Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1889, Image 1

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Jules Perry Strongly Oppoaod to
Revision at This Tlmo.
Religion a Moral Force . "Which the
Civil Power Can Not Disregard
Eovero Criticism hy the
Itndlcal Journals.
Ferry Htlclcs to His Aflscrtlon.
ICni/i/rfoM 'SS3 l > v Jama Oortton Jif.nnttt. }
PAJIH , Juno21 , | Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB Bni : . | In a speech deliv
ered last Monday at the National Republican
association banquet , M , Jules Ferry accent
uated the declarations ho had previously
tniiOo In the chamber of deputies. Ho was
very energetic in his condemnation of the
ngltntlon In favor of revising the constitu
tion. The Idea of convoking the constitu
ents and modifying the constitution at a tlmo
when republican Institutions wcro exposed
to attack on every hand was said by M. Ferry
to bo nn aberration. The terms In which the
opportunist leader Insisted on the necessity
of concluding pence between the church nnd
ntnto wcro not worthy. It was this part of
his speech In the chamber which most excited
thojro of M. Clomcnccau , but , far from re-
trar.tmg nny of his opinions , M. Ferry reiter
ated his statement , that religion In Franco
represented a great moral force which.the
civil power could not disregard , and with
which it should avoid all quarrels.
As might have been expected , the radicals
have taken umbrage at these declarations ,
and their organs take M. Ferry severely to
task , The Justice , Lantornc nnd o'hor news
papers of tha same shade of opinion declare
n retrograde policy of I'onkincrs can not bo
accepted by the republican party. A re
vision of the constitution is , they say , both
necessary nnd urgent In some Instances.
They pretend that the national assembly was
not qualified to draw up a constitution for
The conservative Journals Join with the
radical organs m criticising M. Ferry's
speech. M. DoCassagnnc Is for once with
M. Clcmcnceau. Accordingly , In his defense
of the existing constitution , M. Kerry has to
deal with radicals , monarchists and Bou-
langlsts. Howover. ho has the , support of
all members of the moderate party , nnd his
programme exactly answers to tbo desire of
the majority of the population , : vs the whole
people of France want not a change of gov
ernment , but order , tranqulllty and religious
tolerance. M. Ferry's language would con
sequently bo well received throughout the
country if his personal situation and remem
brance of his past policy did not detract
Irom Its effect. The conservatives , for their
part , have no confidence in him. In his
mouth liberty of conscience , religious peace
and tolerance are but as ram words , for It
can not bo .forgotten that It was Ferry
who expelled' religious orders from the soil
of Franco ; that it was Ferry nnd the oppor
tunist party who weeded out from the ranks
of the magistracy those who were suspected ,
r with or without reason , of clericalism ; that
os a sop to the Ccrcberus of radicalism the
opportunists adopted the formula , "Lcs
cures nao nil dos , " nnd that regulation of
schools nnd hospitals was in the beginning
tholr work. Nor can It bo forgotten that In
obedience to the injunctions of the radical ? ,
the Ferrys were among the llrst to declare
themselves in favor of a partial revision of
the constitution ; that tholr policy , when they
were in power , was a constant pandering
to radical opinions. If It wcro possible to
believe the opportunists sincere nt this junc
ture , the past might bo forgotten , but they
have not broken tholr faith with the ad
vanced section of the extreme left. Their
camps are still allied in view of the election.
When the requirements of the situation will
force on Ferry's ' partisans to vote for nn ex
pression of the budget , , and for
a revision of the constitution , the moderate
republicans allied with tlio ex-communists i
certainly a curious spectacle.
Pasteur's Hiil > l > lt Remedy Refused by
tlio Australian Authorities.
[ Covi/i-tuM tSSObu James ( Ionian lenntU.\ \
PLYMOUTH , Juno " 1. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEE. ] Prs. Gcruiont
and Love , representatives of M. Pasteur , of
Paris , who went to Australia twelve months
since with a secret In tholr possession which
they alleged would exterminate tlio rabbits ,
came homo on the Orient company's Cuzso ,
which arrived at Plymouth yesterday. They
complain bitterly of their treatment in
Australia. The rabbit commission reported
that Pasteur's system was not dangerous
but Inefficient , They , however , refused to
nllow a public trial to bo made. Experiments
were made proving that chicken cholera
would spread from diseased .rabbits to
healthy ones , 70 per cent of the mortality
being registered.
At n public trial M. Pasteur's agents
showed that by means of vaccination they
could prevent nnthcnax In stioop unit cattle.
The nnthenax board reported in favor of M.
Pasteur's vaccine as u prcvcntativo against
antheunx and recommended its adoption and
uso. A number of cheep owners asked to
have ItiO.OOO sheep vaccinated , but M. Pas.
tcur refused to allow It until some settlement
was L'lado with the rabbit question. Public
trials weitt made In Queensland with a view
of proving that pleuro-uneumonla could bo
cured by inoculation , and were said to be n
Dr. Ocrniont assorts that M. Pasteur's letters -
tors of instructions to him were nnoncd by
tlio colonial government nnd extracts taken
therefrom. Tlio matter has been placed In
tbo hands of the French ambassador In Lon
don , who will Institute an inquiry Into tlio
circumstances ,
Tlio Mnolcnys to llnfutc
[ Con/right tHO I'll Jamtt Oanton llcmttt.\ \
LONDON , Juno 31. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tjin Bun.-- The Herald Is
Authorized to state that Mr. andtAirs. .
Muckay's legal solicitors huvo begun pro
ceedings ugalnst two well-known papers for
libel , with u view to putting a stop to tlio
periodical nttacics of thulr enemies. Mr. and
Mrs. Muckuy'ft past is as pure as the origin
of tholr fortune , and tliny Intend to prove it
publicly In answer to these libcU ,
Tlio Valkyrm to Stay nt Home.
Id'Pl/r'u'it ' ' ISX ! iiu Jiimtt ( lurdon llenn'Jt. ]
LONDON , Juno21.-Now | York Herald Cublo
Special to THE Uic.J : A meeting of the
Royal Yncht pquadron will be held early In
the week to dcclda whether or not u new
deed of gift will bo accepted In Iho event of
their refusing to accept the same. There Is
little likelihood of Lord Dunraven sending
over tbo Valkyrie to ruco for the American
cup. _ _
American CjolUiH tit 1'urlu ,
[ Copyr'i/'it / ' jww by Jumw Qurdo'i ' lltnnctt.l
PAKIS , Juno 21. | Nc\v York HornM Cable
Special to THE UKC. ] The Amen ; : . cy
clists arrived hero to-day , having ridden In
from St. Germain , which place they left at 9
a. m. The party wcro cordially received.
Tito Corpus Clirlstl Procession.
VIENNA , June SI. [ Special' Cablegram to
Hun. ) A17 o'clock la the uioruuip the
emperor Joined the annual Corpus Chrlstl
'recession. Ho and all the princes walked
jara-hcndcd. There were great crowds on
.lie streets. Many Americans wcro among
the spectators. The weather was fine.
lUntous Minors Killed.
VIENNA , Juno 21. The striking minors a
ICladno , Hohcmln , whllo engaged In n riot
last night , wore fired on by gendarmes nnd
two of them killed and three wounded. The
mob wrecked the municipal buildings and the
law courts and 11 Derated a comrade who bad
been arrested. The rioters then invaded the
residence of the director of the mines. Some
of the occupants wcro driven from the house
whllo others barricaded themselves In
room. The rioters , finding It
Impossible to break down the barricade , sot
lira to the house and departed. The occu
pants narrowly escaped. From the direc
tor's residence the mob proceeded to the
house of the mayor , which they treated m a
similar munncr. Every shop In town Is
closed and the Inhabitants are panic-
Koynltj- Allied to Plehlans.
VIHNNA , Juno 21. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun Hen. ] Lieutenant Joseph Lolslngcr ,
brother-in-law of Prince Alexander of Bat-
tcnbura , Is about to marry Louisa Kopek ,
daughter of the head gamekeeper of Dag-
nalsku forest In Hungary , thus allying the
English royal family with the gamekeeper.
Finished In vest lent Inn Boulaneer.
PAUIB , Juno 21. The senate committee
which has been inquiring Into the charges
against General Boulangcr has finished Its
work and forwarded all the documents to
the public prosecutor.
Tlio Pope's Brother 111.
ROME , Juno 21. ( Special Cablegram to
Tun BKK. | Cardinal Pocci , brother of the
pope , is seriously ill ,
A Fireworks ERtnhllfthinont Becomes
n Dcntli Trap.
UOSTON , Juno 21. A disastrous flro , ac
companied by serious loss of lifo , occurred
this evening In the fireworks establishment
of Hover Bros. Three dead bodies have
been taken from tno ruins , and thrco others
received injuries which will probably result
fatally. It Is fcarod there may bo more
victims among the debris. Shortly after 5
o'clock , whllo n salesman was watting on a
customer upon the second floor , ho saw a
flash among some fireworks behind one
of the counters. He ran for water , at the
same time giving the alarm. The flames
spread with almost Incredible" .rapidity , cut
ting oft the cscupo of several of the men In
the upper stories , and In flvo minutes the
dense ptnoko and almost Incessant discharge
of fireworks of different kinds made the
building n perfect pandemonium for these
on fined within Its walls.
Albert Gngo , aged twenty-two , who was
employed in the third story , hung from the
window until ho was obliged to release his
hold , and then fell to the ground , breaking
his back. He will probably 'die.
Charles T. Calluliuu ana Thomas Paine ,
who ivero wonting on Iho fourth floor , Jumped
from tno widow in their fright. Paine was
killed and Callahan's Injuries urn fatal.
William Breueustuhl , on the second
floor , lost his way and rolled
down stairs and was picked up futally in
Samuel Cord was taken out dead.
Another body , that of a boy , has not yet
been identified.
This completes the casualties so far as
known at present. A largo proportion of
tbo $100,000 stock is ruined , but is well In
_ _
Ilia Sister to Pleml With the Minnesota
seta Governor For Pardon.
STiLLWATr.n , Minn. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE BBC. ] There Is apparently
an effort being made to secure the pardon of
Bob Younger , the youngest of the Misouri
outlaws , who , with the James boys , robbed
the Northflold , Minn. , bank and killed its
cashier and two or three citl/ens , In 1875.
Yesterday the three brothers worn visited by
Hon. S. C. Kagan , of the Missouri legisla
ture ; Colonel Rogers , of Kansas City , and
Colonel N. E. Bronough , of Henry county ,
Missouri , and to-day Miss Rctta Younger ,
sister of the boys , and Mrs. Dr. L. W. Ty-
man , their nunt , both of Independence , Mo. ,
had a tearful talK with Hob at the prison
hospital. Ho is now confined to his cot nnd
Is scarcely nblo to rulso his head. It is re
ported to-night that Mis * Younger will go to
Governor Merriam , at St. Paul , to-morrow
and plead wltu him to allow her to take her
dying brother home with her.
BUUN.EO $3O,000.
A Spiteful Invalid Destroys a KCR of
FMANKLIN , Ky. , Jjino 21.- The town Is
preutly excited to-night over the singular act
of William J. Hilton , a wealthy and miserly
merchant of this city. Ho has been ailing
recently , and was supposed to bo on
his death ued. To-dav ho ordered n
ncuro attendant to take a nail keg
which wiis in the room nnd place it
on the fire , telling him It contained seine
papers ho wished to destroy. Soon after a
friend of Hilton's wont in , and seeing in the
lira place the smoldering remains of u mass
of papers , examined It , and found it was a
largo bundle of greenbacks and govcrmcnt
4 per cent bonds. Hilton has been
separated from his wife , eomo time , a suit for divorce and alimony
Is now. pending. Ho also had great
trouble with his son , who Is rather profli
gate. It Is thought ho preferred burning his
money rather than have his wife and son In
herit it. As near as can bo learned , about
$30,000 was consigned to the flames ,
Ii'lvo-Employos of the Irish National
Itond Indicted.
A KM Art n , Juno 21. The Jury In the case of
the live railway employes charged with caus
ing the recent disaster , by which seventy-live
persons wcro killed , brought m a verdict of
A Bullet Ilolo In HlH Head.
Ntw Yoiiu.Juno " 1. A police ofllecrjfound ,
this morning , In n clump of bushes near
201st street and Eleventh avenue , the dead
body of a man , with his right hand clenching
n pistol and a bullet hola In his boad. Tlio
body was that of a man about thlrty-llvo
years old nnd live feet seven Inches in height.
On the waistband of tbn man's drawers were
the initials "It. II , " In his pockets were sev
eral cards bearing the imuao "Richard Hallu-
bnr , Lacrosse'Vis. . " On all tlio cards the
nauio of tlio town was crossed off. On one
card was written "fl. A. Jurgcns , 63 La
Salic street , Chicago. "
Roventcoii Indictments ,
ST. Louis , Juno 21. The United States
grand Jury has returned Indictments against
seventeen alleged offenders against the nat
uralization law. Among the Indicted are
several well known politicians and city ofll-
dale. The Indictments grew out of the late
election. *
_ _
Hallway Telegraphers.
CWUIAKU , O , , Juno 21. At to-day1 *
meeting of the grand division of tha Order
Hallway Telegraphers the following officers
cf were elected ; Grand chief telegrapher , A.
I ) . Thurstou , YlMloii , la. ; assistant , U.S.
Lambkin , Columue , O. : grand secretary and
treasurer , B. O. Fox , Vlnton , la.
A Flro Swept Village.
TUCSON , Ariz. , Juno 22. The village of
Quijoton was almost completely destroyed by
lire yesterday , leas , 170,000.
The Flondlsh Slayer of Mrs. Clark
Arrested at Burwoll.
A Mob Forms nt ElRlti to Lynch the
Prisoner Hut Falls to Find Him
Ills Ilnnnl"C Expected
nt Ncllh | ,
Foloy's Arrest.
ButtWEM , , Neb. , Juno 21. ISpeclnl Tele
gram to TiinBEE. | Deputy Sheriffs Prlco
nnd Brlnon received word from Nollgh yes
terday afternoon to bo on the lookout for
Nicholas Foley , wanted at that place for the
murdorof Mrs. Clark. They wont to Willow
Springs , three miles distant , and had
scarcely arrived when Foley rode Into town.
Ho was at once recognized and placed under
arrest by the two deputies and brought to
Burwoll about 0 o'clock p. m. Deputy
Sheriff Bockwlth , of Antelope county , who
was close on his traoir , nrrlVed hero at mid
night nnd started back with the prisoner
early this morning. Foley offered
no resistcnco when placed under
arrest nnd took the matter very
coolloy. In nn Interview ho ndmltted his
guilt , but says ho did not kill the woman ho
Intended to.
Funeral of Fo ley's Victim.
Ei.atN , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Ben. ] One of the largest crowds
over gathered at a funeral servlco In Ante
lope county assembled at 3 o'clock this after
noon to view the remains of Mrs. Pomoroy'
Clark , the victim of Nicholas Foloy. The
whole country is In mourning. Mr. Clark
was well known all over this section , being
the loading man hero In agricultural Imple
ments. Elgin is almost depopulated to-night.
About every man has gqno to Neligh to await
the arrival of Foloy. In fact , people have
gone there from all over the whole country.
If ttio officers arrive In Nollgh , to-night , with
Foley , ho will surely bo strung Into eternity
before morning.
The Coroner's Inquest
EI.OIX , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Br.K.l The coroner's Inquest was
concluded at 1 o'clock to-day , as follows :
"Wo , the Jury , find that Mrs. Pomoroy
Clark came to her death from a gunshot
wound delivered from a pistol held In the
hands of Nicholas Foley , with premeditated
malice aforethought. "
A report reached hero that Foley was
being brought in on the evening passenger
from tno south. When the passenger ar
rived a mob too It possession and searched the
train thoroughly , but failed to find their man ,
and a mob is forming to go to Nollgh to take
him when brought to that place. There are
over ono hundred men in the mob at this
place , and live thousand will be in Neligh to
Preparations Kor the Klro Tonrnc3- .
RED CLOUD , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special to
THIS BEC.J Preparations are nearly com
pleted for the state firemen's tournament ,
which will bo held in this city July 10 to 19
inclusive. Every effort is being made to
make this tlio most complete of any tourna
ment ever held in Nebraska , and visitors
will bo sure of having a good , time. The
money for purses is already raised ana the
prizes are all guaranteed. Evcninc displays
of fireworks will bo one of the prominent
features of the tournament. Intending visit
ors will doubtless bo pleased to learn that
we have no room hero for fakirs and skin
gamblers. Wo hnvo no desire to deprive
Council Bluffs of the reputation she earned
during the Iowa tournament in tnis direction.
Parties desiring nny information , regarding
the state tourney are Invited to correspond
with A. J. Tomlinson , chairman of the ex
ecutive board , or with E. M. Perkins , secre
tary of the department.
Raid Auninst "RiiBtlcrH. "
Nob. ( via Alusworth ) , Juno
21. [ Special Telegram to Tuc BEB. | A
raid was made into Brown county Tuesday
night for the purpose of capturing Gannon ,
Maupin , Babcock and some other alleged
rustlers who have for some tlmo been stop
ping in Alusxvorth. But the members of the
committee who turned out , after reaching
their rendezvous in Brown county , concluded
that they were too few In num
bers to tackle the Job , and so it
was postponed. It is not known
what the committee intends to do in the
premises , but it is believed the exiled rus
tlers from this county are not stooping at
Ainsworth for any good purpose , and ttio
"Vlgis" say that If they are wise they will
retire to some point more removed from the
scene of their into operations. The "Vigis"
claim that the rustlers now stopping in Ains-
worth are laying plans to remove several
prominent members of the committee.
Boring For Oil.
SIDNEY , Neb. , 'Juno 21. ( Special to THE
BEE. ] Edwin Elmer , superintendent of the
Nebraska , Wyoming and Colorado Oil and
Mining company , writes the secretary to-day
from Lander , \Vyo. , that the prospects are
very bright for a healthy find of oil. A
party of civil engineers are camped on the
Swcctwatcr , surveying in the interest of the
railroad company. There has been a largo
number of claims filed npon the past two
weeks , and the country Is full of eastern
capitalists. The Omaha folks are very
zealously guarding their property and doing
a good deal of representation. The com
pany which Mr. Elmer represents has al
ready begun operations. The principal
stock holders ot the Nebraska , Wyoming
nnd Colorado Oil and Mining company are
Sidney's most solid business men , while
quito considerable stock has been sold to
Kearney people. This same company built a
2,000 foot artesian well at Laramie City lust
year , and wcro very successful with tbo
_ _ _ _
Sale of NcbrnsKn City lion ( In.
NEUUABKA CITY , Nob. , Juno 21 , { Special
Telegram to THE BEE. | The county commis
sioners , to-day , sold to S. A. ICoan & Co. , of
Chicago , $78,000 of twonty-year 5 per cent
refining bonds for a premium of $30,000.
The probate court , to-day , made n distribu
tion of funds from the assets of M. I.
Muhln , the hardware morctiant , who failed
at Douglas some tlmo ago. which pays the
creditors U2 mills on the dollar.
Carson on Trial at Beatrice.
BuATiticc , Neb. , Juno 21.- [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKE.I The trial of William
Carson , for the murder of Chaunccy West ,
Is In progress in the dUtrict court. The
prosecution closed their testimony this even
ing. The first witness for the defense ex
amined developed the plan of the defense to
show that some ono else iired tbo fatal shot.
Dougherty , an important witness , has sud
denly disappeared. Sheriff Davis wont to
Lincoln to hunt him this afternoon. The
impression ie that ho has betia paid to disap
pear. The case will doubtless go over into
next week.
Congregational liidlnn Missionaries.
NiomiAiu , Nob. , Juno 21 , [ Special to Tim
BEE. ] - The Indian Missionary association of
Congregational ministers , under the Amer
ican Missionary association , have been In
session atSautco agency , this county , for the
past week. The missionaries wore present
from Uoscbud , Cheyenne , Standing Hock ,
Bortliold nnd other ngonilps , . and loft for
their respective honiosyc crany , having mot
ono of the secretaries of tlio nsaoclatlon from
the Now York ofllco. f \
News From O'JVclll.
, Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Titc BIE. : ] The commencement ox
orclses of the O'Neill High school took place
this evening In the rink under very favora
bio circumstances , nndvoro listened to by a
largo and appreciative nudlonco. There wcro
four In the graduating class Guy Baldwin ,
Carry Uttloy , Clinton Loxjrrla nnd Miss Julia
Wonegartnor all of'whom did exceedingly
well In their orations. The publlo schools
hnvo just closed n very successful year nnd
the patrons nro much grrtllned with the re
sults achieved under tlio efllclcnt cnro of
Prof. Bland and his able , corps of teachers.
Our schools have been made equal to the
very best In north Nebraska.
A dozen or more of Odd Follows nnd their
wives came down from Atkinson to-day to
take the Hobckah degree , preparatory to or
ganizing Hobokah lodge nt Atkinson , They
had a fine tlmo , having a nice little social In
The heavy rains tno past two days through
out the county make . .tho'grbwlnc crops look
line , and our farmers nrc consequently
happy. The crop prospect * nro better than
over before In the history of the county.
PlnttNinonth Girl Graduates.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb , , Juno21. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BIE. | Thoolghth annual com
mencement exercises of the high school were
held , to-night , In the opera houso. It was a
brilliant and very successful affair. The
building was beautifully decorated with flow
ers. The programme consisted of orations
by mouibord ot the graduating class , inter
spersed with Instrumental nnd vocal solos
and duets. The music was furnished by local
talent and was of n high order. The
Graduates are : Carrlo Oreusol , Annie Hoisol ,
Ollio Matthews , Ella Wright nnd Mnuilo
Stiles. After the exercises the graduates all
wont to the Kiddle house , whore n banquet
was given them by the alumni , which was
n grand affair.
. Injured By a Cnv isr Banlr.
Pi.YTTSMouTir , Neb , , Juno 21. ( Special
Telegram to Tim BKK.J Whllo n gang of
men were nt work grading the street through
the cut near the Jail two nlen were buried by
the falling of a heavy bank of earth. One of
the men was taken out unhurt. The other ,
Argus Green , a married man , had ono shoul
der dislocated and three ribs broken , and
was also injured Internally. There is but lit
tle hope for his recovery. Ho bus relatives
living in Omaha.
A Class of Fifteen.
GIIAND ISLAND. Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] tj.'he commencement
exorcises of the high school-wort ) hold ox the
opera house to-night. The' class numbered
fifteen , the largest over turned out. The
subjects and the ublo manner in which they
were treated reflect fjreat credit on their
instructors , and speak 'lilgnly of the ability
of the graduates.
Fiirnns County1 Crops.
HENIH.EV , Neb. , Juno ai. [ Special to Tuts
BEE. | The acreage of corn , oats and wheat
is about 15 per cent largcrjthau last year , and
the potato crop 100 per cent larger. The
prospc'uts are good for a big crop of corn and
potatoes. In some localities wheat and oats
will not rotiko the average yield. The rye
harvest will begin next , ' week. The indica
tions are for u big yicld'of this serial.
A NIolraraMAVoddinj. !
NIOIIRAUA , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] The marriage of A. B. Yantis nnd
Miss Bessie B. Whipplo took place yesterday
at 4 p. m. , Uov. George Williams , of the
Presbyterian church : ' performing the cere
mony. The young people are both popular ,
Mr. Yantis being a member of the Hardware
lirm of Couklin & Yantis , and Miss Whipplo
the daughter of a highly respected family
To Vote on llallroad Bolide.
PLUNVICW , Neb. , .June 21. [ Special to
Tun BBE.I Notice has been given that on
Saturday , July 20 , a special election w ill beheld
held for the purpose nC submitting to the
voters ot Dry Creek prepinct the proposition
to issue bonds of this precinct to the amount
of ? 5,000 in favor of the Nebraska & Western
llallroad company. Business men of this
place huvo guaranteed the payment of $12-
000. .
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Juno 21. ( Special
Telegram to THE BEE.I C. W. Holmes ,
of this city , nnd Mis Muttio Warren were
married at the homo of the bride's parents ,
in Ipavia , 111. , yesterday , and arrived homo
this morning on the flycMr. ) . Holmrs was
born in Cass county . a graduate of the
high school. .
Grand Island Waterworks.
GJUND ISLAND , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEK. ] The city council to
night awarded the sewerage contract to
Phillips & Stanley , of this city , forf33.247.BO.
Tlio work will bo superintended by Koso-
water & Christy , of Omaha , who made the
survey. The system will cost 175,000. Work
will commence at onco.
An Oi > nlulnIncorrigible. !
OOAU-AI.A , Neb. , June 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.I Chdrloy Cody , nn olght-
year-old son of Tom Cody , who was con
victed of larceny at the last termof court ,
was caught pilfering some trinkets from the
jewelry store of G. W. Ky.uiB. Ho has been
In this habit for the last year and there is
talk of sending him to the reform school.
Decreed a Divine.
NionitAUA , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special to THIS
BEJS.Kov. . Alfred L. Ulggs , A. M. , founder
of the Santee Indian Normal Training
school ut Santee agqncy , pno of the largest
Indian industrial and educational Institutions
in the country , has been decreed "D. D. " by
the Yankton collego.
Genoa High School ' .Commencement.
GENOA , Nob. , Juno 31. [ Special to THE
13EH. ] The first annual commencement of
the Genoa high school took place at the M.
E. church last evening , .when an interesting
programme was preseuteJ.
Itnrn Hurnlniiit ; Chirks.
Cr.AiiKS , Nob. , Juno 91. [ Special Tele-
gram to THE BEE. ' ! Aljarn belonging to A. .
Thomas burned hero early'this morning. It
was valued nt $300 an 1 'was fully insured.
It is thought to have boi n set on fire.
'Iho St. Joacul Mows Sold.
ST. JOSEPH , Juno 21--Special [ Telegram
to THE BEE.I The Evedlng News of this
city was to-day purchased by E , B. Haskcll ,
of Boston , part owner of'the Boston Herald ,
C. M. Palmer , Mr. Haskell's partner In the
ownership of the Minneapolis Journal , and
C. M. Soiiultz , Into inanagmg editor of the
Minneapolis Tribune , for * 25,000. They as
sume control August 1. Mr. Schultz will bo
managing editor.
1'ntrlntlo Sons of America.
WASHINGTON , Juno 2(1. Tbo Patriotic Sons
of America hold the final session of their con
vention this morning and disposed of the re
maining business on hand , A resolution
was adopted authorizing the appointment of
a committee to revise the constitution and
ritual of the order , pud to frame bills to bo
presented to congress for bettor immigration
Attention I'rohlbltlonlNtH.
PHiL.u > nu'iiiA7 Juno 21 , The official ro-
tnrns have been received from every county
In the state. The majority against the pro
hibition amendment U I,020. ) The ( najority
against the suffrage amendment providing
for tbo repeal of the uoll tax qualification is
Harrison nnd Wanamnkor Take an
Ihrco Iiillitontlnl Candidates Fight
ing For It Civil Service Com
missioners SlinlcliiK up Things
nt Indlnnnpollis.
WASHINGTON nonnAtt , Tan OMAHA , BRB , |
513 FouiiTE&NTn STIIUKT '
WASHINGTON. D. 0. , Juno 21 . r
It was a busy day for Potlmastor-Gonornl
Wonnmnkcr. Ho hurried up his correspond
ence , disposed of his visitors with oven inoro
than the usual celerity , nnd no doubt thought
out some measures of reform In addition. lie
was eager to leave for Capo May on the 3:4.1 :
train with President Harrison , who had
planned to spend Saturday nnd Sunday at the
seashore with Mrs. Harrison and family. To
day ho burned down Seventh street and
across the avenue to the station. His car
riage pulled up in front of the depot just be
hind the president's carriage , which had
brought down from the white house President
Harrison , and ox-Senator William J. Sownll ,
of Now Jcrsny , who was bound for Cope May
with htm. General Sow-all alighted first.
Ho was dressed in dark clothes nnd had on
n black pot hat , tipped pretty far on his
head. Ho helped the president out.
President Harrison was dressed in his
grey Prince Albert coat and were his
black silk hat ; that top , was tipped pretty
far to the right on h'ls head. They saun
tered leisurely into the station and boarded
n private car which Vice-President Thomp
son , of the Pennsylvania road , hud sent over
for their accommodation. Postuiaslor Won-
amakor followed close behind. He had a
bundle of boons and papers under his arm ,
and proceeded Into the station ana down to
the car with rather more haste than the
others had used. Ho was accompanied by
Congressman Buchanan , of New Jersey ,
stout and perspiring. The train was off on
time , and i In spite of the Intense beat a
pleasant evening wad promised.
A pretty fight is on for tlio post of consul
to Manchester. Ono candidate is ov-Spoaker
John A. Tlbbcta , of the Connecticut house of
representatives. Ho was backed llrst for the
consul generalship to London. When John
C. Now got that his Influence pushed him for
Liverpool. When Thomas A. Sherman got
that ho was urged for the Manchester placo.
Many predict that ho will not bo disappointed
tnis time. Senators Platt and Hawley nro
on the spot working hard for him. Another
candidate Is n brother-in-law of the vice-pres
ident , William F. Grlnnell , nt present con
sul to Bradford. A third candidate is Dan
D. Hubburd , of Graftoo , Mass. , who is
backed by the entire Hay state delegation as
well as the Home Market club , of Boston ,
and the Arkwriuht club , which represents
easily $200,000,000. The Massachusetts men
nro not on the spot working for him , aud It Is
predicted that ho will fail.
There Is real plo.isuro in true administra
tion circles over the way the civil servieo
commission is shaking things up in Indianap
olis. It is not denied tnat nno of the scan
dals of President Cleveland's administration
was the open defiance Ot the civil service
law by Aqullla Jones. The last civil service
commission white washed the Indianapolis
postmaster , and he wont on us ho had begun
until the close of the last administration.
Even the Now York World admits that the
understanding now is , that the law is not to
bo violated with impunity. The charges
against the postmaster at Troy were.
promptly investigated , and now at India-
nopolis , if the account may bo believed , the
commissioners have gone to the rdot of the
matter. It is believed that there is still
plenty of work to be done by the commission
in Washington , New York , Baltimore and
Philadelphia. President Harrison , the
friends of the administration insist , may
have boon opposed by the self-choson guar
dians of civil service reform anil may not
have been elected on that issue , but ho be
lieves in the reform and will carry it into
Iowa postmasters appointed to-day : Bag-
ley , Guthrie county , John b. Campbell ; Bar-
nuin , Webster county , William Garrett ; Cas
cade , Dubuque county , John D. Sullivan ;
Clermont , Fayto county , John W. Crowl ;
Columbia , Marian county , George W. May ;
Decatur. Decatvir county , John C. Negley ;
Foster , Monroe county , R. L. Hlehardson ;
Gllman , Marshall county , H. W. Mundou-
henk ; Hansoll , Franklin county. J. W. Han-
sell ; Kinross , ICcokuk county , Jennie Jn-
gram ; Kirkvillo , Wupello county , Sarah H.
Wilson ; Laccllo , Clark county , W. S. Ho-
drick ; Uickard , Hardln county. A. L. Ulclt-
nrd : Hodnoy , Monona county , \v. \ H. Edear ;
Spdngllcld , Kcokuk county , Mrs. Eva Bell ;
Wancornu , Fayctto county , James M. Burn-
side , Zero ; Lucas county , Aqullla Kern.
Tbo arrangements being made for the re
ception of the Ktiignts Templar who will
como to Washington in October to attend
their annual conclave are progressing very
satisfactorily. Applications by mail .and by
committee for accommodations during the
session are still coming , yet the committee
on hotels and quarters find they will have
plenty of room for all , Quito a number of
citizens huvo handed In memorandums show
ing their desire to provide for parties of
twenty-llvo nnd upwards. Mt. Calvary
Commandery No. lOmnha , Nob. , has , by the
kindness of Sir Knight L. C. Williamson ,
been located nt 135 Thirteenth street , N. W.
Sir Knight W. O. Crosby is looking for u
suitable place for the Sir Knights of St. John
Commandery No. 21 , Ccntrovlllc , la.
To-day three collectors of internal revenue
were appointed. President Harrison has
named twenty men for ofll cos of this Kind.
Up to Juno 21. 1883 , President Cleveland had
named sixty-live. This fact is mentioned as
additional evidence that the president is de
termined to make haste in ttio best way by
making haste slowly.
The pension boards in Iowa wcro reorga
nized to-day as follows : At Marshalltown ,
Dr. George W. Carter and N. C. Payne were
appointed ; at Grundy Centre , Drs. J. I ) .
Burns and J. S. Powers , and at Cellar
Rapids , Drs. G. S. Carhart and G. R. Skin
ner. PEUUY 8 , HKATII.
Nebraska nnd Iowa I'oitHion * .
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. ( Special Telegram
to Tim BEE. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans -
ans : Original invalid Henry S. Noko , Ben
jamin Scott , Jacob D. Engloumn , William H.
Hoeman , Lawrence Hlbbard , George W.
Wain wrlght , Jesse Enders , Hiram II. Kim-
ball. Increase John Buuman , Samuel Mus
ters , John Ward , William H , Coon , Joseph
E. Cobby , Charles W. Taylor , Charles Burk-
bart , Mojlncy Oldham , William H. 1C. Nupp ,
John M. Applcgato , James Muilnrkoy. Re
issue Christian Hansan.
Pensions allowed lowans : Ordinal invalid
Daniel Hartor , David H. Laird , Anson B.
Brown ( deceased ) , Robert Kisslck , Sanme ]
W. ' Buyers , Charles Rcnnrdin. ErioJ. Leach ,
Casper Hokarnp , Jacob I ) , Miller , James W.
Paul Beezley , Camillus L. Burnett , Andrew
West , GecrKQ Huslinw. Increase Christian
H. Gross , Ernest Huston , alias Winters.
Cornelius McCaffrey , Philip Thomas , James
B , Olrifllc , Allen J. Snyder , Amos Brincgar ,
Samuel G , Wright , William S. Boloh , Rose-
well 1C. Sopor , David Cams. Reissue John
C. Parish , John Stevens , Charles Alexander ,
Reissue and Increase Thomas Fitzslmmons
Original widows , etc. Adeline , widow of
Anson li. Brown ; minors of Thomas A.
Foster , Marandu V. , widow of Martin B.
Jones ; Nancy E , , widow ot Alonzo Cllnkln-
beurd ; Barbara Drumui , former widow of
Thomas A. Foster.
9500,000 Fnrnltnro Fire.
PAKIH , Juno 21. The largest furniture
depot la Europe burned to-day , Loss { 500,000.
Close of n Successful Tournament nt
YANKTON , Dnk. , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : HER. ] The last day of the
tournament broke clear nnd bright , nnd the
streets were filled with people by 0 o'clock.
At 10 o'cloclc the wet test , Kati'a special
prize , was won by the Sioux Falls team ,
there being no other contestant. The test
was to run 200 yards , attach nozzle and throw
water time UO seconds after which the
Western league base ball contest came on.
The score was 13 for the Sioux City and 13
for the Minneapolis team. This ended at
12:30 , nnd after a hurried lunch the firemen
assembled upon the grounds for the last
trlendly struggle for Iho mastery.
The first prize to bo contended fur was the
novelty ladder man's contest for a purse of
t30 , llrsUSW. second $10 , 100 yards nnd climb
ladders. The entries were Smith of Miller ,
Mnlamby of Madison , Elliott of Aberdeen ,
nnd Coqulllettof Miller. The ruco was taken
by Elliott in 10 seconds , Coqulllott 10K ,
Smith 10JMalamby 17.
The double coupling contest for the cham
pionship nnd purses brought the following
entries : Fox and Boonoof Ynnkton , Hlgbco
ttnd Sobort of Ynnkton , Hilton and Stover
of Huron , Elco and Marshall of Parker , Tuf-
field and Dcgood of Sioux Falls. Hlgbco and
Sobert , nnd Hlllon nnd Stover tied at ! > seconds
ends , and the tlo was run off , Hlgbco nnd So
bert winning ; time. Hlgbco nnd Soborti \
Hlllon nnd Stover , fi , ' ; Fox nnd Hoone , no
time ; Elco nnd Marshall , 5J < : Tuftlold mid
Dcgood , Gtf.
Next came the champion hnno race , purse
$400 : llrst $200 and championship cart , valued
at $100 ; second , $125 : third , $15. Tlio cart
Is held by the Yankton team. The entries
were the Yankton , Doll Rapids , KImbull ,
Parker and Huron teams. The Ynnkton
team made the run and coupling In 4flj sec
onds. Doll Rapids made the second run and
scored 41 seconds. Kltnball's team came
next nnd made a record of 42 seconds. Par
ker followed and was given 40f 'seconds.
Then came the Huron team as the hist , ami
It made the run 'and couplings in 40 seconds ,
winning the first money and the champion
ship cart from the Yankton team by u mar
gin of a quarter of n second.
Next came the slow rnco , to bo competed
for by the two hook and ladder teams mak
ing the Hlowcs tlmo , the race to bo 300 yards
straight away , nnd no ladder raised , for n
purse of ? 50 , ono money , 300 yards , no climb ,
Madison nnd Scotland ; time , Madison , 89)4 ) ;
Scotland , 41.
The last race for the day and fortho tourn
ament was the free-for-all hook and ladder
race , open to the world , for u purse of $200 ,
ono money. The entries were Miller and
Madison ; time , Millpr , 40)4' ; Madison , 43.
The tournament was then announced
closed , the crowd dispersing nnd ninny leav
ing for their homes on outgoing night trains.
The attendance was larger than yesterday ,
ana the officers of the association consider
the tournament n brilliant success.
Sioux KallH * Ilnpld Transit ,
Sioux FALLS , Dak. , Juno21. [ SpecialTel
egram to THE BEE , ] To-day a locomotive
arrived for the South Sioux Falls Rapid
Transit company , whoso flvo mile track is of
standard caugo. The electric motor hero to
East Sioux Fulls will bo begun immediately.
Senator Chandler Kxulains Ills Quar
rel With Blnukuiirn , of Kentucky.
BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bin.J Senator Chandler has
Issued to the republicans of New Hampshire
an address referring to the qunrreUuvlth ,
Senator Blackburn last February , which
concludes as follows : "Tho whole affair oc
cupied hardly moro than .a minute. I re
mained .seated in tbo cliair , rxpcctod no violence
lence and was subjected to none , and to no
appreciable nidlKiiity save thrcatonfng words
and gestures. I don't think that I was in the
slightest degree excited , disturbed or appre
hensive. All accounts which represent Mr.
Blackburn as pulling my car , or dragging
mo from my ehnlr , or hauling mo unresist
ingly about the room , or represent mo as
begging the protection of the committee , or
or in any way depreciating Mr. Blackburn's
wrath , nro untrue. 1 ho ebullition was moro
ludicrous than dangerous. Of course I un
derstand very well thnt some democrats wish
to intimidate me , and falling in that , to de
grade mo. To do this , it will bo necessary
lor them to adopt some moro clTcctunl plan
than that developed in the committee room
on the 22d of February , or the next aay and
thereafter In the democratic newspapers ,
which gave fictitious accounts of what had
taken place. "
Salt Liako Slftlnas.
SALT LAKE City , Juno 21. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] J. E. Clark , J. Beatly ,
Jr. , of Omaha , and G. H. Collins nnd J. W.
Jordan , of Lincoln , are in the city.
The delegates of the American Pharma
ceutical association , to bo hold in San Fran
cisco , Monday next , are in the city , nearly
ono hundred and fifty In number. They
went to Garllcld beach and Lake park to
day , and leave for San Francisco to-night.
Tno Denver & Rio Grande * Western has
ordered twcnty-flvo freight nnd passenger
engines for the new broad guago service.
H. F. Roy'co , general superintendent of
the Rock Island , Is In the city.
Real estate transfers for two days amount
to over $300,000 , or inoro than the entire
transfers ot Juno nnd July of last year.
Two of the bodies of the unfortunate mon
who were drowned near Syracuse last Satur
day , have been recovered , thus leaving no
doubt us to their fato.
Auios Field , of the Richardson Drug com
pany , C. F. Goodsmith and James Forsytho
are in the city on tneir way to San Fran
Kwlndler Howard Goes to Slim King.
NEW YORK , Juno 21. Rev. William E.
Howard , convicted of grand larceny in con
nection with the Electric Sugar Refining
company frauds , was to-day sentenced by
Recorder Smyth to nltio yours nnd eight
months Imprisonment in Slug Sing at hard
labor. A motion was made for n now trial
on the ground that the verdict was contrary
to law and on account of errors In the judge's
charge to the lury. The motion was denied.
The trials of. .cottier prisoners in the case
will bo set fo on early day.
New County Court House.
Sioux FALLS , DaK , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEIJ. | The county com
missioners have awarded the contract for
the new court house for Mmnohnha county
to the Sioux Fulls Granite company for
(83,450. Other bids wcro lower than the
original bill of the Grnnito company , but the
bidders were burred out on tlio motion that
Sioux Fulls stone must bo used. The plans
wcro modified and the Granite company's
amended bid was accepted.
It Isn't Yellow Kover.
NEW Youic , Juno 21. [ Special Telegram
to Til ! ' . BEE. ] All thp uuthurltics
who have been in nny wuy connected with
the alleged yellow fever cases from the
schooner Colon , except the Brooklyn board
of health , huvo arrivrtd nt the conclusion
that the cases of Dr. Duncan and Miss
taldoron nro not yellow fever , but per
nicious bllllous intermittent fever.
Hovlylni ; the Ornpi.
CIUMUBIILAIX , Dak. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE BttK.--A ] heavy rain ,
which seems to have 'covered considerable
territory , visited tnls section early this
morning and continued steadily for several
hours. Crops have been Buffering for want
of rain nnd are greatly bunclitted by this
The Needed Italn.
Sioux * FALLS , Dak. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] About an Inch and
a half of rnln fell last night und gnva much
nco'lcd relief to the crops. Small grain lias
itifTored severely , but corn , fur tlio most
part , In iu i-ot > a vouUUlou.
The Venezuelans Grow Tlrod of
A Despot's I'ower llrokon' After A
Quarter of n Century of 1'yranuy
Much I2xicotcU of the
Now Kitlcr.
Victory flu1 tno People.
NEW YoitK , Juno 21. The Sun hns nd-
vlcos from Caracas , Venezuela , undbr data
of Juno 10 , stating that the first peaceful
revolution that the republic has over had
has been accomplished. The reign of Our-
nan-Ulancn has ended , The military despot
ism that existed In Venezuela for u quarter
of a century Is auollshod , nnd there are con
stant demonstrations of gratification by nil
That the situation may bo understood , It
must bo known that General Guznan-Ulnnco ,
since ho first came Into control of
the government In 1STO , has scorned to regard
Venezuela as his own property , to do with na
hodoshcd. Ho has boon the uncrowned
czar , and his government an absolute
despotism. Guznnn-Blauco has filled the
presidential chair every alternate term dur
ing the last nineteen years , nnd between
times has placed In power a dummy , who was
entirely subject to his will. His many nets
of tyranny have awakened hostility that has
only boon suppressed by military force.
Two years ago , at the oxuiratlon of his
presidential term , ho loft thn country nnd
has since resided m Paris. Ucforo
going no gnvo himself credentials
as envoy .ontraordlnnry nnd minister pleni
potentiary to nil European powers. Ho
placed In the presidential chair Dr. IBojas
Paul , ono of the ablest citizens of the repub
lic , who had previously been prominent In
public affairs for ninny years. During the
past year the broach uotxvcon the president
and dictator hat been widening. President
Paul , fearing that Guzrnui would Incite
revolution , began same months ago to grad
ually depose from tholr commands
the loading officers of the army
who were supposed to bo lu
sympathy with the man In Purls nnd re
placed them with men in whom ho had con-
flilcnco. This called out nn Insulting protest
from Guzimti , but Paul was sustained by the
people and did not swerve from his course ,
A steamer which arrived from Europe on
May 27 brought letters from Gimian to the
president of such a character as to bring
matters to a crisis. The following day Ijr.
Paul sent to congress his resignation as'prcs-
idont. * Everyone know ho had received letters
from Paris and had been directed to do what
ho had done. As soon as tboact was known
the people closed their business and sur
rounded the cnpltol , and within an houraftcr
his resignation was received 20.000 men were
shouting themselves lioarso with denuncia
tions of ( ! uznan and praise for Paul. That
night the entire population of Caracas
gathered in the Plaza Washington , whcro
they wore nddrebsed by several orators , who
spoke ttio unanimous sentiment of the com
munity that President Paul should continue
in ofUco regardless of tbo demands of
Guziian-l.ilanco. The following day the pres
ident withdrew his resignation , and after
passing u resolution of confidence in him con
gress adjourned in great haste.
The intentions of Giunan are not known ,
but it Is not thought probable ho will allow
Dr. Paul to .remain In power ft ho can pre
vent It.
Cape JUny Kn.ioyn n Sensation In Its
Best Society ,
CAI-E MAT , N. J. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun liin. | The best society in tiis |
exclusive resort was astonished to learn , ye's-
tcrday evening , that May Somnicrs , the
ninctccn-.vcnr-old daughter of olio of the
lending summer residents , had eloped with
her father's French cook. The utmost
efforts to keep the affair secret are being
made , ana no report of the elopement has yet
appeared iii uny.of the local papers. When
Mr. Sommcrs came down in the latter part
of May ho brought a handsome French cook ,
Mr. Coquillcnt , with him , nnd installed him
In tbo position of chief. Conulllont was
young and ambitious. In the leisure of the
kitchen ho was wont to rcgalo the other
servants with talcs of his noble origin ,
soon became apparent that the daughter of
his employerhad singled him out for her
special favorite. Her visits to the kitchen
became very frequent , nnd oven prolonged
beyond any household necessities. Gossip
became loud In consequence. Monday , Co-
qulllent asked for a day's leave of absence In
order to do some shopping la Now York , and
an hour or two afterward Miss Sommcrs told
her mother slie believed she would go for a
short drive on the beach. That was the last
seen of either. It has since been learned
that both boarded on outgoing train for Camden -
den , where they wcro married by a. Justice.
The Son of Cnlvln 31. Brlco Expelled
from Phillips Aoiidotny.
ExniEii , N. II. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben.1 There Is considerable
comment hero regarding the expulsion from
the Phillips ( Exttcr ) academy of Stuart
Bricc , son of Calvin M. Urico , chairman of
the national democratic committee. About
six weeks ago Brice loft Exeter I'or Cam
bridge , whore ho studied with u tutor to en
able him to enter Harvard in the fall. From
this time ho has been In tno hnbltof return ,
ing to Exeter to spend the Sundii.vx and holi
days. Brlcn was notified by the faculty that
his visits must ccaso until tlio close ot
the term , an they were regarded na detri
mental tu the working interests of the other
students. On Saturday last Brlco agnln
came to Exeter to witness tbo college ball
pnmo. On Monday ho was expelled from
Iho academy. His diploma was withhold ,
and ho was not permitted to take part In the
class day oxcrnisos , although Ills naino
appeared on the programme as
class historian , The class of 'b'J ' after the
exorcises , assembled In the lower hall , whcro
Brice rend the class history. They subse
quently elected Brice class president.
An Unknown Family of Flvo Mur-
ilnrcit in niontnnn.
HIU.U.VA , Mont. , Juno 21 The stage driver
who runs from Fort Bontou to Livingston ,
says that Saturday last the Dody of u middle-
uged woman , who had been shot In the back ,
was found by u cowboy In a wild and un
frequented spot on the Judith river , about
one hundred nnd fifty miles north of Helena.
Tuesday the bodies of two men , sixteen-
year-old isnd six-year-old girls , were
discovered about n hundred yards
from thn same spot. All were xtiot In the
Puck except the child , who was utiv.nglcd ,
Near by were found the remains of truiihs
nnd campo'iulpago which had been burned.
Everything by wlun'i ' the bodies might ho
identified wab burned , nnd nobody recog
nised tbo bodies. They are supposed to huvo
been a family of emigrants from Iowa or
Illinois. Tlio whole of the Judith country Is
aroused and u hundred horsemen are scour-
lug the plain seeking the trail of the luur-
dorora ,
( Sinnllpiiv at ( tonne.
DBS MO.VKS , la. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins Bun. ] Tlio state board or
health has been notified that a case of small
pox , at Hoono , is creating a sensation , Mr.
E. Elchlaw , n brttkeman on the Northwest
ern , in the unfortunate man. Ho has been
removed tu ono end of tlio town. i > iid n
j Quvuuiluc Uus been erfucuj ,