Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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Cronin's Death und the Vordlot of
the Ooronor'a Jury.
The Poll Mall Gazette on the Qravo
Mra. Sulllvan'fl Letter to the Herald
Road With
Tiio Nationalists Inactive In Parlia
ment nnil Out L'urncll and nil-
four Contrasted A Dad
8 true or Affairs.
Discussing ttio Clnn-na-Gnol.
LONDON , Juno 15. fNow York Herald
Cnblo Special to TUB Bnc.l Scarcely any
event , present or to come , not oven the gath
ering of war clouds In Europe , attract tbo
Bcrlous attention of tbo observant portion of
the public BO much as the pronouncement of
the coroner's Jury In Chicago with regard to
the Clan-na-nnol , and the arrest of Alexan
der Sullivan. There are some occurrences
which talca every body by surprise , and these
stand foremost amongst them. Something
is always happening to cause perturbation
in the Irish party. It Is a largo party , with
ramifications extending to various parts of
the world , and who can say , nt any moment ,
what will coma to light or what will happen
next )
A Is nn honorable man , b'jt with him are
associated B and O , and so on down to Y.
"Who knows what the tall party "Y , " is do
ing , or may liavo done at soaio time or other.
A is all right , but ho may huvo
very serious doubts in his heart
about Y , and yet nil may bo compro
mised in the eyes of the public by the rash or
lawless acts of any prominent member of the
organization. That Is Just how the matter
stands with tbo nationalists to-day , It being
alleged tbat their association ? Is being
stained by crime , or "dogged by crime , " as
Gladstone once put It. No doubt it is that
accusation , or suspicion , which caused the
league to bo regarded askauco by many who
long to rejoin Gladstone and the regular
branch of the liberal party. "It would bo
absurd , " remarked the Pull Mall Gazette ,
the other nlirht , "to connect a private von-
dctta or Dr. Cronin's enemies with the
wider Issues of the Irish politics. "
Nobody has done so , In public , but the
very eagerness with which the Pall Mall
Ga/ctto comes out with Its protest shows
that it guesses what is going on in the pee
ple's minds. When they boar of these doings
of the Clan-na-Gncl and tbo flndmg of the
Chicago Jury and Sultlvr.n's Incident , they
can not help connecting them with Irish
politics , generally. Call It absurd , or unjust ,
or what you please , but that will not alter
the direction in which the current ot thought
and opinion is running.
Q The Irish pnity is certainly unlucky. What
is very needful for it is to have Uio past bur
ied and to llvo In quasi retirement until
Gladstone has had another chance of seeing
what he could do for it , but the past will not
keep burled. Every now ana tbou It pokes
Its claws through the thin soil , and draijs
down somebody or other with it.
As far as Alexander Sullivan Is concerned
there certainly will bo every disposition ,
here , not to prejudice his case , and oven to
hope that ho will bo able to clear himself.
Mrs. Sullivan's letter to the Herald has been
read with respect , and her impassioned defense -
fonso of her husband must tend to produce a
certain doijrco of feeling In his favor. After
all , however , the Judgment of friends and re
lations can not decldo tbo .terrible question ,
which is now awaiting a solution in Chicago.
Tbo attention of the world has been drawn
to the remarkable chain of events which cul
minated In the murder of Dr. Cronln , and It
can not bo diverted from them. All subse
quent stages of the proceedings will bo
watched with the deepest interest , and in
eplte ot certain incoherent remarks about
tbo Irish vote , which have appeared In some
of our papers hero , confluence Is generally
felt that Justice will bo dono. If all tbo
guilty persons are not discovered , that ouijht
not to oxdto any surprise m London , where
every few weeks a woman is cut up and
scattered about the streets without u trace
being found of tbo assassin.
It would bo strange if the Irish loaders
hero did not fuel a profound concern about
the Cronln casa and tbo measures taken
ngalnst Alexander Sullivan. If It bo true
that Cronln discovered a great malversation
In the administration of the funds of the
National league , and that for this ho was
UoonioU to death , they cannot fall to have
serious misgivings as to their organization in
the United States. No control can bo exercised
over It , at this distance , and yet to some ex
tent the Irish leaders hero are hold responsi
ble for it. The leaders on both sides of the
Atlantic hnvo often been In the most confi
dential alliance. Alexander Sullivan , him-
elf , was president of the American branch
of the Land league In 1883. Your own col
umns Imvo made known to us that ho was
once within uu nco of being offered the nomi
nation for the vlco presidency. Ho was an
Important man , ono who must have had very
close relations with the beads of his party in
Ireland , but it does not follow that the latter
know anything whatever about his method
of carry Ing on his organization. Still it is
unfortunate that this dreadful scandal should
huvo occurred In any section of the Irish
Things do not appear to bo going particu
larly smooth with the party.
Dillon is evidently making rather poor
progress in Australia , almost as poor as Wil
liam O'Brien made in Canada , except that
DUlon Is prudent , and docs not seek to m-
llumo the popular passion * . It doss not ,
liowovor , look as if money were rolling lu
very fast. Funds at headquarters must bo
gottiiii ; very low , for the plan of campaign
is very expensive , and so is tUo commission ,
- - wtiicb is now certain to draw Ita slow length
along until autumn. Meanwhile tbo party
is silent and inactive , and is doing abso-
Jutoly nothing In parliament or out of it.
Inaction always looks to the common nye
HUe weakness. Sometimes it really is so.
What Is being said now , in almost all direc
tions , some U30i > lo may llko anil seine may
not ; but , undoubtedly tbo talk runs llko
this :
"Tho Parnolliles are sinking fust. Bui-
four U winning all alona the lino. In another
yuar you will not bo nblo to llnd the Irish
party wltU a telescope. Firaiuots has done
what wo always said it would. Nobody
thought there was much In Ualfour , but you
sea ho has been too many for the plan of
campaign and nil the rest of It. Ho had his
chance and ho made the most of IU Exit
Parnoll & Co. "
Not alittto premature , In ray humble opin
ion , is such boasting as this , but still it goes
on every whoro. An any well-informed man
would bo compelled to admit the public soon
take up an Idea which is dinned
persistently Into them , and It they
era told a thing often enough they
believe It , ThCy hear now , on nil sides , that
Parnelllsm Is played out , that the game is
p , tbat the party has jjono to pieces In Eng-
and , and holds together with dlfllculty in
roland ; that for the moment It is under a
aw and heavy cloud hi America , and stands
t a discount In Australia. They may bo all
vrong , but those are the Impressions which
ivcnts are making upon the ponoral multl-
uile. I describe them to you because they
ra facts , and very important facts , but it is
loyonrt my province to draw any conclusions
rom them.
iV Sensational Scene In a Cincinnati
Court Itoom.
CINCINNATI , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram
o Tin : DKE. ] A sensational scene was
cuated this morning In the court of com
mon picas. The Judge ban had in hearing
ind under consideration for several months
in unusual habeas corpus case , where two
ivomcn claim to bo mother of the child for
.vhorn the writ was issued. Miss Kato
Schallor averred that she gave birth to an
lleeltlmato child and placed it in the hands
f Mrs. Humbsor , n midwife , to dispose of ,
ind that Mrs. Humbscr placed it in the fain-
ly olV. . J. White to bo adopted. Subse
quently Miss Schallor wished 'to recover
possession of the child and applied to Mra.
White , when that lady Informed her tbat the
baby she had was not un adopted child , but
ivus her own. The testimony before the
: ourt was most conflicting. To-day the Judge
ivns to render a decision , but Mrs. White ap
peared In court without the child. When asucd
by the court where It was , Mis. White , In a
determined manner , answered : "Judgo Outcall -
call , I understood you were going to decide
against mo and I have protected my child. I
enow the consequences , and am hero to
abide by them , and If 1 have to stay In prison
ten years I am satisllcd , provided that tit tbo
end of that tlmo I have my durllnir. "
This reply of COUMO made a sensation. Her
.Homey promptly disclaimed having advised
.his course of action , and asked that his cli
ent have tlmo to rcllcct. The court said tbat
f Mrs. White did not proJuco the child she
nust suffer tbo consequences of contempt of
court , and ho allowed her till noou to con
sider. The resolute mother for two hours
, vas urged by her attorney and friends to
produce the child , but at the end of that time
iho remained firm and went bravely to Jail
under sentence of the court for contempt ,
.leantlino tbo Judge withheld his decision of
tbo merits of the caso.
rV Demand For Recognition Iti the
Now Constitution.
Ciinvr.NNn , Wyo. , June'15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn lien. ] A mass meeting of sev
eral hundred ladles of this city was held m
Kcefe hall this evening for the purpose of
taking some action regarding the adoption
of woman suffrage in the stale constitution.
The meeting was presided over by Mrs. M.
E. Post , wife of the ox-dologato to congress ,
and the vice-president of the Wyoming Na
tional Suffragist's association , and
Mrs. Francis Halo , widow of the
lute Governor Halo , acted as
secretary. Several spirited speeches were
made by the ladles present and finally adopt
ed as the sense of the meeting thnt ,
"Whereas , The women of Wyoming tarrl-
tory bollovo that the Immediate admission of
Wyoming , with a wise constitution , would
bo tbo most effective way of securing to her
citizens the enjoyment of rights unit privi
leges to which they are entitled ; and ,
"Whereas , The women of Wyoming bavo
enjoyed the right of suffrage for moro than
twenty years , a riijht conferred upon them
by the first legislative assembly in Wyoming ,
in I860 ; ana , /
"Whereas , Tbat right has always been ex
orcised by the women on the side of morality
and good government , and is valued as an in
estimable privilege ; and ,
Whereas , The women of Wyoming believe
that the constitution of a state ordained to
form a moro perfect government , to estab
lish Justice and secure the blessing of lib
erty to all , should confer the right of woman
Now , therefore , bolt resolved : That wo ,
the women of Wyoming , In mass meeting
assembled , respectfully ask thnt our claim
to this inestimable right of suffrage , receive ,
at the hands o ( the honorable members of
the proposed constitutional convention , fa
vorable consideration.
Resolved , That wo demand of the consti
tutional convention that woman suiTrnge bo
null mod lu the state convention.
OfllcerR In Charge of the Armagh
Snnriny School Train.
DCJSMN , Juno 15. At Armagh , to-day , the
engineer , fireman , guard and trafllc manag
ers , and the clerk who had charge of the
Sunday school train which was wrecked near
there , Wednesday , with such fatal results ,
wcro arraigned In court and charged with
felonious killing. Thi magistrate ! discharged
the fireman and released the engineer and
guard on ball. _
Banqueted tlio Cyclist ) ) .
LCnpyrtoMissbini JitmuQontiin Uenn-M.l
LONDON , Juno 15. fNow York Herald
Cable Special to Tim Bun. | The Stanley
cycling club gave n dinner to the visiting
American cyclists at Inn's Court hotel ,
which was attended by nearly all the visit
ing wheelmen , us well as about sixty other
advocates ot rotary locomotion. Toasts wcro
drunk , speeches wcro made and songs wcro
sung without number , and indcoii everybody
spent a moit enjoyable evening , and laid
plans for a cycling excursion to Kiploy ,
where tha American guests will bo outer-
talnod by the Uipley club.
At PhUtdolpnia TUo Missouri , from Lon
At QueenstownTim Uaibria , from Now
At Stettin- The Polynesia , from Now
At Bremen Tbo Wosor , from Baltimore.
At Now York The City of Chicago , from
Liverpool , und the Bothnia and Celtic , from
Liverpool ,
Tlio Hayticn HUuiitlon.
WASHINGTON , Juno U. The Hayticn lega
tion here , to-day , received the following
cablegram from the .secretary of war at Port *
au-Princo ;
Situation good. Reports of Hyppolyto's
success uio fnlso. Perfect tramjuillty iclgns
In the west and south. All Hues are cfU *
The Ulnitx Commlssloncra Will Hnvn
n JInrdnr Task.
PINE Rinon , via Uushvllle , Juno 15. [ Spe
cial Telegram to TUB Bun.l Three councils
were held In the camps , to-day , at which
Governor Foster put In an appearance and
gave the Indiana a little informal talk , set
ting forth the purposes for which the com
mission had come amen ? them , alluding in
cidentally to tha success of the negotiations
at the Kosobud agency.
Speeches were made by sovornl of the
prominent older Indians , which discovered a
itrong spirit of opposition to the treaty.
Among others may bo mentioned , Hod
Cloud , Biff Road , and White Antelope , as the
most earnest In their opposition to the treaty.
Red Cloud has at last openly declared hitn-
; nlf as against any sale of land ,
expressing himself to the effect
that his people needed all the
and which they now possess , and thnt
to properly Induct them Into the mysteries
of the whlto man's civilization all this land
ivouUl bo required without the relinquish-
men t of an acre.
Taken as .t whole the situation hero seems
similar to that nt Rosebud when the commis
sion came thoro. The mixed bloods and
whlto men intermarried into the trlbo are in
'avor of the bill , knowing this to bo tbo
.most advantageous offer over made or over
Ikoly to bo mado. The acknowledged loader
of the younger and moro progressive Indians
here Is and
Young-Mnn-Afrnld-of-Hls-Horso ,
ho leads the advocates of the treaty. Ho is
credited with the expression "When my
riond , General Crooks , comes and tolls mo
what to do , I shall do it , for I know ho has a
good heart towards the Indians. " With him
one , Fast Thunder , No Flesh and Six Foath-
There are at this agency about five thou
sand six hundred Indians , with 1,830 , adults ,
not Including the whlto men , who will bo nl-
owed a voice in the matter through the con
nection with the trlbo by marriage. These
ocoplo are arrayed for or against the bill ,
with a largo number on the fence , ready to
climb down on the side where there Is the
most numerous crowd or tbo Juciest beef
Tlio Indian Defense association , through
, ts secretary and paper , the Council Fire , has
been opposing the present treaty , and to this
may bo attributed the strong opposition of
Red Cloud and his followers , as Dr. Bland
has a powerful influence over this chief.
When Red Cloud returned from Washing
ton , recently , a change had como over the
spirit of his dreams , and ho came out openly
n his advice to his band to oppose tbo bill.
Coming shortly after the snub to the Indian
Defense association committee , this may bean
an effect of that cut from Secretary Noble.
Iln Says tlio Windy City is Moro Re
ligious Th.ui London.
CniCAao , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] Rev. Charlns Spurgoon , pastor
of the Baptist church at Greenwich , Eng-
and , Is stopping for a few days in this city.
In conversation with a reporter he said his
only business In this country was that of
resting and regaining his health. With ref
erence to Christian work In this country com
pared with that in England , Mr. Spurgcon
said :
"I can hardly glvo you nn opinion on that
point , for I have scon so little of it ,
having attended only ono church
slnco I landed. But I must say that
I was not very favorably impressed with
that. It was a Methodist church in San
Francisco , and the minister talked during the
whole evening on the labor question. Still ,
it is not fair to Judge the whole country by
one church. There is one thing I do notice ,
and which I find much superior to anything
llko it In England , and that is the work
among the young men. The Y. M. C. A. Is a
wonderful organization , and I am convinced
that it Is doing a wonderful work among the
youihs of the country. "
To the question as to how Chicago com
pared with London from , a religious stand
point , Mr. Spurgeon said ho thought this
city could out-do London in that matter , es
pecially In regard to Sunday observance.
Williams , of the Minneapolis Tribune ,
Hues the St. Joseph Gazette.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Juno 15.Special [ Tele
gram to TuuBcE. | An Interesting libel suit
for toO.OOO damages was begun In the United
States circuit court in this city by Charles
Alf Williams , at present managing editor of
tbo Minneapolis Tribune , against the St.
Joseph Dally Gazette. Until two weeks ago
und slnco last January , Mr. Williams had
been managing editor of the Herald of this
city , and a newspaper fight between him and
C. F. Cochran , editor of the Gazette , re
sulted in the publication by the latter , two
weeks ago , of tbo charge that Williams ,
while connected with the Minneapolis
Tribune in October , 18S7 , had written the
notorious editorial reflecting on President
Cleveland and his wife and published during
tbo time they were the guests of Minneapolis.
The editorial In question was written
by Dr. Shaw , of the Tribune editorial force ,
nt the dictation of Mr. Haskcll , part owner
of tbo paper , and an explanation to this effect
was published In the Tribune shortly after
wards over Mr. Haskcll's signature. Mr.
Williams has as his attorneys Uniod ( States
Senator C. K. Davis , of Minnesota ; Major
Wil'Iam ' Warner , of Kansas City , commander
In chief of ttio grand Army of the Republic ,
and the Hon. John S. Crosby , of Kansas
City. The United States judges before whom
the case will bo tried are Brewer , of Loav-
cnwortb , Kan. , and Phillips , of Kansas City.
Tbo Gazette is owned by C. O. Burnos and
D. D , Burnos , son of Congressman James N.
Burnos , deceased , and Samuel B. Green ,
Cochran Is too editor of the paper. Each of
tbo above has boon made a party to tbo suit.
Gladstone's IMoii far Ireland.
LONDON , Juno 15. [ Special Cablegram to
TJIU DUE. ] Gladstone addressed an onthu
siastlo mass meeting in drill hall at Plymouth
last evening , dealing at length with the Irish
question. Ha maintained , first , that the sou
aratioa of a dependency had never been
caused by the grantlngof autonomy ; second ,
that separation bad In numerous cases been
caused by u refusal of autonomy , and , third ,
that thcie wcro abundant cases in which
separation can bo prevented by granting au
tonomy. Gladstone supported these pror/osl-
tlons by reference to colonial -history. At
the beginning of his public career , ho said ,
there was not a colony that was not held by
precarious tenure ; but since being granted
the fullest liberty In the management of tbulr
own affairs , all had been bound strongly ta
the empire. Ho appealed to the nation to
give tbo satuo liberty to Ireland.
The Arthur Memorial Unveiled.
ALIUNV , Juno 15. The handsome grantto
and bronze tacmorlsf erected at the grave of
the late President Chester A. Arthur , in the
cemetery hero , by tome of tils personal nd-
mlrera. was unveiled , to-day , without cero-
inouy , by the donors.
English and Fronoh Aristocrats
Take a Day. Off.
HlRh-Flyors Rollins Down From
Paris to Autouu ,
Young Albert Victor of Wales Has
a Box Soat.
The Swells Who Drove and the Noua
AVIio Ilorto Ladies Add Grace
and Charm to the
Meet of the Paris Fonr-ln-llnnd.
[ Oipi/rtoht 1SKO bu Jmnw Gordon Bennett. ]
PAHIS , Juno 15. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Bci : . ] The Prlnco of
Wales has often been out ta thn meets of the
two English driving clubs ; sometimes at
those of the four-tn-hand clubs , on the drags
of the Duke of Beaufort or Lord Willoughby
Dorslcy ; sometimes at those of the couching
clubs upon the drags of.Lord Currlnglon or
Lord Charles Bcrcsford , but never until
yesterday had bo been In Paris when the
French Socloto des Gmdcs , as it is ofilclally
called , wcro holding ono of thclr'tncots. So
that when It was known that Ins royal high
ness and son had accepted the proposal of
M. Leon Lambert to lot him drive them out
tolAuteml , the other members of the club
who have loams in Paris made
a point of bringing them out , the
result being thnt there was
such a moot as had never before been wit
The trysting place was ns usual , the Place
do la Concorde , and though only eighteen
coaches assembled , there wcro several oth
ers who cut in on the way to Autouil , and
when they all drew up In line opposite the
stand the total reached twenty-five , this bo-
inc ; nearly as many as were at the coaching
club meet in Hyde Park a fortnight ago. In
former years the coaches hnvo not met unti 1
2 o'clock , but as the Prlnco do Sagan wa a
anxious to have them there before tbo racin
began the hour was change * ! to 1 , and coach
ing men being nothing If hot punctual , the
midday meal was hurried through and
by tbo tlmo fixed for tbo meet
five or six coaches drawn up in the Circle do
la Royalc. For th6 next'ton or fifteen min
utes coaches continued to * arrive , and shortly
before the half hour Mr. tambert , who was
driving his own horse/In Karen do Roths
child's coach , showed tfr&w'ay to his club
members. He hada ra'tt&r-rcsoonsiblo task
considering that the : heir to the throne of
England and the tatter's oldest son wcro
among hia passengers. '
The prince , who was wearing a light sum
mer suit and white hat , had declined a box
'BQat , which was lilled by Prince Albert
Victor , and was sitting immediately , behind
the driver with the Duchess Do Moray ,
and beside him M. Lambert , who was driv
ing four handsome bays , which were moro
llko coach horses than most of those one
sees at the present day. Ho had several
other passengers , including Mr. Reuben
Sassoon and Mr. Willoughby , and ho kept
his horses going at regular gallop past the
Champs Elysees and through the Avenue
Dubols to Auteuil , so that there was no
excuse it the others did not keep their dis
tance. The parade was a very pretty ono
oven if the sun was not shining so brightly
as ono would have wished. Still , with the
recollections cf the many wet Fridays , when
this avenue meet has beeu spoilt by rain ,
ono could not bo otherwise than thankful for
the fine day.
The scene at Auteuil , too , was as pic
turesque as It well could bo , for the Prlnco
do Sagan and his colleagues wcro waiting to
receive the coaches as , with three out-riders
in scarlet , they drove on to the park. M.
Lambert , driving his team with much care ,
brought his coach upon the extreme end of
our line to the left. The order in which the
teams came was :
General Count Do Frlant , bay wheelers ,
chestnut black leaders ; M. Ferdinand Bis-
choffshcim , bays and browns ; M. Henri
Rldgoway , boy wheelers , brown leaders ;
Priuco Troubetsky , browns ; Count Po-
tocki , brown wheelers , bay chestnut
loaders ; Mr. Robert Wlnthrop , three
bay and a brown ; M. Do Cacarello , bay and
grey as wheelers , brown chestnut loaders ;
M. Do Vignancourt , bays ; Viacompto D'Ar
glncourt , brown and chestnut wheelers , bay
and brown leaders ; Count Goydon , groy and
bay wheelers , bay leaders ; Marquis Du
Bourg , brown wheelers , chestnut groy
leaders ; Prince Murat , three brown greys ;
M. Pignatcl , chestnut brown wheelers ,
brown leaders ; Earl of Shrewsbury , Tulbot
bays ; Comto do Gratumont D'Asto , three
bays and chestnut ; Comto D'Amllly , throe
chestnuts and grey : M. Henri Schneider ,
three bays and brown ; jM. Calico , brown
grey wheelers , brown chestnut leaders ;
M. Do Mauldo , three bays and
grey ; M. D'Eha ' , ays ; M. Duissant
D'Agmgnt , thrco greys and bay ; Marquis do
Guilhlnauson , bays und browns , crossed , M.
Orsettl , bay wheelers , clabstnut leaders , and
M. Chary , grey bay wheelers , groy chestnut
leaders. I
Several ot those tcamaiwcro not only ex
cellent as regards tbo quality of the horses ,
but were well put 'together and well
turned out , notably ' that of Mr.
Wlnthrop , who had th'op'ieasuro of showing
Autoull under the bos ( inispiccs to Wbltolaw
Reid , the now minister , and his wife in a
dress of French grey. '
M. Henri RldgQway's' ddin was also a very
smart ono , and among the many passengers
carried by him were the Duo do Grammont ,
Comto and Cotntesso Ul Brlgoli and M. do
Coutant Blron ,
But it would carry mo too far wcro J. to at
tempt anything like a > list of the notable
people out , though I must not forget to men
tion Lord Shrewsbury's coach , for not only
had ho four very smart horaes , but ho was
accompanied by his sister , Lady Hemeloy ,
by Couutess M. Groy and Madame do Pour-
talcs la a straw colored foulard , who occu
pied the box seat.
On Prlnco Murat'a coach M , Plgnatol had
the pleasure of drjvlng Mra. Henry Oppen-
helm , who wore a black luco costume which
wa * ono of tha inost handsome seen in
Auteuil , <
v The occupants of the coacheg did uot.with
a few exceptions , rcmaliion them while the
racing was on , but wcut ucross to the stand ,
where everything was douo to make them
feel ot homo. There was not any great
crowd on the lawn , but the cream of Paris
had assembled there , and among them were
the Princess do Wlttornleh , in a very stylish
dress of mauve satin , with with tabller
cream-colored lace ; the Duuhcss d'Carcs , in
the Comtcsso do "Pourtalcs and her daughters ,
In whlto ; the Comtcsso Qroyffulbo , who had
a first empire dress ot mauve , with long
ccharpo of the same tint , and the duchess of
Manchester , with M'dllo Yznaga. Then on
the ninlo sldo were the Dues do la Trotnolllo
Luyncs and Caumotit la Force , the Marquis
of Hurtlnpton , Lord Charles Montague ,
Count Klzlnsky , Mr. Montnguo Thorp , Mr.
Barren Hutton and Mr. Austin Leo , of the
British embassy.
The racing was enjoyable , but docs not
call for any special notice.
Seventeen Thousand Houses to Ho
Pulled Down.
NAPM : * , Juno 15. King Humbert , accom
panied by tbo queen and the crown prince ,
assisted , at the Inauguration , to-day , of tha
work ot improving the sanitary condition of
tbo city. Under the plans adoptcil the poor
est districts of the city , wheru the cholera
epidemic of 1837 made sucli ravages , will bo
thoroughly renovated. Seventeen thousand
houses will bo demolished and now houses
will bo erected , and the main street from the
central depot will intersect the district which
now contains the lowest and most pestilential
dwellings. It will take ton years to complete
the work.
They Demand Thnt Government
Bonds lo Hnnd Printed.
DnNvrit , Juno 15. In the typographical
convention the report recommending tao
adoption of the resolution demanding thnt
the government return to the process of
hand work in printing government bonds
and bank notes was adopted. The resolu
tion presented by the Chicago delegation
recommending the appointment of Captain
W. M. Meredith , of Chicago , to bo chief of
the national bureau of engraving was
adopted. Atlanta , Ga. , was selected a % the
place for holding the next session.
Salt Ijako Hippies.
SAwEutn , Utah , June 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu Bun.J Ono hundred teams and
123 men are employed at Jordan Narrows ,
widening the gauge of the Denver & Rio
Grande railroad" .
The Dosorct Savings bank has bean incor
porated , with John Sharp , president ; Moses
Thachcr , vice nrcsidont ; E. A. Smith , cash
Considerable interest is manifested hero In
railroad circles over the rumor that the
Southern Pacific Is about to buy the Denver
& Rio Grande Western and Colorado Mid
land railroad , this to bo followed by an ar-
raneementwlth the Chicago & Northwestern
which would make the road practically one
between Chicago and San Francisco.
J. G. Harris , Miss Flora Jackson , J. C.
Gleason , C. W. Beach , of Omaha ; J. H.
Johnston , Alliance : August Sbule , York ,
Nob. , and Henry Einuls , Carroll , la , , are in
the city.
Tha registration list just completed shows
a not gain of 47 per cent over 18S3. Tt is esti
mated that 05 per cent of these are general
voters , and that the Mormons will bo badly
snowed UnCur at the next election.
No IInblj r Trust.
BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnfi BUB. ] The New York Tribune
created a sensation by announcing that a
meeting was held in Boston , Monday , by rep
resentatives of nil rubber manufacturers to
establish a runbor trust. This led ono of the
leading manufacturers in Now Englaud to
make public the true meaning of tbo meet
ing. Ho emphatically denies any intentions
of forming a rubber trust. There was n
meeting of representatives of the leading
lirms in the United States and Canada.called
to consider a petition generally signed by the
trade , to consider some schotno by which the
prices of rubber boots und shoes might bo
steadied and regulated. A committee was
appointed to decide on the best plan , which
the delegates promised to adopt. Their
names are withhold , and they will report to
the chairman appointed at the meeting , who
will call the representatives together again.
This , it must bo borne In mind , pertains
solely to boots and shoes , and to no other
kind of rubber goods.
Shadowed by Detectives.
LKAVENWOKTII , Kan. , Juno 13. fSoecial
Telepram to Tim BKU.I It leaked out to-day
that Pinkeiton detectives are In the city
shadowing Mrs. Smith , nco Hlllman , the
plaintiff in the celebrated * insurance case.
Last night one of her attorneys
accosted thorn , and , after vainly try
ing to find out their motives ,
offered to furnish thorn a tent and camping
place on the corner near her residence , where
they could easily keep their diamond eyes
on her. It is learned to-night that Mrs.
Smith's friends will appeal to the police for
her protection , claiming that the insurance
company , having made a failure in produc
ing Hlllman , are now trying to abduct her.
A Kansas I'ostniastcrArroutud. .
TornKA , Kan. , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram
to THE BUB. ] Frank Woodruff , late assist
ant postmaster at Lawrence , who was ar
rested In that city , this morning , by the
United States marshal , on the charge of em
bezzling 3,500 from the funds of the post-
office , was brbught to this city Kt noon and
arraigned'befbro Judge Foster , of the United
States district court. His bond was ilxcd at
15,000 , and Juno 20 was the date fixed for his
trial. Ho left this afternoon for Lawrence ,
in company with the marshal and Inspector
Pettih'row , for , the purpose of procuring
bondsmen. Woodruff says that the money
was taken by Postmaster Shannon in small
sums at various times , and that ho failed to
cbargo'hluiself with ttio amount.
Suicide or Accident ?
CHICAGO , Juno 15. James M. Gamble , a
wealthy real estate dealer of this city , was
found dead lu his bed at the Palmer ho'jsa
this afternoon. Tbo Indications are that ho
reached his apartment during the previous
night partially intoxicated , and cither by
mistake or with suicidal mtont swallowed u
bottle full of carbolic acid. Gamble was a
batchclor , and has boon a figure in several
sensational affairs , notably one in which ho
broke bis log Jumping from tho' window of
a room occupied by u mtrriod woman , as her
husband entered. Friends of ttio deceased
insist there was no reason for suicide , adlllng
that lite business is la very good shupo.
A Probable Murder.
CumrcNNB , Wyo. , Juno 15 , [ Special Tele
gram 10 THE Bun. ] Whllo a number of
Union Pacific section hands , working near
Egbert station , were eating dinner , to-day ,
one of thorn , named Smith , quarrelled with
the boss , Patrick Lyon. Before any of the
men could prevent him , Smith seized a
butcher knlfo , stabbed Lyon In the breast ,
and then fled to the hills , The wounded
man wab brought to this city , where an examination -
amination uhowod that the wound U danger
ous if not fatal. Sheriff Martin is out in
pursuit ot the murderer.
Minutest Details of the Cuso
Inquired Into.
Cniovoo , Juno 15. The special grand Jury
In the Cronln CASO began Its fourth day's ' ses
sion this mornuip and the Indications are
that several days yet will be consumed ere
the Jury Is prepared to nmlco'ita final report.
A long array of witnesses hits been sub-
pccnud and the Jury evinces a determination
to Inquire Into the minutest details of the
cnso. A number ot witnesses who have boon
examined by the coroner's jury again went
over tholr tostlmonyniul Dr. Cronin's secret
papers wore submitted to the Jury by Ofllcor
Palmer and filed away for future examina
tiMlss Annie Murphy reiterated to the Jury
her oft told tale about having scon Dr. Cro
nln on a street car , apparently bound for the
depot at a tlmo when , as subsequent events
Indicate , ho was cold In death. Miss Mur
phy still Insists that the man she saw was
Cronln or his ghost- , and adheres emphatic
ally to all the details of her original story.
Thomas G. Wlndes , the law partner of
Alexander Sullivan , was called nnd ques
tioned minutely regarding Sullivan's specu
lations. Witness know but llttlo regarding
Sullivan's private affairs , and , It Is stated ,
was unable to give the Jury any valuable In
Luke Dillon said that ho thought Judge
Tuloy's decision wns n Just ono as the evi
dence before the coroner's Jury was not
sufficient to warrant Sullivan being held
without ball. Ho expects tnat an indictment
will bo returned njtalnst Sullivan , but cannot
say that ho has any ical grounds for the ex
pectation ,
Thomas Tiernoy , was arrested last night
was released fiom custody this evening.
Another Suspect.
BOSTON , Juno 15. fSpeclal Telegram to
TUB BEI : . ] A report purporting to come
from Chicago reached hero to-day to the
effect that Christopher Bryan , of Saxonvillo.
Mass. , who Is charged with being a member
of the Clan-na-Guol committee of four who
whitewashed Alexander Sullivan of the
charges preferred against him by the Cronin
faction , was also u member of a committee
who investigated Dr. Cronin and charged
him in the order with being iv traitor nnd a
spy which was the grounds upon which his
assassination Is supposed to hnvo been or
dered. Mr. Bryan , who acknowledges that
ho Is member of the Clau-na-Gaol
n - - , is u
pleasant-faced , Jolly-looking man of about
foity years , and ho replies to the rumors in
the following words this afternoon :
"I never sat or acted with any committee
who passed judgement or bad anything to do
with Dr. Cronln. The charge brought
against nio Is ridiculous.
Morouoy and McDonald.
Nuw YORK , Juno 15.-Judgo Andrews in
the court of oycr nnd tcrmiuor heard argu
ments to-day upon writs of habeas corpus in
the case of Moreno y and McDonald , the
Cronin suspects. Counsel for prisoners said
the evidence before tbo Justice was not such
to authorize a warrant for any what
ever. There was no statement that the men
wcraIndicted. The qusstlon' of Identity ho
charmteri7cd : as a deliberate placing of the
necks ot Mor onoy and , McDonald In the
Jialtort Cook county by men who would
swear'away the lives of those two -to enrich
themselves. Counsel asserted his clients
wcro not the men wanted in Chicago , and
said be could produce proof to show they
were at work when supposed to bo in
Chicago. Justice Andrews reserved bis
Woodruff Jlas Another Story.
CHICAGO , Juno 15. Woodruff , alias Black ,
It la said , has told the poliro that Dr. Craniu
was murdered with a hatchet which ho de
scribed. Ho knows where it Is concealed.
Tno authorities nut little crcdonco in his
story and decline to accede to his renucst to
bo released , when ho would at once point out
Its location.
W lint Ho Thinks of the Dr. Cronln Af
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB Bun. ] In nn Interview with
President Fitzgerald , of the Irish National
league of America , this evening , ho ex
pressed himself at some length on the mys
terious murder or disappearance of Dr.
Cronin. Ho doubted some that the body
found was that of Dr. Cronin. Many persons
of close observation agreed with him that
the identifications at the inquest were not
absolutely conclusive , and that they were
promoted moro b'y the excitement over hla
disappearance and the finding of a body than
by any real resemblance. Ho took some
stock lu'tho statement made by the Toconto
rcpoiter , who said that ho Raw Cronin some
days after Ins disappearance , and
the fact that the corpse found
Had a goatee , while the doctor
were none , would suein to cast doubt over
the Identifications. It might be that the dee
tor was dead , nnd it mlcjlit bo that ho was In
hiding to create n sensation , or that ho had
been made a prisoner by the secret enemies
of thn Britlsii government. In either event ,
the evidence pointed moro directly to the
EnglMk sccrot agents than to anyone olso.
They would have a motive.
Dr. Cronin was a member of a faction of a
physical force society , and , us a bitter fighter ,
hud made many enemies among the Irish
loaders. His murder or disappearance would
tend to bring discredit on the Irish cause *
everywhere nnd disgrace to the leaders.
This had been the result , so far , in a meas
ure , but tlmo would right all these things ,
whether Dr. Cronln was dead or alive. Ho
was confident In the belief in Alexander Sul
livan's cntlra innocence , and declared most
emphatically that the Cronln excitement had
nothing to do with tlio postponement of the
meeting of the National league ,
President Fitziforald'a Loiter.
CHICAGO , Juno 13.P. . W. Dunne , of Pokln ,
111. , formerly of Chicago , received to-day , a
letter In response to , as ho says , "u request
for the president of tlio Irish National
League of America to speak out publicly. "
Dunne claims to bo the paisoir who origi
nated the charges against Alexander Sulli
van. Ho expresses dissatisfaction with iho
tone ot the letter fiom President Fitzgerald ,
Intimating it was not as radio il as was do-
sired. Fitzgerald's letter is ns follows ;
"Tho members of the Irbh National league
of America arc luw-nbldlng citizens of the
United States , nnd hold murder in as much
abhorrence as any other element of the com
munity can possibly do. Honest men are not
necessitated to protest their honesty , and
the league has no need to protest
Us horror of the murder , Nona but thnso
whoso wish is tha father to too thought ,
would for un Instant couple the name of the
Irish National league , of America , wjth
crime , much less with tlio deplorable tragedy
of which your city has boon the
theater. Thers is therefore
, , no no r
ccssslty for protests or apologies of any
kind from the Iriili National League of
America in connection with the murder of
Cronln. A foul crime bus been committed ,
the laws of the country hnvo been outraged
and It is the duty of the oillcers of the law to
find out and punish the criminals ,
Tlio American Dolozntlon Booolvo
All Oonoodo They Have Onrrlotl Off
the Honors.
Everybody Looks Upon Him QB the
Gomlny Mlulator.
At tlio Anniversary of Ilia Death All
Past liltternoss IH Forgotten In
the nentlzntlouor Ilia
Berlin NOWH.
IffO , li\i \ JN'tio Vui7f . < ls ori < tfr < l I'rtss. ]
Bisiti.iN , Juno 15. Tlio American delegates
to the Sauionn conference are much compli
mented on the result of their labors. Will
iam Walter Pliolps is regarded by every ono
ns the coming United States minister , though
ho himself denies that ho has been offered
the position.
The official pi-ess is disinclined to dwell
upon the matter of the Samoan settlement ,
all glory of which is lost to Germany , and a
brief paragraph In tbo North German Ga-
zctto , in conclusion of tlio conference , states
that the agreement was arrived nt with per
fect unanimity by the powers represented ,
and to the satisfaction of nil paitiOs con
To-day being the anniversary of the death
of Emperor Frederick , memorial services
were held In the Frlodonskiroh at Potsdam.
All the members of the roynl family , min
isters nnd high odlclals , were present. The
choir of the Church of the Twelve Apostles
sang the Into emperor's favorlto hymns.
The emperor and empress placed wreaths
upon the tomb nnd remained kneeling bcsido
It for a long tlmo. The Reichsunzcigor
dwells upon the recollection of Empotor
Frederick's fruitful labors for the empire ,
"which. In royal circles and In German and
Prussian history and In the hearts of Ger
mans , have loft InofTaconblo traces , which
will over bo a source of patriotic Inspira
tion. " The mnjoiity of the papers m.iko
respectful nnd lovcrcnt allusions to tbo annl
vcrsary , but few revive the unseemly strife
of years ngo.
The shah , to-day , Instead of paying his
expected visit to Krupp's works , spent an
other day nt Wllliolmshoho , Inspecting nil
points of interest , including the room which
Napoleon HI. occupied after the Solan. I
The statement that M. Persian ! , the Rus
sian minister at Belgrade , bad proposed a
RuBso-Sorviau convention caused uneasiness
hero. The report of a soml-oalclnl telegram
from Bclgrado to-night declaring the story
unfounded has tended to restore cojifidonco
That alarm Is felt is evidenced by the re
newal of the olllclal press attacks upon Rus
sian credit during the past week , which re
acted unfavorably upon Gorman securities.
Iho Russian minister to Germany was nego
tiating with the loaling houses hero in rela
tion to the conversion of certain private rail
ways. The North German Gazette pointedly
referred to the proposed operation as illegal ,
and oven the liberal Vbssiseho Zeltung-
warned the Gerinin invoHors to unload Rus
sian stock as speedily as possible , in readi
ness for the inevitable life und death atrugglo
between Russia and Germany. A commutes
of the bourse is expected to deliver an opin
ion Monday on the legality of the proposed
conversion , but if is felt that the government
would not have exposed Gorman capital to
heavy losses except to avert still greater
dangers , nnd thnt had Balkan affairs been
peaceful nothing would have been heard of
the illegality of the conversion scheme.
The Servian government has refused to
renew Its commercial treaty with Austria-
Hungary , which expires in 1890. Everything
indicates that the Russian party In Belgrade
is confident of its nsccndnn cy , and is work
ing to effect some dcfinito aim , and that its
schemes can only end In precipitating war erIn
In the peaceable partition of the Balkan
states beUvcon Austria und Russia.
It is expected a compromise will bo
effected In the Woblgomuth affair. Italy
nnd England have not yet spoken on the
subject , but should they support the demand
of the other powers , Switzerland will likely
consent , to a stricter surveillance over for
eigners to remove the reproach of harboring
The oetocentenary fetes at Dresden will
begin to-morrow and will continue until
Wednesday. The Duke of Edinburgh's '
eldest Ron will represent Queen % ictorla ,
Emperor William nnd Minister Von
Roettlehur will go to D res Jon on Tuesday.
The bundcsrath has suspended Its slttlnir to
enable Saxony's members to attend the cel
ebration ,
As tno result of the dispute between the
Prussian government and the Vatican there
was no German among the cardinals recently
appointed , The Vatican favored Archbishop
Krcmontz , of Cologne , but the Prussians
wanted Dr. Kopp , of Broltau. The pope
was willing to create both of them cardinals ,
but owinir to the persistent Prussian oppo
sition to Archbishop KicmonU the negotia
tions on the subject were broken ,
The carpenters of Franftiort have de
cided to strike.
The committee having In charge the fund
for the relief of the Conomaugh valley suf
ferers will moot on Monday.
Boino ProvlttloiiH to lie lOnforooii ,
BRIII.IN , Juno 15. Several provisions of
the Samoan treaty will bo enforced bnforo
the treaty is formally ratified , The consul
nt Apia will forthwith Invite Samoa's adhe
sion to the treaty.
Tha Allllo T < iOH Kliootlne : .
ST. Cutun , Minn , , Juno 15 , Swim MngJ
nusson , who was shot at Mllla Lacs , was
brought hero , yesterday , nnd placed In a'hos-
pital. Mngnusson says that ho ahvajshas
been on the best of terms with tbo Indian ,
Wadcna , who did the shooting , and is at a
ions to account for Uio attack upon him , ex
cept that Wadena was crcz.y drunk , Wndcna
called him to the door at midnight , Wednes
day , and without a word 11 rod upon him.
Credible rcpoits brought hero , this after
noon , from Mora am to Uio olTcct that Mag-
missoti was the only person Injured. .
' OinfiioiiM for
PAHIS , Juno 15. The senatohas forwarded
to the public prosecutor a report on the casa
of General Boulangei. The senate advises
that proceedings be at once bcuuu
IJoulaiujur ,