Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEfl ; FRIDAY , JUNE 21 , 1889.
ttllveretlljy carrier In Any 1'nrt of bo City a
Wnly Cents rcrWcok.
II , W , Tlt/lON. . . . MANAGKK ,
JUiNr.P : < ; Omen No.
N. V.PlumulnR Co.
C. U. Music Co. , K39 B'wny.
Holier , tailor , 810 Hroadwny.
Evnns1 Inundry , 724 Broadway.
D. W. Ottls , city and fnrm loans.
The public schools will close to-day for a
t\yo months' recess.
Two drunks wns the sum total of polloo
business yesterday morning.
A. W. Hlcisman Is rojblclnf ? over the advent -
vent to his homo of a now dauRhtor. ,
The funeral of Mrs. Annlo Swam took
plnco nt 4 o'clock yesterday uf tcrnoon from
her late residence , 1725 Third street.
The sisters of St. Hormiru's ' hospital have
boon presented with an elegant douhlo car-
rlBRo by Dan Carrltfg. They apprcclato the
generous Rift greatly.
The Union I'ncillo overland , duo nt the
transfer nt 0 o'clock Wednesday evening ,
did not nrrlve until 2iO : : yesterday morning ,
on nccount of a collision near Denver
The flro department was called to the res
idence of John Hammer , on Uonton street ,
yesterday noon. A ifasolliiG explosion wns
the cnuso of n slight blaze , but the tire was
cxtlORUlshed before the arrival of the de
partment. The damage was very small.
The cause of the explosion is n mystery.
The case of the State va M. Ulumonitoln
wns stibmltte'd ' to the jury about o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Court adjourned until
this morning , If sufllclont civil business is
on hand for to-day , the jury will bo dis
charged until Moiidav morning. Otherwise
thocasu of the State vs Peterson , for lar
ceny , w 111 bo called.
Th o examination of Fred Kissel , for high
way robbery and assault with Intent to kill ,
was completed In 'Squire Hcndricks' court
yesterday. The decision of the court was
withhold until the testimony In tbo c.iso of
Smith , Kissel's ' partner , Is heard , thus Riving
Kissel tbo benefit of anything that may uc-
volop In bis favor. Smith's case Is still on
Notes tind mortgages bought raid sold ,
money loaned ; flro insurance. Robert
V. Inncs , 80 Pourl st.
Heislor'a Oyster Buy chop house and
restaurant day and night , 603 Broadway.
Have our wagon call for your Boiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , ofUeo cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
Call on the Birkinbino Engineering
and Supply company , 115 Pearl street
Council UlulTa , la. , and examine the
Bodmo'roollng. It will pay you ; sam
pics scut on application.
M. Wollman , jeweler , moved to 538 B'y.
Personal I'unmrnnii" .
W. C. Estop loft last evening for Clpcln-
nati on a combined business and pleasure
Hcv. D. C. Franklin will deliver tbn oration
tion at Logan , on the Fourt U of July.
\Vallaco McFailden , jr. . and sister Ella ,
are visiting relatives in Idaho.
L'ucius Woll.s Im ? returned from Daven
port , accompanied by bis daughter , Mis
M. B. Brown , formerly manager of the
local oftlco of the Western Union tclecraph
ofllcc , but now In the employ of the compan ;
at Salt Luke City , is visiting friends in the
Bluffs. Ho will remain about ton days. Ho
is well pleased with his western location
but cherishes the highest regards for frlcudi
liore , which feeling Is warmly reciprocated
J. N. Ualdwiti , csQ. , Is homo from u trip to
Now York. Ho leaves again for the least in
n few days , and will bo absent several week
on legal business.
Chot Stevenson Is homo from the State
. university , at Iowa City , to spend the sum
mer vacation.
A. C. Cameron , editor of the Inland Printer
tor , Chicago , Is in the city. Ho is en route
homo from the mooting of tbo Internationa
Typographical union , nt Denver , and stop
hero a few days to attend the Chautauqua.
Woolsoy & Long paper rooms neat
quick , cheap. 'U Main , tel 203.
Have your old furniture upholstered
good as now. It. Morgan , 702 Broadway.
City steam laundry , SI Main , tol. 14
Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , Opera house
J. G. Tipton , real estoto , 627 B'dway
S. B. Wtwlsworth & Co. loan money.
The Now Ogden is catching traveling
men at 82 per day.
"A contented mind is a continua
feast , " and if you want to bo contontcc
with your purchases , look at the large
invoice of fans , parasols , straw anc
summer goods just put on the shelves at
P. W. Spottnan & Bro.'s , 609 and 611
Main street.
Tlio Coiiiiuuiicoiuciit Exercises.
The nineteenth annual commencomeut ox
erciscs of the Council lilufCi bigh action
wcro held at Dohati.v's last evening. The
hnuEo was completely lilted , nnd many spec
tators occupied standing room. The class o
' 80 is ouo of the largest that was ever gruel
uatcd from this institution of learning , numbering
boring sixteen mom irs. The graduates are
Licua Ucudlo , Grace Foster. Frederick Crush
Nclllo Parsons , Lena Van ( Jlcson , Leo Wit
tor , Pearlo Clmmborlln , Hichlo Dickey
Carrie Honn , William 1. Mansllold , Helen
.Bowman , Lillian Hart , Huldu Luchow , Jen-
nto Pile , E. I , Woodbury , Julia Walker.
The stugo was beautifully decorated with
evergreens , cut Ilowcrs and potted plants
arranged with exquisite taste and In uumor
ous designs. A hugo .bank of flowers am
folingo Hanked cither sldo of the stage , am
added much to the line effect of the decora
lions. A ImmUomo forest scene was used
which , by the tasty arrangement of the mil
urul flowers nud vines , transformed the stugo
into a veritable woodland bower. The ar
rangoinont reflected great credit on those
Wbo designed it and carried It Into effect.
The oxorclsea wore unusually interesting
The assays uml orations were well delivered ,
and , In mur.y Instances , were a vast improve
ment over the stereotyped productions of the
"sweet girl graduate" and her aspiring
classmnto of the opposite sax , Ono feature
that added very much to the Interest of the
exorcises was the brevity and conciseness of
the essays. Had the usual length been ad
herocl to ; the audieuco would have boon
greatly wearied bj u lengthy programme.
Bucli , however , was not ttio case , and it was
u variation greatly appreciated. The gradu
ates themselves appeared to greater advantage
ago on account of it. nud the innovation is
worthy of general adoption.
Space forbids individual mention , but It Is
certain that no class graduating bora was
over more deserving of It , The appreciation
Of the nudlonco was amply shown by the
very profuse floral tributes that were re
ceived by every member of the class.
Dalboy's orchestra rendered a number of
very choice selections during thd evening
The Interest muulfestod by the public In at
tending ao ironcrully spoalie volumes In sup
port ol the educational work of the city , nut
is a most deserved encouragement to the
school board uud able corps of teachers li
lht > public schools.
Money lonuoil at L. B. Graft's fe. Co.'s
loan otllco on furniture , pianos , horaoa ,
wagons , personal uropurljr of all kinds ,
unall otnor articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Council Dlutfs Furniture company for good
good * at low prleer. 107 Broadway.
An Enraged Wife's Scones With Her
Faithless Spouse ,
The Attendants Are Nevertheless I3n-
tliuHiastlc Tlu Uo48 Harbors Will
Keep Open Sundays Other
Utufh Items.
Sixfllj Mlxoil Matrimony.
The Gladman-Wllson adultery case , nn no-
count of which appuarcd exclusively In yes
terday's Hun , has developed Into ono of the
most disgusting and nauseating affairs that
iins como to public notice in some tlmo. The
case was llrst brought to the attention of the
authorities Tuesday night , when Mrs. Glad-
man , who claimed to have Just arrived from
DOS Molnes , appealed to the pollco for assist
ance In finding her recreant husband. As It
was then late nt night , she was advised to
wait until the following day before attempt
ing to locate him.
Late Wednesday evening , Ofllcor Kemp ,
who had located the stepping place of the
couple at No. 1025 Fourtb avonuo. con-
ucted the wife to that place , and loft her
with the wayward pair. It was not long un
til there was trouble brewing , nnd a pitched
battle was soon In progress. Mrs. QluJman
pounced upon the disturber of her domestic
happiness , nnd was administering summary
punishment when her husband Interfered.
The enraged woman then directed her atten
tion to her faithless lord arid master. The
family interloper took advantage of the
chaugo in hostilities to make her cscnpo.
As soon as ho was safely out of the door ,
she closed nnd held it from the outside , thus
leaving Cilndman exposed to the anger of
his botraycd wife. Uladmau was not dis
posed to face tlui music , and attempted to
get away. She hold tightly to him , howuvor ,
and ho began to beat her. She screamed
loudly for assistance , and Gladm in , becom
ing desperate , Itnally throw himself out of
the window , and managed to tear himself
away from her clutches. The neighbors
wcro aroused by the noise , nnd several soon
appeared In scanty raiment.
Gladman was seen Hying up the street as
fast as ho could qo , calling to his paramour.
Who was following as fast as she could , to
moot him on Broadway. A call was turned
In for the patrol wagon , but when it arrived
the guilty parties were nowhere to bo found ,
nnd the house was llllud with excited neigh
Shortly after midnight Olllcor ( Juslck saw
the couple at the corner of Main nud Iroad
way , nnd suspecting Unit they were tbo par
ties wanted , arrested them and took them to
tbo station. The woman was minus hat or
cloak , having loft the house In a decided
The pair wcro seen at the police station by
the reporter , but both declined to tulle , and
the scribe then visited the house which , a
short time previously , had witnessed the
lively scene above referred to. The aban
doned wife and children wcro found , sur
rounded by a number of curious neighbors.
In answer to along nnd close questioning ,
the following facts wore ascertained :
Sometime ago " ( the date she could not re
call ) the woman married James Gludmun , a
widower with two children , living about live
miles from Dos Moitics. In course of time ,
two children were born to them , and shortly
afterward the trouble bog.iu. Mrs. Glad-
mun's sister , Miss liertio Wilson , beiran to
make her home with thorn , and the alTec.tious
of the head of the family wera soon trans
ferred to the rather prepossessing young
woman. Soon she loft the house , and Mrs.
Uladman discovered that her husband
socndiiig a great deal of his time in a liouso
in another part of the city , which ho had
rented for bis sister-in-law. They found out
that their illicit relations had been discov
ered and fled together to parts unknown.
About the flrst , of the present year , tnoy
landed in Council Ululls , and routed a house
near the waterworks pumping stu-
tion. About BIX weeks ago the de
serted wife discovered their whore-
bouts , and soon appeared to the aston
ished vision of the runaways , accompanied
by the four children. A , truce was patched
up , and she remained for a few weeks , Ivit
the actions of the sister and husband again
became more than she could put up with , nnd
she loft tlio place , leaving the children behind -
hind her. Where she passed the joxt few
weeks is not definitely known , as she tells
several conflicting stories regarding her
Her next appearance was Tuesday evening ,
as stated above. It is known that she was
spying about the house on Fourth avenue ,
but did not molest the guilty couple.
Tlio most disgusting feature of the case is
in connection witb the children. As above
stated , the mother loft them with the father
and his naramour when she disappeared some
time ago. Sluco that time they have been
abused , neglected and tn ltreat3d'aiid are
all In a pitiable condition. When questioned
by the court , yosteraay , the uiotner stated
that two of the children , ono a baby thirteen
months old and the other four years of ago ,
were suffering from a loathcsomo disease ,
contracted from their unnatural father , The
infant is In a critical condition , and the doc
tor offers no hope of Its recovery.
The two prisoners were not locked up
Wednesday night , but were allowed to sit In
the outer corridor of the police station. Glad-
man availed himself of the privilege to walk
out. When his wife appeared yesterday morn
ing to file a complaint against him , she found
ho was not there , and started outto nnd him.
She discovered him about noon , near the
cornerof Bryant and Broadway , and seized
him about the necK. Ha endeavored to es
cape , and managed to got loose. Ho rushed
up the stairway to the oflico of N. P. Dodge ,
but she caught him before ho reached the
top , and the pair rolled to the sidewalk to
gether. I , was tried again and again with
the same results , and llnally the screams of
the woman attracted the attention of an
ofllcor , who arrested tlia follow.
An information was Jlled In Justice Schurz'
court , charging Gladman with adultery , and
the Wilson woman with lovvdness.
Mrs. Gladmnr. was anxious to got rid of
her sister. She stated that she would for
give everything if Gladmau would send the
girl away and como buck to bar. This ho
positively refused to do , declaring that ho
would keep the girl nnd support her. As
none of the partial were ready for trial , the
case of each wns continued until Saturday.
Gladman was put under 100 bonds , which
amount was furnished by Contractor Sayles ,
in whoso employ Gladman has been for some
time. Ho is a carpenter , earning good
wages , and has beou In the employ of several
contractors In the city. Mra. Ghidmuu de
clares that she still loves her recreant hus
band , and what the outcome will bo is hard
to surmlao.
Having tin ovoratoek of spring and
fiummor pant goods , I will soil thorn at
50 cents on the dollar spot cash only.
Roitor , the tailor , ! )10 ) Broadway.
Bodino rooting will last longer and
give hotter tmtisfautlon than any rooting
made ; will not crack , curl or split , and
malcos a perfectly solid joint on the entire -
tire roof. Birkinbino Kngiuoeriiig and
Supply company , 115 Pearl street. Coun
cil mulls , la.
Boohtclohotoicontrul location , flrsloluss
Will Kcop on
The IndicutlotiR uro that there will bo a
bitter light between thabarbors and the pro
prietors of the anil-Sunday closing shops
before that matter Is finally settled. There
are uow three of the shops that are opposed
to Sunday closing , and from ono of the pro
prietors It was Icarpod yesterday thai thcso
three have pledged themselves to fight the
movement , Tliosa three are John I3ohn ,
Frank Lovlu and Fritz Hernuc.rdl. Each
of tucnu has Boctired ah attorney ,
and Is ready for the light.
Said ono of them. "Wo will fight It tooth
and too nail. There are only three of us as
yot. Kliuo Is reported as with us , but iho
truth is that he is on the fence , and will wait
a few anys to determine whloh way to slide.
If It work * all right there will bo several
who will want to join us. Wo nro pledged
to keep open next Sunday , and will lot them
arrast us on Monday If they want to. The
case will ho carried up if it is decided asralnst
us In the lower courts. There are lots of little -
tlo kinks in the law to bo taken advantage of .
and wo will Ueep them busy for u while at
any rate. However , if It finally goes agalcst
us , I will sou that every other branch of bust-
ness In closed on Sunday , the same as wo
are. I know that the eljnrom $ court has do-
cldou In connection with such cases that
shaving Is nota necessary buslncss.on Sunday
but our attorneys nro ready with a neat lIUlo
doilco , which will appear In duo time. "
The other side Is working quietly , but has
already Its say , nnd Is waiting patiently for
Sunday morning ,
Tlio Cliniitanqnn.
The first datnponer on the Chantauqua on
torprlso came from the heavens. It g.wo
many an opportunity to test the comfort of
tenting under adverse circumstances. Many
others were satisfied to remain at homo nnd
take the cxporlonoa socond-handoJ. The
rain caused n revelation of v.irlod human
nature. Some shook themselves and laughed.
Others srrumblod and dripped. It showo.l
that the world Is much as you take It. The
wind did little dnmago. The largo tent In
which Is displayed the panorama of Jerusa
lem nn the crucifixion day was blown down
and the center polo broken. Jerusalem lay
In ruins for n time , and suffered a little from
the flood , but was readily rebuilt. The Con-
grcgatloiial tent wns also laid flat , but no
dnmago was dono. Several of the other
tents wcro laid flat.
The Sunday question has caused no llttlo
discussion. A low of the Chautauqua .work-
ors urged a complete closing of the gates
from Saturday night until Monday morning.
The Impracticability of this caused It to have
few supporters. Some of the lecturers and
speakers Insisted on canceling their engage
ments if people wcro to bo let In on Sunday
as on other days , for they foil it would ho a
desecration of the day. They urged that
It was Inconsistent to sell tickets , nllnw
trains to run , me. , ami then preic'n against
Sunday trains. Sunday nowspapoM , etc. On
the other hand , It has bean claimed that the
Chautauqua is for the eluvatlon of the Intel
lects and morals of the paoplc ; that many of
the 150OfX ) pcoplo lu Omaha and Council
Hluffs would like to attend on Sunday , not
being able to attend on other ilay.i. Thu as-
Bombly grounds nro within such easy reach
of their homes that they prefer to spend the
night umlor their own roofs. The services
on Sunday are of a strictly religious nature ,
and in no sense n worldly entertainment or
As ono sharply pat it , ' 'Shall wo close the
gates , and post uu a sU'ii telling people they
can not como in to hear Uisho ; > Vincent
preach , und thus turn tliam off to go to see
some Sunday ball gaino or horse racol"
Another class urgue that the soiling of
tickets makes it n monoy-inaUliig arrungo-
uiont , nud that the money changers shall bu
driven from the temple on Sunday.
Those who promptly answer this Insist
It Is not a money-milking enterpriae , even on
week days. Many have given liberally to
the stock , which Is not dividend paying ami
never will be. Instead of relying on the
passing around of the hat , the salu of tick
ets divides the giving more equitably , mak
ing all who attend take a shuro in meeting
the expense.
After these and other pros nnd cons have
bcon exchanged on struot and in tent tbo
following oSlci'U uniiuuncjm nt is mado.
All persons not holding season tickets
who expect to visit the Cnautuuqua grounds
on Sunday next , are requested , so fur us
practicable , to procure their lick-jts during
the present weos . Horses and carriages
will be taken care of free of charge on Unit
day. Tickets can bo procured at Max Mey-
or's and Joplln's .store in Oaiaha ; also at
Hushnoll's , Urdo'.iett & Gavin's nnd Dr.
Hroughton's store in Council H'.uiTs. ' Uy
order of BOAIID oi1 'J n STUCS.
Thcru is the usual difficulty experienced
about complimontarios. If tno free list was
extended so as the donuimi , the number
of caoh patrons coull oislly ba coutitoJ.
There are a thous'itul reasons for expecting
passes , or reduced rates. It being n public
enterprise , umny huru aidort in getting it
started. Others are willin : . ' to pi-omho aid
in the future. The managers Heo.n willing
and even glad to extend courtasios tj all
who make their wants known , and wha are
entitled to such courtesies. The nowsp.ipcr
men have been notllioa thit on applying : it
the manager's ollico they will bo cared for.
There has been some little criticism because
the complimontanes have not been scattered
broadcast , to bo used by any into whoso
hands they may chance to full. Some evidently
fcol slighted becausa tncy have not bjoi ; ro-
mouibered by u voluntary presentation of
the desired pasteboard. But no case is yet
reported of any nowspjpsr reprosotitivo or
.other person entitled to those courtesies ,
"being refused or sligntod , oa making their
ncuils and desires known.
TiO ! unthuaiasm among these attending the
Chuutauqua increases. The lectures uud en
tertainments uro of a much higher order than
was expected oven.
The following is to-aay's programme :
8OU : a. in. Junior boys' and girls' cluss
llev. Jnuies. T. Docking , tent No. 2. Tbo
first year's normal Dr. J. C. W. Case ,
tabernacle platform.
9:00 : Intermediate normal Rov. W. C.
Trantor. tent No. 2 Astomuly bib'.e study
Dean Wright , tabernaclo.
lOiUO-Chorus class Prof. C. C. Case , taber
11:00 : Lecture Leou H. Vincent , ' 'Charles
Dickens. "
200 ; p m. Jluslcalo Mibbes Grinitbs and
21J : ! Lecture Hev. P. S. Henson , D. D. ,
Chicago , "IJacitboue. "
4iO : ( Ministers' institute. Lecture by Hov.
W. J. Hiirsha "Poolisa Preaching vs
the Foolishness of Preaching. "
5:00 : C. L. S. U. round tubljs.
7:00 : Chorus class Prof. C. C. Case , taber
8:00 : Kocors' band.
8iiO : Lecture Mr. James A. Green on "Tho
Homo of Longfellow. " Stereoptienn illus
trations by Dr. Arthur L. Boutilljer.
1'Vlday afternoon is set apart for decorat
ing tbo tabornaclexfor "reception day. "
Dr. 13. L. liaton , of LaCrosse , Wu. . con
ducted the morning imiyers at ( li : ! ! ) yestor-
day. At 8 o'clock ' Hogers' band gave the
usual treat in the tabernacle. Prof. Case ,
who has charge of the chorus class , has in
charge for this season the classes of boven
assemblies. He paid n hljTh compliment to
our Chuutauqua chorus class by saying that
the singing bore is above the average , und
the HtudcntH among the aptcst to take to
their work he has yet met.
Dr. E. S. Hill and u number of friends ar
rived yesterday morning.
Thu number of persons coining onto the
grounds Increases with the Incoming of each
train. Hov. J. W. Cowan , of Tabor , ar
rived yesterday morning. Mrs. Mills und
daughters , of Tuber , are lontlng hero.
At 11:15 Dr. Duryoa delivered his lecture
on "The Unwritten in the History of Kefor-
matiou. " It was a grand literary trout.
At 1:80 : p. in. Dean Wright took up the first
session of the Ivow Testament , Greek school.
The class was as largo as any other depart
ment. Ho will have largo classes wherever
ho tenches and whutover ho teaches.
Aty:80Dr. : Hanson , of Chicago , delivered
a lecture on "Grumblors. " The follclty of
his very opening remarks settled the grumb
lers , if any were present. It was a most on-
tortulnlug lecture. Ho will bu on the plat
form again to-day , and the pcoplo ought to
crowd out of the twin cities to hear this
fleet-tongucd orator.
After the lecture Miss Ncally Stevens en
tertained the audlouco with a piano recital of
rare merit. Miss Griffiths uud Miss Gu/.ly
sung a duet.
At S p , m. Leon II. Vincent gave a lecture
on "HobortHrownlng. "
In the evening Mr. James A. Grcon gave
his illustrated lecture on "Tho Land of the
Voyager. "
Frank licard IS hero , ready for bis chalk
Dnnplor vapor stoves at cost change
location. Shugart &Co.,211 Broadway.
* >
Finest Ice Cream in city. Driosbach's
double purlers , 35 Main bt.
Notice the beautiful rinish given col
lars , cuffs and fahlrts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
No Explosions
When persons keep cool and use our
"Sun Dial" gaa stoves. . Four holes ,
roaster and bakeovon. Costs 7 cents
per hour when running full blast. Now
York Plumbing Co.
Try now Metropolitan rooms and table
Ktuokholdcrs' Moottn ; ; .
Tbo flrst annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Council UlufTs nnd Omaha Chau
tauqua assembly will bo held in the amphithe
atre , on the assembly grounds , at 1 o'clock p.
in. , Saturday. Juno 3 , Ibb'J.
J. III. OuitsLiJ , Recording Secretary ,
Bheiffliatisni ,
BEING iluo q : tlio { ircsonco of urlo
nclil in the blood , ia most effectually
cured by the iiio > ot Ayor's Siu-sapa-
rllln. Do sure'yon get Ayor's niul no
other , nnd tnko It till tlio poisonous
acid Is thoroughly expelled from tbo
system. Wo clial cngo attention to this
testimony : - - 11 <
"About two ycnrs ngo , after suffering
for nearly twot Jrcars from rbcunmtlo
gout , being nblold wnlk only wltb great
discomfort , nml having tried various
remedies , Including mineral waters ,
without rcljef , I saw by nn advertise
ment In a Chicago paper that n man had
been relieved of this distressing com *
plaint , after long suffering , by taking
Aycr'a Sarsnpurilla. I thun decided to
make n trial of this medicine , nnd took
it regularly for eight months , and am
pleased to state that it lias effected a
complete cure. I have nlnco had no re
turn of the disease. " Mrs. 11. Irving
Dodge , 110 AVcst IMth St. , Now York.
"Ono year npo I was taken 111 with
Inflammatory thcnmatlsm , being con-
lliicd to my honso six months. I came
out of the sickness very much debili
tated , with no appetite , and my system
disordered In every way. I commenced
using Ayer's Sarsaparllla anil begun to
Improve nt once , gaining In strength
and soon iccoverlng my usual health.
I rannot say too much In pi also of this
well-known medicine. " Mra. L. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. II.
nv '
Dr. J. C. Aye ; & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
I'rlco & 1 ; clx bottle * , $5. Worth $5 n bottle.
\ \ ANTKD-A Kooil illnlnj ; room girl nt Homo
> > restaurant , UJ7 llroul\vay. :
T3VH HKXT Tnrco unfurnished rooms , sulta-
-1- bio for llfibt hnustt kceplu . ! J1 3.1 ave.
W'ANTBI ) A first clisscnol : at thu IcnvaTn-
stltutloi for thu education o : tlio dent ami
dumb. App.y lu pardoa or by letter to Henry
W. HoUiert , bupzrlntmi lent.
" " "
WXNTUD MUliUe-ajoil w6"nwu""nH huusu
kouper In small in ully. ( Jive references.
Address J. A. llobcrtMoolblnc. . In.
CAOH HB.VT-On the letof .lulv next tlio room
-L1 on I'enrl t. , 2JxTO. nov. ' occupied by tao pub
lic library. Hornco Kverett.
Otnvs tor H.ilo-Wlll t ika pay In rulinz : an 1
lllUnx nt il i > 3r d y Tor m in nnd t4.ini , or
will take p ly In p.ilutlug. llor.vco Everett ,
" \X7"ANTi-D : .VX ) inocod o' soioml-liauil carpet.
V > nl- nil KOOU se.-ou t-hitii I furniture. A.
J. Miaulol , Kus. S j nud : f'i Ilro id way.
TT10R nXCHASOK Savcral gael , farms to ex
-L1 clianc. ! tor Council Hl'iT. ) lotj. Jo'.iidton
& Vnu 1'atten , Everett block.
AltAlti : chnnca for a splendid luvestmout ,
otur v rather tliin Uir o cipltnl.
A fortnna tor thu rl > ; ! it inu'i Knit Jntorcst In
tlio tiiiost jini'tlcil pitsnt ever issnprl. Ad
dress i\viin A : NV.vlkor , 4 1'cnrl street. Council
lilnirs. * i
's ' dallvor Ivitween
nud trel iit mnvj.l s ifjjjv .vi I i > ro nrly. ; I.oavrf
orders nt Uma'ia o Jlfe. B. ) . S > . IjtH st. ; Council
JlltHIs7XMil-i. ! ! . lljocrofr.
unto lpeclinonsrnre Birds
iind n ilmiu lrou every clinic , .Must
lie soul ar one" , rilnsla or In CIXSON K. ,1 , Ir.izoo ) ,
llntc'.im taxlleriii. > ' , troiicli Uluirs.
"J > PAFi ( IS"1 ! V'X ! JMo-i"7iTtr u-i 1 s > I t un't ex-
AV ch ui u.l. Spo"l 11 attention Klvuu to < ci : u-
lu-itloi : of titls.V. . C. Jnmos. No. 1'J I'earl st. ,
Coilneini'.u.IS. _
"IJiOHSAIifi-T r.i7ii cottn-a. cornar Tnlr.l
Jl ? avenue nnd Bt'i t. Dany tornn , W. C.
Janice , 1 1 t'our : s : . '
FOIl 1U3NT Uaiytol-an t\vo now llvo-room
house ) , lull uve/bjtwoen Illju nnd Thlr.l
cts. hell clt-np If t sken tins week. Iiujulro
owner. J. D.cSoy. 74) ) U.Vny. .
FOll SVLG 'Mil ostJbl.siiol Kcnoral inor-
chandlsw busl uss. stoc : , ilxturjj , wagons ,
etc. Qood roo'ii and low reut. Address , J ,
Dickey , 7H 11. Way
HUNT Fnralsli r unfurnlshnil l.irgo
ten-ro'iiu lions. ' , b.vli room , ( ; as , fiirnaco ,
etc. . nt lil i Willow nve. limiulre at promlsas.or
O. II. Stllltnna. lirowii block.
IT KESII nilVi owi forsileor triU for fat
JO cows S'.vaa's stosSc , Un ; > jr IJroid-
\vny. Frank Sn an.
" 171011 IlKN'T Larjio double oJlco ! over Frank
JL ? Lovln's cl .xr store , J : Jrj nd'.vay. Inqulro
of frank Levin
Ilclo\v we giu1 iiiiincs of a fc\vof the many
I'ntfons of llic
Gomieil Bnl !
InCouacll niuir > ) unit vlcln-ty. Vhu ch.r.icter
or tno patious numo I , ami the amuunt 0:1- :
trnstu'l by each to t le protection of the coin-
pany , Indicates the cinlUUmco eujojed by It at
homo whare Its nianaer of dolny buhiness Is
best know n ,
l.uney Uros. & Co . 37,0 XJ
Charles liaMKhn . M > , UJ : >
U. I'.AIorruv , ' . 3t',0-)0
John llonnutt . I' . , W
WlllUm D'UuUerun . f..OJ
Uhark'S . _ . 7.7UJ
N.W.N.isu . 7iV : )
I. A. iltller . IM0) )
( leer o A. Fry . O.iKiO
Henry Clsemau cV l/o . fj.ojl
Shiicnrt.WaltA ; Wle . y.COO
K. L. Simian ; . 4-fM (
Itoman C.itfiollc rtiurch . 4C,0)J
Ko'iiun Catholic Church , Wostphalln. . . . 40 , ( 3J
Carroll C.uuity Court liouso . ! i , J )
Abbott A ; I'oojier . Jil.'OO
Ht. KrancU Academy . 'MOjO
Crnver. Stucle .V Austin . ai.OK )
T. JI.C 1/ . 31.-03
Dcoro , Wells .V Co . 10'tXI
Cltoru' * M. Wllllitma . 11. ( l )
S. 1) . Kohles . HU ( )
I ) . It. Carnontir . o.'joo
MiiHonli- Temple . C.UU )
Metcalf Ilros . n.iKX )
C. A. lieolie Js Co . fi.KW
S.S. Keller .
NOTICI : When our pollcv oxoends j2'in
on property subject to destruction by a si
lire , thu oxcead is ro-Iusured In other companies.
In the city. Ollt edged opportunity to Imme
diate Investors and home coeKera.
301 e.irl St. . Council lllniru.
W. T. i ATTO.V , 'Prop.
Elegant Riffs rAt'Jlaasomiblo ' Ratos.
Noa. 10 and 21 , No 'th Main Street.
. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
HidesTallow,7SlSi , , Wool & Furs. .
Highest m orkut pflces * . Prompt roturna. Noa
iAlaud tU2 ilalu ut. , Council llluirH. Jowa
aSS , jSLjS
$ * & * $ * Sci
Sa&as o
S , '
35 & li ! j
si' ' sii < ! 9
.i -.1 T
I aj I o3
J i'Jsd1 ! 11. -
1a' 1 '
" "
D , ! . .
A. A. SI A JET. I r i .
Honest Wtitohea , Clocks , Jewelry nn I Sllvor
wnio. AH cl uniii ! { nnd rep\lnug under pr
1.00.11 Mip.'rvlslon of the uroprlDtor. Stationery
Toilet urtlcles nnd I'crfnnuTA Kino Wntslioa
Tluie Locks nud Olironaniuters a NpjclaUy.
110 MA IX ST. , Council Mints.
i Centrally located livery ntul boardlnp stable
Heat accommodutlous In the city. Special at-
I teutloa to trnualent custom.
W A. HAYS , Prop.
Tcleptionc Stablf , 77. lies. 820.
OViilI < nNDiU i : Ollilll AN
Are thoroughly prepare 1 to t.iku car of
nuil cnrrl ijios of all vl < lt > rs to tlio Into. I'lenty
of stipdis an 1 stalls , anil nulmals mil carriages
will bj safely cirrf.l for Uliarsos reasonablo.
Act oraniod.itlui ; hosth'rj on linnd nK'lit and
day. When yo i ilrlvu to tlio Lukn , don't forget
J. D. n. L. SiuKiAiir ,
1'rca. Vlco 1'ro a
CllR. . It. llAXKON. Cashier.
1'a d Up Capital . $ ir.0,003.01.
LKibllltk-s to Ociiosltosn. . ! 2\OW.J. ( )
DIUCCTUK- J. A. Miller. ' , . O. ( Jlcnson , 15. L.
Shnt'.u-t , K.I2. Hart , . ! 1 > . Kdrauudson. Clias. H.
llsnnon Transact Kcnural banking lU ! lneb .
LnrKOSt cipllal nnd mrplits or any bank In
Bouthwehtern Iowa. Interest on time deposits.
Corner Main and Droiulwar ,
Dealers In foreign r.nd domestic e\chin B.
Colk'ctloiib mido : au.l lutorost pild 311 tlmo da-
posits.teLooW Moths 'Desmestes
binw white Hakes. A produc
tion from Coal Tar. IMJHKBOrr.V HAHM-
IjEnS. 1'ree from oil , arid or any aubstanca
that would linnn the most dsllcato fabric or
feather. It evaporates without loivlDK any
realduo. It kill j moths while camphor merely
drives them uway.
H.B. . fiSKAZEK ,
Polo Agent , Council lilufTs.
'T ' THE EflBTH !
OH , NO !
But wo do want the pcoplo of Western
Iowa to Unow that the
NO. 100 MAIN HT. ,
Cqr. First Avenue , carry the hirpcst
stock of BOOTS mi a SIIOEd in this
city. Tlint wo always load In popular
pric23. Thnt pcrdons wautinc' reliable
ioods can aavo inonoy ly trading with
us. S. A. PIERCE.
Insure in tlio U. S. Masonic Itcnovolcnt
Association of Council Hind's , la. , the
} nuii cst , largest , cheapest aiiillicstplan
or Alitsonlc Insimiiiro In th world , that
eoiidiii'S its inenilierHliip to its fraternity.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over JauqucinliiN Jou'ulryStoro
The Most Modern Novolltla In
Invited and Welcome
While In the city do not fall to
call on the
store and see the finest and best
Music Hall on the Mo , slope.
Come and take a loolc at our
large stock of Pianos and Organs
and all kinds of musical instru
ments up stairs and down stairs
103 Main Street ,
, . , ' . vffiffib . '
imfiiiinfir I'ltf i ( i .i rlf.i in' -
Special Sale of Embroideries.
Special Sale of Ehiibroi clerecl Flouuoings .1
The finest line of Flouncings In the city. The prices g imrantocd
the lowest. Examine bargains marked DOc , OOc. 80c , $1.0O , $1.20
nd $1.00.
Special Sale of White Good ; ? .
Examine bargains marked Oc , O l-4c , 8c , lOc , 12 l-2c , lOc , 18a
22c and 2Bc.
Special Sale of Rucliings.
Examine bargains marked Be , lOc , 12 l-2c , 2Oc and 2Bc a y ard .
Also bargains in Tourist Ruchlng , 12 l-2c , IBc and 2Oc a box.
Special Sale of Children's Lace Caps.
Examine lots marked 12 I-2c , 2Bc , 3Sc , 37 l-2c , BOc and 7Bc.
Special Sale of Ladies' Collars.
Examine lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 2Bc.
Another case of the Celebrated Fast Buck Hose , IQc a pair ever
pair warranted or money refunded.
One case of the finest White Bed Spreads this city ever saw foi
the money. Full size and extra weight. The price is only $1.0O
worth $1.37. '
Strive to come early and receive a portion of the bargains.
Lieaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES.
401 Broadway , Coimeil Bluffs , Iowa.
N. B. Mall orders promptly atttended to.
S&sSljJ'A ' A 3 & /8r-
& O Om-inv - rimn ir TVrviT'iir
t. J.CADY , . .
HospitalforLame SIcK
Ilcmovod to
Main Bt ,
Candles ,
ffea I Estate & Loan Agents B'rosh
5o5ist.Ave.Bef.Mam Made
& pear/ / .
Bvory Day.
< Ss Butler ,
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators
Bpecldcntloniand itlmat i furnlnbod fcr complete itehm plitnti. ItcyuUtlcm. nurabllltr vuarantegl.
Can mow lettori from ! ' < ' " wliuru ( ual tcoauiu 1 fii l with Corll" Non-cuuileiulni ; .
E. C. HARRfS , Agent ,
Bend for catalogue. No. CIO Pourl SU-eot , CoiiuvH