NINETEENTH YEAR. IMPUDENT OLD RED CLOUD , Ho Orders thn Sioux Oommloalon to Leave the Reservation. YESTERDAY'S NEW DISCOVERY. American Home Stumps the Commis sion on the Question of Lines An Indian Lawyer Developed A Unit for "Warner. The Obstinate Pine PINT. HinaE , Juno 20 , ( via Kushvlllo } . [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnnul This has been the most successful council yet had with these people , nnd nt the same tlmo the most satisfactory , an It has developed ono of the most talented lawyers In the tribe , a man whoso shrewdness is a match for the ordinary white lawyer. H also revealed the further fact of the perfect nature of the three pa [ ts of the commission , which are ns perfectly fitted together for this work ns the metals In nn electric belt. All are necessary. This afternoon , nt the request of American Horse , the commission mot the Indians In council nnd conducted nn examination Into the merits of the present bill. After American Horse had asked some questions in relation to the Issue of oxen Instead of horses , ns re quested by them while In Washington re cently , and mentioned the map which showed the reservation colored in dark red , saying bo had lain awake many nights thinking about this matter , but still could not under stand It , Major Wnrnor addressed the coun cil firing somewhat of humor at them. Ho nlso explained the little box-shaped piece , which shows on the map as land belonging P to Nebraska , but which was included in the reservation to prevent the white men selling I whisky to the Indians. This brought out the question of lines , which again and again came up in the discussion. When Major Warner attempted nn explanation nation of this matter American Ilorso coolly informed htm bo though ho knew nothing at all nbout the matter. Ho asked General Creole what ho know about the matter , re ccivlng a reply that the ironcrnl know path- ing. The general further Informed them that ho had nsiccd the secretary of the interior to have the line surveyed , and when the line Is thus surveyed It will bo permanent. When the general spoke of surveying with nn in strument working by the stars American Horaa said ho guessed the stnrs jumped nbout a great deal when some lines wcro run. The misunderstanding about the line arises from the old agreement made at the tlmo of the treaty of 1808 , whereby the Indians were allowed hunting privileges south to the He- publican river , though the reservation line was then fixed as far north ns the Nebraska line. This right to hunt was relinquished later for $23,000 , ns mentioned by Hed Cloud the other day. American Horse spoke of the pleasures of meeting with friends nnd referred'to ' the adoption of Governor Foster into the tribe by the name of "Youug-Mnn-Proud-of-IIIs- Tail , and hoped ho would not soon desert them. Ho also took consideration of Major Warner , and informed him that there wcro many line horses here and boaatiful women , who would bo happy to ride out with him aim entertain him , so ho hoped they would bo in no hurry to leave soon , but would remain long enough to have this matter thoroughly discussed. Ho also asked them to telegraph to tbo great father and ask him to find some one who know about the line of the reserva tion. tion.This This was explained as unnecessary , to which American Horse said , ho was glad to know this commission wcro honest. When ho had asked the other commissioners to telegraph to the great father , they hud said : 'Yes I yes I" nnd then gouo away into a room and written out a dispatch which they brought bacit saying : "Thoro is what the great father says ; now do not bo afraid of anything here , for nothing shall mar the peace of this hour , was his assurance. " Governor Foster also spoke to them at length concerning thcir requests.nndpromis ing to use his influence to have them granted by the great father and also explained the conditions under which they took the signa tures of tlio squaw-men nnd half-breeds. The council took on the nature of a conversation , each ono speaking briefly , American Ilorso asking questions and making statements , quaintly Illustrated by natures own references , and the com' mission each taking turns answering qucs tions , Tito most perfect harmony existed throughout the proceedings , which only wcro adjourned when the gathering shades of evening made It necessary. TiiC disposition displayed In the meeting to know uU"a"o"CUt the matter Is n favorubis symptom , and a breakdown is looked for nbout Friday or Saturday ; when this comes tbo wok will soon be completed hero. Tlio Ilocnlcltrant Kodalcln. PINE Union , ( via Uushvillo ) Juno 20 , [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ! This morn Ing an opportunity was given these who so desired , to sign the rolls , and a few availed themselves of the opportunity thus offered them , but nothing compared to the rush at Rosebud on the second day of signing , The tlmo Is not yet quito up , and further explanaj tions are necessary. It will bo remembered that at Rosebud number of half-breeds wcro employed o g complete explanations and analysis of the bill nt private councils of the In dians. Here this has been largely lacking. With n view to this General Crook held a council with the white men and half-breeds , nt which means and measures were discussed and plans laid for officiant work among the Indians who are now In doubt. Red Cloud asked for n council with General - oral Crooic , from which ho desired oven the official stenographer bhould be excluded. This loft the corrcsnondenta on the fen en to looIc with longing eyes across the grcon , where an Immense concourse was in council with the general. At this council Red Cloud wcs the principal speaker. Ho persisted In in misinterpreting the treaty of 18CS , nnd said the government had refused to do as it bad agreed. Ho did not want anything to do with the commission. ' Continuing , ho grow very angry nud impertinent , ordering nil these who came with this commission to Icuva the reservation , and at once , too , General Crook called u halt nt this juncture nnd told Red Cloud some of the past parts of tils history with which ho was familiar. Ho also mentioned why ho issued the order to seize all of the Indian ponies and leave them afoot , because Rod Cloud would not lUtcn to reason , but declared his Intention of going on the warpath. The general also gava ether Instances of the duplicity of Rod Cloud-Jn the past transactions ho had with Mm , ana expressed his obvious desire In this case to obtain all the rewards. The council broke up by n suggestion of General Crook that these who desired should go to the agent's ofllco and sign , and others who were opposed should so state. This led to n regular stampede- Red Cloud's , Big Road's and Little Wounds' bands passing through the agent's oflicu in single tile to the number ot nearly four hundred , each ono do- during hlmuojf opposed to signing. A notable exception to the action of these Sioux is that of tlio Choyunncs , who held n council in the afternoon and decided to sign in a body. Tbcso Indians lira a much braver and moro Industrious cl.iss than the Sioux , General Crook gives them hlph prniso as soldiers and lighters and promises to glvo them ull the assistance In his power to accomplish the desire of their hearts tel l > o united on ono icsorvntlon with their people , who nro now , most of them , on the Tonuuo River reservation in Montana. At this tlmo there uro about three hun dred unuiOb signed to the rolls , and it is hoped a reaction will EOOU take place and tbo work b ? done wpiilly frcia this day on. POOH I'ltOIIIKITION. Ilhodo Islnnd HcponlR It hy a Vote or UH.U1) toO.Hr.II. PnovniBNCB , Juno 0. The fifth amend- mcnt to the constitution of Rhode Island ( the prohibition amendment ) was to-day re pealed by a vote of 0,409 moro than threo-flfths of the total vote necessary to carry the amendment , The total vote Is : Approve , CS.-U9 ; reject , 0,853. In 18SO , when the amendment was adopted the vote , which was nbout 14,000 smaller , stood : Approve , 15,118 ; reject , 11,230. The vote will bo officially counted on or bafora July 15 , and will bo an nounced by proclamation on or before July 20. " JjACHAN IIKSTUOVKI > . 1.20O Chinnmcii Killed nnd 1O.OOO IIOIIICU'HS. SHANGHAI , Juno 20. One-half of the Im portant city of Laclian , In the province of Szechucn , was recently destroyed by flro. The conflagration raged four days. It is es timated that 1,200 persons wcro killed. Most of thnm were crushed trying to escape in the narrow streets. Ten thousand persons are "lomolcss. The Nortlwestorn Snonjiorfest. MiNNnAvous , Juno 20. The Northwest ern Sangerfcst , a musical event which prom ises to bo the most successful festival in the history of the northwest , opened here this evening in the music hall ot the Exposition building. The hall has a seating capacity of 5,000. In the roar of the performers an 1m- menso sounding board has been constructed , nnd directly In front of this the singers will bo seated. In front of the lingers will bo stationed the orchestra and baud , nud still further forward will bo the principals. Over ono thousand trained voices will Join in the chorus. Delegations of vis itors and singing societies from Rock Island , 111. , Milwaukee. Freeport , 111. , Dubuque , la. , Chlcago.Davouport.Roekford , 111. , nnd many ether cities uro present. Gllmoro's famous band will form a prominent feature ot the festival. Among the prominent artists In attendance are the following of world-wido reputation : Campantui , tenor ; Dolpucntc. bnrltono ; Wbltnoy. basso ; DoDanltwardt , Mmo. Blanche Stone-Barton , soprano ; Miss " " ; lon Dudley-Campbell , contralto ; Signer idolpho Ferrari , pianist ; Signorinl Doverc soprano. Mr. MoMullln Spouks In Piece. CHICAGO , Juno 20. | Special Telegram to TUB Bne.J Vioo-Presidont McMullln , oftho Alton , declares the figures relative to Kan sas City shipments of hvo stock , sent out last night by Chairman Walkur , of the In- tor-'stato Commerce Railway association , to bo misleading. "Thoro is no use trying to obscure the main question , " said ho , to-day ; the controversy was on cattle nnd livestock of all kinds. Hero are the correct figures and they show our reason for withdrawing from the association. For the week previous to the decision of the executive board order ing the St. Paul to take no moro than two train loads of cattle a week from Kansas City , that road hauled sixty-eight cars. For tbo week following the decision , and when it was supposed to bo in full force and effect , the St. Panl hauled 128 curs. Now that the St. Paul is making a great display of the fact that- Is carrying no cattle , cuts no possible figure. Just bear in mind that the St. Paul only refused cattle shipments after the Alton \va ? out of the association. Wo have no thanks to offer any ono for the business wo are now doing. Our own agents get it for us in tbo open market. AVa have no hard feelings at all against the associa tion. Wo are out and Intend to stay out , hut hope the association will have a long and prosperous existence. " Tlie Northwestern Cut , CHICAGO , Juno 20. | Special Telegram to Tun BKE. ] The break In the northwestern rates is docketed for consideration by the Western Freight association for to-morrow mortung. Chairman Faithorn announces that a resolution will bo proposed that through rates on northwestern business bo advanced to the local basis. If adopted , this will make the through rate to St Paul the sum of the local to Chicago and from Chi catjo to St. Paul. Many of the roads favor this plan , as it will punish the trunk line roads , which control central trafllo roads , for pro-rating with the lake lines. It is hinted that the question may bo uostponcc until a week from to-day. If it is , the North ern Freight association , or its indivldunl members , will have largo-sized suits on their hands , brought by the Chicago Freight bu reau , charging discrimination against the Chicago merchants. .ornoll Commission. LONDON , Juno 20. At a mealing of the Pnrncll commission , to-day , Thomas P , O'Connor , member of parliament , stated that the turning point in tbo agrarian strug gle in Ireland * was the rejection of tbo compensation for Improvements bill. There upon tenants were compelled to combine in accordance with Parnoll's ' policy , which sub stituted constitutional agitation for revolution tion , and open for secret combination O'Connor denied that either the league or ho sympathized with crime. A Belligerent Mutter. BEIILIN , Juno 20. | Special Cablegram to Tun BEC.J The North German Gazette ac ruses Switzerland of promoting socialism. I says : "Had any great power practised sucl aU 'scs against another power as Swltzer Ian. has been guilty of , war would bavo re sulted. Neutrality becomes unnatural am untenable when an offensive disregard for the interests of a neighboring state is hold to bo Justifiable. A I'ourtcou-Yciir-OId Murderer. LONOTON , Out. , Juno 20. Last evening near this village , n boy named Davis , ngec fourteen , shot and instantly killed John Rohrer , aged twelve , against whom bo had a grudge. DaVis was arrested. Fined For Voting I'nuporj. INDIANAPOLIS , Juno 20. Hiram W. Miller ox-treasurer of Marlon county , and Smltl Williams , superintendent of the county poor asylum , indicted for voting Idlotio and Insane inmates of the county asylum at the his election , pleaded guilty before Judge Woods to-day. Miller , who ns election Inspector ii the precinct , disregarded challenges in re colvlug the votes of the unfortunates , wa lined Ji'iO , and Williams , who conspired will Miller to vote the paupers , was fined foO. A Court of Inquiry. WARHINOTON , Juno 20. Secretary Tracy has ordered a court of inquiry to investigate the circumstances connected with the grounding of Ujo Constellation. The court will meet In the Norfolk navy yard to morrow. Orolchtnn After u Pavlutr Contract DENVEU , Cole , Juno CO. [ Special Tolegrau to TUB BEB.J J. A. Croighton is hero bob- nobbing with the board of public works. It is surmised that ho is after a sllea of th paving , for which a quarter of a million is to bo expended soon. The Chicago Story Denied. BOSTON , Juno 20. Ttio Union Pacific oftl cmls here state they have no advices such as como from Chicago us to the throatonoi strlko on tholr lines. They state there I some trouble with their auKineurp , but that an early uOjustunmt of the dlQloulty u looked for. Trnylrs Won the Cup. LONDON , Juno 20. At Ascot to-day the race far the gold cup , valued nt 1,000 sovcr olgus , added to swcepstauei each , wu * won by Tray lea , DULL DAYS IN WASHINGTON , XTows Gatherers Take Advantage of the Dearth of Itoma. THE EXTRA SESSION ANXIETY. ; onircsBinnu H row no Will Interview the President About the Oc tober Humor Clnrksoii Explains. WASHINGTONBunEAU , THBOMATIA. Jus , 1 513 FOUHTKBHTU STUBRT , [ WABHINOTOX. D. C , . Juno 20 . The next few days promise to bo moro than usually dull In Washington. Tomorrow row morn Ing the president will leave for Capo May to spend Sunday with his family. Laior in the day several mcnibora ot the cabinet depart for their homes or the seashore - shore or mountains. .To-day a great many newspaper correspondents called on Secre tary Wlndoni nnd asked htm to say whether there is danger in "scoops" In important treasury appointments. Tlio secretary in formed each ono that It would bo perfectly safe to take a brief vacation , as It is not at all likely that there will bo any Important appointments during the next few days. The correspondents thnrefora went away happy and to-morrow morning 00 percent of all now In the city will accept the Invitation of the Pennsylvania railroad company to spend n few days at Crcsson Springs in the Allo- ghany mountains. This company makes it a practice to invite the nowspapbr men of Washington , Baltimore nnd Philadelphia to accept of its hospitality , and the trips tire extremely enjoyable. The party will start from Washington nt 8 o'clock to-morrow morning nnd will return on Monday evening. EXTHA SESSION ANXIETY. There is the utmost anxiety expressed among members of congress of both political parties to ascertain whether or not it is the intention of the president to call congress to another extra session in October. No satis factory information has thus far boon se cured from any reliable source on this point , Congressman Browne , of Indiana , is ono of the anxious ones , and bo has made up his mind to know if the probability of such a thing is possiblo. Consequently h'o will in terview the president on the subject as soon as tha latter returns from Capo May , and at that time It is likely that some general information mation will bo given out. A PEW WOBD3 BY CI.AllKSOK. To a caller who made some Inquiries of him , First Assistant Postmaster-General Clarkson to-day said , in a few words , what ought to open the eyes of his mugwumpiau critics. "It should bo remembered , " said ho. "that if President Cleveland had not appointed democrats in place of republicans there would bo very few democrats for the present administration to remove , in order to muko room for the republicans now being un pointed. There is another thing which is not generally known , and that is that nearly all the democratic postmasters who are now being removed are losing their places on the reports of inspectors upon the conduct of their ofllces. nnd in ulmost every instance the inspector who makes the report is a demo crat , for the very good reason that wo have very few republican inspectors to make reports. " Mr. Clarkson added that the men who are now going out have almost invariably served four years , and it seemed that the people , when they had had anything to say lately , had voted that four years was about the proper time for a federal oflleial to bold olllco. A FUETTY SCHEME "BUSTED. " It was reported at the postoftlco depart ment , to-day , that the action of the president in signiner the amendment to the civil service rules , which permits the reinstatement of ex- uniou soldiers and sailors who have been dis charged from the civil service , without ex amination , will result in the reappointment of fifteen or twenty postoftico inspectors wno were removed during the last administra tion. Chief Postoftlco Inspector Ruthbono said , to-day , that the service contains at present about ono hundred and forty demo crats to ton republicans. It will bo remem bered that the last administration applied the civil service rules to this branch of the government soon after nearly every republi can had been turned out. The design of this was , without doubt , to placate the mug wumps nnd prevent the return of disehargod republicans. The scheme was n very pretty ono , and if it had been allowed to stand there would have been precious few republicans on the force of inspectors until the present 140 democratic incumbents re sign or die. The clmiigo in tbo rules insures the appointment of some men at least whoso army records are as honorable as their civil records. It wilt result also in the appoint ment of men who are familiar with the duties of the positions which they will bo called upon to perform. The change will also huvo a decided effect in the appointment of clerks In the railway mall service and will prob ably remove the neccssitv for calling upon the commission for certified lists for some tlmo to come. It is estimated that it makes eligible for reappointment in this service be tween two and tlirco hundred ex-soldIcra who were dismissed solely because they were republicans. As the change Is dis cussed it meets with moro and moro ap- nroval , and it is only regretted that the ac tion was not taken sooner. IOW POSTMASTER. Tbo following fourth class postmasters for Iowa were appointed to-day : Mackoy , Boone county. H. C. Hill ; Meltonvillo , Worth county , G. H. Ovcrholt ; Hockford , Floyd county , Alexander McEbroy. WAITE'S AITBAL a u ANTED. The appeal of Fred G. Waite , transferee , from the decision of the general land office , requiring now publications nnd new proof in support of the pre-emption cash entry No. 22 0 , of the north H oftho northeast } { and the north X of the northwest } { of section 29,713 north , range lifl west , made May 29 , 1S84 , at the Grand Island land ofllco , Neb. , was decided , to-day , by Assistant Secretary Chandler , who holds that uow proof is not necessary , and that the entry should bo passed to patent. Pr.nitY S. HBATH. Tyson nn Trial for Murder. DENVEU , Colo. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEK. ] The trial of Henry Ty son , tbo Omaha man who killed John King bore on May S , lias been in urogrcst two days and will last the week out provided the ante mortem statement of King shall bo admlttod in evidence. A verdict of murder In the first dcgrco is deemed Inevitable. Two raoro murderers await trial. Nohrnskn nnd lown Pension1) . WASIIINOTON , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; BEK.J Psnuions granted Nebraskans kans : Original invalid William Lewis , Patrick II. Soole , William Hurley. Increase Ullison Street. Pensions issued to lowuns * Original in valid Henry Huff , Fred Stoddurd , Hufus 12. Honnctt , Albert Alexander , Joseph Hague , Emanucl Dann , John M. Gates , Thomas W. Brlce , Charles W. Heading , In. crease Archibald Roberts , Daniel Necomb , Patrick Noonnn. Charles Kerlo , Harain Arnold , Samuel P. Kelly , Adam S. Carper , Joslah F , Umbaugh , Joslah Sbotf , Hoissuo William S. Summorvillo , Jitnos 1C P. Bakor. Origidul widow , etc. Llnna A. , widow of Henry Coon fare. Denth of n Confederate Officer. WASHINGTON , . June 20. General A. O. Myers , late quartormastor-geaoral of the confederate ormy , died at his residence hero , this inornlnp , I'rootor Return * to Washington , WASHINGTON , Juno 20. Secretary Proctor has returned to Washington from his homo iu Vermont , and was in hit oQlce this moruj ' ' 1'AXIUOXIO SONQ'O'P AMUHIOA. The Articles of Tlu-1 Fnltli , With n IMcn For l-'nlr Consideration. WASHINGTON , Juno 20.At the session of ho national camp ot the order of Patriotic Sons of America , to-doy , Qcorgo P. Smith , of Illinois , was elected president for the ensuing - suing two years. Boston was chosen as the next place of mooting , In October , 1800. At the afternoon session the following was iroparod for the press ! To the press of America ; Invtowot the fact that the principles of this order nnd the objects of IU existence have been Incorrectly presented , and inasmuch as nn Incident con- icctcd with tlio presidential reception has jccn misrepresented , ihls national camp re quests n fair and Impartial consideration of our declaration of principles. Article 1. Next to love for the Creator , wo uollcvo patriotism is the highest nnd noblest affection of the human soul. Wo believe the institutions of no country are safe without patriotism , and that none will so Jealously 'iiard nnd protect them as those who nro born and raised under tholr influence. Wo believe wo have the best form of govern ment for the masses on the face of the earth. Article 2. For the welfare , prosperity nnd liberty of all American citizens nnd their de scendants , wo desire to protect our form of government , preserve It intact from the the influence of any foreign power by discrimi nating sentiments of loyalty and patriotism , nnd by establishing a fraternal feeling of de votion to our country amongst nil Americans. Wo hope to make It lufi > osslblo for any one to live under the protection of the "stars nnd stripes" who does not , honor < "and revere it , nnd who would not bo willing to glvo up his Ufa In defense of the principles of freedom and justice which it represents. Article a. Wo desire to sustain the purity of the ballot , and to have it intelligently nnd legitimately used. Article 4. Wo bollovo our system of frco public- schools is tbo bulwark of our liberty , and wo insist that they bo kept absolutely frco from all ecclesiastical and sectarian in fluences , nnd under the influence of local secular ofllcers elected by thn people. Article 5.Vo cordially welcome all these foreigners who como to tills country with the honest desire of becoming loyal Ameri can citizens , and who sincerely disavow nny and all allegiance to foreign potentates and governments , and who honor and revere our national flag. Article 0. Wo arc opposed to the occu pancy of nny part of our land by foreign speculators who do not wish to become cit izens , and wo bollovo all resources and priv ileges of this country should bo reserved for the exclusive use of its citizens , either native or naturalized. Article 7. Wo are in favor of crushing out those which are already hero , and of taking measures which will prohibit from entrance Into our parts in the future1 of that foreign clement which comes licrq to advocate com munism nnd nihilism ; and which does not identify itself with our country , and does not respect our flag. Article 8. Wo invite allnatlvoborn citizens who believe in their countVy and its institu tions , and who desire to nerpotuato free gov ernment , nnd who wish to' encourage proper feeling among Americans"to the end that wo may exalt our country , to join with us in this , our work of fellowship and love. Wo call the especial attention of these reporters who have styled us ns "Jfribw nothings" nnd "anti-Catholics , " to article 5 , and quote from our official expose , "Wo have no quarrel with nny man on account of satlonulity or relig ion , but wo wish to 'ni orfl equa" " justice to all American citi/ens. " The article from th t'address of our na tional president , so eatchsively-quoted , re quires no apology , and this order in national convention assembled unhesitatingly declares there is no room In this' republican govern ment for nny organization , under , whatsoever name , which advocates nnd practices murder and assassination , nnd wo believe every in telligent citizen , native or foreign born , who' has read the evidence presented to the core ner's jury , of Chicago , relative to thoCronln murder , lias felt this to bo true and that their existence Is a constant menace to our gov ernment. The badge Incident , so sensation ally characterized ns n "Burchardism , " is a misrepresentation. The reception , by the prcsiednt , was cordial and gratifying to the members of this order. SXniICE AT JOHNSTOWN. Many Mon QuitVorlc and a Riot is Feared. JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Juno CO. The strike among the laboring men here Is fairly on , and this morning there nro not a thousand men nil told at work. Those employed by McKnight , the Plttsburg contractor , are idle and dissatisfied , and tbo discord Is spreading to the other workmen. Overbear ing bosses and short rations , for which the men nro made to pay liberally , are the griev ances. The military nro on active duty this morning , and the local company of the Fifth regiment has been ordered out. While everything appears qulot on the surface , there is fear that the undercurrent of dis cord will break out at any time , and that a riot will follow. The committee appointed at a meeting of the striking laborers this morning reported tea a meeting held an hour later that all foreign workmen had quit worlc , but at the request of the strikers the local men continued work. Another meeting will bo hold to-day. Flvo bodies were recovered tills morning , among them being a mother and two chil dren. The children were locked in the mother's arms. Sixteen bodies were found to-day nnd many of them were immediately buried after being completely covered with oil. The stench is becoming daily moro sickening and. unbearable. Tbo Women's Christian Tom- cranco Union opened coffee stands for the purpose of giving hot toffee frco to laborers. The first clear day hero since the awful calamity found work among the ruins practically suspended , and upon the snmo ground where liuvoo was so recently wrought capital nnd labor nro wrestling in a bitter and tbrcatnmng contest , and the qulot , subdued feeling which prevailed since the flood is giving way to ono of unrest , discord and danger , As yet tboro has been no open outbreak , but repeated breaches of the ocaco occurred during the day , and to-night a frco flpht occurred In which ono man was probably family injured. All the idle men who can got intoxicated nro drinkIng - Ing to-night. It has boon announced to night that the strike , 'which began this morning , has been declared off , and a thous and moro men have boon paid and dis charged , but the dlsch'nrgdd man as yet re fuse to abandon the placp , and the authori ties have announced ttmt , all idlers must leave to-morrow , also tlio militia will bo called to drlvo them away. In such an event serious trouble U anticipated. Dr. Foster to-day starred a subscription for a monument to tbo ' 'unknown ' dead , " Help From Chailron , Not ) . JOHNSTOWN . Juno"20.T-A train , Pa.f - con sisting of eighteen freight cars , loaded with provisions of all kinds ; arrived at Johns town to-day from Chadron , Neb , Among other things the cars contained horses and carts. Mho roofs of the caw were full of citizens of the town , who have tendered tholr services to General Hastings. Tlio Hcduccd See Jlatefl. CHICAGO , Juno 20. The See line having re duced rates on all rail trafllo from tno sea board to St. Paul to the snmo rate iu effect as from the seaboard to Chicago , the St. Paul is placed on un equality with Chicago. The complaints of discrimination by Chicago shippers grow moro aggravated. The rail road ofllcials and shippers will hold meetings to-morrow to consider the mutter. a Creamery. Toi'EKA , Kan. , Juno 20 , [ Special Telegram to THK HEB , ] The Manhattan creamery has been closed and tbo sheriff has taken posses sion for the benefit of the stockholders , Su perintendent Douglass drew from the sev eral banka what money ho had and has dis appeared. The Indebtedness to farmers is about $12,000. A DETERMINED MURDERER , A Nobraakcra In Iowa Trloa to Kill a Family. THE LEAVITTS ARE ARRESTED. Crete its n , Cattle Market A Pnrson- Wrecked by Llithtiilng-- IIio tiloux Commissioners Crops mill Crime. Nlok Foloy'.s Illoorty AVork. EI.OIX , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Tologrnra to TUB Bnu.l Word was brought to town at an early hour this morning that Nick Poloy had shot Pomeroy Clark anil wife , killing Mrs. Clark Instantly anil slightly wounding her husband. Mr. Clurlt lives about tlirco miles north and 0110 mile onst of this jilace , nnd when the report ronchcd hero warrants were sworn out and placed In the hands ot the constable , who , In company with 11 doctor , started at once forMr. Clark's. ' It scorns that Foley was in love with Miss Enio Higgs , o slstor of Mrs. Clark , nnd 'tho ' young laa.v wished to have nothing to do with bun. His prospects In that direction wcro not very encouraging and ho became dcs- porato. Last night Foley wont to Clark's residence about 13 o'cloclc , and going up stairs shot Mr. Claik , inflicting a slight wound in his side. Mr. Clark grappled with him uud throw him out of the door. Foley then procured 11 ladder and clambered up to the chamber window. Mrs. Clark heard him at ibo window and. sitting up in bed , asked what was the matter. In reply she received a bullet in the head , instantly killing her. Folov than flred several moro shot < * at Clark and Miss Rlggs , who had hastened to the scene , but without any ollect. TUB UCK correspondent wont to the scene of the murder , but was uuublo to interview Clark on account of the iloctor's positive orders to the contrary. The coroner's Inquest was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon , and the evidence was as follows : Foley , who had been staying at Clark's off and on for several years , went to Clark's ' a few days ago and commenced to quarrel with Miss Rlgcs. Mrs. Clark Interfered , and attempted to "drive him away , but , Foley turned on her and commenced to curse her. Mrs. Clark then called her husband , who was at the barn , to coma and help them. Clark came to the house and ordered Foley to leave nnd not como back again. Foley left , swear ing ho would kill Henry Rlges , the young lady's father , before the week was out. Last night one of Clark's ' children became restive , and about II o'clock Clark arose and gave the child seine medicine. Ho went to oed and fell asleep at once. How long ho slept ho does not know , but thinks it was only n short time. Suddenly ha felt something strike him in the sid and ho sprag up in bed , exclaiming : "Who is striking inol" Mrs. Clark cried out : ' 'Some one shot you " Clark sprang out of the bed and ran into the adjoining room and heard some per son down stairs in his socking feet. Clark turned to the room and pulled the bed against oho door to prevent the assassin's re turn. About eighteen or twenty min utes eluprcd when Mrs/ Clark , who was sitting on the sldo of the bed next to a glass door in the ned chamber , heard a noise and said , "I hear some ono climbing UD to the window. " She then parted the curtain peered out , dodging back immediately , and again peeped , when a pistol flushed in her face and she dropped back dead , without a word. The assassin then turned his tiring on Miss Riggs , who was sitting in the oppo site corner of the room , and fired four shots at her without doing any damage. This ended the firing , and as ono of Clark's horses is gone , it is supposed the murderer took it and fled. As soon us the firing ceased Clark wont to the window and commenced to cry "Murdcrl" with all his might , in hopes of arousing some of his neighbors. None came , however , until daylight , when Henry Duvall was passing , and hearing his cries , went to investigate , finding Mrs. Clark deaden on the floor nnd Mr. Clark very badly wounded , the bullet striking a rib on the loft side , and passing througn the lower part of the lung , lodged in the buck. Duvall at once spread the alarm and posses were sent out in all directions to hnnt for the murderer. Tel egrams were sent all over the country. There was nothing heard from him until about 3 o'clock this afternoon , when a telegram was received from Erlckson , Wheeler county , saying that atninn answering the description clven had passed through there about an hour before they received the telegram from hero. The evidence against Foley is purely circumstan tial , but every ono seems to fool certain that he committed the deed , as ho had inudo nu merous throats to kill them all. The following is a good description of Foley : Twenty-six years old , dark complex ion , black oycs , deep dimple in the chin ; shaven smooth , except a stub of a moustache , weight about 100 pounds ; height , 5 foot S inches. Ho was riding a sorrel horso. The coroner adjourned the inquest until to-moriownt8 o'clock a. in. , when now evi dence will bo taken. On R Charge of Murder. GUESHAM , Neb. , Juno CO. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HER. ] The phoso of the ques tion which was generally given credence yesterday that the arrest of John Lonvitt and his wife was merely to remove them to a place of safety from violence that was feared might bo done , is to-day changed , and the real moaning of their arrest begins to bo realized. The deputy sheriff this morning issued a summons for the appearance at So ward of a number of persons to bo uaad as witnesses. On whattluory or circumstances the arrest is based dooslnot appear , perhaps , to none but the oftlccrs who nro adopts at keeping tholr own council. If they have any grounds for their belief , Uio examination will reveal it. Several newspaper representa tives visited the scene of the great double tragedy this afternoon. Tharo have boon comparatively few visitors to the plnco to day and it begins to take on its usual ovor.y day appearance. Two of the old people's sons and tlirco of tholr married daughters are tbo occupants of the house. Ono of tlio men constantly patrols his bca around the house and warns those who como to got a gllmpso of the place not to tie their horses to the trees , which have been already ruined by teams. The grass nil about the promises is trampled almost into the earth and the row of cottonwooil trees which lined ono sldo of the farm is robbed of Its bark for nearly half a mllo. Ttui GarnlHhro Imw. LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 20 , [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun HIM : . ] A case , that might bo called Intor-f > tnto garnishment , was com menced In the county court , this afternoon , and is decidedly a now phase of treating n much abused law. The case Is that of Fred Walter vs * Patrick W. O'Connor , to recover money obtained from him by the tarnlslico process in Iowa. Wultor sets up that ho was a resident of Caas county , and employed by the Burlington railroad company. Ho bad his wages garnlshoed by ono I ) . M. West , bo fora a justice of the peace , in Council Bluffs , for glU.CO on an account alleged to have been assigned to him by one P. W , O'Connor ' , also a resident of Nebraska. "Tnat by the laws of Iowa , a resident of Nebraska Is not entitled to the exemption from attachments and garnishment granted to heads of families , by the laws of Nebraska , and that in spite of the fact that the lallroad company made a showing before the court that Walters was the head of a family , his wages wcro garnished and tbo company paid it. , Walters uow bilngs suit to recover from O'Connor the amount of the claim and costs , amounting to I-37.00. This Iowa garnishment is an old and much used tnotbod of ovuaing the Nebraska law , exempting from aUacr.- mcnt nnd garnishment the property of the head of n family to n specified amount. It Is extensively practiced by merchants , Ih splto of the fnot that thnru Is n law expressly for bidding the assignment of such claims to for eign parties. llurjjlnry In A linml ! , ' ASIILAND , Neb. , Juno W.-Specinl [ Tele gram to TUB Bun. ] Last Friday nlaht , the Imrdwaro store of Utodgott & LUdwig was burglnrhcd. About ? 1CT > worth of knlvos nnd revolvers wore stolen. Ono hundred nnd six knives nnd about n dozen revolvers wore found by Commissioner Parks under the approach of the bridge on Main street , The place was watched till last night , when two men were discovered searching for the ; oods. Ono who g.wo hla nnino as DoWttt Ganger was captured. Ho said ho was hunt ing for n button hook. After a trial before Justice Travico ho was bound over to the district court. Being unnblo to give- ball , which was fixed at $ J50 , ho was taken to Wahoo for snfo keeping. Grnml Island SowornRp. GUAND ISLAND. Nob. , Juno CO. [ Special Telegram to TUB Uii.l : : The bids for the contract of laying the sewers wcro opened by the city council to-night. Bids were re ceived from Bluckmnr & Post , Phlllius & Stanley , Lauledo Flro Brick Manufacturing company , George S. Miller , Ulobo Sewer Pipe company , Uaclno Cement & Pipe , Monmouth - mouth Mining & Manufacturing company , W. K. Mercer , Hlloy & Ponllcld , Doyle & Parrcll , C. J. Kascn , nnd Shaw , of Kansas City. The contract will bo awarded tomorrow row night. _ Pnwitco City Waterworks. PAWNKH CITV , Neb. , Juno 20. Special to TUB Bi.c. ] At u special mooting of the city council , last night , the contract for building the waterworks was taken away from the contractor , Charles Schroedcr , and the city will now proceed to build thorn. This action was taken Jjy the earnest solicitation of the citizens , as they claim their patience has long since been exhausted by the negligence of the contractor to finish the works , which liavo been in building for about two years. Committed Suicide. DAKOTA CITY , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Tel egram to THE BKE. | Huns P. Knudsoh , of Jackson , n brotbcr-ln-law of John Sovnrson , the famous Jackson murderer , died last night Irom the cltccts of a dose of pans Trccn , administered by himself with suicidal intent. Ho was lodged in Jail at this place , last week , on tbo ckurgo of insimity , and was thought to bu Buffering from some mental strain when the deed was committed. Ho liad been a hard drinker for several years. Curtis Board of Trade. Cuims. Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to THE HEB. ] The Curtis board of tradohas elected the following members delegates to attend the state convention of the boards on the ! > 0tn : S. U. Kazoo , M. IX. A. M . Jensen , A. H. Crusecn , It. M. Hoggs , jr. , and George H. Vaughan. Crcto Cattle Operations. CHBTE , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to TUB Bnn.l The second pataco stock car train from this city , stalled for Chicago yesterday morning at 10 o'clock via the Missouri Pa cific. The train consisted of fourtcen.cors of corn-fed cattle , raid will make the run In twenty-four hours. Two car loads of horses , for Illinois , left also via the 13. & M. There have been heavy shipments of horses this season from hero and the surrounding coun try. Several buyers from the far cast are now in the market here , picking up all the desirable pieces of horseflesh. As a grain. cattle , hog and horse market this part of the south Platte can not bo excelled. A Railroad For Beatrice. BIUTHICE , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Articles of incorporation were filed to-day with the county clerk , of the Kansas City & Beatrice railroad com pany ; incorporators : Newman Erb , C. F. Brotherton , JClias Summerlleld , A. L. Apple white and C. A. Jowott. The stock Is 10,000 shares of ? 100 each. The principal place of business will bb Beatrice. The dl- rectors.aro N. Erb , E. Summerpeld , C. F. Brotherton , W. P. Dunavant. W. D. Bethel , L. A. Applewhite , Samuel Rinr kor , nnd the officers , W. P , Dunavuut , president : E. Sum- morfleld , treasurer ; C. H. Trimble , secre tary. Normnl School Commencement. PEHU , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to THK BEE. ] The commencement exercises of the Stnto Normal school took place yesterday. Tin. chapel was crowded to its utmost capac ity , there being many not paining entrance. The graduates are Anna Ord. Emma Lisco , EtlitU Clark , Bertha Blooinmgdnlo , Isabel Lisco , H.V , Bouton , John Orton nnd Ed ward Alford. All of them delivered their orations in a very -creditable mdnner. Messrs. Kennedy , Spencer , Laiannd _ Howo. members of the board of eUci'itlor. , were present , and expressed themselves as V"sll pleased. , The Trial of Cnrson. BBATHICE , Neb. , June 20.- [ Special Tele gram to THE BEK.I The case of William Carson , for the murder of Chauncoy F.West , at a negro dance , May IS , in this city , began In the district court to-day bcforn Judge Broody. County Attorney Dobbs and It. W. Snbin will prosecute ; Alfred Hulzott and K. S. Bibb appear for tho. defense. The court room was crowded. Tiio easa will probably last several days. Ijexliifjton'H rjntcrprise. LKXINQION , Nob. , Juno iiO. [ Special to TUB BEE. " ] A petition praying the city coun cil to submit a proposition to the voters to bond the clly for waterworks is being circu lated to-day , and is meeting with indorse ment from nearly every resident of the city. A largo number of flno dwelling houses are now being erected In the city , and u scheme for building a flno $2,500 , hotel is assuming tangible shape , A Mill on Fire. HOOPER , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special to THE BEE. j About 2 o'clock this morning the coal house attached to the largo steam flouring mill of Briggs & Uohliug was found to bo on lire. The mill wna built flro proof , but the Intense- heat set lire to the walls Inside the Iron sheeting. The lion siding was torn off to get at It and it wan put out without much dumago to the mill building. Grttlni ; ICendy for tlio Commission. Nioii'UitA , Neb , , Juno 20. [ Special to THE BEB.I Agent Hill , of the Suntco agency , has gone up to Swift Hour's camp , located about fitly miles ubovo here , to have them at Santue agency ready for the Sioux commis sion , The commission will visit Santco agency after they get through with Pine nidge. The.PriiiHlons . ISonrd. C'OLUHnus , TTob. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram gram to Tim BEE. ] Dr. F. J. Scuuij received his commission , to-day , as ono of tlio exam ining burgeons on the United States pension board , The board no/ stands Evans , Martyr and Schujf. Sent to thn I'en. GRIND ISLAND , Neb , , Juno CO , [ Special Telegram to THE Hsi : , ] In the district court to-day , Charles W. Tracy , alias "Indian Charles , " was noiitericod to three yuan in the pen for blowing a sufo. County Court JloiiHo Honda. BEtTiucn , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Tolo ram to TJIB Bin.l : The official count to- ยง ay , of the ? 1WKX ( ) court house bonds elec tion , fives n majority of only ll'J iu favor of their issuo. iu Knox Comity , HIODIUIU , Nob. , June 20. [ Special to Tnij BUB. ] Plentiful rains In this vicinity for tbo past two weeks have assured all crops , Ttio pi t two uijjuts have boon rainy , IE CARON TOE BRITISH SPY. Hanoook Peat of the Grand Armj Looks Up His Record. WAS- DISMISSED IN DISGRACEi The BInii Wild * Joined the Army Secret SmilctioM to Betray Them No Fcni'H That Ho Will Appeal. Court-iunrtl.illnc n Scoundrel. CitifAoo , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BKB. ] Lo Caron , the British spy , was to-nlghrtrled by his comrades In Winflelil Hancock Post , No. SCO , G. A. H. , and sum marily dismissed from the Grand Army of the Republic. The charges against him were that ho wni untvorthvof being n comrade of tlio ether members , nnd the trial was brought about by his testimony given in the Pnrnoll case. Added to this is a story of peculiar interest ns to his identification by the members of the wst , nnd which points to the fact Unit La Caron not only spent his tlmo in America In ictlng as a spy against the Irish revolution ists , but also joined the United Slates army , and the O. A. R. for the purpose of giving information to the British government , About two years ago nn Irishman of this city brought Lo Caron to Lieutenant of Do- : cctivos George Hulntzmnn , nnd introduced .ho two ; Lo Caron had joined Post COO some .lino . before. Ilemtzmmi.wlio was major of tha 2lghty-second regiment , Illinois volunteers , ins great influence iu Grand Army circlca nnd is also a member of Post 500. At the tlmo of the Introduction , Major Heiutzmim mid no attention to Lo Caron , and the mat- .or passed out ot his mind. The dtiy after Lo Caron gave his testimony in the Parnell nqulry , the Irishman to Major Hcmtz- man in a most excited frame of mind. Ho asked the major if he remembered Lo Caron , to whom ho introduced him , The major re- illed that ho did not. The Irishman then de nounced Lo Caron In most vigorous terms mil declared that If ho had known the In former's true chat actor ho would never have ntroducod him or have boon seen with aim in Grand Army circles. It happened Lhat in a room adjoining that where the con versation took place was the Hov. Father Dunne , of Joltet , Will Cowl and a brother of Dr. Dunn , formerly city physician of Chi cago. When the Irishman left the major iskod Father Dunne what he thought of that yarn. The latter said : "It Is true , every word of it. Ho is the same man who baa xmfcssed to being an English spy. Ho and ills family are my parishioners. " An Investigation was immediately started. Lo Caron's papers , on which ho got into the post , wore examined. It was found that ho was a private in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Infantry during the war and rose to the rank er lieutenant in n colored infantry icgiuient. His history in Braidwood , Will county. 111. , where ho kept a drug store , WHS looked into. [ t was found that ho simply noted as n soy on the actions of the miners in that section , , who wcro members of tbo I. It. B. Then his Chicago record was looked up , and Lhe inference was made that his object 'Iu , joining the G. A , It. was to spy into the ue- crets of that order , nnd especially to look after the Irish members of it. When these facts wcro learned Father Dunne procured u photograph of Lo Caron , This was exhibited to all tlio members of the post. It was immediately recognized. A. notice of the intended proceedings was sent to Lo C.iron , but no reply has boon recoived. A court martial was ordered. The court. mot to-night , and after duly considering the ovideiico , Le Caron , alias Beach , was dis missed in disgrace. Ho has u chauco to ap peal to James S. Martin , department com mander of Illinois , and if this fulls ho can take QUO to William Wurnor. of Kansas City , Mo. , commamler-in-chlof. Hancock post has no fear of an appeal. B1OU13 YK JACK. Two Cases Brought to Brooklyn by a I'aolllo HI nil Stcnmsliin. NEW YOKK , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BIE. ] Dr. U. A. H. Duncan , of the Pacific Mail steamship Colon , was last night placed in quarantine. He is very sick with yellow lover. The nature of his disease was not known until last night and the health ofllcers have little tear of the disease spreading owing to the precautions taken , although Duncan rode to the house from the boat while sick iu a horse cur. The physi cian who attended him also cared for other patients. The physician has been arrested , for failing to comply with the quarantine laws. The Brooklyn board of health nnd the liicol'lyn newspapers blame the Now York hdu'tU ofi'.eor's attempt to stifle knowl edge of another yellow fovcr case on the Colon , that of a young Is-Jy Who was re moved from the ship to the Wfndsor hutcj , nnd who shortly afterward diod. It is a ! a claimed that there was a mysterious death nnd speedy at sea on the Colon. The agent of the steamship line saytt ho don't believe - liovo Duncan has yellow ftiver. Ho admits there was a young lady on board sick , but says she had Chagrcs fever only , and that la not contagious. The man who * died on board was a waiter who bad boon suffering a long time from kidney disease. Under the direc tion of the board of health , the Colon is being - ing thoroughly fumigated. THK II/WMKN / TltOUDhEH. Hippolyto Htill JMnrcliliiK on to Knsy Victory. NEW YOKK , Juno 30 , The advices received to-day by the steamer Suglnaw from Capo Haytl , under date of Juno C , report the con tinued success of Hlppolyto , leader of the northarn forces , and tlio continued defections from Loci times forces. Several of the lat- tor's ' best o fllccrs have been captured. It U claimed not a single place in any of the tlirco departments of the north is now occupied by Lcgitlmo's forces , At Port-au-Princo it is stated the archbishop and other friends of Lcgltimo begged him to leave the country , BO as to insure peace , but ho refused. The foreign merchants in the city are anxious , owing to the rumors that they are liable to bo banished because cousldored friendly to the north. Cornell's Athlntlo 1'rofH. 'Jluinlllatccl. ITHAOA/N. Y , , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BBC. ] Two wcoiis ago ono of the society basa ball nines challenged tlio uni versity faculty to play a ball giimo on the Campus and wcro bcaton by u score of 83 to C. A rumor was circulated that the boya wcro afraid to beat the professors for fear there would bo retaliation and .tlfeir term mr.rkR would rmJTor. When the faculty nine , emboldened by their success , challenged the regular university nine , the latter laid low and prepared to "alt down" on the pompous professoni. The picnic- came oft yesterday afternoon with the studontu as masters and the professors wcro walloped BO unmerci fully , that oven the street arubs pointed their fingers with scorn at the learned dig nitaries and Bald , "Uooh. they are nothing but profs. " _ Kicnmalilp Arrivals. At Southampton The British steamnr Co lumbia , Capo Uurrlck , at Avoiimouth , from Now York , lost twouty-tlirco heed of cattjo on the passage. At Liverpool The Peruvian , from Built * moro. Tlio Weather Indications. For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Fair , rllghtly v.'armor , preceded by light rain nuO cooler la Iowa , northwesterly whuln. For Dakota ; Fair , allxUUj" ufccacr , p Kk- westerly winds.