Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEH ; THURSDAY , JUKE 13 1899. THE CITY. Mrs. Strctlmus nnd James Dukes nro both untlor nrrcst on n clinrgo of allow ing vicious dOgs to run ( it Inrgo. Judge Shon. is n mnmbor of the exam ining committee of St. Francis academy at Council HlulTs. The examinations occupy three days. The Saratoga Lyceum association gives an entertainment this overling at the lyceum building for the benefit of the ,1 oil MB town sulTorors. The board of health called n mooting yesterday afternoon , but no quorum being prcHont , the mooting was ad journed until 3 p. in. to-day. The asphalt company Is repairing the damage done to the paving on Farntnn street by n wntorplpo bursting two months ngo and Hooding that thorough- faro. It was discovered yesterday that the Eslnbrook block , corner of Sixteenth and Chicago streets , had been assessed at only $1 ,600. ConimiBsionor Mount at once tiled a complaint. Major J3alcombo , of the board of pub lic works , estimates thodamngo done to paving during Friday night's storm at 81)000 or moro. lie has a force of men now at work repairing the break on Farnam street near Thirty-first. 1 Mlsa Abbio C. Casey , aged thirty- one , died at her homo at 1022 South Tenth street , yesterday. The remains. will bo interred at St. Mary's cemetery this morning. Services will bo hold nt St. Philomena's church at 0 o'clock. P.V. . Molohor , president of the Omaha Panorama company , has gone east to examine a now painting to ex j change for the Battle of Gettysburg , now on exhibition at the corner ol Eighteenth street and St. Mary's avenue. . . The Pennsylvania association mot yesterday afternoon at the board of trade rooms. Reports wore received showing that $401 ha ? been received by the association for the benefit of the Concmaugh sulTorora. The good work will be continued. The wife of Mr. Con Norrls , a well- known Union Pacific engineer , died nt her homo , 1411 South Thirteenth street , yesterday morning. Funeral services will bo hold at St. Philomona cathedral at U o'clock to-morrow morning. The remains will bo interred in the Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Pedestrians passing the southwest corner of Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue are in danger of bricks , which nro continually falling from the now building now being orceted there. A very small sign is the only premonition of danger.The street is blocked with material rnoro than half way across. Complaint was filed before Judge Borka yesterday by Alston B. Wood- dard , charging his wife Sarah with un lawful cohabitation and adultery with one Ed Walburn. Walburn and the woman wore arrested and lodged in jail. The county attorney not being present to prosecute , the case was con tinued , and the parties remanded to jail. Personal I'nrnitraphH. Max Meyer has returned from the east. H. E. Kerr , of AVuhoo , is at tbo Arcade. E. Froher , Ilnrlan , la. , Is at the Murray. E. C. Glbbs , of Villlsca , is at the Paxton. A. P. Brink , of Ceuur HapiQs , Is at the Paxton. E. J. Stellz , of MilforO , N. J. , is at the Paxton. I Russell Watts , of North Platte , is at the Pnxton. Wi C. Holdou ; of Kearney , Nob. , is at the F A read o. - Allan P. Ross , of Scrlbucr , Nob. , is at the \ > Arcade. George P. HciYingor , of Stratum , Is at the Areado. E. K. Valentine , of West Point , Is at the Mlllnrd. Gcorgo E. Ponncll , of Atlantic , la. , is at the Paxton. D. O. Way and S. A , Pratt , of Ord , Neb. , are at the Arcade. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Moorman , of Cincin nati , are at the Murray. Mr. AV. Alexander and wife , of Sturgis , Dak. , nro at the Murray. J. H. Barnes , of Norfolk , Leo Love , of York , aio nt the Milluril. Mrs. M. J. Cole , of Mount Pleasant , la. , is visiting friends in the city. Charles T. Dickinson and W. M. Ncsbitt , of Tokuniah , uro at the Mlllard. Q , A. Farley and wife , and A. Lundvall nnd wife , of Oakland , Neb , , are at the Mll lard. lard.Mrs. Mrs. W. 3. Hector , Mlsft Minnlo Hawks nntl Mrs. Sycncc. of Nebraska City , uro nt the Murray. K. II. Kowo and daughter li.tvo returned K to their homo nt ICcarnoy. The latter is ouo Kt of the latest graduates of Brownoll hall , t Gcorgo C. Kitld , R. C. Dinsedow , F. J. Homoycr , J. E. Mcllreovy and N. C. Barnes , of Nebraska City , are registered at the Mil- I . .lard.W. . W. F. Stone , of Button , Nob. . B. F. Mar- Bball. jr. , of York , M. Million , of O'NoillV. . A. Sneneer , of Pierce , Nob. , are at the Ar- citdo. citdo.R. R. J. Cole , of York , Neb , , F. M. Hayes , of Osccola , Nob. , T. J , Balrd , of Geneva , J. A. Finch , of Lincoln , and Jim R. Best , of Liu- coin , arc registered 'at the Arcade. J. G. Grcan and Alex Scott , of Stroms- burp , Neb. ; D. E. W. Jones , E. N. Carter , J. L. Trenory , J. L. Bentley , of Pawnee , Nub. , are registered at the Mlllanl. C. P. Catlln loft for Chicago last evening via tno Burlington on business connected with the now mttatonum soon to bo opened on Howard street , between Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth streets. Mrs , Catlln will return With him on Satutdny morning. AVunt Atoro Money. Fred Nye and Frank Johnson are organiz ing n company to stock the Republican for (150,000. Mr. Jolirsou nuid that it had bcrm thair Intention from the start to put the concern iuto tliu linnets of a stock company. The DDK" Not Tagged. Notwithstanding the Immense amount of complaining that has been Indulged in against the shotgun method cf extennlimt- Ing dogs , only 1,740 , tags have boon taken out. Mora than 2,000 tags wore taken out last year and It h known that there are more dogs iu town now than there were at tlmt time. A tiwnrttiy Swindler. An Italian named Garilna swindled sovcn of his countrymen out of $10 each at the Union Paclilo. Ho promised thorn work and uiado thorn deposit the amount mentioned ae n forfeit to srouro him agitlnst loss. Ho rep- rcKimtcd to thorn that ho was a contractor nnd wonted men out west. After obtaining the ' 'bonus1' ' he disappeared ana has not been seen imicc. Cornnrnl Innnor. Arrangements have been made fcr Corpo 1-5 , * ral Tanner to spculc nt Council Bluffs nnd It : Omaha when ho comes \vcst , the hitter parl of this month. Ho villl probably make his nuiienrunco in tliu former city on the even ingot July 1 , and in this city on the uoxl day at the hall of Phil Sheridan post , U , A R. The comrades of the post are ovo.rjoyci \velcomo him and wcro assured today thn ! bo would bo with tluun , Tim following uinrriagn Hocmscn were Issued by County Judgn Shields yustenlay ; Nnmo und HesldPiice. Ago J Jaitiot L. Drincu , Ft. D. A. Uu cll . 31 ( YirffJniuM. MoKcatli , Omaha . 2i I JrnucsJ , McCabc , Oinnlm. . . , , . , . - ( i Auimy. McCaithy , Oi' . ,2J J George \Yittinocli , Omaha , . 3 ; I Colin IVtcu , Omiihn . , , . Si j Car ) Carlson , IrvliiRton , . . ! > ] Aimn Huuenn , irvmg'fOp. . , . , . , 1 ( Joseph Bloke , Qmuha. . . . , . , . , , , . ii ( Uarolluo Kti'jfuiun , OuiubK , . . . , , , . . . . . , , 4S HCOXTISI1 K1TI2 MASONRY. Work of hxcmpilflontlon In 1'roKrcnn In ilils Clt- . The Omaha Scottish HUe bodies of the Jurisdiction of the United States of America , their territories and dependencies , are holdIng - Ing a two-day's ' session in Metropolitan hall , corner of Fourteenth nnd Dodge , for the Instruction of the breth ren and the exemplification of the work. During this time the bodies will ro- cclvo their charters and elect now ofllcors for the ensuing year. Thcso Omaha bodies have n membership of about two hundred , The four lodnci wcro Instituted July 18 , 1B8S , nnd the membership has been Increasing very rapidly. Colonel G , A. Frnmhoi , . ' 13 ° , of Michigan. wltn full paraphernalia from the Columbus , O. , Scottish Hlto temple , Is In attendance nnd assisting in the work. There are some persons who Indulge In slurs upon UIMO legitimate degreeof Scot tish Rite Masonry lu the United States , llicso differences in Scottlih Hlto Masonry nro n matter in which no ono Is Interested except the bodies themselves. There are three Jurisdictions of these higher degrees In thl country , culled respectively the Jurisdiction of the United States of Amor- lea , their Territories and Dependencies ! the Northern Jurisdiction , nnd the Southern Jurisdiction. Of these three the first is claimed by the members to bo the only ono which can provo Us legitimate origin nnd conttinunco. A prominent member of that body , which Is commonly called the Ccrncau Rite , said to-ilay : "Wo nro ready nnd will ing to meet nnyono on the legitimacy of our bodies in an honest , scholarly and gen tlemanly manner , and not otherwise , and It the members of the so-called southern juris , diction can furnish us evidence of our being in error , wo would willingly retrace our. steps ana Join their body. " The sovereign grnnd commander of tills Jurisdiction , Judge John J , Gorman , 3 : < ° of Now York city , has Jmt boon elected grand secretary of the grand ledge of Now York. Work In the degrees will bo completed by noon to-day nnd the afternoon will bo de voted to the flection and installation of of ficers. The session will conclude with n grand banquet at the Mlllard this evening nt ) p. in. Ornnil Custodians' Lodge. R. W. Brother Leo P. GIMctto will hold n ; rand custodians' ledge nt Freemasons' hall , n this city , beginning at 0 a. m. , Monday , Juno 17,1SS9 , and continuing thrco days. The grand ledge will open at 4 p. m. , Wednesday , Juno 19,18S9 , at the same plnco. Each ono who attends should purchase n ticket to Omaha nnd take the railroad agent's receipt for the price thereof ; If ono hundred atlend Grand Secretary Bowen will certify on the receipt that ho is entitled to a return ticket at the reduced rate. Reduced hotel rates can bo obtained by these In attendance at grand ledge if they so inform the hotel clerks on arrival. Reports of action on the proposed amendment mont to the constitution have not reached this ofllco from lodges Nos. 9 , 10 , 13 , 15 , 21 , iw ; , 1:10 : , IUT , HU , us , 144 , 145. 1411 , io-j , ir > a , 155 , 157 , ICO , 105 , , ICO , 107 , 1CS , 170 , 173 nnd 174. 174.Tho subscribers to the stock of the Ne braska Masonic homo will hold nn adjourned meeting at Freemasons' hall , Omaha , at 4 p. in. , Monday , Juno 17 , ISS'J. ' The Nebraska Voternn Freemasons will hold their semi-annual meeting at Fiee- masons' hall , Omaha , on Tuesday , June IS , 18S'.r. at 4 p. ui. , and will take dinner at G p. in. , in Veteran BrotherGeorge W. Lmiu er's art t'allery. Taxidurmistcnlal'g'c,815 N ] The Omaha Firrnion. The veteran ilremcn , llfty strong , loft for Council Blufts nt 9 u. tn. Each were the handsome badge of the nssocfation , and the company was headed by the U. P. b.ind. The members fell lu line at Fourteenth nnd Dav enport , and inarched to Twelfth and Dodge , Avhcro they boarded four motor cars gaily t.J 'Jratcd with colors in honor of the tourna- mcnftL. . J. < PfUu > sou acted as chief and M. Goldsmit&ns { assistant. About uu houP'Jboforc the departure , Captain Crolly , with No. 4 hose company , and Captain Burdick , witn the big extension ladders , manned by ten firemen and drawn by four horses , loft for the Bluffs. D. P. Beard , the lire reuortor , accompanied thorn. Chief Gal- Hgau was In command. The Chicago Pompier corps , under the command of Captain O'Malloy , will give an exhibition of climbing to the top of n live- story building lu this city on Friday. The hour will be announced later. The same day AnUrcon's now patent shut ter , which may be opened or closed by u stream of water , will uo publicly tested. Pimples , blotches and eruptions on the skin evidence the fact that the blood is in bad shape , nnd those symptoms show that uaturo is trying to throw oil the impurities , in which effort she should bo assisted by n reliable vegetable blood remedy , as is Swift's ' Specific. Uol ) Neil's Statement. Robert Neil , of Seventeenth and Vinton , concerning whom certain statements were published in Tim BEB of Friday , says that the article in question is falsa m every parti cular , and u piece of splto work on the part of Detective Emory , who furnished the in formation. Ho simply cot temporarily cm- barrnssed , ho says , mortgaged some horses , disposed of thorn , nnd loft the city for n few days , to return again nnd square up. Ho has lived In Omaha five years , is not at the head of n gang of horse thieves , did not leave his wlfo in destitute circumstance , as can bo vcrlllb4 > upon application to John Edwards , John Liudcrholm .and John Schminkc , the three men whom ho la supposed to have swindled. For n disordered liver try Beechnm's Pills. I'nt her Tiiihc'H Lecture. The Rev. Father Tighe , of Newark , N. J. . delivered an able and Interesting lecture at the hall of St. Ptiilomonn's parish school last evening. The tlimno was "Somo Phases of Irish History , " and was handled in a manner nor which showed an Intimate knowledge of the subject matter , The hall was filled witn nn appreciative audience. The proceeds of the lecture nro to bo devoted to St Phllo- mciiu's church. Save Your Hair BV a timely use of A ycr's Hulr Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing , It hoops the scalp clean , cool , nnd healthy , and preserves the color , fullness , uud beauty of the hair. " I was rapidly becoming bald anil cray ; but after using two or thrco bottles of Ayor'p Hair Vigor my hair grow thick nnd glossy nnd the original color was rcstorotl. " Mclvlti Aldrich , Cannau Contio , N. H. " Some tltno ngo I lost all my hair In conscrpuinco of nionslcs. After duo waiting , no new gnnvtji appeared. I then used Ayei'a Hair Vigor ami my luilr grew Thick and Strong. It baa apparently come to stay. The Vigor is ovidtmtly a great uld to nature. " J. 11. Williams , inoresvillo , Texas. "I have used Aytir's Hair Vigor for the past four or five yearn and find it a mist satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could dcslrn , being haiinlcRS. oatifiliig the 1ml r tp retain its natural color , and requiring but n small quantity to render the liulr easy to arrange. " Mri. H. A. Dulloy. 9 Charlua utrcot , JIitveihUl,3IasH. " I have ln'cn using Ayer'a Hair Vigor for sevnral ye MR , ami brlloro that It lias caused ijiv balr to leialn its natural nolor. " . > ( . U. .T. King , Dealer In Dry Goods , Ao. ( Blaliopvlllo , Jd. ( Ayer's ' Hair Vigor , or Or. J. c. Ayer Go. , J-owell , Mass * } KITCHEN ECONOOT. OFFICIAL TESTS 'OJF BAKING POWDEKS , , SHOWING COMPAKATIV'K STUENGTII AND wmcii is MOST ECONOMICAL. The below tabulated statement is im extract from pub lic tests of balciug powders , made to nscertuimtheir relative value in practical use in baking. The powtfer containing the largest amount of available leavening gas ( excluding the alum and phosphate powders ) not only produces the finest , most delicious , and wholesome food , but is the most economical in use. ' " United States Government Chemist , Professor Edward G. Love , found the comparative strength of the powders named as follows : Cubic In. ( las XAJIE. per. oz. Powder. Royal ; 127.4 Patapsco ( Alum Powder ) : 125.2 Horsfords ( Fresh ) 121.0 Hereford's ( Not Fresh ) 84.8C - Charm ( Alum ) 110.9 Cleveland's 110.9 Sea Foam 107.9 Dr. Price's 102.0 "I have tested the Royal Baking Powder and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit , and does not contain , either alum or phosphates , or other injurious substances. E. GK LOVE , Ph. D. " "The Royal Baking Powder is the purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. H. A. MOIT , Ph. D. " U. S. Government Ghemisf. " The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and highest in strength of any baking powder of which I luivo- knowledge. WM. MCMURTIE , Ph. D. " Late U. S. Ohcmisl-in-Chief , Agricultural Department at Washington. The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Sci entifically Made and Practically Applied. McgDI'SEASE ; GURLlWJTHOUT MEDICINES Have you Pa Inn tn the ItutL , lilt ) * , Head or T.lmfc * . Ncrv- OUH l > cblllly Lumbago * ( Jcncrol Deb I Illy * ItlictitaiitUm , m , Splnnl l > lcaM * , Torrid I.Ucr , Clout , Kihiumlloii , y ' - " ' ' - ' , , iidlBentloiicnLmM 1m * tw > d l > ! caftul > roDiy.oto. , tlicn , ppHe < I to anVtuii c of the body * ivn ro-rycanmiirlt " " " " < nc.tuobi.od WHE6\S \ ALL FAILS. " " " TESTIMONIALS 2lf,7o M.T poj A. OrcBOt , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . D05 Mnln MtrcCb uum.iu.ji. j.ij * OUIIUB. ji. If i. iuriiimiku > vii AU 1.1 L.viuttL'i uiiv untinuuf Ait.i * iuuK < 7 * N.Murray , Marervinn , lll.i H.L. Abbot t.pitpt. city water works , fiouthlicnd , lutLt obt , ltbamppon , Chicago pOEtoHlcai L.lJ 2IcMlcltacl * } t. I ) , lutTalo , K. Y. ' 'Your tolc has accoinpll < bed what no other . rented bus : steady nerves and comfortable nloap at night. ' " ' ' - - - - _ _ jtvelycuredlnCodayL ) . . . . -Jorno'Al lectrq.MfucncUoucIU KnTIf DH.T pnjiiivily ci. . - HIIEl'EATISIIVKlIULGIiUV. Trusicombined , tiuarantcedtbo ] only ono In tbo world ccncnutnp tn , bIChKY and cilmlMliltf . ocontlnuoua ElKtrio at Jfagnttta chronic cir i'Aaes of bothpeics. ' . . , , Contalnt23 tniotidpfrrc aot 'current. Scientific. Powerful UnraUt ? . I , Electricity. < itT n\Ti' nfh Comfortabb and tTccnro Avoid ude Srorei'-chcBitir-M , tclcntlnc powerfuldn , , ' . . Jcfl'ucllvelltlllClt.ELfiTltlUllULTIn U.O - . . _ . . , i .iu u. FJectrlo Buiponcarlci free with Jialo Belts , nvcrnrwrii-ii k.v - , . Kbl MibnibS Danic commercial Any atrener orAvold bogus comranlpa wtthrnanr rliaurg and wrrth. wholejalo liojijo In Clilcaco ) wholesale druBelstB.SanJMia iml&tlona. ELErnuc TntSBES FOB IllirTlR . Fraiiclbcoanacblcaeo. ( jj.oOO cured. BenaBtamprorltlustratcdpatarUltt. , DR.W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 180 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. A. J. POPPLETON , President. IT.V. . YATC3. Tieasurer. J. J. BUOWN , Vlce-Preslileiit. S. T. JO3S131.YN , Secretary A SOLID NEBRASKA COMPANY. OP OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $1OOOOO Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance , Unices , S. K. Corner Douglas and Sixteenth Rts. Telephone l-lj : { . Directors : A.3. Poppieton , J. II. Mlllard , Win. Wallace. J. W. nannett , II. W. Yates , N. A. Kulm , U. L. Stone , 0. D. Woodworth , J. S. Collins , J. J. IJrown , B. T. Josselyu. Homo OHIcc. Nos. UOO. 801 , 02 , 5)08 BI-OAVU'S Block , - - - Omaha , Noli. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGANS FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Donglas St , Omaha , NeMa , STRANC & CLARK STEAM HEATING GQ , * Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. Dtt > IIIUI < 4 lire" , _ _ ItidUrretloai , . . . . . , . , fffc Ul'ilUSTIK or li OUHK bjr Ibli Niw lUI'UOV ED MEN OMJftOjoriiKii'iimum. HiiiFA - " ° y tWi ipeclHe purpeie. CUBE o PEiltJ- N iTjynp'jIiiD , KNMtiflVmfKAKNESS.gUlDl MooTHlna , ( oilliiioai iLireoC , 1 f.l le9ftHy dlr ctlT Ibrouihnil < eak parti , reilor- li [ > ( m lJ to llfallU a a TlKONiii Blrrn.lh. kleelrla Current * r * 2 ntTl > ar Ti.Torw rorfeltisooOliie > ili , IlKLTBBdBiapfntorrCoiiiptttefK. aa4np * Wontcaief per- daorotlr cured In three moDltii. Heal dampliUtie.aUmn State Line. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin uud Llvcrpoo From New York Every Tuesday , aln passage 135 to J.VJ , according to location of ntuto room. Kxctirnlon ja > to $ JU. , StecruKo to and from Europe at Lowest Hates. AUSTIN 11ALDW1N & CO. , Uon'l Auonts. M llroadwny , New i orlc. JOHN ULEGEN , Gen'l Western Agent , 101 Itnudolph St. , Chicago , HAIUIV K. MOOUIJS. ABeut , Omaha. Reduced Cabin Kutoa to Glasgow Ex hibition. GRATEFUL COMFORTING Epps's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. "liy a thorough knowloJxo of tbo natural lawj wblcliKoveruitiD operation * of UUoiUo.i al nutrl lion , niul br n careiul uyj'lratluu uf tlia dnu propur tlvi ut wullelociiJ Cocoa , Mr. Kupi lint provluod our brt > ukta t tablet wltU a uulloatuly Uarurod bovoraira wliUlimny ave u > n.anjr lieary doc.tort' blllt , Kit br tliu jmllcloui u o ut tucli aitlcle of diet thet a rondltutlou lunr bo graJuullr built up until strong LMiougU to reittt nvcrr lendoncr to dliaaio. Hun- dredj ui tubtla malunies are tliutmu around u > run I ; to attack vrhonirer tuord U a weak uolnt. Wo mar fatal lmlt br keuplng ounulves well nolir"Ut" JAMS SS ? ? SCO , , DlVOltGKB-A. OOQUlllCH , Ai-roit NKY-AT LAW , Ui Deurboru bt. , chlcauo : atlvico fruo ; "lyiMTa' uxpuriem. * ; bublnnaa quietly txuJ NKUVOU8 , CHHONIO nnd I'UIVATK DISI3A8E3 ot MKN and WOilltN suoccBsfully treutoJ. YOU'NG MEN SufTcrlnR from the eTr eb < of youlliful follies orlndls crutlons , or uro troubled wltli Weuknen , Nervous Debility , latt ot Moaiury , Despondency , Avvrilon to Hocli'ty , Kidney Troul > li ; or nnf dlni'iiHo of tlio ( lenl > to-Urinary Oruuiis , L-nn.ueru tlnd u safe nn < l ipoody cur * . ClinrKvi reoaonablo , ciptclully to tbo poor. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tlifru are muny trolililuilwith too frequent ovucim tlum tit the liiudder , alien uccompunled uy u ullk'lit tiuiirtlnir or ImrnliiK uiuntlon , und wcHkonlnu of tno > l item m a Dimmer tlia pntlent tunnel uccoutit for. On uxamlnliur tlio urinary Ucposlu a ropy Midlmont will ofliMi lie found , tuiU Bomeilnio pitrtltlo * of nllivi- men will nppt'itr or tliu color bo oi a thin , mllkUli line , HKuln cnaniilnit to u dark nr torpid upiioirun e. Theru are manr mull who dlo of til ! dlltltully , luiior- nniof tlio cauio. which is tlioneconl utaiteof uni | . ual wc'iikcii'sn. Tbo doUor will vimniuluou perfuse cure In nil mich in on. und a heiltliy rCBtonitlon of Ibe in-nlto-urltmry oruuiin. Contultatlon froo. Kenl V-cent etnmpfor "Vouun Man's Mend , or Uuldoui Woillork , " froa to all. AdJrcni DB. SPINNEY & CO. Main and 12tb St. , Ktuisns City , Mo. IVMcntlon thin paper. J'ENNVUOVAt WAPKKS are Buccesafully uted monthly by over 10,000 Ladlea AruBafe.JCfftctualanill'leasant -yJSi pcrboxbymall.oratdrujcglstg. Scaled + .l'artieulart S postage stamps. Address THE OiOIUIEA CUtMICJIL 09. , PlITBOIT , illCU. For Bale und by mull by Goodman Drug Company. Oinnlm , "XTTAN'riin # i" > weekly reprenentntlve , male i or female , lu every community , floods staple ; liotmeliolil necessity ; sell at ult'lit ; no lietttlllng : Biliary pnlil promptly , niul expenses udrnucvit. Full purtlculaia and vixHiulilotiaiule cato riitf. Wuineanjiiht Htiatwonny - - at once , STANUAUl ) blLVUll WAKi ton-- MONSTER SALE OF SUMMER GOODS , Wo commence today the most stupendous sale of thin Coats and Vests , "Wo advertised last week that we have closed out the entire stock of a manufacturer of summer goods at figures that will enable us to sell them this season AT 5O CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. The warm weather is here and the goods are hero , and wo are ready to make good what wo promised. The goods are on our counters on the second iloor ; we are sorry wo can't ' keep them on the ground floor , but there is not room enough for them there , as they will fill nearly one- half of the entire floor. Still you need not climb any stairs , as the elevator takesyou up. We have thin Coats and Vests enough to supply every man in Omaha , and we ought to sell every Coat and Vest there is sold in Omaha this season , Everyman , who values money and who does not ought to buy his summer outfit of us. Competition is nowhere. We wilt give you some of the prices , but that doss -not tell much. THE GOODS TELL THE STORY , and only by an inspection of the goods can a correct idea be formed of the wonderful values wo are oiforing in this salo. Thousands of Flannel and Seersucker Coats and Vests , in very neat and tasty patterns , at 70c , for which other dealers ask SI.50. Very line Flannel Coats and Vests , in handsome plain shades , at 95c. No handsomer coat and vest is shown elsewhere for $2. Elegant Mohair Coats and Vests in all the new shades ; excellent goods , sty lish cut and all well made , at $2. The regular price for these is everywhere $4. One lot of extra fine ALL WOOL Flannel Coats and Vests , solid and handsome - some colors , at $2.75. Don't make a mistake , this is one of the finest flannels made and STRICTLY ALL WOOL. Other houses are offering a cotton mixed flannel for that price. We hayo no sample pieces of these goods and cannot send any C. O. D. For this sale all mail orders must be accompanied by cash , Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. FIREMEN nthomo and these nttencllnf , ' the Tourna ment , nt Council lllnils , uru inxlted to In- f-pect a sainplo line of iinderu car now on oxhlbltluii at our store. The o gopUs are especlixll.v udnpted for llroiuens' wear und woitnyof youruotloo. /UTwn tt ? . arriving at or departing Irom Nevr Vork. ? lilpnicnU from Kurnpocnn lie made direct t'f thin roinpuny tonlllnlund 1'urtn of Kiury In tliu unltoj btatcs , also to Cnnmln nnd Mexico , " 111" , or wltlioitt linymuntot dutlcsat Now Vork. Italosnslow UK those of an ? rcspontlblo company. NOCIIAlUlKMAllttroilUUbTOM HOUslJ HUUK- ] ' : iUioHUAKi'Ain. ( Money Orclcrn luiicil imyabla at 15,000 plaroi lu United states , Canada and I'uropo. Accnclos In Knrono to whom nlilpmonts for United Htutci can bo dulucruil , or If from Interior points should be conrlenecl , accompanied liy Hill of LaJIn and Invoice rerlllled brforo Amurlcun Consul ! TIIOS. M15ADOW8 & CO , Si .Milk Street , CliranMdo Inndnn , K. C , : 25 Water r-trect , I.I vi iii > uoM Ul rile n dllly.MANcmsTUi in llunotor Mreet , fiiAi-nnr0 J Ituu hcrlbo , I'AUIH. K. HICIlAltO. 1 Itue OlilLiI llAlivr. N. J.UlUUTlMJ.tCO , 117 I.ineunitr.i * c , . Dovcnllcetu , IlAUil'Jlio , uud 11T Am llllfen , l The best cqulpod pleanuro resort la ttio nmt. Tliu intention of the pcoplu of Xvbrakkn U cnlioil to thlsncur IntniMiB resort lor ( ixcunloiilftii , plinlo jmitlenvti' . 'Jhe bent uf rutoHUlven on all rallrouili. Tlio park In ntuulLd .1 mllen Irom l.luuuln , nnd contains iU acres of timber ; Ilio lurueit iin'l bctt niiiniiHi'il clifo , under tliu lonirol of llroirn tuo In- iuou Lincoln caterer ' . ' mlleH or boutlnxi id IMI'IIH. ure boats ) 'i mu > la und dam lux hall. : bnco bull uroundu , niQ t eonipluto In tbo hOli 'U plcnlo tables with K'ulHt Bponrorii itnnili. The vruntlvrfiil Ciuhmanfrprlni , ' . .i In alii biitliliia lioiisesi lit tvlnvi\ \ tlgbt rope , Wifoel lon , 1 } feel ulio/ water , b , JJ. Andrui unJ bon. Jluunuera. Lincoln , Nub. DREXEL & MAUL , fcuccetisora vo John C , J Undertakers andEmbalmors At theoldbtaud HOt Turnaui St. Ordenby teleeraplj sollcltoil und promptly attended. _ _ " elcplioiiH to No. U3. _ A pent "wantort. New Utoimll. HellsKOI \ AfcxclusUo territory. , Jile pi < > m . ,8 l/ry good ineu. Jlo t Co , IJttUovwr bt , . lljiton , Mww. . .O. WEST'S NERVE ASD DRAIN TKEA.T- , asuaruuteoiajieciacfor Hysteria , Dlzzl- . Convulsions , fits. Nervous Neuralgia , Headachi ! . Nervoui Prostration caused by tlia tibo of alcohol or tobacco , Wukofulnoss , Mental DoprosBlnn , Softening of tlio liraln , resnltlntfln Insuultv nnd leadlnuto misery , docny nnd death. Piematuio Old AKO. lliuionnefrs , Loss of i'owor In cither sex. Involuntary Losses nnd Spermnt- orhrcat aused by over-exertion of the braln.solf- abnsp or ovorlndnlponco. Ench box contain ? one mouth's treatment. J1.03 a box , or six boxei for J" > W.sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WB GUARANTEE SIX BOXE3 To cure any caso. With each order received by ua for six boxes , accompanied with $5.03 , vo will send the purchaser our written snamntoa to re fund the money 1C Ilio tro itmoiit doea not Direct cure. Guarantees Issued only by Uoodman Drug Co. , Uiugplats , Sola Agents , 1UO Farnam treet. Omabft Neb. . . _ The lnrci' t , Ju t t ninl Itnuai In the world 'asscnci-'r accoininoJatloiio unexcelled , Tiew Vnt'lf. to T lvcrpnnlIu Ctu < * fnaitvn ( The Cul l > rated I The I'lncnt Rtcnni'l Wed. Jiinadi , lilty oritomeUlilp-in tlioWoria.l i\Miu. \ New York to Glasgow via Londonderry ( inPARSlA.Fnturiliiy , Juno" a.m. ] 'rnHi'iAbUunliir.ltiriu : - ' , At I.HI P. m. A > CIHIHM , l-llUinlMJ-.JUMI.'J'.l , lit . XJ II. Ul. * ( 'iiM : < 'MAbHturiliiy , July O.atll.u. ui , DrvoMA.t-atiirilay.Jiily I : . u , n. : u. I'mcArflA , Sntunliiy , July S ) , lit Noon. 1C i iiioi'IA , Saturday. July -T , nt 4 | > . in. Wllh lOKUlur weekly ballings thereafter. SA/.OON' to RliMiiun , Mroriiuol. Derry , Jlclf.istor ( juccnulannroto tu liy ( lla : ow utoHinei * , i'liuiil upwiiulh liy "City of Homo. " Be'Oiul OUts 5-iO. Mc'cr- HKO ( .U I'.xcurnlun rutus roJurcul iivulliinla for cltlior route , thus ulvliu privilege or techiK lit onu trip tliu Illver Mersey , I'lctiires | uo Clyilu , Nortli uuil SoutU of Iroliml. JCXCIIHSIOXSTO I'AUIhOItrOMINIINTAT , TllllllSOn lo f.hi TfciiMS. Travelers' ClrriilarlA'tlursof Cn'illt and Itr.iflu Jor ny nnimmt nt lowest current latos. Apply to tin ) of our locnl ugfuts or to HniuIorHOii UrithjiM , Olilu.'ign , 111 U.S. IIu.i , . II. V , Muoitud. C. 11. as Mil Pure Old Kyo Whiskey. Tbo wide poinilnrlty of Ilila cupcrb hmnd rial tempted other dcalorj to plnco ujioii tlia mar'ict InfiTlor Wldikey , under a tlrnllnr imuic , Intended vu di cuh a Hie puiillo. T io New York Court of An- irf-nlnhiudeclared our lirunil , the niAllYI/ANl ) IJlilllI , to ton trademark entitled t < i tlio i > rotco- Honor the law luce iloclalon In Cnhli , Ik'lt&Co. u. Jiu-oli Ootthchalk , Feb. U. 1W , and we now Rlvo notice that wo fhall Instantly nroircute any pflrnoii or ( Inn , In any part of tlio Unllnl Stoti-i , whonliall bo guilty of any lnfrliiKemt > nt of tliU trade mark. CAHN , BELT & CO. , BOLK ntorriLTons or TIIK 'Maryland Club" Old Jt > \VliUUcy , JUTIMOIIE , MI ) . TliKEN SPRING VEHICLES I H < mJr < Jic/U\oui . en and ihsrton atcnnllrg to the woluUt | > ut un tlixci. Ad p'd equall/ ll to rouah country nr line lty drives WillKlv j < / IxjBt natloluctlon. AY.TTATE WORUD- LOV/ESTJ J , r , , . . , . . , * * - 'BoiTOrY-KlASS' iEHD FOftlLL TRATED fATALOCVE FRCE _ | / mUCY n < l nU urlntiiy UiniWea.eai'.Hy ' , < ! iijc > . . MUHulb nnd afcy. ) Ji t-n } > y DOtTUr A r5 vcial catis'tit.iirtiiiu ftt-ncto' . fj < IQ PF.1 , lit , nil dru ulvt , < > r nviiui ! ' : w i'CV'VP. J W1 ' < ' ' ! N , Y , > Ui''il"tu N.W.COR. I3n &DODGE STS. . OMAHA. NEB. FOB inn TREATMENT OP AM. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENT8.1 Board & Attendance. Be t Accommodations In Wcit. Oj-WIUTE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities unit Bracei , Truuei , Club Feet , Curvature ! of Spine , Pllei , Tumors. Dancer , Catarrh , Bronchitii , Inhalation. Electricity. Farulysli , Epilepsy , Kidney. Bladder , Eye , Ear , Bkinandillood and all Surgical Operations. DISEASES OF WO&1EH tff SiifZStia ! WKIUVBI.iTKLY AIIUKD A LYUQ-IX IIM'illTBi\T10B : wouri iiBisucomnm\T. ) ( STRICTU PRIVATE. ) Only Sellable Medical Institute making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES All Illool Dlicuei iiieceitfully Ircittd. Sjplllltlo Folion rcmoTtd from tin irilrm llliout mercury. Ntw Iltilorillia Troturnl for Lou at VITAL run Ml. I'.rllfi untMe 10 Tlill Dftnajbetrfftledat horof l y correspondence. AllcommtiDlea tlonicouOJ < nlU1. UfdicluciorlnilriiineDtiitntbjrniillortl. rrcMiccurrly pickedDomirki , olodleal coalr&ti or lender , one personal Interview preferr 4. Ctll and eonult uionepa tlilorror your rate , and we will vend In plain wrapper , our RnnK tn MPU FREE : vi > ° a i , m , ui or UUUCV IU nlCHf KervouiDiieaiH.Impottnej'.B/pli. III. ; Ulcet and Varleocelt , lth question Ilit. Addrni OMAHA MEDICAL ft BUKOIOAI. INSTITUTE , 13th and Dadgo StrceU , OHAHA , WEB. Dr. J. E , McGREW d ONE OP Till ! MUST tHH'CKSSYUt , " SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous L'rlvato Diseases. Hpermntorrhun , impotency and I'nlllnu Monliooil nlifOlululy cured. A euro vuarantovd In nil fi/rm < at I'rlvatu Illieniui , hlrlcturm. Ulcet. , Vc. Cutarrli , 'llirout , I.UTIKI , und Henri. lllneHivi , llliuiimAtlmu , fiiliiul und I umalo DUeuiiot , lllood und Kkln ll uot tn-Mi'il miccoitfully. LudlaV nnd k'cnuemoii'i wultluK rootai ivparatu nnd vnllroly prlvuia. Coniultutlon fruii. Bond fur booL . Kecrct nnd I'j-lvulo lliii' ciii.M.ui.fnl o'VniiiiiAlIiT1wttat \ \ , lOa until Otiiiups ) . 'Jrvaluienl lij rorioponUuiKUi > rnd 'tnmii for r > < pljr , OI'l'UJHj lOl'U AND 1)011(1 LAS OMAHA , NKIJ. Romarlcftblo for pov/orfulBj'inpathotlo lone , piiublo notion and absolute dura bility ; ao yc-ura' record tbo best yunrnn- tco of tint exccHcuco of tlicso instru- monts. WOQDBRiDGEBROS.