Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ftrtrertlRcmcnt/i will lp tnkon Tor
tlirnn columns nftor lUiUO p. in.
Terms Cnsli In mlvniioc.
A"BYertT < omonts under thfi head 10 cents per
line for the first inncrtlon , 7 conUi for each nub-
nfqucnt Insertion , nnd II. wl iior line per montli.
NfinrtvertlfKimonttAten for loss than 2 , ' * cent *
for llrst Insertion. Seven words vrlll t > c counted
to tlio line ; they must run consecutively nnd
inltsl bo paid In ADVAIsCH. All advortlso-
mcBtumnstbelmnilert In before 12iJO ; o'clock p.
in i ncd under ur > circumstances will they be
tnkcn or illicontlnued by telephone.
Parties advertising In tht e columns nnd hav
ing thelv answers addressed in cnro of TUB HKR
% Ylll plenso nsk for n tht-rk t < l enable them to got
their letter * , ns none will lie delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to ndver-
il.scmenlBiihoiiM bo enclosed In antelopes.
All advoitlsements In these columns nre pub-
Untied In both morning anil evening editions ot
Tnr. IlKr the circulation of which aggregates
morn than 1B.OOOpaporsdnlly , and gives the ad
vertisers thobpnelH , not only ot the city circu
lation of TUB I IKK. but also of Council niutfx.
Jjlncoln oiifl other cities nnd towns throughout
tjils Boctlonot the country.
Advertising for those columns \\ill bo taken
on the nuovu conditions , nt tha following busi
ness houses , who are authorized ngnnts forTiiv :
11 EI : special notices , nnd will quote the same
rates ns can be had nt the main olllcb.
C HASH .VKOnV. Stationers and 1'rlntcri ) , 113
South IBth Street.
SH.rAllNSWbllTH. 1'harninclst , 2115 Cum-
Ing btrcoU
w .1. Street. HUOHE3 , I'hnrniaclst , KM North Iflth
G EO. W. PAUH Pharmacist , 1POO St Mary'u
WANTED Situation ns coachman In pri
vate family ; understands garden work ,
tolli ihiwers 'nnd veiro tables ; Can glvo oed
city reference. O 41 Hue. 359 1ST
ANTED Situation * as bookkeeper or
other olllco work , by young man of oxper
lenco , who can fnrnlsii Batlsfuctory roforoncos.
Address 088 , Hoe olllce. _ 315 Ut
WANTED lly man with thorough knowl
odfioot lloiirbiiBlnea.posltloiins salesman !
well ncqualuted with city trade. Address 0 3C ,
lice. 313 13 *
WANTED Situation by n sister nnd brothci
to do cooking ana general housework. Tlu
brother tuiderstauds tha care of horses am'
jrnrdon work ; best New York reforoncos. Ad
arc-is 1410 N. 17th St. 348 14t
WANTED Situation na gnrdnor ; & years
experience. Address Pill , Ilee. 308 13 $
"POSITION by double-entry bookkeeper , M Ut
7- * good reliable llrm. Address 031 , lice.
323-17 *
W " 'ANTED Situation by a younR man , ( Oer
man ) n ho has n good education , to take
care of a horse or private family worlc. Ad
( Irons QgQ. llee. _ an 12t
" \yl7ANTBD Situation by n competent meal
T T or pantry cook ( man ) 6obor aud rallablo ,
AddrossQgS Ilee olllco. _ 2)312 ) *
C/V ANTED Situation by an experience !
V snlusman on road , or can act as olllci
, Hinn. Address C. 32 lice. _ 80Q-13t
A competent middle need lady ; situation it
f J-llght housework. CalllBll Webster st. 2'JO 12-
"VTIGIIT porter. 815 ; dishwasher out ot city
i > J-0. ! faro paid. Mra. Ilicga , 31l S. 15th.
300-l.i ]
WANTED At once , fl extra good tin roofen
and 3 boys to learn the trade nt Join :
JSpcneter. 108 S.12th 8t. _ 354 15
WANTED Sollcltots ; must bo ot good nd
dross ; deposit of * i5 required ; nalary fron
SO. * , to * 7H per month. Call on or address C. L
Iloylon. 511 l-'lrat National bank. Omaha. 347 1 !
WANTKD Two traveling salesmen. Wll
pay good salary. Must deposit for snm
* lc3. Ciill on or nddrosa Davis & Slmlmn , 51
StBigo bullalng. _ 8,11-12'
' \\T JVNTED A young man for light work. t\ \ ' ,
Yf weekly. Uoom 17. 22U N Iilth at. 3J3 14 :
YfB EST ot wages for n competent cook nn\
muiuU-csa. ai03iFnrnniu. Ml
GENTS Wnnted-Elthor sex , for Ilottlct
Electricity , greatest catarrh nnd henduchi
cure ever seen ; some agent : ) are making $50
d V. Address U. 8. Homo Mfg Co. If. Dept
o. H'- ' _ 230 12 *
WANTED Good , responsible mon to tnki
orders for onr now household goods. Wll
pay salary nnd commission. Apply , ! 25 Cumlng
173 12
TDOYS Am. Dist. TeL Co , , 1301 Douglas.
X _ > _ _ 760
M KN to Travel for the Fonthlll Nurseries o ;
Canada. Wo pay J50 to $100 a month am
expenses to agontH to sell our Canadian rowi
etock. Ad. Stone le Wellington. Madison. Wis.
WANTED Itnllroad laborers , rockmon and
track-layers for Washington Territory ;
good wages and steady work , at Albright' >
JUaborAKeucy _ , 1130 Farnam st. 034
' \jyANTED Several more energetic and roll
.TT able solicitors. The Singer Mfg. Co. , 101
Douglas st. OU JJ1
WANTKD Cook ana laundiess in prlvat
family , $15 each ; cook for Hebron , } 0 ; :
\vnltresses , $5 n week ; 2 laundresses , Si. Hum
hotel ; girls for Columbus , I'apllllon , Norfoll
nnd South Omaha ; woman to take charge o
family where lady is engaged during the day
25 for general housework. Mrs. Hrcga , 314J
B. 16th. iifli-inj
WANTKD A flrst-clnss second gill , on
willing to take care ot children. K iS. 20th
8C8 10 *
1T AIJNDHV glrl wanted at Star laundry , ajtl
JLJanil Leavenworth. HUUi 144.
7\NTED-A good girl , Swedish or Iloht
mlnn , for general housework , washing am
ironing. CitB 17th st. U3c )
"ITyANTKD Young girl to help with chlldicu
VT gtis St. Mary's avenue. iMt-12t
W * ANTKD-A good competent girl forgoii
. eral housuwurk ; good wages , at SJ1S 1'ar
fcaiajt. ii31
WANTKD-Walst and skirt nnlslibrs nt once
M , A. Wallace. 1511) ) Howard , 321 It )
WANTKD 12 young ladles from 18 to KJ yr
to act In opom house in March of the Am
nzous. nojexperlenco necessary , salary $7 to t\i \
a week and expenses , Mrs. llrega , ilUj } S 15th
ANTKD Olrl for general housework n
_ i. loth _ at. _ an ID ; _
WAN'fBI ) A KOod kitchen Bill , and HUM
girl ! Rood wages pntil ; at V.M10 Webster it
KKV _ ma-lit ;
1-1 , S. 1'Jtli , a In family. m
W AN'J'KU Chaml > ermaid nt Doran housa
. luth it , 1 block south of court house
' \NTIH ) Competent nurse girl , ono tha
' jsjkindand willing , isai Farnain. Hi
TlEltMAlTairl for geuerariiousowori : , iw
8. lilt lint. d'j8
D F ? ESS Nl A KI fTdl
MB5MlNNIOKhan ) removed hordrcsMuaklni
psilnri > fronilOiriHowwrdto irJlLeuvenw'tli
bliolll bo pleasedto have customers call.
> Uifc.'lMAKINU : , In families. ft 8.17th.
jioi ja-t
-Class day board. Inqulro iouu Dongla
Two gentlemen , or man and wlti
to take room and board In private family
only 7 liloctcifrom poHtolllcn , on cable nnd nea
liornocnrllue. Finest location in city , lawn
etc. All modern conveniences. Itensonabl
terms to rmlit party. U. 3. lleo.
\\/rANTKI lloom and board by man am
> t llo In private family , within 10 blocks o
union depot Mideast ot'Oth st. Stale term
nnd C& " , Hoe. _ _
\VANT-nVjrout"by ! family
furnished cottage In good condition con
tuInliiRi ) or 'rooms ; must Imve term i and lo
cation to receive any attention. Addroxs U M
Jlce. jjjg
HUNT AII ll-fooiu "hous ,
yard. ! I5 UnlirouiU st.'U ) 1
lu lliit-rlajs nBlBhborhiiod. pleasanv am
licHllliy location ; all modern i onveulencrs
Imnilro Uro , N , Hicks , room to , llarknr block
_ _ aait
TjlOlt JtlifiT-'A tlutaclica 'o-room nouso , nl
JL' modern coavonlmicos , I5mj.5fj Cnpltnlnvo
ilat. 'inauiie a
. 0 * * ' _ _ _
i5"N"f ( 'H ' f- tf.Hje' ) i good conai
' 11. good b.un ; nunvunlant to school am
i-lnirrh ) ' per month forthe au minor. Applj
* t once , ( ' . K , Hurrison , MtivJuins * Nat'l innk
"frOU lilVSlMroom brick ! . " '
JL v uU > ur i , S lilocii from I' . O t'ls ' N , Itith it
uerit. aut lit
[ OK nBNT 7-room cottago-Applv 1112810th
I B12
kKNT--N w brick honses. 11 rooTOSwitb.
every modern convenience ; on cfiblo llnoi
only HO per month. 0. T. Taylor , cor. llth and
moil HUNT Fine biwimont In the best re-
L1 tall block In the city , giro SxSj foot. Hay.
w ard Iiros , 1MB Douglas st. 1V > 6-1B
NKW tan mom tirlcR house for rent ; all
modern improvements , with range ; on
cable and homo rnr line ; will bo rented very
reasonable to nice , responsible parties. Inquire -
quire 212 N l.tli st , Nebraska marble works.
343-H *
27-rtOOM flftts. Knqutro S&2 3. 53d , cor. Mason.
i . 1T"
. „ . . . . . -.v , . . . . . brick residence ,
JL- corner U2nd and 1'oppleton avenue , all modern -
orn conveniences. Inquire Oco. N. Hicks ,
room to , Hnrjtor uiocit wes H _
t/lOIt ItK rA etrlctly hrAt-clnss now'teiv
JO room tirtck house , all modern Improve ,
monts ; will rent to nice nnd responsible party
Atvervronsoimblo prlco. Inquire,1412 Ninth.
"on K
T71OK HKN"P 14-room house , nil Improve-
JO ments.SHIS.ChlcngtOBt. _ , ail 15
1R ) U UllN740un' ( corner flat , ICth nnd
Jjj Jones. _ SOP
TjlOH UKNT-3-room house. Inquire at 103 ! )
JU s. ISth st. near I'leroo , , r.7 13 *
T710H ItKNT An elegant rornor brlrk lint , 8
X1 rooms , modern cotivdnlcncos.iiicely paporcd ,
7T:1osot . woith IWper month , will rent to tibod
party for ? 11 per month. T , 0. Hrnmier. Ware
ulojR. room 1 , 355 10
T71OII HUNT Desirable il-room house for rent.
JL Mrs. T. It. Von Uorn , ! ud mid Leavonwoitli. nt
Foil HUNT n , 4 , or n-room house nt COS N
13th at ; 3 front rooms nt \Vool\\ortli i\vc.
iriOll Ur.N-n-A lint In lh Her building ;
- * - ' 7 rooms , steam heat , ftns and bath. .Apply
to A. 0. Itaymcr , Imulwarc , ICtn and Jackson.
U HUNT Kor 3 months , ll-room cottnRe ,
turnlshed. Knqulre UI8 Dodge st. ; ; tl2-lU
furnished 10-room lioitsn for
rent , 1D531'ark ave. XX11
TTlOll HUNT Two hnll bed rooms , suitable
Jj for young ladles. 1810 Chicago nt. ! HU Ht
T710H HUNT Ono furnished front room for
J one gentleman only nt No. 2601 Ht , Mnry't
nvo. 58 m
room with or without board
J-/in private family ; hnndsomoly situated ; In
modern resldenco ; rofercncos. Z\M \ Hartley.
! UM4J
UHN1SHKD rooms at 1015 Dodge.savist
LAHO K , elegant front room suitable for 2 ,
auU one smalt room. IT lu Davenport.
3J ) 12
WANTKD Two < gentlemen or man and wife
to take nice cool room and board. 1U1 ]
Douglas. 31013 *
"pOOMnnd board chonp for two , In private
JLV family. S18 Hurt , 305 17t
"I71OHUKNT Nicely fmnlshod front loomjalsc
J-A a other rooms , with batu and boara , foi
light housekeeping. irlUU Farnam. " ; 5 Hi *
FOll RUNT rnrnshed rooms nil modern
conveniences ; : JH 1'arnam. 831
M US. Ttl'l'rr.n , formerly ot 1812 Chicago St. ,
has removed to Jlr. Jferrlam's now houses
100 nnd 108 So. 2'ith 8t , , amlls now ready to rent
looms , furnished or unfurnished , .with llrst
class board. 277-15 ?
ROOMS and board. 100 aua 103 So. 2'th st.
.it BTU July 8t
NICELY furnlsncd rooms , board If desired ;
gas , bath , electric bolls , etc. 1C9U Jouglas.
TjlUHtJISHKD room for rent after June 25 ,
JD 2&H Hurt st. lt > 8
FOH 11KNT Furnished rooms , flrst-class ac
commodations. Mrs. Twlngler , 6'til a 13th
street. 1)95 )
TT1UKNISH lllj rooms by iTay , woofc or montli ]
Ju fjt. Clnlr hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. 775
"T Fu'rnlsliod rooms , - M ) Doil Re.
T AHOK front room with bod-room ndjolnlnc ,
JLJhnndsoraoly furnished , gas nud heated bj
Btcnm , with use ot bath loom , in ono of the
UanasomcBt residences in tlio city , without
board. Inquire n v , cor , JOth nndLuavouwortli
_ . _ 77tJ _ _
CflUHNIBHKD rooms , single or en suite , ball ;
X1 and steam ; for gents only. 1510 Howard.
2 NICE south front rooms with every conven.
lonce ; telephone In house. 1IWS Capitol ave.
R OOM with or witnont board. 1H12 Dodge.
Jit _ _ 780
TmOIl KENT-Hoom. 1821 Howard.
_ _
FUHNISHnn or unfurnished house forrolil
lu 1'ark Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire Lee
Nlchol , 8th nnd Loavenworth. 7S2
TC1OH ltENT 2 front rooms , en suite , mocteTr
JLJ convenlences.torgentlenien only.3iSN.nth ,
"VT1CK rooms , finnlHhed , $5 to J12 per month
J-i or by week. Peabody liouso , llth and Jones
T.AIIGE furnished room torrent , suitable foi
-Mi gentlemen. 1KJ ! Farnain. t&l
TfTOH HUNT From Juno 1st , suite of rooms
JD with board , at 17 3 Dodge st. 433 313
TJpOll 11KNT A pleasant room , only Oimnutoi
JL1 wnllt from business center , all modern con-
vonlences , cor St. Mary's ave. and Suth or 6M S.
Mill , brick residence. 001
_ _
LOVKIjY south front room , every convon-
lence , Vt block from street car , iX'04 Douglas ,
_ _
Foil UENT A nicely furnished largo front
room , nil modern conveniences ; for furtnoi
particular call at 2215 DoUge st. _ 185
rUHNISH ED rooms , 113 S.SOUi , near Dodge
S37J14 *
C1O11 HENT-IIntll October J , large furnished
J lionse. call 3il ) S. ffltb. uOU
171OH ItKNT lfnfnrnlshBd rooms suitable toi
-L1 housekccplut' In suits of " to 4 ; convcnleui
location , llutts llenting Agency , ir.OI Farnam
_ _ _ ' _
TJIO'll IlKNT 1 unfurnished rooms. 1701
JU ster , suitable , for housoKooplng ; prlco tSK
Itioli HENT Ploasaiit unfurnished room :
. ! - overinoi Howard st. For ollicod puniosoi
TTlOll HUNT A line cornei ; bilck f tore , tvel
-L located ; a splendid opening for a KOOI
liquor saloon. Apply room 1 Ware bik. arid 1
OH HUNT Stores and living rooms on Cum
iug st. Also house on Cas ut. Hariis , rooir
411 , lit Nat. HaiiK. 306
_ _
JJIOH HUNT Front olllce , ground floor , 31 (
TT10H JtENT-The 4 story brick building wltl :
X or without poweri now oosnplod by The Ilea
I'ubllshlngUo. . 91U Farnam st. The building
luta ll\e proof caiuonted Dajomqtit , compluto
ateam heating nxturoj , water on all the tlooi , ,
gn5.eto. _ Apply nt the oillea of Tno llao. un
17WK KKNf-Stora 2'xiiO ; HID Jackson st ,
JL1 Knqulro 1114 Jackson. _ 7&1
TfiOH lir.NT Ptoro , with rooms in the roar m
J-1 which family can live ; lii per month. 0. F ,
HarrlBou. Miircliama' Nat..baak. 7M
lOH HRNT-'i noorii fronrhalf llemU build
inc , power , heat , electrlo llRht. lunulra of.
f Itrmls Utualln ling Co. SIU 1 M
TF YOU want to buy , soil , rent or oychango ,
on or addiess u. J , Sterondorir , roonu
lrat 'utloiinljMUic bjiiiuins. 7S9 _
Tl'you want your nonsei rented list wltTT 'ar-
X rotte's rental agency , 10th and Dodge.
_ _
front room , nicaly fur
. ulahed , to rent. InqulrtsSJl So , 10th st.
iJTlU *
TyKlTsUNAt l'hotoii of Omaha base buTTcTul
i w on sale at Heyn , the photographer. U ran <
iteblooit. jj
\\rANTUD-To lay carpets in jniviuo fsuil
V } lies. AdJi-JiS 0 ill , llao. jiQii U ;
LAW and euenilatcnoer.ipheis , typewrltlnj
accurately executed ; correspondence taker
chnrKO or by the month at t'eductdrates. Houri
tin. in , to V p. m. Biuuliivs 2 ] > . m , to 9 p. m
Mlllnrd and Murray hotels. dJA * _ _
' "
UMDllftlTl'rS" ptta > ols covered and le
paired , 817 s 14th lloyd'e opera liouao block ,
in rubber etore. It llnlor. 'iVi
OllN KDALKV , imiot bulldir and drali
lav r , house drainage aud sanitary worlc i
specialty. Olllce 1(07 Douglas U. , Omaha , Neb ,
73JK07IT. JoN RBT plumbTnTaulTgixrTiftrnK"
\Jldraln larlutr , ef\\nr and water connection ;
aancclivity , Hit Oango st , ln ba yiu iit. ouuha ' ,
us ir 3
_ _ _ . _ _ *
riMIi : banjo tauyfit K < au art by Uto. F. Uel <
Xleaticck , App.y at ilo oiU' ; , VvO
OST Hetween Chicago nnd Howard on 30th
. ft white pocket hmulKrrchlet. tortnln-
loc two tivo-riollar bills and oire.llTe-rtollnr
told piece , llndcr will Ire rewarded by return *
Fng to 2031 Howard , or Hep olllco.
I XST ) Sunday Jast , n bay pony , had brand on
XJforo nnd hind loft legs , and stars on foro-
hend. Anv Information will ha thankfully re
ceived by 1 > . McNamaro , Uoth and snrnguo.
31i ! 13P
OSl' A shepherd dog live month * old , had
tnu No. KM ; answers to name "Davte , " A
liberal reward Mill bo paid on his return to P.
L. Pcrlnp. liCT Do'igo at. . aKl 12 c
LOST T.arpo .red leather pockotbooTc , . con-
talnlnc1) . Tinder please return to K. U
nmR , Northwestern freight house ana re
ceive $ , reward- 2VR ! U
ST11AY15O or Stolen lYom Kmg llros. , 2233
. _ S. 13th st. , on May 24 , heavy blacs bull dog ,
welRht about < B or 70 His ; is undcrsho n.nd an
swers to the name of Tim ; liberal reward will
bo paid for his return or any Information lond-
ingtohlswnoreaboutg. 1X12 I3t
T OST Hoau colored llolstoln cow ; auv infor-
JUmntlon will bo thanktullv received at .1.1- .
llrandics&Sous. . 'SCO
CJTOliAOB at low rates at 1121 Farnam st. ;
kOmahn Auction nnd Storage. 7V3
lowest rates. wT
X llushmnn , 1311 1xavonWorth. ; _ 703
BUiVNCll * CO. . storage , 121F Howard.
l'OKAaKanrt forwarding Wo collect and
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage , ut cheapest rates
for storage for any lungtn ot time. Vnns nnd
wagons to bo hal ntstiortest notice , with care
ful men for moving , racking nnd snipping
from our own waronouss done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded.
Warehouse on onr own track ? . Ollico 817 S.llth
Bt. ; ti'lopnono 114. HownllJfcCo. 314
T\H. NANNIE V.Wnrron , clnlrvoynnt. mod-
X/lcal nnd business me.llum. Female diseases
a specialty. 110 N 10th st , rooms S and 3.
CfrANDAUO shorthand sdiool , 1'axton block ,
Otsuccossor to ValPtitluo's shorthand Insti
tute , the largest , best equipped shorthand
school in the \\est : is under the personal super
vision ot Joseph 1' . Megeath , nn ox-oDlclal re
porter and state agent of the Itomlngton Stand
ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. Mechanical construction of
machine tnught by factory expert. Particular
attention paid to i vpow riling. Stonogrnphors'
supplies 1 or sale. Circular free. TOO
nua typewriting. Omaha busi
ness college , oor Capitol nvo aud ICtli.
Standard methods tnupht by O. 0. Kwing. of
San Francisco , the best teacher on the I'nclllc
coast , Munson's revised of ' 83 n specialty ; now
plan ; blackboard Illustration ; day and evening
classes ; call or write tor terms. 707
TyANTBD-Ton to forty acres , high , sightly
V > land , north of Park st. . and \\lthln three
mile circle. 030 , lloe olllco. rton
WANTED For spot cash , a forty or twenty-
acre tract inside the four-mile ' 1111111 ; no
boom prices entertained. Leave propositions nt
Itoom H , Chnmbor of Commerce. Tel. 1410.
/riOOOlVnotes past duo or short timo.unsecnrc-d
vTorwlth mortgage , bough t nnvwhoro inomp.ha
laor Neb. Quick loans , Omana city or farm.
C ll or write , w.L. 13 , IlonrdTrndo.
* V\7'ANTKU Furnlturo , carpets , Htoves and
TT household goods of nil kinds' . Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. SOU
A NT1QUA11IAN Book Store. 1413 Farnam st.
XiCasn paid for 'Jud-haud books , magazines.
3S9-J18 *
FOK SAbit-Cheap , n good tailoring outnt.
Address W. J. Mclvenzic , Nelson , Neb.
317 12
A1CO.OO buys a young lioroo , new buggy , bar-
fftness , whip , etc. Co-operative Land nnd Lot
Co. , MS N. 16th St. 313 13
FOH SALK-On easy terms , the best located
coal yard in Council Itluirx. 250 feet track-
ago. E. K. Mayuc , 01U llronclway , Council lllufls.
FOR BAljE The Hnmbletonlan mare llaby
Klgfin. WolRht , USD pounds , Chestnut wir
rel ; drive single or doubln ; speed not limited ,
together with Simpson road nagon nearly new
Price. S7BO.OJ. Will take clour city property.
J. L. lllce Co. " 238 12'
BICYCLE for sale Jfow 50 in. Wniwlck. Ot-
fleeClilcaRQ Lumber Company. ll''i ' I3t
T7IO11 SALE Cheap. Ono bicycle , ono Tan-
X1 den tricycle nnd one single trloyclo , peed
ng new Apply John S. Prince. Collfceuro. 12
FOll SALE Chonp-About 350 head of lin-
nrovod Texas horses , consisting of geldings -
ings , marcs nnd collH , Htalllous and mixed.V11I
sell part or all , Apply J. L. Halberl , Cor.slcnna
Texas. 414-jlHJ
R/IIOLAND / Guarantee 4 Trust Co. . 1IW ! Far-
J-'l imm.Completenbstracis furnished and titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
A nSTllACTS Lmahan & Mahoney , room Ml ) ,
-O-Faxton block. 8U3
MONKV loaned for 30. (10 ( or PO days on nny
kind of chattel secuiity ; reasonable Inter
est ; conlldentlnl. J. J. Wilkinson , lilt Fninam.
MONEY" to loan on furniture , chattels or leal
estate. Low est rates on good loans. J. It.
Kmlnger , 1117 Furnam , room 3. 19" jyO
SMALL loan * * , short time , good socurlty ,
reasonable interest. P. O. box Uii : ) , city.
KEVBTONI3 Mortgage Co. ; loana of J10 to
Jl.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on hordes , furniture or any
nppiovert socurlty , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewmot old nnd low
est rate3ciillUi , Slioeloy blk,15th& Howard st
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc , or collaterals until you see C.
U. Jacobs , 110 First National bank building.
SEE Sholes , room U10 First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans , ail )
FIRST mortgage loans at low rates and no do-
lay. U. V. Sholos , 210 First National bank.
, 81U
WANTED First-class inside loans. Lowest
intos. Call and scous. Mutual Investment
Co. , It. 1 , Darker bik. . 15th and I'limum. 817
SMALL short time loans on ctiattel security ,
Jill Ohio St. ; call after 0 p. m. H4J J.J9 ?
ONEV to loan. Harris II. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 First National bank. KSl
TTNLMI'UOVED and Improved property :
U loans made promptly ; money on hand. r.
M. Jtlcharttson , uw cor lith and Douglas.
"OKOl'LK'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
JU quietest and moil liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loane.1 without delay or
publicity , in nny amount , large or small , nt the
lowest rates ot interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid at any time or re
newed at original rates O. nouscaren , Mgr , ,
room 57 , liarker block , l.'ith and Farnam , 81 , )
M 1ONKV toloanon real estate at low rate.
J. 1).Ittle , 1301'axton block.
BniiDINO LOANS 3K to 7 per cent , no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
neys' feus , W. If. Jleiklo , First Nat bank bidg ,
T CAN make few loans on llrat-clasu chattel
Atecurltles at reasonable rates. W , 1C.11'otter ,
room 10 , Marker bib. teg
MONKV to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
oto. , or on any approved socurlty. J. W ,
Jtobblns , USW , bhnoloy bik , Hth and Howard.
OV , HAHItlSON loans money , lowest rates.
HU )
f)00CO ) to loan at B par cent. Ltnuhan & Ma
$ honey , room C031'axtou block. 8ii
MONKV Loans negotiated ut lovf rjifos with-
outiloliiy. and purchase goods , co amerclal
paper aud mot tgagti notes. S. A. Bloinan , cor.
Intii and I'nnuiui. p't )
MONKV to Loan Wo are roauy for applica
tions for loans in amounts from $ JM to tllJ , >
Ono on iniiirovod Omalm or Douglas county
estate , 1'nll information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Oood notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo
Investment Co. Hll
T OAN8 on improved nnd unimproved prop-
J-/erty at low iates. Oilull llro3.iCo.UliH.ltitn. ;
MONKV to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planos.organs , alamonds ,
lowest rates. 'The nrst orRantiMd loan olllco In
the city. Make loans for tnlrty to three him-
Urcil und sixty-live ilays. which can be paid In
part or whole , at Any time , tints lowering the
principal and Interest , tail nnd sen us wlu-n
you want money. We can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without roinqyal of
property or publicity. Money always ojThaud.
No delay In making loans. O. K Head A : Co,3IU
ti. Kill st. , over liluubam & Sons. UU
BUILUINd loan * . U. V. Buol 8,210 First Na
tional bank. Hilt
LOANS made on real oAtts and morlfinRcn
bought. Lewis S. Hcea 4 Co. , U13 , Uo ir < fof
Trade. 818
I > KOPLK'B Financial Kxchanfro Largo and
small loans for long nnd utiort tlmo , nt low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of nllVln diamonds , watches
nnd Jewelry. Don't fall wjcjkll If you want fair
nnd cheap nccomntod\\t ! if * . O. Ilouscaren ,
Mgr. , room 67 , Ilarker blK , loth nnd Farnnm.
. 811
"A " fONKV to loani cash on hand : no delay. J.
JL Lw. Skimre , 1219 r rnam St. , First National
bank building. 811
UIIttASICA Mortfl. Lca ibo. will make you a
loan on hoitkehinlil goods ,
horses , waftons ,
land contracts ,
flno Jowelrj1 , or soctirltles of nny klnfl ,
without pnDllclty , at reasonable rates.
Itoom 7. itou lev block , South Omalm.
lloom s 518-610,1'axton block , Omaha , Nob.
" "iVTONEr to loan at low rates by Kxcolslor
JJ-LLand Co. , 311) ) South 13th street , Omaha.
HTITtDIMQ and other real estate loans. W. M.
'Harris , room ! , Frenzor lllock , opp. r. O ,
I 880
_ _ _
C r. HAHRISON loans money , lowest rates.
, 803
M ONE V to loan. 0. T. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan ngonts , 1515 Farnam st. 803
TT\0 YOU want money ? If so. don't borrow
XVbefore getting my rates , winch nre the low-
cstonnny sum from J10 up to JIO.IKW.
1 make lonns on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wngons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases ottv In any amount nt the
lo\\est possible rates , without publicity or re
moval of property.
Ixians can bo made for ono to MX months and
you can pay n part ntnny tlmo , reducing ooth
principal and ; If you owe a Ualanoo
on your furniture or horses , or have n loan on
them , 1 will take it up nnd carry It for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will nnd It to vour nd-
vantage to see me bofonv borrowing.
II. l\Mastcrs , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. Kith
and Harnoy. . 821
"PHILADELPHIA Mortgage A Trust Co. fur-
X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles accept loans
nt their western olllco. George W. P. Uoatos ,
room 7. Hoard ot Trade. KI7
Lluahau & Mahonoy.
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates. Ileforo negotiating loans see
Wallace , Crolghton blc. , 15th and Douglas. 8tl ;
I71OII SALE Nice photo gallery and appa-
X1 ratus ; everythltig now ; works up to llxll ;
cabinets. $5 ; best climati- , fruits and water in
the world ; altitude 1,500 feet. For particulars
address Photographer. P. 0. box 19 , Ilcnton-
vllle , Ark. UM I3t
FOll SALE Barber shop. goo.l location ,
cheap rent. Address 0 30 , Ilee. 343-14J
ME AT market for sale ; market to rent ; fix
tures forsalo ; also horse , wagon and har
ness , enquire at the n. o. cor. 13th nnd Chi
cago. Kuasoiis for selling , going out ot busi
ness. 3.V ) 14t
flONFECTIONEllY nnd ice cronm parlor , In
Wcentrnl location ; ovorythlui ; llrst-clnss.
l'rlcolOJO ; imrt cash , balance easy. Kent Ml.
pint rented for $30. Co-oporntlve Land nnd Lot
Co. . 205 N. ICth St. 3W It
oSALFHalf interest in well established ,
paying business ; beat location lu Omaha ,
and no competition worth mentioning ; cash re
quired ? lwu. Address C 4i ) , Dee olllco. ; t51 Ht
ijiOH SALE llestnurnnt and bakery doing
X1 gobd nuslnoss ; good reason for selling. Foi
further particulars addrebU ; ; 3S , lice. ast ) 17 *
TJIOH SALE A merchant talloriui ; house ,
X1 doing n good business , An opportunity
peldom otrered. Would BOt'sell , but must leave
thecltv on account of BlcjluiEHS. Address 0 37 ,
Ilee ollice. 1" r 33113t
pONFECTlONEUVnnd Ice cream parlor for
v > sale cneap ; also good /grocery nnd confec
tionery combined ; price J.UOOI ) . % cash , bal. se
cured. "Co-operative Land" nud Lot Co. . 205 N.
lUth st. 313 13
WANTED Partner \yuo understands vine-
ger manufncturing.lQr pxpcrlenoed man to
tnBo charge of fnctory'.r'Addross ' P. O. box
No. 374. - , 310 13t
TT10II SALE Iho Gothnm cigar store , lloyd'e
X' opernnouse , with or without Jobolngntock.
Location the besti > KM It
$37oiS)7lialTcash ) and 'half' trnde.'will secure
agreeable business ( monopoly ) , rc.ihzluH
extraordinary cash pnrnlngs of J 10,000 j early.
Investigation solicited. Address O28 , neo.
! t J12T
TJlOIl BALK JS.BTO will * buy a nice clean jstock
X1 of liaidwaio , stoves , tinware nnd building ,
In a lively eastern Neb. town ; ono other store
in the place. Irtislness 1ms wild a profit ot over
W , 000 lu eight eon months. Hose ot reasons for
selling. No land named. Wilt give time on
part if wanted. * or particulars , address Tlico ,
Huntte & SOIIH , Fremont Neb. 175-12
Oil SALE A w < > ll-cstnbll lioii book-binding
business in Salt Lake City. Shlloy. Oro-
shell & Co. , real estate , bait Lake City , Utah.
871J 30
FOH SALE Meat market complete ; can bo
handled for little casb. Call at room 4 ,
Wlthnell bik. 850
( l 3,000 to * ' % OOJ wanted to put into a good busi-
P ness ; llrst class security and good rate of
interest paid for shott or loag time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U4J ,
Uee olllce. 143
AN Improved farm to trade for mdse. , gro
ceries preferred. J. It. Mason , Central City ,
Nob. IU3-24J
ANTED-2,500 acres of eastern Nebraska
land unlncumbered , in ono body in ex
change for Insldo occupied Omaha business
property. Address It 72 , Itee olllce. 307
WANTED To trade a line piano for a horse
nnd buggy. Inquire at 1510 Dodge at.
313 18
T 1VERY Cor. 10th nnd Cass sis. Omaha ; in
XJvoico about ? < , ( XXUW ; cjear of nil incumbrim-
ces ; H cash or good town paper , bal. In Im
proved land or town properly. Also grocery
xtock. about $1.000.00 ; good location ; j-j cash ,
bal. city property or Improved farm lands. Co
operative Laud and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th Kt.
MHO EXCHANGE for Omaha property , one ol
X the best Improved farms In Iowa , only ono
mlle tronl town of 0,000 inhabitants , w. 11. E.
i : M. E. , room II , Chamber of Commerce. 131
NEW 2-seatod"flno carriage or top ouggy for
mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes. W.L.SelbyIl U U'd Trade
TPO ExchnnKo Cash anil clear property for
-1 merchimdlso , or merchandise for cash nnd
clear property. Address Lock liox 14 , Oothen-
burg , Neb. U8J jy Sf
IfiOlt fcxcnango Atlno farm of yx ) acres in
X1 Polk county. Neb.1 miles from ClarkH ,
Neb. , to exchange for cattle ; 80 acres nuclor
cultivation , house , barn , wagon scalca nnd
good feed lot. Address C. Oskump , Zilo Web-
wter st. Oiiiaho , Nob. 010
It EXOTlANOE-For doilrabla rosldenco
- property in Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice inside residency lots in Hastings.
ino iot ! < in Lincoln.w
niu acres tliio farming land. Lancaster county
Flue residence property , Lincoln ,
Oood rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family MSldenciS comer. Los Angeles.
A in-at lesldence propaity in Hanacom place.
Also aomo good morigagciiot en.
Addiesi uivlntc location and price ot prop
erty. J. i : . It , , care liuuia. iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
worth. _ 83J
WANTED To trn < le jf'jil house and lot in
good location ; will assume light Incum-
branog. Address A " lleo ojllco. _ igj
\\TA LLAOE , c7eIghto ) Uock ) , 15th & Doug-
T i las.
Lot2) ) , block 0. Orchard ailt : . J fOfl
J.ot _ " . ' , block i' ' , Orchard HIU. corner . iViO
llotli thouborennousy'tdrms ; bnigaln , l.COJ.
Lot IK , block i * , Itrlggs Pbce. south front
on Tarnani. on easy terin1) ) . . } 2,000
Lot 4. bluck "A. " lledfordaeast fronton
30th ( ritate ) Htreot . - ! . ! . J.noa
Lot 3 und 1. block' ' , Dollones' add , each M
feet front on Stata street . 1,000
Lot 17 , block 12 , Orchard Hill . ww
Urustee und agent for Monmouth Park.
This line addition Is reached by the electric
line suburban trains , is beautifully situated.
n inacnlilcont view from e\ery ! ot , la well built
ui > , nnd la offered on easy tenna.
8SJU _ Wnllao ! . Crelghtonlllock.
'I71OU SALE-Farm Itll acres , U mile out of
X1 Illalr , J.4'X ) frttls treesj ) acre prapes. plums ,
cherries , strawberries , rltspberrles , etc. , best
place for u home in Washington Co. II.VV.Mc-
llrkle. _ ; , 178 1UJ
TN VESTIOATK-12-room house on Wirt St. ,
XlCountze place , all modern Improvements ,
75-foot front Int , house tlnished In cherry ,
bird's eye maple and ice ! oak , grates and man
tles , electric LelU , all windows French plato ,
laundry in basement , fine barn , etc. , etc. , fJ,000 ;
1 1,010 cash , balance l.L' und 5 years at7 per cent.
rannot be duplicated tor the money. M. A.
Upton company , Kith mm Farnam. atO 13
rpllli motor Und U built to Collier place. Tno
X Kelt line rims near Collier place. The K. E ,
& M. V. It. It. stop all passenger train * at Col
lier place. The hoMo car liny will noon reach
Collier Place , Best audition In the city. Price
* iUto 11.3 JO ] > er lot , one-tenth coin , balance
one to tire yeart. McCague. op | > . P. O. UfJ ; _
Foil SALE At n bankrupt price , a house and
lot luumaha View , lloom 14 , Cbauiber of
Commerce , VJd
New 9-room houxc. All convon-
X' lencos , Tjurm oto. , In Kountzo Place. I7.2UO ,
easy terms. Addtets O 7 , Hoe omco. 89 tot
| T ) ll flAliK SM foot trackage on the Tnton
X1 Paoino rnllvray , near IPin St. ; Improve'
incnts ; renting t"r tao p r month ; tlO,5X ( ) ; this
is a bargain. 0 , F , Harrison , Merchant's Nat.
bank. . 328-15
Mini ! linest drive In tne city is to Collier
X Place. McCague. TJ
SOUTH and east front , double corner , on
Hamilton nnd BJthstreets , running through
to Charks street , 120x117 feet. Now , hold your
hroalh until wo mention the low price on this.
You think itlll bo something near what it is
worth Well , take It along at 31,250 nnd
put the J1.7M proilt In your other pocket ,
-llrontho. M. A. L'pton company , 10th nnd Far-
nnin. SI013
"iTIOIl SALli H ) aero farm In Barpy county. IIS
X' miles from Omaha , 12 miles from So ,
Omaha. , Qbod lmpro ments ; 115 per ucrn. 0 ,
F. Harrison , Merntiants Not. Hank. g.m 14
IjlOll SALE At a bargain. One twelve nnd
X' ono nine room house in Kountze place , on
21th street , opposite the line rosldcncea of Hod-
Ick nnd McCreary , with 78 and W foot or grounO
with each house to nlloy , Knch house has fur
nace , gas , ens llxturos , nhadcs , all
plumbing , hot atul cold Water , logant
largo tuoms , nllpnperod handsomely through
out , good bam With onrh house , and an elegant
lawn all sodded , I nm prepared to otTer splen
did Inducements ns to price and terms. Call
nnd let me drive you out. You ran move into
these houses without n dollar of expense for
anything. Those must no sold soon. Sea mo at
once. O. V. Sholes , 210 First Nnt'l bank. 177
TnOH HENT A new Oroom house , with all
X1 conveniences : No. SJ717 Jackson st.
3 n-room Until , N , 17th st. , between Clark and
Grace sts.
9-room house on Park nvo.
jo-room house H. lOtli st.
0-rooln house. 1420 N. 17th st. Apply to
Orocu & Williams , First Nat. Hnuk building ,
TTKW SALE House nnd barn , lot 4. block 7.
X' . Kendall's ncUl. on 25th Htreot. i < outn of Hell
Hy. ; must bo sold. Address U. M , Kondnll ,
\Vnutegi\n. Lnkoco.lll. , 8gu Itt _
Oll 8ALR Or will exchange ot western
lands , ouo of tha ilnost hotel properties in
lown. Host Hotel in cltyot O.OJJ inhabitants ,
brings in rental of J.'IO per month. Apply soon
If you expect to got It. W , II. 15. tc Mor. Ex. .
lloom 14 , Chamber of " Commerce. _ p3\ _
BAltfcAlN-Part of" the Dick Kimbiill estate.
50 feet on 13th street runnln ? through to 17th
ave. One 13-rooni house , till modern conven
iences and two a room houses Total rental
} ISGO oer year ; prlco $13,0)0. M. A. Upton
Company , 10th nnd Farnam. _ 812
TTIOll SALE Itosldonco lot , cor 3Jd nnd Cass.
X1 will exchange for trackage property ; worth
&S.OOO to $10,000. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
Nat , bank. . 753
milE best monoy's worth ot house and lot now
X for sale In Omaha Is that which 1 am now
completing near -Mttt st. on paved Wlrt nt. in
Kountzo Pluce. 8 bedrooms , S parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
Inrae laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
nnd coal room und cellar , electric bolls nnd
speaking tuho , 12 closets. Prlco only J7.POO on
terms to suit. Likewise n duplicate adjoining
ntsame price. W. T. Seaman , cast side Kith st
north ot Nicholas st. Omaha's largest varloty
of wagons and carriages. 891
T310H SALE-Fino lot in Stevens' Piece. 48
XI feet south front ; right on the motor line ,
$1.000 ; K cash. Orcat bargain. 0. V. Harilson ,
Merchants NiUl. Hank. 29'J ' H
1) .S. WE have the best bargain on n
33x132 piece of business property ; well
located ; ID-room housti ; next to a UlcO.OOil
blocK , six foot left by said block for air aiul
liiint. Wo will sell nt # 5,000 less than the grouml
mono Is worth It taken nt once. M. A. Upton
Company , ICth nnd Fnrnnin. _ 204-13
TpOH SALE Hoautlful 8-room house , nil
X ! modern Improvomouts , including splendid
furnace , near Ilansrom park , best location In
the city for school , church nnd street car priv
ileges ; price M.OUO. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
natonal bank. _ 758
FOK SALE Lots In Stewart Place on Lone
nvo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes propotty.
n-room house and barn , Hanscom Place.
houses and lots on Cuss st. , on easy terms ,
Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hank. _ mi
TJIOK SALE Tlio tlnest residence site in West
X1 Omaha ; just south of Farnam on 30th St. ;
a corner 105x187 with 187 feet fiontnge on
'paved street nnd joining the handsome rcsi-
doncoof Ktrkondnll on the east , nnd Hrady ,
Easson and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant home .
Homey and 21st streets , HlxlUT.on pavement.
within three blocks of the court house ; room
for seven Jlne houses that would rent as rapid-
Iv ns completed. A splendid permanent invest-
Far'nnmi > attd 22d streets. COxVK , with n&w
threu-story brick store building , rented to good
peiniuueilc tenants. Rental recolots $4,200 per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontaijo 01
f oet to alley ; good busmesii prop ertv.
Farnam street , between 3sth nnd J3th , front
age 48 or 05x132 to alley , soith front , 1 block
from pavement aud street cars.
Park avenue , opposite Hanscora park , 60x150
prlco W.OOU ; easy terms.
Paddock place , trackage , 60x112 , $7,030 ; easy
10th street south ot Vlntou st. , lot for sale ot
trade for mdse , or good farm laud.
S. A. Sloman , l.toi Faruara st. 833
Nil. THE owner of the 107x124 ft. south-
west comer of Twenty-fourth nud
Dodge , 111 nrrlvo from New York on the ] 3tli
inst. , to let contract for Improving this orop-
ertv. In the meantime wo will sell nt a lowci
prlco than anything on Dodge , cat > t of Twenty-
llfth street , can bo had for. Tliis is the" linest
corner on Dodge street. Submit offers up tc
the inthlnst. , to M.A.Upton Company , ICth
and Farnam. i.0-l-n
FOR SALE 511.70- acres , tp. 12 , r. 0 w. ,
Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable , : ! OC
acres fenced , living water. Prlco tO.OOO. V. K ,
AtKlns , owner , UMMroad bidg , Denver , Col.
_ 837
SHOLES SpocUl Lt3t Wo push spaclal bar
gains and advertise tnem. List with mo.
tine east front lot In Ilauscom place at JI.&X ) ,
$5 ( X ) cash. Decided bargain.
Fine lot on Farnam and Lowe avenue , Fi.753.
? 2 , < > 00 buys n nouso and lot in Hanscom
Place , north of Poppleton avenue.
The old John UILTKS .Manufactory planter
Missouri Pacillc railway. 4 miles southwest ot
city , with U acres of ground and 3 largo 2 story
buildings , for W.OOU. A line opportunity foi
sonm one.
I have upcctal Inducements Inhouses and lota
In all parts of the city either for rule or trade ,
Call In and bo shown them. 1 do not tty to got
you In to show you trash , but handle only good
property nnd deal squarely. D. V. SholeOl
First National bank. ( So
rpllE factories within ea y roach of Collier
X place will employ a largo forca of mon. Se
cure n home and : enjoy life. Prlco ot lots $ SOC
to 11,80 ; ) , one-tenth cash. Bond fur plat. Me-
Caguo. o p. P. O. _ 073
QOUTH OMAHA I have a number of good
KJlots in various additions that must be Hold
nt once und can be bought at prices that will
Btiltyou , O.J. Stornsdorlf , rooms 317 and 318 , National bunk building. M2
TT1OII BALK A ) larae nnd small houses on
XI monthly payments ; small payment down ,
A Iso u good Hat of property for exchange. Qeo ,
J. Fox , room I , Continental bik. 181-JM
"tnOH SALE-East front lot on 39th st. IGoor
gin avej overlooking Omaha nnd Council
ta. Fine site for a homo. Special close
price for n few days. C. F. Harrison , Mer
chants National bank , 143
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place. Get
v prlces and terms. McCague. OTA
TJ1OK BALE Lot on 32d St. Just noith ol
X1 lUnscom Park. t2. 00 ; easy terms to party
who will build. C. F. Harrison , Merclmnta
National bank. HI
SEND for plat of collier place , and when
driving for recreation follow the motor Hue
poles on 10th st. , aud Amei' uvo. , and sea the
wonderful Improvements that Imv * taken
place Just aroifid tno barracks , and remember
thai Collier pltico Is the key to the situation.
liny a lot now for the low price and at tno easy
terms they nre boltig olferod , anil we are satis-
tied. Ono-tcnth cash , balance one to flve years ,
McCagtie.-opD. P. 0. 07J
Court House to liot Noifco to lltilia
Jnij Cntrnctnra.
Notfco ft hereby given that tne Hoard of Bu
pervlsoru of .Iliitler County. Nebraska , ulll re
itlve bids until 0 p , m. , ot the tth ) duy of July
A. I ) , IHMi.foi'theiurniahlngof nllm.ttemUam'
labor and the bulldlnir nil comptiition of i
Court House In the city of David City. In hair
County and State , accoi ding to uluns nnd peclil
ciitloiw. therefor jurnUlied by Vfm , Oiay. Arclil
tect , Lincoln , 'NobrastB , to Dixm Illelu thuolllct
of the County Cleik of hnld county , onandnrtii
JunorlU. IfMEpch ) old muit bn ncrompnnte.
by a cei tilled check In the sum of } ] ,0u ) payntilt
t o the order of tliu County Cleikof buldcounty
us n guarantee that the bidder " 111 , If Ills bid b <
uccepteil , and wltnlii lhodn\g tlieieafier entei
into nsatlsf.irtory contract for the OK ctlon uni
completion of nalil building , nnd that ho wll
within hnld live day.s oxcnto to said county :
bon ( ] lilt'iDbUin ' of fM.OXltli ) sureties to Dt
approviHl by mild nbanl. conrtltloned for tin
futlliful purfonnancu of pt\\d \ contract on III :
part , nnd Hint heili nay nil lubor , and for nl
iiiHt rialemplova.d tinil ntrd upon HUM building
Bald check bhall be forfnltrd lo , nud he retained
by the builder full to outer Intr
contract and give bonds > abovn conteiinil.iti'rl
Each bidder must KnbmltItl ) Ills bid a hannili
of stone foi < foundation footings , and cut item
wore , and also of pressed brick , piopos'jj to b <
Tlinlx > an1 will Uo roc lve blrti at name tlnn
to furnish nil Olllce , Vault < \ml Court lloom fur
nlturo and flxtures , aUo'&tatint. for Conn
Tue Boar.l r crves tlio right t ? rejeet any 0 :
all blil .
lly order of Hoard of 'bupcrvlsow of llutlc.
County , Nobiaska.
County Clerk.
U ted at David City Neb . Juno Mb ibW. .
JUQ13a - ( ( kW-to-July fl
TN3TIIUMKNT3 * lac d on record airing
W 0 Albright and wife to 0 R Thursto.
Iota3and4 , blks. Huron's sub , w rt. . $ COU
0 Elhursto nnd wife to A T .lohnson ,
lots & and 4 , bik t , imrton'a sub. w d . . S.OOO
A I Keltic and wife to M A Wright , pt lot
0 , South Omaha , wd. , . . , . . . . , . ,7. . . . , l.WW
liSlirooder , trustee. toM A Dtittdnlo , 8
lots In Drown Park , w d . . . . 4.075
W U dratton and wife to W N Whitney , 0
lots In North Omaha ndd , w d . . . . . 3.00D
W r. Orntton and wlto to W A ( llllosple , 7
loti in North Omaha add. w il . fir00
Onto City Land Co to 1 Fleming , lots 4 to
P. Howling Mtdcn. w < 1 . . l.WO
W 0 Chambers to H 0 W Koonlg , und J {
w'ilotfi , blkl04.OiURhaqcdr. . . . n
A Ne ell nnd wlfu to Nebraska CJaa nnd
Fuel tx\ lots H , 12 , 17 nud und W ' < lot
1,1 , bik 44 1 , ( Irnndvtow , nud a umall tract
lUBonwstl-15-13. wtl . 1
J U Masou nnd wife to E II Sherwood , lot
3. blkS , Hood's 4th ndd , vrd , . . . . . . 1P.500
0 F Harrison to II Almmox , , lots 18 nnd
ID , bik 3 , Kckcrmnn Place , w il . 1,000
0 W White to J W Paul , lot a , bik n. CTcs-
ton. nnd lotsi , blkS. Hawthorne , wd. . . 3,809
J F Herricknnrt hustiand to WTSeainan ,
lot 10. Oral es Park , -NVil . , . . . . 500
TjIMolMwclltoS A McWhortcr , lot 8 ,
t > lK 4. Kllhv Place , w d . I. , . 8,800
Wlillnm Coburn , shorltr , tb Miles *
Thompson , * Ibt 4 , ( iruoiivvooa nrtil ,
ahcrlll'a deed. . . a , . , . i. . . . . . 220
Sixteen tr nsfcM . . . 140,318
The folio .vinff parmltHVOM IssuoJ by
Inspootor Wlutlook yostordnri
C. Itnstmusseu.ono-story frame kitchen ,
on WcstorlloM ptreot , between Four
teenth and Mxtcouth . . . . i 250
A. C. Powell , threo-story brick stiro and
Hats , corner Sixteenth and Jones . 10.C03
George N. Ayro" . ono-otory frame rot-
tngo , between Vermont nud Itedlck
avenue , , ! . . , . . . . , 1,000
_ Tin co permits , nggrogatlng . $11,250
Notlco to Contractors.
The board ot public lands and btilldtncs will
receive bids ns st at od below :
For work hud mnttrlnl necessary to flnlnh
now building for Institute for the Blind , Ne
braska City , nnd for mnklngntntod repnira on
the old building at any tlinebofoio Juno 24 ,
183'nt ' ) p. m ,
For ork nnd material to complete south
wing for industrial Homo .nt Mllford , at any
time before June 20. 1 M ) . at S p.m.
For labor nnd material to lay nhout 4ono fcot
of 12 Inch sewer pl-o ) for the penitentiary. Also
for completing n muoko stack nnd for furnish
ing nud putting on nbJitt l.UOO squ lives of corru
gated Iron rooting tor name , at nny time before
Juno aIMD , , nt 1) ) a , m ,
For electric llirht plant and for bnrn for In
curable Insane Hospital at Hastings , Nebraska
nt any tlmo before Juno 20 , issn , at L' p. in.
For mntoi inland labor to complete 15 cotta
ges , hospital , boiler nnd engine and laundry
houses nud for liotpltal , for Soldiers' Home.
cratid Island , at any tlmo before Juno 27. l st ,
at 2 p. m.
. For boiler hmito nnd smoke stack for insti
tute for Feeble Minded Youth , at llcntrlco.nt
any tlmo before .luiio " . , IB ii , at 2 p. m.
For ono building for boiler house , engine
room , oloctrlc light plant vud workshop , nnd
for wco 1 hitlldliiK for gyinnnslnni nnd library ,
for State Normal Schrtnl , at Peru , at nny tlmo
before J une 2ISM' ' , at 2 p. m.
For one three story brick workshop with
stone bcsoinent nnd one boiler house nnd smoke
stuck , for Indtutil U School , at Kenmoy , at any
tllno before July 1" , ISSi. nt 2 p. in.
All above wore to bo ilouo a-cordlntr to writ
ten statement. Plans , speclllc'iticns , and
detalliiil cirawlnv. now on iil with thu Com
missioner of Public Lands nlid llullillngs. who
wlllfuinlsh nil needed Information relative
llomls will I e required ol successful bidders
for completion ot tlio work mid for the pay
ment of ullb'Ua for labor and material.
By order of Hoard of 1'ubllo Lauds and Build
G. I. LAWS ,
June 13 d 10 1 Secretary.
wall , N. V. Send lor circulars.
A. IiftttPr About the Philosopher ami
ISHns Donne.
The American ambassadors , Benjamin -
min Franklin and Silas Doano , wore re
ceived by Kinp LoUis XIV. , of Franco ,
and his queen 111 yours ago last March
2-2. The following day the Russian
count Trichornsohotl found on the top
step of the oiuruliuo to the royal palacu
in 'Versailles a letter from M. do
tines and signed by Mmo. do
TschornsohcIT took tho-lotto
with him , read it , and
to his sovereign , Kathornio II.
sia. The last number of the Revue
Nouvelle contains the followinor letter ,
Mine. dcLumbullo wrote thus :
"This morning 1 was at the queen's
levee , which , on account of the pres
ence of the American ambassadors , was
irightfully long. I have such a hcad-
ache that I would not write did I not
know bow anxious you arc to know how
wo liked the gentlemen from America.
Well , so so , la la. You have the
Countess Julo and mo to thank for even
this much. It cost us no little trouble
to get the queen into the mood to hoar
them. Unfortunately Mrne. Berlin had
been with her , and you know how
unfavorable to the interests of the
modistes the war with England is.
Mine. Berlin had poked so much fun at
the American ambassadors that when
they entered she could hardly preserve
Her dignity and a straight face. And I
do not wonder much at it. They were ,
it ) fact , wretchedly dressed. There was
nothing distinguished about them. Wo
described to the queen in vain the sim
plicity of the costumes of those people
and their prejudice against nil forms.
'Say what you will/ answered the
que'on , 'they do look somewhat like
canaille. ' Wo laughed at this and she
regained her good humor , which hhe
liad lost on account of these barbarians.
But I bog of you snare our decorum and
Bond us your clown when they como
again , so that wo may not break down
entirely. The Counters Julo and I
promise you to do out' best to euro the
queen of her prejudice. "
After copying Mine , do Lamballo's
letter TschornscholT returned it anony-
moubly to M. do Sartincs , who was so
provoked by its loss and by Iho myslcr-
iousness of HB reappearance thai ho
offered the police a reward of 10,000
francs for the discovery of the finder.
His curiosity was never satisfied.
Tschornschoff's sovereign was so pleased
with his cleverness in handling tlio
letter that she sent him her picture and
tv $2,000 snultbox. fn her next letter to
him ho intimated that Marie Antoinette -
otto seemed to bo doing a great deal of
laughing , and that "sho laughed host
who lunched last. "
Dr , Donjamln Dillard , druggist , nt Aurora ,
Mo. , says ; J-soll ajjreat quantity of S. S. S.
for scrofula , ec/ctna , rhsuuiutism nnd other
blood troubles , and Imve never heard of u
case of failure to cure.
Editor Slnuerly'a npaiiliCul Vaolit.
"Tho Restless is attracting BO much
attention at present-that a little gossip
about her will not be out of place , " said
ono of Mr. Riiigorly's friends to a
Philadelphia Press man. "You know
it's a marvel of comfort and luxury.
The Htaterooms have folding berths and
a bath-tub arrangement , which makes a
beabath possible in your own stateroom.
All Iho woodwork , even the skylights
and deckhouses , is of mahogany , except
the quarlcrs of the otllcers and mon ,
which uvo linishod in ash , The ceilings
of cabins , baleen , dining room , etc. , uro
of lincrusta wallnn , and the upholslorv
work in purple volvot. Mr. Singorly's
private blgnal is a red , white and blue
ling , with a largo il of white on this
ground. Cleveland made several trips
oh the Restless during his presidency
With Editor Singorly and n few friends' .
But this is the first tlmo on known
record ( no joke intended , I assure you )
when a democratic free-trader of such
pronounced boliofd'htig taken u repub
lican tarilT president a yachting , "
Ail vine to .Mother * ) .
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
should always ho used for children teeth
ing. It soothes the child , softens tlui
and i the bodl roincuy lor diurrhuua.
23u a bottle.
The Story of Dan Sprljr , Wlio AVns the
PrcKliIont'n Hotly Servant.
Danlol Sprig is a miildlo aged colored
man who used to bo Gon. ( itirllald'd
body servant when ho was in congress
and wont to Mentor with the president
elect , and returned with him to the
white house in 1831 to bo liia body ser
vant there ,
Ho likes to sit on tlio bench on the
south side ot the white house these
sunny Sundays , says tv Washington letter -
tor to the Now York Press , nnd tolj
about the death of his uld master. Ho
likes to toll about it because ho hns
never seen It In print. One faat lit con
nection with the death of Gnrflold , in
deed , has never boon printed. When
It was decided to move the victim of
Qttoau to the sea shore Dan wont to
Klbornon with the party. Ho was n
very useful member of the family and
had to bo taken along.
It was not oxpoolud by the physicians
that the death of the president would
como BO suddunly. For an hour or two
during his last day they sat bn the
piazza df the cott go looking out over
the Atlantic and talking about the non'a
of the tiny. Daniel Sprig had boon left
alone nt the bedside of the sick man.
Mrs. Garliclil was Up Htnirs.
Daniel grow tired of his lonely vicil
and stopped out upon the piazza himself.
to take an airing for a few minutes nnd
relieve himself of the monotony of the
bed chamber. It seemed to him as it , .
did to the physicians , that the pro si- 41
dent was in no immediate danger. l |
Danlol staid out ot the room probably , J
half an hour , but noar1 enough so that " < |
ho could bo called upon in case ot the
slightest disturbance inside.
Wlion he wont back to the rooni ho
did not at llrst notice that the fuOo of
the flick hum Was changed in any way ;
them ho thought it looked whitb. Upon
n closer examination ho was sitro of it.
llo put his hand over the heart of hla
master. It had stopped boating. In the
wildest alarm ho rushed neb out upon
the piazza tb the physicians , but up
stairs to Mrs. Garliold. She hurried
down in yet more torrlblo alarm , She
dispatched Dan at once to the veranda
to bring the doctors in. They had beoti
sitting there thoughtlessly and wore
the moro frightened on that account.
They rushed IIK The president was
indeed dead. Not only had his heart
stopped beating , but his face was that \ '
of a corpse in a collln. What added tb \
thoit * terror was the fact that the president -
dent had died while they were absent
and without their knowledge. They had
no moans by which they could bo sure
Or determine how long ho had boon
dead when they discovered him. The
matter was hushed up. Nothing way
over permitted to escape that immedi
ate circle about it and Iho world never
know that the dealh of tha martyred
president was ever marred by any such
Daniel Sprig tolls this story now nnd
then with every circumstance put in. . , _
Ho is still a useful employe at the white -41
houso. IIo blacks boots , and , until -1
General Harrison brought on a colored
servant with him from lnQiiuinpblis4 attended -
tended to the personal wants of the
president. Evorybody.who knows him
bays that ho is voracious nnd believes \ \
his story about tlio death of Gtirilold. - alIt
It U n Uiirlons Knot j'
That tlio body is now more susceptible , g
to benefit from medicine than at and
other season. IJonco the importance of
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now , when
it will do you the most good. It is
really wonderful for purifying and on-
richitig the blood , creating an anpotitc ,
and giving a healthy tone to the whole
system. Bo sure to got Hood' Sarsa
parilla , which is peculiar to itself.
A Hartford Man Oft ? for Constant-
nopla toSeoiiro n Clrcnsnlim Itcnuty.
J. II. Eckhardt and S. B. Donohain
of this city , says a Hartford dispatch to
the New York Sun , sailed for Europe
last weak from Now York on a most remarkable -
markablo matrimonial pilgrimage. The
parents of Mr. Donchain were Ameri
cans , but ho was raised in the public
schools horoi Early in life ho started
in the jewelry and ornament trade , and
after obtaining a competency ho was
most anxious to secure a helpmate. Ho
was two exacting , and of nil the beau
ties the state olio rod none mot his vioW.
Ono day ho learned from an English
paper tliat there was in CoiiHlahtincv-S ? .
a female seminary , from which selec
tions of n wife may bo made upon the
recommendation of the ofllcora in
charge of the institution. If acceptable ,
the applicant doposiis a suitable sum ,
in proportion to the bride's beauty and
attainments , as compensation to her
parents for tha loss of the daughter's
society und services , upon which the
happy bride is handed over to her pur
chaser , with whom she usually Agrees
by means of true Oriental persuasion.
This system of wife purchase seemed
to please Mr. Donchain , and to his
friend , Mr. J. II. Eckhardt , ho confided
his intention to try his luuk there. The
latter thought the plan a good one , and
it was determined to start at once. The
pair made all arrange monts to bo ab
sent some time , r.nd sailed in the early
purt of the woolc. En route to Turkey
they will take in the Paris exposition
and visit Vienna , Florence , Roma and
Naples , ranching their destination in
July. The bride will bo purchased na
quickly as pobsiblo , and after a suitable
leave taking oi the old folks , if Ihoy
can bo found this side of Circassia , the
happy pair will on joy their honeymoon
upon the Black and Mediterranean
seas , after which the return to America
will bo begun. They will bo back by
September , and the friends of the
groom promise the pair n rousing rd-
cnplion , which will bo added to by the
intense curiosity here to BOO the
Turkish beauty.
Every woman in Omaha wo say
women because mon are usually too
busy to look after such small matters-
should insist on the head 'of the liouso
procuring fcomo reliable medicine for
use in case of a sudden attack of colio or
cholera niorbus in the night during the
hummer. It is not pleasant to hunt up
a. physician after midnight , nor to go
down town and route out a druggist ut
that hour. Take our ad vice and procure
a 25 or 60-oont bottle of ChamUorlaiti'ti
Colic , Cholera nnd IXarrhua Remedy.
Jt can always bo depended upon and ia
not unpleasant to take.
AVIllliiK toHncrlllco IllinsnU.
General Lathrop , who has charge of
the electrical machinery for the execu
tion of murdoror-3 in Now York , him re
ceived n letter from n wolj-oducatcd
man in Peniibylvania , saying that the
writer is pour und out * work , ami that
ho had u largo family to support. Ho
had seen a statement that General La
throp had some doubts whether thu
electrical apparatus , which was to bo
placed in thu three state prisons to oy-
c.cuto murdoror-s , would destroy life in
stantaneously. If General T/ithrop
would guarantee that his { Iho writer's )
lamily should bo paid $ -3,000 In cano ot
his death , he would submit himself tea
a trial with the oloctrlcnl much ino. A
test could bn made upon him. If thu
machine killed him the * 5OW , should
bo paid to his family.
Icjs liquid , Its diD
t'rcal. Try it.