Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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They are Bootowod on tbo Farmora
of Nebraska.
All Binnll drains nro In Flno Condi
tion , While Corn I'roinUcs Kvon
Jlottur Thnti IiastTt'cnr Fruit
In Abundance.
NolirnHkn Farmers
The following report * In the condition ot
the cops nro from TIIB I3ir.'s : special cor
respondents. The outlook could hardly bo
moro encouraging for coronls of all kinds ,
Corn Is In nn especially fine condition. The
I small grains have nutTcrod slightly In a fo\v
I localities on nccountof dry woathcr bin with
the recent heavy rains they promise n har-
1 vest nlmost If not fully up the best of former
I years. Fruit of nil kinds Is yielding in
[ ubundnnco.
I AilnniN.
r JUNIATA , Nob. , Juno 15. All cropi nro
I looking unusually well nnd thcro Is u largur
I ncrcago than last , year. Fruit Is nlso prom-
I Islng. Following 1 % the number of acres In
I this ( Junmtn ) township : Wheat 2M7 ! ; corn ,
I 6,409 ; oats , : ) ,40S ; barley , G3I.
I Brown.
I AiNswourn. Nob. , Juno 15. The farmers
I of Urown county arc more than pleased with
I the present , prospects for n heavy ylold of
I email grain. The ncrcago Is greater by one-
I third than during uny previous year. Tlio
| corn crop Is not far enough advanced to
make n report nt the present time , except as
to the ncrcngo which Is tibout one-fourth
larger thnn over before. Tliero have been
excellent ruins during the past week and
I the weather Is very favorable for growing
| crops.
JOHNSTON , Noo. , Juno in. In this , the
I western part of Urown county , thcro is Jcstl-
[ inntcd to bo about 0,500 ncrcs of corn , 4,000
ncrcs of enl * nnd 11,500 nercs of wheat , nn in
crease of about " > per cent as compared with
last season. Crops of nil kinds nro In a very
good condition. * Thcro has been plenty of
ruin , nnd It seemed to cotno Just when It was
wanted. All small grain will need but llttlo
I moro rnln us the ground ia now thoroughly
I soaked. Farmers are all pleased with the
[ prospects and say their chances are better
for a bountiful crop thnn they have been for
five years.
[ LONU PINB , Nob. , Juno 15. ThogroatcroD
I of Urown county this year will bo wheat.
' Thousands of acres Imvo been put In and
' from the appearance of it now every ono pro-
I diets SO to 85 bushels per acre. All other
crops nro looking well corn particularly.
I liyo Is three feet high now. The great
[ amount of wheat sown was duo to the fact
f that the three mills nt Long 1'mo are paying
It 5 cents per bushel nnd it Is only 75 cents in
I Chicago.
f liox Unite.
! ' ALLiANcr , Neb. , Juno 15. The ncro-
L ago of corn , wheat , oats mid other
crops m Uox Uutlo county is double
f that of 1888. Thcro is planted 18l > r > 3
H ncrcs of corn , 8,212 ncrcs of wheat ,
5 7.8SO acres of oats , with about two thousand
9 acres In potatoes nnd about two thousand
I acres In llnx , making n total of : U > ,044 acres.
| The1 general condition of crops Is good , ex-
I copt.corn , which Is somewhat behind on nc-
\C \ ] count of the cool weather during the spring.
j Wheat nnd oats look better than they did n
| year ago at this time , nnd promise to bo n
Inrg6 crop. There liavo been several million
forest trees and near ten thousand fruit trees
I sot out in the county during the spring , mid
| nio all growing nicely.
I Bonne.
I CBDAH HAI-IDS , Nob. , Juno 15. The
I assessor's returns for Cedar precinct
I show the following ncrcago of crops :
ICorn , 0,5U9 ; wheat , l,03i ; oats , 3,2.15 ;
[ i-v raUlot , 841 ; barley 20 ; an in-
crcaso of nearly two thousand acres over last
I. year. The bountiful rains which have fallen
fi recently give every assurance of good crops.
I ; There are 818 acres of tame meadow , 2:11 :
l < ncres of forest trees , 11,057 fruit trees and
! 1,901 grupo vines , with an increase of $30,000
| valuation. The returns from this precinct
I' ' ] will indicate n fair average for the county ,
I ] shqwlng not only a largo increase in crop
If acreage , but nt the same tlmo n healthy in-
I crcaso in valuation. The farmers as a rule
I are prosperous , as exhibited by ttio iuiprovo-
I monts.
I , Jlutlor.
I BIUINAUD , Nob. , Juno 15. It is estimated
| i by "reliable authorities that the ncrcaga In
I thU product of corn and oats is about 30 per
I ' cent larger thnn Inst year. Crops of all
I kinds are doing well.
| . IJufTalo.
I GinuoN. Neb. , Juno 15. Uolow nro the
I returns of the assessor for Gibbon township :
I Corn 5,000 ncrcs , nbout the snma ns lust
year ; oats 8,000 , increased ; wheat 555 , about
the sntno ns last year. The condition of
wheat is 100 , of oats 100 , of corn .00. The
.recent cool and wet weather kept the corn
from growlntr rapidly , but thcro Is n good
stand , and n tew warm days such ns wo are
baring now will bring it up to 100.
Uurt ,
CHAIO , Nob. , Juno 15. The increase In
ncrcago In this county of corn Is about 10
per cent , of wheat 20 per cent , of oats ,13 per
cent. Small gralr\ has suffered some from
drouth , but recent rains liavo brought it out
wonderfully. Corn looks well and promises
a big yield ,
CBjJTiiorous , Nob. , June 15. The crop
acreage of every kind Is nbout double that of
last year in this now county. The remark
ably wet spring nnd cool weather liavo put
small grains in splendid sh&uo. Corn has
boon a llttlo slow on account of the cool
weather , but the lust 'few days have boon
very warm , nnd corn is springing up rapidly.
No accurate reports have been given as to
ncrongo , but It is nbout ns follows : Corn ,
25,000 acres ; wheat , 7,000 ; oats , 7,000 ; mil
let , 12,000. The continued wet weather is
considered remarkable for western Ne
braska. Only a very few days have passed
during the last month and a half without
heavy rains.
LAMAn , Nob. , Juno 15. Crops of all kinds
look woll. Forty per cent moro of wheat is
sown this year than last and many pieces
look ns well ns any that can DO found In the
oast. There Is about 20 per cent moro of oats
i and corn growing hero now than there was
\ \ last year. Corn is n llttlo late , but has n
peed color and IB making rapid growth now.
\ The potato crop has nn increase of 50 per
i cent over last year's planting and looks well.
I Not much rye Is sown. Sorghum Is planted
I quite extensively tor winter feeding and
Jj doe * wall. The buffalo grass Is putting on n
' BOOd heavy growth and cattle and horses
fatten rapidly on it. Very llttlo tame grass
is sown yet , but those who have ventured
the experiment have good success. Break
ing nou is the employment now.
P&irmiouTii. Nob. . Juno 15. Crops m
Cass county never looked better than they
do now. The acreage is about the same as
last year. Corn Is 5 to 10 per cent bettor
than that of last year ut this tlmo. Wheat.
oats , barley nnd rye are looking line and will
nvorngo about the same as last year. The
bay crop will bo far hotter than that of last
year. The npplo crop will bo bettor than
for many years. 1'otiitotocs will bo plenty.
All other small fruits look promising.
Col la x.
CLARKEOX , Neb , , Juno 15. The acreage of
corn In this county Is 10 per cent greater than
Its was last year. Wheat and oats show a
i , marked decrease In acreage over last year.
\ yiio coru crop was nuvor better or presented
tlner prospect nt this season of the year ,
though It Is needing rain badly now. Wheat
and oatn are materially Injured by the dry
weather. Unless it rains soon small grain
will not bo mure than half a crop.
JUuVAitu , Neb. , Juno 15. There will bo a
Yory little Increase m the crop ncroago In this
county this year. There will bo a slight In
crease probably In the corn and oata acreage ,
nd a decrease In the wheat acreage.
Bc&rcely any wheat Is planted here now.
Crop * generally look very welt The corn
stand Is especially encouraging.
FAiuriBU > , Nou. , Juno 16. Tbo prospect
for crops of all Wndu was never bolter In
Clay county than It Is to-dny. The Weather
was dry In the early spring , so that formers
were enabled to got their crops In , In treed
Benson , Later * on wo have had plenty of
rain , followed by warm weather. Assessor's
return * nro not nil In yet. bat there Is appar
ently n largely Increased ncronge of ground
under cultivation over last year. This Is
especially true In regard to corn.
KIXIAH , Neb. , Juno 15. The acreage of
corn planted this year In but Hltlo , If nny ,
In excess of last year. The acreage In Clay
county will oxcecd 100,000 ncrcs. Corn Is
generally looking well , though considerable
replanting had to bo done on account of the
wet wcatncr in May. Oats , wheat and bar-
'oy nro looking line , and n largo average , es
pecially of outs , lias been sown.
Si'itixo HAXCIIB , Neb , Juno 15. The acre-
go of corn In thU county Is fully up to the
average , but the prospects nro that at least
10 per cent datnngo will result from the ravn-
ces of cut-worms , woods nnd squirrels.
Thcro Is ngood deal of old corn In the farm
ers' cribs. Of onls , the ncrcngo Is much
greater. The grnln has a very heavy straw ,
und Is heading out. Of wheat nnd birloy ,
the acreage is less , but the prospects uro the
best ever known. Of rye , the acreage Is less ,
but the prospects nro Immense. The only
danger to small grain is rust ,
( Junior.
ANRKLMA , Nob. , Juno 15. The following is
'or ' Victoria township : Wheat , 1,200 acres ;
oats , 1,40U acres : mm , 7,000 acres ; flax , sev
eral hundred acres.
LEXINGTON , Neb. , Juuo 15. The ncrcngo
ol wheat through thin county is about 25 per
cent larger thnn last yenr. The crop Is lookIng -
Ing line and promises largo yields. Oats nro
remising Innro returns with the ucroatjo
nbout the same us last year. Recent heavy
ruins have revived corn nnd now It promises
larger returns thnn Inst season's crop. The
ncrcago Is about. 0 per cent larger than lust
season. Barley ivsd rye will multu iv good
average crop. The acreage is not very Inrgo
'n thiscounly.
GoTiinxiiuuci , Neb. , Juno 15. The uurcago
of nearly all crops is larger than formerly.
This is attributable to two causes : First , nn
incrcnso of population , nnd second , to the
fact that crops of all kinds wen ) good last
ycnr , giving the people renewed uonlldenco
In this county. Wheat , rye and onts nro all
looking very good. Corn is n little late , ow
ing to the great amount of rain and cool
weather , but looks fairly woll. Token alto
gether crop prospects were never better at
this season of the year than they are nt this
nic ,
OVCRTON , Neb. , Juno 15. The spring wheat
nnd onts look remarkably promising. The
prospect for corn In this section Is fair.
There is not n very even stand owing moatly
to the cold , wet weather. A similar report
comes from the farmers of the bluff section
of the county , both ns to corn and small
crntn , us nlso from the Elm creek nnd Wood
river valleys. Altogether the crop outlook
"or Dnwson county this season is u little bet-
cr than tbo average. There is some Increase
n acreage over lost , year.
FunvoNT , Neb. , Juno 15. The crop pros-
iocts In Dodge county nro at the present
time decidedly oucouraginc. The acreage of
corn will exceed thatof last year. The acre
age devoted to this staple is gradually In
creasing from year to year. The stand is ns
good ns over was Known In this section , nnd
s almost perfect. It is at least two weeks
further advanced than for the corresponding
date for the avcr.iffo season. The acreage of
oats is larger than last year. The stand is
; oed , but is just now needing rain , ns the
leads are formlne and the plants "stooling
out. " The acreage of wheat Is a tritlo smaller
than last year. The crop is In good condi
tion and the prospects Haltering for moro
than an average yield.
CUIITIS , Neb , , Juno 15. An csumnto from
152 farmers gives nn average of 2J per cent
excess in Ifab'J over 1SSS.
OIIIOWA , Neb. , Juno 15. The ncrcapo of
corn , wheat nnd oats In Franklin precinct ,
as shown by the assessor's Books for 18b ! > , Is
ns follows : Corn 10,000 acrcs.last years 8,900 ;
Wheat 700 ncres , last year 538 ; oats 3,000
acres , last year 2,810. It will , therefore , bo
scon that in this p red not , atloast , a largo in
crease in the ncrcngo of nil throo'staples has
taken place. The Increase in ncrcngo of oats
nnd wheat is noticeable throughout the en-
tlro county , but there is apparently no per
ceptible decrease in the ncreace of corn.
The crop prospect was never brighter. All
kinds of grain nro looking fine nud tbo
weather is favorable to everything.
"UUMONT , Neb. , June 15. The prospects
fonn ibundnnt crop , in this section , were
never .noro fluttering than at present. All
IU.IUM of grain , fruits and vegetables are in a
nourishing condition. Outs , especially , nro
putting forth nh exceeding rank growth , and
if the remainder of the season should bn fav
orable , there will undoubtedly bo nn enor
mous yield of this grain.
AuAi-Anoc , Nob. , Juno 15. Small grain ,
wheat cspecml'y ' , loons well. We are sure
of u good crop of corn.
BEAVER CITY , Neb. , Junol5. The increase
over lust year in corn acreage is Si per cent.
The wheat acreage is increased 10 per cent ;
oats , 10 per cent. The condition of the crop
is very Haltering.
EI.WOOD , Nob. , Juno 15. The crops
throughout Gosper county are in excellent
condition , and the acreage of corn , wheat
nnd oats , especially wheat , is far in excess in
this county of what it was last year. Pros
pects for a largo yield of wheat wore- never
BEATRICE , Nob. , Juno 15. There Is nn in
crcnso in the ncrongo of corn of nbout 15 per
cent over that of last year. The Increase
in acreage of small grain will reach 20 per
cent over last year. The condition of small
eraln is excellent und all that can bo desired.
It was never known to better in the county
at this season. Flux Is ono of the great
staples of Gaco county , and an Increased
acreage has been sown. On second breaking
or old ground it is in splendid condition , nnd
will give a moro thnn average crop on now
breaking. The stand of corn Is thought by
many farmers In all quarters of the county
to bo better than last your. A few warm
nights will benellt it greatly , as tno cold
ground has a tendency to keep it In check.
This Information Is gleaned from representa
tive practical farmers , nnd the con-
vlctlctlon is that the crop outlook in Gngo
county was never bettor than it , is at this
, STOCKHAM , Nob. , Juno 15. The acreage of
the various kinds of crops In Hamilton
county , as compared with lust year , may bo
approximated us follows : Corn , about 5 per
cent moro ; oats , about 10 nor cent less ;
wheat , hardly raised nt all ; ( lux , 10 per cent
moro. Next to corn , flux is , portions , the
most Important crop. Oats and flax are look
ing line , and corn , under the stimulating In-
lluenco of the last few days of warm weather ,
Is getting well started. There Is an increas
ing amount of tame meadows in this section ,
which at present are looking fine.
Ixur , Nob. , Juno 15 , From the assessor's
returns , of this , Francis precinct , the acre
age of corn , wheat nnd outs , are greatly in
excess of all former years. Corn , 3WO ncres ;
wheat , 1,800 , ; oatu , 1,007 acres. At this tlmo
nil crops nro doing well , with a plentiful sup
ply of rain.
Howard ,
ST. I'AUL , Neb. , Juno 15. Following Is a
statement of the acreage of wheat , corn and
oats In Howard county for 18S3 und 1SS9 :
18S9 18S8 Excess.
Wheat 17,255 17aw
Corn 42,015 33,859 9,720
Outs 10,830 13,587 3,249
The general condition of crops is good.
Wheat Is thin in some localities , nut since the
rain of a week ago , much improvement is
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WOOD Itivr.ii , Juno 15. The acreage of
wheat , ouU nud corn is a little more than
last your , The prospects were never better
thuu they are now , In this vicinity.
J offertmti.
RCYNOLVS , Nob. , June 15. The acreage o
wheat , com and oats In Jefferson county for
the year 1SSS us returned by the assessors
there was In twelve precincts 3,750 acres o
wheat , 59,018 acres of corn , 10,979 acres o
oats. The reports from the other four pre
cincts are not in yet. but It Is fair to presume
that they will average with the ubovo. The
acreage will be lurgur this year than lust
nnd the condition of the crops coulrt not bo
> cttor. The wheat nnd oats nro heading nnd
ook flno. In traveling over the country ono
ccs cleaner fields nnd belter stand of corn
ban for many years.
In thirteen precincts In JclTcrson county
here Is now growing 153,843 fruit trees.
These- consist of apples , peaches , plums.
10an nnd cherries. The npplo orchards old
noutth to bear nro well loaded with fruit
his This , however , Is but n smaller
or cent , ns most of the trees nro only from
hreo to flvo yeara old. The poach trees nro
veil Illicit with poaches nnd the cherry
ro s nro heavily loaded , Jefferson county
vill r.ilao more fruit this year than over
PAXTO.V , Nob. , June 13. Following la n
tntomcnt of the acre.igo of crop * sown In
his county this yoir : Wheat 5lOi , oats
,091 , rye Gjfl , barley 200 , millet 1,181 , potn-
ocs 500 , corn 8,093.
OOAI.MLA. Nob. , Juno 15. The prospects
or nn nbununntcrop in western Nobrusku
ms never been \unlcd at this tlmo of the
car. Hnm has been frequent nnd nbund *
nnt. The spring was very early ami crops
ire nil well advanced , and within the next
ortv days farmers will bo in the midst of
Kcyn 1'nlin.
MUST , Neb. , Juno 15. In the eastern per-
Ion of this county , less wheat has boim
own than in nny former yoir , nltho ugh
vlmt has been nown Is looking rom.irlt.i bly
veil and promises n fulr yield. There was
x good of full rye sown which , owing to
he extremely dry fall , did not germinate.
A very largo acreage of spring rye was sown
nnd Is now In , and with the frequent
rains wo are having will produce n good
crop. A larger area has been sown to oats
him usuul nud nt this time promises n good
laid. The corn nrcn Is much larger. It lies
: omo up well und looks line. The ground is
n good condition nnd cultivation Is being
lushed. Heports from other portions of the
county indicut ? that the ucreago of all crops ,
except wheat , is in excess of any previous
cur , and there is no complaint of the con
NOIITII PI.ATTI : , Juno l" > . The Increase of
acreage of crops of all kinds in the county
over 188S Is fully one-third. Some declare it
o be more , but 1 should say one-third in
crease over IbSS Is a fair estimate. Thn gun-
; rnl condition of crops Is better than evo.-
icforo. There has been more ruin this sca-
on than over before.
Lmnunntci' .
Nob. , Juno 13. Following is an
ifllclnl report of crops In this county , taken
rotn the assessors' books from the various
irecincts : Corn 155,073 ncres , wheat 8,223
icres , oats 4il. 174 bushels. Crops are nil in
plendid condition. Wheat , outs and tame
neiulowR are well ahead and growing faU.
. 'he oountiful rains have kept all the fields
rrccn and in u nourishing condition. Corn
s nil up and there never was a bettor pros-
icct for nn immense crop at this time of the
'car. Most of it is being plowed now for
ho second time.
b. . Juno 15. Recent rains have
nit Merrick county's crop in line shape.
Corn and small grain of all kinds nro doing
veil. The acreage under cultivation is but
ittlo in excess of previous years.
Nci.sox , Nob. , June 15. The assessor's
loous of Nuckolls county show nn in-
reuse in ncrcago of all crops planted ,
and everything is looking its best for
ovcral years. Oats loolc ns if they
vould turn out n very largo crop , and
orn is doing well , although u littlu back-
vnrd from so many cool nigUtf. The county
hews 2,5 ! ! i acres of wheat , 79,715 acres of
corn , 15,951 ncrcs of oats , 1MfJ ( ncres of
lax , 1,152 ncrcs of rye. basidps considerable
nlllot , meadow and potatoes. '
Nnnci .
GIX < M , Nob. , Juno 13. Thcro has been
> ut one failure of crops in Nunco county
Inco It was opened up , which occurred in
SSI , und that wus only n partial failure.
\bout half a crop wus raised , and the out-
ook nt prcseut indicates that 1SS9 is to bo no
exception to the general rule. Corn , though
atlier small , is doing llncly since the recent
rains , which have greatiy improved its geif-
cral condition , The , ncreaio is greatly in
excess of last year , or nny year in the history
of the county. The acreage of wheat nnd
iats Is small. Tnut of wncat is less than
nst year. There is n slight increase in oats.
Che outlook is favorable for un average crop
of both. The increase in the amount of lla\
> ut in lust spring was moro thnn 200 per
cent over any previous year.
Nr.musKA CITY , Neb , June 15. The corn
acreage is fully one-third larger tliun last
year , while smull gram is nearly ns much
ess. Corn , wheat and oats , nnd in fact nil
; raln , is in splendid condition. Everything
n the nature of an agricultural product gives
iromiso of nn extraordinary-yield , and farm-
; rs say that not within the history ot Otoo
county has the general crop outlook been so
Fruit , too , will bo abundant. Orchards are
Ibaded , and for the llrst time in ten years
there promises to bo a lar o peach crop
The fnrracrsof this county uro branching
out in u now product for this section , namely ,
llaxsccd. A largo acreage has been put out
this year , and it is claimed by many farmers
that it pays bettor tbnn any product next to
PI.AINVIRW , Nob. , Juno 15. The crops in
this vicinity uro looking very nicely nnd the
prospect of a good harvest has never been
more flattering to our farmers. Kcccnt rains
liavo placed the soil In excellent condition for
workingwhich is much needed in every corn-
Held owing to the rapid growth of all vegeta
tion. The Increase of acreage of corn is
nbout one-flfth , while onts and wheat nro
nbout the same ns last year. Considerable
breaking is being done this season which
will grcutly increase the acreage next year.
COLUMIIUS , Neb. , Juno 15. Crops in Platte
county were never in n Jlnor condition than
at present. The recent showers have
brightened the prospects for n good corn
crop. The assessor's returns show the ncre-
npo of corn to bo 85,2JT acres , 10,125 ucrcs
more thnn last year ; wheat 12,190 ucrcs ,
only a small increase over Inst your ; oats
70b95 acres , 12,280 acres moro than last year.
Moro flux lias been sown than during any
previous your. The acreage of barley bus
not Increased. The fruit crop never looked
better. About three-fourths of the fat cat
tle hare gone to market from this section ,
Git INT , Neb. , Juno 15. The number of
acres In wheat this year in this county Is
10,000 ; last year 5,000. Oata In 1888 , 3,000
acres ; 1839,4,000 acres. Corn. 18S8 , 0,000
acres ; Ibb9 , 8,000 , acres. Kyo , 18S3 , 1,000
acres ; lbS9 , 1,600. Flax , 1838 , 200 ncres ;
Ibb9 , 300 acres , The condition of all crops nt
this time is very good indeed , especially
with regard to wheat. Should the season
continue us it is the ylold of wheat per acre
will approximate twenty bushels.
Itcd Willow.
McCooic , Nob. , Juno 15. All crops
near hero look line , and the estimate of
acroace is more than double that of last
your , Wo have had un abundance of ruin.
Wheat and oats promise a big ylold. There
has teen cnouuii rain to Insure a croo of
small grain. Corn Is growing fast.
Lour CITV , Neb , , Juno 15. The ncreaRO of
grain sown In Sherman county this year is :
Wheat 7,100 , corn 20,035 , outs 8,881. The
acreaco In corn la fully 10 per cent Increase
over that of last year. Up to the 1st of Juno
the rainfall had been very light and wheat
was looking badly , but the frequent showers
this month have soaked the ground up , ox-
excepting In ono or two sections of the Loup
valley , whore but llttlo ruin has fallen , and
It is growing rapidly , but will not recover
lully and will probably bo but about a two-
thirds crop. The corn crop promises to bo
heavy , as rain cumo on just at the right
time , und is orlnglng it forward rapidly.
Some farmers are planting on ono side of
the field and on the other side are plowing
that llrst planted. Tbo acreage in rye IE
very light , but it Is already heading out and
will yield heavily.
nusiivii.LE , Nob. , Juno 15. A careful and
congervativp estimate from reliable sourcct ,
indicates that there are tbU your sown to
wheat fully 80,000 acres , an increase over
last year of at least 100 per cent , lu coru
there are 20,000 , a slight increase over lost
year. In oats there nro n , q st 10,030 ncros ,
with nn Increase In ncrcngoof probably 69
nor cent over last year. There Is nlso a largo
ncreaso In the amount of ibi\roy ( nnd other
small craln. Since the county was orgnn-
zed , flvo .vcnre nco , thcro as never boon o
nrgo nn ncrcngo In crops , nor half so good n
iro-snovt , ns at this tltudj There has boon
alnfall In nbundanco mbro'than ' has been
needed , though aot to the Injury of the crops
ns yet and small grain will now mature well
without another shower. ,
HAT SI-KINO ? , Nob. , Into 15. Sheridan
county is ono of the best .ntrrdcuHural coun
ties In the state. This season thcro are
. ' 5,000acres sown to wheat , nn Incrcnso of 100
ucr cent over last season , * .29,000 ncrcs ot
outs , nnd 15.003 ncrcs of corn. . About thrco-
ourths of the corn Is ulnhjtcil on sod or
breaking. The condition1 att present is nil
that could be asked for. f
Tonus. Neb. , Juno 15. The acreage of
corn In tiis | vicinity Is about the sumo as last
your : wheat , 25 percent moro ; oats , 10 per
cent less. Crou prospects nro very good.
IV.uioo , Nob. , Juno 15. The crops of
launders county In this vicinity never looked
Incr nt this season of the year. The recent
icuvy rains have put the ground In line con-
Htlon nnd done Inestimable benellt to the
crops of nil sorts. The ncrcago of corn nnd
) uts is nbou' . the snino an last ycnr , nossl-
ily 5 per cent greater , while the acreage of
vhcat , rye and barley Is somewhat less. A
; oed ncrcago of potatoes has been planted
md they nre prowlny llncly. Oats worn in
ured slightly by the dry weather , which will
iflect the length ot the straw more than the
luantttyor quality of the grain. Grasses
suffered moro from the drouth thnn uny
other crop , nnd hay will fall far short of last
ear's crop.
Guini : KOCK , Neb. , Juno 15. The ncrcago
hU year exceeds thatof Inst yenr us follows :
Corn 10 per cjnt , 15 per cent , oats 15
) or cent. The condition of small grain ,
rrnss and corn wus never bettor throughout
Webster county than nt present. The ground
s In excellent condition.
CHVDKOX , Neb. , Juno 15. From ns rclla-
> lo sources us possible the total ncroago of
, ho following cereals in Ujwca couutIs ns
ollows : Wheat , 2.1,1)89 ) ncrcs ; corn , Ji9.1S2 ;
> at3 , . ' 111,9-10. The increase In acreage is Hto I
u corn and oats , und 5 to 1 In wheat. Crops
ivo looking the best they over have before ut
his season of the year , Have had plenty of
alii and the warm weather how coining on
a "boosting" the cor.i along lust. It is estl-
nutcil that there uro 1,000 fanners in Dawcs
BASSKTT , Neb. , Juno 15. The crops of
Jock county mnko the best showing to date
or the same time in many years. The rain-
ull has been ample. The acreage of corn Islet
lot PO large ns In 1SS ( > , but thcro is u gain of
0 per cent in the acreage of wiieat. These
ire the chief products. Oats , rye nud barley
ook well nnd promise a good crop.
V orlc.
GRCSIIAM , Neb. , Juno 15. The condition of
reps In this locality is very encouraging ,
'ho acreage of corn planted in Stewart town-
hip is 7,904 , wheat 402 , oats ! 1,573 This Is n
onslderublo increase over that of last year.
Swift's Spccillc is not onoojthoold potash ,
nrsnparilhi , or mercurymixtures. . It con-
uuib no potash or mercury"or utiv poisonous
ubstaiicc. It relieves the system by forcing
ho impurities out through the pores of the
kn [ , und builds up the patient from the ilrst
dose. * r
V Fashionable Ccrcmonj D'-soribod
Ijove Mat ones'th'e-Kill ' c.
The Russians yondjollxinsirry quito
yountf in the upper clussQtuuul amongst
ountry nooplo oven at au < ( earlier ago ;
md to the honor of this ouioty beTit
aid , love matches arb'ylho rule , and
imrriages for money su'O.j'pi'y rare ex-
options , saj-8 a writer in Harper's Mnjj-
mne , . bowry-huntfnjj and marriages
of interest have not yet iai ) otheii' , ap-
icaranco in Russiun-iniiriALf's. 'Girls of
ligh bocial position , readily marry
ounpr ollleors of the guaid ; , who furnish
ho largest contingent of dancers to the
> alls of St. Potci'sburtr. During the
arnival fetes , the two armies , the army
u petticoats , and the army that wears
epaulettes , learn to Icnow each other
. Friendships spring up ,
he young man pays court , and 0110 day ,
vithout having consulted anybody , the
wo Hances come to ask of the parents
a blessing , which is never refused. The
church does not marry during lent , so
.hoy . have to wait until easier week.
< laai\lon \ demands for the celebration of
ho ceremony , the chapel of borne pri-
ate hoube. if tlio couple haven't sufll-
ciont lofty relations to secure the chapel
of the palaeo , A family that respects
tsclf ought to llavc at its wedding as
lonorary father , and honorary mother- ,
f not the emperor nnd empres , at
cast a grand duke and a
grand duchess. The honoray
athor gives the holy imago , which
borne little child related to the families
carries in front of the fiances. They
enter the church , followed by all their
rieiuls in gala uniform. The ceremony
logins ; it is very long , and complicated
with many symbolic rites ; a small table
a sort of movable altar is placed in
the middle of the oratory ; the couple
are separated from it by a band of rose-
colored satin ; when the priest calls they
nust advance , and the ono who first sots
oot on the band , husband or wife , will
bo the one who will impose his or her
will in the household. This is an
article of faith for all the matrons who
watch them at that moment. On the
.able is placed the liturgical formulary ,
, ho candles which they must hold , the
cross which they will exchange , the cup
of wino in which they will inoifatoti
heir lips , and which is called in the
Slavonic ritual "tho cup of bitterness. "
Pages relieve each other to carry with
outstretched arms two heavy crowns ,
which must be held above the heads of
, ho llances while the ceremony con-
, lnuos. At the decisive moment , when
ho priest is pronouncing the words that
jind Jlhoin together , the couple walk
ihroo times around the altar , followed
jy the crown bearers ; until the third
turn is completed there is time to turn
jack ; after that the die is cast , the
couple is united for life. 'Thereupon the
singers strike up in their most strident
voices the joyous hj'mn. ' 'Lot Isaiah
Rejoice. " The bridq "and groom then
? o and prostrate themselves before the
Virgin of thu Iconosiaso , and kiss her
( lligroo robe , after wllicli,1 , they pass into
the neighboring saonj | where they
gaily clink glasses of champagne , while
the invited guests Tocpivo boxes of
sweetmeats marked with the monogram
of the youngcouplo.
AVants n Poor Poting Wlfo.
This time it is a Philadelphia ! ! who
wants a wife from Castle Garden , and
ho is rnnnrontly too bashful to wrllo
foronoulrootly. Superintendent Simp
son pot his loiter a day or two ago , snys
the Now York Sun :
Dear Sir : Hnvlnpn young friend desir
ous of being married , but ns none of the
VCUIIK Indies of this section can (111 ( the bill ,
I have ndvlsod him to npply to you for one ,
nnd ho wished me to write to you asking It
thcro nro nny poor Immigrants who would
llio n peed homo nnd who would value a
good , kind , Intlulc-ctit husband.
Description of lady : Ao nbout sixteen ,
fnlr , nuburn or red hair , moderately stout ;
nationality , Irish or Norwegian.
Ho Is us follows : Ago twenty-eight'
heights feet 7 Inches ; stout , fair ; In n very
good position and fairly well off In this
world's goods. I cncloso stumped and ad
dressed envelope for reply , I nm for him ,
yours truly , J , H ,
Send reply to mo nnd I will hand It to him.
2,027 Fourth street , Philadelphia.
"I believe in protecting homo indus
tries , " sold Mr. Simpson , ' 'and I havn't
overheated myself in the search for n
wife for him. "
Sliylocks After ( hu round of Klosli.
There are BOUIO pretty mean people
living in this viclnltysayfl a letter from
Johnstown , nnd these are bomoof them ;
A teamster living directly above Frank
TautHncor , on Kern 11111 , sheltered
three of the homeless Monday , and was
by them given a sacic of Hour in pay
ment for a meal. Later in the day
these people wore compelled to pay 60
cents each to this man for talcing them
into town in his wagon a low blocks
A man from Slony Creek valley cnmo
into Kornvillo last evening and offered
potatoes for sale at 60 cents per bushel.
Captain Aaron's force at the Kornvillo
suuply station heard of it , hunted the
man up nnd toolc possession of his team ,
which was driven to the supply station ,
and conflbcatod the contents of the
Another man named Adam Kaoland
was charged with having sold Hour nt
$5 n back to sufferers.
The mean est man of the lot is a fol
low who vcster'lay passed along the site
of the ruins carrying the portraits of a
lady which ho picked up. A llttlo girl
stopped him with the exclamation :
"Why , mister , that is my mamma's
picture ! "
"Well , liltlo girl , " replied the fol
low , "you run and got mo a dollar and I
will give you the picture. "
There are few traveling men who
epresent houses in this city or make
Omaha their headquarters who are not
acquainted with Mr. J. W. Judkinspro
prietor of the Judkins house , Fullerton ,
Neb. Mr. Judkins bays : "I have used
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dior-
rhoeaRemedy for several years in severe
cabcs of dysentery and diarrhoea and
always keep a bottle in the house for
use of guests. It never fails to effect a
prompt and certain cure. "
An Incident ol * the Flood In Massa
chusetts , Alny ,1J , 1874.
The following stirring poem , written
by John Boyle O'Reilly , ib recalled by
the heroic ride of Daniel Peyton , the
Paul Kovcro of the Conomiiugh dis
aster :
No song of a soldier riding down
To the raging light from Winchester Town ;
No song of n liiim that bliook the earth
With the Nation's ' throe u"t u Nation's birth ;
I3utthe song of u bravo mun , free from fear
As Sheridan's self or Paul Hevcre
Who risked what they risked , free from
And its oromiso of glorious pay his life.
The peaceful valley has waked nnd stirred.
And tie answering echoes of life uro heard ;
The dew still clings to the trees and grass ,
And the early toilers smiling pass
iYs they gUnco aside ut thu whltc-wallcd
r homes ,
Or up the valley , where merrily comes ,
The brook that sparkles in diamond rills
As the sun comes over thn Hampshire hills.
What was it that passed like an ominous
breath 1
Like n shiver of fear or n touch of death !
What was it ? 'Iho valley is peaceful still ,
And the leaves are nliro on thu ton of the hill.
It was not n sound , nor a thing of sense
But n pnln , like the pang bf the short sus
That wraps the being of those who s > co
iVt their feet the gulf of eternity !
The nir of the vnlloy has felt the chill ;
The workers pause at thodoor , of the mill ;
The housewife , keen to the shivering air ,
Arrests her foot on the cottage stair ,
Instinctively taught by the mother-love ,
And thinks of the sleeping ones above.
Why start the listeners ? Why docs th
Of the mill stream widen ? Is it n horse ,
Hurl : to the sounds of his hoofs , they say ,
That gallops so wildly the Williamsburg
way ?
Godl what was that , like a human shriek
From the winding valley ? Will nobody
Will nobody answer those women who cry
As the awful warnings thunder by )
Whence come they ? Listen I And , now they
The sound of the galloping horse-hoofs near ;
They watch the trend of the vale , nnd sec ,
The rider , who thunders so menacingly ,
With waving arms and warning ecroatn ,
To the homo-filled banks of the valley
stream ,
He draws no rein , but ho shnkcs the street
With n shout ana the ring of the galloping
And this the cry that ho flings to the wind :
' To the hills for your livcsl 'iho Hood is
behind I"
Ho cries and is gone , but they know th
The trechcrous Williamsburg dam has
burst !
The basin that nourished their happy homos
Is changed to u demon. It comes 1 it
comes I
A monster in aspect , with shaggy front
Of shattered dwellings , to tuku the brunt
Of the dwellings they shatter white mimed
nnd bourne ,
The merciless terror Jills the course'
Of the unrrow valley , and rushing raves ,
With dentil on the Ilrst of its hissing waves ,
Till cottage and street and crowded mill
Are crumbled nnd crushed.
But onward still ,
In front of the ronring Hood is heard
The galloping horse and the warning word
Thank God that the bravo man's life is
spared I
From Williamsburg Town ho nobly dared
To race with the Hood and to take the road
In front of the terrible swuth it mowed ,
For miles it thundered nnd crashed behind ,
Hut ho looked ahead with a steadfast mind ;
"Thoy must bo warned I" was all ho said ,
As away on his terrible ride ho sped.
When heroeu nro called for , bring the crown
To this Yankee rider ; wend him down
On the stream of time with the Curtlus old ;
Hid deed as the Roman's wus brave und
bold ,
And the tale can as noble n thrill awnko ,
For Lo offered bis life for the people's sake.
il PEARS'-Tlia Great Engllsft Complexion SOAP.-Sold . Evepitera. "
Save Your Hair
BY n timely wo of Aycr's Hnlr Vljxor.
This lucimrnllon Im.i no cqunt ns n
drcssliiR. It keeps the scnlp clcnn , cool ,
r.tul licnltliy , niul preserves the color ,
fullness , niul licnuty ot tlio hnlr.
" I wna rnplilly bocomlng baltl nnd
pray ; Imt nftcr nilnR two or tlirco
bottles ol Aycr'a Ilulr Vlpor my Imir
prow thick nml Rlo y niul tlio orlfjlnnl
color \vni restored. " Mulvlu Alilricli ,
Cannon Coutro , N. II ,
11 Some tlmo ngo I lost nil my Imlr In
consciiiicnco of monslr.i. After tlun
wnltlitR , no nou- growth nppcnrctl. I
then used Aycr'a Hair Vigor and my
Lair grew
Thick nnd Strong.
It Imi apimrcntly cotno to stay. Thrt
Vlcor h ovldriitly n emit aid' to natnro. "
J. H. Williams , noroivlllo , Texas.
"I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for
the past four or flvo yt-ara nnd llnd It a ,
most satisfactory drcsshi ) ; for tlio hair.
It Is all I could dcslro , liolno harmless.
causing the hair to rctnln Its natural
color , and ivqnlrlnn but u small qimntlty
to render thu hnlr cnsy lo ntiaiiRO. "
Mrs. M. A. llalloy , 0 Charles atrcct ,
Iluvoihlll , Mass.
" I have boon nsliiR Aycr's Hair Vlpor
for several ycais , nnd bullovo that It ha1 *
caused my hnlr to intaln Its natural : \ . H. J. KliiR , Dealer In
Dry Goods , &c. , Blshopvllle , Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor ,
Or. J. O , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Gold by Druggists and Perfumers.
f revisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 houlliltttli Street , - Omulin
VTo deal In I.iind Wiu-i-nxl * niul Scrip ,
Applicable to ( .lovernment Lnml. nml Transact a
Hciri'tiir llunkliiu lliulncs * .
Correspondence Solicited.
J-ssticil by
CHic1 ! , Counties School DKtric.RVnlcr Com
panies , c. We nrc In the market for the
purtltasc of round amounts of Mich bonds.
Correspondence solicited.
N , W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
115-117 MonroeGtroot , CHICAGO.
SG DovotiQhlrnStrant. . BOSTON.
Capital S-IOO.OOJ
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1889 52,000
OFFICr.HS AND DlltEOl'OltS : '
IIEN'UY W. YATIW , President.
LUWIS S. Ituni ) , Vluo I'reildaut ,
A 13 " * ' * * T ' A I1 T
W. V. MOltSK
W. H. S. IIcJUIinR , Cashlnr
Corner l-ti ! and Kirn im Sts.
A General UnnUinc UiiblueisTrausacto 1.
Boots nnd Shoos.
Successors to lleo.t , Jonc ? & Co.
Wholesale Maiiiifactsrers of BuoisS Slices
Agent * for IK ) ton Hubber blto'e Co , III1101 und 11W
llnrhujr btreut , Ouialtn ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
North KlBlitcenlli > tfcat. Omaha , Vn.
Mann'actnrersofGalYa'iizcu Iron Cornice
Wlndon-cjps nnd metallc fKyl ehti. John Upenctcr ,
proprietor. 108 and llUhontu 101 li street.
Office Hxturpo.
Manufacturers of
IM , Office and Saloon rixinrei
Unntlei , Sl'lnbnnrdii. nnoit CRTS , Dnir. Kixturea , Wall
CUHOK , Partitions , Hnllliu'.O Mliitcin. Itci'rund U In *
Cboli > ri > , Mirrors , ICls- Put lory nnd olllcu , 173UimdlW3
bouth I.tli St. . 1'clephone 1124.
Paper Eoxeo.
Proprietor Omaha Faner Box Factory ,
Nos. 1117 atid 1313 Douglas street , Omghu , Neb ,
, Uoora , Etc.
manufacturer * of
Basil , Doors , Blinds and Moulding *
Branch ' /nee. 12ttj and liar.l Mreut Oimilia. Neb.
MauoLcturors of Sash , Door ? , Blinds ,
tlouldlncs , plnlr-wori nml Interior hard wood flnlsu.
NU. corner tilli und hpnrcnturtbsirtuts ,
Omulia , Nob.
Pumps , Etc. _
Tit A NO joi , AliKfy FA JlT 7. JL Tlfid CO
Pnnips , Pipes and Engines ,
Btoam , writer , r.illwnv nn'l ' mining supplier , eta ,
020 , VK and Vil hnrmtra * trtet , Omabu.
Steam and fate : Snplles ,
wind mill * . MS i.tid ! JJ Junes bt , Omaha.
_ U. V. lossactlnifnunucer. ( .
Engines , Boilers and General Mecliincry ,
BbcoUrou work , stcnm intnipg , saw inllli. 1313-1211
l.oavtmwortu street , Omshn.
Iron Works.
Carter t , bon , I'rnu' * . Miiuufitctururnof ull
Sleain Boiler * , Tanks an ! Slieet Iron Wort
_ \Vorks foath 'JJtujmd U. X M. rro < ilnrf.'iVI. _ IIH "
Wrougnt and Cast Iran Bui dins fork ,
Boglnes , bms work , ifancml fonnilrjr , matblno and
blacksmith work , onico und worti , U. 1 * . llf ,
and IHh ttrtet , Umtlm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iro.i Railings
le ) k rails , vrlndov cuarrts. nonet stand * , wlro sixes.
etc , UlNunulUlislriPi.Ouiatia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , Jnll work , Iron shutters and nre escapes ,
( J , Andrucn , prop'r. Cor. lull aud Jackton an.
Of Omaha , Limitel
Joliu P. UojfdBJpurlntc4J.nt.
ARrlculturnl Implomonta.
Dealerin Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Osrrtagti and bniflev Jonr slrreU batween ( th anil
luilj , Umnlta. Nebraska. _
Agricnlt' ' Implements. Wagons Carriages
lUUlUUlui "I ,
nucules , do. Wholprnli"I Ncbtftils.
Wholesale Pcnlors la
Agrlcultnral Implements , WagonsS Buggies
Rl.ftnt01anilW7Joncs ) street , Ornnhn.
uanntacturors nml Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Ra'es ( , Plows Etc.
Cor. nh anil I'/ulHo strcokt , Omaha.
Artists' Mntorlala.
A. UOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1113 DouRlna drool Omnha , ebroiko.
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MOItSU A CO. ,
Jolte of Boots and Siioes ,
1101,1103,11U& Douiibs Mroct. OmahA , Manufactory ,
Summer moil , lliHton.
Oonly Coke and Llmo.
Jobte or Hard and Soil Coal ,
SOP bouth 131h ilrcct. Oinali.x Nebraska ,
Sliipce s of Coal a d Coke ,
211 South Uth St..Oinnhti , Neb.
_ Co m i rnkj8j n n n d Stgrggp.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
oclnl"cVTAH 0nracboTl \ > 0.n. . ; ' ! ! .rT- " "
Goods and Notions.
M. E. SM111I A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fiinnsning Goofo and Kotions
IIOJ and 1104 Douglni , cor. lltlntrott.Omnlin , Neb.
Importers and Jolliers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
nontV furnishing gnodi. Comer lllb and Ilarner
ilrcala , Omitlm , Nctirasko.
& CO. ,
Importers nnd jobber ! of
f oolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT South 1Mb street
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Knrnnra Mrcot , Omalm , Nebratka.
Fnniitnre ,
Cmaba Nobruika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
70i,7U7 , 7l nncl711Foilth lOtli 8U. OmatiA , Nob.
) , URADY A CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nna ticnvcnworth streets , Omahn , Nebraska.
W. J. UnOA'lCIT.
Heavy Hardware , Iron anf Steel ,
Springs , wnuon flock , bnrdwnro , lumber , cte. 1201
_ mid 1811 llurpoy etruol.Omnha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
. ulicot . . lot Hewn .
HoUls. Iron. etc. Arcnt" scales.
Miami poir.lcr am ! I.ymon barbed IT I re ,
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' toola nnd HnlMlo scales. UM Uouglal
ulruul. Oiuunn. Neb.
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
Imported nml American I cento it. Stal
nfcnt for .Mllwnulit'o liilriinllc content nnd
_ Omnrv whim limp.
Dealer in Hardwood Lniter ,
Wood carpcti and parquet ( loorlne. Utlt and DouglM
troot , Oruivba , Nab.
AHKinds of Building Material at Wholesale ,
IStb Street nnd Unluu t'acHlcTrack.OmaUB ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasfl ,
Doors. 15 to , TardsCornci 7th nod Douglas , Corner
WtU and
Lumber , Linit Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Uu and flouKias Bts. , Omalin.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California Streets. Omaha , Nebrnska.
Ml I Up o ryj > _ nd _ Notions. '
/ . dut'jiVEMl'c'R & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
15W. 210 end mpotttli 111U strait.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goote ,
Coinur'Mi \ aim Howard streotu , Omuhu.
Joltcri ) of
Toys , Dolls , Altos , FaneGooJs / ,
HOUWJ ItiralifhliiL' couJx , ihiKtivu'H curflug
aim 1'iiinii'i stiTiit , omniiH.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Dili ,
Ailecrcsie. etc. , Qiuaun. A. It. lllshop. Manager.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Crrranlco stock of printing , wrapping and wrUlaf
paptr. Hpoolal attention clvm to car load ordan.
LAW , U' < Dam-born Ht. , flilciit'o : utlvlcu fieoi
1 ream' cxiiorlunco ; buulauss quietly tiuU le
gally trauuactcd.