SAHOAN AGREEMENT SIGNED America Abandons Her Principal Objections. MALIETOA WILL BE KING AGAIN The Islnmlcra Will Also Ilnvo tlin Might to Ijovy Ditties A Special Court for tlio Land Question. [ OouurfoM WW In Jamtr Oonlnn ntnntlt\ \ BBIIUN , Juno 14. | Now York Hornld Cubic Special to Tim Ur.B.I Tlio rough draft of the Samoan agreement was signed at half-past 0 to-night. Sonio delay had been experienced on account of the printer's er rors In the original draft which necessitated the reprinting of two pages of the agree ment , wlilcli Is of folio slzo , lllto the Congo treaty , and Is printed In largo typo. It cov ers fourteen pages and contains seventeen articles. Messrs. Knsson , Phclps and Bates wcro appealed to , directly after the conference by your correspondent for the iloilntto particu lars of the treaty. Each and allot the Amor- loans , however , declared that Inviolable se crecy has boon Imposed on all the members of thn conference and upon the American delegates In particular , by special request of President Harrison. From other sources , however , the general scope of the treaty , as finally agreed upon , wns learned to bo as follows : The treaty Is eminently satisfactory to all the three governments Involved. It Is exe cuted In good faith and Is likely to put an and to the unfortunate condition ot affairs that prevails upon the Islands. The funda mental Idea seems to bo to Interfere as 1 mie ns possible with the Independence of Samoa proper.cxccpt for the protection of American , Gorman and English subjects , and then only with the consent of the Samoans. That this consent Is necessary , Is ono of the reasons why certain amendments are wanted to the treaty. x The deposition of Maltotoa was always considered a grievance by tno United States , and the restoration of Mallctoa and the status quo that preceded his deposition was ono of the main objects for which the Amer ican commissioner. } btivo bcon workIng - Ing- This has now been accom plished. Mullatoa will return before the treaty Is oven ratified. Mataafa is considered to have been by n locum tencns for Mallotoa , and will retire unmolested Into private life. No mention of this occurs in the agreement , nor does anything limit the number of ships of war that cither of the treaty powers may keen In Samoan waters. A definite and well dlgcsted-schomo , set tling the land claims , has been adopted-and the favorite English hobby , that the sale of lliiuor should bo limited In all the South Sea islands , finds recognition in the agreement. Apia is to bo placed under about the suno species of foreign control us-Shanghai , slncu nearly all'tho foreigners iuSamoa reside there. All three powers retain consular rep resentatives at Apia , but the supreme ad visor of the Samoan king , will bo a judicial ofllcer ot European nationality , who is not specified. Consuls nro to bo limited simply to purely consular functions. No ono has yet been named in connection with the judicial post. Samoa will not bo called upon to pay any lndctnnityclthor to the survivors of the Ger man force , who fell in the skirmish of December 17 , or to the owners of plantations for alleged devastation of their property by Mataafa's mo The treaty , as it stands , can scarcely bo objected to by the Samoans to whom , how ever , it must bo submitted. Mr. William Walker Phelps loft hero at 0 o'clock to-night to catch the Ulda at Bro- merhavcn , to-morrow , on which , ho sails for homo. Messrs. Kasson and Bateswith Con sul Sowoll , will remain some clays to wind up the business of the conference. Mr. Kasson returns homo la about n month , Mr. Hates will return homo-after a short visit to Paris. The best prooi ! that the conforcnco is set tled is the fact that Count Bismarck goes to Konlgstom , near Hamburg , to-night , " on his regular annual six weeks' leave. His mother , the princess , who is usually with him at such times , this year is at Vurzlo. Americans may feel proud of the result of the conference. The Times correspondence says : "It is agreed by the delegates , before separating- observe the strictest socresy with regard to their decision until the final act is submitted to the senate at Washing ton , but there can bo no doubt that the Americans have emerged from this conference ence- with flying colors , mil that Germany has had to content herself with prospects of much loss political predominance on the Islands than she claimed at Washington , two years ago. This result , it would appear , Is much more duo to the firm and inexorable at titude of Mr. Blalno than to any political leanings of England towards the power , Which it Is her highest aim to conciliate. " The News says : -'Mr. Phelps loaves , to night , for Now York , and , although ho de nies it , It U believed that ho will bo ap pointed American ambassador hero. Tlio first point decided on Is the absolute auton omy of the native population , to wards which they ara secured the right of choosing their king and vice roy. It la almost certain that Mallotoa will bo rcelccjcd. American and Gorman representatives will bo attached to the king1 00 advisers , while the English representa tive will act as arbitrator In case of disagree ment. The native government is to have the ole control of the administration , and U to bo free to introduce protective duties. Each of the powers U to have coaling stations allotted , and anchoring places. " The Standard says : " 1'ho United Statoi government made its adhesion to thn Samoi treaty conditional upou its ratification by the eon lite , and as this can not take plnco until December next , the hiatus < iuo will bo main tained on the Islands until that tlmo. The treaty guarantees the aiitouionous adminis tration of tlio Suiuoan islands , under the joint control ot Germany and the United States Great Britain acting r.s arbitrator In the event o _ ( tiny difference arising , The iS.i- ' moans'will , under tliu new treaty , elect their own king and viceroy , and will bo represented by u sonata composed of the principal chiefs and a chamber elected by tbo people. Samoa will have the right of levying dutloi of every description , and the treaty" also stipulates that thn Gin-iimns shall receive n money Indemnity for their losses. Fur tlio settlement of the land fjucatlon a special court will bo appointed , " The Times nays editorially ; "It can nebo bo denied that the action of Germany li Samoa has , on many occasions , been high handed , impolitic and inconsistent , alike will treaty obligations and the Interests of olhei po'.vors. It U , perhaps , as well , therefore that In thin particular case Prince Uisumrcl should have been inudo to realize that where the interests of the Unltci State * arc concerned , the Aiucrlcur rovcrnmont Is very llttlo affected ty many of those considerations which nec essarily restrain the action of those Euro- icnn governments with which ho is more nc- customod to deal. It Is.not less plain than oven Germany would bo compelled to think wlco or Ulrica before provoking a collision vitli America over such n question as that of Samoa , and wo can not but rejoice , there- ore , that the Influence of the United States las been so moderately and yet so effectual. ' exerted. " Tlio Opinion In Washington. WASHINGTON , Juno 14. The agreement bo- ween England , Germany and the United States on Samoan affairs was signed at Dcr- In this afternoon. It will not bo made pub- lo until confirmed by the senate. Whlla It s called an agreement by the oillccra of the Into department , Walker Blalno said , this vonlng , ho thought It would require rati fication by the 8cnatc. * If the Instrument igned were only a regulation of the con- uct of two countries toward each thcr , as , for instance , between ho United States and Samoa , it vould properly bo designated as a treaty , iut whore , the instrument signed Is to shape ho conduct of three governments , viz : the Jnlted States. England and Germany , awards n fourth party , Samoa , it Is hold hnt Its proper nomenclature Is an agree ment. At the flamn time , as it Is a matter nlTcctlng the policy of the United States , it s said it will need ratification by the sonata , and that therefore It cannot bo made public > rior to action by the sonata. The ngrpo- nent was" cordially approved by all the motn- > crs of the conference and by their rcspoc- iyo governments. The best of feeling pre vailed at the termination of the labors ot the commissioners. THE O UK AT FREIGHT CUT. Lake Ijlucs Will Not Meet the Ij.anil Ijlnof ) anil Advance. CHICAGO , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] After another day's 'dohbern- lens , the Western Freight association is jpparontly nsfar as cvor from a settlement of the break in rates between Chic.i-jo and St. Paul. The matter was referred to a committee this morning. This afternoon it reported a resolution that the rail lines should advance tlio through rates to the old lasls and Ignore the Lake lines , and the Chicago , Burlington & Northern. The resolution led to an animated and very acrimonious discussion , and It was soon developed that It could not bo carried. A csolutlon to abolish pro rating at Missouri ivcr points was then discussed , with a ike result. No resolution looking to a lellnlto settlement of the complication was ntroduced. It is the belief of Chicago mer chants that the roads mtond to dilly-dally over the problem and postpone the Inevitable tquallzation of the through and local rates as eng as possible. The Chicago freight bureau , representing ho board of trade , will take legal action to mvo the present discriminating rates equal- zed unless the freight men come to n con clusion in n few days. As shown before , the vhlcairo jobbers must pay 00 cents a hundred o St. Paul , where eastern jobbers pay but 18 cents. The opinions of the best judges is hat the roads must take their medicine and reduce local rates to at Ipast n US-cent basis. At present the lake lines absolutely refuse o compromise on any basis. They claim to > o getting 00 per cunt of the business at re- nuneratlvo rates , and that they would bo 'oolish to give up their advantage. The Fort Dodge Cow Ordinance. FOHT DODOB , la. , Juno 14. [ Special Tolo- jrum to Tim BEE. ] Mayor Pearsons pub- ishcd a card , this afternoon , in answer to some anonymous letters sent him in relation to the prohibitory law and notorious cow ordinance. Ho roasts the council severely , and says he can't do anything while they tie his hands and bind his every action. The Mru creates something of a sensation , when iukon In connection with the existing Inter est in the cow question. At the meeting , last evening , the council refused to rescind the obnoxious ordinance. Btato University Cnininonooincnt. IOWA Crrr , la. , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEE ] Commencement exercises at the State university began , to-day , with the review dress parade and sham baltlo of the university battalion. Nearly thrco thou sand people witnessed these exercises on the campus. The battalion was reviewed by Colonel Gilchrlst , commander of the Third regiment , and Lieutenant Head , of the regu lar army , the new instructor In military science at the university. This evening the commencement exercises of the literary societies of the college were held , They all united in a programme , furnished by repre sentatives of each of the four. Konrnoy High School. Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bi'.B.J The commencement exorcises of the Kearney high school took place this evening in the opera house. The class conslsta of twelve , of whom Harry Calicins , son of Hon. E. C. Calkins , and Kobort Lo Fountnino are the only male graduates. The girls are Annie 13. Arnold , Uutu Barnd , Blnuctto Conner , Edith M. Finch , NottioE. Forehand , Clara M. Huston , Susan M. Lyaiun , Anna P. Hay and Mcrta J. Wickham. 'I ho Scir-SaorllloliiR Brother. NEIIUASKA .Cirv , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Jim Hainoy , tbo younp man from Greenwood , who has1 been Borvlngn centenco in the county jail for chicken stealing for which n brother was guilty , was released to-day , after his father had announced his intention. of prosecuting the olllcers. _ _ _ A Now Newspaper. CnnioitTON , Nob. , Juno U. [ Special to TUB BEIS.J The Croighton Courier is out , to-day with its first laauo. It is republican in politics , and fills a long felt want , " as there has boon no republican paper in tho. city for two yoaro. Local capitalist are backing tbo new enterprise , and it bids fair to bccomo an intlueutial institution. A , Vicious Dog. HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special Tola- cram to THE BEE.J The twelve-year-old daughter of Thomas Hates , in this city , was nltacicod by a vicious dog , late last night , and severely wounded. She has boon In con vulsions ever since , and may not recover , The do/ / { was not LufToriug from hydropho bia. _ _ It WIIH Jjnatluil. CENTHOPOUS , Nob. , Juno U. [ Special to THE Buu.l While lo.idlng a 32-calibro bulldog - dog revolver , yesterday , F. M. Jordan closed the barrel too sharply , add discharged ono cartridge , tno bullet of which went , through hla ( oft hand. Ono bono was nearly all blown out. Democrats to ho Dismissed. Nob. , Juno 14. [ 8p clal Telegram - gram to Tim B u. ] Uoports received hero to-iiifht from the Wlnuobago agency strongly Indlcato that Colonel Warner , the agent during Cleveland's administration , mid the rest of the democratic oftluials , r.ra to bo retired within u fortnight , or less. For u Hospital , LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 1 } . [ Special Tclo- gram to THE BEL' , ) ' ' ' ' 'ollucltstafTpropeity , in South Lincoln , was bought to-day by the Sisters of Charity , nml will bo fitted up for hospital. It consists of llvo acres of aundgoincly Improved ground. lionliuigorM Ijittcrs fiui/.oil , PAHIS , Juno II."Tho police have seized n number of letters from General BoulaiiKor Ui the iJoulatigist national committee , In the UoUiu of Madame Uoulou. MR , DESMOND.IN WASHINGTON The San Frauolsco Suepoot Not In Hiding. v AT THE SERVICE OF THE POLICE. But They Don't Scout to Want Huh Ho Will Talk Plainly to Luke Dillon When Ho Meets . Him. WASHINGTON BUIIBAU , TUB O.MAIIV Inn. } 513 FOUUTEBNTH STIIBBT , WASHINGTON. D. C. , Juno ri4. r A Chicago dUpatch says that a local uapcr reports Thomas Desmond , who is a promi nent Irlsman on the Pacific coast , ns wanted by tbo Chicago police for complicity in the murder of Dr. Cronin. Mr. Desmond Is hero and has bcon stnco the 23nd of May. Ho is strongly backed for appointment to some oQlco under the administration nnd ho is In the city in connection with that business. Ho said when soon to-day that ho was sur prised to see his name mentioned In connec tion with the murder of Dr. Croniu. Ho stated that ho did not know Dr. Cronin and iiad never mot him , and that ho was not a member of the Clan-na-Gael. Mr. Desmond said ho was In Now York at the time of the murder. Yesterday , In company with Mr. Thomas Wnlsb , of this city , Mr. Desmond wont to the First precinct station nnd informed the officers that ho was at their disposal. But ho found that the police had no Information in regard to him. Ho said , to-day , that ho bad heard nothing moro about the matter , but ho held himself In readiness. Ho wanted It to bo understood that ho was not in hiding , nnd further that ho had douo nothing In his life to bo ashamed of. Mr. Desmond attributes the rumor of his connection with the case to Luke Dillon , whom he mot casually In Now York just before no loft that city for Wash ington. Ho says that before ho returns to San Francisco ho intends to meet Air. Dil lon and tell him what ho thinks about him. NEW I'OHK APPOINTMENTS. Thcro has been quite a gathering of re publican members of congress , in Washing ton , this week , nnd thcro has bcon quite a good deal of groxvlitifc among them owing to the slowness with which appointments are being turned out for Now York state. Ono of the uurty has suggested nnd the ethers seriously contemplate carrying out a plan for bringing tlio administration to time. It is proposed to call a meeting of tbo Now York republican members , to bo held in this city , nt an early day , for the purpose of going bodily to the president and urging upon him the absolute necessity of speedy action there. The republican members say very emphatically , that .unless action is taken at once , there is absolutely no chance for the republicans in the state , city or county this fall. PATIIONAOE QUAHIinLS. The members of the house and sonata who still llncer hero seemed determined to make up for lost time to-day , and there were more of them among the president's callers than there have boon before in some tune. Thcso visitors scorned to explain the reason why tliero Is any occasion for growling over the apparent slownessjof the administration in making changes in the ofilccs. Scarcely a ntato delegation exists in which there is perfect harmony among the congressmen in the mutter of the distribution of places. For instance , the two senators from Minnesota have two distinct sets of applicants for the federal positions in that stato. J'hoy do not seem able to heal their differences among themselves , and want the president to liolp them out. Ho very naturally declines to interfere in such cases , and the result is that the appointments are delayed. Ono of the most unpleasant contests which hoe bcon bothering tbo appointing powers is that which has been in urogress'between Senator Quay and Postmaster-General Wauamakor over the ofllces In the city of Philadelphia. Anti-administration men have painted the misunderstanding between the two gen tlemen in the blacKest possible colors , and it has been asserted over and over again that an open breach was immi nent. It w.xs learned , to-day , that a perfect understanding has been reached , aim that the result will bo the appointment of a list of names to the three principal places during the night or to-morrcw morning. To-morrow the president will take another brief vacation , and he has'accopted an invi tation to take another run down the river on the yacht Restless , and it is probable that ho will uot return until Monday morning. Next Saturday ho will visit Capo May , ana will spend Sunday with his family there , i Till ! INDIA TIlOUllLBS. Owing to the absence of Secretary Proctor and the indisposition of the acting secretary of war , General Schofield , no information could be gathered at the war department , this afternoon , ns to the probable action of the authorities iu the matter of the outbreak of the Chippowu Indians In Minnesota. It Is not thought that the outbreak will provo of a very serious character , and no apprehension is felt hero that the Indians will create any cause for general alarm , Tno representatives of the health office who have made an examination into the condition of the water supply of the city report that there is danger of an influx of foul matter into the river above the point from which the water is drawn , unless tliero is something dor.o immediately. Tlio danger comes from a break in the canal caused by the recent Hoods. There would seem to bo fur moro danger from the ex halations of the sewers , which pour into'tho river immediately backof the executive man sion. Your correspondent made a personal examination to-day and found n state of al- fulrs existing which should not bo tolerated for a single day. The entire sowcrago from a largo section of the city Is discharged Into the river Just west of thu carp ponds , and the high water , which has bcon the rule since the Hood , cause all the filth to move slug gishly along into the main channel ot the river at such n rate tbat the exhalations per- ineatn the entire atmosphere and the stench Is simply terrible. When the wind is from the southwest , which It frequently is , nil this foul air is carried directly towards the whlto house , and it Is a matter of wonder that the inmates uro not constantly under the care of physicians. IOWA rOSTWABTEIIS AI'I'OINTEn. Custolia , Wlnncshoik county , W. 1C. Rlpgs ; Chester Centre , PoweshelK county , C. B. Smith ; Downey , Cedar county , Joseph Crn- ; Duncan , Webster county. H. Clausen : I hi rant , Cedar county , D. Plngroy ; Early , Sioux county , W. II. Allen ; Irwln , Shelby county , L. L. Granger ; ICeswIck , Keokuk county , Dennli Caver ; Luhlgh , Webster county , John H , Buck ; Manila , Crawford county , John 1C. McCr.ickon ; Nora Springs , Loyd county , Gcorgo E. Moore ; Sallnu , Jef ferson county , Mrs. K. C. Long ; Spring- villo , J. Inn county. George L. Uurim ; Swale- dale , CorroOordo county , J. .Ford ; Terry , Bcntun county , F , A. Novak ; wanbuck , Linn county , Dowltt U. Doo. JJKW XSWIASKA VOSTJUSTKItg. Tno following fourth class postmasters wore upjiolutcd tn-iiay : Bancroft , Cumltii ; county , Licjreu H. Hansom ; Crawford , DaWM couuty , W. C. K. Spearman ; Hayes Center , Hayes county , Gcorco \Vullaco ; . Kavoana , Bufi'alo county , F , P. Wllsoy. -iiiANious. : . Dr. E. J , Mcnohmn wns to-day appointed a tceinbcr of tlio pension board ut Washing- ion , Iu. /.1IMY OllDEI'.S. Tito following changes In the stations of ofllcors of the medical corps of thu army have been ordered ; Surgeon Albert Hart , rclelvcil from duty nt Kort Hamilton , Now York , nnd ordered to duty at Fort Omuliu , rulclving Surgeon Justus M. Browc , who Is ordered to duty ut Fort Meade , Dakota , ro- llevlng Assistant Surgeon \V. C. Shannon , who U ordered to dutj at Fort Yates , Da kota. Senator Mandorbnn to-day secured the up poiatmcut of 1C , P. Yutzy , of Itlchardson county , as special agent ot the general land ofilco. Assistant Surgeon F. J. Jvos , relieved from duty nt Fort D. A. Jlusscll , Wyoming , and ordered to dutv at Fort Lyon , Colorado , relieving Assistant Surgeon J. L. Phillips , who I * ordered to duty nfFort Crawford , Colorado , rcllovlujr Assistant Surnoon W. D. McCarr , who Is ordered to duty at Fort McPherson - Pherson , Atlanta , Ga. By direction of the acting secretary ol war the Icavo of absence granted Captain Charles A. Allgood , military storekeeper , May 18 , 18J9 , Department of the Plntto , la extended ono month. The extension of lenvo of absence granted ITIrst Lieutenant Charles H. Bonostool , Twenty-first infantry , April 23 , 18SO , division ot the Missouri , is further extended to Juno 30. 18S0. Pnnnv S. HBATH. Nournska and Iowa t'onHionH. WASHINGTON , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram .0 THE Hnc.J Pcwions granted Ncbraskans i Original invalid Nelson A. Smith , Benja min F. Pope , William L. Loy , William J. Emlch. Increase Thomas J. KIdd' ( deceased - ceased ) , William H. Hlntt. Pensions allowed lowans : Original In valid General O. Murphy , Ira J. Allen , Brazil Stuart , Thomas L. Montgomery , Tim othy O'Donohugh ' , Joseph W. David , Samuel 3ordon , George Nelson , Lewis W. Davis. : ncreaso Thomas B. Dotson , Henry II. Young. Original widows , etc. Nancy , mother of James T. WIso. AFFA1U9 AT OOHNSTOWN. Several Workmen at thn Bridge In jured by FlyltiR Dchrls. JOHNSTOWN , Juno 14. Johnstown Is.drip ping to-night nnd n more dreary place could scarcely bo imncinod. Eight bodies were recovered from the ruins to-day , thrco being dcntlficd. They wcro William B. Hess , a iromlncnt merchant , Captain O'Conncll , an old resident , and Mary Holtman , his houso- tccper. The bodies of an elderly lady and fair young girl were found clasped in each ethers arms nnd reclining on a sofa. Flvo others were so charred as to bo unrecog nizable. The first train through to Altoona went through Johnstown this morning. Several hundred men arrived to-night and liasting engines are coming m on every train. Tlio electric light plant is being removed to the Btnno bridge. The wreckage will bo lighted up and the work continued unceas ingly until the last remnant is romovod. Heavy charges have boon put in the wreck age all day and several , workmen were in jured by fiying debris , ono seriously. A house to house canvass will bo inaugu rated to-morrow to secure as uoar as possible an accurate list of the living and dead. The system of registration attempted a week ago was not effective. , A largo amount of lumber arrived to-day , consigned to the state. It will bo distributed Lo the more needy merchants to erect temporary - rary structures In which to resume business. BAD FOIl IlILIj. Thn Democratic Papers or Ton States Almost Solid Against Him. ST. Louis , Juno 14. The Republic ; ( dem ocratic ) will to-morrow print an entire page devoted to the opinions ot' domorcratio edi tors as to the availability of Governor Hill , of No\v York , as a democratic stan dard bearer in tlio presidential con test of 1803. The newspapers to which the query . was addressed circulated in ton stateswhoso , democratic opinion Is strongly represented by thorn. There Is but ono expression in favor of the nomination , coming , frSm the Augusta Chronicle , a' protoctioji paper. Of the others , all but two are unqualifiedly opposed to the nomination of Hill. The two ex ceptions are the Louisville Courier-Journal nnd the Atlanta ( Ga. ) Journal. Mr. Wat- tcrson declined to commit himself to an opinion now. A BLOODY AFFAItt. The Result or a Colored Constable's Attempt to Arrest a White Mnn. AUSTIN , Tex , , Juno 11. Meagre details of a bloody affair , last oventng , at Givcn's store , thirty-eight miles southeast of here , reached the city this morning. It seems a colored constable undertook to arrest a whlto man for borscstealmg. The man resisted and n fight onseucxl between him and his friends , ana the constable and his friends. Revolvers wcro freelyaised. and four whltos and two negroes were killed outright , while at least a dozen others were wounded , some probably fatally. OPEN FOll BUSINESS. The Pennsylvania Railroad Rebuilt Through the Flooded District. PiTTsnuito , Pa. , Juno 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bne.l Under the direct super vision ot the ofilcers in charge of the engi neering and transportation department of the Pennsylvania lines , the last rail needed to connect the severed parts of the great thoroughfare was placed in positloa on Thursday afternoon. The new truck is sub stantially built and will bo gradually tested until Monday , Juno 17 , when the great trunk line will bo opened and express trains , with Pullman cars , will again run through in both directions , hotwcon"Chicago , St. Louis , Cincinnati , Toledo and Cleveland nn the west and Baltimore , Washington Philadel phia and Now York on the east. - An Assured Railroad. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , June14. . | Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] To-day , the Sioux Falls , Yunkton & North Plutto railroad company was organized hero ; incorporntors , J. M. Spiccr , E. A. Sherman , H. F. Pittl- grew , D. U. Balloy , John II. Gamble , Gcorgo Soougul and L. M.'Purdy. ' Mr. Spiccr in president of the Willmar & , Sioux Falls rail road company , and the ot tiers uro prominent citizens of Sioux Falls and Yankton. The object is to build 'a line from Sioux Falls to Yankton , and then' connections with the Yankton & Norfolk road will bo mado. This will make an air line route from the Union Pacific to Duluth for thu Manitoba system. tlon , to-day , between Locomotlvo Engineer Terry Smith und Section Foreman Eaker , the latter fired twicd with u pistol , killing Smith instantly. Smith was a member of the order of thu Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. His remains were shipped to bis family at Mlnoiik , 111. ; Small Pox in Knnsne. r > ToriiKA , Kus. , Juno 14. [ Special Tele- cram toT'lru BKB.Tjio | annual meeting of the state board of , health was held , to-day. Tlio report of the president showed that during the present year Bniall | wx hud pre vailed in twenty-one counties of the state. Tlioro wcro .MS case * of ull grades , classes und conditions ; of tills number 14 died and 2bC recovered. Over Niagar.i r ' .ill . NIAQAIU FALLS , N. Y. , Juno 14.-This afternoon an nntcnown woman , supposed to have arrived hero on th'j 3:10 : Bufi'alo train committed suicide by Jumping from Hallway 1'oint , in Prospect parlf. In un lustr.nt her body w.i sweptovertlic American falls Shortly afterward it was soon floating In the river and toward lha I'uuadu side. The body was properl.v cared foe. ALEX , SULLIVAN OUT ON BAIL Four Chicago Men Go Ou His Bond tot $20,000. LITTLE EVIDENCE AGAINST HIM. Judge Tulcy Sins All the Testimony Tiuccn lloforo the Coronet.- ' * Jury Xho Court Hooni Jammed. Sulllvnn Scores One. CmcAao , June 14. Alexander Sullivan was to-day restored to liberty by Judge Tuloy. The release was the immediate re sult of Sullivan's application for a writ of inbcas corpus. His ball was fixed at $30,000 and was promptly furnished by four well mown citizens , each of whom represented nany times the total amount asked. Mr. Sullivan walked out of court , after having icon loss than tliroo days In custody. The udgo hold that the coroner's jury had been nflucucod b'y outside sentiment. Seldom , It over , has a case drawn such n crowd as that vhlchnsjomblod this afternoon to hear the expected decision. The court room was ainmod and n big concourse of men nssom- ilcd In the corridor adjoining , socking to catch from afar the words from the Judge's ips. ips.States States AttornoyLongcneckor and his assist ant.Mr. Baker , were in cioso consultation vlth Judge Tuloy before ho came on the icncli. Several unknown men also entered its chamber. They were presumably inom- bors of the coroner's Jury who returned the verdict in the Cronin case. Mr. Sulllvnn was early on the scene. Ho vas. brought In by Sheriff Matson person ally , who escorted him through the judge's chamber before the chaucolor'8 arrival , on iccount ot the crowd at the other doors. On Sullivan's arrival ho took n seat m the cen ter of tlio circle formed by his lawyers , Mes srs. Trudo , Windcs and Gilbert , with whom 10 entered into whispered consultation. A score of members of the bar evinced profes sional and friendly Interest In Mr. Sullivan jy being present. The was a wait of three-quarters of an lour before Judge Tuloy reached the court oom. Finally at : J:43 : p. m. ho ascended tlio jcnch with a written opinion , which it soon jecamo apparent hud been made after nn analysis of the whole mass of testimony in .ho case , and not as first proposed merely .hat relating to Sullivan alone. Sullivan ji-aced himself in his chair and kept his eyes Ixcd on the court as Judge Tuloy said : "I suppose thcro will oo no further stops .alten beyond this evidence before the core ner's jury. " Loiigncckor replied : . "That is all. There s no ndditioiml testimony. " "Because if you had any the court would feel compelled to hear it , " said the court. Judge Tuley then , iu his characteristic matter of fact manner , began reading his de cision , and hud uot proceeded two minutes , when the frowns of these Identified with the prosecution showed which way was the drift. The decision , in substance , is as follows : The judge said that the application before liira was for the release of Alexander Sul livan on bail , under the bill of rights , which provided for the balling of persons accused of murder , whore the evidence was not strong or the presumption of their guilt was not strong. The court referred to the 'terms of the agreement by which the matter was loft to him , on the evidence before fore the coroner. Ho said ho had read 1,100 pages of typo written pages of evidence , taken before the coroner's jury. Much of the testimony was irrelevant , and Incompe tent before a court , but a wide scope was al lowed a coroner in such investigations. Ho could even hoar hearsay cvidonco , if it gave direction to the form in which an Inquiry should bo directed so as to bring about the discovery of the oersous guilty of Dr , Cronin's tnurdor. Thuro was a good deal of this hearsay evidence. Mrs. Conklin and Scanlan testified that they hoard Cronin suy thutthore ; was a plot to nssassinato him and that Sullivan was back of it. Barry , Morris and O'Briun testified substantially to the same things , saying that Cronin wag afraid of Sullivan. Boland and Buckley , Mr. O'Connor , Mr. Ford and Mr. Ives tes tified later to a singular statement by Cronin as to his cross-examination before a notary , and that ho believed that it was part of a plot and that Sullivan was at the head of it. Dillon said bo talked about it so much that ho believed Cronin had Sullivan on the brain. Haggorty's ovldonco was probably the most important as against Sullivan and the statements ho testified that Cronin made were made about the tlmo of Cronin's trial. The testi mony given by Hngporty on that point was substantially the only evidence that Sullivon made a direct threat against Cronin's lifo. Thcro was practically no other evidence bearing on Sullivan's alleged throats in IS ? . " ) , except HacRcrty's. The court knows of no law that would admit declarations of Cronin made out of Sullivan's presence. It would not lib admitted before n committing magis trate. It was shown by evidence that Sulli van was prominent in Irish nationalist cir cles ; that the trlanglo controlcd J Irish matters - tors ; that several camps wcro expelled , as also was Cronin ; that from Cronin's presence on the committee which tried Sullivan , Bo- land and Touncy , Sullivan was inspired with an enmity toward Croniu , which the evidence showed reciprocated. Cronin was murdered as the result of a conspiracy. That was also shown by the evidence , and likewise it showed that back of this conspi racy were personal enemies of Cronin , But what evidence was thcro that Sullivan wns one of those enemies ? There was no act in connection with the murder which related to Sullivan , It was not shown that lie had any thing to do with the liorao which carried Cronin to his death or that ho rented the cottage , and the evidence against the other accused parties would -probably stand If the statements of Cronin as to Sullivan were obliterated entirely. Another theory was that Cronin wns re moved to prevent disclosures , but thcro wa-t no cvidonco that ho had any facts which would dlo with him. The f.-.cts In his pos session lived alter his death , The coroner had been unable to find any traeo of any pro ceedings In any camps to condemn him to death. Another theory was that ho was removed because ho was a British spy. If Cronin were removed by the United BrotlKJrhooU , It could not bo boon how Sullivan actuated it. since ho hud not boon a member for novural yours. The ovldonco didn't show tlu-.t Sullivan had any relations , social or other wise , with CouKhlln , O'SuiHvun 01 Wood- rulf , or that ho mot them or that thcro was a conspiracy. Tno coroner's Jury was largely Influenced by outsldu fiontiinont. Tliero was no dojbt that the suspicion ugaiiiat Sullivan strong , and that ho fell a bitter nml malig nant hatred of Cronin there was HO duubt , but It was almost impossible that if ho was guilty of conspiracy to kill Cronin , ho would have promulgated , two weeks aftoiCronln'a murder , his protest made at the UulTala trial , in which ho branded Cronin as a scoundrel and u perjurer. No impartial r.i..n could believe it possible ; no Jury couliiijn- viit : Sullivan on tlio evidence presented. "As any hesitation ought to bo resolved iu favor ot personal liberty , " said the court , "I will admit his release to ball ami iteur iho counsels' suggestions as to the amount. " State Attorney Longeneiskur fiucgi'glojl 20,000 bull , which Lawyer Trudo thutiiU ; would bo excessive. Longcneckur said that ho would consent that the bail should ra.nn : ! as tlxud , provided the indictments were found on no other evidence than that already before the coroner's jury. If additional evidence were Introduced ho would rc.iorto hla right to secure u uapUs and thcii soctlo the question of addition ; . ! bail , The grand Jury resumed its wor.t this mornlnn , and a number of witnesses wci o ex amined. Jiulk'o Longenecker was askcil auoui tlio possibility of indictment * &y > : > u' . Moronoyand McDonald , of Now Yorkbolnir returned to-day , and ho said ho honed to so- sure such indictments In order to bond off the habeas corpus proceedingstn New York. "If any notion Is tnlcdn In tliw matter , " ho said , "It will bo taken before night. " In answer to u micstlon as to Governor Hill's probable action In the Moronoy-Mc- Donald case , Chief ot Pollco Hubbiml said to-day : "Wo nro waiting and oxncctinsr nnd Indictment against these two man by the grand jury. Governor Hill has intimated that ho will grunt a requisition on nn indict ment , so that the case will bo coated just at soon as the grand Jury acts , which will bo some tlmo during the afternoon , " A number of witnesses In the Cronin case , who should bo able to Identify the mysteri ous "J. B. Slmonds" who rented the Carlson cottugo nnd did other quor things , loft for New York to-night. There Is n suspicion that the grand Jury ro- turnoa indictments to-day ngnliist Moronoy nnd McDonald , but that fact has been pur posely kept secret. Thomas Tlornoy , an employe of Iceman Sullivan , Is the latest suspect In the Cronin mystery. To-night Tlernny la occupying n cell at ono of the sollco stations. The ofllcors claim his whcrnbouts on tlio night ot May 4 bavo not been uccountcu for , and that there nro a number of matters connected with the case In which It is found ho has not told the truth. Tlernoy is a motubor of the Clan-na- Gaol. Sullivan's Friends Jubllnnt. CHICAGO , Juno 14. Alexander Sullivan's trlonds were Jubllnnt to-night. A. S. Trudo , its counsel , said : "This is but the beginning of the light , llemombor this is the first and only test yet md of all that mass of slanderous gossip nnd icarsay. Not ono ot these men who showed ihoirjiiaUco In every word while tolling what they 'boltovod,1 and 'thought , ' nnd 'Imag ined , ' was duly cross-oxamlncd , nor has a single witness yet been called In behalf of Mr. Sullivan , yet Judge Tuloy says tlioro Is not n word in the 1,100 pages of type-wrltton .cstlmony on which u Jury could convict. Mow Just imagine n trial when he and his witnesses could bo heard. Sullivan's ofilco s In the very next building to the coroner's ofilco , but ho was never oven asked for infer mation. From all over the country Mr. Sullivan has boon receiving letters and tolo- prams expressing Indignation at the course nil-sued toward him , and tendering him any lid and sympathy. Ho has steadily refused ; o allow miy use to bo made of these com munications or any mention of them , but I can take the responsibility of saying that his 'rlonds will now begin to have their con fidence In him Justified. " Finlccrton nioiiin Urooklyn. N w Yomt , Juno It. Tlirco Chicago de tectives , connected with the Pinkerton agency , began an investigation into the Clan- ia-Gnel affairs in Brooklyn yesterday. Ac cording to the I3uglo , of that city , tboy are oftho , opinion that at least ono of the men .vfio . murdered Cronin came direct to Brook- yn from London , and that the details for Jronin's removal were arranged by the Clnn-ua-Giicljncn in that city. The Now Yorlc Suspects. NEW YOHK , Juno 14. Writs of habeas corpus for John J. Moronoy and Charles. McDonald came up this morning , ono bo fore Judge Patterson in tlio court of oyor and ; orminer , and the otbor before Judso An drews In the supreme cotfrt chamber. To enable counsel to obtain written return to the writs it was agreed that the matter should go over until to-morrow. . Moronoy told a Mail nnd Express reporter to-day that ho never had a photograph of himself. Ho and hla friends nllego that the arrests made 'HeTQ1 nro for" thd * piir- l > ese of destroying Alexander Sulli van , if possible , and for a reflection on Patrick Egau. Moronoy nnd Clan- na-Gael men say that Luke Dillon's object in Chicago is not to find tbo murderer of Cronin , but to drag Sullivan in tlio mire and mnko him so notorious that President Harrison risen will not appoint him to public olllce. They allege that Dillott's actions are di rected from Now Yoric city , and that John Dovoy is engineering the movement whloh is now bringing odium on Irish organisations. Another ainrc's Nosr. KANSAS Cm- , Juno 11. William'G. Mel- vlllo , of this city , Is at present a clerk in the oWcooftho Trans-Missouri Hallway asso elation. Ho formerly traveled for the St. Paul & Kansas City railroad. On the 15th day of last April ho in Chicago on busi ness for the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City company , and ho registered his name , W. G. Melville , at McCoy's hotel , iu that city. The Chicago detectives hoard that John J. Moronoy , the Irishman who is sup posed to bo ono of the murders of Cronin , registered at the hotel about April IU , nnd they examined the register and nftor corn- paring the alleged specimens of Moroncy's handwriting with the names in the register declared Moronoy had written the W. G. Melville. The detectives also discovered that Thomas Desmond , the Irish nationalist of San Fran cisco , had numerous interviews with Moronoy or Melville nt the hotel between April 10 and April Bl. Melville only stopped In Chicago ouo day , and the man who had intorvicwH with him was not the Irish nationalist , but Sam Stopholot , another rail road man , who is at present also a clerk in the sasio ofllrc with Melville. On Maya W. A. Mollvillo nnd wife , of St. Paul , registered ut the sauio hotel , and the detectives are making ; i strong , but unsuc cessful attempt to reconcile the two hands 113 shown in the writing on the register. W. G. Melville is not an Irishmen , and never had anything to do with the Clnn-na-Gael. Ho was reared in Lawrence , Kan. , and since leaving school has bcon in the employ of railroads. THE AL'GUSTANA SYNOD. Expresses Sympathy With the Tom- IVi'iinoo Movement. HOCK IsriM > , 111. , Juno 1' , At the opening of the sixth session of the Augustnnn synod , a resolution was adopted cxprosjltig hearty sympathy with the tomper.uico tnovoinont in Pennsylvania , Nobriska and South Dakota , and whlilng It success ut the coming oloo- tlon , The now constitution was rejected , and a resolution wai presented recommend ing the appointment of a committee to prepare - pare n new ono , The committed on the re vision of the liturgy reported , but na thn whole matter was in unsatisfactory shupo , it was icsulvcd to appoint a now committee to prepare a liturgy and report next year. Ed ucational work wus the Hpcnlal order to day. The first Item was the adoption of a now constitution. This was postponed until all other report ! bearing on the colloj.'o and ooxlnary l < as b''on tided upon. The Ijiulioraii SyiiD.l. PiVTbiituto , Juno 14. At this morning's uc.iblon the Lutheran oynod of tiio United Stater , the discussion was devoted to homo missions , The Uonnlal report , of the board showed twenty-six now uongrogrilloni had been oraunlzcu , and 10 , WO mambors enrolled , The coatrlbntlona ugrogatcd J23' Afflvahi , At Now "ork The Helvetia , f 1-01:1 Liver pool. pool.At At Hul'.siaoro-'l'ho Lord O'\cil , from .urn the Baltlr-ioro , from Liver- 71)0 ) XVciUhor Inillaatlaiin. For Xb'j.Mhiia unil IO\VA ; Pair , cooler , uortliurly winds. For De ! oti : : Fclr , nrnccdctl ! y H ht rain li : koutl-.cin | " < Uian , MitjhUy warmer , varia ble wlsd * . Tui-r. -uio 14. Tito rr.ea for the Man- chcmr ca > ) , ft fie vnltin ofCJ soVorLljip , and /OCO bovorcl'cis aJdO'l ' to tr.c l.r.adicu ) swcoiiitixk ! * of W sovermiii ; oieli , i ; , ' Miles was v/oii by ( Million , l.ial.-r. Ptluai sceom' , Lsrl Lome f.lri. THE MURDERING REDSKINS. Rovlvlns the Auolont Paatlmoa of Shootingnud Boixlphiff. ELEVEN SQUATTERS DISAPPEAR. Houses Hunted nml Stock. Goiid utnr Unitcil 'stntns Troops Mnroh Inj * for ailllo IJUDI The Imllnua Supplied With WhlBkoy. Imtcnt. HnportH Prom Morn. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno II. [ Special Tolo. gram to Tun Bui : . ] Tlio latent int'clligcnco from Mora says that Jens P. Stevenson reached that point , nt fisOO this afternoon , di rect from the scene of the Indian nwmcro atMlllo Lacs. Ho says the reds nro still on n great spree and threatening to burn houses and Kill tlio inhabitants. The only person * known to havu boon massacred nro Olaf Magunson , who was shot through tbo head and right lung with a Winchester , and the father and son of a family named Swnnson. The father was scalped ami his body thrown into the lake ; the son was brained with a club. club.Ho Ho says that three families , consisting of cloven persons , who squatted on the resova _ tlon In April , have disappeared nnd their houses have bcou burned. Their stock is also missing. Whether they have fiod south ward , or boon murdered , is mi opoti ques tion. Companies A , D and 1C , Third Infantry , United States army , arrived at Mora by a Manitoba special train from Fort Snelhng at 4HO this morning. They nro under com in and ot Captain G. W. U. Slouch , and Immedi ately made preparations to march across the country , twonty-nlno miles to to Mlllo Lacs. He had not completed tlio marching arrang- incuts when ho received an order from Gen eral Kugcr , ordering the main body of the command to bo kept nt Morn , nnd a detach ment of thirteen men , under command of Cnptnln Ilanna to bo sent on to the reserva tion. The detail , accompanied by a dozen re porters , loft Mora at 10 o'clock this morning. If serious opposition is met courier * will b sent back to Mora nt once , nnd the command will bo moved to tbo front In a body. It is expected that Important arrests will follow this march , and an attempt-bo , made to check the Ingress of stjuattors. It has boon nsccrtainod from Evan Mlckelson , who Hunt the dispatch to the governor , asking for , aid , that on Wednesday , Olaf Magunson , who was holding n claim on. land reserved to the Indians under treaty , was attacked by a purty of bucks , shot twlco In the head ami body nnd killed. The Indian : ) had been cm an extensive spree and wcro drunk at tbo tlmo of the murder , nnd , after the killing , went from point to point of the reservation warning settlers and others coming In , that they mut leave or bo killed. Brings Bros. , living at Mlllo Lacs , hearing of the murder , wrote out a tclogrum stating the facts and forwarded' ' it to Mora , to bo sent to Governor Mornam over tliofaigimturo of Mickclson. This was done , nnd Mickclson remained hero to meet tbo triops. SI o-ilt Williams , of JCnnnaboc county-who is here , confirms the story-of the Id U ing of Magunson. Ho says that the-Indians ara made desperate by tbo vast quantities of whisky being illegally shipped Into the reservation by whlto mou. The small town lying on the outskirts of the reservation , have ilrms in thorn making a regular busU ness of this whisky shipping. Til a Indians have n moro gcnuina griev ance in the settlement of whites upon their lands. Claims arc being talien up. al though the government will gfvo no titlo. The Ducks are In an aggressive mood most oC the time , and minor confiicts between them and the whites nro not infroqtient. There are 150 Chlppowa bucks at the souroo of the trouble ; the whole outfit , with their families , making bctwoon llvo and six hundred per sons. Mora Is the nearest railroad point to the reservation , nnd tno people Here rwco that whisky and squatters are the chief causes of the outureaka. The Indlnnfl Dlsai-nic.-l. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno U , [ Special Tolo- grani to THD BUB. ] The detachment of regu lars sent out , tills morning , returned to Mora at 8 o'clock thin evening. They were mot four miles north of Mllaca Junction by n courier , who informed them that a posse of citizens had succeeded in disarming the savages , and needed no further assistance. Tlio troops will remain at Mora , awaiting the orders of General Uugor. An Indlnn'n Story. MOUA. Minn. , Juno 11. Jim Chalty , chief of the Snake rlvci band , wns In. this morn ing , and conferred with Captain Stanch. Ho oaid the trouble was caused by whisky , and tliero woulu bo no general' ' uprising , and that tbo Indians desired to maintain peaceful filiations ijotweon themselves and the whiles. Ho Bald the Indiana would assist to bring the murderer of Muguson to justice. The Indi ans have been supplied with whisky by law less whites , nnd while drunk they find made the nttuclc. It is generally believed that Ma < ? uson was the only ono who was killed or injured. Nothing dcllnlto can bo known until to-morrow. CHEYI3NNI3 MOVING. The Hoard olTriulo thriving Fop Knllrond Kxlonslon. CunYKNNu , Wyo. , Juno 14. [ Special Tclo- gram to TUB Bun. ] A stroiifj effort Is beIng - Ing made by the Choycnno board of trade to induce the directors of the Union Paclfio railroad to continue the Cheyenne & North- rn branch to a point connecting it with the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri , Vulloy rail- road. The Choycnno & Northern Is built for 125 nillca north from Cheyenne , where it ends In the canon of the Platlo river , Au extoiiBlon of twonty-sevun miles would con nect the load with the Fremont & Elkhorn , and open up connection between Cheyenne and Douglas and the Black Hill * legion of Dakota. The Choyoniio & Northern wcs paid u subsidy o- $100,000 by Laramlo county. With Its proa cut termination tlio road is of no benefit to Laramlo cointy : , arid is a losing investment for the Union Pacific company. Uosolutfona were passed , to-day , by thq board of trade , In which the Union Paclfio la urgently appealed to , and requested to con struct the extension at once , Vila reso lutions \voro sent to the governor , who U in Boston , nnd who Is requested to present the resolutions to'tho Union Paclfio directors , nnd ueu his best omlaavcra lo secure favora ble action. Anothfr Aruinch Vlutlin Dead , Di'su.N , Juno 14 , Margaret Huston , In jured in thd railroad accident near Armagh \VoJno3day. has died from the effects of her Injury. JJusincas still remains suspended iu Armagh. Tbo only nounds disturbing the dull monotony of the bi reels arecauecd by thu frequent fuuu'nl processions , I'ov. fl'iVcirUn Mow Un , Hnocuvii.i.r , Ottt. , Juno 14. Tbo works of the Canada powder company , two railos cast of hero , blew up this morning , but is U.o men ha > l not ; tou < r < c no ono \ Killed , The cuus.o of tuo cxplusion Is KllCliMl. CINCINNATI , Jtinu li , Charles V , ittsein , a druei , " ' ' of thh clly , committed s ! ciAo by shootinfi ! i.iorni ; ) , Tl.o ciro-d ofau- iw.fl.iii .'ij coupl.dvltri ill health is to luvu , : iuuc-a tto act