Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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    iVftK-4S : ? , Wl
No ntlTcrtlscineiits will Ijo ( nlccn fop
Ilicfln columns niter IJJiJJO p. in.
TcrniH CnBli In ntlvniicc.
AdvMlfscmenta under IhU liciut 10 ccnt pcf
line for the nrst insertion , 7 cents for each Mil ) ,
luquent Inr.crtlon. uniULM per line per month.
No oilvcrtlsoihcnt taken for less than 2.1 cents
tor first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
jo the line ; they must ran consecutively nnd
uiuat 1)8 paid fn ADVAJNCI' . All Advertise
ments must bo Irunded In boforn 1S:30 : o'clock p.
m. , ni.d under no circumstances will they uo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtlci advtrtlidnn In these columni and hav-
liiR their nns\vcr3 addressed In euro of TIIR llr.r.
Will plcnuo asU for n check to enable them to gut
their letters , as none will liodellvercd cxccpton
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements nhould bo enclosed In envelopes.
All mlvoitlsements In these columns are pub'
Untied In both mornlnc and evening edition * ) of
Tun llir the circulation of which nRRrcRato-j
more than 18,000 popersdally , and Rlvci the ad
vertisers thobenollt , not only of the city circu
lation of Tne DKK. hut nlsn of Council muffs.
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advcrtlslnp for these columns will bo taken
nntbo nbovo conditions , at the following busi
ness hollies , who nro authorized ngents forTitK
l.jri : Micclai notices , mid will qunto the same
rates as can bo had rvt tlio.mnlti olllco.
OHABB&ntmY. Stationers nnd 1'rlntcrn , 113
South 10th Srrcet.
CJ hri'AUNBWOHTU , Pharmacist , S115 Cum-
n liiR Street.
W a. HUOllUS , PhannaeUt , C21 North ICtli
KO. W. PAHU Pharmacist , 160D St Mary's
A MAIIKIED man , [ M ) yenrs of nee , want *
NjCXstoady work of auy kind. Kooddrivor , well
acquainted In town : bt-st of roforcncni If Hoc-
uJHnry. AddrohsO 57. Hue. Bit 13 *
WANTEo--r n/\i.e HELP.
WANTED Solicitor * , must bo of Rood ad-
tlrt'83 , Ki ! deposit required ; salary $7" > to
8101 per month. Call or address Davis & Him-
Jmn , 6t'J ' llnm go block , Omaha. fir. 18 *
W ANTED Six llrst-class cornlce-worKors ,
John Eponotcr. 531 20
A GENTS New article of merit never before
XXndvortlsod ; millions will bo gold ; stamp for
particulars , liny Novelty Co. , Hay City Mich.
537 W *
\\7ANTED-Men or women easily make $ " .00
' dallv. Samples and Information free.
Homo Helpmate , 471 State St. , Chicago , ill.
653-SO *
WANTED 15 colored wallers out of city ,
fnro paid. Mrs. Uregn , HUM S. 13th. 513 is ?
WMNTEI ) Men Tun young men of good
nddrcus to work in city. Good pay.
Nonebutwoll dressed mnn wanted. Hover A :
Muttisoii. M12Dodgost. Call between 0:30 : nnd
12 a. all. 646-1SJ
WANTED A reliable elderly niuiTTo take
c.ire of n lumo gontloman. Apply liU3
Dodge. 5GI li > ?
\\rANTEE Salosmau for Uty. Apply between -
> > tween 1 nnd 4 p. m. to general aiiutit nt
Derby hotel , 0. II. Long. 530 IS ?
WANTED Experienced picture agent with
reference. . Hoard nnd commission. 174t
S. 12th tt. , cor Dorcas. 5tU S3'
WANTED Turner ; sober mnn for steady
u ork. Apply nt 2tll4 Culdwell st. at once.
Hun DoLoo. SOO-iuj
WANTED Two experienced feeders nt Dan-
IskoPlouecrprlutinir olllco. Apply nt room
R17. First National bank bldg. 503 IK
\Y ANTE I ) Good stout boy to takoonroof
V horsos. Ed helm Ac Akin. Hid 1 ! )
\\7ANTED , A young man for light work. $15
V > WLokly.Room 17.220 N. 10th Ht. lip ! 2lt
WANTED-A man aud wlfo for farm honso
kitchen ; a nouplo without children
pn-furrod ; must bo good bread niia butter
inakoiv , neat and tidy uud nbt uf raid to work.
To the right purlins this will prove n good
home ns long ns they may choose to htay.
None but those who can furnUh uiuineatlon-
allo refersuces ns to character uml ability need
Tuiply. Farm Is locatoa 115 miles west ou the
Union Purl Uo It. It. Hoth parties apply I s-
tWeim'tlfo. hours of : ) nnd-5 p. m. , Tuesday and
Wednesday"June 10 and20. to W. E. J. , Ptmon
hotol. 4Hl U
WANTED Salesman , selling gBiit.s' furnish
ing , clothing and dry goods trade to curry
best uuspendor made as Hide lino. Novelty
Btitchiess Susnonder Co. , 110 and 112
ave. . Chicago , 111. 47:1-1 : '
/BOUNTY agents wanted for an art work , very
\J attractive ; every family wants one. Great
Inducement to workers , both sexes. G , L.
Erwln , Cn.ics.go. 40.-2J ) : |
A GENTS Wanted ; Gonerixl nndlocnl agents
Xxto ihaiullo the now patent Chemical Ink
Kraahmpencil ; greatest novelty evorproduced ,
cruses ink In two seconds ; no abrasion of pa
per ; 2CO to 500 per cent prollt ; sells at sight ;
territory absolutely free ; salary to mou :
Hvmploi , cents by mall ; for terms nnd full
particulars , address The Mouroii Eraser Co. ,
mnnufncturcrs. La Crosse. Wla. 44520 *
WANTED 10 tlist-class \ > lro wortors and
awuiugmakurs. none other nuoil apply.
liiQUlro Acme lion & Wlro works , r > ! 2 S. lilih st.
89 !
JOYS Am. Dist. Tel. Co , , 10UJ Douglas.
' 7CO
_ to Travel for tlie Fmithill Nurseries of
-Canada , Wo pay S 0 to JUKI a and
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian giowii
stock. Ad , Stone "t Wellington , Madison , wis.f.os
W ANTKD llnllroad laborers , rockmon nnd
trade-layers for Washington Territory :
good wages and steady work , at Albright's
Labor Agcjicy. 1120 Farnam at. 6a4
WANTHD Several more onergotlo nnd reli
able solicitors. The Singer Mfg. Co. . 1518
Douglas st. Ktijai
WAN'l KO Oood girl cook for private fam
ily. Gorman preferred j lefcronces required ,
f 15 Park ave. KS 20
WANTHD--A young lady who Is a good pen
man and correct in llgiireu to do copy
Wiii-K In an ofllw. salary fii ) ) ur inonih. Address -
dress , atatlng where api > llcaut can bo seen ,
U fig , ik-o olllce. 521 lot
W " ANTKD At JJOO 8. H > tu Tt. , ft good &ll
for tjunorai Jiouso work. Kil 1U
"OfANTKD A girl to work on custom coats ,
TV 13ir7 Karnam. entrance In roar. fi-'Cl lut
V\7ANTii-01rlfort'cncral ; ) h'.msowork , 813
Yt Bo. ifcth. 561-10 *
"t-TTANTl" ! ) Kncrgctlo ladles and gcntlpinon
IT to sell latust mid best paying ppedilty
out. A noiisuhold necosslty and every ono that
noon It must bnvo It. Agaiitn mnko ) ui percent.
Canvassers wnntedovcrywhore. Uxcluilvii ter
ritory reserved for right parties. Send at once
ror particulars ; sample by mall 10 cents ; three
for . ' > cents. Territory tilling up rapidly. Tlio
/i'luoad Protprtor Co. . Hoouifilli No. 87 Waih-
Ington St. , Chicago , 111. 6.VJ-1IJT
" \\"ANTKD Cool : , second girl and Jaunr.ress
1 > for same family : 3 irlrls In famlllus of 2 ;
ladliilngroomf-irls : 3 illshwixsh''rs ; young glii
to iisslst in pastry room ) dressmaker In private
family , 41 per day and board : " 5 for private
families. Mra. llroOT. 314 8. lath. 5It Hit
" \ArANTKIJ A girl for ironernl liotisowork :
V > ( ionium prpferrcil. 7aS , SiM.mvcomer ot
Loavonworth , fill ) 20
"V\rANTI'l"f-Oood girl to do light second
TInrk , nud bowing In small family ,
12-'s tniict. t4iviu
ANTUO.-Clirl for general houseuork.
I'.uully of a. 42J s''ith avo. Mrs. K M ,
Arnold . CI7-19J
rANTKn-Olrl" ucnoral housework. 2r 5
_ ' vpltol aye. OUMtg
\\TANTIT-A { ilrst-claBi "Jirt for general
T hotinoworV nnd nuralug ; bebt waK paid ,
ailu Wolmtnr street. Cuu iat
\ , \ ( 'ANTHldirl for 'seneral "house work ;
M good wages. SUM Webster st. Mrs. II.
W. Cr-nifir , W o 18 ,
> liill Uavouport t.
TV rANTKI-At once , a llttl * iirl to assls t
with baby. 1UJido. Thirtieth ave , 472181
WA NTNl-ilfl ) for t < m ral "oil
_ H. Kill PtWHt. _ _ _ _ _
\ \ " "ANTKII A Koo-l flMt Klrf ; must bo a KOOI
T > dioKunil l ! i'iiliesn ; VMii-fft JIBper mouth
refcrvnucx rontiir.'d. Call at lloom 10 , t'ontl
ncutul building , or nt 'iiU I'imlal , UiCJ
I'Jth.aVn Family.
W . . Ctrl , one mat
't ' Undiitid 1KJI rmnaiii. 114
for hous worlc. 00)
to last tire Inside clt ;
"r.un A : Teir ) , llllti , I uhst.
"tATANTnn Chdsp tor cami , A nr youtii
V r hoi'M.A'ttlijlit ul-uiH I.OAI IbJt , titaU prlco
inytrliiN It uiay botuon U U , cart *
lk , iOT IK
rvllESSMAKnUWnntcd-A nrst clas cnttor
Unna ntter. at gtj N. IJlh at , 6 at . ,
NOAtn'MKNT3to do drfinmalclnB In foml-
lloo Bollcitod. Jllsa Sturdy , 108 aaith nvo.
LiLparlorf. fromlClSIloward to irJILcavenw'th
She will bo pleased to have customers call.
jSliKSSMAlCINoT"ln families. OJ3 8. mhT
"TjUllST-class day hoard. Inquire 1C09 Douglas
ANTlTl ) To renttirnlshou honio of or
I"i rooin for flrKt-class roomers. Oooa
ocation. Address I BO lloo olllce. 6IO-1SJ
_ _ _ _ ,
"C-IIOOM honso , til per month to reftponslblo
'Jpartles , 3.1 S. 2-'nd. Iniinlro baaoiiicnt.
_ _ _
T7IOK rKNT--N'tjw brick liousos. 11 roomf.with
JL' every modern convenience : on cable line :
only $10 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. Uth and
_ _
* IjIlJlTLiN-room hfltcl,35ffoort paylnc hoard-
Jiicrs bosldos trnuslonts ; now inaklUR fair
irollt ; lent reasonable : prlco of furniture
1,000 , f20) ) cash , hnl. as It is mada out of hotel.
( Jo-operative Land & Lot Co.M , ' > N. ICtli st.
fin i ! )
"I710H HKNT A 'detached U-room House , all
JU modern conveniences. r.ii ( | , ' 'i-'J Capitol ave'
_ HU
Hl"NT l-iOKant ; new brlclc resTlenco.
1 coiner ! r'nd ami I'opplcton' avenue , all mod
ern ronvonlpncos. Inquire Uoo , N. Hicks ,
icomji' , liaikcr Woe ! : . _ " 03 21 _ _
TjiOlTTtKNT ' 7-Vooi'n corner llat , luth nnd
Jfmes. SOO
POU HUNT 5-room house. COu I'lcrco st ,
TTIOH HUNT To small family , n furnished nvo
.L' room cottaco for the summer. Address
u. r.i Hue. , r fi-iut
_ _
nl\vr.I.YRroom nouso fflJ N..13th Bt. 5C021t
WANTUD Uood tenant forO-room house on
California st. who will room and board
owner for rent. J. W. fc'cad , comptroller's olllco.
414 au
2 NICK 7-ioom cottajes ; good collara. cisterns ,
\\ell , Rood harn ; convwnlont to school and
church : 8.M par month for tlm summer. Apply
at once , C. I" . Harrison , Morohauta' Nat'l Dank.
11KNT 14-room I'rick dwalllnir. all con
veniences , 0 blocks from P. O.JfUU N. luth st.
JU and Chicago Most modern and attractive.
Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , I'aul.iuoa
Farnam. 411
FOH ItRNTroom house on Pnrkavc. ; rent
taken In board. I'umilra 1102 Dougla * st.
r.m : y
"TJ1OK HKNT Now 7-room nonso wltU city
JU water nnd bath. Apply X--'J ' 1'raunllii St. ,
or room UO'J ilcrcliants' Ixationul banlc. 4iC-21t
"I7IOH UIINT Sovernl very desirable nous i-3
JU lu llrst-class nulKhhoriioutl , . . .eawnt and
healthy location : all modern conveniences.
Inquire Goo. N. Hicks , room 40 , liarXer block.
J.-03 ai
FOU HKNT Fine basqment in the Dcst ro-
tall blocs in the city , slzo 2Jxai feet. Hay-
\Minl llros. . l.M.j rouglas st. il'6-18
TT'Olt UKNT a , 1 , or fi-room house at GJ3 N
X1 luth fat ; 3 front rooms at \Voolworth ave.
FOH HKNT An 8-room Hat. 535 1G21 Howard
st. meat market. 378
TTOIt HKNT-A lint in the Her building ;
- * - 7 rooms. Pteatn heat , gas and bath. Apply
to A. C. llaymer hardware , ICtn and Jackson.
EOOM and board cheap for two in private
family. 2213 Hurt struct. 650 i-Mj.
rilO HKNT Two lurnls'.iod rooms without
.Lboard , with all modern improvements ;
finest location in the city : references required.
Apply nt store " 10 and 21315th s t. near Douglas.
Tj * OH llRN'l Two rooms furnished for light
JU bouse keeping ; Iront two streets , sightly.
807 Howard St. 493 l t
FOIl HUNT Cool , Hhady sleeping rooms , SI.50
per week , upwards. HOT Howard st. 4M ! 18 *
T7IO11 KENT Furnished front room for two ;
.L ml modern conveniences ; board ' if desired.
2215 Dodge St. 4H5
FHONT Parlor and bed room on second Iloor
with all conveniences for man and wife or
two gentlemen , il-'il Farnam 42 *
SINOLKroomand double room , every con-
vonlsnco. 1UOJ Capitol avo. 778
EOOM5 for rent at S423 Dodge at. , nicely fur
nished , terms inodu.ato. iiSO 10 $
"I71OR KENT Nicely furnished rooms ; terms
J veiy reasonable ; ut724 Lcaveiiworth.
370 lot
FOR RENT Furnished room.wllh board 1722
Dodge 430
1700M3 and board , 100 ana 108 So. 25th st.
JLV 27 JulySt
NICELY furnlsnud rooms , board ifaeslrcd ;
gas , bath .electric bells , etc. 1001) ) Douglas.
"IT1URNISHED room for rent after Juno 25.
J 2024 Hurt st. 15S
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , llrst-claas ac
commodation : . M . Twlugler , CVa 13th
street. TO
TjlURNlSHED rooms by day , week or month ,
JL' St. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. 775
LARGE front room with bod-room ndjolnlng.
handsomely furnished , gas and heated by
steam , with use of bath room , in one of the
haiiasomcht residences in the city , without
board. Inquire n. w. cor. 19th and Leaven worth
ITIURNISHED rooms , single or on suite , bath
JL nnd steam ; for geuta only. 1510 Howard.
11' ' I OOM with or wltnout board. 1812 Dodge. 780
1-.OK ( RENT-ltoom. 1C21 Howard.
- 7oT
"IjlURNIBIIKDor unfurnlshod house for rent
JL ; in Park Terruco. oppoaltn Hanscom park ;
all modoi n conveniences , luiiulru Lee &
Ntchol , 28th aud Loavonworth. 782
' '
rTnt'TlENT 2 front rooms , en suite , modern
- convenienceslor gentlemeu only , 315 N.17th.
TVT1CE rooms , fumlshod. 15 to 812 par month ,
Jor by week. Peabody house , 14th mart Jonpi.
705 J 2
TARGE furnished room for rent , suitable for
J-i gentlemen. 1B2 ] Fftrnam. _ fall
" | "i"IOR RENT A pleasant room , only ilmmutea
X1 walk from business center , nil modern con-
venloncos , cor Bt. Jlnry'u avo. and iuth or a * ) S.
Mth , brick resilience. col
LOYELY couth front room , every convon-
leuco. M block from street car. 2&i Douglas.
_ _ _ VU
If OH RENT A nicely furnished large front
JL room , nil modern conveniences ; for furtnor
particulars call at 2215 Dodge st. _ 13 j
T Over stove store , 1021 Hciward
Bt. Inquire at store. _ 605
" | jiOR RENT rr\vo good largo basement rooms ,
JJ cheap , 2KO Douglas Bt. 4C5 18 *
| IlOIt HKNT- Until October 1 , largo furnished
A1 IIOUBO , call 201 S. 25th. 300
Oil RENT-Unfunilshod rooms suitable lor
housekeeping In wilts of 2 to 4 ; convenient
location , llutts Renting Agency , l'.0l Farnam.
FOR RENT-Ploasant unfurnished rooms
over 1001 Howard fit. For olllces purposoj
T710R RENT-Storo In the very best location
-L' Inquire at 114 So. 15th bt , _ 482 m
FOR RKNT-Front office , ground Iloor , 310
8 15th. 2UT
"I jHffi TlENT-Stoi-os and living rooms ou Cum-
Jing st. Also housa ou Casa ut. Harris , room
411 , 1 I Nat. Hans. aoj ,
1J10U HENT-"The 1 story brick building with
JJ or without power , now occupied by The lloa
Publishing Co. , V1U Karnam at. The building
huajlre proof cemented bailment , complete
Mourn heating Uxturos , water ou all the tloors.
gas. etc. Apply at the oltlco of Tna lleo. HIS
IlENT-Ptoro 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson gt ,
J. ' Enquire 11U Jackson. _ 783
l"fOR * RENT Store , with rooms In the rear In
JJ which family can live ; J. per month. 0 F.
Hnrrlion. Murchanu' Nut. .bauk. 758
TTIOR RENT-2 floors front half nemls bulUU
A1 tot' , power , heat electric light. Inquire of-
lice of HtmiJ Omahu ling Co , &W j 2U
Il'you wlnfymir noiuei rented list with i'ar-
roitv' rental g aojr , 16th aud Dodge.87W24
pr.KSONAI/-Photos ot Omaha base ball club
JL HI on sale at lloyn , the photographer , Uran-
Uo block. JJ4
; afrivod7irwTR. ilennott & Ca
Capitol avo. , 1 Quo carriage team , 1 good
sncller , 2 single horses suitable for ladles' dnv
Ing , nnd snvi-ral gHitlymendrlVprs. 441. 21t
rpilii" banjo tniiRiit as an aft by OeoriCo
JLicnbcck. Apply nt lice oninc. 050
P. DALEY , snwer biilldor nnd drain
layer , house drainage and sanitary work n
specialty , Olllco 1107 Dpuglas st.Omaha , Neb.
KO. li. JONKS , plumbing and naV limnsT
drain laying , sewer nnd water connections
a specialty , 14U Dodeo Bt.ltl bnsoinont. Omaha ,
118 Jy i )
/ " OMMERCIAI , travelers , the country ever ,
\Jnto mnklng money handling our slue lino.
Does not interfere with other buslnesi. Trav
eling mnn who want a money-maker should address -
dross , for full information , Standard Advortls-
ing Co. . Coshocton , O. L3il *
TTMHHELLAS nnd patnsols covered nnd re-
U paired. 217 S lith Itoyd'i opera homo block ,
In rubber store. R. Ilntor. 'Ul
OST On ICtli , 15th or Dodee , between Dnv-
ciiport mid Douglas Btreots , a blnrk cish-
moiocapo. Leave at Omaha Loan & Trust Co. ,
cor. ICtli nud Douglas sts. , nnd receive rownrd.
TRAYEO Small , black heavy SPt mare ,
nnd pony , roaohed inalno and sin nil' white
spot In fnrehcr.d. Liberal rownrd n ill bo paid
for horrctum to A , It. Smith , Ul'-'j Chlrngo
street. M-7--U
LOST I'rom Forty-second and Hnmllton St. ,
1 black mare witli 2 walla hind foot. C. D.
Cooper. Col-10'
LOST Ronu colored HolBtoln cow ; nnv Infer
mation will bo thankfully received .it J. L.
llraiidlos & Sons. SCO
at low rates nt 1121 Faruam St. ;
Omaha Auction nud Storage. 70'
rPRACKAGE , storage. Iowo3t rate3r W.
JL llushmnu , 1311 Lcaveiiworth. 7tH
BRANCH iCO. . storage , 1211 Howard.
STORAGE nnd forwarding. Wo r.oilojt and
deliver goods of all d33crlptloU3 , mnrchau-
dlse , furnlttiro nnd b.v-g.igt1 , at cnoapoat ratei
for storage for nny luu'-th of time. Vans and
wagons to to had nt shortest notice , with c\re-
ful men for movlti-t. Packing and snipping
from our own warehouse iloaa oa mn lento
charge. Mcrchaudlso loaded mil unloaded.
Warehouse on our own track ? . Olllco 217 S.lith
St. ; telopnoiio l . llowoll & Co. _ ill t
R. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , med-
icul and business mo.-llum. Female diseases
a specialty. 110 N luth si. rooms 2 : uU S. *
STAKDARl ) shorthand school. Paxton block !
iHUcceJsor to Viilntliio'rt shorthand insti
tute' , the largest , best o'lulppad siiorthund
Bchool in the west : Is under the personal super
vision or Joseph P. Mo.fM.tth. au cx-ofllclat rn-
porlernud state ngout of the lcmlu < ; tou Siaun-
ard typowrlter , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. MechanlC'U construction of
machine taught bv fnctoiy export. Pn tlcular
attention p.ud to typewrltlntr. Stonogr.iphars'
suppllPs lor salc. _ Clrciilar free. _ 12 L _
ana typewriting. Omaha busi
ness colleire , cor C.vpltol ave uml ICtli.
Standard methods tau ht by C. C. Ewlng. of
Sail l < rnnclsco , the best tnacher on the P.iMlIc
const , Muusou's revised of ' 8J H specialty : now
plan ; blackboard illustration ; day and evening
classes ; mil or write for torms. 7UI
WANTED Ton to fort > acre" , high , plphtly
land , north of Park ht.nnd within three
mile clrcle1Addross 0 A llae oicc. ! jwi
WANTED Furniture , carpels , otovos nnd
household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction A ; Storage Co. , 1121 i-'aniam. S-IJ
ANTIQUARIAN Book"Store. . 1113 I'limam st
Cnsu paid for Snd-haud looks , anacazmos.
: w.i-.l is ?
"ITIOR PALE Good Hnmmomi typewriter. J" > 0 ;
JL ? also 5U-inch bicycle , cheap. C. It. ( I. , box 3' ! .
527 1U *
O DAY mnrcs nud 2 geldings , at auction , cor.
ilSthuud Douglas , Wednesday , at 2 p. m.
5-"l 13
T71OR SALE Carpets and furniture of a Mx-
JL1 roomed cottngo ; cottnge for rent. 210 S. 20h.
507 SO
FOR SALE Two parrots , tails some ; prlco
$10 and J12. 800 South lOtli St. , room A
471 2Jf
TT1OR SALE Choup , a medium-sized cart in
JJ good condition. Simpson's mnko. Also ,
child's side saddle. Apply. CO : N. IDtlmt.
410 IS ?
T71OR SALE Cheap. Ono bicycle , ono Tan-
JU1 den tricycle nnd on single trlcyclo. good
as now Apply John S. Prince , Coliseum. 12J
FOR SALE Cheap About .T > 0 head of Im
proved Texas horsos. consisting of gold-
Ingo. mares and colts , stallions and mixed. Will
sell part or all. Apply J. L. Halberl , Cor-slcaun
Texas. 414-JI8J
MIDLAND Guarantee- & Trust Co. , 150. Far
nam. Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real ustalo examined , perfected & guaranteed.
A nSTRACTS Lmahaii & JIahoney , room 50J ,
XiPaxton block. txO
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security , .1. W.
Robblns , llll'j Furuaiu street , Puxiou hotel.
fl E. & C. M. Anthony , 312 First National
\J * bank building maKes loans upon fnrms in
Nebraska and Iowa nud improved Omnha city
propei ty ; money ready ; title and security
passed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates :
call or write. _ K1S Jyl7
MONEY loaned for 30 , (10 or PO day * on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson. 1117 I'.unum.
_ 8'J :
MONEY lo loan on furniture , chattels or real
e slate. Lowest rates on good loans. J. 11.
Einering , H17 Famam , roomil. _ l'J7 Jyu
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , plauos.orgnns , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllco in
theclty , Makoloans for tnlrty to three htm-
dred and slxty-Ilvj days , which can bo paid in
partorwholo. nt any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. Call and see us when
you want money. We can assist yon. promptly
nnd to your advantage without , removal of
Rroperty or publicity. Money nlwnys on hand.
o delay In making loans. O. F. Read It Co. , 310
S. 13h st. , ever lllngbam & Sons. 332
0 F , HARRISON loans money , lowest rates.
, 8.8
Bl'lLDINO LOANS-OW to 7 per cent , no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
neys'fees. W. if. Melklo , First Nat bank bldg.
SI' ' )
PEOPLE'S Financial Excnango The fairest ,
nulotest and imwt liberal money exchange
in the city ; money loaned without deluy or
publicity , In nny nmouut , largo or smnll , ut the
lowest rates of Interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid at any tlmo or re
newed nt original rates O. llouscaren , Mgr , ,
room 67 , Harker block , 15th and Farnam. BU
ONE Y to loan at low rates by Excelsior
Land Co. , 310 South 15th btreet , Omaha.
OF. HARRISON loan ] money , lowest rates.
_ _ _ Kia
TlfONEYtoionn. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
-Ul-aud loan agents , 1515 I'arnum at. 80J
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of 810 to
$1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old und low
est ratescall R20 , Sheeloy blk , 15th & Howard st
SEE Sholos , room 210 First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. bio
T3U1LDINO loans. D , V. Bholaff , 210 First Na-
J 'tloimlbank , bio
Tlf ONKY to loan on real estate at low rate.
1L J.D.Zittlo , 430 Paxtou block.
. 121jy-3J
UNIMPROVED aim Improved property :
loans mude promptly ; money ou hand. i' .
M , Itichurdson , aw cor Uth and Douglas.b3i
I CAN mate a few loans on llrst-class chattel
securltiea at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter.
/room 10 , Harker blk. ' na
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
out delay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. B. A. Sloman , cor.
I3th end Farnam. ess
JOANS made on real estate and mortgages
. /bought. / Lewis B , Reed & Co. , R 13 , Hoard of
Traae. BUS
"O Ul LDl.NU and other real estate lotus. U'TIT ]
JHan1 , rooui2U Frtiuior Ulock , opp. P. O ,
PEOPLE'S FlnanelMRxchimj-o Largo and
J. small loans for leu * nnd short time , at low
est rates or interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattel * of nlltJnUi , diamonds , watches
and Jewelry. Don't fAllta cull If you want fair
and cheap accommAHittloiia. O. llouscarcn ,
MrH ( room D7 , Hnrkoei * llr , 15th nnd Fftrnixm.
ff t 8
MONKV to loan ! caijt > on hand ) no delay. .1.
W. Squire , 1210 rarnam " St. , First National
bimtebultains. a" , 811
NKIJHASKA Morts.lflanCo. will make you a
loan on HbMohoM goods ,
horses ? 'wagons ' ,
land contracts ,
flno Jewelry , or sowiritlos of nny kind ,
without publicity ; ( t reasonable rates.
lloom 7 , Uowlev bloiff.'Bouth ' Omaha.
Ilooma 518-010. Paxten-.block , Omaha , Nob.
. . _ . 818
MONRY to loan on good llrst mortgages , im
proved or unimproved property. Mort
gages bought nnd sold. Wallace , room 1)10 )
ilrowii building. 10th and Douglas. 523
MONRY loaned on furniture * , horsss nnd
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 a. 13th stL. opposlle Mlllard hotel. 420 u
TVTONKY to Loan Wo are ready for nppllca-
JAltions for loans In amount * from J.13J to $10-
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full Information as to r.itos. Loans
promptly cloied. Good notes will be purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The JlcCaguo
Investment Co. 814
T OANS on improved nnd unimproved prop-
JUerty at low rates. Odoll lJros.KCo.,3129.lfltn.
, to loan nt ( I per cont. Llnnhnn & Mahoney -
$ honey , room [ 01 Puxton block. 8J5
MONKY to loan. Harris It. R. & LoaiTCoH
room 411 First National bank. Ml
SMALL loans , short time , good security ,
ro.isonablo interest. P. O. box ti'J" ' , city.
DON'T borrow money on furniture , norscs ,
wiitjons , etc. , or collaterals until you see C.
It. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
"ITUl'ST ' mortgage loans allow rates and node-
JL"lay. . JJ. V. Slioles , 21J Flrat National bank.
Bit )
: s
"tST'ANTKD-rirst-rlass inside loans. Lowest
I' ruioa. Call nnd soous. Mutual Investment
Co. . It. 1. llarkcr bile. . nnd Farnam. 817
SMALL short tlmo loans ou cnattcl security.
Jill Ohio st. ; call after 0 p. in. SM J-'Jf
P\O YOU \vnnt motioy ? If eo , don't borrow
a J before getting my rate. * , which nro the low-
eston any sum from JIJ up to $ ! DiWJ.
J muKo loans ou liounohold goods , pianos , or-
gnaj , hordes , mules , w.iioin , warehouse ro-
colpts , houses , Io.is9 > , ot : , . in any nuiount nt tha
lowest pooiblor.ites , without p.ibllclty or re
moval of property.
Loans ran be made for one to Ms mouths nnd
you caiip.iy a part nt any time , reducing both
principal an I Interest. If you owe a hatanco
on your furnltura or horsaj , orh.ivo a loin on
them. 1 will take it up mid carry It for you ns
long nsyoudeslro.
If you need motioy you will find It to your nd-
vnnlngo lo sen mo luiforo borrowing.
II. F. M.utera. room 4 , Wlthncll building , loth
nnd Hartley. S21
PIULADRM'tllA Slortgiga a Trust Co. fur
nish cheap caiturn motiay to borrower.- ,
purcliasobozurltle. ! , perfect titln , accept loins
at their western oillco. OeorgoV. . P. Coates ,
room 7. Itoinlof Trade. & -7
TJU1LD1NQ loan ? . Lliialinn &
MONI1Y to loan OH rail oit'Ua soourlty. lat
lowest rates. Iloforo tie.jotlatliis loins bee
WnlUco. It. JiO ItroAUXiVia ? loth JiDougla . Hii
BU ai'
WANTBn l'mtiiJfF young " "in with SVX )
will clnar 9 to S7ipi.-r. d.iy. Call ut ! U Ponrl
nt. . Couucll Dluils. r n BSJ luf
T7OK SALR Saloon , J'uront bargalu : ROO < !
- 1ttaud ; call nt on. MS.J vSJ I llroadway , Council
lilulls. . , u' . * ! ! H
_ J. _
\\7AKTED PartusBO-wlth WIJ cash : will
i K'.iaianteo prolltst ? li ) I per month ; noun
but tuoso wLo iiivan business uiul have thucash
need address C U' ' . Hcfc. B3 liiJ
ONKKCTIONKKY bakery , lunrh room ,
liuslnt'ES center : liest business investment
fortho mnuuy anvwlfcre1 ; luvolco nbout J''JOJ ;
pnrt cash. LOOK It uul-Alox Moore , 501 Slioely
Illo K. , . r 3-'Q : t
FUHSALK ChcnpJJiMeat mnrket , flxturos
nnd toolf , now , pf the latest style- , best
location In the city. Jlavj otter business to
attend to , reason rur sMillnc. Wall sell cheap
itsold BOOH. T. F. ijyon , Wotiplng Water , Neb.
. , , f . WJ-23J
TT1011 SALl ! Gralfi and lumber business.
JL1 Aildress ( J fill , HUJ. 530 1 *
TT.OH SALK Small , cle.iu stock ot drugs for
JJ JoU. ) that cloiirs iiiiatiiilly SiU Also first
class jiractlco ( umt 3-,50) to $ , i.OO ) yearly ) no
competition. Address llox 73. Fontonolle ,
Nob. 550.21 *
/Aanil bonds of S..i03 ) for salu on the vll-
11 lageof Oordon. Sheridan county. Neb. W.
L. Mills , village dark. 531 84 *
TX7ANTKO September next , partner In some
T > good business In west. Kach to put lu
? l(00. .DeHcrlbo tullj nBcherno. P. O. Ilex K21 ,
Sprmglleld , Jlagj. 6.0-20J
TUB Hawluy House. North 1'latto , Nob. , ror
teut , party renting to buv furniture ou very
easy terms ; this Is a ohanco fora wood hotel
man to inuko inontiy. Address proprietor ,
Oonn Hawley. North I'lattu. 612 yat
_ _
T OOIC nt Tisls A No7l butcher shop for sale
J-Jln llnstlncts. Nub. . dnliiLa guod buslnpss.
Owner Rolng Into stock trade. ( A Rood opening
to inaku money ) . .1. II. UoJgara , real csUHo
dealer , llaatlnus , Nub. 43720 *
'CIOK SALK Itestaura'nt , confectionery store
JJ and Ice cream parlorx : doing good business ;
on N street , near .iti , lu South Omaha.
_ 45'-21j
WEnuvufor sale or exchange ono of tno
llnest hotel projiortlui iuaa Iowa city of
C.OJO Inhabitants , tln < lending hntiso In the
plaro. W. U. K. As 31. E room 11 Cnambor of
CCS.OtX ) to J ! > .CO ) wautod to put Into a good busi-
P ness ; tlrst class security mulgooarato of
Interest paid for short or long time. Or will
take partner. For 'particular * address UU ,
Heeolllce. U2 _
FOR SALE .Moat market complato : can be
handled for little casb. Call at room 4 ,
Wltlmell blk. 850
AQOOTlvTestaurant for sale : doing good bus
iness ; good reasons for selling. Address 0
47lloe. 405 20 *
_ _
TjlOH BALK And exchnnco , n good estab-
JL' llshcd paying lumber , coal nnd Implcuiont
busmusilnonunf the boat towns lu northeast
No l.raska on line of two railroads. Will tnko
part In good Omaha residence or inside piop-
t'rty. All clear of Inciimbraucoa. Address ,
C 4JJSo onico. _ 3:0 Sit
"IT10U s7\LE-AwPll-establir.hoa book-blndlng
Jhuslue.jj lu Bali Luke City , lihiley. Gro-
sliell & Co. , real estate , Salt Lake City , Utah.
Tl O THAU15 IJomostlo sowing mnchlno for
4. young , sound horso. Will pay cash dltror-
enco. U. L , lyjvojoy , 118 No , 15th st. 4 'J 10
T710II BALK or will trade for good dwelling
J-1 tl.OtiOreal ostnto seconU mortgages. J. J.
Wilkinsons , 1 117 Fnrnam. 4(1 ( ! )
FOIt BALE or oxclmngo for good unlncum-
bcrod property , llrnt class irug and w.ill
paper stock In ono of the liest clllas In South
Dakota. Address N. 11 , Jlurrlll. Huron. Dak.
4M-2-- ;
_ _
' . . 'OH 15XMlANGE-rIouavo a considurablo
X1 amount of uulncifrnlbored property In ugri'
cultural lands , town lots' and Improved town
property in Nebrnskallli perfect title , to x-
clmngu for ciulllos Ju Omaim property ut
actual values. A proposition for nxcliantto of
from J5 to 'xi,00u of eniiity will bo conslcloren.
T. S. ClarksonJJi : ! . So. 14th St. 487--0
GKNIIIIAL Block /5f' / . ° jy,400 , together with
property unioiiiittun'to t , "MIn aamail
tovMi , to trade for Intid aud part rash or ii
Co-Qperutlvo Laud Ic LirtjUo. , 2Uj N. 1'Jtli st
617 10
_ _ _ | _ _ _ _
T710H EXCHANIJE-f oc deilrablo residence
JJ property In Otnaliii , auy or all or following :
40 cholco Inside realAotrca lota In Hastings.
IdO lots In Lincoln. > > t
niUiicrus iluo fnriiilnjjVH1" . Lancaster county
rino renUlf.nco proper ' . Lincoln.
( Jood rnutal property/'ljlncoln. /
Cholco family MsldAndir corner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence pron y In Hanbcom place.
Aho Homo good moris o not cs.
Address giving location nnd prlco of prop
erty. J , 15. U. , care llaum iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
worth.J _ UM _
'VT'OH ' HXCHANGE-Four line lots lu north
J- part of town ; cleur of Incumboranco ;
corner two streets and alley. Wtint House mid
lpt. _ Addreas U. 511 , lloo olllco. _ 4MI-10
T WOULD UKU to trade a good two-story house
-Land lot 0x150 foci , wltnln ono block of 1'nrk.
nvo. and Park school for vacant east front lot
In Humvcom place , Will assume EOIIIO Incuia-
branco. Address. 0 4t , llee olllce. _ 807
FOH EXOIIANQE-'A llrst-class stock ot
books , stationery , etc. , in city of DO.OW ) : invoice -
voice about $ U.OOO : will exchange for good , clear
farm , or wild lands ami part cash. AddrefcH box
P . Dei Molnos. lowu. _ 511 18 *
AN improved faun to trade for mdae. , gro
ceries preferred. J. it. Masou , Central ( Jlty ,
Neb. 10J-2Q
WlfiTKIN ! ! lauds , farms and city property
for blocks of EooUd. Itoom S. 1502 1'arnam
_ _ _
rp'j UXC'TlANdK for Omaha property , one of
J. the ben Improved farms In Iowa , only one
aullo Irom town of tOA ) liuiubltunts. W. 11. U.
4 U. li , room II , Chamber of Commerce , IVi
TO TKAD73 rorNobrnskft or Kansas land ,
nbout f-.ryx ) ot clothing nnd furnishing
coeds , nt a bargain. Address 11. W. , lock box
5ia. Wymoro , Nob. 4182U
TTiOll KX01IANan-An elegant tract of land
JU containing IS ) acres. In Antnlopo county ,
Keb. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Eighty ncros near Council II luffs , la ,
House and lot on South inth nt.
Largo amount of Oil Mountain nnd Pctrnllum
company oil stock. Will oxclmngo for good
the erection of some homos , ( loo.
Sropertyor . , 1st National bank bulldtiiK.07B
KXOUANOVror farm In Douglas Oo. ,
JLf smaller house , clear lots , or good paper , n I'-
room house on California st. J , W. Foatl. romp-
troller's oinco , city. _ 437 8U _
"I710H EXCH AND -3-room house on Cnllfor-
JU' nta Bt. for farm In Douglas Co. . smaller
house , clear lots , or good paper. J. W. 1'ead ,
comptroller's olllco. 1521 ?
f pO Exchange Cash nnd clear property for
JL merchandise , or merchandise for rash nnd
clear property. Address Lock Ilex 14. Ootheii-
burg.Nob. _ PJJ Jy ST
"IflOH lixcnnnso Anne farm of XJ iicros In
J-1 Polk county. Nob. , 4 miles from darks ,
Neb. , to exchange for cattle ; 80 acres under
cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales nnd
good food lot. Address C. Oskamp , 221R Web
ster st. Omaha , Neb , 010
TOH EXCHANGE Lot nuil smnll house , 1th
JJ mul Hamilton , nnd IntK , Nelson , a add , , for
trndo for outside lots clear or ncro property. A.
P. Tukey. Kith nnd Douijlas. _ iliS
' '
ANTKU-To' trade for honso and lot In
good location ; will assuaio light nnum-
brauco. Address A 3 lleo olllce. lUJ
IF you have n business to ? ell , or If you want
to buv a business In nnv llui > , call and see mo.
Alex Mooro. UQl Hliooloy blocit. 5n 20 *
TjlirK SAU-f i rm lilt "acres. ! { iuiTo out of
J lllalrva \ fruit trees. 1 aero grapes , pltiint' ,
cherries. Btraxvborrles , raspburrlos , etc. , best
place fora home in Washington Co. II. W. Me-
Jlritle. 178 1 J
nilll' " . motor line is built to Colllorplnco. The
JL lliilt Hun runj ( Jollier pKco. The F. E.
& 31. V. It. It. stop all pasHongor trains nt Col-
llvr place. Tao horia car line will soon reach
Collier pUea. llojt aadUloa In the city. Prlco
fawto * l'iu par lot , ono-tonth cnsn , bnlanco
ono to llvo vorlcOKUo. _ _ _ _ opp. P. O. Pri ; ;
TOH SALE At n banicriipf price , n house nnd
Jf lotlnunmhn View. Itoom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce. 033
rplIE llnostdrlvo lu tno city U to Collier
JL Place. McCaguo , U7J
FOKSALK At a bargain. One twelve and
ouo nmo room house In Kouutzo placo. on
21th street , opposite the flno residences of Hcd-
ick and McCroiry , with 73 and CO foot or ground
with each house to alley. Each house has fur
nace , gas , gas llxtuvos , ' shades , nil
plumbing , hot nnd cold water , elegant
largo rooms , all papered handsomely throiiRtt-
out , good barn with oaih house , and an elegant
lawn all sodded. 1 nm pron.trail to olTcr splon-
dldinducements as to price and terms. Call
nnd let me drlvo you out. You can move Into
these houses without a dollar of oxnenso for
anything , 'llioso must bo sold soon. Seomoat
once. O. V. Sliolcs , aiUVlrat Nat * I bank. 177
BAUiAfN Pnrt of the IMck Kamhall catnto.
59 feet on 13th street raauluir through to 17th
nvc. Ono IB-room homo , all modern conven
iences nnd two 0 room houses. Total rental
Sl , ( oor year ; prlco iiOJO.31. : . A. Upton
Company , lith ! and Farnam. 812
FOH SALE IlotUonc.i lor , cor 2)d ) nnd Cass ,
v.lll exch uigo for tracsi a nrjperty ; worth
8tlOU ' 810.0JJ. C. F , Harrison , More-hunts'
Nat , bank. 76
FOH SALE The llnest residence slto In West
Omaha ; lust south of Farnam on ! Mth st. ;
n coraur linxUT with 1S7 foot frontugo ou
paved atroot and Joining tin haudsjino real-
doacaof Kirkandall ou tli9 east , and ISrady ,
Easso : ! and .Maitin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden spot for nu elegant homa.
Ilarnevnnd 21st strjots. HlxlU'.on pavoniout.
within three bleak of the court house ; room
for ? uven ! luo houses tint would rent ns r.ipld-
ly ns completed. A splon Ud permanent Invest-
Famam and 22d strcots. fiOxll'5 , with now
thrao-story brick storjbulMla ? , rented to good
permanent tenants. Uental receipts 8J,2)J per
Sixteenth stro3t near Nicholas , frontage 01
feettoalluy ; goo.l busmesM property.
Karnam streat. bjtwj3i3ti : ( ! an 1 3Jth. frontage -
ago IS or il'ixiaj to alloy , sonth front , 1 block
from pavement nnd street caw.
1'urk iivonnc. opposlta Hanscom part , 50x150
price 1U.OJJ ; easy terms.
Paddock place , trackage , C8xll2 , $ i,0)0 ; easy
tcnns" .
ICrh street south of Vlntou St. , lot for sale or
trade for indso , or good farm land.
S. A. Sloman. Ull Karu.iai at. 830
f OH SALK "ilWU acres , seo.fl. tp. JJ , r. 0 w. ,
Hamilton countv , Neb. Houso. stable , 80 , )
ncros fenced , llvtnsi water. Price * jUOO. t' . K.
AtKlns , owner , Ualldroad bldg , Denver , Col.
rpHK best money's worth of house mid 1st now
X for sale In Omaha is that which 1 am now
completing near 2Un st. on paved Wirt st. In
Kountzo Place. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , ,1 water clo sets ,
largo laundry , stationary wash tub . furnace
nnd coal room and cellar , electric belU and
speaking tube , 1J closets. Prlco only t'.W3 cjn
terms to suit. Likewise n dupllcatn adjoining
at some prlca , W. T. Seaman , cast sldi lilth Bt.
north of Nicholas at. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons nnd carriages. b9l
rPHK factories within easy reach of Collier
JL pluco will employ a large force of mon. Be-
euro u homo aud enjoy life. I'llce of lots $300
to $1,20 * . one-tenth cash. Send fur plat. Mc-
Cnj-uo. opp. P. O. 073
T j"IUU SALE lloautlfnl 8-room housa , all
JJ modern Imnrovomont- , Including splendid
furnace , near Hansrom park , best location in
the city for school , church ana street car priv-
iloctes ; pnc J.5.0-JJ. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
iiutonal bauk. 758
S HOLES Spaclal List JVo push spaclal bar
ttnlns nnd advertise tnem. List with mo.
tine east front latin Hanscom place at Jl.fi03
$510 cash. Decided bargain.
Flue lot on Farnam and Lowe avenue , "fi.759.
52W ( buys a House and lot in Hanscom
placo. north of Popploton avenue.
The old John Dlerxs Manufactory plant on
Missouri Pncilic railway,4 miles of
city , with 2 acres of ground and 3 large 2story
buildings , for S'J.OO'J. A line opportunity for
some ouo.
1 have special Inducements inhotisoa and lots
In all parts of the city either terrain or trade.
Call In aud bn shown thorn. I do not try to cot
you lu to show you trash , but handle only good
property and deal Equarely. D. V. Saoloi , 21
First National bank. 033
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier placo. Got
\/pricea and torms. McCaguo. U73
FOH SALK Lots In Stownrt Place on Lowe
avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property.
0-raom house and burn , Hauscom Place. 2
houses nud lota on Caas st. . on easy term a.
lliu-rla. room 411. 1st Nat. Hank. 201
FOK SAL15 Hast front lot on 2Jth st. ( Geor
gia nvoj overlooking Omaha and Council
llhillB. Flno nlttt for a home. Special close
prlco for n few dnya. C. F. Harrison , Mer
chants National bank. 143
TjlOK BALK Lot on .T2d st. Just north of
JlUnscom Park , $2.flJO ; easy terms to party
who will build , C. F. Harrison , Merchants
National bank. 114
S KN1) for plat of uolllor place , nnd when
driving for recreation follow the motor line
poles on 10th at. , and Amen' ave. , nnd nee the
wonderful Improvements that have taken
piaco just around tne barracks , and remember
that Collier place la the key to the nltuatlon.
liny a lot now for the low prlco nnd at tue easy
terms they are being oirerod , and wo are satis
fied. One-tenth cash , balance ono to five years.
McCague. opp. I' . O. 07J
l'ri > iionnln'for Snath Oinnlm llnniis.
Sealed proposals will bo received un to 1 p. m.
July 10 , li-HJ. for t'O.OJU funding bonds ; : r > bonds
of 81.000 each , G per cent interest , payable un-
nuully ; bonds payable ton years after date ; In
terest cupons attached. Above issue of bonds
nro Hindu payable nt the IHcnl agency of the
state of Neurustn , In tha city of Now York , botli
Interest nnd principal. All proposals to bo
sealed , dlrot , lea to the undersigned and endorsed
Illds for Honda. "
The committee on finance retains the right to
reject any or all otfers , Honda cannot bo gold
loss than par ,
Juiid lr . Ui > . JOHNSTON , Chairman ,
Taken Up.
At Fox & IIonaman'H dairy , i-i-milo south of
1'ctennan Pluco , red cow with whlto fnco.
Notice to ( 'oiitrnotoiH ,
SOUTH OMAHA. Juno 15 , JSPO.-Sealod propo-
mis will borecnived at tlm city onglncer's
olllce by the commlttao on viaducts , otreeU and
ulleys. until noon Wednesday , July II , ISM' ' , for
fiirnlbhlng all the material and performing nil
the work fort nrbing and paving N Htreot from
Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-seventh street
with cyprius blocks , approximate outlmnto
2.27U lineal feet of curbing , nnd n.510 nquare
yards of paving. Work to be completed within
forty days after a contract therefor binds and
takes otrect. All bids must bo accompanied by
a certliluii check for SW.H Bald rliocks to be re
turned on all bids not accepted. Estimated cost
otBtich-ttork latlB.Ml. The right to reject any
aud all bids i reserved. Plans and upaclllca
tloaa can bo uoouat tuo engineer's olllce.
Chni. Com , on Vlaductu , St3. nnd Alleys.
AOKN'iy WANTEIJ-lIoth general and can
vassliiK. on the new , revised and Imperial
flditlonof Cell's Encyclopedia m five volumes ,
just issuxd. Sold for cash , or on a y instal-
mcma. Fur liberal terms aud territory address
T. EI.I.WOOII y.EM.J'ub I'hlladelphiu. _ ; _ _
vriill , N , V , Bead for circulars ,
Court House to Yjot Notice to llullil-
( n * Ootriotorfl ,
NotlcolflisrobyRlvonthnt tno Hoard of Ru-
pcrvlnon ; of llutlor County. Nobrns.ka , will ro"
rdvc lda until 0 p , m. , of the Cth day of July ,
A , 1) . issi , for the iurntshlng of all materials nnd
labor aim the building nn 1 completion of n
Court House in the city ot David Oily , In said
County nndSlnto , accordtngtoDlausnudspocIll-
catlont. therrfor furnished by Win , Gray , Archi
tect , Llncjln , Nebraska , to bo on Illoln the olllco
of the County ( lerk of said county , on nmlnttcr
Juno 1C , Iftn. Each old must bo accompaiilo I
by acertllled check In the sum of * 1,0 < > 0 payable
to the order of the County ( . 'lorkor xnldcouiity ,
as n Riinranteo that the bidder will. If his bid bo
accepted , and within llvo days tl.oreafto- or
uitti asatlsfActory contract for the wectlminnd
completion ot Bald building , and that ho will
wtlhtiisald llvo days oxrulo to said county u
bond in the sum of fM.OXl , with sureties to bo
approved by said Hoard , conlltlonod for the
faithful porformnnco of wild contract on his
p.irt , nnd that ho will pay nil labor , nnd for nil
material employed and used upon said building.
Said chock shall bo forfeited to , ami ba retained
by the county. If the builder fall to enter into
contract nnd give bonds nHiibovocwitomplati'd.
Eaoh bidder must xubniit with his bid n sample
of stone for foundation footings , and out MDIIO
wet it , nnd also nf pressed brick , ptoposed to bo
used ,
The board will also receive bids nt xninc time
to furnish nil Olllce , Vault and I'ourt Itoom lur-
lUturo nnd fixtures , also seating for Court
The Boar.l reserves the right to reject nny or
nil bids.
llyordorof Hoard of Supervisors of llutlot
County , Nebraska.
J ) . C , HKV.NOi.nA ,
County Clerk.
Dated at David City Neb. , June 5th l&.i. ' M
.liino-ii-d-St ; qw-lo-Jiily o
_ _ _
Not i OP.
Notice Is hereby given that scaled bids will bo
received by the clerk of Adams County , Neb
raska , ut his olllco Hastings. NebrngKa , on or
before twelve o'clock noon of July nth , INsy , for
tiu ) purchase of seventy llvo bonds of the de
nomination of ono thotuand dollars each to bo
Issued bvtdo County ot Adams in the State of
Nohr.KXn , to bu dated July lit , ISHi , nnd to bo
nayublo at the Flical Agency of the Stnlo of
Nebraska , City of Now Yoric. State of New
York twenty years niter the tiato thoivof re
deemable nt any tlmo on or after ton voard from
the dnto thereof at the option ot said county of
Adams nnd to boar Intcroit at the rate of llvo
percent per iinnum payable annually on the
llrst day of July in each your , for which Interest
coupons nhnll bo attached payable nt the llacal
agency aforesaid ,
Itlghts reserved to reject ny mid nil bids.
lly order of the Hoard of Supsrvlsora , May Oth
188'J. . L. 11. PAUIIIIOOI : .
fsnAi.1 County Clerk.
Joii ) < A. CA8TO. County Attorney. iu2ldloJyD
Notice to Csntraotors.
The boar U of public works nr.d buildings will
receive bi ds n stated below ;
For work nud material nccpssary tooflnlsh
new building for Ir.stlltito for the Illlntl. No-
brnsku lity. nud for making stated repairs on
the old building at any tlmo before June 21 ,
W3. nt 2 p , m.
For work nnd material to complete south
wing for Industrial Homa at Mllford , at auy
tjmo before Juno 2(1. ( IHtU , at 2 p. m.
I'or labor and material to lay about 4noo feet
of 121uch3pwcrpipoforthopenltoiitlary. Also
for comntet ng n munke htauk and for furnish
ing and putting on about 1,000 squares of corru-
gnted iron rootluv for satuo. nt any time before
juaio2A.lM.-U. , at I ) n in.
For electric lluhl plant and for barn for Incurable -
curable Im.aue Hospital at Hastings , Nebraska
nt any tlmo before Juno 2il , It8 > . at S p.m.
1'ortuatoiial and labor to complete 15 cotta
ges , hospital , boiler nnd onglne and laundry
houses nud for boipltul. for ioldlor.V Hume ,
llrnnd Islniid. at nny tlmo ucforu Juno 27. KPJ ,
nt 2 p. an.
Tor boiler house nnd smoke stack for ln tl-
tuto for Feeble Mindert Youth , nt lleatrlce , at
any tlmo buforo Juno2H , 18 n , at 2 p.m.
For ouo building for boiler house , cnglna
room , electric light plant vnd workshop , nnd
for woo 1 bulldltm for gymnaslnm mid library ,
for State Normal Scho > ! . at Porn , at auy tlmo
before June 2S , 18U' ' , nt 2 p in.
1 or onu tlirco Btury brick workshop with
stone bcsoineut nud one boiler house ami Miuoke
stuck , for Indu tilxl School , at , Kearney , nt uuy
tlmo loforo July r , iwi , nt2 p. m.
All nbovo woru ti ) bo doiw itironlln ? to writ
ten statement. Plans' , Eiieclllnations , nnd
detailed umwintr. now ou lllo with the Com
missioner of Publlo Lands nnd llnlldliigf * . Avho
will furnlfch all needed Information relative
Jlonils will lercc.ulred of succcfsful bidders
for complpt'nn of tno work mid for the pay
ment odillbUls for labor and material.
By order of Hoard of Public Lands and Ulilld-
0. J. LAWS ,
June 13 d 10 1 _ Secretary.
M" OTicn is hereby glvtn that n Hpoclul meet-
-l-\lngof the stocKholders of the Coliseum
Itulldlng association , of Omaha , will bo held
Tuesday , Juno IS. st 4 p. m. , to discuss the pre
liminary arrangements for n grand exposition ,
September next , and dispose of such otner
business as may bo brought before the meet
ing. John S. Prince , becretary. June 172t
T o Urill o
"PROPOSITIONS for the construction of two
JL bridges across southern channels of the
Platte liver in Alexis Township , in JJutlor
County , Nob. , will bo received by the Hoard of
Supervisors of llutler County , Neb. , said
bridges to be of dimensions as follows : Ono
Hit feet long , with IC-foot approach at one end.
One bridge 274 feet long , with IB-foot approach
nt ono end and 10-foot approach at the other.
Said bridges to bo built of hard pine , set on oak
All bids must be accompanied with plans and
specifications of the work to bo done. Didders
must submit thi'lr bids ou the two bildgos sep
arately , eo that the proposition of any bidder
may bo accepted as to ono bridge und rejected
ns to the other If the board should so determine.
The boaid reserves the I Ight to reject any aud
nil bids. All propositions must bo in ou or
before the llth dnv of July , 18.SO.
Dated this2Jtli day of ifny. 188'J.
Hy order of the Hoard of Supervisors of ilutlor
County , Nob.
J5-12-10-20 D. C. RKVNor.nS. County Clerk.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record during
JL yesterday.
E II Wnlkernnd uifo to Gate CityJIco Co ,
lot 1 and ill' , lot 2 , Bec27-lC-ii. : w 0 . J 750
0 Lobock nnd wlfo to G W Allen , lot 6 ,
blk 8 , Lincoln Place , w d . 1,000
F W Loeana wlfo to M D Edmunds , pt lot
IL bile l'atricK's2d add wd '
U. , . 'U.OOO
L Schroedcr. trustee , to J Provnznlk , lot
15 , blko , llrown Park , w d . COO
Mead Investment Co to J 11 Van Clostor ,
lots 14 and 15 , ulk 19 , Hanscom Pluco.
wd . 0,000
T C Havens et al to a 0 Hobble , lot 13 ,
blk 1 , South Exchange Place , q c d. . . . ' . . 1
S N JlalJoy to A II Dale , lot 12 , blk 10.
ShuR'a 2d add , w d . y.CCO
N J Peterson and wife to JI O Peterson ,
Jot20. Hickory Place , wd . 1
A Paulseu to A O Paulson , pt lots 4 and
5 , blk 0 , Park Placo. wd . ] ,300
Nebraska Mortgage and Loan Goto O II
Pearson , w M lot i ) , blk I ) , Kouutzo to
Ruth's add , ( i o d . 1
OHPonrsonuud wlfo toll II Ernest ,
same , w cl . 2,800
.1 LMlles and xvlfe to.l G Wlnstanlov ' , lot
4. blk 15 , Orchard Hill , w a . . . 050
0 W Logan mid wife low A Paxton. lot
0 , Hillings' sub , and lotU , blk 1 , Thorn-
burg Place , wil . B.600
P D Mnttson nnd wife to II Lnrseii , lot 21 ,
blk4 , liuscall'sbub , w d . 1,130
Fourteen transfers . { 2VJJ2
The following psr.niu wora Issuu.l by
Building Inspector Wlutloolc yostorihiy :
li. 0. Clark , repairs ot store building , at
Tenth nnd Arbor . t J 000
D. Fnrroll & Co. , four-story brick store ,
iBxOJ foot , on Eighth and Farnam . 15,000
W. E. Wright , two-story frame residence ,
2Ux28. Alton and Oold . ] , COO
Albert II. Sunder , one-story frame store ,
fllXuO , IOJ and Ull Twenty-fourth street. J.OOO
John U. McKenzlo. three one-story brick
residences , 20xW , Mcholu * and lo- (
becca , . y.OOO
Francis Win , two-story frame residence ,
21x41 , Harney street , boUruun Twenty-
fourth and Twunty-Ufth , . . . , . . . . ? 000
J. U. Tucker , two-story frame residence ,
Lowe avenue , between Jackson and
Jones , . 3,000
Don Evnstlie. ono-ntory frame residence ,
20x18. Ttvtmty-foiirtn , near ( Iraut strotit 100
8 , D. llnrKulow , two-story frame resi
dence , oOxit , 20JO Capitol uvuuuu . 4,500
Nine permits , aggregating , , , . , . . ? JI , ltX )
Oombmod In
Skirt Supporting Corset
Foy.narmon / . ' Chadwlsfe , UovlIa79D , Conn ,
ESTABLISHED 1861 ( 180 So.
Chicago , Ills. I CInrkSt ,
Iho Regular Old-Established
Intlll Trcallnj with the Greatest
Clirouic , Neryons anfl PriyalC'Discases ' ,
/ * - NERVOUS DSniLlTY , Loit Manhood ,
Fftiilng Memory , KxhnusUm ? Drclni , Terrlbla
Dreams , Head and Dack Acna and all the effect )
tciiling to early dccuy and jvcthaps Coniumpllon ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new method ! with
D < ver-fonint [ itucceti.
BYPHILIS and Ml bad Dlood and Skin Dl
eapeipermnnently cured.
* V KIDNEY and URINARY complalnti.Qleat ,
Gonorrhoea , strlctu re , Vnrltocele ami all UUcaiei
efthe Qenlto-Urlniry Organi curnlmomptly without
li\jmy toStomich , KUlneyt or o-Jicr Orjsnj.
* * No cxpcrlmenta , ARO and experltnce lm
jiortnnt. Ccnaultatlon free and aacred.
O3r Send 4 ctntu potu e for Celebrated Work * 00
Chronic , Nervoua ncl Dellcnte Ulie iti.
ir-Tho ! > contemplatlni ; Mairlige > enil lor Dr.
Clarke'a ctlebralttl RUlJc Male , anil Female , each
13 cenu , loth t c rt ( Hamp < ) , Conmlt the olJ
Doctor. A friendly Idler or call may save future \iTcr-
Inu nnd thame , and add golden ) ean to tire. * jj'llook
"Life's ( SecretErrors , " 50wnuttampi ) . Medlclns
nnd wrltiiif-i tent evcrywhrre , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays o In ti , Addrcii
F. D. CLARKE. W. D. ,
186 So. ftlark SU CHUJAOO ,
retired In00il.vrnl > } l r >
v.liTClr : . .M pnrla ) llU
STriiu.coinlilnul. ( liifiniiilcciltlio
utily nnpln tlm worM uwierotlnff
reonllmioiis Klfcttiftt Nagnttta
. .nt. Botenlipl'i ( ! > v\crrnl.I > iir blo ,
hlo nnd F.irwllv * . Avodl frnmH.
oil nil . ' .I. Kpnilrtiunpffirtitniiihlet.
AI.- v.i.j-irriiio IIKI.TM FOU i iHKA Ka.
WANTUD $3S weekly roprcsentatlvc , mala
or fumal . In every community. Ooods
slnplo ; household H'-coss'lty : soil at sight ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses
advanced. 1'uli particulars mid valuablasample
cuso Kiir.iVo : nio.ili Just wnatwos.iy ; address
nt onro , STANDAHI ) S1LVKH WAHIJ CO. , llos-
Running between Council Hliiffs and Al-
bright. liiJiddltlon tothostulone mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit in Omana.
Lanvo. Arrivo.
II No. 2 6MpniI : ( > No. 1. , U15nm ,
0 No. 8 0WlumO : No. 6 5:15 pm
A No. 4 lUUf : ) nln A No. U , . , , . 0iOnm :
A No. 14 0:45 : pm A No.U 7l9uia :
No. fl 0 : < o am No. 7 o-ar nm.
No , 8 , . . . . 315 ; pm no.3 ,7:15 am
No , 4 tl:23 : pm No.S J o < i5 pm
All Tratna Dally.
A No. 13 0:10 amlA No , 1 . . .7:00 : am
A No. 4 , . . . . . . . ; iOpmA | No. 8. . . , . . .6:15 : tin *
A No , - ' . . , , . , .ii'i"u m i Ao. . 3 7:00 am
A No , 4. . : ijfii > m | A No. I , 7'JOplil
A No. 10 7:05aniA | No. 0 8:55 am
A No.U 7WpiuA : |,900 ; pu
A No. 8 4i > J5pmA | No. 7..13:00 : n
A dully : 1) dally except Saturday ; OcxteiA
Bunduy ; D except Aloudaynut mall.
VIe tlm glrua uburoU ror Transfer , thor
belDtflrocQ ftvtto tan mlautf4 botwui.j' "
f ud local dtpou.