Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    -S "f1p
vrf \ - t * . TtJ ,
, ' J t'jn' ' ' " ! ' . ' , ' ( "jiMtryta
Whout Tnkoa a Dooldod Upward
Turn In Chicago.
Corn llcmrtliif ) Stonily In Price 'With
Ftno Outlook nnil I.mrao Receipts
1'rovlslons Ucnrlsh nnd
Gattlo Quiet.
CniCAao , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HER. 1 The wheat market was very
"gilpy" nnd a BUbstnntml gain on top of yes
terday's Improvement was the result of the
day's doings. St. Louts cash wheat Jumped
l c , New York wns strong and higher , and
Chicago ncorcd nn average ndvnnco of about
lUc. In Chicago , as In St. Louis , und , In
fact , In every otner domestic market , cash
wheat led in the Improvement. Halns In the
southwest , preceded as they were by several
weeks of cold weather , seem to have de
stroyed the hope of an unusually early har
vest und movement , of ; nnd the atten
tion of buyers has been rather forcibly nnd
unpleasantly turned to the scant supply of
old wheat available for consumption und ex
port. The total In sight was down to
18,800,000 bushels n week ago , nnd this weak
promises to show n further reduction of
1,500,000 bushels. The general fooling Is
that the supplies have baon brought to a
point below the danger line , nnil moro
thought Is being given to the subject of
short supplies than nt nny tlmo of the crop.
Early last full the market was run on that
anticipation , and now that trade Is
confronted with the practical realization
of these estimates , the government forecast
of nn extraordinary crop is not sufllclcnt to
altogether quiet , the apprehensions. The
strong undertone to the market may , there
fore , bo said to have , for Its ch [ of basis , the
light stock. Unnunllflodly bad reports from
the "northwest , during the past few days ,
have served to still further awaken trade
uneasiness nnd intensify the popular convic
tions that facts do not warrant the easy con
clusion nrrlvod at by the oillclnl statistician ,
whose report is openly and very generally
discredited. The whole burden of private
Information is that the government estimates
will not bo realized , either in the Ohio river
states or In the northwest. The condition of
the crop In Dakota and Minnesota may ,
without qualification , bo described as crit
ical. The crop is in urgent noea of rain.
They nro having showery weather , to-day , iu
some sections of the territory , but not , enough
lo afford general relief. Advices on that
point are in substantial accord , though dis
patches wore on the lloor that Manager Hill ,
of Manitoba , reported flno ruins along his
line of road. These reports , as was the case
yesterday , nroduccd a temporary weakness
In the market nnd a decline of prices ; from
which , however , there was a recovery.
The Initial range was TOj e for Juno ,
17o for July , 75o for September ,
nnd 7Gc for December. Juno ascended tno
scale until SOJtf'o was touched , July went to
78Wc , und December to 17 c. July , several
times during the uiornlnir , worked back to
77J c , nnd ouco or twice fractionally lower ,
but the recovery wns always quick , nnd the
tone of the inurkot did not , for any length of
time , lese its appearance of strength.
Stronger cables and a budget of foreign
buying ordortj.liero nnd in Now Yorktoward
the close of the session , imparted increased
firmness , and the highest level of Che day
was reached about 1 o'clock , or n little after ;
July touched 78c , and December 77Kc.
The close wns ns follows : June,80 > c ; July ,
78J @ 78e ; September , 76c ; December ,
77Jc ; as compared with Saturday this range
shows a gain of Itfc in Juno , life in July ,
and % v in December. The aggregate volume
of business was large. During the session
Now York was a conspicuous buyer , nnd the
majority of heavy weight local shorts covered
with inoro or less freedom. Most of the
commission houses had line business , nnd
the telegraph companies reported a goodly
lncroa o in the number of orders'received.
Considerable ! long wheat bought lower down
"for a turn" canio out on the ndvnnco , and
Hutchlnson , who has been a buyer for sev
eral days on "soft soots , " did his level best ,
to-day , to keep the market from staying
above 7Sc. Ho wns a frco seller nt and nbovo
that figure. Ono feature of the trading since
the market turned up has boon the tendency
on the part of the shorts to fill In their July
contracts and put out now lines in December.
The latter month has , as n consequence , gopo
lo under July , uftor'kecping it company lor
several weeks. The bare possibility of a
manipulation in July is doubtless accounta
ble. In n great part , fnr this state of affairs.
The line growing weather for corn pnd the
heavy receipts prevented nny material ad
vance in the market , notwithstanding the
strong fooling in the wheat pit. The receipts
exceeded yesterday's estimates about bO
cars , nnd for Saturday 3413 cars were pre
dicted. Trading wns fairly active fora time ,
but It lapsed into dullness about the mlddlo
of the session , with the scalping operators in
control of the narrow fluctuations from that
time , Th ; prices n the close , Juno 34e ,
July 3t } c , and August SiJJ o , shoxv. gains on
Thursday's resting llsures of } o on the txvo
curly deliveries nul ( # 0 on August.
The interest of the operators seemed to bo
diverted to other markets , with n marked
dullness in outs. At the same time the feelIng -
Ing xvus Jlrm , especially In near futures ,
which were olTcrcd sparingly , xvlillo there
ivus a moderate business in Mny , xvhlch did
not maintain Its early strength. Ulds on
Juno xvefo advanced KO to " 2 c , xvith
July atKo , und September usually ut u
fractional discount. No. - , regular , xvas
quolably firm ut ubout 2tyo.
Provisions xx'oro unexpectedly bearish.
Dm initial transactions , this forenoon , xvoro
tnndo nt prices only a trillo under yesterday's '
closings , but it soon became apparent that n
Sown ward turn was in order. The receipts
of hogs hero , and nt other points , shoxvod up
larger than the trudo tmd counted upon , nnd
is they sold oft from 5 to lOc , the boar side
rvaa suddenly regarded with great favor.
Cudahy , under a run and Jump movement ,
cliuoat demoralized the market by his offer
ings. Ho sold short ribs , lard nnd pork
antll hu ( Hied up the buyers in the pit , anil
broke values from the opening llgurusiyt \
tor pork , % to 5u for lard , and C to 7 ! c for
ihorl ribs , Cudahy's sales ot short ribs ,
alone , were said to nxcced 2,000OOC
pounds. The shorts bought freely , nnd more
lo ivlty thnn on any day for over n xveeli
slwrueterizod the trading. As the session
tdvniicod I hero xvas some recovery from the
early depression , though tin ) closings , us n
rule , xvoro considerably .under' yesterday's
last prices. In pork the di'cllnn ncluallj
Euflcicd xvns G to lee , and in short ribs Lc
Lard closed unchanged to Co lower ,
CHICAGO , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram t ;
fun BEB , | CATTLE. Tim run consisted 01
J.OOO natives , 1,000 to 2,000 Toxuns , und SON
itllloM. The market opened slow und sc
rulqd nearly the ontlro forenoon , Buyers
wanted to get In n shndo lower , but the
talesmen generally held to yesterday's
prices , and in most cases realized their x
pcctntlona , hence ubout n steady range o
{ values , us compared with yesterday on full
\ natives. Tvxans of all classes fold u shad
Llghur. 'flood native cows und heifer
steady and in fair demand. The stoohu ;
aud feeder trade presented nn nuw feature ! )
Cholco to extra beeves , $4.KKtf 1.4o : medlur
to good steers , 1U5U to lf > 00 Us , $3.Mf ) ( 4.5 !
1200 to 1350 Ibs W.70i ( > 44V1 U.W to liUO Ibs
3.X. ( ' 4. u : stackers mid feeder * . $2 203..U
cow ? , bulls nnd mixed , fl.tWuAW : tmi'.i
fa.CCi < } 2.60 ; Hteors. fcl.OQt&l.yO ; Texas uuttlt
11.00(43 OT .
Hous Only fair to active , as there xvo <
too ninny hogs , nearly 40,000 , on salt
prices uvorncod n nlukol tower , closln
nearly lOo loxvor. Hulk , J4.W , xvitn enl
$1,151(4.'JO bid ut thu i'kn Mr prime puck In
corlH , and n largo iiunihar xvoro carried o\-ei
LJuUt orU broucht * l 40(31.43. (
NEW YOUK , Juno H.-r
to Tun BEE.J STOCI ; * The stock murke
opened week nnd Irregular , nnd the weak
ness was continued , If not Increased , by Lon
don selling orders , and by the engagement of
nearly $4,000,000 In gold for export before 10
o'clock. On the whole , first figures were \ ito
to \ { per cent lower than the close last night.
The opening was followed by a nervous feelIng -
Ing , and further declines resulted , with a
slight rally In many of the moro active stocks
at the end of tho'ilrst hour. Jersey Central
wns off 1 per cent to 110 at the opening ,
touched 100 , nnd rallied to 110 l tor.
There was not as much activity through the
list as on previous days , whllo Now England ,
St. Paul and n few others shared the greater
part of the business. Now England was
special ) . ? active and unsettled , selling at 51K
to G2J { , oft to G0 ; < . and up to MX before
noon , The granger stocks wore all weak :
Atchlson went oft to 41 % nnd rallied ; Bur
lington opened X per cnnt lower , at 103K ,
and nftor touching 102 , rallied to 103 > f ;
Northwestern touched 110 , and went to
110X ; Rook Island lost K per cent to OStf ;
St. Paul started X lower at 73K- went to
72 and73V ; Missouri Pacific and Union
Pacific were weak aUo. Chicago Gas wont
off to C9 , nnd Sutrnr trusts yielded nearly 2
per cent on a light business. During the
hour to 12 o'clock Atchlson became promi
nent , and recovered 1) from the bottom to
45j ; Sugar trusts regained I per cent , nnd
with a slight reaction In the cntlro list ,
prices at noon were not far from the opening
figures. Although there was some recovery
after 12 o'clock from the noon figures , there
wns a further depression during the closing
hours , and at the end of the day prices were
not only materially lower than at the close
yesterday , but In many cases stqcKs closed
ut good fractions under the opening figures.
The weakness was largely on realizing sales.
The early strength In Now England was not
held.and much ot the advance in Atchlson ,
niado on covering , wns also lost. Compared
with last night the losses wore , Jersey Cen
tral , I per cent , Louisville % , Now England
% , Burlington Itf , Northwestern % , Uock
Island J , ' , St. Paul 1 % , Lackawnnna 1
Reading } { . Chicago Gas J , Cotton Oil and
Sugar trusts weakened also. Atchlson
closed } per cent bettor , at 43J . The total
sales of stock for the day wore 273,372
snares , including 81,000 Now England , 25,300
St. Paul nnd 12,00JLackawanna.
The following w'ero the cloilnp ? quotations :
V. S. 4s regular. 128VJ Northern I'nclflo. . 2Slf
U. 8.4s coupons. . . .12U'/i do preferred C0 ?
U. B.41U regular..100U 0. &N. W 110U
ir. S. 4K coupons. .ICflJi do preferred Hl',4
I'aclflcdsor ' 03 118 N.Y.Contral 109
Central PoclOc 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . 1J1 Itocklsland 88i !
Chicago , llurllngton U. , M. &St.P 72.H
&Qulnov 102 { do preferred US
D..L.&W , HliJi SU'aulAiOraaha. . 35
Illinois Central Ill ) dopreferred 93',4
i.U.AC w. . m ; Urtlon 1'aclnc 02 ? j
Kansan AcToxas. . . . 10S4 \V..St. L. iP. Itt
Lake Shore lXli ( do preferred 2J'4
Michigan Central. . Western Union M6 !
Missouri Pacific. . . .
MONEY Easy ; closed offered at 2@3.
STBRMNO EXCIIVNOC Dull but steady ;
sixty-day bills , $4.87 ; demand ,
CHICAGO , Juno 14. 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat
Strong and higher ; cash,80 c bid ; July , 77-
0-10c ; December , 77) c.
Corn Steady ; cash , 31o ; July , 34 ; o ;
September , 35&e.
Oats Steady ; cash , 22 c ; July , 220-lCc ;
September , 22 7-lOc.
Hye Cash 89c.
Barley Nominal.
Prime Tirnothy S1.25.
Flax $1.51.
Whisky $1.03.
Pork Steady ; cash , $11.50 ; July , $11.55.
Lard Steady ; cash. S0.55 ; July , S8.GO.
Flour Showed better feeling ; dealers
were firmer in their views , asking advance
of lOc to IDo on winters and patents.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders ) So.l2i < J@5.25 ;
short clear , S0.12 @ 0.25 ; ' short ribs , 55.75
Butter Steady ; creamery , 12lCc ; dairy ,
Cnooso Steady ; full cream Cheddars and
flats , 7J75i'c ; Young Americas , SWBSUc.
Eggs-Firm ; fresh , ll@13c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light grosn
salted , B } c ; salted dull , 4J o ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7@Se ; deacons , 23a each.
Talloxv Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4c ; No. 2 , 3 , ' a ; cake , 4J c.
Ucccipts. Shipments.
Flour 9,000 9,000
Wheat 14,000 7,000
Corn 130,000 377,000
Oats 109.000 178,030
Noxv York , Juno 14. Wheat Receipts ,
33,000 ; exports , 139,000 : spot dull and
higher ; No. 2 red , 83c in store ; 63 > ( ffiS3.5 < c
afloat ; S3' @S5Xc f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 77c ;
ungraded red , 8 X@S3 ; options strong nnd
nnd higher ; June , Miu.
Corn Kecoipts , GU,000 ; exports , 171,000 ;
snot nctivo and easy ; No. 2 , ll @H e
in elox'ator ; 4 ( i$42&a afloat ;
mixed , 40K@42Kc ; options moderately ac
tive , llrm und higher.
Oats Uocoipts , 104,000 ; exports , 40 ; spot
moro active und steady ; options autivo nnd
lower ; June , 27J o ; July , 27 , ' e ; spot No. 2
xvhite , 30o ; mixed western , 2ti30e ( ,
Coffee Ootlons irregular ; 7Ji to SO points
doxvn ; sales , 123,500 bags ; June , $15iO@15.75 ;
July , S13.40@15.75 ; September , 15.00 ® US. 15 ;
spot Hlo , depressed ; tnlr rargoos. ? lt > .00.
Petroleum Quiet ; United closed nt fc3 > c.
ERRS Firm lor choice ; western , 13 % < < jl4c. !
Pork Quiet ; now , S13.12Vfj8l3,23. (
Lard Easier und moderately nctlvo ;
xvcstern steiim , { O.b'j U.OO ; July , $0.113.
Uutter Quiet ; xvehtorn , 9@17He.
Cheese Strong ; western , 7 < i58lfc.
KniiHiiH Cliv. Juno 14. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 rodcash , 74c naked ; No. 2
soft , cash , 7Sc bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. S , cash , 20 o asked ;
No. 2 xvhlto , cash , 29o bid.
Outs No. 2 cash , 19c.
AliiinonpoliH , Juno 14. Wheat Sample
xvhcat nctivo and lirin ; receipts , 100 cars ;
shipments 07 cam. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
June , U4o ; July , 93o ; on track , 93@'J4e ;
No. 2 noithuru , June , 87c ; July , b"Ku ;
ou truck , 87@90c ; No. 2 northern , Juno 7o ;
July , 77) ) 0 ; on track , 7S@SOo.
Jjivci-pool , Juno 14. Wheat Steady
demand Improving ; holders offering
sparingly ; red xvestern springs , 7s Oj-jd and
7s@l ) d per cental ; reu xvcstern xviutor , Us
4fd per centiil.
Corn Steady nnd demand fair ; now
mixed xvcstern , iis Sd.
Milwaukee , Juno 14. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 75 , ' c ; July , TfiXf.
Corn Finn ; l\'o , 3 , 34o.
Oats--Firni ; No. 2. white , 27c.
Hyo Nominal : No. 1 , 41J < c.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 5U- .
Provisions Easier ; pjrk , $11
St. Ijouls , Junu'l4. Wha.u HIghcr ;
cash , 90o ; July , 71''c. '
Corn Steady ; oaih , Slji'o ; July , 31 o ,
Oats Nominal ; cash , 23o ; July , 2Jo.
Pork-r-Uull nt il'J.Od.
Lurd Lower f0.40.
Duttcr ( Julot nnd uiichantied ; creamery ,
Cinoliuuiti , Juno 14. V.'hcat Higher ;
No. 2 rod , SOGibTc.
Orn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , SSKQSOc.
Oats Steady ; No , 2 mixed , Jji Qiaac ,
WhUky Steady ut SI.OJ.
Olilorviid , Juno 14. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follawj ;
Cattle Receipts , 0.500 ; market slow and
Joxver ; beo\-c , f.10@4.40 ) ; steers , f3.GO@
4.O8toukcra ! ; und fee-dors. f3.20@3f > 0 ; coxvs
bulls ami mixed , $1.00 ( 3.10 ; Texas cattle ,
Hogs Receipts , 10,200 ; slow and Co lower :
mixed , fl.ir4.35 ; heavy , S4.05@4.30 ; light
14.20 ? ; I 5'J ; skin ? , W.W@4,80 ,
Sheep Receipts , SOOJ , ; market steady :
natl vcs , ? 3.)0 ( ( { I.CO ; western wooled , 53.6'JS (
4.UO ; Bhorn Toxaut * , t3.yOiJ4,03j ( lambs , $ J.U (
Ci3.f)0 ppr head.
KUIWIB City , Juno 14.-C'uttla Re
cclpts , 200 ; shipments , 700 ; market slow
and weak ; common to choice corn fed blcers
i3.25K4.10 ; cows , tl.76jJ3.00.
Hoed Receipts , l .noO ; bhlpments , 1,000
inurkei weak and lower : li iu , Jt.lO'Jil.lS
licavy c.nd uiixud , f3l > & 4 05.
Njitloiial HlnuU VirU , 13a t 8t
LoiilK , .Tuuo 14. - - Cattle Receipts , SOO
jhlpmrr.ts , 3&iO ; f.eauy ; fair to choice heav.
sativo ilcer& , W..OOJi.'Jy ; stackers an
/codors. f'i.lOQ3.00 ; rongors , corn-fed , $13.00
© 3.30. .
Hogs Receipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
cholco heavy butchors'f$4.30@4.40 ; packing ,
$ > @ 4.30 ; light grades , $4.00@4.40.
8lou City , Juno 14 Cattle Receipts ,
2C5 ; shipments , 295 ; market 15o lower ; fat
steers , $3.00@3.85 ; stockcrs nnd feeders , f3.20
(33.83. (
Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; light and mixed ,
$3 8r > (83.07 ( f ; heavy , * 3.M@l.oo.
Friday , Juno 14.
The rccelpU of cattlo'woro the lightest
for some dnysand there wcro hardly enough
to malto much of auiarket. The trade
was slow , but the prices paid for beeves
were a little stronger. Ono bunch of 1400-lb
steers sold at $1.23 , but the bulk of the boot
and shipping steers wont nt $3.CO@4.0j.
Good cows sold at steady prices , but grassy
cows arc very low , oven when pretty smooth
and of otherwise fair quality.
The hog market was a little stronger , but
hardly Bo higher than yesterday. The trade
was fairly nctlvo , and nn early clearance
was effected. The most popular price was
$ -1.00 , but 31.97K bought a good many loads.
A sort sold us high us f l.l'J .
There was nothing hero to make a mar
Cattle . COO
Ho i . 5OJO ,
Horses . 43S
PrevailingPrices. .
The tallowing U utibb of prloa lull In
this mirkot. for tha cralos ot" stoo ; k men-
tloucd :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbi.$3.90 ( rf)4.20 )
Good steers , 1250 to HJOlbs. . . 3.bO OC4.15
Good stuers. 1050 to 1300 Ibj. . . 8.05 W3.90
Common canncra 1,50 QM.OO
Ordinary to fair coxva 2.0J ( $2.i ! ( )
Fairtogood coxvs 2.5'J ' M2.00
Good to cholco coxvs 2.00 W3.00
Choica to fancy cows , heifers..8.00 fa'3.23
Fair to KOOU bulls 2.00 fo2.30 ;
Good to choice bulls 2. JO C < i3.00
Llgnt stockcrs and feeders. . . . 2.75 ( ! 8.00
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 8.00
Fnir to choice light hogs ' 1.00
Fair to choice heavy hors 8.05 ( ( § 4.00
Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.9) ) @ ,00
Fair to medium native sheep. . 8.5'J Qgl.3
Good to choice native sheop. . . 4.0J M 1.30
Fair to choice xvcstern sheep. . 3.25 @t.5'J
Shorn sheep. 3.00
Representative Sales.
io. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5 9CO $3.05 17 124$3.bO ! )
0 600 3.80 21 1212 3.SO
3 1111 3.40 10 1843 3.82JS
03 1102 350 9 1249 3.85
1 1320 3. (50 ( 17. . . . . . .1271 3.93
5 1101 3.05 19 13)4 3.95
38 11S4 3.75 53 12.W 4.00
8 1219 3.75 21 1439 4.00
7 1157 3.75 18 1393 4.05
5 1203 3.80 35 1490 4.20
23 1181 3.SO
COW ? .
3 917 2.00 2.05
7 1015 212J1 . . . . . . . . ) 280
. .1049 2.2- > 1 b20
2 11CO 235 1 12JO 3.00
1 :1030 : 240 1 1170 8.00
4 932 2.40 2 1305 8.15
7 1003 2.13
. 850 1.50 0 . 805 l.SO
. cor 173 5. .10J3 1.83
. 070 1.80
.1130 1.73 1. . . .1850 2.75
.1280 2.10
. 721 275 18. . . 1021 3.23
. 905 300 2J. . . . 932 3.37 }
.1400 3.3j
535 2.73 5. . . SOO 3.25
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
23. . .235 60 $3 90 57. . . 253 $4 00
0. . .357 8 90 03. . . .244 S'J 4 03
.1. . , .315 3 90 03. . . .254 40 4 00
80 3 95 04. . . .251 120 4 03
120 3 95 05. . . .214 120 4 03
3 95 71. . . .243 120 4 00
GO. , .290 ICO 3 (15 ( 07. . . .219 120 4 00
C2. , .203 3 95 49. . .2.34 120 4 00
57. , .201 to 3 95 03. . . .273 200 4 00
C5. . .272 120 3 95 82. . . .212 120 4 00
.9. . . .812 120 3 95 70. . . .242 4 00
C3. . .287 100 3 05 03. . . .241 SO 4 00
00. . .284 100 8 Ho 175. . . .331 123 4 00
01. . .291 3 * K ) 54. . . .200 120 4 00
43. . .350 100 8 95 52. . . .275 4 03
01. . .259 bO 3 95 0'3. . . .257 200 4 00
53. . .309 2CO 395 CO. , .220 4 00
BO. . .835 80 8 90 ' .218 40 00
8 . .231) ) 80 ! ) . ! ,2'0 bO 00
10. . .234 40 397M ( il. . . .232 bO 00
10.u. . .247 71. . . .235 00
> u. . .200 40 3 CO. . , .2H ! 40 00
S'l. . .COO 80 397 54. . . .213 60 00
. .299 240 3 97 K 05. . , .255 00
si ! . .20.3 3 97)4 0) . . , .295 4 UO
. .255 100 ( Hi. . , .251 120 4 00
. .207 I ) m4 } 85. . . .199 80 4 03
. .230 40 3 97H ' ' .233 80 4 00
b ( > 3 97M Oo ! . . .217 SO 4 03
. .255 40 ! ! 97J4 .2 < i4 Sl ( 1 (10 (
17. . .2I'J 40 3 .I7H .278 80 4 CO
( 17.U. . . .2s7 80 3 02. . , .237 bO 4 00
00. . .2iO 4 ! ) 8 .209 4 00
3. . .24(1 ( 40 3 .220 40N 402
CO. . .312 3 U7 } .219 N ) 4 05
113. . .2SI 80 .20 , ) 4 05
53. " 40 ? J1 ! 09. . ,225 40 4 05
55. 325 SO" 72. . .215 1 03
01. . .2SI 3 Silk os. . .210 SO 407K
. .200 120 4 00 .234 4 I'Jtf
Live Stock Notes.
Frank Fcuster , of Upton , had n car of hogs
Cordova was represented bylJerryman , of
the llrmof Hale is 13errymun , who had stook
on the market.
Comstock Liros. , of Oak , sent in a car of
A. Ottcrman , of Madison , had hogs lierc.
Sam Jones , ono of Inland's big fcodeMhad
a car of hog * hero.
J. M , Cox , of Hampton , came in with hogs.
Hiram Fry cumo in from Bromllold with
two cars of cattle.
Hogs sold a year ago at $5.25@5.15.
Two years ago baovos sold at 3l.75@t,30.
I3oef cattle sold three years ago ut iU.Oo ®
Three years ago hogs were 80s lower than
now.Hogs wcro 00@50c higher two ycara ago
than ut present.
During the early part ot ' Juno , last your ,
the cattle market was onjo'ylng an unprece
dented boom. An advance of lOo was noth
ing , but tha market went up 15c to 25o ut r
time. Thu corn-fed beeves had been pretty
well run out , and It scorned as If the demand
Improved , as the supply decreased. Ono year
ago to-day $ J.25 was paid for a hunch of 1419-
Ib steers and men wcro talking about cattle
going up to { 3.00 The turning point , how
ever , boon came , mid the market went down
oven inoro'rapldly than it went m > . Some
feeders who were too sangumo nnd held on
too long sold ut (1.00 per hundred lower
than they had been bid ut tbo height of the
Wiley Hlack , of Plattsmouth , marketed
S4.20 cattlo.
J. S. Uickford brought in two cars of cat
tle from 13romflold.
F. T. Siiclton , of Nehawka , was a visitor
at the yards.
Comstock Bros. , of Oak , marketed a loai
of hogs.
A. T. McElderry was over from Missour :
Volley with cattlo.
H , F. Church , a regular Plcrco dealer , was
In with cattle and hoga.
Arlington was represented by Air. Siud
buck , who brought in a car of cattlo.
Produce , Fruits , Kto.
Butter firmer and In somewhat uct'lvo do
uiand. ICjjfa higher. Cheese steady. Fruit
und \egctablcs plentiful and cheaper.
Hurrim Table dairy , IS&JUo ; packers
stock , BfijlOo. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10(3 (
ISc ; choice , 14@15o ; solid packed , 10)4o. )
Eoas Strictly freah , 13o.
CiigusH Young Anierlet , full cream , lOo
twin Hals , OJ/c ; oit grades , 40o ; Vat
Il033etn damf11.50per dozen ; sap sago , 19o
Goo nnnnniKS Per 3 bu. fulaud , fC.50 ; 2-t
lunrt case , $2.50. tt
PLUMS Per 21 quart Jtft
bu. box , 8l.00ft41.25. -'Ib '
PJNC AiTLts Per doz , $3iW@3.50.
BAXANAS According to > site , per bunch ,
3.0503.00. 'IH
CncOANUTS-Pcr 100 , * 5.W. o FISH Wlilto fish , bcr Ib , 7@SKc ;
rout , per Ib , 9c ; white pordi , per Ib , 7o ; but-
iilo , per Ib. 7c ; pickerel , peri 'Ib , Oc ; black
bass , per Ib , He. "i
BEANS Cholco hand picket navy , $1.75 ;
holco hand picked medium. $1.05 ; chplco
innd picked country , 1.60 j clean country ,
11.20(31.23. ( >
EAUI.Y VnorTAni'is : Potatoes. Cnl. , per
b , 2 } < c ; southern , per bblt $4.00 ; onions ,
Cal.- , per Ib , 2 ! o ; southern/ per bbl , $1.00 ;
cabbage , per crate , f-I.OO ; turnips , per bu
box , $1.00@1.25 ; beets , per box , $1.00 ( 1.25 ;
vax beans , per bu box , $2,75@3.00 ; string
beans , per bu box , &J.23 ( < $3.50 ; green pca < ,
> or bu box , $1.60 ( 1.75 ; tomatoes , per K bu
box , $2.00 ; asparacus , per dozbcb , fiOc@1.00 ;
cauliflower , $3.50 ; ccg plant , $ l.75@3.00 ;
iiuash , 75c : cucumbers. 50@73e ; soup
bunches , 40c ; lettuce , 25o ; radishes , 20u ;
green onions , lG@20c ; now carrots , 20c ; plo
ilant , per Ib , 8c.
HIDES , PELTS , TALLOW. ETC. Green salted
ndes , 5c ; dry salted hides , 5cJ dry Hint
ildcs , 7c ; calf hides , Co ; damaged
ildes , 2clcss ; sheep pelts , green , each , 25c ©
liOO ; sheep pelts , dry. per Ib , 9 ( < ei2o ; wool ,
ivorago , HMISc ; tullow , No , 1 , 8(33 ( ; ? o ;
greaso. "A , " 4c ; grease , yellow , Sc i
CiURii-Bbls , $3hf ; bbls , J3.
BtiTTcnixr. 12Ggl3c per Ib.
MAM.C Sue u : 12K@15c per Ib.
POTATOES Cholco , sucked , iierbu , 25@30c ;
Colorado , 40S45e. (
VEAL Clioicc.incdlum 8lzcOXjt7o ( ; cholco ,
heavy , 4o.0c ( ; spring lambs , $30.00@30.00 per
HOXEV 14t$16c per Ib for choice.
JELI.H-.S 3K ? 4o per Ib.
Cnov Fhni-l0.03@ll,03.
Biux S1
Sugiirhlgher. CofTeo and rice firm. Canned
goods quiet. Dried fruits in good demand
nnd firm.
OiLs-Keroseno-P W , lOc ; W W , IS o ;
icndllght , 18c ; salad oil , SJ.1S@0.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , ? 3.00 ; small ,
0.00 ; gherkins , $7.W ( ; C & B chow-chow.
qts. jfl.00 ; pts. ? 3.50.
WiiAPi'ixo PAPER Straw , nor Ib , 1K@
2 } c ; rag , 2 } < fc ; manlllu B , Oc ; No. 1 , Oo.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb II'KKS , § 2.70 ; do 100
3-lbpkRS , S3 00 ; do O'J 5-lb pkcs , $2.50 ; do 23
10-lb ukgs , J2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , CO-lb , 85e ;
do 4-bu baifs , 221-lb , S3.40 ; do M S A , fiO-ib
bags , 53c ; per bbl , ? 1.15.
SHEDS Uird , 4 } < f@Jc.
S ! ) tlJ < ( ! 2iJio ; iier Ib.
STAIICII 5 ( ! 7c per Ib.
STOVE POLISH 52.00@5 S7 per gross.
Si'icns Whole , per Ib Allsolce , 12c ; Cas
sia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 70c ; pepper , ' ! ) .
Sue tits Granulated. OX@ $ % ° < ' confection
ers A , 9 @ 9 > * ( fc ; standard. extrnC. 9c ; yellow
l , SJ c ; powdered , 10@10J o ; cut loaf , 10 > @
l > c : cubes , 10' c.
TUAS Gunpowder , 2D@OOc ; Japan , 20@40c ;
Y. Hyson , 23'ciJOc : Colons , 2250c.
Vixnoxu Per gal , 13&KJ.
FISH Salt Dried codtlsh , OJ OSK" ! hali-
jut , 12c ; scaled herring. 25c per box : liol-
lerring , dom , 50c ; Kaiuburg'spiced herring ,
Sl.OOjiU 10 ; hoi. hcrriup , 70c ; mackcrol ,
lit bbls , No. 1 , S18.00 : largo family ,
? 1250per 100 Ibs ; xvhltoflsh , No. 1 , ? 7.25 ;
family , $3.00 ; trout S5.00 ; salhiou , 88.00 ; an-
chovis , 10-lb p tils , SOc. '
Lvb S1.75C'4.50. '
NUTS Almonds , KiWlSc ; Urazils , On ; fll-
jerts , 12c ; pecans , lUo ; xx-aluuts , lOc ; peanut
cocks , Os ; rousted. lOc.
Hvos American A , seamless , 17c ; Union
Square paperdiscount , 35 percent.
Con'EES Groan Fancy old golden Kio ,
27c ; fuucy old peaberry. 23u ; Itio , choice to
ranc.V2io ' ; Hio , prime , 21c ; ' Hio , peed , 17c ;
Mocha , 29c ; Juvu , fancy M.ihdeUllnB , 29c ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
Cocrucs Roasted Arbuckle , 24c ; Mc-
/auchlin's XXXX , 2l > 6 ; German , 24
Dillworth , 24 c ; Alaroma , 21c.
Duici ) FIIUITS Per Ib , rtprirots , 10@lGc.
Anples , Mich. , 4c ; stars , 5fu ; Aldens , 0 %
@Sc. Peaches , Cal. Y. , puoluj , 17WOc ( ;
fancy unpeeled , ll@13u : sun dried. 7K" ' <
Salt Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal. R. C. 7 } @ 10 } c.
Currents , C'Sfi'e ; Turkish prunes , I'i'c' . Cit
ron peel , 23o. Lemon peel , 14c. Dates ,
7c. Figs , 9@lOc. Rusins , Malaga binch ,
dohesas , § 300 i > er box ; Vulcncios , per ib ,
7Kc ; Cal. G .t S , S2 10 per box. Dried crapes ,
5c. . Blackberries , fi } c. Pitted cherries , lli' ' e ;
pitted plums , ilQpllc. Rnsuberriea , 22 } < c.
Nectarines , 18@14c. .
C\XNEI > FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , S3.50 ;
salmon tiout , 2 Ib , 5'2.85 ; clams , 1 Ib , 51.23 ;
clams , 2 Ib , S2.00cliim ; chowder , 3 Ib , 52.33 ;
devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $ ) 23 : devilled crabs , 3
Ib , * 'J.oO ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , U.75 ; caviar , Y
Ib. $2.25 ; eels , 1 II ) , $ .3.23 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , 52 00 :
lobsters , 1 Ib , 51.90 : lobsters , devillo.l J3' Ib ,
$2.23 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , SI. 00 ; muckers ! mus
tard sauce. 3 Ib , sl.OO ; muckercl tomato
Fiiuce , 3 Ib , ? 2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , b5c ; oysturs ,
2 Ib. $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon ,
C. R , 2 Ib. SUO ; salmon. Alaska , t Ib , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.9U ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CANDY Otl u per Ib.
CIIUCOIATU AM > ( ; ocov 23@30c per Ib ;
German chickory rod. be.
GiNOKit Jamaica , \ $ pts. , ? J.OO par doz.
FutiNACUous Gooni Uarley.'JiWJ c ; far
ina , 41tfc ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 3@4&c ; iii.icn-
roni , iljic ; vermiculi , 1 ' " "
sago and tapioca , 0 ( < 57c ,
UATTH Standard , Sc ; Gam , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , Uc : 13 , cased , Sii.5'3.
COTTON 'FL4SNCI.S 10 per csnt trade dls
LL , unbleached , DVc" CO , C..Y J ; SS , 7J4"c ;
BU , b % : GG , 9X ! XX , lOKc ; OO , W < c ;
NNli ! < o ; A A , 14c ; DD , lfj-jo ; TT. Iti e ;
YY. liu ; BB , 19c ; 20 blenchca , bKc1 ; tw ,
12 1Sd ; , 1 K ; 50 brown und slate , Uc ; 70 ,
12 } < u ; 90 , lilu.
OAitrr.r Wuu1 Bibb White , 19c ; colored ,
2"cCu \sn Stnveas' B , 5c , ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached. Su ; Slcveiii. ' P , 7Jic ; bleiuied : ! ,
8 6 ; Stevens' N , 8K ; bleached , 9 } < Jc ;
Stevens' SHT.Jl ! < Jc.
CvMiiitics Slater , fljVoods : , 5j ; Slin-
durd , f > u : Peacock , 5j ,
pln , 7c ; ICearsagc , 7 c ; Rockport ,
Conestoga , 0 } < c.
DUCK West Point. 29 in , S oz , 9Ku ; do , 29
in ' 10oz , l'2 } c ; do , 29 in , 13 oz , I3) < o ; dola
II , , * 11 OZ , ItlC.
DENIMS Amoskcng , 9 oz , 10V < jC ; iCvcrott , 7
o13e ; York , 7 07 , 13c ; Haymaker , S } c ;
.laffroy XX , ll } o ; .laiTroy XXX , 13Mc ;
Beaver Creole A A , 12o ; Bsaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Crook CC , lOe.
FuNXiiLS-Whito , G. H. No. 2 , % " , 2-JKc ;
L Plaid , UafUman , 20c ; Goshen ,
" ; Clear Lake , 30 } < ( c ; Iron Mountain ,
GINGHAM Plunkett checks , OJ c ; Whit-
tenton , OJfo : ; York , 7 } < p ; Normaudi rtrc s ,
7 } c ; Calcutta drcas , 7 } & : whlttonton dress ,
7V e : Kenfrcw dress , bK@12Xe.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c : Stund-
point , ISe ; Durham , 27 9 ! Hcrjculos , 18 < i ;
Leamington , 22 } < c : Glc wpod , 20c ; Melville ,
2.r > o ; Bang-up , 27K- .
PniNrs Dress Charter1 , Oak , fij c ; Ra-
inupo , 4o ; Lodi , 5/o ! ; Alien , Oc ; Richmond ,
Oe ; Windsor , fl < o ; Kddystpno , 0 > c ; Pacific'
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7/o ; Atlahtlo , D. 4-1 ,
Atlantic , P , 4-4 , Oc ; Atlantic LL , 4-1. Oo
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4c ; CrdwiP XXX , 4-4. OJfo ;
Hoosler LL , 4-4. Wo\ \ Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 o ;
Lawrence LL , 44 , 5Jlc ; Old Dominion 4-4 ,
" . Pouperoll R , 4-4 , 036 ; Pepperell B , 40-
inch , 7c ; Pepperell 8 4. 17e ; Pepperell ! M ,
20c ; Pepperell 10-4 , 23o ; Utica C , 4-4. 4j o ;
brick , 12Q$13c ; llmburger , ll@12c ; domcstlo
Swiss , 14c ; skims , 2@4c ; checso safes , bronze
medul , No , 8. S3.85.
POUI.TIIV Llvo Jiens , per dozen , ? 3.50@
4.00 ; mixed , $ ! l.25fA : | 60 ; turkeys , 7 ( < ? So per
Ib ; ducks , $3.00(3350 ( ; geese , $3.00 < & 4.00 ;
live pixeons , $1.50.
On ANOKS Riverside , $4.00(35.00 ( ; fancy
paper rind St. Michaels , s3,75 ( 4.25 ; fancy
Duurto Mediterranean sweets , $3.00@4.00 ;
Los Angeles ( cnolco ) , $3.00 ,
, LKMONS Choice , W.50@5.00 ; fancy , $3.75(3 (
f Uv *
PKAOHE8 Per K bu box. $ i.25@1.59.
Pi-i'LES Per K bu Jjo.v-$1.00.
CiiKitiiiiis Per 21 quart case , $2.75 ; per 10
quart drawer , $1.75.
Bi.AfiuiuiiiiiKS Per 24 quart case , $3.00.
BLACK liABi'iiEituiEs Per 24 quart case
Run lUsniKiiniEa Per 24 pint caso. $3.50.
STiuwuBimiEs Per 24 quart case , $3.75(3 (
8.00 ; 2 bu. stuud , $7.00.
iVnchuiott. 4-4. 7jct } Aurora R , 4-4 , 7o ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , 0)40. )
SiiiUTtxo CHUCKS Caledonia X , 0) , Cal
edonia XX , lOJ o ; Kconomy Oo ; Otis Oo ;
Granlto ( l.Vo ; Crawford 8c : Haw River SJ c
TICKS Oakland A , f o ; International
YY , Sc ; Shotuckct , S , 8ko ; Warren , No
70 , lOc ; Berwick , HA , ISo ; York , 'JO In
3)t'c ) ; York , 33 In , 13Uc ; Swift River , So ;
Thorndlko OO , 8 'ic ; Thorndlko E P. 8 > tfo :
Thorndlko 130 , 9tfo } ; Thorndlko XX , 15c ;
Cordls No. 3 , DKc : Cordls No. 4. lO c.
MISCRUAXCOUD Table oil cloth , $3.23
ublo oil cloth , marble , $3.23 ; plain Holland
; Dado Holland , 13
Block Tin Eng. rcf'g , small pig , 2Sc ; bar ,
° 9c.
Copper Planlshc'd boiler sizes , 32o ; cold
rolled , SOc ; sheathing , 30o ; pitts , 30c ; Hats ,
Galvanized Sheet Iron Junlnta , discount ,
X ) per cent.
'ntcnt I'Uilshol Ini-Vs . 24 to 27 , A
utility , per Ib , 10 0' No. 34 to 27 , B quality ,
KI * . l or less than bundle add J c per Ib.
SHEET Inox-No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , ? 3.50.
SoLUEii Hoyt Molal Co.'s half nnd half In
.ib cases , per Ib , lOc ; commercial half and
inlt , 15c ; No. I in bars , 14c.
TIN PL.VTE-Best ( Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
° 25. sheets $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 223 sheets ,
* 3.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 235 sheets , $ (5.50 ( ; IX , 12x12 ,
J23 shoots , $3.23 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $0.50 :
X , 11x20 , 112 sheets. $3.25 ; 1XX , 14x20 , 112
heots , $10.00 ; IXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets ,
$11.75 ; 1C , 2.x8S , 113 sheets , $13 60 ; IX , 2.x23 ,
12shcetsl7.00 ; iXX,2x28 , H2shcets , $20.50.
COKE 1C , 10x1 1 , 223 sheets , 50.00 ; 1C , 14x20 ,
12 sheets , SO.OO ; 1C. 10x20 , 223 sheets , $9.50.
Roonxa ( Best Charcoal ) 20x28 , $9.75 ®
STEHI. NAILS Base , ? 2.20 ; steel wlro nails ,
base , $2.00.
LEAD lg , 4c : bar , 4 } c.
BAKU Wuu : Painted , $3.23 ; galvanized ,
$3.75(23.90. ( _
DTIIS-H and Chcmlcnta.
ACID Sulphuric , par carboy , 2 > c ; citric
icr Ib , 51o : oxalic , per Ib. llo ; tartaric , pow-
lorcd , iior lo , 43o ; carbolic , 33'J45c , .
ALUM Per Ib , 2 } c.
AMMONIA Curb. ] ) er Ib ,
AnitbwuooT Per Ib , lOe.
UALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , 03o ; tolu , D2@
53c.Hoi : vx- Refined , per Ib , 9J c.
CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , 82o.
Cunnit BEiiuiEb $1.50. .
CAXTIIAUIDKS i73iT)1.03. ( )
CiiLOitoroiiM Per Ib , 4 ID.
CoHiiosivr.SuiiLiM.vrr. Per Ib , 75c.
CUEAM TAUTAU 1'uro. per Ib , 29c.
EXTRACT LOCIWOOD Bulk , par Ib , 12o.
EHOOT 43c.
GLYCEUINH Bulk , per Ib , 22c.
GU.M Asfoatidu , per Ib , 14c ; camphor , per
b , 30c ; opium , perlb , $ ; ) 33.
IODINE Hesubiimated , per ounce , $3.03.
LEAVKS Uuchu , short , per Ib , 13e ; senna
Alex. , per Ib. , 25@38c.
Moiii'iiiA Sulpli , per oz , $2.80.
Mnncuiiv OOc.
POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 37c ; Iodine , per
b , 82.85.
QUINIA Sulpb , per Ib 37 ( < ? 4Cc.
SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4H'c.
Sows Custile , mottled , per Ib , fiftflOc ;
castile , white , per Ib , 13@15e.
SriuiTs NITHC Sweet , per Ib. 30c.
S-nn CHNI < Crystals , § 1.0'JC'51.1S.
Soi.i'ir , CINCHONA Per oz , ti@14c.
TAI-IOC v Per Ib , Oc.
TONKA BBANS-Sl.70tf > 1.75.
Ijuiuhrr. b'nic , Etc.
Dimensions and Timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. IS ft. 20ft. 23 ft. 2-t ft.
2x4. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 1000 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x0. . . 15.00 15.UO 15.0J 1000 1000 18.00 19.00
2x8. . . 15.00 1.TOO 13.00 10.00 lb.00 18.00 19.00
2x10. . 15.00 1500 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x12. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x48x8. . 10.00 10.00 10 00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
FEXCIXO No. 1. ! und 0 inch , 12 ana 14 ft ,
rough , J10.00@10.5J ; No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 10
feet , S17.00@17.50 ; No. 2.4 und 0 inch , 12
and 14 foot , S13.,0V ( 1I.OO ; No. 3 , 4 and 0 inch ,
10 feet , .55.W@io.uO. ! (
FINISHING 1st nd 3nd clear , 1 ! inch s 2
s , syo.OOUW.-iO.oa ; t and 2nd clear , \y und 2
inch , s 2 s U17.Cl@-l .r ( ) : 3rd. clear , 1 }
inch , B 2s , ! ? 43.JOi5 ( ( ; CO ; 3rd , clear , 1 } and
2 inch , H'3 s , $43.OG ! ? 10.00 ; B select , 1 } , 1 % ,
and 2 inch , s 2 s , ? i'.7.003S.tO ; 1st nnd 2nd ,
clear , 1 inch , s3s , $15.00 ; 3rd , clear. 1 inch ,
s 3s , $50.00 ; A select , 1 inch , s 2 s , 533.00 ;
B select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00. '
STOCK lioAHDS A 12 in , s 1 a 12 , 14 and 10
feet. S4J ( 00 ; B 12 in , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$41.00 ; C 12 in , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , § 35.03 ;
D 12 in , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( feet , $23.00 ; No. 1
com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 feet , ? IS.OO ; No. 1 com ,
12 In , sis , M und 10 feet , jl7.GO@18.59 ; No.
1 com : , 12 in , B 1 B , 10 , IS und 20 feet , ? U'.5 ( ) ;
No. 2 com , 12 In. s 1 s. 14 and 10 feet , $17.00.
Flooring 1st com Oinch white pmo , % 33.CO ;
2d com 0 inch wliito pine , ? .3l.OU ; 3,1 com 0
inch white pine , SCO.OO ; D com ( i inch whlto
imio. 620.03 ; com t add ( i inch yellow pine ,
? 13.00 ; Stur 4 inch yellow pine , b7.00 ! ; 1st
and 2J clear vellow pine. 4 and 0 inch , SI0.03.
LIME , UTC. Quiucy white lime ( besttOc ) ;
English und Get man Portland cemonl , $ .3 45 ;
.Milwaukee nnd Louiivilie. $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , ,2.23 , ; Fort Dod c plaster , 52.10 ;
Bliu Itapid plaster. 51.03 ; hair. 20u : sasn , 03
l > cr ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 55 per ct
dis : tarred felt , par owt , $2.00 ; btraw board ,
per cwt , Sl.0'3.
Poi'i.u LU.MIIEH Clear poplar box bds , %
in , R 2 p , $ :31.00 : ; clour poplar } t > In piuiol ,
! 3).0i ) ) ; clear poplar % in panel , $ 25.09 ; clear
poplin1 } , , in panel stock wide , a 2 ; , ? 23.00 ;
clcai' pop'.ur corrugated ceilmg.K , 433.00.
POSTS Whitoiwdur , 0 inch , halves , 12e ;
white cedur , b\4 \ inch , halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; white cellar , 4 Inch , round , IGc ; Tenncs
see red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white )
8c : sawed oak , Isc.
SIIINOLIW , LVTII , PBUM XX clcnr , $3.15 ;
extra "A * , S2.bO ; standard A , S3.CO ; o-mch ,
clear , 61.j0 ( 1.70 ; 0-inch , clear , $1.75 © ! . 80 ;
No. 1 , 41.10 1.15 ; clear rod cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , Jil.40 ;
Culllornia ted wood , diincnoion widths , Jl.50 ;
cypress , clcurhoait , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $3.50.
CI.ILINO AND PARTITION 1st com , % in ,
white pine partition , $32.00 ; 2nd com , % in ,
white pmo partition , 5J7.0J ; clear % m , jol-
low pine collinj. , § 30.00 ; clear ? H' In , Norway ,
1.50 ; 2nd com , -)6 in , Norway. $13 00 ,
Ho.utDS Ko. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
S1S.OO ; No , 2 com. s. 1 h. 13 , 14 and 10 ft ,
10.50 ; No. com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft ,
11.50 ; No. 4 com. , s. 1 H. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
( shipping cull ) ? 1 1.00. Add DO cents per M.
ft for rough.
G. Balls , 2 } inch , OOo : O. O. Butts , } /x3
SIS , liSu ; : i in well tijbinp. D. < fc M. and Bev. ,
W3.00 ; Pickets , D , & H. Hat ; $20.1)0 ) ; Pickets ,
D. & H. square , 519.00.
ions i mm
Basement First National Bank ,
r O5 South Elitli Street , - Omuiiu
Cnpitiil . . . SWOOD )
Surplus Jan. 1st , I8S9 . Si.OOD
JJENHV W. YATia. I'roalclant.
LKWI3 S. UI2K1J , Vl '
W. U.S. UUGIinS , Cushlnr
Corner Hittj and l-'arrwia 3ts ,
A General Uanklac
_ . . - Issued by
Cities , Counties , School Districts , Water Com.
jianlea , &c. We are in the market for the
purchase of round amounts of sucu bonds ,
Correspondence solicited ,
N. W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
119-17 Monroe Street , CHICAGO ,
ee Devonshlra Street , BOSTON.
Booto and Shoos.
AGO. ,
Burecssort to llee I , Jones .t Co.
Wholesale Mannfoctorere of Bootss Shccs
Ascnts for lloston Ituhber Ehoo Co , HOT , 1101 and 11M
llttnoy Street. Omaha. NcbtaiVa.
Browors. '
, t ILElt ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IStl North Klghtecalh street. Omaha , Vn.
Mannfaclnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wlndorr-capa nnl melalle utyllfthtt. John Upenctcr ,
proprietor , lib anil llu south 10th stroou
Manufacturers ot
IM , Office and Saloon Fixtes , <
Unntlcs , Klilohnnnls. Hook C-TCS , Drtip lliturfi , Wail
Cn'cj , Parllllons , Italllnco , Countorn , Moor ntut Win *
Coolers. Mirrors Ktc' Factory and otllco , 1730 andlTM
bouth l.Ub St. . Omaha. Telephone ) i. _ -
_ _ Pqp rjioxo8.
Proprietor Omaha- Paper Box Factory ,
N"a nn mid U19 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb.
Sash jDp org , .EtoT
jir. A. Disnnow Aco. . ,
\VlioUjalo manufacturers Ot
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulding ! ,
Branch MPJcc , 12th and Itnnl tret'l Omaha , Neb.
Mannfictiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
lnR * , < tnlr-wor : < nnil Interior hard wood finish.
N. U. corner ilh nnd I-earunm rthatrcoK ,
Omaha , Nob.
" Pnmns , Pines and Engines ,
Ite&m , water , rallwar and mining supplies , eta
810 , 102 and IU4 ( arnam stn-ut , Omaha.
Steam and Wale : Supplies ,
naillclajr wind mill' . VIS nnd I2J Jones BU , Oman * .
U. F. 1I08S , actinic amtmcer.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Jhcct-lron work , atcam pumpi , aw mills. 1213-121S
Loavenworth sticct , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Carter A tun , 1'rop'n. Manufacturers of all VlnJ *
Sleam Boilerv Tanks aui Sheet Iron Wott
_ WorUsSouth _ andll.M.crosslnn. _ _ . Tel. 1111
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort ,
nglnc-a , brnm work , general foundry , machine aad
blacesmlth ork. OiUco anil worts , U. 1 * . Ujr.
nnd lith street , Omaha.
Manufactures of Wire and Iron Railings
Ucsk rails , \vlndotr guards. flower 6tunl , . wlrealfini ,
Me. lia North lull street , Omaha.
ManPrs of Fie ? and Burglar Protf Safes ,
Vaults jnll work , lion Rhultors and II ro escapes.
O. Amirecu , prop'r. Cor. Htliuinl JacksoaBls.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John r. IloyU , yup rltitoa lent.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ,
The Rest Route from Oinahn nnd Couucll
' "
T H I'"E AST = = .
Chicago , AND Hilwaukco ,
Sf. Pun ) , Minneapolis , Cedar Hauids ,
Rock Ishmil , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Diibiiquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsiillo ,
HololtVinoua , Ln Crossc ,
And all olhor Important points Hast , Northeust and
I'or throiiBh tlclcts. call nn the ticket nsent nl 1'fll
I'lirnnm street , In llnrkur llloci.or at Unlou 1'ucltla
1'ullinft'i Sleepers nnrt tUo flno't , DlnlnK Curs In the
worn ! arurnnon tlio miln line of tliu Chlcil o , Jilt.
\7autui ! & bt , J'uul Uullwny. uiul orcry attention U
piild tu luisBun CTJ by courteous employes or tag
- .
It. MII.NKH , lleneral Jlnnnucr.
3. K. TUi KBIt. ABjl liintj nornl Mnnnccr.
. . . ' ' ' nna
A. V. U O.Mll'UWJ'tK , Gcnoral I'assciigor
Tlc t A''ont ,
( ! KM i : ilKArCOUU , Assistant Gencrall'ussonzor
and Ticket AEont.
'f. J. CLAHK. (7 on oral Superintendent.
" "
Try Onat
" > i . > * - - , . . .f , ir
Orontly Imnrayrl with \TlnRlnv rhuckles on 009
Biuu. Euftlost rlc' ' i ifliiflvfi 'iifr.l'liofiprinKgleufEtti.
cu nna Qbsrtcu tdins to tbo wolgbt put on tUem.
Ad p' d ixinall " ' i to roiJKh country r flno
Wt : ' Orivoo V ill PTOyou | host nritlnftictlon.
A irwi > cr < < H > u
WTt AiLi/lt ! nl LU. o
In ulisoliitelv jnira antl
itv noluLlc ,
No Chemicals
nro utcJ In Iti preparation. It do , mor
than thrtt timtt tin ttrtnyth of Cocoa
luliril vrllh Mirth , Atro root or Sugir ,
anil li Ilitrcfuo fur mum icoiionilol ,
iciliaj tin than out tii'l a tvp. It I ,
ilcltcltitir , nuiirlihlni ; , itmiglhcnln ? , UA *
1,11.1 IIIU1 btru , ami aitnilritly tdi.lcil |
t\it Invalldlnl vullni prrion. In IiiaHh.
fjold IIJT ( Jioi-cis cicryiilicrc.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
C'- ' the I.Uuor Habit. I'lmlllrolr Cnreil
l > y AdinlnUieriiix l > r. lluluco'
H can bo clvon In a cup of coffee or tea without the
nowlciluunr thoiiLTsiin tuklii H ; l < itljiuliitulrh rni.
Icrs.nnU "III clfcct H spuvily unU pcriunnuiit euro ,
whuthfr the putlRnt Is a inotlumtu drinker or ni :
nlcoliullowrucu. Tliou.iniilsiifUrunknrdi , hnru tcnn
umilo luMiperaHunun wlio liiyolnkDuUoilcn ! > reclHi !
In thulr cotloo without thuli * kiiotrlo luuHnd 1011,1 jr bo.
luivo nicy unit drinking ou ilielr o.rn tree will. IT
MUVKH I' A U.S. Tlio ystcii : onru Itupri'uiriluil with
tbu tfpucltir. It bcoDiuci uniittcr iinpos ilMllty tn the
liquor appcilto to cxltt , I'ur > alu liy Kulin Al. o.
sBliU , IMh uiul Douglin itis.uml th niul Cum
iu' tt. Culm. A. D. IuiUT&JIro. . , Council J.luHHit
AGKNT8VANTHlAIloth general and cnn-
viihslnis. on the nuw , iMvlsuil an < l linpc'rlal
ftditioiuif Z ll'H Encyclopedia in Ilvu vuluuiei ,
just Issued. Bold far cnsli. or on easy nittal-
lurnia. I'or liberal tcrnn and territory
. . Xtii. I'ul . ' .
T. lli.r.wooii ; , ; , I'lilladelplilu.
A cents wanted. New UtciiH'.l. SelU nlnt |
a VKxclusho .errlioiy. Ills pro'lu. S.iluri
peed men , Jlowo Co. , i3 Jlauover St. , lloslou
Agrlriulturnl Implomontn.
cnvncntLL PAHKEK ,
Dcalcri'iAEricnllnialliniilcincnts.fagon ' . !
iiaHl . Jone * strocl , botwetn tth an *
luth , Omaha , NcbrMka.
AgricHlt1 Inmlcmcnts , Wagons , Carriages
Bupgle , cte. Wholesale. Omaha. Ncbr k .
nholcjnle Dealers la
AgilcnKnral ImpleniGiils , f agons& Boggles
Ml , tttl , 101 and OT Jones itrvot , Omshv.
xanufacturors and jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Raltes , Flows Eta I
Cor.Vth and 1'acinc itrccts , Omaha.
_ . _ _ _ _ _
A. UOiSPJU , Jr. . ,
Msts1 Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
U13 Douglas itrcel Omaha , Aebraska.
Doota _
Jotters of Boots pnd Shoes ,
1101 , HOI , 1110 Doufftas street. Omaha. MnnnfactorT ,
_ tjummer strool. llu < ton. _
Oonl , Co ko n nd Llrno. _
Jotes of Hard and Soil Coal ,
gPSoulh 13th trcot. Omaha ,
SI I South 13th St..Oinaha , Nob.
anil Commission Merchants ,
Specialties nutter , eggs. chi' o , poultry ,
l ttrcot Omaha. Nuh.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goofls , Fiirnisning Goofls and Notions
11M and 1101 Do uglm , cor. llth itroet , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
< ! nt ' furnlsklnR goods. Corner llth and IlarofV
_ _ streets. Omaha. Nebraska.
Importers and jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
817 Boulh 15th street.
Wcsale Dealers in Furniture
Fnrnam ftre t , Omaha , N > brask * .
Furnitnrc ,
Cmnha Nobrnik * .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707. TOO nnd 711 South 10th el. , Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
I3th ana Ixsarcuworth strccls , Omnbn , Nebraska.
H a rd warp _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _
Heavy- Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlnsB , wngon stock , bardnnro , lumber , eto. 1201
and 1211 Ilnrner street , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
lletfUs , shoot Iron. ate. Agents tot TIowo sculoi ,
Miami powder nnd I.ymnn barbed Tlru.
Bnild rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shopi
IdQchanlcB' tools nnd IlufTAlo Boales. ] < 03 PoustM
Btroot. Omaim. Nob.
WHMTLiiinljer Etc ,
_ ] uporlpil and Ainerlcaii I'ortluml cement , tilt
nKcnt for Mllmiukio lijclniullo ccmont anu
O u I nrv 'Thiln Minn.
" "
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood CkrpotB nnil parquet llootlna. 1' '
ttreete , Utnaha , Neb.
All Kinds of Billing Material at Wholesale ,
18 til Btrcot and Untou I'nclUeTriict.Omnlin ,
Dealer in Luinlier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Door ) , Illc , Yarila-Cornci 7th nnil Uouglai , Corder
1'Jtli mid loutli ) ! i
Lumlier , Limu Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
CornerCtU and Couijlm Bt . Oauiba.
C. N. DlB'r/4.
Dealer in All Kinds of Unite ,
Utb nd California BtrcatB. Omiha. Noliraekt.
Importers & mm in Millinery & Notions
m 210 and 213 South llth itroat.
Notion g.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1 J-tli uuii iluAat'il Btfudt-i , ouiulm.
/ / .
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goofy
JIousu imiiiMiiutr gooiK ilu.i.ruu s lurrluge *
iitO'i ritrniui Btri'Cit. flmnhn N'li ,
Oils ,
Wholesale Refined and Lutiricating Oils ,
Axleuroate , etc. , Onrnlm. A , II. lllttioj ) , Hanngcr.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C rraolc * itock or ptlutlni , ifrnpr-InK Mid writing
r. BpeolM tueutlon icltuo tu or load ordcu.
V \HM \ CY 1 nilurluaty doubloii tunlly , quick-
M U ll t T ! y nU ta.My curttl bylJOin'lJIU Can.
miles. .Suveiat ( c.80 cu ? l lusuvenunyii. Sold
nttlJtO p > 'j bax :1 : druiuijt , or fiy innil ( roia
DoctiUH. H'i's Co , Hi Whlto bt , M , V. I'ullUlw