Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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A Macnlflcont Structure Dedicated
to the Art Preservative.
The Largest Fire Proof Newspaper
Oflleo In America.
Massive Monument of Granite ,
Marble , Brick and Iron.
A JMnstcrly Arcliltccturnl
Drllliniit in Conception nnd Per-
1'ccl in Execution Modern
Eighteen years ago to-day TUB Bnu made
its advent in Omaha. The anniversary of
its birth Is made the occasion of the formal
opening of Its now and permanent home.
The completion of this grand structure , which
has been In process ot erection for nearly
two years , Is n memorable event , not only In
the career of Tim Mm : , but in the history of
The building occupies two full lots each
CCxI33 feet with n frontage of 133 feet on
Farnnm , the principal business street of
Omaha , and 132 feet on Seventeenth street ,
being n fllat of ground one-fourth of the
entire square which fronts the Douglas
county court house and adjoins Immediately
the new city hall building now In process of
of construction. The project ot erecting this
structure had long been contemplated by the
editor of Tun BIK. : It took a tangible form
two years ago this month , when S. S. Bomnn ,
the eminent oflleo architect of Chicago , who
has made n national reputation by designing
and carrying to completion the great Pullman
building of that city , and the superb life in
surance building In Milwaukee , was unpaged
to prepare the design and plans. Excavation
was begun In Scpteaiber , 1S87 , and work
upon the foundations commenced on October
10. The instructions given to Mr. Boman
wore briefly thcDo : The building was to bo
substantial and imposing , without ginger
bread ornamentation. It was required to bo
fireproof , with perfect light nnd ventilation
secured through a central court under a glass
dome above tiio building.
This building , now about completed , may
well tike its place in the foremost rank of
the best business structures of this age of
boundless resources , and from Its solidity of
construction and severity of outline and detail -
tail and general mnsslvo effect , bids fair to
stand ns an example for the future. In the
designs the architect seems not to have been
trammeled by any arbitrary architectural
style , but has adopted the early Italian Ho-
manssquo forms nnd spirit with a nanny re
sult to the manifold requirements of a mo
dern business building , at once maintaining
the simple , massive dignity which character
izes this style , along with the maximum of
light so essential to a structure designed for
ofllco purposes. No expense has been spared
to make the building , In polutof convenience ,
strength , fire proof quality , perfect plumb
ing , heating , und sanitniy features , the best
The basement , 'which is entirely above
ground , and the first floor nro built of n Jas
per-like brilliant rod granite , fropi Wuupaco ,
Wis. , which in its texture and'color Is pro
nounced equal to the Scottish granito. This
is treated in rock-faced Iflnish for the reost
part with n strong buttressed effect at cor
ners , with bee-hives carved in the granite
pilasters above each corner. The eleven pol
ished massive pillars of this material wh Ich
adorn the main fronts are conceded by people
ple who have traveled abroad to oxcoi in
beauty nnd variegation of colors any marble
or granite used In tno European capitals.
The superstructure above is of brown
obscdlan pressed brick , trimmed with terra
cotta to correspond in color , and brown
_ _ stone , moulded brick nnd carved terra cotta
embellishments are used with good effect.
To break the effect of the long lines of windows
dews , the central portion of the Farnnm
street front is surmounted by an eighth
Btory , extending sixty foot , ' nnd above this
two smaller turrets rise to a height of 115
feet above the sidewalk. Between the turrets
rots n term cotta panel , In plain Roman let
ters , bears"tho Inscription , "Tho Bee Build-
Ing. " A frieze of obsidian brick , with
tracery hand-enrvod in graceful lines sur
mounts the completed walls. The six turrets
are tiled with terra cotta.
The substantial exterior appearance of the
building b sustained throughout by its gen
eral construction. The foundation walls laid
in Portland cement ruiigo from thrco to flvo
feet In thlchncsp with as listing piers eight
feet thick. A t tile parapet , above the eighth
story , tlioy nM/sUll twenty inches In thick
ness. The mlJ.i uric ) , piers nbovo the granite
ito walls are built around iron columns whlcti
pivo auxiliary btrongth independent of the
vails themselves.
The main entrance is on Farnam street , by
n granite arched portal of noble dimensions ,
flanked on either side by lessor arches ,
which form the windows of the landings of
the marble staircase. On entering the build
ing ono is at once struck with tbo beauty and
thoroughness of every detail. The grand
morblo staircase at the mam entrance leads
to the first or principal story whore the
counting room ot Tnu BEB is located , The
beautiful wrought iron screen work of the
elevator system nnd the handsome electro-
bronze stair casa surrounding the elevator ;
the richly tiled halls and marble wainscoting ;
and , beyond alt this , the glimpse through the
great arches of the Imposing central court ,
which .diffuses light through the central pan
of the building , all combine to impress the
beholder most favorably ,
A beautiful .0.1 well as useful feature , In
fact the feature of thu building , Is this great
central court , with Its colouados , arcades
and highly monumental effect. Every de
tail of ornament bus been carefully designed
and the rlcn ornamentation of the stucco
worlc of arches , cap& and columns , produces
uuextremely agreeable effect. The interior
of thin building is rendered so attractive by
the court that ono is Inclined to linger there
and stroll through Us wldo and well-lighted
corridors , always finding something pleasant
to tbo eye nnd inspiring to the mind.
The court starjs from the ground floor at
ttrcot level und rises to a height of ISO feet.
It 1.1 covered at the top with a clear plato
glass skylight , supported by grucefu
tvrought-lron trusses. From the court u
the bauduient access is obtained to the scv-
nil oflicca In the basement , but these
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offices have cntrauco from the streets as
The court , forty-threo feet square , is di
vided on each side into three bays by pilasters
extending to the third floor. The pilasters In
the basement story have slmule , moulded ,
classic caps on which lies an entablature
composed of architrave , frieze nnd cornice ,
tne frlezo being paneled with circular and
diamond shaped panels , while the cornice is
ornamented with a dentil ornament. Imme
diately on top of this entablature rises an
other pilaster which extends through the
first and second stories , while on the top ot
the same appears a semicircular arch around
the third story , the whole being crowned by
a richly molded modllllon cornice , the spand
rels on top of tno arctics having an interlaced
Moorish fretwork. Tbo arches again rest on
capitals molded with great delicacy , with
French detail ornament.
The fourth and fifth stories are somewhat
plainer , but have very cftectlvo lines of
molded cornices and sill-courses carried
around the court.
The upper , or sixth , story has a double
row of pilasters , ono set being wide nnd
forming a continuation of the main pilasters
from below , while the other sot forms n
mulllon between the windows. The pilas
ters in this story have capitals moulded and
ornamented in the same feeling as are the
lower ones. Over those openings are semi
circular arched heads with n label moulding.
The label moulding Is rich in effect , with a
dentil or tooth moulding.
Tlio whole court Is crowned with a deep
frlezo and dentil cornice , whllo in this frlozo
are some circular openings.
Over the court Is an iron frame of the plato
glass grate which , assisted by the cross lights
of the different stories , affords sufficient and
auitilc lightn the second and third stories
a corridor passes around the court behind the
main pilasters. Between the latter are hand-
seine balconies , outlined with bronze and
iron balusters. The bronze balusters are in
the second , with a beautiful design of
wrought iron scroll work in the third story.
Night light is supplied by elcctriciers
placed at convenient distances , the effect of
which will bo to greatly onhauca the detail
ornament of the plaster worlc.
The court is unique In Itself , forming a
most pleasing feature of the handsome build
ing , and giving a cross light to every portion
of it , there being no dark corner in any part
of the interior.
Ventilation has been given n most careful
consideration , and although the glass cover
ing lias a tendency to promote heat , the in
terior of the court is cool nnd pleasant , owing
to the free current ot air created by the
lurgo ventilator la the glass roof , and which
passes from the top to the bottom of the
The general architectural Reeling of tbo
court Is truly French. There nro displayed
great delicacy of moulding and great refine
ment of finish and general execution. Tncro
can bo no doubt that this court will compare
most favorably with any similar pleco of worlc
in this country and that It is a credit , both to
the originator and designer , while the work
has lost nothing of refinement In its execu
Ills designed in the future to further em
bellish the court with an artistic fountain ,
und whllo the court POW presents the snow-
white and chaste color of the stucco work ,
its general tone will bo softened und Im
proved by a Judicious tinting of ttio wall * in
aoft warm color * in the near future , when
the building and work has become perfectly
settled nnd seasoned.
Krom the court at the basement floor is a
fine , broa.l ( light of marble steps leading tea
a scries of offices fronting west m the first
All of the halls of the building are laid
with the best encaustic tiles , of pleasing
color and patterns , and the bases of the Lrnl
walls are of marblo.
The building is finished thioughout in nn-
tiquo oak , highly polished.
The hardware is unique in desien and of
Bower Balft Iron. Crystallzud plato glass is
uacd for the doors and transoms opening on
the corridors. All the window glass through
out the building Is the best heavy plate , and
all floors are laid with selected narrow yel
low pine , nnd a large number ot offices have
hardwood border of walnut.
The plumbing system is the best that mod
ern skill can inako It , particular attention
having been given the sanitary aspect of this
Important branch of the building. All the
offices are supplied with running water and
Italian marble basins. Every floor has its
separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen -
men , all welt lighted and ventilated.
The building is heated by steam and light
ed by electricity , and provided with beauti
ful combination fixtures for cither gas or elec
tric light.
All thopartitionsfurrlngfioorsnrchosotc. ,
nro of fire clay , tiled , and all the structural
work , such as girders , floor beams , columns ,
etc. , nro of the heaviest Iron. There is not n
dark room In the building , every ofilco being
perfectly lighted and ventilated.
Whllo the construction makes every room , '
practically a fire proof vault , there are
seventy-four separate vaults In various parts
of the building.
The roof Is notonly absolutely water proof ,
but impregnable to fire from within or with
out. The steel beams which support it cross
each other transversely , twelve Inches apart.
In the spaces between those rails are in
serted hollow book tile , three inches und n
half In diameter , which in turn are covered
with a layer of concrete an inch and a half
thick , and five thicknesses of shoot as-
phaltum , On top of these half
an inch of Portland cement is
spread , and in this cement are bedded glazed
vitrified paving bricks , laid flat , with cement
between the Joints. The weight of the roof
Is computed at 375 tons. It resembles a
paved roadway und wculd make a safe drive
for a score of loaded drays.
Two fast-running passenger elevators , sup
plied with the most modern appliances for
safety and convenience , are provided , be
sides a largo freight elevator at the rear.
Surrounding the passenger elevators Is a
beautiful electro-bronze staircase , and there
Is an additional stairway in connection with
the freight elevator.
Detailed Description of Its Now Quar
The sub-basement of the building furnishes
ample room for the vast machinery required
to run the printing presses , and to furnish
heat , light und elevator power for tbo buildIng -
Ing , The Bub-basoincnt is tbo full size of tbo
building , ISO foot square within the main
walls and extends under the sidewalks on
the Seventeenth street side. The space is
divided into three parts for the accommoda
tion of the engine , bailer and electric dyna
mo rooms , The boiler room adjoins
the dynamo room and the engmca anil ele
vator machinery. The boiler room is floored
with cement , the engine rpom with stone til
ing and the electric light department with
hard wood. ;
The boiler room is 38 feet wide , -11 feet long
with n 19 foot ceiling , affording ample light
and ventilation. On the east of the boiler
room and extending under the sidewalks are
vaults with u capacity of 100
tons for the storing of ; coal. The boilers ,
are three in number , of Itho Baker & Smith
make , each 18 feet in length nnd 00 inches in
diameter , and have capacity for supplying an
engine ot 200-horso power , a third more than
is needed for the heating , elevator and elec
tric appliances in the entire building. Each
boiler is supplied with a Kirkwood rocking
nnd dumping grate , a ppnvenicnce in the
matter of tending a furnace and an econo
mizer of fuel. The boilers nro so arranged
that any ono or all of them can bo used for
any purpose. Connected with them are two
drums , ono high prcsbUro for power pur
poses , and ono low pressure for heating , the
drums being connected by a 7-Inch
pipe and a Davis 'automatic pres
sure regulator by which any amount
of steam from ono pound to
boiler pressure may bo used for the heating
system. The exhaust pipes from the engine
are connected with thoJow pressure drum
with n back pressure valve which allows the
pressure to csc.ipo when the exhaust is
greater than is required for the heating of
the building. There arp 10,000 square feet
of radiation in the building , supplied from
this low p.-cssuro drum. The steam heating
is accomplished by the ono pipe systemwith
the latest improvements , by which the re
turns are curried direct to n receiving tank ,
or returned to the tank'by a system of traps.
From the receiving tank the water is sent by
two AVorthington duplex1 boiler feed pumps ,
direct to the boilers or to tno supply
tanks in the pent house in the top of the
building. The heat for the building is taken
from the low pressure drum through the
building by forty steam risers all with direct
connections with the source of supply so that
any riser can bo shut off without affecting the
supply in the other pipes. ' .
The power for the beating , printing , and
electric lighting is furnished by two magnifi
cent Corliss engines manufactured by the
Hoffman & Billings company of Milwaukee.
The smaller engine has u12i30 ; Inch cylinder
and is rated at EO-borso j power. The drive
wheel Is 10 feet in diameter , has a 22 inch
face and weighs lljOOO pounds. This
supplies the power for the
presses , stereotyping apparatus , paper wet
ting machine , plate elevator and Qay dyna
mo. The larger cngmti has a lUx 11-inch
cylinder , and is rated at 150 liorso power.
The driver is 11 foot in diameter , has a 29-
Inch face , and weighs 17,030 pounds. This
monster machine is used only for the opera
tion of the electric machinery , although the
engines are so arranged that both or cither
of them can bo used for any of the purposes
required , A hot water supply tank fur-
nlshcs hot water for all of the plumbing fix
tures throughout tbo building. Tno exhaust
from this tank is so piped that it runs direct
or is pumped into a Colics patent feed water
heater , SO inches in diameter and 10 feet in
length , from which it is sent direct to the
The engine fixtures and properties are of
the most approved patterns. The belts are
endless and rivotloss and regulated with tbo
Eclipse Pulley company's Iriutlon clutch
pulley and belt fasteners ,
The entire building U lighted by Incan
descent electric lights furnished by OAC ot
the most complete plants of its size in exis
tence. The power is supplied by thrco dyna
mos of the United States Electric Light
company's patent. Two of the dynamos have
power each for supplying GOO 10-cundlo power
lamps , and the small ono supplies 303 lamps.
The larger dynamos run at SOO revolutions
per minute , while the small ono executes
1,050 revolutions per minute , The machines
are self-regulating , so that any number of
lights may bo turned oft with
out affecting the balance. The
switchboard , from which the lights
are operated is a model of mechanical ingo _
nuity. It is supplied with on ampere mete
by which the number of lights in use Is reg
istered ; an indicator for registering the can
dle power of lamps In use through the build
ing ; a balance to make each circuit boar the
same power ; n potential Indicator to register
the candle power of each lamp and n ground
detector to locate ground on any part of the
system. Connected with the system is a
plug switch , the use of which is 1o keep n
proper voltage on each circuit. The building
is wired up and down from a central dis
tributing point on the third floor nnd is
divided Into eight main branch circuits.
By this arrangement In case of accident to
ono part of the circuit , only one-eighth
of the number of lamps In the building would
bo disturbed. Separata cut outs are also
supplied for each room In the building. The
building Is wired with braided oconito wlro ,
with proper cut outs for nil damp places.
Each dynamo is supplied with n pilot Hi/lit ,
which burns only when the dynnrno Is run
ning , nnd they are arranged to run singly or
together. The plant furnishes over fifteen
hundred lights for the building , and this
number can easily bo Increased. To the
credit of the company puttlngin | the plant it
may bo stated that with all the thousands of
feet of wlro necessary for supplying the
building with lamps , and the various ap
pliances for their protection nnd
regulation , every detail was so carefully
observed In the construction of the plant thnt
when the power was turned on everything
worked perfectly. Connected with the dynamo
name und operated from It Is a pony motor
used for running the blower of the pneuma
tic tubes that connect the editorial rooms
with the various dcj artmonts of the paper.
The machinery used for the operation of
the elevator service is on a par in point of
completeness with that used for other pur
poses in the building. For the passenger
service , two Crane passenger elevators aroused
used , each having a cylinder SO inches in
diameter and 11 feet in length. These are
supplied with water from a tank in
the pent house on the top of the
building. This tank Is ten feet wide , six
teen feet long and sixteen feet deep ) and
is discharged by the operation of the elevator
Into a tank of similar size in tbo subbasement
ment from which the water is pumped back
to the upper tank by n Worthlngton com
pound duplex pump and is governed auto *
matlcally by a float In the tank. On the
north side of the building an Immense Crane
freight elevator is furnished power by a
cylinder thirty-six Inches in diameter and
wol vo feet in length , and is operated in the
same manner as the passenger elevators.
These elevators uro speedy , noiseless and
absolutely safe. A ono horuo power elevator ,
used to carry the stereotyping plates from
the sixth floor to the press rooms In thu
basement , is a Crane's patent screw elevator
and is run by ropo.transmUelon ,
J'rnss and Mailing Hooni.
The location of the press room Is n new
departure from usage In metropolitan dailies.
Instead of setting the presses underground ,
as has been customary , a space 30x75
feet was set apart on the
northwest corner of the ground floor divided
by a partition. In ono of these rooms the
two lightning presses of THE Bnc are in full
operation , while the other room , with access
directly to the mall wagon on the 20-foot al
ley , is used us the mailing room.
The ground floor , on which the press room
Is located , rests on 12-inch steel beams ,
arched with brick nnd covered with a bed ot
concrete. This support would have been
ample , but in order to render the vibration
incidental to thu rotation of presses harmless
to the walls of the buildings , separate walls ,
resting upon the ground In the sub-basement ,
and running transversely between the steel
beams , up to a level of eight inches nbovo the
first floor , were constructed. Upon those
walls the frames of the presses rest and sup
port the entire weight. Tno result is that
the presses are comparatively noiseless and
run without the least contact with the main
walls of the building.
With its flvo windows on ono side and
thrco transoms looking directly into the
court , the press room is ns light us the com
posing room , and will require no artificial
lighting between day creak nnd sundown.
Another feature of this press room Is that
there Is no overhead shafting or belting , The
belts that connect with the main shaft come
up from the engine room in the subbasement
ment through the floor over tholmaln pulleys.
Two largo vaults , connected directly with
the press room , furnish amnlo facili
ties for the storage of inks , lubricating
oils and tools needed in the press room.
Directly In the rear of the press room Is n
broad passageway leading to the freight and
plato elevators the former , down to the
paper storage vaults in the sub-basement ;
the latter , up to the stereotyping room. The
freight elevator also can bo utilized for
sending up largo numbers of plates from the
press room whenever they accumulate.
Two Scott wcb-perfcctlng presses are em
ployed. These magnificent machines each
have a capacity of 12,000 cight-pago nnd 21-
000 four-page papers per hour. They wcro
built expressly for Tun Bun by C , PottorJ r
& Co. at their factory at Plainflcld , N. J.
These two presses have a capacity of 21-
000 eight-page or18,000 four-page papers per
hour , printed , folded , pasted nnd counted ,
The press room Is in charge of Fred
Youngs , who commenced his career as
pressman at Tin : BKE office about ton years
As has been stated above , the mailing
room is practically an annex of the press
room. It Is well lighted by windows on two
sides and transoms on a third sido. The
mailing clerk Is in position to throw the pa
pers upon the wagons In the alloy. Anew
feature has also been Introduced in tills de
partment. Ordinarily mailing tables are
merely planks nailed to wooden frames. In
this room the tables are polished marble
slabs resting upon frames of wrought Iron ,
The advantage of these is that the tables uro
indestructible by fire and their perfect
smoothness greatly facilities the work of
wrapping. Besides this , such mailing tables
can bo cleared of all paste which adheres to
The magnitude of the worlc performed in
the mailing-room will bo readily appreciated
when it is stated that nearly 110,000 copies
of TUB Bun are stamped and mailed there
every \vcelt. This docs not Include ttio
l > apers delivered In Oinntm , South Omalm ,
Council Bluffs nnd Lincoln , nor the papers
sold nt the no\v stands tlirougliout the city
mid upon nil out-going trains. v
Kvory morning 10,000 copies ot the paper
nro stnnipcd , wrapped mid innlled , and on
Sunday morning 12,000 copies po through
thnt process. Kvory Wednesday the
weekly edition hat to bo looked
titter , which number * 33,000 to10,000
papers. On week days about 0,000
copies nro expressed to the vnrlouH news-
dealers In this nmt surrounding states , anil i
0,000 on Sunday.
Mr. Cllsa Hutler Is the foreman ot this de
partment and Is an expert in the business , as
nro the men under him. They have wrapped
ns many us 100 BIIS : : In one inlmito , and ono
ot the boys ( Somors ) has wrapped 1,000 in an
hour , Including pasting and changing the
mull sacks.
I'lio Coimttiii : Itooin.
The ascent ot the grand staircase loading
to the hanking story elevator Inndlnc , and n
passnco through the east corridor ending at
the entrance to the counting room In the
method ot gaming access to thu business
charters. The counting room doors nro of
antique oak , the upper panels of which con
sist of beveled plato glass , swinging under n
lurgo plato glass transom. This room and
the private oftlco south of It occupy the en
tire space embraced In the cast sldo of the
banking floor with the exception of about
twenty-live , feet In the rear. Its extreme s
width Including the public lobby ndjolnlrg m
the counter on the cast and reaching to the
Inner court , Is thirty-eight foot. The count
ing room proper , excluding the private room
In front , Is moro than eighty feet In length
and has n minimum width of twonny-four
feet and a maximum breadth of thirty-eight
feet. The high celling Is supported by four
grand pillars , with Ionic capitals , that spring
from about the center line of the room. Flvo
mnentllcent chandeliers support an artificial
lighting capacity of thirty incandescent and
a line number of gas Jets while ten auxiliary
double light incandescent brackets are dis
tributed about the bides of the room. Nine
generously dimensioned windows on the
Seventeenth street side of the building and
three vast glazed openings on the court , with
largo transoms on thu north and .south admit
daylight. The iluor of the counting room
is of oak ornamentally bordered by
strips of black walnut and oak and the
wainscot and other finish. . Is ot antique oalr.
A llfty--foo i counter runs from the private 1
room on the south to a junction with the east
wall , where it contracts the width of the 4
business office enough to meet the counter at
n right angle. It Is erected on a base of
chocolate marble , supporting tno russet
Tennessee marble pilasters that nro sur
mounted by n quarter round section of mar
ble of the same color as that of the base
lying Immediately below the marble crown.
Between the pilasters and the upper and
lower courses of russet marble which run
along the sldo of the counter ore panels
of very dark mottled Florentine marble.
Above the marble is a very artistically shaped
screen worked in Mower BalfC iron , and at
various intervals in it appear openings for
the advertising , subscription and Uivcrs other
departments. The lobby or public portion of
the counting room outside the counter la
floored with a mosaic pattern of marble iill-
pnrtcd from Bergamo , Italy , and wainscoted
with very dark mottled Florentine marble ,
touched off at the edges by the russet colored
marble. A jmeutnatic tube carries copy be
tween the composing room and the
business department. Entrance to the
rear of the room can bo effected
from an castand west corridor reached by the
grand stairway at the north onttof the court. -I
To the right of this roar entrance are two
great vaults standing ou each side of a pas-
sagowny leading to a dressing room The
private oflleo or directors' room is 20 feet
square , and fronts on Furnnm and Seven-
tcenth streets. It is well lighted , floored
with quarter sawed oak , the extremities of
which are ornate in oak and walnut , and fin-
ishcd in antique oak. This room Is without
doubt ono of the handsomest in the city. i
The Editorial ItooiiiH.
Abroad tiled corridor , running east nnd J
west In front of the elevator landing of the
seventh floor , leads to the entrance of the
editorial department. The words "Editorial
Rooms" are painted in largo gilded letters A
upon the glass panel of the door which opens
Into the unte-room immediately cast of the
elevator. This Is n spacious chamber
supplied with chairs , tables , flics of
the paper and telephone. Through this room
every visitor and every member of the edi
torial staff is obliged to pass before entering
any of the rooms set apart for editors and
A door on the cass opens Into the editorial
corridor , on either side of which nro located
the working rooms of tno staff. The rooms
were designed with special reference to the
purposes to which they are now devoted ,
nnd , ns a consequence , nro well lighted nnd
ventilated and supplied with all the conven
iences of modern Journalism. They nro fin
ished in antique oak and supplied with furni
ture which harmonizes with the wood wont.
Turning to the right and crossing the hall ,
which extends north and south , the visitor
enters the suite of the editor In chief , These
apartments consist of two rooms , thn larger
plainly , but tastefully furnished , command
ing a inngiilliccnt view on both Furnnm and
Seventeenth streets of two sides of the
city. The smaller Is the hbrarv room.
To the north Is the sulto of the managing
editor , consisting of a working room , to
which a private consultation room adjoins.
North of the managing editor's room is
that of the city editor. Thi- room Is con
nected with that of the managing editor , und TV
beyond It is the reporters' room , whcro at 1
almost any hour of the day or night seine mem
ber of the local force may bo found at worlc.
Each reporter is provided with on antique
oak table provided with gas Jot and electro-
Her. From this room there Is an opening
into the composing room by means of which
copy may bo dropped into the hands of the
foreman , both by day and night.
Crossme the hall , Is found a spacious room ,
used by the night editor nnd telegraph editors.
This room Is occupied by the day proof : J
readers also. It is Joined on the south
by the room of the news nnd exchange- .
editors , and between this nnd the ante-room ,
nro other rooms for the editorial writers ,
The rooms nro supplied with gas and cloc-
trio bulbs for Illuminating purposes , and
nearly all of them have uiarblo lavatories
of the most modern design.
There are no liner editorial rooms In the
world. The west tier of editorial rooms
overlook the magnificent court.
Tito CompoNiim Itnoin ,
The composing and stereotyping rooms are
located on the seventh floor of the building.
They extend over the entire space of 41x123
feet cmb , ace I In the area between the Sev
enteenth street front and the city hall alloy.
The composing room covers an area of 33,010
feet , bulng 44 feet In width nnd 60 feet in
length , with a height varying from 17 to 10
feet. It may bo reached by nuceuding the
back stairway or the rear elevator turougU