Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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How Eighty Sacks of Oomonfc Were
"Saved1' ' in a Day.
\Vlion tlio Inspector Buck AVns
Turned Tlioy "Ch-.ickoil" In Snntl
IlCRonoy Talk Teachers'
Instil tun ! ) , Iiitc.
LINCOLN Btmr.AU urTitn O vrt * . Bsa , 1
1029 P STIIBRT , }
LINCOLN , Juno It. I
The investigation committee mot 'at 2
o'clock this afternoon , Messrs , Hamilton ,
Pace , McLnuahlin , Bushnoll nnd Dean were
present. Attorney Courtnay represented
the cpmmlttco.
Henry M. Allen testified In regard to con-
Btructfon of storm water sewers ,
"I worked on nil storm water sewers ;
worked mixing mortar ; worked all the
time. "
"State where the sand for mortar cotno
. from. "
' 'In the First district from Cedar creek ;
Second district sand from Pomoroy Coal
company , nnd from Young's. The rest catno
from the ditch at Eighth nn < 1 K street. For
the Third district the sand came from l an-
hum nnd the ditch. "
"How was the sand nnd cement mixed ! "
' 'When the Inspector was looking it was
mixed ns called for , two to ono of sand.
"When ho was looking It was mixed ton to
ono of sand. I was Instructed to watch the
inspector , nnd when his back was turned to
use as little cement ns possible. I have
einco figured It up , and I think wo saved the
contractors ten or flttoon sacks of cement n
day. I worked on the third district , or part
of it. "
"How were the bricks that were used In
the sewers ! "
"Just about medium. "
"What kind ot brick were used In the
catch basin ? "
"When the Inspector was not looking , wo
were instructed to use bats. "
"How about the catch basin at McFar-
land's ? "
"It was built almost entirely of bats. "
"How much cmnont was used ? "
"If the inspector was not looking , not over
a half bucketful. "
"Would they lay them up loose ! "
"Yes , until they saw the inspector , then
thny would cement. "
"Did you have anv trouble with Miller or
Lucas about the work and your discharge i"
"No , air. "
"And you nro not testifying because of
personal matters ? "
"Not ot nil. "
"How did you do the mixing ! "
"Whenever the inspector was away from
our gang wo would pllo In the sand ; when
ho was with us tha other gangs would work
it the same way. These were our orders. I
think all of us saved the contractors about
, eighty sacks a day. I think wo saved about
one-third of the cement. "
"Tho contractors , they said sand was the
cheapest , und to use it when wo could. "
"What wages did you got a day ! "
, "Two dollars. "
"Why were you laid off from the work ! "
"They reduced the force , nnd I suppose
that was the reason. "
"All the work in the cement nnd using bats
Was n system to beat the city , was it ! "
"It looked that way to mo. "
"Did you'think 'It ' right ! "
"No , I did not ; but I did as my employers
told mo. "
Tlrrd Itoeonts.
Aspirants for the regency of the stnto uni
versity will have n free field lor the repub
lican nominations next fall. Regents Malta-
lieu and Hull , who have boon attending a
board meeting in Lincoln this week , declare
themselves out of tha race fur ronomlnatlon.
They have had enough , und say they will not
accent n ronomlnntion. There is nothing in
the position but honor and bare expenses.
The board has twp regular and generally two
special meetings each year. Regent Malla-
lieu says these meetings consume the tiuio
which ho would otherwise use as a vacation ,
find ho has not been nblo to revisit his
eastern homo for several years. The ulumni
of the university nro likely to take n hand
in thu contest for the republican nominations
this year. Individual graduates urged
McAllister , of Columbus , two nnd four
years ago , .but thoio was no organized
effort among the graduates as a
body. At the mooting of the alumni as
sociation this week the matter was cau-
cusscil , nnd it is understood the graduates
determined on an organized campaign to
boost two of thalr'number into the republican
The regents have authorized Prof. Bcssey ,
the acting chancellor , to engage n $ .3.000 man
in tha place of Dr. Billings , in the agricul
tural experiment station. The doctor's sal
ary was $3,500. Billings will leave , next
'Wednesday , for Newport , R. I. , to make an
address before the American Medical soci
ety. Ho tins shipped ills goods to Milwaukee ,
where ho expects to have a laboratory ,
backed by private capital , to continue his
experiments. Ho speaks confidently of n
strong company to carry out his schema foe
insuring hogs against cholera. Ho feelssoro
because the regents have forgotten to pass
resolutions complimentary to htm on the eve
of his departure. It transpires that the doc
tor and Prof. Bossoy have had a tiff over
Billing's latest "bulletin , " now iu press.
The acting chancellor took the liberty to expurgate -
purgato the work.
Tlio "Wesleynn Commencement.
The W-Csloynn University will hold Its first
commencement , commencing next Sunday ,
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It is learned
that tha Thoophanoan address will bo
omitted , owing to the fact that Bishop Vin
cent can not bo present. The chancellor' ! )
reception will bo held Wednesday evening ,
to which the friends of tho" InsMtutlon are
cordially invited. With the slngla exception
of Bishop Warren's address , which will bu
given at St. Paul's church , the exorcises wUl
po hold at University Placo. The commence'
Biout programme is us folio wa :
1 3 p. m. Buocalouroato sermon , by the
11 a. m. Annual love fonst , led by Prof ,
O. M. Ellluwood.
Morning Examinations begin.
8 p. m. Anniversary Oraphlllan society.
TUuan\Y , JUNE 18.
Morning Examination * * continued.
3IO : ! p. in. Art reception.
! ! : : ! ( ) p. in Annual mooting ot the board ol
8 p. m. Inaugural lublleo nt St. Paul" !
church. Address by Bishop H. W. Warren ,
D. 13. , LL , . D.
3:80 : p. m. Recital by the departments o.
locution nnd music.
6 p. m. Chancellor's ' reception.
Tlio OcuVrjion Jjonc Case.
Hon. J. S. Hoauland , of North Plutto , nai
ippllod to the supreme court for a writ o
h&beiiH corpus to secure , if possible , the lib
erty of .Toftoraon Long , who Is now in Jill
for the murder of Richard and Emily lias-
comb , of Lincoln county. The writ was for-
inaliy applied frr yesterday nftornoon , and a
decision is hoped to bo reached before the
pioaont pitting of tho. court adjourns , The
case wci submitted on briefs , and rests with
out ou'l argument. As the case U uiosi
peculiar n character , a brief synopsis is pro
eentad , to.'othcr with the law points , in
volved lu the implication for the writ. Oi
tlio morning of Ap.-il J , 2tio5 , the cl.wollla |
bouse of his plloj.o I victims was burned U
the ground. Amoiic the ilobrls the remain ;
of two human bii v ' tvoro found , sunposoc
to l.avo been theio of Henry .and Eridy
vhou , .it .YUS thought , were imudorod bo
fora tlio buri.m1of the houio. Th <
coroiior'a Jurj sat on tto ceac
over six month * , nd nver , , ' person totnoUi ;
fjspocto-1 of bsmi ! nuiaoi led with U-CU-IT.
v.'usfxnulucl I'nietieilly , however not ! .
IOR inu < kevoloml. When thu grand l'ir ;
la March , lioO , oao Eugam ) Mojor * au
poured Ma voluntary witness and testified
Hint his brother , ErnMl Myers , hAd told him
tlmt ho hud killed the llnscombfl , sot lira Id
the house , and that JoffOMon Lonff Had hlrod
him to Commit the d6ublo crime. On that
cstlmonytho grand Jury indicted Ernest
Divert for the murder ot tlio Uascombs , nnd
fofforson Lonir m r.a accisssvy bsfarc ttia.
.act , Uoforo liURono Myers pave this testi
mony his brother Ernest had dlaapponrod ,
inu nothing has over been hoard of him
Inco. Llko Tascott , ho has boon arrested
Jozons of times In dozens of placoskbut ofll-
; ors of the law have always failed to show
ii with him. At the October , term of the
. ( strict court In Lincoln county , Long was
rlod ana convicted of murdering
, ho parties ns charged nnd sentenced to hang
, no following May. The case WAS taken to
, ho supreme court and reversed. It 19
ihargcd that the rulings ot Judge Hamer
ivore BO tnanlff stly biased that the court was
unit for reversal. In April , 1833 , anew
rand Jury was called and n uow Indlotmont
ircseiited against Long , charging him with
Idlng and nbcttlng in the commission of the
rime , and Ernest Meyers with having com-
ulttcd the murder. All other indictments
, vero nollod. At the December term Long
.vas atrain tried before Judge Humor nnd a
, ur.v , but on llndtng tlio Jury stood eleven for
wnilttal nnci ono for conviction , nnd with-
ut the consent of the defendant , the Juror *
were discharged from service. The defend
ant demanded an Immediate re-trial , but was
ofttsed , nnd the c.iso was continued until
ho Muy tnrm , 1839. Since the ease has boon
ending Long has bccu in JaUconl'.noiisly.
Now come his attorneys nun ask for the
, vrlt upon the following points of laxv :
Flrat The constitution of the stuto
guarantees to every man accused of crime n
, fair und impartial trial.
Second If any person indicted for any
ffcnso nnd committed to prison , shall not bo
brought to trial before the end of the second
' .crm of the court Imvlug Jurisdiction of the
iffenso , which shall bo hold utter such In
dictment found , ho shall bo ontltleil to be
discharged , so far as relates to the offense
for which ho was committed , unless the
delay shall happen on application of the
[ H'isoncr.
Third That the discharge nf the Jury In
December , 1833 , without a verdict and with
out the consent of thd defendant , was u ver
dict of acquittal.
'Jim Snpromo Court.
Court mot , to-dav , pursuant to adjourn
ment , and Mr. A. L. Squire was admitted to
practice. Oral argument lu tha case of Llnd-
iiiy vs Omaha , with leave also to illo addl-
ionul briefs , if desired. In the case of the
State ex rel Jumos vs Lynn , Mr. J. M. Uea-
gan was appointed to take nnd reiiort the
testimony. The case ot Comstoclc vs Cole
, vas revised in the name of U. B. Bnyd.
Grifltth vs Smith. Error from the district
court of Unuglas county. Afllrmed ; opin
on by Mr. Justice Cobb.
Ono who is in the adverse possession of
and docs not impair his right to rely upon
, ho statute of limitations by purchasing the
und at u ta < : sale , nnd receiving und record-
ig n tax deed therefor , nor does such pur
chase or recording , or both together , c.iuso a
break in the running of tha'statuto of lluilta-
Durland vs Seller. Appeal from the dis
trict court of Madison county. AQirmcd ;
opinion by Chief Justice Reese.
Jeffrey vs Fleming. Error from the dis
trict court of York county. Afllrmcd ; opin
on by Justice Maxwell.
Schroeder vs Baker Manufacturing com-
Da'ny. Error from the district court , of
Platte county ; opinion by Clilot Justice
Meyer vs Shamp. Error from the district
court of Lancaster county. Usversud and
remanded ; onlnlon by Justice Cobb.
Jones va Hates. Error from the district
court of Dlxon county. Afllrmed ; opinion by
Justice Maxwell.
Towos vs Fctz. Error from tha district
: ourt of Douglas county. AfflrmoJ ; opinion
by Justice Cobb.
Wilson vs Butler county. Error from the
district court of Butler county. Uovorso
und Judgment : opinion by Justice Maxwell
Mussloman vs Barker. Error from the
district court of Harlan county. Afllrtnod ;
opinion by Chief Justice Uoosc.
Dawson va Dawson. Error from the dis
trict court of Johnson county. Afllrmod ;
opinion by Justice Cobb.
Callendor vs Mary J. Hornor. Error from
the district court of Boone county. Aftirmed ;
oplntou by Justice Maxwell.
Johnson vs Bowman. Error from the dis
trict court of Nanne county. Aflirmsd ;
opinion by Chief Justice Keese.
Callondor vs William Hornor. Error from
the district conrt of Boone county.
tUllrmed ; opinion by Justice Maxwell.
VVllcox vs Brown. Error from the
district court of Harlan county. Unversed
und remanded ; opinion by Chief Justice
State vs Eflwftrds. Mandumus. Writ de
nied ; opinion by Justice Maxwell.
Gilford vs Fnubion. Error from the dis
trict court of Harlnu county. Itevorsod un
less remittitcr of S13 015 bo illod within thirty
days ; opinion by Chief Justice Uueaa.
Page vs Divis. Error from the district
court of Douglas county. Reversed and ra-
manded : opinion by Justice Maxw-jll.
Statb vs Lauor. Mandamus. Writ al
lowed ; state va Harper und state vs Livsoy.
Mandamus. Writs donlcd ; opinion by Chief
Justice Reoso.
Kcd Willow county vs Chicago , Burlington
& Qutncy railroad company. Error from the
district court of Ited Willow county. Re ,
versed and remanded ; opinion by Justice
Joslyn vs King. Error from the district
court of Douglns county. Afllrmod ; opinion
by Chief Justice Reese.
1. A letter carrier m the city of Omaha
received n registered letter dircctel to "F.
E. B. , St. Charles hotel , Omaha , Neb. " Ho
delivered the letter to the clerk of the hotel ,
who slgneXl the return receipt , also the letter
carrier's book , but before the letter was de
livered to the person to whom it was ad
dressed , and who was u guest at the hotel ,
itwaslost. It contained $ IOJ In money. The
loss Becoming known , the letter carrier
was required by the postonlco department to
pay to the person to whom whom tlio loiter
was addressed the sum of $ | OJ. In an action
by the carrier against the parson to whom ho
delivered the letter , it was hold that a
liability existed , and the Judgment of the
district court in favor of tljo letter carrier
was afllrmbd.
County Toaolior's Instltutiitc.
The following are the aato ? and' places
fixed upon for holding county toaohor'a In
stitutes for the year 18S3 :
Ncligh , Antelope county , fro"m July 8 to
Augusts. Conductor , S. A. Bjyd ; instruc
tors , H. C. Ostoln and S. A , Ostoln.
Hastings , Adams osunty , from Julv 23 to
August S. Conductor , A. E. Allyti ; Instruc
tors. W. E. Andrews , J. U. Thornton and J.
B. Moulox.
Bro wttor Blalno county , from July 15 to
July 25. Conductor , T. C. Pccli ; instruc
tor , Miss Mary SlUttn.
Albion , Boonu county , from August 10 to
September . Conductor , E. A. Enright ; in
structors , P. W. CJrlnstoad nnd T. E. Jenk
ins.Koarnov , Buffalo county , from July 20 to
Augusta ) . Conductor , A. Snaroj instr uo-
tor. II. A. Hull.
Amsworth , Brown county , from July 20
to August 19. Conductor , J. A. Douglas ; In-
otructor , .1 , S. Aran Eaton.
Tekamah , Burl county , from July 8 to
July2J. Conductor , E. B. Atkinson ; In
structors C. F. Book and M. V. Rork.
David City , Butler county , from July S3 to
August 10. Conductor , W. U. Walker ; In
structor , M. V , Rork.
Wabash , Cass county , from July 23 to
Augusts. Conductor , M. Sink ; instruct
ors , W.V. . Drummond , W. T. Cllno and A ,
H , W.itorhouso.
Slduuy , Cheyenne county , from August 10
to September 2. Conductor , W. J. McCoy ;
instructors , H , W. Allwlno nnd May Carr.
Imperial , Cluiso county , July 15 to July 20
Conductor , AnnaPraU : Instructors , D. G.
Robinson und F , G-Prnll.
Edgar , Clay county , from July 15 to Jul >
2D. Conductor , J. N. llonsoU instructors ,
Alex Utovcus , Mrs. E. Mnuvillo aud J. H ,
Schuylcr. Colfax county , from August Ute
to August " 0. Conductor , L. ( J. Sp.uujhor ;
Instructors , A. B. Hughe * and P4 W. Itnuff-
uian ,
SVisncr , Cumlng county , from August 10 tc
September'J. Coudunor , D. C. Emloy : in
slructors , H. B. Larrabce und MUis J. H
Broken How , Ouster county , from Jnly 2'
to August 20. Cu-.i.Uictor , 0. F. Randall ;
instructor * , E. W. Hunt , 0. U. RbkottruM
nnd H. H. Nlntt.
Cliadron. Dawcs coj.itj , frotr , July S tt
Julyiy. Conductor , K. H. Ulanciiarrt : in
stnictoi-3 , W. E. Taylor , J. S. TJontni and J
11. Brudbtirg.
Dakota City , Dakota oountj , fcnji July 7. .
to August 5. ConU'ic'.ot , i * rtach ; iu
struotors , Prof. James , Prof. LaUry and
Miss A. Allyn.
Chnppull , Douol county , from August G to
August 12. Conductor , F. W , Starksj In-
struotors , 0. P , Waittmm nhd T. W , Town-
FrOhlont. Doilgo county , from Juno 17 W
July 1" . Conductgr. A. E. Clarendon ; Instructors -
structors , W. N. Hallmaii and Mr i E. Hail-
Omaha , Douglas county , from August 13 to
August 2J. ( Conductor , J. U. limner ; lu-
gtrnctors , Mrs. Jonnto Koysor nnd Dr. Mary
Bonkolmau , Dundy county , from July 23
to August n. Conductor , W. Q. Price , In
structor , William Smith.
Geneva , FHlmoro county , from August 19
to September 3. Conductor , J. J. Burke ;
Instructors , C. 1) . Rikostraw and C. II.
lllverton , Franklin county , from August
13 to September 2. Conductor , Miry S.
DoClorei ; Instructors , Albert G. Owens
nnd MM. E. W. Edwards.
Beaver City , Furnas county , from August
5 to Ail CUB t ' - > : ) . Conductor , A. d'Altomond ;
instruufora , W. W. Drumoml , W. H. SUln-
nor nnd J. A. Smith.
Beatrice. Oairo countv , from July 23 to Au
gust 12. Conductor , Mirla P. Upson ; in
structors , A. K. Orady , Mrs , Sarah Jenkins
nnd C. O. Poarso.
Scotia , Grooloy county , from July 29 to
August 12. Conductor , T. J. Slootzol ; In
structors , J. D. Ramsey and S. A. Parks.
Elwpod , Gosncr county , from August ID to
September 2. Conductor , ,1. Wi Thomas ;
Instructors , A. 1C. Grady and Thomas Scott.
Grand Island , Hall countv. from July 23
to August 10 , Conductor , II. A. Edw.irds ;
Instructors. It. J. Burr und Prof. Thompson.
Aurora , Hamilton county , from Auinist 1'J '
to September 2. Conductor , E. B. Barton ;
instructors , W. E. Andrews , George M.
Castor ami H. R Corbott.
Haves Center , Hayes county , from July 15
to July 23. Conductor , , ! . B , Howard ; In
structor , W. II. Borlor.
O'Neill. Holt county , from August fi to
August 19 Conductor , 0. A. Manvlllo ; In
structor * , D. 1C. Bond , John Bland and C. M.
St. Paul , Howard coauty , from August 10
lo September 2. Conductor , C. C. Corov
Jo'mison ; instructors , O. C. Hubbell and W.
Fnlrbury , Jefferson county , from August
to August 10. Conductor , E. N. Cowlov
.nstruutoM , T. R. VicUroy and MM , Louisa
W. Parker.
Tecumsuh Johnson county , from August
2 to August 2t ) . Conductor , E. J. H. BoarJ ;
nstritctors , W. H. Gardner and Miss S.uliu
Sprlugvlow , ICoya P..iha county , July 3 to
Jlily 2J. Conductor , C. S. Mormon ; instruc
tor. W , I. Simpson.
Ogalalla , Keith county , from August 5 to
August 10. Conductor , G. F. Copper ; in
structors , A. H. Brown and E. Hcaloy.
Minden , Kearney countv , from July 29 to
August 2i ) . Conductor , M. A Council ; in-
tructors. W. A. Julian and A. II. Stephens.
Croighton , Kuox county , from Juiv 13 to
July 23. Conductor , M. W. Clara ; in
structors , Elian M. Austin and A. C. On ? .
Lincoln , Lancaster county , from Juno 17 to
Juno 23. Conductor , T. D. MoClusKy ; In
structors , C. D. Rikostraw , C. W , Hunt anj
Mrs. birah Jenkins.
North Platte , Lincoln county , from Aujint
19 to Saptomber2. Conductor , R. II. Lir -
ford ; injtructors , E. W. Hunt , J. A. Wo a-
burger nnd Misi Mary Hoifnr.l.
Gaudy , , Lo an county , from July 33 to
Augusts. Conductor , U. A. Manstield ; in
structors , C. G. Clouso and John Corasj.
Norfolk , M-adijon county , from August 5
to August , 19. Conductor , L. B. Bohinnan ;
instructors , A. G. Owens , B. W Eirormaun
nnd L. E. Erans.
Conti'al Ci.v ! , Morrluk cjunty , Julv 1
to July 8. Conductor , J. C. Martin ; iu-
ptruetors , H , B. MuCollutn , J. 1C. Stabletoa
und E. M. Austin.
Fullortoa , Nauco uauity , fro H August 1'3
to August 2 ! . Conduulor , J. T. Brusa ; l.i-
structors , Gaor j ICillar , MM. GsDi'gO
Keller und M. B. C. True-
Auburn. Norn ilia county , from Auctmt 13
to August 27. Cmduclor , J. LI. Melvin ; iu-
tructors , Charles Fordyca und J. A. Cjojior , .
Nelson , Nuckolls cjunty , Jul r 23 to Au
gust 10. Conluctor , J. W. Fwiua ; iiutrnc
tors , O. C. Heubball , M. H. Pagj an i C. A.
eely *
Pawnee City , Pa-.vuea countv. frj.n Juti3
24 to July ,8. Conductor , A. 1C. Giuly ; in
structors , Aliua E. Gjuly util W. H. rf.cia--
: icr.
icr.Grant. . Perkins county , from A't ait 0 ti
August 19. Cotirtactor , H. ! 3. Giither ; in
structors. G. D. Itobinson and W. S. Fikj.
Pierce , Pierca couay , fro 11 July 23 1 > Au
gust 5 Conductor , Crurlea Gvtii ; iuitruj-
tors , J. 1C. Stablotoa nnd MM. W. W.
Columbus , Platte county , fran Au jit-1
o August 18. Conductor , L. J. Crauier ; In
structor , J. M. Soolt.
ludlanoli , Il3i Willow , A-tjJ it . "i ti Au-
ust2l ) ConJuctor , E. G. Netllotin ; in-
struetorj > , , Willtu'n Valontlno , Williaai Smith
; md C. M. Charlnj.
Salem , ItichnrJsou couuty , from July 23 to
August 12. Conductor , M. J. Jonj * ; instruc
tors , H. B. L'trrabod , G. A. tiluvton anJ ri.
M. Whitimh.
Bassott , Rock ODunty , from A'jjint 13 to
Soptombord. Gouductar , W. H. Uu ; in
structors , D. 1C. Bond and C. M. Stuvo is.
Crete , Saline county , from July 23 to Au
gust 5. Conductor , J. D. French ; instructors ,
W. H. Skinner , L. C. Grosulor and Alica
Papllhon , Sarpy county , from Aucust 25 to
optembar 2. ConJuctor . J. Nuw.nan ;
nstructors , W. W. Drummond und Maria
\Vahoo , Saunders county , from August 13
to August 20. ConduoUr , O , Doaloy ; in
structors , T. H. Bradbury , D. E. Rieso and
11. H. Watson.
Seward , Seward county , from July 15 to
July 23 , Conductor , G. F. Burrfott ; instruc
tors , O C. Hubbell , T. R. Vickioy und MM.
E. W. El wards ,
Rushvillc , Sheridan county , from August
to August D , Conductor , John M. Linn ;
instructor G. E. Taylor.
Loup City , Sherman county , from August
10 to Septombar . ConJuctor , H. L Burns ;
instructors , S. M. Chambarlum und M. H.
Harrison , Sioux countv , from Juno IS to
July 2. Conductor , S. W. Cox ; instructors ,
C. M. Stoveni and C. A. M uivillu.
Stanton , Stinton count ? , from August 19
to September 2. Conductor , Churlus S.
Conly ; instructor , Ellua M. Austin.
. Hebron , Thayer county , from July 29 to
August 12. Conductor , S. M. Gollant ; in
structors , D. E. SauudOM uud Sarah E.
Onl , Valley county , from August 12 to
August 20. Conductor , S , A Parks ; in
structors. J. M. Iloussoy , J. T. Martin und
Mrs. Delia Rogers.
Blair , Washington county , from August 5
to August 19. Conductor , .1 , W. Henderson ;
instructors , J. K. Stabloton and' Ellen M.
Wayne. Wayne countr. from July 33 to
August 12. Conductor . E. IloimrJ ; in
structors , W. J. MoCoy and MM. M. F. Met
York , Yorlc countv , from August 5 to
August 19. Conductor , E. S. Franlclin ; in
structors , W. E. Audrowi and T. Mo
Clolland ,
City Nuws anil Notes ,
The First Presbyterian church , of Hust
ings , donates $ ll.5l ! to the Johnstown 'suffer
ers. Check for that amount was roceivcc
by Treasurer Hill to-day.
Thu traveling men of Lincoln und visiting
knights will hold a meeting at the Windsor
Saturday evening ut 7 o'clock , for furthet
consideration of thu outing at Cushuiai
park during thu last week of the mouth. A
large attendance is earnestly desired ,
The Fcdowa Will case will bo taken to the
supreme court. It seems the contesters are
unwilling to lot thu case rest where it is
and will seek the opinion of the higher
court. Reporter Mullen is called upon to
make the largest transcript over taken f ron
the records of the district court of Lancaster
Tuesday's flro.nt tho. residence of Ban
cord , the mlUanan , of North Lincoln , waa
nuicn moro serious than nt first reported
Besides his house and burn , which
were burned to the ground , he
lost $90 in cash. And , moreover , Bancorc
nnd family were compelled to sleep out o
doors all night on tha hard ground , wittiou
covering other than the clothes they wore
But for thu presence of mind of ono of hii
children bo would have lost his team am
other aloolc also. Discovering the barn In
flames , a child opened the door ana drove
the Block out before tUo flames reachei
them ,
The Juuo races are attracting a good do a
of interest among horsemen. Commencing
June 19 they will continue three days. The
boys say the races will bo the greatest over
held In the state. ,
Mrs. C. B. Allen , wife of the Insurance
deputy In Auditor Bunion's oflbo , loft to
U y , accompanied by his two boys , for Bos
tou , wUoro tnoy will aponcl too suiuiaor.
A STitllflft IMBUNEM ? .
President Ailnnid Jlnq the Matter Ijfilil
llqfhEO Him.
Unless n change , nk os In the controversy
)0twoon the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers Insldo tha no.xforty'olght \ hours It ls
lot Improbable that'll ' strike will bo declared.
When the grlovanoo committee submitted
ho | ! ' sldo of the case , Mr. Klmbnll
oforred the commHtco to VIco-Presldont
lolcomb. Tbo latlb , Whs wasln Portland ,
clayed his reply foHsuvoral days and finally
oforrod the connnlttflp to president Adams.
The committee ha * telegraphed Mr. Adams ,
and his reply Is ' ( wheeled to-day. Should
to talco n stand ingainst the engineers , n
trlko , It Is silk ) , will , follow. So spake ono
f the engineers yestUrdav.
The engineers holt ! n mooting , yesterday
nftcrnoop , In Brotherhood hall nnd talked
vor the situation at some length. When
questioned , ono of the number said : "Wo
vlll Htnnd no bluff. If Mr. Adams does not
eon reply to our telegram wo will take It
or granted that arbitration is useless , nnd
vo will follow out our own course for a rem
edy. "
"Will you strike ! "
"I will glvo you nn answer to that question
to-morrow afternoon. Manager Baldwin Is
low In the business , but ho may provo nn ox-
lonsivo scholar to the Union Pacltlc. "
Irutticmnonts OH'Tcil In tlio Traveling
1'tiDllc lf U'rsttirn IilncK ,
At the meeting of the Trans-Missouri tisso
elation just concluded nt Kansas City , n
commlttooot live was appointed to confer
vlth eastern lines for the purpose of timing-
tig for "harvest excursions" irom points
east to points west of vho Missouri. The fol-
nwlnir special and op3n rates worn agreed
upon :
For the national oncapmcnt of the Ornml
\rm.v of the Uupublic nt Milwaukee , ono
are for the round trip , good from August 23
o III.
Omaha exposition , ono fare for the round
rip from nil points iu Nebraska , good from
September 1 to ( S.
ICuns is City Par.i'lo ' association , of Kansas
3itv , one faro for the round trip within a
radius ot 'J03 miles of Kansas City , good
rom October 1 to 4.
Grand Armv routlion nt Ellsworth , Kan. ,
ono faro for the round tup , good from Sep
tember ! ) 'l ' to October 5.
J'ho following iMtes were made regulated
> y the oartilleito pl'in :
Fifth annual lunuulon ot the Sixth Kansas
cavalry at Junction Cltv , ICan. , Septcmbar 11
to li ) , ouo and ono third faro for the round
rip ; Kansas StJlo Holiness association , at
OssawiUtamlo , Juno 2"i to Julv IS. ono nnil
mo-ttilrd faro for round trip ; reunion of
CrockoM' brigade nt Council Hluffs. Sop-
onibor 13 to 19. uud one and one-thlrJ faro
'or the round trip.
'Moi ) 1'rio'vi
Barker brothers nnd John A. SunJy nro
arranging with the St. Paul & Omiihi road
to put In a sido-trac'.c pacallal with and 1 > J
'cet from Sherman avenue through Barker's
subdivision mil tha Saiilev tract , canncctlng
the main line with tha F. E. & M. V. imin
ine , cast of the fair grounds. ThU will
: ivo nearly throa-lourths of a mlla of valu.i-
jlo tr.ickaga for industries with a frontage
on Sherman avenue.
Gyulonu ntjl'in
Superintendent . , ttcsieiuie , of the No-
jrnska division of ( he Union Pacific , recaivod
i dispatch from Pine BlutTs. stating that at I
o'clocl : .vcstorclavfmorniug u torrlllc wind
storm visited that pction. Empty cars were
) lown from the tracks , nn'l the building *
were uioro or loss "damaged. No personal
aijury was ropartudtl
llnilio 1(1 .Notes
J. S. Tcbbets , oT-tbo Union Paclflp , has
gone west. J-.1
l. Francis , goncpat p\33oager : agent of the
Buclincuw , has returned fro'ui Kansis City.
, P. Touhy , the crqUyhilo assistant superin
tendent of the Union Pacific , at North
Plattc , is in Omaha/
The Unio.i Pacific will rua a special train
A > Fremont thj J ttP'inst. , to ncoommodnto
, lia switchmen , wnoi will hold their utinual
iicnic oil that d'.itit.i 'Ihe train will leave
3niah-a at 9 a. in. .
A li U U VAli 1 'I H fi > 1 'VN.
VsHistint UliieT IJu nos Sorlonsly In-
Jr.rc- Hpportcr.
l-'ranl : A. Putnam , a reporter for thu
Herald , met with serious trouble while on
ils wuv to reporttb3 firn n Sluiaio idV plan-
ng mill , on South ThirtajuUi street , early
vestonljy morning. Whlla hurrying up fie
rhirteenth street hill , south of tha tracks ,
? utunm was overtakoJ by the No. 1 hoo'c
nnd ladder truclr. He says thai ho asked the
man. whom ho thougnt was the captain , if ho
nbjbt ndo to the lira. The lireman ad
dressed gavj his consent and extended
i hand to help the reporter to
mount the truclr. As Putnam was being
lulled up u llroman , who was standing he-
side the ono who had given the parmlsslon to
ridu , kla'iod Putuii'n m thu breast , knocking
"ilm backward from thu truck , severely in-
uriai ; him. It has bean ascertained that the
nan who di.l tha klc'ting U Assistant Chief
Uarnoj , anj a co-nplahn Iru basn tiled
against him with tha tire and polluo commis
sioners. Putnam was severely bruised , both
by the kick and the fall upon tha pavement ,
und is iiotyct able to attend to his duties.
Musio in ( lie Air.
The sweet stiMins of music of the Carson
Ladles' band irom the roof of TUP BEE build
ing , yesterday morning , attracted many curi
ous eyes upward and tilled aU the surround
ing windows with heads. The band Is under
the leadership of Mr. G. II. Adums , and In
cludes Clydo Johnson , first E cornet ; Miss
Annie Adams , solo B ; Arthur JuiiOJ , second
cornet , John Fields , third corn'H ; Mrs.
Johnson , solo ulto ; Willie Adams , second
ulto ; Jennie Adams , lint ulto ; Mabel Covert -
vert , tenor ; Linnle Stiinn , baritone ; Mrs.
Atlams , first bass ; L. F. Hi'l. tuba ; Smith
Anthony , bass drum , nnd Homer Covert ,
snare Oruui. The yolm-ruJt members nro
Willie Adams , ton , aud Jennie Adutns ,
twelve. They spunt sirno time looking
through Tan Biu : building , and especially
oujoycd the mugnlllcont view from the roof ,
Tliu Jockey bind , of AtlauUu. Iu. , favored
Tin : BIK and the loading hotels of the
city with : i usronada last evening. The
music of the band , under the leadership of
H. F. Frozoll , was excellent , but attracted
no moro attention than uld the uniform of
the musicians , which is something unique
and entirely out of the usual ntylotif buna
Save Your Hair
BY n tliiToJy utjopf"lyor's Hair Vigor.
This pinpnruljnu IIUH no rqual ns n
dressing. It kc.ciib tlio Hculp clean , cool ,
nntl liealtby , nijtl [ picsurvcs the color ,
fullness , anil lieriijty of the lialr.
" I was raiilifly'jpcoinlng ] balil nnd
pray ; but after iwlnj { two or tlirco
bottles of Aym-M llnlr Vigor my linlr
glow thiulc aniligiisy ] nnd the original
color was lustoiuil. " Mclvlu AUUicli ,
Cnnanii Ciintro , K , II ,
" SOIIIQ time n9ili ( ! lost all my Imirin
consocjiicnco o ( , jjipnilcn. After due
> vnltlng , no miyv1 growth nppuiucil. I
then usi-d Aycr'aHHalr Vigor and my
hair glow f '
Thick , 'and ' Strong.
It lias npparontiyjpomo to stay. Tlie
Vigor is ovlilt'tit ya great aid to nature. "
J. B. Williams , FloieaviHe , Tuxas.
"I liavo used Ayc-r's Hair Vigor for
tlio past four or flvo years and find it a
most Hntlafactory dressing for the lialr.
It is all I could deslro , living liarinlcsa ,
causing tlio hair to rotulu its natural
color , and rmjUiripg hut u small quantity
to render the httir easy to nnaiigo. "
Mrs , M. A. Uailoy , 0 Cluules uttuct ,
Havorhlll , Masa.
" I have hcen using Aycr'a Hair Vigor
for several years , und helluva that it lias
caused my hair to retain its natural
color. " Mrs. II. J. King , Dealer in
Dry Goods , &c. , Blsliopvillu , Md.
Ayer's ' Hair Vigor ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co. , Lowell , Mass.
BoU ty DrucjUtiaod I'crfiliutri.
The members , fifteen In number ,
ivoro nttlrod In nont JlttlnK Jockey suits of
Jlun plmij wllh cnps to ma ten , nnd regulation
ivhlto-toiped | , oloso fitting Jookoy boots , The
jfiml is In nttondnnco nt the IOWA Stnlo flro-
uioii's tourutitnent In Council llluff * .
1N3T1UIMUXM vlaeod oa rasarJ. during
Wllllnm Ooburn. shorlir , to O It nnd K It
Halloii , Ims I to 4. I'rityn's sub of lots
fi and U bU IU , Shlnn's 1st add , shoritTs
de d. . t J.COO
Alllloockto.f Hllolwlcr , lots 1 ami a ,
blk' ' , Hoock'8 sill ) , w tl 800
A II lloocKtoua llooci , lots land 12 to
It , Wkl , HoiKk'R sub , w d.i 5,003
J A Ilorbnch to O Hanson , lot 0 , blk " , ' '
llorbiich's sub , wrt 1,100
Mead Investment Co to J n YanClostor ,
lots U and 15 , blk 18 , llanscom I'laco ,
wd tK )
'atrlck ' Land Co to O J Hill , lots 17 to 30 ,
Dundee I'lacovit fsOOO
H H Dunham and husband to J H ferry
man , o 'i lots T and P , blk C , Central
rnrlc.vril . , S.COO
0 r Ilobtile to A n Small , lot 4 , blk 8 ,
South Kxchnngo Place , wd 4SJ
0 Sacks and wlfo to ( I and K Sacks , U
nctoln nwiwlli-ivn , wd U03
South Oman i Land Co to S A Cnumbor-
lain , lots 7 nnd H , ulk 4 , South Umatia ,
wd < KO
0V nndvlto to M II Uvans , lot 1.
Htintou I'lno. ' , wa , 1,300
W H ItoUblngiinAwirotoCT rattcu , pt
lotUSI. Ol o'ssub. qctl . . 1,000
0 KUoodnnui and wlfo to St II I'nntor , pt
lot I ) , blkil , Soiilli Oiimim. wa 400
Wnchterlo and wlto to ( I Wnchtcrlp , und
! ls mnt , blk I , Mnyno's nilil. wd 00
0 NVuciit.Tlo to J Wncluorlit , uiul U n 14
loti ! , bli:4 , Mayno's add , w d ' . " 03
Omalia Itcnl Kstntn and iTUtt Co to O R
StryUr , iotS7 , hlic 4. Saunderi.t Hlrno-
biuiirli'rt ndil to Walnut Hill , wd 1,000
S .1 Hood aid husbnirl to A I ) Uiuson , lot
! * , ' , I'olliam I'liico , w d . . . 3,500
T il Swotu im and wlto to Ii r Austin , lot
4. blk : i , and lot 4 , blk fi , Hartford 1'lacc ,
w d WO
, V Nelson tj 0 II Tj lor , lot 10. blk 3 ,
I'laluvlow , w d 503
Nineteen transfers $3 ,77Ti
nuliclii l > arniiM. *
The fjlloviit3t \ nlti wjrj Inml bv
lulldlng I.unjstor W.ntloj'c yjUarJiy :
Howard If. llaldrlga , two-story rrmno
rushlence , Catherine strcqJ , uoar Wool-
worth. . . . , $ SVW
1' . L. Itceve ? , one-story frnmo cottage.
Grant street , mnr Forty-llrst COO
, (1. Ho.nun. ono-and-ono-lmlf-atory
iramu roildenco , 'L'hlrty-thlrd street , between -
twoon I'oppleton avenue nnd 1'acillc
street .1.C03
Otto Hell , ono brlcic b.isQinont nud ono-
story framu dwelllmt , I'lurco street , near
Tnonty-fourt.i street 1.100
Kutn 13. Holers , one story frame cottige.
Tiilrty-elhtli : straet und A mas avenue. 1,003
0. O. uroviT , ono-sttrir frame cottnse ,
l.aka Htroi't , oetween Thirty-fourth and
Thirty-sixth streets 1,000
Jo'.ui f , . 1I1II , ono-nnd-ono-httlt-story
frume rcsldeuca , Bjvantoonth nud
J.oavouwort'i streets 1,73 }
O. J. llollnndiir , ono-anu-one-natf story
frame dwelling , Douglas , iioar Torty-
seveuth street 3,000
Eight permits , agjrogatlug JIU.UJo
Catarrh cured , health nnd sweet
breath secured by Shiloh'a Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nastil Injector
free. For sale by Goodman Drug Co .
10 Wotl.
Thu followlncc marn.iga lloansos were Is
sued by Judge Shields , yesterday :
Name and Kosldonco. Ago.
Christian C. Lizarus , Omaha. . . . . 'J7
Emma C. Loiper , Omaha 18
Henry Toogoti , Omaha 11 !
Uuchaol AL I'ayns , Umalm 'J3
Sprains , Strains , Soreness , StlfTnesa.
Aclius anil Pains.
Sokl liy Ui-iiKRlDtsanil Dealers.
CS A. VOGELER CO. . Baltimore. Hd.
Louisiana Stats LotiarCompan / / .
Incorporated ly the leptlsUtara in ] HS < , for
KducKtlpnil nnd Uharitablo purposes , nnd its
franchise innile a part ot the present State Con-
Btltutlon , In 1873 , by an overwhelming popular
take place Soml-Anuually ( June nucl Dccombcr )
INCS taku place In euch of tlio other tun months
of tlio year , and are all drawn In public , at
the Academy of Music. NowOrleana. La.
'Vt'o do hereby certify that wo supervise the
nrrauijuinents for all the Monthly ana Seml-An-
nual 11 toying of the Louisiana htato tottery
Company , and In person jniuagn nnd control
the DrawIIIKI themselves , nnd that the same
nro conducted U 1th honesty , falrne s , nnd In
Kood faith toward nil parties , nud we nutliorlzo
the company to use this certificate , with fao
slmllen o our signatures attached. In Us adver
tisements "
We. thounrterslgnnd Hunks and Itankera will
pav all 1'rUes drawn In the Louisiana State
Lotteries which in'iy bo presented at our coun
ters :
It. M. W.U.MHLrA' . Pros. Louisiana Nat.Hank
I'lKHHK IjANATJX , Prea , State Nat. Hank.
A. IlALrWJN.Troa Now Orleans Nat. Hank
. Pres Union National Dank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans -
loans , Tuesday , Juno 18 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $600,000
100.000 Tickets nt $40 ; IIulvcB 820 ; Quar
ters $10 ; Eiphtlm 85 ; Twoutloths $2j
1 1'ItI/K OF j.nn.noi Is , . sono/Ml
i i'iti/i : or 'KJ.oojis . yuuKW (
1 I'ltl/n OK KO.WJ ) In ! . 1UJIK ) )
1 1'UIXH OK Ml.lO' ) . ftl.O'J. ' )
2 i'itr/Ks or.uiKwuro . now
fi Pill /KB OK ID.lOJare . W ) , J )
10 1'1M/K4 OK nOJlBro , . BX ) (
tt > 1'Itr/KS OK S , 00ure . DO.OW
SOW l UI7.l-8 OK NMnre . hu.ixi )
roe pjtizKS or aware . uo. < m
100 I'UIXBS OK 4COaro . axi,003
Al'l'KO.XIJIATlO.N l > ltl/.iS.
. ,
Kfll'rUcsof HOOara . HUO )
lOOl'nzesof 411 nro . 40XW (
TW ( Nu llihua'ISIlMINAt.S.
3,1 1 1 Prizes , ttinrmntltii , ' to . 83 , 100,000
tSfl'on CI.UB IlATK8or any further Informn-
Ion doslretl , WJlte le lbly to the iindorslgiieil
clearly fctatlnu your realdence , with Btate.t'oun
ty , Btreet iiiul Nuiniiar , More rapid return m.vll
uellverywill be assured by your enclodlut' au
envelope bearlnc your full addros ) .
Address , si. A. DAUPHIN. Now Orleans , fil
er Ji. A. DAUPHIN. Washington , I ) . 0 ,
J y ordinary letter containing Money Orel or
issued by ull Kxpress Companies ) , Now York
llxtlianyo , Draft or Postal Noto.
Address Eoghlcrod Lettorj Containing Cur-
rensy to
" '
R E M E M B E R { S ffiSS t2
New Ortoaim und the tickets are signed by the
President ot an Institution -\\hbia chartered
rights are recognized In highest courta ; there
fore , beware ot all imitations or anonymous
. "
ONK lOIt ) > AIt is the price of the smallust part
or fraction of a ticket 18SU1U ) II V UBIn anr
drawing. Anything In our numo otlcred for iei
than one dolUrl * u svrludw.
For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Lirar.
> yOBEEClLUlSirolonsJmucasliiroEngnmI. ( ]
1. ALLEN & CO. , Sole Agents (
FOR BK\i'l'ii : > STATMS , 305 .V nor CANAL ST. , WIJW YORK ,
Who ( if your druggist docs not keep them ) will mail Bccchnm's
Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. ( Please mention this pnpcr. >
, > -
rt'JTC7 > - ' ? ' /
W6wf #
Z ? ?
Is purely vegetable , dissolves instantly in HARDer
or SOFT , HOT or COLD water ; will not injure i
the finest fabric , is soft and soothing to the skin ,
and for bath , laundry , washing dishes , or scrubbing
and cleaning of any kind , "GOLD DUST" stands
without an equal.
'i v
3ii 3
Made or\ly \ by
N.'B. Fairbank's "Fairy , " the great complexion soap.
assifl Silver Gloss And Oorn Starch
Electro -ffenetic
The Grandest Triumph ol Elcclrlc Science Sci
' entifically Made and Practically Applied.
Gentlemen's Dolt Best Scientific
Suspensory , ' % . ASE CURED
Itnrn you I'nUi In tlio IJuck , lllin , limit or IJmI , Xorv-
ST WILL © TOE YOU ? ? . ,
ami cut LA eiril1 ' * cluttrUifi tbe blood WHEW ALL ELSE FABLS.
& RO ) 5nainilrrttlliiniun. | A. UI ) ceo : N. Y.t G. W. lli'lJuj.iMi. , Morm < mtown. Jowiit i.imuclNlllr.Kanimiti > e.iii.Juaif | l.
N. Jlunny.I-jiiprvllIr.llI.i K.L. Abliott.inpt cllr ir tprmik .noinvllcnil ) , liul i Kobt.ILHampton , Clilcn o
po > toUi.oiJ < .l.McMlcIiail. H. 1 > , Iluffalo , H , Y. "Your liflt Imi Rucouuillilica . what no oilier remedy hill .
. " . , . EostSJlbbtrcotNewYurV-rte.
stenUynervcmmilcomfortable _ _ rloopatnlicht. llobt. Hnll nldonnan. ir.o -
.u oi
only ono \rorlUironcnitln
currtnt. oconlinuoiu ecjcn.'inB.l'owerriil.iJatntoU' Klectrio Uagntk. .
" ALAtF Jiii-au'i'ttiu UL.L.AO cuj * A * .uRM9 * iuio , JJociiiTHtiir ( niorUt fr wlili Mala ]
"itEFKUENCES. Any b nlc , cymmercUl nRfncy orATOW b Ktn nnp np wlthnnpr nllan-s onrt
irholoiKla IIOUIKI In CtilouKOI wliole ale < lni&ulil9,8iuicU ) tmiuttoui. B12CTB10 iut'BSIS fOB Btn-
FrincUco wid CblcaRo. , 0,000 ctuidBeadituiipfoTUIiutntedpatopblft. . (
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 180 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
A. J. POPPU5TON , President. II. W. YATRS. Tieuinrcr.
J , J. ItllOWN. Vlco.l'ro'Jident. B. T , JOSSBUVN , Bicrotary
The Omaha Fire Insurance Go.
Paid Up Capital , $100OQO
Fire. - Lightning and - Tornado - Insurance ,
UtllocB , 8. 1C. Corner Douuliiu iind Kixtunutli 8(8. ( Tolopliono 1,4U : ) .
Directors : A. J. Ponpleton , J. H , Mlllard. Wui. Wnlluco. J W. OMinett. II. W. YntfH , N , A.
Ktihn , K. IBtone , 0.1) ) . Woodworth. J. 8. Coillnx , .1. .1. Hruwn , 9. ' ? . Jiusolyi.
Homo Oilier , Nos. aOO. 01 , 02 , UOU Hronil's Block , Oiiiiilnv , Neb *
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1513 Has SI ;