THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEPNESDAJSr JUNE 10 , 1880HSIXTEEN PAGES. II LONG AND BUSY SESSION , A. Vast Amount of Business Tran- Btvctod by the Council. THE DOQ ORDINANCE ADOPTED A. Coiitimtnicntlon From Comptroller Goodrich Itclnttvo to the Short- n o In the 1'oltco Court Clcrk'n Accounts. The City Council. The shortage reported In the accounts of Police Court Clerk J , S. Woods wns placed soforo the council at Its meeting , Inst night , By the following communication from City Comptroller Goodrlcli : "In the matter of the report of the police ludgo. 1 flud several discrepancies between thn docket itnd report which have been shnrgcd up on his June docket. T am also In possession of u number of receipts for the month of March , April nnd Muy for lines paid by prostitutes , whlclf have not been ae- : ountcd for In any of his reports , amounting In all to $333 , which has also been charged a ) ) for Juno. " Fowler & UeindorfT. architects for the new : lty hall , presented a communication , rccoin- mending tlmtull the brick wtdls now on the : ity hall grounds bo tiiken down , the work tb bo dona by contract , and the amount to bo Jcducliil from the fXiU.UOO fund. The mut ter was referred to the committee on public property and buildings. A communication was presented by rC. . Fcntncr and others , rurnplnlnliiR of the cum bersome and unalKlilly system of overhead wires , proposed by the Consolidated street railway company , and asking the council to prohibit further extension of such wit es by the company. The matter was referred to the committee on streets and alleys. ' The contract nnd bond of Hugh Murphy for all brick paving in the city during the year ISM was again presented for approval. Iho contract was for the paving of the itreets awarded to the Kansas City Paving company , nnd going to Murphy , by that com pany's ' forfeit , as the next highest bidder. Mr. Wheeler said ho thought it was a fact that could bo proven that there was n col lusion between the Kansas City Paving com pany nnd Hugh Murphy in the matter. Ho would oppose the contr.ict and would oppose all hinds of sculduggery In which the city's Interests wereat stnko. Mr. HciUovd said ho could not understand why Mr. Wheeler accused Mr. Murphy of collusion with the Kansas City Paving company , as other contractors had been given u part of the contracts forfeited by the Knnsus City Paving company. Mr. Snydcr accused Mr. Wheeler of In dulging In spite work in his charges against Mr. Murphy. Alter considerable desultory discussion the contract was approved. The council went into committee of the whole for the consideration of the proposition to rent the board of trade rootn for use of the council. The.leaso was approved by the council with the modillcation that the council Imvo the use of the exchange rooms for twcnty-Hvo day meetings in each year. The council then toolc up the new doc or dinuncc , which provides , in addition to the taxing provision now in force , for the muz zling of all dogs running at largo when the mayor shall require It by proclama tion ; also the appointment of n poundltccper , who shall take charge of all untagned docs running at largu nnd keep tnem for a number of days , to give owners a chance to redeem them , ii | > on payment of n fee of ? 2 , .unchained dogs to bo killed oy drowning or soum sure and safe method ; the poundmaster to receive a fee of $1 for the killing of each uneiiainod ilorf , the amount to bo paid out of the general fund. The ordinance us amended was adopted. The report of the city attorney reeo mending the payment of $250 to II. McGuckin and J25U to M. O'Neil , iu settlement of their claims nuainst the city , now pending in the courts , wui adopted. 'Uio action of the board of public works In excluding Utien cement from public works for the present year was sustained by the council. Tlio resolution of the board of flro and police commissioners , designating stands for cabs , hacks , and other vehicles , was re ported to the council and tabled in short order. Contracts and bonds were approved as fol lows : , Ed Phclan & Co. , for the grading of Jones street from Fourteenth to Sixteenth ; John A. O'Kecfo & Co. , for pavlnc. of alloys with Colorado andstono ; J. E. Uiloy & Co. , for paving Qlnrk street irom Sixteenth to Twenty-fourth , and Vinton from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth , with cedar block on sand and plank ; the Uarber Asphalt Paving company , for the paving wilti asphalt of Iznrd street from Sixteenth to Eighteenth : J. W. Furnas & Son , for paving Pine and \Vorthlngton streets from Eighth to Tenth , with Colorado sandstone. A communication from Judge Herka , ask ing the council to authorize some one in charge at the station to accept bail for pris oners arrested during the nicht , was placed on file , us the amended charter provides that the clerk of the police court Is authorized to pcrforjii the service asked by the petitioner , The report of the police judge , showingtho adjudication In hi.i court of lu')5 ) cases in May , and the collection of S1,05'J ' in lines , was referred to the committee on llnanco. The city comptroller reported that there is now duo to the city from the Cable Tramway company for damages to sewers and reset ting curbing on Twentieth street , S2,7a'J.73 , which the company- has refused to pay. The matter was referred to the city attorney with Instructions to collect the amount due. A request from the motor company for permission to commence the work of laving tracks across the Eleventh street viaduct , ' was referred to the committee'on viaducts nnd railways. A lively discussion was evoked by the re port of the commttteo on paving , curbing and guttering , recommending the approval of the action of the board or public works In excluding Man lento and Utlca cement from Iho public works for the present year , Couiu'llmcn Lowry und Hascall were strongly onoosi'd to the proposed approval. City Engineer Tiltson explained that the board of public works iuul excluded the ce- - inent because they Iuul not stood the test. An adjournment wns taken at midnight v/ithout any action u on the report. KOUTJl OMAHA NKWS. A Grist ol' Accidents. John Uolmn , an employe Jn the liog out- ting gang of the Armnur-Cudahy packing company , while trimming a siilo Tuesday afternoon had the misfortune to cut four lingers off of ono of his hands , and received a bad gash on the back of the hand , requir ing a surgeon to put in eight stitches , Susan , the young daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Chester A. Eviuis , playing with nn axe Tuesday afternoon , cut the Index finger of her right hand off. A surgeon wits called , who dressed the linear. Knortly before noon , Tuesday , u man , whoso name could not bo ascertained , who was employed in the now smouo-houso of the Hammond Packing com < pany , was precipitated a distance of uboul fifteen fcoi by the breaking ot a plunk , on which ho was standing. The man alighted on his houd und received serious bat not fata ! injuries. Ho wus removed to his homo am : properly eared for , SOUTH OMAHA MOWS. A 1'ollccmtui Mmle a A Rang of vncs has made the Ec ) change crossing dangerous for some time and Monday night , between 10 and 11 o'clock while Pohco OQlcer Loyo wont there In re epoiiBO to the request of citizens and begar questioning n gang of toughs about theli business , ono of the men stepped aside , und drawing n revolver , tired three slioti at the otllcor and then Hod. OfllccrLoyo trlei to run the man down , but getting betwcoi the cars ho eluded him in the dark , Otncoi Loyo deserves great credit for his courage ous efforts 10 arrest the villain. Or.o of tin bullets came near being fatal , ns it Jus Dussud the houd of Frunk Clifford , of thi Union PuclJlo depot force. jSloctrio Light Dlvlduud. The stockholders of the Electrlo llijh it company nro delighted with tha result of thi Qrfct six months' operation. Although enl y ; ilxty per cunt of the stock has been paid ii n dividend of fS 10 n share hn been clarcd. This is equal to 27 per cent profit. The stock Issued is $1 1,300 , and the amount nold is 10.107.17. An assessment of 40 per cent has been levied to buy the now 700 in candescent light system. Injured In n Wngon Unset. The delivery wagon of the South Omalm Ice company , upset Tuesday morning when rounding the corner at Twenty-sixth nnd Twenty-second street , throwing Henry Moicr , the driver , out ana badly injuring him. Mr. Meyer Is badly Jammed and bruised all over the body , but the surgeon summoned thought that his injuries wcro not fatal unless ho hud received internal hurt. Mr. Moyrr was removed to J. loggers' , Third ward and well cared Tor. Notes About the City. J. W. O. Touch , who has been spending three months traveling through the west , has returned , and 1ms accepted u position with Swift & Co.'s Packing company. Mrs. ItobertUobinson , Tuesday afternoon , was taken suddenly nnd seriously ill. The Caledonian society , at its last meeting , decided to hold n picnic July 4. Ex-City Engineer It. II. Lawrence will start this morning for u short visit to Colum bus. bus.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Kellogg , of Milwaukee , WIs. , nro the guests of Mrs. Frances Gilbert , who is a sistcrof Mrs. Kellogg. Court Magic City , No. 103 , I. O. O. F. , will hold its rcgularscinl-unnual meeting Wednes day evening , and will elect onicers. All mem bers nro urged to attend. ' Mrs. Ell H. Uoud Is listed among the sick. ' U. Lbmson has'relurned to Atlantic , In. A billiard match for big stakes is on the tapis. Arthur W. Saxo has returned from Lin coln. coln.Mrs. Mrs. Black , of the Third ward , Is among thoRu on the side list. Martin Tlghn , of Valparaiso. Is lo the city seeing to the grading of his valuable lots on Twenty-lift ) ! and U streets. John Olcason had n horse fall over the bank into O street Tuesday afternoon , re ceiving such injuries that it had to bo killed. W. A. Taggort. of Kansas City , is the guest of Dr. .1. M. Glasgow. The city council will meet In A. O. H. hall , Rowley's block , next Monday , Juno 24 , from H u. m. to 5 p. m , to sit as u board of enualiza t inn. inn.Tho The Sobolker base ball club has ordered suits consisting of black caps , white Dclts , white flannel shirts with a blue dot. and blue flannel pants and maroon stockings. IlcUmnn'fc Cube. Yesterday afternoon Judge Uorkn gave his decision in the case of the I'ity vs. M. Helman for maintaining an unsafe building , the hearing ot which consumed the greater part of last week. In a somewhat lenethy docu ment ho Hummed up the arguments of both sides and fined tho' defendant S3U. This means that thn building inspector's ordnr to tear down two stories of the structure should have been obeyed. licltl to Ootirt. Frank Abshlro , the fellow charged with forcing Jimmy McDonald , a boy 7 , to com mit u most revolting crime against nature , was held to the district court in the sum of Preston Succeeds Grren. James E. Preston , contracting agent of the Chicago & Northwestern , at this place has resigned his position and been appointed city passenger and ticket agent of the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul , to succeed J. II. Green at this place. Mr. Green , who has been appointed passcngor and ticket agent of the St. Paul & Kansas City rood at Des Moines. left for his new Held of labor last evening. Both these gentlemen tire among the most popular and able young railroad men in this city. Mr. Green will be welcomed in his new sphere of operation as his departure is regretted here among his friends. Additional Slcepcrj. The patronage of tbo Chicago-Denver trains , Nos. 5 and 0. on the Union Pacific has grown to that extent that the accommo dations Imvo become inadequate , and the company within a few days will put on an additional sleeping coach on each train The manner in which the accom modation to the traveling public has been improved within the past six months , on the Union Pacific , has had a tendency to attract to it largo patronace , which formerly went to the northern and southern roads. Oroiroii Railway fb Navigation. The officials of tbo Union Pacific are jubi lant over the outcome of the annual election of the Oregon Hallway & Navigation com pany , held nt Portland , Ore. , Monday. For some time- past they have been considerably worked up , owing to the determination mani fested by Henry Villard nnd the Northern Pacific element to obtain control of the line in question. As the election resulted favor ably to the Union Pncillc , its oflleials do not fear an. further controversy concerning tlio control of the lines forming the Pacific out let. Tlio Hurling' " " Keller Fund. The voluntary relief department estnb lishcd by the Uurllngton is mooting with much favor and support from the employes of that company. The books have been opei to membership but ; , short time , about two weeks , and the membership now number over 2,000. The lists for membership uro kept open at all the general and division headquarters. About , twrnty-llvo of tlio employes hero have Joined nnd the average rate of enlistment Is forty per day. Railway Telojjrnpherj. J. H. Flanagan. J , Q. Goss andD. O. Free man huvo gone to Cleveland to attend the grand convention of tha Order of Hallwuv Telegraphers , which will conVene to-day and remain in session ono week. The homo delegation will endeavor to have the next cession held here , unit took with them letters from Mayor Hrontcli and President Martin , of the board of trade , bearing on that point. Itullroad Notes. General Superintendent Calvert and Chief Engineer Weeks , of the H. & M. , at Lincoln , wcro m the city Monday. Miss C. M , Jackson , daughter of Conduc tor Jackson , of the Union Pacific , has as sumed the position of stenographer for Gen eral Passenger Agent Lonax. Yesterday 3,000 tons of steel rails wore or dered by the Omaha & St. Paul road for the Norfolk branch from Emerson west. All the Iron rails arc to be replaced with steel. HIS I3YKS Aim OPENING. . How Mr. Mount lleinii ; to See Him self. "Are you going to resign 1" was the ques tion put to Chairman Mount , of the county board. "I feel very much like doing It , " said ho , "but have int fully made up my mind as yet. Quo thing is absolutely certain , I am getting awfully tired of this eternal blclter- ing. However , fifty big taxpaycis have spoken to mo und said I should not resign. " "Why don't you put un end to the eternal bickering ) " "Howl I suppose It could bo done by get ting right up und damning the members , but that I don't want to do. " The chairman , who has had his head shaved close , observed further that ho was in his own estimation very much of a fool for bo. ing commissioner at ? 75 u mouth and mllo' age. Mr. Oojisw HUH u Now Story to Tell. Chauncoy M. Dopow boarded a Sixth avenue elevated train last night , says tlio New York Sun , only to find every seat occupied , An- Irishman with a toil-stuiilcd garb , wooing the great rail road juunugor looking about for u sent , arose , and with a brogue that would huvo made Put Roony doubly famous , exclaimed : "Hero's a sate fur yez , Misthur Do- phow. " "Ah thnnk frlonre , you , my , re sponded Chauncoy M , , " ! ; al what will you do for a scaty" "Phut wull Ol do , Misthur Dophow ? Yurrah , mo good mon , Ol'vo bin Elttln' I up nt n vvako all nolght , an' divil tli' bit n I toired am Oi at all ut nil. " VETHKAN MASONS. A ncmnrknhlc Gnthcrlnu In the kln- ItiKor Art Onllcry. Last evening , nt C o'clocktho second an nual banquet of the Votertn Masons' associ ation took place In the art gallery of Mr. G , W. Llnlngor , In his palatial residence , corner - ner of Eighteenth and Davenport streets. No banquet was over given In Omaha under tnofo auspicious circumstances. The gentlemen who lined the banquet board wcro acquainted with ono another and fellowship In the Masonic order , extending bock for neatly a , quarter of n century , imparted to the occasion the nature of a brotherly reunion , which made it not only remarkable but at the same tlmo most en joyable. The tables were spread in Mr. Llnlngcr's great art hall. To many of the banqueters the art-covered walls wcro n revelation. Upon them , so to speak , looked down the genius of the masters of almost every clime , nnd the Holy Land , to which had often wan dered the minds of many of the more studi ous guests , was represented by several of the choicest gems In the collection. Tlio hall was lighted with several hundred gas Jets and on the table candelabra with parti-colored glass , nnd brasss Inclosures uroundtha flame added greatly to thn decor ation. . At intervals beautiful pa'ms. ' ferns potted plants lent an almost tropical luxuri ance to the scene. Around the table sat the following veter ans : Robert C. Jordan , George W. Llnlnper , William Clcburne , Edward Hosowator , William U. Uowen , Newell It. Wilcox , Po- pllllon ; Augustus A. Egbert , John Logan , Henry T. Clark , Ebcn 1C. Long , Thomas A. Crclgh , Ellas C. Wilcox , Wymoro ; Henry C. Akin.Lcmuol H. Case , Gcorgo Armstrong , Hobort HoliingsworthNelsonHenry ; Drown , Charles K. Coutant , Alexander Atkinson , Leverett M. Anderson , J. Van Vultn , Nelson ; Willlaui J. Mount , Gcorgo H. Franco , York ; Tholemiah A. Mcgonth , Alex H. Jay , Osco- ola ; Daniel II. Wheeler , Horatio L. Seward , Alfred G. Hosting * , Lincoln ; Robert W. Furnas , LJrownvillo : Uobert G. Jenkinson , Hernard Newman , Hugh G. Clark , William ) . Rowles , Edwin R. Richardson , Nebraska Jity ; Jacob King , Paiilllion ; James R. Cain , alls City ; Leo P. Gillette , Ucatrlee. Many of the above mentioned gentlemen ave been members of the association since .Is . Inception. They wcro supplemented by ho following , who were on n list of twenty- Ivo gentlemen from all pints of the state , ivno xvoro yesterday clcetod members of the association : Captain Henry E. Palmer , Ornaha ; William F. Ucehel , Omaha ; Hcnnett Goldsmith , West olnt ; LC. . Van Allen , E. C. Haskell , Stormsburg ; Dr. A. H. Somcrs , Omaha ; Ellas M. Lowe , O'Neill ; Jacob Hnt- "lower , William II. Mann , Wllbor ; > VillIam E. Greene , Omaha ; Rush Robinson , Omaha ; \V. J. Allison , Ognlalla ; A. G. fcys , John H. Miller , Springfield ; Thomas a. Roes , McCook : Justin A. Wilcox , Me- Cook ; Joremlali Marlett , Nomaha ; Rev. Edwin Richardson , Crete ; William U. Tur ner , Elk City , and J. T. Rtngo. Among these gentlemen sat the following ndics : Mrs. H. C. Akin. Omaha ; Miss Sue Cain , "alls City ; Mrs. T. A. Megeath , Omaha ; Mrs. Henry Urown , Omaha ; Mrs. George 13. France , York ; Mrs. Dan H. Wheeler , sr. , Omaha ; Mrs. A. Atkinson , Omaha ; Miss iVlice Egbert , Omaha : Miss Ella Liningcr , Peru , 111. ; Mrs. Frank L. Hullcr , Omaha , nnd Mrs. Georco W. Lininscr , Omaha. The spread , which wus served In excellent style by Bchlank & Prince , was as follows : Consomme Celestial , Olives , Radishes , Uccts , Mixed Pickles , Spring Lamb , Green Peas Stuffed Spring Chicken , Sugar Cured Ham , Smoked UutTalo Tongue , Roast Veal , Lobster Salad , Chicken Salad , Potato Salad , Raspberries with Cream , Boston Cream Putts , Choc.ilate Eclairs , Neapolitan Ice Cream , Assorted Cake , Kisses , Fruit a la Royal , Oranges , Bananas , Cherries , Nuts and Raisins Cream Cheese , Ice Tea , Cafe Noir , Cafe au Lait. After the repast , when every guest was In the best of spirits , H. T. Clark , who acted as toastmastcr , called upon a number of the gentlemen and the response in speeches com prising anecdote , history , experience nnd dej votlon to the cause was most cheering. Among those who spoke were George B. Franco , of York , grand master of Nebraska ; Juugc Frizollc , of Tennessee ; A. G. Hare , of Oregon ; Grand Secretary Bo won , Omaha ; E. R. Richardson , Crete ; ex-Governor Furnas , Brownvillo ; E. Rosewatcr , editor of THE Due ; K. Cou tant. Omaha , past grand master ; A. G. Has tings , Lincoln ; Past Grand Master Kam , of Fulls City Captain H. E. Palmer and G. W. Liningcr. At the close of the addresses the gentle men retired to the parlor where they Joined in thanks to the worthy host and sang "Auld Lang Syno'1 nnd then departed to their respective hotels and homes. JAY COOKE RICH AGAIN. Vicissitudes ol' Fortunu In the Career of a Noted Hanker. Among the pushing throng of Broad way to-day wiib an old gentleman clad more in the garb of u countryman than that of a great financier. His clothes were plain , nnd his white slouch hat with its broad brim gave him the appearance of a well-to-do farmer , says a Now York letter to the Evening Wisconsin. The hair and beard of Jay Coouo is now snow white , but ho still moves along as il contented with lifo. No ono familiar with his every-day appearance would think ho was the famous banker , the man who hus bundled more millions than any ether private individual in America : fulled for more money than any ether , and finally has grown rich aguin uftor ho hud grown old. While ho is by no means ns familiar a figure as ho used to bo , and docs not mingle in the uncertainty of "tho street" us ol yore , ho Is more frequently soon umong the bustle of business than almost any man of his ago. Jay Cooke hus had a singular career. When the wur brolco out ho lived out along Lake Erie , ut Sundusky , und Salmon P. Chase , while secretary of the treasury , first gave him a big start in lifo , which ho followed to disaster , nnd then built anew from nothing. Mr. C'ooko never forgot or neglected his home in Ohio , and ono of his charities is a beautiful homo on nn island in Lake Erie , a few miles from Sandusky , which ho bought und named "Gibnil- tur. " Ho hud it laid out in wild , roman tic walks , und built a commodious stone cnstlo upon it. Ho provided the honso with every Imaginable comfort and put into it a competent housekeeper. To this retreat ho would invite each sum mer ministers of the gospel of dllloront denominations who could illy afford to take a summer vacation. Mr. C'ooko lives with his son-in-law now , Mr. Uurnoy , who does business near the famous old banking-house on Third street , in Philadelphia , over which Mr. Cooke once presided , und where the Northern Pucllio railroad wus projected. In many respects Juy Cooke will go down to history us ono of the remarkable men of our timo. In a , little church out at Prankford near Philadelphia , ho has a son preaching tea a congregation who can hardly afford to pay him salury enough to liquidate his horse hiro. So the curious turns of lifo tire aguin illustrated in Mr. Cooko's curecr and in that of the family he hus raised. She AViiH AH Boston Courier : "Have you a mag- nlllcent wardrobe ? " asked the man ager , addressing the actress who hud just applied for an engagement.Vhy , no , ' ' she replied , " 1 liavo no wardrobe at all , I'm in the burlesque line , you know. " And she was engaged on the spot. Colored Crcsa Con Is. Light or dark blue , gray , brown , hottlo-grcun , purple and lilao dross coats nro coming in rngo in London , with metal or brass buttons , LORD BYRON'S ' OSW LOVE , The Ilomanco in the Lifo of "Childo Harold. " A PASSION OF YOUTHFUL DAYS In Alter Years Ho WrotOofllcr "I'vo Seen My 1'rlilo Anotlior'n Hrldo Ncw tonil Abbey nhd Its Hcllcs. A Bohoollioy'a ldo > . The bright little rlvor Leon winds through English Nottingham famous nowadays for its pork pies and lace curtains , and once the scene of many notable events , says a writer in the Sunday Post-Dispatch. It washes the biibo of the high , rocky hill upon which once stood n cnstlo built by William the Conqueror , and near which Charles I , raised for the first tlmo ( August , 1042) ) the royal standard and so begun the war that brought him to the block. Over the slono pnrupot which still crowns the summit of the hill gentle Mistress Lucy Ilutchlnson must huvo often Icuncd with anxious heart , strain ing loving eyes to cntch sight of the returning banners of the godly Colonel , her husband , hastening buck to his homo in the castle , uftor u sharp fight with the king's troops over on the watch to worry the sturdy Puritan com- mnnder. ( Those who have not read Mrs. IlutchinsJii's book have a rare treat in store which ought not to bo forgotten. ) Some sixty odd years ngo a comimny of small boys were bathing in the his toric Leon , when ono of them , moro ob- scrvunt than the rest , shouted : "THEUK COMBS IIYUOX'S FUNKKAt ! " My informant looked up and saw a hearse and two'or three curritipcs approaching preaching the town along the London road. Ho nnd his companions hastened ushoro und into their clothes , uud from a convenient spot watched the dismal train puss by bearing the remains of the poet who , whatever may bo his de fects , has achieved a fume that will uroly live as long as language lasts. My small boy afterwards buw the collln , vhon it rested for a day in the grout oem of the Rod Lion'inn , and ho , lnnks now though he did not then hut it wus something to see -ovun the collln of the author of "Childo Harold's Pilgrimage. " The curious visitor may read , in the old record book of IIucknall-Torkurd church , this entry : George Gordon Noel , Lord Byron , aged hlrty-soven , was burled hero July 10 , 1821 , by Charles Nixon. This undent sanctuury stands in the ittlo village of IIucKnnll , which is ibont tnreo miles fronl Nowstend Vbbey. The villnge is the meanest und dirtiest I have seen in Eng- * lnnd , und the church itself is not very nuch better. It is built of common stono. with low roof , narrow aisles and windows , bare walls and pews of plain varnished pine. To the right of the chancel , close up to the communion rail at an elevation of perhaps ,10 feet from ; hc lloor , is a simjlo ) white marble tab- .ot of Grecian design , with this inscrip tion : In the vault beneath Where many of his ancestors'iind his mother Are buried , lie the remains of GEoiion Gonnox Nonr , BYIION , Lord Byron of Rochdale , In the County of Lancaster , The author of "Childo Harold's Pilgrimage. " Ho was born nt London on the 22d of January , 18SS , Ho died at Missolonghi , in Western Greece , On the 19th of April , 1824. Engaged in the glorious attempt to Restore tnat coontry to.her ancient freedom And renown. His sister , tlio Honorable Augusta Mary Leigh , Placed this tablet to his memory. Near by is another and smaller tablet of Uio same material , surmounted by the armorial beurings of the Loveiuc'e family , and with this inscription : In the Byron vault below Lie the remains of AUOtJSTA AIJ.U Only daughter of George Gordon Noel , Sixth Lord Byron , And wife of William , Earl of Lovelace. Born lOU- day of December , ISlIi , Died 27th Dav of November , 185'J. U. I. P. This is "Adu , solo daughter of my house und heart. " She would not bo buried with her mother nor with hus band and children , but by her own most urgent dying request wns laid by her father's side the father whom she had known only through his books. Of all the innumerable tributes to Byron , this token of his daughter's faithful , unchangeable confidence and love is tome mo by far the most touching. The drive from Nottingham to the ANC1C&TKAT. , 1IOMK OK THIS 11VUONS , ten or twelve miles , passes through an uninteresting country , and consequently quently is not particularly pleasant. But the tcavelor will bo amply repaid for the time and trouble by what awaits him at the journey's end. Nowstead Abbey , aside from its associations , is ono of the most attractive spots I have over viblted ; but space permits of no uttompt ut description , nor indeed , is it necessary for hns not the poet him self described it in immortal verso ? Enough to say that you are reminded of him at every turn , There is thp lovely artificial lake in which ho swam and milled ; there is the oak trco ho planted , nnd the monument ho erected to "Boatswain , a docrJthoro is the lonely and "ploomv " walk , upon one of the tree's' of which ho curved his own namoanp tlmt of his sister - tor the lust tlmo they wfppg'at Nowstoad together ; there are his. dressing and bleeping rooms , with aU the furniture as ho loft It ; and there ever the mantel in the state drawing roomis the match less portrait of Byron in his twenty-sec end year , by Phillips. | No < copy does it nny sort of justice. It id , it scorned tome mo , the most superbly beautiful human face pencil over painted. The fumous bkull-cap , which Byromhud mndo from the head piece of ono pi the monkish owners of the Abbey. WHS'onco kept In this room , but is no longer visible , the lute Mr. Webb , to whom Nowstead be longed , having the ghastly relic do- ccntly interred in the chnpol beneath. , T wns told that the main reason which induced him to do this WHS n tradition that so long UB the holy skull was thus desecrated , so long would there bo no lineal heirs to the Abbey cstute. Hav ing a family of children ho got rid of tno anathema by planting the text thereof in consecrated soil , Whether this net of f > opulohrnl reparation wus effective , I do not know , In u cubinet nro shown Byron's box ing gloves , cuno , swords und helmets ho were In Greece , and muny ether por- Bonul souvenirs which bring him very near to you. But to mo the most inter esting article in the collection is un old und well-worn three-edged UASKIiT-IIILTKO KAriEU , the identical weapon with which "tho Wicked Lord" the poet's immediate predecessor in the title killed Mr. William Chaworth. his neighbor , in the luol fought In n London tavern , Jan- mr.v CO , 1705. The coroner's jury invlng found it verdict of murder , Byron was sent to the Tower , whore ho omainod until the mlddlo of April , 7CO , when ho was tried by his peers in Westminster hall , and acquitted tlmt s , found guilty of manslaughter only , or which there was no punishment for i Poor , except tines. Ho returned to Nowstoad , however , u branded man , und from all accounts noted ns If ho voro a lunatic as perhaps ho was , to a ortaln oxtont. That lie deserved the lame of "tho Wicked Lord , " there is 10 sort of doubt , und his death In 1798 corns to huvo been u relief to everybody friends , If ho had any , as well ns onomlcs , of whom ho had moro than enough. If ho over regretted the fatal luol , no ono know it , nnd ho kept this word in his bedroom until ho died. Two or three inches of the lower end of the leather scabbard have been ro- novcd , exposing the triangular point of steel which lot out the life-blood of > oor Chaworth. This nuol naturally mndo u feud be- , ween the two families , but social In- ercourso had boon so fur renewed by , ho time our Byron became master of Jowstcad. that ho was u welcome guest at Annesley hall. There ho met. vhon a Harrow schoolboy of 6 , Mary Anne Chaworth { pronounced 'Chowoth" ) then seventeen. She was ho great niece of the man whom his great uncle killed. Some authorities iy she was Byron's , cousin , but , if so , t must have boon several degrees rc- novcd. The romance which grow out of this acquaintance is familiar to all 'cadors. ' The love between them was , loubtless , nil on his side ; girls seldom eve boys two years younger than thcm- elvos. That Byron loved Mary C'hn- vorth or thought ho did is certain. She was married in ISOo , and ho mot ior for the first time after that o.venf. in 808 , dining at Anilcsloy by invitation of the husband. Of that interview ho vroto , in 1811 , this : I've seen my bride nnothcrs bride- Have seen her seated by his side Have seen the Infant which < iho bore Wear the swept smiles the mother were , When she nnd I In youth have sullied , And fond nnd faithless ns her child Have seen her eyes in cold disdain , Ask it I felt no secret pain ; And I have acted well my port , And made my ehcok belle my heart , Returned the freezing glnnca she gave , Yet felt the while that woman's slave ; Have kissed , as if without design , The babe which ought to have been mine , And showed , alasl in each caress Time hud not made me leva the less. Long years after his ( and her ) UXIIAl'l'Y JIAHHIACIi : . wrote this : MY M. A. C. Alasl why do T say my ? Dur union would Imvo hoalcd feuds in which blood has been shed by our fathers ; It would mvo Joined lands broad and rich ; it would mvo joined at least ono heart and two per sons not ill-matched in years ; and , ami , and what has been the result ! The drive from Nowstcnd takes you within sight of Annesloy Hall and ono nay see , rising above the tree tops , the chimneys and gables of the mansion which was once the homo of Byron's \liiry. \ It is a sight not easily forgot ten. Everybody at all familiar with ' Byroin'c literature is aware that her marriage was no happier than his. How nuch moro unhrppy , how much worse , in many ways , very few know. Byron , jad as he may have been as a husband , was nn angel compared with the man 'or ' devil ) to whom Mary Chaworth Jnkcd her futo. His muno was John Musters fnmiliary Known as "Jack" uid lie belonged to a good old family in tbo country. Even at the ago of 65 , when my informant first know him , he was a matchless specimen of physical manhood. Tall and perfectly formed , easy and elegant in every movement , with herculean strength and ' , tongue that could charm the birds put of the trees , " no wonder that the girl of 18 was fascinated by him when ho was in the fine flush of youth. Jack Musters was renowned as the best rider , the best jumner , the best dancer and the best pugilist in the whole Nottingham region On a certain occasion , however , he met in the " of solf-de- his master "manly art - - fonsc. " There was a chimney-sweep in the town who , in addition to that busi ness , was professor and pnictieor of the aforesaid art , and novor'missod an op portunity to improve himself therein. He had long desired to have a fistic dis cussion with Jack Musters , but of course the aristocratic gentleman would not try the gloves or bare knuckles with the sweep. So the latter devised the in genious experiment knowincrtho character - actor of the man with whom he had to deal. Ho one day walked out to Annesloy Hall , duly equipped with piscatorial paraphernalia and deliberately SAT DOWN TO FISH in the private fish pond of the proprie tor , which was-at a little distance from and in full view of the mansion. Mus ters , happening to look out of the win dow , saw the" sooty O.nak Walton drop ping his line in pleasant , , but prohibi- ed places ; and , taking a heavy horse whip , proceeded to interview in hostile fashion. Mr. Swoop , watching for a bite in the pond , got a tremendous one over the back from the whip. Evident ly ho was expecting this hot reception , and was ready to reciprocate , for the lash had hardly touched him before ho hit out from the shoulder with his "right" and sent hm antagonist "to grass" in very handsome stylo. Gon- tlomnn Jack game to the corn picked himself up , laid Uhide his whip , throw olT his coat , told Sooty to do likewise and u battle began then and there which lasted with fiov- oral rests for renewal of wind nearly two hours. Finally Jack "threw up the sponge , " confessed himself fairly beaten , shook hands with the victor , took him into the house , gave him a glass of wino and also u free and full permit to fish in that pond us long as no lived. So Sooty retired , Komowhat bruised nnd buttered , but with all the honors of victory and championship ; nlso with better wlno in his stomach than ho hud over tasted before , besides the perpetual fishing privilege , which , 1 believe , ho was too chivalrous to ex orcise. The reporter , to whom I am so much indebted , in ono of hie m.'iny business visits to Annosloy , was admitted to the bed room of the owner. Being young and curious in those days ho used his eyes vigorously and saw all that was to bo soon. The dressing-tnblo was cov ered with the various articles usually employed to resist , or conceal , the rav ages of an inexorable time. There wcro rouge , powder , oil , pomade , and every thing elbe in that line ; showing tha' ' the votorun Adonis then verging on throe-score know how to equip him self for the service of Venus. But altogether the most remarkable feature of the apartment wuro TUB FOHTJKIOATION8. Heavy iron gratings protected every window , und every door had as manj locks und bolts as a prison coll. It .vns in short , a regular fort , from which the occupant could notbo dislodged , or oven reached , without a siege ; und there were preparations for anticipated attacl in the Bbapo of guns , pistols , und ether warlike material. Why should Joni Mustoru , osq. , rich , well-born and well bred , go into this combination of citadel nnd dungeon to sloopr1 The answer discloses the Is it liny wonder that the prince o devils , John Musters , esq. , wus obliget o make his bed-room nn improgimblo ortrossV The wonder Is Hint it saved ilin from the killing ho so richly inor- tod. But ho wns saved nnd died quiet- y in his bed ( vjithout , I believe , benefit if clergy ) n few yours later : thereby lomonstratincf the old , old truth tlmt lot nil the Irredeemable vlllinns got heir deserts In this world , whatever nay uwalt thoni In the next. The last time my reporter saw Jack ilustors ho was still In line prosorvu- lon. Indicating au easy conscience und jood digestion ; nrruyod in hunting scnr- ot and top boots ; mounted on u powor- ul thoroughbred which ho sat llko n centaur , galloping through the archway vhlch led to the court-yard of Anealoy lull. Such wns the husband of the only voiimn probably Byron over really ovod. A moro terrible fnto could cjircely have befallen Mary Chaworth tad hell itself boon ransacked to pro- luco it. A TRAGEDY IN EVERY ACT. A 1'lny ( or Snra licrnltnrdt lu Will oh Shn Will Die I'lvo ' 1 lines. "Frimousso" writes from Paris to the Boston Courier : I am about to write a > luy in live nets , to bo performed by Umo. Sura Bornhnrdt. But , before be ginning I wish to know If my work Is ikely to bo successful. 1 , therefore , isk your udvieo , expecting that you will uiswor with the utmost frankness. I shall accept with pleasure all the sug gestions which you oiter mo , being lulte decided to follow none of them. I'hlH is my plan : first act A drawing- oom. Mmo. Sara Bornhardt enters , uid declares that s-ho is weary of life. She seines a knife and cuts her throat. Very carefully studied und very alToct- .ng ( lentil soono of a person whoso hrout is cut. She dies. Soeond act A smiling landscape. A river running through It. Mmo. Sara Bornhardt walks along the bank , says , hat lifo has nothing to olTor her , and jhrows herself into the rlvor. Very realistic death scene of a drowning person. She dies. Third act A palace. Why a palace' ? [ do not know ; but ono must give some opportunity for decoration. Mine. Snrn > Bornhnrdt appears. She hus made up lior mind to commit suicideand poisons liorself. Very well curried out repre sentation of d'oath by poison. She dies. Fourth Act An attic. ( That scene will not cost much. ) Mmo. Sara Bern- : iurdt , tired of existence , has seated icrsolf near a charcoal steve and allows iieraelf to bo suffocated. Very exact impersonation of suffocation by ehur- : oal. She dies. Fifth Act A fitrcot. Mmo. Sura Bornhardt is walking through it when i chimney falls on her head. Very real : md very harrowing death scone of a person killed by the falling of a chim ney. She dies. As you may pcrceivo , this drama is specially planned with the intention of exhibiting the powers of the great Lragodienno and of giving full scope to tier resources as a dying person of the first order. You may object that my lioroinc , as she dies at the end of each ict , should not appear in the following nets. But that is only what is called a fatago trick. Shukospuaro lias a great many of them. Besides it allows the lutlicnco to come in whenever they choose. At whatever hour they arrive they arc sure to see Sarah Bornhardt die. That is the important point. STOPPED THE SHOOTING. How n Hold .Sulilicr Suddenly Uot to lie u Ciirpornl. Just before the fight at Williamsburg my company was on piok.ct at the front. says the Now York Sun. The man on the left of mo , as I went on guard at 10 o'clock ono night , was named Jack Klein. Ho was a good-natured , obedi ent fellow and not easily put out , but that night ho was out of sorts , and , as the rebel pickets wore constantly firing In our direction , Jake finally got his dander up. It was against orders to leave his post , but after a while ho came lumbering through the bushes like an ox-team and growled out : "Vhell , shall we do somotings ? " "What can wo do ? " I asked in return. "Take 'em some prisoner , eh1 "You'd bettor go buoic and keep quiet. " "But dose rebels vhns shooting nil dor vhilc. Dot vlnisn't fair play , 1 belief I go oufor und sthop him. " "Well , hurry up , " I replied with a laugh ; and to my surprise and conster nation ho started off in the direction of arobel picket post. I celled to him , but ho answered back through the darkness : "It vhns itll right. I make dot _ feller behave herself or pring him in some prisoner ! " Ho was gone half an hour before I heard anything. Then there was a crashing in the bushes , some swearing and growling , and Jake appeared with a full-rigged Confederate infantryman , having a firm clutch on his collar. "Hero vhas dose feller , " he an nounced as they came to a halt. "Ho doan' promise to keep still , und M > I pring him along , " "Drat the onory Dutchman , " growled the Johnny. "Ho stole up behind mo and jumped on mo like a mountain be fore I heard him. " "Who vhas some DutchmansV" said Jako. "You wn.s. " ' Look oudt a loodlc. ole feller , or I knock oil your head ! I vhas.only Dutch in my mouth ; all dor rest vhas union. Como along und behave herself , or I make you dead us crowbars ! " Jake had actually captured a picket on his po.-it and brought him oil a pris oner , and ho did it as coolly as any of the rest of us would go out to drill. The rob was so mad lie cried , but lie was turned over to headquarters , und Prl- vale Jake Kline had "corporal" as a handle to Ma name after u few days. A 1 1 tin tor's Curious Luollon Haley , of Ocula , says the Savannah News , a lovorof hunting , was taking his favorite recreation last Frl- duy afternoon in tho. fields northeast of Ocula und filling his game bag with quail , ' .vhon an accident happened to him that came within a hair's breadth of ending his existence. His dog had sot a quail and he shot it and was in the act of drawing the trigger on another whqn a strange dog canio rushing toward him from the rear , ran under his logs und upset the young sportsman , whlio his gun was hurled from his grasp. The butt hit a slump , causing the weapon pen to discharge , and the charge struck lluloy in the loft side , tearing away every particle of clothing and blacken ing his llcsh , Cost of OlifucRU Imltov , R. J. Franklin , the United States consul ut Hankow , has published nn in teresting description of rice culture in central China. Ho states tlmt the working classes subsist almost wholly on rice , and that the cost of living for a family of six persons IB about -U cents a day , Thin accounts for the cheapness of Chinese labor , Field hands rncoivo from $7.oO to $10,60 per your , besides food nnd lodging. Explaining llln Now York Sun : "How is it your Tommy is so small of his ngo , Mrs , Bi-lggs ? " Oh , the little dear always wns a shrinking child , " explained his mother. GOSSIP ABOUT RAILROADS , The St. Paul Out Apparently No Nearer Sottlotnont. CHICAGO JOBBERS RESTIVE. The Trunk Lines Not nt AU Alnru\cil- Cut lie CnrHcd l > y the Alton nnd the St. Paul Consolida tion oT Utah KoatlH , Another Pn tpnuoiucnt. .luuo IS. | Special Telegram ot THK Ilcn.l Tlio Western Freight associa tion beat about the bush n nln to-day , and finally postponed action on the northwestern break In rules until next Friday. The reason given for the postponement is that it will ( 'lvo time to Ilguro on how thn threat ened abolishing of pro-rating via Chicago will affect the question , The actual rytison is that the we.stern roailn are hoping and praying onch day to hear from the trunk lines that they will stop pro-rat liiff with laka lines , If the western lines will keep on pro- ratltn. via Clilcag-o. The trunk lines do not appear a particle alarmed at the prospect , anil have taken no action whatever. Mean * time , the Uhlc.iRo boanl of trailo U becOin- lin ; exceedingly restive , under the present discriminatory rates nsrnlust Chicago Jobbers , and it is doubtful If further delay will bo agreed to after Friday. The Alton'n Cnllla Train's. CniOAOo , June IS. fSpauinl Telegram to Tin : HEI : . ] The Alton officials declare Pres ident Millor'u Now York interview to bo very "foxy. " SuiC one of them to-day : "Mr. Miller quoted the correct figures , when ho said the St. Paul had , In the last five months carried 2,000 cars of live stock to the Alton's 1,400. 13ut St. Paul figures are on live stock from Kansas City to Chlcii3 , and , mind you , cattle from Kansas City to Chicago Is the only thing in controversy. The 1,4JO cars of the Alton Include all the llvo stock taken out of Kansas City by us. H includes 1"JO ears of horses , slieop and ho j The correct ilgurcs on cuttle From Kansas City to Chicago , between January 1 and Mny 91 , are ; Alton , 1,315 ears ; St. Paul , 'J.159 ears. The latter , instead of Viking the least of the six roads , as Its longer line would comuol it to do at equal rates , It took more than tiny. The Alton , for tea years , has boon carrying 10 per cent of the live stock business. Now we dent get 10 per cent. Wo propose to pot back our 40 per cent. _ Consolidation in Utah. SALT L.VKI : CITY , Juno 18. | Special Tele gram to Tun line. J A copy of the articles. of consolidation and agreement between the Oregon Short Line , Utah & Northern , the , Utah Central , Salt Lake & Western. Utah & Nevada , Ocdcn & Syracuse , the Idaho Cen tral and tlio Nevada Puciflo comuinbs , which will bo adopted al the coming stock holders meeting , has baen received here. The articles provide that the said eight rail- wav companies unite , form und consolidate their respective organizations , capital stock , railroad property , and franchises of every inscription , to continue in existence fifty years , the consolidated companies to bo known as the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern Hallway comoany. The first ekc- tlon of the bjarJ of directors of the consoli dated cotnpany.herob.v formed.shall be hold nt the city of Suit Luke , on the third Wedncs- in March , 1893 , and annually thereafter , at the same place. The names unit residences of the first directors of said company , wno shall manage its affairs until the annual election , ure as follows : Charles Francis Adams , Fred L. Ames , F. Gordon D lcr , E. F. Atkins , SUue.v Dillon , John Sharp , W. H. Holcomb , O. N. Mink and G. W. Cummings. Tlio oHlcers uro as follows : Charles Francis Adams , president ; W. H. Holcomb , vice president ; G. M. Lane , second vice president ; Oliver N. Mink , comptroller ; James G. Harris , secretary ; Alex Millar , treasurer , and T. . S. Anderson , ns stant treasurer , The terminus of the consolidated rouus are Granger , Wyoming ; Huntington , Oregon ; Garrison , Montana ; Ketchum and Hoibo City , Idaho ; the following points In Utah : Frisco , a point near Plcasunt Val ley , Tintlc , Eureka , Silver City and Stock ton ; in the state of Nevada , Stcptoo , and Ash Meadows. The roads now constructed und to bo built will aggregate a'J-4 miles in Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Montana , and Ne vada. 'Iho principal place of business In Wyoming shall be Clioyenno ; in Utah , the city of Salt Luke ; In Idaho , Pocatcllo ; in Montana , JJutte City , in Oregon , Huntington - ton ; In Nevada , the town of Ueno. Tno daily papers hero state that Omalm will control the line from tlmt city to Gran ger , and that Salt L'lko will operate the en tire balance of the system. Our citlzsns gen erally are rejoicing to-day ut the news. Two thousand men arc at work on the Den ver & Uio Grande Western railroad near Price Canon. From YaiiKton tn Norfiillc. YASKTO.V , Dak. , Juno 18. I Special Tele gram to Tnu Hue. ) The profiles of the road from Ymikton to Norfolk have been completed and are ready for inspection by contractors , at the ofllce ot Chief Engineer Hice , in Yunktoii. tinolclnu Over the LUA Cirv , Dak. , Juno 18. | Special Tola- gram to TUB Uiti : . ] Numerous prospecting parties are leaving for Devil's Tower mid vicinity , north of hero , where rich placer diggings are said to have lately been discov ered. Ilich discoveries are also reported lo have been mndo south of the Dnelo Sam gold mine , near the limestone placer deposit. 'II i o WuliiiKh Ca < . < ; . TOI.KUO , O. , Juno 18. Tlio Wabash case In the United States circuit court closed this af ternoon , Judge Jackson giving the decision. In the ( jucsliou Involving the payment of the difference of interest bstwcon the old 7 ner cent bonds and the new ft per cent onoi , from the present time to ttie date of their maturity , tlio motion wan disallowed. Deci sion was reserved nn the ether points. A Knmlly Crn/.ed ly Poverty , Information of lunacy against an en tire family wus filed in the circuit court thiu mornintr , says a Louisuillo , Ky. , dispatch , The family consists of Mrs. Catherine Uoylo , her daughter , Miss Nora novlo. und two SOIIH , William und Frunk Boyio. They live ut No. 807 Went Walnut street , und have hereto fore been considered rollnod pcoplo. Their homo is in u little frumo cottiiffo , nnd they have been on the ruffgcd cdgo of poverty for some tlmo. The mother und duughtor nro members of Christ church , , the most fashionable congregation in Louisville , und hnvo been objects of charity for sovorul months. Poverty wus thought to bo the cause of their exceedingly reticent und retiring mnnnord and habits , hut lutoly the report clrculuted in the neighbor hood that the Hoylo family were acting queer , nnd the attention of the charity organisation wus drawn to thorn. An Investigation wus made by two phyfliciuns , und evidences of insanity were discovered in ouch of the four members of the family. They have been living in thn greatest distress nnd poverty for four months , and for weeks hud not oilough food in Iho houbo to keep body und soul together Flnully they would huvo nothing to do with the ladles of Christ church , who had been prcvioubly assisting them , and were fairly bturving to death nnd losing their minds ut the sumo time It is thought tlmt the mental aberration of Iho Boyle family has Doun caused by the pinch of poverty. It is nearly cor- Uiin that if the discovery of their con dition had been delayed much longer the whole family would have boon rav ing maniacs.