THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEPNES&AY , JUNE 19 , 1880.H9IXTEBN PAGES. IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Operators Closely Watching the Weather Bulletins. WHEAT YESTERDAY TOOK A DROP Corn Up n Fraction Onts Hold nt About tlio Former Day's 1'rlccs i'rovlfllons Lower mill Cnttlo Dull. OHIOAGO PRODUCE MARKETS. CHICAGO , Juno 18. [ Special Telegram to Tun HEC , ] Operations In wheat nro now being governed very largely by the weather conditions and prospects. It Is essentially a "weather market. " The general heavy rains through the Ohio valley , anil In the south west , Influenced the trade hulllshly around the opening , hut as tlicso rains wcro shown to have extended to Dakota and Minnesota , where the weather Is reported to bo showery , this bullish sontlmout was subsequently modified to an appreciable extent , and values developed less buoyancy. The railroad news bureaus continue to mnko the most of the rain in the northwest , and of the promises of moro rain , but the burdcu of Information emanating from private sources Is that , ns yet , very llttlo rain has fallen and that vastly moro Is needed , right away , to save the crops from very serious damage. Many correspondents ndvlso that the crops in largo nrcas hnvo already been injured beyond ro- palr , and that , at best , the production will bo far below the average. Thl sort of news has been pouring In steadily for ten dnya or two weeks , and It has produced a deep Impression on trado. On the other hand it docs not seem to bo generally thought that the rains In the winter wheat country have , as yet. done anything worse than In terfere with the harvest by retarding work and delaying the ripening of the grain to a measurable extent. That wheat is , as yet , seriously ondaugorod , is not supposed to bo true , and a few bright days would undoubt edly very materially change the aspect of things. Clearing weather is what winter ivhent farmers nro now praying for. It must bo confessed that the weather map docs not , nt this writing , promise much In that direc tion. The market opened just about where it loft oft yesterday , with Juno quoted at S0c , July at 78c , September nt 75 > c , and December at 77c. The quickest action was In July , which "pigged back" to 7S,1 @ 7Stfc , cud then started on up grade , work- Ins Mp to 7878 { c. Hutchinson lielpcd the movement along. But at the tor bo turned seller and acted on that sldo until the market got to 78 } c. At this point hla brokers were reinforced by Cudahy's , and bj the general crowd. The prlco dropped of ) very quickly uud easily to 77J c , and , after J o recovery , to 77 > o. Hutchinson was n good buyer from "So down to TTJ c. At 7 % @ 77c the miscellaneous buying by the conv mission merchants gave the market an up- poaranco of stroneth , and it quickly advanced to 78c. Here the "yappors" took hold anc lifted the price to 78c , when Hutchmsor. took another scalp , letting the crowd have the property ho had bought under 78c , About this tlmo a fresh grist of rain news came In from the northwest ; light rains were represented to bo general throughout , practically , the whole states of Dakota and Minnesota , aud several parties hastened to cdd : "Crops uro now looking splendid. ' These swift and willing witnesses wort not nil railroad "peoplo this tlmo a circumstance which was remarked by manj who had been waiting for tlio conflrmatlor of the railroad reports before arriving at i conclusion as to the actual situation. Tin markcttook on a heaviness of tone during the last half hour , and July got down arouiu 78c , and bung there , with only a modorati business passing. September wheat rangoc 7475c , and closed nt 75)c. Deccmbei runted from 77o down to 70)s'c ) , rccovorinf fractionally , soiling off again , and closing of at 70J e As compared with yesterday clos ings these show an average shrinkage o : about Jfo- Juno wheat loft oft at 80o , ani 'Iho llrmness characteristic of corn wni maintained to the close , though llnal price : were somewhat under the highest of the day a gain of J o over yesterday's closing figure : wus the final outcome of the day's b usinass Outs were dull but firm. The receipt were considerably larger than expected wit ! liberal estimates for to-moi-'ow , but tbi speculative offerings of near futures wen not great , and the Htrennth in corn oxtondei In a degree to oats. Plenty of Mny oats wen offered , lit ilgures around 2Cc , but the bid were usually below that. July sold up t 22 @ 22J c- and September to 22 > c , whll June uud cash lots were dull , with No. 3 res ular about 22 @ ; > /c. The withdrawal from store wore again largo , conslsiiii ) . . chiefly of No. 3 white. It Provisions were slow and without specla Ij feature. The old leaders loft the trade t take its own course , and as the outside spec . ulatlvo orders were limited , there was no In I „ , duccmunt for the regular pit frequenters t * ' do moro than an occasional sealp to help th day along. The fluctuations were also con fined to a small range aud when coiiiuaro with yesterday's llnal prices the closhi ] showed no change of importance. In per the day's ' business rested on a decline c from 2 > jc to 5c , and in lard 2 o of Short riba were unchanged to 2 > c lowei The monthly carrying charges wcro 7' < jC t lOo in pork , and 5o to lO o In lard and shot ribs , CHICAGO lilVE 810011 MARICEJ CHICAGO. Juno 18. [ Special Telegram t Tiic HBC.I CATH.B. About 0,500 native : D,5CO Tcxans , und SCO "silllors" made up t < flay's receipts. The native cattle marke dcspito the meagre supply , ruled unusuall slow , nud it was late In the day before th salesmen could And an outlet , oven at a coi cession of ten cents. The eastern inarkci were again reported in very bad shape , wit a supply luncr than the demand , Buyci wcro tltnld , and the volume of business t email us to cut no figtivo in the market. Tl : dressed beef mon were about the only outli tellers could find , and they only wantc something handy In light and smooth , and i m quality , in the way of natives. Natlv cows dragged at weak prices ; old "straw nud "shelly" grades xvoro well nigh impoi slblo of sale , The Texas branch of the uia ifot was nlso too heavily supplied for tl day's demand , aud sellers mot with consldo able dlfllculty in effecting sales at flvo at : ten cents decline. There wns nothing no In the stockcr and feeder lino. Cholco ' extra beeves , $4.25@4 CO ; medium to gee Btoers , 1,850 to 1,600 pounds. $3.Sfl@4.30:1.3 : to I.IBO pounds. $3.7r-fU5 ( ; 950 to 1,0 pound ? , $3.40f(3.90 ( ; stockers nnd feeders , u changed at $2.4l' < j$3.00 ; cows , bulls at mixed , $1.50@3,00 ; bulk , $3.20 ( 3.CO ; slop-f ( stccM , (3.85(141.15 ; Texas ciittlo stond ; Btoort , V5U to J.dMl pounds , ? 3SOy.40j 730' IKW pounds , $2.CO8.00 ; GOO to 700 pound I2.ROG3.05 ; cows , $1.75@3.80. Hoas A few loads of cholco heavy ur peed mixed soldnt the start , about Co hijjho but the general mnrkct IIDII no "edge , " nt ; prices soon slumped back into yesterday notch , The receipts proved qulto moderat but ovulontly were fully equal to the d mand , Inasmuch ns no class of buyers dove oped anything like liberal orders. HI rouL'ti , common packing hogs fold as low i $4,10 ; good to cholco packing- and shlpnli brought $4.SC@i.25. nnd nrlnto. shaped-u lievy shlniihiK qualities , fl.Q7 > ( ul 1.30. Son very flue butchuru' pigs mudo $ t.U3. Mlxc linun solil from SU. * > JtIn * i < m * fn n trr \i \ _ _ , ' . iilO poundsllown , and $1.45-.50 ! for such s M lections as ura clnscud as Yorltors ; funi " $4.63. FINANClAIj. NEW YOUK , June 17. ( Special Tclegra ( o-TNi Bex. ] STOOIU , The stock morb started slow to-day , and the animation of yesterday had , apparently , died out. The encouraging fctuuro was the strength which remained. Now England continued to show tlio most activity. Of the others the most actlvo wcro Atchison , St. Paul nnd some of the trusts. When the first prices were recorded they gave gains over the close of last night of } { to % per cent. This was fol- fowod by a flrm market , on which further slight gains were siado. The exceptions wcro bolter gains ot % per cent In Oregon Railway nnd Navigation , nnd Now England , the former touching par , and the latter 52 } . Lackawana also gained yt per cent. The bulge in Now England brought out much stock , nnd the result wns a decline to 51Jff , with n slight yielding from the best prices throughout the list. Heading was weak from tlio start and lost % per cent the flrst hour. During the hour to 13 o'clock , Sugar trusts became very active , and strong , mov ing up nearly two points to 11 IJf. There was no other significant change ; nnd , at noon , prices were a shade bettor , on tbo whole , than nt the opening. The weak fool ing In stocks , nt noon , gave way to a much firmer tone later In the day. The origin of the strength was mainly with the Coal stocks. Business In the coal regions Is proving exceptionally good. Lpckawanna took the lead , and moved up nearly three points to 148 , the best point for years. The granger stocks responded to the better feel ing before the close , when there was n gen eral ndvanco throughout the list. The gains for the day were : Oregon Navigation , 2 per cent to 100 ; Transcontinental , l to33K ; Jersey Central , \ % to 113 % ; Louisville , ? jf to 7W ; Lalto Shore , X to 100. ; Now England , # to53 ; Atchison , % to 40J < ; Burlington , K to 103V ; Northwestern , % to 110 % ; Rock Island , K to OW ; Su Paul , } g to 72 ; ; Mis- lourl Pacific , # to 70 ; Union Pacific , % to 53 ; Lackawanna , 2 to 147 % ; Sugar trusts , Jtf to llljtf ; Chicago Gas trust closed weak , nd lower nt CS tf. The following were the closing quotations : U. 8. 4s regular. 123i { Northurn 1'ncluc. . 296 ! U. B. 4s coupona..l9i ! dopreforrod C7',4 U.S. 4 Us regular. . . lOOy 0. &N. W 110J ? " 1. 8.4H coupons. . lOfly do preferred H1K 'aoluctlsot M3 . 118 N.Y.Contral 108 ontral I'aclllu . Wi \ I'.D.&K 1 $ Hoc'i Island U7H Chicago , Burlington C..M.&St.l 72'i iVQumoy . 101 do preferred 113i ! D..L.&W. . H7 SU'nulJtOmaha. . 8r.y UQolsContral . Ill doprororrod OT i. , U. & W. . . UK Union lUclllo KJ ? vansas&Toxas. . . , 10 ? \V..8t. t. & V 15'4 .nkoShoro . JWi ) doproforrod. . . . . . 3lJ | .llchlgnu . Central. . 90 WcstornUnion b7H iIlsBourll'aclllc. . . . 7 U MOSEY Easy , at 22K- PniME MEIIOANTILE I'Ai'Eit 3J ® 3X per ient. RTKIILTNO EXCHANGE Dull but steady ; Ixty-day bills , $4.87 ; demand , 1-UODUOI3 MAUKf3TS. CnicAoo , Juno 18. 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat Easy ; cash , SO c ; July,7S@78 c ; Decem- ior , 70 c. Corn Steady ; cash , 84J c ; July , 34 } < iO ; September , 3J ? c. Oats Steady ; cash , 22 c ; July , 22 1-HGc ; September , 22 > c. Rye Cash 8o@30J4c- Barley Nothing doing. Prime Timothy SliSO. Flax 81.53. Whisky fl.03. Pork Firmer ; cash$11.CO ; July , $11.C2J ; : optomber , 811.80. Lard Eaiy ; cash. $0.50 ; July , S0.50 ; September $ ( J.7l0.73) ) . Flour Finn us recently quoted ; wln- or wheat , S'J@4.oO ; soring wheat , $1.30 ® ; .50 ; rye , $2.43.CO. ! Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12K@J-23 ; short clear , SO.12X@fl.25 ; short , ribs , $3.75 Butter Firmer ; creamery , 12 100 ; dairy , ! @ 14o. Cheese Firm ; full crerxm Cheddars 8 } SSKc ; flats , 7@Sc ; Young Americas , & } ( & ike. ike.Eges Steady ; fresh , 10@12o. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green salted , 5tfc ; salted dull , 4J c ; green salted calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7@3c ; deacons , 2jo each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4o ; No. 2 , 3 > fc ; cake , 4c. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour 10.0JO 7,000 Wheat 0,000 14,000 Corn 314,000 101.000 Oats 199,000 104,000 Now York. June IS. Wheat Receipts , 20,000 ; exports , 40,000 ; spot dull , unsettled and lowrir ; No. 2 red , b2J @S3c jn store ; S4J < @S4Jc afloat ; 84@S5' ' o f. o. b. ; JNo. 3 led , 77o : ungraded red , 82K@84J o ; op tions lower ; July. 82J < @S3e. Corn RuculptB , IBD.OOl ) ; exports. 113,000 ; suet uctlvo but lirm ; No. 2 , 40 > @ 40Jic in elevator ; 42' ( t42tfo ; afloat ; tmgradod mixed , 41@42kti ; ; options firmer but quiet ; July , 4ljfo. Oats Keccipts , 137,000 ; exports. 1,000 ; spot steady but moro active ; options quiet but firmer ; Juno , 28 } c ; July , 2S.1)fc ) ; snot No. 3 white , 84c ; mixed western , 2580c. Coffee Ootlons firm nnd 10 to 21) ) points downsales ; , 142,750bags ; Juno.S14.50@14.00 ; July , S14.50@l4.7u ; spotRio dull ; fair cargoes , $17.87 > < f. Petroleum Steady but quiet ; United closed at SS fc. Eire * Higher ; western , 14J < L Pork Moro uctlvo at Sia.UOa 13.25. Lard Qjlot and weak ; western steam , $ C.S3 } < ; July , S9.80. Butter Quiet but fairly active ; western , Cheosb Quiet and easlor ; western , KnnsnB City , Juno 18. Wheat- Quiet ; No. 3 red , cash , 73c asked : July , COc bid ; No. 2 toft , cash , 75o asked ; August O.'cbid. Corn Stoaiiy : No. 3 , cash , 20o bid ; No 3 white , cash , S8o ! bid. Oats No. 2 cash , -Oc asked. Wverpool , Juno 18. Wheat Stead j and demand fair ; holders offer moderately Corn Steady and demand fair ; no\\ mixed wi.-Htoru , 3s 8 } < fd per cental , niiinnL ai < > U > > , Juno IS. Wheat Sampli wheat lower ; receipts , 159 cars ; shipments 80 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , June ant Juh97c ; on track , 93o ; No. 1 northern Juno and July , 00e ; on truck , 92@94c ; No 2 northern , June and July , SUfc ; on track 82 ® Sic. Milwaukee. Juno IS. Wheat Easy cash and July , 74Jffo. Com Steady ; No. 8 , 84 > a5. / . Outs Dull ; No. 2 , white , 27@27 } < A llyo Quiet : No. 1 , 42o. Barley Dull. No. S , C0@51o. Provision Steady ; pork , $11.00. Cincinnati , Juno 13. Wheat Dull No. 2 rod , 87c. Corn Scarce ; No , 3 mixed , 20@30 > c. Outs-Weaker ; No.2 mixed , 25 WhisUy-Stoady at $1.03. liIVH STOQIC. Oliloaco , Juna 18. The Drovora1 Journal reports ns follows : Uuttlo Receipts , 8,500 ; market slow am weak ; beeves , $4.25C < g4.GO ; steers. $3.40c ( 410 ! ; stockcrs nnd foodcra , $3.40@3.CO ; cows 'bulls ' and mixed , $1.50 ( X00 ; Toxau cattle Sl.75 3.00. IJoKfl Receipts , 15,000 ; market steady mixed , $1.15 4.40 ; heavy , SUO@1.80 ; light f l.5C < x4.CU ; bulk , W.40@-U0. Slieop Uocclptn. 4.0UJ ; market steady t weak ; natives , S3.7504.75 ; western. $3.30 ( < 4.10 : Texaiis , 8J.75C'i4.10 ; lambs , $3.2o@3. & p r head , Knnsns Oltv , Juno 18. Cattle Re celpto , 0,200 ; shipments , 9JU ; market wen ] and lower ; common to choice corn fed steers $3.25 { < $4.U5 ; stackers nnd feeders steady a $ J.OIJ 3.8U ; cows steady nt $1.75@3.00. Hogs Receipts , 8.8UO ; Bhlpmcnts , 833 market otroiiEactlvo nnd higher ; lighl National Stool : Ynril * . Kast fit Ijouts , Juno 18. Cattle Rncolpts , 1,40'j , ' shipments. 30 J ; market bteady ; fair to cholc heavy native steer * , 3.10 ( < $4.40 ; stockers an feeders , $3.20@3.25 ; ran fore , coni-fod , $2.7 © 3.50. Hogs Uccolpts , 0,900 ; shipments , 100 market strong ; choice heavy butchers' on light grades , * l.MM-l.)5j ) packing , $4.1S ( 4. < 3. Sioux City , June 18. Cattle Receipts r > 20 ; shipments , 190 ; market steady ; ff steers , $3.00 ( < $3.SO ; stackers ana feoJeri Hogs Receipts , 3,300 ; market hlghoi light and mixed , { OBJi-00 ; heavy , .CO. 03IADL.V STOOIC. Cnttlo. Tuesday , Juno 18. About 3,800 cattle of all kinds were ro- colvod to-day. The market opened with the salesmen asking steady prices nnd the buyers bidding lOo lower thnn Monday's prlcos. Eastern markets wcro reported weak nnd lower , and the trade in beeves ruled slow all day. At the tlmo of closing there were stilt a good many cattle unsolu. The beef and shipping steers sold principally at $3.70@4.00. Butchers' stock did not show much chnngo in prices , the sales ranging nt$3.00T23. A few bulls changed hands nt $ J.OO@2.75. Thcro were moro dockers nnd feeders on sale thau usual , the bulk of them being yearling and two-year-old stockers. llous. The cencrnl market opened at about yes terday's prices , but later developed consldor- nblo strength nnd wns nctlvo. Still Inter , however. It dropped back to the morning prices. Light hogs sold largely nt $4.00.with a trade or two at $1.02 > nnd $4.03. Heavy and mixed hogs sold at $3.95. $3.97)1 and during the spurt plenty of them wont at $4.00. The hogs were about all sold early. - Sliooj ) . Two double decks were received , but they wcro consigned direct to the packers. Receipts. Cattle 3,800 Hogs 7,300 Sheet ) 500 Horses 3-1 Prevailing ; I'rlocs. The following U a tiblo of prloas paid la this market for the gr.ilcs of stock men tioned : Prlmo steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs.$3.85 Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.70 M4.00 Good steers , 1030 to 1301) Ibs. . . 8.05 © 3.90 Common cunnors 1.50 ( $2.00 Ordinary to fair cows 2.00 (1 3.50 Fair to good cows 2.50 M2.CO Good to cholco cows 2.00 M3.00 Cholco to fancy cows , heifers. . 3.00 W3.23 Falrto good bulls 2.00 $3.50 Good to cholco bulls 3.50 ® 3.00 Light , stockers and feeders. . . . 2.75 © ' 3.00 Good feeders. 050 to 1109 Ibs. . 3.09 @ 3.23 Fair to cholco light hogs 4.00 Q4.05 Fair to choice heavy hogs 3.95 ( < 4.00 Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.95 © 4.00 Fair to medium native sheep. . 8.50 @ 4.25 Good to cholco native sheoo. . . 4.0J W4.50 Fair to cholco western sheep , . 3.25 Shorn sheep 3.00 ( (43.15 Representative Sales. STEEUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 1103 $3.00 83 11DS $3.89 12 721 3.23 8ll 12-10 8.80 01 927 8.50 59 1258 3.85 59 1093 8.00 42 1214 3.85 18 1197 3.05 39. .1423 8.S10 43 1180 8.03 33. .1310 3.99 23 103(1 ( 8.70 83. .1300 8.90 14 1333 8.70 10. .1227 3.90 40 1343 3.70 19. .1403 3.90 103 1049 3.70 10. .1447 8.90 23 933 3.70 51. 13 1241 3.70 52. ! l310 3.92 20 1039 8.70 20. .1209 3.93 84 1203 8.73 10. .1477 4.09 19 1090 8.SO WESTERN CATTLE Bcof Hcvlow. Showing the lugliost and lowest prlcos paid for boot and shipping stcora on the dnya indicated during tno past three yoara. Halus of cattle In less thau car load lots not In cluded. Tjlvo Stock Notes. Robbing & Dussoy , of Kearney , came In with thrco loads of cattle. CranJall & Miller , of Panama , la. , wort among the shippers hero with u load each ol hogs and cattle. J. W. Wyllo , of Eltn Crock , was here with four cars of cattle , C. J , Lltchty , of Lltohty & Barnes , Davenport port , shippers , came hi with stock. Johnson Bros. , who are among1 the rcgulai Iowa shippers , were over from. Anita will two loads of cattlo. W. II. Boyer was hero with a load of cat tle from Hurlan , J , L. Colomau had la a load of cattle , hit own feeding , from Fullorton. W. W. Pool , who handles stock at Panama In. , was In with throffloTlds ot stock. S. H. Maloy , R pronillftfat cittzou of Stnn- wooa , la , js tno gucit ofiils sons nt the yards. J. Hastlo was OH the /market / with s Ixcara ot hogs and flvo of catAlonfrom Brock , Howe and Auburn. , t.n J. Klnsolla and H v. Cronk were lioro from Ponder , the fornlar. with two cars of cnttlo and ono of hogs itho latter with n car of hogs. , . - , ' J. R. Kane , cashier of the Stella bank , Stella , Nob. , and J. H.flMyntt , n merchant of that place , w-oro among the visitors nt the yards. tn i M. J. Blair and ! ? . Blumer were over from Mlndon , la. , the formor. . vlth n car of cattle and ono of hogs , and UiO'lattor with n car of cattlo. * " Fuller , Smith & Fnllor , Scrlbner , mar keted three loads of hogs. J. L. Colcman , an oxtcnilvo Fullerton feeder nnd shipper , was in with six cars of cnttlo of his own fcodlng. Exeter was represented by Bonnet Ewing , who was in looking after the sale of n car of cattle and ono of hogs. Al C. Smith had two cars of cattle here from Fullerton , and his brother A. E. had two cars of hogs from Grcoloy Center. H. Enorson , Cedar Rnplds , had a car ot hogs In. George Forrnll nnd Bon Gardner , of Sco tia , were both on the market with cattle. I. L. McCoy , of McCoy Si Schroedcr , cntno over from the Bluffs with two cars of hogs. Mclntosh & Button , Chapman , marketed thrco cars of cattlo. J. P. Mordon , Tckatnnh , was down with thrco cars of cattlo. OMAHA IVIIOLESAIjE MARKETS. Produce. I'mils , Ktc. Receipts of butter are liberal and nro taken on arrival nt quotations. Eggs nnd chccso steady. Fruits and berries somewhat loss plentiful and prices stiff. BUTTKH Table dairy , 1814oj packers' stock , 8@10c. Creamery Prints , fanoy , 10 @ 18o : cholco , 14@15o ; solid packed , 10@14c. EGGS Strictly fresh , 12@18c. Cnr.nsB Young America , fullcream , 10 > c ; twin flats , 9J c ; off grades , 4@0o ; Van Ros- som Edomrsil.50 per doz ; sap sngo , 19o ; brick , ll@12c ; llmburgor , 0c10c ( ; domestic Swiss , 18X ; skiins , 24c ; chocso safes , bronze medal , No. 8 , $2.85. POUI.TUT Live hens , per dozen , $3.BO@ $4.00 ; mixed , ? 3.25@3.50 ; spring , $2.00@3.75 ; turkeys , 7 < aSo per lb ; ducks , 52.00Q2.50 ; KOOSO , S3.00@4.00 ; llvo pigeons , $1.50. OnANdES Riverside. 54.00@5.00 fancy lapcrrind St. Michaels , ? 3.75@i.25 ; fancy Duarte Mediterranean swuots , $3.00@4.00 ; Los Angeles ( choice ) $3.00. LEMONS Choice , $1.50@5.00 ; fanoy , $3.75 ® " .00. PEACHES Per % bu box , S1.23@1.DO. Ari'LKS Per % bu box , 50@75c. CiiEitntns Per 24 quart case , § 1.25 j per 10 quart drawer , $1.00. BiACKiununs Per 24 quart cnso , S2.00 BI.AOR lUsi'iiEimiES Per 34 quart case , $3.00@3.50. Ucii UAsniEititiES Per 24 pint case. $3.50. STit.vwnnniiiES Per 24 quart case , ? 2.73@ 8.00 ; 2 bu. stand , S7.00. GoosEiicuuiES Per 2 tm. stand , $4.00 ; 24 quart case , $3,50. PLUMS Per 24 quart case , ? 2.00@2.50 > ; > jf bu box , 50@75c. PlNB ArrLES--Pcr doz , S3.00@3.50. BANANAS According to size , per bunch , $3.003.00. ( ! -i > COCOANUTS Per 100.-J3. FitEsit FISH WhltoTflsh , porlb , 7@S > c ; irout. nor lb , 9c ; w.hlto porch , per lb , 7o ; juffalo , per lb , 7o ; piciterol , per lb , Oo ; black bass , per lb , llo. > BEANS Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ; choice hand picked medium , $1.05 ; choice tmnd picked country , /ft.GO ; clean country , Sl.20@1.25. T EAULY VEGETABLES Potatoes , Cal. , per lb , 2o ; southern , per bm , $3.00 ; onlocs , Cal. . porlb , 2o ; southern , pc.rbbl , J3.00 ; cabbage , lior crate , S2.50 ; turnips , per bu box , 50@7i > o ; beets , per box , 75c1.0U ; wax beans , per bu uox , & 2.50 ; string bbans , per bu box , S2.00 ; green ncas , "n'or bu box , $1.00 ; tomatoes , per K bu box , $2.00 ; asparagus , per doz bch , 5Uc@S1.00 ; caulillower , $2.00 ; sgg plant , fl.75@'J.OO ; te uash , 75o ; cucum bers , 40c ; soup bunchesr 30e ; lettuce , 25c ; radishes , 20c ; green ' < 5lpjons , 15@20c ; now carrots , ! &c ; pie ilaptpbV ) lb , 3. HIDES , PELTS , TALLOW , ETC. Green salted hides , 5c ; dry salted bides , DC ; dry Hint hides , 7c ; calf hides , Co ; damaged bides , 2c loss ; sheep polls , green , each , 25c@$1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 9@12c ; wool , average , 14@18o ; tallow , No. 1 , 8@3c ; grease , "A , " 4c ; grease , yellow , 3. Al'ALE BUTTBlt "C. CiDEit Bbls , $3 ; hf bbls , S3. MAPLE SCOAII 12 > @ 15c per lb. POTATOES Choice , sacked , per bu , 25@30c ; Colorado , 40@15c. VEAL Choice medium size , 57c ; choice , heavy , 4@0c ; spring lambs , $30.0o@30.00 per dozen. HONEY 14@15c porlb for choice. PBESEIIVES 9) ( V10o per lb. JELLIES 3 > ( ft4c per lb. BEESWAX No. 1,18@20c. HAYt-23.00@5.50. CHOI- FEED $10.00@10.50. EUAN ? 10.00@10.23. Pitovisioxs Hams , * No. 1 , 10-lb average , ll c ; 20@22 Ibs , lOKc ; 12@14 Ibs. 12o ; No. 2 , 'Jc ; specials , 12 } c ; shoulders , 7c ; break fast bacon , No. 1 , lie ; specials , 12c ; pic nic , 7Jfc ; ham sausage , 10 > o ; dried beef hams , 'Jo ; beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , 5J @OJ c per lb. SAUSAGE Bologna , 4@4K ° 5 Frankfurt 7o ; tongue , 9c ; siimtuer , 18Xc ; head cheese , OKc. POIIK Family , backs , per bbl , $13.00 ; K-bbls , ? 0.75 ; mess , bbls , $12.50 ; Jbbls $ (5.25 ( ; pig-pork , bbls , $17.50 : Xls \ \ , § 9.00. Salt , bbls , $20.00. Groccrlos. OILS Kerosene P W , lOo ; W W , 12e ; headlight , ll d ; salad oil , $3.15@9.00 per dozen , PickLKS Medium , per bbl , $3.00 ; small , $0.00 ; gherkins , 57.00 ; C & B chow-chow , qts. 50.00 ; pts , $3.50. WJIAITJNO PAI-EH Straw , per lb , 1K@ 2 o ; rair , 2 > o : manilln B , Oc ; No. 1 , 9c. SALT Dairy , KO 2-lb pligs , $3.70 ; do 100 3-lb pkgs , $ J.CO ; do 00 5-lb pkgs , $3.50 ; do 23 10-lb pkgs , ? 2.40 : Ashton , bu bags. 50 lb , 85o ; do4-bubags , 834-lb , $3.40 ; do M S A , CO-lb bags , 53o ; per bbl , $1.15. SEEDS Bird , 4J < COe. SALSODAd lo per lb. STAUCII 5 > 07c per lb. STOVB POLISH $ J.UO@5.87 per gross. SPICES Whole , per lb Allspice , lie ; Cas sia China , lOc : cloves , Zanzibar , 23o ; nut- uiegb , No. 1 , 70c ; pepper , 20a StiQAits Granulated , 9J @ 10o ; confectioners - ors A , 9Ko ; standard , extra 0 , 9 # ; yellow O. 8Ho ; powdered , 10@10 c ; cut loaf , 10 > @ 10 > tfo ; cubes , lO c. TEAS Gunpovvaer. 20 600 ; Japan , 20@40c ; Y. Hyuon , 23i < ? 50o ; Oolong , 22@50. ViNEQAit Per gal , 18W20. FJSII SaltDriod codfish , Cf@SKo ; hali but , 12o ; scaled herringUoo per box ; hoi. herring , dora , 50o ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.0001.10 ; hoi. herrinir , 70a ; maokorol , hit bbls , No. 1 , $18.00 ; lurto family , $12.50 per 100 Ibs ; whltellsh , No. 1. $ .r.25i family , $3.00 ; trout , $5.00 ; salmon , &UOO ; anchovies , 10 lb pails , 8Cc. LYE $1.75G4.50. , , NUTS Almonds , 10@18c : Brazils , Oo ; 111- berts , 12o ; pecans , lOe ; walnuts , lOo ; peanut cocks , Oc : roasted , lOc , ' BAGS American A , seamless , 17o ; Union Bquaro paper , discount. 85 per cent. COFFEES Green Fnpcy. old golden Rio , 27o ; fancy old peaberry.JiSo ; Rio , choice to fancy , S.'c ; Rio , primo.21o ; Rio , good , 17c ; Mocha , 29c : Java , faiey"Mandohlng29 ) ! < j ; Java , good interior , 2-lc ! " COFFEES Roasted Aruuckle , 24/o ; Mc- LaUBhlin's XXXX , 21 tr German , 24 0 ; Dlllworth , ai c ; Alaroma , 24 c. CKACKEIIS AND CAKusyUX < y > 18o per lb. UniEii FIIUITB Per lpraprlcots , 10@15o. Apples , bait Lake , 4 o > ; 'fetar8 , 5tfoi Aldcns , 0 > @So. Pnachos , Cal. Y , peeled , 20o ; fancy Unpceled , 11 18o ; Salt Lake , Oc. Prunes , Oil. U C , S < < 49Xc. Currants , 4Jf@5)/o. ) Turkish prunes , , Citron peel. 2ic Lemon peel , 14o. Dates , inc. Figs , 9@10o. Raisins , Malaga bunch , dohcsas , $5.00 per box ; Vnleucins , per lb , 7c ; Cal. G & S , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 6c. Blackberries , 5) 0. Pitted cherries , lOc. Pitted plums , S@9KO. Raspberries , 240. Nectarines , 12K01UO. CANNKU FISH Brook trout , 8 lb , fi.40 ; aalmdn trout , 2 lb. $3.85 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.25 ; clams , 3 lb , $ . ' .00 ; clam chowder. 8 lb , $2.25 : devilled uobs , 1 lb , $3.25 ; devilled crabs , 2 lb , $8.50 ; codllsh balls , a lb , < 1.73 ; caviar , A lb $3.25 ; cols , 1 lb , * 3.25 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $2.H ( ) ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.VU ; lobsters , devilled , K lt > , $3.23 ; mackerel : 1 lb. $1.00 ; mackerel mus tard sauuo , S lb , $3.90 ; mackerel tomatc sauce. 8 lb , $2.00 ; oysters , 1 lb. S5e ; oysters , 2 lb , $1.50 ; salmon , C , R. , 1 lb , $2.10 ; salmon , O. R. , 3 lb , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $1.85 ] sa'nion , Alaska , 'J lb , $3.90 ; shrimps , 1 lb , 2Mo per lb. CUOCOLATB AND COCOA 31Q39o per Ibi German Chlckory rod , Sc. DGtsoBit Jamaica , } f pts. , (3.00 per doz. FAiitNAcnocs Goons Barley , ? K < S3Jfo ; far ina , 4 } o ; peas , Sc ; oatmeal , 2f@4e ; maca roni , llo ; vermicelli , He ; rico , 4fr@7o ; sago " " - andtapoo , Dry Goods. BATTS Standard. 805 Gem , lOosBonuty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , fllM ) . BLANKRTS White , $1.107.oO ; colored , $1.10@8.00. CAMUHICS Slater , Co : Woods , fie ; Stan dard , 5o ; Peacock , fie. CAHI-KT WAhr-Blbb White , lOoj Colored , IV > Coitsr.T JEANS Boston , 7J/o ; Androscog- gin , 7Jic ; Koarsargo , " % Rockport \ , OJfo ; Conestoga , OJjfc. COTTON FLANNELS 10 percent trade ills. LL , unbleached. 5o : CO , 05/c ; SS , 75fo ; EE , 8JcGG,9 ; foXX. ; lOWe ; OO , HHo ; NN , 12J& ; AA , 14o ; Dl3 , ifoc ; TT , 10o YY , ISo ; BB , lOo ; 20 bleached , 8 } < o ; CO , 12 ? < c ; SO , IBJ oj 50 brown nnd slate , Oo 70 , 12Jfe ; 00 , lOc , CitASii Stevens'B , CXc ; Stevens' A , 7o ; bleached. So ; Slovens' ' P , 7Jfo ; bleached , 8fc ; Slovens' N , 8Ko ; bleached , OJtfo ; Stevens'SRT , HKc. DENIMS Auioskoag , 9 oz. . ICJ o ; Everett , 7oz. , 18ot York , 7oz. , 18o ; Haymnltor , SKo ? Jeffrey XX , ll } c ; Jaftroy XXX , 12Wc ; Beaver - vor Crook AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek CO , lOo. PIIINTS Pink and robes. Richmond , OJ o ; Allen , Oc ; Rlvorpoint , SJ n ; Steel RiverOMO : Richmond , OMc : Paclflc , O c , PntNTS Indigo Blue St. Loger , G } c ; AVashlngton , OKc ; American , CJ c ; Arnold , OJ c ; Arnold Century , Oo ; Windsor Gold Tk't , lOJfo : Arnold B , lOKc ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lO o ; Yellow Seal. 10) < c. PiiiSTa Solid colors. Atlantic , Co ; Slater , Co ; Berlin Oil , 0 > o ; Garner Oil , 07c. SIUUTINO Checks. Caledonia X , OKc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > c ; Economy , 9o ; Otis , 9o ; Granite , O fc ; Crawford checks 8c ; Haw River plulils , 5J c. SiiKr.Tiso Brown. Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic H , 7 o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , O c ; At- lantlo P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora C. 4-4,4Ko ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OKo : Hoosier LL , 4-4 , &J c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Old Dominion , 4-1 , 5) o ; Pcppcrell It , 4-4 , 7c : Popporoll E , 40-Inch , 7 } < c ; Popporoll , 8-4,17o ; Popporell , 9-4 , 20c ; Pepporoll , 10 4. 22c ! DUCK West Point. 29 in. , 8 oz , OJ o ; Point , 09 In. , 10 oz , 12V.fc ; West Point , 29 in. , 13 oz , 15Kc ; West Point , 40 In , 11 oz , ICc. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen , 20c : Goshen , 152i/o ; Clear Lake , 80o ; Iron I Iountatn , 20 > rfc. Flannels White G H No. 2 , ? 22 > c ; G H No 1 , $ ( . 20 > c ; B H No. 2 , jh aj c ; U H No. 1 , & , 0o ; Qucehee , No. 1 , % . 42c ; Que- chco No. 2. % , UTKo ; QuccheoNo. 3 , , 82 } Anawitn , 82Uc ; Windsor , 23 > < c. FUNNELS KED. C. 2-1 inch , IGJ c ; E , 24 Inch , 21J c ; G G , 24 Inch , 2Uo ; II A F , J/ , 2oo ; J H F , J . 27c : G , J 25c. GINOIIAM. Plunlcott chocks , CJfo ; Whit- tonton , CJ o ; York , 7 } < c ; Normandl dross , 7Ko ; Calcutta dress , 7K ° i Whittentou dress , 7Wo ; Kenfrow dress , 8K@12Kc. KIINTUCKV JEANKS Memorial , 15o ; Stand point. ISc ; Durham. 27 } c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leamlngtnn , 22 > o ; Glen wood , 20c ; Mel ville. ic ) ; Bang-up , 27J c. MISCCLIANEOUS. Table oil cloth , 52.50 ; tahlo oil cloth marble , $2.50 : plain Holland , 9Ko ; dado Holland , Vi o. SHEETING , BLCACHCD Ellcrton , 7J o ; tlousokccpor , 8Kc ; Now Candidate , S c ; acrltoloy camhrlc No. CO , Oo ; Best Yet. 4-4 , 5o ; Butter cloth OOUfc : Cabot. 7 0' L urwell , half bleached , 8 > Jo ; Fruitof Loom , Oc ; Grccno G , Co ; Hope , 7 > c ; Kmc Phillip cambric , 10c ; Lonsdalo cambric. lOo ; Lons- dale , 8 } < fo ; New York mills , lOo ; Popporoll , 42 in , lOc ; Popporoll in , lie ; Popperoll , 0-4 , 14Kc ; Pcunoroll , 8-4 , 2Jo ; Popporell , 0-4 , 22c ; Popperoll , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton , 44 , S c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Kc : Triumph , Co ; wninsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. TICKS Oakland , A , 7Ko : International , YY , 8e ; Shotucket , S , 8 0 ; Warren , No. 870 , IGc ; Berwick , BA , 18c ; Acme , 13c ; York , 30 in. 12Xo ; York , 32 in , lli c ; Swift Hlvcr , 8c ; Thorndlko OO , 8Kc ; Thorndiko EF , 8KcThordiko ; 120 , OKo ; Thorndiko XX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5 , S } < fc ; Cordls No. 4 , Alctnls. BLOCK TIN Eng. ref 'g , small pig , 27c ; bar , 2Sc. Coi'i'nu Planished bollor sizes , ! ) lc ; cold , rolled. 30o ; sheathing1 , 80o ; pitts , 30c ; flats , 30c. GALVANIZED SHEET IKON Junlata , dis count , CO per cent. PATENT PLANISHED InoN No. 24 to 27 , A quality , per lb , 10 > Jc : No. 24 to 27 , B quality , 9Kc. For less than bundle add j o per lb. SHEET IKON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50 SOLDKU Hoyt Metal Co.'s balf-and-half , in 1-lb cases , per lb , ICc ; commercial half- and-half , 15o ; No. 1 , in bars , 14c. TIN PJATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14. 225 sheets , 80.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $8.23 ; 1C , 1213 , 223 shoots , 58.50 ; IX , 12x12 , 235 shoots , ? 3.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 113 sheets , 50.50 ; IX , 14x20 , 113 sheets , $3.25 ; IXX , 14x20 , 113 sheets , $10.00 ; IXXX , 14x20 , 112 shoots , 511.75 : 1C , 2.x23 , 113 sheets , $13.50 ; 2.s28 , 113 sheets , $17.00 ; IXX , 2x28 , 113 sheets , 520.50. CoKE-IC , 10x14 , 225 sheets , SO.OO ; 1C , 14X20. 112 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 225 sheets , $9.50. KOOFINQ ( Best Charcoal ) 20x23 , $9.75 ® 10.75. STEEL NAILS Base , $3.20 ; steel wire nails , base , $2.00. LEAD Pig , 4o ; bar , 4J c. BAitn WIIIE Painted , $3.25 ; galvanized , $3.7503.90. _ Immbor , Lime , Etc. C Dimensions and Timbers 12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. . 20 ft. 23 ft 24 ft. 2x4. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 1G.OO 10.00 18.00 19.00 2x0. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00 2x8. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 1900 2x10. 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10 00 18.00 19.00 2x13. 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00 4x48x8 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 10.00 FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 13 nnd 14 ft , rough , $ H.00@10.50 ) ; No. 1,4 nnd 0 inch , 1C foot , S17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 12 and 14 fcot , S13.5014.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and Olncb , 10 feet , $15.00@10.00. FINISHING 1st nnd 3d clear , 1 } inch s 3 s , 549.00@51.00 ; 1st nnd 3d clear , IK .vid 2 inch , s 2 s , 847.00@19.00 ; 3d , clear , 1& inch , s 3 B , & 13.00@10.00 ; 3d clear , 1 > and 2 inch , s 2 s , $43.00040.00 ; B select , IX , V/ , and 2 inch , s 3 s , $37.0D@38.00 ; 1st aud 2n3 , clear , 1 inch , s 3 s , $15.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , B 2 B , $30.00 , A select , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 Inch , s 2 B , $30.00. STOCK Bo utns A 13 in , si B , 12,14 and 10 ft , $40.00 : B 13 in , B 1 8 13 , 14 and 10 ft , $41.00 ; C 13 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $30.00. D 13 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , 823.00 ; No. 1 com , 13 in , a 1 B , 12 ft , 518.00 ; No. 1 com , 12 la , s 1 s , 14 nnd 10 ft , 517.50@13.CO ; No. 1 com , 12 in , B 1 s , 10 , 18 and 20 it , $10.50 ; No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10 ft. $17.00. FLOORING 1st com 0 In white pine , $33.00 ; 2d com 0 In white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com Gin wbltoplno , $20.00 ; d com U in white plno , $20.00 ; com 4 nnd 0 In yellow plno , $15.00 ; Star 4 in yellow plno , $17.00 ; 1st and 3d clear yellow plno , 4 and 0 In , $19.00. LIME , ETC. Quincy white Hrao ( best ) . 80c ; English and German Portland cement , 53.45 ; Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan plaster , $3.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 f Blue Uapid plaster. tl.OO ; hair , 20o ; sash , CO per ct dls ; doors , blinds , mouldlncs , 50 per ct pis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $3.00 ; straw board , per cwt , $1.00. Poi'LAH LuMnEit Clear poplar box tods , in , s3 s , $35.00 : clear poplar % in panel , $30.00 ; clear poplar Jin panel , $25.00 ; clear poplar } $ In panel Btoclc wide , a 3 s , $28.00 ; clear poular corrugated colllnt , ' , % , $30.00. POSTS White cedar. 0 inch , halves , 12cj white cedar , &H Inch , halves and 8 inch q'rs , lie ; white cedar , 4 Inch , round , lOo ; Tcniios- BOO red cedar , split , lOo ; split oak , ( white ) , So : sawed oak , 18o. SHINOLES , LATH , PEII M. XX clear , $3.20 ; extra * A * . $2.bO ; standard A , S3.00 ; 5 inch , clear , $1.00@1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , S1.75@1.60 : No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red ccdiir , mixed widths. $3.40 ; California redwood , dimen sion widths , ? 1. 60 ; cypress , clear heart , di mension widths , ? 3.23 ; lath , $3.50 , Metal JMnrkot. The American Metal Market has the fol lowing cable , dated London , Juno 14 : Quotations have bcon generally lower , and trade no moro active than : i wuclc nco , TIN Mndo a marked decline on the week , and 1ms been dealt in to only a moderate ox- tent. The opening on Tuesday ( after the Whitsuntide holiday ) , was steady at about the same figures as on the preceding Friday , but later In the day the market grow castor nnd closed 2s Gd lower at 91 10s ami 93 5s. About 5s moro was lost at Wednesday' early 'change , and the afternoon's session brought quotations still lower , cash closing 90 17s Od , forward f 91 12s Cd. ThU steady downward movement continued yes terday , tno duy's operations resulting in t loss to prices of 10a@12s Od , the greater part during the Jlrst session ; and this tnornlnt forward prompts were again easier , but r& covered to 91 at the end of the day , will the cash prlco unchanged nt 00 7s Ca. Corrisit Demand for consumption being lest plentiful , prices have fallen off somewhat - what , thoucli not so regularly ns Is the cnso with tin. Very llttlo chnni o was shown on Tuesday , but caih bars wcro down to 41 13s Gd nt the close of the day , nnd forward delivery was nlso 10s lower thnn nt the end of the previous week. Hntlicr n better spirit wns shown on Wednesday forenoon , but the temporary Improvement wns soon lost , nnd the Inter donllue * for cash bars were nt 5s loss thnn on the previous day. A further decline of 10s yostorduy mndo the cnsh prlco 40 17s Od , With a backwardation of 2s Ud ou thrco mouths ; but the market Is steadier to day though very dull , closing 41 cash , 40 15s forward. ANTIMONT Advanced ngnln this week , though not so much ns last , HrUlott's being now quoted COa higher thau last Friday , at JLvU. JLvU.Srr.LTBn Is n trifle firmer than n week ngo , ordinary brands bring tS@lil8 fis. LEAD Hardly changes In prlco from drt.Y to tiny , or oven from week to wcok , but soft Spanish pigs nro worth n trltlo less , say 13 10s. 10s.ENOUSII Pin IRON Is still quoted nt BSs at Mlddlcsboro , there having bcon no change on the wcok. BiiasEMRu Pie At last sympathizes with the .general weaker tendency ; declining sixpence to 50a. STBEL HAILS Move oft quite freely nt the irlcos last noted ; 4 12 Od@ 4 15s f. o. b. for heavy sections. OLD RAILS Quiet nnd steady at C5s for T's , 70s@72s Oa for D. H. . c. 1. f. , N. Y. SoiiAiIKON Unchanged nt 4osJ47s ( Cd f. o.b. GLASGOW , Friday , Juno 14 , 18SO. Scotch warrants Seem now to have settled bnclc permanently to slightly lower figures. The opening market on Tuesday wns steady at over the latest quotations of the proceed Ing vook , hut prices dropped oil on the second > onrd to 42s 7d , a loss of four pence for the day ; to which n uonny or two was ndded the next morning but recovered that after noon. Dealings were at lower prices again cstordny nnd the closing ilguro thrccponuo ewer nt 42sId , but in place qf a fresh loss o-dnv , there was a modur.ito Improvement o 42s 5d. Makers quotations nro , for Coltucss , alongside , Glasgow . 543 3d Gnrtshorrlo , alongside , Glasgow. . , ,51sOd Sutnmerlcc , nlongsldo , Glnsgow. . . .5.s9d ( Lnngloan , alongside , Glasgow . 53iCd Carnbroo , nlongsldo , Glnsgow . 45i.1d Glongnrnock , alongside , Ardrossan..Gls 3d Eglluton , alongside , ArUrossunU'sOd Dalmcllington , alongside , Ardrossau.45) Od LIVERPOOL , Friday , Juno 14 , 1889 , TIN PLATES Dull and quiet ; no change. Charcoal tin plates , Molyu grade , lis 10 > d @ 17s. Charcoal tin plates , Allaway grade , 14s Charcoal Tcrno plates , Dean grade , 14-20 , 3s. Charcoal Torno plates , Dcnn grade , 20-23 , 5s 9d@20s. Coke tin plates , B. V. grade , I3 10 } d@13s. SWEM rovisiotis i Slocks Basement First National Bank , 5O5 &outhl3tU Street , Omulin ( -ISSUED BY STATED , J COUNTIES , CITIES , 1 SCHOOL DISTRICTS , LTD. . < BOUGHT AND SOLD. Wo < lcM In I.iiml Wiirriintu nnd Scrip , Applicable to ( lovernment Lnnil , and Transact a KcBi'l'4 UunUIng Jliinlncm. Corrfspondcnco Solicited. S. A. KEAN& CO. , BANKERS. 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , li.1 * 1H DROADWAY. NEW VOBK. WANTED _ _ _ . . _ Issued l > y Cities , Counties , School Districts , Water Com panies , &c. We are in the market for the purchase of round amounts of such bonds. Correspondence solicited. N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 115-117 MonrooStroot , CHICAGO , oa Dovonahlrn Btroot. BOSTON IllUl Boots and Shoos. KIRICBNDALL , JONES A CO. , Successors to ItooJ , Jones Ic Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Slices Asonta for Huston Rubber Shoe Co , 1102 , 1101 and 1106 Ilarucr Street , Omaha , Nebraska. _ BrovvorB. f _ _ STORZ A ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , UM Horth Klghteoath ttreat. Omaha , K t. _ _ Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Mannfactnrersof&alyanizea Iron Cornice Window-caps and motallo BUjHnhU. Jobn Kponetsr , proprietor. 108 nnd HU&outh lOtb itroot. Office Fixtures. MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Eanfc , Office aDfl Saloon Fixtures , Hook CIHCS , Trun Fixture , * Wail . - , - - V * % r ; < /n i' . 1'urtitioiu , lulling ! . Counters , lleor and Win * ° ° ° . . Mirrors , KtoKnctorj and onlco , 1730 and inl Boutu 13th St. . Omaha. Telephone 112 * . " ' . Paper Boxes. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omana Paper Box Factory , Noa. 1317 afld 1313 Pouslni troot , Omaha , Nob. Sash , Doors , Eto. ar. A. DISDKOW A co. , Wbol ale ra nufncturcrs of Sasi , Doors , Blinds anil Monluiis , Branch OOeo. 12th ana I nnl atfcot Omalia , Nob. JIOUN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of SasD , Doors , Blinds , Uouldlncn , stair-work nn < 1 Interior bard wood Onlih. It. , corner 8th und LrarenwrrtbitrtieU. Oraulii , Neb. . .StgQ'Tj Fjtl.lnjggx Purnpa , Eto. TKA.NO A CLA.HK IWEJtl JlETlKiQCQ Fnmp ? , Fips an § Engines , Btcun , wktor , rnllwnr nnd raining eoppllei , etc f.t > . HB and 'M t'arouru truct , OoiqUa. U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam an * Water Supplies , lltllldtr Hind rr.lll.i. 913 nnd M ) SUOn&5i . G. Y. Uoti , BCtlngaanuiiflf. . VROWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , SbooHrou work , ( team pump , eair mllli. 1213-12U " ienwortb trc t , Claiuliu. "iron Worko. STJ3AM J1OILEH WORKS , Carter k boa , IVop's. Manufncturora of all klndi Sleani Boilers , Tanks and Slieet Iron VM _ ) Vorks BouthZOlli ' and II. & M. jrouliig. Tnl.1115 _ PAXTON'A VIERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort o ° rr - and lltU stroat , OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings pik " ' "gsMa. iSi &attJ110" " " ' OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Manl'rs ' of Fire aMBnrglar Proof Safes , VaulU. lull vrork , Iron iliuttera and flro esctpoi < U , AnJroco , prop'r. Cor. lltb and Jackion Ht > . SOUTH OMAHA , UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , IMtel UgjrJ , aupurluttnJont. iifflBBMlGTQBY ARrloulturol Implomonta. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealeriii Agricultural Implements , CirrUcoi ted hneclft * . Jones utrrot , between ( th and loth , Omaha. NBtirinkiu LININOER J ; METOALF CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages nugglog.ctc. Wholesale. Onmiin. Kobraun. PARLIN , ORENDORF .t MARTIN CO. Wboloanla Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons&Bnggies MRnufnoturori nnd Jobber In Wagons , Baggies , Rales , Plows Etc , Cor.VlhkQd I'acino itrcow. Omnha. Artists' Mntorlnlo. A. I10SPJB , Jr. , Artists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs , JilJ Douglas itr ol Omahk , Aetirajkn. Bqota pnd Sh o OB. . . . _ . _ . _ . . . _ W. V. MORSlf& CO. , Jolfters fif Boots ani Shoes , 1101,1101,1105 Donnlni street. Orrmlm. Mnnnfactorr , tiumner airoot , lioaton. Qqnl , Coke nnd Limp. OMAHA COAL , COKK , t LIME CO. , Jotes or Hard ana Soft Coal , 109 South l3thftrcotOituiUii , Ntbrntko. NEUUASKA FUEL CO. , Sliiimes of Coal anfl Goto 2 South Uth St. . Omnhn. Nob. I IZ Lumber JOIUf A. WAKKFWLff Wliolesale LnnHier Etc , , lrapcitoi\ mill American I'ortlnurt camont. Slit Bgciit for Mllirnukco liydmullo cement aim OnlMPV whlf tlnv * . OKAS n. LEE , Dealer In Hardwood Lnnte W9 < e rp tf and parquet floorinff. Oth and iMnilM ttreeu. Omaha , N b. " O IAUA LUMHEH CO. , Minds of BnildingMaterial at Bolesalc , ISth Btroot and Union I'BcllleTtack.Omah * . LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lninlier , Latli , Lime , Sasto , Ooora , Kto. Yardn-Cornci 7th nnd Douglas. Corner 10th and lounlu ; FRED W. GRAY. Lmnlier , Limi1 Cement , Etc , , Etc. Corner Cth and Douglas Sit , Omabs. * C. JV. DrETZ. ' Dealer in All Kinds of Lumlier. Uth and California Struou , Omahn , Ncbratlia. Nlllllnory and Notlona. OliERFELDER i CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions SU8.210 and 212 Booth llth ttroat. Notions. J. T. TtODTffSOtr NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , Cornur 12tli ana Jlo\vax\l Cg.ymJasjonondStpjrjgo RTVDELL & KIDDELL , Storage and Commissioa Merchants , Specialties Hotter , OKC , Oiceso , pnnltrr , ( am * . HUiluirnnl utrnot Omrliii.Nnh. Dry Cooda end Notions. M. E. SMlTir A CO. , Dry Goods , Ftirnisning Goofls and Notions 1103 nnd 1101 Douglai. cor. llth atroet , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRWK-KOCII DRY GOODS CO. , Importers andJohhersinDryGoodsNotions , flcnu' turalshlnit Rncdi. Corner llth and Uarn r ttrceti , Omalia , Nobr HEL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and Jobbcn of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , SIT South lith itreot Furniture. DEWBY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre Farnam elrcot , Omaha. Kebratka. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Cmaha Nebraik * . Grocurlos. PAXTON , OALLAOHER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 706 , 707 , 703 and 711 South 10th l , Omaha. Ntb. ZleCORD , BRADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th anaxcaTonworth aueeti , Omaha , Ntbrukm. Hardware IT. J. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel Bprlnut , WOROII itock , hardtraro , lurulior , otO , 1201 nnd till Humpy ilrcot , Omaha. _ LEE , CLARKE , AND11EESEN HARD * WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Uetoli. ahcot Iron. etc. Aconl < for TIowo icalei , Miami powder and Lymau barbed nlre , IIIMEnAUaiT & TA YLOR. Build rs1 Hardware and Scale RepairShop , Uechanlca' tool , nrrt Ilnfralo cilc5. UQ1 t. Oiuulia , Neb. II. HARDY A 00 Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , llousu lurnlshliitr yoodN , ulilUlrjii'rt rarrluges O'i I'nrnam Htrcet. Oninlm Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Alia create , etc. , Oaiaba , A. n. IIIoliop , Manauor , _ _ CARPENTER PAPERC07 ' Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carrrnalca itock or prlntlni , wrapplnz and trrltlcf p p r. UpMial attonUou glvca to car load ordtrc. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH UI n U C V"nd nil urinary troubles easily , quick- M UIIL I ly nnd safely cured by DOUTUttX Cat * . stiles. BuVcrul casen cured in Haven days. Bold at (1.50 per box , all drtiuulstt , or by mall from Doctuaa 41't'K Uo. UiYhlto m M. V , Vuliairao- 10113.