the city , which is worth hundreds of dollars yearly to the olty. Yet Mr. Davis talks of giving a franchise to the company. This shows with what consum mate projudica ho is mooting. Although he has had the ordinance before him in the council for weeks , and taking a most active and bitter part in opposition , yet ho docs not seem to know what the ordinance is , what Its conditions are , nor who composes the company asking the franchiso. This is not an enviable altitude for a member of the city council. Mr Davis can only see Mr. Dorsett in the subway company. What pri vate griefs ho has against Mr. Dorsott wo know not , but we think ho Is traveling much out of his wav to combat a company composed - posed ot citizens of Omaha to nssuairo any wounds that Mr , Dorsott may have given him. "Wo ask Mr. Davis to put away his private griofH , brush away the web of prejudice that blinds him , and , us a representative of the city's ' interests , to consider the tons of iron hanging on a forest of poles over the heads of our citizens , a incnuco to their lives. Wo ask him to consider the move , inont In other cities , whcro this nuisance has become intolerable , and ns noon as it was demonstrated that the wires could bo suc cessfully worked under ground the people have worked and forced the companies to put their wires under ground. Then consider the Interests of our young nnd growinc city nnd take stops to quickly , without prejudice to any interest of any , put these wires under ground , as Is contemplated by THE OMAIU SUB-WAY COMIM.XV. Chief Gnlll nti'H Koport. Chief Galllgau 1ms prepared a report of the flro department for 18SS , for prosontatlon to the ire ) and police commission. The report shows that the city has fifty-two paid llro- men , six engine houses , twenty horses , nnd uroporty of the department valued at 575.028 , In 1833 piopurty was destroyed to the amount of4'S'JJ. Huildlngs were damaged in the sum of f ja.H1 ! , all of which loss was covered ny insurance except f ! ) , < WO. The losses on stocks was Wl.Tir. of which amount 610.U07 was protected by insurance. SIG3C HEMGH ! ' Positively cured by these L'ttlo IMfls. CARTER'S They also rello\ Dla- trcM fro-n Dyspepsia , Indigestion - ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ) Hating. A perfect rem edy for Dlzzlutiss , Nausea , Drowsiness , Dad Taste In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , ruin lu the Bide , TOHI'in J.IVEJI. Thcj regulate tlio llowtls. 1'urcly Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , THROUGH AND LOCAL RATES , A Temporary Settlement of the Northwestern Brotxlr. WESTERN INDEPENDENCE WINS. Jobbers Complain of the Out Mnilo By the Sioux lloiitc Propnr * IIIR For the Consolidation. or the AYnlusli. A Patch-Up. CmcAao , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB URK.I Tlio Northwestern break In rates has boon settled , nt least temporarily , by the equalisation of the present through and local rnttis from Chlcaso to St. Paul. Jn ether word's , " the , western roads luwo thrown down the gauntlet to ( heir eastern connec tions , unit , boglnnlnr July 5 , will refuse nil pro-rating arrangements via Chicago. The through rnto Now Xork to St. Paul will In nil cases bo the sum of the locals , Now York to Chicago and Onle.iRO to St. Paul. This Is the drat In the history of railroading that western railroads have nssartod tholr Indopondunco In n contest with the trunk lines , for thU Is really the cause of the who'lo northwestern trouble. The trunk lines , by pro-rating with Luke Superior and "Suo Inko lines , huvo taiton the bulk of the trafilo , not only from the Chicago nnd St. Paul lines , b t from the Oonlral Trafllu linos. Until olthor the trunk or western lines weaken , the trunk lines will Uavo only u sliort haul to Buffalo. Through western trnfllcover Contrailr.ifilc lines will bo ab solutely nt n standstill nnd the Chicago-St. Paul lines will uonflno themselves to local triifilo and what llttlo through trafllo come * in by the Inko linos. The general plan of aottlomout Is that in car lots the present basis of 23 cents from Chicago to St. Paul will apply , the nbovo rates being on both through nnd local bust- iioss. In connection with this notion" steps w.oro taken to establish on .Inly G , rates between - twoon Chicago and St. Paul on both through nnd local tralllc on n number of commodi ties , such as Iron articles , sugar , syrup and agricultural implements , ranging from 10 cents upwards , the object being the estab lishment to as great an extent as possible of rates both through and local in line with the situation in the north. All conflicting rates are to bo withdrawn July 5. The situation now is that the eastern merchants have n great advantage in St. Paul and northwest ern markets owing to the low lake rates. Tills advantage will extend somewhat to territory south of St. Paul. In all western and southwestern markets , however , nnd the territory in and wast of Omaha , Kansas City , etc. , the Hold will bo a perfectly opou one to the Chicago merchants. Cut Kates oil ttio Soo. I CHIC uio , Juno 21. The cut rates on the See road are beginning to bo felt by the northwestern Jobbers. Tills morning a dele gation of merchants representing the Sioux City Jobbers' association mot Senator CUl- lom , chairman of the senatorial committee on railway relations with Canada. A mem ber of the delegation , 13 , H. Kirk , said the visit grow out of a complication In the pres ent freight rates. "Ever slnco the passage of the recent state legislation oa ralhoads there has buon more or less of a contest between the people and the roads. ThoJSiouxjCity Jobbers hoio nearly always sided with the railroads , and they have had the best rates possible. The present rates on the See road have do- muruiUed trade in certain directions and are limiting the Sioux City Jobbing Hold. Wo wanted the committee to fully understand tills and we therefore ) laid tlio matter before it.11 it.11After After the meeting Senator Cullom said it resulted in nothing and amounted to very little. Ho said that when asked to meet the delegation ho supposed it was on othbr business. As it turned out it was really so unimpoitant that there was nothing to say about it. Tlio Wabasli Consolidation. CHICAGO , Juno 21.-jSpuc.ial Telegram to I'IIK BUK.J President Ashley , Vice Prosl- loot Howe , General Manager Hayes and jther oflloials of the Wnb.ish Western will 1)0 In Chicago Monday to consult with Receiver McNulta relative to the consolida tion of the two Wabash systems. As far as iccidod upon , all tlio present ofllomls of the Wabnsh railway will bo superseded by the sorrcsponding ofllclals of the Wnbash Western on July 1 , except Receiver McNulta mid General Freight Agent Knight. The former will stay for advisory purposes until August I. The latter will probably be as sistant to his brother , Gpneral Freight Agent ICnight , of the Wabash Western. The reorganised system will bo incorporated under tha name of the Wabash Ha 11 ro ( id com pany , the name applying to all the branches mil main lines of tlio present Wubasli and Wabash. Western roads. It has not boon do- icrminod wliero the gen oral ollloos nro to bo ocatcd. The understanding has been that ; hey would bo removed to St. Louis , hut unny arguments have been advanced la favor of their retention in Chicago. $0OOOOO ( ) Now Bonds Nuw Yoitic , Juno 21. The Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul Railroad company has nl- eady sold $0,000,0(10 ( of now bonds , secured > y a general mortgage. Tlio price is not jivcn. Vetoed by the Governor. IlAiiTFoiii ) , Conn. , Juno 21 , The governor o-day vetoed the resolution amending tlio m.irtor of tha Plionuix Life Insurance com- > any , which authorised the policy holders to issumo control of its affairs. n Tlio Chief noaaon for the great 1 if Ilooil'rj BaiHapurlllu Is found lu the urtlclu tsolf. It IsMorltThnt Wins , and the fact hat Hood's Surdaparllla actually acuompllimoi ill that Is claimed for It , hnH clvon tbU meill * IIIQ a popularity anil Kulo greater than any ither sarsapurlllu 01 blooil piirlller. Hood's Sarsaparllln li sold by dniK ; lnts , tl ; nix for$5. 1'ioparod by U , I , Hood & ; < > . , Aputhocarloa , Jxwoll , Huns. Ulvo It luL GOLD MEDAL , PAHIB , 1078. IV. IUK12R & CO.'S Pnnnn uUblld la uliioliitKlH nttre unit U la aolulla. No Chemicals tn uie4 la in ptiuralton. II tin uft I/tin I&I-M linn Hi UnnjOt lit Cvcot mie ! < I Kllli 6i , Arrowroot or 8u ir , ana | i tliertfuro far moru cror.omltt' ' , itillnf ( HI Hunt uxt ttal a my. II U dcllcluut , nourlilib ; , itrci iillitciln ; , J.- HIT DKirirrri > , iid wlmlriWy tiltl ) 4 lit Invilldioi vrcltti pcrtoui lu Imlti. Sold tjr ( Irotcft eierjiilieio. W. BASER & CO. , Dorchester , Mast