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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1889)
r 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY , JUNE 13 , 18S9. THE DAILY BE& OFFICE. NO IS PI3AIUi STIIBET. tellmecUy currier In An ? Fnrt of hoCltrix Twenty Cents Per Week. . . _ 11. W. TIITON. . JIANAGI31U TULUMIUNCSt flt'f INFPR Omens No. * 3. NIGHT I'.niTon , NO.S3. .MINOR MENTION. N. y.PlnmulnB Co C. H. Mu lo Co. , G33. Jtcltcr , tailor , 810 IJroddwny. Evans' ' laundry , TS4 Uronilwny. D. W. Otis , city nnd farm loans. Iho half holiday movement for to-day Is very popular nmonp ; the clerks. Lnrgo crowds visited Mnnawn.vcstcrdny nttcrnoon nnd many wont down In the even ing to ace the flro works. The remains of Airs. Louis , mothcr-ln-lnw of W. W. Ullgcr , were tnken to Avoca for interment yesterday morning. Homo people will plcaio wait until next week before buying their shoes ns Adnms' nhoo trade Is monopolized by the firemen mm strangers In the city. Four hundred children erected tlio parndo yesterday mornlnR from WnshliiKton uvonuo school ( -rounds. They ( javo the strnngurs u most enthusiastic ovation. The Clnciigo 1'omplcr corns guvo art IntJr- cstlnc exhibition last ovenliiK at the City mills mid MctcalfUros' . store , and will re peat the sumo this evening. Three moiils a day , Hanaro onci , served In thn Mcrrinm block hy the W. C. A. ladlus , for the benefit of the hospital. Only 85 cunts n meal. Cots supplied for lodging. Hcv. D. C. Franklin , pastor of the First Methodist ciiurch , performed the ceremony ut thu parsonugo yesterday that united for life Mr. Daniel O. Smith ana Miss Elizabeth Wyman , of Omaha. The judges appointed to dccldo ns to the best appearing company In yesterday's pa rade , nwardcd the Ilrst prize , ? 75. to the lown Falls drill corps , and thu second , ? ' - ! , " > , to the Cedar Haptds lira police. This evening Mrs. H. J. Uabllt7. at her homo , 427 South Madison street , will enter tain n lawn sociable of the Uctlmny Uaptlst Church society. A literary nnd musical pro- Kruiuma will bo given nnd lefrcshments served. Until late In the afternoon the pollco madn but ono arrest yesterday. That was an Indi vidual named Lewis , who used Insulting and profmio laiiguagn when asked by the olllcors to step buck and niulto room for tlio passage of the parade. The W. C. A. ladles nave arranged for furnishing meals nnd lodgings In the Mer- rlam block during the tournament. Three meals will bo served dully at ! ) . * > cents each. Ice cream , strawberries , cuke , etc. Cots will ho provided for lodgers. Thu proceeds nro for the bonclit of the hospital. It IB very earnestly suggested that it would bo a Judicious thing to turn on the current In the electric tower lights during the rO' malndcr of thu tournament , notwithstanding the tact that It is moonlight nnd the contract with thu city does not call for It. It would Improve the complexion of the city and show the btrangcrs hero what the towers are for. Notes nnd mortgages bought and sold , money loiuiocl ; flro insurance. Robert V. In ncs , 30 Pearl st. Hoislor'8 Oyster Buy chop house and restaurant day and ni htCU3 , Broadway. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wapoiis , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles ol value , without removal. All business btrictly confi dential. Datipler vapor stoves at cost change location. Shugart & Co. , 211 Broadway. Try now Metropolitan rooms and table .Have your old furniture upholstered' good as new. R. Morgan , 702 Broadway. - * - Woolsoy & Long paper rooms neat , quick , cheap. 31 Main , tel 203. You can buy latest stvlo " parasol or umbrella at James & Havorstock'a cheaper than any place in the city. Bechtolo hotolccntral location , fh-btclas Hollino rooflni ? will lost loncor and give better satisfaction than any roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , and makes o perfcclly solid Joint on the entire roof , tilrkmblna Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , In. Personal H. C. Ford , editor ot the Woodbine Twinor , viewed the parndo from the plate glass windows of the Press club licudquur tors. tors.Mayor Mayor Pete Wells , of Boone , whom the pcoplo of that city have elected mayor foi twenty years , honored the Press club bi sharing n seat with the boys on tlio top of the tally-ho conches during the purado. N. AV. Green returned to the city yester day evening , after a four months' bsenco. ' Misses Ida and Valura Powell , daughter ! of Dr. Powell , superintendent of the InstltU' tlon for the fceblo mlndod nt Glenwood , arc In the city visiting Miss Elslo Pusy nnd Mi ' Edith Campbell. "J. C. Blxby loaves this morning for Spirii Lake , where ho goes to inspect it now Bteuir boat. Call on the Birklnhlno Engineering ant Supply company , 115 Pearl stieot , Council Bluffs , la. , und examine the Hollino roofing , It will pay you ; samples sent on application Dr. C. C. Bazon , dentist , Opera houst block. If you want a tasty and convenient fence or railing about your residence or lawn , use C. J. Bookman's patent locking bracket , as any panel can be readily tulcon out and ( Irmly replaced. Address C. J. Beckman , 728 Sovontli avenue. City steam laundry , 81 Main , tol. 141 , Finest lee Cream In oily. Driosbaeh'a double parlors , 85 Main st. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culTs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. The Now Ogilon is catching trnvolinfj uion at 02 per day. Plrot Tirol I'M ' re ! Firemen and visitors got special prices n Muudcl'B ' furniture Nos. - store , yjJ-a-JS Broad way , * Buy furniture , stoves and carpets at Man del's , a'JU-SJS Uiondwny. Money loaned on furniture , pianos alanioiulB , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of Interest. Nc pubholtv ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark fc Co. , ofllco cor. Broadway and Main , ever American express. No IC.vplosloiiH "Whon persons keep coal and use ou , "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes roaster and bakeovon. Costs 7 conti per hour when running full blast. Nov York Plumbing Co. Badollot bolls groceries. Mi Wollman , jeweler , moved to638B'y Ji G. Tlpton , real estate , 627 B'dway Btrangor. Council Bluffs is the bos city in tbo union for safe investments Conault Rhodabock & Peterson , iO.N ! Main st. , for rare bnrgainb. Fireworks at Manhattan Beach , Lak Mauawa , every ovuniug. a . ' LADDIES AND LADDERS Council BlufTa In Holiday Buntlnpf and Crowded With Pooplo. T'HE RUNS WITH THE "MASHEENS" An Attempted Abduction A Two- Jlcndcd Curio TlioVntor "Works Kc-clcctinn 1'crHonn.lH nnd Jlrlcflotfl. a * The second ilny of the annual tournament of the Iowa State Firemen's association opened with a cloudless sky nnd tlio manage- nicnt rejoiced thereat , as tlio success of the undertaking depended nlono upon fiivorablo weather. It was estimated that there were about nve .housand visitors in the city , Tuesday even ing , nnd the ilrst Incoming trnlns , yester day , brought car load nttor car load to swell the number. Special trains arrived from all parte of the state , over all the roads , und , by nooti there were at the least cululatlon , nrteon thousand strangers In the Bluffs , who hail come to attend the tournament. The streets , parks nnd over.v uvullnblo point waa nllvo with humanity , while , at nn early hour , the sightseers began to taUo.pos- session of windows , doorways , housetops und every other accessible place which com manded u view of any portion of the line of march. The line began to form shortly ufter 0 o'clock , nnd , for nn hour and u half , all was confusion along South Eighth street und the abutting iivcuucs , on which the various di visions \vcro forming. Assistant tnurshuls nnd aides dashed tip and down , gradually forming tlio dozens of companies Into march ing order. It was about 10:110 : when the line was flnully formed , and the march commenced. The pur.ulc WUH nearly n milo and u half long , and was thrce-iiuartors of an hour pass ing a given point. Conservative estimates placu tlio number of men In line at nearly three thousand , while others run as high as 5,1'Oa. ' The following are the companies and organizations participating in the parade : Mounted police and marshal ; platoou of police on foot. Chtof Marshal D.illey and aides. Union 1'iicltlc band of Omaha. Omaha Veteran Fronton's association. Omaha flro patrol , Hose rcol No. 4 , Omaha. Tumtello hook and ladder truck. West Burlington band. C. 13. & Q. hose reel , West Burlington. Hescuo hose , West Burlington. Brice couunandery band. Hod Oak. Clitton hose , Kcd Oak. Fisher hose , Hcd Oak. Daughter Hod Oak 11 ro department , little Miss Gibson seated on hose reel. Harris hook and ladder company , Hcd Oak. Crcston hose , No. 1. Villtsca volunteer department. Villisc.i running team with cart. Dubuquc paid tire department. Sioux City paid lira department. Mt. Ayr hook and ladder company. Carroll hook nnd ladder company. Storm Lake , engine company No. 1. Storm Lake Engine company No. 'J , with reel. Marshalltown band. Hope Hose comp.iny and reel , Marshall- town. Alert Hose company and reel , Marsha 11 town. Mason City running team. Fort Madison running team. Bacharaeh Drum corps. P. Lacy Juvenile Hose team. Whitney Hose. Atlanta. Blue Grass Jockey band , Atlanta. Phoenix Hose , Atlanta. H. C. Wheeler Hose , Odobolt. Ladles' band , Avoca. 13ulton steamer , Avoca. Avoca Hose No. 1. Avoca running team. Hnrlun running team. Ncola Volunteer department. Stuart H. & L. company , with truck. Hcsuuo running team , Council Blufts. Audubon H. & L. company. O. D. Clmpln running team , Union. C. J. Hoot Drill coi ps , Lyons. Hcsoluto hand oncinc , Lyons. Lyons running team. Lociui Hodo company. Logan H. ft L. company. Georgia Minstrels' band. Manning Fire department. Fort Dodge running team. Carriages containing mayor , city council , board of control , city and county ofllclals and judiciary. Representatives of the press in two of Jim Stevenson's Tnlly-Ho coaches. Cedar Hapids National Hand Fire Depart- ' ment. Fire Police. Independent Hose company , Cedar ! < npids. Hcllcf Hook and Ladder , Cedar Hapids. Steadier No. I , Cedar Hapids. Fourth Ward Hose , Cedar Hapids. First Ward Hose , Cedar Hupids. Third Ward Hose. Ceaar Hapids. J. M. Ayres Hook and Ladder company , Cedar Kaplds. Sixth Ward Hose , Cedar Hapids. , Fullerton Hose , Marlon. G. B. Owen Hose , Marion. Menlzger Drill Corps , Marlon. Jowa Falls Drill Corps. Council Bluffs lire department with appar atus. Elseman running team , Council Bluffs. Mutual Protectionists , mounted , Crescent township. The linn of march was about two miles and a half long , and for the entire distance the sidewalks were packed. The police kept the streets open nnd no difllculty was experi enced in passing. It Is estimated that fuilv 60,000 people viewed the parade. The spec tacle was H grand one , In fact the llnest that has over been scon In Council Bin Its. The companies participating were finely uniformed , the drill corps , especially , attract ing a great deal of attention by their rich uniforms und precision of movement. The bunds In line furnished an abundance of choice music , und will give an excellent contest for the ? 10J prize. The members of the delegations from Murslmlltowii and Logan visited through the new BUU buildingyesterday ; afternoon. AT THE I'AIIIC. The afternoon programme was carried out at the driving park. The crowd began to assemble there shoi-tly after I o'clock , and by half past two there were between (1,000 ( and S.OGOpcoplo nn the grounds. Both the largo amphitheaters were Jlllcd. and a stretch twenty feet wldo , on the side of the track , was packed with u dense mass of humanity , and all that was visible was a uca of face's. A line of carriages , four nnd live deep , lined the quarter stretch for u distance of ever n quarter of n milo. Although ono of the largest crowds that has assembled on those grounds for several years , It was ono of the ijulotost and best behaved. Them were no disturbances that called for the attention of the police , and the marshals had no dlnlculty In keeping the tracks clear. The Hi-si event of the park was the trial nf steamers. A $100 prize was offered for best tlmo , and a similar puiso nnd state trumpet for distance. There were two entries , the Ahrens steamer Hescuo of the Council Bluffs department , und steamer 1 of Avoca. The former got water In ttKl4 : } and throw 243 } feet. Avoca got water In T45 ; % and throw 342 feet. The Hescuo was uwardod both prices. The latter steamer burst the hose just before shutting off stream , but for tunately not until after the trial was prac tically over. It was conceded that the Hos- cue would win on tltno , but It was supposed that Avoca would got the bent stream. It was a pleasing victory for Council BlutTs. The second event on the programme was the froo-for-nll Nebraska hose race. First prize , $125 ; second , 875. There were but two starters , the J. M , Tlmrstons , of Omaha , and the G. Krunlers , of Kearney. Too Tliurs- tons took the llr t spin down the track. They made a line run In about 0:40 : , but the coupler fulled to run through , and the pipe- man made the coupling aloiio. It was a dis couraging llnlsli. Tlmo , tl4 seconds. The Kramers had a snap before them , but they did not taka advantage of It , but guvo a lively exhibition , making the run and.coup- ling In 40 seconds. This cave them the race nnd the fl ! > 5 purse. The Thurstons , ttio crack team of Nebraska , owed their do feat solely to the poor work of their coupler. The third foaturu was the boso race of the 0il ; clash. Tlicro were ten entries. The first to start wan the Kesuuo team , of Coun cil Bluffs. This team maUo thca run nud a nont coupling In :459f. : It was ns good ni 43 oh nccount of the strong head wlnu. The second was the Jncobson torvm , of Lyons. They mtido the nip and coupling In 40 < l. It was A very good exhibition nnd the Biuflltcs felt dubious until the tlmo WAS an nounced , The third tcnm to fnco the line wns the Donlson * , of J las6n city. They made n hard run , but the coupling was slow , nnd they were given tlmo ri 4tlJ < , . The fourth was the Whitney team , of At lantic. They started out well nnd were loudly applauded ns they cnmo down the truck , but the pace was sot too fast , and they could not keep It up. They inndo n good coupling , nud were given tlmo m 47 seconds. The Elseman team was the fifth to make the trial. They got through In 40 Their tlmo was something of n disappointment , as It wns expected that they would nmko it bet ter than 47 , although It was conceded they were no match for the Hcscucs. The Chnplns , of Union , tha state champion tevim was the sixth to try to blto a shco nut of the purse offered1 They were not sutife- fled with a single chow , but they wanted the whole Die. They made it In 44 } { , amid the wildest applause. The Manning team made the seventh spin. They made n very poor run , but the fastest nnd neatest coupling of the day. Tholr tlmo was 40 } . The Alvords , of Eldora , then tried It on. Thdy did not run for fun cither , for they cnmo down at n tcrrlllo rule and inudo a. beau tiful coupling In 41 # , tlolng the tlmo of the champions. The race then assumed its most interesting phase , ns there were two compan ies still to hear from , nnd the loaders were tied. tied.Ono Ono of the numbers of the programme wns the frce-for-nll Nebraska hook nnd ladder contest , thrro or more to start , Ilrst purse ? 100 , second ? 60. The Otoo company , of Ne braska city , was the only one on tha grounds , and It was decided to allow them to start nnd tuko Ilrst money. They gave ono of the prettiest exhibitions of the afternoon , mak ing the tun of 300 yards und putting u man to the tot ) of the thirty-foot huuler In ilftv- ono seconds Hut. Their work highly Pleased the spectators , nnd vociferous applause win awarded them. It was the oniy hook und luddor raeo of the day. The ladder climbing wns the foaturu that captured the spectators , nud the nlmblo work of the climber was worthy of applause. The last thing on the programme wns the trial of hand engines. First prua , on tlmo , SIM ) ; second , 5100 ; third , $ .V ) . Prizes on distance sumo , with the addition of u state broom , for first placo. There were but two entries the Hcsoluto Engine company , of Lyons , and Storm Luke Encino company. No. 1. The Ilrst trial wns for distance , and the result was ns follows : Hcsoluto , 11)8 ) feet ; Storm Lake , 225 foot. Storm Lake was awarded Ilrst money. On time , the result was reversed , the Kcsolutcs running COO yards , laying fifty feet of hose , coupling nnd getting water In 47Jtf seconds , and Storm L.Uo in 54. Council lililffs on fifth FOR WATERMEN. , The Renowned Swimmer , writes : "J don't see how I ci > uld get along For "Cja * Without St. fionmon , Jacob i Ynchtmon , O Oj. , , Boutmon , &c. AT DBUCISiaTS AMI ) 3EAI.EBS tut cilAS. A. YOKLER C3 , . Baltimore. Hi SPECIAL NQJ1CES. FOirsAhBTit'a'linrBnln ompletoT.cit of bUr fixtures ; largest mirror in Council Illnirs : llnest "sot of llxtmes In tlio city ; must be Hold Immediately , nnd are consequently best bar gain ever olfered aaloonmou. Wheeler & Her- till , 1.14 Kust Hroadway , Council ItluUs. FOKTSA Mf--Tni ei milch eow-sVWill take pay In grading or tilling. Apply to Leonard Everett. /1OWS tor sale Will take pay In grading unil \J HIHnjiit ? lper day for man and team , or will take pay In painting. Horace Everett. 171OII BALE A nno carriage horse , suitable .1 ? for family driving. Call on or J. W. Ithoa , 421 Btutt-mian street. WANTED 500 nieces 02 socomWianil carpet , also all goad f > ocoml-Iian < l furnltuie. A. J. Monde ] , Nos. : i-l and aj.i Hroadway. EXCHANGE Several good farms to exchange change for Council Itluirs lota. Johnston & Van 1'atten , Everett bloc' : . FOIt SALE No. BOO Graham avenue. Lot WxliO. New house. Will take team or cattle In part payment ; balante on ten years' time , annual payments , 8 per cent payable annually. Apply to Horace Everett. TWtT-Story bushiess house foF rent , No. OK ) Hroadway , ojposlto Ogden house. Enquire at ' W Frank st. A. Wood. chance for a splendid investment , AHAHK retiulrln } , ' ener v rather than lariro c.ipltal. A fortune for the rl ht man. Half Interest In the finest prartlcul patent ever Issued. Ad- dres Swan & Walker , 4 1'earl street , Council Jlliills. ri UANSKIIK JjlNK Oiilck delivery between JL Omnna and Council llluirs. Household iroorti and freight moved .safelr aud promptly. Leave 01 dors nt Omaha oillce. Mi So. Uth st. ; Council HluirB7NMain. H. lleecroft. ft f\r\f\splendld \ mounted spoclniens rare Dlrda i.UUUand animals from every clime. Must bo sold at once. Single or in cases. K J. liruzeo , llrat class taxidermist. Council Illulls. ' lISTATB llought and sola und ox Rl'AL cliuiiaud. Hpnclal attention Klven to exam ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 10 Pearl St. , Council muffs. SALE 7 room cottaso , corner Toiril FOR and Oth at. Eaay terms.V. . C. JumcB , 10 Pear ! st. Tj OIl KENT Easy terms two now live-room JL ? houses , llth ! live , between Hlsn and Third sts. t-ell cheap If taken this week. Inquire owner. J. Dickey , 749 H. Wuy. T7\OH \ SALE Old eatabllsSed general mor- JtJ chandlse business , stoctt , llxturesagons , etc. Oood room aud low rent , Address , J , Dickey , 710 . Way FOR KENT Kuruisii r unfurnished large ten-room house , bath room , gas , furnace , etc. . at ( in Willow r.vo. Cnmilie at premisdj.or O H. Stlllmiui. llrown block. ; f71Uli.SH milk cowa f or sale or trade for fat X ? cows. Hwun'a stock yards. Upper Ilroad- v.'ay. Frank San. . fJIOH HKNT Large double olliro over Frank -1 ? Levin's cigar store , UJ Hco adway. Inqulro of Frank Levin. " " B 2.10 ISECO\DtVAV , Centrally located livery aud boarding stable Dost accommodations in the city. Hpeclal at tention to transient custom. AV. A. HAYS , 1'rop. Toloplione Stnblc , 77. l.os. K2O. No. 27 Main Street , Over .laequeiiiliiN Vo\velr ) > $ itoru The Nioat Modern NovolltlB In STOP ! READ THIS ! A now Clothing Stoic has been opened In c'oun"ll HhillH. No old stock or old styles. Kverytliiiiff Btil'tly flrat class. Come and bo convinced , 1'osltlvely oue price and cash , CHICAGO CLOTHING HOUSE , 75U WIWT BUOADWAY. ESHELMAN. Insure In ( ho U. S. Mnsanlu Itcuovolcnt As-ioclnlloii of Council It I nil's , In. , tlio yiiuiit-'i'ht , Inrgo t , c-lirappsl and best plan of Masonic Iiiiimuico in tlio wiu'ld. that its iiicinljLTiibii ) to its fraternity. lOW STATE int Tournament Council Bluffs , la. Tuesday , Wednesday , . Thursday and Friday June II , 12,13 , and 14. Purses Amounting to $4,500. ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP ON ALL RAILROADS Ilelow we give iinmcs of u Tew of the ninny I'nlroiis r the Insurance Co. In Council H hi Its and vicinity. The diameter of the p.itions nnmoil , und tlio amount en- trusteilby each to tlio protection of the com- pany. Indicates the conlldcnco enjoyed by It nt liHino aliens Its manner of doing business Is best known. C. I ) . Dlllln 8 49,000 l.unoy tiros. & Uo 07,000 Charles llaiighn > , OuO 11. P. Morrow 10.0M John Ilenuctt I'.TMJ ' William U'llallornn K/.OJ Charles Shields 7.700 N.W.Niisn 7iiO : I. A. Miller 0.000 ( Iforgo A. Kry 11,000 Henry KIsenian XOo 6,001 smigart , Wnlt & Wles L'.WX ) K. L. SlniBari tf./HW JtonianC.itholIe Church 40OiU Itomau Catholic Church , Westphalia. . . . 40.KO ( Carroll County Court House St.lOJ Abbott A : Cooper 81.1.00 . St. rruncls Academy Ml.OdO Cruver. Bteelu & Austin LM.OJO T.M.C.Iogan ll.UO Tleere , Wells & Co 10.UOO ( leorgo M. Williams W.103 S. 1) . Kohles 8.OJ ( O. H. Carpenter P.TOO .Miisoniu Temple O.UU ) MotCrtlf llros 0,000 ( ' . A. Ilocbo At Co. . . . riOM S.S. Keller , , , 11,501 NOTICU When our jiollcv escecils WVXXl.lK ) on pioporty subject to destruction by a slimlo lire , thu excess Is re-Insured In other companies. IT THE EARTH ! OH , NO ! But wo do want the people of Western Iowa to know tluit the GREAT BARGAIN SHOE STORE AO. 1OO MAIN bJ1. , Cor. First Avenue , carry the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES in this city. That wo a\\ynys \ \ load in popular prices. That persons wanting reliable coeds can aavo mbnoy by trading with us. S. A. PIERCE. CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. W. L , . PATTOX , Prop. Elegant Rigs at Reasonable Rates. Nos. 10 and 21 , North Main Street. Council BUifls , Iowa. THE QUAKER JEWELRY STORE , A. A. BBAlltT , Prop. Honest W.itchui , Clocks , Jewelry and Silver waie. All cluanlncr and repairing under per sonal supervision of the proprietor. Stationery Toilet aitlcles and Perfumery , rino Watches Time Locks atvl Chronometers a specialty. 110MAIN ST. , Council HliillH. EISEMAN'S WELCOME i Firemen and strangers visiting the city during : the Tournament and all this week , are welcome to make themselves at home at Store We expect thousands of visitors ann have prepared for them by em ploying an extra force of help. "We will make everything pleasant and comfortable for you. Strangers are welcome to leave packages in our care during their stay in the city. Don't fail to call at our establishment. We will show you Stock of merchandise ever shown in this western country. You can save your expenses while in the city by purcliasiug your summer goods at i | 6fi iw 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Tnos. OFFICER. W. H. M. I'uaa OFFICER & PUSH. BANKERS. Corner Main nnd Hroadwiiy , COUNCIL JUIjUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign end domestic oschsnee. Collections mads nud Interest pnld on tlmo do- posits. OVJ5IUnNDKIl. & CHKH ANJ Are thoroughly piopured to tnke cnro of horses and cnrrlaKes of nil visitors to the hike. 1'lcnty ot sheds nnd stalls , and animals und carriages will be safely cared for. CharRes reasonable. Accommodating hostlers on hand night and iluv. When you dilve to the Lake , don t forget "OM ' ) DAD. " D.H. KcDAtlELD & CO. , HikTalln , Pelts Jd & Furs , Highest m urUct prices. Prompt returns. Nos 1.1and RS ilnlu St. , Council Uiutrn. lown flow Lookout Moths'Desmestes CEtYST AM2A. It consists of MIOWvliltu Hakes. A produc tion from Coal 'Jar. PHUIBCHAr 1JAUM- J.ESS. 1'ieo fiom oil , acid or any substance that would harm the most delicate fabric or feather. It evapo.-atos without leivlng any residue. H kills moths while camphor merely drives them away. p. , . BBAZBK Solo Agent , Conncll muffs. ' 7ft\\\ \ Electric Trussas , Balis , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. K. .5UI > , Co uicil 151 u" la. AT THE Special Sale of Embroideries. Special Sale of Embroidered Flonncmgs. The finest line of Flouncings in the city. The prices g uaranteed the lowest. Examine bargains marked BOc , 6Bc. 80c , $1.OO , $1.25 nd $1.BO. Special Sale of White Goocte. Examine bargains marked Be , Ql-Ac , 8c , lOc , 121-2c , lOc , 18c 22c and 2Bc. , ' Special Sale of Kaichiaigs. Examine bargains marked Be , lOc , 12 l-2c , 2Oc and 2Bc a y ard. Also bargains in Tourist Ruchlng , 12 l-2c , 18c and 2Oc a box. Special Sale of Children's iLace Caps. Examine lots marked 12 J-2c , 2Bc , 33c , 37 l-2c , BOc and 7Bc. Special Sale of Ladies' Collars. Examine lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 2Bc. Another case of the Celebrated Fast Black Hose , lOc a pair ; every pair warranted or money refunded. One case elf/the / finest White Bed Spreads this city ever saw for the money. Full size and extra weight. The price Is only $1.OO ; worth $1.37. Strive to come early and receive a portion of the bargains. * , WHIT Leaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. N. B , Mall orders promptly alttendod to. You Are Invited and Welcome While In the city do not fail to call on the store nnd see the finest and best Music Hall on the Mo. slope. Came and take a look at our large stock of Pianos and Organs and all kinds of musical instru ments up stairs and down stairs. 103 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. HI IRTTSSZELILj "SIZES FROM Especially Adapted fif ' ' 1 A 25 TO 300 it ; HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators ATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Hpcclllcutlunsiuul c-stluintes InrnlslicJ forcoiuploto * trnm plnnti. HcBiilntlon , Durnbllltjr KuarantceU. Ciiu bliovv lelU'rs from users whuro fuel ccouomy IB equal with Corll > Aon conilontlnK. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. BRO'S HINA STORE < & SCAfVLAM , . --Tel.&OL English \B \ BETTS Kitciien Xe , & Vox\cv s Itcnioveil to G-ROCERIES 1O5 narch&Curjice Bros.oranas Main St. : aUed&oods. 3 1-5Broorra ! Fine FineOandloe Oandloe , lca i Estate &Loah Agents. Fresh Made a S mml S & Butler , gfp ; < i R EA c JETA > V > 7 . GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. 3STO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 A. U. HKHHMAN. B.18TEVKN.B HERSMAN & STEVENS , ' to Morgan , Keller & Co. ) ATTENTION IViTO : IIN'KAJLIUIAIG. - jWU OAKHV A VVlAi I.1NU OI > ' ( - WOOD CLOTH : AND : METALIC : CASES. - JOl'KN AT AtL IKHTllB OF DAY AND NIOIIT. ( - .MJ ao. all JUIOADWAV , OUUNOIIj IILUKK8. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HRI Rl l M Rl M C Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plan ? , Estimates , DllllXII t DlllL. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Browa Building , Council BlulTn , Iowa. Ju8llco of tllc P100' OIIlco ever American Exprous , No. 41 N , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. STONF Rf QIMQ AUol' . " ° i'B'at'LiVW. ; Practice in the State and Federal oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugurt-Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. " ° "m 10) 8 BURKE & TIN LEY g ) M Tlll MAW Attornoy-nt-Law , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown , M ! O I ILLIVIAIM Block , llSPourlSt. , Council Bluffs , lu. yill o in State and Federal Courts. ' DRS , BELLINGER & BELLINGER-