Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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NOWB and Oosslp for the Western
Kulghts of the Grip.
Allcinnrkntilo Argument In Favor of
llcllgloii A Hustling Defaulter
Traveling Men's Oiitlnic The
Art of
Storm Btorlofl.
Merchant Traveler : "I have seen sonic
pretty hard storms In my travels , " remarked
n commercial tourist , ai ho sat chutting In
the hotel ofllco with co-lahorera In
the field of commerce. "Just a short time
ago I was caught in n rain storm that picked
the entire train up bodily nnd carried it oft
down tbo river. Instead of going to the sta
tion that I started for , I found myself in n
river town about ton mile ? down the river.
OJio train couldn't ' sink because the current
carried it so fust. "
"That's as bad n a tornado that I struck
while 1 riding on homcbacK. The beast
went up In the air ns If ho had wings , nnd It
wasn't two minutes before I cleared eight
miles. "
"What's the worst storm you over saw ,
Billy I" asked the Ilrst spe.iUor of n member
ot the group who had listened in silence.
"Oh , I never was in n big storm yet-
but "
"IJut whatl"
"My-wife's mother is coming to llvo at our
houiw next week. "
" 1 think I nm the unluckicst man that over
lived , " remarked a traveling man to a friend.
"You're not ns unlucky us I am. I'm ' pos
itively glad that t wasn't born with a silver
peen In my mouth. "
"Why ! " '
"Because I feel certain that It would have
Strangled mo. "
,1 llHt Out.
American Commercial Traveler : "This is
the very worst house I ever put up ntl" ex
claimed a woll-drossod C. T. In the lobby of
a western hotel.
"What' * the matter ! " questioned an old-
tlmo G. T. standing near. "Beds bad ! "
"No ; beds are all richt. "
"Poor table } "
"I am well enough satisfied with that ,
too. "
'Service notwp to the mark , ohl"
"Nothing to complain of on that score. "
"Overhearing clerks , no doubt ! "
"On the contrary , all pleasant nnd oblig
ing. "
"No ; on the contrary , charges very
reasonable. "
"For heaven's sake , of what , then , do you
complain ! "
"Everything in general. Don't you see
that this is my flrst trip ! "
The old C. T. saw the point , sot up the ci
gars , aud thought a deep think.
A Stnrlllng Arjitimont.
[ The American Commercial Traveler pre
sents the following dollars-and-ccuts argu
ment in favor of religion. How woula it
sound in the mouth of a clergyman ?
It Is surprising how little the commercial
traveler und merchant know of each other
outsldo of their business relations. The fol
lowing incident shows what can bo gained by
letting the merchant know that you uro
interests ! in other things as well as business.
Tha commercial traveler called on the mer
chant , who gave him a rather cool reception
aud informed him there was nothing bo
wanted , as ho had done many times before.
Tbo commercial traveler WP.S accustomed to
BU * ' eatuicnt. so did uotthlnk much about
it. Boiug n'rollglous man he attended prayer
meeting that evening. After the meeting
the very first man bo mot wus the merchant ,
who took him by the hand and asked him if
ho was n Christian. The commercial traveler
said ho was. The merchant apologized for
the way ho had treated him that day , nnd
asked him to call the next morning. The
commercial traveler called and was given a
line order , and from that time received all
the merchant's orders In his line. It is not
only so in religious matters but also in
secret organizations , such as Odd Fellows ,
Masons , etc. A merchant will naturally
take more interest , place more confidence in
you , if ho knows you are u member of a
lodge or church of which ho is also a mem
A Hustling Defaulter.
A. O. Sticknoy , a Boston defaulter , lost no
time after bis arrival la Montreal , says the
Merchant Traveler.
Llko Amanda Ebert , ho bad an eye to
business , and at once sot about to secure a
Ho succeeded with a trading tobacco house
now handling a crip ns "yo Jolly drummer , "
nnd is building up a thriving business. The
district ovar which bo travels includes both
Toronto and Montreal , and his firm say that
ho is already as keen and successful as any
of the old salesmen in their employ. Stick
noy , it will bo remembered , quit Boston with
$17,000 belonging to other persons. There is
a largo rowurd for him if caught in the
states. This hat ) led to several attempts to
Involglo him to cross the border , to all of
which ho has quietly given the laugh. Only
a week ago at Kingston Sticknoy was Intro
duced to n most agreeable gentleman , with
whom ho spent the greater part ot n day.
Among other things n boat ride was pro
posed. Sticunoy was about to accept the
kind Invitation , when ho remembered that it
wasn't such n great distance to the American
Oiioro. lie declined the invitation with a
irofusiod G ? thanks.
Ills interesting friend was aa Auio rican
Tlio Traveling INI en's Outing.
TUB BER Is authorized by the Lincoln
Traveling Men's ' "Outing" committee , to bo
bold at Cushman park , Lincoln , June 24 to
SO , inclusive , that tents will bo furnished to
traveling men and their families , free of
charco. The state tents have been kindly
donated by Governor Thayer , who will open
the meeting Thursday. Lloutonant-Govor-
nor Mikoljohn will also deliver an address of
welcome Thursday ; speakers for every day
thereafter , closing by a sermon by Uov. Sav-
ftgo on Sunday. This Is to bo a general in
vitation , no specials bolng sent to any ono.
All uro welcome.
Tlio Art of Belling.
Under this head F. B. Gooddard says
among other things :
DBES3. '
Rich people ore really the only ones who
can afford to wear shabby or seedy clothes ,
mid oven they are not greatly addicted to
the pursuit of happiness in this way , A
salesman who is always neatly aud well
dressed , will have more self-respect , and
command more respect from others. The
dvico of old I'olouius lias been in print before
fore , but it belongs to tlio "eternal verities"
generally , and to salesmen particularly :
"Costly thy habit as tny purse will admit ,
ncut not gaudy for the apparel oft pro
claims the man. "
Hut having each to settle for himself the
propriety nnd policy of using flattery us
means to the nrt of selling , there can bo no
question about tljo vuluo of politeness which
comes from the heart. It U aMascott which
IB bound to win. It bringa a man troops of
friends , Hits his pockets , and bolng about
two-thirds of Christianity , it scuds him to
heaven when ho dies.
Ho who has good health , good sense , is not
too handsome , and is truly polite , ought to
thank Uoit every day of bis life. Politeness
costs less thun notumi ; , for its exorcise is a
pleasure and it pays dividends. In ull the
wide world there is no merchant , uud surely
no'salesman , so rich that bo can afford to bo
our , surly and iuipohta
roui , "CUESTXUTS. "
The dreariest companion , the most unmiti
gated bora and nulsanoa is tbo everlasting
teller of smutty stories. Ho makes men
Ured. To say nothing of their demoralizing
* f ect , there U not n hearty laugh in a tank
full of their tedious nauseous , inouioralliod
-i the point of which lloi m obscenity ,
taevw r lat , and , UOM cou-
stralnetl by politeness , will seldom listen to
them , nml they nlso uvoid the habit ot pro
fanity , which really shocks many uooplo.
Josh Billlngi says : "When you strike Ho.
Mop boring. Many a mrm has bored kloan
thru nnd lot the Ho run out at the bottom. "
Rothschild says ! "My secret Is to bo cau
tious nnd bold ; off-hand , and muUo n bargain
ut once , " and ho adds , "I can do what nil-
other man can ; I'm n match for all the ro t
of'oin , and I'm always in good humor. "
i.Evr.r , IIHADJ.
The great majority of commercial travelers
now on the roaa nro , however , an correct In
their habits as when under homo Influences.
They borrow no strength from wlrislcy , they
light shy oflooso women : they keoi | their
heads level ; und , as n rule , succeed bettor
nnd lust longer. Most people are so consti
tuted that It is easier for thorn to abstain to
tally , than to bo temperate In the use of stim
ulants "Ono drink Is too much , und two nro
nro not enough.11 A "nip" now und then ,
easily becomes a habit that loads on to nn ap-
pQtltu , which grows with that it foods upon
nnd becomes the parent of most other vices
To drink or not to drink ! "That's the ques
tion. " And each must UucUlo It lor himself.
Denver Travelers are malting great prepa
rations for a 4th of July purado nnd expect
to h.u'e nbout tire hundred drummers In lino.
Jap.incaa parasols and whltu plug hnls wilt
be the regalia.Vhut is tha mutter with
Oinahu !
The host customer Is the ono who knows
whnt hovants und when ho gets it buys no
It is poor policy to soil n merchant goods
which you know 1m really docs not need.
Sell him that which ho does need and c.m
soli , and Ho will buy from you in profurcnco
to any ono else , providing your prlco Is ng'.it.
A mnrchat who buys largely , using no
Judgment us to whether the goods will seller
or not , is gettsiMllv the man who wants the
longest time In which to pay for them. It Is
easy to sell such men coeds , but likn ' 'draw
ing blood from a turnip" to mnko collections.
Tun lir.K Is In receipt of a communication
signed "Jim , " which calls for ttho boycott
of n hotel proprietor In Northwestern Ne
braska , The causa of complaint was the
alleged wanton insult of n lidy guest who
was compelled to travel without an escort.
The casn as stutod is cortnlnly a good casus
belli , and while no doubt of its truth fulness
is entertained , the writer of the communica
tion will rcall/.o that It would bo u suicidal
policy for u newspaper to allow Its columns
to bo used to the Injury of unyono unless
supported by absolute aud Incontrovertible
proof. If the bonlfuco in question deserves
a boycott the news will go through thu ranks
of the drummers fast enough without news
paper assistance.
L.Mr. Gcorgo H. Stanes , formerly with
Kirkcndall , Jones & Co. , tins completed an
uxtondcd trip through the Pacillu atates for
Field Thayer Manufacturing company , of
lioslon , and on his return paid his Omaha
friends a Hying visit.
MORRISON In this city , at 8 p. m. , Juno
10 , Mrs. Louisa S. Morrison.
Funeral services from tun residence of her
Bister. Mrs. T. S. Grigor , 2410 Dodge street ,
ntS:3Uu. : m. , Wednesday. The remains will
bo taken to Lincoln. Nob. , for interment.
[ Lincoln papers please copy. ]
Kuiidny nt Blixnawa.
Yesterday was a lively day at Manawa , on
account of the bicycle race ut Athletic park
bctwecu Miss Lottie Stanley and Miss Lilly
Williams. A line eight lap track was
aid outside the diamond ut thn park , and
.hero the race took place. It was originally
intended that it should bo a twonty-llvo mile
dash , but for certain reasons the distance
was cut down to fifteen miles. An accident
that took place early in the day did much to
essen the attendance , as the crowd could
lot bo accommodated.
The heavy rain of Saturday night so loosened
ened the road bed at the Ilrst curve below
the city limits , whore the track was rcluid
this year , that too early morning trains set
tled the track. Four trips were made , und
the outer rail at thu curve , which was three
inches higher thun the inside , was settled
until it was level with the other. In this
state it could not stand the strain , and the
train , which loft the lake at 10:10 u. m. , mot
with a disaster. The track nnd roadbed -
bed gave wuy , dumping the motor
uuon its side into the ditch ,
No ono- was injured , none of the coaches
leaving the track. It was 3 o'clock before
tlio track was cleared so that trains could
csume their trips. In the meantime , hun
dreds of passengers hud secured conveyance
by busses and carriages , while ns many more
disappointed Omahuns returned homo. Im
mense loads wore carried as soon us the mo
tors resumed running , but It wus so Into in
the day that the usual crowd could not bo
Notwithstanding this accident and Its con
sequences , the park was well Jlllud.
Fully 1,500 people witnessed the close and
exciting contest of the wheelers. The start
was delayed from 4 to 5 o'clock on account of
the accident , but it was u race when it fin
ally began. Williams led the greater part
of tlio way , but Stanley was close behind ,
aud the last mile was a fast ono. Stanley
took the lead on next to the last lap , und
crossed the score a winner by about six feet.
Just as the pistol cracked uho looked back
to ace where Williams wus , nnd failed 'o
round the curve , running on the tracU.
She tried to run on again , but the who- : !
refused to make the jump and she fell acrim :
the track. Williams wus no close behind
that she rodu over her prostrate competitor ,
atd wa3 also thrown from her wheel. She
was not injured , but Stanley was b idly
bruised nnd lamed by the fall and consequent
experience under Williams1 wheel. There
wus the usual talk of hippodrome , etc. , but
it was n lively rnco and the majority of the
spectators were satlsllcd.
The affair was managed by Putsy
Fallen and U. E. Wcathorby , wlio have
secured a loose of the1 park and
will give regular weekly programmes.
Certain changes will bo made , and more
extensive accommodations provided. The
track , which is a very line one , is n little too
narrow at the turns , und will be made wider.
It is the Intention to give n programme nt
the park every Sunday afternoon , and some
times during the week.
Collcico CoMiiieucoincit < * .
DBS MOINKS , la. , Juno 10. [ Special to THE
KE.I About all of the numerous colleges
and u Diversities of Iowa have held their
commencements the past week. There have
been but little variations In the usual exer
cises of such occasions. At ono college n
now president has been elected. This is
Western college , nt Toloao , Tama county ,
whore the lute president , Dr. Ueardshcar ,
has resigned to bo superintendent of schools
in this city. His successor is Prof. Mills ,
who for two years past has been n member
of the faculty of that collage. The state
unlveiaity nt Iowa City holds its commence
ment proper the coming week. There will
bu no importune changes there. The state
agricultural college , by uu arrangement po-
cullurly Its own , holds its commencement in
November , having the long vacation in the
winter , which servos the douhlo purpose of
keeping the young agriculturists ut school
where they can wutch the growing crops
and carry on experiments during the sum
mer , and can also leach country schools dur
ing the winter. It is estimated that the col
leges and universities of Iowa will graduate ,
all told , about four hundred stud cuts this
Not Up to llio Old Mnn'H AvnrnRc.
Shoo nnd Lonlhar Reporter : Erskino
M. Pliolps , of Cliiciifro , reached Now
York on the Elrurin Sunday on his re
turn from a thrco months' tour in Eu
rope. At his hotel in Nice ho was in
troduced to Lord of England. As
ho wussiiiolcing ho Bnidto Lord :
"Will you hitvo iv ciirur'i1"
"Tlmnlc you ; but 1 only sinolco ono
brand the Jlonrv Cliiy. "
"All right. I'll order eomo. "
The box was brought. It was embellished -
lishod with the familiar picture of
"Hurry of the \Vost , " As ho took his
clpnr Lord said ;
" \Vhun old Clay was ullvo ho inado n
good cigar , but his sons don't Iccop up
hia reputation. "
"Henry Cluyl Why , ho didn't make
cigars ; ho was a statesman , and ranked
as high with u * as Gladstone or John
Bright does in your country. "
"I bog your pardon. I'vo smoked
those cigars all my Ufa , and I toll you
old Clay made a d n sight bettor cigar
than. Lu boys do. "
Latest Move of tbo Union Paolflo
Engineers and Flromon.
A. Mcotlni ; of Drlosntus to Do Held
AVItnln iho IVext I'cw AVccKs to
1'erlcct tie Nrccssnry Ar-
Join I n u IMSUCI.
Up to n late hour last night the grievance
committee of the Urothorhood of Locomotive
engineers had received no reply from Presi
dent Adntns In reference to their demands ,
save n telegram that arrived Into on Satur
day from Mr. Adams , stating that the facts
In the case had not boon fully laid before
him \ > y the management of the road. The
committee has written to Mr. Adams ex
plaining the situation In detail , and his reply
is hourly expected.
Concerning a dispatch sent out from iCan-
BUS City to the effect that the grievance com
mittee of the southwestern branch of the
brotherhood was to incut In conncotion with
the pending troubles , the members hero
stated that there was butono grievance
committee ot' the Onion Pacillo ; all the mem
bers of that couimittoovero hero , mid
the report tvus nuccsurlly crroneuus. it
was icarnoa last night that while iho priov-
anco committees of Iho Urothorhood of Lo-
comotlvo Kit-omen were hero In connection
with the Kansas Central deal , another move
was being mailo which moans the foJorutlon
of the two brotherhoods throughout the
Union I'nulflo Byswm , and n oiuillar move
will bo imtdo on all roads In the near future.
In this direction the worl : has been con
ducted with extreme secrecy , but when
questioned concerning the matter a member
of thu brotherhood committee said :
"Yes. wo have donu considerable toward
federating the flrcmcn and engineers within
the past to woolcs. The Uurlington strike
and neveral other matters plainly demon-
Btratcd to our satisfaction that the order oC
engineers and Qrotncn should bo closer
to each other. The reasons are
plain mutual protection. The successor
to the engineer is the fireman.
So closely are the two orders Idontiilod that
to set them apart or maintain two independ
ent orders necessarily weakens both factions.
J3y combining , wo aild to our strength cor-
Will you include nny other labor order ,
asldo from the flrcraon and engineers ! "
"No. Wo will maintain two branches , ono
of firemen and ono of engineers , who will
uct Jointly on all matters nffoetini ; both
classes. This will be formulated so as. to
consolidate both orders throughout the Union
Pacillo system. "
"Whrn and where will you hold a mooting
for that purpose ! "
"If things go on smoothly wo will uieot in
about nix weeks , and the niOBtinp will either
bo held at Omaha or Denver. The location
has boon talked over , and the major portion
favor Denver on account of its being more
centrally located. Wo concluded not to say
anything about the matter until the arrange
ments for federation are tully made , but
enough has transpired in this direction to
Avarrunt publicity. "
"What prompted action in this direction ? "
"As I have sala bolero , the successor to
the onpinepr is the llreman. There are hun
dreds of firemen on the Union Pacific at tha
present time that are capable to take charge
of nn engine. Wo must have their peed will.
On the other hand , the ilremon may have u
grievance , and without our support the re
dress would undoubtedly be slow in coining.
An engineer can got along with a 'green1
lirernan , But two oxperlonceU men can per
form the labor more perfectly. Hence , you
sue that the firemen will bo largely auxil-
iarated , as a body , by federating with the
engineers. 13y combining , u sufoty guard is
thrown about both orders. The grounds
for consideration are very clear.
Wo will not enlist any other order ,
as conductors , brakomcn or switchmen
might follow their vocation for a life time
and would not have any knowledge of how
to manage an engine. "
"When was this issue first made ? "
"It has been under discussion since the
Burlington strike , but no decisive action was
taken until about three years ago , and the
boys on the Union Pacific are tno ilrst to
take the step. Wo uro prompted of late by
the flremon federating with the switchmen
and brakeinsn. I th'ink that inside of three
months both orders will bo federated
throughout the United States. Of course ,
wo will endeavor to have all railway organ
izations as closely associated as follow work
men should uo , but the compact class will bo
the firemen and engineers.
TaxidoriniBtcatal'g'o,816 N 10thOmuhu
The wotlionsht ta j k-now what 8. P. 8. Ina
Anne for mo In the ciuo J o f a MilIrunnt Career ,
r hlch w M to bail ns 10 Iho coTJlclercil Incura-
tila l > jr tlio t > lij lclflii Ini Chicago , where t
went to bo treated. Ono I of rajr r.dhbor | ecnt
me a copy of nn mh rr- Jll cnient tu regaiil to
Htvlft's bpc'ClCji nml 1 J bCRan Inking lu I pot
relief f mm thoiirMfcW JlCM- j llio polronnns
prjlually forced cut | if l my pyttcni , nutl 1ca
peen ctmd rminil r.i l null. It Is now ten
nontlisplncolqiilttak' ' \n \ a B.s S.'niiU I liaVo
bad no cljn f rctuni of tin OreacUtit disease.
* * * B ° T"Wr" "
An S.U. . Mich. , Dei. 9 $ '
Seed for books on Blood Dl casc3 nml Canccra.
mailed free. - 'flic SWIFT Srrcirio Co.
i Uraucr 3. Atlanta , da.
Louisiana State LotlarCompany. / .
Incorporated by the loclslaturo in J8'H. ' for
KilncHtlonnl and Charitable pnrpoo < < . nnd Its
franchise miulu n part of the prosnnt State 0 < m-
otltutlon , In 1873 , by an overwhelming po | > ulnr
take place Soml-Anmmlly ( Juno ami December )
INUS tftko place in < > ach ntthcottior ton months
of the yrar , and are nil drawn In public , at
the Academy of ilualc.Nmv Orleans , La.
" \Vodohcrobycurtlf7thtit wo superrlsa the
arrangements for all the Monthly nnd 8oml-An-
nual iMitwlupH of the Ioulslana Stnto Lottery
Company , and In IIOMOU mauugo and contiol
tno Drawings themselves , anil that the Bame
are conducted with honesty , , and In
good faith toward all parties , nml MX- authorize
the company to use this cprtltlcato , with fac
similes of our signatures attached , In Its adrer-
tlbcmeuta "
We. the tm-torslKr-ort Hanks and Rankers will
pnvnll Prizes drnwn In the Louisiana Stito
lotteries which may ba pruseuted at our coun
ters :
11. M. WAr.MarKV. Pres. Louisiana Nnt.nanlc
I'IKHHH f.ANAUX. Pros. State Nat. Hank.
A. HALTWIN , Pros New Orleans Nat. Hank
CAHLKOHN. Pros Union National Hank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , Juno 18 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $600,000
100,000 Tickets nt 840 ; Hixlves 820 ; Quar
ters S10 ; Eighths S3 ; Twentieths 82 ;
Fortieths 81.
LIST nv t-iuzns *
i riuzE OP jww.o ( ) ) is . tfloooo )
1 I'KIZU O'l2 ( .OOJl3 . UMO.HOJ
1 PUIXK 1)1' ) 100.WU14 . KKUNn
1 1'HIXK Ol' nu.lUia . & ) . ( H.I
S PUl/.iK OP WOJnro . 4'J.'flJ
r I'UIXKS or W.COJaio . f.lftj ( )
10 PKIKRS OF r flwre . finaw
s-i pur/r.8 OP L-tware . tn.on
SKI I'Ur/jWS Ol' 0nre . BO.iX ) )
W IMUZttS OP 'ITOiitB . 1 1.001
103 I'HIZRS OP 4COUro . i'OU.003
Al'UJtOyiAIATlON ritl/.KS.
ICO Prizes of SlXvtta./ . S103.000
ICOPrlzesof SOOara. . . PO.OOJ
lOOl'rizesot i-'Ware. , . . 40.00J
1.COS Prizes ot1)J nra. . SOOP.COO
3,14-1 Prizes , arnoHiutlrig to . 83,15UUOU
tSTFon Cr.un lUrts-or any further Informn-
lon ( Jonlred , wrlto lealbly to the unaerslgnod
clearly stating your residence , with Stato.Cuun
ty. Street and Ntunoor. Moro rapid return mail
rttllvury will 1)0 assured 1 > v your oncloslns an
envelope beurlni : jour full uddross.
Address , M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Oileans , fn.
or SI. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , D. C.
lly ordinary letter containing Wlonoy Order
Issued by all Express Companies , New Vori
Exchange , Draft or Postal Noto.
Address Regis erei LottDra Containing Cur-
ren7 to
New Orleans. La.
RFIVIFMRFF ? Tlult li'J > ayj" n ?
Pi E. 1V1 E. IVI 1 _ > j _ , Pi or the prizes ii
Now Orlaans an < l the tickets are signed by the
1'reslUent of un Institution whoso chattered
jlGtitsurorecoKuIzed In Ills-licit courts ; there-
foic , bowuro of all Imitations or anonymous
echotneM. "
ONK UOLLAU Is the price ot the smallest part
or fraction of a ticket 1SSUJJD 11V USlnauy
drajvlna. Anything In our name offered for loss
tnau ono dollar is a swindle
Used by the United State * Government. Endorsed hy the heads of the Great tlnlverf Hies
nnd Public rood Analysts , nsthc Strongest , Purest and most Healthful. Dr Price's Cream
Baklnc Powder does not contain Ammonia , I.lme or Alum. Ir Price's neHclounl'lavorlnjrHs-
tracts , VanillaI.ciuon , Orange , Almond , Kose , etc. , do not contain Poisonous Oils or Chemical *
PRICE BAKING POWDCR CO. . Now York. Chicago. St. Loul * .
For Sale 1 > V M , IL ULISS , Omabx , $ te'jpis7i-t. .
Instantly etopj the most eicruclutln iialiu : novur ( alia t > cl 'o case to the siKTerer.
NUUHALUIA , SUIATIt'A. 1IKAUAUIIK.TO01'IIAUI1G , or auy other 1'Alk. n few avpHcatlons
act like jnaglc , caualne the pain to liutautJy iton.
Internally taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drop * in half a tumbler of water will cure In a faw
minutes Crump Spasms. Sour btouiacb. Colic , Ilautulence , Heartburn , Cholera Mormis , Dyuentry.
Dlarrhwa. Sick Ife&dache. N.-\iuoa , VnmltlnK , NervousnenH. Slvenlessutas , Malaria aud all Internal
l > &liu urlslUK Irom chaio | of diet or wutar or other cuiuej.
60 Coma a llottlo. Sola by iruir lit ,
Our extraordinary sale of Summer Coats and Yeats will bo continued this
week. Tina is beyond a doubt the moat remarkable sale of the season , ns the
goods are almost slaughtered. Wo can unhesitatingly say that never before was
such an opportunity oilorod to buy at one-half their value seasonable
goods just at the time when you need them most
Our 70c Coats and Vests "all the ' ' "We
are rage. have added this week several
now patterns and you can choose now from six different styles , every ono of them
as neat and tasty a Coat aud Vest as you over bought for SI.50.
Another Coat and Vest which excites the admiration of every customer is the
fine Mohair at $2. Such a Coat and Vest has never been offered for loss than § ! .
In addition to those wo have received during the past few days several lots of
very fine grades of thin Coats and Vests. These are from the same purchase , but
wore delayed on the road through the Pennsylvania Hood. We have marked these
goods at correspondingly low prices and offer :
Several lots of very fine Pongoa Silk Coats and Vests at SO. These are gar
ments for which other houses would charge $6.
Extra fine Drap d'Ete Coats and Vests in four beautiful shades at $3.75.
These goods are the finest that can be had , are cut and made in the best of man
ner and fit el gantly. Fine clothing houses charge for same Coats and Vests
about $7.
One of our Douglas street windows is full of these goods and is just now the
most attractive place in the city. In connection with tlio above we offer to-day :
200 very fine blue Serge Suits , elegantly trimmed and made , at $8.90. We
warrant this to be one of the finest Serges made and of fast color. "We aold the
same goods early in the season at $12.50. This makes an elegant Summer Suit.
We are again on hand with the most complete line of Summer Neokvrear
ever shown. The i'act that this Department is the largest of its kind in the city
insures the largest choice of styles , wliilo the values speak for themselves. Our
customers will ramember the extraordinary values we gave in this Department in
former seasons. We cana,3oure then that we will do still better this season. Ou/
stock is larger , stvles are nicer aud prices still lower.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha ,
20to60 DAYS.
This is u disease which has heretofore
Balilod all Medical Science.
When Jlorcurv , lodldo of Potassium. Sarsnpa
rllla or Hot fejirlugs fall , -we guuranteoa cure.
Wo have a Remedy , unknown to anyons Intao
World outside of ourCojnpiUy. andonu that haste
to cure the moat obstlnats casos. Ten days In
recent case * doerf tlio work. U U tha old chroalo
deep seat-ail cases that we solicit. We have
cured mm'livds wlio 1m ve lieou abandoned by
1'hyMclnns , and pronounced Incurable , and \v
cnnllenijo the world to brliiiz ua a case that wo
will not cure In leas than sixty dayx.
fiince thu hlbtorv of mealclno a true specific
for Syphilis has baun sought for but uovor
found until our
was discovers ! . atid'we ' are justified In saving
It li , tao only Komeuy in the World tnat will pos
itively cure , bsiauBB the latent Medlcn ! Works ,
pulilisluM by tha b t known authority , tay
lUoro . : isnoveratruesp30llcbofort ( ) . Ourr : ii.
edy will cure wHen everything else has failed.
Why waste you time and money with patoat
medicines tout uovor hail virtue , or doctors 1th
pliy lcl tK thai cannot cure you , you tLat tmvo
tried everything laa should tome to us no w mid
g t permanent relief , you never can got It ulsa-
wher . Marie what we sir. In the tid yon
must taka our remedy or NKVKIl recover nnd
you that have becantBlctud but a short time
ihould by all means coma to us now. not one In
tcnof nmv caios evur not permanently cured.
Many ict help and thlnt tiier aio frea fro-n the
dlio.tsc. but m on * , two or three yean utter H
appears iBn In a more horribly form.
This i a blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything H'0 ' Fails.
NoTicn Wodoslro tociiitlon patients In re
gard to parties claiming to use iho Cool : Hem-
edy. Our formula. U not anil CANNOT bu
Mian n lo anyone but ournslvoa.
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxlon Block
trealo I.
Buffcrliu from lliu iiiructs of yoiittiliil lolli-n orMllt
crrtlunt , or lire troutiloJ wltll WasLnuM. R rv a
lltililillIMH ol Memory. IJospomluiiiiy. Aversion tn
Sioi-loty. 1(1 luoy Troiiblt-B or uuy illiiMU. ) ut Ilia Cual-
to-UrlnKrrOrxans.inu lioro tinl H unfa n ul npujjjr
mr . Uliuruei reiimnUu ! , ipcliilly | to llio po r.
TlivninrB mnny truubloJwIHi too iroflupnt ovnum
tlom or tlio biuailor. elton by u KlUUt
Blnurtln ; : or burnll.i : niiunatluii. nml vo ikouliii ; of tno
Oitemmnmnnncrtlie iatl nt ( .diiiiut ncotiuiit for.
On cuuululiiii tlio urlaarr ilepnMti n n > | ir BJJIinunt
will elton bo lounil , una oaiBttmoi partlolo * of tilliu.
rucnwlll minjiir or tliu ciuor bo ol n thin , rallkUti
liu < > , uituln ohunxlrw to a U ror turiikl | ) iiiarunco.
' who moot til uiluviiltjr. lisnor-
unto ! tlia causa , which is tlioecconl lii < ofnuml-
nnl urcahneu. 'J'lio Uootor will ( 'uurmiUjB n perluji
euro In nil nui.htiiK05.iiDj a Uanlt'ir rojtorntlon of
the ( if nllo urlrmrr orea-n. ( iiinultutlon frwi. Sonl
J-cont Bliiinplor "Voun , ' .M n' Kiluiul.or UuUutJ
Wodlock"lroo to nil. Alliuit
Main nnd 12tb St. .Kansas Clty.Mo.
IJTiloutlou tUU
la uliiolnttlu jnife
it * eoliAlt.
No Chemicals
tie uicd In III prrpu&IIon. It hii m rt
t tkret ttiKl ( Af ttrtnytk of Cocua
ixed ! tli Starch , Arruv > ruut or 8uir ,
nd It therefore far tuora ccunotukal ,
> . "H C4llt a tVf. II 1 <
WLV Iiur.srri > , ud udmlribly itltpttil
cJUiHnoui la lutlth.
* *
- Bold
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester ,
aod'luiuonCUItKDin'i knlti ;
18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 28 , 23 , 30 AKD 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL.
A. J POPI'IjITTON , rreslloiit. Jt. W VATB-3. Treasurer.
J. .1. IUOWN. Vloo-l'i evident. S. T. JUdSKLVTN , Secretary
I'aiil 5J ( > Capilal , $ IOO,0O (
Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance ,
Olllci'H , i2 , 10. Cornrr IJouulnn niirt Hixtrcii li S''i. Tclojiliona 1.4i > .
nirectou : .A. J. I'onploton. .1. Il.Illllnr.lViii. . Wallacr. J. W. Oinnitt. II. W. Yfltea , N. A.
Kuun. 11.1 * Mono , 0. U. Woolworih , J. B Coillin , J. J. llrovra , S. T. Jovsolyu.
HosiiuOnirc. Niu. 00. : ill ) , 02 , .JU3 llrown's Ulodf , Omaha ,
1513 Douglas St Ooialia ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
TotilKKgbUi IMKwl , Utibllit iiiid
From Rev/ / York Evary Tuesday ,
ub n pasangj r to J50 , ncrarillirx to loc'-atlon
of utato i oem , Kxi'iirdlrm wi to 5 U.
fctcemtftj to imd fiofn Ida-ope ut ] .o.\on Kutes.
AUSTIN HAI.Urt'lK .V CO. . ( itti'l A oitn.
t'l Itioaclwuy. Now Yorz.-
JOHN HMUJH.V , Geii'l Westurn Ajont ( ,
1M Ht , , Ulilca3.
HAltltV K. iiOOKIW , ABt-nt. Omaha ,
Ueducoil Ciibin Hutcd to GliUigow Ex
General and HCIlVOUB D fiILIXyi
I Wcakceu cf Eodyir.d MindiEf/.ctj
l oiZrrorjcr utr3Csln Older YmJtff.
tlcliuif. Roll ! * M4MUMIII follr fr t rl. . Hoif to ZuUfKP * u4
tlr .lh iir ittM < ltll > lPIlHlKB4riUIBcf fll/liY.
il.uljllr u rji/Dj : HIIXK Tlll.ilJltlf-llBJl , la < Ur.
Ed Uillffrlin II UI U. . I.rllUirl. . , > 1 rorrl | > < ctli > lilM.
Vlixu rlUllk > Li. lloot , UlUtiiliattUi , and traufi Ukllti ]
n. idirm ISIE aiOWtl CO. . ettfALO , B I ,
MFH 50 > Sthr ! < ; < anna
lllCIl tail | wlfc . uuybt
perfectly rtralnnl l > v thu uetf
PESI.OM D uprtE Kipth
Wntl iiit iur new itltuirittta Minn
JJ- J M > a > i yi ivti t i vfut > VII.T Varlco-
celo curril wrJtout rwin wojH-rslicn. Addrttt
Uuslon-Uupro Cl'nlquu ' , lus Trcmvut t t , BcUon ,
rent * vrantvtl , Utoisll. KolU cleat
torrltory. Ills iirollu. S Ury
Kouo Co. . UJluuovur SU , Uuatoa ,
§ * i.
S22 * ft
Tiio bast en 'lp ' I plu u"Ti3 roort * n til * w vtt
i * 1 ho tutu it tun of ttiu | lOjlu ut > ul/r uUj U culJtxl
to till * mitr iiinjuiu Jt-ftori joi * ox * urslunl't , picnlo
j pattl Ji ut * . riui Ijunt uf rutJa iVun oJi u l jutlruau.
1 'J'ne jiiir * | Mtuat nl > iiiltfi1 frijui Juoj ti , und
1 rujitunn ; u ncnv of i.jul'uUjo l.irr "t iiiht t > u t
1 iitunuutl uiu , tin tT Ui' ioiutol nt Jixmn Iho f.i
! lutfiia Jiiiu > Ju t.Jttii r lutlr * * ) t bt'MtitiHt ' ' I'iva * .
i tiiu lo'iUi 'j iniuiii tun ! diiiulu-i jiull . I'U4i iiall
J K iU ion , uiodt * UP ji.t'U ) 1) ) tl.U ' 0 ttt VJA \ < lit l.vbltM
vrfth ttu iMi > pui' t * ( tn i 4. 'iito % /DII U'rful
OiifcljKJuu tirln | , i > iu uUt t > fttliln liouo ; tlHwIiti' i
lU'litrupiJn ' ! tu u , J3 iiu-tnljjvo . . . . . wtitor. . iC. LU
dbon. M
. .
wulyui ln l > woiiltui. mtlrjj
u > ' " r.ln tl la . ! ! iluuu.tla
i ntlflr 1'uxi-rful.lliiral/lj.
Jy | i""rao i.lfuil t. A wlil fruy
fiiff ( iiiruiiniifn il. Htiiilkluimiriii ) |
A IX ) KI.KI'riJUl JIKI.TU roll > > liiI'.AKI > .
OR. HUHDE. Hu.-.pYta TO iau
TVAt'EEH ara
euccejiifuJly ui.eU lunctlily liver 10.000
julles. AruSci/e. Kffeetualaiut Iteaiant
' | Tlxixliyin ll.orMdru Kl H Scale !
'urn < lar 3po UiZiiitaiupi. ! AdiJrusj
'fun Kuiuuii. CUCUUUL Co. , Vutvan , Kicii.
For sale and by mall by Goodman Drujf
Comjmny , Omuhu.