[ yjfPWf- THE OMAHA DAILY BEljjjg FBIDAY , JUKE 21 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No lulvcrtlfieincnlB will bo ( nkcn Tor tlicnn colnninn nftcr 121O p. m. Terms Cnsli In mlvnncc. Ad vcrlleinonTs imder thin head 10 cents per line ( or the nrftt insertion , 7 cents ( or each sub- Bequcnt Inicrtlon , find U.ivo per Una per month. No advertisement taken ( or less limn 25 cents for first Insertion. Bovcn words will bo counted to the line ; they rmint run consecutively and must bo paid In ADVANC15. All nilvortlso- jncnlft must bo handed In bcforo IBsIW o'clock p , tn. , rind under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. . 1'nrtle * advertisingIn these columni and Imv- ino their answers addressed In euro of TUB IUn : will ploaao ask ( or u chock to enable them to Rot their letters , tut none will bndollvored except on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements nhould bo enclosed In envelopes. All mlvcitliemonts In thnso columns nro pub lished In both morning and evening editions of Tun HKK , tlio circulation of which aggregate * inorcrthnn 1P.IOO papers dally , and glvoi the ad vertisers the bonollt , not only of the city circu lation of TUB HF.E. but nlso of Council Hlutfs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advcrtlfllnfl for thcso columns will bo taken on the above conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who are authorized ngcnts forTiin UEE special ntllcrs , nnd will tuioto the same rates AN can bo bad at the main olllco. * TOHN W. I1K1 L , Pharmacist , KM South Tenth V Street. C HASHA-KOnV. Stntloners nnd Printers , ll'J South 10th Street. Ti.i'AilNSWO'llTH , Plinrmaclst , 2115 Cum- Ing Street. > _ * W J. 1IUOHK8 , Phnnnaclst. C2I North 10th , Street , G KO. W. PARR Pharmiiclst , 1800 St Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. AN oxporlo need grocery clerk psi ) from Hrook- lyn wishes employment ; speaks Gorman and English. Address CCO , lleo. 014 air EXPERT account wants complicated books and partnership mutters to adjust. Address C 06 , Ilee. GO JylM WANTED MALE HELP. ' \AfANTKD-A man to take charge ot n retail T T lumborynrd as manager , In a town on the F. . J3. Sc M. V. 1L It. Need n limn who Is indus trious nud reliable , and is thoroughly ac quainted \\ith the retail trado. Will pay good salary to tCie right man. Address , 0 01 , care Omaha lleo. GOT 21 w ANTED Drug clerk with "references. In > qulro at 1'lth nud Cantor. 602-21 WANTED Solicitors ; must bo of good ad- drnss ; deposit of $25required ; salary from M5 to 7 per month , a L. lloylcn. fill First National bank , Omnha , &U720 * 'ITTANTED An active young mnn ns cleric In drugstore ; must be roirlstorod nnd well recommended. Apply or write Immediately to D. H. Loard Rising City , Hutler Co. , Nob. . C0022I WANTED Kxpnrlenccd canvassers ; some- thing now ; call afternoon. 1515 Davonnort Bt , sldo door. KiSL'Jt WANTEO Amarblo aitter. Inquire at room 14 , Chnmbor of Commerce , 5U5 WANTKD A young man or boy to carry horse route on Dally Evening lice. Ap ply at Itee ollicc. 503 WANTED A llrst-olnss barber , white , of steady habits ; steady employment. Ad dress L. Elummer , Rod Oak , In. 5SU-20 * WANTED An experienced salesman for n wholohnlo grocery house ; give references nnd name of last employer. Address C 0. , Omuha lleo. &UO-21 rANTED Six llrst-clnss corntce-worKers John Eponeter. 63120 A OENTS New nrtlclo of merit never baforo jtXndvortlsod ; millions will be Hold ; stamp for particulars. Day Novelty Co. , Hay City Mlcll. W' ANTED Men or women easily make 8VOO dally. Samples and- Information free Homo Helpmate , 471 State St. , Chicago , 111 , WANTED Experienced picture agent wltli reference , lloanl nnd commission. 174 B. 12th St. , cor Dorcas. BlU 23 * " \7tT-ANTliI"A yuum ? man for light work. S15 TTwuokly. Room 17. 220 N. 10th st. 610211 : /1OUNTV agents wanted for nn nrt workvery attractive ; every family wants ono. Great Inducement to workers , both sexes. G , L , Krwln , Chicago. 403-23 ? AGENTS Wanted ; General and local ngontE to ( handle the now patent Chemical InV Erasing pencil ; greatest novelty overproduced , erases Int in two seconds ; no abrasion of pa per ; 200 to 500 per cent protlt ; sells nt sight territory absolutely free ; salary to good men ncmplofl5 cents by- mall ; for terms nnd ful. particulars , address The Mottroo Eraser Co. , manufacturers , La Crosse , Wls. 44S2U ? WANTED 10 flrst-class wire workers and awnlngmakers. none other need apply. Inquire Acme Iron & Wlro works , 512 S. Kith st. ' il'JO TToyS Am. Dlst. TeL Co , , 1301 Douglas. JD 7C9 MKN to Travel for the 1'ontlilll Nurseries of Canada. Wo pay J50 to $100 n month and expenses to agents to Bell our Canadian grown etoctc. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madisoa , V.'K ' 70J WANT15D Railroad laborers , rockmon and' track-layers for Washington Territory ; good wages and stonny work , at Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 034 WANTED Several more energetic and reli able solicitors. The Singer Mfg. Co. , IfilB Douglas st. 502 J21 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED A young girl to assist with house- work nnd take care of children at 20 8 21th. Oil 21 * WANTKD Lady cook for 10 people , 25 ; lady to wait on lunch counter out of city , 120 und board ; plain cook for an institution , lla ; a good dining room girls ; washer and Ironerfor hotel : also woman cook , (30 ; house keeper for n lady occupied all auy , ? 4 , no wash ing ; r.O girls tor general house work. Mrs. Crega.314K8. lath. B07 2 WANTKD A girl for general housework. SMS Howard. 6H421 TXTAN'lKn Good girl cook for private fnm- lly. German preferred ; references required. MO Park avo. 5 820 WANTKD A gin for general houKOWork ; German preferred. 720 B. 22anwcorner ot Loaveiiworth. Clo 2U WANTED A good llrst girl ; must bo u good COOK nud laundress ; wages 118 per month ; references required. Call ac Room 10 , Contl- iicntal building , or nt iiota Paul st. Ufl- ; Q1KL , 721 , S. 10th , 3 in family. 1U W ANTKD-Competent nurse girl , ono that > s kind and willing. liKS Farnam. 114 A OEltMAN girl for general housework , tiOO J\8.13th BU CU8 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. W I ANTED Horses to pasture Inside city limits. Honum & Terry , 4111 B. 13th st. Ml 22t DRESSMAKING. DIUISSMAKBII Wimted-A Ilrst class cutter nna tutor , at ttiu N. liilh t , MiiSUt TmNaAOKMKNTfl to do dressmaking in faml- jii lieu solicited. Wlea Sturdy , 1038 > th avo. EUlJy.lOJ "lYflSSMINNICKhaH removed iierdrcsMuak In -u-Lparlors fromlfllulloward to ir.'ILeuveuw 'th Hue will be pleased to have customerw call. | SU-JyT YAUESHUAKINU , in families , CM B. nth. JLJ | Ml j2Jt BOARDINQ. fillHST-class day board. Jiuiulre lOOi ) Douglas L 16d ' FOR RENT HOUSES. THOU HUNT Thtporoom 1'adflc ' liouso.SJiT , J' 507-S1J "MTANTN1 > Girl for general housework , oit Jr V a 17th atreot. jT.ifi FOlt IlKNT Dwelling , 0 rooinn , good stubU and all modem convuntencea , Capitol ave , , a blocks from High school. 1) . J. O'Donahoo , 1W1 Kavnaiu t. 6 ! ! THOU KI5NT New brick hounts * . 11 room .witli J. every modern coiiveiiivnco ; on c&ble Hue ; only 110 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. Utb nut ! _ . _ 'f ? lOHTKiiN-raom hotel,3.1 good payluglioard JUera lx > ldis transk-nl * ; now making full > ro lit ; lent rensoimbla ; Vlco of fnrnUim I 1,000 , f-ll cash , bal. as It Js made out ot hotel 1. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , Mj N. Ifith st. 61T23 TfTJOIl RL'NT A dotachmt 0-room noiis * . al JU modern conveniences. luq , L'iu'J Capitol av < "jvfo'.t JlKiTTlIIeyant now brlclc letliiuucoi . { . ' curu i > a.udnnd Pupplutqu avcuuo. nil mod ein convenience * . Inquire Uoo , N , Illcks u-onnn. lliirker block. _ tMtil TjMU HKS7i7FV3W "corujv Ua7 } f'.uJi nut Jouei. 5ROOM house , IIS per month o responsible parties , K51S. 22nd. Inquire baBcmont. nUHl HI5NT B-room house , OOO.PlcrcosL mwnLvn-rodm nousosss N. isth st , ooosit houe on WANTKH-Good tenant forO-room California st. who will room nnd bonrd owner for rent , J. W. Fend , comptroller's olllco. 431 21 * _ 2 NICK 7-room cottages ; good collars , cisterns. well , good batn ! convenient to school and church ; ttj per month tor the summer. Apply at once , C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank , IftOIt RKNT 11-room brick dwelllntr. all con- JU vonlences , & blocks from P. O.J-'IB N. 10th st _ _ _ _ _ _ * ' 4 I ESIDKNOES In the Wm.J.Pahlblock.cor.Mh JLXand Chicago Moil modern nnd attractive. Will bo ready about July 10th.Apply , Paul.1009 Farnam. 4 IS TjlOR RKNT 8-room house on Park nvo. ; rent JO taken In board , Knnulro 1102 Douglai st , 51020 ' 171011 HUNT Now 7-room house with city JO water nnd bath. Apply 2829 FraiiKlln St. . orrooniOWi.Merchnnts' Nntlonnl bank. 470-21t T71OR RENT Severn ! very desirable nouses JO in llrat-clats neighborhood , pleasant and healthy locution ) nil modern conveniences. Inquire Goo. N. Hicks , room 40 , Uarkor block. p03 * ! POIl RKNT An 8-room Hat , $35 1021 Howard at. moat market. 373 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- ifiOIl RI'.NT Furnished front room on first L' lloor , with board , for man nnd wlfo. Ku- ulre , C03 N. 17th st. 012 2lt Ij OH HUNT Furnished front room on ! ! il J.1 lloor for 2 gentlemen , with board. Enquire , 003 N. 17th Ht. C13 SI * FOH ItllNT Furnished rooms. 111 ! ) Dodge st. ' * 6'Jlo "DOOM and board cheap for two in private JLV fnmlly. 2218 Hurt street. D5fii U rpo RKNT Two turnlshed rooms without JL board , witn all modern Improvomcnts ; finest location In the city : reference ! required. Apply at store 210 nnd 21215th Ht. nuar Douglas. * "I710R RENT Furnished front room for two ; JO all modern conveniences ; board If desired. Sir , Dodge st. 483 FRONT Pnrlor and bed room on second floor with all conveniences for man nnd wlfo or two gentlemen. 2214 Farnam 42 ; S 1NHLE room nnd double room , every con venience. IWHCnpltol-uVO. 7i8 F 'Oil RENT Furnished roomwith board K22 1 Dodge 430 1DOOMS and board , 100 ana 10S So. BJtli st. It 27 July 8t N.10ELY furnished rooms , board If desired ! N. gas . , bath .electric bells , otc. 1000 Douglas , 1C7 TTItlRNlSIIKD room torrent after Juno25 , Jj 2024 Hurt St. 158 TTOR RENT Furnished rooms , llrst-class no- JO commodntlons. Mrs. Twlngler , 012 a 13th street. 03.1 EURNISIIEI ) rooms by day , woetc or month , St. Clnlr hotel , cor 13tliund Dodgo. 771 1 AltOK'front room with bod-room ndjolninc. JLJhnndsomely furnished , gas nnd boated by nteatn , with use of bath room , in ono of the hnnanomest residences in the city , without bonid. liuiuhe n. w. cor. 10th nud Laavonworth 77IJ IJ1DRN1SHED rooms , single or en suite , bath JO audsteam ; for gents only. 1510 Howard. 777 T500M with or witnout board. 1S12Dodge. XV 780 FOK RENT Koom. 1C21 Howard. 781 TJIURNIBHEnor unfurniihod homo for rent JO m Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom pane : nil modtrn conveniences. Inquire Lee Nichol , 2Bth and Loavonworth. 182 TT10R RKNT 2 front rooms , en suite , mortem JO conveniences , tor gentlemen only. 315 N,17th , 101J ij NICKrooinit , fuiulshud , $ .1to $12 ppy month , or by week. Peabody house , llth nnd Jones. 705 J 2 JARQF. furnished room torrent , suitable for J gentlemen. 1B2.1 Faraam. 563 "ITUR RENT A pleasant room , only Oinmutos JO walk from business center , all modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's nvo. and 2uth or 020 S. 20th. brick residence. Cfll JOVKLY south front room , every convert' IBUCO , V block from street cat.J03 Douglas. FOR RENT A nicely furnished largo front room , nil modern couvonlonc.es ; for furtnor particulars call at 2215 Dodge st. 195 FORRENT--OOOMS UNFURNISHED POR RENT Over steve store , 1G21 Howard st. Inquire at store. 505 filOR RKNT Until October I , large furnished JO house , call 201 S. 25th. i i IjlOH RENT Unfurnished rooms suitable for JO housekeeping in suits Of 3 to 4 ; convenient location. IJutts Renting Agency , 1501 Farnam , 1J10H RENT Pleasant unfurnished rooms - overlCOl Howard st. For otllcus purposes FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RKNT Comfortable store rooms in the Her building , 6Cx2J ; good location for har- nobfl shop. Also , two basements , light and airy , 44xJO , under hardware store : good location for tin shop. Apply to A. C. Raymcr , hardware More , llor building , corner Jackson and 10th st. 5U5 Jy 18 FOR RENT Front olUce , ground floor , 310 815th. 21)7 ) _ OR RKNT Stores and living rooms ou Gum- ing HI. Also house on Cass st. Harris , room 411,1st Nat Uanc. a > 6 _ " " OR KENT-The 4 story brick building wither or without power , now occupied by The lloa Publishing Co. . Olti Farnam sL The building has a lire proof cemented baaoruout , complete atunm boating fixtures , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the olllca of Tno Bee. 015 "IflOll RKNT Store 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st. JD Enquire 1114 Jaokson. 78.1 FOR RKNT Store , with rooms in the roar in which family can live ; 825 per month. C. F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat..bauk. 758 T710R HUNT a floors front half Bomls build- JO Ing , power , heat , electric light. Inmilre of- ilco of llemls Omaha Itag Co. 84ti j 2U RENTAL ACEHCIE3. I IF you want your nouses rented list with Par- rotto's rental nyoncy , ICth and Dodge. PERSONAL. I'hotoR ot Omaha base ball club JL ' . ! on sale at Hoyn , the photographer. Gran- Uo block. 124 MISCELLANEOUS. pLAClCSMlTH work lor buildings , anchors , JOstlrrups , sciowcd rods and bolts from y to B Inches ; lowest-prices ; all Kinds ot bricklayers' tools on hand , Ueo. Ross , lull Cumlug at. t)15 ) 20 * WASHING done , collected and delivered by Mrs. Andrew Boronnon. 3J1B I'arker st. * 672 Jy 18 TfM 1111 ELLAS and paasols covered and re- U paired , 217 B 15th lloyd'a opera house block , in rubber storo. It. llalor. 71)l ) rpHKbanjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gel. JL lenbeck. Apply nt lleo ollbie. U10 VTOTICE To real estate agents. All my real J- > estate in Clark's uddltlon , is this day with- drewu from thu market , AUolph liowmau. 6'Ji)21t ' ) _ _ 1710U LEASE-0 Insldo building lots , SUth and JO Dodge , for 10 , 20 , CO or 60 years , to parties who will build good brick liouoos. Ilogra & Hill , HOB Furnam st. 0032o JOHN F.DALEY , aewer builder aud drain layer , house drainage niu' sanitary work a spocinlty. OlUee 1107 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. IWjyl / KQ. H. JONJ'.tf , plumbing and gag nttmg vXdraln laying , sew or and water connections specialty , 1414 Dodce st..ln basement. Omaha , 118 jy a LOST. LOST On ICth. 15th or Dodce. bet ween Dav- cnpor ( and lou laa stroeln , a black C'lHh- morn capo. Uiave ut Omnlm Loan A- Trust Co. , for , ICth and Douglas sts. , and receive rewardc . T .08T Wednesday ovonlup , a laJles' plu. two JJplaln gold barn , largo dlitmoud lu center , l.lbarul reward for Ha return to rooua 3 and i , ArlliiKton bloclc. 0B ! SI * QTBAYUD-Small. black lioavy id mare fj pony , roa-.hed itialuo wnd itiali whit * 'iot in forebvbd. Ut/era.1 urtiul llb | ptd lor her rotuiu to A , 1 ! . Jralili , 2120 Chicago I" OST I'rom 1'crty-iniood and Huallton At , j-J l bluet u.urc null t rtlt lilud titv C. i > . Coopvr. l l-J * T .OST lloaucolored Holstoln cowj anv Infer- JUmatlon will DO thankfully received at J. J * llrandloa A Sons. 8M STORAGE. QTOUAGK at lorr rates at 1121 Farnam at. ! Oomaha Auction nnd Storage. 793 fpiiACKAOK. storage , lowest rates. lf -Llliuhmnn , 1311 lx > avenworth. TO r > UAlTcIFAcUO Btofagorizil Howard. nnd forwanllnscVe collect and STORAGE deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture mid baggage , nt cheapest rates for storage for any length of time. Vans a.ud wagons to be ha-1 lit shortest notice , with care ful men for moving. Packing and shipping from our own warohousa done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own track ? . Olllco 217 S.IUh St. ; telepnono 114. Howoll&Cn. 314 CLAIRVOYANT TMLNANNIF. V. Warren , clairvoyant , mod- JL/lcnl and business meJlum. Female diseases a spoplalty. 110 N ICth st , rooms 2 and 3. „ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO STANITAllD shorthand school. Paxton block , ( succo-ssor to Vtilontlno's shorthand insti tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand school lu the west : Is under the personal supervision - vision ot Josooh P. Mogeath , nn ox-olTlclal re porter and state agent of the Remington Stand ard typowrltcr. assisted by experienced ver batim reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by fnctory expert. Tnxttcular intention paid to typewriting. Stonographars' supplj03 lor sale. Circular free. 701 _ CJHbRfilAND nntl typewriting. Omntin busl- kJiiess colleen , cor Capitol nvo nnd 18th. Standard methods tautrht by O. C. F.wlntr. ot San I'ranclsco , the best teacher ou the1'a.clllo const , Munson's revised of ' 83it spoclnlty ; now plan ; blackboard illustration ; day and evening classes ; call or write for terms. W7 WANTED TO BUV. INSUirATJCE'NSllce WSifled-A gentleman of inlddlo ago ; good buslnoos oxnerlonco de siring a change of climate from Chicago , hav ing highest bank references , both litre and Chicago , wants to purchase nn Intorcit In n well established Insurance niconcy lu this city. Associate interest imibt bo desirable nnd agree able In every particular. Answericoulldentlal. Address W , care 13U Loavenworth st. cItv. t 570 fi * WANTKD Good flat top olllco defk. Ad dress , with price , Wallace , 310 J. J. Drown l > lock. r.73 21 Funuturo , carpets , stoves nnd WANTED goods * of nil kinds. Omaha Uictlon & Btornga Co. . 113lFiirnani. _ WW FOR &ALE--MISOEULAN-OUS. "C1OR SALE Team horses , n y'rs old ; 2-seated JP carriage&himcss.Geo.loss,1614 { cumlncbt. NEW fnrnituro of n rooms , complete for iM housekeeping ; used 1 month , Inirnlra 1011 l. 13th. YJ42U IOH HALE-A good pair ot small mules. very cheap , .los. Gnrneau Cracker Co. CCfi yJ * 71011 SAI.I3 Good : i-sprlng single wagon. 7f'2 - S. Wth St. , S. ICopald. 00131 * [ 7IOH BALK A t half cost , three sonted fam- J ily oirrlasje , made by aimpjon : ulao top mgcy and set double and smglo harnea i Mil Jeorgln avo. , cor. Mason , or address I1. O. box " 70. b"l5.W : TJ1OR SALE Carpets and fnrnituro of a fix- JO roomed cottage ; cottage for rent.10 S. 20th. 60720 F I OR SALE Two parrots , talic some ; price 810 and $12. 808 South loth st. , room H. 471 2Jf 'FHOR BALK Cheap. Ono bicycle , ono T.UI JO deu tricycle and onu single trlcyek' . good lew Apply John S. Prince , Collbotim. 122 ABSTRACTS OF TITUS. MIDLAND Guarantee &Tru < t Co. , l.0 > Far- num.Completeabstraets furnished nud titles o real estate examined , perfected it Guaranteed , , . I1STRACTS Liunhau &Mnhoney , room 50J , Jd-Paxton block. WJ3 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loan on furniture , horses.wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. .1. W. "lobblns , llllii Farnam street , Paxtou hotel. E. & C. M. Anthoy , :112 : First Nntloual bank building makes loans upon taring In JJobraskaandlowanud Improved Omaha city roperty ; money ready : title and security passed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates : -all or write. 538 Jyl7 M ON EY loaned for 30.03 or 00 day * on nny kind of chattel security ; reasonable * Inter est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson. 1117 Fuinum. 8VJ MONEY' to loan on furniture , chattels or real estate. Lowest rates on good loans. J. U. Unicrlng , 1417 Fnrnnm , room ! l. 1U7 JyU MONEY to loan on horses , wagsr.3. ra'ai huusohola goods. planos.oraf.Sii , diamonds , id loan olllco In . . _ . - . to three hun dred nnd slx'7-uva days , which can bo paid in psrt Or whole , at any time , thus lowering the principal nnd Interest , tail nud see us when you want money. We can -usist you promptly nnd to your advantage without removal of propertj" or publicity. Money nlwiiys on hand. No delay In making loam. C. F. Reed& Co,310 B. 13rh st. , over lllnghnm & Sous. U'U c F. HArlRISON loani money , lowest rates , 808 " 13F.SIDKNCK LOANS-fltf to 7 per cent , no ud- JLldltional charges for commissions or attor neys' foes. W. if. Melklo , First Nat bank bldg. "PEOPLE'S Financial Excnango The fairest , JL qulotostnnd most liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity. In any amount , large or small , at the lowest rates of interest , on any available se curity ; loans may bo. paid at any time or re newed at original rates O. llouscaron , Mgr , , room 67 , Marker block , 15th nnd Furnam. 813 MONEY to loan at low rates by Excelsior Laud Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha. TTNIMPUOVED ana improved property : Ulouusnmdo promptly ; money ouliand. F. M. Richardson , sw cor 15th and Douglas. _ T CAN make a few loans on ilrst-cluss chattel Jlsecurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Darker blk. i L' > 600,00) ) to.loan nt ( I per cent. Llnahau & Ma- Jhonoy , room r > 01 Puxtoc block. 8i. > LOANS inado ou real rslata and mortgages bought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , R 13 , Hoard of Trade , 812 BUILDING and other real estate loans. W. M. Harris , room 20 , Freuzcr Illock , opp. P. 0. T71IR6T mortgnge loans ntlow rates nnd no-do- JU lay. 1) . V. Slioles , 210 First National bank. 810 WANTED-First-class insldo InniiH. Lowest ratos. Call and BOOUS. Mutual luyestment Co. , R. 1 , Darker blk. , 15th and Fnrimm. 817 O MALL short time loans on cuattel security , O2 Ohio st. ; call after 0 p. tn. "TVON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , JLf wugous , etc. . or collaterals until you sou C. U. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. -H15 Tl f ON EY to loan Rt lowest rates bv M.A. Up- JJAton company , ICth and Farnam , 6W123 M1 ONKY to loan. Harris R. E. & Loan'CoH room 411 First National tmnk. 831 BUILDING loans. Lluahan & Mabonoy. ' 835 MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate and loan agents , 1515 larnam st. 8JU T7"F.YBTONK Mortgage Co. ; loans of $10 to JLVji.uoo ; get our rules baforo borrowing und save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notus bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low est ratesculllf.awahooloy blk,15th& Howard at 807 SEE Slioles , room 210 First Nat'l Dank , lief ore making your loans. 810 ( UILDING loans. O. V. Sholos , 210 First Na- 'tlonalbaak. bio M ( . . to loan on real estate at low rate. J. 1) . Zlttlo , IW I'axtou block. ISIJyOJ MONKV to loan on good ilrst mortgage ) ) , im proved or unimproved property. Mort gages bouubt unu sold. Wallace , room U10 llrowu building , 16th and Douglas. KK ) MON11V loaned on furniture , borses and wugona ; rates reasonable. City Jx > an Co. , lit ) ti. IJthst. , opposite Mlllard hotel. 43) ) u MONKY ( o Loan Wo are ready for applica tions Ii/r loans in amounts from ttioo to 110- 000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate , lull Information as to rates , Ixjaus promptlr closed. Good notes will be purchased by UK. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo liircitmcnt Co. 8H 1\TONUYto loan on any security J.U. ior short time , at low rntei. Lowest ratoa on personal . property , la * llondcraon Mortgaeo Inrestment Com- puijr , room iW , Paitou block , CUD PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo and amnll loans for long nnd short ttrao , at low * psttMosof interest , on reAl estate mortgage notes , chattel * of all klrutf , tUnmonds , wMcKes and Jewelry. Don't fallM-All If you w&nt ( nlr and ctioap accommodations. O. Jlouscaron , Mgr. , room 67 , Darker bltv th and rarnam. olJ 8H TONKY to loans cwhoniiand : tib delay. .1. li-Ur. Snutro , 1219 Faraom St. , First National bank building. . 811 VTUDKASKA Morta. I-owjCp , will make you n JLN loan on hotnfnoltl goods , horses , 'Wagons , land contracts , fine jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , nVil'casonablo rates. Iloom T.llowley block , > 9onth Omaha. Itooms 618-010 , raxton Wotk , Omaha , Neb. I i 813 C F. IIAHUISON loans money , lowest rates , I S03 MONEY flails negotiated at low rates wlth- outdelay , and purchase- goods , commercial Vpaporand mortgage notos. B. A. Hloraau , cor. 13th nnd Fqrnam. KM T OAN& on improved and unimproved prop. JUerty at low rates. Odell Hros.iVCo.,013 8.10th. 80A SMAMj loans , short time , Rood security , reasonable Interest. P. O. box 00) , city. P\0 YOU > vn.nt money ? ' If so. don't borrow JLxboforo Retting my rates , which are the low- cstonnnysum from * 10 tip to tio.lxxi. 1 niaKo loans on household coeds , pianos , or- Runs , liorses , muled , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houaci , lease * , etc. , In any amount at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Ix > ans can bo inatto for ono to sis months and you can pay'a part lit anytime , reducing oath principal nnd Interest. If you ewe a imlanco on your Ciirnlturo or horsaj , or Iwvu a loan on them , 1 will taho it np nnd carry U for you as long as you desire. If you iiooil money you will find It to your ad vantage to sou me buforo borrowing. U. 1-VMnstors , room 4 , Wlthnell building. IBth nnd Harnoy. 821 PIIlf.AnKM'HIA Mortgage 4 Trust Co. fur- nlsli cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titloi , accept loans nt their western olllco. UuorgeV. . P. Coates , room 7. Hoard ot Trade. m7 MONKY to loan on real estate security , * nt lowest rates. Iltiforo noitothitliitt loans see Wallace. H. 310 Ilro.\vn bldg 10th &Douglai. 809 BUSINESS CHANCES FOlt BAI..K fruit , confectionery and cigar store In llrst-class locution i will sell cheap. OJ N. IKtli , city. ri ODD dividend paying stocks for sale by M. OTA. Upton company , ICth mid Karnnin. TF you have good security you can buy n 23- JLruom liotol , well arranged nnd every conven- 'cnco , good locality , about forty good paying xwrdors now paying well. Price JI.IHW ; Ij'.o to E2iO cash , bill tin co capy , nccordliiR to security. Co operative Laud it Lot Co. , fflj N. Ititli st. 681 21 /10NFKCTIONV.UV , bakery , lunch room. Vbuslncsrt center : best business investment "or the money anywhere ! Invoice about J',20l ) ; lartcnsh. Loofcltupl Alex Moore , 3J1 Sheely llo = K. ' W8-20 , 1JOOI ) eight and teupercont _ _ Investments In U business property ( or salol > y.M. A. L'ptoa company , ICth and rurinim. 58I12. : ) "T710K SALK First class restaurant In this JJ city doing good busluoea ; will taka part rapo. F. 1C. Darling , room U IlarKor block. fbJ20 TjlOll SAL1-2 Or tratln.q Now , clean stock of JL/ hardware , uleg.mt location. Host of rea sons for soiling. J. A. Campbell , Sewurtt , Nub , r 5TO-2.J FOHHALK A good payable bushier cigar and fruit stand. AplHy. A. SVolf , 520 P. luth. J J 677 S FOlt SALW Harbor sUop ; reason , going east. Uxcallout trade. l-'O'a ' l&tU ht. , LincolnNub. . ' SOl-jylS W7ANTKD flood buslrteas man to Invest ' J1J.OJO In a paying br.iuch of dry goods business lu Oniah.x : bu lno s well established * n good location nnd payiiyj , but owner wisnoa o lucreaso It. Address for three days 0 0- ) Bee mice. 68821 FuK KAIjK Cheap. Mont market , fixtures and tools , new , of the Intost style , best ocation In the cltIInve othur business to attend to , reason tor selling. Will cell cheap f sold soon. T. F. Lyon.-Wot-plug Water. Neb. GIIK23J "IJ1O11 SALE fJrnln ana lumber business. Jt ! Address 0 69 , IJeo. > . 6301 * T710K SAIiK Small , clean stock ot drugs for J2 MOO that clears annually S K ) . Also first class practice ( amt SiMM to S,003 ! yearly ) uo competition. Address llo.v 13. Fonteuelle , Neb. B50-21 * WA1EH bonds of 83,500 for salu on the vil lage ot Gordon , Sheridan county , Nob. V' . L. Mills , village clork. 55 5l T\TANTBD S.pt TubBrnext , partner In some i goc < l trTisines.i In vi est. tech to put lu 3eS. > . Describe fully uschume. P. O. llox 1S7 , BpriugHeld , Mass. 620-20J THE Hawlt-y House , North 1'latte , Web. , for rent , party renting to buy furniture on very easy terms ; this l.s a chance for a good hotel man to make money , Addruss proprietor , John JIawloy , North Platto. J12 a ) ; ' A No. 1 butuher shop for sale In Hastings , Neb. , doing a good business. Owner going Into stock traao. ( A good opening to make money ) . J. II. liodgers , real estate dea'.er. HastlngH , Nob. -15720' TQlUlt SALi : Uestrtiirant. contectlonery store -L and Ice cream parlori : doing Kood business ; ouN street. miar an , in South Omahn. Omahn.45221J AA/'Knavofor sale or exchange ono of tne Vt Huest hotel properties In aa Iowa city of 0,0)i ) ) Inhabitants , the leading house in the place. W. H. E. & II. J3 room 14 Chamber of Commerce * 70S q"3,000 to S1.COJ wanted to put Into a good tmsi- P ness ; first claas security and good rate of Interest paid for short or long time. Or wilt take partner. For particulars addrosi U43 , Ueeollico. 142 EOK SALU Meat market complete ; can bo handled for llttlo cash. Call at room 4 , AVlthuell blk. 850 AOOOD restaurant for sale ; doing good bus iness ; good reasons 1'or celling. Address 0 47Itoo. _ 40.i20 * I7UU SALK And exchange , a good ostab- JL. lUhcd paying lumber , coal and Implement business in ono of the host towns in northeast No lra ka on line of two railroads. Will tale part in good Omatia lesldenco or inside prop erty. All clear of incumbraucos. Address , 0 4. , Iteo oflice. 3GO 2ir F 6 Tf SALII-A wi-ll-establlphea book-binding business lu Bale Lake City. Shlley. Oro- ehcll & Co. , real estate , Salt L.iko City , Utah. 871J30 FOR EXCHANGE. FOU BALK or will trade for good dwelling Jl.OtWrcal estate second mortgages. J. J. Wilkinsons , KlTFarnam. 4QU FOR SALU or exchange for good imlncnm- bcred property , ilrst class drug and wall paper stock lu ono of the boat cities in South Dakota. Address N. U. Merrill. Huron. Dak. 45U-3-W IjNOR EXCHANOK For farm in Douglas Co. , JL' smaller house , clear lots , or good paper , a U- room house on California BU JV. . Fuad. comp troller's olnco , city. r" 437 21J I WOULD llKe to trade 5 ( Jood two-story house and lot r,0x60 ! fcev , witWu one block of Park ave. and Park school for vacant i-ast front lot in Hnnbcom place.V1I1.assume some Incum- brauce. Address , 0 4.1 Uee olllco. 'Ml 1j > ( ) ll KXCIIANOK-I 'liavo a considerable 1 amount of uiilncumbered property In agrl' cultural lands , town Jou.iuid Improved ton property In Nebraska \\UhMarfect tltla , to ex change for equllloa lu Umatia property at actual values. A proposition for nxchanvo of from K > tn IMJ.001) ) of ciiuiti-flvlll be considered. T. S. Clarksoii , 21'J. So. Ufa | s ± . 487-20 qiOKXOIIANOK A beautiful farm.southcenl -L tral Nebraska , for a burnous. Prefer bate- or restaurant. Wm. llo.furs , COO N , 17th st. " 61M122J : 17 > OU EXCIIANOK-An elegant tract of land JL1 containing 120 acre ) , in Antelope county , Neb. , with ordinary Improvement ; ) . A quarter-section in lluad county , Dakota , partly improved.U J Highly ucrcs near Councfl llluffs , la. Ilouso and lotonHoutli loth xt. Largo amount of Oil Mountain and Potrnlium 'company oil utocK. Will exchange for good projiertyor the erection of some houses , duo. J. Uternadorir , 1st National bank building. 370 AN Improved farmW trade for mdso. , gro ceries preferred. J , II , Mason , Central City , Nob. iua-24J T710H EXCKANOH-For desirable residence JL1 property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice inside residence lot In Hastings. 100 loU in Lincoln. C40 acres line farming land , Lancaster county Fine residence property , Lincoln. flood rental property , Lincoln. Choice family rosidunca corner. Los Angelas , A neat residence property in Hanscoin place. Also some good mortgage notes. Address cirlng location and price ot property - erty , J. K. U. , care IJaum Iron Co. , 1217 l < oaven. * fA7"EBTJb.llNlaudB , fanns and city property TT forelocks or goods , lioom 2.1W2 Farnaui 403Jyl4 TIO KXCHANdU for Omaha property , one ot the be > t Improved farms In Iowa , only one mile from tonu of ti.O'jo luhabltanta. W. U. U. * U. . , room U , Chamber ot Commerce. IVi niO TRADE Tfot Nebraska or Kansas land , J , about f2BcX ) of clothing and furnishing Rpofls , at n barcMm Address lU W. , lock box 613 , Wymore. Meb. 413211 THOn KXCIIANOR 0-room house on Call for * JL'nlr * st , for farm In Douglas Co..smaller house , clo.ir lots , or good paper. J. w , Fead , comptrollar'a omeo. 435 2U TI10 Rxchango Cash and deaf property morchandtso , or merchandise for cash nnd clear property. Address Lock llox 14 , Oothon- burc.wei . TjiOultxchango Ailno farm of 200 Acres In JL' Polk county. Nob. , 4 miles from darks , Nob. , to exchange for crutloi 80 acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales and good feed lot. Addrosi U. Oscamp , 215 Web ster st. Omnha , Nob. 014 TJAOn'RXCHANGK-Ixit and small house , 80th" JL1 and Hamilton , and lot 82 , Nolson.s ndd. , for trade for outstdo lots clear or aero property. A. P. Tukey , 15th and Douglas. 01)3 ) WANTIiD To trade for house and lot In good location ; will nssumo light ncurn- branco. Address A 3 lleo olllco. 023 FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE ONK of the two house and lot bargains I have been ottering on ( leorgta ave. north ot Lcaronwortli , is now sold and occupied , be cause of my very low price. Thb south house of the two still remains a bargain open to sombody. First conies , Ilrst served. To bo ap preciated It needs to bo examined luttrnallr. I positively wilt not rent It , though several times offered J50 per mouth. Price only } .Vf.OO. ou very easy terms. Price after July 1 , S\OJO. W. T. Euaman , east side 10th St. . north of Nicholas nt , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. 018 T\7M have n few choice ( arms free from In T > cumbranccs that wo oiler to soil cheap on uood terms , or wo will do better , wo will trade It elf for good Omahn property such as wo want nnd nay you M cash lor your property or as sume mortgage at equal nmount and give you our property for the balance. Wo liavo excel lent bargains wo can oirer you. 10x140 toot on IMth Ht. and Jackson wltli 5 It-Ktory brick dwell- lugg.niodorn Improvements , and 4 3-story frame dwellings for * 42,000 ; vacant lots on California nnd Lowe avenue , 1 blook from motor line 15Ux 221 ft , $14 , ( > 00 ; II line new dwellings on California st. , near cable and motor-HixlM ground , with all improvements , JO1"1' ! , $0,600 and $5,000 each ; 21st street nnd tirnce , 7ilxlM ) : If.-room house for $12- OOJ ; terms to suit and will sell you farms or land almost wherever you want it , Kxcolslor Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Oiquha. 010 T710H BAL1J Kasy terms , ICountzo place. JL' Two homes , each 8-rooms. each W.OOO. Two homos , each u-rooms , each S5.000. Two homos , each 15-rooms , each (7OM. AH with modern convenience. All larce value at tlui price. All within a square ot the motor lino. Don't lose those opportunities. For sale by the owner. W , T. Seaman , ICait side ICth St. , north oc Nicholas st. , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car- lages. 017. ( " 1OMK and BCO us nnd investigate somoof the bargains wo have to olfcr. We are continually listing now proportion and "if you don't see ivhat you w. ut ask for it. " Wo liavo merchandise to trade for laud. Wo liavo horses , cnttlu uud muled to trade for laud. Wohavoa brlcEaud tile factory doing i thriving business to exchange for western and. Three now , fi-room cottages at Albright , within 10 mluuro'fl walk of terminus of hourly lummy line , for sale ou terms that will only bo "air rent. An elevator property with largo dwelling lioiise , at a bargain. K leva tor complete , with liorsc-powor , scaloj , ofllea furnished , otc. A line opening for a practical grain dealer. Ono of the best Improved inrms In the state ivlllbo exchanged 1'or iuslde Omaha property. Two Hue residences in Poppletou park , on motor line ; will bo sold on easy terms. Houses and lots lu all parts of Omuha for ; ale and exchange. For exchange , lor Omaha property.l.OJO acres of school land lease , In one of the best counties u the state. A Hue resldonco property in Omaha View for salu at a bargain. From S7Rn > iO to SIO..ODO worth of first-class notes to exchange for Omaha property. Merchandise to exchange for > J cash and bul- ire western lands. This is one of the Ilnest opportunities over ollercd to convert laud into cash. Investigate this. 1'or sale , nt a bargain , hotel nnd livery barn , _ n a good Nebraska town. This is a line open ing for n practical hotel man. lor exchange for Omaha property , ono of the best farms in Uock county , Nebraska , togethtir ivlth stock and machluury necessary to carry ou the place. Old ngo nntl falling health of the owner Is reason tor selling. For sale , cheap , a restaurant In one ot the best location1" in Oinnlm. 2 > o seres of line land In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omaha property. .Wo have unsurpassed facilities for alsposlnz of property , having BOUIO tfl ) agents scattered over four or live states. List your property with us If you wish a quick turn. w. U. K. A : JL E. , room 11 , Chamber of Commerce , tele phone J440. f3 " \7"OU fool away your best opportunity wneu JL you do not reduce the sr.rpius in the banks nnd purchase jGtd ! piece of realty of M. A. Upton pgapany. 10th and Farnam. 68721 TTlOll SALK Corner in Plalnvlew o , JF full lot , covered wltn plno trees , in Orchard Hill , for 31,100. List your property with Hutchinson - inson & Wcad. 1S35 Douglas St. . 6JI3 21 IF you have a business to nell. or if you want to buv a business lu any llne.call and BOO tne. Alex Moore. 301 Sheoley block. 6r > o ay M T HE motor line is built to Collier place. Tha -L llelt Hue runs near Collier place. The F. K. & M. V. K. It. stop all passenger trains at Col- Her place. The horsa car Una will soou reach Collier placo. Dost audition In the city. Prlco ifsooto tl.SJO per lot , one-tenth casn , balanca ono to live vears. McCaguo. opp. P. O. 073 ! OK SALE At a batiKrupt price , n house nnd lot in Omaha Vlow. Uoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. Oi)3 ) r ( His best property in the city for salu by JL A. Dpton company , loth and Farnam. bbO 23 lli ; finest drive In. tne city 15 to Collier Place. McCague. U73 T710U SALK At a bargain. One twelve nnd JL1 ono iimo room house lu Kountze place , on 24th street , opposite the line residences of Uod- ICk and McCroary , with 7d and 60 feet ot ground with each house to alloy. Hach housn has fur nace , gus , gas fixtures , shades , all plumbing , hot und cold water , elegant large rooms , all papered handsomely through out , good barn with each house , and an elegant lawn all sodded. I am prepared to oiler splen' did Inducements as to price and terms. Call nnd let me drive you out. You nan move into these houses without a dollar of expense for anything. These must bo sold soon. See mo at once. D. V. Shales , 810 First Nat'l bank. 177 HOW long are you going to let that 120x157 , south and cast front on Hamilton und Uith ; nlso fronting Charles street , stare you in tun face for 81,25u ? SI. A. Upton Company , Kith and Farman. 5S02 > Part of the Dick ICimoall estate. BAUUAIN 50 feet on ISth straot runnlu ? through to 17th ave. One IS-room house , all modern conven iences nnd two 0 room houses. Total 'rental 11SOU per year ; price U13.0JO. M. A. Upton Company , loth and 1'arnam. 842 FOll SALE Hesldonco lor , cor 21,1 and Cass , will exchange for trackage property ; worth SS.OOO tn 410,000. 0. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. 7liS TTlOH SALE Lot on : cJU st. Jim 'north of JS Hnscom 1'ark. t2JO ! ) ; eaiy terms to party who will build. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants National bank. lit TPOH HALE A fine resldonco of 10 rooms , all JD conveniences , Spencer st. near 2Jth in KonutzB place ; ubiK bargain ; go look at it. F. 1C. Darling , 1 ! Unrfcer block. 6KI20 T71OK SALK The Ilnest residence slto in West JU Omaha ; lust south of Faruam ouUUthst. ; a corner 105x137 with 187 feet frontage on paved street and joining the hnndsomo resl donee of Kirkendall on the .past , and Urady , Kasson and Mai tin on the souTh ; a perfect gem and garden spot for an elegant home , Harnoy and SlitBtrueLi , UlxlOT.ou pavement , within three blocks of the court house ; room for seven line houses that would rent as rapid ly as completed. A splendid permanent Invest ment. Furnam and 22d streets. 60x133 , with now three-story brick store building , rented to good permanent tenants. Itental receipts $ i"J ) per Sixteenth' street near Nicholas , froutago 01 feet to alloy ; good busmosaproportv. Furnam ntroet. between 3)th ) and lillth. front age 48or ! > > x ; to Alley , south front , 1 block from pavement and street cars. Park avenue , opposite Hauscom park , WxlW price $2,000 ; easy terms. Paddock place , truckage , C0xll3 , 12.0W ; ooey IBth street south of Vinton St. , lot for sale or trade for mdse , or goad farm land. B. A. Sloman , 13H Faruara st. 838 SALK 'Sn.7 acres , sec.6 , tp , K , r. 6 w. . FOH Hamilton county , Neb. House , stable , UU ncroi fenced , living water. Price ID.ooo. b' . 1C. AtKlas , owner , llaildroad bldg , Denver , Col. 837 FOU BALK Lots in StewartPlacaon Lowe avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passoi property. U-room house and barn , Hauscom Place. 2 houses and lots on Cats St. , on easy terms , Harris , room 411 , 1st Nac. Hank. 201 771OII BALK-10J high and desirable lots in JD Omaha A'low ; want to close them out , and will give big bargains. Loot at them before buying elsuwhero. lioggs to Hill , UU8 Farnam. tlOJ 25 milB best money's worth of liouso and lot now JL for sale lu Omaha Is that which I urn now completing near 2 tn st. on paved Wlrt , st. In Kountzo 1'hico. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water clo sets , laryu laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace and coal room and cellar , lectrio bells and speaking tube , 12 closets. Price only $7WO on terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining at sain * price. W , T. BeamaiL east sldo IBth st. north of Nicholas at. Omaha a largest variety of wagons and carriages. 891 rpIIU factories within easy reach of Collier JL place will employ a largo force of men. Bo- curt ) a home and enjoy life. Price of lots JWJ to Il.ttW , oue-toutU coin. Bond fur plat. Mo- . OPP. P. 0. BCI TilOH SALK Vine Improved farms In the JL' best counties In the state. J , A , Campbell real eatoto ogent , Stward , Neb. _ 6fla-gfiJ TJ10H 8ALK-Kast fronk lot on Wth st. lOeor- JL1 gla ave | overlooking Omaha nnd Council lllutts , Hno Mto for a homo. Special close price for n few days. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants - chants National bank. 143 _ S 1ttKS Special List Wo push special bsr anlns and ndvcTUso tnom. Lint with inn. line east front lot In Hauscom place nt (1,000 KCOcash. Decided bargain. Fine lot on Fnrnnm and Lowe nvnnuo. $2,750. 12,000 buys a house nnd lot in llnnsconi placo. north ot Popploton nyemio. The old John Dlerxs Manufactory plant on Missouri Pncinc railway , 4 miles southwest of city , with S acres of ground and 3 largo Sstory buildings , for ? 3,00u. A Una opportunity for som one. 1 have special Inducements Inhousos nnd lots In all part * of the city either for rale or trade. Call In and bo shown them. 1 do not try to got you In to showyou trash , but handle only good property and deal squarely. I ) . V. Bhofe * . 31 First National bank. _ _ _ COT / 10NTINUOU8 sfdbwalk to Collier plane. Got Wprlcesand terms McCngue. 013 TTIOlt SAL15 Hcautlful 8-room houio. nil JU modern Jinprovomonti , including splendid furnace , near llansrom park , best location In the city for school , church and street car prlv- . llegos ; price M.OJ'J. ' C. F. llurrlsou , Morc'iants' ' natonal bank. 758 TjlOH SALK Several extremely cheap farms J. best propsrty wo know ot for the monoy. Iloggg A ; Hill , 1408 Fnrnnm street. _ 003-35 SEND ( or plat ot Colllor place , nnd when driving for rocroatlon follow the motor line poles on 10th St. , and Amos' nvo. , nnd see the wonderful Improvements that have taken place just around ttio barracks , nnd remember that Colllor place Is the key to the situation. liny a lot now for the low prlco and at the easy terms they are being offered , and wo are satis find. One-tenth casli , balance ono to flvo years. McCaguo. OOP , P. O. 073 Fronosnls Pur Soutli Oinnlm Ilontls. Sealed proposals will bo received up to 1 p. m. July 10. IfiW. for 70.00 ( ) funding bonds ; ! V > bonds ot $1.000 each , 0 tier cent Interest , payable an nually ; bonds paynblo ten years after date ; ln tcrost cupons attached. Above Issue of bonds nro mndu payable nt the llscnl agency of the state of Nebraska , In the city ot Now York , both interest and principal. All proposals to bo sealed , directed to theundcrslgnod nnd endorsed "Illds for rtondi. " The committee on finance retains the right to reject any or nil offers. Bonds cannot bo sold less than par. Juiid lj. ED. JOHNSTON , Chairman. THE BHLIATJME TABLES. OMAHA. O , M. A ST. PAUU Leave Arrive Dapot loth and Marcy sts Omaha , O in all a. No. 2. 0:1" a m No. 4. 0:00 : p m No. 1. 7ilS a moue No. 0. ouo : p m UIMIUN PACIFIC. D I/eave Arnvo Dajiot 10th and Marcy stsD Omaha Omaha Overland Flyer 8:13 : p in 8:45 : p ra Pacific Express , . 8:2.a m 7:20 a m Denver Express 10:30 : a m 2:0 : pm Kansas Citv , Lincoln A lleatrlco Kxpress 4M. > n m U:0. : ' p m ( Grand Island express. . fi4.i ; p m 1203 ; p in Papllllon Passenger C:55 p in 7:30 a m * tpally Except Sunday. 4IOUXC1TV * PACIFIC Leave Arrive Depot 15th & Webster sts. Omaha. Omaha. Bt. Paul Express. 7-00'p m 8:40 a n MISSOURI PACIFIC. Leave Arrive Depot 15th < .Sc Webster sts , Omaha , Omaha. Day Itxpresss. . 10:30 : a m 0:30 : a m JSlgnt Kxpress. 8:30 : p m 6:05 : p in WABABH WKSTLKN. Leave Amv Depot 10th & Marcy sts , Omaha. Omaha. No. 8 St. L. Bxp. Dally. . 4:15 : p m 12:20 : p m O. * N. Vf. II. R. Leave Arrive Depot 10th It Marcy sts. Omaha. Omaha Chicago Express , Dally. . 0:15 : a m 7:01 : p ra Fast Limited. Dally 2:45 : p m 10:20 a nj The Flyer. " Dally 8:43 : p m 8oa am _ U. BT. P. M. & O. Arrive Leave Depot luth St. Webster sts Omaha Omaha Sioux City Express 1:00 : p m 1:09 p m finiersou Accpmmodat'n fi:2. : > a m 0l"i p m Oakland Accommod'u. . 5:0u : p m 8:30 : a m St. Pnul Limited 8:50 : n m 7:00 p m Florence Passenger. . . . 7:45 : a m 0:1)5 : ) a m Florenoo i-ussengor 0:30 p m 6:20 : p m tFlorence Passenger 10r > a m 8:30 a m tFlorence Pissouger 6:16 p m 1:30 p m tDslIy Except Sunday. tSunaay Only C. , K. L * ' . Armu Depot 10th and Mtvrcy sts. Omaha. Omaha. Dos Molncs Accommod'n 5:45 a m 0:00 : p m Atlantic Express 0H : n in 8:31 : p m Fast Vostibulod Express. 4:1. " > p m 0:1)0 : ) a m Might Express * 0lj ; p m :00 : n m F. . E. & 31. V , IL n. I I/savo Depotluthft Webstersts. ] Oinaha. Hastings&HlkHills Pas ! JC ; a m 8:45 : pm tNorfolk Passenger I 6:15 p m 10r : n m nURLINOTON ROUTE. Leave Arrive Depot 10th It Mason fits. Omaha. Omaha. Chicago Vestibule Ex. . . . 8:15 p m 0:50 : a m Chicago Mail 9M u m 0:15 : p in Chicago Local 0:40 : p m 7:4" : > u m Denver Vestibule Ex 10:05 : a m 3:0i : ( p m Lincoln & Concordia Lo'l ft:0 : ] a m 6:00 : p m Colorado Mall 7:1.1 p in 0:35 a m L'hlcago Fast Mftll 8:35 : p m Kansas" City Express. . 9:0 ! a in 7:3 : , " ) a m Kansas City Express. „ „ 8:3) : p m 0D6 : p m BPBURBAN TltAlNS. AVestvnrd. Running between Council ninffs and Al- bright. In Addition to th , } stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Tweuty-fourtn. streets , and at the Uummlt in Omana. Droadrrans - Omaha South way. fer. depot. Sheely , Omaha bright. A.M. A. M. A.M. A. M. 645 ; 6:51 : 6:00 0:10 : on ; 0:30 : 6:37 6:60 0:40 C:47 7:00 : 7:07 7:20 : 7:35 7K 7:65 : 7:45 IJKt 8:05 : 8:12 : 825 ; 8:35 8:42 : 8:65 8:45 : 8:62 0:01 : 0:12 D:26 : 0:35 : 0U : 0:55 : 0:46 8:52 10:05 10:12 10:25 10:46 : 102 11G : > 1 11:12 : 11:25 11:45 : 11:52 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P. JL 13:05 : 12:12 : 12:2,1 12:45 : 13:52 : 1:05 : 1:12 1:25 1:45 1:52 2:05 : s-,2 : 2:115 : 2W 2:46 : 2:53 : 3:01 : 3:12 8:2ii U:60 : 3:57 : 4:10 3:45 3:6. : 4ai : 4:12 : 4:2. ' 4:50 : 4:67 : 6:10 : 4:4A 5:05 : 6:13 : fi:2.r 6:45 : 6:05 0:12 : 0:2. " U45 ; 7:05 : 7:12 7:2T : 7:45 7:5 : ! HjOfl 8:12 : 8:2. : ; 8:4. ' , 9t06 n:1 : 8:40 : 0:52 10:05 : 10:13 : 10iS 11 SO I 11:00 11:07 : or 1:51 13:01 : 12:05 : lvll:45f : : 13:05 : 12:05 COUNUILi CHICAGO , HOCJC ISLAND * PACIFIC. Leave. I Arilve. II No. Z 6UpmD ( No. 1 'J15ara ; 0 No. , . . . . . . . : am 0 No. a 6:15pm A NO. 4 1000 ; am A No. ! 1 03Jput A No.14 0lJpmA ; ! No.J3 7:10 : uia OIUOAQO it NOHTH\YK3TEiN. : No. 0 0 : < 0 am No. 7. , , . 927 ; am No. 8 : il'i pm No. 3 , 7:15 4iu No.4 U:31 Pn ) No. 6 , . . . , . ,6'l5 pui All Trains Dally. CHICAGO , JIILWAUKKIS & BT. PAUL. A No. a .0:10 : amlA No , 1 7:00 am A. No. 4 Sl'pmA : ' ) | No. 'J 0:16 pra KANBA8 crry , HT. aosui'ii ft TOUNCII. i A No. 3 8J5ft : ml A Ko. : i 7riOnra : A No. 4 i .9UJ : pin | A Ko. I , . ,7i)0pm SIOUX CITY It PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:01 mlA Nn. 0 8:55nt A No.U 7:03pinA : | No.lt t00pia ) ; OMAHA & BT. LOUlfl. A No. 8 4:85pmA : | No. 7 UW JD Adatly : D dally except Batunlan C xcui Bunday ; 1) except Monday : f atmall. Vu time given abara la Jc.r Transfer , tb r be ! OB from nr to t a mlaut * * ttttrtaa Traut * t aud local depot * . . . THE REALTY MARKET. plaeod on rooord during Xyostordar. MBUmtaiytoJItnll , lot 10 , blk "V Lowe's add. w il . . . , . . . . . . ,7. . $ 3,003 M S Lindsay to 0 Ulbort n 4IK f t lota 8 nnd 0. Lindsay's ndd , vrd. i . 8,000 M S Llmlsav lo \\MIlddlnff , lot l > , blk "L , " Lowe's add , w rt . , . 0,000 M B Lindsay to H Monroe , lot 12 , Lind say's add. wd . . . , . V.GOJ 11 T Maxwell and wltn to 1C Wolfcr , w 10 ft lot 10 , nna o 83 ft lot 1 1 , Fmilseu's ndd , wd . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . 2,000 AHHomnntoOO Dodd , lot 4 , blk 17 , Orchard Hill , w d . . . . . . 2.500 G A l.lndqnln ot nl to B Smith , lots 1 , 3 nnd 3 , blk t , Hose hill , w d . . . . . l.OOJ Omaha Real Estate and Trust Co to C A Hopkins , lots IV , 3) , 21,21 , 2.1 nud v ulfc 11 , SnundorsK Hlmeuniigh'a Highland Pnrit , wd . 1,100 Omaha Real Estate and Ten it Co to 0 K H Dlxou , lot2iblKli , B.innders .V lllmo- bnugh'8 add to Wnlnut Hill , wd . 000 A P Tiikoy ot al to K W Dlxon , lots 0 , 8 audio , blkO. Clltton II til , w a . LS B RCnllawnr nnrt wlfo to. I V Patterson , lot 1. blk 7. WnstEndadd , wd. . . . 0,500 I Van Camp et nl to N Nnglngast , lot 0 , ItlkS , Sunrise , wd . . . . . . . . . . ,7 S50 1 Van Camp t nl to W 11 Wyman , lot 10 , blk 1. Sunrise , w d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; J 0 I Van Camp ot nl to S J Wymau , lot 7 , blk S , Sunrise , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S30 I A'nn Camp et al to 0 L I'orlor , lot 3 , blk 1. .StmrlM- d . 83 ! W II Wyman nnd wife to 8 J Wymira. w U lot 22 , blk ; B. in Albright's Choice , w d. 1M Albllsh : Laud nnd Lot Co to W H Wymnit. lot 23. blk 33 , In Albright's Choice , wd. , , , , , , . , . 325 A I1 Wood , trustee , to .1 M Richards , blk Hi , How ling Green , wd . . . 1,760 0 /.Imimirmiin ami wlfo to W Weed ot al , lot lu , blkfl. Matthows's sub , w a. , . . 20J W S Lindsay to P finikin , lot 14 nud pt lot 1.1 , blk a , I'ulon 1'lncx.wd . 2,000 E A HCIHOII to M K Savngo. lots 27 nnd & * , blkH , llrlifgs I'lnco. wil. . 3,500 J M McKlmiuy to .1 .1V Murphy , lot it , FUck'ii sub , w d . 8,000 FH Clmmpmnn nnd husband to 1) P Nlelds , lot 17. blk I , Drown Park , w d. . . 2.W3 B II II Clark lo 0 Potcr&on , s H lot U , blK 2. WeU Side , w d . 150 OW Morton to L W McGrnw , lot "A. " Morton's sub , w d . 050 II RrlcK aud wlto to W nnd J Carnnelzlnd , w so 1-15-12. w d . 4.SOO KMoUachron and wife to R A McKach * ron , lots , blkl. Amuler I'lnco , w d . 1,500 L Rlcnardsou to Public , Itnlph Place , plat . . . O I.obeck nnd wlfo to D 0 Dlnsmoro , lot 8. blK 3 , Lincoln Place , wd . 42S O Lobock nnd wife to 0 Cnrstcno , n > 5 lot 24 , Spring Vallov , w d . . . 1,000 G K llnrker and wife to W N Grant , lot 3 , blkl ) . Orchard Hill , wd . 803 0 P Preston nnd wife to Irvlngton Ccmo- tory association , 4 acres in no tor see ai-fn-12 , nod . 1 M A Upton and husb.xud to W Frlckeo , pt Iot6 , ulkT.l , South Omaha , w d . 1,700 W C Lnwton et nl to J K IlpcKott , lot 3. Williams' sub. w d . 1,803 L Rlchordsnn nnd wife to R A Sloan , lot 12. blk3 , Rodlck Park , w il . 10.000 Thirty-six transfers. . M1.701 Notion tn ( "ontrnatovs. SOUTH OMAHA. Juno 15 , 18Senlod propo- fttls will bo received at the city engineer's olllco by the commit ton on viaducts , streets nnd alloys , until noon Wednesday , .inly 3 , issii , for furnishing nil the material nud performing nil the work for curbing nnd pnvlug K street from Twenty-fourth Htrcet to Twenty-seventh street with cyprus.'i blocks , approximate estlmato " ,270 lineal feet ot curbing , and 0.51(1 ( squaru yards of paving. Work to bo completed within foity duvH nfter n contract therefor binds and taken olfect. All bids must bo accompanied by n corllllca check for $500. said checks to be re turned on all bids not accepted. Estimated cost of such work Is $18,201. The right to reject nny nnd nil bids is reserved , Plans and spoclllc * | tious can bo soou at the ouclnoor's olllca. K. U. TOWLE , dim. Com , on Viaducts , Sts , nnd Alloys. Jludtojy3 USTOM HOUSE , Omnha. Nob. , June 10th , 18SO. Sealed proposals will bo received un til 13 o'clock , Wednesday , Juno 20th. 1883 , for furnishing fuel , light , water , ice , miscellnnoouB supplies , washing towels , hauling U'huH and sprinkling ntrcets required by this building during the ilscnl year ending Juno 30. It-Ut ) . Par ticulars on application. It. C. JORDAN. Cus todian. J20-23 TAX MKYF.R. ADOLPH MEYER. 180O. GREAT BARGAIN SALE IN Prlco. Cash. Monthly. StelUway Square 5150.0J $15.00 $10.00 KnaboSquaro 175.00 15.0J 10.00 Hnlnos Ilro-i. Square , . 176.00 15.00 10.00 Hnllet , Davis & Co. Sq. 10.VOO 15.0J 10.03 Emerson Square 100.00 10.00 7.00 Marshal & Wendell sq. 12.1.01) ) 10.00 B.OO W. W. Kluiball Square 100.00 10.00 7.03 Chlckerlng Upright , used 2 yours..T 33.1.00 23.03 15.00 ORGANS. Prlco. Cash. Monthly. 1 Mason Ilamllu , used 1 year 875.00 $10.03 J3.00 1 Tnvlor & Farley , used 1 vc-ar 70.09 10.00 8.00 1 Kbtey. iihed 8 mos. , cost new iui.ou no.oo lo.oo aoo 1 llurdotto 3J.OO 7.00 5.VJ 1 Toy lor A : Farley ai.no 8.HO 5.00 1 Mason Hamlln 2.1.0) ) 5.00 5.00 1J leatty (27 ( stops ) 40.00 8.00 7.00 Every instrument guaranteed to bo In good order , llrlng this ad. with you , and avoid ml8 takes. Any of these instruments taken in ox- ctiango for new ut sanio price anytime Inoua year. Call early and got a bargain. MAX MEYER & BRO. 1622 and 1521 FARNAM STREET. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Onmha nnd Council lilufrs to THE EAST = = - ' THAJN3 DMLV 1IKTW11N OMAHA AUD COUNCIL 1II.UKKS Chicago , AND 1II.UKKSMlhrnukco , St. 1'aul , Mluneanolls , Collar Itnnlda , Kouk Lsliiud. Frccport ) Kockford , ' 'I B CllntoU ] Duliitio ) ( ( , Dnvcnporty Klgln , Madison , Jniiosilllo , Jtcloit , IVIiioim , La Crosse , And ull ether Important points East , Northeast an ! bouillons t. Kor through tlciots , fall on the tlckot ngent BtlMl Furnam ttrout.lQ Hiirkur lllool.or at Union 1'ttUflo Depot. ' llnian Sleepers and tlio finest Dining Cnrs In th world nro run on the nmln Una ot tlio Chlcnzo , Mil * nnakua & Ht. ) ' ul lltillwar. and ovorr altooUjin U pnld to pnueDKera bjr caartcoui omplojei of Wl companr. II. Mll'f.Kll.Uoncral Maimxor. J. K. TUCK lilt , yvtilitantUunural Wnnacor. A. V. It. CAUl'KNl'KU , Uonoral l-iuaoneor n Ticket Aifont. CUD. K. IIKAFKOUD , Anlitaat nnil Ticket AiienL V. J. CliARK , ( lonernl Bapcrlntonflent. \t'o \ ltlvcljr cured InOOdaitbrllr. Ili.rni'.hlfctro.JInenrllo licit ' Tru , comblnrd. ( I uuranlced tba only onu In thu world imicralUie icontlnunut Kin-trio it llagnitlt eurrint. hcluiilHlc. 1'uwt'rfiil , | ) ur ljl . . . .ufort blo and K.irectlre. A\oM r > ud > . Ovrrll.'inocnrril. R lulrlainliCorl > alniUI ( . . I'.I.KCTlllO IIKI.TH FOIl lilAF.ANKU. On. HORHE , REMOVED TO 180 WACAIH AVE. , CHICACO. M F N { ° * i J"0"- . "nn f III Ull Una | > rtcticti , nuy w nerftcllr rf lnecl tr Ilie mv OEBLON-DUPRE Method. H nuii > r ouriicwllluitnttd "OuIJi to llKlth. " Abwluto tccrtcr. VurlCO" curnlvilhout Piln oropcnllon. Addrni OBlon-Dupre Cl'nlquo , lu Trcwaui 6t. , Ikxloa , AOKNTS'ANTRDnoth geiieral and can vuHslng , on tlio new , ravUoil and Imperial fldltlonof X.ell'tf Encyclopedia in 11 vo volumov , Just , issued. Bold for cabli , or on cuay initial * mt-nts. Fur liberal terniH aud territory addrcaa T. ii.t.\vooii : XEI.U 1'ub. rtilladolplilu. * GVIaryland Club Pure Old Rye Whiakey. The wIo | popularity of till inperb lircril hal ttmpleil other dcalori to pluoa upon tli iniikct inferior WfaUker , under a ulinlUr uanie , luteiiiltd todccolvothoimlillc. Tlie Kavr York Court of Ap- pca.U hai declnrcul ourtrund , tb niAliVljAND 1)1,1111. ) to bo a trade-mark ratlllcd lo the protec tion of the law fie decltlon In Catn , B llftCo. t * . Jacob OotUcbalk , Fob. 12 , 1639) ) , and we now ( Iv * notice tliat we Itutl Inttantly rrotrcut * IDT pcnoA or linn , in nny port of the Unflf d Staten , wlio ihi iia guilty ot any luf rlugtmtut ot U'lt tr do mark * OAHN , BELT & CO. , tout rHnrnuroM or IBB