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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HUKSBAY , % TtTlStfc 13 , 1889. TO BATTLE WITH THE WORLD A Lnrgo Class Graduate From too- braska Untvornlty. SUNNY-HAIRED YOUNG WOMEN And Ijofty.MlntlcMl Youth * On Forth to ICarii n lilvlnR Nebraska Jtnllroml Blioxvlnj ; Lin coln Notes. LINCOLN LiUUKAU OPTIIR OMArtA. URB , I lltt'J I1 STIIBKT , V LINCOLN , Juno 13. I Commencement proper ot tlio University of Nebraska of ' 8U now belongs to the history of tliu Institution. Indeed , tlio of the week Imvo nil boon rendered , commis sions presented and degrees conferred. In Conception , the programme * wcro calculated to raise the expectations of the public , nnd it was not disappointed. A feast of good tilings intellcclunlly proved to bo in store from first to last. From the society exhibition of tbo "honors of the year , " prosontud atFutiKe's opera house lo-dny by the graduating class , the programmes were good. At 0 : 0 o'clock this morning the proces sion , which had formed nt the university a few minutes before , appeared ut the ITuiiici ; . heudcd by thu cadet bund , nnd at the hour for the commencement of the exercises every scat In the pnrquot nnd cullory was occu pied , and standing room In the circles with out could hnrdly bo obtained. It was cor- tntnly u happy hour for the twonty-llvo young ladies and gentlemen \vlio expected to honr thu chancellor pronounce them graduated an hour or two later. Seated upon the stage were stnto dig- nlturics , ministers , the university faculty , the board of regents nnd a number of others. While the room was not decorated , the hand ; Bomo bouiUotB | gathered for the graduating class rclloved all barrenness. The brilliant notes of the overture "llrldul Koso , " by the Cndotband , tilled the room as the city clock struck the hour of ten. JJjt Htlllnuss reigned when Hov. Ir. Ilowltt , pus- tor of the Church of the Holv Trlnty , pro nounced the Invocation. Tlio prayer was fervent mid touching , breathing that rovcr- cnco duo to the "King of Kings , " when a gloat Institution of learning sends upon the world a "llnixhcd clasH" to aid In settling tlio problem of human life. The stillness was broken by the university chorus and orches tra rendering llayden's "Tho Heavens are trolling. " Helen 13. Aughcy followed with the first oration , "Poetlo Element in Science , " and she presented n graceful and attractive appearance oa the stage * Miss Augney's delivery was earnest and her articulation excellent , and , bettor still , hqr subject matter was well nr- ranged and thoughtful. The second orator , E. U. TInglcy , spoke on the subject of "Two Radicals.Vhilo dis tinct and clear ho was too stiff and formal , mid Ills oration failed to crcat the impression that it otherwise would. Churk'u 13. Newcomer followed. The sub ject of his oration was "Sir .Tohu Eliot. " "Two Pre-hlstoric Patriots" was the sub ject of O.V. . Flfer's oration. Ho lacked deliberation in style but was. nevertheless , distinctly understood. As a respite from oratory , Mmo. Weber sang n cavntlnn , Irom "Uobert lo Diablo , " and the repeated encores following attested the appreciation of her effort by the audi- onco. The applause was so pronounced that she returned and rendered a simple ballad , provoking such u storm of applause as to bo compelled to return to the stage again and bonr acknowledgements. \Vllliam L. Stephens followed with a eulogy upon "Henry David Thoreau. " Next und last appeared Miss Myra E. Clark , who chose Wendell Phillips as the subject for her or.ition. She was clear , for cible and distinct und grace itself. At the close of Miss Clark's oration , Act ing Chancellor Ucssoy conferred the degrees on the class. It presented quite an imposing array. The degree of U. L. was conferred on T. S. Allen , G. A. iJaugktuan. Miss Jen- 1110 Bonnoll , Miss Edna Uullock. O. W. Fifor. Miss Myra Clark , Miss May Tower , W. N. Flutchcr , D. D. Forsyth , C. M. French , C. \V. Blgolow , Alfred Pizey. Tlio degree of 13. S3. was received by Miss Helen Aughcy , M. 7. Uisrelow , K. H. TmgleiS H J. Webber , T. A. Williams. Tlio degree of A. 13. was conferred on F. W. Collins , G. W. Gorvvlg , Miss Laura Haggard , and W. L. Stephens. The degree of 13. C. E. was received by E. Q. Eagloson and F. A. Munley. On the part of the state Governor Thaver presented commissions as officers in the Uni versity cadets , " in a brief but appropriate speech , to the following : Captains , G. H. Uaughnian , VV. N. Fletcher. G. W. Gorwlg. nnd H. J. Webber ; first lieutenants , E. G. Eaglesou , C. 13. Newcomer. W. L. Stephens , nndO..W , Fifer ; second lieutenant , F. W. Collins. With the fantasio "Ein Mncrehen , " by the orchestra the audience dispersed. So ends ono ot the most successful and onjoyu- blu commencements ever known in the history of the stuto university. The reception given by the faculty to the friends of the university to-night , at Grant Memorial hall , was attended by fully 1.50C pcoplo. It was the grand llualo of the week. The Knilroiul The state hoard of equalization has com pleted Its work and the following statement shows the number of .miles , the assessed valuation par mile und the total assessed val uation in the stnto of Nebraska , as aetor- mined by the Btata board of equalization , Juno 11,18b9 : "Avorugo iisaossoQ valuation , per mlle S-5.8SO ; number of miloa in ISSfJ-1.81)2 ) 07 totnl viiluatlon , $38,574,480,00 ; nvoraKo vuluo tier mlle , & 5b23.DO ; JucruuBu in mllciiKU for the year IBSt ) , i'J.7 : ! ; Inorcasoiu total oasuas juont , $ ] , OOUS3i ) 05 ; iiicrcasn In uvcraso us- vuluc , ) icr luilu , $52.00. fyluiii. . Secretary L-i\v4 nun Ij-unl Commlsilonor Btoon rtiturno.l hntuu froui tltolr visit to the insmio iiHylum ul NnrfaViC tills morning , where lliuv li U'J ljui : invojtlKittlnK the wntor supply untl nihur muttors. It Is snlci tlmt u well \vr , pein .a .it > , vtum n little ever u year iua 1 fi f.- , il.-oji , w'uii-.U iit thai tlmo furiiislaU aa . baiHai't ' j iuip''y ' of w.itur but of into thu 1 oi.ora .mil ntjics huvn boci Kiviix : l' ' ' ° ' i/'n ' 't' in fiini'-o .1 vivut < lf , il o troublo. e.uw il b. . sjiiiuii-ut lu thu water which lleiho ! ( miifH ; . : iil iidhoreJ to the Lullor , uiul tih.i | .iuVL-ntoa thu J fiou ilon ) ) ; lU'opur vvoi K , tiu ix'tary T tws liroiilit | liouiu samples of thu ptpo , wlimli are b.ullj ctitcn nnil fUlert with a-chiilliy substnuco re BCinlillnj : suapttouu. It sconn thut ttio enl > rernotly for tun evil le to haul thu water sup ply f iim thu niltlioni ilvcr , or put down a new well , niul Ihuru Is no ujipropriutloi for iu _ jk _ City .Newi anil NOIPH. The Youii Men'ji Chribtluti ussoclntioi fccld Us regular nionttily rcco'itluu at tlio as oclatton rooms , 414 iJouIn Touth htrcct , this availing. U wus ciijoyublu ami wol ! at- temltM , The new residence of H. Hnrnunl , on Ltu coin Hclu'hts , North Lincoln , burned to th round lust nltrht. Loss estimated ot | 7lk ) S ust HuUhoi ] and unocuuploii , Thoru was a striUo last ulght at the Vltrl oil nnd Pressed Urlck works. About forty ion quit worlt becuuso Mannifor Huckstnft oi'uscd to pay by the thouinnd Instond o ! lie week. The mnntiBor pnltl tlio workmen ( T nnd nn hour Inter rchlrcd the strikers. Ic simply unld : "Boys you linvp pot mo In n tight plnco nnd I cnn not dispense with , 'our services. It U Icurned Hint 103 cnr loads of live stock vero nlilppcd from this city to-dny. bound for South Omiilm nlid Chicago. This is the icavlst shipment known from Lincoln in nuy no day during the pn t year , .ludRO Stewart issued n marrlnpo license to George W. Grcouaniiiycs nnd Miss Lillian tlibsoti , of Cheney , to-day. The couple will )0 married to-morrow nlgUt nt the residence f the bride's parents. r BTMjIi HANGS FIIIFX llio Ifncliioors Awnltinp n licply From Vlou I'msldcnt liulconili. Uut little transpired in' connection with the engineers' controversy with the ofllclala of the Union Pacific yesterday. General Man- ngor Kimbnll infotined the commltlco that , nmsinticli in the Knnsns Central was opor- itcd Independently of the Union Paelllc , ho ins no jurisdiction over It , m.d cotiscucntly ] could not pans upon any mutter which came up Involving tlio fottuor road' Authority in the promises , ho Raid , rested with the vlco president. In view of this fact , Vicq President Ilolcomb , who la in Portland , lias been informed bv telegraph tlio grounds upon which thu controversy Is bused , uud liis reply Is being iiwnited. The engineers ituto tlml If Manager lialdwln is sustained by the vlcu president , more ulTcctlvo means will bo UHod to ( 'nln tnolr point than an up- lical for at bit ration. They Htato that the rc- iluced scale v/ill not be accujittd , and this , it Is thought , moans that n strlku will follow. Concerning the nubjcct , nu oniclal of the Unlun Paeillu said : "Of course , wo do not rourt a strike. Wo Imvo mlles of unpro tected road , and thoimuda of dollars worth of unprotected rolling stock , and we know how n Etrllio would rusnlt. Thu trouble will not extend BO far ns that. " The oniclal indicated that , If necessary , the company would concede thu demand of the engineers. _ UNION PACIFIC ) CHANGES. Oiiiiiinliiu niui Dickinson In thu lilno of I'roiiintton. Thu consolldatlnn of the propriotory lines nnd branches lu the wos'orn territory of the Union Pacific mcann a chuugo In the olllclal ranks uf that company. It * was learned that , upon the completion of the con- Bolidatlon , G. M. Ciunmlng , now assistant. general manager of the Union Pacific , in charge ot the hues In the territory west of Chcyoiino , Is to bu made general manager of the consolidated system , with headquarters ut either Ugdcn or Salt Lake. The lines of the Union Paelllc proper , from Cheyenne west , now under the jurisdiction of G. M. Cummliig. will be placed under the jurisdiction of R Dickinson , assistant gen eral manager of the Union Pacific , with hc.idquai tors In this city. This will give Mr. Dickinson control of the main line between Omaha und Ogden , and , practically , control of the entire Union Paritlu system. It has also boon learned tlmt Vice Presi dent Ilolcomb has a matter under consider ation which means the abandonment of the present form of operating two assistant mineral uuuiapcrs and the reestablishment - establishment of the department of general superintendent with E. Duikcu- son in that capacity ; or the abolition of tlio department of assistant general manager of the western portion of the system. In the absence of Mr. Holcomb , however , nothing definite could bo ascertained concerning the change. It Is well understood that the introduction of the present system of oper.xtniK the road has resulted unsatisfactorily In the greater part because ! of the alleged incompotcncy of a certain oOlsiul. 311SKTTIIK CUT. The Omnlia-Cliicngo Lines Preparing for n linti ; ItcUuction. There are strong indications that the lown lines between Clucaco and Omaha will make a cut of 40 per cent in freight rates iu order to meet the cut of the lines to St. Paul. General Manager Hurt and General Freight Agent Morcbouse , of the Elkhorn , have gone to Chicago , where u meeting of the Western Freight association has been called to con sider this question. If the breach on the northern roads is not closed , the Iowa lines will bo forced to malto the reduction. The wholcsacl dealers and jobbers of Omaha are prepaiing for thu emergency , and , iu case the rates are put down to the projiosed notch , they will take advui.tacu of the change mid Jny in a largo supply of goods. A represen tative of ouo of the Chicago lines stated that , in all probability , the cut would bo made nud that the same would be announced in a few days. The Depot Mini Hole. Numerous complaints are made of the mud hole west of the Union Pacific depot. At all times mud und slush to the depth or several Inchon may bo found there. Ex pressmen , hack drivers and others who are compelled to use the place , nro obliged to drive their horses and vehicles through the mud , and oftentimes take a Jauut through it ou foot themselves. Kailrouil Noton. Genornl Traftlc Manager Mellen , of the Union Pacific , has gone to Chicago. D. D. Hunt , aislstaut auditor of ' .ho Union Pacific , has returned from the oast. L. L. Downing , ex-tiMinuiuster of the Wyoming division of the Union Pacific , is in the city. Yardumstcr Hayes , of the B. & M. , found a puree containing 0 I" the depot. It is now held by Ticket Agent Fonda. The report that W. P. Harris is to succeed C. S. Mellon as trafile manager of the Unlou Pacillo is pronounced absolutely groundless. The ofllcials of the Union Pacific state that the local Omaha nnd Grand Island train is being extensively patronized. Paul Grubor , commercial agent for the Missouri , Kansas & Texas at Kuusas City , Is lu town. Thomas Godfrey , of the Missouri Pacific ; Thomas Miller , nf the Hurlington , und K. L. Lomux , of the Union Pacillo , have gone to Kansas City to attend a mooting of the trans-Missouri association. Assistant General Malinger Dickinson and E. Buckingham , of the Union Pacillo , have returned from the west. General Manager Iloldrcgo , of the Bur lington , has gone west. The grain trafllc , which was rovlbod some what about two weeks ago , has again dropped pod off. C II. McKIbben , general purchasing agent of the Union Pacillc , has le turned fioma business trip to Ghlcago. No.4 on the Union Pacific was ono hour late from thu west. Investigation of the recant wreck nl Clark's ' Station , on the Union Pacific , devel ops that the brakes on the cam blown on the main track wen : set and thut Urn wind forced the cars along thu trade. THAT OlWllUSsfvfS OHIHNANCK. Thu City UniUvny 1'ooplo Clinfln Un do ! Its KvnotloiiH , Dr. Mercer , of the motor company , speak ing of thu subway ordinance Introduced Into the council Tuesday night , said that thu city might cut down the company's poles , but It would never put the overhead wires under ground. Kather than do this , ho said , the company would abandon its property , Thu statements made by the doctor and Frank Murphy to THE BUB a few days ago to the offeut that unless ordinance 3,000 was repealed both the motor and Omaha Street Hallway companies would abandon opera tions , are looked upon generally about town as blulln , maao in uti effort to intimidate the council into repealing the measure which costs them $ ; tM30 addltiona to every block of paved street upon which they extend their linos. Dr. Mercer , however , reiterated the state ment and declared that unless the ordinance was repealed the companies would consoli date for protection , und discontinue work until fairer treatment could be accorded thorn , Ths subject of repealing the ordinance Ii question win brought up in the council and the matter WOH referred to a comuiltteu. Pours' is tlio purest id best BO&J c\cr made. WHO MURDERED THE INFANT ? Yoatorday'o Developments iii the Baby Poisoning Onso. THE MOTHER MAY BE INDICTED. ClrciiinUnntlnl nvlilcnuo Connects Her AVItli the Crime Verdict of the Uoroncr's Jury Tlio LdttloVnlf. . Still Shfouilcd In Mystery. The coroner's ' Inquest on the remains of .ho child was hold ycstordny morning , nnd niter n thorough examination had been mode , resulted In the following verdict : "We , the jury , find that the said baby Mo.vcr cnmo to bur death from the effects of carbolic ncld administered by some person or persons unknown.1' The first wltneM was Dr. .1. E. Somcrs , who held the nost-i'iiortcm examination. Ho : cstlflcd that the InfnnVs face , neck , lips , .OIIRUO und throat were badly burned oiUl jllsterod ns from the ndmlnlstration ot car bolic actd. The stomach was found to bo normal. The burna above described were BUfllciont to cause death. Mrs. G. W. Clark , of the Open Door , testified that William Ellcr- siuk , Lonn Moyor's brother-in-law , brought lier nnd her buby to the Open Door shortly after 3 o'clock Tuesday morning , lillorsIclt said to her when ho placed the baby in her arms , "I think the girl [ tlio mot her 1 is crazy , because she attempted to poison her linby. " Mrs. Clark asked him what poison Lho mother hud usednnd the witness replied , "Carbolic acid. " 'Iho mother disclaimed any knowledge of how her babocamcto its death. The buby died yesterday nt 1 o'clock. Lcnn slept all last night , and manifested no un- euslncss or sorrow. Mary Ellorslcic , Lena's sister , testified that Lena was not quite eighteen. She did not know that her sister was in the family way until n day or so before the birth of tlio child. Lena had told her she had been outraged by n stranger who had stopped at Ellorsiek's house when the latter was keeping n restaur ant , eight montht u o. She didn't Icnow bis natno. Ho nad loft town. Had carbolic ncld in the houso. It was prescrlbsd by Dr. E. L , . Alexander as u wash for Lena. A table spoon-full in n quart of water being the pre scription , and applied twice a day. Did not ace L.CIIU with the bottle. It was kept in the kitchen safe. Lena could huvo got it had she desired. Mrs. Ellcrsicic was uwuy from the house that day twico. about ten minutes each time. Lena told her she did not know wiio gave baby the poison. William Ellerslck tcstllled in substance the sauio as above , and Dr. Alexander gave a mlnuto description of the in fant's injuries. Tney wore sufficient to causa death , but ho thouirht at ono time the chllu would recover. Ho didn't know who suggested the removal of the mother und babe to the Ouen Door. He gave his con sent , liowevor , to the removal. The transfer was made In the night to avoid exposure. The girl repeatedly told the doctor tiiat she did not have anything to do with giving the babe the acid , nor did she know who had given it. Assistant County Attorney Shea , who conducted the inquest , considers thu circum stantial evidence against the mother suf ficient to justify the Jlliiiir of information ngnlnst Her lor infuntcidc , which will bo done ns &oou us he has had an opportunity to question tlio girl horsulf. The finhy nnd the Dog : . The little waif who was left nt the gate of the Open Door.Mondnv night is doing well. The dog which was watching over him at the time of its abandonment is still greatly at tached to the child and readily singles it out from the other six or eight babies. Mrs. Clark refuses to divulge thu numo on the garment worn by tliochild , , bill says she has been the parties and secured from them the luiuius of three or four people to whom they hnvo given children's clothing. These people - plo will bo seen by Mrs. Clark , who will en deavor to find the parents of the little fel low. There was no tag on tno dog so that no clue could be obtained as to whom the unlmul belongs. Mrs. Clark says she nroposes to get n license for ihe dog and keep him ns a guard ian of the home. To prevent iliurrhcn , cholera morbus and dysentery , Uiko u wiuo ylasa full of Mihclovitch's Hungarian Blackberry .luiou. COMBINES AND llivnl Contractors nnd 1 heir Wiles and StorlcH. There arc combines and there nro com bines among the contractors for public work during these sultry days uf summer , and , while these have been made and broken , the public worlcs huvo been delayed two months. E. E. Nuuglo i fighting the old contrac tors. As n partner in the firm of Ryan & Co. , or hotter , the possessor by purchase of the contract awarded Ityan & Co. , ho has a vldo interest in cedar block paving on con cretes nt Sl.tll per yard. Mr Nauglo is also thi ) posscssoi of several monster piles of cedar poles , which ho intended using to ful fill his paving contract. J. E. Hlley < t Co. hold the contract for cedar block paving on sand nnd plank at ? l.ilK : I'd" ' yard , and the latest combine , if rumor Is correct , is between Klli'.v & Co. , and the old time contractois to ruin Nnuglo's chances of making uny money out of bis con tract. liilny & Co. have an army of solici tors out getting property owners to sign pe titions for paving of ecdar block on sand und plank , and have secured a largo share of the work. Nuuiflo thought ho hud secured eight blocks on Clark street for n surety , und ux- pected to begin work there almost immedi ately , but at Tuesday nigtit's meeting of the council , in compliance with a long petition from property owners , the street in question was ordered paved with cedar Utock on sand and plank. Tlits is said to bo ono of the combines. Con Gallagher , it is alleged , has another. "Uyjovo , " said he , "it is not a combina tion of the old-timeis against Nnuglo , but a combination of Nnuglo nnd the Nebraska National bank ngninst tbo old tuners. "J. W. Furness is n contractor living somewhere - where in the southern part ot tno stato. To htm nnd his son was awarded the contract for laying sandstone paving on sand at . ' .33. Smco that contract was awarded Nauglo has uoqulrcd un interest in It Now , it is al leged , Nauglo knew , when hn purchased , that the contract could not bo filled at the price , but ho had no intention of filling it. Ho doesn't want to see any stone paving laid in Omaha this .year , and. controlling the con tract tor sandstone as ho does , you will tlnd that that material will not bo uruod for the acceptance of property owners , Nuuglu hop ing thereby to got rid of nls cedar polos. " CuBhman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , bay Fovor. Trial free at your druggist. Pnoo 50 cents. "Whloti Have | lcan Discovered in the NolHon Mjatory. A person who s aw the body of Nolsou , which was found Hanging in a decomposed state from a trco a couple of wocks ago near Irvlngton , hints that u moro careful exami nation of the ouso might show tlmt the hang ing was the work of other hands nnd not a suicide , ns supposed. Thrco wounds were found-on the body of the man , ono through the breast , another plercca the heart and the third was in tlio right hand. Either of the first two wounds would ordinarily result In Instant death and preclude The possibility of indicting on himself the other two wounds , Tito loft arm was broken and in that condi tion * . it would huvo been impossible for him to climb tbo troa from which ho was bunging. Another suspicious fealuro is tlio fact that the revolver found on the ground below him hud only ono exploded shell , although the body showed that thrco different shots hud boon 11 fed. Tbo theory advanced is that Nelson was murdered and then hung to the tree to cause the belief that ho had suicided. A revolver was thrown on the ground , possibly by ono of the mur derers , but in the hurry ho neglected to have the number of exploded shell * correspond with the number of wouuds. A CATT.liK CASK. Dcfliult In n Vary 'important CJnttlo Cnso Front 1'emler. The cnso of Abraljiitns vs McCloud ' disposed of yestcrd'aj. About ono year ngo , D , N. Wheeler , n stock raiser at Ponder der , had 121 head of o'attlo ready for market. They were encumbered with a $3,400 mort gage , held by W. E. AtcCloml and Lee Love , commission nnrchaiUsxit South Omaha. On the day mentioned , CJortlnnd Abrahams , who ' resides iicur.Ueo'mcr Cuming county , called nt Wheeler's ranch nnd oponqd negotiations with htm to purchns'o } no cuttle. 'An agree ment was entered Into and Abrahnm'n paid Whcolo'r ) CO , but did not get possession of the cattle. The next day the stock was placed on cars and shipped to McUloud & Lovo. who sold them , mid , nftor deducting f J , 100 for the mortgage , paid Wlipolor ? 3,03l. In his petition. Abrahams alleges that betook took the cuttle subject to this mortgage ut ? 3GO. Wheeler claims that the agreed prlco wasfO,00 , > l ever nnd iibovo the mortgage ; that , the § MO was forfeit money jmt up by Abrahams us guarantee that ho would close the bargain within n eortnln time , which ho failed to do , and us n consoquonuo the cattle were shipped to market. The suit was brought against McCloud & Love for dnrangos. When called for trial. the plaintiff fulled to nut in nu appearance olthor personally or by at torney. A Jury was called by the defendant , sworn ami under instructions of the court returned n verdict ngnlnst Abrahams. Tlio Calumet Paper company hits instituted suit against the Omaha Kcpubllcim company for a bill of e4,81'J.14. ' The ease is stated in cloven counts dating from September li ! , 1SH3 , ouch count being a bill for blank paper. Mrs. Anna L. Clark 1ms petitioned lor dl- voruo from her husband Ctmrles Clark. She charges him of habitual drunkenness and extreme cruelty. A suit for damages In the sum of 85,000 , brought by F. Clifford against County Super intendent J. 13. Hrunor , was hoard before Judge Douno in the district court yesterday afternoon. Glfford's claim for damages was based upon a letter written by Superintend ent 13runcr to Sti ) > crlntendunt Dooley , of Wahoo. In the letter Superintendent 13ru- ner stated that Glfford had taught school hi Douglas county prior to March , IfjSS , a'ld had made himself so obnoxious to the tmpils and untrons of the district , tlmt during the last week of his term but two pupils attended his school. Superintendent Drunor also gnvo the Information that Glfford hud bcou refused a ccrtlticuto by Superintendent Bourke , of Hurlington , Ii. , and Superintend cut Akin , of Henderson county , Illi nois , on account of unprofessional conduct ; also that ho had bcou u preacher , studied mrdlcluo , road law , run u farm and \vorkod at the cariicnturd1 trade , and would not hesitate to take tiny ad vantage to satisfy his own p'rfiomil caprices and ainu. On ttio strength of this letter , Mr , Gifford alleges tlmt ho lost a position us teacher ut AVahoo und was damaged in the sum of $ o,000 , for whlcli amount ho uskoj judgment. The case was given to the jury at G o'cloclc. The ouso against James Hajck , charged with t llmg whisky on Sunday , was neard in Judge Hopowoll's court. Tlio case was ap pealed from the police court , where Hajok was found guilty of the charge und his licciiRo revoked by the flro nnd police com mission. Thosultof the Atlantic Cigar company against Dennis Cunniugham for $300 was heard by Judge Graff. The case grew out of the G. W. Duncan failure , the plaintiffs try ing to hold Cuuningliuni ivsp.insible for the claim. 'Oho jury in the case ugainst Alva 13. Cook , charged with cmbc7/.ling funds received by him as agent of the Missouri Pacific , yester day afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty. Tno 13ohn Manufacturing company lias commenced suit in thu district court against J. J. Drown and Hico & Hassott , contractors , for a claim of $ ) JU.D5 for materials fur nished the contractors in the construction of the J. J. Brown building , ut tlio corner of Sixteenth and Douglas. Pauline Patrick wants the court to dis solve the bonds that , made her the wife of Frank Patrick at White Rock , Mich. , on Christmas eve , ItsS" , ullcginc cruelty as u ground for the desired separation. Murcn M. PetoMon' wants a divorce from her husband , Soron T. Peterson , to whom she was married in Umalia , on September 29 , 1S70. In her petition , lllod in the district court , yesterday. Mrs. Peterson alleges that ever since lior weildimj day her husband has pursued u course of abuse und ill-ticatmcnt toward her , calling her bad name * , accusing her of infidelity and assaulting her. She has four children , of which HUB wishes to Imvo clmrgo.and asks for u decree of divorce und alimony , Peterson owning farm lands In Nebraska valued at ? 40,000. County Court. In the countv court yesterday Charles E. Koth commenced suit against C. T. Shoffcr to recover t-450 for money loaned. W. E. 13ainbndgu bosun suit to collect on promissory notes" against Walter Wills for SU4.01 , D. M. Hammock for S O.IO , and A. L. Moore for $2n. United States Court. Dccauso of the exhaustion of funds , the jury has been excused until Friday. Attor neys wanting a Jury to try thair cases consequently quently must advance enough money to pay the mcmbeis until moro funds may bo re ceived from Washington. A mandamus was issued by Judge Dundy , in favor of 13onson Wood against school dis trict No. 10. Sherman county compelling the levy of a tux with which to buy u judgment of SIWO , recovered nearly two years ngo. The case of Cocard vs. school district No. .r > , Sherman county , was dismissed without prejudice. Indocnnt Charles Johnson , of Ax'ol , of this state , was arrested on complaint of his cousin , who resides at Sutton , for sending obscene letters through tbo malls. IIu was brought to this city by a United States marshal yesterday morning and went before Postoffica Inspector Hrown , attached his nnmo to u plea admit ting everything charged. Ilo was held to the court for sentence. The trouble seems to have been brought about through a family quarrel. Anderson turned n bundle of letters ever to the author ities , written to him by his cousin , in which it Is stated she used language us obscene as uny written by him to hor. Tlio district at torney is having the epistles truus'uteu. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. NotCH About , the City. A. A. Allen has returned from ICatnmazoo , Mich. - M. nolchcnberp's buy borso , blind in the loft eye , with a white loft hind foot , has strayed or been stolen. A meeting will bo held In the Presbyterian church Saturday ovonlng , to bo conducted by General Secretary , , .deorgo C. Jennlnirs und Mr. Hiuiebaugii , of Omaha , to organ ize a Y. M. C. A. All interested are invited to attend. j i < Louis Swift , troafurpr of of the Swift Packing company , is bora from Chicago. Mrs. William Walker , of Extra , la. , IR hero visiting her son. O. U. Wulkor. Mrs. WulUor is accompanied by MqsUumes James Uodgurs nnd Gilbert Jones , of .udubon , la. The change of the grade on Twenty-fourth street so that the cut tltf J street will bo only nbout two fei-t. glvca-'Benorul satisfaction to residents in th sectty Sunday afternoon at A o'clock a game of ball will bo pluycd In tno Third ward park between the Swift and Arinour-Cudahy clubs , Mrs. Frank E. Hart has returned from Vllltsca , accompanied by her uncle , Houer MoMullan. Sheriff Saunders , of Fremont , Is In the city looking after horse thieves. Mrs. Ponnoll , of Colby , Kan. , who has been visiting her son , Lon H. Ponnoll , during the last five mouths , has rolurnoa homo. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. ( Then Dabjr nu uiei , ire gave her Cactorta. When eho trn < a Child , she cried for Caetoria , When > ho became iUm , ( be clung to Castoria , W'n slioliaf Children , oho gate them Cutoria. BLUFFS. Ijnto Lounl News. Numerous Jmnd bills were distributed nbout the city yesterday to the effect that n change und tukon place In the management of Hotel do Mauawa , nud hoi oaf lor trnlns will bo run until midnight , us usual. There nro some offices whoso emoluments nro altogether glory. That of steamboat inspector specter for Western Iowa is ono of thorn. Inspector J. C. Dixby stale * tlmt the re ceipts nbovo expenditures last year amounted to just * 1. A. sum wns raised ycstordny by subscrip tion to purchase u uniform for Sam Morri son , the city's blind nnd pensioned fireman , nnd bo appeared In the parade. Ho desires to return his sincere thanks to the thought ful donors. A rattling game of ball was played nt Falr- vlow park this afternoon. Kluvcn Innings were required to settle it. The spore wns 8 to ! J in favor of the OdulU. A homo run was made by oneji club ( To-duy' game is , with Plattsmouth. The funeral of Peter \Vost occurred yes- tordny afternoon at IlitHl under the auspices of the Masonic fraternities of the city. The oortogo started from Masonic tiunplc , headed by Dalboy's band ploying n dirge. Tlio body was interred In nlrvlow cemetery. The Marshalltown band was out last evening nnd serenaded the board of control , the press cluu und Tin : llii : : office. The or ganization rendered some excellent music. This band is ono of the best In attendance at the tournament , and added much to the at tractiveness of tlio parade , ns well as to the programme nt the fair grounds. All the banks of the city will close this nftornoon ut 1 o'clock. The disposition seems to bo growing to make to-day u general holi day nnd u movement was started last evenIng - Ing to get nil the stores and business "houses to eloso. Unless such a movement is sue' cessful the largo foreo of clerks in the city will got to see nothing more of the tourna ment than they can see through the shop windows. The rrooks got in their line work ut the driving park yesterday afternoon. * Charles Proctor was ono of tlio victims who lost n line watch through the instrumentality of some enterprising plckpocitct. Although the crowd was lurco nnd the number of crooks by no means limited , little work was done , owing to the vlgllunco of the police. Tlio lost day of the tournament is when they will undoubtedly bo boldest , nnd for this reason to-morrow will see some wholesale and Indiscriminate stealing. At (1 ( o'clock last evening n team driven by Mr. Hlllotts. u grocorymnn at Ponoy Crook , near this' cityi became frightened while nasslng the now building on Lower Main street und ran away. Tlio spring wagon to which they wuro attached was upset , and the occupants , four in number , wcro thrown violently to the pavement. The driver was seriously bruised nnd two women , Mrs. Dressier aim Llda Burns , sustained serious injury. Tlio former's arm wns broken in two places und the latter was rendered in sensible. They were taken to their homes nnd medical assistance summoned. Enthusiastic people estimate that 20,000 yards of decorating material was swung out to the breezes yesterday morning nnd the evening previous. There were but few buildings in the city that wcro not decorated. The Straub block , on Main street , occupied by tlio Wlor-Shugart company and the Empko Hnrdwaro company , wcro beauti fully decorated. Aultmau , Miller it Co. , on the opposite side of the street , was ono of tlio most handsomely decorated buildings on the street. The entire front , Including the windows und entrance , was covered by tnin- laturo mirrors , rellecting i > 13uukeye mower that sits in the front of the building. The decorations were very ingeniously contrived nnd attracted u great deal of attention. .Editors. All visiting editors in the city attending the tournament are invited to make their headquarters at the Press club rooms , No. 18 Pcnrl street , up stairs. Writing material on bund for all who desire , and the brethren are invited to take churgo of the room , visit , attend to their correspondence nnd make themselves thoroughly nt home. Attempted Abduction. The attempted abduction of thu little 2-year-old child of J. A. Hess , the restaurant man , appears to bo more serious than was ut first supposed. It was clearly mi attempt to kidnap the child , und force would have been used to tuko from the -old it lllycaold nurse girl who was wheeling it uloug Noi th Soy- unth street if thu girl's screams hud not brought assistance. The abductors were in a covered wagon and drove rapidly nwav after they were frustrated in their attempt. Stockholders' Mcitting. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Council 131uffs Waterworks company was held in this city to-day. The meeting was for the purpose of electing directors and was held lu the office of Wright , Baldwin & Haldano. Thcrs wcro : H,71'J shares repre sented , and after the balloting iho following named gentlemen were declared eloctort tor the ensuing year : Robert Sowell , James F. Pierce , George P. Sheldon , George F. Wriyht , William A. Wolff , Sidney W. HopKins - Kins und J. B. McGcorge. iV Double Header. Dr. Ellis , of Stiver city , has loft lit Tun Hen office a curiosity recently captured there. It is lizard-appearing Kind of a rep tile , with two heads , ono at ouch end of the body. Somo'mcn engaged at work on the bridge noticed it running backward and for ward on a stringer , easily moving in either direction , without turning nround. This ex cited their curiosity , and they succeeded in cupturintr it. Examination revealed the fact that it was so constructed as to bend either way with pleasure. It can be scon by uuy ouo calling ut Tin : Bin : office in Council Bluffs. Judicial Smacks. Judge Anucrson wns called on very nnox- pcctcijly to perform two marriage coremouics. George Witmark nnd Colin Peters first put in an appearance , and then Carl Cnrlcson nnd the girl of his choice , Anna Hanson , stood before the judge. His honor kissed both brides. Try I HI : to Dethrone the VIENNA , Juno 12. Tlio Tagblatt has In formation from Bolqrnda Unit n plot exists In thi ) palace to dethrone young King Alexander und proclaim Prince Pelor Karagoorgicvltch as king. * - IVi-fcteru Union Dividend. Niw : YOIIK , Juno 12. The directors of the Western Union Telegraph company to-day declared u quarterly dividend of \ \ per cent cash. A Word About Catarrh , "It 1 * the mucous mi-mbrann that womlirfti hcmi-tliildfnvolopohurrouiullrig tlio delicate tLs- buns of the air nnd rood passages , that Oatnrrh mnkoi itsTgtronghold. Once established , It oatt into thovory vitals , and rondeisllfti but a lone- drawn breuth of misery and disease , dulling the eonso of henrlug , trummollng the nowtuot Bpoecli.dealroyliiiithe faculty of Hiaclf , talntini : the In e , i th , nnil Killing the i mined pleiMtires or tiiHte. luslillouxly by croitplng u from anliuplo oohllnthe lived , it usaanlts the muinbranous lining und envelopes the tionos. uatltiff tlirouuh thu drllrato roati and cunning infliiimriatloii. bloiiKhing uud death. Nothing Khort or totnl eradication u 111 secure health to the patient , and nil iillevlatlveaurQHlmply procrastinated sutler- IngB , jundlngto a fatal termination. SANKOIID'K CuiiK. by IitlmMiiin mid by Internal ndmlni rriitlon hax never fulled ; even when the disease tma mudo frightful ItiroadH on dclkato coiiBtltntloni , lu'avlni , ' , Hincll uud tushi have buon rorovvretl , uud the ul ease thoroughly driven out. " HANKOIUI'H H.MHU.AI. Omir. ronsUtBdlono bot- tleof thelUniOAti COIIK , oiui box CATAIIIIIIAI. HOI.VKNT , and one iMritovKli INIIALKII , neatly wrapped in one paokngf , with full dliuctloiiu ; pritiSI.OO. . I'OTTKIl Dltt'O JL ClIKUICAI. COlU'On ATI O.V , llOhTON , WEAK , PAINFUL BACKS , .Kidney and Uterine 1'atni und Weak nesses , relieved In OJJK UINITTI : by the CUTICimV ANTI-1MIN 1'I.ASTKII. tllO . . - . llrbt and only nulu-kllling plaster New Instantaneous , intullble. The most perfect untldotu to 1'uln , Inllniiimutlon uud Weakness vcr compounded. Vastly Hiipilor to ull otht-r At all drugt'lutt , 35o ; llvo forl , or | K > sta e free of I'OTTUU IJiiuu ANU CHKMICAI , Co. , NATUMt FRUIT FUYQRS tl d by the United fitnlcs Government. ISmlorsed by llic hemli of the DrcAt Universities nnil Public 1'Vxxl Analyst' , ns the Btroijcest , 1'nret.t nnd moil Hcnlthnil. Dr. Trice's Cream linking I'on-derdocn not contain A tmiionln.I.iuie or Alum. Dr 1'rice's Delicious } 'lnvorlnc IU- tracts , VnnUla.I.cmon , Orange , Almond , Rose , etc. , do not contain 1'otgotioiis Oils or Chetmcnl& PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York. ChlonBo. Bt. ESTABLISHED 1861 ( ISO So. Chicago , Ills , ( ClnrkSt , Tbo Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAII AND SURGEON Is still Treating with the Greatest and SOCCESS Cliroiiic , Neryons and Private Diseases , DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Palling Memory , Exlmustinj ; Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Acne nnil all ihe elTecu leading to early ducuy and perhaps Consumption nt Iniantty , treated scientifically by new method * with never-failinc tucctss. OS SYPHILIS ami nil bad Blood nod Skin DU. cases permanently cured. S-KIDNEYand URINARY complaint ! , Gleet , ftonorrhoen , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and nil dlscaies of the Qentto-Urinary Orgaiu cured promptly without injury to S'.omictv Kl Jne > s or o-Jicr Organs. fltSNo experiments. Ago and experience lm portant. Consultation free and sacred. OS" Send 4 cents pcste ( for Celebrated Works oo ohronlc , Nervous and Delicate Discatei. Jia-Thoje contemplating Mairiaee send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Fe-nale , each 13 centi , both a ; cenU ( ilamin ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may tave future suffer. in g and shame , and add golden yean to life. JB9Uook "Life's ( Secrel ) Errors , " socnlsitnmpj ) . Medicine and writings tent everywhere , secure from exposure. Houn,8to6. Sundays 9 to n. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. .Clark SU CHICAGO * THE BESrVWEEOAP HADE IN AMERICA- AIL dAS-S-KlRK WHITE G-OUDI flOATIHC-SOAP. WRAPPERS ( UROC2IZC ) > ana. receive a § A.HANDSOHEg DRS , BEITS & BETTS 1103 FAIINAM STHI-.BT , OMAHA , Nnu ( Oppoilto Pftiton UottLI Office hours , 0 . m. to p. m. Sunday * . U & m. tolp. m. Jpoclullsts In Chronic , Nerrons , Bkln and Blood Diseases. . , . r37 Consultatlon at olflce or by mall free. Medicines sent by mall or express , uocurBly packoO. free Irom observation. Guarantees to cure ( illicitly , safely ami nermancntlv. UT'Dli'nTKI ' Tirnilf I1'VrPennatorrhrca ' ) , aeml- BbKVUUb UhDlLlil ual I.05uesNlghtKmls- slona. i'hysical Decay , arlslUB from Indiscre tion. Kxcoss or Indulgence , producing HUop- lessuess. Urnpomlency , Plmplen on the face. aversion 16 society , easily discouraged , lack of confidence , dull , nntlt for btudy or buslness.nnd Buds life a burden. Hnfely , permanentlv end privately cured. Consult lrfl , ( jotts it Uetta , 408 Taruaui St. , Omaha , Net ) . Blood mil Skin results , completely of Mnri-urr. facrofula , Kryslpolns. FuverBoren , lllotchos. Ulcers , Pains lu thu Ilo&d and Donoa , Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue. < - turrh , tic. , permanently cured wnero otlicra have futlcil. l/irtrinif ITrinnnir lin < l Dladdor Complaints , KiflnGY , urinary pauuui. imruit. too * ri tjuoiit llurnliiK or Bloody Urluo. Urlno hlgn col nrea or with milky uedtmeut on f > tandlm ? , Weak llnck , Ormnorrhcjoa , Oleet. Cystitis. Ao. , Promptlr ondSafely Cured , Charges Reajionn- bio. _ STRICTURE ! MSWSS : moval complete , without cutting , cunsyc or dilatation. Curusollectod at homo bv patient without a moments palu or annoyance. To Young , Men anil MiMle-Ageil Men , I QITDD HllDD The awful eltocts ot early n nUlilJ uUltu Vloo , wblch orlnps organic weakness , ricitrnylneboth mind and bodv , with alllti droailml UK permanently cured. AUI en uionn wno tiujra Impaired Mnprpnm i Dm ll ) tlieniiielvufi by Improper Indul gences ami solitary hablU ) . which ruin both body und mind , unBttlui ; theih for business , study or marriage. M AIIUIBD MKN. or thoio enterint ; on that hap py life , aware of physical debility , quickly us " 18ttai OUU SUCCESS U based upon facts. First Practical Expe rience. Second Every case Is eipeclully studied , thus starting urlglit. Third Medicines ara pre pared in our laboratory exactly to suit each case. tnusajrrcUUKCUrei without injury. | 3rT"rieurt 6 cruls postage for celebrated work * on Chronic , NervottH nnil Delloute Dlseason. Tbousiindsruifd , f T A friendly letter or tall may save you futuie iiuirerlmr and Bhame. and add ( -olden years to life. r& No letters an swered uulot" accompanied by 4 cents in stamp * . hrt > t. Ouiaba. Nr b. CDSHIDNS m HbliiHTi brtM < IHU > tll ; . UomloruUa. il lumcdio > uu Illuitmtd Uok * ( "oofi - ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE. IMO.-A StHOOl OF ENOINKRIXo' ' THE BAILVAT TIME TABLES. OMAHA. tDally Kxcopt Sunday BCBUItBAN TRiVINS. Westward. between Council IllufTs and .Al bright. In Addition to the-unions memloned. trains Btop at Twontletli uud Twonty-fourtll htreete. and at the Buuimtt in Omaha. CJOUNUIIi BLUFFS. OIIIOAQO , ItOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Arrive , No. 5OJpm : D No. 1 U:15 : ani No. B e-.M piuU No. 6 r > :15pm : No. 4 1U:00&11I : No. 3 , . , . . 0Uiipia ; No. 14iiiiJ.ti(5 ) : Tim A No. 13. , , . . . .7il'Juni O11ICAUO if NOKTIiWUSTKUN. No. 0 * . . . . . :10 : aiuiNo. 7 . ' . HIST fcra No. U : i:15 : pm No. il 7:15 : am No. 4 U : & > pmlNo. 6 , . 6-1S pin All Trains Dally. ClilC'AUU , MILWAUKIil ! & BT. PAUL. A No. a . . .UUUamjA No. 1 7:03 : am A No. 4 , , 0:10 : pmA | No. 3 n15piil ; KANSAS crry , HP. JOSIH-H & COUNCIO A No. 3 B:2SamA : | No. 0 A No. < UJOPIIIA : | No. 1 BIOUX CIT1' k PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05 : uiulA No. U 8M am A No.12 70)pmA ; ) | No.ll OjuOpm OMAIIA & BT. LOUIS. A No. 8 4i'JlipniA | No , 7 13:0) : W JLdully : II dally except Saturday ; 0 except Sunday ; 1) except Xoiidur : * faannatl. The ttino glvon ubovu U for Truiufer , thera bemcfiom nveto ton mluuti > * ) stw en Tran * r and local dupou. A HUNTS \VANTIU-llotli ! Konoral nnil can- vasaliii , ' , on thu auw , ivvUud and Impuilal mlltloiKit.ell B lincyelonailla in live vbluinox. Just iotiticd. Bold for cash , or on uaiy nibtitlr mi IIIH. 1'or liberal turnm unit territory uddrca * T , Kl.i.wounKI.I. . , I'ub , , I'hlludelphlii.