Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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A Grand Marketing Plaoo for the
People of Omaha.
Trays of Luscious Hcrrlcs , Piles of
Juicy VoRClablcH , Troplcnl Fruits ,
and Shelves Loaded With Homo
nnd Imported Delicacies.
A hungry representative of this paper
started out to find the material for n
Bqunro meal which the good wife would
prepare at homo , visited , among other
places , the elegant retail grocery stdro
of C. B. Moore &Co.,161o Dodge street.
In front of the artistically arranged
show window was ono of the llnost dis
plays of vegetables and berries to bft
found In any city , all fresh as the morn
ing dew. This department of this store
elands head and shoulders above any of its
competitors But the well stocked dis
play outside , complete ns it is , does not
prevent a surprise to the visitor when
once ho views the great retail mart
within. In place of the chaotic piles of
vegetables and Jlour sacks usually soon
In retail groceries , wo find complete
order ; In place of dirt and untldyness
Is found scrupulous cleanliness , nnd in
place of disorder , system. The entire
establishment is divided into depart
ments nnd neatly designated by a sign.
On the west side of the store is a summer
drink department , whore can be found
ginger ale. cider , lime and fruit juices.
Farther along are found condensed
Hugglns soups such as pea , ox tall and
tcrrn'pln. Their stock of thcso delicious
goods Is very complete. Another di
vision is devoted to table spices and
condiments , their chlllipauco being ex
ceptionally fine. Their canned goods
nro in great variety and thoroughly re
liable , C. B. Moore & Co. being the
western ngonls for the celebrated
Oneida community goods , which need
no introduction to Omaha people. The
pickle , jelly and preserve department
nro stocked with the best that can bo
had and are as line as these put up by
the most careful housowlfo. Sand
wiched between these larger divisions
is ono of canned meats and fish. Here
can bo found canned corn bnof , lob-
Btors , boneless sardines , rolled tongue ,
curried fowls nnd tlio fat and juicy
salmon. Their cured moat , cheese ami
lard department is worthy of especial
attention. They make a specialty
of this department , handling only
Now York cream chocs" . Gardner and
Phipps hams and Armour & Co.'s star
sugar cured hams and bacon , also kettle -
tlo rendered lard , which is guaranteed
absolutely pure. They have a fine Ital
ian marble top counter for the dispens
ing and cutting of these goods. Every
thing is scrupulously clean. Their line
of farannacoous goods is very complete ,
comprising the best brands of oat meal ,
pearled barley , tapioca , etc. Mr.
Moore taltos great pride in his fine
table butter and justly so. His beauti
ful refrigerator with revolving show
windows , made especially for butter , is
n. grnat convenience to himself and cus
tomers. On the east side of the room
are three nice upright show cases for
the display of dilferont varieties of
dried fruits , crackers and nuts. Twenty-
four varieties can bo seen by a cus
tomer without " 'moving. This store
handles the finest line of imported and
domestic crackers of any liouso in the
city. In any part of the store can bo
found rare imported goods , such as
pineapple chcosOj Edam cheese , rare
canned and botllc'u goods. Special at
tention is given to the coffee nnd tea
department. , The stock being excellent
in quality. The coffees and teas kept
by C. B. Moore & Co. , have always been
very popular. This department with
its beautiful and convenient cans and
canisters , presents a most handsome
appearance. The brands of flour are
even special. Moore's Superlative and
Mooro'd Challenge acknowledge no
superior. But it is useless to onumd-
rato. Suffice it to say. that what you
can not find in the line of fancy and
staple groceries at C. B. Moore &
Co. , you can not find in
the city. The mommoth stock
fills the store room , 22x120 ft. , and the
basement , 22x140 , to overflowing. The
motto of the linn is "Tho best is none
too good for our customers. " The fix
tures and counter scales are in keeping
with this model grocery. The counter
scales , five in number , are of the
Troemnor make , with agate bearings ,
and sensitive to a grain. They Imvo
four elegant delivery wagons , which
nro convenient nnd showy. The men
employed are courteous and attentive
gentlemen men with whom it is a
pleasure to deal. In n word , O. B.
Wooro & Co. keep the model grocery
of the city the largest stock and of the
best quality , and sell for the lowest
living cash prices , and all who call
upon them will receive courteous treat
A Splendid Votornn.
Perhaps there is no ono thing about
the veteran , Gcorgo M. Pullman , oi
palace car fame , which impresses the
visitor moro than the vigorous green
ness of bis old ago. Other men droop
and die under burdens and business
cares less weighty than his , and yet in
the afternoon of his life ho is bettor
fitted to stand mental strain than many
a man of younger years. And there is
good reason for this sturdy virility.
Away back in the early sixties Pullman
was digging gold in Russell Gulch ,
Col. , n mining camp three miles from
Central City , and It was there that fortune -
tune first became his friend. The rndo
cabin ho lived in btlll stands by the
roadside. The dry , invigorating air ,
charged with the essence of perpetual
youth , gave him a lease upon health
which lias lasted until this day. ant ]
there nro oceans of the elixir still loft
for troubled business men who seek
these serene retreats reached only by
the Union Pacillo railway In Colorado.
There's No Use
trying to find n bettor line to Chicago
than the Chicago & .Norlhwcstorn Ry.
It makes much faster time tlmn its
competitors. Its solid vestibule trains
run out of the U. P. depot in Omaha
daily. Frco redlining chairs and the
latest and best bleeping curs. Dining
curs on all trains.
This is the way the "flyers" run :
Leave Omaha 2:45 : p. m. , ardvn Chicago
cage 7 n. m. ; Inavo Omaha SMC p. ra.
arrive Chicago 12 noon.
Ticket oillco U01 Farnam st. Telephone -
phone 501. W. N. BAIICOCIC ,
General Western Airont.
Try Golden Gate Special broad.
H'H Getting Hot.
In vlow of this fact , the Sioux City
Route has placed on sale round-trip
tickets to the cool tourist retrcata o
the north.
Greatly reduced rates to Spirit Lake
St. Paul , Minneapolis and Lake Super
ior points. Tickets good until October
,81. Ticket ollico 1401 Furnam 6t.
General Western Agont.
Russell , Pratt & Co. carry the fines
assortment of gas and electric fixture
west of Now York city. Call and see
810-3218 16th St. , Tel. 603.
Flao plnuo tuning ut Moinborg's.
" \Vnili Dress Good * .
On Monday , Juno 17 , wo will place on
ale the largest stock of ginghams
vhich was over displayed by any dry
roods house in Omaha. GormanFrench ,
Scotch and English novelties in stripes
nnd plaids , lace stripes , ' brdcadcd
tripos , etc. , in great variety at 2oo,05c ,
Oc , 45o nnd 40o a yd. You will find no
Iner nor hotter ginghams in this mar-
Scotch zephyrs nt Ific , 20o nnd 25c n
Seersucker suitings nt 7c , 8o $ nnd lOc.
American dress gingham Gu , OJc , 80
nnd lOc.
Apron checks 5c , Ojc and 7c.
Batlsto cloth 7c , lOo and 12ic.
Cropllno at ICo.
40-Inch plain colors in bunting at lOo
n. yd.
Lawns flic and 6c.
Yard wide Pacillc lawns 7ic.
Yard wldo Indigo blue reduced to 7Jo.
Black India linen nnd batlsto 16u.
Black chocked nainsooks 16c.
Wo have a big assorted stock of white
dross goods of every description.
Plain India linens. So , 8c , Oc , lOo. 16o
and 25c. Chocked wli Ito dress goods at
Cc , OJc. 8c , lOo , 12i , 13c , ISc , 20c and
Me. Fancy lace striped , satin finijhcd ,
lOc. Nice line of fancy colored woven
ilnida : it lOo. Remnants of white dress
; oods nnd saloons at a bargain , to closo.
.00 pieces of challies reduced to 3jc a
riircl , for Monday. Now patterns of
vail paper just received.
Extra super all wool two-ply ingrain
carpets reduced to 60c a yard , to closo.
200 pieces of straw matting at lOc ,
121c nnd ICcnyard.
Jolntlcss matting at 25c.
Fancy tinted silk finishmattingat40c.
Embroidered matting 60c.
Nnpior matting ; t5c and COc.
Manilla matting Too.
Yard wide floor oil cloth , 25o , 35c , 40o
nnd fiOc.
Yard wldo hemp carpet 15c.
Carpet lining and carpet papor.
Body Brussels 85c.
Tapestry brussels 45c , 60c and GOc.
Stair carpet ISc , 25c and 35c.
Stair rods and buttons.
All wool extra super Lowell ingrain
carpet reduced to GOc yard.
Smyrna rugsatOSc , OJG , 81.50 , S2.50
and 83.60 each.
Special 30x72 size smyrna rug worth
$8.00 , cut down to $1.60 each.
GO-in. wldo Nottingham lace curtain ,
net 2oc yard.
Lace curtains at 81.23 , SI.33 , $1.50 and
up to 68.00 a pair , with each pair you
got a polo and brass trimming free.
Ponerco drapery at 16o yard.
Turcoman , ehontllo and silk curtains
at loss than their cost to reduce stock
and clear odd pairs , of which wo have
a good many on hand. Rocking chairs ,
high chairs , folding chairs , veloscipc-
des , hammocks , wheelbarrows , garden
tools , dolls , etc. , lower than ever.
Baby carriages tire going fabt. only a
few loft : fine carriages at less than cost.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Iiettlnjr Down the Prlcei.
The most awful sacrifice sale of the
season. A flood of bargains bustling out
in every department. Where else can
you got such values , such variety or so
absolute a guarantee of goods as ropro-
Double-fold cable twills 12Jc ; why
pay 25c. 80-inch Entrlish cnShmoro 19c ,
worth 37c. ' 3G-lnuh Henrietta , nil col
ors , 20c , 48-inch Henrietta only 89c ;
compare these goods. 42-inch , all wool
French Challies 48c , reduced from 76c.
All wool Fpulo cloth 45c , cost GJC to im
port. 41-inch French Henriettas , no
bettor goods made , only OSc. 48-inch
French Henriettas OSc , worth SI.35.
.Wo are letting down the prices in
novelty suits to closo. Now is the time
to buv " and got first choice.
Black bilks in gros grain , Aj'tnuro ,
royal French francnlso , satin rhadamas
and surah. Your choice during this sale
at an incredible sacrifice. Colored surah
silks , 37c to 03c. Colored satin rhnda-
mas , 65c , worth 81.2.5. Colored gros grain
silks , 724o , worth $1.2-5. Elogant'Ohina
silks marked down to 30c. In all kinds
of mourning and black dross goods out
bargain sale is beyond competition.
Bring your samples and wo will save
you one-third cost prico.
has actually sot people thinking , and
the moro they compare our goods and
prices the harder they think and the
easier wo can soil. Whore else can you
got Rocror Bros. ' 1817 knives and forks
at $1.25 per set ? Where else can you
buy Roger Bros. ' 1817 spoons at $1.25 per
sot1 ! Look at the endless variety of high
art novelties in imported garnet and
gold plaited hair ornaments atl7coach.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Fourth of July Excursions.
For the Fourth of July celebrations
the Union Pacific "Tho
railway , Over
land Route , " will make a rate of ono
faro for the round trip from all stations
at which tickets are sold to any other
point on its lines within 200 miles.
Excursion tickets will bo sold July 8
nnd 4 , good going on date of sale , and
good returning until July 5 , inclusive.
A largo number of cities and towns
on the line of the Union Pacific-rail
way nro preparing to celebrate the
coming Fourth of July in an elaborate
manner and will offer a very enjoyable
programme for the entertainment of
their guests.
The above special excursion rates nro
given in order that vou may take your
family and friends to any of the num
erous points of Interest and assist in the
various celebrations.
For do.tailod rates , tickets , time of
trains , etc. , call on or address any ticket
ngcnt of the Union Pacific railway.
Taxldurmibtcatal'g'o816 N 10thOmaha
excursion to Cincinnati Via the
Everybody invited to tnko n ride on
Iho fast Cannon Ball Express , leaving
Omaha 4:15 : , Council Blulls 4:35 : p. jn. ,
on Thursday , Juno 20th. Ample accom
modations of reclining chair nnd Pull
man ballot Bleeping cans will bo pro
vided for all who purchase excursion
tickets to Cincinnati , which will bo sold
nt $15.75 for the round trip on the. above
date. Remember this is the quickest
and best route to Indianapolis , Cincin
nati and all points'south and southeast.
For further information and
at the Wababh oillco , 1602 Fnrnnmst. ,
Omnha. G. N. CLAYTON ,
Pass. & Tkt. Agont.
Clilcaeo , Milwaukee & St. Paul IVy
Yin Omaha nnd Council niuO'u.
Short line to Chicago nnd the cast.
Finest dining cars in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago. Ele
gant free ctiair cars. Only direct route
to the G , A. R , omcnmpinont nt Milwau
kee. Everything llrst-clnss. Fast trains
to Chicago and all points cast.
For further information enquire at
Ticket Olllcc , 1601 Farnara St. , ID Bar
ker block. F. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
The Mid-Continent Boiler and Iron
Worke , Oor. 19th and Ploroo.
A Go-Ahoatl Firm That Is Splendidly
Equipped For Business nml
Fairly Hushed With
The Mid-Conllnont Bollor and Shoot
Iron Works could only bo properly lo
cated'in Omaha DOCJVUSO Omaha is the
center of the contlnont , nnd nowhere
else than In such an enterprising city
could such u boohtvo of Industry kcop
Its tlraloss workman busy. Thcso works
wore- founded In 1833 by Mr. J. M. Wil
son as a email shop. Since then Mr.
Wilson has taken In a partner in the
person of Mr. Brunnor , the style of the
the firm being Wilson & Brunnor.
Thcso gentlemen have very materially
increased the old plant , supplied it with
the latest improved machinery and
mixdo It what'an establishment named
the Mid-Continent Boiler 'and Sheet
Iron Works ought to bo. They employ
constantly from twouty-flvo to thirty
men , and their business Is constantly
increasing. It has been the peed for
tune of this firm to bo popular at homo ,
and tholr work can bo found In almost
every establishment whoi'o such work
is needed in the city. They are- pre
pared to make all kinds of tubular Hues
and firebox boilers , oil and water
tanks , smoke stacks , breeching of the
best material and made in a workman
like way. They have just shipped put
some excellent work to the surrounding
states , and are now engaged upon
four largo loa'd dryers 8x120 feet for the
white lead works of this city. The Mid-
Continent has just secured the contract
for live largo stool boilers and ton largo
lartl rendering tank's from the great
prcklng liouso of George II. Hammond
& Co. , of South Omaha. This is quite
a feather in their cap when it is remembered -
mombored that the contract was secured -
cured in open competition with several
largo Chicago and other eastern firms ,
who sent special representatives hereto
to secure the work. The award of the
contract Is not only u triumph for the
Mid-Continent , but reflects credit upon
Messrs. Ilammond & Co. , who thus
showed their loyalty'to our city by pur
chasing supplies at homo'when they
wcro convinced that the homo product
was the equal in every way to that
offered by outside competitors. This
example of patronizing homo industries
should bo emulated by all of our citi
zens whoso needs cause thorn to make
similar purchases. Messrs. Wilson and
Brunner are both gentlemen of the
strictest integrity , houcst and-reliable ,
nnd who can give unquestioned rcfor-
ronces. Their works tit the corner of
Nineteenth and Pierce stroota are an
honor to the industrial circles of Omaha.
Onr Grcnt Snlo for Monday.
Prices all busted. Did you get any of
those fancy ribbons SiUurdny , if not
don't miss them Monday. Just think
of it ! A No. 40 ribbon , in all now de
sirable colors , only lOc a yard. It'cost
three times tlio price asked to manu
facture Monday only -at lOc a yard.
Fancy check all silk surahs , only 35c a
yard , worth 75c ; yard wide Indigo
blue prints , 8jc a yard. Standard dress
prints , 3Jc n yard. Ficrured challios ,
4ic a yard. Fine challies , 6Jo a
yard. Furniture prints , largo patterns ,
only 6c u yard. Flno zephyr
ginghams , only 7o n yard.
Standard apron chock ginghams 6c
yard. A.11 satinesworth 15c , 18c and 20o
choice , Monday , 12jc yard. A big line
satines at lOc yard , worth 15c. Light
colors. Ladies' silk mils at 12o. 18c and
25c , worth double. Ladies' brilliant
lisle gloves 18c pair , former price 35c
and 60c , colors only. Ladies' kid
gloves 59c , worth SI. Fancy Japanese
fans nt/jc , lOc , 15c , 20c , 25c , very cheap.
Ladies' pin stripe hose , full regular
made , worth 40c , on sale Monday lOc.
Ladies' fancy hose 3c ! ) worth 75c. La
dies fast black hose 15o pair. Child
ren's hose , all sizes , 8Jc pair. Colored
embroideries Ic yard. 2i5 inch silk
umbrellas $1.30 each , worth $2. Don't
fail to look through our basement Mon
day. Everything at special prico. Got
your carpets while they are being
slaughtered. Lots of now wall paper.
A Choice Ijlst of Slimmer
In the lake regions of Wisconsin ,
Minnesota , Iowa nnd the two Dakotas ,
there are hundreds of charming locali
ties prc-ominontly fitted for summer
homes. Among the following selected
list are names familiar to many of our
readers as the perfection of northern
summer resorts. Nearly all of the Wis
consin points of interest nro within a
short distance from Chicago or Milwau
kee , and none of them are so far away
from the "busy marts of civilization"
that they cannot bo reached in a few
hours of travel , by frequent trains , over
the llnost road in the northwest the
Chicago , Milwaukcc& St. Paul Railway :
Oconomowoc , WIs. Clear Lake , Iowa.
Mlnocqun , V/is. Lakes Ohobojl. Iowa.
Waukesha , Wis. Spirit Lake. Iowa.
Palmyra , Wis. Frontcnac , Minn.
Tomahawk Lakes , Luke Minnctonka ,
AVis. Minn.
Lakeside , Wis. Ortonvlllo , Mir.n.
Kllbourn City , Wis. Prior Lalto , Minn.
( Dells of tlio Wis- White Hoar Lake ,
consin. ) Minn.
Ucnvor Dam. Wis. Biff Stone Lake , Da-
Mudison , Wis. koti. |
For detailed information , apply at
ticket oillco , 1601 Fiirnam street , Barker
Russell , Pratt & Co. furnish special
designs in gas and combination fixtures
for residences , churches and public
Grocers sell Golden Gnto Special
Notice Contractors nnd Builder * .
Leave your ordora for mill work at
low price and good work with Brlggs
Place Woodworking Co. , mill Douglas
nnd Belt.Line , branch oillco H10 S. 15th.
Umbrollassun shades nnd second hand
landaus for sale at 1400 and .1411 Dpdpo.
Dorward , dentist , 1517 Douglas street ,
preserves the natural tooth by bridgo-
worlc , crowns and fillings. Partial
plates nro not necessary. All operations
as painless us science can make tlioin.
TGns nnd electric fixtures wholesale
nnd retail at Rubsoll , Pratt & CO.'Q , 810
and 21S 16th St. , Tel , 603.
Fine piano tuning at Molnborg'f.
The Parnoll Social cluh will hold
their next party in Hanscom park
Wednesday evening. Juno 10. All
persons holding invitations are cor
dially invited to attend. Accommoda
tions will bo furnished by the club for
the return of the party after the oxor-
ciscs of the evening.
A Bank Ijj | > lit8 by Electricity.
The Omaha National bank is to bo
lighted by electricity furnished by the
Pumnelly storage batter\is , for which
the Nebraska Electric Co. , 1621 Farnam
St. , baa tlio contract ,
Special Bttrwitna For Monday.
As proviouei.f ; announced wo will
place on sale Mil n day morning a line of
ladles' black ivud colored kid gloves ,
superior in quality nnd finish to any
thing over offered in this market.
To introducoitthoso gloves to our
frlbndfl wo willf AfTcr thorn at specially
low prices Monday and all wnck.
Wo conlldonjiy recommend thorn to
our trade.
100 dozen 4 { button Gronoblols kid
gloves in blnoiis and colors at 81.25
equally as good as our 81.75 glovo.
75 dozen 4 button "Rollln" kid gloves
in blacks and colors at $1.35 worth $1,85.
60 dozen 4 button "Electric" and
Pique gloves in blacks nnd colors at
81.75 worth $2.60.
25 dozen 0 button "Eloctrlo"glovoatn
blacks only , at $2 , well worth $2.75.
25 dozen "Sucdo"
12-button gloves ,
nil desirable evening tints , at $2.25.
worth $2.75.
20 dozen 10-button "Sucdo" gloves , at
$2.50 , worth $3.2-3.
It will bo impossible to fit gloves Mon
day. Ladles desirous of having thoin
fitted can have It done any other day.
100 pieces Scotch zephyr gingham ,
regular 25c quality , on Monday at ISc.
76 pieces French sateotiB , best quality ,
on Monday at 25c , worth 40c ; all now
2 cases chnllics , French styles , on
Monday at 5c , worth lOc.
76 dozen of ladies extra fine silk
plated hose with white heels nnd toea
in blacks , tans , navy's , seals and wines ,
all nt 09c ; former price $1.25.
60 dozen ladies' oxtrn tine Sea island
cotton Jersey lilting ribbed vests , all
silk finished , good value , nt 55c , for this
sale 85c , 3 for Sl.OO.
Wo will make the following special
prices on our umbrellas to-morrow :
100 black umbrellas , $1.40 , worth $2.
75 black umbrellas , $1.09 , worth 82.50.
75 black umbrellas , $1.89 , worth $3.
75 black umbrellas. $2.2-5 , worth $3.50.
We mention only a few prices , but all
our stock of black umbrellas will bo
placed on safe to-morrow.
It Still Continues tlin Ijoiidins Ac
fraction to Buyers.
Buyers of furniture and household
articles of every description still throng
the stores of Hill & Young , 1211 and
1213 Farnam street.
The stock , which Ayns an immunso
one , has been materially reduced , but
thorp still remains a good variety of
furniture , stoves , crockery , lamps , cutlery -
lory , glassware , refrigerators , and in
fact all household articles.
Among the many bargains remaining ,
since the fire April 13. is ono or two
worth special mention : The 812.50
chamber suites of antique oak , and the
$15 ash chamber uuits , while the cham
ber suits that are sold for $2-3 are worth
almost double.
In gnfeolino stoves they have the
"Peerless , " which is considered second
to none. These arc not damaged in the
least and are the greatest bargains. you
will iind.
Dry air refrigerators at the old prices
still continue to go.
Uuholstered plush platform rockers
$ (1 ( and upward. "These are all worth
aoout double what they ask for thorn ,
but they wnntitho room , those goods oc
cupy for their new goods which wijl
begin to nrrivonn.a low weeks.
Largest line -baby carriages in the
city , from $5 to $50.
Remember if you want anything in
the house furnishing line don't forpot
to call on Hill & Young , 1211 nnd 1213
Farnam St. , and see the remainder of
their fire stock.
Samuel Burns continues his dinner
sot sale another week. Among others ,
Brownfiold's dinner sots $12 , formerly
$28. -
Excursion to Waterloo , Juno 20 , tick
ets $1.00. For sale at G. H. Mack's ,
1308 Farnam St. ; Jeff W. Bedford'scor.
14th and Farnam , and U. P. ticket of
fice , cor. 13th and Farnam.
Waterloo , thirty-four miles from
Omaha , on the Union Pacific railway ,
has very desirable picnic grounds.
There nro plenty of shade trees , good
boating , line fishing , , swings , dancing
pavillion , and in fact everything that
goes to make up a first-class picnic re
The Union Pacific railway
pared to make especially low rates for
parties , societies and associations dcsir-
injr to give a picnic thoro.
For full informutioncall on or address
City Passoncrer Agent ,
1302 Farnum st.
1 ino at ' .
piano tuning Moinborg's.
Sunday KxourJlnn.
Go out and spend Sunday afternoon on
the bolt lino. Train loaves depot at
15th and Webster streets at 2:30 : p. m.
Sunday afternoon ; returning , leaves
Rusers park ( Lawn ) at 7:30 : p. m.
Round trip only 25 cents.
Samuel Burns is making special
prices on Jowott's refrigerators.
The best Vienna bread made is Golden
Gate Special.
A. L. Dcano & Co. , successors to P.
Bover & Co. , agents for Hall's safes and
looks , 323 S. 10th st.
A Family Train J
Among the changes recently made by
the Michigan Central , the most import
ant is the now -Special Now York Ex
press , No. 20 , which loaves Chicago at
10:35 : a. m. , except Sunday. This effects
a connection Avith all western , north
western nnd southwestern lines enter
ing the city , --nnd enables passengers
from Chicago cranny of its suburbs , to
leave at a comfortable and convenient
hour. For this treason , as well as its
admirable through car service to Now
York without change , it is especially
adapted to the soonvonionco of families
nnd of ladies mnd children. All Now
York state points are reached the next
day , and tliot hour of arrival tit the
Grand Contrail depot , Now York , 4
o'clock p. in. , , enables passengers to
make rail or fileamor connections and
reach all purt jol Now York , Brooklyn
and Jorboy Citysmd their suburbs , nnd
the sea-Bhoro before dark. The through
car leaving Chicago , Saturday , goes
forward on No. 0 from Bullalo to Now
York on Sunday.
City passenger and ticket office , 07
Clark Btroot , southeast corner of Ran
dolph , Chicago.
Mr. A. 13. Mcrrfs ,
formerly with S. Jonnson , Is now con
nected with Alfred Moinborg Co. , the
popular music house on Dodge st.
Gas and electric fixtures finished in
Englibh gilt , oxydlzod silver , Japanese
bronze , bright silver , Omolu steel , Iron
nnd nil shades of brass at Russell , Pratt
& Co.'fi , Tel. 603.
Gas and electric fixtures at Russell ,
Pratt & Co. ' 8 , Tel , 603.
Fine piano tuning at Molnborg'ui
Jjettlng Down tlio Prices Millinery ,
Bpoclnl Snlo.
' The reductions nnd bargains in this
department nro not confined to a few
specialties , but comprise everything
even to the richest Fronoh flowers nmt
most stylish Hats for Indies nnd child
ren.Our Into purchases from ti direct im
porter wore very lucky , both in price ,
quality and stylos. No lady can tifTord
to buy without seeing these goods nnd
getting our prices , especially If you
want mco goods ,
It is impossible to quote prices on
thcso goods whore the variety is so
great and the styles so endless and at
tractive. It Is useless to seek such an
other line of millinery trimmings and
ornaments , they nro not to bo had.
Ladles are respectfully requested to BOO
for themselves.
Wo say without fear of contradiction
that wo are showing ( ho most complete
stock of line ribbons in Omaha nt prices
beyond competition.
Wo olTor unapproachaolo bargains in
now styles and fine goods , voillnga ,
niching , handkerchiefs , novelty braids ,
toilet eoaps , Florida water , odors , hair
ornaments , combs , brushes , dross trim
mings and dress buttons , stationery and
staple notions.
Black chnntllly fiouncings,42-in.wido ,
nil silk. 81.60. worth $2.25.
Spanish edgings , ecru and black ,
2-3c , worth double.
Oriental laces , very fine , from 5o up.
Machine torchons 12 yards for 5c.
Wo will sell our real Torchons , Mod-
icl-Antlquo laces , this week , at lower
prices than over before.
Great special sale on 42-inch Swiss
flouncings ; goods worth 76c$1.00 , $1.25 ,
$1.60 , $2.00 yard , at only 69o yard.
A now lot of shaded , all-silk ribbons ,
worth 75c yard , at special ale only 23c ,
Sash ribbons $ l.oO yard , this wcolc
marked down to 95e.
Baby ribbons wo sell 10 yards for lOc ,
in nil colors.
Surpassing bargains in fine wall
Electric motors and power. Nebraska
Electric Co. , 1521 Farnam street. Tele
phone , 1424.
Dr. George B. Ayers has removed his
oillco to 324 S. 15th , ground floor , under
State bank , cor. 15th and Hurnoy.
Your grocer can furnish Pullman
Fine piano tuning at Moinborg's.
Ask for Pullman BulTot bread.
Fine 7-Oct. Pinno For $75.
Great bargain ; at Moinborg's.
Electric motors and power. Nebraska
Electric Co. , 1621 Furnam street. Tele
phone. 1424.
Grant Bargains In Pianos.
7-oct. pianos $75 at Meinborg's.
Ask for Golden Gate -Special bread ,
sold by all grocers.
* -
The thing for sandwiches , Pullman
Tlio Summer Tourist
Should , in his preparations , avail him
self of the full and detailed information
given in the Michigan Central Sum
mer Tourist Rate Book , which will bo
issued in a few days and sent to any ad
dress upon application. Tlio summer
resorts of the cast are fully described
nnd illustrated in a now book , entitled ,
"A Modern Pilgrimage , ' ' six cents pos
tage , nnd "Tho Island of Mackinac , "
postage four centp. Address , enclosing
stamps , Mu. O. W. RUGGLES , General
Passenger and Ticket Agent , Chicago ,
Russell. Pratt & Co. , gas fixtures , 319-
321 S I5th.
The splendor o the "American" Alps"
are beginning to bo appreciated by our
people , and a visit to Switzerland for
gorgeous scenery is unnecessary. The
picturesque mountain resorts on the
South Park Division of the Union
Pacific in Colorado are absolutely un
rivalled on this continent.
Fn't Ijino to tlio Knst.
The Burlington No. 2 , fast vestibule
express , leaves Oraalm daily at 3:15 : p.
m. and arrives nt Chicago at 7:00 the
next morning , in tune to connect with
all morning trains out of Chicago for
the oast. The famous fast mail , now
carrying passengers , leaves Omaha
( Burlington route depot ) daily at 8:85 : p.
in. and Council Bluffs at 0:25 : p. in. , ar
riving at Chicago at 12:00 : noon the fol
lowing day , the fastest time over rnado
between the Missouri river and Chicago
cage on a regular schedule. Pullman
palace sleeping cars and ireo reclining
chair cars on all through trains.
Sumptuous dining cars on vestibule ex
press trains , both to Chicago and Den
ver. City ticket office , 1223 Farnam St.
Telephone 250.
Electric motors and power. Nob'rnska
Electric Co. , 1521 Farnam street. Tele
phone 1421.
Jlnvo Your 1'iniio Tiineil
by Moinborg's now tuner.
Special Xcaohord' Excursion to Ger-
* mnny.
Sailing from Now York , Juno 29 ,
round trip tickets , first cabin only $30.
Ono way and round trip tickets are now
on sale to Liverpool , London , Paris and
all parts of Europe at very low ratos.
For further information call at C. M. &
St. P. . ticket oillco , 1601 Farnam St. ,
Barker block.
Something now , Pullman BulTot
White Mountain * ! and finr IIarl > or.
Commencing Juno 29 , the Michigan
Central and Its eastern connections will
run a through linja of elegant , now
buffet sleeping cars through from Chicago
cage to Bar Harbor , via Niagara Falls
nnd the VVhito Mountains , witnout
change. Connection will bo made at
Niagara Falls with through sleeper to
Clayton , whore connection will be made
with steamers to the Thousand Islands ,
Alexandria Bay , Montreal and Qaobec ,
For full and detailed informntlonMn
regard to these summer resorts , nnd
the way to roach them , send 0 cents
postage for "A Modern Pilgrimage , "
nnd Bummer tourist rates , to O. W.
RUGULES , General Passenger and
ickot Agent , Chicago , 111.
Electric motors and power. Nebraska
Electric Co. , 1521 Farnuin street. Telephone -
phone , 1424.
Auction ! A IK'mill
All the furniture of n 3-floor fiat , at
the residence of Mr. Edwin Davis ,
No. 02t Burtst. , Monday , the 17th , at
10 a. ra. 1 fine walnut book case , 1 fine
piano , parlor nnd chamber sots , dining
room and kitchen furniture , over 100
yds of carpets. Sale begins nt 10 n. m. ,
sharp. No. 1024 Burt st. A. W. Cowan ,
Dr. Hamilton Wurron , magnetic phy
sician nnd Burgeon , room 8. Crounso
block , cor. 10th and Capitol avenue
Chronic and nervous discuses a special
ty , Telephone 044.
8. P. Morno Co.
Next woolt 1,000 pairs MADRAS CUR
TAINS $2 a pair , reduced from 80. $8
with beautiful dndos , reduced as fol
lows :
Chonlllo portieres $ -5.60 , formerly 910.
Chenille portieres $0.76 , formerly $12.
Chenille porlloros $8.60 , formerly $16.
Chonlllo portieres $10. formerly $20.
-Monday 60 pairs taped edge LACE
CURTAINS 45o n pair. Wo have bar
S. P. MOUSK & Co.
show Into novelties in inoquotto's , wll-
tons , nxmlnstors , etc. , and previous to
July 1 olTcr remnants for small rooms.
Bring your measures and see what wo
Monday 100 knco pant suits made of
full suit $1.76 , reduced from $8 to $9.
Thcso have proved so popular that wo
had another lot made f or Monday aud
Tuesday's sale. S. P. Moitsi : & Co.
Our 680 DRESS GOODS , till wool , 40
inches wldo , have been replenished
with now colors nnd stylos. They nro
regular $1 qualities.
Black surah silks OSc , worth OOc.
Black surah silks 75c , worth 81.
Black surah silks OOc , worth $1.25.
Black surah silks 05c , worth $1.50.
On sale Monday morning nnd a spec
ial sale of BLACK and COLORED rem
nants of SILKS , SURAHS , FAILLE ,
FRANCAISE , etc. , Monday.
A very choice lot of patterns of NEW
CHALLIES , 10 yards 81 , and some dark
and light BATISTE LAWNS , 12 yards
for 81. worth 15o a yard.
Can It bo Purchased For the Sum or
S100.OOO ?
In Tnn UEB Friday , it was stated tlmt
Messrs. Uyrou Heed nnd G. M. Hitchcock
had Hied a bond Unit the Planter's house
block , which had been selected for the post-
ofllco site should not cost the government
more tlmn $403,000.
The diagram published nt the snino time
shows tlmt in this squnro there Is qultoji
number of property owners who will bo ex
pected to part with their property.
Thcso wcro seen with n vlow to ascertain
ing nc what figure they valued their lots.
Some of them stated they did not dcslro to
sell because they hiul bought for business
purposes , hut rould not help themselves bo-
enuso the government wpulii institute con
demnation proceedings.
With tlio exception of the Folsom property ,
opinions wcro obtained ns regards the vnluo
oC nil the lots. Mr. Heed , who represents the
heirs , declining to express an opinion an the
subject. *
The values wcro as follows :
Ui'ron Heed holds his corner , Seventeenth
nnd Dodire streets , ut $100,000.
Q. W. Hitchcock his Capitol avcnuo lot at
'Iho First United Presbyterian church on
Seventeenth street at about $ " ,000.
The Union National bank lot on Sixteenth ,
S. Brown , 520,000.
William Fleming , $24,000.
Dennis Cunnlnclmm , $ 'Jfl,000.
Mrs. Z. )3. Knight , WO.OOO. .
Jumps H. McShano wants $7,000 for his
flve years' lease of the Club stable.
The proprietor of the Planters' wants $100
for his one-year icuso.
It will be observed that , excluding the Fol-
Bom estate , the valuation of this property ag
gregates $401.000 , nnd including the Folsom
property greatly cxcceds'SoOO.OOQ.
By wnv of anticipating an aprnisotuont
beyond $400,000 , the parties having charpo of
the deal have solicited subscriptions from
the owners of property abutting the square ,
which they propose to udd to the boud if
such bo required.
The figure at which some of the property
is holdas shown above , would bo sulllciently
high , It is claimed , to reimburse the owners
oven if their names do appear in the guaran
tee boud.
Iteinoiluctlon and I'innl Pciformnnce ,
J HUB SO and 21st ,
Change of Cast , New Scenery. Stotro Effects.
Mr. Sampson NAT. M. DIlinnASf.
Klutc . it. Vonntr , .
Pi-lino .Minister Clins. L Done ) ,
1'ubllc Executioner. Jos. Jlixrton.
Margurot Mrs. Culm ,
Teresa JIlss Bertha Il.iyllss
Helena Jllsa .Margaret I.ldilel ,
Messenger Boy Master Joe Jliuker ,
Conductor Mitrtin Calm ,
Stage Mnnai r Lou. H. Hacr.
Chorus of n. Full Orchestra. Sale of Seats
\Vedno3dny innrn'ug ' at 0 o'clock ,
Week of Monday Juno 17fEi.
T)8 ! ) Elliot F
Illfcyclo Hlilors , Uiiloyolo Hitlers ,
Famous Family , Jolly Voyagers.
Happy Children , Grout Show.
Attractions In all paits of the houso.
Oao Dlmo Admits to all.
. „ Against M'SOD '
100 mile bicycle race for $2.00 Com.
moncintr at 4.30 p. m.
Admission 25c.
Cliolcntioodo ,
Wo have eorno very flno
stitched infants cans , that wo bought
at about two-thirds the rogulatt
prtco and wo will give them to onr CU9
tomors .vory close to W1IOLKSALH.
Wo have just received nn olognnt
line of Infants HEM-ST1TOUED
DUESSES long and short.
A hantlsomo line ot Indies' BLAC1C
SUITS , vests and pants.
Ws call special attention to a silll
vest that wo nro soiling for $1.
For Monday
Wo will glvo special prices on eilU
drapes nnd stamped linens.
Restorer and boautillor of the com
plexion. Tolntolno may bo applied with
out fonr , ns only the purest materials nro
used in its preparation. For infants'
toilet or the most dollcato skin , and foe
gentlemen's use it is unsurpassed. No
lady need become wrluldod , sunburned
or freckled if they will use Tolnto'inc.
At the end of n day's shopping , calling
or party , the fnco will look as fresh na
when leaving homo , thus doing away
with the carrying of a powder clolh. It
can not bo delected in the strongest
light. Tclntolno has boon used in Eu
rope for the past fifty years with the
greatest success.
Directions : Shako the bottle well before -
fore Using ; apply to the fade , nook and
arms with a soft cloth ; wipe bcforo dry'j
For sale by
Fancy Dry Goods ,
Fifteenth , near Douglas *
The Control of the Orouoti AtNnvlRa *
tlon to lo Settled Monday.
The annual mccthiR of the stockholders of
tlio Oregon nnllwny & Navigation will bo
bold nt Portluml , Oro. , Momuy. It it
thought that the affair will pass off sorcnoly
and will not bo ns tomimstuous ns it prom *
tscd to bo early In the tight. Thcro nro con-
lllcUng reports in circulation ns to the prob
able outcome of the moating. The Northern
Pnciflo , through Hoiiry Villard , claims that
that , faction will vote 201,000 shares , or n
majority ot the stock , utul thereby have the
naming of the membcra ot the directorate.
When Fred Ames was In Omaha not lon
fiinco ho informed a certain oulchil of the
Union Pacillo that the majority of
Block would bo vptcil by the
Union Paclllo faction , nnd that
the hitter would name the directors. Mr.
Amos claimed to know whereof iio spoke.
It is nlso reported Unit the controversy has
been amicably settled and that the two conv
panics will nnmo the dlrectoral jointly. The
radical policy of Villard , it is said , will re
sult in victory or defeat ns regards the
Northern Pacillo us ho is opposed to arbitra
tion if it can bo avoided. The outcome of
the meeting is anxiously nwattcd by the
Union Pacillo ofllcials in this city.
Weekly Hiink Statement.
Nnw Youir , Juno 15. The weekly banlc
statement shows tlio reserve decreased
f-TAOOO. The banks now hold SIO.GOJ.OOO
iu excess of legal requirements.
Made to Order.
1 Lots ot prolty Trocist'rlii s
to order 65.OO.
, FJno Worsictlx Tor line dress
, $ ' 15 & $50.
1409 Douglas Slrajt , Oinalia 4
Latest Patent.
2 qt ; $150 , 30 , SI.75 , 4
Ice 8f UlUMAtt ,
China and
Glassware. . . .
J5U li.V.iM ) : ST. . .
Lemonade Sets , Ice Cream Sets ,