Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Anclrowa Mndo It And Won An
other Game _ * or Omabn ,
Daddy OlnrUo I'ltclicrt Like a Hero ,
tlio Fielders Were Perfect And
Morton'fl Tola Were Gath
ered In
Stnmllng of the Clubi.
Following will bo found the standing of
the teams In the penant chase in the West
ern association up to and Including yostor-
St. Paul . " . .si )
Omana 1..40
Sioux City 89
DCS Moincs..05
Denver US
St. Joseph 80
Omnlm H , Minneapolis 2.
The errorless game Omaha played Sunday ,
together with Its consequential victory , was
the probable cause of another largo turn out
In fact , It was the biggest Monday crowd
seen upon the crrounds this year , and the
smile that wreathed President McCormlck's
face as ho leaned back In the directors' box
nnd watched the progress of the fray , was as
broad as the sldo of the now Boo building.
And again the Wblto Sox played without
tbo shadow of nn error.
Great work that , Isn't It !
It was u lively , rattling game from start to
finish , onaractonzcd by BOUIO lively hitting ,
pome great head work and par-excellent field
ing , nnd , best of all , Omaha yanked in
another scalp ,
Clnrko was In the points for the Whlto
Box. and that fact materially helped them on
to victory. Just when Minneapolis needed a
lilt , a nice little liner say , out ever shorter
or past Andrews Dad put on thut stop-tho-
motor smllo of his , gave the ball n peculiarly
tantalising twist , and lot Minneapolis
tumbled every time.
It was tough luck on Morton's Iambi , but
'better they should have It than the placid
It was one , two , three for Omaha In rapid
succession for thrco innings , and Mickey
Morrison looked as if ho meant to give them
the razzlo-dazzlo on to the end.
In their half of the third the visitors made
their first , last nnd only score. '
Turner load off with a threo-boggor way
out past Jakoy Strauss , and ran homo with
nn earned tally on Morrison's safe drive.
Then Dugdalo smashed out a single , and the
crowd feared that they were onto Daddy for
But ho fooled them.
Ho took out a bag full of now slants , and
when Morton's pots began to got too flossy
bo sprung them ! MInnohan and Miller strik
ing out , and West going out from Grover to
Timt was clover twirling.
The White Sox evened up in the next.
Coonoy scamncrcd like a rabbit round to
second on Foster's muff ; wont to second on
Cleveland's sacrifice , nnd crossed the plato
on Strauss' long fly to Tamer.
The fourth was unproductive , although
Andrews did line out au elegant three-bug-
ger ; ho was caught napping , and the golden
opportunity slipped away.
But it mndo little difference , for ho dis
tinguished himself m the very next Inning
by winning the gome , amasnmg out ono of
the longest hits ever made on tno grounds
n homer , way out over the right field fence
near , the carriage gates , and sending In
Crooks , Wulsn and Nuglo before him.
Oh , my I What a din arose at that 1 You
could hardly bear yourself think , and Wally
'camo waddling in to the bench amidst a very
phowor of big John dollars , llvo dollar gold
pieces , currency and other choice and rare
But hero is the episode In detail : .
Coonoy , the first batter , up , was retired on
a little fungo to llrst Grover made a hit ,
but Strauss flow out , and another blank
stared us in the face.
But the brawny lad with the fulminating
Jaw curno to tbo rescue. Ho tnado a single ,
Cleveland reached third. Then Morrison
gave Walsh his base , and the bags wcro full.
It was a breathless moment.
Mickey was nervous , hot , mad , rattled.
Ho gave Naglo his base on four moro wide
ones , and Clovland was forced across tbo
"Hoyl hey ! hey ! " vociferates the crowd.
Andrews now stopped to the plate , and
pf tor fooling for several minutes with Mor
rison's erratic shots , ho caught ono Just
The collision cracked like the report of a
Away went the sphere , up , up , up , nnd out.
put , out , whllo the crowd stood up and yelled
themselves hoarse , for ircontlnucd on in its
jncteorio flight until tbo fence had been
passed and It disappeared away oft among
the Doric columns of Kountzo's addition.
Everybody ran homo , nnd for five minutes
the uproar was deafening.
The exploit netted the big first baseman at
least 'steen dollars.
Dee Worluy loft for the ball on horseback
immediately at the close of the gamo. He's
going to have It stuffed.
This knocked all the vim out of the Min
nlcs , and the balance of the game was as
tame and geutlo as Mary's little lamb.
The White Sox , however , did earn two
moro runs In the eighth , on Sir Thomas
Naglo's single , Andrews' second throe-bag
ger , and Daddv Clarke's opportune drive.
And thus the game ended.
Totals. . 83 8 8 3 87 14 0
Totals . 83 ! . ' 7 13 !
"jlY INNlNOb.
Omaha . . . . .0 00105030 8
Minneapolis. . . .0 0 1 Q 0 Of 0 0 0
Earn oil runs Omaha 4 , Minneapolis 1.
Throe-baso lilts Audi-own 3 , Tumor 1.
Homo runs Andrews 1.
Double pluys Andrew * unassisted.
Bases on bulls Hy Morrison 7 ,
Hit by ball-Croons.
Struck out Uv Morrison 0 , by Clarke S.
Passed lullsNnslo 1 , DugJulo „
Time of K'Uiui 1:45. :
Umpire ) ) uroy Korco.
Nt. I'nul IS , Sioux City O.
Sioux CITV , In. , Juno 17 , Sioux City
could not lilt Mains to-day , nnd the shut-ou
xvas n natural bcrjuonco. On tie ) contrary
St. Paul hammered Flanagan In'tho blghos
itylo of the art , and planted the ball m cverj
part of tbo outflold. The lidding ol both
clubs was oauul. Scoro.
Biouxnvr. I ST. J'AIII.
r. Ii. o. B. ol r. h.o. a. o
cilne.ii u. u u U 1 . U 1 It U I
Glenn.If , .lf II 1 0 lIMurphr , c ( . 1 U * U
' ' ' ' ' U U furroll , rf.a t 0 U (
Hculm' cf.V..O 1 : i u oiu-illr.fii.i ! : 33 1
JJro unn'Jt ) . . .U 1 & M U.Worrlck. 2b.S 33 1
r illcy.U > u u U 2 uiuiar.ic..u ! ) a 4 1t 1i
Crutlr , it..uj3 u U U.llruuuhton , o..l li t
fiollmitn. C..U U & t UiWaiftmliurit.hWI U 3 0 (
n nni ! iJ , p. , .U U U 4 OjMulria , p . .1 U 1
Totnl . . . . . . .U 4 21 U tf |
81'tuxCltr , , . , , U U 0 U 0 0 0 0 0-
bul-uul , . . . . . . , . . , , , . ,0 U 034 U U 6 -l
Earned runi-Sl Paul 7. 'J'wn-lmiiu lilti-Wcrrlrk
aljr. Thrco-liiuu lilu-lluwoi , Wonlo < Alnlnt. Htnlui
a -CUne.tileni. ! . Orultr. Oir.Mli. U < vllrVuoii )
iunl , Nalui. DoutilK plnya t4tuo V > Urimtiii ic
' . ktntbaidrn > Jtj. Cluiu t'lly < . t. I'ui
i pltettvU Unll-il Jn . 6umikuut-Ujr nuiiu
, br Mnlnt I. Fn M b -IIft1lmin ! 1 , nronuhlun 2.
'Imo-a ' hours , Umpire Harden.
The banquet tontlorcd to the Omaha base
mil team by local enthusiasts , with Dan
lonln as the moving spirit In the affair , at
ho Hotel Darker last evening , m honor ot
holr late triumphal tour , was qulto nn elaborate -
orate ovonl. Oatoror Ualch spread hlmsolf
n getting up the collation , nnd his tables
were ono ernntl symposium of flowers nnd
nil the aollcnclcs ot the season. Covers
voro laid for about soronty-nvo guests , nna
amonglthom were the sturdy nnd gentlemanly
Minncapolltans.vOioaro here vainly nttompt-
iir ( to wrest a ball from Omaha's redoubt-
nblo knights ot tlio diamond. After
i neat and felicitous welcome soocch
y Mr. Ilonlu , which was as happily re
sponded to on behalf of the appreciative ball
tossors by Manager Sclco , the crong sounded.
nnd to the mellifluous strains ot the Musical
Union orchestra nn onslaught was made
upon the good things so lavishly supplied by
Mlno Host Batch. Thcro was constant
fusllado ot witticisms nnd repartee Itopt up
nil through this delightful gastronomic oxor-
clio , nmUf the Minnies do not tnko advan
tage of the Indiscretions of tholr adversaries
this nftornoon It will bo because they too
could not resist the temptation to overload
thomsolvcs with the Marker's doloctnblo vi-
nnds. There were none but cold water
tea ts , but as the boys got wnruiod
up to their work , many good things
were said nnd the feast "continued
on until well along toward the small
hours. It was an extremely pleasant affair ,
nnd ono that will llvo long In the memory of
all participants. The menu was ns follows :
13akcd Dluo Fish , Tartar Sauco.
Shoestring Potatoes.
Sliced Cucumbers.
Crofjuotts of Sweetbreads.
French Poas.
Roman Punch.
Broiled Spring Chicken.
Now Potatoes. Asparagus.
Boned Turkey , Aspect Jolly. Lobster Salad.
Cola Hani.
Assorted Cako. Fruit. Port \Vlno Jelly.
Cnvckors. Eanm Cheese.
Coffee. Cigars.
The National L/nntcuc.
CLEVELAND , Juno 17. Result of to-day's
ramo :
Cleveland . n 00211000 7
Chicago . , . . .0 01030001 4
Base hlts-Clovoland 18 , Chicago S. Er
rors Cleveland 2 , Chicago 4. Pitchers
Dwyer nnd Hutchlnson. Umpires Fosson-
don and McQuuld.
iNDiASAroLis , Juno 17. Result of to-day's
? umo :
: ndianapolis.i..4 02000001 7
Plttsburg . 0 30005001 8
Base hits Indianapolis 13 , Plttsburg 1.1.
Errors Indianapolis 2 , Plttiburg 1. Pitch
ers Gotzein nndBurdick. Umpires Lynch
and Qalvln.
ISIRW YOHK , Juno 17. The Now York-Phil
adelphia game was postponed on account of
BOSTON , Juno 17. Result of flrst game :
Boston . 2 00000000 2
Washington . 0 00300030 0
Base hits Boston 0 , Washington 11. Er
rors Boston 0. Washington 1. Pitchers
Kccfo and Haddock. Umpire Curry.
Result of second game
Boston . 0 0180041 2 11
Washington. . . . C 01 000005 0
Base hits Boston 11 , Washington 11. Er-
iwrs Boston 1 , Washington 3. Pitchers
CUarkson , Fcrsdn nnd Sullivan. Umpire-
American Asmiuiatloii.
BALTIMOUE , Juno 17. Result ot first
came :
Baltimore. . . . u 03000003 4 10
Louisville. . . .0 110100300 0
Result of second game :
Baltimore . 1 1 1 U 1 0 0 1 5 10
Lcuisvillo . 0 00000000 0
Nuv YOHK , Juno 17. The Cincinnati-
Brooklyn gutno was postponed , on account of
PniLAUiiLruu.Juuo n. Result's
game :
Athletics . 2 004021 2 11
St.Louis . 0 2' 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Game called nt the end of the eighth inning
by mutual consent.
Amiitour Games.
PJC.ATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to TUG BKE.J The game of ball
played between the Norfolk aud homo nines
to-day was au exciting ono and resulted In a
score of 0 to 3 In favor of Norfolk.
GEXOA , Fob. , June 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] The Chirks toain crossed
bats with tlio Indian nlno on tbo homo
groumls tlm afternoon and were easily ue-
fcatcd by n score of " 0 to 7. A largo crowd
was in attendance and thu game was excit
ing throughout ,
and O.ikos Mart-led.
DCXVBII , Colo. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bun. | The five champion lady
bicyclists , who completed a week of exciting
racing hero at Athletic park last evening ,
loft Denver for Omaha this evening ever thu
Burlington route. In charge of Morgan , who
backs Miss Oakes in the $1.030 sweepstake
race at Omaha. All the ladies are in line
condition and gave immense 'satisfaction to
the largo crowds horo. Morgan and Miss
Oakoi were married by a Justice of thopoaco
Just before the train started. J. J. Hardln ,
Kitty Brown and Helen Baldwin wit
nessed It. _
St. IjOlllH 1(0008.
ST. Louis , Juno 17. The weather was
showery , the attendance fair and the traok
firm and safo. Summary :
Seven furlongs , all ages Winona won ,
John M. second , Scromulor third. Timo.
1:31 * .
Five furlongs , two-year-olds Wattoraon
won , Lena Ban second , Klctlo N. third.
Time , 1:03. :
Mlle and n quarter , all ages Los Angeles
won , Mollto'B Last second , Poteen third.
Time , 2:14K.
Ouo rnilo , nil nget Fnyotto won , Lola
May second , Hurry Glenn third. Time , 1:40. : , short course Llloro won.
Nclllo Watklns second , Voltlgorn third.
Tlmo , U:53. :
Brighton Itcnoh Races.
BRIGHTON BHACU , Juno 17. Tbo track was
good until the second race , when rain rou-
dorbd it heavy. Summary :
Throe fourths of a railo Urbana won In
l:18 : > jr. RIploy second , Florlta third.
Onumilo Blue Line won In IM ) { , Wyn-
wnod second , Utility third.
Ono mile Vlviavon In l:50J : < f , Carrlo G.
second , Mala third.
Mlle and one-sixteenth Umpire won In
1:53. : My Own second , Pericles third.
Mile and an eighth Bonanza won In 3:03 : ,
Ton Booker second , Whlto Nose thinl ,
Train Wrcoknra Sentenced.
CANTON , O. , June 17. Frank Saddler and
Frank. Ryan , the two young men who made
two attempts n month a no to wreck the lim
ited vestibule train on tbo Plttsburg , Fort
Wayne & Chicago road , pleaded guilty to
day and wcro sentenced to tlftocn years in
the penitentiary and to pay a line of $500
fiovoro HnlltiturinH iu Ocnnnny.
Bum.iN , Juno 17. Several hailstorms pre
vailed , to-day , in many parts of Germany.
Whllo a procession was passing through the
street * of aSilcslnn town , llvo paradoru were
utruck with lightning and killed. Forty
others received scvero shocks ,
Death of John Gllbnrt.
BOSTON , Juno 17. John Gilbert , the well-
known actor , died this afternoon.
AUIIUKN , N. Y. , Juno 17. Rov. William
Hgainur , a conspicuous llguro In the antislavery -
slavery agitation aud ono ol the first turn-
porauco advocates ) , dlod this morning , ogod
It la n Curious Fact
Thnt the body is now more susceptible
to huncilt from medicine than at and
other season. Hence the importance pi
tnlcincr Hood's Sarsapurllla now , when
it will do you the moat pood. It is
really wonderful for purifying nnd on-
rtohlng the blood , creating an anpotito ,
and giving n healthy tone to the whole
Bystoin. Ho auro to get Hood1 Saraa-
imrillu , which la peculiar to itself ,
Bovoral Now Wltnossoa Examined
iu the Orouln Caso.
A Man Supposed to 11 o tlio Mysteri
ous Williams Arrcatoil fit AVIu-
nlpOR Mnronoy mill Mo-
Donnlil Released.
Pursuing tlio Investigation.
CHICAGO , Juno 17. The grand lury exam
ined numerous witnesses in the Cronln case
this morning , but BO far as known no now
evidence of n startling nnturo was adduced ,
Frank Woodruff was seen in his cell at the
nil to-day by an Associated press reporter
regarding the statements in his last confes
sion. Woodruff maintains In detail the accu
racy of his last story , and is evidently deter
mined to stand by it. Ho Indignantly denies
preparing any additional statement or con
fession , and Insists that many conflicting
stories previously credited to him emanated
entirely with the police and were fabrica
tions Intended to discredit any thing ho might
say in the future.
Among the witnesses examined wns Harry
Brown , clerk and junior partner of Alex-
dor Sullivan. Much the sauio questions
as these propounded to Mr. Windcs
on Saturday , were put to him. His testi
mony was of a very negative character , but
clearly established the fact that .Sullivan's
relations as a lawyer and an Irish loader
were distinct and separata and that his
duties in the latter capacity were never al
lowed to interfere with or become merged in
the business transactions of the firm.
Andrew J. Duggan testified at length to
his alleged knowledge of Lawyer Boggs' en
mity to Cronln. Bcggs Is the senior guar
dian of the Clau-nu-Unol camp which is said
to have tried Cronln for treason.
Bcggs himself testified next. Ho dis
avowed nil enmity to Cronln and insisted
that while ho liacl regarded the doctor as
visionary , and , indeed , somewhat fanatical ,
at times , they were really on terms of per
sonal friendship.
T. P. O'Connor , an active member of the
Clan-nu-Gacl. and ouo of Cronla's Intimate
friends , testified that ho was at ouo tlmo
approached by un agent of the Triangle and
notified to prepare himself for n "secret
mission" to Great Britain in behalf of the
"physical forco" societies. O'Connor was
warned by Cronin not to obey the mandate ,
the intimation being glvou that it tvus a
snare to got him away and betray him into
the hands of the British government.
Two of the members of the 11 rm of Lester
& Co. . brokers , testified again as to Alexan
der Sullivan's speculations.
George Bockwlth , of Lake View , testified
that about April 8 a man giving his
name as Mulcahoy walked into his
store at Lake View and engaged in
conversation. Ho corresponds to the de
scription of the man who hired the Carlson
cottage. Ho told Bcckwith that ho was an
Odd Fellow and n relative of O'Sullivan , the
ica man , Mulcahoy borrowed $10 on the
strength of his Odd Fellowship. Ho claimed
to tmilifrom Fonda , In. Bcokwlih saw him
some tlrno later on.onoof Sullivan's Ice
wagons , Mulcahoy was arrested to-day and
Bechwitti Identified him. Ho was afterwards
released , but ho is under sorvoillanco.
Immediately after the discovery of Cronin's
body O'Sullivan's Ice house and the Carlson
cottage were photographed. Martin Burke ,
who was standing near at the time , was
photographed. Tills satno Burke is now said
to be under arrest at Winnipeg on the charge
of being ono of the Williams brothers , who
rented the cottage and the man who hired
the expressman to move the furniture fro n
the Clark street flat to the cottago. The
photograph was shown this afternoon to the
Carlsons. Old man Carlson thought ho rec
ognized Burlc , but his wife and son were not
suro. The photograph is Imperfect and
somewhat clouded. The Jury debated for
some time as to the advisability of indicting
Burke at once inorder that steps might betaken
taken promptly for his extradition. It was
finally resolved , however , to defer action
until the expressman , who was sent to Now
York to identify Moroney and McDonald ,
should return and see the photograph.
Williams Caujtht at Winn Ipeg.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Juno 17. Last night
the chlot of police arrested Martin Burke ,
alias Delaney , wanted' for complicity in the
Cronln murder. He was boarding the east
ern express and hud a ticket for Liverpool ,
and Superintendent Hubbard of tlio Chicago
police , wno was communicated , with , noti
fied the authorities to hold Burke.
Burke , alias Deianoy , arrested yesterday ,
has retained counsel and has determined not
to voluntarily return to the states. Ho de
nies all knowledge of or complicity in the
Cronin case , and says ho was merely making
a trip to Ireland.
All the marks on JSUrko's linen and books
and papers found on his person have been
obliterated. A name on the band of a hat
fouud in his valise , resembling that of
Cronln , had boon smeared over with in It.
Chicago's Police Think it Is Williams.
CniCAOoJuno 17 It is stated by the police
this morning that the man arrested at Win
nipeg yesterday is Williams , the man who
rented the Carlson cottage and who hired
the furnlturo moved from 117 Clark street
to the cottago. The detectives have had
him under surveillance , but ho gave them
the slip and they had lost track of him for
some timo.
Burko's connection with tbo case , it was
found out later , is just this : Ho Is the man
who hired Martinson , the expressman , to
rarry the furnlturo from 117 Clark street to
the Carlson cottage. Detocvivo Palmer se
cured the photograph of the fellow , which was
shown to Martinson and' declared 'by him to
bo that of the man who hired him to
carry the furnlturo to tno Carlson
cottago. Burke obtained some money from
persons whoso names the police refuse to
divulge , and with it bought a ticket for
Liverpool via the Allan lino. Ho then
boarded a train for Winnipeg , intending to
go thence to Montreal , but was arrested at
the former place. Burke is a Clan-na-Gael
man and came hero several weeks before the
murder. Ho is from Hancock , Mich. , the
homo of ox-Dotcctivo Coughlln , and was a
friend of P.O. Sullivan.
Chief Hubbard said , In regard to Burke ,
that ho was the right man and that they were
nearer thoiunraveiling of the mystery than
over. Extradition papers will bo got out as
soon as possible and the man will bo brougut
hero in two or three days.
Maronoy and McDonald Released ,
NEW YOHK , Juno 17. The three men who
camo. on from Chicago for the purpose of
identifying Maronoy and McDonald as prin
cipals or accomplices in the murder of Dr.
Cronln , visited the Tombs this morning with
authority to see the prisoners. The suspects
were placed in line with a score f other
prisoners. William II. Hatflold , who sold
the furnlturo afterwards found in the cottage -
tago where Cronln was murdered , Was first
to pass along the line , and ho failed to Iden
tify either of the men. Ho was followed by
Martinson , the expressman , 12. G. Throck-
uiorton and Deputy Sheriff Williams , all of
whom failed to Identify the suspects. Ma-
ronoy and McDonald were then taken back
to their cells , and the Chicagoans lott the
Judge Roberts this morning -discharged
Mnronoy and McDonald on the ground that
there was no evidence on which to hold them.
Judge Andrews , after reviewing the ar
rest and proceedings , said t "Although it is
a matter of general newspaper notoriety
that Cronin was recently murdered in Chicago
cage , It appears that no competent legal ovl-
donco whatsoever was produced before a
magistrate , either of the fact of the murderer
or that Maronoy or McDonald committed the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sullivan's Wife Believes Him Innocoiit
LONDON1 , Juno 17. Mr. Margaret Sullivan ,
Ifo of Alexander Sullivan , who is spend
ing a few days with friends bore , says that
while she Is deeply pained at the imputation
implied in associating her husband's name
with the Cronin tragedy , her knowledge of
her huib&nd'e absolute ignorance ot the
crime sustains Lor , As far a the sensation
rolatns to her husband , she says she sees In
It Chicago nowsnatipV rot , composed partly of
nntlquated calumnies , whoso untruth was
shown years ago , and partly of malignant
aspersions of personal and enemies ,
whoso motives Chlcaco editors do not appre
ciate. She do'only deplores Crqnln's death
nnd says the presumption that her husband
liad personal Interest in her death rests upon
nn error , which "for n tlmo may sown to Jus-
tlfy censure. T iiji error will bo perfectly
shown horoaftcw TJioso who now condemn
her husband will bo itonorous In acknowl
edging his patldnfco < Snd fortitude.
Interviews Donlod.
CntOAOo , Juno ? 17J To-day Miss PaulJLv ,
sister of the saloon-keeper quoted last night
as corroborating Woodruff's latest statement ,
denied emphatically the interview attributed
to her. She says she knows nothing of
Alexander Sullivan , nnd never saw ouo
answering his description with Woodruff.
Her brother also denies the Important foa-
Lures of the Interview represented ns com
ing from him. _ _
The City Council.
The city council mot in adjourn cd session
Monday night. Present , Mayor Sloano nnd
Souncllmcn McMillan , .O'Kourko , Towlo ,
IJurko and Johnston. Counctlinan-oloct C.
C. Molchor was sworn in. The committee's
report on estimates tuado and work done on
Twenty-second street , between G and H , was
License permits were authorized to bo Is
sued to John Fixa and John McCuno. The
petition to change the grade of Twenty-fourth
itreot , from G to M streets , was adopted.
The adverse report on tbo petition on the
Twenty-fourth street grade was adopted *
The report on the license resolution was
adopted. Jotter & Young must fix the Thir
tieth street washout. The grade on "Missouri
avenue , from Twentieth to Thirteenth street ,
will bo established. The ordinance commit
tee reported favorably on ordinance No. 141 ,
tor a sidewalk on the west sldo of Twenty-
sixth street between N and Q streets , and
No. 143. establishing the grade on U stroot.
The ordinances were passed.
Ordinance No. 311 , the gas ordinance , was
was referred to the council as a committee
of the whole. Maynnrd Co.'s petition to put
up sign boards at all street corners was re
ferred. The petition for a sewer crossing
on Thirtieth srreot between T nnd U streets.
was referred. The petition for appraisers
Tor damages by the Q street viaduct was re
ferred to the committee on streets and alloys.
Daniel Hiitforty's communication , surronrtor-
ng his seat to Christian S. Molchor , was
read and accepted. The complaint of wash
outs at Twonty-soventh nnd I streets was re-
The finance committee reported favorably
on the folly wine bills : A. E. Brlgham , SI. CO ;
John McMillan , 83.50 ; Thomas Hector $55 W.
3. Sloan , $2.53 ; Electric Light company ,
$193 ; C. A. Welch , 833.40 ; Charles Splat ,
$10 ; Gibson. Miller & Richardson , 813.85 ; F.
Hilton , 89.39 ; Telephone comnanv , $3.55 ;
Ueos printing company , ? G. 75 ; Bruon & Car
penter , 83.50. The bill of Frank Allen for
? 3 was reported on adversely.
City Treasury Geary's report for May
was read us follows and referred :
3ash on hand May 1 . 8 2,309.94
Ueceivod . 577.00
Expended . . . . . , . 73.00
' '
Balance . . ' . . . . . . . 82,874.04
Cash on handMuy , ! . , , . 8 770.20
: . . . . . 2,555.00
B . , 53,331.20
Expended . v"-j . 3,270.0-
Baianco . I , ' . . . . . . . 800.34
iNcinijSTr. FUNDS.
Cash on hand May 1 . 8 23.14
Ueceivod . T. . 1,279.00 ,
, f J. 8 1,307.14
Expended . . 000.00
' °
Balance : . , , . . . ' 8 347.14
Cash on hand Ma > V I' " . ? 139.50
Received . . .I / 255.53
8 U95.03
Cosh on hand May 1 82,130.92
Received 1,933.17
$ 4,050.0 ; :
Expended 2,007,13
Balance 81.902.97
Cash on baud May 1 . 811,112.00
Received , 7,230.00
Expended 2,537.75
Balance ; . . . .515,774.31
Cash on hand May 31 811,942.33
Intcrcstou hand. . . . : 2,039.50
Cash on hand May 1 814,932.14 ,
Paidout ' 5,192.87
Balance - . § 9,789.27
Cash on hand May 1 82i,933.14 ,
Cash on baud May 1 : . .8 93.84
Cash received ' 511.00
Total ' . , ; . " . S 001.34
Expended ; 203.51
Balance 8 893.83
Cash on hand Muy 1 8 2,182.33
Received 819,150.00
Total 822,332.33
Cash on hand May 1 8 4.00
The mayor approved the bund of Council
man C. Melclior. Mayor Sloano appointed
Frank H. Bojd councilman from the First
ward , to 1111 the vacancv o xused by D. F.
Bayllss'resignation , and > j'appointment
was confirmed unanimously.
Nototj About the City.
Miss Hulda Carlson has boon sick for a
wools with mumps.
Charles Lear Is now In the employ of
Hubbard & Martin.
David Anderson has removed his oOlco to
the Nobrasua Savings Bank building.
Mrs. John C. Carroll , after a week's ill
ness , Is bettor , and is able to bo about.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Holland , of Atlantic ,
la. , are tbo guests of Mr. and Mrs , Elmer E.
Mrs. D. S. CurtiS , Who was called to Elk
Crook to bo at the'bqilsldoof her sick mother ,
has'rcturnod. > Js
Alfred A. Gary&'Ca. will have their open
ing next Sunday at their Twouty-fourtti
street beer gardens. (
Robert P , Mart o ! Chicago , is the guest
of his cousin , James P. Martin , of the com
mission firm of AJaj ln Brothers.
Mrs. M. Maylorl tot Rushvillo , who has
been visiting her daughters and sons-in-law ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jii Uqughoy nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Lon. R. Pinuqll , returned homo Mon
day , f .
Monday a local surgeon * removed a small
pebble , about tba&fcto of a pea , from the car
of P. S. Casoy. Mr ; Casey has boon troubled
for years , and of late'has ' boon nearly deaf
iu that oar. " S
Policeman Loyo had a fleeing fugitive getaway
away from him latd Mdaday night , and oven
the active use of his 'revolver aid not stop
the fleet-footed law breaker. Two or three
shots followed him and whizzed passed spec
tators , but doing no harm.
East N street was enlivened Monday after
noon with a double runaway. Bruon & Car
penter's gray team jamo up N street unat
tended , and N. PlnnoH'a delivery horse ,
taking tbo tip , joined jn , and in a few mo
ments all were going at n breakneck speed
down East N street. Mr. Plnnoll'a horao got
tangled up with a trco near the dump and
stopped before much damage was dono.
Broke Jior Arm.
Mrs. W. H. Reed , living at Twenty-second
and L streets , Monday aftfrnoon , wont
down the bill after water nnd , slipping , fell
and broke both bone * in the right forearm
near the wrist. A svr con was summoned ,
who reduced the tracturo.
Rates Loss From Now York Than
Chicago to St Paul.
The Effect of tlio Alton's Withdraw
From the Intor-Stnto Gommoroo
Railway Association Tlio v
Cut In Liiuubor Itntcs.
The Northwestern Complication.
CittoAoo , Juno 10. [ Spoclixl Telegram to
TnE BEE. ] The northwestern situation has
boon still further complicated by n reduction
of the St. Paul & Duluth to 51 cents , Now
York to St. Paul. This brings out the inter
esting state of affairs that Now York nnci
eastern merchants can ship freight from sea
board points to St , Paul 0 cents cheaper than
the Chicago merchant can ship exactly the
sumo class of goods from Chicago to St.
Paul , the local rate from Chicago to St. Paul
being CO cents.
After repeated and futllo attempts to set
tle the question with the Lake lines , the
roads now have under consideration the
abolishing of all pro-rating arrangements via
Chicago. This will , In effect , make the
through rate from the seaboard to St. Paul
the sum of the locals from tlio seaboard to
Chicago , and from Chicago to St. Paul. The
proposition Is a bluff at the trunk lines , but
Is moro than likely to win. The object
of the bluff is to compel do
trunk lines to stop helping out the
lake lines by pro-rating with them at Buffalo.
All-rail freight from the seaboard comes via
trunk and central traffic lines to Chicago.
The Vandorbllt lines , the Now York Cen
tral , Lake Shore , Michigan Control and
Nlcklo Plato ; the Pennsylvania road with
Its western lines , the Fort Wayne and Van-
dalla ; andtho whnlo Baltimore and Olilo
system , nro vitally interested In the continu
ance of the pro-rating arrangements with
Chicago. If tlio through ruto becomes the
sum of the local , nhd the trunk lines still
food the lake lines at Buffalo , almost every
> ouml of freight to and wast of Chicago and
St. Paul will coma by lake. West bound
.rnfllo over the Central Traftlo Hues , and
.runic lines without lulto connections , will bo
confined almost wholly to local points.This
is the club the western roads ere holding
ever the heads of the trunk lines , and if it
Tails , us it is liable to do , the thud will bo of
the D. S. kind.
To-morrow the matter will bo considered
jy the western roads , and , according to the
present outlook , pro-rating arrangements via
Chicago are likely to bo abolished. It Is
mrd to toll , however , what a day will bring
Alton's Withdrawal.
CuiOAGO , Juno 17. fSpecial Telegram to
THE BEB. ] The prophesies of the utter col
lapse of the Intor-Stato Commerce Hallway
association , owing to the withdrawal of the
Alton road , acorn to bo a trillo premature.
As a prominent official of a Central Traftlo
road said , to-day : "Itscorns to mo that the
withdrawal of the Alton will have less effect
on the association than that of any other
road in It. The Alton is not , by any means ,
a demoralizer. It will probably cut the llvo
stock rate to the bono , but will
cut it openly. For this reason the
roads in the association will have no diffi
culty in mooting the rates , as an article of
the agreement , introduced , by the way , by
Vice-President McMullln , of the Alton , gives
them all the privilege of meeting immedi
ately any rate made by an outsider. Al
though the Alton can not officially sever its
connection with the association until July 15 ,
It considers itself , and is considered by the
members , as an outside road. The with
drawal of the Alton is rio moro of a reason
for the dissolution of the association than the
refusal of the Illinois Central to Join was a
reason , in the beginning , lor its non-forma
tion. "
The AUon Is not ready to sav yet what
action it will take relative to the live stock
traffic , except that it proposes to got its
sharo. Not long ago Vico-Prosldont McMul-
lin claimed that the llvo stock rate from Kan
sas City to Chicago was too high , as it gave a
chance for the weak roads to manipulate it.
Ho was m favor of lowering the rate to a
living figure , where It could not bo cut except -
copt at a loss. This policy will undoubtedly
bo adoutcd.
To-day General Manager Chappoll said :
"Our'withdrawol was decided on only after
the most careful consideration. A mooting
of the directors was called , and they agreed
unanimously with us that it was the proper
thing to do. Wo stood tha manipulation
of the St. Paul road us lone as wo could.
vVo have practically boon paying them money
by allowing them to haul traffic which right
fully belongs to us. Wo are going to quit
that now and pay the money to the ship
pers. "
Tlio St. I'nnl Kcclucc.4 Rates.
CHICAGO , Juno 17. The Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul road to-day gave notice
that , taking effect Juno 20 , the rates from
Davenport to the Interior of Iowa and
cast of tno Mississippi river would
bo so arranged as to virtually abolish
bridge tolls and amounts to a reduction
of 10 per cent in rates from Illinois
points located on the river. The action of
the Chicago & Alton railroad In giving no
tice of withdrawal from the Inter State
Commerce Railway association is generally
rosarded as the beginning of the and of the
presidents' agreement. Chairman Walker
to-day , in n letter to Vico-President Mullen ,
of the Alton , acknowledging the re
ceipt of his commonlcation , says : "I
can not refrain from expressing my
regret that before making your
action formal you did not inquire as to the
course taken by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul under the recent recommendations
of the oxccutlvo board. Had you done so , I
bellovo that your inference would , to some
extent at least , have been modified. "
Tlio Cut Lumber Unto.
CHICAGO , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to
Thu BEE.I The long delayed notice of re
duction in the lumber rate to Missouri river
points , by the Alton , will bo sent to Wash
ington to-night. It was found Impossible to
lower the rate to 10 cants without starting a
rate war from southern lumber points , and
a compromise was made on ID cents , the
southern roads agreeing to maintain their
rates. The 13-ccnt rate will bo met by all
competing roads. *
Bunker.Hill Celebrated.
BOSTON , Juno 17. "Bunker Hill" day was
celebrated by a carnival parade In the fore
noon and a military and civlo parade in tbo
Nnw Yomc , Juno 17. Trunk Line Com
missioner Albert Fmlc has tendered his ros <
fgnation on account of ill health.
Positively cured by
' these LUtlo IMPls.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLC digestion and Too Hearty
Eatlnc. A perfect remedy
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Cad Taste
la the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Fain in the Side ,
regulate tuo Dowels. Purely vegetable.
i'oilllToIr curtd In BO d i l rl
TruM.comtlndO. Ou nuitetd UM
only one In U > world inm ratlnp
= ? .t0&lntlflo.l'uw 'rful.pufBjU.
Rc SVurr < . . ' .
fa & $ & $ ® & &
oi/iwd / iWiB
For Bilious nnd Nortouj Disorder ! , tuchnsWInd andPiln In the Stomach , Sick llendncho , Glddlneu , Fut
neii , and Swelling fttl r Meali , Dlnlruu nnd Drowilneu , Cold Chilli , Flushing ! ol H l. toil ol Appetite ,
Shorlnetl ot Breath , Coitlveneii , Scurry , Blotchet on tha Skin. Dlilurbtd Sleep , Frightful l Dreamt , and ale
Nervoui and Trembling Sentatloni , So. THE FIRST DOSE WU.L GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES.
This is no fiction. Every sufferer IB earnestly invited to try ono Vex ot ilicao Mils , aud they will bo
acknoff lodged to bo n Wonderful aMMnc.
BEECUAM'S PlLtS , token as tllrootod , will quickly rtitore female * to complete health. For a
thor ACT LIKE MADID : n / " < doirs will work wonders upon the VHM Organ : Strengthening the
muscular Syilem ! restoring ng-lost Completion : bringing back the keen edge ol appetite , nna
Mousing with the ROSEDUD OF HEALTH tlio ifliolenliutleat / < ntrrviiot the humnn fratno. Tlioss
nro "facts > admitted by thousands. In nil cbswsofn/x-loty ! and onooftliobc&tKimrnntoestot
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full directions with cocuBox.
Prepared only l > y Tiios. iir.ECilAM , St. ilclrtm , rmtriulilro , riiKlnnd.
SoM J > moot * > ( jencrallu. B. F. ALLEN & CO. , 303 nnd 387 Canal St. , New York , Bole Agonta for
tboUnltoiJ States , who ( It your druggist dooo not keep thorn , )
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ot Electric Science Sci
Qentlcmcn'iBtlt entifically Made and Practically Applied.
nlth Eltttrle CURElfWifHOUT
IT WILL CURE YOU nT TOO Pain * In Ike n tk Ifcnd or I.lrabt. NVnr-
, nn > Itahuiiy , luraba i > y i
' lsNvurmla1a. . 8olatlMintMMi DrI Iplnnl I > Urne , rrr. uout , Kihn > tfon !
EMluIonfi. Attkmn , IfcArt PUeftMs l > r tMli _ _ -.if " * -
PjUiicT. 3 l irTh , WIM , KD | | P TI J > omb A ai bol belt I * Juit What T tta. KlfetHcilv
Whole f ( imllT can wear It. It lectrlBci th bl
and cure *
KV I IMUIllALv , -.and. H.8.1' rkeramlJ.M. lUilett.silon Uoanl of Tnule.Chlra-
crnt A. Qrcfforr , commission merchant Stock Yitrufi llndd boble.tha irreat horncmant A. O. Woodier , II. D ,
R)8Mnln Street , . - . " . " . - " . " . " . . . . , , , . .
) IluBal- Y.I O. W. Ilellui.H. 1) , Mormontown.Tows Lemuel Milk Ki nkr > k o 111. ) Juden 1.
K. Murray , Kanrrrlllo . , lll.i E.UAWiott. upt.cU3rwi > ti > rwork , Bouthlltnd , I nit | ItobU It. Bnmpuon , ChlciMfO
poitofflcoi L.D.McMI lchaclM.l ( ) .llutlalo , K. . 'Vour. bolt has accompllKhiHl whnf no othc rennMlr hnat
MuaJynenresimtt comfortable je p
TruM.comblncJ. Uuitrantcctltha
only ono Intlm vrorM trencmtlna KR , KID1KT and pihauitlnir
'w ffij&Si OontMn. " ,23 , to i lpoyg 3 ot
- - sr ijsit
NCES : Any bank , commercial nironcjr orivotil bojru * coiarimlMi vtttinjmnv Mlum and worth.
hourn in Chicago ) wholwalo UrugeUls , flan Josn tmluulons. ELECTRIC TRUSSES rOB UUmUIU
trancUco and Chicago. , O.WIO eurrd. Bond BtampforLluitroteU pamphlet. (
D R. W. J. HORNS , Inventor , 180 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , 'Etc.
For Sale by M. H. BLISS' Omahx ,
18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL.
f mBM w r m .
Instantly stops the nioit oxcruclatlnK pains ; never fulls t > cUe case to the mtflYror ,
NEQUAUJIA , SCIATICA , HKAlAOHH.T001'HACaU , or any ether 1'AIN , a tow apnllcatlona
act like magic , causing tlio pain to Instantly atop.
Internally taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drop * In halt a tumbler of wntor will euro In a fovr
minutes Cramp Hnasins. Sour Stomach. Colic , Flaiitulonco. Heartburn , Cliolurn Morons. Dyscntry ,
Diarrhoea. Sick Headache , Nausea , Vomiting. Nervousness , tjluoiilusanesa , Jlnlnrla and alliutcruul
lialua urlaintj from change of diet or wntor or other causes.
6O Uonis a Dottle. Sola by Druggists.
Pears' Soap
Fair white hands.
Bright clear complexion
Soft healthful skin.
TliB Great English Complonlon SOAP.-Sold . Eveiywliero. "
JUiiniifdcturern of the Jteat
Dry Air Refrigerators.
2 e most popular Hiving mntlo. Cold fitoruiie a tij
Call mid see ns at HOlh anil Hurt streets.
. O.Wholesale
Wholesale and Hotnll Dealer In
Builders' ' Hardware and Mechanics' Tools
& a South ftlxlvculli Slvcut , "Her