6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEJPNE AY , JUNE 19 , 1880H3IXTEEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 PBAIUi BTIIKKT. Ccllvcrcd by carrier In Any Part ot ho City a Tw cnty Cents l > cr Week. . . . . , . . , 11. W. T11.10N. . . MANAGER. TttLtiPJIONKSi JirRiNTPB OrncE No. . NIUIIT KniToit , N'o.23. 91 IN UK MICNT10.N. N. Y.PlumblnR Co. C. U. Music Co. , C33 U'wny. Roller , tailor , 310 Urondwny. Additional local on fifth PARC. Evnns1 laundry , 721Uroadwny , D. W. Ottls , city and farm loans. Amnsti A. Ulohnnlson and Elizabeth Umblo , both of this city , \voro married , yes terday , tit Ilia odlco ot Squlro Schurz. The cnsc ot Btato vs Ulumcnsteln noi completed In district court , yesterday , nnd the IndlcatlonB arc that It will require at least two moro days. Uulldlng permits wcro IMUCI ! yoitorday to II. W. Manner , § 1,200 cottuiro In Sacliett'a addition ; Horace Everett , two $000 cottages on Gnilium nveiiuo. nndVilllnin Oronowoy , $100 addition , In Cider's addition. U'ho executive committee of the tourna ment held a mooting at the city building , last evening , to settle up the claims of all parties to whom they wuro indebted , and close up nil business relating to the tournament. The recital given last evening by Prof. Charles Uactcns' stunents proved u much more enjoyable musical treat than mnny which are moro pretentiously mimed. It was a varied programme of high order , and well rendered. Several Council Uluffs crows nro in nctlvo training at Lake Mnnuwa , und will partici pate in the ktuto regatta at Spirit Lake In Julv. They nre dolnjj peed work , nnd will tnako their competitors hustle to get ( Irbt money , An effort will bo made to cot a 0 o'clock closlnc agreement ninonp merchants In Council Bluffs , to enable the clerks and their employes to attend ( Jhuutauqua evenings. The cost of ( i dally round trip will bo less than a llrst-cluss opera unreserved ticket. The tmilos display of t'.io Chautauriim nnd the W. C. A. hospital has been closed for a few days until moro suitablequartern Khali bo provided. The reopening will talco place With the ceremony of the Hag presentation to the Council muffs Ho wing association , of which duo announcement will bo mudn through the dully papers of the city. The seventy-foot cut Into Falrmount park IB nt last completed , and the way is now open for the electric motor company to extend its line to that beautiful spot. A part of the truck is already laid , nnd work will bo re sumed us soon as the Iron arrives from Johnstown , Pa. The flood at that place is the cause of the delay. It is expected to have electric cars running Into Falrmount by tbo middle of July. A uumbcr of the local sprinters left , Mon day evening , for Yankton , to attend the Dakota's firemen's tournament A running team from Omaha and Council Bluffs will enter in the free-for-all. Fred Stone , of Kuw York , and Leon Lozicr , of this city , both professionals , accompanied them , and nro each matched for several races , for large purses. There will bo a special meeting of Council Bluffs lodge , No. 2TO , A. O. U. W. , nt IJoyal Arcanum hall , this evening nt 8 o'clock. Grand Master Workman Weeks nnd other grand officers of the Iowa grand lodge , and other distinguished members of the order who are In attendance at the nicotine of the supreme lodge , now in scssisn at Omaha , will bo present. All members of the order nro expected to be present. Uy order of the M. W. Hcislor's Oyster Bay chop house nnd rostnurantday and nipht , 503 Broad way. Huvo our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of tntores't. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clarlc & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Personal ParasraDlie. Miss Kara Gioason and mother are seri ously ill. Mayor P. P. Kelley , ot Glcnwood , was in the city yesterday. Dr. Quigley , of Hawarden , is visiting friends in the Bluffs. Miss Lou Watson , of Polo , 111. , is the guest of Mrs. II. O. Cook. Mrs. J. F. Hopper , of Leavenworth , is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Robinson. Dr. H. F. McCoy , ot Omaha , has decided to establish himself on this side of the river. Gdorgo Compton , of Konnard , Nob. , is visiting his brother , A. M. Compton , of this city. city.Ben. Ben. Uorgneld , of New York city , is visit ing his old college mate , Harry" Schmidt. This Is the first meeting in seven years , Lucius Wells Is attending the commence ; ment exorcises of St. Katharine's ncadnmv Davenport , where his daughter , Miss Nunie , is attending school. Hon. W. II. M. Pusoy , resident director of the Omaha & St. Louis railroad , loft yester day afternoon , over that line , for St. Louis , to attend to some business In connection with that company. H. S. Hyaii. who has been confined to his room nt the Ojrdon house for some time with n severe attack of quinsy , has sufficiently re covered to bo out , and loft last evening for a ehort trip among the northern lakes. Marshal Guanolln and wlfo left , last even ing , for Oslialoosa , where ho will read a pa per before the annual convention of tha .nar- filials and chiefs of police of Iowa. They will spend u couple of weeks at Colfux Springs before returning homo. Call on the Birkinbmo Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Council Bluffa , In. , and examine the Bodino rooiing. It will pay you ; sam ples sent on application. M.Wollmnn , jeweler , moved to638B'y. Woolsoy < & Long paper rooms neat , quick , cheap. 81 Main , tel 203. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. The Now Ogden is catching traveling men at 82 per day. No 31oro Sunday Hhnvcs. The barbers of the city hold a mooting last evening at Priest's barber shot ) on Hroad- wuy , according to previous announcement , to perfect nil arrangement * and take the final steps to enforce the Suuday closing law , BO far as it pertains to the tonsorlul artist and bis work. The attendance was larger than at any provloun mooting , and tha busi ness of the evening was disposed of in a man ner that showed that the barbers proposed to carry thulr point through to a successful issue. As all but three of the shops are In favor of closing , it was decided to have n number Of cards printed , und displayed In all such shops , to the effect that ' This shop will bo closed on Sunday. " Notices to close will bo aorvod on tha others , and , if they rctuso , the law will bo called in to compel the proprie tors to conform to ttiu statute. No serious light is expected , but it Is thought that one test case will probably bo in ado. The bar bers are sangulao , und the outlook Is fuvora- blo for them , "A contented mind is a continual feast , " and if you want to bo contented with your purchases , look at the largo invoice of fnns , parasola , straw and Bummer goods just put on the shelves nt F.V , Spotnmu & Bro.'s. 600 and 611 Main street. Dangler vapor stoves at cost change locution. Shugart & Co.,211 Broadway. . . i i. i < Finest Ice Cream in oity. Drlosbaoh's double parlors , 35 Main st. Notice the beautiful ilnlsh given col lars , oullu and shifts by Cascade Laun dry company. THE CIIAUTAUP OPENED , The TJiiBunl Annoyanooa In Gottlnrr a < 3roat Enterprise Wall Started. SOME BITS OF BUILDING TALK. Xho School Itanril Tied The 8m > p Ulook In Defense of thu Bench h School Graduates An Avaricious AVnttar. AH Almnrtl For Gtinutnuqiin. "How can I get out to the Chautauqun grounds ! " It was not strnntrers only who asked the question yesterday morning. Many who lived right hero scorned equally puzzled. They wandered up nnd down the IJroadwny sidewalks , looking in valu for the carryalls and busses , with the expected banners to In dicate their purpose. It was useless to toll thcso eager perambulators that there would bo plenty of conveyances nfter dinner , or that they could go to the depot and talco a train for the grounds. They wanted to go , and go rlplit away. The opening day of the Council Bluffs and Omaha assembly was thick with Interroga tion points of all sorts. ' 'Where's Mr. Harkncssl" The besought nnd besieged manager was appealed to for ovcryttilntr , "What about tickets ) Are they Irani- ferrablo ? Can I got any feed for my norsol Can these children go free ) Have you a tent to spare ! \Vhat time will the exercises tale : place ! How can I got my baggage up from the depot ! " A perfect ( lurry of queries fell upon him like a snowstorm. The bviwo man did the very best ho could , but It would have taken n man with two heads , nnd with a double sot of tongues In each head , nnd ench tonpuo hung in the middle so as to answer questions at both ends , to have kept up with tha procession. Ho had a largo number of assistants , but after relieving him of nil possible , they In turn had to add to thu number of queries which ho nlofflj could answer. The opening of the assembly could not but impress ono with the crudcncss of many features , the lack of some needed Improve ments , but with u still deeper impression of the possibilities of this grand enterprise. Although formally opened yesterday there were numerous details which were not com pleted. Most of these will bo arranged this forenoon , so that those who arrive to-day will find mutters really ready for their ac commodation. The water works system was started in operation yesterday. The water pumped over the grounds from springs at the foot of the hills , was tested and , pronounced as pure , cold nud refreshing as could possibly bo wished for. Thn grand amphitheater called forth many expressions of admiration , The visitors from the far cast , most of whom are familiar with other Clmutauqua grounds , were among the most enthusiastic admirers of this struc ture. ture.Tho following nro the official Chautauqua train arrangements : Leave Omaha 5:15 n. m. , 9:15 : a.m. , 1:15 p. m. , 3:15 : p. in. und 7:15 p. m. Leave Transfer 8:40 : a. m. , 0:45 : n. m. , 1:40 : p. m. , , ' ) :40 : p. m und 7:40 : p. m. Leave Council Bluffs , Main street depot 0U(1 : ( a. m. , 0:55 : u. m. , 1:50 : p. m. , 0:50 : p. m. and 7:50 : p. in. Arrive at Chautauqua 0:23 : a. m. , 10:20 : a. m. , 2:15 : p. m. , 4:15 : p. m. and 8:15 : p. ui. Leave Chautauqua 10:20 : n. m. , 12:15 : p. m. , 2:20 : p. m. , 0:15 : p. in. and 10:15 : p. m. Leave Council Bluffs 10:4J : a , m. , 12:40 : p. m. , 2:40 : p. m. , (5:40 ( : p. in. and 10:10 p. m. Arrive at Transfer 10:50 : a. mi , 12:50 p. in. , 2:50 : p. m. , G:50 : p. in. and 10:50 : p. m. These trains , returning , will connect with the Union Pacific dummy trains , leaving the transfer at 10:52 : a. m. , 12:52 : p. in.,2:5i : p. m. , 0:52 : p. m. and 10:52 : p. in. There will bo no transfer of passengers between Omaha and Chautauqua. Att ; p. m. the dedication services of the tabernacle took placo. Dr. A. H. GIHott , superintendent of Instruction , led In the ex ercises. The overture by the Rogers band was finely rendered. _ They will DO a grea t attraction. The dodicatorial prayer was offered by Dean Gardner. Ur. J. T. Duryea delivered the address on the subject , 'Tho Chautauqua Idea. " It was replete with just such facts nnd illus trations of the movement and methods us would bo an inspiration to those who have never pursued the C. L. S. C. course to try it. Dr. Duryea was n member of the first board of counsellors , and has been identified with the C. L. S. C. over since inception. Ho is no less interested in the success of this youngest but largo child of the movement in the west. Superintendent Glllot then formally dedi cated the tabernacle. The benediction was pronounced by Dean A. A. Wright. At G0 : ! ! p. in. the Koirors .band gave a fine concert. At 7 p. m. C. C. Case bold the first chorus practice meeting. A largo number entered at once heartily into thu exercise , and the professor says ho Is agreeably sur prised at the case with which the singers take hold. The vesper service nt 8 p. m. was conducted by Superintendent Glllet. A duct was sung by Mrs. Clappo and Miss Gazzlett , of the Euterpe Quartette , of Cin cinnati. Dr. Glllot then announced that a number of short addresses would bo delivered by lecturers , teachers , and workers. Thu first jolto on the "Great Gulf" between the plat form und the seats , was gotten off by the en tertaining Dean. Addresses followed by Dr. Cooly , Dr. Ilarslia , Dean Gardner , Ilev. J. T. Docking nnd Dr. Duryea. A solo was sunn by Miss Griffiths and ono by Miss Ga/loy. TO-J > AY'S ' I'lioauAMiic. 0:30 a. in. Morning prayers. 8 a. ni. Day's and girl's class. 0 a. m. Ulblo study. 10 a. m. Chorus class. 11 a. m. Lecture by Dr. Vincent on "Car- lyle. " . 1:30 : p. tn. Special classes. 2:30 : p. in. Lecture by Dean Wright , "Our Mother tongue. " 4 Ministers' Institute , conducted by Dean Wright. Ulblo reading by Dr. Lninur. 5 C. L. S. C. , round table. 7 Chorus class. S > :15 : Lecture by James A. Green , of Cin cinnati , O. , "Tho American Gibraltar. " No ExpIOHlnns "VVhon persons keep cool and use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and hakcovon. Costs 7 cants per hour when running full blast. Now yVork Plumbing Co. I'avlnii Prices. "Even those who were prepared for a great reduction In paving olds were surprised at the figures submitted last evening , " re- mariccd nn alderman yesterday afternoon. "I was not prepared for quite such a turn bio myself , aud I understood the situation , Just think of It $1.15 pur yard for cedar block paving. Last year it was $1.53 and upwards. They oven offer us brick paving for $1.73 , which bea s last year by 10 or 13 cents , That will make quitean item with 20,000 yards to pave. " A round up of the aldermen , to ascertain their position as to material , found two of them , Aldermen Weaver and Everett , very pronounced in favor of brick. Alderman Knophor was strongly In favor of brick , but thought it would bo hotter to lot u part of the ueason's work for cedar block , if there waste to bo a scarcity of brick that would other wise compel the postponement of a part of the work until next year for completion. Alderman Laoy Is a brick man , but takes no decided stand uo yet. Aldermen Uolllnger und Waterman have not looked Into the matter buftlolently as yet to give a decided opinion , The property owners will have the princi pal voice In the matter , and streets will bo paved a * the majority of the owners of abutting property may request. Notwith standing ho heavy blow given by the greatly reduced rates for cedar , brick stock still looms up and Booms to bo growing in favor , ' 1 ho fact that it is a homo production helps it greatly , and this argument is heard a hun dred times a day , As the bids now stand , J. B. Smith & Co. , of ChlMBo. nro the lowest on cedar , $1.15. 2uiJtY ! \ ; , v'Khtamn ' , of this city , on brick $1.73. Wlckhaiu & , Co. are the lowest on brick , (1.82 , and the third on cedar , $1.23. MoAuam & Amborg , of Chicago , are second on cedar , ? 1.2TKSmith ft , Co. did quite a largo amount of paving here throo.vcars ago , and evidently want another slice of Council Uluffs work. Hnvo your old furniture upholstered' good ns now. R. Morgan , 702 Broadway. City steam laundry , 81 Main , tcl , 11 The Proposed 8npp Hlooic. The report of a now business block on the Snpp corner , corner of Scott and Uroadway , hns been periodically sprung on the public with astonishing regularity for the past two Or thrco years , but the same ancient frame structure still disgraces the spot However , It Is now stated on the very best authority that the time for the long looked for change has arrived , nnd a handsome block , o'f mod * orn architecture , will rise on the slto of the present wretched shell. W. F. Snpp , Jr. , was seen yesterday afternoon and questioned in regard to the exact situation of nffalrs , nnd the prospect of the prosposcd building being erected this season. Said ho : "There Is only ono thing that can possibly prevent It , nnd that will bo the refusal of contractors to build It nt a reasonable figure. The plans and specifications nro all completed , and In the hands of the contractors. Llds ) will be opened Thursday afternoon , and If the prlco Is satisfactory , the contract will bo lot and work will bo commenced at onco. This work has not all boon done for nothing , nnd I hope to SDO n great chnngo made by the middle ot next month. The building will bo an orna ment to the city. I consider its erection an assured fact. Try now Metropolitan rooms and table Dr. C. C. Bazon , dentist , Opera house block. _ _ To Uullcl Or Not to Build. It is said that history repeats itself , and such indeed , scorns to bo the case , BD far as the school board Is concerned , for there is another deadlock in that august and highly intellectual body , and the members are again nt sword's ' points. To build or not to build Is the question that occasions The diffi culty. It will bo remembered that at the annual school election , last spring , It was voted to authorise the school board to issue bonds for the erection of a 520,000 school building In the wosloin part of the city. This is richt where the hitch comes in. Some of tha board want to build and the others object. Arguments long and exhaus tive are advanced by each side , nnd the ques tion has been discussed In all its bearing at least a dozen times , still the learned gentle men are as much at variance as over. These who refuse to give their consent to n now building , urge as their reason for doing so that the western part of the city docs not need the proposed structure , and , that the idea was sprung on the public by real estate men from motives of n personal and mercenary nature. They admit that the present school facilities are Inadequate , but propose to get around that by building additions to present structures. A motion was made at the meeting Mon day evening , to build additions to the school b.Mldinps nt Strcctsvillo and Eighth avenue , but the members who want the now bulldinc would not listen to It , and the scheme was slaughtered in Its Infancy. Then the motion to erect the now building , as voted by the people , came up , anil a tic vote resulted. Three wanted to build , and thrco were de termined that no now school house should go up this year. So the matter still stands. All of the members unlto in the opinion that additional accommodations are needed , but they can not agree on hotv they shall bo supplied. The advocates of the now building state that money expended on the old buildings will bo practically thrown away , and claim that now rooms can bo furnished perma nently in a now building more cheaply nnd satisfactorily than in additions where they would uo rather out of the way. The indica tions are n little in favor of the anti-builders , as It requires four votes to build , and the present tlo will kill anything of that kind as long as it exists. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co. 'a loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Ready For Diplomas. The nineteenth annual commencement exercises of the Council Bluffs high school will take place at Dahany's ' opera house at 8 o'clock to-morrow evening. The members of the class of ' 83 are Lena Hsadlo , Grace Poster , Frederick Grass , Nellie Parsons , Lena Van Gicsou , Lee Witter , Pearl Cham berlain , ntchlo Dickey , Carrie Honn , Will iam I. Mansfield , Helen Dawman , Lillian Hart , Hulda Luchow. Jennie Pile , E. J. Woodbury , Jr. , Julia Walker. The following is the programme : Music. Invocation. Music . Dalbay's Orchestra Salutatory and Oration "Triumph of Truth" . JuimloPilo Oration "The Plough Share" . . Hulda Lucho w Essay "Twilight and Morning' ' . . Julia Walker Oration "If" . Leo Witter Music Selected . Dalbey's Orchestra Essay "IllustriousVomon" . . Grace Foster Oration "Stopping Stonus".Oarno H-nin Class History . Nelllo Parsons Oration "Outward Show ; Inward Worth" . William I. Mansfield Music Selected . Dalboy's. Orchestra Essav "Silent Influence" . Lillian Hart Oration "Mysteries" . Lena Van Gicson Essay "Music and Morals" . . Hlchio Dickey Oration ' 'Edgar A. Poo" . . E. J. Woodbury , Jr. Musie Selected . Dalboy's Orchestra Oration "Builders und Wrookers" . . Pearl Chamberlain Class Prophesy . Helen Bowman Oration "Duollsin in American Civiliza tion" . Fred Grass Valedictory and Essay "Hulus" . . Lena Uoadlo Music Selected . Dalboy's Orchestra Presentation of Class by Principal of High School. Presentation of Diplomas by Superinten dent. Music Soleotod . Dalboy's Orchestra Ilnviiig an overstock of spring and summer pant goods , I will sell them at 50 cents on the dollar spot cash only. Roller , the tailor , 810 Broadway. Too Eager for Money. James Staloy is the latest victim to bo im mersed in the consom mo. Jamoi Is a youth of eighteen years , and has been acting in the capacity of hash rustler at the Homo res taurant for the sum of $10 a week and suoh other perquisites an sometimes find their way from the pocket of a customer to that of an attentive wpltor. James , however , had other aspirations , ho longed for the al mighty dollar in exceeding numoroslty , and mourned because ho had it not. Ho gave good satisfaction , and his employer concluded that James was u necessary | iart of the es tablishment. Monday ovculng ho doffed his whlto Jacket and apron , but continued to loiter about the plncu long after work hours. Whllo the other employes wore engaged H the front part of the building. Staloy entered the cook's department and helped himself to $25 that was In a desk , Ho was scon in the roar of the promises handling thn cash , and an examination revealed the fact that the cash was missing. Staloy was arrested la his room and the money found in his bcd. > His case was called yesterday before Judge Aylcsxvortb , but a continuance was granted to allow him time to prepare for trial. Bodino roofing will last longer nnd glvo bettor satisfaction than any rooiing made ; will not crack , curl or split , and mattes a perfectly solid joint on the on- tlro roof. Birklnhlno Engineering nnd Supply company , 116 Pearl street , Couu- cllBlurfs , la. Bochtelo hotel , central location , flrstclass Ho Kept Decent. Mr. E. H. Odoll road with painful Interest the reporter's account of tbo midnight frolics of some boisterous bathers at Manawa. "It's all wrong so far as Manhattan beach is con cerned , anyway , i was there personally until nftor 11 o'cftqf | | tliat night , nnd know nothing of the klnitotoJrrcd nt our boacb , unless It wns after jtbat hour. Itnntlocaro * ful inquiry slnco , nnrt'toy Investigation * sat isfy mo that our bench saw no such clhgraco * fnl proceedings. " " ( TITO deputy sheriffs nro nlwnys on bnnd to in-Wont nnysucn conduct , nml they nro there mi-night. In fact I nm determined that there lmll bo nt the bench no persons or notion * to prevent the better class of pntrons. Ira. find I cnn not run the plnco decently mulMH" " order , I wllln.ult.and cither sell or glvo It away. Uut I am positive nothing of the kind oeUurrcd nt Manhattan bench. Tlio newspapers do not ftnto Just where It occurred , but some doubtless think It wns nt tha Manhattan. I cnn not find thnt nny such altiilr happened anywhere , but If so , It nurely wns not nt my beach. 1 won't permit such conduct thoro. " I'ho Doctor unit Iho Hrokcr'n Man. The ether Any n young London dee tor who dnuhtloBS from nome sclontiflo or other high motlvo had declined to nny n bill , had n "distress" served upon him in the most ingenious manner , suys Tlrt Bits. His intelligence had long fled the bloodhounds of the law , hut the broker's mam nlono was 0110 too mttny for him. The doors were locked , the windows bolted , the area gnto impreg- nnblo ; hut the genius to whom hud htfbu intrusted the task of entering the castle was equal to the occasion. What ho looked for wns "the motive" that is , the motive which would bo most likely to induce a young doctor to open his door ; and ho found it in a "patient , " lie drove up to the door in a cub an a- chronic but well-to-do invalid. Swathed in Humid , ho tottered up the steps , and when the sympathizing physician lot him in and was nbout to inquire into bis case , ho replied : "Summons , sir ; I'm the broker's man. " Why She Wouldn't Stny. Nowhere do they keep abreast of the ago as they do in Boston and vicinity. Says the Transcript : The olhot day a lady in ono of our auburn towns called , at the olllco of tlio Young Wo men's Christian association in search < 'i ; a girl to do general housework. Thii * lady is quite famous among her ac quaintances for the order and tasfci shown in her pretty residence , nnd foi her excellent treatment of servants. She sound n young person well recom mended , ono letter coining from a prom inent tradesman nt the South ond. She agreed to pay this young person a lib eral salary , nnd they wont homo to gether. Tea time came , nml the mistress in timated to the girl that she might pre pare the meal. But the girl shrugged nor shoulders nojruttvolyr " 1 think I'll not stay with yo , ma'am , " she said. "Woy not , please ? " "Because yor house an't lighted by ' instead of " 'lictricity gasl" SPECIALMMOTICES. W'ANTiilP Mfddlb-aged woman ashouse * keeper In small faiillly. (31vo references. AddressJ. A. lloberta , Wcolblne , la. \\i ANTED A goo Undy cook nt Ilumo resT - ' T tatiraut , 317 llrond\f ay. OST Near Haylls'puJk. ' n gold breast pin with topaz set. Finder will be rewarded by addressing It. G. Owens. Silver City. In. filOIl KENT Gu-the'lst ' of Julv next tlio room Jon 1'enrl st. , SO.xTULnb.w occupied by tlio pub lic lHn-ary.Iloracaftverett. /1OWS for sale Will t.iko pay In grading nnd \J nlllng nt $ J par day lor man nnd tonm , or will take pay in painting. Horace Everett. WANTED 500 pieces oj { second-hand carpet , also all gond asronil-Maud furniture. A. J. Mundel. Nos. ! j t and iK > Uroadway. KXCIIANQK Several good farms to exchange change for Council llhiirs , lots. Johnston & Van Patten , EroretfblOrV. T710K SALE No. DOO Graham avenue. Lot JJ 5DxliU. Now house. Will take team or cattle In part payment ; balance on ten years' time , annual payments , 8 per cent payable annually. Apply to Horace Everett. A HAKE chance for n splendid investment , -tl. requiring onorgv rather than largo capital. A fortune for the right man. Half interest In the finest practical patent ever Issued. Ad * dress Swan & Walker , 1'earl street. Council Uluirs. LINK Quick delivery between X Omana and Council ftluirn. Household goods end trelslit moved sifelv and promptly. I.ouve orders at Omaha olllce , 505 So. IJth St. ; Council llluirs 7 N Mam. II. Ileecroft. ' ' ' llrst class taxld'ermlst , Council Iliuir'a. EAL KSTATE nought and sola and ox- changed. Special attention ulvun to exam ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 10 Pearl st. . Council niuffa. FOH SAIiK 7 room cottage , corner Tnlrd avonno and Oth st. Easy terms. W. C. James , lUPeurlat. "T71OH RENT Uisy terms two now live-room J houses. Kith live , between High and Third Ets. Sell cheap if taken this week. Inquire owner. J. Dickey , 740 11. AVuy. TT10H SALE Old ostabllssed general mor- Jchaiidlso business , stock , natures , wagons , etc. Good room aud low rent , Address , J. Mickey. 710H.yay | FOH HUNT Furnish r unfurnished largo ten-room house , bath room , gas , furnace etc. . at 81) Willow avo. Enquire at premlsas.or O. H. Stlllmau. Drown block. | _ _ ITUUCSII milk cows for sain or trade for fat JL' COWH. Swan's block yards , Uopor Uroad way. Frank Swan. T710U HI5NT I < argo double olllco over Frank JL1 Levin's cigar atoro , OJlJro adway. Jnrmlro of Frank Levin. . . Below we give names of n few of the many ratrons of the lam Co. In Council DlulTs and vicinity. The character of the patrons named , and tlio amount en trusted by each to the protection of the com pany , indicates the confidence enjoyed by It at homo where lu manner of doing business is best known. C. 1) . Dllllu . 8 40,00,1 Lnney Uros. &Co. . . , . U7.UJO Charles llauglm . iVi.ox ) H.P.-Morrow . 10.U.10 John Uunnett . . . 11.7110 William O'llallurun . ( . . ,00 Charles Shields . 7.7UO N. W.Nasn . 7riO : I. A. illller . . . . U.UOJ OeorgoA. Fry . . . . . nKX ( ) Henry KlBemanteUov. , . D(0) , ) buugartWait& Wlesliit . L'W li. L. Shut-art . i.i. . 4r > , ( AXI Komnn Cutliollo Churcb . id.O.tJ Itomau Catholic Clittrdi , Westphalia. . . . 40.txx ) Carroll County Com t , noubo . 21,000 -r' Ht. Francis Academy . . Cr.iver. Steele to Austin . . T.M. O.Logan . .Vl.l . il.ioo ( Deere , Wells ACo. . ; . . . . . . jo.OXI OcorgB M. Williams . ; . . . y.tOO B.D.Kohlea . , „ . . . B.MIJ O.K. Carpenter . . . ; ! . . . . . . . , . 0,700 Alasonlo Teinplo. , . , , . . . . O.UW Sletculf Uros. . . 7.V.I. . O.ooo C. A. lleobo & Co . ' . . r > , < XW 8.B. Keller . nj/ . . . . . a.cuo NOTICE When one policy exceeds fi'i.fXo.dO on property subject to destruction by a single .lire , tha excess Is re-lnpyrucllu other companies. - Ml * * s-M.8' lS3 I J $ jjs m j t ! vi f > . * P 3 a ' W r < ? " " Is 5a 4 * n | e > I S- fi s. P $13 . ? CB. * > EH uim 6O EHO m i O S SS ! O > tu - - -rt aa 38 I ti Si fcs 1 1i Afi'l ' * 'i5ls ' | Sr'i1 ' L-sLBi.sL. d aiiSe. alSs j. , iuo i. E. L. SmiciAiiT. ITcs. Vice PrciJ. CriAft. U. HANSON. Casliler. CITIZEN'S STATE BANK OF COUNCIL IH.UFFd. I'atd Up Capital . ? r.O.OOO.OO. Surplus. . . . . . -.OOO.OJ. Liabilities to Ocnosltois. . r21.UUO.00. DIIIKCTOKI 1. A. Jllller. K. O. Olcasan , Ti. L. Bhucart. K. K. Hurt , J. I ) . JMmnndson. Cliis. It. llonnon. Transact Konernl banklnit uuhlness. Largest capital and snrplui of any uank lit southwestern Iowa. Interest on time deposits. Tnos. OFFICF.IU . H. M. PU3B OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Slain and Broadway , COUNCIL ! BLiUFFS , IOWA. Dealers in foralgn tnd domestic otchancie. Collections inado nud interest paid on time de- posits. WEOOd'TMTTHEEASTH ' ! OH , NO ! But wo do want the people of Western Iowa to know that the GREAT BARGAIN SHOE STORE NO. 100 MAIN ST. , Cor. First Avenue , carry the largest stock of BOOTS and SEIOES in this city. That wo always load in popular prices. That persons wanting reliable goods can save money by trading with us. S. A. PIERCE. D.H.MCQANELQ & GO , , HidesTalloViPelbWool , , & FUR , Highest m arkct prices. Prompt returns. Nos Mnud fcia Main st. . Council UlulTs. Iowa Instiro In the U. S. Masonic Benevolent Association of Council Bluffs , In. , the youngest , largest , cheapest anil best plan of Masoulo Insurance in the world , that I'onllncs Us membership to its fraternity. No. 27 Main Street , Over JavqiiciiiinN JTo\vulrySt ro The Most Modern Novolltls In THE QUAKER JE1LR1 STORE , A. A. IEART , Prop. Honest Watches , Clocks , Jewelry and Silver wuio. AH cleaning and repairing under par eonal supervision of the proprietor. Stationery Toilet articles and Perfumery. 1'lno Watcuiu Time Locks and Chronometers a specially. 110 MAIN Si1. , Council lllults. UKOAHWAV. Centrally located livery and boarding stable Host accommodations in the city. Special at- tcutloa to truusleut custom. W. A. HAYS , Prop. Telephone Stiiblo. 77. lias. 82O. il AN ] Are thoroughly prepared to taku care of horses oud carriage * of all visitors to the lake. Plenty of sheds and stalls , and animals and carriages will be safely cared lor. Charges reasonable. Accommodating hostlers on hand night and day. When you drive to the Lake , don't forget "OLD PAD/ ' CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. W. I * PATTOProp. . Elegant Riga at Roasonnblo Rates. Nos. 10 and 21 , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 DORSE POWER , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE gpcclflcatloni and eitlmntei furnlibcd for complete iteam riant ) . Iteirnlatlon , Durability . guarantee ! . t'UDibuwlclicrllrou uivri wbcro luel economy li equal wllti Corlln Nun-condeimlnj. E.G. HARRISAgent , Bond tor catalogue , No , 610 Pourl Street , Council Bluffs. AT THE Special Sale of Embroideries : Special Sale of Embroi cLeved Floimcings. The finest line of FloXmclngs in the city. The prices Q unrnntocd the lowest. Examine bargains marked BOc , OSc. 80c , $1.OO , $1.2O nd $1.0O. Special Sale of White Groorls. Examine bargains marked Co , G l-4c , 8c , lOc , 12 l-2c , 10c , 18o 22c and 2Bc. Special Sale of Baiching's. Examine bargains marked Be , lOc , 12 l-2c , 2Oc and 2Bc a y ard. Also bargains in Tourist Ruchlng , 12 l-2c , IBc and 2Oo a box. Special Sale of Children's Lace Caps. Examine lots marked 12 l-2c , 23c , 38c , 37 l-2c , BOc and 7Bc. Special Sale of Ladies' Collars. Examine lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 2Bc. Another case of the Celebrated Fast Back Hose , lOc a pair ; ovoi pair warranted or money refunded. One case of the finest Whlto Bed Spreads this city ever saw for the money. Full sl/.e and extra weight. The prlco Is onlyl.OO worth $1.37. * Strive to como e-arly and receive a portion of the bargains. ELAW & Leaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. N. B. Mail orders promptly atttended to. AssLSUle Veterinarian. Cor.GlenAve qNFJBMARY T.J.CADYt D.V.S * HospitalfbrLames icK ANIMALS ; . elerinarianforCouncil Bluffs tfffiffi reEgftilico Department. No. 131 Broadway * BRO'S CHINA STORE IN . .st.frPcKerJvlsrnbs.&lasE. YafeHo yJ Wel&R stai5rJn fem hf B4 m a A riud m f OLD FashipMi . - - Tel. 20 L English sasssar-ssasssss N.I.TIBBETTS Kitciien OROCERIETS. IMpnarch&curjiceBro fcarmed&oods. 34- Candlog , ffea I Estate ft Loan A Froah 5o5feUve.Bef.Main Maclo Every Day. Dompeoy & Butler , You Are Invited and Welcome While In the city do not fall to call on the store and see the finest and best MUEO ! Hall on the Mo , slope. Come and talce a look at our large stock of Pianos and Organs and all kinds of musical Instru ments up stairs and down btalra 103 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - , - IOWA , { i