Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1889, Image 1

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Two Young Girls Brutally And
Mysteriously Murdorod.
Throats And Almost Severed
Jltinda Suspicion Directed to
n Hardened Urothcr-In-Jjaw
The Coroner's Jury.
Horrible Douhlo Murder.
Gnr.simf , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnc.l This community Is wild
with excitement over a horrible double mur
der which was committed last evening. The
victims nro two daughters , aged respectively
eight nnd sixteen years , of John Lcavitt , n
farmer living In Sownrd county , thrco nnd n
half miles southeast of this place. Last night
nt about 11:30 : o'clock the inhabitants of
Grcsham wcro aroused by awful cries and
shrieks of murder , coming from the lips of
the parents of the girls , who had driven into
town nt full speed , The old lady and gentlemen -
men had loft the girls ut homo yesterday and
cnmo to ( own to tuako n visit and remained
hero until after 0 o'clock ir\tho \ eveningwhen
they drovohomo.
Upon entering tlio house the oldest girl
was found lyinir in tbo middle of the floor In a
pool of blood with her throat cut in n horrlblo
manner. Nothing was scon by them of the
younger girl , but they'nt once turned tholr
teams toward town to glvo the nlarm.
Parties nt once went to the socno. In
tholr search noout the promises the younger
girl wns found lying in the front yard with
her throat also cut from car to oar.
The scene of the crlmo was visited by n
BEB representative , to-day. It was n sick
ening nnd terrible sight. Ono form , that of
the little eight-year-old daughter , Caroline ,
wns the first ono soon. She lay nbout twenty
feet from the house , whcro she had been
overtaken by her murderer. She fell for
ward as though violently thrown to the
ground. Her fnco was turned partly'up-
ward .revealing the ghastly cut at her throat.
In the house , just Inside the door , lay Bes
sie's lifeless form. She , unlike her younger
sister , lay upon her back with her face
turned to ono sldn. So torriflc were the cuts ,
two of which \\'cra made , that the head was
nearly severed from the body. A largo pool
of blood still lay on the floor , the plun boards
being unable to absorb so much.
The table on which the girls had been
writing stood just as they had used it. On
the floor lay the Innip. broken in pieces , ana
the bottle of ink still corked. The letters
were on the table. In an ordinary tirno ono
might have smiled at ttio rough writing and
simple phraseology of these last efforts of
the untutored tnlnds and untrained hands ,
biit now they had n deeper meaning , nnd the
helplessness nnd Innocence of the victims
were the more clearly brought tomind. They
were tholr school teacher nnd were
as follows :
"GiiEsitAM , Juno 10 , 1SS9. Dear Friend
Teacher : I am well nnd every tlmo wo take
Anther ho fights us.Ho can not walk yet ,
, ' _ V is so lauioln his anKle on his loft foot ,
ft ono of our turkeys got drowned on Satur
day. Write a letter to Bessie's fellow. Good
bye. From Your , CAHOLINU. "
The other was :
"Dear Teacher , I want you to como on
Thursday , the 10th. Bo sure and to come.
From your respectful Bcsslo Lcavltt. "
Ono object , which at first did not attract
the eye , was a stout qottonwood club under
the form in the houso. It had apparently
not been used. Mr. Lcavitt was found In , but readily entered into conver
sation , rio said : "I went to Grcsham , yes
terday morning , and returned homo about 2
o'clock. I stayed around the house from
that tlmo until evening. Everything was
quiet , and as usual. I don't remember of
seeing anybody nt all near the house , be
sides the family. In the evening , I made up
my mind to go to Grcsham , so hitched up
the team , 'iho littla girls wanted mother to
o along , and take the baby because it had
§ con sick , nnd it and mother both
needed the fresh air and so. about S o'clock ,
wo started , leaving the little ones them
that's dead now to take care of the houso.
Wo visited in Grcsham and bought n sack of
flour and started homo a little after 0
o'clock. When wo got here , about 10 , the
house was dark. I called to the girls , ns I
always did , to bring out the lantern , hut
they didn't answer. Wife said she guosscd
they had gone to bed and wont in herself to
got the lantern. She lighted a > match nnd
then 1 hoard her scream , and she came run
ning out crying 'Poor Besslo's murdered.1
I ran Into the house , lighted n lamp and saw
Bcssio as you sco her on the floor. I called
for my Carrie , but she didn't answer.
I looked under the bed and all
around , but couldn't find her
any placo. I wont back to the wagon and
didn't know what to do. Mother told mo to
ilrivo back to town , so wo did , screaming
murder all the way. Some people came back
with us nnd they found Caroline out whcro
she Is now. That Is nil I know nbout It , and
that is too much. "
When asked if ho had any suspicion to who
the perpetrator of the deed could be , ho said :
'No , but mother has. "
Mrs. Lcavitt Is n rnpln speaker , She said :
' Yes , I suspect old Stolnblack. Ho lives
just touth-of us. Wo have had trouble with
him , and ho has threatened to kill mo. Last
Monday I or.upht him throwing brush on
our corn and told him to stop , arid ho said :
'You old black , I'll ' send you to h 1 ,
you have been stealing my land.1 The
trouble wo had wasovoi the division between
our farms.
Coroner Slip , of Mllford , arrived nbout 3
o'clock nnd immediately commenced nn ox-
iunimton. | ! Mr. Lcavltt wns first put on the
stand and swore to the fuels already ulveu.
Ho was very clear in his testimony. The
coroner succeeded in bringing out n fact ,
which ho had heretofore been reticent about
mentioning , for fear It might cast unwar
ranted suspicion on an innocent party ,
Ho has u son-in-law named Frank Bode-
well who wus married to his oldest daughter
five years agp , and lived with him Lut a
short tlmo. going from there to Lincoln ,
where ho left his iu the poorhouse , colng
himself to Muln < 4 , his old homo. Mr. Lcavltt
brought his daughter homo , but she soon fol
lowed her husband to Maine , but did not
stay long , Hodmvcll followed her west , but
It soon appeared ho was wanted for murder
committed in SprlngVnlo. Mo. Lcavitt
turned him over to the authorities nna hud
never heard from him since , only of his
threats to bo revenged on Leuvllt. This was
thrco or four years ago.
From n neighbor's testimony , it became
evident that Bodwell may bo tha perpetrator
of the fiendish net. About 5 o'clock , lust
evening , a man answering his description ap
plied nt n house , thrco miles west of Lca-
vltt'a , nnd naked for food which wus clvon
blin. Ho had a very suspicious nir , and
ecemcd bent on no pood. Ho wua watched
until out of sight. It is the opinion of many
that this was tlio man. Ho tins not boeu seen
The only other evidence of any Importance
given before the Jury wo ? that of tw ° HWlt
boys rulatiDK to iho tlmo the murder was
committed. They wcro returning homo about
0 o'clock , nnd hoard thollttln girl scream anil
also u man's ' voice , and n sound as of blows
Vboy wcro a quarter of a mlle nwny so couU
not distinguish what was said , nnd merely
supposed tha girls nera beliiK whipped UJ
tholr father ,
Kully Uvo hundred people visited tUasccm
of the tragedy , to day. &OUID coming from ai
far as thirty miles. The excitement Is iu-
tense , but no ono knows who or where tin
murderer Is that ho might bo lynched , as hi
surely would be it brought here. Too core
ncr's jury was unable to nrrlvo nt any ver
dict other than that the girls came to their
death by means of having their throat * cut
with a sharp instrument , with murderous in
tent , by some unknown person.
The authorities of Sownrd county , In
which the erimo was committed , will do nil
In their power to ferret out the perpetrator
of this foulest of all murders over committed
in this part of the state.
At Fort. Itollinon.
Font RomxsoN , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bnc. | The last Sunday
review and Inspection at Fort Robinson took
place yesterday. The order oT the president
Is expected this week abolishing all reviews
nnd inspections In the army on Sunday. The
troops were reviewed by General Brisbln ,
Major Kellogp , Eighth Infantry , commandIng -
Ing the column. The marching and wheel
ings were splendid , nnd when they parsed
the reviewing stand the twelve sub-dlvislonn
were perfectly Inline. The order of. the
rrosldont Is hailed with delifthtr by both
oniccrs and men , making Sunday a day of
rest In the army.
A Runaway Accident.
DAKOTA , CITY , Nou. , Juno 17. | Special
Telegram to Tun Bnn.-a. | W. Wilkinson ,
treasurer of this county , while jumping out
of n buggy last night , had both bones of his
left leg broken Just below the knee. The
team had boon frightened nnd was running
down a sleep hill , when the polo of the
buggy dropped and ho and his companion
jumped. Dr. Wilkinson was caught by the
wheel and injured as above stated. Ills com-
uanlon , Ernest Warner , escaped unhurt.
Lancaster Tonohors' Iiiultutc.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBB.J The teachers of Lan
caster county mot In their annual normal
instltuto to-day at the Lincoln business col
lege. It is under the direct superintendence
of Superintendent McClusky , who is as
sisted by Prof. Rakostraw , of Nebraska
City ; Mrs. Jenkins , of Peru , and Prof.
Hunt , of the state university. The attend
ance Is quite largo , and the teachers of the
county thus work with enthusiasm.
Kills Two Men.
Nnucm , Neb. , Juno 17. Near Hickory
Postofllco , twouty-llvo miles northwest of
here , A. L. Davis and a hired man named
Brown were killed by lightning. They had
taken refuge from tbo rain In a barn. They
wcro In the lolt when killed. The barn was
wrecked and partially burned. Two children
If the lower story wcro taken out unharmed.
They were imprisoned under the wrcnk of the
stable , nntl would have boon burned to death
but for the timely assistance of their mother.
A New Church Coll. "
BiiAiNAiiu , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to Tnn
BEE. | The dedication of the new bell by
St. Mary's Catholio society took place here
yesterday. A largo procession , headed by
the Brainard Silver Cornet band , marched
through the principal streets of the town to
the church. The interior of the building
was handsomely decorated with flowers and
plants nnd a largo audience witnessed the
Interesting exercises. To-day the boll was
raised to the church steeple.
' Stirring Up the Saloons.
TECUJISEII , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to Tnn
Bee. | So mo excitement has been produced
by tbo announcement that tbo no-licenso
pcoplo were about to take legal steps to close
up the two saloons in town. The general
feeling seems to bo that as the majority
voted license at the late election saloons
should bo licensed and hold strictly to ac
count under tho.Slocumb law.
, _ _ _ _ _
Damage to the Corn Crop.
CKAIO , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special to THE
BCE. ] Farmers arc complaining consider
ably of the damage done by the heavy rain
Saturday. It tvashcd the corn badly , es
pecially corn that was listed. "But the good
done to the small gram and pastures will
more than compcnsato for damage done to
the corn crop. Almost thrco Inches of .rain
fellin a very few minutes.
Little Girl Drownod.
OAKLAND , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to Tnn
BEE. ] Last evening , about half-past 0 ,
some children wcro playing near the millrace -
race , and In attempting to cross on a six-
inch plank the flvo-ycar-old daughter of
Peter Young accidentally missed her foot
ing , fell into iho water and was drowned.
The body was recovered in about twenty
minutes and a physician called , but all ef
forts to bring her to life wcro of no avail.
Smotlieroil In "Wheat Bin.
DAWSON , Nob. , June 10. [ Special to THE
BnE. ] Last Saturday , two boys were playIng -
Ing In n wheat bin from which the grata was
being loaded into a car alongside the ele
vator. Ono of thorn , Frank Armstead , aged
ten years , was drawn Into the flow , and
although the willing hands of nearly ono
hundred men wcro instantly at work for his
rescue , ho was taken out dead.
Crops Damaged by Hn.ll.
HAHVAHD , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J A severe hail
storm passed cast of this town
Saturday afternoon , devastating a
tract thrco miles wide and fifteen or twenty
miles long. Farmers in the balled district
report early corn severely damaged , but late
corn not much Injured. Flax was destroyed
totally and oats about 50 per cent.
A Colored Pastor Skips.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 17. | Special Tele-
crnm to THE BEB. ] Rev. Corham , pastor of
the Second Baptist church , colored , has , it is
openly charged , strayed from the straight
and narrow path , His penchant for liaisons
with comely maiden lambs of his flock be
came a matter of easy proof to-day , and ho
suddenly decamped for other parts , . His
point of destination Is unknown.
A New Ctiurcli ,
" "
SCWA.UD , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special" to TUB
BUB. 1 The Methodlstcongrogatton hero has
grown so largo that a now church Is neces
sity. Services wcro held for the last tlmo In
the old building yesterday. It will bo torn
down and a now brick structure built in Its
stead , to cost f 10'QOO , and will bo modeled
after tbo Presbyterian church at York.
ThrottloU n Clilnnnmn.
BEATRICE , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Titc BUB.- Samuel McConnell , ar
rested for throttling a Chinaman , last night ,
was given a hearing this afternoon. Ho
pleaded not guilty , waived examination , and
was bound over to the district court m $3'J } ,
in default of which bo wus committed to the
county Jail.
Snturclny'fl Storm nt Hiving.
EWJXO , Neb , , Juno 17 , [ Special to TUB
Hen. ] Another grand rain , visited this sec
tion last Saturday , Not fur years has there
been so good a prospect for an abundanl
harvest as now. Mr. Donaldson , a farmer ,
living near town , lost a tlno uiaro during the
Saturday storm.
Burglary nt IMnttsniniith.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , JUIlO 17 , [ SpCClttl
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Some thieves en
tercd the house of W. H. Newell yesterday
afternoon. They got $3 In inonoy. Nothing
else was misting ,
To Knock the- Court House Bond * .
PiaTTdMOUTii , Neb , , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bcc.l The farmers wil
meet to-night at Munloy to devise ways and
means to knock the county court house bonds
that carried at the late election.
i'nris Cab Drivers' Strike Umloil ,
PAIIIS , Juno 17. The cab drivers' strike is
ended and cabs arc running to-day as usual
Baronosa Burdott - Oontta Enter
tains the American Baglnoora.
Wrestling Match tlotwocn Wnnnop
nntl .Jack Cnrkcek U la Vet n
Stand OH' The Fnkod
Berlin Treaty.
The Pleased Visitors.
ICopyr/o'il / JS39 / / / / Jet it u OjrJ'i : : ni'tt1 ;
LoNnox.Juno 17.-New [ York Herald Cnblo
Special to Tim Buu.J Sir John Geode and
other gentlemen of the Hoyal Institution of
Jlvll Engineers , who made It their special
business to fill every moment for the Ameri
can engineers with ROQIO pleasant experiences
iscorted them through St. James' and Buck-
ngliam palacoi to-day. They saw the royal
mews , also , by express permission of her
majesty , and amused themselves on the
mows , as ono of the younger members of the
) aYty put it , "and the Lord have mercy on
its soul , " but the event of the day was a
; arden party given In the afternoon by
Baroness Burdott-Coutts.
All of the Americans and many of their
English friends went up about half past 3
to Holly lodge , nn.l from that hour until 8
o'clock the beautiful park surrounding the
: edge was bespangled with the bright cos
tumes of the ladles , and allvo with music
nnd the ngrccablo chatter of the guests. ' The
oaronoss enjoys the reputation of special
hospitality to strangers , and sustained that
reputation yesterday , providing the most
elegant entertainment to the nearly two
hundred wandering subjects of Uncle Sam ,
and gathering about thorn the most pictur
esque and Interesting company that could
well bo picked up in London.
The Marquis of Lorno was one of the earlv
arrivals , and entered us ho departed a couple
of hours later , without any sign of recog
nition from the crowd of natives that
gathered about the gate.
The Archbishop of Cyprus , an austere
Slack , in canonicals and silver cross , came
later , attended by four of his swarthy com
panions and colleagues of the Cypriote
mission ; then the Chinese minister and
members of his suite. Then came the
Bishop of Kerry , followed by Andrew
Tlio day was far advanced when Mr. Lm-
colu drove up in n madost brougham , accom
panied by his daughter. Among the last of
the arrivals was Baroness Henry do Worms.
The lodge gate was hung with the co-
mingled colors of the English and the United
States and the came standards bedecked
every place in the park available for decora
tions. There were many refresh
ment booths and conservatories.
At iho entrance to the mansion the guests
were greeted in turn by the baroness , who
was -supported , by Mr. Bartlett-Coutts , and
took each visitor by the hand. The renowned
Caldstrcam Guards' band furnished music
from ono pavilion and tbo Poltco band from
ano.hcr. The day was perfect , auJ every
body looked entirely comfortable.
Carkcclc and Wnnnop.
18&0 by James Gordon Ilcnnslt. \
Juno 17. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tnn Bnc.l The wrestline
match between Jack Carkeek and Jack
Wannop , the champion , was resumed at
Plymouth , to-night. Wannop was in better
form rnd made play for the first twenty
minutes , in catch-as-catch-can , Carkeek act
ing on the defensive. Although Wan
nop made splendid attempts , Carkeek
saved hlmselj capitally. After an interval ,
Carkcok did good work , but Wannup was too
clover. Even when his opponent actually
stood him on his head Wuunop managed to
land himself safe. The enthusiasm was
great and the play most exciting.
In the third bout Wannop walked on his
head in n most extraordinary manner , Car-
keck holding him by the legs , but could do
nothing. Carkeek then got the double Nel
son and put his man over his
back ; both then played a determined
game , and after an interval Carkcok
attempted another double Nelson , but Wan
nop collared his opponent , ns ho lay on top ,
by his head nnd turned him over in grand
stylo. Carkeek lay otf the ground , resting
on his head and legs. Ho tried all ho know
to escape , but Wannop bundled him well ,
and , by sheer skill and strength , pulled him
down fair. /
The man had now obtained a back each ,
and it only remained for one to get and then
to win the match. 'I hey continued up to the
call of tlaie , but neither gained the advan
tage and the match was declared a draw.
A Bonus Treaty Ulspatcli.
BERUN , Juno 17 , ( New York Herald
Cable Special to THE Bcn.l I am author
ized to cable oQlclal assurance that tbo re
port which recently appeared in the Now
York papers , and which purnortod to bo the
Sauioan treaty , was written la Now
York or Berlin from the printed
documents published at Washington
prior to the meoetlng of the conference , nnd
by a person who had never soon the draft
before the conference or any clause thereof ,
The faked trcity differed widely from the
incomplete draft then existing , and that
draft was not the same as that finally
The Decayed French Nnvy ,
[ Copi/rfoH 1837 by Jtim'i GorAan Ilcnnc'.t. ]
PAIIIS , Juno 17. | Ncw York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BEK. ] In the chamber of
deputies , to-day , VIco-Admlral Dhornoy de
clared that the men-of-war now possessed
by Franco wcro of au antiquated typo and
ought to bo replaced by now vessels , which
would equal in number and strength the
united fleets of Germany and Italy , Only
In this way would Franco bo able to retain
her rank ot the second naval power of the
worl d.
Steamship Arrivals.
At Hamburg The Rhcctla , from Now
At Southampton-Tho Elbe , from New
York , for Bremen.
At London Tbo Egyptian Monarch , from
Now York.
At Philadelphia Tbo British Princess ,
from Liverpool ,
At Queonstown The British Prince , from
Philadelphia ,
At Glasuow The State of Nevada , from
New York.
At New York La Normaudlo , from
Havrc'aud the Ethiopia , from Glasgow ,
Dakota Fnrmcrn' Alllnnoo.
PJEIIRC , Dal : . , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] Tivonty-flvo delegates to the
Territorial Farmers' alllanca arrived over
land from the Black Hills to-day , and wcro
the guests of the city during their stay iu
A. Noliraikaii Arrested at Ijoulsvllloi
Louisyi tE , Juno 17. A young man giving
hi * name as Sauiucl Ulcharda was arrested
hero to-day charged with a rape committed
at York , Neb , The marshal of that place
took him away to-night ou a requisition. His
utuuo is said to bo Richardson.
The Vnlkyrlo Downs the Ynrnna and
the Ircx.
ICwiirtulil JS50 bu Jiimti Oanloiv Bennett , )
Qunn.vsTOWN , Juno 17. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE BED. ! At the Royal
3ont Yacht regatta , which commenced at
Queonstown , to-day , In the race lor yachts
of twenty tons nnd upwards the following
competed : The Ircx , cutter , nlnty-olght
tons ; the Valkyrie , cutter , sovcnty-sovon
tons ; the Ynrnna , cutter , Hfty-nlno tons ;
the- Deerhound , cutter , forty , tons. The
course was originally fixed nt forty miles ,
but the wind was HO light the commlttoa de
cided to shorten It.
The start was effected in almost n flat
calm ; any little wind that there was came
from the south southeast. The Valkyrie ,
well to windward , was the first to cross the
the line , closely followed by the Dcorhouud ,
the Yarana inshore , third , whllo the Ire'x
lay becalmed n hundrcdyards below the start
ing line , endeavoring to stem thocbbtldo ;
nnd , as a consequence , she was flf teen minutes
late nt the start. After rounding the Spit
light the boats had to beat to sea , during
which Iho Valltyrio continued to hi-
orcnso her lead. The Irex took the
ground on Coorland bank , and , It being
ebb tldo she remained there'four hours. The
wind now slightly increased , and with jib
topsails sot the others stood out for the Poor-
hcad flngboat , which WAS rounded by the
Vnlkyrlo twelve minutes ahead of the Ynra-
na , which had drifted ahead of the Deor-
hound. Jib topsails were taken in nnd the
balloon Jibs set , nnd with free sheets they
proceeded for the Donats Rock lighthouse ,
heading west by south. The wind , which
again died away as the yachts rounded the
Poorhoad light , freshened when the Val-
kyrlo was almost duo south of Radio's
Point , otherwise the yachts would never
have reached Queonstown , as the flood tldo
was setting la against them. The Ynrana
andlDeerhound felt the brcezo later on , nnd
they closed considerably op the leader. Tlio
wind again died away , nnd the spinnakers
being sot for the run homo , with the flood
tide , it was a drifting match for the rest of
the course. The yachts were timed as fol
lows as they arrived off the club quay : Val
kyrie , 5:2:33 : : ; Ynrana , 5:17:51 : ; Deerhound ,
5:31:20. : The Valkyrlo' takes first prlzo and
the Yarana the second ,
IOWA NEWS. , 5 '
Two Boys Drowned.
DCS MOI.NIS , In. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnn.l Henry Gundorson , the
seven-year-old son of Mr. Henry Gundorson ,
a Norwegian stonecutter residing on East
Second and Scott streets , was drowned in the
Dos Alolnos river , at the Djagonal bridge , ut
10:45 : , to-day. Ho was climbing up on the
iron work of the bridge and fell , first strik
ing the pier and then sltiktqg in eight feet of
water. The body was recovered fifteen min
utes later. It Is the fourthchild they have
A drowning Is also reported from Lucas ,
where n , party of boya were bathing In a
pond that bad gathered around a deserted
shaft among the mines. " Young Hlllery ,
fourteen years old , got in .over his head and
was drowned.
An Attempted Suicide. . 17. | Special
Telegram to Tun BEB.J Mrs. Donbow , a
widow aged about slxty attempted sulcldo
yesterday r.rtornoon 'by ) 'shooting herself
with a 22 calibre revolver , the ball entering
between the loft breast and shoulder , caus
ing serious but not fatal injury. The woman
was divorced from her first husband , William
Fallis , who lives at Stockton , Kan. Later
she married Dr. William Donbow , nn old vet
eran , who died ubout four years ago , since
when she has lived alone , brooding over and
mrgnifying her troubles uutll her mind gave
Shot BY n Jealous Rival.
Dns MOINES- . , Juno I ? . * [ Special Tele
gram to THU BEG. ] EdVlse , aged seven
teen , son of Samuel Wise.a photographer , of
Wilton , was shot by an unknown party last
night at 10 o'clock , on leaving the homo of
Miss Carfio Warren , of the same placo. The
ball lodged In his right lung. His condition
is critical. Both parties are highly respecta
ble. Much excitement' prevails. Wise lias
been paying some attention to tbo young
lady , and it Is was shot by some
jealous rival. A search is being made for
the would-be assassin * .
A Paper Alftl Durnod.
MASON Cmla. . , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn BIUI : ] The Rookford Paper
mill , ono of the most cxponsivo enterprises
of the kind In the state , burned yesterday.
An entlicly now organization was recently
formed and the now machinery was sot in
operation on F.riday. Tliq loss is estimated
at 515,000 ; covered by $4,000 insurance. The
origin of the fire is unknown , but it is
thought to have caught from a hot box. The
company will at once commence work on anew
now building , and will again bo in operation
by fall. _
AVnywurd Youths.
DBS MOINES , la. , Juno 17 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.n. ] The assistance of the
public is asked by a widow in Stanhope ,
northwestern Iowa , to find her son , Emphey
Bute , who disappeared from homo on June
10. Ho Is about fit teen years old , bright and
Intelligent , and ho went awny in company
with an older boy named Jackson. The latter
stele his father's horse and no trnco of the
boys has been found. The father of Jackson
docs not care whether ho returns or not , but
the poor widow is very nnxlous that her boy
should bo found and sent to the reform
Held Up Uy Kootpnds.
WATEHI.OO , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bnc.1 Late Saturday night
two burglaries were committed In this , clty ,
and ono man was held up , by footpads last
night. The nollco tracked the burglars to
the woods above tha city , and came upon
eight of them , the police- , using their revolvers
vers freely. Five of thp fellows were cap
tured , but these who had committed the
crimes escaped. Tfiey 'vyoro dressed well
and had no appearance of. being tramps.
The Adair County FJro IIui- ) .
DCS Moixi ! ? , la.- J'un4'17. [ Special Tele-
pram to TUB BnB.J Goy roor ' Larrabeo to-
day issued n proclamqtlo ; i , offering a reward
of $500 for the arrest p'f jiq persons who are
believed to have cauaqd iho Incendiary fires
at Greenfield , Adair comity , on Mav 0. The
town seemed to bo in thp.luuids of flro bugs ,
and the authorities bnvqf urged the governor
to help them discover thb , incendiaries.
fitruoUDy li
DCS MOINES , la. , Junq'i'"l7 ' , JSpoclat Tel
egram to THE BEB. ] al , Sioglor , of Qlid-
don , was struck by Ughtnin ? last evening as
ho was unhitching his team after returning
from town , Ono horse was killed , the other
stunned , and Mr , tibiglor was left uncon
scious with slim cbauco of recovery.
A Donlilo Xnroat-Oiitlliitf.
CINCINNATI , Juno 17. Nicholas Pcurl cut
his wife's tliroit to-day and then made an ugly
gash In his own throat. Ho was taken to tbo
hospital and talked In an incoherent manner
of having concluded it was bettor his wife
should die. Ho is seventy-one years old.
To Bo SInilo n Bishop.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 17. H is reported that
Dr. Znrdetta , formerly nt the head of St.
Francis Catholic college , this city , now of
Dakota , will bo njudubUuop } f Winoua.
Our Samonn Representatives Qot a
Little the Worst of It.
Firearms and Intoxicating Liquors
the Only Articles on Whicha
llltth Hate of Ditty U to
Bo Imposed.
WASiiiNniox. D. C. , Juno 17.
As the details of the Samoan treaty be
came public the knowledge Is gained that
the confcrcnco wns not altogether one-sided ,
nnd that the United States failed In ono ma
terial particular to maintain Its points. Under
the present treaty between the United States
nnd the Samoan islands , the cargoes of nil
vessels from nnd to the Sauioan Isl
ands , sailing under the American
flag arc exempt from duty. But this will
not bo the case under the new treaty , for It
seems that n tariff schedule Is appended , by
which the thrco contracting powers hold
themselves to bo bound. The tariff is to
apply to all Imports from nil of thcso coun
tries , nnd no change is to bo mndo without
the consent of the thrco powers mid none nt
nil for flvo years after the treaty shall bo
signed. It Is learned that Iho tariff schedule
is identical with that , proposed
by the German minister in the
conference held in this city in
TSS7. But whllo the tariff Is to ho main
tained against products of the United States
ns well ns against these coining from Eng
land nnd Germany , , this tariff Is so light that
Samoa is hold to bo practically n free trade
country. The intent of the commissioners
Is that the funds necessary to maintain the
government of Samoa shall bo collected al
most entirely from internal sources. High
duties are to bo placed on firearms and in
toxicating liquors. These are about the only
articles which will bear n high rate of duty.
The object of attaching n tariff' schedule to
the treaty was to prevent each of the thrco
interested nations from attempting to nego
tiate separata treaties beneficial to their own
country und correspondingly detrimental to
the others. It is reported here that , not
withstanding the fact that the tarifl schedule
is practically of German origin , it was not
altogether in nccord with the views of the
German members of the conference that this
portion of the treaty was incorporated , us
the German diplomatists desired to bo free
to negotiate with the Samoan powers In such
a manner as they might desire. But the
course adopted prevents any one of tbo three
nations from securing undue advantages
ever the others.
Captain Scars , of the engineer corps , who
has been with a platoon of that corps at
Johnstown , aiding the people to recover from
losses , has returned to Washington. Ho re
ports that the men under his command put
up three pontoon bridges , which have been
of material benefit to the residents of Johns
town and vicinity. Three officers and fifty-
three men are lelt there , and they will pro
ceed to build regular trcstlo bridges if they
can secure the material. General Casey ,
chief of engineers , in speaking of the matter
this afternoon , said the law provides for a
battalion of engineers and that there Is such
u battalion containing 500 men. They nro
thoroughly competent .sappers nnd
miners and bridge builders' , and
umong the best men in the
nrmy. "They nro fighters , too , " continued
the general , "and while the flags of other
arms of the service contain the list of battles
in which the regiment and batteries nnd
troops participated , the battalionflag of the
engineer corps records participation In
every battle of the Mexican war and in every
engagement iu which the Army of the
Potomac took part. They are always called
upon first when there Is any necessity for
fichtcrs. They were the first to respond in
the Brooklyn riots and ngain In 1877. when
the regular army was called on to quell the
railroad disturbances. The engineer bat
talion was first iu the field , yet in spite of all
this and tlio fact that these men nro ready to
respond whether it Is to build n bridge or
quell n riot , there was no place for them in
the centennial parade. Every other arm of
the service Infantry , cavalry , artillery , and
eveil the revenue marines were assigned a
place in the line , but there was not a spot for
the engineer corps. "
The following fourth class postmasters
were appointed to-day : Nebraska Olax ,
Custor county , H. P. Johnson ; Tuftord ,
Custer county , E. IV. Tufford.
Iowa Ross , Audubon county , J. T. Tuso ;
Wayne , Henry county , H. M. Smith.
J. H. Foxworthy , of Lincoln , accompanied
by his wlfo , has been in Washington for a
few days on business connected with the
pension office. Mr. und Mrs. Foxworthy
will leave \Vcdnc3dnv on a trip to the
south before returning to their home.
Senator Mandcrson loft for the west this
morning , and Washington is without a Ne
braska representative.
Secretary Noble spent the afternoon with
the president , and It Is understood that a
nurnoer of land ofllco appointments wcro
decided upon. It is learned somi-ofUcially
that there were several Nebraska cases on
the list and that the announcement of some
land ofllco appointments in the state will bo
mude during the week.
Considerable Rottenness Ilcvealod at
the Hampton School.
WASHINCITON , Juno 17. Some tlmo ago
Rev. D , Cbilds , nt the request
of Secretary Noble , went to the
Hampton Indian school and quietly in
vestigated the complaints in regard to the
management of the Indians , which has beor.
brought to the attention of the government ,
Dr , Childs' report was to tha effect that the
food given the Indian boys was not gooa , nnd
the Indians complained that the contribu
tions made for tholr benefit was used for the
benefit of the negroes of the school. Dr.
Childs also spoke severely upon the use of
tbo noisome dungeon or guard-house built
in the basement under tbo offices. Clinton
B , Fisk , chairman of the Board of Indian
commissioners , sent two members of the
board to Hampton , who made a report con-
trudlctorv to Childs. Dr. Childs has written
a letter General Fish , in which ho says It
is evident that there were things which
needed correction , from the fact that they
were corrected after his investigation , and
the Indians sent n representative to this city
to return thanks for the Improved condition.
As to the immuring the Indians In n dungeon ,
ho says ho Is amazed that the board can de
fend this mode of discipline Indian children.
It is understood that Secretary Noulo has
decided that cell punishment shall not bo In
flicted hereafter ,
Convention of Mystic Sliririorn.
CHICAGO , Juno 17 , A convention of the
Order of the Mystic Shrine was hold hero to
day. A number of changes in the bylaws
nnd ritual were made nnd now officers
elected. Among them nro : Imperial poten
tate , Samuel Brlggs , Cleveland ; imperial
chief rabblan , William B. Mol'sb , Cincinnati ;
Imperial high priest , John T. .Brush , Indian
apolis ; impcria.l marshal , Slras W. Enton.
Cedar Rapids , 'In. ; Imperial outer guard ,
Charles L. Field , San Francisco ,
Killed by a Scaffold Fall.
CHICAGO , Juno 17.-Iy ) the fall of a
scaffold in onu of the power
houses of the Yerkos Cable car
companies system this afternoon , Peter
Doornbos was killed nnd four other men ser
iously injurud.
A Number of Lives Lost nnd Much
Property Destroyed.
ST. Louis , Juno 17. Additional advices
nbout the disaster In Kansas from wind r.nd
storms are that Unlontown , nbout fifteen
miles west of Fort Scott on the Wichita &
Western railroad , was swept nway , nnd that
two women nnd four children were drownod.
Unlontown , which Is n place of COO inhabi
tants , Is In the midst of n thickly settled
country nnd it is feared the loss ofllfois
oven heavier than reported. As the wires
nro down for fifteen miles on either side ,
nothing definite can bo learned , The storm
struck the western part of Bourbon county
Into nt night , coming from the west ,
where it had played great hnvoo. At Au
gusta It assumed the form of n clouds-burst ,
nnd though every thing possible has bccu denote
to obtain the details by railroads , nil Is un
certain nt present.
Hcavv rains washed away the Ice dnm
nt Sixth street , causing the water in the
Buck Run to rlso ot the rate of thrco feet nn
hour , carrying nwny several houses and the
bridge across Sixth street. That part efFort
Fort Scott known ns Bclllown is entirely
under water nnd the people were taken out
In boats. Several bridges were washed
nway nnd trains were , stopped on both sides
of Fort Scott , the roads being under water
for quito a distance. .The water bus stop
ped rising , and If no moro rain falls the
Hood will rapidly subside.
Ei.DoiupOj ICnn. , Juno 17. The upper
valley of the Walnut Is flooded from exces
sive rains. Saturday night the river came
up so suddenly that n family by the name of
Graham Blurted from their homo to the high
land. The mother nnd babe were drowned ,
the father nnd ono child escaping. Grain
fields are flooded and much damage must
result. Railroad property was considerably
damaged. The water is receding to-day.
The drowning of O. Beamnn in Cassruly is
reported , nnd it is thought several others
hnvo lost their lives in the lower valley.
Ion , ICnn. , July 17. Allen county has
suffered severely during the past thirty-six
hours from floods in the Ncosho river nnd Its
principal tributaries. The streams have
been unusually high all spring and the heavy
rains Saturday night brought them out of
their banks , flooding the bottoms for a mlle
or moro on either side. There has boon no
loss of llfo or of live stock , and these living
on the low laud were warned in
time. but It is thought that
hundreds of acres of wheat , which was
just ripening and promised a very large yield
will bo almost n total loss , whllo the sub
merged corn nnd other crops will bo greatly
damaged. Near the river west of the city n
largo number of small hrldgos nnd culverts
along the wagon roads have been washed out ,
and workmen were engaged nil day Sunday
strcnpthonlntr the river bridge , which , it Is
feared , has been seriously undermined , 'i'lio
water reached Its highest point at 8 o'cloclc
Monday morning , sineo which tlmo it has
been slowly receding , and it is now hoped
the worst Is past.
CBIUH VAI.IS , Ivan. , Juno 17. Two broth
ers , Brack and Sheridan Hones , wcro
drowned Sunday while attempting to ford
the Big Canadian River.
Hu MIIOLDT , Kan. , Juno 17. The Neoaho
river is flvo miles wide at this point , but is
falling. Ten thousand acres of wheat are
AUGUSTA , Kan. , Juno 17. The river is
receding. Several persons were washed
down stream last night and many remained
on the housetops nnd trees until to-duy ,
when all were rescued. It Is reported that
two persons were drowned north of Eldo
rado , making four in all.
Vlllard Gnins a Victory.
POKTLANU , Ore. , Juno 17. The annual elec
tion of the Oregon & Transcontinental nnd
Oregon Railway & Navigation companies was
held , to-day. Villard got away with the for
mer and a compromise was affected whereby
the latter will bo managed as a part of the
Union Pacific system , the Northern Pacific
to have nothing to do with It. At the Oregon
& Transcontinental election the Vlllard party
voted 217,000 shares. The Union Pacific in
terest , Elijah Smith and Portlnnd Interest
voted 179,000 shares. A now directorate was
selected , among the members being
Henry Vlllnrd , Charles I. Cully and
Colgate Ho.vt. The old officers were re-
elected. In the Oregon Railway & Navigation
election , Villard , and General Dodge repre
senting the Union Pacific were elected.
Saturday night Vlllard applicdfor an injuuc-
tlon to compel Smith , ns president of the
Oregon Railway & Navigation to count
Oregon & Transcontinental holdiuga in that
company at the election. A conference wus
hold last night and n compromise reached ,
Villard agreeing to dispose of bis Transcon
tinental holdings in Oregon Railway &
Navigation roads north of Snake river ,
which have been among the chief
objects of contention. They nro
to bo taken , when completed , into the Oregon
gen Railway & Navigation system , and opor-
nted as n part of it on condition that the
lease of the Oregon Railway & Navigation
to the Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific
holds good. All the lines are to bo operated
ns ono , the Northern Pacific to hnvo nothing
to do with it. The understanding Is that
Edmund Smith , formerly vice-president of
the Pennsylvania road , is to bo president of
the Oregon Railway & Navigation company.
The now Oregon & Transcontinental di
rectory has decided , to abandon the proposi
tion to issue § 10,000,000 preferred stoolr ,
which proposition caused a great row in Now
Teach tlc ) English How to Shoot.
BOSTON , Mass , , Junoi 17. ( Special Tele
gram to Tuc BEE.J The famous rifle team
ot the Massachusetts militia , who since 188(3 (
have captured , each year , the regular array
and naval and the militia medals for marks
manship , sail for England to-morrow , where
they will meet all the crack military rlflo
teams of Great Britain , for the respective
cups , etc. The men selected to go uru Cap
tain , Major J , P. Frost , Second brlcndo ;
Adjutant , Major J. II. Bcnton , Fifth
Infantry ; Quartermaster , Lieutenant S ,
B. Newton , First cavalry ; Sergeant ,
Major O. F. Marion , Firnt infantry ;
Major C. W. HInman , First brigade ; Lieu
tenant S. S. Bumsted , Second infantry ;
Lieutenant R. B. Edes , Fifth Infantry ; Lieu
tenant W. G. Hussey , Eighth infantry ; Ser
geant Major W. M. Merrill , Second brigade ;
Sergeant W. C. Johnson , Second infantry ;
Scrgcat W. M. Bull , Second Infantry ; Ser
geant George Do.vlo , Fifth infantry ; Corpo
ral W. D. Huddclson , First infantry ; Pri
vate 1 < \ H. Dull , Second infantry : Private
L , T. Fnrimvorth , Second Infantry ; Private
W. M. Furrow , Second Infantry.
Prominent G.iUln Man Dead ,
CiiEynNNi : , Wyo , , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiJE.l Colonel A. T , Babbitt ,
ono of the most prominent cattle men of the
west , died hero to-day , after nn Illness of
several weeks. T5o : deceased was president
of the Standard Cattle company , owning
largo herds of cattle In Texas , Wyoming and
Montana. Ho was also president of iho Wy
oming Stock-growers' association. Colonel
Babbitt served with distinction durlngtho
wnr , Ho was colonel of the Ninety-third
Ohio volunteer. , acd wus wounded In sev
eral engagement ! ! . Colonel Babbitt was In
his fift.v-llrst year , Ho was a member of the
Loyal Legion , the G , A , R. , and the Knights
Templiir organizations ,
ABrakcnian Fatally Hurt ,
CucrcN.xn , Wyo , , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. | Whllo Union Pacific
freight train was passing throhgh snow shed
No. 7. near Sherman station , yesterday , S ,
R , Convlti , n brnkcman , was knocked from
the top of u freight car by the Umbers over
head and futally injured ,
Tha Weather Indications.
For Nebraska ; Light rain , slightly cooler ,
variable winds ,
For lowat Showers , stationary tompnnx-
turo , followed Tuesday by slightly cooler ,
variable winds.
For DaKcta ; Fair , preceded by rain in
eastern portion , slightly cooler , northeasterly
A Talk With the Trlbo That Doosn't
Know Sioux.
Mnnr | Warner's Iilttto Mistake About
Fish The InfluancQ , of Dr.
Ilinml nnd Ilia Paper
May Cause Do font.
Yesterday's Council nt ( ho AKOHOJ- .
PINB Hindi : ( via Rushvlllo ) , Juno 17 ,
Special Telegram to TUB BIB. : ] The dispo
sition of Ucd Cloud is shown by the action
of his soldiers In the break-up of the coun
cil , last evening , when llfty or sixty of thcso
mounted bucks surrounded the pavilion nnd
forb.ulo uny speaking on the part of the In-
Hans with the commissioners. His policy
has boon very clearly doflncd in this very
lecldod action of his young men , prompted
by the council of which ho Is the prlmo
This morning the Clicycmies were to como
a to the agency to council with the commis
sion , they baing unable to understand the
Sioux dialect , In which the translations wcro
nado yesterday. They came In this
morning and reported that the sol
diers would not allow them to
como In to take any counsel with the com
mission. Agent Gallagher called up his cap
tain of police and Instructed him to send
word to the camps that any ono who would
ntcrforo with the free action of any Indian
on the reservation should r.cclvo a dose of
.ho guard houso.
Ono of the young men from Rod Cloud's
band came in to ascertain what would bo
done , Intending to report the same to the
cninu in order that the soldiers might take no
tion. Colonel Callaghar had him brought
up and gave him thoroughly to understand
that no actions like the day previous would
bo tolerated. This scomod to have a salu-
tory effect , as in n short time the Clioyonnes
came nnd n couucil was hold in the council
room ot the agent's oOluo.
Standing Elk , Wild Hog , Little Chief and
other chiefs were present nnd gave close at
tention to the address and explanation ot
Governor Foster and Major Warner. Gover
nor Foster made the same lucid explanation
of Iho bill nnd the Intention of the govern
ment , adding to his remarks some very good
advice , as n friend of the red man.
Major Warner confined his remarks to
personal appeals to them , painting in glow-
ng colors the situation ou the reservation ,
whan the lands wore taken In severally , and
these broad plains teemed with the fruits o f
agricultural labors , nnd nro fragrant with
the pcrtumo of the .wheat mid * corn blos
The major Is rapidly becoming very pro :
flcicnt and effective in Indian talking , easily
falling Into their modes of expression and
[ jetting nearer their hearts than at first.
Yesterday ho made use of many expressions
which appealed to the strongest feelings of
an Indian , though ho did rather overreach
when ho spoke about fishing to people who
consider fish unfit to eat. The speech made
yesterday was replete with eloquence and ,
pathos , and was listened to very attentively. '
Tbo Sioux Indians held a big council in the
camps yesterday , in which fiery speeches
were made. by lied Cloud. Blue Horse nnd
others , denouncing the action of the whiter
men .who wpro attempting to impose this
treaty upon them. Hod Cloud was especially
vehement , utterly refusing to oven accept a
copy of the bill or listen to its reading , hnv- .
ing derived his mental attitude from Dr. "
Bland , durlngtho recent visit to Washington.
Four or flvo hundred copies of The Council
Fire have been circulated hero , very re
cently , and are being industriously translated
in the camps. If this bill fails hero the In-
flucnco ot Dr. Bland may bo accounted
largely responsible , for it , nnd not from any
philnnthroplcal reasons , but for a purely
selfish purpose , as shown in the manner of
work done hero. A great Omaha dance took
place last night about a hugo flt-o , the com
mission having presented them with twenty
beeves for n feast. This was necessary to
keep the Indians hero at the agency.
A council was held this afternoon , nt ,
which Old-Mnn-Afrald-of-His-Horse , Red
Cloud , Little Wound , Blue Horse , Young-
Mnn-AfratO-of-His-Horno nnd other chiefs
spoke. Their talk was a rehearsal , each In
their own way , of their individual views as
to the promises in the treaty ot 1803 , which
have not been fulfilled. When they finished.
Major Warner explained the bill in regard
to paying lied Cloud for his ponies , and told'
them to be careful of uny men who wanted to
get any of this inonoy ; and that ndvica from
such" men was not worth much ; that whllo
ho thought It was for the interest of all of
them , the bill should bo accepted , still the
commissioners wanted them to do ns they
thought best. Ho concluded by saying that
the bill was rordy for signatures. No Flesh
was tbo first to sitrn. About forty signed in
twenty minutes , when further action was def -
f erred until evening.
Progress of tlio AVork of Recovering ,
the Johnstown Dead.
JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Juno 17. The weather
bore is gloomy and dismal. Seventeen moro
bodies wcro dug from the wreckage to-day.
Among them was , the body of Mrs. Annlo
Bales , of nncmo , Wls. She was a pabaengor
on the day express lost on the fatal day. She
was burled promptly , ns wore all the other
bodies found , At a mooting of business ,
men tills afternoon , It was decided to ask
the state authorities hero for lumber with
which to build temporary business places.
To a committee who waited on General Hast
ings , that gentleman "aid ho would supply
all the lumber desired within a week. Many
of iho public buildings will bojconstructcd
on the old public square. About fi.MO men
are now at work on the ruins and many moro
nro coming in , A noticeable impression Is
being intido on the debris above the mono
bridge by the use of dynamite. Three mem
bers of t'.io Fourteenth regiment were ar
rested ut Cumbria City to-night , charged
with Insulting women. They are locked up.
Citizens of the place nro indignant , and
many threats of lynching nro made.
Ilohhnd u Chinese Lmiindry.
Br.ATiiiCB , Neb. , Juno 17.- [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Uiiii.l Thrcd men entered Wo
Hec's laundry on ICilu street ntthHOlust
night , throttled the cashier of the laundry ,
beat .him unmercifully , took 815 from his
pockets and disappeared , ThoChinaiimngava
the uliirin , The police wom boon on hand
nnd went out to hunttlin robbers. In a few
minutes ono of tlio men came back to the
hi mi dry. Wo Heo culled the police , who
cnmo quickly and nrroatcd him , Ho was
taken to jail and searched , A bottle of acid
was found on him , Tlio other two have not
jet bcci : apprehended ,
Lutheran Hynoil.
Pirraiiuiio , Juno 17 , In the Lutheran
synod to-day the report on church extension
showed ? i'iOS3 received from all sources , era
a larger amount than during any previous ,
blcnnlum , The rapid growth of the church ,
particularly m the .west , where many
churches have been erected , required the
appropriation of iho whole amount. Tbo
three banner synods , which during the your
contributed moro than the amount appor
tioned them , are the synods of iluine , 1-jwa
and Kansas , ,
Ijiuid Deal In YanJcton.
YANKTO.V Dak. , Juno 17 , [ Sj > ecial Telut
gram to TUB BKB. ] The CunUcr forty acres/ /
just north of the Yaukton college , was sold
to-day to 12.13 , Sclmior andB , Bird , rep
resenting n Sioux City nyndlcato , for 121,000 ,
Several thousand dollars have boon paid ,
and the sale actually closed , The purchasers
will pint uud soil loU and double ttiulr money ,