THE OMAHA DAILY BEE if SATUEDAY. JUNE 15 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , OPPIOI& ia PEART * BTIIEET. Cellvercdbr carrier In Any Part ot lie City n nunty Cents i'crWeek. II. W , T11.TON. . . . MANAQMH. HrFiKFFR OFFICE No. 43. NIOIIT KIHTOH , No. .3. MINOR MENTION. N. y.PlumbttiR Co. C. U. Music Co , G33. Heltcr , tailor , 310 Mroadwny. Evans' ' Inundry , 724 Urondvmy. D. W. Otis , city and farm loani. Unity Guild will hold an important meet ing tlili nftcrtioon at the residence ) ot Mrs. J. J. H. Jncksoti , South First direct. Died , tit 4 p. m. , yesterday , Frederick Cur tis , Infant son of Hlchnrd U. nnd Mlnnio L. Ucnnott. The funeral will tnko plneo from the residence , No. 211 L Harrison Btrcct , this morning , at 1U o'clock. Hurry Lenten , Eil Carroll and Torn Mur phy went Into Sarccnt ft Evans' shoo store- yesterday , and while two of them attracted the attention of a clerk the other stele n pnir of shoes. Tlio.v wora caught by ono of tlio Bpccinl police , nnd Judge Aylcsworth will dispose of tholr cases to-day. A special mcotlnp of the trustees of Fairview - view Ccmctcrv association was hold at the residence of Judge Cnsady. on Washington nvenuo. yesterday afternoon , for tlio purpose of considering matters connected with the beautiful bui-ylnp { { rounds. It was decided to build n now fciiL'o around the grounds nnd spend considerable money in improving and beautifying the nlucc. The remains of David E. Johnson , who died at Ute , la. , yesterday , "Red eighty-two , were brought In on ttiu Milwaukee train yes- tcrdny , for Interment In Falrviow cemetery. The casket wni taken in uhnixo by Hursiimn & Slovens , undertakers , and taken to the residence of Henry Manning , corner Four teenth street and avenua O , whcro funeral services were conducted by Dr. Uooloy. The funeral of Nols Nelson , who was killed uoon the railroad track , will take place from Field & Estep's undertaking establish ment this afternoon at ! o'clock. All the news hoys nnd boot-blacks of this city , will ho served breakfast this morning , at II o'clock , In tlia Mcrrinm block , by the ladles of the W. C. A. They wish to see all the llttlo follows present. All ICnlqhts of Pythias and Pythian sif ters are requested to bring tholr offer ings for Memorial day. to the hall this evenIng - Ing , between 7 and U o'clock. ' Notes and mortgages bought and sold , money loaned ; fire insurance. Robert V. In nes , 80 Pearl st. Ueisler'B Oyster Bay chop house nnd rcstaurantday and night , COS Broadway. Have our wngon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other articles of value , without removal. All business fatrictly confi dential. Buy furniture , stoves and carpets at Man- dul's 823-325 . , - Uroadwny. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorabledealing. . A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor , Broadway and Main , over American express. No Explosion ? "When persons keep coal and use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and bakcovon. Coats 7 cents per hour whan running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. finmlua icl anil Robbcil. J. VV. Burns , a printer from Omahn , who . has been engaged in Council Bluffs for several weeks past , canvassing for the World and Republican , was sandbagged nnd robbed in thp yard of his boarding house , 723 Mynstor street , at 1 o'clock yesterday morn- Inpr. Burns had been to Omaha settling up with the Republican and hud been paid his wages , $25. Ho returned on the 13:30 : motor train and reached his boarding place. Ho stepped into an outhouse before retiring , nnd when ho came out was struck by a sand bag In the hands of n thug and knocked senseless. Ho was afterwards garroted with u towel , and when found a few hours after , was still unconscious nnd nearly dead. The towel was tied so tightly around his neck thai dangerous strangulation had been pro duced nnd doatn w'ould have resulted m a slioit time If ho had not been discovered und relieved. Ho was sadly battered and bruised and was suffering severely yesterday after noon. Ills inoiioy u'ib : taken. Ho can.give no description of his assailants. Try now Metropolitan rooms and table Have your old furniture upholstered' good as now. K. Morgan , 702 Broad way. Woolsoy & Long paper rooms neat , quick , cheap. 31 Main , tel 03. Bed ino rooflnir will last lonccr and give hotter satisfaction than any roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , and makes a perfectly solid Joint on the entire roof , Uirkinblno Engineering and Supply company , 11D Pearl street , Council Bluffs , la. * Dr. C. C. Bazon , dentist , Opera house block. Dangler vapor stoves at cost change location. Shugtirt & Co.,211 Broadway. If you want a tasty and convenient fence or railing about your residence .or lawn , use C. J. Bookman's patent "locking bracket , us any panel can bo readily taken out and firmly replaced. Addrcbs C. J. Boukman , 7-3 Seventh avcnuo. Finest Ice Cream in city. Drieabach'a double parlors , 1)5 ) Main st. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cull's and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. S. B. Wndsworth fc Co. loan money. The Now Ogilon is catching traveling men at $1 ! per day. Ills Ij-iat Sloop. Tim Bun briefly announced .vostorday morning trio killing of nn unknown man on the Wnbash ciosslng at Fouitcnnth street. Tlio fact was reported to the nuthorltioj at a o'clock , and n low hours later Coroner 'Watiurmnu had the body In charge and was Investigating tlio cane. Wnbush switcli on cine No. 1020 started nt the hour named to back a freight train of sixteen cars down the track to the transfer yards. When Hearing the crossing referred to the brakeman on the front und of the train noticed something on the track. Ho signaled with his lantern to Mop , out tlio train was going with such mo mentum that the entire sixteen cars passed the crossing before the stop was madii. In- restitution then showed , the remains of a man horribly uintllatoU , scattered along the track. The hood was sovorort and the limbs shockingly mangled. At the coroner's Inquest - ' quest the shapeless mans wns tdcrititlod as tlio body of Ncla Nelson , u Uwodo , a oil forty-two , who boon employed us a nwltuhman a < id tr.iclt walker by the Chicago ft Itock Ihhmd railroad , Rvldcnuo waa elicited to nliow that Kelson had bccumo In toxicated nnil had laid down nn the truck to fclcrp. Tincoroner's ' Inquest exonerated ttio trainmen from all ijlasio. 'I ho body was .l.tki n to Field & Estop's undertaking rooms und picparcd for burial. The rmlnuJ comp.uiy for which ho worked owed lilu n little civur : v month's wnrrm , enough to pay tlio expenses , ami ho \vili bo interred today. Ho had no rela tives in tills country , Call on the Blrkinhlno Ungineorlng nd .Supply company , 115 Potirl street , Council lIlnlTa , la. , und oxamlno the ftodipo roollng. It will pay you ; sam pled BO nt. on tippllcatlou. FAREWELL TO THE FIREMEN Tbo Closing Features of the State Tournament. LICENSED TO CATCH SUCKERS. The City Authorities Permit All Sorts of HolibliiK Giimos Kllo ! < i by Cnrs * A I'Moixtoi n 1'Hntor. Ijnst Day of Uio Tournament. The fourth mid last dny ot the tournnmont was nil that the most critical or fastidious could desire , BO far as the weather was con- corned. The attendance nt Union park , al though not unite equal to that of the two preceding days , w.ts still very largo , con- nlderably exceeding dvo thousand people. Comparatively few of the visitors had loft for homo on the Thursday evening trains , as nil found the races ot sulUclont Interest to Induce them to stuy to the close. The rucos nt the pirk commenced about 10 o'clocit in the forenoon. The llrst race on the day's ' programme was the hose race , 47 class. There were seven starters , and they ran in the following order : J. M. Hairs , efFort Fort Dodge ; Donnlson * , of Mason City , Avocns , of Avoca ; Hurdlngs , of Harlnn ; Elsumnns of Council HlufTs ; Hopes , of Mar- slmltoivn ; Mannings , of Manning. The flrst four ran during the forenoon , nnd ' .ho otlior tliroo finished before the free-for-all wns called In the afternoon. The result of each run was ns follows ; Tlio Hnlra made the run In ! 19 , nnd the coupling In 47. The Donnlsons inndo the run In ! W , and coupled In 40. Avoca and Harlun both failed to-got time , ns their couplings were Incomplete. The Uisoimtns mtvlo the run In : i3 , and the coupling In 45. This wns the best time over made by this team. The Hopes made the run ln,40 , and made tholr coupling In 4S } { . It only lucked n quarter of 5 o'clock when the bell tapped nt the start of the Manning team. This wns the last run of the 47 class. The run was nmdo In 31 % nnd the coupling In 40. This gave the rnco to the Etsatnans , In 45 ; Hopes second. In 45J.nnd the Donni- sona and Mannings tied , tor third place , In 40. They agreed to divide the purse and took * 2 > each. Two 100 yard foot races were run during the forenoon. The first was between Thorn- ish , of Lansing , Mich. , and Ross , of Wnhoo , Noo. It was won by Ross In 9 3-5. It was nn interesting exhibition , being not only very fait , but very closelv contested. Ross won by nbout two Inches. The track wns about twenty-four feet short. The other sprinting rneo was between Lozler , of Council 131 lifts , nnd Elliott , of Au- dubon. It was nn uninteresting hippodrome , Lozier winning easily In 10 seconds. These races completed tlio programme for the fore noon. It was nearly 3 o'clock when the racing was resumed in the nftern < 5on. After the unfinished 47 class had been run off , the free- for-all hook and ladder race was called. TLoro were two prizes offered , ? 2H ( ) to flrst , and $100 to second. There were three en tries -tho Stunit Hook nnd Ladder com pany , of Stuart ; Audubon Hook and Ladder company , of Audubon , nnd Otocs , of Ne braska City. The latter did not have their truck with them , and the others ungra ciously refused to let tuom have the use of their apparatus. The judges decided to lot them run through , which ttiey did in 45J The Stuarts made the run and climb in 47 , nnd Audubou inV53 , giving llrst money to Stuart. The P. Lacv juvenile hose team then gave an exhibition run of 123 yards. The kids gave a very pretty exhibition and were loudly nDolnuded. A horse hose race was next given. There was but ono entry , tbo No. 1 hose of the Council Bluffs lira department. Chief Walters started with his buggy at the same time. The rnco was from a standing start , ' run 200 yards , attach to hydrant , Iny 100 yards hose , break coupling and nttach pipe , 'iho race was n lively one. The chief's ' borso made the run in 23J , nnd the hose tc.un in HS f. The coupling was completed In just one minute. The last race of the day and of the tourna ment wns the grand free-for-all hose race , for which there were seven entries. They started in the following order : Alvords , of Eldora ; Wliitncys , of Atlantic ; Rescues , of Council lilufts ; Dennisons , of Mason City : Kramers , of Kearney ; Hopes , of Marsunlltown , and Chapins. of Union. The Alvords made a line run in D8. but their coupling fell wrong side up and they used up 40 seconds before 'their wo.-k was com'plcted. The Whltnoys made a llttloslower run , being caught in 80 , but they inndo a handy coupling and got a murk of 45) . The interest of Council Bluffs centered in the next rnco. The Rescues took their posi tion nt 0:15 : , nnd speedily ruled off the live liest run of the tournament. They finished with a handsome spurt in 37 , but the same difficulty that the Alvords experienced fell to the lot of the Rescues. The coupling fell upside down , und ten full seconds were con sumed before Betz finally made his coupling. The time , ns flnullv announced from the judges' stand , was 47 , nnd a weary lot of Uluflltes snld good-byo to several hundred good , hard simoleons , which went to enrich the pockets of visiting sports. It was the last chnuco the Rescues had to do the beauti ful , and they wore beautifully left. Much of the blame , if it can bo rightly characterized ns such , was duo to the ovor-oxertion of Botz. Instead of running ahead , ho insisted on working the br.iko himself , and In this manner overran the coupling several feet. It was a sad disappointment , nnd the back ers of the team concealed tholr chagrin ns best they could. The Kramers , the chamnion hoao team of the world , nmdo a run In 40 nnd coupled in 45. Their harness broke- just before they reached the outcome and lost thorn a second or two. Mott , their coupler , did a handsome piece of work. The Hopes Snado a run in 37tf } , and with a neat and lively couuling got n mark of 42X- It was the liveliest race they had run. The Chapins , the stnto champions , made a run of U0 > i nnd coupled In 40 } , winning the first money , $25'J ; Donnlsons , second ? 1GO ; Kramers third , S100. That was the closing c6ntcstof the eleventh annual tournament of the State Firemen's association of low.i. The J. M , Thurstnns , of Omnha , entered for the free-for-all , but were barred. It was claimed that it was not a regularly organ- Ucd hose team , uml that it was comnosod nlmost wholly of professionals , which nlono ronstltutcid n bar , A slight kick on this ground was made against the Kramers , hut it was encouraged nnd no protest was made. + M. Wollmiin , jeweler , moved tofiSS B'y. Bochtolo hptoicentral locationflrntclas Fli-pl Kli-el l 'ircs ! Firemen nnd visitors got special prices at Mntulnl's furniture store , Noo. Ilil'S Broad way. . Stranger. Council Bluffs' IB the best city in tie ) union for snfo InvobUnonts. Consult Rliodnbock & Peterson , S0 ? N. Mitiu st. , for rare bargains. m Fireworks at Manhattan Beach , Lake Manawu , every ovculna. City fctcnm laundry , 84-Mnln , to ) . HI. Huloldo or niurtlor. Field & Estop , Council DlulTs undertakers , received n telephone mosaago from Drexel ft Maul , Omnha undertakers , yesterday , on notmelng the dlscovnry of the body of a innn Ij Ing In the river ou the low.i sUIo , about four miles nouth ol the city. County Coroner - \v'ettcnnun was notified , and with nn un- dorlnlror's wagon ctr.rt d after the corpse. The tUrt was made nt 10 o'clocit yesterday forenoon , but It was nearly 8 o'clock In the evening inforo the party returned , utter making u trip of twcnty.flvo miles and a long Butrtti through the willows. There was no per f-n to direct tUo coroner ami his party to the locality , nnd tl-o b.iay was dlacoverctt after a weary ecnrrh totup ! \ on a land Iftr , ulgh ; ailles below thn city. U was In na ad- vunctd &UKO of deuaiui-oaltlon nnd covered with Bwarras of Hies. TUo blucUtned mid dist.irtcrt foaturci wor these of a rann ap parently tlilrly-Uvo yearn old. The imir hfcd ull lulleu from the ; ! ; , and tbo ' " ciothmft was faded and discolored by the sun nnd the Missouri river wind. The body had been lying on the sand bar for the past flvo days and had boon In the water , apparently , for thrco weeks. The only evi dence the coroner could obtain beyond that offered by the mass of putrifylng flesh Itself was that given by n man who found the body In the rlvor a week ago while goltjg down In n skiff , and who pulled It to the sandbar nnd tied it to the willows , nnd who came bacit throe days after nnd found It still laying there. Two days later ho reported the fact to the Omaha authorities. In the pants pockets wore found a revolver nnd SO cents In money , and In ono of the coat pockets n letter written on the business letter - tor head ot Forbes Bros. , importers o > t Clydes dale horses , Jefferson , la. The letter was dated Jefferson , March 2 , nnd preferred the charge of drunkenness against . C. SturJa- vant , n member of Greene lodge , No. 315 , I. O. O. F. , of Jefferson. It was signed by the secretary , C. M. Forbes. In another pocket , in a mass of papers the water had re duced to a pulp , wore two receipts printed on llnnn paper , qlvon by the South western Iowa Mutual Benefit association , both dated Jef ferson , March 0 , ono to Mary M. Sturdavant for J3.03 dues and the other to W. C. Sturda vant for S'J.Stl for dues to the satno associa tion. The receipts wore- numbered 0,03'J nnd 2.090. respectively , nnd both slcncd "H. C. Sayor , per S. Flack , secretary. " There is but llttlo doubt that the body Is that ofV. . C. Sturdavant. a well known character of Jefferson , who left that town a month ago to come to Council Bluffs , whore all truce of him was lost. It Is believed that he c.iino hero with a considerable sum of money to purchase horses , nnd If this can bo proven there are grounds for believing ho was robbed nnd murdered nnd the body thrown hub the river. Or It may bo possi ble ho took his own life. It is reported that ho has wealthy relatives living near Yank- ton. Dak. Tlio body was taken to Falrvlew cemetery last evening und burled. Free Vnv All Thieves. Ono olUio most remarkable features of the tournament is the vast number of crooks , thugs and gamblers of high nnd low degree who huvo attended from the first day. Another equally rcmarkablo thing Is the boldness nnd Indeeoncy they have boon per mitted to use In runntnc their names. There Is not a skin game that has ever been dovlscd that h'as not boon operated with as much boldness ns the starter or the ticket sellers use In dischaiging their duties. The bold ness of the transactions has been the chief cause of complaint , for It has been thu means of catching hundreds \vho are ordinarily wary to protect themselves , but were dis armed by the buslness-llko way ttio games were conducted and tnc prominence given them by the management. Tim sharlcs could show some sort of u license from the city and the police could not or would not arrest them , although the meanest , robberies were committed right in tlio dazzle of thu official stars. Yesterday morning an effort was made by Judge Bolton to get the thieves within the pale of the law. Charles Scibcrt , nn Omaha man , imagined ho was shrewd enough to beat the follows nt their own game , and nut up ? ( ir . The wheel turned nnd ho won , but the fellow grabbed the money and refused to give it up. Soibert endeavored to have him arrested but fulled , and was hustled away by the gang of cappers. Ho applied to Judge Bolton. as an attorney , for assistance , and with the Intention of pointing out the follow to the judge for Indcntlllcatlon , re turned to the vicinity of the greedy wheel. Thov were immediately surrounded by a gang of the toughs and pushed , kicked and cuffed. This was more than Judge Bolton's democratic southernblood could endure , and a lively tlmo ensued for n few moments. The judge's friends rescued him and brought him up town. Ho wont into Justice Bur nett's court und swore to an information charging a largo number of unknowns with assault and battery. Warrants wore Issued and a corps of constables disuatchcd to the grounds to servo them , but every ono of the skin games was in the hands of now man. After patroling the grounds for sev eral hours the officers wore unable to find the judge's assailants , and returned the writs at 2 o'clock unserved. The management of the tournament are pretty freely criticized for the license given the sharks to rob tholr patrons. It has been even intimated that some of the gentlemen interested in the management were on very intimate terms with the thlovcs themselves. It is reported that ouo victim lost S203 , and wont to ono of the gentlemen high up in authority and made a lively remonstrance. Ho proved to bo a personal friend of the gentleman , and the matter was quickly set tled by the gambler returning the money to his victim. The little act from the Damon and Pythias drama was a very pleasant epi sode , nnd worthy of a good deal of com mendation , but. it affords very little consola tion for the other victims of the thiovcs who were not fortunate enough to have some personal friend in the management. "I have boon at hundreds of ovor.v kind of public gatherings from Maine to Texas , " said a business man to a BBE reporter , last night , "but I never saw so much and such moan and hold thievery ns I saw at the driving park yesterday. There were thou sands of dollars stolen from the people , and the thlovcs protected by the mayor's ' little license. I have not heard n man talk of any thing else for the past twenty-four hours than the mayor's licensing of the tniuvcs to rob the cuests the city had invited und was entertaining so royally. It's n shame nnd disgrace to Council Bluffs , and It's being talked of in every town within 300 miles or us. It certainly will give us a bad reputa tion. Then there wore nt least fifty beer booths fctarted in various parts of the city , with some sort of un understanding with the city that , they wore to bo permitted to run during the tournament. They started up so suddenly nnd in such unexpected places that I am confident that not ono-h.ilf of them had even u government license. Thcso features of the tournament wore a sad disgrace to the city , nnd thu people who are not responsible for it are heartily ashamed of it. " The Cluititniiqua. The Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautau- qua assembly have been careful not to advertise attractions which they can not present. Each person nnd organization has reported within the past few days to the effect that they will positively bo on hand. Get a programme from Joplln ia Co. , iiOS North Sixteenth stroot. Round trip tickets from Omaha , including addmisslon to the grounds , only 75 cents. A tent and lot to pitch It on can bo rented for the seventeen davs for 85. Season ligko'.s § 3. No ono can mulce money out of the Cliau- tauqua , as the stock is non-dividend bearing , so wo ask favors of ull who will help on the work , J. E. IlAUKNrs'J , Manager. J , D. KlIMUNDSO.'J. K. li. FlItTflAIlT , Pros. Vice 1'res. CIIAS. K. HANNON. Cashlar. . , CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or cou.vcir. iiMirrH. 1'ntil Up Capital , $150.000.00. Surplus Uj.000.03. I.lHbllltlos to Depositors. . . ' 'Si.OOO.OO. numerous 1. A. Miller. I'.O. Olea&on , E. It. Bhng.irt , I * . K , Hart , J. 1) . Kdnutiulson. Chns. It. lliinnon. Transact acnoral bunking business. Lnr est capital ami Hiirplun of any bank In southwestern lowii. Interest on tlmo deposits , NowLookout Moths"Desmestes CKYST AI , A. It consists ( if snow \vliltn Hakes. A produc tion from Coal Tar. I'KKFHOITA' IIAUM- 1.1CSS. Kri'o from oil. acid or any mibstunco that would harm the most delicate fabric or feather. It uvuporatou ivltnmit leaving any rcslduu. It kills moths whllo camphor merely drl vto them a way , F. JT. BKAzni : , Bolo Agent , Council DlntTa. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro- tectors Etc , , , At'cnts wanted. C. IS. JUDD , Council Ulufr ; in , FIRE7SALE 7 ° ? ; r DRY GOODS At GfegVlS Main Si Commencing to-ilayJnno , 13 , wo will offcrn big stock of Dry ( Iood nta , great nacrlilco. The goods \\cro bought of the Insurance companies In Chicago nt " > cvntitjntJio dollar , and aio but slightly ( liimngi'd. XnqKnt these prices : UUJ yards ot Chnlllcfi.nt ; tic per yard , i'ou can hardljr notice the damage. 1'rcnch Uliigtmms at U c per yard. I.onsdnlo Muslin , flc. 0) yards of l.lnen Toweling at 8Vo nor yard. J.lnun Towel ? , InrsuHlzo , damaged , nt tc. Jr > i pairs 811k MUts at 76o a dozen. l.iullos' and Cnthlron's Handkerchiefs,2 for Ic J'lns. ] ! papers for Ic. Ladies Oniizo Ve.sts at 80 each. Spool Cotton at i'c. lllckrack llrald. ' 'c. 'M pieces Ilnost i-atccn , just damp , nt 0c ! per yard. yard.MASONIC. . Insure In the U. S. Masonic llcnovolcnt Association of Council liliiffx , la. , the jiuiiresl ( , largest , cheapest nntl best plan of Miisotilc Insurance in the world , thnl tontines its membership to Its fraternity. CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. W. L. IMTTOX , Prop. Elcgnnt Rigs at Reasonable Rates. Nos. 19 nnd Jl ! , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. C PT7HAYS'TIVERY. ! : { < ) ICUOIDWAY. Centrally located ll\ cry and boardinc stable Host accommodations In the city. Special nt- tuition to transient cuxtom. AV. A. HAYS , Prop. Telephone Stable , 77. lies. 82O. No. 27 Main Street , Over Jac < | ticniiii' .IcwclryStore The Most Modern Novolltls In D.H.McQANELQ & CO , , Hides , TallowPells , , Wool & Furs , Highest m nrkct prices. 1'rompt returns. Nos i.Uimd KXi Main st. , Council Uluirn. Iowa FOH SAIK-ThipiTmicn ] cow8. will t , In Rradlug or lllllug. Apply to Leonard Everett. ' A NTKU Middle-aged wonuin as housekeeper - keeper In small family. Glvo referoncus. Address J. A. lloberts , Vvcodblne. la. T OST Near Ilnylls pnrk , n gold breast pin' JL/with topaz set. Kinder will bo rewarded by addressing ll.G. Owens , Silver City. la. J71OH HUNT On the Istof .lulv next the room J-1 on 1'cnrl st , 20x70. now occupied by the pub lic library. Hornco Everett. /10WS for sale Will take pay In grading nnd \J llllln ? at $1 per day lor min and tem , or will take pay In painting. Horace Everett. W A1NTED 500 pieces OK .second-hand carpot. also all good socond-nand fnrnlture. A. J. Mutidel , Kos. ; ! } and JEJ Uroadwuy. EXCHANGE Several good farms to exchange change for Council Illuiru Iot3. Johnston & Van Fatten , Everett block. FOR BALK No. 500 Graham nvenno. Lot fiuxl.U New house. Will take team or c.ittlo In part payment ; balance on ten years' time , annual payments , s per cent payable annually. Apply to Horace Kverett. T\VO-Stury business house for rent , No. M ) Dronilwar , opposite Ocden house. Knmilre at 23 Frank st. A.VooJ. \ . AllAUE clinuco for a splendid Investment , loqulrlug energy rather than large capital. A fortune for the rlurht miin. Half Interest In the finest prnctlcm patent ever issued. Ad dress E\van & Walker , 4 1'carl street , Council llluirs. rpKANSTEH JfNK Oulck delivery between JL Omnna und Council llluirs. Household goods and freight moved S'ifolv and promptly. I.eavo orders nt Oiiuilui otllce , iiOi So. 11th st. ; Council HlilllBT WJIam. jl. lleecrott. t ) rinnsplondld mounlod .specimens rnre"iIFdl A.V/UL/anil animals from every cllmo. Must bo sold nr. onco. Single or In cases. ! ' . .1. Ilntzee , llrst claiii taxidermist. Council lluiirs. EUAFj KSTATlJ lloiiKht und sold eo chanced. Snofl U attention irlvi-n to exam ination ot titles. W. C.-James , No. 10 Pearl St. , Council llluirB. FOIt SAL12 7 room cottao , corner Tnird avenue and nth , st. Easy terms. W. C. James , 101'curt st. POU HUNT Easy terms two new five-room nouiei , itith uvo. between Hljjn and Third sts. Sell chunp if taken tins week. Inquire owner. J. Dickey , 74 ! ) 11. Wuy. T71OH 8ALK Old established general mer- -I ? chandlho business , stock , natures , wagons , etc. Good room and low rent , Address , J. Dlckpy , 713H. Way FOR HHNT Furnlsn runfurnished largo ten-room house , bath room , tas , furnace , etc. . at ( II i WiHow ttvo. I'liriulro at promlsos.or O. H. Btlllman. llrown block. I7UIK3H milk cows for sale or trade for fat JL'cows. Snan'shtock yards , Upper liroad- way. Frank Swan. FOK KENT Largo double olllco ever Frank Levin's cigar store , UJHro adway. Inquire of Frank Levin. "JTHJIl "HUNT THe now 7-room houses on X1 Third avenue , between Ninth and Tenth streets. Inquire at 3J- corner Third avenue and Ninth street. EISEMAN'S WELCOME Firemen and strangers visiting the city during the Tournament and all this week , are welcome to make themselves at home at Henry Eiseman & Go's We. expect thousands of visitors ami have prepared for them by em ploying an extra force of help. We will make everything pleasant and comfortable for you. Strangers are welcome to leave packages in our care during their stay in the city. Don't fail to call at our establishment. We will show you The Largest Finest and Best Stock of merchandise ever shown in this western country. You can save your expenses while in the city by purchasing you summer goods at Eisemnn's P 1 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , llclow we give names of n few of tlio many Patrons of tlio Insurance Co. In Council DlniTs and vicinity. The character of the patrons named , and tlie amount en trusted by each to the protection of the com- any , indicates the conlUlencu onjojeil by It at K omo where its manner of doing business is best knoun , C. I ) . Dlllln 8 40.000 Lunoy Bros. & Co 37,000 Chitrles HaiiRhn 50,000 II. I' . Morrow ID.OJO John llennett I'.TW ' ) William O'llalleran P..OJ Charles Shields 7,700 N. W. Nash 7r : > 0 I. A. Mllle * 0.000 ( Jeorgo A. Fry fl.tXW Henry Elseman &Co 6,00.1 Shugart.Walt * Wies ' . ' , 10 E. L. Shugart.- 45,000 Jtomnn Catholic Church. 40,0'JJ Iloman Catholic Church , Westphalia. . . . 4P.OOO Carroll County Court House SI.UIO Abbott & Cooper 21.000 St. Francis AcaUcmv ! , OC0 ! Craver , Steeld & Austin 20.0X ) T. M. C. Logan ll.ixo Deere. Wells & Co 10,200 tieorue M. Williams O.tOO S.D.Kohles H.C01 O. H. Carnocter 0,700 .Masonic Temple 0.003 Jlctcalf Ilros 0,000 C. A. lleeLo . .V Co 5,000 S.S. Keller 3,600 NOTICE When our policy exceeds fcJ5.000.oo on property subject to destruction by u single lire , the excess Is re-insured in other companies. 'TWANT.THE ' EARTH ! OH , NO ! But wo do want the people of Western Iowa to know that the GREAT BARGAIN SHOE STORE NO. 1OO MAIN bT. , Cor. First Avenue , carry the larpcst stock of BOOTS nnd SHOES in this city. That wo always load in popular prices. That persons wanting 1'oliabla poods can save money by trading with us. S. A. PIERCE. STOP ! READ THIS ! A new Clotliiup ; Store has been opened in * Council mulls. No old stoclc or old stjrlM. Everything stilctly llrst ctKss. Come und bo convinced , 1' lively one price and cash , CHICAGO GLOTHiNG HOUSE , 7HO WKST IJUOADWA V. ESHELMAN. _ THOS. omcKiu w. nr.M. I'UJE OFFICES & PliSEY , Corner Main and Uroadway , COUNCIL IlLiUFF'S , IOWA. Dealers in foreign tnil rtomo&tlo exchange. Collections made and interest paid ou time de posits. & CIMIHANI Are thoroughly prepared to take care ot horses and carriages of all visitors to the lake. Plenty of sheds and stalK and animals and carriages will bo safely cared for. Charges reasonable. Accommodating hostlers on hand night and day. When you drive to the Lafco , don't forgot < AD DAD/ ' THE QUAKER A. A. IIAKT , Prop. Honest Watches. Clocks , Jewelry and 811 vo r waio. All cli'anluir anil lopalrhiij under po r Konal supervision of the propilotor. Stationer y Toilet articles and I'orf iiinery. J''luo Wutcho H Time Locks and Chronometers n Kpeclully. 110 UA IN bT. . Council llluirs. IBRO'SCHiNASTORE ti&iffitt ; tEtfiyasfiS s&g ! & .Htt"i * Mnif1V'n.imft ' , - 'ftt , W/J > * A ow/i Dressin , OLD SCAM LAN , FasiiiotisJ . - -Tel.LOI. English Kitchen Hcmovcd to G-ROCERIET 105 ardi&Curnce Bros.Brans Muln St. a ed&oods. 34 Pine PinoOf.ndloj , Fresh Mndo E oryDay. Dompooy 2 Dutlor , . ; CASCADE LAUNDRY GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BR.OADWAY. . TELEPHONE NO. 260 AT THE Special Sale of Embroideries. Special Sale of Embroi clerecl The finest line of Flounclngs in the city. The prices g unranteed the lowest. Examine bargains marked BOc , 60c. 89c , $1.OO , $1.28 nd $1.0O. Special Sale of White Goods. Examine bargains marked 8c , 0 l-4c , 8c , lOc , 121-2c , I8c , 18 22c and 20c. Special Sale of Examine bargains marked 8c , lOc , 12 l-2e , 2Oc and 20c a y ard. Also bargains in Tourist Ruching , 12 l-2c , IBc and 2Oc a box. Special Sale of Children's Lace Caps. Examine lots marked 12 I-2c , 2Bc , 38c , 37 l-2c , BOc and 7Bc. Special Sale of Ladies' Collars. Examine lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 28c. Another case of the Celebrated Fast Back Hose , lOc a pair ; ever pair warranted or money refunded. One case of the finest White Bed Spreads this city over saw for the money. Full size and extra weight. The price is only $1.OO ; worth $1.37. Strive to come early and receive a portion of the bargains. Leaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Joy/a. N. B. Mall orders promptly ntttended to. SIZES FROM Especially Adapted ( OP 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators f pcclflcatluni ) mil furnHlir.l for corapleui ulenm plant' . lleiriilntlon , Durability inmnuUieU. Ciin mioir ktiori from uier * whuro fuel cuouuaiy ! > ccjiml with Corll Nuii-coiiilinslri ) ; . E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Sontl for No. CIO Pourl Strcot , Couiioil ClulTs. A. . Ill HBilAN. IJ.tSTUVKN.S HBilAN.HERSMAN & STEVENS , ( ilutreBBorfl to Jlort-aii , KulK-r & Co. ) \ ' G1VI3.V ' ! ' I\VK OAHItY A I'UJJ , MNi : OI' ( WOOD : CLOTH : AND : METALIC : CASES. - JOI'EN AT A 1,1 , JIOUltB Of DAY AND NJOHT. ( - TELiEPHO.NK ! J 0. Ull U { On.VV , OOU.NClIj DMJKJ'H. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HPI PI/I M PI M C Hydraulic mid Sanitary Enpincor. Plang , Kbtlnmtoa i DiniXlnDlllE. SpeoinctUlons. Supervision of Tubllo Work. Uvovta BulKlinjf , Council JJlulfs , lowu , NCP U I I P"7 JuBlIco of tUo Poaco. Onico ever American Exiirosa. No. 41 1 dU n U n < L Croadway , Council UliilTBLIowit. _ Ri QJIV/IQ / Attornoj'B-at-Lt\\v. PiTClIco In the State und Fed * Ot OlIVIv ) oral Court ? . KOOUIB 7 ar.d 8 Shu nrt-Hono Uloclc , Council Hluffs , Iowa , ftFn H QTII I M A I\J Atwrnoy-ut-L-vW , KoonH , Sncoml floor , Jlrown ULU Hi O , I ILLIVrilBlouk ( , ll/i / Puurl iit , Council HlnlfN. la. Will praptlco in Stftto and KoJorul OpurlH. ' _ DBS. BELLINGER & BELLTNGER--SEft'l'