Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Vo ndTorllncmontq will bo taken Tor
tlicnn colttninn nftor 12:30 : p. m.
Terms Cnsh In mlvnncc.
Advrrtrscmontfl ilnrtrr this head 10 cents per
lluo for the Jlrflt insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
ncqupnt Insertion , nnd Jl.rfl per line per month.
No advertisement taken for less tlmn 25 crnti
for tirst Insertion. Bovrn words will bo counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
uitiM bo paid In ADVANCE. All ndvortUo-
meets must Ira handed In boforn 13:30-o'clock : p.
m. , nul under no circumstances will they bo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvcrtlKlng In those columns and hav-
Inn their answers addressed IncarootTitu IlEfi
will ploaho ask for n check to enable them to got
thclrMttm , ns none will bodollveied except on
presentation of check. All answers to ftdver-
llKcmonts nhotild bo enclosed in envelopes.
All advetti'omcnts In these columns are pub
lished in both morning and evening editions ot
TIIK HKK , Ilio circulation of vhlch aggregates
more than l , fOO papersdally , nnd gives the ad
vertisers thobPtioIlt , not only ot the city circu
lation ot TIIK HKE. but also of Council IllnffH ,
Lincoln nnd oilier cities nnd towns throughout
this flection of the country.
Advertising for these columns w 111 bo talcon
on tlio above conditions , at tlio following busi
ness housed. who nro Authorized agents forTHH
l ! n t-ncclni notices , nnd will quote the snmo
lates as can bo Imd at the main odlco.
TOHN W. UK1 L. Pharmacist , SJO South Tenth
OHABB&liUnV. Stationers nnd Printers , 113
South 10th Street. ,
H.l'ARNSWORTH , I'harmnclst , 2115 Cum-
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North 10th
EO. W. PARR Pharmacist , 1803 Bt Mary's
WANTED Situation as coachmnu In prl-
vnto family ; understands pardon work ,
both ( lowers and vegetables ; can glvo Rood
ylty reference. 041 lice. _ too 15t
WANTED-Slttmtlon as bookkeeper or
otnor olllco work , by young man of exper
ience. who can furnlsn satisfactory references.
Address O 08 , lieu olllce , _ 15 Ht
"TO7ANTED Situation by n sister nnd brother
TT to do cooking ana general nousowork. The
Brother understand ? the care of homos and
garden work ; beat Now Yort references. Ad
dress" H 10 N. 17th at. U48 14 ;
TOOSITION by double-entry bookkeeper , with
JCs jy < od reliable Urm. Address 0 31 , Deo.
AGENTS Wonted For tfiePChamplon ffilb
scrajior every whore ; recommends Itself.
Largo prollts and liberal terms to active men.
Kent ! for circulars and prlco list. Champion
" luo Scraper Co. , 170 Itiico at. , Cincinnati , O.
| J 430 let
_ _ _ _ _
W ANTED A good cook nt N. Johnson's
lunch counter. 2)23 ) Cumin. ; Bt. 408168
AGENTS Wanted-Most wonderful ndvertls-
liiB echoiuo'iH or produced ; sells on Right to
cviry tnuichunt , tnnnufacturer , and business
tnnnlntho world : blr _ pay ; clear field ; quick
ales ; auinplo work nnd terms lOc ( nothing less ) .
Arc Mfg. Co. . Itaclno. Win. 416 14
TEAMS wanted by Lamorcaux llro. on Jit.
Hope ccmotary on military road. 417 15
WANTED Solicitors , must bo of good ad
dress ; deposit of - ' > requited ; salary from
If5 to $78 per month. Call oil or address 0. L.
OJoylen , till 1st Nat'l bank. 40M4J
WANTED-10 llrst-class wlro workers and
awnlngmnkors. none other need apply ,
luc.ulru Acino Iron & Wlro works , C12 B. ICth st.
WANTED Atonce , 0 extra good tin roofers
and ! ) boys to learn the trade at John
JEponetor , 108 8. 12th st. _ 354 15
v ANTED A young man for light work. J15
weekly. Room 17 , M N 18 Hi st.
\m. Ulst. TcL Co , , Kill ! Douglas.
* - 769
IITEN to Travel for the Fonthill Nurseries of
( L'JLCanada. . Wo pay $50 to JIOO a month and
pxpenses to agents to Bell our Canadian grown
ttock. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wis.7U9
WANTED Railroad laborers , rockmon nnd
tn -layers for AVashlnston Territory ;
Ejod wages aud steady work , at Albright'a
nbor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. Oil
WANTED Several more . energetic and roll
able solicitors. a-ho Singer Mfg. Co. . 1518
ouglas at. 602 J21
WANTED Girl In confectionery store ; 0
dining-room girls In and out of city ; U
woman cooks ; housekeeper for widower with U
children ; 3 good chambermaids ; 4 dishwash
ers ; 3 laundresses , and lots good places In pri
vate families , llest girls and best places are
always to be found at Mrs. lrega's,314'/i8.15tn.
"VXTANTED Competent girl for general
T housework and a inirso girl. Mrs. L. O.
tones , 718 N 21st st. 411 17
AGEKMAN girl for general nousowork , in
Binall family. 810 B. lath at. 410 IK
WANTND Girl for general housework. 018
S. 17th street. - 3H ! )
WANTED A good first girl ; must bo a good
cook and laundress ; wages $18 per mouth ;
references required. Call at Itoom 10 , Contl-
ncntal building , or nt ! iiH2 Paul st. 3i)2 )
W ANTED A competent girl. 2127 Harnoyl
374 14t
WANTED I'our waiter girls to servo"on
table In a line concert hall , two lady vo
calists , ono gent comedian song aud dance , ono
banjo player , ono violin player. Address llox
B04. South Omaha. i)7114 ) *
\X7'ANTED A tlrst-claps second girl , 0110
VV willing to take care ot children. B22 B. "Oth.
3CO 10 *
AUNDHY girl wanted at Btarlaunflry , 27tn
and Loavenworth. HM1 ! 14 ;
\17ANTED-A [ good girl. Swedish or Hohe-
V ? mlan , for general housework , washing and
} roiilug.62tB17tlist. 'MS
WANTED Waist and skirt llnlshors at once.
M. A. Wallace. 1D1U Howard , 321 HI
QIKL , 721. 8. 10th , 3 lu family. 141
W ANTED Chambermaid at orun house ,
423 H. IHtli st , 1 block south ol court honso.
WANTED Competent nurse Ctrl , ono that
is kind and willing. Ib2a Farnam. 114
AGEItMAN girl for general O'JSuoo
B. IXth st. O'JS
TVTlSSMlNNlCIChas removed her dressmaking
J. > lpniorft ] fromlUISHoward to K24Leavenw'tli.
Bha will bo pleased to have custouiors call.
,21i-Jy7 ,
.RESKMAKINU , in families , 035 S. 17th.
601 J22t
TfllUST-class day board. Inquire 1009 Douglus
WANTED Two gentlemen , ormnu ana wife
to taka room uud board lu private family ,
only 7 blockuiiom postolllco , on cubic and near
horne car line. Finest location m city , lawn ,
etc. All modern conveniences. Kcasonable
terms to right pni ty. C. 2 , lice , Oiio-lti *
" 1/17 ANTIJU To rout two 6 room cottages con-
Vveulnut IODHI.-II other , within 10 blocks of
new lleo building. Inquire M , J.llurkloy. lleo
ofllco. U 0 15
WANTI'.l ) to rent by family of two.'un un
furnished cottage in uood condition con
taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must Imvo terms anil lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U 6.5 ,
lice , " 229
* " " '
n\OU 1IENT "Xn b-ro'om house with ull modern
JJ improvcmiuts. Apply tit KU S. 22nd st.
_ _ 40II-10J _
* _ 7U ) iTltl'.N'i'-Untll October , furtilsUed house.
JH'ull 204 B.Jl' > th Ht. _ 99J.IUJ
IpOlt HUNT A new v-rootn houae , with ail
X' conyeuiKirccs ; No. 2717 Jackson Ht.
3 U-room llutw , N , 17th 8t. , bo 'ween Clark and HIH ,
C-ioom house oul'aik avo.
] ( > ioom liousi ) S. idth t.
6-room hoiiKO H20 N. 17th st. Apply to
Urocn i : Williams , llm Nat. Hank building.
_ _ _ _ ' . . . .u- . A-
UISN'P-A-room house , lO j'soutifibth fit
3U.I 16t
OIt ItliN'i1 7-iooin iuniso , furniture for ealo
_ ! Wiaj.BVfiivrortli , _ _ ! 1M _ 10 * _
llli.NT An ll-ioom house , with largo
d.ra lA ll ornlaEt. _ _ sag let
Oll KENT Eovoinl very desirable nouses
In liial-clRia neighborhood , pleasant and
healthy location ; all modern conveniences.
Inquire Oco , N. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block.
NICE 7-room cottages ; good cellara. clsterni.
well , noo'l bain ; convunlent to ichool and
thurch ; nj per mouth for the summer. Apply
Btonci ) , 0 , F , HnrriMii , M rclmnu * Nat'l nanW.
1011 HENT Ueslrnblo B-rooiu house for rent.
ilr . T. L. Vonloru,22ud and Lsavenwonli ,
- U l 171
TI10R RENT-A detached frroom house , all
JD modem conveniences. Enq. H > 2 Capitol nv *
"WOIl RENT 7-room Hat. inquire at the Fair ,
JJ lnh : and Howard. 7D
* > 7-ROOM llats. Enquire B&3 S. 23d , cor. Mat on.
7j > OH RENT Klogant now brick residence.
JL1 corner ! I2nd and 1'opplcton avenue , all mod
ern conveniences. Inquire Geo. N. Hicks ,
room 40 , Hnrkcrblopk. 203 21 _
TTIOR RENT-14-room house , all lmprov.o-
JJ ments. 2HI2 Chicago st. 311 , IB _
HENT-7-rooiu corner llat. loth"nnd
IT OR RENT-7-rooin ottaKe.Apply 1112810th Olw
P OR RENT During * ummor months , n fur-
nlsliod cottage on Park avo. Ennulro at
ExcoHlor oniac , 113 B. Hlth sU 41 < 1
T710R RENT New brick houses. 11 roomo.wlOi
X1 every modern convenience : on cable line :
only HO per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th nnd
'Douglas. 1)25 )
Tpblt REST rino basement in the best ro-
JL1 tall block In the city , slzo 22x85 foot. Hayward -
ward Hros , IMS Douglas st. 355-18 _ _
N E\V ton room brick honso fpr rentj nil
modern ImprovcmontH , with range ; on
cable nnd horse car line ; will bo rented voiy
reasonable to nice , responsible parties. In-
qulro 212 N Uth st , Nobinska maiblo works.
TilOIl UKNT-An elegant corner brick llat , fl
J2 rooms , modern convonloncesnlcoly papered.
" closets , worth HO pet month , will rent to good
mrty for Jll per month. T. 0. lltnnncr. Wnro
jlocK. room 1. & * > IB
FOH HKNT-3 , 4. or ( l-room house at 60S N
13th st ; U front rooms nt 311 Woolworth avo.
ilOR RENT-An 8-rooui llat. K 1021 Howard
st. moat market. U7B
71011 ItBNT A llat In thn Her building :
L , rooms , steam heat , gas nnd batli. Apply
XA. U. Ituymer , hardware , IGtn and Jaokscau
O SUITBS of turnlihcd looms with gns , bixth ,
* - > doiet. hot nnd cold water , suitable for 1
gents , 1178. Moth Bt. 4111 lot
ELKQANT furulshod rooms at Globs hotel.
21NGLE room and double room , ovcrycon-
Ovonlence. 1U03 Capitol live. 778
EOOMS for rent at 2425 Dodge St. , nicely fur-
nlshed , terms modc.ato. USD ID *
TTKUV nlco furnished room for gentleman
V nud wife or two gentlemen. Address 04B Dee
T710H linNT IMoasant basomcut rooinsJIOa
JL ) mouth. 2013 Capitol avenue. Inquire Utlll
Capitol avenue. ana lot
130OMS by the day , week or month , with every
JL\ modern conveniences , at Ulobo hotel.
OH KENT A suite of furnished rooms.sult-
1 able for man and wlfo or two gentlemen ;
also a slnglo room ; prices very reasonable ;
everything convenient. 1)13 ) S. Hth st. UTUUt
N furnished south room \\ith llrst-
class , board. 2015 Douglas. 37517t
TjlOll KENT Nicely furnished rooms ; terms
-I ? veiy reasonable ; atl24 Lgavenworth ,
ELEGANT fnrnlsncd rooms at Globe hotel.
TTIOIt KENT T5vo hall bed rooms , sultnblo
JtJ for young ladlei. 1S10 Chicago st. : 0 14t
T7IOH KENT Quo furnished front room for
J2 one gentleman only at No. 2501 St. Mary'ti
ave. 35317i
room with or without board
In private family ; handsomely situated ; la
modern resldenco ; references. 21JO Haruoy.
T > OOMS by the day , week or month , with every
JLXmqderii conveniences , at Olouohotel.
WANTED TAVO ccntlomcn or man and wife
to take nice cool room and board. 1011
Douglas. 81015
ROOM and board cheap lor two. In rlvato
family. 2218 Hurt. 305 17t
'IjAOK KENT Nicely furnished front roomal3O ;
J ? 2 other rooms , with bath and boara , for
light housekeeping. 2100 rarnant 235 10 *
FOll HUNT Furnshod rooms nil modern
conveniences ; 22 > 4 Fnrnain. 291
FOR 11ENT Furnished room , with board 17 !
Dodge 4 J
ELEGANT furnished rooms nt Glebe hotel.
I US. TUTTIjE , formerly of ISl'J Chicago Bt. ,
lhas removed to Jlr. Merrlam's now houses ,
100 and 10H So. 25th st. , andls now ready to rent
rooms , furnished or unfurnished , with llrst-
class board. 277-15 *
"DOOMS and board , 100'and 108 So. 25th st.
XL 270 July at
NICELY furnished rooms , board If desired ,
gas , bath .electric bolla , etc. 160U Douglas.
TmUHNlSHED room for rent after June 23
2024 Uurt st 158
T > OOM8by theday. wookormonth , with every
jLVmodorn conveniences , at Glebe hotel. CZ1
384-15 ]
EOIl HENT Furnished rooms , first-class ac
commodations , ilrs. Twlugler , 0S s 13tU
street. 035
TJHJUNISHEO rooms by day. week or month ,
St. Clalr hotel , cor 13thnud Dodgo. 775
I7IO11 KENT Furnished rooms , 22J3 Dod go.
Jj 25716 *
AKGE front room with bod-room ndjolnimr.
JJlinndsomely furnished , gas and heated by
steam , with use of bath room. In ono of the
haiulsomcbt residences In the city , without
board. InnuUe u. w. cor. 19th andLeavenworth
TH LEG ANT furnished rooms at Glebe hotel.
JlJ 381-15J
IjlUKNISHED rooms , single or en suite , batl :
J ? and steam ; for gents only. 1510 Howard.
T > OOM with or wltnout board. 1812 Dodge ,
H1OU KENT Room. 1021 Howard.
TTJALEGANT furnished rooms at Glebe hotel.
TTIUHNISHBD or unfurnished house for rom
-C in I'ark Terrace , oppojitn H-inscom park
all modern conveniences. Imiulro Lea '
Nlchol , 28th and Loavonworth. 7b2
rOH KENT 2 front rooms , en suite , modern
conveniences , tor gentlemen only. 315 N.nth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7512d
NICE rooms , fuiulshoil , S5to S12 per month ,
or by wook. Puabody house , 14th and Jnnos.
7051 "Mt
1 * A HGE furnished room'for rent , suitable foi
Jj gentlemen. 1B2J Pamam. ton
FOll RENT A pleasant room , only fl minutes
walk from business center , all modern con
venlences , cor Bt. Mary'ti avn. and 2uth or G3J B.
SOth. brick resldenco. col
'I OVELY Fouth front room , every conven.
J Jiouce , Si block from street cat. 2JOi Douglas ,
FOll KENT A nicely furnished largo front
room , all modern conveniences ; for furtnor
particulars call at 2215 Dodge st. 1V5
F UUN1SHED rooms , 113 S. 20th , near Dodge ,
_ WENT Until October 1 , largo funilshei
house , call 201 S , 25th. SOU
| 7IOH KENT I'nfurnUhnd rooms suitable tor
X'liou.suki'iipLug In nulls of 2 to 4 : conveulaut
location , Uutts Itentlne Agency , iroi I'aruam ,
T71OK HUNT Pleasant unfurnished rooms
U overlCOl Howard at. For olllcej purposed
TmOK UHXT A line corner brick store , well
J. located ; a aplendld opeuliiK for a good
liquor saloon. Apply room 1 Wnro blk. ttJd 14
1T1OH HUNT Stores nnd living rooms on Cum-
J. lily st. Also bouBu ou C .i3 u. llurile , room
41l.lBtMat.Haug. 20u
ijlOlt HUNT Front ofllce , iirouud lloor , 310
JJSlSth. an :
T71OH JitENT The 4 tory brick bnlldiui. with
oJ or without power , now ocsuplod by The lloa
l > ublUhlng Co. . 01U Yurnatu st. The building
1ms a lire proof c montoii tiajcmeut , complete
utuum heating tlxttues , water ou all the lloora ,
gus. etc. Apply at the olllco ot Tno Uoo , Ul5
1J5OU 11ENT Store 'i'xCOf 1118 Jackson nr.
-Ujlmjiijro 1114 Jackson. _ 7K >
1J10H WENT Stonewall rooms ill the roar in
J2 which family cau live ; ( > per month. O , F.
Harrison , Mvrcliauti' Nut..bnuk. 76 ! )
THOU ltiNT : 2 tloorn front halt IJcmU build-
JL' lug , pouer. lieat. electrlo light. Inauira of-
fice ot liemla Omaha ll g Co. Bid J2U
" 1 1' u VanTyour irdu3 riimt d'Jut wltb Ti'ar-
JL rotio' reutul a tiucjr , Itftb and Dodge.
PEHSONAIj-I irgo front room , nicely fur-
ntshod , to rent. Inquire Kit So. loth st.
Omaha base ball cln
go on sale at Heyn , the photographer , ( Iran-
Ho block. 124
D'JimTEliLAS nmT pttnsols covernd anil'ro-
palled , 217 815th lloyd'a opera house block ,
n nibbrr store. 1L Union. 701
! banjo taught as nn art by Geo. F.
lelibeck. Apply nt lleo offlrfl. 050
Globa hotel is newly furnished and fitted
JLup throughout. 13W , 1J10,1312 Douglas.
GG. Wallace Investment agonthas removed
from.8'4 ' Crolghton bloclc , to310 J. J , llrown
itilldtng , 10th and Douglas sts. 394 15
IIK ( JlobohotollsiioAvly furnished and ( Ittcd
tip throughout. 1'JQ * , Kill ) , 131J Douglas.
GG. Wallace Investment ngent has removed
from 8 > _ CrolKhton block to U10 J. J. llrown
'illllalng ICth and Douglas fits. JN4 15
3'AW and general stenographers , typewriting
J nccuratoly executed ; correspondence taken
: harce of by the month nt reduced rates. Hours
n. m. to U p. m. Sundays 3 p. m. to t ) p. m.
illllard nnd Murray hotels. _ _ . < _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fl O. Wallace Investment ngent. hasremovod
J froin 814 Crolchton blockto ; 110J. J. llrown
lUilding 10th nnd Douglas bts. 33415
rpflE Globe hotel Is newly furnished nnd lilted
J.up throughout. 130S , 1310,1312 Douglas.
JOllN F.DALEY , sewer builder and drain
layer , house drainage aud sanitary work n
ipoclalty , Olllce 1407 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob.
GEO. ll. JONES , pluiublnn and gas mum ?
drain laying , sewer and water connections
specialty , 1414 Dodge st.ln basomont. Omaha ,
OST Hod Irish setter dog. Heturn to E , H
uilmoro , 2313 Cassst. , and rocolvo reward.
T OS1 Gold pin , rau y design , diamond sot-
JLJtlng. Hoturn to Hctzel & bass , grocers , and
get row nrd , 2704 Cumlng. 377 m
LOS'l1 lloau colored Holstclncow ; nnv infor-
matiou will DO thankfully received at J.L.
Irandlcs &Pons. 80(1 (
T71OUND Juno 13 , pocketbook with small
JP sum money ; owner can have it by proving
property , of A. Ulmer.4Z3p. 13th st. 414 14 *
STOKAOE at low rates at 1121 Farnam st. ;
Omalm Auction aud Storage. 702
rnilACICAGE , storage , lowest rates. wT
JL llushman , 1311 Lcavcnworth. 703
BllANCH & .CO. . storage , 1211 Howard.
CJTOHAGEand forwarding. We collect aud
Odollver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage , nt choapoat rates
for storage for any length of ttmo. Vans nnd
wngons to bo had ut shortest notice , with cnro-
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Waruhiniso on our own track ? , ornco 217 S.lith
St. ; tolopnono 114. Howell He Co. nit
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , med
ical nud business moJluui. Fnmalo diseases
a specialty. 110 N IGth st. rooms 2 nnd 8.
JTANDAUU shorthand school , Paxton block ,
Ofsuccessor to Valentino's shorthand Insti
tute' ' , the largest , best equipped shorthand
school in the west : is under the personal super-
5-lsIouof Joseph P. Megeath , an ex-official re
porter and state agent of the Hemlngton Stand
ard typowilter , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. Mechanical construction of
machine taught by factory expert. Particular
attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers'
supplies tor sale. Circular free. VM _
ana typewriting. Omaha busi
ness collece , cor Capitol ave and ICth.
Standard methods taut-ht by O. C. Ewlng. of
San Francisco , the best teacher on the Pacific
coast , Munson'3 revised of ' 83 n specialty ; new
plan ; blackboard illustration ; day nnd evening
classes ; call or wrlto for terms. 797
To buy coal yard or loaseground
with railroad switch ; name location , price
and terms. Address C 48 , Dee olllce. 40317
Good second-hand set of No.
WANTED reports. Address box S9.I , Kaar-
noy. Nob. 404 15
WANTED-Ten to forty acres , high , sightly
land , north of Park St. . and within three
mile circle. Address 0 30 , Dee olllce. 300
WANTED For spot cash , a fortv or twenty-
aero tract inside the four-mile limit ; no
boom prices entertained. Leave propositions at
lloom It , Chamber of Commerce. Tel. 1440.
la , or Nob. Quick loans , Omaha city or farm ,
Cull or write , W.L. 13 , Doard Trade ,
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of all kinds , Omaha
Auction is Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. 800
A NT1QUA11IAN Book Store , 1413 Farnam st.
-ci Casn paid for ud-huud hooks , magazines.
3i > 9-J18t
T71OR SALE Fine match team drivers , double
Jt ? harness and double-seated surry at J < their
value. Call 411 Paxton block. 410 16t
fjlOR 8A LE Furniture of 7-room house aud
-L1 house for rent cheap. 13013 LearenwortU.
387 lOt
TJ10H SALE Household furniture on the In-
JO atalment plan. 1412 Chicago st. 3UU 1G *
FOR SALE Good lumber wagon 816 , Omaha
Broom works , cor. 15th and Paclllc. 383 1ST
F IOR BALE No. 2 Callgrapli typewriter In
ilrbt-class ; order. Adddreas , 0 4J , lleo.
3t 17t
TTUH SALE Cheap , furniture of slnglo room ;
-C complete- for housekeeping ; central local
ity. Address , O 44 , Doo. 300 17 *
FOll SALEOn easy terms , the best located
coal yard lu Council lllumi. 250 feet track
age. E. E. Mayne , 019 Uroadway , Council limits.
T710H SALE Cheap. Ono bicycle , ono Tan-
JU di n tricycle and emi single trlcyclo. good
as now Apply Jonn S. Prince , Collaeum. 12J
TTOU ! SALE Choap-About 050 head of 1m-
JL1 proved Texas horses , consisting of geldings -
ings , maroH nud colts , stallions and mixed. Will
sell part or all. Apply J , L. Ilalbert , Corslrana
Texas. 414-J18J
MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1W. Far-
uam.Completeabstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
AIISTUACTS Lmahau & Mahoney ; room SOU ,
Paxton block. 803
MONEY loaned for BO , 00 or 00 day ? on any
kind of chattel security ; roasonublo inter
est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson : 1417 1'ainam' .
MONEY to loan on furniture , chattels or real
ebtate. Lowest rates on good loans. J , 11 ,
Emlngor , 1417 Farnam , room 3. 11)7 ) Jyfl
SMALL loans , short time , good security ,
reasonable interest. P. O. box GOO , city.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loana of 110 to
tl.UOJ ; got our rates before borrowing and
cave money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est ratescalllt20JShealey blk,15tUi-Howard st
DON'T borrow money on furniture , nurses ,
wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you see 0.
li. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
SEB Sholes , room S10 First Nat'l Dank , before
making your loins. tilU
"JTUUST mortgage loans at low rates and no de-
-1 } lay. D. V. Hlioles , 210 Fl t National bank.
. 810
WANTED-First-class'iusldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd ueuus. Mutual Investment
Co. , U. 1 , llarkor blk. . 15th ami Farnani. 817
SMALIj short tlma loam ou cuattel security ,
Jill Ohio bt. ; call after 0 p. m. 840 J-"Jf
MONEY to loan. Harris 11. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 Flrat National bank. Kll
MONEY to loan oa horses , wagons , mules ,
houaehold goods , planos.organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates , The Urat organized loan olllcolu
theclty , Makuloan for tulrty to three bun-
tired and sixty-live days , which can bo paid lu
part or wholn. at any time , thus lowering tliu
principal and Interest , tail and see us whan
you \vuiit money. Wo can assist you promptly
uud to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in making loans. 0. F. Heed & Co ,310
S. 13h : St. , over illnshani Sc Bens , UJf
BUILDING loans. D. V. Eiiolon. 210 First Na
tional back. 810
r .OANS mndo on ml Astate nnd mortsactes
JUbotlght. Lewis S. aoejl & Co. , U13 , Hoard of
Trado. 8la
IJEOPLE'B Flnanclafunxchnnre Largo and
small loans for longgid short tlmo , at low
est rates of Interest , nvroal estate mortgatfo
notes , chftttols-of allKUtlh , diamonds , wntchas
nnd Jewelry. Don't f4Vl'H ' > call if von Want fair
nnd cheap nccommdMflons. ( J , Ilouscaren ,
Mgr. , room 87 , Darker Wk , 15th and Farnam.
"JTI ( INKY to loan ; caMf/m hand ; no delay. 37
1'Lw. Squire , 1219 Fari/atn St. , First National
bank building. P 811
E11UASKA MortgJtfoanCp. will make you a
loan on litArtohold goods ,
liorso,3 Hragons ,
land Vcnrtracts ! ,
fine Jewelry , or gpcilritloi of any kind ,
without publicity , ' * ! ' reasonable rates.
lloom 7 , Howler bloclc , South Omaha.
Kootns 61S-619. Paxtott block , Omaha , Nob.
MONEY to loan atlow rates by Excelsior
Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha.
OU1LD1NG and other real o loans.V. . M.
JL > Harris , roomSO , Frenzer lllock , opp. P. O ,
Or. HAKHISON loans money , lowest rates ,
. MS
MONEY to loan. O..F. . Davis Co. . real estate
nnd loan offonts , 1515 tarnam at. BJO
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
out delay , and purcliaso goods , coinmorclnl
paper nnd mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman , cor.
IJth nnd Farnam. 80
MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from &UO to SIO-
000 ou improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full Information as to rntos. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased
by us. call upon us or wrlto. ThoMcCaguo
Investment Co. 814
T OANS on Improved nnd unimproved prop-
JUorty atlowiates. Odoll Dros.iVCo.,312SlCtu. :
, ) to loan ntfl per cent. Ltnahan & Mahoney -
honey , room iiOJ Paxtou block. 8i3
MONEY to loan on furniture , horsoswagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. .1. W.
Kobblns , 11200. Shooloy blk. 15th and Howard.
_ _ _ 823
o V. HAUUISON loans money , lowest rates.
, 808
BUILDING I.OANS-054 to 7per cent , no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
neys'fees. W. if. Melklo , First Nat bank bldg.
PEOPLE'S Financial Kxcbango Tlio fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In any amount , largo or small , nt the
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid at any time or renewed -
nowod nt original rates O. Ilouscaren , Mgr. ,
room 67 , Darker block ; 15th and 1'arnam. 81J
M to loan on- real estate at low rate.
J. D. Zlttle , 430 Paxtou block.
' 121Jy-3J
TTNIMPKOVED nnd Improved property :
U loans tuado promptly ; money on hand. F.
M. Kichardsou , HW cor 15th and Douglas.b23
IOAN make a few loans on tlrst-clnss chattel
securities nt reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , llarker blk. KS !
DO YOU rt-ant money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low-
cat on any sum from ill ) up to JIO.OOJ.
J malco loans oil household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the
lo\vost possible rates , without publicity or ro-
luoval of property.
Loans can bo mado.for ono to blx months and
you can pay a part at any tlmo , reducing ooth
principal and luterestIf ; you owe a balance
on your furniture or UoraBS , or have a on
them , 1 will take it upumd carry it for you as
long as you desire , ft
If you need money ycin wilt flndlt to your ad
vantage to see mo bofpro borrowing.
U. FMasters , room'4 , Wlthnell building. 15th
and Harnoy. ' -1" 821
-PHILADELPHIA Mortgage a Trust Co. fur-
JL nlslr cheap oasterni-mouoy to borro wcrs ,
purchase becurltlos , pwrfoct title ; , accept loans
at tholr western olllce. George \V. 1 . Coates ,
room 7. Hoard ot Trqdoiu 827
JU1LDING loans. Italian & Mahoney. _
MONEV to loan oiw'faal eatats security , at
lowest rates. liuXore negotiating loans see
Wallace , Crelghton blcnO3th and Douglas. 803
BAUUEK shop , located Jit , cor. 7th and LcaV-
euworth , Omaha , rent 82.50 , lease on ground ,
price $15u for bulldlug,2 chairs glasses , etc. Co
Opeiatlvo Land and Lot Co , , OJ N 16th st.
407 10
A GOOD restaurant for sale : doing good bus
incss ; good reasons for selling. Address 0
47 , Deo. 405 20 *
INVESTMENT The best paying Investment
you can make is In the stock of the InterState -
State Dulldlug and Loan association. You can
double your money every six years. The stock
Is paid for by monthly payments of 75 cents
per share. The Interest of members Is pro
tected by state Inspection ; agents wanted.
Send for circulars or Intor-Stato Dulldlng and
Loan association , Minneapolis , Minn. 402-14J
Foil SALE 7-room Hat. central location ,
line furniture , every convenience , nt about
haltvaluo. Alex Mooro. 301 Shoely block. 870 1U
FOU SALE And exchange , a good estab
lished paying lumber , coal and implement
business in one of the best towns In northeast
No braska on line of two ralhoads. Will take
part In good Omalm resldenco or Inside prop
erty. AH clear of Incumbrnnces. Address ,
0 4- , Dee ofllco. 300 22 +
POH SALE Barber shop , good location ,
cheap rent. Address C35 , lice. 343-llj
TVTEATmarketforsalo ; market to rent ; fix.
I'JLtures for sale ; also horse , wagon nud liar
ness , onnulru at the n. o. cor. 13th and Chi.
cago. Itcasons for selling , going out of busl
ness. 35014t
rtONFECnONEHY nnd Ice cream parlor , in
v central location ; everything first-class.
Price 11,000 ; part cash , balance easy. llont$50.
part rented for $30. Co-operatlvo Land nnd Lot
Co. , 203 N. ICth St. 30J14
TTIOH SALF-Half Interest In well established ,
JP paying business ; best location in Omaha ,
and no competition worth mentioning ; cash re
quired ? 1UOO. Address C4' > . lleo olllce. 35414 ?
FOll SALE Itestaurant and bakery doing
good tmslness ; good reason for selling. Foi
further particulars address C 38 , Doo. 3 > 3 17 *
TT1OK SALE 1'ho Gotham cigar store , Uoyd's
JP opera house , with or without Jobolnc stock.
Location tno best. "Si If
FOU SALE A w < > ll-o tabll lied book-binding
business lu Salt Lake City. Hhtley. Gro-
eholl & Co. , real estate , bait Lake City , Utah.
871 j 30
TTIOK SALE Moat market complete ; can bo
JL1 handled for llttlo caslj. Call at 100111 4
Wlthuell blk. 850
WEhavnfor Halo or tixchango ono of the
llnest hotel properties lu an Iowa city of
0,010 Inhabitants , the leading house In tlio
place. W. It. E. & M. E room 14 Chamber of
Commerce ' 7da
03,0110 to lo,0fti wanted to put Into a good Uust-
P ness ; llrst class security anil good rate ol
Interest paid for short or long time. Or will
toke partner. For particulars address U4J ,
lleeouVe. 143
I WOULD Hire to tn o a good two-story house
nnd lot f-OxlW foot , -JWfuin ono block of I'ark
avo. and Park schooULbt vacant cast front lot
in Himscom place. Will assume Boino Incum-
branco. Address , C.4 , ffie olllce. _ 8b7
FOU EXOHANOE-u'filegaut tract otlond
coutalulng 120 aoj-wd * In Antelope county
Neb. , with ordinary ifolgbvomonta.
A auartcr-sectlon uojand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved. &
Elgnty acres near Ciimc ; II Hlufls , la.
House and lot on Bffuttpoth Ht.
Large amount of Oil Mountain and Pctroltum
company oil stock. H'ul exchangii for good
Sroperty or the erecttQit f sotno houses. Goo.
, Btornsdorir , Ist 'tiUeiial bank building.
\\7ANTEl-2mx > ndr3f > f eastern Nebraska
TT lund unlncumborVtJJflln ona body in ex-
chungo for innldu oocumed Omaha biulneaa
property. Address U jUee olllce. 3U7
ril ( > EXCHANGE f5VBlla property , one of
JL the best improvediT { ns In lown. only one
1nlle from town of C,0jflrnhabltant3 | , W. It. li.
& . M. E. , room it , Chamber of Commerce , lUl
'EW 2-BoAted Hut ) catrlago or top ouggy for
mortgage city or countr1 warrants , or any
good unsocuroU notoi.U'.Ij.bolb U ll'd Trade
.rpc ) Exchnngo Cash aud clear property for
J merchandise , or mprchaudUo for nasli and
clear property. Address Lock llox II , ( Jot lien-
burK.Nub. 01) ) J St
farm of 230 acres in
Polk county. Neb. , 4 miles from Claries ,
Neb. , to exchange for cattle ; 80 acres under
cultivation , houae , barn , wagon noalca and
good fcod lot. . Addrosa C. Osfcump , S215 5Vub-
utvrst. Ouiaha , Neb. Pi.
FOTTEXCHANGE-rpr ( foslrable residence
property in Omaha , any or all of following :
40 cholculnslde resldonce lots in Hustings.
100 Into lu Lincoln.
010 ucros line funning land , Lancaster county
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family rosldancB corner. Los Angeles.
A neat residence property In Hanncom place.
AUobomo good mortgage- not 1-3.
Address civlng location and price ot Prop
erty. J. E. U. , cnra Jlauia Iron Co. , l-17Loayea.
worth. Ut
T710H KXOHANGE-I have ICO acres of land
- * - laying tinlf tiillo from llonkelniAn , the conn-
y sent of Dundy county , that I will trndo for John P. llottuek , box M. Iienkol
nan. Nob. 3S115t
TO TItADE For Nebraska or Kansas land ,
about t2,5TO ot clothing and furnishing
coeds , at a bargntu. Address It. W. , lock box
613 , Wymorfi , Nob. 418Sit
AN Improved farm to trade for mdso. , gro
ceries prof erred. J. K. Mason , Central City ,
Nolx 3JJ-X4J
\\7U3TEUN lands , farms anil city property
t f for stocks ot goods. Room 12 , 1&D2 Farnam
40 jyl3
TJ10R RXCHANOIV-Lot and small house , 3Jth
JL' and Hamilton , and lot W , Kolson.s add. , for
rarto for outside lots clear or ncro property. A ,
L' . Tnkoy , Hth and Douglas. IW )
'T'AN'l'K' ' ' To" trade for housn and lot in
T good ( oration ; will assume light inciim-
jrnuco. Address A 2 lleo olllco , csi
EAuaTitf.fTciTftoirHIll. { only $750"rornortii
fronts iind JNH ) for south. See Tukoy and
gut n lionsTj uud stop paylup rent. Hulldyour
house nnd ( jot your tlmo to pay for lot.
Holt Hue depot only rlnvpn minute * to
city. I/its will bo advanced to when
Motor line is in operation. Full commission to
agents. Ask anybody what ho thinks of the
future of Qllfton UHI. A. P. Tukoy , tilth nnd
Douglas streets. 3S2 15
. , iOH 8ALE-Farm 104 ncres , U mlle out ot
JU lllatr. 1,400 fruit trees , 1 aero grapes , plums.
cherries , strawberries , raspberries , etc. , best
place for ulioino In Washington CO. II.W.Mc-
llrido. _ 178 1WJ
n lIE motor line Is built to Collier place. The
ADelt line runs near Collier place. The F. E ,
t M , Y. It. H. stop nil pnssoDgor trains at Col
lier place. The liorso car line will soon reach
Collier plaoo. Host addition In the city. I'rlco
* SOO to * l,200 per lot , one-tenth casn , balance
QUO to lire voara , aicCngue. opp. P. p. D73 !
FOH SALE At a banicrupt price , a house and
lot In Omaha Vlo\v. Itoom , 14 , Chamber of
Commerco. TO8
ALE Now li-room house , all convon
lences , barn , otci , lu Koitutzu Place. $7,2uO ,
easy terms. ddress 0 27 , lloo olllco. 28 lot
FOR SALE 2,13 feet trackaco on the Union
Paclllc railway. Hoar H > th St. : Improve
ments ; routing for $20 per month ; 110,600 ; this
is a bargain. C , F. Harrison , Merchant's Nat.
bank. 3itf-15
llnestdrlvo in tno city Is to Collier
Place. McCttgue. 73
HALE so ncro form in Sarpy county. 15
miles from Omaha , 12 mllen from So ,
Omaha , Good improvements ; $15 per ticre. 0.
F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. UaukMl 14
1J1OH SALE At a bargain. One twelve and
JL1 ono.umo room housa In Kouutzo place , on
24th street , opposite the line residences ot Red *
Ick nnd MrCreary , with 78 and no foot ot ground
with each house to alloy. Each honso has fur
nace , gns , gai llxturos , shades , all
plumbing , hot end cold water , elegant
largo rooms.all , papered handsomely through
out , good barn with each house , and an decant
lawn all sodded. I am prepared to otfer splen
did Inducements ns to prlco and terms. Call
aud let ma drlvo you out. You can move Into
these houses without a dollar of oxnonso for
anything. Those mustbo sold soon. Boo mo at
once. D. V. Sholos , 210 First Nat'l bank. 177
TT10H SALE House and barn , lot 4 , block 7.
Kendall's add. on 25th street , houtn of Holt
Hy. ; must bo sold. Address C , M. Kendall ,
Waukcgnn. Lnko co. , III. 22i ) 14t
XL lloal Estate ,
1W7 Tarnam.
Insldo city limitsns handsome locality us you
cau find , surrounded by
Hundreds of ,
and reached not only by good roads , but street
car , elvctrlo motor nnd btcam cars. Such are
lots wo still sell at
5303 to $ V 0
onp.iyroontof llSdown , balance 110 a month.
You can come and one this propel ty any day
tree ot expense. You will Hnd them Just the
spot for
Delightful HOMOS 1
Remember , Omaha has doubled Its popula
tion lu 4 years , aud the only way to make money
is to have courage enough to
Make a Start.
Those who have never spent enough to start
right , never got ahead.
Fifteen Dollars
cash is a small sum to pay , but It
Secures the Lot ,
nnd balance is payable In such a way that you
don't miss tlio money.
Come nud Investigate.
Conveyances always ready.
400-10 150. Farnam St.
FOR SALE-Or will exchange ot western
lands , ono of the llnest hotel properties lu
Iowa. Host hotel In city ot 0.03J inhabitants ,
brings in rental ot $510 per month. Apply soon
if 3011 expect to get it. W. 11 , E. & Mor. Ex. .
lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. OJ5
BARGAIN Part of the Dick Kimball estate.
50 foot on 18th strnet running through to 17th
avc. Ono U-room house , all modern conven
iences nnd two 0 room houses. Total rental
11,580 per year ; prlro 813,000. M. A. Upton
Company , 10th nnd Fornara. 842
"I71OR SALE Residence lot , cor 23d and Cass ,
-K will exchange for trackage property ; worth
M.OOU to S10.0JJ. C. F , Harrison , Merchants'
Nat. bank. 758
THE best mpnoy's worth ot house and lot now
for sale in Omaha is that which I am now
completing near 24tn st. ou paved Wlrt st. in
Konntzo I'luco. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dlulng
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water clo Bets ,
larco laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
and coal room and collar , olcctrlo bolls nnd
spoaklngtube , 12 closoU. Price only $7.000 on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at same price.V. . T. Seaman , cast sldo Wth st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages , 891
FOR SALE-Fino lot in Stovoni' Place. 48
foot south front ; right on the motor line ,
$1,000 ; M cash. Great bargain. C. F. lliurlion.
Merchants Natl. Hank. 29U 14
TJ10R SALE Hoautlfiil 8-room house , all
JL ! modern improvements , including splendid
furnace , near Hansnom park , best location in
the city for school , church nnd street car priv
ileges ; price $5,003. C. F. Harrison , Mercnants'
uatonal bank. 768
TjlOH SALE Lots In Stewart Placa on Lowe
JU avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property.
0-room house aud barn , Hauscoiu Place. 2
houses and lota on Caas st. . ou easy termu.
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Dunk. 201
"IT10R SALE Tlio finest residence situ In West
JL1 Omaha ; Just south of Farnam on 30th st. ;
a corner 105137 with 187 feet frontage on
pnved street and Joining the handsome resi
dence of Kirkondull ou the east , nnd llrady ,
Eassou and Mai tin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden spot lor nn elegant homo.
Harrieranu " 1st streets , Hlxinr.ou pavameut ,
within thrno blocks of the court house ; loom
for sovou lluo houses that would rent as rapid
ly as completed. A splendid permanent invest
ment. .
Farnam and 22d streets. 60x113 , with new
throo-story bnck store building , rented to good
pprmauunc tenants. Iteutal receipts 84.2JJ I'er
Sixteenth , street noir Nicholas , froutago 01
feet to alloy ; good bustneHn proper tv.
* Farnam Btroat. batwaim 3 h and 3Jth. frontage -
ago 18 or 0-ixl32 to alloy , south front , 1 block
from pavement nnd Htrout cars.
1'nrtc avenue , opposltu Hanscom park , 60x160
prlcB $3,000 ; easy terms.
Paddock place , truckage , C0xll2 , 5.,030 ; easy
IBih street south ot Vinton at. , lot for sale or
trade for indso , or good farm land.
B. A. Slomnn , 1301 Fnruatn Bt , 830
FOR BALE-JS43.70 ncras , sec. 5 , tp. 13 , r. fl
Hamilton county , Nub. House , Htable , ;
acres fenced , llvlnff water. Price * 3OiX ) , if. 1C
Atkins , owner , Raudroad bldg. Denver , Col.
. 837
SHOLES Special Lut Wo push spsclal bar
gitlns and advertise tnem. List with mo.
I inoeast front lot in Hanscom place at 11.00) ,
t5 < )0 ) cash. Decided bargain.
Fine lot on Farnara and Lowe avenue , 87 , 751.
12,000 buys a nouso and lot in Hanscom
Place , north ot Popploton nvenuo.
The old John Jltrna Manufactory plant on
Missouri Pacillo railway. 4 miles eouthwust of
city , with 2 acrea of ground aud ) large 2 story
buildings , for 4J.OOO. A line , opportunity for
somn ono.
1 have special Inducements luhouses and lots
In all parts of the city either forrnlu or trado.
Call lu aud bo ohowu thorn. 1 do not try to no I
you In to show you trash , but handle only good
property and deal tijiiurely. D. Y. Sholos , 21
I'lrst Notional bank. OJJ
rPHE factories within easy roach of Collier
JL place will employ a largo force of men. Bo-
cure a homo and enjoy life. I'rlco of lots $ XU
to if 1,201. ono-tonth cash. Send fur plat. Mc-
onp. P. o. an
T710R BALE East front lot on 29th nt. IGoor
L' giaiivuj overlouklnu Onuha and uijuncl
llluira. Fine slta for a home. Special close
price for u few duya. C. F. Harrison , Mur
chants National buuk. + 113
/ONTJNUOUB ( sidewalk to Collier place. Get
vyprlcoa and termi , McCugue. 07J
17 011. BALB-Lot on S2d t. JuH north of
JJ lUtiscom Pane , H2.00U : easy terms to tiart >
who will Iililld , U , F , Harrison , .Merchants
National bunU. ' 111
SEND for plat or Collier place , nnd whan
driving for recreation follow the motor Hue
pole * on 10th at. , ami AmuV ave , , nnd HBO the
wonderful Improvement * that imv * taken
Place Just arouiidtne barracks , and remember
thutCullltir place 1s the key 10 the sltnution
liny a lot now for thu low price and at tue un y
terms they aru balpt.otrered , ana wo art ) HatU
Hod. One-tenth casTi. bAlance one to five Ifeart
MuCague. oup. P. O. ClJ
O \V Ixx > inlB , administrator , to E Olsou ,
lot t , Oak Hill , administrator's devil. , . . ! MO
Oonrtliouno to Ijct Notlco to Jlullil-
Intr Cotraotoro.
Notice If hereby gh-en that the Doard of Su-
lorvlsors of Itutlor County. Nebraska , will re-
cclvo bids nntll fl p. m. , ot the nth day of July.
V , Di IKMI .tor the lurnlihlngof all materials and
atKir aud tlio building and completion of n
Court House in the city ot David City , In said
County and State , according to Dlans and specifi
cations , therofor furnished by Win , Grav , Archi
edLluoln , Nobrasta , tn no on Ilio In thoonico
of the County I lork of said county , on nnd after
lunu 19 , US' ) . Ench old must bo nccampanie.l
> y acortlllod check In the sum ot ll.UOO pnyablo
o the order of thu County Clerk ot naldcountr ,
us a guarantrti that the bidder wilt , If his bid bo
uccptodnnd tTltulu llvodnys thereafter en'or
nu n satisfactory oontrncl for the erection and
ompletlon of said building , nnd that ho will
\ltmnsald live days uxculo to said county n
bond lu the sum of AIO.O Q , with sureties to bo
npprovnd by said Hoard , conditioned for the
faithful performance of Bald contract on his
mrt , and that he will pay nil labor , anil for nil
untcrlalemployed nnd used upon sMd building ,
iald check sbnll be forfeited to , njid bo rotaltUHl
by the builder full to enter into
ontrnct and glvo bonds as above cimtom.ilnteit.
Cnch bidder must BUhiuttMtthhls bid a sample
of slono for foundation footltms , and cut mono
vorK , nnd also of pressed brick , proposed to bn
The bonnl will also receive bids at snmo tlmo
o furnish alt Olllco , Vault and Court Room fur-
ilturo and fixtures , also seating for Court
The Board reserves the right to reject any or
Hy order ot Hoard ot Supervisors ot HutloJ
County , Nebraska.
( "ouiity Clerk ,
Doted nt David City Neb , Juno Cth l&O. .
June-lS-d-it-aw-to-Jtlly u
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo
ocolvod by thn Clerk of Adams Cotiuty Nob-
a kn , at his olllcp , Hasttun < , Nebraska , until
wolvo o'clock noon on Jtmu nth , Ksy , for fur-
ilshlng all material nnd nil thu labor for the
poustructlou , and to constt net n County Court
louse ami County Jail , ntttio city ot Hustings
vubra ka. according to certain plans ami spocl-
[ rations nnd drawings to bo on Ilio at the olllro
> f the said County dork ou and nftor May 2Jth
The pally or parties with whom the said
Jouuty ot Adams mny contract for the furnish-
tig said material and labor and construction of
iald County Court llouso and Jail , are to outer
ntnn good and siiniclont bond lo bn approved
iy building committee conditioned according
Rights reserved to rnject nnv and all bids.
Also ; during the same tlmo aud the sumo place
ho suld Clerk will receive sealed bids for fur-
ilshlng nud puttlni ; In cells In the proposed
bounty Jail , to bo urectcd in the city of Host-
ugs Adams County Nebraska , said bids to con-
alii separate of for * on the two kinds of cells
Iz : Revolving Cylinder , Stationary colH , aud
six straight square cells , with corridor of any
nanufacluro that the Hoard ot Supervisors of
said County may adopt.
Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Dy
order of Hoard of Supervisors , May Hth , 1839.
JOHN A. Cwro , L , D. PATiunnit ,
Co. Atfy. County Clork.
( Seal )
Notion Is hereby given that scaled bids will bo
received by the clerk of Adams County , Neb
raska , at his olllco Hastings. NobnuKii , ou or
jet ore twelve o'clock noon of July Oth , 188J , for
Uiopurehixioof aavonty llvo bonds ot the do-
lomlnatlonofouo thousand dollars each to be
.sstiod bv tdo County of Adams In the State of
Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , IW.i. and to bo
lavablo at the Fiscal Agoucy of the State of
S'ebrafkii , City of Nqw YorK , State of New
York twenty years after the date tlmroof re-
tleemabloat nuy tlmo on or after ton years from
the ilatu thereof at the optlou ot said county of
Adams and to boar Interest nt the rate of Ilvo
icr cent per annum payable annually ou the
Irstduy of July In each year , for which Intoiost
coupons shall bo attached payable at the tlscal
agency aforesaid.
Rights reserved torolcct any and all bids.
Hy order of the Hoard of Supervisors , May Oth
[ SEAT. . . County Clork.
JOHN A. CASIO , County Attorney. iu21dtoJy9
Notice to Contractors.
The board of ptiblicl w ork [ aud buildings will
receive bids ns stated below :
Tor work uml material necessary tooilnlsh
now building for Ir.stltutu for the Illlnrl , No-
liraska City , nnd formoklugHtntod repairs ou
the old building at auy tlmo before Juuo 21 ,
IBS1. ) , at 2 p. m.
Tor work and material to complete south
wing for Industrial Homo at any
tjme befoio June 20 , IHv-O , at 2 p. m.
For labor mid material to lay about 4,000 foot
of 12 Inch sewer pipe for the penitentiary. Also
for coinnlefiig a smoke stack and for furnish
ing and putting on about 1,000 squares of corru
gated Iron rooting fir same , at any tlmo before
Juno 25 , Ihsw. , at i ) a m.
For oleclrlc Hsht plant and for barn for In
curable Insane Hospital at Hastings , Nebraska
atany tlmo before .luuoX'fl , ItSl , atyp. m.
Forumtorial and laborto complete 15 cotta
ges , hospital , boiler nnd ongluo and laundry
houses iind for hospital , for Soldiers' Homo ,
Grand Island , at any tlmo before Juuo27. IbtO ,
at 2 p. m.
Tor boiler house and smoke stack for Insti
tute for Feob'a.Minded Youth , at lleatrlce , at
any time before Juno 28. ] 83 ! _ at2p. m.
1'or ono building for bailer bouse , engine
room , electric light plaut vitd workshop , and
for wool bnlldlnu for Rymcnslaui and library ,
for State Normal School , at Peru , at any tlmo
bi'fore June 2S. 18JB , nt 2 p m.
Tor one three Btory brick workshop with
utonobrsouient nnd ono bollerhouse and smoke
stuck , for Indmtilal School , at Kearney , at auy
tlmo I oforo July 15,1bfeii. at 2 p. m.
All above worK to bo done according to writ
ten statement. Plans , spcclllcntious , nnd
dctailud drawing now on lllo with tlm Com
missioner of Public Lands and llulldlngs , who
will furnish all needed information relative
liomls will le renulied of aucccFsful bidders
for completion of tlio work nud for the pay
ment of nil bills for labor mid material.
Hy order of Hoard of Public Lauds and Hulld-
1UB8 <
a. i. LAWS.
Juno 13 d lOt Societary.
Notlct > .
Matter of application of Max J. Hecht for
permit to sell liquor as alJrugglst.
Notko Is hereby given that Max J. Hecht
did uuon the Oth day of Juuo A. D.
IBM ) , lllo his application to the Hoard of FIre
nnd Police Commissioners ot Omuha , for per
mit to sell Mult , Spirituous and Vinous LlquoH
as a Druggist , for medicinal , mechaulcul and
chemical purposed only , at No. 323 South 16th
Street , : id Ward. Omaha. Ntbraskn , from the 1st
day of January 18SD to the 1st day January 180. !
If thoio be no objection , remonstrance or pro
test tiled within two wooka from June 8th A. D.
IBM' , the said permit will bo granted.
7-14 MAX J. HKCHT , Applicant.
Notice * .
Notiro to Real Estate Apents. Lot 21 , block
4 , InllascallstiubillvlsonrnBoo. 5 , T. II , 11 , 13 ,
in Douglus County Nob. , is hereby withdrawn
from the market. P. D. M An soy ,
Omaha , Junnlltli 1839 , Owner ,
Notice to Contractors.
Scaled proposals for the erection of a frnmo
Church Hullillng In Ida Grove , Iowa , will bo 10-
culvod by the undersigned until 0 o'clock p , in , ,
of Jun20th. 1WJ. Plans ami Hpeclflcatlons now
at otllco of J , E. & W. C. Wouver , Jda Grove ,
low a.
a. H.JoiiNHim , > Committee ,
S. E. Dn.ENimiJK. I
N. WILLIAMS , J J14d2tt
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Pitting and Best
Wearing Corset * Ever Made.
Mcumcr Clmln , Hum. Fonliru Moner , Lcttorn ut Ur Ut ,
iortf , ( luldo fSutt , Kma , CaUg ( kxlci , Ubtcl CoiU
, Kto. eita/urc/tVfUar .
BBS K * . Ciatk lit. . C1J10A.GO.
e11rAfnrniTl ! ESTABLISHED 1851 ( I8O
} chlocgo Ills. iCInrkOt.
Tlio Regular Old-Established-
li itl'.l ' Treating with ( ho Grwt it
Chronic , Norvons and PriFato Diseases , '
'alllrR Memory , ExhAUillne Dr ln , Terrlbla
} re.1m , Hand nnJ Bock Ache nnil all ilis cfTcctl
eitlina to early decuy > nd pcihjpi Consumption 01
nianity , titattd tknllfic llr by new nelhodi with
cver'Tauina nucctM.
flS-8YP > UL13 nd Mlbd Blood and SklnDla.
atemptrmtntntly cured.
7r-KIDNUYand URINARYcampWnti.Olcet.
Oonotrhoem , Strlctu re , V tlcocel anil nU dhtate *
fthc Qcnlto-Urlnaiy OrB ni tilted promptly wlthoul
ijury toStomtch , Kldnejri or o'Jier Oiltani , ,
/lir No experiment * . Ace and expirlcncft lm
ortant. ContuUatlon free anil BBcred ,
flJ-Stnd 4cenlt po l > K for CelebratedWoikl bo
: hronlc , Nervous snd Delicate Dlit t ,
S-Tho o cuntcmpUtlng Manlngc 'enJ for Dr.
Clorka's ctltbrttcd guide Mala and Female , each
J cent * , bolh at ccnti ( Utnt ) . Consult tbeolj
Joctor , AfriencllyItlter crcalfmBy veruwwMifww
nf and thMne , anil add golden yea to life , ajrllook
'Life's ( Secret ) Krron , " 5ocnWitamp ) . Mtdlclnl
nd willlngt > ent everywhere , tecure frum expoiute ,
Icurj.BloB. Sundjyig to l > . Addrol
F. D. CLARKE , W3. D. ,
IBO So. Clark Stu OtllCAQO *
O. . M. AST. 1'AUK T. nvo Arrlvo
3pot lUtU and Maray Hts Omaha. Omaha.
No. 2. , tn a m
0:00 p in
7H5 a
No.fl.UWION dux ) p
UWION 1'AOIKIO. l eave Arrivs
Depot loth and Mnrcy sti Omaha Omaha
Overland Flyer 8:15 : p m fl:45 : p m
'Paclllc ' Express 8:2 : a m T:3J : a m
'Denver ' Express. . 10:30 a m 2:4.1 : p m
Kansas City , Lincoln &
Heatrlco Express 4:45 : a m 11:05 : p m
Grand Island Express , , fi43 ; p m i-'tm p m
'Paplllton ' Passenger. , . . . 6M p in 7:30 : a1 a
Dally'Except Sunday.
PAU1TIU 1/eavo
Depot 16th & Wtbstorsts. Omaha.
it. Paul Express. 7-00 p m 8:40 a rt
Depot 15th & Webster sti , Omaha.
Day Bxpro ss. . 10no : a in 0:30 a m
Might Kxproes. 8SU : p m 0:05 p q
Depot l th & Marcysts. Omaha. Omaha.
No. fl St. 1 * Hxp. Dally. . 4:15 : p m 12:20 p
O. & N. W. 1UJI. Arrlvo
Depot 10th & Mnrcy sts. Oinr.ha. Omaha.
ihlcago Kxpress , Dally. . Uir : a m 7:0 ? p m
Fast Limited. Dully 2:4 : p m 1UZQ : a m
The Flynr. " Dally - 8:4.p : m 8:0 , ) ajft
' Arrlvo
Depot IJJt'h i Webster sts Omaha Oinatm
'Sioux City Kxpross . 1:00 p m lii p ra
Emerson Accoramodat'n t > :25 : a m 0:1 : > p m
Oakland Accommod'n. . fiiw : p m 8:30 n m
St , I'aul Llmltod . 8r : > 0 a m 7:00 p m
Florence Passenger. . . . 7:45 : a m a-M a ia
Klorf nco i'assenirer . fl:30 : p m 6:20 : p m
Florence Pnssongor . 10:35 : a m 0:30 : a in
Florence e . 6lo : p m 1:30 p m
"Dally llicopt Sunday.
'Sunday Only _
a. n. i. & r , Leave Arrlva-
Depot 10th and Marcy ts. Omaha. Omaha.
Dee Molues Accommod'n ti:4r : a m nfU ; p iq
Atlantic Express Dr : > a in 0:3) : p m
h'ost Vestibulodllzinoss. 4:15 p m 0:30 : a in
Sight Exprui 5:15 p m 0:00 : a n
t. , l x : vr , v , u. i ( . i LUA\O .A1UVO
Depot 15th * WobstorHts.l Umaha. Omana.
Hastlnss&illkllillsl'as H0) ; a m 3:4i : p m
tNorfnlkPa betiger . . . .I 6:15 p m 10:11 : a m
nUlU.lNUTON KOUTK. 1-cnvo Arrive
Dcpoc lUtli & Mason tits. Omuha. Omaha.
Chicago Vestlbulo Ex. . . . ! l:15 : p m HW : a m
Chicago Mall l:4 ) : a m 0:15 : p m
Chicago Local 0:43 : D m 7:45 a iS
Denver Vestibule Kx 1(1:0) ( : a m 3Xi ( p m
l lncoln & ConcordlA Lo'l HOJ : a m 0:00 p m
Colorado M ail 7:11 p in 0:35 : a m
Chicago Fast Mall H:3.p : m
Kansas City Kxpross. . 0:05 : a m 7:25 a m
Kansas City Hxpreaa. . . . . t > :3 > pm 0 : 5 p a\
Banning between Council muffs and Al
bright. In Addition tothoetutons mentioned ,
trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth ,
streets , and at the Summit In Umaha.
llroad.Trans - Omaha South Al-
way. fer. depot. Sheely. Omahcbright. .
A. M. A. M. A.M. A. M.
645 ; 6:51 0:00 :
0:10 : 017 ; 0:10 : am 0tvO :
0:40 : 6:47 7W : ( 7:07 7:20 :
7:3.5 7 : + - > , :65 :
7:45 : 7.52 8R5 : 8:12 825 ;
8 : ; 8:42 : BA5 :
8:46 : 8:52 : 0:05 : 0:12 0:25 :
0:35 : 0:42 : 0:65 :
0:45 : or.2 . 10a' > 10:12 10:25 :
10:4E : > 10 2 II : W 11:12 : 11:25
llV : > n : P.M. V.M. P.M.
P M P. M. 12:115 : 12112 12:3i :
12:45 : 12:52 1:05 1:1 1:25
1:45 : 1:62 2:05 2:12 : yiK
2'u& : 2:42 : 2:5 : !
2:45 : 2:62 : 3:03 : 8:12 8:2a :
3:50 : 3:51 4:10
3:45 : 4:05 : 4:12 : 42. "
4:60 : 4:67 : 6:10
6U5 : 6:12 : 6:25
6:46 : 0:05 : 6:12 : 0:25
:45 (1:52 : 7:05 : 7:12 7:35
7:46 : 7:52 : 8:12 : 8:25 :
845 ; 8:5. : U:12 : 0:25
0:46 O/i' 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:25 :
11:20 I
11:00 : 11:07 : Iv ar : 1:61 12:01 : 12:03 :
11:45) ) :
I-Pi 12:05
Leave. I Arrive.
H No. 3 6OJpmD No. 1 aliam
0 No. 0 65U ; um 0 No. 5 6:15 : pia
A No. 4 10:00 : am A No. U. . . , HWpm : ,
A No , 14 U:45iimlA No. JJ 7:1) um
No. 0 0:10 : am No. 7 . . .0:27 : am
No. 8 3:15 : pm No.a 7U5 am
No.4 . . .8ZJpm : No. 6 O'lD pm
All Trains Dally.
A No. 8 UsIOamlA No. 1 7:0f : ) an *
A No. 4 U:10pmA ] No. a B(6pnt
A No. a 9:25 : nmlA No , 3 " , ! * lftra
.A. No. 4 0MpraA ; | No. 1 0:33 : pm
A No. 10 7:05 umlA No. 0 8(55 ( am
A No.U 7OJiimA | No.ll UjOOpia
A Mo. 8.4:35pmA | No. 7..13W : n
A dally ; U dully uxcept Saturday ; Oeicepl
Bunday ; D except Monday ; 'fastiuall ,
Vlio lima ulv n above In for Trausfor , thera
belwjfroui UT to ten mlautt * bottrean Trau -
t aud local depoU.
\Vcll endowed , wrll r.ulprcd i > p rlnirnl of H
clitnlcijiinilOlvll Kinlu rln , Kl clrlrlf | , C'l. inli.
try mid Drivr ug. ] : ituiiilr BlHir in ) , uir t.rlM ,
roc Utulogue , addrcii Y. 0. NUWIJt C , Vr
wall , N. Y. Bead for circulars.