Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1889, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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the Very Serious Quoatlon Anltat-
Ing Union Pnclflo Employes.
Commencement Exerciser oft ho Wos-
Icy/in University Tlio Asylum
lor Incurably Innnno
llirco Times Trioa.
LJSCOI.N BnniutJ or Tnn OMAHA. UBC , I
1029 P STJIBKT , }
LINCOLN. Juno 13. )
To strike , or not to strike , scorns to bo the
Crave qucstlon.undor consideration by Union
Pnclflo cmployrs. It will bo decided , doubt *
loss , In n day or two. It has Just boon reli
ably lonrncd that the brotherhood of brnlto-
tncn and cnRlnoors , and the Knights of Labor
bavo signed nrtlclos of confederation , stipu
lating that they ahull stand or fall together
whenever the emergency tirlsos. The arti
cles are esteemed Bignlflcant In this : "In
union there Is strength. " In convura.itlon
with a nromlncnt Union Paclflo omployo , ha
expressed himself strongly In favor of tak
ing the extreme unless the oQlclals of the
road in nil o favorable concessions. "You need
not hesitate to say , " ho said to Tun lieu
man.'tlntt the chances for the nutlclpatcd
ntriko nre oven. The Lincoln brotherhood
and Knights of Labor have banded together
and the decisive step may bo tnicca nny mo
ment. It Is said tlmt a confederation will bo
formed throughout the west , and if the
strllto Is attempted you will find the best o'r-
cnnlzed sot of strikers that over took tbo bit
between their teeth. "
Apropus to this , It can bo
nalvl that a strllco Is not considered Imminent
in business circles hero , and , oftlclals of the
road are seemingly altogether at ease. Uut
for nil that , trouble certainly brows If the
bed Is noc made wtdo enough to hold two.
The brotherhood seems to bo a unit , and
their dcummls , generally known to the pub
lic , liavo not boon made to create a great
blow about nothing.
Wcsloynn Coininniionnicnt.
Examinations were continued to-day. On
the whole they nre provIpK very creditable.
The art reception was hold at 3 o'clock , this
afternoon , and attended by a largo number
of the friends of the institution. This was
followed by the annual meeting uf the board
of trustee1' . Reports and subjects considered
indicate n , healthful condition for the rapidly
growing nifunt. The iunugurnl Jubllco was
held at St. Paul's church at 8 o'clock , this
evening. The spacious church was crowded
to the utmost. It was highly Interesting and
auspicious In every souse. Bishop Wurren
delivered the address. It was a brilliant ef
fort and listened to with marked attention.
Asylum For the Inciirub'y Insnno.
Dr. Stone , superintendent of the hospital
f or tlio Incurable insane , Hustings , is In the
city , The doctor in a general way stated
that tbo institution was fitting up rapidly ,
find would soon bo ready for the reception of
patients. Ho anticipates a largo draft from
the first. It Is understood that the incura
ble in&a-.o of both the Lincoln ana Norfolk
hospitals will bo removed to the asylum at
Hastings at the earliest possible date. Tbo
Lincoln asylum will send nearly two hun
dred patients. The doctor also stated that a
good deal of the furniture was already in
place , but ho win umiblo to fix upon the
exact date of the ooanlng. Uut it is safe to
eay that it will bo witiilu the next six xvooks.
The Supreme Court.
James L. Gandy vs the state Is the title of
a case that again appears upon the records
of the supreme court of the state. Tills
time It cornea up on error from the district
court of Pawnee county. It will bo rcmotn-
tiered that Gandy was first tried and con
victed m Richardson county , on the charge
of perjury , and sentenced to a term of years
in the state pen. The case came to the su
preme court and \ > as reversed and remanded.
On a change of venue Gaudy was tried in
the courts of Pawnco county , on the same
charge , and upon conviction was sentenced
to the penitentiary for n term of five years.
Again his attorneys appeal to the supreme
court , and , pending tha notion , their client
lies In the county jail. This Is the third time
this nnm has boon tried , convicted and sen
tenced on criminal charges , and each' time
bos temporarily escaped the penalty of the
law because of bis position and riches.
John Simons et nl vs D. B. Sowards also
pcnda In the supreme court on error from
the district court of Boone county.
Schuyler National bank vs Neil R. Bol-
long , on error from the district court of Col-
iax ojunty. is the title of another tiled for
Wednesday's Flyora.
The programme for the races for tomorrow
row is a. follows : '
Tttreo-minuto trot , purse S300. Entrlos :
Tom Payne , b. g. , entered by F. M. Bu
Bun D'Orr , g. g. , entered by G. B. Skin
Quaker Girl , bile , m. , entered by R.
Harry B. , br. KM entered by I. A. Bcomp.
3:83 : trot , purse 300. Entries :
Ignua Fatuus , b , 8. , entered by O. E. Dy
Walter E. . b. g. , entered by W. E. Ever
JcnnlaLynn , br-m. , entered by C. D. Tall-
Beatrice Iko , b. g. , entered by I. L. Curloy.
Loyan B. , b. g. , entered by R L. Dunn.
Bluck Crook , bile , g. , entered by G. D.
One-half mile and roncat , running race.
Entries close Tuesday , 11 p. m. , Juno IS.
Under the management of Miss E. B.
Loomls , the pupil of her school tendered the
drama of Cinderella at the hall of the Young
Men's Christian association , this evening.
The performance was very creditable , and
the principal and support did themselves
proud. Cast of characters as follows :
Cinderella . Miss Pauline Meyer
Prlnco. . . Master Max Meyer
Baroness . . . . . . . . .Miss Sidney Murphy
liarcm. . . . . . . Master Peter Lau
Proud Slaters . J Miss Ethel Heliner
| MM , FnctlaBmnjM ,
Baron's Servant. . . .Master Howard Kendall
* * L
Page , to MiePrmcoj g c
Godmother . Miss Bosalo Archibald
f Miss Francis Lnno
irni t . I Miss Kate Kendall
lftlr'4 .
IMlss Helen Archibald
( .MlsdHuthOwen
I Master Alex. Luu
A . .t. . * . . % . ti , . M'ss ' Knlo Kendall
J MMtoi- Hurry Moshor
Bull SconiP.
MIss IJclon ArcllibaUI
I und others
City News anil Notes.
C. A. Ilathburn , A. C. Chandler and S , O
PhlMippl and other Missouri Paclflo oWclals
wore In Lincoln to-day on railroad business
Suuorlntoiidont Lane , Treasurer Hill and
Church Howe , members of the board of education <
cation of the etato normal school , Peru , lofl
to-day to take lu the commencement exorcises
for IbVJ.
Governor Thayer returned , from Chicago
to-day , having accompanied his wife to that
place on route to eastern summur resorts
where she will remain until the cooler
weather of fall.
The June races of "Nebraska's Gentlemen
Jockey club" commence on the morrow , A
number of entries have boon made and th
races promise to bo the beat of the kind evei
bold in the state. It will be remembered tha
they nro for Nebraska bred horses.
The old settlor's takes
picnic place to
morrow at Cushnmn's park. A very inter
acting programme ) has won arranged , am"
the uvent will bo ono of a high degree o
interest and pleasure. In a word it will ba
nil old-fashioned reunion , and the stories
banded down will bo as racy and Inturcstlni
its a written novel. The attendance wil
doubtless bo largo.
Tha important matter under consld
oration by tbe council las' '
evening was lllshop Bonacum's proposition
for a city hospital. To the surprise of every
oody tha I'roteutant clergy opposed it vigor
pusfy , nid possibly effectively , it is COR
wood tuat the blshop > proportion Is m cou
filet with the charters though the council tt
ncllncd to favor it. The question will blnco ,
loubtlcss , upon legal Interpretation. The
opposition of the clergy Is manifest In the
allowing resolution , which WM presented
to the countll by A commlttoo of throai
Uosolvcd , By the Ministerial association
of Lincoln , that a commlttco of thrco bo np-
lolntod to wait on the cltv council nml pro-
cat , on behalf of the Protestant churches of
jlncoln , ngalnst. the appropriation of city
'unds ' for the support or use of any sectarian
nstltutlon , Protestant or Catholic. That wo
recommend that the council establish n city
lospitnl. Tlmt wo pledge the hourly ut > -
lort of the Protestant ChrNtlan churches
'or such n hospital , both by our contribu
tions and by our taxes as citizens of Lincoln.
A marriage license was Issued this morn-
ng to Harry S. Fleck and Francis I , Moore.
The case of Bon H. FlovcdvB. Sheriff Mel-
ck was on trial to-day. It was n replevin
rase In which the right to the possession of
Ned V , the well known trotter , was consid
ered. The horse was levied on by the sheriff
> y virtue of an oxccutfon against P. M.
3urns. Floycd claims that ha had bought
tha horse , and hud left It with Burns , who
was keeping it for n share In the prollts.
Verdict for Floycd.
The cases of GcorgoV. . Plonaants vs. H.
; J. Blodgott et nl. and L. S. Vnrnoy ot nl. vs.
J. Fred Ilutchlns ot nl. , were filed in the dis
trict court this morning.
Dr. Billings and family lonvo for Mlhvau-
: oo to-morrow.
West Lincoln market had seven cars of
togs this forenoon. They were shipped in
) .V F. Woodgatc , Uticn , two cars ; W. M.
lobron ; J. T. Morrisoy , Bollwood ; A. .f.
Snowden , Kearney ; J. It Loomls , "Wilson-
vllle ; F. A. Harris , Sterling. The market
ranged from S3.CO to $3 05.
The gang wells for the packing houses
were connected this afternoon. There is a
good supply and the water Is pnlntnblo.
Myers. Uivott & Htpglns shipped two cnra
of corn-fed cattle to Chicago yesterday oven-
Colonel J.\V. Johnson , of the Button Advor-
, isor , was a culler at Tm : Ben headquarters
M. J. Cooper is getting to bo qulto a com
mon alias , slnco the councllmanlu Investiga
tion began. Burke , alias Dolonoy , who is
nlxcd up In the Cronln mystery when ho
left Now York for London sailed under that
W. H. Vance , Crete ; P. A. Kllnor , York ;
I. N. Clover , Bartloy ; E. J. Murphy , J. W.
Unrns , F. D. Munlson , A. J. Montgomery ,
Omaha ; H. F. Fershman , Grand Island ;
James Leonard , Curtis : Colonel Sweet ,
Clarlts , were at the capital to-day.
Mn. JAS. , of Monet , Mo. , says
10 had dyspouslu lor eight years , which
mudo him a wreck , sick and suffering during
the whole time. After trying nil the reme
dies , including all the doctors , in roach , ho
discarded everything und took Swift's Spe
cific , lie Increased from 114 to 158 pounds ,
nnu was soon a sound and healthy man.
Views and Interviews Caught In Hotel
Corridors and KlHowhore.
The scheme for a mooting of business men
From every county in Nebraska at board of
trade hall , in this city , on Juno 2i5 , is taking
lilto wild fire everywhere. The indications
arc now that there will bo at least 400 dele
gates here. W. C. Fenton , of Stockvlllo , has
arrived already to represent Frontier county ,
and ho says that nearly every town in his
part of the state will send from two to flvo
men. " 1 think the movement is just what
wo have long wanted. Its objects cannot fall
to bring forth good results. Frontier county
is twenty-four miles wide by forty-two long ,
and fully 73 per cent of the land could bo
utilized lor agricultural purposes. Tha re
maining 35 per cent is as good grazing
as can bo found anywhere. Wo have room
for three times as many settlers as are there
now , and want to got them if we can. The
crop prospects were never better. I think
our wheat and oats yield this year will bo
larger than over before , and the cornjis sim
ply imraonso. " Mr. Fonton came down to
visit friends until the convention meets. Ho
Is secretary of the Stockvillo board of trade.
Hon. A. R. Graham , of Wisnor , Is among
tha vidltlng Masons , and tattes a prominent
part in the grand lodge proceedings. Mr.
Graham says the business men of his town
are heartily in sympathy with the
Omaha board of trade movement
to do something that will bring
emigrants Into the state , and they propose
sending a strong delegation to the conven
tion. "Cumiug county , " said ho , ' 'has room
for a great many more ozople than reside
there now , and would gladly welcome them.
The prospects for a good harvest are very
flattering. The dry weather in April and
May injured small grain somewhat , but re
cent rains have brought out and insured to
us the heaviest corn crop wo ever raised. "
C. F. Moore , of the Chinese legation at
Washington , spent yesterday In Omaha , en
route to Sail Francisco , from whore
ho expects to sail from homo
next week. Mr. Moore is a very fine-
looking Chinaman. Ho says that
this country suits him very well. While
here ho insists on wearing an American
name , but in China ho is known as Sang
Fling. The joung man is very tall , has a
boyish face and likes a good time. He is
very finely educated , speaks English per
fectly , and thinks the Americans are great
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
For a disordered liver try Beocham's Pills.
Licensed to Wed.
The following marnago licenses were Is
sued by Judge Shields , yesterday :
Name and Ucsldeucc. Age.
fJohn C. Haborcorn , Omaha 37
( Augusta Luneborg , Omaha 23
j Charles H. Scholl. Omaha , 30
I Ada C. Kellogg , Ponca 22
j H. W. Rocho , Omaha 23
( Annlo McAndrcws , Omaha 20
I John Rice , Omaha 33
I Mary Coffee , Omaha. 20
] Herbert Schawl , Omaha 31
( Mary L. Judd , Omaha 17
I Gustavo Nelson , Omaha 23
I Mary Olcson.-Omaha 20
O. E. & C. M. Anthony , the well
known investment bonkers of Peoria ,
III. , have located an olllco in Omnha , at
312 First National bunk buildiner. This
is the londtiijr lirm in the farm mort
gage loan business of Illinois , and is a
welcome accession to the business in
terests of our city. The Anthonys have
boon investors in Ointiha enterprises
for some years , and have many friends
bore. This olllco will bo their head-
uartcrs for farm loans in Nebraska ,
? own und northwestern Missouri , as
well as for Omaha city loans. The
business will bo in clmrjfo of Lymnn W.
Cnso , nwmiger , and William ! ? . Fowler ,
My LIltin Slnld.
31. M. n. in Hoslou ainbe.
Crimson clovcr-blossomsa dapple
All the meadows , while the anula
Trees drift rosy snows beneath their bend
Ing boughs
Ou u llttlo maid who passes
Thro * the rippling ranks of grasses
In the gloaming as she goes to call the cows.
Pretty , dainty , darlc-oyca Phyllis ,
Tho' her manner coy and chill Is
As she hastens on to where the cattle browse.
Tho1 she scarcely ueeins to notice
Me , the girl on whom I dote Is
This llttlo maid who goes to call tbo cows.
As the twilight shadows darken.
E'en all nature scorns to hearken
For nor footsteps , and that bird that's half
Pipes a sleepy llttlo ditty
Juit to toll mo that my pretty
JB coming back from calling of the cows ,
Hera and thora a glow-worm grazes
The whlto robes of nodding daisies ,
Betraying uboru with king-dins they ca
rouse ;
Stars abov'o begin to twlnklo.
As I hoar the 'tinkle , tlnklal"
Of thu bells upon my llttlo maiden's cow * .
She in como , still coy and colder
Than before. But , love , grown bolder ,
Bid * ma speak. And oh , she listens to iny
Lots mo tell her that I love her ,
And the haupy birds abavo her
Hear the answer of my mala who calls the
cows I
P alt's Chlorides , the best Disinfect
ant for household uses. Odorless ,
prompt , cheap.
A Bpnnlah Maldon'a Pnlao Lever
Lured to an Awful Doom.
"They Heard Xonr Protcfltntlons o
liovc , " Cried ttio Girl , "nnd They
\V\\l \ \ Jlcar YourOyliiK
Brcntli. "
Poison for Poison.
Dloockor street was , nearly n century
ays n , writer' in the Cincinnrvt
Enquirer , ono of the aristocratic thor
ouphfarcs of Now York city , nud many
of the best fnmlUcs Gotham hnd at the
time wore residents of it. As rocpnt as
1813 the street was occupied by a class
ot people who would dislike to bo scon
Lhore today. There is now "n largo
business house on a block whore there
formerly stood an inn kept by u Span
iard known as Canovns Do Rosn. U
was bore that a tragedy was cominittoi
ono night that is probably unparnllolot
in the criminal annals of this country ,
thi details of which never reached the
general public.
Canovas wns a man who hnd accumu
lated considerable money by catering to
the wants of the weary traveler that
Imd mndo the then lengthy trip from
Philadelphia. In the rear of his inn
was a barn like apartment in which ho
kept a wolf , a bear and a few reptiles.
Ho added to the collection whenever an
opportunity presented itcslf , and as a
consequence ho had in time quite n
monugorio , which wna the moans of at
tracting to his place people who , while
looking at his collection of boasts , spent
considerable money. The man was n
widower and had no family. Ho had
como to this country curly in the
thirties , and brought with him the only
child of his brother , who had developed
Into a beautiful girl.
Rose Do Rosa had all the attributes
of the Spanish maidon. She had picked
up English when n mere child soou
alter she arrived , and was probably
moro of nn attraction to the inn than
the menagerie. Rose , as she wns famil
iarly called by the habitues of the
lilaco , had instilled into her mind that
the companionship of the average
young mau of the day meant ruin and
destruction. Canovas was not slow to
realize that
would some day bring to him a fortnno.
The hopes ho indulged in were Hellish
from their origin. Ho frequently in-
formoil her that she was safer when at ,
the mercy of the beasts in the barn
than in the company of the young gen
try of that day.
It was not an unusual sight to see the
girl , when just entering hoi- teens , ac
company her uncle to the barn to fur
nish food for the ferocious boasts con-
lined thoro. The latter had become
accustomed to the young girl's prcs-
once and would perform antics at her
command that both pleased and aston
ished the customers. Canovas saw she
possessed some influence over the
beasts , and rendered all the assistance
in his power for the development of the
talent. Ho increased his collection
and added a few native snakes. The
latter acted like kittens in the girl's
hands , and her fame as n charmer of
venomous reptiles spread to such an extent -
tent that crowds would assemble in the
barn to observe her take the slimy
creatures from their glass case and
coil them about her person.
It was at this period that a young
Russian Chafe Jurge was introduced to
Canovas. The young man's mother had
boon a Spanish girl who had made a
runaway match with a Russian , the
fruits of which were a child and a life
of misery. The young man was edu
cated abroad and sent to this country
by his father's relatives to negotiate
with American capitalists regarding an
enterprise that promised great results.
It was generally known that Chafe
would eventually bo the possessor of an
immense fortune , and , being young and
handsome , was naturally much sought
after. Ho had noard of Rose , and expressed -
pressed a desire to see the girl. Cano
vas know the young man by reputation ,
and visions of a match between him
and his ward came to his mind.
Chafe drove to the Blookor street inn
ono day and was served with wino.
Rose was present and saw that his
wants were properly attended to. His
manner was different from thoseof young
men visiting her uncle's house , consequently
quently it was not surprising that a
mutual attraction sprung uu between
the young people. It was almost imme
diately ripened into lovo. Chafe took
up his abode at the place , and it was in
time looked upon by Canovas as the
Ho had encouraged the suit by every
moans in his power. Chafe would pass
hours in the barn watching the girl
feeding her vicious pots. During ono
of these performances ho remembered
that his presence was required at a
hotel kept by a fellow-countryman ,
where an invalid friend was stopping.
' 'Como with ino , Rose , " ho whispered ,
loaning pvor the girl affectionately. "I
wish to' introduce to him my future
wife. "
An hour later she was on her way to
visit the sick friend of the man she
loved. Darkness was just fulling as they
entered the gate at a place standing on
what is now known as Bowling Green.
Chafe took the girl's arm und led her
upstairs. They o mil-oil a chamber
handsomely furnished , but unoccupied.
A table standing in the ccaitor of the
room bore fruits and wines. There were
chairs placed for two. Rose started
back at not seeing the friend whom
they hud como to visit , but Chafe ex
plained that the gentleman had proba
bly gone to drive with his pbysioinn ,
and under the oircumsstanucs it would
bo proper to remain until ho returned.
It was the old story , over whicli thou
sands of women have ulicd sulllciont
tears to form nn ocean. A story told BO
often nnd in so many parts of the world
that it has become familiar. The power
of the wino , the iniluonco of their ar
dent love , and. in the passion of the mo
ment , forgetfulncHS of the future.
Chafe left the girl at her unclo'sdoor.
An hour later she had a note from him ,
in which ho said ho had decided to take
up bis quarters elsewhere.
Rose passed the next day in the barn ,
with the animals. She astonished Cnn-
ovas by the reckless inannor in which
she made the reptiles go through their
tricks. She deliberately allowed half a
dozen rattlesnakes to como out ol their
cases at ono' time , nnd laughed ahor
uncle's fright when BUO sat oa a chair
with a trio of
The summer came and wont , and
Chafe was still absqnt. Rumors reached
the Inn that ho was paying attention to
ladles. Caiiovas could not understand
his prolonged absence , and wrote to
him. The answer threw him into a pas
sion. It was only a few lines in Spanish ,
written in pencil , at the bottom of a
note sout to him :
"I liked Rose liacauKAehalu beautiful.
' - " it f rf > ilftt'-'H ' lf tar-rt + t : It
but never thougbAof marrying hor. "
The words uurnpd into the girl's
brain as her uncloTUhnded thorn to hor.
She plncod the notiiin her pocket and
repaired to her iWflrito seat among the
reptiles in the bsf ( j ) . It wns hero that
she decided on n , ilan of rov'ongo as
horrible as it Avnp appalling. She
wrote to Chafe , bcgginpfhlm to como to
the inn. The nnbwor contained the
statement thai ho was soon
to wed. but thftt' Rose could bo
to him all that n.'wijto could bo without
bearing his nninp. It was the last
straw. She Immndintoly wrote a letter
couched In the moit endearing terms ,
consenting to his'vilo proposition.
"Grant mo ono request , " she pleaded
'before all is over. Undo is confined to
his bed , and cannot disturb us. Spend
ono hour with IDO at the barn. "
Ho protested , but finally consented.
It wns then dusk. In loss than an hour
she was unlocking the door ot tbo place
in which ho hnd first spoken words of
love to hor. n Ho followed her In. The
Eovon months that hnd elapsed slnco
ho wns thcro hnd not wonted many
changes. A oofa and n chair wcro a
few foot beyond the cases containing
the snakes , nil ot whom nppcnrod as
harmless as lambs. No thought of
danger entered the man's niliut.
Rose walked over to the case con
taining the reptiles nnd throw back the
"For God's sake , don't take them
out ! " ho exclaimed. "You are not in
condition to hnndlo the in to-night. See
how their tongues dart outl Do not
touch them , Roso. "
"Their tongues do not contain as
much poison as some human beings , "
said Rose , us she lifted the largest of
the trio of rattlesnakes from its warm
blanket mid returned tohor position on
the sofa.
UI loved you once , ' ? the girl ex
claimed , as the reptile coiled itself in a
knot on her lap "loved you with all
the passionate ardor of a young girl's
heart. "
'And don't you love mo yet ? "
"No. My hate for you now is as
strong as my love wns one. "
Chafe turned palo. He realized that
the girl's reason was affected , and the
bringing of him hero , was simply the
[ ' ulflllmont of a part of a deliberate plot j
'or revenge.
"Robe , why did you bring mo here ? "
"TO SUB YOU mul"
The girl Hissed the words out between
iior clenched tooth with FO much vehe
mence that Chafe rose to his feet.
"Yes , " she continued , " 1 enticed you
lore to pimibii you for the wrong you
itivo dono. You know the blood that
runs iu my veins you know that it calls
'or your life for the great harm you have
done me. "
The girl rose to her foot as she spoke.
The serpent dropped to the floor with a
ihud and raised its head in a threaton-
ng manner. Chafo'leaped ' to the chair
on which ho hud been sitting , as the
snake glided to a dark corner.
Rose trembled with , suppressed passion
.is she stood before the man who had
blighted her young.iifo. She ran to the
case containing the' two other rattle
snakes and tosod 'thorn toward him.
The body of one ? btruck him on the
oroast and fell tp 'tno floor , whore it
gavn forth its oini'nbus rattle.
"You cannot osfca o them. " tbo girl
screamed in her liassion. "They hoard
your protestations Bflovo , and tiioy will
lioar your dying Breath. "
She leaned ovcr-ithothor case and had
raised a huge blapks.uako. Chafe real
ized that his only , Jiupo of escape lay in
subduing the girltt ( Reason was out of
the question.Al "second moro and ho
was on the floor and raised the chair in
the air. It fell with acrash on the un
fortunate girl , who uttered a moan and
sank to the floor. The chair had struck
the one light the place afforded and ex
tinguished it. Total darkness prevailed ,
a darkness more intense from the fact
that poisonous reptiles were loose about
him. If ho could but roach the door ho
might escape. A few stopa would bring
him there. Ho took ono and hoard the
rattle of a snauo. Ho could feel their
presence within an inch or two of his
body. The thought flashed through his
brain that if ho remained perfectly still
the deadly creatures would probably re
turn to their cases. A cold sweat broke
out over him. The suspense was awful.
Ho could hear the blacksnake drag
ging itrfolf along the otherjsido of the
apartment , A thought came to him
and ho at once acted upon it. Ho
knelt down and felt along the floor as
far as ho could roach in the direction of
the door. Ho dragged himsqlf on his
knees and had traveled nearly half the
distance when his hand came in contact
with the crawling body of a snake. Ho
drew back suddenly as ho heard the
awful rattle of the reptile. Another
instant and
and dropped to the floor. Ho shrieked
aloud and rose to his foot. It muda no
dlfforonco if a dozen snakes were about
him. They could do him no moro harm.
Ho had been bitten.
Rose recovered consciousness at about
the tirao that the unfortunate wretch
felt the fangs of the reptile piercing his
"At last. " she exclaimed with a hys
terical laugh. "You poured poison into
my life , and this is my revenge. "
The man paid no attention to her
words ; ho was pounding heavily against
the locked door.
The girl arose , struck a match and re
lit the candle. Ho turned us she did
so , and presented a spectacle awful to
behold. Blood was trickling from the
wound on his face , which was already
beginning to swell out of all proper
tions. The strange glare of his eyes
showed that the insidious poison of the
reptile was doing its deadly work.
' My God ! save mo , save mo , "
shrieked the unfortunate wretch. Ho
approached her and kqolt at her foot.
Thi ) snakes , had crawled back to their
blankets , and only tbo upturned chair
and the condition of the man
showed what nn awful tragedy had boon
The girl stood with her nrms folded
nnd n rcsoluto expression on her tnco.
It wns in this position that Canovas
found thorn. Ho had heard the nolso ,
nnd , dressing himself , came out. The
girl did not show the least surprise at
his presence.
"Ho ruined mo ! " she exclaimed ,
pointing to the wretched man on the
floor before her < "nnd I have boon ro-
vontrcd. "
Canovns took in the situation nt n
glanco. Ho ran to the door , nnd ,
reaching the street , sped for the nearest -
est physician.Vhon ho returned
Cliafo wns dead. His face wag n horri
ble spectacle. Rose was standing in
the same position as when ho had loft.
The physician looked at her n moment
nnd shook his head.
"Sho has lost her reason , " ho said
"Nothing can bo done for hor. "
Within three months slio died , nnd
her body wns interred in the old cemetery -
tery at Harlem , over which a row of
brick houses now stands.
Took All Jit * L'nlim Away.
A. M. Chlsholra. of No. 2W4 Stoddard
Street , SU Louts , Mo. , writes :
'During my long residence in Canada I
suffered for years from sevens pains in my
back , across t'lo ' region of the kidneys , and
by the constant U3o of At.tcocu's PIASTCIIS
Invariably obtained crcat relief. Upon removing
moving to St. Louis , I was again troubled
with the same complaint , nnd was ndvisod
to usa Magnetic and other kinds of plasters ,
without being relieved of pain , so fell back
to my old friend AI.LCOCK , who gives mo
rcoro relief than nny other that I have
over tried. I always recommend them to
my friends nnd nil who suffer from pains nnd
aches of any kind. "
Unvollcil nt Homo In Honor of Ono
Uiirncd to Dentil For Heresy.
For Humanity sweeps onward
While tha hooting mob of yesterday in silent
uwo return
To glean up the scattered ashes into History's '
doldcn urn
The citizens of Rome viewed yester
day for the first time the unveiling of
a statue to an arch heretic on the spot
whore nearly thrco centuries ago ho
wns burned to death by order ot the in
quisition , says the Chicago Tribune :
It is enough to mnko the bodies of nil
the dead members of the holy olllco
turn in their graves witli horror , tt
has shocked the living ones , and the
erection of the monument \yas bitterly
opposed from the beginning by the
pope , who considered it scanda
lous in the highest degree.
But the Italian government does
not believe that the church is infallible
now , or that it was so in the days when
it waa dealing with Galileo and other
teachers of now doctrines. The idea
of commemorating this great Italian
who met his death in the causa of re
ligious liberty was conceived by .Ital
ians who , while they may not share his
views , yet wish to recognize his sin
cerity , high-mindedncss , and devotion
to what ho believed to bo the truth.
The statue is the work of Ettori Fer
rari , an eminent sculptor and a mem
ber of the Italian chamber of deputies.
It is placed in the Campo do Fieri , not
fur from the banks of the Tiber , where
Bruno was burned.
Giordano Bruno was born in 154S in
the Neapolitan city of Nola. His father
was a soldier , and perhaps of German
parentage. When ten or eleven years
old ho was sent to an uncle in Naples.
At the ago of fifteen ho entered , a
Dominican monastery and became n
novice of the order. His baptismal
name of Philip ho exchanged for his
"name in religion" of Giordano , by
which ho is always known. In this
monastery ho remained iiftcon years ,
liven while a novice ho was accused of
heresy because ho had abandoned de
votion to pictures ot the saints and
contented himself with a crucillx
alono. This charge was smothered ,
but in 1575 now complaints were made ,
and ho loft Naples and went to Rome.
The next two years wcro spent
in school teaching in the north
of Italy. Then ho went to Geneva ,
where no got work in a printing ollico ,
but Calvinism was abhorrent to him ,
and ho journeyed on to Paris , whore he
taught and wrote and gained the friend
ship of Henry III. Next ho went to
England , lectured at Oxford , became in
timate with Sir Philip Sidney and Pulko
Grovillo. and won the favor of Queen
Elizabeth , whom ho called the "Diana
of the Nymphs of the North. " In 15&5
he wont to Germany and spent quiet
years at Wittenberg. In 16U1 ho was
unwise enough to go to Venice. A false
friend denounced him to the Inquisi-
sition. Ho was arrested , and in 1503
was turned over by the Venetian
government to the Papal authorities.
Ho was tried for heresy. It was
charged lhat he taught the eternity
of the universe , a plurality of inhabited
worlds , and many other false doc-
trins. Some of the accusations made
against him ho denied , some ho ad
mitted to bo true , but refused to recant.
After seven years spent in prison ho
was found guilty and was turned over
by the inquisition to the "secular arm , "
the order reading "beseeching you so to
mitigate the severity of his sin with
respect to his body , that there may bo
no shedding of blood. " This gentle
phrase meant that ho should bo burnt.
Burnt ho was February 17,1000 , in the
presence of a largo and enthusiastic
auaionco of Roman citizens. According
to the account in a uows letter , "ho was
slowly roasted , and may now , in those
other worlds which ho imagined to
exist , toll how blasphemers and heretics
arc punished at Rome. " To-day his
statue iu unveiled on the spot where ho
died and the church is powerless to
prevent it.
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It ctn bo glrun In a cap of coffee or tea without tha
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