8 THE OMAHA 'DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JUNE 17 18S9. THB CITY. Some ono broke into a fruit stand nt the corner of Davenport nnd Fifteenth Btrnols yesterday morning and carried oil throe pounds of tobacco. John Lnbin , Fred Sly , Paul Buollor nndJohn Klmorlv , noweboys , were ar rested yesterday morning for stealing newspapers from doorways. These boys have made a practle of stealing papers and selling them again. William Bushoy , the painter who was Injured by the elevator in the Boo building , nasscd a quiet day. Ho was able to got out of bed and sit up for n short time. At 10 o'clock last night ho was resting quietly , with every indica tion in his favor. Mr. E. M. Hayc , who was run over on Sixteenth and Capitol avenue a few days ago , sustaining two broken ribs and internal injuries , is on the high road to recovery , and is pronounced out of danger. Personal I'nrncrnpti . E. M. Lowe , of O'Neill ' , Is nt tUo Arcade. L. P. Gillette , of Beatrice , IB at the Mil- lara. lara.W. W. A. Whcolcr , of Atkinson , Is nt the Ar- crulo. O. E. Korbc's , ot St. Paul , is at the Ar- codo. J. M. Summer , of Tccumsch , Is nt the Ar- catlo. George Yule , of Grand Island , Is at the Arcade. U. E. French , of Kearney , Nob. , Is at the Millnrcl. William Wnttcrmna nnd VV. II. McCann , of Hny Springs , arc at the Millnrcl , W. It. Humphrey and John W. HofOnnn , of Lincoln , nro registered nt the Millnrd. David A. McKrucht , n prominent lawyer of Washington , and wife nro nt the Murray. William Colin , general Inspector of agen cies for the Germnnln Life Insurance com pany , Now York , is In the city , Tlio Otnnlin Oiinrels' Cononrt. About two thousand people listened to the concert nt Ilnnscom park by the Omaha Guards' band , yesterday nftcrnoon. The programme contained two'vo ' numbers of IiiKh srado compositions and was ably ren dered. _ Cushnmn's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever. Trial free nt your druggist. Prlco 50 conts. A. O. U. AV. Preparations nro now completed for the entertainment of the supreme lodge , A. O. U. W. , which convenes In this city to-mor row. The local lodges luivo oxertcd them selves to provide suitable recreation for the visitors when they nro not engaged m legis lating for the good of the order , nnd it is safe to say that no stone will bo loft unturned to leave n favertible Impression among them concerning this city. That "hacking coug bean bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee It. For bale by Goodman Drug Co. A Gift to St. I'atriolc'H Church. City Treasurer John Rush has presented to St. Patrick's church a pipe organ costing $1,500. , The organ has arrived nnd Is being put in place. It will bo formally opened on Tucsdny evening , Juno 25 , when n grand organ recital will bo given , participated in by the best musical talent in the city. Mr. Hush's daughters hnvo been the inspiration of the Hub choir of this church , nnd with this valuable adjunct , will no doubt increase their efforts In behalf of religious music. "Can't oat a thing. " Hood's Sarsa- parilhi is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite , regulating diges tion , and giving strength. A Runaway Accident. J. P. Harris nnd Miss Li/zio Carter , of South Omaha , had a narrow escape yester day nfternoou.nt the Douglas street bridge. They wire drivtntf.a < frtsky' ' cam of hays nnd had started to Council Bluffs. Just beyond thn toll house they mot the motor , which so frightened the horses that thoy'bcc.tmo un- mnnagablo , whirled around , and started like a streak of lightning. At Ninth street , where the car tracks run together , the buggy wheels struck them , upset the vehicle , nnd throw both occupttnts violently to the pround. Miss Caiter sustained several se vere bruises , but was not seriously Injured. She fell on her fnco and breast and received wounds that caused the blood to How quite freely , Her companion got off without a scratch. The team ran to Seventeenth ntrectwhere it became detached from the buggv , then rnn north live or six blocks before bcinc stopped. _ Though Shaken Mice a Lieaf By the most trivial cnusos , weak nerves nro easily susceptible of invigoration , n term which uUo imports , in this Instance , quiotuno. The nervous hnvo hut to use Hosteller's Stomach Bitters systematically to overcome that super-sensitiveness of the huiuim sonso- rlura , which is subversive of till bodily com fort tmd mcntnl trnnqulllty. and which re acts most hurtfully upon the system. The dlfllculty underlies this , as well as many other ailments , is imperfect assimilation , no less than Incomplete digestion of the food In the discharge of both the digestive and assimilative functions , the bitters are the most potent , the most reliable auxiliary. As the body regains vigor nnd regularity by Its aid , the brain and nervous system are also bciiolittcd. Persons subject to tuo influence of malaria , dyspeptic nnd rheumatic invalids , and persons whoso kidneys are inactive , should also use the bitters. A. O. II. El cat Ofllcor * . The local division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held Its annual election In St. Phlloincnn's hall ycsterdny nftcrnoon , nt which the following olllcors wore elected : President , W. J. Clnlr ; vice-president , Peter Dandle ; recording secretary , Martin McICunnn ; financial secretary , M. Klll- gallon ; treasurer , Jnmcs Douglas ; corro- HnondliiR secretary. Michael Mcllrido ; mar shal , Michael Dollnrd : board of trustee * , Con M. O'Donovan , T. J. Shorridan nnd John Nnugle ; btnndlng committee , II.V. . Hoclio , Con M. O'Donovan ' , E. Shields nnd M. Nicholson. Flro Clothing Sale. The Insurance companies have ad justed the loss of the Polack Clothing company and the entire stock will boon bale Tuesday morning at I ) o'clock , at the old stand , at genuine lira prices. A Busy Week In Masonry. The present wcok will bo a busv ono with the Masonic fratcinityln Nebraska. The grand custodian , Leo P. Gillette , of liuatrlco , will open n custodian's lodge to-day , continu ing throe days. Members of the fraternity ar Invited to nttctid this Icdgo of instruc tion. Sessions will bo hold In Freemason's hall , corner Sixteenth ucd Capitol nvonuo. On Wednesday at 7 p. m. ttio grand ledge of Nebraska will begin its sessions , which will probably last until Friday. There nro WO delegates to the grand lodge , but It Is not known just how many will bo present. The ofUccrs uro as follows : G. M. , George 13. Franco , Yonc ; D. G. AL , John J , Mercer , llrownvlllo ; senior warden , Itobcrt E. French , Kearney ; Junior warden , liradticr D , Slaughter , Fullerton ; treasurer , Clirls- llmt Hurtman , Oinalm ; secretary , William H. Uowou , Omaha ; chaplain , Jacob A. Hood , Bchuylor ; orator , Houry H. Wilson , Lincoln ; custodian , Lee P. Gillette , Houtrico ; mar shal , Samuel P , Duvluson , Tccumsoh ; senior deacon , Lewis A. Kent , Allndan ; Junior dea con , Ed word 0. Jackson , Ulairj tiler , Jacob Klner , Paplllton. The stockholders ef the Masonlo homo will hold an adjourned mooting at 4 p. in. to-day to decide upon the location of the homo. Tuesday at 4 p , in. the Veteran Masons Will hold tbclr soml-anuual mooting at the hall , and nt 0 p. in. will dine with G. W. tiininger at hii art gallery. Tins Is a social ocloty composed of Masons who have boon members of the fraternity twenty-llvo years. The grand council of royal and select mas ters will meet Tuesday at U a. m. Chloride * Instantly UUIurcot lha house drains , water closets , sinks , pellnrs. etc , DESECRATING THE SABBATH , Subject of Bov. Wilbur Craft's Dis course Yoatorday Morning. THE WICKED SUNDAY PAPERS. Ono of the Great Enterprises Which It Is Proposed to Stamp Out A Monster Petition to Congress. Rov. Craft's Ijootttrc. Hov. Wilbur F. Crafts , field secretary of the American Sunday Union , preached nt the St. Mary's ' Avenue Congregational church , yesterday nfternoon , on the observ ance of the Sabbath as n day of rest. Mr. Crafts has been making a tour of the states In the interest * of the cause of which ho Is the champion , and on his present trip has visited twenty-two cities. The reverend gentleman look for his text Nohomlah XIII , 19 "No buidon on the Sabbath day. " Thospeaker flrst described tlio two wings of his subject that are often confounded , the "Christian" nnd "American Sabbath. " These two wings boar the same relation to each other ns crime nnd sin. Sin is an offense - fonso ngainst God , while crime is an offense ngnlnst man. "Tho American Sabbath is the ono of which I shall mainly speak , " ho said. "At present wo nro asking congress for n law enforcing the observance of the Sabbath on the part of the military nnd civil service nnd mtcr-stnto employes. The na tion should bo n model for the citizen , nnd therefore should not countenance laws allow ing Sabbath breaking. Wo had u petition before congress last winter , with 10,000,000 signatures , asking for a Sunday law , the largest petition over presented In the history of the world. It included nil labor organiza tions and churches of all creeds. "Tho Sunday rest for the soldier is almost assured , nnd is now under consideration by President Harrison , although the papers as sort that he has tilreudy approved of it. But this is newspaper anticipation. "In Toronto , u city of 140,01)0. ) the Sabbath is strictly observed , yet there is no u > ngcs- tlon of business and no disaster to the sick. A telegram on Saturday or Monday answers the place of n letter on Sunday. Half n million of men arc at work on Sunday on the various railroads of the country , and they nro forced to do It. At the national session of the railroad engineers , nt Richmond , recently , a resolution wns passed condemn ing this alleged necessity and favoring in stead 11 law decreeing the Sabbath for rest. Monday is of no account to the railroad en gineer as a day of rest. His wile Is busy nt her washtub , his children arc all at school , his grown-up children are at work and his fellow engineers busy. The majority of railroad magnates admit that every wheel car. bo stopped on Sunday without financial losi and ttio work can bo done bettor. "To enact a law that on ono day the laborer shall rest , is not unconstitutional , it does not compel him to woiship , nnd can not bo termed u religious movement. The portion of the constitution of tcncst repeated is this : "Congress shall make no law for the estab lishment of religion. ' And yet , in the fnco of this , congicss has passed a law interfering with the religious liberty of every civil em- ployo when it decreed that mail should bo handled ou Sunday. Nearly every man in the postal .service is troubled in his con science over this law. The United States should stop smashing the constitution of the United States , and the constitutions of u majority of the states , by forcing men to work on Sundny. There is a national' Sun day law provided for m section 7 of the constitution , which snys : 'Tho pres ident shall hnvo ten days ( Sunday excepted ) to cousidor all bills. ' Thus Sundny Is dis tinctly recognized by the constitution. "It Is only the baser majority of foreigners who cry 'personal liberty' when Sunday laws are talked of. These foreigners nppcal to our superstition of the word 'libcity.1 The liberty of the individual should extend only as far as it docs not affect the liberty of nil. Law requires only what gentlemen will not nnd others must not do. Every true man has the spirit of equity within his heart. Every gentleman respects the Sabbath , und others must bo forced to it. "Tho S ibbath is a health law. It provides needed rest for the laborer , protection for the homo nud is the preservation of the country. The Sunday laws thus far extend only to the poor , ncd do not affect the rich. The little shoo store und blacksmith stiop nrocloscd _ on Sunday , but three great enterprises , con- trolcll by the rich , are run with impunity : Saloons , Sunday newspapers and railroads. The only excuse for thciido osint'.on ' of the Sabbath is that the people who run them are rich. These should all bo stopped , or every other business opened on the Sabbath. I believe - liovo in stopping nil money-making amuse ments on that day. "Not liberty ; out equity , IB our watchword. If the Christians will only cease to encourage the Sunday paper with ttioir advertisements and patronage , it will soon become as disre putable as tippling. " An Indolent Organ. When the liver is Indolent , ns it must nec essarily bo when it fails to secrete the bile in suftlcicnt quantities to moo * , the require nlcnts of digestion and evacuation , It should bo set at work with Hosteller's ' Stomach Hitlers. The healthful stimulus to ncllvity imparted by this Incomparable alternative- , speedily evinces itself in a departure of the uncomfortable sensations in the right side ; the nausea ; fur upon the tongue ; indigestion , nnd sick headache consequent upon inuctlvlly of Iho liver and the diversion of the bile from its proper channel. Irregularity of the bow els is always turn painlessly reformed .by the corrective indicated , which is infinitely to be preferred , both because It Is safe nnd more efficacious , to blue pill , calomel , and drench ing purgatives of every class. It cures nnd prevents fever und ague , and rheumatism. THE NEW CoZliEOTOK. Sir. Peters I'ropnrinu to Tnlco Charge of 11 IH Office. Hon. John Peters , of Albion , isnt Iho Mur ray. Ho expects to tnko charge of the inter nal revenue office about July 1 , and is ar ranging his affairs accordingly. Mr. Peters came hero Saturday to complete his bonds , which Judge Dundy will bo asked to npprovo to-dny , nnd then it will bo forwarded to Washington for examination and acceptance. Ho has not yet received his commission , but expects It every day. The bond required in Ihls onico is for 6100,000 , wllh bondsmen who must qualify to being worth doubla that amount. The law calls for Jlvo signers. Mr. Peters has the names of nine of the best men in lioono county on his bond. They repre sent over 100,000. When asked whether ho had made any se lections of candidates to 1111 the positions of deputy collectors , guugcrs. storekeepers nud clerks , ho said : "No , I hnvo not. " Pointing to n pile of letters lying on the table In his room , ho continued , "Ttiero are a few of the SOU applications received by mo Hinco the report of my appointment was nuido public. My answer to each and everyone ono of thorn bus been that I would not tnako any appointments until uf tor I tuko charge of the olllce. " For this district , which Includes Dakota , ho will have the selection of llvo miugam and not less than three deputies ono for Ne braska and two for Dakota. Y. M. O. A. Park. The Musical Union orchestra will render the following programme at the opening of the now athletic grounds of the Y. M , O. A. on Haniey street , between Twentieth and Twonty-'irst , Juno 18 , at7:30 : p. m. : Overture "Vulo of Love'1 Callln Selection "Gaspcrone" Mlllockcr Cornet Solo "Kesignutlon" Koppclz Concert Polka "Esprit Francalso"Waldtoufol Waltz "Pearl of Pokin" Kerker Overture "Sylvester1' Scblopegrell After the Hull , Houstet Selection "lolnntho" SulJlvan The Passing Hoglmonl Coverlev March "Solid Comfort" . . . . . . , , . , .Bonnell Admission 10 conts. If this concert is patronized sufficiently to pay expenses others will bo given. There will bo running and walking races , polo jumping , etc , Ice cream will also bo served. Angostura Bitters makes health , and health makes bright , rosy chocks und huppinotis. Dr. J. G. B. Sfegort & Sons , bole manufacturers. Ask your druggist , THE ; GOOD BIIRPIIUIID. Organization of n Unlversnllst Church ofTlinC Nnnio. For three or four wcclts rnst Dr. A. J. Pattorsoa , of Boston , has been working bore in the interest of the general convention of Univcrsallsts , This work culminated In the organization nt Masonlo hall yesterday of a church of sixty-eight members. The services were deeply Interesting. After the devo tional exorcises , three children of Mr. Noah Fallh were brought to the nltar nnd were baptized. The formula in this church is somewhat Peculiar. At least , the formula of this minister was different from any noticed In this city before. Kocogmzlng the scrip tural truth that the "church Is the body of Christ , " the organism which Is to embody His truth and spirit and carry forward His work in the world , the preacher took each 'Child ' In his nrms , nnd , bathing his hnnd In the water , said , pronouncing the name of Iho child : "I receive you lulo Iho arms of Iho Christian church , to bo Its choice , the object of Its love nnd care , and I dedicate you to lrulh , purity nnd loyal Christian service , In the nnmo ol the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. " Then tLo meeting wna formally organized by the choice of Dr. Patterson ns moderator nnd Mr. G. E. Bertram as clerk , pro tern. After reading the list of names of these who had signified their willingness to como into this fellowship , n constitution , Including a brief statement of belief nnd uniting com pact , was adopted. Officers wore elected as follows : Moderator , N. A. Taylor ; clerk , Mrs. A. 13. Hunt ; treasurer , John Wilson ; standing committee , A. D. Morse , Hov. M. Garnrd Andrews and John McScarlo. Addresses were then mutlo by Hov. Mrs. Andrews nnd Dr. Patterson. Airs. Andrews spoke in a graceful nnd porsunsivo way of the spirit which should animate the new church. Wo sell great quantities of S. S. S. , nnd the solo holds up well no falllngolT , or pros pect of falling off. While many nro loud in its praise , not ono complaint has been heard from our customers. J. E. SEMIS' Diit'oSroun , Waco , Texas. A Hold Sneak Thief. A bold sneak thief entered Iho rooms of Iho Omaha club , on the fourth floor of the First National bank building , Saturday night , and robbed the lill of nbout 500. The management of ttio club desired to keeu the mailer quiol , but It leaked out. The janitor says that whllo ho was engaged In cleaning n room ou the second floor ho heard a nolso nt Iho entry door on Fnrnnm street. Ho at" once ran down , but could sen no one. Ho found a bolt off the door on the floor und ttio door open. Thinking it was broken off by sumo of the people who sleep on the fifth floor , and who hud occasion to go out , ho paid no particular nttcnlion to the matter. Ho made a tour of oxploiutlon through Iho building but saw nothing more to cxclto hla suspicion. Tliero was ono light on the flrst anil 0110 on thn third floor. The janitor says ho is only allowed to have tlicso two lights , so that it would have been n very easy mat ter for anyone to have escaped his notice by hiding m the doorways. No clue has bcun obtained us to who the thief was. Advice to .Mother * . Mrs. Win&low's Soothing Syrup should : ilways be used for children tooth ing. It , soothes the child , softens Iho gums , allays all pains , euros wind colic , and is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. 2oc u bottle. , LOCAIj "TALENT. " It Is Al > out to Indict Dakota With Minstrel Purl'iirinniiccq. Omaha is gradually coming to the front ns a musical and dramatic center. In the last three weeks an nggrogntion , has been form ing nnd rehearsing in ono of the opera houses. Tais company is to bo n female min strel troupe. It Is composed principally of local talent , drafted from some of the largo factories nnd stores , and also from tbo em ployment , agencies. A rehearsal w&s in pro gress recently , on the stage at the Grand. There wore present sixteen of the females of the party and six "spjcUltv" men. . The performance - , formanco opens with a grand inarch by thoj female contingcnl. This was led by u vo luptuous looking girl of Swedish extraction. After this came the ' 'lirst part. " with song" , etc. The ilrst soncr was by n former resident of the burnt district , nnd was heart-rending" This was followed by u tlaxun-huireU damsel with n song which moved the entire company to tears. She scomoa to think that noise was the thing to bo aimed nt , and the urtist who manipulated ttio piano puffed vigorously at a cigarette wliilo ho clutched frantically t the keys in a vain endeavor to keep up with the procession. The programme said the com pany was to como in on the chorus , hut they were so overcome with emotion that it was Impossible for them to made themselves heard amid the uproar. Tim stnso manager waved his hands nnd n cano hysterically in the air , nnd llnully headedtho , sweet singer off , after which ho endeavored to inculcate a few rudiments of the profession , but with no perceptible improvement. It was learned that Iho company will start out with twelve girls and six mon. Their flrst stand will bo at the Bluffs , and if they survive their flrst aupcarancc , it is the Inten tion to proceed to Sioux City , if tli3 roads dry up , and from that point the route is extended - tended indefinitely throuuh Dakota , depend ing mainly upon the condition of the roads. For a disordered liver try Beccham's Pills. Vehicle Stands. On the recommendation of the fire and po- llco commission , the council , to-morrow night , will consider the following streets as stands for vehicles for the transportation of passongois' baggage : Farnam , cast of twelfth nnd west of Six teenth ; on Douglas , east of Twelfth nnd west of Sixteenth ; on Dodge east of Fifteenth - teenth nnd west of Sixteenth ; on Harnoy , cast of Twelfth and wcstof Fourteenth ; on Sixteenth , south of Farnnm and north of Chicago ; on fifteenth , south of Harnoy nnd north of Cupltol avenue ; on Fourteenth , south of Harnoy and north of Capitol ave nue ; on Thirteenth , south of Harnoy and north of Dodgo. More Sidewalks. Sidewalk Inspector Allan has ordered sidewalks to bo Mid on the following streets on or before the HOth of this month : North side Clark street at Iho Intersection of Sherman avenue , sK Toot wldo ; west side Thirty-third street from Blonde slrcet to Corby street , six feet wldo ; west half lot 47 In Glscs' addition , six feet wide. If the order is not compiled with the walks will bo laid by the city und charged to the property owners. ' * Absolutely Pure * This powder never varies. Amarrelof purltr Dtreiifth and N holasoinenens. More economical than the ordinary iclnda , nnd cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes ot low coit. hortwelchUlumor phoiprnto powdtr * . Bold * * M * l * * * ? t M ilB" * * B" > * aIBMBM a'B"111 ' * * * , Continental Clothing House Unapprpachable Bargains in Spring and Summer Clothing to Close the Season. Qur entire Wholesale and retail stocks combined , on both the first and second floors of our establishment , arc now offered to close , at prices never before approximated in the west. AGrand , Carnival Bargain Sale This Week. Until July ist we will offer the most extraordinary attractions in every department of our establishment Ready-made Cloth DepartmentCustom ( Department , Furnishing Goods Department , Hat and Cap Department ever shown in America. Do not invest one dollar in any merchandise in our line you have attended our Great Closing-out Sale for the month of June. The time has come for closing out all lots of spring and summer clothing. The opportunity is yours ! Tne loss is ours I In our Men's Ready-made Department we offer 150 suits of Men's fine Whipcord Suits in 3-button cutaways at $15.00 per suit. These are goods which have sold in our stock all season at $22 per suit. Made from an imported worsted , elegantly trimmed and of a suitable weight to wear at any season. We claim that this line cannot be bought outside of the Continental for less than $22. Our price at this sale will be ยง 15. All sizes from 34 to 44. If you purchase a suit of this lot and it is not found to be as represented , the purchase money will be refunded , We cannot send samples of the cloth , but will send a sample suit to any address , and if it is not satisfactory , may be returned at our ex pensc. Send to us for self measurement blanks. Remember the price , $15.00 , in frock suits , Reduced Prices on Mens' Sack Suits. We have reduced prices on our fine Business Sack Suits to a lower average than we have ever shown since we have been in bnsiness. We can afford to do it as we manufacture our own goods and in large quantities. We have had a successful season and are determined not to carry over a light weight suit. July ist is the date of our semi-annual stock taking and we will reduce stock before that date if prices will do it. Mens' $10 Suit Sale. The most nttractivo part of this snlo is our Inrgo line of suits marked down to $10. Wo will not uttompt a description of thcso pootls ; they must bo soon to bo appreciated. There IB nothing in this line but pure , all wool suitings and remember , a 810 suit at the Continental is just as closely inspected In regard to making antl trimming as the higher grade of goods. There are goods in this line that cannot bo bought outside of the Continental for less than S13. Our price Is only $10. PANTALOON DEPARTMENT. A special bargain line of Mons'all wool Cheviot Pants in a neat dark striped cheviot , in all about UOO pairs , will bo offered at this sale at the unheard of prlco os $2.Uo per pair. Solid us your measure and P. O. order for $2.23 for a pair of this lot and they cannot fail to bo satisfactory. Wo know what these goods are worth They wore never bought for less than $3.60. Boys' and Childrens' Department Boys' Long Pant Suits , ages 1O to 14 years , Price $5.50 Wo oircr the Greatest bargain line of Boys' Long Pant Suits , ages 10 to 11 , which wo have novel-sold at $5.50 per suit. Nothing1 larger than 11 years , in pure all-wool Cassimoro and Cheviots , goods which wo havesold all season for $7 and $3 , at the unheard of prlco of5.50 to clear up this entire lino. We cannot Bond sam ples of this cloth , but always bear m mind that you need not hesitate to send us a poattil-noio for the amount and if the goods are not perfectly satisfactory , wo will pay all express charges and refund your money. Boys' Knee Pant Suits , Price $2,50. 250 Boys' Knee Pant Suits , in a neat gray and black check and brown and gray striped cheviot , are marked at this for $2.50 per suit. This is the price paid ior a cheap grade of satinet , but in this line we offer a good honest wearing material , in colors suitable for school wear in all , one of the best values for vacation wear we have ever offered. Our Line of Fine Suits at $5. Complimentary remarks are made by our customers when they examine our line of fine Cassimere and Cheviot Suits at $5.00. During this sale the variety will be larger than ever , and we arc sure of one fact , that every garment sold out of this de partment will give perfect satisfaction , and a customer ever sold will always bring their children to the Continental to be fitted. Our variety is larger , the quality is just as represented , and our prices arc lower than are paid for inferior goods at other places. Furnishing Goods Department Flannel Silk Tennis and Vacation Shirts. We are showing the largest line of Flannel , Silk and Silk-striped Shirts for vacation wear that can be found in the city. Exclusive styles and popular prices Silk Sashes and Belts. SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR. A large stock is always desirable in selectingamderwear. We carry a full line of domestic and foreign makes and claim to hare the largest variety west of New York. Special bargain lines are shown on our counters to-day that cannot be equaled. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. The season is so far advanced that it is desirable to close out oar light weights. Special discount prices will be made during- the sale in the custom department , and the same superior workmanship guaranteed which has always characterized garments made at the Continental. A HAT DEPARTMENT. In this department we are busy now on straw goods. In Men's , Boys' and Childreh's Straw Hats we are offering quantities and prices that surprise every one. Why pay fancy prices when you can get the same grade at the Continental for 50 per cent less than at your haftcr's ? FREELA3SKD , , ; IiOOMISr' & Co. , Proprietors , Corner Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha DRS. BEITS & BETTS 1409 FAIINAM STREET , OUAHA. ( OppotlM Faztoa HotaU Office hours , 9 a. n. to 8 p. m. Hnna ; , 1 , m. to 1 p. m. dper.lallsts In Chronic , Nenrotu. Skin and Blood Diseases. _ "Consultation ot ollleo or by mall tret. Mocllclnos sent by mall or express , socurnly packed , free from obser * . atlon. Guarantees to cure quickly , safely anil permanently , a , semi. luna. Physical JJeeny , arising from Indiscre tion , Kxcesj or Indulgence , producing bleep- lessncss , Dupomlency , r : nip lea on the face. aversion to society , easily dlxcoiiraged. lack ot confidence , dull , unlit ( or htudy or uuglnesi.and duds Ufa a burden , pately , permanently and privately cured. Consult IKs. Belts & liftu , 403 Karnain ht. , Onr.iha , Neil. Blood ana Skin Disease ? fn 'n'o9 ' ' . results , completely eradicated without nt Mercurv. Hcrotula , Hry.slpelns , 1'uyor Bores , lllotcliOB , Ulcers. 1'alrn In the Head and Uonea , Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth nnd Tongue , Ca tarrh. Arc. , permanently cured where otnors have fallpu. KUtoBV , Urinary 5af.iSlMffl5 nsi& fluent llurnlnK or Bloody Urlno. Urlno hlgn col oreil or with milky sediment on standing , \Vcnk Ilnck.Oonnon-hma , Gleet , Cystitis. 4c. , I'romptly nndSafely Cured , Charges Heasona- . tnovul complete , without1 cuUltiK , cunsOc or dilatation. Cures ollectcd' ' ftC homo l > v patient without a moments nulu or anuovunce. To YonM Won and 'Miilile-AirGil Men , A QIIDDTTIDD The awful Directs' of early ft uUnli uUltD Vire , wtllcl > orlrgs organic weakncua. deniroylnu' botlLintad and bodv , with ell Its dreaded ills , permanently cured , DOC ! DUWPQ Ailt CBS t IUIUB unntiajre Impaired DllO. DullU themselvcB by Improper Indul gences and solitary liabU'l. which ruin both body and mind. nndttlDf , ' them for business , study or marriage. . . . . MAIIIIIBD MEN. or these .ontarlas on that hap. Py life , aware of phyuicaVdaVlllty. quickly M la based upon facts. First Practical Expe rience. Bccoiia hverycnse la especially studied , thus starting aright. Third Jlcillclnea are prepared - pared In our laboratory < exactly to suit each case , tlms miectlngcurej without injury. ESf Send 6 cents postaga for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous uuil Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. t TA friendly letter or call may smu you futuie EulforinLr and shame , and add eolilen jears to lite. f-iTtio letters an- tnercd miles * accompanied by 4 cents in ctampi. nU on uos I'trnaro fii-tmtt , Omaha. Neb. A dlJNTSVANTKDllolh Koneral nnil cnn- a-Vviitssliit ; , on the new , rovUod anil Imperial million of.ull'H KncyUopedla in live volume * , just issued. HeM for cash , or on. eauy nut.U- iiicnis. 1'or liberal terms nnd Territory addicts T. itMVOOii : ZKLI > , l'ubn I'hllaclelphlii. OMAHA BUBIHEES/COLLEOE. Who ilcslro to lie ; \oll nnil comfortably dressed , should not fall to look through our complete stock ot clothmj ; nnd fut- ulshlngs for summer near. MAX MKVr.U. ADOLPII ME MaxMeycriBro. KBtnlill-slird 18(10. GREAT BARGAIN SALE P2AXOH. I'rlco. Cash. Monthly. IStelnvt ay Square fl.TO.OJ tl.l.OO $10 no J Knabottqtiaru 175.110 15. < W 10.00 1 Unities liroj. H < iunro , . 175.00 15.00 1U. 1 Hallet , Davis & Co. eq. IBI.UO 15.0J 10 0) 1 imeHonSmiar : lOO.'JU 10.00 7.00 1 Marshal \ VVimdell 8 ( ] , 125.0 ! ) 1 W. W. Klmbull Bmiaro 1UOOJ 1 Chlc.kerlii Upright , K5.0J 15,03 I'rlco. Cash. Monthly. IMnson Ilamlln , used 1 your S7G.CO 810.03 HW ' I'liiyli tV 1'nrloy , yriir . . . . . 70.00 10.00 8.03 1 iMoy. wcA 8 nioa. , cost now HOj. , . . . , . . , . , . . 00.03 10.00 8.00 1 llurdolto 3UO 7.01 6 IT ) 1 Taylor A ; Parley 3n ( 8.00 6 00 IMnhon Haiiilln t > 0) ) 6.00 6 01) ) 1 llcnttyU7 ( top < | . . . , , . . . . 4 .t 8.00 7.00 Kvury Intitriiiiieut guaranteed to bo In ( 'ood order , llrlnt ; tills atl. ultli you , and avoid uila- takes. Miy ot tlic.so InstrunicntH taken In ox. ctiuuga fur now ut KIUIIH ] > rlcu imy tliuo lu ono year. Call early and get a bargain. MAX MEYER & BRO. 1522 and 1521 FARNAM STRKKT. I D.bllll.lH llr 4ltrll ai or f ( . . , , . HK tiliUlHTIlil la OUHE ty llliNlw IMI'HICD UlC18ICklTfllUSPf [ HSOHT or llBUJUBOItr. Uidtfir . CUUE or . UOOTUINO , iBitl . Ikclrle. - / Vltrdlrrellr ILnuiktll k r l > . Kllor- lot Uiu > lj li i ll , llk < > d TU mi tlrot Ik. Eltelrlg CarrtLt - V Hit ! * r tf r ll < i,0o0lneilk. IlkLT Jk , p. r7 ( i iill l. > 4Kp. Worn cud c r. LW YOHIf M1UTAUVAOAIJBM1- - JS [ wull , N. VT. Btnd for circulars. miles. Buy . _ . _ . nftUil ) per box , all druggists , or by mail . from Uoctiua 31't'K Uo. Ill White st N. V. Full three- Ions THE RAILVAT TIE UM. OMAHA. SUBUItHAN TRAINS. Westward. . Running between Council muffs and Al. bright. In addition to thf HlMons. mentioned , trams stop at Twentieth and Twonty-rourtta streets , and aftno btimmlt In Omatia. TH E- CHICAGO SHORT LINE ' OK'iun Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul FTy , Tlio IJcsl Houlo from Oinaliu nnd Council to I'ttO T.tAINB DAILY 11CTWI5HN OMAHA AN1 > COUNCII , Chlnijjo , AND St. I'nul Ccilin * Itanlds . , Miniicniiolh , , Kdck Islunil , Frccimrl , Itockfonl , Clinton , Ihncnpoit , ji'In : ( , Jiniosilllo , llulolt , Wlnonn , Ln Croiic , Aud all otliar Imporlnnt points Kait , Kortbcuit nofl kouttiont. I'or thron litlckcli , ( ll on the tick" ! nzentat I'/Ol rnriiiiui itrutt , lu llurkur Uloet.or ul Uuion I'aclilO l' ' < pm. I'ullniaii 8pojori | and ttio flnoit Dlnlni Cf r In the wur.iJ oru run outlio tiuln llnu of lliu Ctilcuxo. MII > nnukuu A hi. IMul Uulhritr. ana uierr ntlontlim II l > ulu lu imneukcrij \ cuuHuuui vuiplujrci of ( be cuiupAiir. It. Mil. I. Hit , General Mnnniror. J. ! < . ' 1 U ( Klill..nlnluni Uenurnl Slunncer. A. V. It. UAIU'ttNltUt , Uonural 1-aiiuifcor not Ticket Avont. IJB'I. ' K MKAKroilU.Aiilitftnt Oenorairnii c f and Ticket .Uent. T. JCl.AllKeneral Euperlnlenilent. \\/"ANTi:0---l : weekly lopreacnlatlve , male i > or funmlf. In every community , flood * utaple ; huunhold nucoinltyi hell at sight ! no peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses advanced. 1'uli jiartlculm a und valuable uample. ratio t IIKK. V/u mean Jiu t what wo vu ) : uddrct * uto.itp , BTANi > AHUillVllt ) WAUI.CU. , lie * > ton , MIB ,