Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1889, Image 1

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    ' fi
The Bloodthirsty Rcdsklna Repeat
Their Forefathers' Aots.
Rising In { fin Vicinity ofMlllo Lncs In
MlnncHota Firing Houses nucl
Shooting tlio Inlying Owners
Ihu Military Out.
An Uprising Kxpoctod.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun lien. [ Even Nicholson rode
Into Mora , nt 2 o'clock this afternoon , on a
gallop and reported that the Chlppoxva Indi
ans , located along the southern border of
Mlllo Lacs had begun a massacre of the
Ho Bald a band of fifty Indians had do-
Bccndcd upon the houses of the settlers at
midnight , and with a whoop had set 11 ro to
houses and fired upon the fleeing residents.
Jens Magunscn , Huns Jorgor , Peter Swon-
uon and four others were shot dead as they
ran ; n dozen were wounded and It Is believed
others were killed.
Mlcholson loft the place before getting
much Information , in _ order to glvo
the alarm. From Mora ho telegraphed
Governor Morrlam , but the latter
was at Wltulom , attending a mooting of the
G. A. II. Private Secretary Elliott opened
the dispatch and forwarded It to the gover
nor. The latter wired Colonel Bond , of the
First regiment , to place companies C and G
under arms , in readiness to move.
If Indians nro on the reservation , they nro
under the Jurisdiction of the United States ,
and the regulars will have to attend to them.
At 8 p. m. General Rugor issued orders to
the officers at Fort Knelling to send thrco
companies. Ihcy leave St. Paul at 1 o'clock
„ to-night.
The Chlppowa Indians number 2,300 and
nro located aroutid the shores of Mlllo Lacs ,
la Mlllo Lacs county. They have taken part
in many uprisings against the whites and
constantly manifest a hostile attitude , and
their action now causes no surprise. It they
nro not checked at once It is certain many
Ives will bo lost. The regulars will reach
the sccno of the massncro at
noon to-morrow. The reds have been gath
ering at Lonamio for ten days , and held the
annual war dance Tuesday evening. They
bad secured a largo quantity of liquor some
where , and were ugly and threatened to got
even with the whites for fancied injuries.
The settlers arc constantly encroaching
upon tbolr domain , so they claim , occupying
some of their best land , picking their berries ,
and encumbering them by the building of
fences and dams. Reports from Milaca
Junction and Atkin , say tno settlers have
Iqft tbolr homes on musso and are fleeing1
southward. A company of homo rnngors
was organized at Mora during the afternoon ,
and they will leave for Mlllo Lacs on horse
back at daybreak , armed with rifles and shot
Negotiations Between Land and Lake
Routes Fall Flat.
CHICAGO , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE ] Negotiations between Chairman -
man Falthorn and the Lake Superior lines ,
looking to a settlement of the Northwestern
rate problem have ended in a flat failure.
The Lake lines argued tljat they J hold the
bey to tbo situation , and would bo foolish to
'givo up their advantage. The proposition
of the Western Freight association was that
tbo rates should bo advanced to the former
standard , the lake lines to take sixty per
cent and the rail lines forty of the business.
As was foreseen tbo proposition was refused ,
there being no possible way to thus divide
, the traflic. The hope of some settlement was
not given up until late this afternoon. Time
was asked to allow the Freight association
to consider local rates to St. Paul based on
the 23-ccnt through rate. This matter was
made a special order for to-morrow morning ,
when the proposed reduction of the Burling
ton & Northern to a 45-cent basis will bo con-
'siderod. The Chicago Freight bureau will de
mand a reduction to at least OS-cents.
The Augustuna Synod.
MOLINU , 111. , Juno 13. The Augustana
ynod continued Its session this morning.
'Tho question of adopting tbo new constitu
tion was the order. An effort was made to
( cut off the debate by calling the previous
question , when tbo two-thirds rule alouo
Uavcd the measure from being at once do-
( fcatcd. It raised quito a breeze , as some
'aavtf been very busy trying to crush it with
Jono blow , and they feared a lengthy dis-
Hussion might turn the scale. After some
idobato tbo previous question was again
.called , when the body was nearly equally
' 'divided. Tbo discussion is not nearly ended
jyot. The afternoon was spent in theological
'discussions. To-morrow a lively time Is ex-
, poctcd , as the special order Is the adoption of
the now constitution for tbo theological sem
inary , Involving its complete separation from
the college and possibly Us removal from
Rock Island ,
ParlH CahhloH On n Strllc'o.
PARIS , Juno 13. The cab drivers of Paris
have gone on a strike , and ns a consequence-
there are no cabs on the streets to-day. The
strike was declared at a meeting hold last
night , at which all the socialist members of
the municipal council were present. A reso
lution was adopted directing that complaint
bo sent to the chamber of deputies and to the
ministry against the uufalr man nor in which
cabmen nro treated , 'lo-day n delegation
representing the strikers waited upon Con-
elotis , minister of the interior , Constaus
promised to consider their demands , und
warned them to abstain from disorder while
the city is tilled with visitors.
This evening flvo cabs appeared on tbo
trueto. They were stoppei1 by the strikers ,
who tried to compel the drivers to join them.
The pollco drove tbo strikers away.
Frco Storage Continues.
CHICAGO , Juno 13. ( Special Telegram to
gram to TUB BEB. | The board of uwnacnrs
ot the Intor-Stato Commerce Railway asso
ciation ducid cu to-day that the rule against
free storugo could not bo enforced , all roads
Ignoring the resolution on the subject. Tha
original resolution was accordingly appealed.
After many fruitless ballots on tlio associate
members of the executive board , u resolution
was passed postponing action until the next
mooting , and in the meantime allowing the
ci.nlnmm to select two members in case
mbltratlon Is necessary.
< A Ilnnlc J'niHldimt Jutlod.
ST. Joscrti , Mo. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BCB.1 Judge McLean , the
president of the Savannah , Mo. , Savings in-
' etitutloii , which failed n short time ago , wag
arrested , to-day , and put In jail for embezzle-
jaent , HIA bond witn llxcd for $1,000 , but r.o
ono would bec-omo Ida nuruty. There were
icvcrul warrant * out for his urroat , but he
was jailed on tlio fli'it one. It is alleged that
lie received money whun ho know the banU
to bo in a sLnky rendition.
Two fiotvDIrrctorj Initiated.
Toi.sno , Juno 13. At the mooting of tlu
tochholdors of the Toledo , St. Loul < S
Ki nsa City last night , directors were
elected , the only now uiotnbors bchig W. H ,
GiWt'r and F. L. Huss , who uj'crculu H , J ,
Jionrdman of LioV.oii , and 1. W. Wbltu ol
J 'ew YorSr ,
Iioafcru Try to Inaugurate n Strike
Stores Starting Un.
Another Day's Uolugq ,
JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Juno 13. The first real
work under the supervision of the state conv
menced this morning. During the morning
a crowd of loafers in some manner secured
entrance to Johnstown and trlod to Inaugur
ate a strlKo among the workmen. James
McKnlght , the state contractor , wont to
General Hastings and domindod pro
tection for his workmen. A detachment of
militia drove the loafers away nnd all
men who refused to work. An order was
issued not to permit any ono to enter Johns
town without n pass. Two grocery stores ,
otio jewelry store nnd two barber shops Tiavo
surtod un , and the probabilities are that in-
aldoofn week a hundred stores will bo in
operation. The general opinion among well-
posted people here Is that the loss of lilo Is
between three nnd four thousand. Reports
as to the number of bodies recovered nro
very conflicting , and put the number any
where from 1.103 to 1,800.
There is fight between Dr. Matthews , of
the state board of health , and Kato C. Bush-
neil , M. D. , of Illinois , who Is hero. Miss
Bushncll usscrts she been appointed to
supervise the sanitation of homes bv the
state board of health , and this Dr. Matthews
denies. This morning Miss Bushnoll issued
a circular to the women of Johnstown , re
questing them to moot nt the headquarters of
the Children's Aid society , to-day , to devlso
moans of putting the homes of Johnstown In
good sanitary condition. When Dr. Matthews
saw the circular ho stated that Miss Bush
ncll hud no authority to call such n meet
The bodies of flvo women were recovered
this morning , but only two of them were
The report of the bureau of transoortation
which died with the citizens relief commit
tee , shows that from Juno lOtn to the llth ,
Inclusive , pcopio were given f reo transpor
tation out of Johnstown. The bureau of in
formation answered 287 telegrams and sixty-
eight letters , mostly inquiries from anxious
friends ns to the safety of Johnstown.
Eight bodies were brought to the morgue
in the Presbyterian church on Main street
A party of men nt work in the debris came
across tlio dead bodies of Mrs. Myra and her
daughter , locked in each other's arms.
The total number of. bodies recovered to
day was 10 , making a grand total of 1,999
bodies recovered.
&Tho mass nt the stone bridge was fired
this afternoon nnd to-night 13 burning furi
ously. With it is des'oyed ' nil hope of recov-
ing the bodies that are contalnly there en
To-day was the second day slnco the flood
that Johnstown was not deluged with rain ,
and uudor the Influence of a bright sun the
sandy soil was soon dry and things in gen
eral brlfjhtoned up. A number of stores
started in business anew , and largo sales of
flooded goods were effected , being bought
chiefly as relics , The first decisive step
toward putting Johnstown's business men on
their feet again was made , to-day , when
about two hundred merchants , who had sur
vived the flood , many of them without a
dollar , mot Adjutant-General Hastings , this
afternoon , and were assured that they would
bo re-established in business on long credit.
Both Pittsourg and Philadelphia wholesalers
have offered Johnstown merchants their
business courtesy. '
$1OOO.OOO Loaned AVitlioutSecurity.
PUILAUELVUIA , Juno 13. Governor Beaver
announces that ho has abandoned the using
of $1,000,000 out of the state treasury under
the proposed indemnity bond scheme , for the
reason that such action must establish a bad
precedent. Ho has decided to adopt the sug
gestion that the money bo loaned to the gov
ernor by private corporations. The governor
stated that ho bad been offered $1,000,000 by
the national banks of Philadelphia without
sccuritv nnd without intoicst , the loans to bo
reimbursed by the legislature at its next
session , and ho has accepted the offer. This
money will bo used to clean the streams and
place the highways in order and perform
other necessary state work.
They Decide to Build Their Homo at
Colorado Spring- ) .
DESVEK , Colo. , June 13. [ Special ! Tele
gram to THE BEE. | The most Important ac
tion of the typographical convention to-day
was the sustaining of the blounlal plan , thus
defeating the clement which desired nn im
mediate election , and allowing President
Blank a year's tenure. The proposition of
Colorado Springs was accepted , it being a
valuable bonus of land , and it was decided
to build the printers' homo in that city. To
night the delegates are feasting at the
Sioux Commisjlon nt Pine Hi dec.
PINE RIDQE AauxoY , Dak. , Juno 13. ( Via
RusUvillc , Nob. ) The Sioux commissioners
arrived this afternoon. The Indians are as
sembling from the distant camps on the
reservation , and It is possible that a general
council will not bu held until Saturday. TUo
Indians nro counclllng at their camps this
afternoon In order to decide upon their
speakers and their line of policy when they
have their talk with the commission
ers. This agency is second iu slzo
of the two reservations and con
tains 5.COO Indians , mainly Ogalnlla ,
Sioux. The balance are Northern Choyonncs ,
about flvo hundred in number. On the
agency list nro 1'S3 men qualified to vote on
the question of assenting to the act of con
gress. Largo numbers are absent with the
Buffalo Bill company , or other similar travel
ing combinations , nnd it is doubtful whether
the three-fourths needed nro now present on
tbo reservations. The Indians are nearly
all opposed to disposing of any portion of
their reservation , and view with suspicion
any offer on the part of the Government.
tiloux Falls University.
SIQUXFALLS , Dak. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bun. ] To-night n largo audi
ence assembled at both the opera houses to
listen to the closing exercises of tbo Sioux
Falls university. The programme was of
more than usual Interest. Diplomas were
awarded to the following graduates : Fred
erick G. H. Polk , Anuu M. Goodard , Frank
B. Door , Martha D. Hamilton , H. P. Good ,
nrd , Mary B. Bronnau , William S. Dewey
and Helen L. Oliu.
An Attempt to Wraolc n Train.
. .CHICAGO , June 18. An attempt was made
last night to wreck u vestibule train on the
Wabasb , St. Louis & Pacific , which loft here
nt 0 o'clock last evening for St. Louis. The
scene of tha attempted wrecking was about
slxty-flvo miles from Chicago. The engine
struck the obstructions v/nlch had boon
placed on the track , but did nqt leave the
tiovl Ituihhurn l > cnU.
FAHMEB CITV , Juno in. Lovl Rcthburn ,
once prominent in the anti-slavery movement
lu Ohio , aud a correspondent , of Garrison ,
Horace Mann and other leaders , Is dead. Ho
was born In 1811 , and for many years was a
prosperous merchant In Mechaulcsburg ,
Champagne county , Ohio , and a leader In
the Methodist church. Ho coma to Illinois
some ycura ago , and has boon leading a re
tired lUo here.
War on "Pinole Bio1' Stores.
Pirrauuno , Juno 13. At a mooting hero ,
to-day , of the executive committee of the
Coal Miners' association , of Western Penn
sylvania , il was roaclvod u > order a general
strike. Saturday , against the company , or
"Pluck mo" btorus. At all places where the
operators Insist upon the miners buying from
thuso stores the men will bo ordered out.
A Prominent Irishman Suhiiclca.
IxnuNAroi.iB , Juno 13. Patrick A. Ward
Blxty-two years old and the most promlueu
Irishman in this city , committed vuiuido to
night by \vullou lug a dose ot oyauldo o
TlaejPJantorfl' House Slto Wins the
Itlnmhora of the Civil Service Com
mission Will Mnko a Tour of
Inspection of Western
WASHINGTON. D. a , Juno 10. )
At flvo minutes before fi o'clock this ovon-
ng Secretary Windotnvdeclded to adopt the
oport of Special Agent Llnton on the now
ocatlon of tlio Omaha postofllco. The de
cision is In favor of block 80 , known as the
. 'lantcrs1 house block , and Is bounded on the
cast by Sixteenth street , on the west by Sev
enteenth street , on the north by Capital
nvcnue , and on the south by Dodge street.
At 4:30 o'clock Secretary WIndom and
Supervising Architect Wludritn had a final
consultation on the Omaha building site.
Assistant Secretaries Tlchonor and Bach-
ollor were present. Tlio supervising nrchl-
cnt had all the papers In the Omaha ease
vlth him , but the report was ready and It
favored the selection of block No. 80. The
secretary chatted with his assistants for
hrco or four minutes and then came out and
announced to Tun Bui : correspondent that
ho Omaha question was settled and that
> Iock.SO was the slto decided upon. I naked
f ho had anything moro to say upon the sub-
cot , but the secretary simply said , "No ; wo
lave only adopted the report of Mr. Llnton. "
Now that the slto has been selected the
next stop will bo to secure to the ? overnmont
a title to the lots , and to hare all conveyances
properly made. After this Is done Supervising -
ing Architect Windrlm will complete his
plans and specifications and then the treas
urer will advertise for bids. After that
ground will bo broken and the work of con
struction commenced. It i ? by no moans
certain how soon Mr. Wlndrlm will bo able
, o complete the plans and specifications of
: ho building. Ho has yet to reorganize and
get his force In working order , and It will
certainly bo weeks , and perhaps months , before
fore work on the Omaha postofllco will bo
commenced. Mr. Windrim may visit Omaha
before doing the final work upon the plans ;
at least ho was urged to ao DO by Mr , Council ,
when ho was hero lust month.
The members of the civil service commis
sion will start west on Monday , with the
present Intention of visiting Indianapolis ,
Chicago and Milwaukee , and with the pur
pose of extending their trip to all thn largo
cities of the west if they can see their way
clear to do so. The members of the commis
sion say that no particular charges have
been Hied against the postmasters of cither
of the throe cities which they have on their
slate , and that they dcslro to examine into
the methods of conducting business in each
of the ofllces , with n view to the enforce
ment of the strict observance of the civil ser
vice law. . It is moro than surmised by the
members of the commission , that officials
uudor the last administration were per
mitted to raise barriers against the admis
sion into the civil service , of young men
whoso politics were not of the right tint , and
it is the liriu purpose of Messrs. Lyman ,
Roosevelt and Thompson , to see to it that
every olllco is conducted with the closest
reference to the spirit as will as the letter
of the civil hervico law , so far as appoint
ments and promotions tire concerned. It is
likely that after the visit to Milwaukee , the
commission will swing around to St. Paul
and Minneapolis , and then down to Omaha ,
and then around by way of St. Louis back to
Washington , but this latter programme has
not been doflnitolj determined upon.
The following fourth-class postmaster was
appointed to-day : Cortlaud , Gage county ,
Oscar Oberman.
Albaton , Mouona county , Jonathan Polly ;
Burchlnal , Corro Gordo countv , Mra. N. A.
Vail ; Burnsido , Webster county , A. D. Ton-
nan * , ; Bancroft , ICossuth county , William E.
Jordan ; Bloomington , Ringgold county ,
Jennie Gallon ; Dallas , Marion county , E. E.
Baldwin ; Flint , Mahaska county. J. S.
Wharton , Hawardon , Sioux county , Watson
Mollynoux ; Ivy , Polk county. Jacob McCoy ;
Kosztn , Iowa county , C. H. Dodd ; Ladora ,
Iowa county , W. S. Foster ; Laddsdiilo ,
Davis county , W. R. Dawn ; Loligworthy ,
Jones county , Christopher Scheer ; Mel
bourne , Marshall county , M. AV. Corbctt ;
Monroe , Jasper county , John Vnndormast ;
Scrunton City , Grcon county , P. A. Smith ;
Sprapuovillo , Jackson county , Martin Peter
son ; Wnukon. Junction , Alamakeo county.
G. M. Clogston ; West Side , Crawford
county , E. R. Lucas.
President Harrison will probably bo absent
from Washington two or three times within
the next two weeks. Ho is llk'oly to journey
to Capo May whenever ho can got away in
order to join his family. Mrs. Harrison , ac
companied by the family , was escorted to the
Pennsylvania station this uftornoon by the
president , where the ladies and children
took the train for Philadelphia , going tbonco
to Capo May. They wllloccupy Postmaster-
General Wnnuraakor'fl cottage at this pleas
ant seaside resort for at least two weeks and
possibly longer. The president will join
them as often as ho can possibly do so.
Bids were opened by thc | supervising
architect to-day for supplying elevators for
the now public building ut DCS Monies. The
following are the bids : Ellithorpo Air Brake
company , Chicago , two bids , S3.30 and $7Gi > 0
respectively ; O'Donnull & Barrett Elevator
company , Chicago , 812,800 ; Crane Elevator
company , Chicago , 83'JSO ; H. J. Ready & Co. .
Philadelphia , ? 10,000.
Lcavo of absunco for two months and flvo
days , with permission to go beyond the sea ,
to IUKO effect between the seasons of small
arms and heavy artillery practice of his
battery , is granted Captain Paul Roomer ,
Fifth artillery. Pr.miv S. HEATII.
Washington OfllolulH Mum On the
Cablegram From Iltiytl.
WASHINGTON , Juno 18. All applications at
thn state department for information re
specting the contents of the cablegram ro-
cclvcd yesterday from Haytl are met with a
refusal. Secretary Tracy , however , said
the dispatch did not reveal the existence of a
dangerous atato of affairs In Haytl , but
another ofllccr who had soon the cablegram
hinted that It told of renewed fighting be
tween the factions on the island. Secretary
Tracy has ordered the Koursargo to proceed
at once to Hayti.
'JL'hu Berlin Negotiations Proceeding
In Perfect Jlnriuony.
WASHINGTON , Juno 13. There Is the high
est authority for the statement that there is
no foundation for tbo story published la Nuw
York , this afternoon , that Secretary Blalno
had ordered tbo American commissioners to
withdraw from the Samoan conference unless
moro concessions are made. The negotia
tions at Berlint is said , uro proceeding lu
perfect harmony.
Nobrnslcix null loun Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Jum 18. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEE , " ) Pensions granted Neb r as
kans : : Original Invalid \V' . J. Blue , J. M
Goolsby , G. E. McDanlels , Martin V. Mo-
Crillls , Clarkson Spencer , Daniel O. Ham
niotid , G. H. Burtt , D. E. Morley , Philip
F. Patrick , deceased. Increase JofforHOn
H. Foxwortby. Reissue Daniel M. Nettle
ton. Original wldowu , etc. Ida M. , widow
of Philip * ' . Patrick.
Pensions allowed lowanat Original in
vnllds Jnmos Parker , Jitoios Qarrott , Thoo.
Cnnup. Charles C. FultonGoorgo W. Mark ,
lohn Morgan. John D , ulovonor , Joseph
Gregory , Jacob Duttlo , dteoascd ; John W.
Conquest , Wesley F. Pt Hnn. Samuel M.
Glbion , Charlos'Massnor.'Rolssuo ' and In-
crcaso Gcorgo AV. Chandler. Original
vulows , etc. Christine , -widow of Jacob
Duttlo. Widows of 1813-Doborah T. , widow
of Sowall ICnowlton.
Presidential Appointment- ? .
WASHINOTON , Juno 13. The president this
afternoon made the following appointments !
Donald MoLoun , of Now York , to bo gen
eral appraiser of merchandise for the port
of Now York. To bo collectors of internal
revenue : Henry Sinn for First district of
Wisconsin ; Earl M. Rogers for Second dis
trict of Wisconsin.
The Homls Tnlco Kxocptlon.
WASHINGTON , Juno 13. During the
> rogrcss of the Inquiry by the intcr-stnto
sommorco commission , on the 8d of May ,
astiuto the question of 1'roo passes and
rco transportation , tno attorneys of the sev
eral roads summoned to appear toolc ex
ception to the order of the commission
requiring them to show their pass lists
incl the commission , later set to-day for the
loarlng of the exceptions sot up by counsel.
Yesterday the commission received notlco
'rom the counsel representing the the two
roads to the effect that it would bo impracti
cable for them to bo in Washington to-day ,
and asking the privilege of printed briefs In
stead of oral arguments. This was granted
and the counsel of the other roads which
, ook exceptions nro notified that they have
the same privilege.
ABIInlHtor In Trouble.
CnKSTON , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram
; o Tun Bnc. ] Creston society is badly
shaken over n scandal , In which Fred Eason ,
pastor of the First Baptist church , and Mrs.
barrio Duffy , wlfo of a Chicago , Burlington
& Quincy passenger brakeman , and nlso of
jis church , are concerned. Last evening
Mr , Duffy , husband of.Mrs. Duffy , met Rev.
Eason in front of the postoQlco , publicly ac
cused him of being the cause of separating
ilm and his wife , and nt the same time strik
ing the minister in the face , knocking him
down. DufTy was immediately arrested on
i chargeof assault and battery , his case
Doing continued until Saturday. All parties
nro respectably connected , and the unfortu
nate alTnir has caused a great sensation.
Mrs. Duffy has sued for a divorce. She is n
voung and attractive woman. Rev. Eason is
about sixty years of ago'nnd has a family.
A Casa ol' Lockjaw.
DUUUQUE , In. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. | The curious ease of Fidel
Frltscho , who has just.dilod from lockjaw , is
arousing much Interest In the community.
On Saturday , Juno 1 , ho ran a silver under
ils thumb nail , to whloh1 ho paid no atten
tion , it being insignificant. On the following
Thursday ho felt his jaws drawing , and a
ihvsician was summoned , who found him to
jo suffering from lockjaw. * He said ho had
no wound , but on examination the physician
discovered a slight swelling under the thumb
nail and removed tbo sliver and the pus about
t. Thereafter , until bis death' , Mr. Frltscho
was in great agony. _ ,
The State Normal School.
WATERLOO , la. , JunetlO. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEErJ , Thfennntial commence
ment exorcises of Uio statoTnormal school at
Cedar Falls closed Iafj1iight. There wore
fifty-three graduated , ' fofty receiving the degree -
* ' '
greo ot bachelor of dldact'ics , a'nd eight the
degree of bachelor pf science. This is an
increase of twerity-ono over last year. The
enrollment the past year was'540 , an In
crease of 103 over last year's attendanco.
Prof. A. C. Page , formerly superintendent of
schools in this city , was elected protcssor of
Bankerj lu Session.
CEDAU RAPIDS , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.JThe Iowa bankers
have been in session hero for two days.
Their meeting was devoted to the dibcussion
of topics of mutual interest and plans for
better facilities in the transaction of busi
ness. Mr. S. E. Felt , of btorm Lake , gave
nn address to-day on "Tho Western Country
Banker. " .Tlio association decided to hold
the next meeting nt Dubuque on the second
Tuesday In Juno , 1893. OfllueM were elected
as follows : President , , J. H. Brauch , Ma-
rep go ; secretary , J. M. Dihviddio , Cedar
Rapids ; treasurer , W. T. Fonton , Ottuuiwa.
A Scheme to Catch Suckers.
WATEIILOO , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram , -
gram to THE BEE. ] J , Woodard , n , young
man living nt Moorpvllle" , Tama county , was
arrested , yesterday , by a poston g inspector
from Now York. Woodard had advertised
in leading eastern and western pauors to
Rend five ones , thrco twos , two lives and one
ton for $1. Ho caught a largo number of
suckers , to each of whom ho sent thirty-one
cents in postage stamps of the denominations
indicated m his advertisements.
A Ijiuly Student Drownc
GniNNELL , la , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J Four students of the
Iowa collczo were boating last night n short
distance from hero , when the boat was upset
by ono of the young ladles attempting to
cbango seats. All were thrown in the water
nnd Miss Carrie Neal was drowned. She
was a member of the sophomore class nnd
nor homo was at Maquokcta , Jackson county.
Drnko University Commencement.
DBS MOINES , la. , Juno II ! . | Special Tele
gram to THE BUE.J The commencement
exercises of Drake unlvpnsity occurred here ,
to-day , The graduates numbered eleven ,
and after their orations had boon given the
annual address was delivered by Rov. Mr.
A. D. Hobbn , of Denver , The law aud med
ical departments of thcj university have al
ready had their commencement.
Senator Allison' Returns Home.
DUUUQOE , la. , June 13. | SpecialTelogram
to TUB BEE. ] Senator Allison returned
homo to-day from hisi western trip with the
senatorial committee Investigating Canadian
commercial relations. Ho says the commit
tee will take considoraqlp testimony yet at
eastern points , but ha'will remain ut homo
for the present. j
the Boar creek oil rouiory ( , at Coleman's
station , boiled over thji afternoon , setting
lire to the still houso. The burning fluid
flowed down the hlilsldbj catching Augustus
Jack , the still man ; Jumcn Klrkpatrlci ; , the
foreman , and ( Jliarles Dunn before they
could get out of the way. Jack was burned
to a crisp aud died in a few minutes , The
others were terribly burned r aud will proba
bly die.
Passenger Conductors Bounced ,
ST. Louis , Juno 18. Information reached
here that all passenger conductors on the
Choctaw and Chorokee'dlvistons of the Mis
souri , Kansas & Texas railway bavo been
discharged nnd several freight conductors
put In their places. The discharged men
were old oranloyeB of tha road. The trouble
is attributed to .guottera , who have been
working tbo ysUjm industriously since it
passed into the bandu of a receiver. The
( 'oiiorul Impression U that there will bo a
change in passenger conductors on the en
tire line from Uciilson to Sodaliu.
Mrfl. MuyUrlck Committed.
L ivinirooi , , Juno lU.VJ'ho hearing in tlio
case of Mrs. Maybrick , who is charged with
poisoning her husband , Michael Maybriwr ,
was concluded to day , and Mrs. Maybrick
was comuiltttid for trial at the next assizes.
Governor Hill Will Not Glvo Up Mc
Donald or Maronoy.
An Important Stntomcnt Denied T.
Desmond , of San Frnnchco , Ar-
rcstotl Father Dornoy l > o-
feud's Sulllvnu.
The Grnnil Jury's Worlc.
CHICAGO , Juno 13. A morning paper says
bat ono of the most Important statements In
connection with the Cronln murder was
made yesterday by Jack Stanloynn cmployo
of the city sewerage department , to a couple
of friends. The statement In brief was that
Woodruff , the man supposed to have driven
, ho wagon in which the trunk containing
> ocln'8 body was hauled away from the
Carlson cottage , had frequently been seen by
Stanley in conversation with Detective
Coughlln , several weeks previous to the
murder. Stanley , when soon to-day , denied
Having seen Woodruff in conversation with
Coughlln or that ho had made any statement
; o that effect.
The principal interest in the Cronln case
was centered in the grand jury that mot this
forenoon. The strict orders of secrecy in
stituted yesterday were In no wise departed
from. Mrs. Conklln was the first witness
who testified. Her testimony was a ropotl-
tion of that which has boon many times
published except that she attempted a
mlnuto description of the man who decoyed
Cronin to his death , nnd which , so far as
Mrs. CoiiKlln's memory extends , tallied per
fectly with the published description of Mc
Donald , now under arrest in Now York. The
remainder of the jury's investigations dur
ing the forenoon were devoid of interest.
The younger Carlson's description , of Wil
liams , one of the men who rented the cot-
Lago , tallied in many respects with that of
John J. Maronoy , the Irishman whom the
Now York pollco have in custody.
Chief of Police Hubbard says that Thomas'
Desmond , an Irish nationalist , of San Fran
cisco , who is suspected of complicity in the
Cronin murder , nnd who is said to have given
the Now York detectives the slip a few days
ago , has been located in San Francisco und
that ho can bo had whenever wanted. It is
alleged that Desmond registered at McCoy's
hotel April 10 , nnd that between that dnto
and April 31 , when ho loft the hotel , ho hold
numerous conferences with the man who reg
istered as "Melville , " but who is believed to
bo Maronoy , now under arrest in Now York.
Hubbard received a dispatch this afternoon
announcing the arrest of the mysterious in
dividual who is bcliovod to bo badly wanted
in connection with the Cronln case. The
police would say nothing about the captuio
Qxcopt that the follow resembled Frank
Williams , ono of the men who rented tno
Carlson cottairo.
All the witnesses examined during the
afternoon had previously testified at the
coroner's ' Inquest. They were Detective
Palmer , Dinans , hostler ; Morcland , M. E.
McHale , Revolls. carpet layer ; Henry
Rouscb , who found the body , and OHloer
Larch , who found the trunk kept in the
cottage. It was understood they simply ro-
pcatcd the statements they made at the
inquest. The jury adjourned at 4 p. m. until
"What do I think of the present status of
the case against Alexander Sullivan ? " said
Rev. Father Dornoy to-day. "J. don't see
that there hat been any case made out
against Alexander bullivan. I have been
for years a warm friend of Sullivan. I am
his friend to day. I have implicit faith in his
crime. I don't ' und can't bollevo such a thing
possible , of that man. I have known him
closely and under various and trying circum
stances. All along the course of the coro-
nors's Investigation prejudice has been aimed
at Sullivan. Every witness was put on the
rack to ascertain if ho could not possibly say
or bo made to say something that would incriminate -
criminate Sullivan. It seems to mo in its
earliest stugo the investigation ceased to
bo an inquiry into the murder of Dr. Cronin ,
nnd became an inquiry as to whether the
foul deed could not bo fastened upon Alex
ander Sullivan. It was not , 'Who are the
murders of Dr. Cronin'so ) muoh as , 'Can '
this charge bo laid at the door of Alexander
SuUivonl1- "
Father Dornoy denounced the murder at
longtn. Ho believed there would soon bo re
action in the public mind as to Sullivan. Re
garding the Irish society divisions and quar
rels Father Dornoy said : "From
what I have seen of the testimony
alleged to have beau glvon nt the inquest
there has been us much mallcnlty shown
against .Alexander Sullivan as could possibly
bo found towards the opposing factions
among his friends. I also feel certain.much
of the newepapor case against him , created
and published i.n some of the papers , was
originated and kept up by prrsonul enmity.
Before Sullivan's ' arrest a number of friends
did not care to express any opinion in his
favor for fear of their utterances being mis
construed as an attempt to divert the course
of public justice , yet no sooner was the ar
rest made than his friends felt free to glvo
utterance to their sentiments , and now you
will Ibid there uro hundreds of the friends
of Alexander Sullivan who have the same
faith and confidence- his inuocenco as I
have myself. "
Father Dornoy is pastor of St. Gabriel's
Roman Catholic church , ono of the handsom
est sacred cdlllcos in Chicago. Ho is ex
tremely popular with his congregation , near-
every person in which is of Irish birth or
The Requisition Donlod.
AUIAXT , Juno 13 , A requisition was pre
sented to Governor Hill to-day from Gov
ernor Fifer , of Illinois , for the surrender of
Maronoy and McDonald , charged with the
murder of Dr. Cronin , The governor denied
the application on thci grounds :
1. That the application was not accompan
ied by an indictment.
- . That no proof whatever was presented
showing that the accused are guilty of the
crime charged against them , as required by
the laws of this and all other states. Tlio
application was based solely upon an afU-
duvlt made upon "information and belief , "
An Alibi lor Maronoy.
NBW YOUK , Juno 13. The Mail nnd Ex
press tlm evening says : "A detective from
Scotland Yard stood on Chambers atroct ,
west oi the county court house , to-day , for
ovrr two boura. Ho had his eye on 291
Broadway , which is the oftlco of David M.
Noubergor , counsel for J. J. Muronoy , no-
cus ed of complicity in the murder of Dr.
"Major Rudolph Fitzpatrick , of 117 West
Sixty-third street , who was adjutant-general
in the Fenian army that invaded Canada , is
ono of tlio men willing to swear that Ma
ronoy was in his placetlio day Cronln was mur
dered. Fitzpatrick has nn English wlfo who Is
an unlent supporter of Ireland's ' aspirations.
Fitzpatrick and wife uro relied upon as two
who will help to establish i\t ) . alibi for
Maronoy. The attempt to provo the pris
oner's innocence- will not stop with the
evidence of Fitzpatrick and wife. Ono of
Maronoy'B callers yesterday ot the Tuimbs
was Thomas J. Donnoliy , of the Wolf Tone
club of Brooklyn , Ho holds political ofllco
in Kings county , and is u trusted man with
the unil-Dovoy-Broslln wing of the Clan-mi-
Gaol. Maronoy , Douuohy and Gcnural
Mlllcn the latter u mcinbor of the press
club , now dead went across tho. Atlantic-
on a mission' not quite two years ago ,
Maroncy was known as Melville. Donnohy
has many Clan-nn-Oiiol men in his camp and
ho Is expected to taka part lu the alibi busi
" 1'bo oxecutlvo committee of the Clan-na-
Gael or United Brotherhood of America ,
met last night and decided that Maronoy and
McDonald should bo kept In New York if
possible by any form of law. All the mem
bers did not meet together. Some were
reached by telegraph , and Patrick Egan ,
who Is on the ocean , was not , of course ,
reached. Tlio meeting is said to have been
hold In'Phlladolphla , nnd those nld to have
boon present were Honayno , Tiornoy , Brad
ley , Condon nnd Leonard.
"Those men are anxious about Maronoy
because the British government wants him. "
Judge Andrews , last evening , granted the
writs of habeas corpus for the production , in
the supreme court.of Maronoy and McDonald.
McDonald's case was mndo by Thomas J.
Donncy , and presented by John Dolohnnty ,
und Maronoy'B cnso was made by Edward J.
Rome , and presented by D. M. Neuborgor.
The petitioners describe themselves as "nonr
friends , " and allege the men are not hold by
legal commitment , and that thord Is nn on.
tire nbsonco of Identification. The mutter
will como ui ) for argument to-morrow.
SVN FRANCISCO , Juno 13. Thomas Des
mend , mentioned in the dispatches to-day ns
being wanted for complicity In the Cronln
murder , is well known here , having been a
prominent figure during the sand lot agita
tion. Ho was the main support of Dnnnls
Kearney , nnd through the latter's Influence
was elected sheriff and served a full term.
Desmond first gained notoriety in 1807 as ono
of the crew of the Catalp.i , fitted out In Eng
land to rescue Fenian prisoners in Australia.
Michael Bolnml'H Theory.
KANSAS CITV , Juno 13. Michael Boland ,
the recorder of Kansas City , whoso name
has boon connected with Alexander Sullivan
and other members of the Clan-na-gaol , la
connection with the Cronln murder mystery ,
expressed the opinion to a Journal reporter ,
to-night , that Cronin was murdered by motu-
bora ot the Clan-na-gacl. Ho thought some
of the moro Ignorant members , sharing the
general belief that Cronln was a spy , Killed
him in the mistaken idea that they were
doing.a good service.
Exorcises at the Closing of the First
Your The Graduates.
HASTINOS , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Cor
respondence of Tun BcE.J The annual com
mencement exercises of Hastings' college ,
which huvo boon in progress slnco last Sun
day , closed last evening. President Ring-
laud delivered the baccalaureate sermon at
tno First Presbyterian church to a largo aud
ience. On Sunday evening Rev. W. W. Hnr-
Htm , D. D. , LL. D. , delivered the annual ad
dress to the Y. M. nnd V. W. C. A. On
Monday evening , Rov. A. A. Pfantiehl , of
Columbia , Mo. , delivered the annual address
before the Whittierlan aud Lesbian Literary
societies. The president's reception was
held in the parlors of McCorinlc hall , on
Tuesday evening , from C to S o'clock , and
was attended by u largo concourse of people ,
many distinguished guests from different
parts of the state being present.
On Tuesday evening the college chapel
was crowded by a largo audience which had
assembled to listen to the graduating exer
cises of the academical department. The
programme was quite a lengthy one , but was
listened to with manifest Interest by the aud
ience. The musical featurcsof the programme
included an instrumental duct from "Wil
liam Toll , " by Misses Elsie Palmer and Lucy
Brown ; n piano solo from "I Puritani , " by
Miss Elsie Palmer ; a vocal solo , "Waiting. "
by Miss Etta Button ; an instrumental solo
entitled "Impromptu Polka , " by Elsie Pai-
uier , and a vocal solo , "Daisy , " by Miss
Lillian Quick , of St. Paul , Nob. The stu
dents of the academical department who
have completed the preparatory course of
study , aud who will ontcrtho , coljeglato de
partment next fall , together with the sub
jects of their orations , are as follows : Jessie
A. Pinkerton , of Murnuutto , Neb. , "Icono-
clasm ; " William Rulikoettor , of Phillips ,
Neb. , "Homo Rule for Ireland ; " Dora Bell ,
of Oxford , Nob. , "Longfellow ; " B. S.
Struckoy , of Grafton , Neb , , "Our Aims ; "
L. B. Stinor , of Lexington , Nob. , "Educa
tion , Amorlca's Safeguard ; " Juno O. Scho-
Hold , of Colon , Neb. , "Oliver Cromwell :
Berta Corbott , of Otis , Colo. , "The Powers
of Determination. "
The commencement exercises proper took
place at the First Congregational church
last evening , and that largo edifice was
crowded with the friends of the institution.
There were four graduates , whoso names
nnd the subjects ot their orations nro : David
Wallace Montgomery , of Pnrnnol City ; sub
ject , "Unbelief and Its Cure. " Elizabeth M.
Stine , of Hastings : subject , "Tho Good of
Life. " Henry R. Corbott , of Aurora ; sub
ject , "Anglo Saxon Destiny. " Mary A.
Crussman , Hastings ; sudject'Truo Alms of
College Training. "
Hastings collage- was established in 1SS2 ,
nnd has had a healthy and steady growth
since that time. It Is well equipped , its fac
ulty one of the finest in the west , aud its
prospects uncxcoptionally bright. About
olio-hundred and sixty students have been in
attendance- during the past year , and this
number will bo largely increased during the
ensuing year.
Outfit Ruranil ,
Juno 13. Dispatches received
from Sandstone Junction , Moose Lake ,
Hlckloy , Barnum und other places on the
'lino of the eastern Minnesota and St. Paul &
Duluth roads indicate that a bad iiro is burn
ing along the entire section. In this section
are hundreds of camps and loggers' outfits.
The flames are burning with great fury , und
unless there are heavy and soaking rains
great damage will result.
Dakota Farmer Politicians.
YANKTON , Dak. , June 13. ISpeclal Tclo-
gratn to Tun 13r.c , ] The farmers of Yank-
ton county are invited to rally at the court
house on Saturday to organi/o for purer and
better politics. Hugh J. Campbell , M. Harin
and other gentlemen will address the mrut-
ing , nnd delegates will bo elected to intend
the Huron state convention on the ISth of
Two Burglar *
Coi'.YDON , Ind. , Juno 13. James Peavln
nnd ChnrlcH Tennyson , who attempted to
rob the residence of James Lcmay , near
hero Friday night , nnd who shot and
wounded Lumay nnd his niece , were taken
from jail by a mob of00 men at - o'clock
this morning and lynched.
Boixls for thn Yaulctim Line.
YANKION , Dak. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE Bnn.l Plerco township , Holt
county , Nob. , has voted 810.000 to the Yank-
ton & Norfolk road , and other townships will
follow with liberal subscriptions. The city
of Yankton will give $ ; .r > , COJ for tbo same
purpobo und the subsidies already secured
will about grade the lino.
Iluhhar Boot nnd IJIioi : TriiHt.
NEW YOJIK , Juno in. A private dispatch
received by a representative linn of this city
to-day states that a meeting of rubber shoo
manufacturers was hold to-day in Boston ,
at which the preliminary steps wuru taken
for the organization of u ruhbur boot und
shoo trust.
An Incorrlulhlo.
ROCIIESTEII , Minn. , Juno 13. Robert Rob
ertson , of Genoa , this county , was arrested
this morning for stealing horses at Klruland ,
111 , Ho will be taken there to-morrow , Rob
ertson was recently released from th'J HUH-
water penitentiary for thu gamb olTcntiO ,
The I'ntiamn OllliuulticN.
PAIUS , Juno 13. At a meeting ot the cabi
net to-day tha dlftlcuUlcs of the Panama
Canal company were discussed. The liquid
ator of the company road his report , and the
result of his findings will bo that the govern ,
incut will bhortly present a bill to the cham
ber of deputies dealing with the matter ,
InHtauily Klllocl ,
LANBINQ , Mich. , Juno 13. William W.
Staloy , major of the First regiment , Htato
trpops , was instantly killed by boiiif struck
by a train , thrco miles west of this city , this
American Encflnoora Royally Bator *
taluod lu England.
Minister Ijtncoln on the Might an J
Salisbury on tlio Ijnlt of the
Chair Xotnuloa Prosout
Toasts and Kpooohaa.
A Hound of Ploanurc.
[ OiPI/rfoM / iS0 by Jama denton lltnnttt.l
LONDON , Juno 18. | Now York Hnrald
Cable Special to THE Unn.l The American-
cnglnocrs had a busy day , to-i'my. In the
morning they wont to the Henry VII. chnpol
to hour a normon from Dean Bradley , and
after wards paid n visit to the house of com
In the nftornoou they attended a reception
given by the Institute of Civil Engineers.
Sir John Geode , the chairman , road the for-
malndarcssof wolcorao on behalf of his col
leagues. Prof , Thur.ston acknowledged the
address lu suitable terms , ana after several
o her speeches , an attack was made upon the
refreshment counter , below stairs , where the ,
thoughtful generosity of the Londoners had
provided nbudnnt mint julep , elarot punch , gin
fizz ana other Yankee rarities , iimrtistlcally
constructed , it is true , but dispensed with a
lavish hand , after the ngrooabia London
The evening was spent at n banquet given
by the sanio institution nt Guildhall. Sir
Johu Geode occupied the chair ; at his right
sat Hon. Robert T. Lincoln , United States
ministoivand at his loft , Lord Salisbury ,
There were also present , Mir. Henry Bessemer -
mor and others.
After the usua.1 loyal toasts , the chairman ;
In a neat and oulogistlo speech , proposed thai'
"United States of America , " coupling the
name of Mr. Lincoln. As the latter rose to
respond , n tremendous salvo of cheers
greeted him. It is his first appearance la
public , slnco his arrival in England , and ho
adverted to the fact in his frank , boyish
voice , when tno enthusiasm of his hearers
had in a measure subsided. Ho had not
realized before that such a welcome could bo
accorded to an American , minister In Eng
land , or clsowhoro , and ho was at a loss to
know how to respond. Ho had
been warned to leave engineering alone , be
cause there were present so many exports ,
so ho did not feel at liberty to refer to his
own experience us an onginocr when ho had
charge of tin army and navy engineering'
corps. In that period of his experience ho
had seen some of the greatest engineering
feats of the tune , namely , not only the im
provement but tlio creation of rivers and
harbors on the American const. Ho wtvs
also debarred from speaking too much of the
United States , because there were so many
Americans present that ho dared not speak
anything but the truth ; whereas , his
first impulse was to yield to
the feelings which ho had brought
away from the Washington centenary
and paint his native country In such glowing
colors as would occasion an exodus of all the
British engineers to America. What Mr.
Lincoln did say however was in effect that
the present occasion was ono of many which
had come under his notice showing the per
fect good feeling thai bound America and
England together ; that much of this Interna
tional amity was duo to the work of the en
gineers , who were rapidly destroying tlma
and space , and that ho hoped that this Rood
fooling would continue forever.
United States Navul Notes.
LONDON , Juno 18. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Bee. ] The United
States steamship Lancaster is ordered to
New York , and will sail from Leghorn in the
latter oart of Juno. Roar-Admiral Greor
will turn over the command of the station to
Commander M. O. Culla , of the Enterprise ,
and with his start will sail from Havre In tUa
steamer of Juno 29.
.Looking For Stanley's Messenger.
[ Cftpi/rtf/'tt / ' IBS ! ) liu JrtniM Gordon HtnnM. ' ]
ZtNzinui , Juno 13. Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE Bni"l ; The freed
slave , who brought the letter hero giving the
news of Stanley's movements , left it at the
consulate and then ran away. The British
postal agent here has not yet scon him , but
ho is being sought after all over town , so
that he may bo examined with a view to elic
iting some further information.
ills Men Cuter Port-au-Prlnco and
Logitlmo KlccN.
Ninv YDUK , Juno 13. The steamer Alone ,
from Kingston , Jamaica , Juno G , arrived this
morning and brings information substanti
ating the reports of Hlppolyto's victory and
Legltlmo'B defeat. Chief Onicor Williams ,
of the Aleno , said tnat Lcgltlmo had sought
the protection of the American consul at
Port-au-i'rinco , ' nad
- - Hippolvto'aolllccrs cn
tcrod I'ort-uu-Princo mid taken possession of
the town. Tlio victorious warrior , however ,
is not popular with the people generally , and
ho could probably never bo president of the
black republic by n vote of the inhabitants.
A Cartridge Thrown at Him , Hut 16
tlio Mark.
LO.NDON , Juno 18. Wliilo Gladstone was
passing through il .o town of Wndobrldao la
Cornwall to-day a missile , bcljovcd to have
been c. llvo cartridge , was thrown at his
carriage. Gladstone was not hit , nor was ho
much disturbed. The pulico are looking for
the man who threw the mltisilo. They dis
credit the story of the throwing of the cart
ridge at Gladstone. Is anything was thrown ,
they nay the thrower was giilltv of nothing
more than perpetrating a badly conceived
practical jdlfo.
Slxty-1'our Dead anil Others In a Crltl-
on ) Coudltlu'ii ,
AIIMACII , Juno 13. Many anxious friends
are malting Inquiries fur missing children at
the inllnnury to which the persons Injured la
yesterday's rnllroud uruident wore token.
The Interior of the Infirmary pa-fonts a Biid
spectacle , Ono of the woundo I boys named
Clolaiid died thin morning , lioth his parents
and two brothers had hern killed outright.
Tim dead now number sixty.four. Otlicra of
the woundud are lu a critical condition.
Will Uoiuiii * iho Uaniil.
ANNxroua , Md. , Juim W. At a mcntlng
of the stockholders of the C'hosopoalo &
Ohio Cimul company here today , resolutions
were passed authorizing the use of nil avail
able resources for the purnosa of putting the
canal In icpalr for the lOdiimjillou of navign.
lion at the earliest pnuicul : : moment. The
report of the pro.lout ! stutca It will taka
? ; < 01 > , UUO to ropuir the canal ,
Tno Wnithur ludlcmloiiH.
Nebraska and ImviU riilr , slightly cooler ,
proer-dod by warmer In lo'v.i , nouUnvC'itcrlv
Dakota Light ruin. followed In nou'.horft
PCI lion by funblitflitl