Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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D Mf ( Morning Ildltlon ) Including Sunday. .
lice. Una Your . . . 110 CO
TotSlx Months . . . . GOO
I orthroo Months . . . . . . . . SW
The omnhn Sunday Jico , innllad to nny
mlilrcss. Ono Veir . SOT
Weekly Itoc.Ono Year . . . . . 2 GO
Omana Udlcf , Hoe linlldlnfr , N.V. . Corner
Seventeenth mid Knrnntn Streets.
Cnlcnso Oinro. M7 Itooitory Ilulldlnir.
New York ORIce , Hooma II and la Trlbnnn
HulMing. Washington onico. JJo. 013 Four
teenth btreot. _ v
AH communication * roliiUns to news and edi
torial matter shonlil bo addressed to the I.ditor
or the nee.
nee.Jusmr93 IlTvrTKng.
All business letters and remittances should
IjondrtrcsiiedtoTho lira Publishing Company.
Omnhix iJrnHs. checks Mid nostotllco orders to
be miulo payable to the order of the Lompnny.
The Bc : FnWhliiDECiiiany , Proprietors ,
B. UOSI-nVATl'iK. Keillor.
s u AH AT nisii
Kxvorn Ptntcmont ol'Ciroulatlon.
Etntc of Nebraska , 1 . .
County of Douglas , f "
OcorpoILTzsrlmcx. secretary of The lice nib-
llthlt.hCoiunnny , docs solemnly awear that the
nttunrclictilnUon of TUB JUAibr HUB for the
vecli cndlnc JunolSth. 1SM > . waiaa follows )
furdnr. Jnnoii
Moucluv. Juno 10
TurtlHV..Iuno 11
Tlnnvflnv. June 13
Friday. Juno 14
Buturdny. Juno 1 . lfW. >
Average . . * . 18,714
Ewcrn to before tno und subscribed to In my
vrmtice this Kith dnv of June. A. 1) . )6SJ. )
Srul. N. V. FEIU Notury I'ubllc. .
State of Nebraska , I
County of liouglas. ( " '
Georpu 11. Tzschurc , being duly sworn , da-
poses and snys that hs Is aeerotnryot The llco
j'ublliihlUB company , llmt the actual avoratjo
Inlly circulation of Tno Dally lion for the
month of June , 1B8H , iu.il2 ! coplei ; for .Inly ,
1E8& lfn f coplis ; for Auicuat , 1 , lSlKlcoiios ) ;
for t-intptnlicr. Its' , 1K.15I coplea : for October ,
1WP , ip.tBl copies ; for November , 1888 , 18.IHI
roples ; lor December. IStf , 1H.'JS | coplea ; for
.Tnnunry. IPS' ' , iw > 74 copies : for February , 18W ,
1P.UDH copies ; for Mnrcn , 18S ! > , iviil copies : for
April , 18J , IH.WiU copies : for May. l sn , 1H.UJJ
copies. (1KO. II. 'JX.SOIIUClC.
Sworn to before mo mid subscribed In my
[ Ecnl.l presence this 8d day of Juno , A.I ) . ,
N. P. FEU * Notary Public.
OMAHA bids conliul welcome to the
delegates of the supreme lodge of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen.
MERCHANTS' mid industrial exposi
tion , u fat stock show , a wook'a carnival
nt the Coliseum and outdoor attractions
would make n. drawing combination
this fall.
KINO KALAKAUA is anxious to visit
the Paris Exposition , and any kind
American who will trust him with ton
thousand dollars for the trip will re
ceive royal thanks. The king lias no
other collateral to put up as security.
Tim inhuman butchery of two inno
cent young girls , at Gresham , in this
state , for no apparent reason , is iv crime
of so dastardly nature that the authori
ties of Sownrd county should leave no
Btono unturned to discover the fiendish
murdnror. >
Tun democratic organ of the city
demands the impeachment of the dem
ocratic county clerk. This is mere
buncombe. The same paper pompously
clamored for the investigation of Com
missioner Anderson , but it subsided on
very short notion.
OiiAHA appreciates the compliment
of the Masonic order in deciding to lo
cate its sluto homo for widows and or
phans in this city. The Masons uovot1
dotinythintr by halves and the now in-
BtitulUm will rollnc . credit both tothem-
solves and the city which it will adorn.
IT IS kind of the present board ol
education to invite the now members-
elect to witness how the annual elec
tion of school toachora and janitors is
managed. But the board , of coursn ,
will bo careful not to give away the
trick of putting favorites in place in
this primary lesson.
Taiiuis is at least one man who would
euro very little whether the intor-stato
commerce railway association goes to
pieces or not. Mr. A. P. Walker 1ms n
throe years' contract at twenty-live
thousand dollars n year with the associ
ation and it would not break his heart
if the "gentlemen's agreement" it
broken and repudiated within the next
sixty days.
Tins American navy is soon to be
strengthened by the addition of the
Baltimore and the Petrol , the former a
powerful ship of war , while the latter is
to bo impressed in the coast service.
The ravages of time and decay of our
old navy is slowly being repaired by the
addition , of the now cruisors. But it
will take a number of years , with all
the efforts now put forth , to place the
navy on n. respectable footing.
IT is to bo hoped that the recommen
dations of the government po3t olllcc
inspector in conjunction with the re
quest of Postmaster Gallagher will be
able to secure the needed appropriation
nskod for in order to perfect the carrier
delivery in Omaha. The increased
volume of business and the compara
tively recent extension of the citj
limits , make it impossible for the pres
ent delivery system to bo as elllciont as
it should , and the authorities at Wash
ington should not fall to grant relief.
Tin ; hall has boon sot in motion and
there is every indication tliut mer
chants' weak will bo a pronounced suc
cess. The directorate chosen to ar
range for the event is composed of out
best and loading citizens , representing
every branch of trhdo in Omaha , in
whoso hands the scheme will rapldlj
take form. Now lot everybody put hit
shoulder to the wheel. Co-oporatioti
and enthusiasm will make the celebra
tion a notable affair.
Tin ; navy department is acting ulto-
together too much on rod tape if it be
true that the survivors of the Samoati
disaster who wore on the Vandnlia arc
discharged from the service and arc in
destitute uireumsUuicus in San Fran
cisco , It is through no fault of those
seamen that the death of their paymas
ter and the loss of the ship's rocordf
have deprived them of their wages
elnco the middle of March and have
brought them no recompense for the
loss of their effects at the memorable
Btorm oil Apia. The proper uuthoritiof
can well relieve their distresses with
out compromising the navy und its strici
military rules ,
Another mlle post has boon passed ,
,1ns day , In the eventful career of Tim
Bui : . Wo enter upon our nineteenth
your under the moat promialngnusplccs.
Standing in the front rank of American
iournallsm and without n competitor in
the section commercially tributary to
Omaha , TilK Bui ! looks to the future
with con faience and woll-groundod hope.
Under the most adverse circum
stances , and with very limited moans nt
Its comman d , obstacles that socmud in
surmountable linvo boon overcome in
the years gene by. With popular con-
ildonco firmly established , and resources
that enable it to cope wUh all who may
enter the lists in its Hold , Tin : BKH can
hardly fall to hold the position it has
gained attar the most unequal of strug
The true source of Tin : BKK'S mar
velous success Is by no means to bo
traced merely to energy , industry , por-
Bovorcnco and woll-dirccte'd manage
ment. Integrity of purpose and fearless
battling for the right , as it was able to
see the rlght , have constituted
its impregnable strength. In all
the battles Tin : Bun ling fought
durlnp the eighteen years of its
existence , its aim has been to voice the
sentiment of the people , untrammeled
by the seductive influences of power
and pelf , and undismayed by threats
from corporate monopolies or potential
political loaders.
It is this fearless and unconquerable
independence that has in ado THK BHJ :
respected , influential and prosperous.
In the future , as in the past ,
TinBIB : will continue to advo
cate whatever it believes to bo in the
interest and for the welfare of the
masses. Hereafter , * as heretofore , it
will voice the hopes and wishes of the
industrial und producing classes. Its
monumental building is no link be
tween it and the purse-proud shoddy
and would-bo American aristocrat. It
will recognize no title of nobility in
man or woman unless it bo the nobility
of deeds performed in the interest of a
common humanity , and efforts to im
prove the condition of mankind and elevate -
vato the race.
The weak , the humble and oppressed
will never appeal in vain through its
columns from the aggressions of greedy
wealth , the exactions of powerful mo
nopolies and the selfish demands of au
tocrat and plutocrat.
As a , newspaper , Tun BII : will not bo
content to stand still while contempo
raries are making dcsporate efforts to
climb to its level. It proposes to excel
and keep on improving. Grateful for
the liberal patronage it has enjoyed , it
will exert all the ability and moans at
its command in building up Omaha
and Nebraska , and the region tributary
to this city.
Ill the marvelous progress of every
department of human activity during
the past thirty years the advance of the
newspaper is not tbo least notable fea
ture. As a political and social power ,
as a public instructor , as a conservator
of the interests and welfare of the pao-
plo , and as a force in every channel of
the world's alTairs , the newspaper has
boon steadily moving onward and up
ward. Taking its rightful place as the
loader of enlightened progress , it has
utilized , every aid and facility which
could help it In its great work ,
stimulating the genius of invention
to find now and superior means
with which to facilitate its enterprise
and increase its usefulness. , To its de
mands the great improvements in tele
graphy nro largely duo. Its require
ments made necessary the production
of machinery employing many millions
of capital and an army of labor. In thn
various departments and wide ramifica
tions of its service it gives employment
to thousands of writers , skilled artisans
and others , affording an over-widening
Hold for those who have the ability to
perform the duties required of them.
In order to appreciate the evolution
of the newspaper one must see in con
trast the best journals of thirty years
ago with the best of to-day. Before the
war of the rebellion , which powerfully
stimulated tlio news-getting enterprise
of the newspapers , the best journals of
the country wore dreary and provincial
as compared with these of to-day. The
foremost metropolitan paper. * did not
employ a stivtl of writers as numerous as
that of Tim Bun at this timo. Very
little attention was given to other than
local news , and even this was recorded
witn no such care and completeness as
it is nt present. Political affairs en
grossed most of the attention of the edi
tors of that period , and the reliance of
the newspaper for success was upon
its editorial opinions rather than
upon its oharctor as a purveyor of general -
oral news. There wore a few journal
ists , notably James Gordon Bennett ,
who saw the value of news in making a
newspaper , and utilized all the limited
facilities at command in getting news ,
but generally the editors of thirty years
ago gave themselves very little concern
on this score. If the news could bo had
onvoniently and inexpensively it was
used , and in most cases its value was
not diminished materially by ago. The
"journalists" of that day , with few ex
ceptions , wore content to give
their readers n liberal supply
of editorial opinions on political
affairs and to rely upon these for
the support of their papers. Those
who road the recently published inter
esting borius of letters written from
Washington in 185Q by Horace Greoloy
to Charles A. Dana , then managing
editor of the Now York 'IWbune , ob
tained a very correct I lea of the pro-
ccdoncd that was gien to political over
nil other classes of nowo. Mr. Dana ,
while by no moans undervaluing politi
cal intelligence , had eomo regard for
other kinds of news , while Mr. Greoloy
thought llttlu of anything that was not
political , The distinguished editor of
the Now York Sim then disclosed the
talent which , under the improving in
fluence of later conditions , hnq enabled
him to make n newspaper in all respects
a model of excellence , and it is prob
able that wore Mr. Greoloy now
living and in newspaper work Ills faith
would bo as strong In the saving power
of the political cdlWrlal , whatever else
wns wanting , as it over was.
The civil war created a demand for
news and developed the news instinct In
journalism. It forced the newspaper
into its most useful channel and its most
profitable function. It was one of the
compensations of that conflict that it
lifted journalism out of the old rut and
put It upon a new and far bettor course
of effort and enterprise. It compelled
the newspaper to make the ful
lest use of the telegraph. It
brought about the institution of cor
respondence on a largo scalo.
It introduced a system of news gather
ing which , in its later development , has
given employment tosomo of the bright
est minds In journalism. With the In
coming of this change the newspaper
not only entered upon a now career of
usefulness , but one also of prosperity.
It lound a thousand readers for every
hundred It had before , and with the
growth of business there came necessar
ily nn increase of power and influence.
In this true course journalism will al
ways remain. It must do so to bo suc
cessful. The newspaper will continue
to have its editorial opinions. It will
still have its preference for poli
tical parties. But It canjnothavo great
success If it bo not equal to every de
mand for the news from u public thor
oughly educated to n doslro for news.
Great as the attainment of journalism
has been in this country , it can not bo
assumed that the highest possibilities
have been reached , although it may
not bo quite easy to see what further
urogrcss can be made. Our lending' ' news
papers are r.daily compendium of events
the world over , and with a few excep
tions they nro written with the
highest order of ability. The best
literary talent finds its most profit
able employment on the newspaper ,
and year by year the test for those who
seek the higher class of journalistic
work is becoming on the leading papers
more severe. Newspaper work is at
tended now by fewer of the difficulties
and disadvantages than beset it years
ago. In all departments it is loss ox-
acting. But it is calling for a higher
order of talent and acquirements.
Therefore in respect of literary excel
lence In its general work the newspa
per of the future will perhaps surpass
these of to-day. But beyond this there
really appears little scope for further
The Sioux commissioners have en
countered unexpected opposition at Pine
Ridge. Before going there it was
thought probable that very little difll-
culty would bo found in securing the re
quired number of signatures to the
treaty. It was reported that General
Crook had had a long in tor view with Rod
Cloud , and although he gave no intima
tion as to the nature of it , the conclu
sion was that it was favorable to the
government. Jf the Indian chief gave
any such assurance to General Crook
ho has proved treacherous , for at the
council on Monday ho is reported
to have boon one of the most
vehement in denouncing the
treaty. Such a course would bo
quite characteristic of R'ji Cloud , but
there is reason to believe that he has
been influenced by outside parties since
ho talked with General Crook.
Our despatches ascribe this influence
to Dr. Bland , president of the Indian
Defense association , and it is quite
probable this is correct. This ofllcious
intormcddlor is entirely capable of ob
structing the work of the commission by
advising the Indians against the treaty ,
and ho would ho the more likely to dose
so since Secretary Noble refused to per
mit him to dictate to the department
regardingan interpretation of one clause
of the treaty. It will bo remembered
that Bland , with ono or two others of
the association , called on the secretary
of the interior with the inquiry whether
the treaty provided for the payment , by
the govoriimont , of school moneys , and
demanded a decision from the secretary ,
accompanying it with a throat that if
such provision was not made the associ
ation would advise the Indians not to
accept the treaty , The secretary very
properly informed the visitors that their
proposed interference with the business
of the govoriimont was unwarrantable ,
and dismissed them with the statement
that nny further communication with
him must bo in writing.
Immediately after this interview Dr.
Bland , in the name of the defense asso
ciation , sent a letter to the chiefs of
the tribes In the Sioux reservation
warning them that there was danger of
the government despoiling them of
their school moneys , claimed to bo duo
them , and advising thorn not to sign
the treaty until they vvoro plainly as
sured by the commission , with the ap
proval of the president , that they
should receive such moneys. A paper
has also been circulated among the In
dians supposed to contain similar ad
vice. This appears to have had a de
cided effect at Pine Ridge , und our
dispatches say that if the treaty
fails there Dr. Bland may bo no-
counted largely responsible. If this
shall bo found to bo the case the ofliui-
ous president of the defense associa
tion ought to rocolvo such attention
from the government if there be any
way of reaching him , as will effectu
ally end Ills obstructive tactics. It it )
outrageous that the interests of the
whole people , which the government nt
a largo outlay Is striving to secure , and
as well as the real welfare of the Indians ,
should bo defeated by ono individualact-
ingundor the pretense of a philanthropic
concern for the Indians , but it is reason
ably believed , from utterly selfish mo
tives. It is apparent that a very care
ful und skillful policy will be necessary
to success at Pine Ridgo.
TIIK St. Paul and Minneapolis papers
are inclined to bo jubilant over the fact
that freight rates from Now York to St.
Paul are cheaper than freight rates
from Chicago to St. Paul. Tuoy look
upon thlTpocuHnr phnso of the rate war
now In full lllastna a permanent emanci
pation from what the Pioneer Press is
pleased to" tall "tho foreign and hostile
policy imiUualnod by Chicago against
the twin cities. " There is good reason
to believe l owovor , that this exhibition
of exuberance is premature. The florco
rate war bblwoon the lake routes and
the trunk , lines Is likely to burn itself
out in n short time and a truce will bo
patched up if no bettor understanding
can bo reached which will secure to the
powerful'trunk lines from Chicago to
the soaboa'n ' ) their par contngo of busi
ness. Chicago is bound to secure her
shnro of patronage cost what it may.
The benefit that may como will not inure
to St. Paul. If the lake and rail routes
can fix the freight tarlll to suit them
selves , the roads traversing Minnesota-
Iowa , Nebraska and Dalcota centering
in C'hlcugowill sondjusttbotr schedules
in conjunction with the trunk lines to
the seaboard as to moot any rate the
lake routes may name.
IF the people of that part of Florida
which runs Its arm into southern Ala
bama succeed in annexing it to the latter
tor utato , a great change may bo ex
pected in that quarter. A'abama ' in
that event will bo able to secure a coast
line of some ono hundred and fifty miles
in length which would bo highly nc-
coptablo to that state from a business
point of view. Florida , however , would
not only lose nn area of some sovo n
thousand square miles but would have
a largo population transferred tot- rival
state. There Is consequently great op
position to the project by middle and
east Florida both on the ground of ma
terial interests and for the reason that
the ression of west Florida , mainly
populated by the whites , would make
Florida a republican state.
Tun recent Indian scare reported
from Minnesota in which the Chippo-
was wore said to have loft their reser
vation on a scalping raid turns out to bo
a fabrication out of whole cloth. The
truth of the matter is that ono white
man out of a party of seven was injured
by a drunken Indian , and the attack
was made by the Indians in defending
their property. Whatever mt y bo the
merits of the Indian question , it can
not bo denied that white speculators ,
timber and land thieves who encroach
uuon the reservations , as well as un
scrupulous men who sell whisky to
these savages , are largely responsible
for the outbreaks that occur from time
to timo.
Jay is Knfo From That.
Chicago 2'rf/iiliic. /
A floating paragraph says Jay Gould is in
better health than ho has bcnn for fourteen
years. Wtinthvcr his ullment mny have
boon It certainly was not enlargement of tuo
- -
! '
lie's Away OfT the Track.
Trnu 'limn.
If the road to the white house has como nt
last to run through the saloons nnd groggcr-
ics , then Governor Hill's chances of reach
ing thut i > olnt 1 \Vushington nro first-class.
Otherwise , hbjia not likely to got any farther
than Albany. *
Saiiionn Victory.
Muflaln Exprct * .
Altogether it is n siptial victory for the ad
ministration , nnd our able secretary of state
has given an interesting exhibition of what
is vulgarly known as backbone , which the
iron chancellor doubtless appreciates us
the American people do.
Candidate nnd Platform Proclaimed.
C7ini Icxtim ( S. C.Xciot ) anil Courier.
Mr. Cleveland will bo the candidate again
in nil probability. Mr. Brice will command
the forces in the field. The issue will bo the
same in any event , and will bo proclaimed
anew nt the first opportunity If the demo
cratic 'eaders nro wise and are as full of
faith and fight as their followers.
"Wliero IndlnnnpoHs Htnnds Alone.
Jndldiiajjol/s / Join iinl.
Indianapolis is pre-eminent among Ameri
can cities In ono respect. Wo are not very
strong on base ball ; wo have no navigable
ilvor handy ; wo have not yet discovered
petroleum or natural gas in the city limits ,
ojid wo have not had a trunk murder or n
Cronin conspiracy. Hut , thanks to the dem
ocratic members , this is the only city in the
United States that can point to an ox-convict
sitting in its council.
Tonsil Place Kor n Italnhnw Chaser.
7wiIrtNai > olIs Jimrnal ,
It loolts as if the position of umpire In the
democratic party for the next few years
would bo n difficult ono. With free traders
and protectionists both screaming that they
nlono are the party nnd the other follows arc
mutineers nnd political outcasts , the posi
tion of umpire wll bo more dangerous than
that of a car coupler.
It Would LPHVO Tlioin In tlie Turcoii.
* fiostnn Journal ,
Just now the democratic organs of fTio
nortu are arguing with great vigor that the
Ignorant colored voters of the northern
states ought to bo excluded from participa
tion In our government. Suppose the Ignor
ant white vote of the northern states Now
York , for Instance were excluded , have
these organs over thought what would become -
como of the.democratic party )
IIowITIiey Iiovn Knohotlior.
lfW York 'frlliunc.
Ono. Interesting change must bo noted In
ho relations of.Mr. Cleveland nnd Governor
Hill. So long ] us the former was in ofllco a
pretense ot friendship was kept up , but now
this acorns abandoned. The Cleveland
nowspjpcrsju'a. attaching Hilt with great
bitterness , iitiif Iho Hill nowsimpors nru responding
spending ! . conliul unlmoslty. At the
famousbammcL silence from Mr , Cleveland
nnd hisses tronj his followers nmdo up the
return to til ) governor for his laboriously
polite spcoch.H The two factions are at each
other's throats.
a/ . .
Nolirnxkn Jottlnjn.
The graduates ot the A.uournhlgh school
have formed an nlumnl association.
The Sewnrd Methodists have commenced
work on their DOW church odillco , to coat
Several flnu Perchcron stallions have died
at Bonnet rocoutly from iullummutiou of the
bowels ,
Q. W. Wilkinson , treasurer of Dakota
county , lumped from u buggy the other day
aud brolto his leg.
The Kearney Eatornrlsn has abandoned
printing a Monday paper , and in its stead
now issues on Sunday ,
A grand programme Is being arranged for
the Cheyeuno county falrwtich ! will bo hold
at Sidney , Soptuuibar IS , ID nnd 20.
Falrllold' business men have organized a
hoard of trade , elected u full set of odicers
and adopted a constitution and by-laws.
Prospecting for coal has begun iu earnest
at Fairbury , u diamond drill having arrived
on tno crouml for the purpose of testing the
extent of the vein.
The church capacities of Plnttsmouth nvo
lee limited , nnd many who wish to nttond
divine survioos on Sunday nro barred from
Inck ot room ,
Prof. Martin , principal of the Arcadia
schools , nod formerly ot the Loup City high
school , died very suddenly on the 15th Inst.
of Inflammation of the bowols.
A planing mill nas boon erected nt Cl rd-
ron with $4,000 worth of machinery , winch
will bo sot in motion ns soon ns the engine ,
which has been ordered , arrives.
While driving a team the other day ,
Qoorgo Li. Fornold , n Davis county Cnrmor.
was struck by lightning nnd Instancy klllod
while the horses escaped uninjured.
Hastings will vote , on July 10. ? 73,000 fern
n Boworngo system. The proposition is based
on n report mudo n few weeks since by Mr.
Andrew Koscwntor , of Omaha , who out
lined n practicable dr.ilnago xystom for thut
Dora Rolm , n ten-year-old girl , was
brought to Sidney from her homo in the
country the other clav to bo treated for a
fractured hip bone. It has slnca been dis
covered that the Injury wns the result of n
torrlhlo beating Initiated by the little one's
adopted mother , who has Rlnco loft the state
to avoid arrest for her brutality.
Amone the amusing things that came ns n
result of the nmatour ball gnmo the ether
day , says the Blue Hill Timcs-WIunor , is the
story that ICdlth Martin tolls upon her
father , our popular butcher , who was ono of
the players. She suvs that ho Is so wholly
unacquainted with the national game that
every tlnio ho was on bases nnd was told to
"run homo" ho would start for the shop as
ns fast as ho could paddlo.
Clinton has voted a tax to bultd a high
wagon bridge over the Mississippi.
Fort Mudlson will hnvo n balloon ascen
sion with parachute attachment on the
The Farmers' creamery nt Wlnthrop re
ceives ' 10,009 pounds of milk daily ana makes
3,500 pounds of butter n week.
According to Dairy Commissioner Sher
man , there will bo a 0 per cent reduction In
the butter production ot the state this year.
Prof. J. S. Mills has boon elected presi
dent ot Western college , nt Toleao , In place
of Prof. Hoardshoar , who rcsltrned to take
charge of the East Des Monies schools.
Wall Lake's city council has recently enacted
acted n law requiring ovary householder to
keep In a convenient placa upon his promises
n tub of water to bo used In caio of lire.
A petit ion Is bolnc circulated with poor
success for the pardon of P. J. Cowan , the
defaulting ox-treasurer of Hardm county ,
who has served ono your of a four years'
The Homulus Silver Mining company is
the title of n recently incorporated company
of Oskalooso rnpitulists for the acquiring
and operating of mining property any where
In tbo United States. The capital stock is
§ 150,000.
For a number of weeks Iowa City has been
infested by a regularly organized band of
thieves , every few days complaints having
been entered at the pollco court of some rob
bery being made. At last the police located
the band and found u to bo composed of n
band of live boys , ranging in ngo from six
teen to twenty. They were located In u barn
discussing past burglaries , and were fol
lowed to u building which thov were pro-
ceedine to enter , when arrested. Thov are
now in Jail , in default of bonds of $150 each.
Work will soon begin on the Indian school
nt Uupid City.
Over live thousand pophcrs were Idlicd in
n day's hunt at Steclo last week.
According to the Fargo Argus the clerk
hire of tlio lost legislature' amounted to
Brown county claims the largest number
nnd the best attended Sunday schools iu the
The Baptists will hold n ministerial insti
tute nt Sioux Falls commencing Juno 20 and
lasting eight dnys.
The Absrdoen city council has ordered the
houses numbered and street signs erected so
us to secure free mail delivery.
J. If. Davis , of Memphis , Tonn. , has been
chosen superintendent , of the Sioux Fulls
schools at n siilnry of 51,500.1 year.
Eighteen Indians will play huso ball nt
Chamberlain on the Fourth und n white man
will do the umpiring. A scalp protector has
beeu added to the usual umpire's uiusk.
Word has been received that Dr. A. H.
Webster died recently nt IJengullia , on the
west coast of Africa. Ho was n young mar
ried man who left Grand Forks in February ,
1SS , as n missionary to Africa.
The prohibition party , to raise funds to
carry on the campaign this full , are selling
medals among their adherents , one of silver
and one of gold plate , witn the territorial
coat of arms on ono side and a Huron artesian
well upon the opposite.
The rcnort of the Far3o land ofllco for the
first week in June shows that twenty-nine
final homestead proof and three cash final
proofs were mado. There were also thirteen
homestead entries , ten declaratory htuto-
ments nnd seven timber claim entries mado.
The fees and commissions amounted to
It is Directing Attention to all
City OHlours.
The disclosures In Monday's BEE , re
garding the Investigation in the May reports
of Captain Wood , clerk ot the police court ,
were a surprise to all that gentleman's
The committee , however , Is still nt work ,
looking for further proof , which they will
adduce before the council this evening.
It has almost finished the examination into
tlio receipts for the present month , but none
of the members could bo Induced to divulge
what shortage , if nny , had been discovered.
The note of warning sounded Monday
seems' to have startled a number of city
ollicials and their friends and unusual activ
ity has been displayed iu making ready for
an examination.
Alter the board ot education , every city
officer who receives money in the discharge
of his duty will bo compelled to submit his
books for Inspection. It is stated nlso that
the system of letting paving contracts will
bo investigated.
"If such should bo the case , " said a well
known citizen , "a great deal of good might
bo effected. The committee must bo a
sharp ono however , because some ot the
most oily and cunning mortals
are connected with these sumo
paving contracts. If tbo committee
is sharp enough it will bo able to discover
which of the board members have sold themselves -
solves to these combines , It will discover
rotten characters ns well ns rotten pave
ments. "
"I think the mayor will hnvo little hesi
tancy in suspending Captain Wood , " said an
official , "nt least pending the investi
gation into his affairs. If , as I un-
dorbtand it , Wood is Dolim now Investigated ,
t occurs to mo that the suspension Hliould
have taltou place some time BIIICO. I do not
know that the committee has bcon investi
gating Wood under the instruction of the
council. They may , however , have been
doing so under the direction of the mayor.
To-night , however , the whole matter will
como before us. "
Slauulitnr'ri Men.
Brad Slaughter , the new United States
marshal , was sworn into onico Monday af
ternoon by Judge Dundy , In the presence of
a court room full of friends. His bond of
f'40,000 is s.gnod by U. S. Berlin , Omaha ,
who qualifies In the sum of $20,000 ; Christ
Specht , Omaha , $29.000 , and A. W. Clark ,
Fullerton , * r > 0,000. Mr , Slaughter has ap
pointed as his deputies , Ed Alton , Omaha ,
chief ; C.V. . Lyon and A. O. Hastings , Lin
coln ; J. H. Shovvaltcr. Fromoiitj J. C. Em
ery , Beatrice , nnd A. J. Wright , of Tccum-
soli. These are tlio old force with the ex
ception of Emery and Wright.
Tlio Klkhorn IlridKO Ropnlrod.
The Elkhorn bridge , on the military rend ,
twenty-eight miles west of this city , has
been thoroughly repaired und placed upon a
new foundation and Is now ready for travel.
Alleged Child Murderer.
Lena Meyer , the young unmarried woman ,
who Is charged with the murdering of her In
fant by giving It carbolic acid , Is recovering
from her Illness , and In u day or two will betaken
taken into custody on the charge of murder.
Sessions or the Supreme
Ledge Convention.
Reception nmt Knlorlnlnmont by tlio
Clllzotis Thn Orntid LioitRc of
IMnsons Tlio Masonic
A. O. U.V. .
An hour before 10 o'clock , the time sot for
the convention of the supreme ledge of the
Ancient Order of United Workman , the hall
of Union Pnclllo lodge No. 17 , In the HarKor
building , contained a body ot mun represent
ing every portion of the United States and
the urovlnco of Ontario.
That the various Jurisdictions of the order
will suffer no disparagement nt the hands of
their exponents now assembled In Omaha
wns evidenced in a glnnuo at the nppoarunco
of the supreme representatives and officers
who como from exulted walks In life in their
respective localities.
Mayor Uroatch was Introduced by Dr. S.
U. Pntton , who stated that J , G. Tatc , grand
master of Nebraska , had boon called to Col
orado nnd detained there by the sickness
and dnutli of hU mother ; that ? enttoinaii
would bo present to-day , nnd that , ns
ono of the representatives to the supreme
lodge , and in the nbsonco of the grand
master workman of this state , ho extended
n cordial greeting to the representatives nnd
and ofllcers of the supreme lodgo. In the
capacity of chairman oNtho local committee ,
the doctor assured his hcarnrs that every
effort had boon and was being made toward
the sultablo entertainment of the visitors.
Mayor Broateh hud had his attention
directed for thu first tluio to the Ancient
Order of United Workmen by being called
uuon to welcome delegates who had mot in
this city a short time ngo to arrange prelim
inaries looking to the establishment ot a
homo for the united lodges of this state. In
quiry into the objects of the order had con
verted him into nn humble applicant for
membership in what he considered to be a
truly philanthropic institution , the organiza
tion of thoJV. O. U. W. ot the United States
und Canada. It was fraternity which fol
lowed the teachings of the divine master , ro-
lloving distress and otherwise benefiting
humanity , and that such teachings yet found
pupils in this great country was apparent In
n membership of over SiO.OOO. It was u
mutter for congratulation that , the represen
tatives of this grand constituency had se
lected Omaha for tnolr labors. There was
no doubt that the result of the deliberations
of the supreme ledge during the week
would increase the interest in und mater
ially benefit the Ancient Order of United
Workmen. Ho wns convinced that the fra
ternity was not it refuge for unworthy citi
zens , that it wns un observer of law und or
der. and was not , therefore , surprised at the
present high standing of the organization.
A great auxiliary force was the discounte
nancing of intemperance , not by arbitrary
prohibition , but by the oxerdso of proper
regulation of the use of alcoholic drinks. In
the opinion of the mayor it was n wise law
of the United Workmen that excluded from
membership liquor men who scorn to think
that nil the laws of the country save these
directed agiinst them , should bo enforced ,
oblivious of the fact that they were a roturd-
ing element of society.
His honor then brielly outlined the
growth of Omaha in the past thirty years ,
dwelling particularly upon the progress of
art and the famous Liningcr collection of
paintings to view which either collec
tively or individually the representatives
und ofllcers wore invited in the immo of Its
public spirited owner , Hon. G. W. Linlngur.
Iu n warm and cordial pnrorution , the
mayor , on behalf of the citi/ens of Omaha ,
then heartily greeted aud welcomed the vis
C. M. Masters , of Spartn , WK , supreme
master workman , responded ns follows :
Mr. Mayor : li > behalf of this supronio
ledge , J. take pleasure in assuring you that
wo feel grateful for the cordial welcome you
Imvo extended to us on behalf of this city.
Wo have looked forward to this occasion
with a great deal of pleasure , and from our
experience thus far among your people , wo
are satisfied that wo shall not bo disap
pointed iu these high anticipations thut wo
have of your hospitality. Wo hnvo como
from every state and territory und province
in the United States and Canada , represent
ing , ns has been remarked , an organization
consisting of over 220,000 men banded to
gether for the purposes ot mutual protec
tion and for the protection of widows und
aud the support of orphans. We trust that
our stay will not In anyway bo burdensome
to you und wo feel certain thut while wo are
In Omaha , our objects being so well known
to you , ns appears from your welcome to us
this morning , we will be-fully appreciated
by yourself. Again , sir , I thank you for the
cordial welcome that you have extended to
us.Dr. . Patten made it known that arrange
ments had been perfected by the board of
trade for the conveyance of the representa
tives und ofilccrs around the city this nftcr-
noon , mid the supreme ledge went Into secret
The following Is a list of the representa
tives nnd ofllccrs in nttendauce'upou the ses
sion of the supreme ledge :
Keprefionta lives.
Pennsylvania Christian M. Boush , Moad-
villo , Pa. ; Joseph C. Smith , Baltimore , Md. ;
Siles A. Kline , Greonsburg. Pa.
Ohio Herman Baumbach , Toledo , O. ; I.
A. Justice. Youngstown , O. ; J. W. Hender
son , Lynchburif , O.
Kentucky II. K. Mllward , Lexington ,
Ky. ; L. P. Young , Jr. . Lexington , ICy. ; Isaac
Marks , Georgetown , Ky.
Indiana J. W. Spain , Evansvlllo , Ind. ; C.
C. Gonung. Evansville , Ind. ; Noble J. York ,
Monon , Ind.
Iowa I. V. McCugg , Davenport , la. ; P. S.
Towle , Clinton , la. ; L. O. Howland , Cedar
Fulls. Iu.
Now York Theodore A. Case , Ellington ,
N. Y. ; Johnll. Meoch , Buffalo , N. Y. ; J.
H. Norton , Pluinvllio , N. Y.
Illinois O. F. Berry. Carthage , 111. ; Geo.
W. Hill , Murphysboro , III. ; C. B. Ivollor ,
Pcorla , 111.
Missouri H. S. Rogers , St. Louis , Mo. ;
D. H. Shields , Hannibal , Mo. ; C. F. Wcn-
nokor , St. Louts , Mo.
Minnesota H. C. Sessions , Columbia , So.
Dakota ; William Chcono.v. Minneapolis ,
Mlnu. ; GcorgoB. Arnold , ICnsson , Minn.
AViseor.sIn W. A. Walker , Manltowoo ,
WIs. ; H. .T. Flint , Mcnommee , WIs. ; T. H.
Hornlck , Oshkosh , Wis.
Tennessee Thomas II , Everett , Nash
ville , Tenn. ; J. II. Thompson , Memphis ,
Tonn. ; J. F. J. Lewis , Knoxville , Tonn.
Michigan William H. Baxter , Detroit ,
Mich. ; William B. Seymour , Ypsllntitl.
Mich. ; Benjamlu F. Golgor , Detro'.t. Mich ,
California W. II. Barnes , Sun Francisco ,
Gill. ; Ed. Danfi rth , San Francisco , Cal. ; E.
F. Loud , San Francisco , Cal ,
Georgia , Alabama , Mississippi , Carolina
snd Florida H , II. Flanders , Macon , Ga. ;
Joseph Ehrllch , Albany , Ga. ; W. H.GIlbort ,
Albnnu , Ga.
Kunsas W. D. Gilbert , Atcluson , Kns. ; J.
M , Miller , Council Qrovo , Kan , , county at
torney of Morris county ; Joseph E. Hlggs ,
Dawrenco , Kan.
Ontario M. D , Dawson , London , Ont. ,
Can. ; 11. B , Taylor , London , Out. , Can. ;
Daniel Spry , Barrio , London , Ont. , Gun.
Oregon nnd Washington W. D. Hare ,
Ilillsborougb , Ore. , D. T. Wheeler , Scuttle ,
Washington territory.- . T. Hussell , Oak-
lend , Ore.
Massachusetts Thomas F. Temple , Bos
ton , Mass. ; F. O. Ingulls. Boston , Muss. ;
W. E. F. Landorg , Mystlo Bridge , Conn.
Mtirylund , Now Jersey and Delaware
Ramuol Ecclos Jr. , Baltimore , Md. : A. F.
Colbert , Baltimore , Md. ; John J. Gallughcr ,
Wilmington , Del.
Texas William P. Cole , Dallas , Tex. ; W.
S. Hobson , La Grange , Tex. ; J. Henry
Shepherd , Sbrovoport , La.
Nevada J. 0. Barlow , Carson City , Nov. ;
D , Thorburn , Ogden , Utah ; Thomas Cuplt ,
Park Citv. Utah ,
Colorado , Now Mexico and Arizona Louis
Anfenger , Denver , Col , , William T. Boyd ,
Denver , Col. ; John 1C. Slurouian , Pueblo ,
Nebraska J. G. Tate , Grand Island. Nob. ;
S. K. Pulton , Omaha , Nob. ; F. E. White ,
Plattsmouth , Neb ,
Commltteo on Finance Charles aUabst ,
Pittsburp , Pu. ; J. U. Miller , Toronto , Out , ,
Can. ; J , Edward Burtt , BoUon , Muss.
Committee on Laws John Frlzzcll , Nash
ville , Tonn. ; Alfred Orcmlorff , SprlngflolA.
111. ; J , W. Klnsloy , Helena , Montana.
Committee on Stntl tlc William C , Ulch-
nrdson , St. Louis , Mo.
Committee on Fraternal Congress D. II.
Shields. , Alo. ; John J. Acker , Al
bany , N. Y.s Samuel Ec < Mos , Jr. , Baltimore ,
Md. : W. .1. Donnoll , Hir ale , N. Y.
William U. Graham , rf lown , will bo the .1
next supreme master workman. I 'I
Concerning the business to bo transacted i ? 1
by the supreme court nt this session the
Overseer , ot St. Louis , says ;
"During the last your the order has on-
io.vod n honlthy nnd satisfactory growth , nnd
lltllo dissatisfactions which might hnvo be
come serious mtsundorftlnndlnitshnvo pn-ocil
away , no that the great organization is now
harmonious aud united. The only cloud on
the bright , clear sky of cmoymont is the
Iowa slitsm , but wo live In the hope that the
sccedors will after n lime tnko another name
nnd therefore bo nothing more to us than any
other order.
"Wo know of no matters of great Impor
tance to como before the meeting , except
some bolter provisions ns to assessment
notices , for our laws nro In n satisfactory
condition , and tlnkcrlnc * with thorn m it ; lit
make t horn worse. Possibly , the relief law
could ba amended with uavuntngo , but Mis
sourl U sutlfflcd with It ns it is. "
Frank L. Bohn , local editor of The Over
seer , St. Louis , Is hero In the Interest of Ms
npor. _
Among the visitors In the city In nttond ,
nnco upon the Supreme Lodge , A. O. U. W.
Is the famous degree team of Capitol LoJgo
No. 3 , of Topoku. Kan. They number fourteen -
teen , and nro a line body of men. The team
Is under charge of J. B , McCoy , captain.
The ether mcmbars nro J A. Wiiggonnr. A.
J. Lovolnml , F. P.ircolls , 11. J. Stewart , . A-
Aldorfcr , J. McClure , D. Ueattr , J. KIckurd (
U. E. French , E. Mueller , W. 1. Short J. B.
Owens and Neal lliirr.ih. This Is said to bo
the finest A. O. ; U. W. degree team in tlio
west , nnd among the finest of any of the
secret orders.
George W. Hood , otTopekn , Kim. , supreme
commander of thn Select Knlehtsor America ,
arrived last , evening , and will make his ap
pearance at the supreme lodge , A. O. U. W. ,
The members of the A. O. U. W. wore
tendered an Informal recaption nt the Millard -
lard hotel , lust evening , by ladies of this mul
ether cities , who are Interested in the order.
About a hundred persona were present In
the hotel parlors , und the evening hours
were pleasantly spout In conversation and
During the day the members of the order
were driven n round the city in currmucs und
shown tno various points of Interest. To
day thov will visit South Oinnhn and see the
slchts of that city.
The session of the grand lodge to-day will
bo devoted principally to the consideration of
.ho report of the finance committee , the com
mittee on vital statistics and Iho supreme
ledge relief board.
In accordance with a standing regulation
of the Supreme lodge , A. O. U. W. , now In
session , memorial services will bo held Iu
Washington hull , corner Eighteenth street ,
near Harnoy , this evening. Eminent mem
bers of the Supreme lodge will deliver eulo
gies on the membijM deceased during Iho
year. There will bo nn excellent programme ,
interspersed with vocal und instrumental
The members of the order In Ihls city and
their families , together with all of our citi
zens , are cordially invited to bo present. The
exorcises will commonccnt8:30 : o'clock p. m. ,
'J ho Ijinc of March.
The following is the line of march for
Thursday evening's parade :
David J. Lennox , Grand Marshal.
Cbiot of Polico.
Platoon of Police.
Union Pacific Band.
Corner Sixteenth und Harnoy.
Fred Hiiyes , Mounted Aide.
Lincoln Ledge , No. SO.
Gate City Lodgo. No. 03.
Herman Lodge , No. 'JO.
Corner of Sixteenth nnd Farnnm.
George Brown , Mounted Aid ? ,
Plattsmonth LoilgJ , No. 3.
Omubu Lodge , No. IS.
Visiting Brothers.
Corner of Sixteenth und Douglas.
Charles W. Miller , Mounted Aids.
Trio Ledge of Plnttsmouth , No. 81.
South Omaha Ledge , No. CO.
Hastings Ledge , No. aj.
Corner Sixteenth nnd Dodgo.
II. Sargent , mounted aide.
Council Blurts Ledge , No. 270.
Union Pacific Lodgo. No. 17.
The line of inurch will bo from Harncy
north on Sixteenth to Webster ; counter
march to Douglas , cast to ElovoiUh , south
to Farnam , west to Fifteenth , south to Bar
ney , west to Washington Hull , corner of
Eighteenth und Harnoy.
Tli ( > 1'roHs AHSoclntion.
At a called meeting of the A. O. U. W.
Press association , hold nt the Millnrd , there
were present the following :
\V. Wnrno Wilson , Michigan Herald , of
Detroit ; John E. Williams , Loyal Workman ,
of Des Molnes , In. ; D. I. Lillard. Anchor
and Shield , of Chicago. 111. ; J. ICdwaid
Burtt und Dr. Hugh Doherty , Now England
Workman , of Hostou ; Frank L IJohn , Over
seer , of St. Louis ; David Kumaloy , Guido , '
of St. Paul. Minn. ; H. B. Lomnis , lloviow ,
of Buffalo , N. Y. ; William M. Butts , Pro-
lector , of Baltimore , Md. ; nnd J. H. Miller ,
Canadian Overseer , of Toronto , Out.
It was resolved that any pub
lisher or editor ot un A. O. U. W.
publication bo by virtue of thatfnct a inom-
ucr of the association , nnd the H > : cratary bo
instructed to invite the co-operation of papers
not represented ut the meeting.
The election of ofllcor.s for the ensuing
year resulted as follows : W. Wurno Wil
son , president ; H. li. Loomls , vico-presldent ,
ami John E. Williams , socrotiry und treas
urer. The oulcorH were ulso constituted un
executive committee , invested with cortuin
general pawers.
After the logulnr order of business had
boon dispatched , the association spent the re
mainder of the evening engaged In an informal
mal discussion of the ritual of the order. An
other session will probably bo held prior to
the adjournment of t ho supreme ledge ,
It Will Bn Krcotccl by tlio Graft in
The committee on the location of n Mu-
Honie homo mot Mouduy evening to dlscust
the question , The interest was great and
the rivalry Intense.
Judge Post , of York , announced the can-
d'.ducy of that village for the locution , dimm
ing for it every advantage und charged mer
cenary motives against the advocates of nil
other cities.
Finally the mnttr wus put to vote , but
when the first immo was called , Post wus
uguin on his foot , nnd chullongod the voter
on the ground thut he hud not
paid for his stock. Ho hold that no person
in the meeting who hud not paid the cash for
their slock should bo pnruiltlod to cast a
bulloi on Die question of locution. The chulr
overruled IhU on the ground that all the
stockholders hud paid for the stock In
promissory notes nnd that It Judge Post was
sustained the mooting would be ut an end.
Post appealed from _ the decision of the chair ,
but the onicor refused to entertain the
appeal. The Judge then gave notlco that hn
would present the mutter to the grand
Finally , some time after midnight , Judge
Post subsided nnd Omaha was chosen us Iho
Bite for the homo by the following vote :
Omaha , 1UO ; Plattsraouth , 21 ; York , 0.
Tim MdBonlo Gr/iiul Lodge.
The grand custodian ledge of Nebraska
was in session ull the morning up to 1 o'clock ,
ns u ledge of Instruction , Newly elected
mambern were oxivmlnud'and an exhibition
of an ideal initiation was given fonthe bene
fit of Iho Instructors present.
Injured In nn Hlovntnr.
Danlol Ebo , foreman of the fresh meat
loading gang at the Armour-Cudahy packing
houses , Monday got tunglod In the ascend
ing elevator , und fulling to the floor bolow.
received painful" * ' " 3.