Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1889, Image 1

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Ho Oomoa Out With a Now Story on
tbo Cronin Mystery ,
Stntomcntfl Ilndljr nt Variance
With History Detectives In Now
York to Identify Moroncy
and McDonald.
"Woodruff AVonvcB n Now Talc ,
CHICAGO , Juno 10. All previous ' -confcs-
Ions" of Woodruff , the horse thief , who has
been Indicted for complicity In the Cronin
tragedy , wcro eclipsed this mornine , nnd an
entirely now story from him published in an
extra edition of the Times. Ho contradicts
nnd discredits every other "statement" here
tofore attributed to him , and now appears In
the role of an cx-membor of the Canadian
militia , claiming ho was trusted by Cronln's
alleged murderers because ho furnished
Fenian spies with valuable information
during ono of tbo military raids Into Canada.
"Woodruff says ho arrived In Chicago March
20 , and obtained work from a gardener on
Southport avenue , not far from the Carlson
cottago. After hroo or four days' work for
the gardener. Woodruff was taken sick. His
narrative says : "With the Intention of
going to the cotlnty hospital , i drifted into
O'Sulllvan's ' place. I raado up my mind
that ho was n Fenian , and reminded
him of certain scones during the
Fenian raid into Canada. I wont
over during that raid as n volunteer In the
Twenty-fourth Kent battalion , whoso head
quarters were at Chatham. Wo wont as far
as Nir.gnra At that time I was assigned to
the adjutant's department and gave to some
Fenian spies who catno to our ; amp , such
points ns I learned whllo In that pia'oo. That
was my first connection w'.th the Clan-na-
Gaol. O'Sulllvan told mo ho would got mo
work if ( losslblo. From there I carao down
nnd went to work at Dlnan's livery stable. "
Woodruff tolls that ho mot Dotcctlvo
Coughlln soon after nnd had a drink with
him. Ho convoyed the impression to the do-
tcctivo that ho was a "fonco. " Wlillo walk
ing together they met O'Sulllvan , and the
latter mentioned Woodruff 'B request for em
ployment. Coughlln nulzzcd Woodruff that
n man in his line should want work. Wood
ruff then told of mooting , early in April , ono
Melville , whom ho had known in California.
Melville , no said , was a great friend of Des
mend and "Sand-lot" Kearney dur
ing the labor troubles there. Molvlllo
nnd Coughlln were drinking tOBClhcr In a
South sldo saloon and Woodruff joined them.
Coughlln soon left and the other two made
the rounds of disreputable bouses for a
whllo , after which Melvlllo took bis leave ,
saying bo was stopping nt McCoy's hotel.
Melville pave Woodruff a small sum of
money nnd said ho wanted to see him again.
A few days after Woodruff mot Coughlin on
the North side talking avith a man whom
Woodruff calls McDougall. Ho claims that
McDougall told him his namowaa uow Wil-
ninms. Woodruff had known McDougall , or
Williams , as an old worker for the Clan-nn-
Gnol. After a private talk between Cough
lin nnd Williams the latter took Woodruff to
the West fildo and talked with him. When
Woodruff told Williams ho was "busted" the
latter said :
"Why don't you go down nnd see Alex
ander Sullivan 1"
Woodruff replied that ho was riot ready to
bo sent to Europe. The pair then proceeded
to No. 117 Clark street. This Is the place
where , as has been frequently published , the
furnturo | of the Carlson cottage was first
stored , Williams would not tell Woodruff
whu ) , ho wanted him to do , but urged him a
few dnys later to go over and see Alexander
Sullivan. Ho flnnlly did so ana told him
McDaugall had sent him over. Mr. Sullivan
laid :
"MeDoupalU Ohl You mean Williams ,
don't yout"
Woodruff replied : "Yes , " and Sullivan
tald ho had nothing to say ; that ho had never
mot Woodruff before. Woodruff told him ho
was looking for a job , nnd , on Sullivan ask
ing him what kind of work ho would like , re
plied ! "Anything in God's world , If there
Is any money in It. "
Sullivan looked at htm sharply and replied :
"If I hear or anything for you , I'll lot Will-
loins Itnow of it. "
i The noxt.dny , on the nortii side , when In
company xvith Williams , they mot Sullivan ,
he" toolc Williams on one side nnd handed him
omo inonoy , saying ; "Now , pay that rent. "
Then , seeing Woodruff , Sullivan told him ho
must not take offense at his manner
of the previous day , as ho was very
busy and had n great many applications for
a loo. The Wednesday before the murder ,
Woodruff mot Coughlln , who asked him to
take a note ever to Sullivan. This note was
la cluhor , tho" sumo as had been used by
the Fenians when Woodruff was at Niagara.
lie looked ut It and says it read : "Goine up
to P. O'Sulllvan's. "
The remainder of the confession deals
mainly AVlth the night of the murder.
Coughliii , BO Woodruff alleges , paid him fc2S
ti bring to Lincoln avenue from Dlnan's
livery stable , n conveyance In which the
runic could bo curried. Near Ashland aud
, iucolii avenues. Molvlllo and u man named
J'Shoa , alias Mlko McDougal , Joined Wood
ruff. The latter says this man was n ma
chinist or blacksmith from Philadelphia , but
Hio had known him in Wichita , Kan. Mol
vlllo , ho said , ho hud also met before -
fore In Peorla , In connection with Irish
nffalrs. They drove out to the Carlson cot
tage , reaching Uiora about 3 a. m. The two
men went In , and soon after O'Sulllvan ,
Molvlllo nnd Williams came out , cuirytng
tbo trunk , which they put In the wagon.
Here follows u new version of the ride and
, tno disposal of the body In the sewer. Wood'
uft now says the Intention was to have the
, .runk sunk in Lake Michigan , oit Lincoln
'park , but , thinking they were pursued , the
plan-was abandoned. Woodruff claims that
Cronln's instrument case was probably bur
led or thrown into tno luke by Melville one1
Williams when they loft the wagon In the
woods for n short time. Ho does not kno\v
what disposition was made of the clothing ,
Woodruff concludes with the assertion thai
ho bus recently been approached by u
lawyer , who offered to to taka hi :
case prutuilously and that this lawyei
had said for him to keep strict silence , a ;
Alexander Sullivan's attorney would worl
In unison , and that one of 'Sullivan's bonds <
mou had agreed to pay for Woodruff 's ' de
The climax of the whole confession is ni
assertion by Woodruff that all his pnivioui
alleged "confessions" are bogus and that thli
la the , 'first and only statement 1 have m.idi
since my urrust , " the Intimation being thu
the other "confessions" were given circnla
tion by interested persons to crcuto the im
prcssion that ho [ Woodruff ] was a liar
vAVoodruff gave Ills ago , when arrested , in
twenty-six years , T/io last Fenian Invubloi
of Canada occurred about l&GO. Tills woult
mnKo Woodruff about three years old whan ,
According to his own story , ho was a member
bor o ( the Canadian militia and first bcoumi
Intlmuto with the Fenians.
Woodruff was visited in jail Ibis nftcrnooi
nnd found deeply engrossed in the prcpara
tion of another "confession , " which , ho says
is to bo much more sensational than any o
the preceding ones. Ho reiterated tlio con
fesslon published this morning , but , on closi
examination , ulturcd it in ninny imnartan
particulars. Ho said bo wns only twenty
nlno yours old. but insisted that ho took ni
active purl in the Fenian rebellion , which , hi
ay , occurred iu 1873. His Jaw does no
ngroo with history. Ho says ho visited
the flats nt No. 117 Clark street April ! W ,
whan the fact Is that the flat wns vacated by
ho mysterious stranger March 2. Woodruffs
tntement that ho mot Molvlllo April 2 nnd
hat the latter was stopping nt McCoy's
hotel is not verified by the hotel register ,
vhich shows that Melville loft there March
20. Woodruff further Bald this afternoon
hat ho was with Dr. Cronin nnd P.
O'Stilhvnn the night of nnd previous to the
murder of the doctor. This conflicts with
his morning's confession , In which ho si > ys
10 played cards all that evening. Whnn
nsked why ho told this last story , after hav-
ng told so many others , Woodruff replied :
'Well , I w.xs promised the Influence of a
Brent paper In my behalf. "
The police to-day dug an ncro of ground
nlong the beach near the foot of Gracoland
avenue In search of Cronln's medical instru
ments , but found nothlnp.
The Times people to-night deny that nny
mpropor promises were mndo to Woodruff.
Ho was told , they nay , that they would do
what they could for him if ho told the truth.
To n Times reporter , who aided Woodruff to
explain the discrepancy In his statements
nbout his ago , etc- , Woodruff explained that
t was n proposed Fenian raid In 1875 that ho
rofcrrod to. Ho then said ho would bo thirty
years old next Friday. The Times to-morrow
will publish n statement from Nio Paully , a
saloon-keeper mentioned in the confession.
L'oully says ho has been In the pay of Pollco
Lilcutcnnnt Seheuttlcr for the past two
ivceks to aid in the search for the murderers ,
[ lo says his sister told him Woodruff
ivus called out of the saloon ono day when
: io ( Paully ) was absent nnd paid some money
- > y n man who , she Is confident , is Alexander
Sullivan. This reveals another discrepancy
In the "confession , " ns Woodruff had it that
after leaving Paully's saloon with Williams ,
Sullivan met them and paid the money to
To Identify Moroncy nnd McDonald.
NEW YOUK , Juno 10. The Chicago dctcc-
; lves who are to identify Moronoy nnd Mc
Donald , the suspects In the Cronin case , ar
rived this mornlntr. Their request to sco tbo
prisoners was refused on the ground that It
? ould not bo allowed without an order from
; ho district attorney. It was announced
.atcr that the dctccllves would app car at the
Tombs to-morrow morning to identify their
Services Held In the Churches and
Open Air The Wrcckano Pirod.
JOHNSTOWN , Juno 10. In a few churches
services were held , to-day , but the largest
meeting of the day took place In the open
air. The weather was fair and the men
seemed glad of an opportunity to turn from
hard work to religion. To-day the engine of
the limited express was hoisted to the track
at Conomaugh. The double truclts will bo
down as far us Altoona by the middle of the
week. There are 3,000 men at work on the
Pennsylvania road tracks botwceuJohnstown
und South Fork.
Six bodies wcro recovered , to-day. They
wore buried without identification. To-night
150 barrels of oil wcio emptied on the drift
nnd ignited. The wreckage is burning
llercely for 200 yards. The debris was
searched previous to being fired , but no
bodies were found.
Stanloy'u Messenger.
tCopi/cf0M iSSOtiu Jama Gordon Dennett.l
ZANZIHAII , Juno 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun BCE. | The slave who
brought the letter , Woudcsday last , came
from Njrjl. Ho Is still missing. The mission
station at that place reports everything quiet.
Tippoo Tib's son will leave MauyOma this
month for hero with n largo caravan.
Letters received from Ujlji dated March
10 , say that-Stanley met Tippoo Tib ana sent
a number of sick followers back with him ,
by way of Congo. Stanley intended coming
to the cast coast with Ernin Pasha. Tippoo
Tib would urrivo In Zanzibar in July.
The Texas Trajjody.
ST. Louis , Juco 10. The latest account in
regard to the Cedar Creek , Tex. , shooting
affray , are qulto conflicliug na roportstating
that six men wcro killed , four mortally
wounded nnd thrco seriously hurt. Another
account says that only thrco wcro killed and
four wounded. Officers at Cedar Creek say
everything is quiet , but n largo band of offi
cers were out scouring the country for Wil
son , the negro constable who started the af
fray. It was reported that ho had been
found in the woods and killed , but the report
was not confirmed.
A Candidate fop Canada.
WATniaoo , In. . Juno 10. [ Special Tola
gram to TUB Bnc. | E. D. Stodman , who
bus for a number of years been county treas
urer of Benton county , has had his resigna
tion called for by the lioard of supervisors.
For several weeks past n committo has been
examining the books in his office , and by
agreement with his bondsmen his resignation
has been placed in the hands of Iho county
auditor , with the understanding that in case
a deficiency was found ho should resign.
The report of the committee has not been
made public , but Stedman's resignation has
been called for und bis successor appointed.
Ham Small at Falls City.
FAM.S CmNob. . , Juno 10. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Bcc.l The Kov. Sam Small ,
of Georgia , delivered two sermons and a lec
ture , to-day , to crowded houses. Last night
ho delivered his famous lecture , "From the
barroom to the pulpit , " in Jenncs' opera
house. Every seat In that building was
taken , and standing room was at a premium.
His discourses to-day wcro given nt the
court house , and great crowds were unable
to gam admittance. A largo number from
noighb orlng towns wcro present.
Fatal Fight Itotwccn Cousins.
ST. Louis , Juno 10. John O. Mnnlon , n
young farmer near Fayotto , Mo. , and Hlchard
M. Fowler , his cousin , fought a duel on the
Htrcots of that city yesterday. Mnnion anil
his wife had separated because of Fowler's
marked attentions to her. , Whim the two
men met oa the street yesterday they began
bhooting ut each other. Manion wax killed
nnd Fowler probably mortally wounded.
feTho O/nr'a MovomonlH.
LONDON , Juno 1(5. ( [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : BRK. ] The Berlin correspondent of the
"Tho Gorman office
News telegraphs : foreign
fice has been informed that thu ciar wll
como to Berlin , but the date of his nrriva
has not yet been fixed. The Spanish press
persists that the crar will meet Qucei
Kcgont Christina at St. Sebastian and wll
go thence to Lisbon in September. "
Tlio Weather Indications ,
For Nebraska nnd low.v : Fair , followci1
Monday by showers , slightly warmer , , vur
lablo winds.
For Dakota ; Fair , warmer , followed In
the northern portion by light rain unc
slightly cooler , southerly winds ,
Forest Fires In Washington Territory
Eu.uxaiVio ) , W. T. , Juno 10.--Ho.ivy for
cst fires on the cast side of the Oasc.-uli
mountains are destroying vast quantl lies o
timber. Strong winds prevail aad the fire !
extending. The Northern Paclilc Una am
bridge are in danger. _
A Kaunas Town Hwopt Away.
KANSAS tnv , Juno 10. Meagro report
have been received hereof a Hood and cyclone
In Kansas. Unlontown is reported swept
aw ay. _
An ICinhczzlIni : Abslntnnt Postmaster
SB. Louis , June 10. Frnni : L. Woodruff
lata assistant postmaster nt Lawrence , Kan ,
has been arrested on the charge of cmbczzllm
between 5,000 and $0,000.
At Havre La Gascogno , from Now York
At How York TUo Etruriu , from Liver
pool *
. . .
i ' -1t--'iH J'-1J-Lf.- -
Too Much Pralso Bestowed Upon
Cleveland's Soorotary.
The President nnd Cnblnnt
Tor Their ItcRtilnr Summer Vaca
tion Captain Meredith nt
the Capital.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno r 10. r
During the past four years n great deal has
> con hoard nbout the grand success ot Sccro-
ary vVhltnoy In his attempts to rehabilitate
ho American nnvyy. Column after column
of laudation was found In the dcmocratio
newspapers throughout the country , nnd
odious comparisons were frequent. No > v
ono of the staunchcst dcmocratio papers in
his city , which pays particular attention to
nrmy nnd navy news , calls attention to the
fact that the contractors for the now ships
are acting In n remarkable manner. It states
the fact that the Petrol and the Baltimore
are months behind hand and that in spite of
the great success of Secretary Whitney in
making contracts the government Is exacting
.ho dally penalty for delay from the contract
ors for each of thcso two vessels. The
Columbia iron works of Baltimore , which
md the contract for building the Petrol ,
'omul It moro advantageous to complete n
loot of ferry boats than to fill their contract
with the United Stales , and it is said they
nro making more money by paying the gov
ernment a penalty of S100 n day than they
would by completing tbo vessel in the time
limited , and neglecting their private inter
ests. Then , too , the accident to the Charles
ton will delay her second trial trip for at
least two months , nnd now , that Secretary
Whitney is out of office , it Is discovered that
his contracts secured no better results than
Lhoso of his predecessors.
President Harrison will probably spend
ncqt Sunday nt Capo May and latar in the
weeic will move the family lo Deer Park ,
where ho has leased the cottage of ox-Sena
tor Davis. The house Is of wood and exceed
ing unpretentious. Itis two und n half stories
in height and Is painted n sage-green tint
with roof of red shingles. The broad piazza
is provided with hammocks , in which the
president can rcstfully blow ringlets from
porfcctos , or imp when Inclined so to do.
The furnishing of the cottage is exceedingly
plain , but none the less comfortable. Straw
matting nnd Smyrna rugs cover the floor.
The bedroom suits are of the most rustle
pattern , and willow wickers with bamboo
tables are to add to the convenience of the
presidential family. The whlto house gard
ener 13 beautifying tbo front with run
ning vines. The president's neighbor will
bo Stephen B. Elldns , of Now York. Others
who have cottages close by are ex-Senatoi
Davis , Mayor C. F. Lalrobo , Of Baltimore ;
William A. Hainway and Miss Mary Gar-
rett. The beautiful grounds surround
ing this cluster of summer resi
dences afford glorious opportunities for
the president to romp with his
grand children , while , if ho is so disposed ,
fishing and boating are withing walking dis
tance. During the latter part of July or in
August the president and Mrs. Harrison will
probably run up to Bar Harbor and remain
for n week or two tbo guests of James G.
Blalno. Mr. Blaine leaves within n week
for his summer's recreation. Mrs. Blumo
nnd the remainder of the family go with him.
Secretary Noble will probably remain hero n
greater part of the summer. Ho bus leased
the beautiful rcsidenco of Mrs. Tifllny , on
Connecticut avenue , nnd Mrs. Noble has re
solved to stay with him , except that now and
then she may enjoy n few days at Capo May
or Atlunlic Cily. Secretary Benjamin F.
Tracy will seek to cscapo the heat as fre
quently as is possible by trips to Manhattan
beach and other seaside resorts. A tour in-
eluding the various navy yards is also on bis
programme. Undo Jerry Husk will remain
bore to sco that the whlto house lawn Is
properly trimmed. Secretary Windom may
take a trip soon to his old homo In Minne
sota. Secretary of War Proctor will find a
cool spot among tbo Green mountains of
Captain William M. Meredith arrived in
Washington to-night. Ho comes to sco how
bo stands with the administration and what
his chances are lor securing the appointment
as chief of the bureau of engraving and
printing. Mr. Meredith said , tojiicht , that
ho would call upon Secretary Windom on
Tuesday , probably , and ask that ho bo defi
nitely informed what the department intends
to do In this matter. Ho is anxious to know
nt once what his chances are , that ho may bo
enabled to close a business matter which is
affected by his candidacy for this position.
During the present week Washington will
bo somewhat more lively than it has been ,
owing to the fact that two different ussocia-
tlons of uniformed knights namely , the
Catholic Knights and the Sons ot America
are to be hero In annual session. The
avenues will bo crowded with columns
of enthusiastic ; men , who will per-
splro and march and enjoy themselves
in that manner a few days. But the great
gathering for Washington will bo In Oc
tober , and the preparations are being made
just now for uno of the most successful tri-
cnnlol conclaves that the Knights Templar
of the United States have ever indulged In.
Every hotel nnd largo boarding house will
bo tilled witli the Templars nnd representa
tives from nearly every state and territory
are expected. Ono ot the reasons why it is
believed that this Washington meeting will
ba the most successful Is that G cargo Wash
ington , who was himself commander ot n
ledge In Alexandria , lies burled at Mount
A'ornon , and hundreds of knights and their
families will deslro to maka the trip which
this opportunity will afford. Already many
of the Htatcs have registered with the local
officers hero and delegations are oxpcctcd us
follows : Massachusetts will send twenty-
three commandcrles , Illinois twenty-five , In
diana six , Michigan seven , Minnesota thrco ,
Mlbsourl three , Nebraska two. Now Yoru
eighteen , Ohio eighteen and Pennsylvania
First Lieutenant Charles H. Bonesteel ,
Twenty-fifth infantry , now In this city , buy
been granted an extension of hU leave until
Juno 'M. Ho will then report to the com
manding officer nt Fort Sidney. Nob. , for
duty. Ho came cast to attend the wedding
of his sister.
Captain J. W. Summerhaycs , assistant
quartermaster , U. S. A. , arrived in town
lust week from'Nlobrnr.i , where ho bus beer
stationed for the past four ye.irs. President
Harrison has Just appointed him tu u stafl
position , unit ho will leave for the Division
of llio Pacific , where hu has been designated ,
early next week ,
The superintendent of the carp ponds hit !
Just tlnlblieil the Job of running oil the differ
cut fatorago holes for young fish , which weic
EO thoroughly filtod up with water during
tlio flood. Thcso ponds , which container
young carp , were not so much affected b.\
the frcshut us Bomo of the others , und it It
estimated that a hundred thousand of the
Jlttlu wlgglers have been saved , nnd thai
tbcro will probably bo enough to uupply the
demand for the present season. The heav
iest loss occurred at the ponds containing t
now species of fish known us the Golden
Idea. This fish was recently introduced
from the Danube , nnd the first supply wnt
ready for shipment. After u grout deal ol
care , extending over a period of several
years , 10 , COO of tbcso fish had been hatchet
und would probably have been sent out this
year , but now the total number remaining I :
only about a hundred. The carp ponds won
covered to the depth of nearly six fee
with water , and besides the damage done bj
the freshet itself , more or less injury wa :
incurred through tbo iuwash of refuse fron
n sewer , the outlet of which Is in closo'prox
imity to the ponds. Alltblsdamaeo. which will
imouut to n great deal of money In the end ,
is duo to the species of falsa economy which
was Inaugurated sluco the death of Prof.
liayard. Before that tluio n tnau was main
tained nt Harper's Ferry who reported nny
abnormal rise in the rlvpr , ana whenever
nny such reports were inndc. steps were
taken to cover the ponds , and1 to protect
them from the freshet. But for the last
year or two this small expense has boon done
nway with , nnd the result Is the loss of
nearly a half million fish.
Twetvo Miles of Underground Pns-
sngos nnd Millions of lints.
OzAiiic , Mo. , Juno 10. | Special Corres
pondence of Tun BEE. | Tin : BEE correspondent
pendent has just returned from a trip to
Stone county , nnd whllo there learned the
following particulars about the Marble cave ,
which has long boon regarded with wonder
t > y the settlers there. This cave has been
explored for a depth of 030 foot , nnd the ng-
gregato length of the passages at present ex
plored is over twelve miles. Millions of bats
nro found , nnd immense deposits of bnt
guano , In places twcnty-flvo feet In thlcic-
ncss nnd so dry that it resembles bran in
At n depth of 825 feet there is n perfectly
straight nnd narrow passage In the rock , extending -
tending 420 feet , und ending in n huge room
that contains the dried up or mummified re
mains of hundreds of carnivorous animals ,
Including bears , panthers , wolves , foxes ,
opossums nnd some others that have never
been named. A line specimen of the
pterodactyl have been taken out. A strange
being , not found in any other cnyo , is n spe
cies of hugo whlto bat , as largo as n pigeon ,
nnd entirely destitute of eyes. Unmistakable
evidence has frequently boon found of the
presence of n living animal of tbo bo.xr fam
ily In the moro remote rooms of the cavo.
Truman S. Powell , who wfis for fourteen
years editor of the Barton Cohnty Advocate ,
has spent the greater part of three years in
investigating this cave and ho is firmly con
vinced that the animal above mentioned is
the cave bear , an animal behoved to bo ex
tinct.Whlto lizards , twenty Inches in length , nro
iound In ono of the pools. Two rivers of con
siderable magnitude traverse portions of this
cave. Stalactites mid stalagmites of gigantic
proportions aud of varied colors are found
in many ot tlio rooms.
Several parties have visited the cave and
report that its magnitude and wonder nro
simply beyond description.
The cave is twenty miles southwest from
Ozark , the nearest railroad town , nnd
though in n wilderness is easily reached by
Demise of the Mnn AVho.Dlscovcrcd
John L. Sullivan. ,
BOSTON , Mass , , Juno 15. { Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.J James Keen an , the
famous sporting authority , and known as the
discoverer of John L. Sulllvan , Jake Kilraln ,
Wallace Koss , Tcemcr and others , died hero
to-night , of dropsy , after a lingering illness
of six months. ,
Keenna was born in Wcstmoro county ,
Ireland , forty-throe years ago , coming to
Boston when a young man , and. opening a
saloon. Although bo could not read nor
write , ho amassed a fortune of$150,000. :
Ho early became interested in sporting af
fairs , and was the best authority in the
United States. First it was horse racing and
then rowing , and finally pugilism. Ho owned
some famous animals In his time , and at pres
ent owns several animals noted on the Now
England circuit. In sculling ho/brought out'
Fred Plaistcd , who defeated Butler ; and
took up Wallace Koss , then unknown , nnd
made him defeat Hanlan , the champion. Ho
next took Teomor umler his wing and made
hltn what ho is. Teenier is tricky , and , re
sorting to some shady transactions , caused
Kcenan to drop him a year ago. Kocnan
was the flrst who showed what was in John
L. Sullivan , and bo gave him his
lirst push into publicity. It was
duo entirely to Kconun that
the champion was able to ralso the sum
which enabled him to fnco Paddy Hyan at
Now Orleans. Sullivan showed his grati
tude by abusing his patron and Kecnan
dropped him. He saw Kilraln when facing
Mitchell , and was much taken with him.
They bec.imo fast nud firm friends. Ho
backed Kllrain against Linnon , and put up
with Hlchard Fox half of the sum now up on
thu Sullivan light.
Ho leaves a widow and thrco sons.
Politics Gottinj ; Hot Pcoplo From
Onuilui Out West.
SAITLVKK Cm- , Juno 10. | Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEC.J The calls for the vari
ous gontllo conventions have been made.
Tbo political pot is bailing furiously. The
gentiles are preparing to make a clean
sweep , and are united and confident , ' " 'ho
Mormons , generally , are wavering and des
John Orr , Mrs. T. M. Orr , J. H. McAlvm ,
M. W. Little , Omaha ; John Norman , Coun
cil Bluffs , and Frank Lewis. Hustings , Neb. ,
are in the city.
A Non-Coniiiutniciitlvo Clnn-nn-Gacl.
DES MOINES , ] ( i. , Juno 10. [ Special to
THE BEE.I The investigation of fie Cronin
case has disclosed the fact that a go nt lorn an
who has been moro or less prominently con
nected with some of the leaders In the Clan-
nn-Gaol lives In this city. Ho is Mr. John
P. Howard , now president of the Iowa
branch of the Irish Natioaal loJiguo. It has
been reported that Mr. Howard was ex
pelled from ' .ho Clun-na-Guol In 18b3 for hav
ing told Muronoy that there was dishonesty
in tbo management of thp society's affairs.
All efforts to draw out Mr , Howard on tha
subject now have failed , When Interviewed
for that purpose ho evaded a direct reply to
the Inquiry as to whether ho hud belonged to
the Clan-na-Gael. Ho would neither say
that he had nor deny that ho had. Finally ho
said that ho had ntjver belonged to what Is
now the Clan-nn-Guol. It id .presumed . that
the society has chunked aamQwhat since ho
wns a member , enough at Insist to Justify his
statement. Mr. Howard has boon very
prominently Interested la IrUh affairs , nnd
knows some of the leadmginicn In thu Clan-
nil-Gael. U is believed that it 1m would , ho
could give some Interesting information on
the workings of that society which might
throw some light on thu Cruntn case. Hut
ho says that hu knows notumi ; nbout It. save
by hearsay , and hu declines tp talk ,
D > iuiiiioH Struck liy Dchtnini ; .
BL'jTAi.0 , Wyo , , Juno 10 , [ Bpccml to TUB
BEE. ] During n heavy thunder storm last
evening a bolt of lightning struck the large
dynamo in the Buffalo otcctcic light works
ana toio the cells of the nruiiitviro Into frag
ments , plunging the cltyfin darkness , The
electrician was standing near jit the time ar.d
sustained a sover'u shock. A remarkable
circumstance .In connection with tha Incident
Is the fact that nothing ubput tbo building or
appliances Indicated the passage of the elec
tric fluid save the armature , the wires and
lightning arrester being untouched. Thodum-
ago to the mill company , of which George T.
Beck Is president , Is estimated at $1,0 0.
A ItiiHilnn Hoyul InrrlnK' * .
ST. PETEUSIIUIIO , Juno ! 10 , Grand Duke
Alcxandrovitch and Prince * * Alexandria ,
of Greece , wcro married Ta the chapel of the
winter palace this afternoon. There a
brilliant gathering ol ankers , diplomatic
representatives uml ladle ; ) . 'Ibis was fol
lowed by a btato dinner , at wMjh the czar
toasted the couplu.
The Sioux Commission Open Nopro-
tlntlons With the Ohoyonnos.
Governor Foster llnpca to Sco Indian
Members of Conjiress Hod Cloud
Burly , but Other Indians Sliout-
Injj and AVhoopIni ; .
First Meeting In Council.
PINE Kinar. AGENCY , Dak. ( via CImtlron
Noo.i ) Juno 10. [ Special Tclcgrnm to Tint
Hue. | The commission mot the Indiana In
council to-day , nt the uavlllon erected on tbo
sldo of ti small ravnm near the agency build
ing. The Indians , being Invited to do so , so-
Icctuil William Garncti anil Joseph Mosoaux
to act as Interpreters miring tbo council. The
mooting was opened by Colonel II. D. Galla
gher , the agent nt this agency. In n few ap
propriate remarks , no spoke of each of tbo
commission , and then of tbo purposes for
which tboy wcro boro. 'An explanation of
no right of eminent domain then followed ,
after which the chairman of tbo commission ,
Governor Foster , spoke to the Indians in
about tbo same strain us at Kosobjid , Inform
ing tbo Indians of the purposes for which
they came , and alluding to the fact
that everything said at this meeting , by
all llio people , both red and white ,
would bo taken down and shown to
the great father. Continuing , tbo governor
spoke In substance ns follows ;
"General Crook has acquired the reputa
tion among you of always speaking tbo truth ,
and wo wisli to earn tbo same reputation. I
wish to bo perfectly fair with you , and ns
friends tell you the truth , wnathor pleasant
Or not. I suppose you thoroughly understand
the law of last year. I shall only call your
attention to ono particular change. ( Hero
a largo map was shown to tbo council. ) Last
year tbo dividing line between this reserva
tion and tbo Rosebud was from the mouth of
Pass creek , duo south ; this ycr the line
runs duo south from the mouth nf Black
Pipe crook , distant nearly sixteen miles east
ward from Pass creek. If you take your
land in severally you will have about eight
hundred thousand acres , and the rest will bo
yours to sell or dispose of in any way. Wo
are not hero to force you to sign , nor will wo
aslc you to sign any paper but this ono.
Wo shall ask you to give us your names ,
to tell to the great father , wo want to toll
you the truth and do right to you. Wo think
this best nnd ask you to agree to this now. "
Major Warner , the expounder of the com
mission , then spoke to the council at length
in a very effective way. Ho assured the In
dians of his good will and friendship , nnd
told them to treat with the commission in n
spirit of equal friendship. The days of war
being gene forever , and ttio days of peace
being with us , you must now earn your
living by the sweat of your brow ; for the
days when you may subsist by fishing and
bunting as did your fathers , is now past.
The chief man among you , as among the
white men , in a few years , will bo the ono
who pro duccs the greatest cropis. It is natu
ral that the great father should wish you to
enter upon a road of prosperity leading , , to
your good ; that your daughters shall bo
educated to teach your schools for
you instead of the daughters of
the white men ; that the inonoy
paid out shall remain here , instead of
Koing away ; that your sons may bccomo
blacksmiths , carpenters , harness makers and
farmers. So you may have shops in your
own cnnips and not eomo so far , when you
want work done. And , above all , that you
may enter within the palo of citizenship and
not bo prisoners but can leave the reserva
tion as freely as I can. The great father
sends us here to explain this bill. We can
not add to or take aw.iy in the slightest par
ticular. In the iirsc place , I desire to say
something about the difference in the line of
your reservation in this bill compared with
last year. Then the east line was from the
mouth of Pass creek , duo south , now from
the mouth of Black Pipe duesouth , giving
you a strip of land about sixty-soven miles
long and seventeen wide , containing about
six hundred and eighty-six thousand acres ,
enough land to give to each man , woman and
child hero 1-2 acres.
Hero the major spoke at length of the al
lotment us provided in the bill , and repeated
the Illustration as shown in these
dispntchcc from Hoscbud. Ho also spoke
of the number of cows and other clock to bo
given to the Indians , and spoke of the
schools as provided in this bill , * of the money
deposited for them , and concluded : "Ho not
influenced bv any spirit of envy , hatred ,
prejudice or flattery , b ut ask the great spirit
to HO lead you as to bring the greatest , happi
ness to your people. "
Governor Foster then added n few words ,
in which ho mentioned the treaty of 1BOS ,
and explained its relation to the school sub
ject nnd contrasted the present proposed law
in regard to the samo. lie spoke of the wall
between parts of Dakota formed by this
reservation. Ho further continued :
"Wo come to build you up ; i
hope to live to seatho sons
of Ucd Cloud , here , nnd Young-Man-Afrald-
of-IIis-Horso represent you in the halls of
the state legislature nnd in the great council
at Washington , in the sumo manner as do
the children of the whiles.
The Indians were Ihon invited to ask any
questions they desired , to ivhlch Uod ClouU
responded by asking In n surly tone about.
1whethor white men incorporated into
the tnbo by the treaty of ItGS ,
were to bo allowed to have a
voice In this matter. This was then ox-
pluincu in a satisfactory manner and tlio
council broke up boisterously shouting nnd
To-day was neon the flrst outward act of
the chronic kicker , Hed Cloud , In tbo action
of ills soldiers. The young men selected to
attend and sco that no action is taken except
such as has been previously decided upon
by the crown council , In attempting to inter
ior o with the speeches which might bo at
tempted by any liullun , after the commis
sion. When Mnjor Wnrnor asked the In
dians to take seats In the front nf the pa
vilion , BO ho could fnco them , thcso soldiers
prevented some of lied Cloud's band from
doing as requested. Thin is but an outcrop
ping of the Hed Cloud influence , which is
now known to bo against the bill. Whether
this influence will bo overcome , remains to
bo seen , though much quiet effective
work has been , and still is being
doiio for the bill. It is also
reported that the soldiers threaten to brain
the first ono who "touches the pen" at this
To-morrow another council will bo held
and it is thought some expression will bo
hud from the Indians in the matter. The
last number of Dr. Hlund's Council FIre has
been distributed hero , and being translated
to them , has Influenced the Indians against
tt.o commission. This sleets | needs u liltlo
"nno-man power" to discontinue it.
The Sioux Indians had a council among
themselves whllo the commissioners wcro
talking with the Choyonncs. About fifteen
chiefs bpoko In opposition to the bill. No
Flesli and American Horse spoke in favor of
the bill , the former Haying ho should sign , no
mutter who objected , und if anyone tried to
prevent him , ho would muko them cry.
Old Man Afnjild of Ilh HOMO , the former
great chief , said ho was too old to control his
Ills young men , whom ho wanted to think
for themselves lied Cloud's ' Influence scoma
to prevail.
Mnril'T and Suicide.
LAKE Cm' , Colo. , Juno 10. Newton C ,
Moore , u freighter , murdered his young wife
yesterday aud blew out his brains. The
cause was jealousy ,
Olttcrlj * Opposed to ( ho Opening of
tlio Hlotix ItcHorvntlon.
niSMAnctc , Dak. , Juno 10. Special Telegram -
gram to Tun UKE.J Couriers just arrived
from Standing Uock report Sitting Hull , the
notorious Sioux chief , as nllvo and slowly
growing stronger.
In an Interview with regard to the proposed
opening of the reservation for settlement , ho
snld that ho never signed n treaty and never
would , Ho Is as bitterly opposed to the
opening of tbo reservation now as ho was n
year ago. Wlion told of the number of
Indiana nt tbo lower agencies who nro sign
ing ho would not believe it. Ho said ho had
Indiana nt the lower conference who rcporlod
to him , nnd bo know that no such number as
reported have signed. Ho la cunning nnd
suspicious , and thinks the commissioners nro
giving out the reports to Influence the
Indians nt the upper agencies. Thcro Is
every reason to bollovo that tbo commis
sioners will succcca in opening the reserva
tion , but they must do It without the aid or
consent of Sitting Dull and his friends.
When asked If ho thought bo would die ,
Sitting Hull said at first ho foil that ho must
go , ns the trouble was with his heart , which
felt ns though ho had been shot. Ho now
has some hope of recovery. The Indians at
Standing Hock hnvo chosen tbo orators to
represent them at the coming conference ,
but Sitting Hull Is not ono of the chosen ,
Those elected are : Gal ) , John Grass , Mad
Bear , Big Head and Kaglc-That Scares.
The Slate Siungoruund.
Giuxi ) ISLAXIJ , Nob. , June 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BKH. ] To-day closed the
Nebraska State Smntrerbund convention ,
which has been the most successful over
held in the state. All hnvo had a good so
cial time , and the meetings nnd entertain
ments have been of a high order. Two en
tertainments , open to the public , were given
nt the opera house. The Grand Island or
chestra , assisted by some of the best talent
In the Rtalc , furnished the music , aud thcro
were two hundred and fifty trained voices in
tbo chorus. The solo by Herr Schmidt , and
Madame Weber's ' renditions were highly
appreciated. It was n musical treat that will
bo long remembered by the pcoplo of this
city. To-day closed with n picnic
nt Iloggo's grove. The state association was
organized two years ago , when tbcro were
seven sociotics , with a membership of COO ;
now thcro are IIfteen societies , with n mem
bership of nearly thrco thousand. Every
city in. tbo state was represented nero , and
over sixteen hundred delegates reported In
nil. At the election of ofllccrs to-day the
presiding ofllccrs were ro-olccted. John
Wallicb and Hlchard Gehring , of Grand
Island , are president and vice-president.
Seward was selected as the place to hold
their r.ext annual meeting. Among the mem
bers are numbered all the uroinlnont GcrJ
mans in the state. The
society of this city was organized
in IbTO , nnd was the prime promoter
of the stale organization. They own crop-
erty , here , valued at § 15.000. They own a
bloclc in the central part of the city ; a largo
hall and theater is located in ono corner , tlio
balance of the grounds are beautifully laid
off , and largo cntalpas furnish ample shade.
At night the block is lighted by electricity.
They have a membership of 1S5 , among whom
are ex-State Treasurer William A. HagJo ,
cx-Stato Auditor John Wallloh , Senator
"Wolbach , Representatives Keif and Hooper ,
Charles Wnsrucr , Louis Viet and many
otncrs well known throughout the stato.
Pairllolil College Commencement.
FAiuriEi.u. Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to
THE Bic. ] The annual commencement ox-
orcisns of the Falrfiold college took place last
week. An clnborato programme was car
ried out , consisting of concerts , exercises by
the sociotics , address by jjlder W. T.
Maupin , of Hastings , und exercises by the
graduating class , followed by the conferring
of degrees. The following young men wcro
graduated : George F. Porter , G. E. Mark ,
L. W. Smith and J. W. Klllott. The financial
standing of the college has been strengthened
in various ways since last year , and the
faculty reorganized , and , it is believed , bet
tered to a marked degree. Among the add !
lions to the faculty , Prof. Mercer , who takes
the chair of ancient languages nnd higher
mathematics , is a valuable acquisition. Ho
has occupied a high place among the Instruc
tors of Nebraska for a number of years.
The prospect for Fairiicld college for the
cnniing year is very bright.
Stabbed His Stepfather.
KEAUNEY , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bcn.J To-night at 10 o'clock ,
John McCord , aged twenty years , stabbed
his stepfather , William Hunter , at his homo
In the northeastern part of the city. The cut
was made with a pocket knife across the
abdomen , disemboweling him. Through the
excitement , which ensued nt the time , it
could not bo ascertained whether It was of a
serious nature or not. The culling was
brought "about by a quarrel Hunter
was Indulging In with bis wife ,
who Is McCord's mother. McCnrd
interfered , when Hunter drew a revolver
but was defeated In his purpose by McCord
using his knife with deadly intent. Seeing
what ho had done the young man disap
peared in the darkness and nt a Into hour
was still ut largo. Ho has boon employed as
u roustabout at the Midway saloon and is
considered n tough character. Ho is a man
of muscular build , sandy complexion and
wears u smooth face.
N'nrtli I'liitto I'craonnlf ) .
NOUTII PJ..ATTU , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special
to Tnu UBB. ] Isaac Dillon lias just returned
from Omaha , where ho has been receiving
treatment for his eyes.
Miss Arta Cody , the accomplished daugh
ter of "M. lo Vleompto Guillaumo do
Bison" ( Buffalo Bill ) , oxpccts to join the
excursionists that lo.ivo our shores for
Europe , with Miss Minnie Wood , of Omaha ,
bomo time this month.
Mrs. B. Beer g.ivo a gypsy tea party at
her residence , south of town , lust week , to
the Jews of North Plutto. Mr. Boer's
brother und Ills wife , from New Orleans , are
stopping off u few days on their way to the
const. About twcnty-Hvo couples wcro In
attendance , nnd altogether it was the most
enjoyable affair of the season.
I'orii lOvorett Society.
I'r.uu , Neb , , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HUB , ] The Everett bocioty hold its
open session , last night , in Normal chapel.
A largo nudicnco was present , and the
speakers did themselves credit , The oration
by President Hurry Church was vary highly
appreciated. Tlio baccalaureate address wns
delivered , this afternoon , by Kov. G. W.
Crofts , of Council Bluffs. The
programme of the cloblng exercises' of the
school is as follows : Monday evening. Philo-
niathean society ; Tuesday , graduating ex
ercises of the elementary class ; Tuesday
evening , ulumnl meeting ; Wednesday , com
mencement exercises , and Wednesday even
ing , reception.
New Hunk HnDdlim * .
NOUTII PI.ITTE , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special
to Tin : Bii.J : ! The First National bank and
the now North Platte National bank are
about to erect Una three-story structures ) cf
brick and stone , on opposite corners of Sixth
andtSpruco streets. They expect to occupy
them before snow flics.
SOW l H\XQ II. 0P. | .
LEXINGTON , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to
TUB HUB. ] A Knlgnls of Pythias lodge Is
being organized hero , nud arrangements are
being inndu to have the lodge Instituted In
the course of ten days or two weeks. There
are thirty-four signers to the petition asking
for a charter.
Withdrawn ! of Ono of the Loading
Republican Candidates.
A. Minister Who Worship * nt thy
Bhrlno of Mammon Statistics of
lown'a Past and Present
Itwin'n Withdrawn ! .
Dr.s MOINISS , la. , Juno It ) . | Special to Tun
BEE. ] The past week has witnessed the
withdrawal of Hon. John Irwtn , of Keokuk ,
ns n candidate for governor. It could hardly
bo said that ho was n candidate , in tbo usual
sense of the term , but bo bad many friends
nud admirers ever the state who had been
considering his name , nnd hoping that ho
would enter the race , nnd so to prevent any
further consideration of bis name , bo has
authorized the announcement that ho will
not bo n candidate. Ho is ono of the popular
young men of the state , and is famous in
current history as the only federal official
who over returned to the government the
salary bo did not earn. President Arthur
appointed him governor of Idnho. Do wont
out to the territory once or twice , but busi
ness matters kept b "i home a great , deal , and
after holding the oftlco for a few months , ho
resigned and tent Ills salar/ buck to tbo
treasury , stating that ho had ua' . earned jt , ,
and was not entitled to It , tuch flagrant
honesty was so unprecedented tun' , the
treasury ofllcinls did not know what to do
with the money , and had qulto n time in get
ting It b.ick into the treasury. b r.
Irwin has largo business interests which bo
could not well neglect to enter the race for
governor of Iowa , nnd so stays out. Ho will
bo the temporary chairman of the next re
publican state convention , which meets hero
August 14 ,
Mr. Wheeler , who Is ono of the lending
candidates for the republican nomination for
governor , has made a very unique campaign.
Ho stated when In town the other day , that
ho hud writlon 11,000 letters totho people of
low.i , asking for their support to his candi
dacy. Ho has been at the business for ever
a year and has hud qulto a clerical force engaged - , ,
gaged in helping bis correspondence. Ho
thinks that this styloof campaigning is qulto
successful. Thcro are hundreds of men who
very seldom get a letter of nny kind nnd
they feel quite honored to receive a ucrsonal
loiter from a candidate for governor , oven
though ho bo an untira stranger lo them. In
the absence of any special choice , they nro
quito likely to consider bis request favora
bly , particularly if ho writes a good letter.
This is carrying out ti-o bullon hole Idea on
a mammoth scale. But it shows the spirit
of western enterprise , in ono dlrccllon nt
A minister of Mammon.
DES MOINES , la. , JunolO. fSptcinl to Tnn
Bnal A queer incident Is reported from
Davenport which has occasioned a good deal
of unpleasant comment. Buford post , G. A.
H. , had charge of the exercises on Memorial
day , at the National cemetery , on Kocit
Island. The post invited ono of its members ,
Hcv. William MncPhcolors , to deliver the
oration. Ho did so , and now sends In a bill
of $23 for bis services. The invitation wns
Intended as a compliment to him , not an a
business engagement. But his thrlftincss
seems to have gotten the bettor of his sense
of propriety , and the Grand Army mou uro
quito indignant.
town's I'nst nnd Present Rainfall.
DES MOINES , In. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tun
Bui : . ] The heavy rainfall in June , so far ,
has called attention lo the average rainfall
of Iowa for the last few years. Sergeant
Chnppol , of the signal station hero , has made
home comparative tables , showing the pre
cipitation at this place for each year slnco
1878. During this time the average rainfall
for cacti year has been JIT.50 Inches. The
greatest annual precipitation was in 1SS1 ,
when It reached 50.S1 Inches , llio least an
nual precipitation was in 1887 , when It was
only 21.00 inches. The greatest precipitation
for any month during this period was In
June , 1SS1 15.79 Inches , and the least for
any month was In March , 1SS5 , whci : It was
only .Ot of an inch. The rain for the average
year is least in January , increases slightly hi
February and March , still mora in April nnd
May , and roaches Its maximum falls In Juno.
On an average about one-sixth of the rain
fall of the year falls In Juno. In July nnd
August tlio rainfall is only about half what
it is in Juno ; it increases during
September nnd October , decreases in
November , and still more in December.
As the average rainfall for u year during the
lufet ten or eleven years Is ilT.fiU Inches , that
can bo taken as tbo approximate amount
ncoiicd by Iowa soil to ralso a fair crop. For
whllo during that time some crops have been
very poor , owing to the drouth or the oxccss
of rain , some have been very good , giving n
fair average for tlio "whole. Ono Inch of
rainfall Is equivalent to 17,300,000 gallons of
water to the square mile , nnd for the 37.GO
inches the rainfall in u year would have to
bo In round numhor.s WJ.OOO.OOO gallons to
the square mile. Assuming that this average
rainfall ut Ues Molnos is a fair average for
the state , and it gives the enormous amount
of more than ! iOJ , ! 11,000,000,000 gallons of
water to fall upon Iowa in uno year. A llttlo
computation showing the ratio between the
number of tons of farm products and tlio
number of gallons of water that fell in ram
would bo very IntorosUng. It might show
approximately how much water Is needed to
ralso u pound of corn or wheat or potatoes.
A. Gciivrouii People.
Dm MOINES , la. , Juno 10 , [ Special to
Tun Bui ! . ] There has been a very generous
response in Iowa to the governor's proclama
tion requesting help for the Johnstown suffer
ers , hi all the largo cities the contributions
wcro sent directly to Johnstown by the
mayor or some local committee. But lit the
smaller cities , villages and hamlets the con
tributions In most Instances were sent teState
State Tjcasurcr Twombly and by him for
warded. Up to lust night ho had received
and Bent on about 0,000. This represents
very widespread giving , as the dona
tions como from about ono hun
dred and fifty different bourccs.
All par s of the state haya
responded to the appeal for aid. The con
tributions received by Treasurer Twomujy
Ineludo collections in chnrchcft , donations
from ball clubu , subscriptions from societies ,
town meetings , collections on the streets and
Individual gifts. The fuel that the returns
came from so many localities , shows how
general is the feeling of sympathy with the
EUfTe-reis. As already stated , thu contribu
tions to Treasurer Twombly uro distinct
fiom the sums rained In the larger cities.
Tlio cash contributions In Dos Mollies will
reach nearly tfl.OJO , Davenport lias raised
about SJ.GOO , Dubuque , Sioux City , Burling
ton nnd other towns have given good dona
tions. H la believed that the cash contribu
tions from Iowa will reach , In the aggregate ,
between 50,000 and ? 10,000. Besides these ,
many car loads of provisions , lumber and
other Ru/ies ; ! have been tent from tbli
Ml ate.
A C'ouplo of Hirun ; Destroyed.
CAUIIOM. , la. , Juno 10. [ Spoclaljto Tns
Bun. ] The barn of H. B. McNeil wns
burned to tbo gro'urul nt 3 o'clock this morn-
Ing. A valuable horse aud carriage were
burned , besides several valuable sets ot
harness. Yesterday afternoon the largo
barn oi W. i' . Mlachcn wns struck by light-
; and almost demollstiud.