Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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% Omaha's Sirtondlcl Exhibition at tbo
Ball Park Yesterday.
Blonx City Drops Two Onmcs to DCS
Molnos St. .loo Tnlls tlio Pro
cession StntulhiK of
tlio Clubs.
Standing or tlio Chilli.
Following will bo found the standlnt : of
tlio teams In tlio pcnnnt chaao In the West
ern association up to and Including yes tor-
day's gnuics :
Ployed. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
St. Paul 33 80 8 .780
Omnlm 3D 20 13 ' .cor
Sioux City ai S3 15 .005
lca ) Molics..ri ! ) 17 18 .48(5 (
Minneapolis. . . ! > 9 18 21 .402
Denver 8S 15 33 .nt'5
Mllwniilsco K > 10 23 ' OvQ
St. Joseph DO 10 . 2T8
Omnlm ! , Mltincnpollfl J.
Notwithstanding the threatening weather ,
thcro was a tremendous crowd nt the bull
park , yesterday , to welcome the Omahas
home ,
There must Imvo been fully thirty-five
hundred people present. They filled the
grand stand to overflowing , lay about on the
hot bleaching boards llko lizards on an
Arizona sandbank , while the outfield was
fairly surrounded with carriages and bug-
By Clio time the game was called aH signs
of Inclement weather had vanished. The
skies .wore as brazen ns n plcco of bruss , nnd
tbo vapory clouds hung In the upper doldrums
drums without the breath of ubreozo to swell
tholr big white Rails.
Indeed , it was hot enough to roast a lur-
lioy , but It was ba o ball weather , nnd the
Bturny Mlnncapolltans rccocniz. d it ns such ,
for the Black Sox como within a single point
of shutting them out without , n run.
Martin Duke was in the box for the visit
ors , and homado the Omnhas think that they
didn't knowalittlo bit about batting. In the
first two innings ho held thorn strictly down
to n diet of thin air , but their bats nro good
and ' long.and their muscles blgund strong ,
and 'they nmnaccd , before the gnmo closed ,
to get in Just the right number of hits to add
another " flno victory to their increasing
Nichols nlso pitched great ball : in fact , ho
clearly bested his confrere from the north ,
who offspt Ills , admirable work Oy some of
'lib ' wildest-twirling seen on thcso grounds
this year. Ho seemed to Imvo the Charlie-
homo In | ils right eye , nnd some of his con
tortions wurostrange and wonderful indeed.
. , ThO locaUtcam played another errorless
game their seventh so far this season.
But this.Is how it all happened :
In the first , Coonoy , the ox-president , and
Strauss went , out with aggravating rapidity ,
ns diil tlio Minnies likewise.
Croohn , " the man with the musical chin ,
was the first batter up in the second , and by
masterly waiting and n vast iimotint of
"kidding , " lie made Duke pitch four wide
"Tho Lord Juke , why nut this slight upon
mo , horn in Denmark ) " ho cried as ho trotted
to first.
This provoked Martin's ire , and ho slam
med our rosy-haired short stop out so quick
that it almost strangled him. Then Juck
stole second , and Naglo followed him to first
on balls.
It looked llko n run or two , and the bijj au-
dlcnco settled themselves to cheer the boys
ns they nmblect homo.
But they failed to amble worth n cent.
The Duke struck the next two men out too
nulcir , nnd the people pretended to cheer , but
it was only a bluff. They wanted to make
Sara Morton , who sat on the players' bench ,
think that Omaha crowds are thoroughly im
In their half , the Minnies njrnin retired in
One , two , three order.
Kid Nichols began the music in the follow
ing by a corker for a base to center , but ho
was forced out a moment later by Coonoy ,
iyhorcnchcd first in safety on the hit. A
passed ball advanced hint to second , nnd after
Cleveland had struck out , ho scored on Fos
ter's muff to Jnltoy Strauss' fly to center.
Crooks' out retired the side , but Omuhu Had
ono tally and the crowd thought that was
For the .Minnies , Turner made n single ,
but after Dulci ) hud finished , he was forced
at second by Dugdalo , and Mmnohan spoiled
nil further chances by striking out , too.
In the fourth , Walsh was sent to first on
balls , only to be doubled up by Nnglo on a
brilliant double plav by Duke , Ilenglo and
Minnchan. Big Wully Amliows nlso was
given his base on balls , but no wasn't doub
led up , oh not For little Jliniuy Catiavnn
stepped right up to thu pinto into H real mini ,
nnd smashed the. sphere way out amone the
barouches and tea-carts in left field for a
homo run.
Then the great crovva opened their facjs ,
nnd the sunny summer air was filled with
Inspired bv tills fine work , the Kid made
his second single and Coonoy got his base on
nn error by Uiulrty Hanrahaii , Nick going to
second. Groyor got his base on balls and
the bags were all occupied.
. But tha ( , was ull the good It didfor , Strauss'
high fly to Henglo terminated the innuig.
In their hftlf Morton's men made their ono
little , narrow'ishestod , consumptive run.
After-Furmei1 Miller had flown out to An
drews Mr. West , familiarly yclept down in
Cincinnati the Uigur Sign , made a rattling
single , llq'mailo n vain attempt to purloin
second , however , and with his classic brow
beetling llltoli thunder cloud ho followed Joe
to the bench. Foster then mode a hit and
. galloped deal' rouml to third on Ilenglo's safe
ono , scoring n moment after by the graca of
a little bad Judgment by Messrs. Uncle nnd
Crooks. There were two men out , with Fos
ter on third and Henglo on first. The latter
inado a break to steal second. Nagla throw
down to head him off. Ilcnglo stopped mid
way on the ling and yelled to Foster to run
In , but Foster needed no promoting , for lie
liaa btavted. Crooits then returned the ball
to Naglo , but. too late , for Foster had skated
on his shirt front across the plato.
Henglo , realizing that desperate diseases
require dospcruto remedies , made n dnsti to
steal third anil succeeded , Hanrahaii got
his huso on balls , and thu ulr began to assume
n dark blue tinge. A hit would tie the bcoro.
But Turner wns unequal to the task instead
of making the coveted hit , struck out.
The people snouted Joyously.
The only other run scored in the game was
made by Omaha In the seventh
Cooney opened up the fun by slashing n
two-saekor to loft , but was Ingloriausly ex
tinguished in u mad endeavor to tuko three
on it.
Served him riant. >
Uuko next smashed Grovnr in the butt of
the cur , but after Blinking his brains back ii
tholr proper place old Buffalo sailed clown to
* first , thoncn ho rode second on a wild pitch
took third on Strauss' out , nnd homo on
another wild pitch.
So fur ns mailing runs was concerned , that
ended thu game , and everybody went homo
bonny , because Omaha had won.
The score :
r. h. o. n. cl r. h. ii. o I 2 : i u u Mlnuolinii , lli.U II S u 0
l'lcvuluml.3t.l l n o ti.Miller. Kb. . . . . ,0 II 3 U
HruuM.iY. li u l l ) 0\Ve , tlf , u l | l u
Crook * . Sb II u It U ulKontor. cf 1 1 1 U 1
Wolili , „ , . . , .u u : i u t > ; lli'iiji ! < , Sb. . . ( ) i 4 i u
Napfu.u , u u
n gTuriicrVrt r..ii I l u u
J-miavan'lf.l S 3 U ll'Diiko , i > . . . ' , . . , ii f u IS o
Klcuulip.0 J | 7 U.nncrtnk , r U U u I U
Totnli , , , , 4 T : Ti.tal I 7 ! il SI 3
1IVIXX1S < ! H.
Oiuulul. . , . , . , , . , .0 0 1 3 II I ) 1 U 04
> lliincaiiili | < . , . .0 UU1UUUUU-1
tit' JIM. VII V ,
' " Until onrnod Oniiilm 1. 'J'wn Inun lilnCimncr. .
Jluiuoruimfnnnun.l ) < iuliloilny | liiikv.lluuuluuiKl
illunt'linn. l'u > < - ui liall - IHIkril. Nlflml * ! . lillby
ltclicj Uall-iu > i. > linilCiiiiiV . Micii'k out Iliiku' ' ,
tiuijli ( . I'uuvil tulU-Dilk-Uulu I. Wllil uttditMt--
ukel. Tluio-'J-iU riuitru-forx-i | .
( fiuiin.
ThoOinulja mill Miiuiuu | > olii UMIIU will
ineotagulu on Iho liouio yrouinl.Hi nfior-
noon , cnum buluc called nt : i:43. : Tlia superb -
porb gtuno of yustorJaj1 hftcfuooii , taken to.
Ketlier with OiiMlm'Adplaiidld victory , stioulil
to BUlllciout to rull out anollicr l ri ; < i croxvtl ,
ClIJ' t.OHl ISlllll ( iillllUb.
Sioux CITY , Iu. , Juno W. Pionx ( 'it.v
flrojp ) d two euiucs to lo iMoinu * to-day ,
the former by failure to hit the bull and the
lost by Urosnnn's wild throw to the plato In
the ninth nflcr two men wore out. The lo
cals hit Kmtnorko hnrd In the last game , but
the errors wore costly. Score :
Kampilllntu Io Molnca 3. Two-bsso lilU-Pnt-
ton , Hmlth. Tliroo-ba'o lilts Ilntt , Stolen bines
Dpi Molnc , 2. HrH bii n on bnllit Xloux City .1.
Dos Molnca I. Hit l > r tillclictl bnll-Cllnu. Htrnck
out Hr Nubol 8. by llnrt a. Tlmo of gumu-tUi. Urn-
plro uunlon.
srcosn OAMR.
r. li , n. n.'cl r. Ii , o. n. o
Cllno , M. . . . . . . . : i l 2 ; t o IVilton , rf ,1 u 1 u u
'llcnn.lf 1 II : i II OMnskroy.lf..2 2 2 U 1
I'owoll , Ih „ 171) ) 0 Wbltolcjr , Cf..l Tl 3 U U
iimlns'rf u 2 \ o 1 ( I u 3 I ) o
! lro nnn,2b..l 1 2 : i alHmltli , Ib. . 2 211 ( I 0
llri\l : \ yil : U II 1 it 0KHlsniuii,2b- ( 2251
Jrotly.lf l ) 2 tl 0 1 M ciillcr , 9.l 2171
lirllmnn , c 0 II 7 0 llTrallluy , o 1 1 1 0 U
Wubbcr , p 2 1 U U 0 ICmmurke.l U U 2 2 U
Totnl .1) ) 8&1 II 4 | Tntnl 10 11 87 11 n
loux City. . . .1 II U U U U U & H U
las iloltioi. . , . ; i 0 0 1 U 4 U U 2-1J
Knrncit runs loux City S , DIM Mulnm 1. Two-bn o
ilta I'owoll. Tlirco-bmo hltn ( 'nitty , Kluvimn.
Itolcn Im ei-Stoux Cltr 1,1)0' ) Slulnu < I. Klrston
mill bloiix Cltrft , Do'Molnni 5 , lilt liy pltchur
Vclibtr. Struck ftut lyVotilicr C , liy Ktumcrki ) 1.
'nnscil liulls llollninn. V/IM Ditches Wobber.
Tlmo l:5u. llmplro llunloii.
Kiilwnukco 11 , St. Josnph O.
Wls. , Juno 10. Milwaukee
won the third consecutive game from St.
Tosoph to-day. The St. Joe men did not got
a hit. Score :
r. li. o. n. c. r. li. o. a. o
Mills , rf . 2 210 'nrtwrliilitM..O 2 1 4 II
Ixiwu , If . 2 2 1 II osi llUllllltixo , Cf..U U U II D
Morrl oylb.2 U U U n c ( I I ) ( I ( I U
Klrby.M , . : t ( I u a u Anliicr,2b U 0 1 3 U
Hinton.ib. . . „ . . . ! U 4 2 I Krlcu.c ( I 1411
MrCulliimcr..l 2 1 U ( Knoll , rf 0 2 1 II U
Alberts , 81 1 3 t II 0 .McVcy. 8I > ( I 1222
ilionklu. p II 0 U 3 OKrxi . > U 013 U U
irimth , p I ) ( l U 1 ( I Klopf , p U 1 0 4 U
llurloy o U U T 2 0
Total * 0 7 27 U 3
Totals 11 82710 0
11V IXMX03.
Mllwaukoo 5 2 U 3 2 U U 0 0 11
HI.Joseph. . . . ; , U UUOUUOUO-U
Karnfil runs SIHivnukoo 8. Two-bnso lilti MIIH ,
Ulrby , Sutton. Double plays Shnnkla , button , Mor-
rlssuy l < u ci on billi Sliunklo .1. Klopf U. Mruck
out rtlmnkla s , ( Jrinitli ,1. I'.isnuil balls Kiii'K 2.
'J'lmu ol ciimo il IIOUH unit 5j mlnutoi. Uuitilru
Sr. Paul 0 , Denver O.
ST. PAOI. , Juno 17. St. Paul won the clos-
ng gamci of the scries with Denver. It wus
the best all around gauio of the four. Shores
was hit pretty hr.rd. Cuslck aid not show
up and Klrby umpired the game. The game
was called to catch a train. Score :
r. Ii. o. n. o. r. h. o. n. o
Ilnvrcs. Ib 1 2 II l 1 Dalrymplo , : ib..l 0 1 1 ( I
Murphy , rf : i l ( I 0 ( I McCIclInn 2b.U 0 II 2 1
iirroll , rf 2 2 2 U 0 Troilway , rf. . . .1 )
llollly.Ilb II 1128 Itowo , Ib ( I U 7 U U
rt'orrlck , 2b 1 2 4 li t S-llch , cf 1 U 0 II
WnKonhurst,8. < l ) 1040 Dulnn , c 1 2 I ) U
DnlojIf .1 1 I U 031 ] oroj , i 1 0 U I 0
Kurmor , c 1 2401 Twliilinm , s..l 1 2 ii 2
Tuckcrm np..U U 1 ; i I 'iisan ' , It OJJJ |
Totnh . . . . U IS 21 11 4 TotiiH 0 ( i 23 8 0
i'flui i o s i ) n o 4 i-n
Denver 4 U U 2 U U U 04
'J'\To-bi o lilt' Farmer. Twlnoliani. Homo runs
Daloy. llolan. llii m utoU'ii lly Wiiironhnrat , Iliiwos ,
Muriiliy nnl Tro Iwuy. Douhlo pluvi Hllcli , McClol-
Ian and Itowo. llusi'i 01 balls OifTuckcrinan : i , cur
Shores 2. btrurk out Ur Tiickcrnriii : i , SUoroi 4.
1.0ft on bisot bt. I'nul4 , Ui'iivorO. First linso on er
rors bt. 1'niil 3 , Donvur J. Tlmo 1 hour Bud < Umin
utes. Uraplro Klrby.
Aniorloan Association.
, Juno 10. Uesult of to-day's
pamo ;
Athletics . 0 5
St. Louis . 4 * 10
BIIOOKLYN , Juno 10. Result of to-day's
Kamo :
IJrooklyu . 0 00100200 3
Cincinnati . 0 00001 13 4
CoLUitnus , Juno 10. The Columbus-Kan
sas City game was culled at the end ot the
third "inulnjr to-Uuy on account of r.iin. tlio
score standing 4 to 0 , in favor of Columbus.
Anmfour Gnint's.
ISI.\ID , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special
UJclogram to Tun lJin. ] The home team
played two games to-day with the Odell
Hros. , of Council Bluffs. The morning
game was called at 11 o'clock and resulted in
an easy victory for tlio Grand islands. The
grounds wcro very muddy. Score :
Grand Island. .0 3 0 1 0 5 3 0 0 17
OdollBros . 0 0 0 a 01 000 0
Batteries Hourko andlloady ; Rtuyro and
Currigan. Earned runs Grand Island 3 ,
Odell Bros. 1. Two-base bits Hourlto nnd
Hughes. Errors Grand Island 2 , Odoll
Bros. 7. Struck out By Hourko 7. by
Etuyro 0. Passed balls Ready 1. Wild
pitches Hourko 3.
ThoafternponKamo was much closer nnd
very interesting. Both sUli > 8 drew geese
eggs until the ninth , when three singles , a
double , an error nnd n wild throw over third
let four of the state champions cross the
plato. It looked liku a .shutout for the
visitors , but it wns not. The champions got
rattled , and Uefqro.thoy settled down again
the .coro stood 3 to' l , and a vis > itor was on
third and unothor on second. Mhcn Hughoj
struck out two , nhd a third went out on a
"pop-up , " and Grand Island had won.
Batiorios Hughes und Heady ; Gelst ami
Swartz. Errors Grand Island a , Odell
Bros. 7. Struck out -By Hughes 12 , uy
Golst 1' ' . Two-base hU ! McQulun and Car-
rigau. Stolen bases Odoll Bros. 1.
AVhltinkor's Ilc > i > ly.
IxniAX.M'OLis , Juno 14 , 18SO. TothoSpcrt-
inir Editor of Tins Hii ? : tVotlohiK in your pa
per of Juno T > n ehallcnco , through J. J. liar-
din , to match Wllbcr IT. iCnnpp against mo
for nny kind of it ruco from ten to fifty miles ,
for from $100 to $500 n side , I wish to say
that is impossible for mo to bo In Omaha for
several weeks yet , but if Mr. Hardln will
allow the rai.M to rour-iin open it whilu longer ,
I will cover his deposit of 8100 , and 'run
ICnapp eithur one , or u sorio * of throe or llva
races for any sum from e'200 to S.IOO a side.
winner to tdko 75 per i-ent nnd the loser 25
per cent of the gate. Yours truly ,
S. ( i. WlllTTAKnit ,
Champion Safety Hidcr of the World.
l-lx tin 1'nrls.
PAHIS , Juno 10. The race for the grand
Prix do Paris f 70,000 was won by the colt
Yaslstas , the chestnut colt Pourtant second ,
the bay colt Aurolitho third. Thcro were
tnirtccu Htartors.
Killoil lly lilj.'litnlni , ' ,
Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tolo-
( jnuu to Tun'BiiK.J Last night , during the
Bovcro thunder storm which ylsitod this city
two valuable horses belonging to Augustus
Frank were struck by lightning and killed
Ono was a fancy saddle horse valued at fSOJ
The foundation walls of the now city hal
caved in , nt several places , on account of the
great accumulation of water. Thorainfal"
here , yesterday , was three and ouo-hal
Inches , ,
North 1'lntto Schools.
NoiiTii PI.ATTI : , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Specia
to TUB Due. | The schools closed Friday
and the commencement exercises were holi
in Lloyd's opera house that evening , before
a crowded uudiepco. Miss Anna IClncak
delivpred tlio valedictory. Addresses were
uuulo by the principal , Mr. Allsmno , Hon. J
I , Ntisbitt unit others. Tlio exorcises were
vuriml uud charming.
Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to
Tin : UKU. ] At about so vcn o'clock lastovoii
Ini ; u grout cyclone cloud , of rugulutlon fun
nel bhapu and groonbh color , passed west o
this city , causing fntonso cxcltouiiint. 1
could plainly boseou twUtiair aud whirling
ailing to the ground nnd rising nrnln. It
vns soon to ntrlKo the ground twice , both
Imcs producing a cloud rosombllug' dust and
Cctlar llnplds Mnsonlo Elootlon.
CF.IUII lUrins , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] At the Inst rcRulnr communlcft-
lon of Crescent Lodge , No. 143 , A. P. nnd
A. M. , the Allowing oftlcors were elected for
ho ensuing yourV. : . A. fllb'on , W. AI ;
L. D. Groom , S. W. ; L. W. Brnman , J. W. ;
Alex Macquoon , secretary F. U. Hawlts ,
Ewixo , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tun
BED. I The creamery Is running in good
shnpo , the work Is done flrat-clnsa and It is
doomed nn assured success. This Is nn In-
Iting Hold for n canning factory and a
iroposltlon on this line would moot with n
ready response from the citizens.
Clinnclng I'oitiimstors.
Lnsixorox , Nob. , Juno 10. | Special to
Tun BKE. ] Mrs. A. A. Signor , who received
the appointment of postmaster nt this plnco ,
will tnko charge of the ofllco July 1st. The
retiring postmaster is Mr. E. II. Krlor.
Tlio Financial Transnctlom or the
I'jtstVncc. ! .
BOSTON , Mnss.Juno 10. ISpocial Tola-
gram to TUB Bcn.J The following table ,
compiled from dispatches to the Post from.
the managers of the loading r.loarlng-housos
of the United States , shows the gross exchanges -
changes for the week ondoA Juno in , 1833 ,
with rates per cent of increase or decrease
ns compared with the amounts for the cor
responding woolc in 1833 :
Vortc. S7I3.7IOOV .21.2
loston UJ.W7.078 .18.4
'hlladolphla .ia.o
'lilcago , . 2.0
it. Louis .14.2
San Francisco , . 8,2
laltlmoro 11,685,1113 . 0.2
Jlncinnnil .15.11
< ow Orleans . 0.4
MttsbtirK . , .17.0
Ivnnsas city ! I.H7IT)9 17.S
jOlllSVlllo Tni0.3i 33.4
Provlclonco 7.5
Milwaukee a.u
Detroit 4.127.IWO . H.S
Jinnha .33.6
Minneapolis 0.0
? luvolaud 3MO.l)37 ) .ia.o
Josopli 21.6
3onvor ! $6,8lS ! J5I.B
Columbus S.TOI , < > 00 .23.4
: Iurtford l.TlW.Wi . 8.3
Heniplils ] .H.)0 ) , ! ; .2J.9
Vow ilnvon 1.23VJIU .18.9
1.4UI.6U1 21.6
'ortlnml ' 1127,043 8.4
Surlnglleld 3.1M.C15 8J.4
Wichita 710.W1 4.r
jnlveston. 51)7.895 ) 19.0
WorciMitor 1,091,478 17.9
Lowell 741,047 in.6
3yracuso 721.0B 4.0
Norfolk 18.0
Grand Ilaplds . 10.0
Uuluth ] , TflB00 (
Totnl 17.9
Outside New York. 3Sl.91i7.49J 11.2 . . . .
Partly approximated.
" ? Jot Incliulud In totals ; no clearing house at
this time last yaar.
Itobhcil IIIs Kmplnycr nnd Skippnil.
L. M. McMnhon , chief jiorter at the Dol-
monico hotel , who some time ago cluimod to
Imvo been robbed of a valuable gold watch
and wanted Landlord James H. Lowry to
pay for it , made too big a pull , and after
sending the watch away by express , stealing
considerable money nnd engaging In ether
Irregularities , was detected toy Mr. Lowry ,
and the young man , without adieu , got up
and shook the South Omaha dust from bis
feet and is now playing in pastures now aud
ou more gullible people.
Child's Arm Broken.
Christ , aged eight years , son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. G. P. Kiaor , .while playing circus nt his
father's homo , Twentieth and O streets , Sun
day evening , foil and fracturcil both bones in
the loft forearm. A surgeon was summoned ,
who dressed the arm.
Sunday BUBO Hall.
Sunday forenooa the Sobotkors defeated
the Armour-Cudahys by a score of 9 to 0 ,
nnd in the afternoon the same club defeated
the Swifts by it scnro of 10 to 0. Anderson's
barbers , Sunday afternoon , defeated Jas-
icalek's cigar manufacturers by a score of 2-1
J'ainojl n llciw iiml nan.
Three Omaha roughs , William Hoynolds ,
McDermott and" Gcorgo CJilllg , raised n row
iu nn N street 'billiard hall , Sunday after
noon , with n Sp'uth Omaha barber , wcilo
plnyinp pool. - The Omaha men stole halls
off the table , nnd , being tukon to task , a row
started at once. Heynolds and Mc
Dermott standing ono on each side of the
harbor , struck at his bond with their billiard
cues , and the wily barber , ducking his head ,
let Reynold's cue strike McUormott on the
nock and MoDermott's cue strike Reynold's
on the side of the head , cutting ijuiic u gash.
'Iho barber skipped out and the police , run
ning in , cobbled the Omaha inon and ran
them in for 11 hearing before Judge King
Monday morning.
Alhrleht'H QtiidtSunday. .
The dog nnd coclc fights booked for Sarpy
county , south of Albright , Sunday after
noon , failed to connect. However , two
drunken Omaha roughi had a light for
points , resulting in ono getting his left wrist
Notes Aliout tJii ) City ,
Frank Clifford has gone to Valparaiso to
see about his interest. ) in some local grading
matters and contracts. Before returning ho
will visit David City.
Division , No. a , A. O. II. , did not elect
officers Sunday afternoon on account of a
small attendance.
S. S. Hardy is building n now house on
Sixteenth and K streets , Albright' .
C. P. Davis , the grocer , will occupy the
rooms of Plerco & Stanley , on N street
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Clark , of Albright ,
are vibiting Red Oak , la.
The floods loft the newer nt Albright in n
bad condition , and it needs repairs badly nnd
at , once.
The colored people of the city on Sunday
commenced holding rollsious services , forenoon -
noon and evening , and Sunday school at U
o'clock In tlio afternoon , iu the Albright
bchool house.
Editor William H. Mulbano , of the Keith
County News , on his way from Michigan to
Ogalulla , stopped over Sunday in the city.
Mrs. H. S. McEwors will Icavo Monday to
visit at Shelby Iowa.
s Commencement ,
The programme for the commencement ox
orclsos at Crelghton College , Wednesday ,
Juno 20 , Is us follows :
Entree Overture , ' 'Crown of Gold , " , , , .
. , . II erman n
Welcome Chorus . White
College Choir ,
introductory , the offering .
. Clnroncn V. Gallagher
Lecture "Analysis nnd Circulation of
the Blood" . . . , . Eugene C. Noon
Music "Bohemian Girl" . , .
, . Selection arranged by b. Hofman
"Cliluilug Bells" . , , Emerson
College Choir.
Lecture "Tho Inllucnuo of Breathing
, . , , , . and Digestion on the Blood"
Michael P. O'Connor.
"Happy Houra of Childhood" Solo and
Quartette . Millnrd
Matthew S. MoNanmra. J. Albert Davis ,
John W. ICastl , John W. Moadlmber.
Lecture 'Thu Flood of tee Blood" .
J , Kalian Klnslor. Manipulators : Joseph H ,
McCarvillo. Philip A. McMillan.
"Gather Up the Sunbeams" . Millard
College Choir.
Music "Crelghton Grand March" .
J. A. tichenk.
Award ot Modals and Distribution of Pre
Finale , Selection "Maritana" . , , , , . Walloca
S. Ilofumun's Orchestra. ,
Hrnlth I'revarlaareif.
It has been discovered that Charles Smith
the wan who complained , Saturday night ,
hat ho had boon stabbed In the wrist , cut
lift wrist ln"h house of Ill-fnmo. Ho had n
quarrel with ono of the Inmates , and shored
his hand'rhrffagh n window , cutting himself
on the glabsj *
Ho fertKl 'MorlgnRcU ' Property.
Charlns'Hbward ' , n negro , was arrested
ast night. * jJA is wanted nt Dos Molnos for
selling motlgagod property. Ho mortgaged
its furnitjuro .nnd afterwards sold It nnd
cnmo Iioroy
A Good Appotlto Is essential to ROOI !
icnlth ! but nt this season the folooa may bo 1m-
Hire , that tlroil fooling proilomlnnut , nnd the
ippotlto lost. HoodM Saranpnrllla Is a wou-
Uorful moiHclno. for creating nn appetite , ton-
lug the dlKOstlon. nnrt giving strength to the
nerves nnd health to the whole system.
Bo euro to got Hood's SarsRparllla. Bold
by nil driiBKlsts. Prepared only by 0.1. HooU ie
o. , Apothecaries. Lowell. Mnaa.
gaoi&"c ra
It trill correct thatlatnautnff in-
flutinco oflco t > H the Stomach *
For Mtn Health Trestrvlng , for
Chlldren Invigorating , anil Be-
\rroililnsrorAh. The Best Sno.
/merBareraceiaE = litence. War
ranted Strlcily Faro and Unfar-
Elected. An Efficient Rccadr
for Diarrhea , Cholera Moibni.
Dyientery , anil all Dliorden ol
.th Bowoli.
Dour Sirs : I Imvc tried tlio
'IIiuiKcrlnn IllncUbcrry Julco
you BO kindly sent me. Itli
thu no plus ultni of summer
drinks. It Is flee from wlco-
liol. allays tlilret , tones tlio
dlKL'itlvu organs , but n fine
nroraiitlc llnvor. pud Is Jiwt
thotlilnirfortllorrha'Bl troub-
IPS In tin ; lii-ntyil tcrni. A
{ I ASS OF "ifK WATiii :
Hpippctfnlly ,
T. A. ATClUhOy , M.D.
Tor Fil : ( > l > r BrucRMs , Liquor
i > eali'ri > nnd Lirocers.
Teacher of the Spanish Mandoline ,
With Max Mover If Co.
Physician ,
Hns returned from his visit nnd will rnsurao
practlc.J lit the city. Olll n 2J1J raruam St.
J. E. JENKlXti , M. D. ,
Physician : - anil - : - Surgeon ,
Special attention to dlsiasos of chllilren.
Olllco at rear or Jlorr.ill'n Drugstore , a. K. cor.
lUli nnd Clilcago StrtifltJ Ouiali.i.
Mrs , Davles anii Emma J. Daviss ,
Homeopathic Physicians.
Dlsoaso'iof Woman unil Chlldi'on a Specialty
NX ) Worth 15th Struot. Toloplioua liiS. LU
inian - : - and - : - Surgeon ,
Ilosldence. Ni\ IBM Oipltol Avo. Onico.Wlthiioll
lllk. a'ulephouo. iv.siilinr i 123 : " " '
Tlio ruruat nnd Host Drink 1. ) the
A rnckngo.OlquI l)2io. ) nia'ios tire Biilloni.
EVKHY . , jip'lIiK GUAllA.NTUKO.
NOTll/II'rt.l / ! , KAHIUV SIAIIB.
No Imlllni uV'Hnilrtliiit. Directions Mmplo , imJ If
iiuulti ncconthiiliy fiuru ' 'tin bo iu niUtnku ,
Auk your Diux'Kltt or tire ' -T for It. tuid tuko no otlior.
fto ( lifat you -ot HlllKa' .
Try it anil 'tfil Will Not ho Without It
Eoldby ( , ' . 'i. '
111 North HlsteuathlSt. 1 ntai'.x ri ' " Ol
il > ,1tlru : : . i < r ( i i , t I
DR. Dentist ,
8121'u .v.i 1 , u - .
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear ,
J W. McMEHAMY M. B. President
, . , . . , ,
And Consulting Pbj'slclnn ami Surgeon.
Organized with a Ml staff of Stilled Physicians , Surgeons and Trained Irses ,
Institute ,
streets , is composed of two largo three-story brick buidinps of over ninety rooms ,
containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drug Store , Laboratory ,
Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart
ment for Patients , in charge of competent persons , constituting the largest and
the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , one
of the three largest in the LTnitod Stales , and second to none.
We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing
suritienl operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our
acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute tlio first choice.
Yon can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as wo have hotel acoommo-
fool iiicliiiotl to
wo miiKo tins cxpiamiuuu im nui uuiioiiu ui jiuiouna who may
co fuvthor oust for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate I ho fact
that Omnhii possesses the largest and most complete Medical and Surgical Insti
tute west of Now York , with a capital of over 3100,000.
[ Q
Best Facilities , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Treatment ot
every form oi' Disease requiring MKDICAL or SUJ.IQ1CAIJ
in tins department wo are especially successful. Our claims or unporlorlly over
all others nro based unontho fact that this is the only medical establishment man
ufacturing Surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. Wo have
throe skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and
have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements ,
the result of , twenty years' experience.
The treatment of diseases by electricity lias undergone great changes within the
past few years , and electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the
great remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par
alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and oar diseases it
is the most valuable of all remedies.
In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper
apparatus. Wo have lately purchased throe of tlio largest and most complete
batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give tlio most gentle as well as the
most powerful current. Persons treated at tnis Institute ) by electricity rccogni/o
at ouco tlio difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus
nnd the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 8,000 dollars
invested in electrical apparatus.
J < > U UM * * J a fl-\i Oarn f
Wo claim to bp tlio only reliable , responsible establishment in the west milking
Ho is tlio inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged tlio best in
use. All others are copied after bis invention. By means of n simple operation ,
painless and safe , iccontly brought into use , wo cure many cases that have been
given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our look to men , wntfrcc ( o any
address. )
"We have had wonderful success in this dopaVlmont in the
past year , and have made many improvements in ouriacili-
ties for treatment , operations , artlttcial eyes , etc.
Wo have greatly improved our facilities and methods of
_ 4U1V , treating cases by correspondence , and are having bettor
success in this department than ever before.
Wo are fully up to the times in all tlio latest inventions in medical and surgical
operation * , appliances and instruments. Our institution IB. open for Investiga
tion to any persons , patients or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or
visit us befoio taking treatment elsewhere , believing that n visit or consultation
will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place themselves -
selves under our cure. , . . , , - , . , , ,
Since ( hi * < ulvcrti.iementjlrstar > pcurcil. many loasting pretenders ana frauds have
come ami 'tone ami many more will com : and jo , remembered onlby ; tlieir unjonanate
and foolish victims. , ,
"A wise tnun ini'csttyatmjlrst and decides afterwards ,
A fool decide * Jlr t , theninvcsUyntea. . "
The Omaha Medical and Sunjicul Institute is indorsed by the people and the .press.
jlforc canitul invested , more skilled iiJiysiciana employed , more inoderft appliances , instru
ment * and ttppnnttu * in we , more cases treated and cured , wore Huccegsjul xwywal
operations perjormtd , than in all other medical establishments m the Wtt combmed ,
nVmi0-nM"uift"'oV ! ' WOMKN"Iuuuorrli % "Mll'twillon. Tl < iihiooin < mta. 1'rola'paua , Plox-
. - . . CUnoorof' ' Woui i. . . .
lOiis.iiiilVLMslond.Tui.ioiVaccnytlonauuJ tjio , , / ,
iHKASMOKMW,7'rivtttoVH „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „
rl HlxtU-J ,
Wmliio"s ) . liiH oU'ncj'Varlcocalo , Strloturo , ( lloct , SypUlllJ , ami nil < llucusoof fliaOuultu
Ilrlnury Urt'aiis. , , Ml , „ „ „ , , , ,
- * " " A liiT.ciAi.TV. Wn HAVB I.ATKI.V
-hiin u jn tf P-r rf"rir" TLBJtf RarTil
roit WOMEN DUHI.NIJ COSKINWIKNT. ( Strictly 1'rlvnto ) .
Only Jlollablo Klcdlcal liiKtltuto Itmidng a Spociulty of
iuocoHSfullr trratoil , Fyphllllld I'oli-on romovcrt from the ey81' ] " . ' ' , ? . ' . ' )
. HOW IM'SllTUIIVO UYiMlmeiit for I usa of Vltul 1'o.vor. l-ntlcntsumililo . , to iWt ii ? ianr
IClin. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , "f
t A ti t. t i rlil/tri t In 1 . M fwltf'l 111 4 JllSini *
. * iB oontldontlnl. fj
trouloJiit homo liy uorrc'pun . . , „ . . . JUHOO. . _ . ! . . . . . AH , .1 , ,1 coinmunlwitloiH . . . . . . . , * i ( ) / - > ttt /illtltr Onu cr
uud Woileo ! U4 ! ia , aialialKrli ,
Dn J. E , McGREW
In Hie Treatment of All Chronic , Xenons
mill I'rlvnlo Diseases.
Ppormntorrluva , lni | > ol nrr ami Fnlllni Munhoort
nb'OliUeJy ruro.l. A euro Ruiunntccul In nil forms of '
I'fivnto Iil'rau" . Mrlctnro * . Olcnt , An. Ciitnrrh , ,
Thrum , lmiK , " " 'I lluarl l > l on oi , UliOttmntKm ,
Htilnnl nnit K'i'.into liltonsos lllood unil axin IMsensoJ
trt'Mnd Kiicri'Rilully.
IiiiilloV nnd Kontlumon's waiting rooms separate
and ontlrnlr prlvnlo.
Consultation froo. Send for liookj. .Secret niul
I'ttvnto li ) i'n c "f .M.iii.'nUn'Wniiiivn.VlIflr Dl'naso' ,
lOo cncli ( sliinn" ) . Treatment bj corroaponJoiiooi
lend "ininii forriiuly ,
OFHUK : IflTll AND ntumtiAS ST11KET3 ,
Capital $500,000
Surplus 10D,000
KOUNTZB. Proslilont.
JOHN A. OKHIQUTON. Vlco rroalitont.
F. H. DAVIS. CnsUlor.
\V. II , MKUyunu.ABslstaut : Cashier.
Safety Deposit Vaults iu Basomoat.
Fariiain and 15th Sts
S , W , ConiGr ,
mill in Capital , $500,000
O. E. BAUICKU , 1'rosldont.
E. l , . UIEUUOWint , Vice 1'rostilont.
I\1J. : JOHNSON , Unshior.
\V. S. 11BCTOU , Assistant Cashtor.
Quo. K. , 0. It. M COXM : IL ,
K. I , . IllKllllOWKIl , ClIAH. M..Z
F. II. .lOIINSOtf , .1. N. CORNHIt
S. H. JOHNSON , H. AV. Ciior ,
K. A. lllSNSON , ( UlSTAV ANIEI Oy ,
Gi:0.1'ATTKUSON' : , I ) . OlTNNINnllAM.
Accounts o bankers , merchants | nnd Individ
uals received on the most favorable terms.
Comer 10th anil Fnrnani Streets , Chnmborot
Comutorcu UullJlnij.
Capital Slock $ 100,000
LInbllitv of Stockholders 800,000
Five nor cent paid on deposits , loan * nmile oil real
ttnto and pononal necurity ; nulus , wurruuU , Wcii
lid bonds uurclmsod.
JOUN L. MIT.KS , 1'rBHUInnt.
bAMUKli COTNKIl. Vlco ProMilont.
DUXTtilt I , . THOMAS , CasWOf.
John I. . Mlles , Krnstns Itunion , J.
Sitiiinol Cotncr , Jonn II. Krnns.
Androtr Uii QWAtor , Morris .Morrison ,
W.A.Ij. Gibbon. ( ion. K. Darker.
Cuv. Alvlu SiuinJors , j > uxtur f * Tliomaj ,
Norman A. Kulin , Jnnici Tlnimpiou ,
f , B. Jouuiun. .loliti Kuan.
D. Anderson ,
Pure Old Rye Whiskey ,
The wlJo populnrliy ot ( lit * superb lirnnd has
tcinntctl nthfr denlcru to place upon tlio market
Inferior Whiskey , under a elinllnr iinine , Intended
to docelvo the pulllo. Tlio New York Ciinrt of Ap-
neal lias ileclnriid our lirnnil , u'lu niAH iI'ANll
illjUll. touon trade mark entitled to tlio protec
tion of the Inw f co decUlon In Cahn , Helt& Co. v < *
Jacob Oottbclmlt , Fob. li , 18SI ) , and wo now gho
notice that wo shall Instantly PI onccute nny person
or llrni , In nny port of the United states , who shall
La KUlltr of any lufrluKemont this tnulo marlt.
BOLE i uorniETons OK Tim
'Maryland Club" Old Kyo WLUUcr.
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made ,
s , ttc. Atnlfor clrfulan.
Oon'lWert'ociuvy , ifJH fc . V.urk U OIIIOAQO.
Steam Launches ,
Kliihluon to fortr loot.
oiiitilettf. Ono to oluUt
ijr u poirur cnuliiui ) .
Engine Co ,